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Wings Over Scotland

Which of these is true?

Posted on June 15, 2013 by

Because they can’t both be.

Scotland sees rise in number of race hate cases

(Headline in today’s Scotsman.)

“Overall, however, there was a decrease in both racist and religiously aggravated offending in Scotland”

(Actual text of the same article.)

Just in case there was any ambiguity, the piece goes on to state:

“In total, there were 4,012 race charges recorded in Scotland in 2012-13, a decrease of 12% on the previous year and the lowest level since 2003-4.”

(Our emphasis.) For the life of us we can’t see how you get from that to “Scotland sees rise in number of race hate cases”. Can anyone help us out?

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Alex Grant

Aye, you get there by having an agenda to undermine how the Scots think of themselves and you don’t care about intelligent readers such as yourself see through it? If the Scotsman eventually becomes extinct but the referendum is lost ie we vote NO then that is fine.
Maintain the cringe!

Bugger (the Panda)

The Herald has a different take on this, at least in one article, for it says that
“Most victims of religiously aggravated abuse are police officers”
How does someone know the religion or not of a police officer?
Is this a symptom of the inarticulate hurling the worst kind of abuse they think they can utter as an insult?
Or is there some financial or political motive for such a statictic?


The Scotsman has borrowed Better Together’s ‘audience counter’ abacus?

Gordon Hay

It’s par for the course with the Scotsman where the headline/strapline is completely at odds with the information contained in the body of the report. I can see why they do it in relation to skewing the indy debate, but can’t for the life of me understand why they do it in other articles when the discrepancy is glaringly obvious.
Yesterday they ran a report headlined “Baby named after IVF treatment” yet in the body of the report the mother clearly says the name was already chosen and “It’s a total coincidence”!
Seems they just don’t care about their professional reputation any longer.


Not sure why the Scotsman doesn’t just affiliate to Westboro Baptist and run every story with the headline GOD HATES SCOTLAND.

Marker Post

That’s not the only weird stat in the article.
“The rise in Islamophobic-related charges was attributed to behaviour at one event in Glasgow, where the Scottish Defence League organised a counter- demonstration to a “Campaign to Welcome Refugees” march. The majority of charges – 57 – resulted from incidents at the event.”
I wonder how many of those 57 incidents were scuffles among the campaigners on both sides, and whether all of these these were counted as “Islamophobic-related”.


It’s The call Kay with an E Factor . Anti English race hate in Scotland up 30000000000000000000000000000000000%
The Scotsman really doesn’t give a shit what it prints as it is not being held to account. The attitude seems to be if the BBC can do it so can we.


The heading is purely designed to inform (actually mis-inform) while the hope is the reader will not bother much with the story. The paper is looking for ‘repeaters’ ie people who will only look at the heading and repeat it as fact to their pals, family, colleagues… “ah see race crime is up in Scotland according to the paper” … “Is it? Terrible, that’s nationalism for you.”
With the Scotsman the heading comes before: story, honesty, truth, decency and proper journalism. The paper is not dying, it’s already dead! What we’re seeing now is a zombie publication and with Johnston Press (after massive upheaval last year) still only trading at 0.17p per share today.


I sullied my eyes and went and had a look. Perhaps it is a cunning plot to see if anyone reads past the headlines. The number of swivel eyed tits that have gone off on one about immigration assuming the headline is correct have successfully made themselves look like complete and utter arse holes.
The real story is about a rise (albeit from a small base) in discrimination and hate against the disabled…no doubt fuelled by our Atos worshipping political masters in Westminster.

Bugger (the Panda)

It make me skeptical about raw stats doled out about “insult” crimes. This is not undervalue race crimes and religious crimes but calling a policeman an orange or fenian bastard just reveals the utter vacuity and shoe size IQ of the miscreant.
It does however that our educational system is pretty useless if that is the best “insult” they can give. I have heard better in a Glasgow shirrakin.


Scotland may well be the country that gave the world Peter Pan.  But it gets worst when you realise that its mother has got a serious issue with Baron Von Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy!


Maybe the religious abuse that police officers are suffering is anti-Jedi.  They’re on the force after all.

Bugger (the Panda)

a  guaranteed chuckle a day.

Red squirrel

Misleading tripe as usual. With this startling command of statistics they maybe don’t notice the vertiginous fall in readership.  The end is nigh and deservedly so. 
We should sue to get the name back – they could at least change it to Daily Anglocentric Fairy Tales or DAFT to its friends.


