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Wings Over Scotland

When it’s horrible being right

Posted on January 20, 2014 by

59 to “When it’s horrible being right”

  1. Macart says:

    When you’re right, you’re right.

  2. Ian Kirkwood says:

    Let’s focus fully on getting the big one right Stu!

  3. desimond says:

    If its Right, its probably horrible.

  4. memaw says:

    I have just copied this from a website :link to asking for people to join a protest across the country on 19th February.. Would this not be the ideal time for Yes Scotland to become more visible? Show that our Independent country has no intention of belittling,penalising and potentially killing the most vulnerable in our society.

    I am sorry Reverend Stuart, maybe I am not allowed to do this but thought it was worth an attempt to show how much we despise what the United Kingdom government is doing to its citizens.

    “Atos & DWP 10,600 disabled people died within 6 weeks of their claim ending January – November 2011.

    Here is the actual figures in a table from the DWP.

    2,200 died before they finished being assessed

    1,300 died who were in Work Related Activity Group (Fit for work)

    7,100 died who were in the support group (the most disabled).”

    We intend going to the Oban protest.

  5. Peter Macbeastie says:

    Aye, well, I think you were far from the only one to see that particular disaster arriving.

    I have only really become more politicised in the last couple of years, since the SNP majority win, really. I recognised that as a big change and that a referendum was all but inevitable. Thought it would probably be wise to start paying more attention at that point. But a Tory win at Westminster, and a right wing set of ‘reforms’ after it; that was no surprise at all.

    Nothing the Tories are doing surprises me now. They are behaving entirely to type. And what’s worse is Labour are no better, indeed, Labour appear to be vying to be worse than them. The old tactic of being just to the left of wherever the Tories appears to have been forgotten. Now they’re trying to be slightly to the right in the faint hope it will see them elected. It won’t. Not least because they’re no better than the Tories and it’s not that long since they were being total disasters with the economy. Plus Ed Milliband is about as appealing as a wet fish slapped in your face.

    I firmly believe the next UK elections will see a low turnout, another indecisive result, and another round of horsetrading which will see Cameron in charge again. Part of me would be thoroughly delighted to see it, because I dearly, dearly want to see David Cameron go down in history as the PM in charge when Scotland finally reclaimed nationhood.

    He will hate it. No matter what else he does, that will be what is remembered. He will be the equivelant of that old joke about the guy whose nickname is Goat*. He will always be a footnote under Alex Salmond.

    *”So why do they call you Goat, mate?
    Well,” he said,” I once saved a man from drowning, but no one remembers that. I helped to build hospitals, but no one remembers that. I raised thousands for charity, but no one remembers that either.

    But you shag just one goat…..”

  6. Alex Taylor says:

    Stu’s doing a fantastic job here folks, of that there is no doubt. But the rest of us should be spending less time at the keyboards and more time on the hoof delivering leaflets, Yes newspapers and the like. Not everyone has access to a computer and there are very many low-information voters out there that we need to reach.

    Don’t leave it till it’s too late. Find your local Yes group and do the practical stuff as well as the cerebral. We don’t want to lose out on what could be our one and only chance.

    Besides, ahem, I’ve got £100 on a Yes win at 9/2. But I’ll use my winnings to buy as many of you Wingers as I can a drink to celebrate the rebirth of our our Nation.

    And you can hold me to that.


  7. Mosstrooper says:

    Well said Alex. I was out this morning with the newspaper and a leaflet about a forthcoming YES meeting. A wee bit tired (I’m no chicken) and cold but jings I fair enjoyed my two rolls wi Lorne sausage. They were that good I’ll likely be oot again tomorrow. Have at them lads and lassies.

  8. bjsalba says:

    Has anyone considered the idea that Cameron wants rid of Scotland and is setting up Labour/Libdems to be the ones who take the blame when rUK finds out the that Wee Eck wisna lying?

    What if he thinks that fracked oil can replace Scottish oil (especially if the price drops?)

    Wouldn’t that be a win-win for him?

