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Wings Over Scotland

What’s that name again?

Posted on July 09, 2014 by

They say that men think about sex every six seconds. Apparently Jenny Marra thinks about Alex Salmond every 12, as she manages to get his name into this 48-second clip from last night’s BBC Scotland debate no fewer than four times, though the question was about reducing poverty by saving money on aircraft carriers and Trident.

We still don’t really understand why Labour think focusing their entire political strategy on personally attacking the most popular politician in the country is a smart ploy, but far be it from us to tell them their job when it’s been such a success for them so far.

We’re also not sure why Jenny Marra is “angry” that the First Minister campaigned for Trident refitting jobs to come to Scotland 21 years ago. Since there wasn’t even a Scottish Parliament back then, and therefore no chance whatsoever of getting RID of Trident, shouldn’t all Scottish MPs at least have been trying to get jobs out of it?

But then, as we all know, if the FM personally discovered the cure for cancer tomorrow the Scottish Labour press release (and the Scotsman headline) would be “RECKLESS SALMOND CREATES PENSIONS TIMEBOMB”. Hey ho.

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Attacking the most popular politician in the country is still easier than trying to justify their actual position to the people of Scotland.


I guess it’s part of the SLab mindset where the only aspect of politics which concerns them, is the ongoing battle with the SNP and its leader.

“…about reducing poverty and saving money on aircraft carriers and Trident” … things which are quite insignificant in their minds compared to attacking those usurping Nats. They thought they would never be knocked off their Holyrood perch, and just can’t come to terms with defeat.

The really really sad thing is, the debate has moved on from their petty party politics, and they haven’t realised it.


There is only one reason I can think of as to why Jenny Marra would want to mention Alex Salmond’s name 4 times in that 48 second clip Stu, I reckon she has a secret fantasy about being his wife! 😛

I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you Jenny, Alex is already married and he is not into the polygamy either so I suggest you find another politician to fantasise over, how about Jim Murphy? 😉

Tartan Tory

Even listening casually to Jenny’s remarks (without counting to four mentions of Alex Salmond’s name) you will hear her say that Trident will be on the table to secure a ‘currency union’. It is totally implicit in what she says that there is no question of doubt about a currency union in her mind, or doubtless that of every politician in the UK. There WILL be a currency union/framework negotiated. It has to happen because rUK cannot afford not to, for so many reasons – not least of which is Trident.


So she believes that Mr Salmond will allow trident to continue in Scotland if we vote yes? I presume that is because that is what she would do? It is interesting to find the evidence for that in her own statement. As I understand it her own party has said there will be no currency union. But she presumes that Mr Salmond will give up his commitment to get rid of trident in order to secure the currency union which has been ruled out by all three Westminster parties. This lady does not think promises are binding no matter who makes them. She demonstrates all that is wrong with our democracy in her own person. Why would anyone vote for such mendacity?

Dave Beveridge

So there absolutely, definitely won’t be a currency union, but if there WAS going to be one…


I agree with you about the binding promises Fiona. Labour stand up and make all sorts of, in a lot of cases nonsensical , promises and then break them at the earliest possible opportunity. They are a political regime totally fixated on their own benefits and as such will promise us the universe just so long as they can get their grubby wee mitts on the seat of power. Honour is a word that does not exist in the vocabulary of Labour and as such they will do anything to try, and fail, to imply that the same applies to Alex Salmond specifically and the S.N.P. in general. They are incapable of understanding that there is a new kid on the block and he is staying and he has principles the first of which is honouring as best he can the promises he made to the electorate.


i find it easier to mute the TV when NO scruples are on, i can make up my own bullshit thanks.


Ironically, the removal of Trident from Scotland has been one of the central campaign issues for the SNP for decades. It’s a shame that the same can’t be said for Scottish Labour and social justice…

Gary C

It seems Jenny does like to put it about, so it comes as no surprise that she’s looking at the head honcho for pleasure. A friend of mine who moves n political circles tells me talk of Jenny’s conquests at Hollyrood is rife.


Not keen on Jenny Marra.

She’s that brand of politician who offers guarantees based on the notion she’s ‘certain’, ‘sure’ and ‘positive’ her opinion is correct

The reality is, she hasn’t got a clue.


Correct me if I’m wrong. I thought treaties dictated that intercontinental missiles can only be deployed on home soil, or international waters. If I am correct, Trident can’t be sited outside rUK.


I thought the most interesting thing about that debate, was the last 30 seconds!! The presenter could not shut the program down quickly enough , when they were talking about the BBC protests and the BBC propaganda. The editor must have been screaming in his ear peace “CUT CUT CUT” lol.


It’s free advertising for the First Minister,so it is.


I do not think it is necessary to attack Ms Marra on sexist grounds and I wish it was not done here or anywhere

Out of her own mouth she has told us that the ruling out of currency union is dishonest. That will not play well with the many rUK voters who, for reasons which escape me, make an exception to their general distrust of politicians on this one issue they imagine to be important. We do not need to stoop to other sorts of attack when she hands us the argument on a plate. Please stop with the slut shaming


I think what makes Jenny Marra and many other Scottish labour voices angry is the fact that we are all now beginning to see and hear just how truly atrocious their debating skills really are.

Tartan Tory

@ Lesley-Anne

Talk of principles may well be a bit over zealous and fanciful in the face of hardball negotiations. I believe that Salmond saying Trident will be off the table is much the same as the three stooges in Westminster saying the same about currency.

For myself, whilst I have no desire to harbour WMD’s in an independent Scotland, I am pragmatic enough to accept that they stay until they are defunct – not to be replaced – in return for such things as the currency framework.

Given the choice between the following, which would you choose?

1) Independence with a currency framework AND Trident existing where it is until it is replaced at a ‘foreign’ location.

2) Remaining part of the UK with the existing currency framework AND Trident where it is until it is replaced at Faslane (status quo).

I for one will be very happy with the first option and I believe that is where the negotiations will go. By the time Trident is to be replaced, we might well be in a position to float our own currency anyway.


There was one old woman, sounded like the Queen, said the funniest thing, she wanted to keep Trident , and asked, What if there is a nuclear war?… erm.. we all die, thats why its called mutually assured destruction. I had to mop up my tea afterwards 🙂



Do you think it is possible to demonstrate good debating skills when you have no case at all? I know that the ability to make a good case for that which you do not believe is a valued skill in public schools and the better universities: there is a whole tale in that fact alone. But, leaving that aside, most cases do indeed have two sides, and a competent debater can present either. It is rather a different matter when one side does not really have an argument at all: and that is what is clear in the context of the referendum. Westminster has been asked to justify its existence and it turns out they employed the emperor’s tailors to make their clothes


@Gary C

A friend of mine who moves in political circles tells me talk of Jenny’s conquests at Hollyrood is rife.