Just as the No campaign has to keep on winning every referendum to maintain the union, so the ultra unionist media has to keep on lying if Scotland votes No.


‘We should sue to get the name back – they could at least change it to Daily Anglocentric Fairy Tales or DAFT to its friends.’
‘The North Briton’ should be enough.


Doublethink, anyone?


With this startling command of statistics they maybe don’t notice the vertiginous fall in readership.
Oh, they notice. They even published an article about it the other day, headed “Scotsman circulation at record high”

Rod Mac

A similar use of statistics is used by NHs.
eg no matter the cause of death if you were a smoker it is logged as a “smoke related death”
A non smoker dying from the exact same causes is not listed.
It justifies another agenda ,much the same as the Scotsman’s modus operandi.

Rod Mac

Slightly O/T  but similar again, in today’s Herald that rabid Independinista  Magnis Gardham has the opening sentence in his piece on QT furore.
“THE SNP is attempting to force a Holyrood vote censuring the BBC’s Question Time programme for featuring Nigel Farage and George Galloway in an edition broadcast from Edinburgh”
Now as we know the censure is nothing to do with these 2 on the panel and all about the lack of balance by BBC.
I did point this error out to Magnus ,surprisingly my comment did not get past the Mods.

Dorothy Devine

May I add the headline from the Scottish Daily Mail – seen in ASDA ,definitely NOT purchased!-
Scots will need a passport to travel to /through England .
So much for being able to cross borders in the EU with nobody bothering their bahoochie.
Can someone cheer me up and tell me the Scotsman ,Herald and DT circulation figures ?( not if they are up because that would depress me)


This is the motion btw and concerns itself about the lack of inclusion of two parties that actually have seats in Scotland. Not that Magnus gives a toss about democracy. He doesn’t look like grumpy cat for nothing.
link to

Rod Mac

The passport nonsense is just that nonsense, I was down south this week and had to use my passport to board the Easyjet cattle truck in the sky.
BTW Rev are you still collecting EU border pictures?
I got a cracker crossing from Galicia in Spain into Portugal doing 120KMH on a motorway while crossing


I can explain the figures = lies


Maybe they mean that protests against overexposed politicians spouting pish in Edinburgh increased by over 100% this year?


Dorothy Devine says: @ 11.25
Dear Dorothy, Hope this helps
link to


Isn’t it true, though?  If the Herald, Scotsman, Record, Express and BBC are anything to go by, then hatred of Scots by Scots is at unprecedented levels. 

Rod Mac

Rev hate to show my techno eejit capabilities in public, how do I attach a picture to an email to you?

cyril mitchell

I have thought for a long time that the Scotsman an d maybe some other papers are being funded by Westminster and the Better Together Cacmpaign.


Both the piece seems to be an accurate record of the facts given; the headline is true to the journalism that bad news sells

David McCann

How are these stats collected anyway? Do the police, at the end of the shift, call in to the station and declare to the duty officer-” I was called a Fenian/Orange bastard twice today. Please log it in under Galloway!


In total, there were 4,012 race charges recorded in Scotland in 2012-13, 
Question: how many were convicted?


The answer to this article is easy, its the Scotsman view of Scotland after the SNP became the scottish government.
eg, black is white, the sky is green and grass is blue, hot is cold & cold is hot, positive is negative & vise-versa, Scotland is a beautiful country, Scotland is a disaster, scottish independence will be good for Scotland – independence will ruin Scotland for the rest of time.

This is the Scotsmans way of portraying their country with nothing but dishonestly, spin, scare stories and running it down at every opportinuity. I hope their time as a so-called newspaper is shortly to end, Scotland deserves far far better than them to speak for it.
Vote NO – get nothing.
Vote YES – gain your country.
Hail Alba.

Dorothy Devine

Thank you Balgayboy !
They fair cheered me up though I was disappointed in the DT drop – I had hoped it would be calamitous.
Any idea when the Scotsman and Herald figures come out?
I am looking forward to the word “dire” being used! ( and now I’ll get a row from Macart  who will point out that good folk will lose their jobs and that I should be ashamed of my Mme Defarge attitude)

Gordon Hay

Any idea when the Scotsman and Herald figures come out?
These two re-classified themselves as regional titles so that the figures were no longer audited at the same frequency as nationals. It is now six-monthly, I think, so don’t expect any for a while yet.
I often ponder how they can still have the claim to be a national paper in the masthead.