  9. david says:

    i got a hundred on at 9/2 also. im no a drinker so im just gonna keep my winnings.

  10. Craig P says:

    I think everyone predicted austerity. In 2008 I also predicted the UK thoughtlessly following the US into a war in Iran… thankfully that has not come to pass! Right now I am wondering how Quantative Easing is going to pan out.

    Alex Taylor. Currently odds are 4/1 Yes and 1/6 No. Strange to have such a discrepancy in odds given:

    1. polls have been shown in other circumstances to change significantly in a short period of time (e.g. 2011 election),

    2. the polls aren’t *that* far apart, and

    3. it’s a two-horse race.

  11. Michael says:

    Absolutely right, Alex, if we lose this we are in trouble. Get out and do stuff, folks.

  12. Murray McCallum says:

    Does it really matter if the next PM in Westminster is Ed Cameron-Clegg or Nick Cameron-Farage?

    They all exist in the same space of finding news ways to build on past legislation while blaming the past governments, like that of Tony Thatcher, for implementing it in the first place.

  13. Ronnie says:

    Alex Taylor @ 1:18

    I was out delivering the Yes paper this morning and felt that would do for today. But now you’ve made me feel guilty, just sitting here.

    So I’m off out again.

    We all need to do our bit, chaps!

  14. Illy says:

    “Does it really matter if the next PM in Westminster is Ed Cameron-Clegg or Nick Cameron-Farage?”

    Not really, no.

    Now, if we got someone with integrety in, that might be nice. Shame no-one with integrety gets voted in at Westminster, you have to go to these little pretendy regional parlements to find anyone who actually does what they say they will.

    I wonder why that it?

  15. Taranaich says:

    “Atos & DWP 10,600 disabled people died within 6 weeks of their claim ending January – November 2011.

    Here is the actual figures in a table from the DWP.

    2,200 died before they finished being assessed

    1,300 died who were in Work Related Activity Group (Fit for work)

    7,100 died who were in the support group (the most disabled).”

    We intend going to the Oban protest.

    This needs plastered everywhere. People are all a-flutter about immigration and benefit “cheats,” when we have no less than 10,000 PEOPLE IN THEIR GRAVES within weeks of losing their benefits, arguing that maybe – just maybe – there’s something a wee bit wrong about Atos/DWP’s assessments?

    I will seriously consider attending the Oban protest if I’m able, and will suggest my like-minded friends do the same.

  16. Illy says:

    I wonder how much money would be saved if Atos and A4E were fired, and *everyone* just got the equivilent of unemployment benefits as a flat gift from the government. (With people in work having their income tax raised by the same amount, so they would be in exactly the same situation as now)

    Surely the amount we currently pay Atos and A4E would cover any additional expense?

  17. Les Wilson says:

    The Tories, the Tories,ok I get that and agree to the sentiments here. However we need to be watching UK labour/Slab, as they are no better and in some ways actually worse.We need rid of Westminster, period. Makes little difference us who is in.We will suffer no matter what one of these is in power,it is not just the Tories.

  18. Illy says:

    @Lee Wilson:

    As long as everyone remembers that “New Labour” was an appeal to the Tory voters, and the Lib Dems whole platform seems to be “We’re between Labour and the Tories on everything” then it’s pretty obvious that they’re all the same.

    I’ve always thought that the enemy of any career politican (of which Westminster is now filled on all sides) was an intellegent, informed and active electorate.

    That’s probably one of the reasons they are so scared of the independance movement: it’s educating and motivating the population, rather than Westminster’s projection of “it doesn’t matter what you do”.

  19. Grant_M says:

    I was just catching up on the news – reading about the Secretary of State Against Scotland… link to

    when an email arrived alerting me to the latest document to be released by the UK Government. This new “information pack” asserts “the content is based on findings from the Scotland Analysis work and is designed to provide referendum information which is clear, concise and factually accurate.”

    link to

  20. dave kemp says:

    Grant_M : thanks

    Just the 1 irrelevance “scary” from a 30 second skim (I dont have time do do any more)


    More than 450,000 people living in Scotland today were born in
    England, Wales or NI, and more than 830,000 people born in
    Scotland now live elsewhere in the UK


    And ?