You cannot leave us in suspense like this? 😀

Colin Pratt

She casually slipped in the claim that people in Yes Scotland agree with her point. Somebody ought to call her on that.


Another thing…

Jenny Marra also said (after Angus Robertson talked about Labour not turning up to vote down the Bedroom tax) that the SNP didn’t turn up to vote for the minimum wage, presumably in 1997. She said something like the “…they were at home in bed…”

4 out of 6 SNP MP’s where there and did vote for it.

Jenny Marra wasn’t even in parliament in 1997.



It betrays the process of psychically preparing yourself what you realise to be the inevitable. In this case CU. But if you are a SLAB politician you must then automatically make it a negative for those nasty Nats. By couching her argument in those terms she betrays that she is now assuming there will be CU.

But what is most interesting about this shift in her thinking is that it implicitly assumes a Yes vote. She is thinking a Yes is more than possible. Maybe she has been given sight of that Westminster £300k poll?


@Gary C
Lets stick to the issues. Not interested in gossip.


@ Tartan Tory

Given the choice between the following, which would you choose?

1) Independence with a currency framework AND Trident existing where it is until it is replaced at a ‘foreign’ location.

2) Remaining part of the UK with the existing currency framework AND Trident where it is until it is replaced at Faslane (status quo).

False dichotomy surely?

I choose independence without CU and without trident, if it is all the same to you.


@ Muscleguy

You may be right: I only saw the attached clip and so I do not have the full context.

But I really think you over complicate it. She expects to lie and takes it for granted everyone else also lies. That is all I take from her words



Lets stick to the issues. Not interested in gossip.

mmmm Okay you can then…


I suppose its always the way with how the short sighted view politics. Attack the opposition is always easier than actually either improving on their policies or coming up with some of your own that actually work.

In the FMs case it seems to have become deeply personal for Labour leadership especially. He’s the guy in Scotland who broke their image of invincibility and outdid them at being perceived to be representing the Scottish electorate and providing care where its needed most.

They’ll never forgive him for that.

So much so that they’ve lost sight of what an opposition party is about, they’ve become opposition for oppositions sake personified. They’re greatest problem of course is that a majority of the electorate can see their strategy and politics for what it is.

They don’t seem to understand that this very strategy is what makes them unfit for office. But hey, its their choice.

Wings Over Reality

Not sure this is how you are supposed to go about telling a girl you like her.


Their, not they’re. I’ll never get used to this predictive nonsense. Doh!

Juan P


Found this rather sad letter published in the Belfast Telegraph.

link to

Unionists seem to hate the sight of the saltire.

Tartan Tory

@ Fiona

I respect your choice of ‘the third option’, but I would respectfully suggest that it’s not a pragmatic one and indeed, it isn’t going to happen. iScotland needs a currency framework just as much as rUK will.

With option 1, you will still get what you wish for within a decade or so. I really hope you will be content to be slightly more patient. After all, what’s ten years when you’ve waited three centuries? 😉

Or, are you suggesting that you would rather vote No if Trident was going to be here in 2020 under a Yes vote?


As I understand the Trident thing T.T. Alex Salmond has said that the nukes will be going as soon as it is safe to relocate them. I do not think he will agree to ever removing them from the negotiating table they have been a central core to the whole of the S.N.P. To remove nukes from any future negotiations would be tantamount to destroying the S.N.P. once and for all.

If the nukes at Coulport and Faslane are not gone within a reasonable length of time, I understand 10 years might be the time frame here although it may very well be shorter, then the pressure will be ramped up on Westminster, not only by the Scottish Government but by the U.N. In particular the signatories of the Non proliferation of nuclear weapons treaty of which the U.K., Westminster, is a signatory.

link to

I think this part best covers the retention of nukes within Scottish territorial waters.

These five NWS agree not to transfer “nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices” and “not in any way to assist, encourage, or induce” a non-nuclear weapon state (NNWS) to acquire nuclear weapons (Article I). NNWS parties to the NPT agree not to “receive,” “manufacture” or “acquire” nuclear weapons or to “seek or receive any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons” (Article II). NNWS parties also agree to accept safeguards by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to verify that they are not diverting nuclear energy from peaceful uses to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices (Article III).


Muscleguy says:
“…. it implicitly assumes a Yes vote. She is thinking a Yes is more than possible. ”

Certainly more so than has been the norm from Nae representatives. They usually stick more to the ‘it won’t happen anyway’ line. Perhaps it is revealing. Hope so!


“They say that men think about sex every six seconds”

I’m that old by the time six seconds has passed I have forgotten what I was going to think about.

I watched this last night and I am still waiting for the SNP representative to jump up and put the others straight about the porkies they were telling.

And who is that boyle character and who made him an expert, the man was demented, flailing his arms about like a windmill and right at the end telling the SNP bod he was talking nonsense about the about Scotland paid in licence fees to the BBC.


Sorry, Jim Murphy’s too busy taking the same girls round 100 venues in Scotland to prove he’s converting people to vote NO.


That should of course be amount and not about, doh.


I have never really understood why politicians think that naming people umpteen times is somehow effective. All it achieves is far greater name recognition for the other party’s leader than it does your own. This was tried with Thatcher back in the day and she just cemented her position. It took a Tory grandee revolt to remove her not the voting public.


She obviously hasn’t heard of something called the NPT which would be violated should Scotland decide to house another country’s nukes, then again Westminster is so arrogant that it probably thinks it can deem the UN irrelevant, just like it did when invading Iraq

Murray McCallum

I guess there must be a danger of groupthink among Scottish OneNation Labour’s remaining few hundred members/activists.

Someone among them must have convinced the other 3 that turned up to a brain-cell-storming session that it was a good idea to constantly attack Alex Salmond.

They must think it has worked for them. They could be right, e.g. they could have been predicting an even bigger fall in their support.


is the answer here?
link to

Alternatively there is a method behind this(from marketing perhaps) to show the value of personalising in order to attract or repel a message. Anyone know about it? It’s just that in my experience, yes supporters mostly don’t care too much (either positively or negatively) about AS, but undecideds perhaps do, and we know it’s all about the undecideds.


Back at the NuLabour funny farm they want to keep Trident, as Jabba the Hut said, recently, to keep those 11,000 (sic) jobs that depended on it. Yet for some reason if AS did break his promise to Scots and those in his own party and keep it, somewhere in that vacant plot between Jenny’s ears that is unacceptable.

Jenny I have only four words for you… you are a TOSSER

IMO the only discussions during the bargaining will be in the length of time for its removal and not with its removal.


seanair says:

Sorry, Jim Murphy’s too busy taking the same girls round 100 venues in Scotland to prove he’s converting people to vote NO.