Rod Mac, I shouldn’t worry because I don’t even know how to post a link let alone the mind boggling complications of posting a picture.
Well, my mind is boggled anyway.


Some belters in here:
link to


Dorothy Devine says: 1.14
My pleasure. The link is posted 15/06/13  so it is as up to date as the numbers roll. Nevertheless I suspect these numbers to continue to fall considering these rag’s piss poor coverage of the real situation in Scotland.  
Still they have the Scottish public subsidising the anti-independence gorilla the EBC scotland and their financial orientated contractual mercenaries that like to be  called commentators who claim to be professionally “impartial” make your own mind up. Doon the road for them after September 2014.

G H Graham

Mystery Solved
Junk tabloid operating on borrowed time, managed by pro-Westminster editors who glory in publishing their singular anti-Scottish agenda, posts misleading headline to assist fact free & unionist supporting readers in reaching the conclusion that all proponents & supporters of independence are either racist or turn a blind eye to racism.
The newspaper is also attempting to suggest without a single shred of evidence that racism is increasing as a direct consequence of having an SNP government & is likely to get worse by retaining an SNP government.
Next problem please.  


Ian, thanks for the link.  Hilarious!

joe kane

I see the satirical spoof which sends up newspaper reporting, the Scotsman, failed to mention the increase in hate crimes against comediennes which it covered in three articles in the same edition only very recently. Obviously just another one of its big jokes.

Every time the benefits fuhrer IDS or Esther McVile, minister for exterminating disabled people, open their mouths to spout their never-ending lies they should be reported to the police for inciting hatred and discrimination against the poorest and most vulnerable people in society.


How are these stats collected anyway? Do the police, at the end of the shift, call in to the station and declare to the duty officer-” I was called a Fenian/Orange bastard twice today. Please log it in under Galloway!
Yes. They are obliged to report any instance of racist, sectarian or homophobic abuse, even if no action is taken.

turnbul drier

Choo choo I’m a train. … genius. 


Isn’t it true, though?  If the Herald, Scotsman, Record, Express and BBC are anything to go by, then hatred of Scots by Scots is at unprecedented levels.
Vile separatists.
Och well. Here`s a right pair o` Tory brits. Let them eat shortbread.
link to

Baxter Parp

link to
Better Together: not under seige after all.


I have a real problem with the suggestion that if racist/sectarian abuse is directed at a police officer it somehow doesn’t count. It does.
Firstly, no-one should be expected to tolerate abuse as part of their job.
Secondly, anyone with a grain of sense behaves themselves around the police. If people start screaming racist or sectarian abuse at them it makes you wonder just how out of control they are – and what they were doing before the police arrived on the scene.
Thirdly, if we accept that racism/sectarianism is acceptable in any context we are not really serious about tackling it. It is really really easy not to be either racist or sectarian, we should make no excuses for those who are.


Uuhhhmmmm, nah can’t think of a single reason as to why someone would print an openly offensive and misleading headline, then go on to blow their own headline out of the water. 
Although……… nope, I’ll let it lie.  🙂


“Firstly, no-one should be expected to tolerate abuse as part of their job.”
Important exception: us.


It’s common for the Herald to have articles where the Headline contains bad news for the YES camp. whilst the article is much more balanced , making a mockery of the headline.
Dishes out the bad news to lazy readers, quells anger of people who can be bothered to read the stuff.
Pretty standard stuff from oor Magnus, probably told his mates over at the Hootsman.


The passport issue has been raised again, this time in the Scottisg Daily Mail, could not ffind it on it’s web page, so no way to put an counter point to them, and the public who reads that article will take it on trust!,, I allways remember Brian Taylor, who at the end of one of his reports from the Scottish Parliament said “trust me I’m a reporter”!, well no Brian, it is because you are a reporter that I do not entirely trust you or any of your colleagues.


Link for the passport story, it was hidden away through other meaningless rubbish so I just googled it.
link to
They are allowing comments and  so far all the comments are about how ridiculous the story is. Every time I take a flight from Edinburgh to London I already have to show my passport.

Ron Maclean

Just seen a leaflet from Rural Better Together, a new group campaigning for Scotland to stay in the United Kingdom.  Says “We need more growth, more jobs, and more prosperity in rural Scotland.  We don’t need uncertainty, instability, and barriers to business.”  300 years and still they wait.
The group is chaired by George Lyon MEP and supported (subsidised?) by 8 prominent farmers.
Keep us at the trough – vote No.