  21. Ian Kirkwood says:

    Well that sure did it for me guys. So, I am out of here and going over to the dark side……….aye right!

  22. gerry parker says:

    Yep – out twice today, delivered 100 of the 250 I picked up on Sunday.
    Still had some time for the keyboard war though. Now to try and get that leaky shed fixed.

  23. Patrick Roden says:

    In my previous job in England I worked with people who were recovering from serious mental health problems, mostly psychosis.

    I began warning them about seven years ago (7) YES SEVEN! that I believed that the then Labour Party was demonising the disabled and other vulnerable people on benefits, because they intended eventually stopping most of these people from claiming these benefits.

    And this was before the financial/banking crisis, when Labour had loadsa money!

    This path that they are on, has nothing to do with things such as ‘life skills’ or numeracy etc, it’s everything to do with a Neo-Liberalism Ideology, that has become popular among the elites in two countries in particular…

    United States of America… followed poodle like (as always) by England.

    Sorry I need to end this post folks, I’m off to the toilet to throw up.

  24. MochaChoca says:


    Balls suggests meeting between Salmond, himself and Darling to discuss currency.

    It just gets stranger and stranger.

  25. scottish_skier says:

    Has anyone considered the idea that Cameron wants rid of Scotland and is setting up Labour/Libdems to be the ones who take the blame when rUK finds out the that Wee Eck wisna lying?

    What if he thinks that fracked oil can replace Scottish oil (especially if the price drops?)

    A few have suggested such. I’m surprised more haven’t realised the reasons for the mad rush to frack; revenues and energy security following the departure of Scotland.

    Darling is the fall guy and the knives are already out.

    He’s the one people mainly hear saying that there definitely won’t be a currency union and we’ll be thrown out of the EU for sure etc. Dave and Gideon have been more ‘Oh that might happen’.

    So when the truth comes out (which will be soon – we’ve just had the first bit on the debt), who was lying? Better Together / Labour were, not the Tories per see. Labour lost the union.

  26. Grant_M says:

    My apologies. I should really have posted this URL (from which that Alistair Carmichael-associated drivel is linked)…

    link to

  27. Andy-B says:

    You were right about Brown,but what is even worse is that, now hes supposedly out of politics, hes still disappointing people.

    O/T Torcuil Crichton the Daily Record political master journalist that he is, compares nationalists in his column to zombies from the movie World War Z. Crichton then goes on to say, that the majority of voters are astute,because there waiting to see whats on offer, after a no vote.

    Crichton, who thinks hes the pontiff of politics, (hardly) then rips into Mark Carney of the BoE who showed no fear when opposing Ed Milibands banking reforms. Saying Miliband could be his boss in 2015, and that his boldness could put come back to haunt him.

    Heaven forbid anyone opposing Crichtons beloved Miliband.

    No link found I’m afraid.

  28. scottish_skier says:

    revenues and energy security following the departure of Scotland.

    Of course the first covers security on the rUK debt; a big something that would have been missing with Scotland departing. Fracking to the rescue! Must keep the markets calm for the orderly end of GB.

  29. Paul says:

    O/T Do I sense a change of tact from the Daily Record it is warning the Labour party not to drift any more to the right as it risks the left of the party moving to the Yes side I think they have missed the boat on that one though if the tremendous turn out at the Radical Independence conference is anything to go by.

  30. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Gerry Parker, JP want,s to know who,s delivering the paper,s & what street,s,E Mail,s been sent to everyone,PS, ah dont have a paper yet.

  31. The Penman says:

    Wow – I’ve just read through that HMG document with the “facts” about independence.

    I’m honestly struggling to find a single sentence that I could say “that’s a fair point l about. It’s a litany of outright lies, factual errors, half-truths (e.g. “Scots get more spent on them!”), baseless assertions (“The UK works for all of us”) and unfounded conclusions based on the irrelevant preceding facts.