But is she no one of the 100 girls travelling round with our Jim though seanair, she just has to beat off the other 99. 😛

Just replace balloons with Labour activists and this could be Jenny’s song! 😉

link to



Indeed….Labour continue to suffer Post Traumatic Stress from losing their grip on Scotlands cash cow (and her blinded people) and now are impotent as that cow grazes in anothers field and its people now see and smile.

All they can do in their stricken state is mumble the words “Salmond” and stare into the void wondering where it all went wrong.

Its that or they watched too many Candyman movies in their younger days!


How many jobs will Faslane host as the fabrications centre for west coast oil? Oh and the Atlantic Basin reserves too.

Peter Macbeastie

I’m tired, grumpy, and life is not going quite how I would like.

I therefore have no patience left for pathetic Labour politicians trying to pretend none of us actually exist and it’s just Alex Salmond who wants independence, presumably so he can stick his feet up as lord and master of all he surveys.

I freely admit, I hate Labour. I hate them even more than the Tories, because once upon a time Labour did actually try to work for the people and have forgotten that in pursuit of power. The Tories have always been scum; they have not betrayed anyone, we know what they are like.

And I really hate them all the more because they have the sheer unmitigated balls to criticise the SNP for policies they SHOULD be for as well. Apparently we can’t do free prescriptions. Apparently we can’t do free nursery care. Apparently we can’t do free travel for pensioners. Labour would bin them all.

That’s Labour, the party of the ‘people.’ *

*Does not include you, unless you are at least earning enough to avoid tax by placing money in an offshore bank account.


Labour using Salmond repeatedly is as useful as Ed Miliband repeatedly saying ‘Cost of Living crisis’.



@Tartan Tory

I do not agree that Scotland needs CU: but I agree it is what the Scottish government will attempt to negotiate because that is what they have said. I think that it is in the interests of the rUK to negotiate it too: but I am not sanguine they will do so because they have made if extremely difficult for themselves politically, so far as I can judge. Not that I believe that they will bow to the public opinion they manufactured as a matter of principle: it really depends on their calculation as to the benefits against the political costs. Whoever wins the Westminster election is going to face a very hard choice for that reason: for the other parties will say “we would never have done that: it is a catastrophe” and the party which does it will have no defence. I am not convinced that any current party will act in the interests of the nation rather than their own political advantage, no matter how costly the decision might be. So I am at best undecided about how the Westminster negotiators will jump on this issue

What I do believe is that that part of the negotiation will not rest on concessions on Trident; for it does not need to and trident is not negotiable. Certainly I think the Scottish government will be reasonable on timeframe: but they have said they intend to insist it is gone in the course of the first post independence parliament. I think that if we vote yes the SNP is likely to form that first government and I also think there is a possibility that they will not form the second one: there is no certainty at all that any other governing party will get rid of trident and so it is important it is done and dusted in the first parliament, and that is what has been pledged

If we vote yes and if Westminster attempts to make retention of trident a quid pro quo for CU (or anything else) I trust they are on to plums: for that commitment is binding on the SNP and on the Scottish Government and I believe that they will ensure their own political suicide if as their first post yes vote act they renege on it


@ desmond

Not so sure: I do still run across people who intend to vote no because “I hate Alex Salmond”. Am I alone in finding this? I really hope so

Derek M

lol wee eck has them stuck between a rock and a hard place, when it comes to negotiating our future all he has to do is threaten to remove oil revenue from sterling and they will be on their knees begging him not to.
CU will be negotiated on our terms not westminsters hence no plan B he doesnt need one AND THEY KNOW IT!
All they have left is to lie,muddy the waters and hope we vote no so dont let the FM down people hes counting on us to give him a big stick to beat down those westminster crooks.

Doug Daniel

At least we know now who is behind the ridiculous “John Macintyre OBE” persona of the Herald comments section fame. I knew he couldn’t be real.

creag an tuirc

Aye, the problem SLAB have is they can’t attack the Tories and then say we’re better together, so they join forces with the Tories and attack AS/SNP. Ms Marra may have some ideals/ideas that will NEVER see the light of day in UK/Westminster (middle class majority), yet ironically they WOULD be implemented in an iScotland (woking class majority) and this is why I don’t understand SLAB’s position on the referendum, they can’t think outside the Wetminster box. Jenny, you yes yet?


The no camp have no real argument against the independence movement, all of their claims have been disclaimed, on this site and at many grassroots meetings. Ergo the line of attack open to Miss Marra, and her ilk is the “Ad Hominem” argument.

Meaning if you can’t attack the logic then attack the man, the press and tv channels, have been doing this for months. You only have to watch a FMQ not even a recent one, to see the plan of attack in action.



They better be careful not to say his name too many times or he might suddenly appear at Labour bunker and go all Tarantino on them. 🙂

Tartan Tory

Labour in Scotland spent far too long telling the die-hards what they wanted to hear (then failing to deliver) when they should have been listening to what the majority of their ordinary supporters were telling them.

They are a spent force in Scottish politics and have been since they chose to move to the right and look for the bigger prize in middle England.

Strange as it may seem, the Scottish government is the only establishment which has affected my daily life in a positive way. I see it every time I cross the Tay or the Forth and I saw it the last time I went for a prescription.

It’s not just about the money as I’m fortunate enough to afford a bridge toll or a packet of pills. It’s about the bureaucracy of charging people for things they have already paid for in tax. Furthermore it’s about making life better.

I used to commute into and out of Edinburgh every day – crossing the bridge twice. I would gladly have paid a £1 each way NOT to have the tolls and the resultant queues of traffic!

To me the SNP represents pragmatism, and I’m right-wing enough to appreciate that. Labour represent a dinosaur, a T-Rex in fact. One that will bite hard on anything the SNP says or does regardless of its merits. One that is ultimately doomed to extinction.

Viking Girl

I watched the debate and thought that Ms Marra’s contribution consisted of the propaganda line of ScoLab, and National Lab in general. She does a great line in wide-eyed outrage. Pity it isn’t founded on life experience, of which she seems to have little.


This reminded me of why I so deeply dislike Jenny Marra.

A total Westmister-aspiring Nu-Labour bot, as equivocating, disassembling, twisty as they come but a young, pretty woman – come on, she’s faaaar more attractive than JoLa, Mags Curran, Willie Bain, Iain Davidson, just about anybody else in SLAB. So criticising her political views will be spun as misogynistic attacks or envy or some such.

This woman has vaulting ambition and Scotland is too small for it. She sheds crocodile tears about her local community or Scotland and will say anything but the only thing she cares about is her (possible Westminster) political career.


On a personal level regarding this C.U. or no C.U. thingy.

I have no problem in having a C.U. in the short term. I believe that a C.U. would, as A.S. regularly says, be in the best interests of both rUK and Scottish businesses. However, in the longer term I think we should actually have our own distinct currency.