If these farmers were even minimally conscious they’d realise that the Scottish government, through the devolved settlement, has done more for them in the past ten years that Westminster has done in the past hundred.  And that a No vote is very likely to see the power to do these things for them removed from Holyrood.


It is more likely they are 8 prominent Tories. If the UK votes to leave the EU watch them change their tune though.


@ Morag and H&S
Some more info on this.
link to


@Ron Maclean
‘Keep us at the trough – vote No.’

Did someone mention a trough? From KOF’s link, the hardest working man in Unionism:

‘Announcing his pro-union campaign launch, scheduled for the upper hall of the Ingliston Highland Hall at 11am on the Friday, Mr Lyon – who will be bringing heavyweight ‘No’ campaigner and former secretary of state for Scotland, Labour MP Alistair Darling, for support – said it was essential that the views of Scotland’s food and farming sector are heard in the referendum debate’


Busy man Alastair.


Re. Captain D (aka Flipper); He does gets paid quite well, compared to the average Joe/Josephine. Possibly even has a few offers already, for what to do afterwards. Kind of a reward for taking one for the team/leading a historic defense of the union. Then there is the ever unfashionable yet desirable ermine. Long live the trough.

matos 21

This will be the same Highland Show that Tavish was complaining about R Lochhead politicising by giving a talk on independence failing to realise or know that G Lyons was doing the same He is the original empty barrel 

Linda's back

Every farmer and fisherman should be reminded that our farmers and fishermen were considered expendable when the UK Tory government sacrificed their interests in order to join the European Union in the 1970s.
No independent Scottish government irrespective of their political affiliations would have done that.


Wonder who suggested George Lyon as “head” of rural getthegither? The man is held in great esteem by most of the farming community…….NOT!
 The “big numptie” as farming friends affectionately call him.


I love the way Darling, Brown et al. are called ‘Big hitters’. 

According to polls, ~95% or more of Scots think Westminster MPs don’t put the interests of the country first, but rather their own primarily (about half of folk think this) or their party (a good 3rd of folk think this).

Nobody is listening to Alastair Darling. Just the few folk that turn up to the BT meetings. That’s it.

link to


I love the way Darling, Brown et al. are called ‘Big hitters’
Are you sure it was hitters? 🙂


Perhaps one of the farmers will ask darling about the £m’s which is paid to english farmers rather than Scottish farmers when Scottish bred cattle are slaughtered S of the border… just another union dividend!


Boorach can you elaborate? my uncle is a farmer and he is one who thinks we will be worse off, fears the worst etc, this could be a tipping point.


It would appear their sub-editors don’t want to read The Scotsman any more than I do!

matos 21

You may find this helpful What Boorach was referring to can be found at the bottom of the article

link to


Have just come back to WoS after an hour or so – was scanning WhatReallyHappened, clicked into an article, and hey-presto! there’s an ad for BetterTogether alongside the usual shite about bodybuilding supplements, dating agencies etc.
No way is BT targetting obscure American sites, so – it must be some cookie or other installed in my computer. I don’t know for sure if I’ve ever visited the BT site, and even if I did I certainly didn’t express interest, ask for updates etc.
Is this normal? (I remember Morag mentioning something similar fairly recently.)


The articles that are in tomorow’a Sunday Herald :
link to


thanks matos, I will share that.


Sunday Herald front page:
link to

matos 21

Here is another article showing the SG has put in another £1m funding to strengthen the Scottish brand
I do not remember the farmers ever receiving so much help has they have done under this government also remembering the funding
recently being made available for losses due to the bad weather

link to

Adrian B

A wee word on Scottish farmers. Since the SNP came to power, they have worked tirelessly on behalf of farmers interests. The difference is in attitude between the SNP and past administrations is clear.
The majority know very well how they have been neglected in the past. The Scottish Government is working in their interests – it wasn’t always like this, but since the SNP have been in power, farmers are finding out just how little Labour in Scotland did.
I wouldn’t worry about a few Tory farmers, they are in the minority.


The thing is my uncle agrees Richard Lochead has been good for them but still has this fear of independence. I asked if he thought he was a competent farmer, he thought so, I asked if he felt he needed guidance from an English farmer, why then did he need guidance from Westminster??