    That really is quite a piece of work.

  32. ronnie anderson says:

    O/T, that W S Uni, media study of yesterday.I would hope that at some point inthe future, they include Lord Rennard coverage by the MSM,talk about distraction tactic,s,classic diversion from other politicion,s. He said the party is his family,well I for one am pig sick, of seeing him in his Christening Robe,s,being flashed up on my TV,every bloody five min,s.

  33. Dcanmore says:


    Yes, I see more of the pieces falling together to back up your theory. Up until December I was maybe 70% convinced of it and I just couldn’t believe that Cameron would survive the fall out. Now that they are pushing for fracking plus the possible gas boon in the Irish sea off Blackpool, economically Scotland is no long-term loss for London or the Conservative Party. Also I came to the conclusion that with London being turned into a CIty State the rUK will be saddled with the UK debt as London would seek to strengthen its bubble and therefore become more detached from the rest of the country. Cable was right when he said that London is sucking the life out of the UK because that is all Cameron and Gideon care about. The SE is where the money, influence and votes are, elsewhere only exists to pump cash into the Treasury.

  34. Elliot Bulmer says:

    Alex Taylor says:
    20 January, 2014 at 1:18 pm

    Stu’s doing a fantastic job here folks, of that there is no doubt. But the rest of us should be spending less time at the keyboards and more time on the hoof delivering leaflets.

    Would there by any objection if we were each to print out, say, 20 copies of an article, and stick it through letter boxes? It would have a two-fold purpose: to increase traffic to the site, and to get key facts, arguments and debunkings into the hands of folks who otherwise would not see it.

    It wouldn’t cost more than printer ink, paper and a bit of shoe leather.

    I don’t know what the stats are so I cannot do the maths, but how many people would be reached if we each undertook to leaflet 20 people a month with a topical Wings article?

  35. Luigi says:

    I also went and delivered c. 100 YES newspapers during my lunchbreak today. Like others, so keen was I to get started, especially after reading the latest BT nonsense (must be a cybernat thing), and the fact that the weather was fine! The latest edition is truly a great read – much improved from the previous one – I just hope some soft NOs and undecideds bother to read it, and it doesn’t end up straight in the cat litters or the recycling bins.

  36. ronnie anderson says:

    @GrantM, thank,s Grant nice to know my private pension,is again under threat.I hope that the International Money Market,s get to see that statement.

  37. gerry parker says:

    @Ronnie, I’m doing them Whifflet area Coatbridge, getting them from local contact.

  38. ronnie anderson says:

    @gerry parker, its that smebody,s delivering them in Cairnhill & JP,doesent know who it is,Airdrie Yes group work though the town, area by area, Mind the public meeting,s in Shyberry Canavan /Siller,s.

  39. gerry parker says:

    @ ronnie, Aye – hope to see you there.

  40. SquareHaggis says:

    Some more fine writing over here.

    link to

  41. Morag says:

    I’ve got a list of streets to do, but I don’t have the papers yet (someone is still folding them), and I seem to have some sort of lurgi. Maybe need to wait a few days. Nights getting lighter, but not fast enough!

  42. ronnie anderson says:

    O/T,reply from Scottish parly media centre, new en coder,s fitted the weekend, no more falling over, nonsence,happy viewing folk,s.

  43. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Scottish Skier

    I have been paralleling your out the box theory as well.

    I take it from the premis it is the only theory which can fit many inexplicable gaffs and tacs which Cameron has taken that results in open goals to Salmond.

    I may be mad but I am not stupid, much.

  44. ronnie anderson says:

    @gerry parker,the way I am at the moment gerry,I dont think I will be there,but feel free to pop in & give me a update, kettle,s alway,s

  45. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Gerry Parker,

    Ex Biology graduate of Strathclyde?

  46. gerry parker says:

    Nope – that’s my brother Jim, aka Farrochie.
    @ Ronnie- ok willdo.

  47. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Say hello to him from Jim McLaren, ex Food and Nutritional Sciences

    How is he and where is he?