It is for this reason that I believe that at some future date say 10 – 15 years after independence we should dissolve the C.U. and each constituent part of the C.U. go its own particular way. By that time we would have a proven financial track record for the business world to see an independent Scotland with its own independent currency is a benefit and not scourge to the financial world.

Mary Bruce

Jenny Marra said in a previous telly debate that if she could choose a perfect set up for Scotland in the UK she would choose the exact status quo.

So Jenny Marra, if given the choice, would choose a democratic deficit, a parliament full of lying, cheating child molesters, policies made by tories which attack the poor and disabled and enrich the elite. She would choose illegal wars and wmds. Hurrah for Jenny Marra.


When Dubya’s puppy Blair took over Labour, the party ceased to exist, New Labour, Old Tory came into being, as i like to remind people.The old party that used to stand for the little guy now only cares about middle England, and screw the rest of us. We had the audacity to vote for someone else.



The ahhatealiksammind brigade are out there sure but no level headed open minded person is sitting watching Jenny Marra and Klan Feartie and thinking “Okay, I actually wanted to hear a clear argument for the No campaign but shes now convinced me its Mr Salmond who is is the real issue here just by saying his name”

Its yet another sad wee diversion tactic. They have nothing in way of argument so must continue to play the man. Unfortunately for them, its like a broken Neymar crawling in front of a laughing Philip Lahm and with each attempt, more and more of the public are losing patience with them and heading towards Yes.


Lazy Labour likes lying hehe!


Labour just make things up. Facts and truisms are no use when you are stuck with a motley collection of stair-heid rammyists and street brawlers.

PS So what is the gossip about Jenny Marra? Can you read about it in the scandal section of the Holyrood magazine?

Bugger (the Panda)

They are getting their retaliation in first, before AS comes into the fight and starts bayoneting them before they are wounded.

Giving Goose

Jenny Marra’s career plan (in a perfect, SNP free world) summarised;

Get elected as an MSP.
Talk shite.
F*** the constituents.
F*** Social Justice.
Get elected as a Westminster MP.
Talk shite.
F*** the constituents.
F*** Social Justice.
Get on TV a lot.
Makes lots of money.
Make lots of business connections.
Make lots of expenses claims.
Talk more shite.
Get a cabinet position.
Talk even more shite.
Make even more money.
Get a peerage.
Sit in the House of Lords.
F*** the constituents…..wait, there won’t be any. That’s handy now.
Talk as much shite as possible.
Make even more money.
Make hay on the pension.

Roland Smith

@Doug Daniel
Never watch these programmes as bad for my blood pressure. Who is the redoubtable John OBE and do you know who the Slovenian is.


I’m going to a *ahem* debate in Eaglesfield tomorrow night. It appears to have been arranged by the NO side again. How do I know? Well that’s easy cause we’ve just heard about it by word of mouth, NO advertising anywhere about it.

As some may recall I posted a week or so ago a report on a similar meeting organised in a similar way that was held in Gretna. I fully expect this meeting tomorrow night to end up in the same vein with motor mouth Dryborough (Labour councillor who loves the sound of his own voice) being his usual abusive way with everyone who supports YES.

Watch this space! 😛

Wullie B

I was in last nights audience and one of 8 questions due to be asked ,out of the 8 questions selected to be asked 5 were local and 3 holidaymakers,now quite how holiday makers were able to become audience members as it took 3 weeks worth of a process to get on the show ,but the amount of yes applications refused due to sheer amounts , then you had two retired doctors from the south of the country and one teacher also from south of the country who kept themselves to themselves in the “green” room, but one of the main Yes Skye campaigners was also selected and did manage to ask her question ,but not the one she had preferred to ask,

Before the show the point was made to the audience that the questions asked would take into account the demographic of the local area so quite how two retired GPs from Edinburgh and south and a central belt teacher had the views helb hy those here ,so I mentioned to Carole what she thought about the three Plants” and at time she hadnt picked up on it but when it was mentioned it did seem sus to say the least,although I havent watched the programme yet I did notice in the “studio” that Jenny Marra and John Boyle were heard easily but David Hayman and Keith Brown were quieter, was this noticable on through the TV but to my suspicious mind ,as for the BBC question at the end ,I never caught where that gentleman was from but I didnt recognise him and wasnt sure if another plant just to get the question out there BUT David Hayman and am ure Keith Brown did make a telling mention without naming names of Isobel Fraser and Derek Bateman,although I never managed to query either after the show as they were hustled out to a location an hour and a half away



Theres a Beetlejuice gag in there somewhere too!

Repeat it enough times and he will come and wreck havok in your little ideal rich mans world


London Labour tried this tactic last time and looked what happened. It’s easy to see the same guy is running the No Better campaign. They treat the electorate like arseholes.



Personally I was more interested in pegging for the short term followed by the floating of a Scottish currency, but in fact I’m not that bothered if a CU is the preferred negotiating position.

The main motivator for me was getting the system of governance or management right. I could never see the point in fretting about our financial structures if the same type of system was going to be in control of it. Same deal with EU, defence etc. If we’re doing this we need to have a better more accountable system of government in place. A system that protects the rights of the people and has adequate checks in place to prevent parliament from abusing the powers we grant it.

Call it a to do list with the issues prioritised in order of importance if you will. But for me, its about finding a system that returns our governance to service for the people.


My feeling on the last question was that James Cook was happy to let the question go to redundancies as a problem at the BBC. I think it’s frustrating that the SNP feels so nervous about looking negative and paranoid that it won’t make the clear and obvious points: Jim Naughtie and Sarah Smith are not familiar with the scene or the players here but experienced Scottish journalists have been let go to make room; and the BBC journalists themselves were badly let down over the CBI affair, bevause London didn’t see the problem even as PQ journalists pleaded for them to withdraw. These aren’t direct accusations of bias but merely showing how London control causes serious problems with addressing Scotland’s specific agenda. That’s enough to set curious minds ticking and asking questions about how the BBC works.



A dude after my own heart. Yeah, I could stand to see some havok being wrought amongst that corrupt bunch of self seeking gangsters and warmongers. 🙂

Big Red Machine

It’s like that old story about the guy who breaks down in the middle of nowhere and as he trudges miles for help he manages to convince himself that the first house he comes to won’t be able to help him get back on the road,and that the person will be downright rude to him and that he/she will simply slam the door in his face. He get’s so angry and worked up that when he finally reaches the nearest house and knocks on the door he immediately punches the guy who answers.

Scottish Labour.


To be honest Macart I’m not really that plussed about how the currency thingy works out upon independence. I just see A.S.’s idea as a logical one but like you if, and I strongly suspect it will be the case now, WM still refuse the C.U. thingy then like you suggest our own £ currency pegged to the rUK £ would be the way to go in my view.