Going back a few topics.  
   Is the reason for the claim that the evil SNP are not offering real independence that it is the bitterer’s answer to the question about every other country being independent so why not us. 
    Most unionists would be ashamed to claim that independence is automatically a bad thing so they have to tie themselves into a knot and say vote no to not independence if you want real independence.
     It’s the only explanation that fits all the observed facts.
    It also shows what s bunch of pish they spout.


My God, England is a pest-hole in comparison to Scotland, in terms of livestock disease.  Literally.  The English farmers are badly let down by DEFRA, most of whose apparatchiks seem never to have been outside the M25.  And it’s down to agriculture and animal health and welfare being devolved.
Devolution good, independence immeasurably better.  And animal disease control is my bloody JOB.


you do realise web adverts are specific and targeted and that we all see different ads?
you dont need to be on the bt site to see one of their ads… Just doing a bit of referendum googling would be enough. 
Also, to save any potential embarrassment you generally shouldnt tell folks what ads it is you do see…


Most unionists would be ashamed to claim that independence is automatically a bad thing so they have to tie themselves into a knot and say vote no to not independence if you want real independence.
And thus confusion is added to the FUD. I think what we are seeing is a mirror image of the “colour revolutions”. In Scotland’s case though, it is the presiding state that is sponsoring the efforts to cast doubt amongst voters and undermine confidence in, and support for, the democratic process.

Chic McGregor

The biggest misrepresentation they perpetrate on a daily basis?…


@Peter, 11.32:
“I asked if he thought he was a competent farmer, he thought so, I asked if he felt he needed guidance from an English farmer, why then did he need guidance from Westminster??”
A great analogy which could be applied to any job – cheers for that one, I’ll use it myself.

matos 21

Just caught the last few minutes of an interview with a refugee who said the more Scottish people he met the more they made him feel good about himself
These few words on a Sunday morning have made me feel so proud of my country This is the way I hope things will be
 I’m sorry I was busy and missed the rest of the interview

Bugger (the Panda)

Is it true that the UKIP candidate for Donside is called OTTO INGLIS?
Otto the Englishman?
You couldn’t make it up.

Bugger (the Panda)

It appears that the “reformist” candidate won the Iranian General Election.
He speaks sever “foreign” languages and studied in Glasgow in the 1970’s and 1990’s.
So, I deduce two things from this;
Firstly, we have the first official recognition for an Independent Scotland in the bag.
Secondly, Cameron and he might need a interpreter so iDave can work out what he saying in Glaswegian.

All we need is for a Scot to become Chancellor of Germany. Oh wait a minute—-
Finally, I wonder how the MSM will spin this one?
Scotland set to join the Axis of Evil. Second piece of the jigsaw in place for Comrade Salmond’s demonic takeover of the World.


Sorry, OT. Looks like that trough might need an extension.
link to


Peter, apologies for not getting back to you last night but I’m an early bedder. However, I see that matos 21 gave you the information you needed. Thanks matos

Seasick Dave

Whatever next?
Scots-born tycoon: indy campaigners could make Scotland a laughing stock
link to

Bugger (the Panda)

You Daily Mail story is one from 2012, as are the comments.
Saturday night was it?
Smiley thingy with a bandage aroon the heid.


More Lords ???? no thanks, with independence we will never have to contribute to that bunch of scroungers ever again.
Vote NO – give to the House of Lords.
Vote YES – gain your country.
Hail Alba.

Bugger (the Panda)

Quite a shocker here as to how Westminster works.
link to
There has not been one single good reason why Westminster has not become a corruption of the concept of democracy.
Vote YES and quit the festering union
Vote No and get hee haw, except politically and economically gang raped by our friends down south.

Dorothy Devine

Bugger , the Daily Mail story was headline news in the Scottish Daily Mail on Saturday – not to be found on the website and entirely different from the one in the ” other ” DM.
They regurgitate scary stories.

The Rough Bounds

For a previous example of the ‘Scotsman’s ‘ lying propaganda and scare mongering check out the early part of the 14th century when the Pope excommunicated the whole population and the nation of Scotland.
‘You will all go to Hell if you continue fighting for your independence!’
It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now.

K Mackay

Ianbrotherhood, number 2 (fuckin keep it) just about sent me over the edge, great link man!


Race crimes in England 2010-11 31000
Race crimes in England 2011-12 44000
Oh my! Has race crimes gone up in England?

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