  48. gerry parker says:

    @ Morag – the folding’s important – makes all the difference to carrying them and pushing through letterboxes. 🙂
    btw the book was excellent, certainly lived up to its title.

  49. gerry parker says:

    @ bugger, Lives in Stonehaven now, (Dr Parker) makes an appearance on this blog now and again, will pass on your regards. We both went to last years rally on Calton Hill and met Stuare, looking forward to the next one.

  50. memaw says:


    Great stuff, spread the word.

    I would like to suggest that we call England, “Londonshire.” from now on.

    With regard to all other comments about doing things: we are going to the Yes Campaign meeting tonight in Carradale, Argyll, in the village hall. Michael Russell will be speaking. I have already written to him about the wonderful book,”The Claim of Scotland”, saying it should be read by everyone. I have printed a couple of chapters to give to him. I will also spread the word about Wings over Scotland.

  51. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    A propos Calton Hill.

    I was there too.



  52. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Talked to a guy who came into our YES ship in Dunoon today (hello Andy)and he underlined what I have felt for some time. He is visiting his hometown from his work in Ireland and was in a a local pub with friends, relatives and acquaintances.

    He was worried that there are people we are not reaching yet. These people deeply believe that Scotland is being subsidised but they don’t understand or effectively digest facts and figures. This is an article of faith with them because it has been implied for as long as they can remember by powerful people they recognise and respect and by much of the media. They also haven’t registered that the UK is massively in growing debt. One saving grace is that many of these probably don’t even know where the polling station is

    He feels that all the leaflets are not really doing it as they are speaking in a language that many people don’t understand or relate to.
    To a considerable extent I agree with this judgement.

    If all the froth and misdirection is taken away in the final analysis the referendum comes down to a few simple but related issues.
    If we persuade them that Scotland is comfortably self supporting..
    If we persuade them that Scotland is not dependent on oil revenues..
    If we persuade them that they have been lied to..
    we win

    Accordingy I am designing a leaflet.
    One side has a picture of John Bull pointing with the question “Would I lie to you ” etc etc
    The other side had a picture of two likely lads
    “This is Sam and Kevin
    They are knobs
    The believe England is hanging onto Scotland to give it money..”

    Well actually I am not.. or not yet anyway

  53. Andrew Parrott says:

    Dave Kemp at 3:17pm. “And?” you ask with regard to the 450k people from outside Scotland now living here and the 830k people from Scotland now living elsewhere in UK.

    What it means is about 3 out of every 1,000 people in the rest of UK measured against the present population have for whatever reason moved to Scotland. By way of example nearly 2 out of every 100 Poles have moved to UK in the past few years. But no less than 16 in every 100 of the present population in Scotland have moved away from Scotland.

    What that says is that Westminster rule of Scotland simply does not provide opportunity for Scots to stay, live and work in Scotland. Another reason why YES on 18 Sep is the right answer!

  54. Patrician says:

    @ ronnie anderson and gerry parker.

    The Shyberry stadium? when?

  55. john king says:

    ss says
    ” I’m surprised more haven’t realised the reasons for the mad rush to frack; revenues and energy security following the departure of Scotland.”

    I said as such several days ago after Cameron’s appearance on tv with a look of naked fear in his eyes telling us how much money local communities will make from selling their souls to the frackers.

  56. farrochie says:

    Bugger (the Panda) says:
    20 January, 2014 at 5:19 pm

    Say hello to him from Jim McLaren, ex Food and Nutritional Sciences.
    How is he and where is he?
    Hi Jim,
    I’m in Stonehaven.
    Jimmy Parker

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      Hi Jim

      I am in France, Gascony in a Dept called le Gers (honestly)

  57. farrochie says:

    Bugger (the Panda) e-mail me at:
    dot co dot uk


  58. gerry parker says:

    @patrician, next Thursday 7:30pm. Got email from her
    “Dear All,

    Jim Sillars will be speaking at Airdrie Stadium on Thursday 30th Jan at 7.30pm. Book early to avoid disappointment!

    Yours for Scotland,



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