I agree that what we need, and I suspect it is what the Scot Gov has, is a “To do ” list. Unlike WM the S.G. is going into independence with their eyes open unlike WM who are going in eyes wide SHUT! 😛

Bugger (the Panda)


It will be offered but, with a lock in period of at least 10 or even 15 years.

I prefer the FU of no debt, no sharing of assets and a pegged Scots £ ready to be cut loose when rUK soars like a lead balloon,

Bugger (the Panda)

I smell a fishy Roland Butter.



Well they have painted themselves into a helluva corner on the issue. All three parties? I mean it wouldn’t be the first time that team of chancers have pulled 180 on public announcements, but they’ve invested a lot of face in that one. OK it was primarily a very public negotiation in action. Unless the SG commits to this, that and the next bloody thing w’ur takkin’ w’ur ba’ oot the playground, but the flip side for the SG is also quite attractive. That being the no debt scenario.

Still and all you can’t help but feel they went to the Benny Hill school of political strategy sometimes. 😀

Grouse Beater

Jenny Marra?

Am I expected to take note of another loud-mouthed, anti-democratic nonentity who is intent on demonstrating the depth of their ignorance to the rest of us?

Ugly people saying ugly things for ugly ends.

[…] « What’s that name again? […]


They may have went to the Benny Hill school of political strategy Macart but at least he had the sense NOT to let them in! 😛

I can’t wait until negotiations are finished and we’re on the verge of Independence Day. I’d love to see their poor wee faces as we celebrate Independence Day and the fact that due to their own stupidity and intransigence they have £4 Trillion debt, I believe it will be this as a result of changes to what can be counted as *ahem* off books debt, and we in our independent country have NO debt! 😛



Hell even the projected official debt of £1.6-7tr is eye watering.

But hey, their choice.


I can only assume WM is playing the old “it’s my ball and I’ll take it away if I want to” game and that includes ALL the debt that THEY have rung up Macart! 😛

All I can say in reply to this is well take all YOUR debt cause I don’t care I’m going to be living in a debt FREE country you know like erm what’s that country’s name again… oh yes NORWAY! 😛

Nana Smith

Oh dear no one wants to be friends with Danny Alexander..

link to

John Gibson

Fiona said – Not so sure: I do still run across people who intend to vote no because “I hate Alex Salmond”. Am I alone in finding this?

No, you’re not. Speaking to my Postie the other day, she said (I’m paraphrasing and condensing here) “I think Scotland might be rich on its own, but the SNP want us in the EU and using the Euro and I’m no for that. See that Alecsammin, he justs wants to be in charge and swan around the world making millions doing they speeches they dae. I’m no voting for him”

Thoughts of Labour politicians doing just that did flash through my mind, but all I said was “I’m voting for Scotland to make our own decisions, not for Alex Salmond” and left it there, not being in the mood to fall out with her. I’ll raise it again when the timing feels right, she seems open to discussing the topic.

Les Wilson

I watched the tv debate last night, Marra was predictable with her faux anger. Boyle, whoever he is, was a loud pain.

However, 1, I do think there was plants in the crowd.
2, When YES and SNP put people in a TV debate, they should be very capable. Hyman and Keith, were ok, thats about it. However neither had the facts in their heads to make the point loud and clear that Scotland DOES have wealth, and be able to break it down and explain it.

The result was that Boyle and Marra did not get the rebuff they should have got, as there are many reasons that Scotland will be wealthy enough. What about our savings for example, stuff we will not be paying for anymore.

They should have been able to verbally shoot these two down, but did’nt, in any successful way. They let them get the last shout, and that should not have happened. YES needs to buck up when it comes to this stuff.



Former Chairman of the Labour party in Scotland Bob Thomson has shot down Margaret Curran’s claim that independence would lead to massive cuts in Scotland.

Bob said, “Its a sad day when the Labour party are praising a Tory pensions and welfare system,that’s being dismantled before our eyes. No wonder over a third of Labour voters already plan to vote yes,in September. We can deliver a better deal for older people, and a genuine welfare state, in an independent Scotland.”

Bob Thomson has been a member of Labour for over fifty years.

link to


Why dae ye hate AlexSalmond? A jist dae.!…….. THATS WHY AM VOTIN YES! for Scotland naw fur ECK.


I’m not a bookie,nor do I gamble, but c’mon study form. Westminster will demand the most seats in any currency union committee – because the rUK has a larger population. Isn’t that how Westminster functions? So financial policy will be managed to suit rUK. remember the quip “unemployment in the North is a price worth paying”? So who in their right mind would sign a currency lock-in deal when the rUK will dominate policy?
Scotland would best to simply continue using sterling for a period until circumstances indicate the need to change strategy.

Each year Trident remains in Scotland is another year gone by for Scotland to access the oil and gas resources within our western sea boundaries. And there is a risk that in negotiating a set period, 10 years mentioned above, that rUK will reduce Health and Safety, and maintenance resources at Faslane and so increase our risk of nuclear contamination.Note the MOD’s response to cleaning up Dalgety Bay.

C’mon Doug. And OBE’s identity?


Does anyone believe Jenny believes it. When in doubt just speak nonsense to create doubt.

Labour/Unionists keep on attacking Alex and the NHS two of the most popular institution in Scotland. Their PR company should change stategy.

Murphy tours the country speaking to himself.


A hand holding event on Hadrian’s wall has been shelved by the unionists,instead people are being urged to pile up stones into cairns.

link to


I agree Les, Boyle kept asking where the money will come from, er, the same place it does now, tax, exports etc. the NO side seem to think after a YES we will all stop earning and live on fresh air. We are a net exporter of food, Scotch Whisky can ONLY be made here, massive natural resources and a population who do not spit on the disabled. Lets get out and leave them to stew in their own bigotry… more crooks in Wasteminster than Bar-L and Saughton combined..

Haggis Hunter

After independence, Scotland will use Scandinavia and Germany as a political model, and will no longer have the corrupt Lab-Servative backward political system and an equally corrupt state run media that lies and manipulates. Then we will be truly free to be a better nation

Dr Ew

This just in…


Cybernats mind-controlled by fat evil Alex Salmond, who eats weans for his dinner, were today accused of sabotaging the Brazilian defence in the aftermath of their 7-1 collapse against Germany.

Ms Marra said: “It’s all a big ploy by Satanist Alex Salmond to weasel his way into Angela Merkel’s good books but it won’t work cos she totally loves Ed Miliband.”

Confronted with this prima facie evidence, Chancellor Merkel said: “Who the fuck is Ed Miliband?” and downed another stein of schnapps singing “Four world cups! Schtick zat rrrright up yer Davey Camerhon!”

Puppy torturing serial killer Mr Salmond was unavailable for comment as we were too feart to ask him.

This is Jakey Burd, BBC, Glasgow, England.

