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Wings Over Scotland

Worth a thousand words

Posted on February 08, 2013 by

23 to “Worth a thousand words”

  1. G H Graham says:

    It would appear that the Glasgow premiere of the motion picture, “The Muppets” was very well attended.

  2. patrician says:

    Can you spot the Tory in the front row?
    yep, this is a bit of a  trick question and the correct answer is; It is all of them

  3. blunttrauma says:

    I thought it was the three stooges.

  4. pmcrek says:

    “It would appear that the Glasgow premiere of the motion picture, “The Muppets” was very well attended.”
    That reminds me, Darlings new speech:
    link to

  5. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    Better Together version:

    link to

  6. Macart says:

    Reminds me of something……..
    Hear no good, Speak no good, See no Good. 

  7. Boorach says:

    Why are that lot getting sneak previews of Hamish?

  8. Doug Daniel says:

    It’s easy to forget how tanned Alistair Darling is, until you see him sitting next to someone as peely-wally as Ruthie.

    Maybe he should spend less time in the tanning booth and more time voting against Tory cuts in Westminster?

  9. scottish_skier says:

    “The private screening of The Iron Lady proved to be a big hit.”

  10. Davy says:

    Its a toryfest.
    Now if anyone needs a reason to vote yes !! look no further its the three mouseteers.
    A big reason to vote YES.
    Alba Gu snooker loopy!

  11. ianbrotherhood says:

    ‘Belters Together’
    It is mind-boggling to imagine anyone looking at this line-up and having any faith or trust in them. What do they stand for? What do they believe in? Have any one of those in the frame ever said or done anything to make Scots feel better about the future?
    Does anyone know where and when this snap was taken, why they were there, and what they were watching?
    If we vote ‘No’, this is the future. God help us.

  12. Albert Herring says:

    I think it was the BetterTogether launch. They’re probably watching Auntie Bella’s comedy routine.

  13. DougtheDug says:

    All the smiling, happy faces?
    “You’re small, poor and stupid”, has just been flashed up on screen.

  14. Barontorc says:

    Just when is the lamentable Lamont going on Question Time, not to mention arithmetically challenged Ruthie Davidson, or the eternally perplexed bus-driving Rennie?
    Last night we had imports from Westminster and the Lords doing what these three half-wits should have been doing on a QT coming from Scotland; all three unionists lined up against the SNP’s Yousef and Brian Souter who was only there for a kicking over the gay equality issue.
    Couple this up with the pre-arranged ‘audience balance’ and a unionist English chairman who pre-selects the ‘questions’ and you see how truly balanced a show this is expected to be.
    Speaks volumes about the standing of Scotland’s mighty opposition leaders when they’re not let any nearer a BBC broadcast than you or me! Looks like they’ve been rumbled.

  15. Adrian B says:

    Yes it was the launch of the ‘no’ campaign at Napier University in Edinburgh. Here is the Wings piece that covered the event.
    link to
    Very good graphic used in the story.

  16. Colin says:

    Just noticed, on closer inspection, that one of my old lecturers is in the background in that photograph. He stood for election as a Liberal Democrat in 2010, but of course no Scottish seats changed sides. He woiuld constantly make pops at the SNP in his lectures.
    I guess he might be one of the types that changes their personal opinions on all the things Liberal Democrats are meant to hold sacred, just to get a whiff of power and to support the party line – like the old Edinburgh West MP John Barett, Charles Kennedy or Menzies Campbell. It’s quite sad really.

  17. The Man in the Jar says:

    Hi! My first post.
    Is it me or dose anyone else see the resemblance brtween Rennie and an Ardman animation?

  18. John Lyons says:

    Interesting who is NOT in the picture though. If this is from the Better together Launch where is Lamont? She was there that day.

  19. Chic McGregor says:

    Was that the Belgium game or the Wales game they were watching?
    Come on wee Gordy, wipe those smiles off their fizzogs.
    @Doug Daniel  Re Darling boy’s tan,  my theory is, it is the accumulated effect of many years of eyebrow dye running when he sweats.

  20. Chic McGregor says:

    How about?:
    link to

  21. Cameron says:

    @ The Man in the Jar
    Welcome, and hee hee. Thanks, I had been trying to put my finger on who Oor Willie reminded me of, for ages. Now I see he must be Wallace’s long lost brother, or at least half-brother. Certainly seams to have the moral and ethical flexibility you might imagine a man made of plasticine would have.

  22. Keef says:

    They’ve just seen a clip of Brian Wilson’s Guardian article.
    It got the same reaction from me I might add.

  23. Chic McGregor says:

    @Cameron Re Hoor Wullie, Naebody’s Wullie maybe you were thinking of:

    link to


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