That is all.


@Wullie B, thanks for sharing, I had heard the rumours about the No folk, it’s good to have it confirmed. I only watched the programme because it was from Portree, I thought the audience was the best part to be honest. they were so well informed and not shy of correcting the panel either. Well done to the Yes folk on Skye.

G H Graham

Two Syrian rebel sympathizers from Leicester have formed a tribute band. They’ve decided to copy the original band’s specialty in reviving hit songs from the 1950s & 1960s while dressing as Teddy Boys.

The name of their band is “Jihaddywaddy”.

I just thought you might like to know that as a distraction from the puerile rubbish coming out of Jenny Marra’s gob.


How dare a Scottish politician campaign to secure jobs in Scotland. If he didnt he would have been slated for not supporting Scottish jobs and industry on petty policies.
Labour remind me of a school play ground argument.


Why are people negotiating a post independence Scotland now? First we need the YES vote. Nothing can be negotiated by these people, or us, at the moment. The SG have laid out their starting statement. Nobody else has. The hissy fit of the Three Chancellors, Osborne, Balls and Alexander, was just show biz.
Robin MacAlpine has a good article on this on his website “Some Negotiating Basics”.
link to
After September 18th, the political parties who want to get elected will have to draw up a credible programme. That’s when the positions will be developed I would guess.

Chris Silver

Interesting with some comments , the first thing Brown was measured and given the allegations (baseless I know I thought he restrained his replies) the accusation he was devoid of facts , please he had Cook and Marra over a barrel with the bedroom tax that Labour did introduce. Marra was either grossly incompetent or a plain liar at that point and I will never vote for them ever, apologies to people like Alex Bell and Alan Grogan but all of Marra’s ilk will need to go. She also made claims about AS using Trident as a bargaining tool evidence of this being, the square root of feck all.

Thanks Wullie B
I do wonder about the make up of audience and questions the BBC complicate with government in protecting themselves as seen on QT when IDS was on in Norfolk not one question directed to him, a farce.

John Boyle reminded me of a drunk Frankie Howerd and made a comment wich really perplexed me when he said that the UK had successfully waged war for 300 years. I find that mindset grossly disturbing War is not a success it is never an achievement, it comes with costs to society and the economy.

What are the point of these tv debates if they are so manipulated and don’t reflect public opinion but that of the production team. WoS don’t pretend to be neutral so at least you can examine it in a leaning towards independence. The BBC mired in scandal and claims of bias and there lies the crux they are attempting to save their own organisation by abandoning its principles.


That OBE guy has always annoyed the hell out of me…where has he/it been outed. Am I correct in thinking a spooks computer?


O/T wtf happened on Reporting Scotland tonight? Let’s all look at BT activists, let’s have a lovely wee chat with them, och aren’t they all lovely and sweet and lovely. Nada on Yes, nothing, not one thing. Then follow that up with some sailing fella going on about how great the London Olympics were (the national debt disagrees, bud) which culminates with him twirling a union jack that’s about the size of a house. Seriously, it’s a sick joke!


Dr Ew , tea spat over my screen again.

I should know better the minute i see your name. Where’s the screen wipes?

Thanks you


Sooner or later the whole pack of labour are going to realise that they are going to lose.

They have watched the polls narrow and are aware they have little to offer than jam tmoz promises. The tactics of scare and smear has had little effect, promising to be more positive they came over as patronising sods.

Plan A all over again. Attack the SNP and Mr Salmond. And i have to ask, “Cant you see it’s much bigger than any man or party”???

Every day we gain more YES voters. I have spoken to a few today. Real labour men too and they are all strong YESSERS.

Watch out for the internal fights as the rats turn on themselves. I believe it will happen a week or two BEFORE the ref.

Th C.Games will be in the spotlight and afterwards the home straight. I cannot wait. I cannot see a no vote. Not now. I watched QT and realise they have nothing to say anymore. Mummble mummmble..

Get your popcorn in early folks.

WWF Super SLAB FightFest.

Bill Halliday

Apart from being terrified of their cosy gravy train coming to an end and wondering how they will cope with the isolation when the English based Unions cut them adrift, because lets face it, there is no Scottish Labour Party membership to speak of, Labour are still festering from 1979 when they were cast in to the Wilderness for 18 years by one vote. That was after the last time they lied and cheated the Scots thinking that no matter what, Scotland was theirs.


@ Peter Macbeastie says:
9 July, 2014 at 4:17 pm

Agree with it all, I thought I had a flaw in that I despise Labour

Morag Graham Kerr

OBE is about the only unitroll who doesn’t hide his identity. He’s real and has a known CV. Retired DEFRA apparatchik. Can’t remember his speciality. Spuds or something.

Wullie B

@Chris Silver the same comment that Boyle made about waging war drew a few gasps from audience members also wondering if they heard that correct

@Cindie The rumours werent mrumours but truth about Better Together (Naw Thanks) but one disappointment was that Kezia Dugdale was supposed to be a panel member and was on panel confirmation email tha we recieved, one thing that tipped me off about some plants was when they started talking about what they got from the email from the crowd that organised the audience RDaudience which were not included in lot of others

It was an experience that I did enjoy though and gave me an insight into how these shows are organised through to filming an almost live show so supposedly no editting but will have to watch the show first

Bill Halliday

stonefree says:
@ Peter Macbeastie says:
“Agree with it all, I thought I had a flaw in that I despise Labour”

No, you can’t class all Labour supporters and activists like the self seeking lot who have held sway since Blair and Mandelson et al and although not good, our Trade Unions are no where near as bad as the greedy fools who set the stage for Thatcher.

Remember too, the SNP were not always the Centre Left party they are today.


You’re probably right
Labour’s conscience died before that, Kinnock at the conference with the “Well alright” in a pseudo american style,so I voted SNP at that time there wasn’t too much hope of a SNP MP, but it was a hope against Brian Wilson


@ Dr Ew @ 6.14pm

Ha ha ha!

Great sarcastic parody.

In Finland, the state broadcaster YLE linked some of the social media reaction, like Christ the Redeemer doing a facepalm. And sure enough some bleeding hearts in Finland, who know nothing about fotebol, castigated the global reaction. Because it’s not nice to mock the loser.

I wouldn’t mock the loser if it was 1-2 or 2-3. But 7-1? Let’s face it, Brasilia was dismal, Germany was good. The Brasilian fans started cheering the German side after 6-0, so who are we to pontificate?

Nederlands-Argentina later tonight. I’m supporting Arg because I placed a bet but I won’t mind Holland (Nederlands) winning. But then again I might want Argentinians to win, just to get up English noses, ha ha.

Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 9 July, 2014 at 3:25 pm

“I suggest you find another politician to fantasise over, how about Jim Murphy?”

Aaaarrrrgh! Good Grief, Lesley-Anne, I had to go out to collect my medicines and restock the victuals. I get back, (feeling good), click on WOS and the first thing I get is THAT.

No way am I going to be able to erase that ghastly mental image from my mind before bedtime. Ho! Hum! Another deeply disturbed night for me.


My line on the Ihatealecsalmond gambit is that ‘your vote for your country’s future will still matter long after he’s gone’ Won’t say it works every time – but it works enough times to matter.


@Doug Daniel LOL you’re right, never thought of OBE as being a wummin but Marra’s a dead ringer 🙂



Reporting Scotland did a piece on the Yes campaign yesterday. You can still catch it here if you’re quick.

link to

Robert Peffers

@lumilumi says: 9 July, 2014 at 4:31 pm

This reminded me of why I so deeply dislike Jenny Marra.

“come on, she’s faaaar more attractive than JoLa, Mags Curran, Willie Bain, Iain Davidson”.

Aye! Fine if the credentials for the job of political figure were how attractive the person was. Thing is that some of the greatest and effective political figures have been about as attractive as a road killed hedgehog.

In no way would I set up a casting couch for political figures. Neither would I base my vote upon the looks of a political figure.


pa_broon74 said at 3.49 pm that Jenny Marra upon being challenged re the Bedroom Tax, came back with the SNP failing to turn up to vote for the minimum wage because …”they were at home in bed.” Well, well, those were almost the exact words said to me by the Labour Councillor who came to my door with her BetterTogether literature a few weeks ago when I mentioned the Bedroom Tax issue and she also immediately retaliated with the minimum wage thing, although I’m afraid I had no idea what she was talking about. “Too lazy to get out of their beds”, was what she said to me. They are obviously being coached.

I really can’t be bothered with them.


The above was a reply to Bill Halliday


Jenny Marra’s attack on Alex Salmond got kicked to touch within five minutes by a lady in the audience who told her straight we were voting for Scotland not Alex Salmond.

The No members of the panel were pretty dire overall, still using the same old shite we have all heard a hundred times in the past year.

Now I am very disappointed to hear the hands across the border event on Hadrians wall has been cancelled, it means I can no longer do my “Zulu” scene.

Its the one where all the Zulu’s re-appear on top of the hill at the end of the film and scare the shite out of the defenders, but then they turn and walk away with one Zulu (me) left, who then salute’s them with the imortal words, “pissoff, wer’e awaah fir a pint”, then with a quick flash i’m oor the hill.

My dream ruined, bugger.


@Robert Peffers, above

As to Jenny Marra’s attractiveness… I was only trying to say that the general, uninformed voter would probably be lured into voting for “the pretty young lass”, notwithstanding how vile her political opinions are.

Jenny Marra is pretty and attractive. She’s also vile.

Must concentrate on NED-ARG now… 😀

john king

“They thought they would never be knocked off their Holyrood perch, and just can’t come to terms with defeat.”

Haven’t we reached a point where the current crop of Slab wannabes cant remember when Labour were “entitled” to win Scottish elections?

Paula Rose

Men think about sex every six seconds? Not round here Rev dear (Brechin) its all football and tractors – what’s a girl to do? Blame it on the First Minister of course.

Paula Rose

btw boys and girls – have you done your five-a-day?

john king

Rober Peffers says
“Aaaarrrrgh! Good Grief, Lesley-Anne, I had to go out to collect my medicines and restock the victuals.”

get the medicine and restock the victuals?
so lets see now?
gallon of Laudinum:check
two sides o salt pork;check
three pounds o salt;check
12 pounds o jerky;check
40 pounds o flour;check
1 bolt o floral print cloth (from Paree);check
seems to me your expectin a long winter in kelty pilgrim ?
hawk, spit, ting.
that’ll be $12 and 60 cents
would you like ma boy to load it on your wagon stranger?


Isn’t John Boyle similar to the late, great Frankie Howerd? I kept waiting for him to shout ‘Nay, nay and thrice nay!’ or ‘Ye may titter, titter ye may’. ‘Up Portree!’

On that Ancient Roman theme:~

“Our mother has been absent
Ever since we founded Rome
But there’s going to be a party
When the wolf comes home”

From ‘Up the Wolves’ by The Mountain Goats

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Davy.

Your disappointment over the “Hands along the Border” event reminded me of this old story…

The Romans were all doing their thing at Hadrian’s Wall one afternoon, when one of the guards shouts to his superior officer.
“Sir! There’s somebody just over there on that ridge!”
So the officer comes up and has a look. “Bius Jovus! You’re right!”

So, there’s this wee Scotsman doing a highland fling on the ridge. Then he stops, raises two fingers towards the wall and shouts, “Get it up yi!”
So the officer sends 10 guards out over the wall, whereby the wee Scotsman disappears over the back of the ridge, pursued by the Romans.

Half an hour later, the wee Scotsman appears again on top of the ridge, dancing about and giving the Romans the Churchill salute, and shouting, “Yi think yir hard, yi nancies!” So the officer shouts to his men, “Right! You 50 over there! Get up there and bring back that weeus scumbaggus!”

So, 50 of his men charge up the ridge, as the wee Scotsman goes “Fluck me..” and vanishes down the back of the ridge.

An hour later, the wee Scotsman appears on top of the ridge again, doing his wee dance and tossing the V in the Romans’ direction. The officer shouts, “Right! You 200 men! GO AND BRING ME THAT SCOT!”

The 200 Romans head off in pursuit, as the wee Scot, once again, retreats over the hill. Three hours later, the officer sees someone crawling over the top of the ridge and sends out another couple of his men to bring him in.

They bring back this solitary Roman, who’s on his last legs. “What happened?”, he asks. “The guy groans and manages to gasp out, “It was a trap – there were two of them…”



I couldn’t concentrate on or take this program seriously after the wife asked is that Frankie Howard? and is he pissed?

Dr JM Mackintosh

@ Nana Smith
agree with you on the the A9 cameras. I went up North last week and noticed that the new cameras in Perthshire had slowed the normal nutter traffic with no maniacs over taking – even thought they was a sign saying they were not switched on yet.
We made good time as everyone was ticking along at 60mph. I think the main problem now is the supermarket lorries doing 40 mph on the single carriageways and letting traffic queues build up.
Fix that problem and A9 will be much safer as well.

Danny “Tory Boy” is on a complete loser with his latest campaign encouraging people to break the speed limit. He is going to be tufted out off his seat come the UK election. He has no chance in Inverness.

An indication of how bad it is – my brother (one of his constituents) says Yes shop is going like a fair. No thanks shop had to get a Lib-Dem staffer sent up from south. They had no volunteers to run it – all have deserted poor Danny Boy.

I wonder if he will get his seat in the Lords come 2015?

Robert Peffers

@ macart763m says: 9 July, 2014 at 5:03 pm@

“Still and all you can’t help but feel they went to the Benny Hill school of political strategy sometimes”.

After shop stewarding for over 15 years I know a wee bit about negotiations. A great ploy was indeed a bit of the Benny Hill strategy. That is doing the totally unexpected.

Picture the scene. The SG Contingent are, “invited”, to Downing Street in order to negotiate matter important to, “The rUK”.

The reply arrives, “We, the Sovereign People of Scotland, who have disunited the bipartite United Kingdom, do not recognize the rogue state termed the rUnited Kingdom. No such entity can exist as the three country Kingdom of England has no other Kingdom that is united with it. Besides which we are busy renegotiating our terms with the EU, NATO, UN and other World Organizations.

Please remove your share of any remaining property you own in our Kingdom of Scotland. Subject to buying out the share of said property that was contributed to the cost by Scotland. Failure to do so in a reasonable time will see the said property confiscated and sold on the open market to the highest bidder.

Yours Sincerely, A.S, (On behalf of the Sovereign State of Scotland).

Find attached the Grand Seal of Scotland of Her Majesty Elizabeth Regina Queen of Scots.


I think Jenny Marra is a closet yes voter if Salmond could convince her that the removal of trident was non-negotiable.
I also reckon she admires Salmond, quite rightly so, he and a close second, Nicola Sturgeon are probably the most competent politicians in the UK.
Damn, she may even want to have his babies.


Also, I think she is easy on the eye. Just a shame about her politics but what the hey.


Anyhoo, I think the only reason Jenny Marra supports the status quo is that she thinks Salmond will sell us down the river regarding nuclear weapons.

Scot Finlayson

@Brian Doonthetoon
Matt Mcginn sung a song called the “Heilan Man” based on that joke . My dad used to sing it as his party piece.


They say that men think about sex every six seconds.

This is one of those things that “they” seem to have come up with out of thin air: most studies show that men think about sex on a far, far less frequent scale. If men truly thought about sex every six seconds, that would translate to 10 times a minute, 600 times an hour, and 7,200 times a generous 12-hour day. Even in my most frustrated teenage years, I don’t think I could’ve been assaulted by sexy thoughts running into quadruple digits.

That said, men DO think about basic survival situations one a much more frequent level than women – things like shelter, food, danger and sex. That could be the origin of the “six seconds” myth.

Captain Insufferable Pedant AWAAAAAY


Off topic.

The Yes Scotland Information Hub is crowdfunding for four advert trailers to cover the STIRLING constituency. These will be vital in helping secure a Yes vote in the STIRLING area for the referendum on 18th September.

Our crowd funding page is at:

link to

Please visit and donate what you can afford. If you are unable to donate then please help by sharing this link on Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you for your support.



Aye, I come across the “I hate Alex Salmond” crowd too. My reply is normally “Are you still hating him when you pick up your free prescription? or have your eyes tested for free? or paying your council tax thats been frozen for 7 years? or when your grandchildren go off to university for free? or, as your a pensioner and may need it, get free personal care?? Theres usually a grudging nod of agreement, or “right enough”. I say that man you hate has done all that on pocket money(Ruth Davidsons words) from Westminster. Think how much more can be achieved with ALL our own money and making ALL our own decisions. Then I hit them with Its no him your voting for anyway. This referendum is far above party politics.

I like to think Ive given them something to think about thats not occured to them. They just seem to listen to MSM or scan the headlines in the paper and never dig below the surface. I find that lazy and scary.



Except a lie has to be plausible to be half way effective. Plausible to the intended audience, not you and me before you jump on that 😉

If you don’t believe in the plausibility or don’t think your intended audience will then the lie will fall flat. That is where my ‘complication’ comes in. Lying in this sort of context is anything but simple.

I was a champion debater at school. Aged 17 I won best speaker at the Auckland, NZ open impromptu debating competition. I did it arguing a right wing agenda I did not hold but I rightly suspected the audience did, or at least were sympathetic to. I had them in the palm of my hand. It was heady stuff.

Probably good for my moral compass that I resisted politics or the law and became a scientist and valued the truth too much to enjoy that sort of thing very much now. But I can see where Marra is coming from and how she got there. I saw people at university go there. One became politically notorious in NZ.


If I were Jenny Marra, I think I’d be doing the same, as it draws attention away from the incoherent rubbish which forms “Scottish” Labour policy, and from the fact that they now cannot disagree too vocally with Tory policies (not that they seem to want to anyway).


I wonder if her uncle (Michael) is turning in his grave. Couldn’t see him being a supporter of Trident and nuclear weapons generally. Seemed a man of the people, whereas she’ll do and say anything to get up that Labour ladder.

Tom Platt

Jenny Marra is a very well presented woman who speaks in a manner that I personally find very attractive and very feminine. In the sixties she would have been an instant hit and would certainly have become famous. These days though, particularly in Scotland, she also needs to talk sense. I agree with Bigbricks. Her stale references to FM draws attention away from the incoherent rubbish which passes as “Scottish” Labour policy. She should maintain her credibility by joining a real party like Labour for Independence, the Greens or SNP before “Yes”.

dennis mclaughlin

Slab clocks stopped in May 2011……Labour & the Holyrood gang have been “on pause” since….


@ Andrew

Give it a fucking rest.


They’ve lost the arguments, so what else can they do. ATTACK! SMEAR! Distract from the fact they have nothing left to argue the issues with. Tools the lot of them!

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    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: ““Fantastic evening with BASC Scotland marking the end of the shooting season at the wonderful Scottish deli in Dunkeld. With…Jan 27, 18:15
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Chas: “Gregor. A bit of advice for you. Get a life.” 27, 18:11
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “Seeing as I mentioned NatureScot recently and this subject matter previously after the Revive event. 27, 18:09
    • Chas on The Silent Revolution: “Gregor. A bit of advice for you. Get a life.Jan 27, 18:02
    • twathater on The Silent Revolution: “TBQH Crazycat and Sarah I am extremely disappointed in those who requested and some who were given refunds, the very…Jan 27, 18:02
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: ““correspondence leaked to the Mail on Sunday shows John Swinney has struggled to tackle the drought” How can you get…Jan 27, 17:58
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “Careful Andy. You’re still a member of Alba aye? 27, 17:57
    • twathater on The Silent Revolution: “It looks as though Tommy boy is starting to get a wee bit panicky about his job prospects Maybe he…Jan 27, 17:43
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: ““told the gang, whose jail sentences totalled more than 93 years, that they may never be released from prison” Math…Jan 27, 17:34
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “Eleven… ELEVEN… EEEFUCKINGLEVEN! cops is a bit suspicious and reeks of Burnistoun Quality Polis and the lift scene. 27, 17:30
  • A tall tale

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