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Wings Over Scotland

We’ve said it before

Posted on April 24, 2015 by

And we’ll say it again.


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Labour died in the 90’s. What foul necromancy is this?


I think the text in red says it all. Maybe we should all pay our “respects to the fallen”.
On 2nd thoughts, in this case, nah!!

Dave McEwan Hill

Desperate and laughable


I’m a true Scot who voted Labour in every election for the past 38 years, I’m neither a patriot nor an Nationalist.

Though I will never vote Labour again and appealing to any Scottish Patriotism that might exist is barking up the wrong tree. So to is the Vow of £5000 for every foodbank in Scotland instead of Vowing to rid our country of foodbanks.

Brown is an old man with failed ideas and policies, just like the Labour Party. Washed out and washed up, wish he would retire.


A bit like trying to stop an avalanche with a snow shovel.

Donald Urquhart

It’s gone beyond laughable.

As an act of kindness and out of a sense of humanitarianism, can the General Election be brought forward?

These poor bas===ds need put out of their misery. It’s like watching a mass stranding of pilot whales.


” as he fights to save election coordinator from losing seat to student”
How awful!


Gordon No, the job in hand is to get shot of the House of Lords to stop your Vow reward happening. Perhaps you will get a new moral compass instead.

Philip McAuliffe

Muppet. Literally. Have you seen his hand movements? He’s being operated from a bunker deep under MI5 by aliens (the outer space type UKIP readers) intent on taking over the world by applyi excessive spin to the planet, thereby flinging all but the most deeply rooted (rich t***s) off onto space thus freeing the world for colonisation by trans-dimentional numpties. Bastard!


@ Capella

In 1989, when Euro elections were still constituency-based and first past the post, the Tory in South of Scotland was defeated by Labour’s Alex Smith (a proper Labour representative – at the time, anyway, he may have gone with the flow since).

The Tory expressed outrage that he had lost the seat to which he was so entitled to a council gardener.

It seems that there are no limits to the things the present Labour party will copy from the Tories.

chris kilby

The last refuge of the scoundrel and shameless political opportunist alike.

(Where do they get the idea that ANYONE listens to this mendacious auld has-been?)


blood and soil britnat nonsense. this is just appalling.

Dave the Squirrel

Utter garbage. Jumped the shark; not funny anymore, go away forever, you embarrassing old prat.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Bravely bold ‘Lord’ Broon rode forth from Westminster.
He was not afraid to lose, O brave ‘Lord’ Broon!
He was not at all afraid to be beaten in nasty ways,
Brave, brave, brave, brave ‘Lord’ Broon!

Brave ‘Lord’ Broon ran away.
Bravely ran away, away!
When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave ‘Lord’ Broon turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, ‘Lord’ Broon!

He is packing it in and packing it up
And sneaking away and buggering up
And chickening out and pissing off home,
Yes, bravely he is throwing in the sponge..



a COUNCIL GARDENER oh the indignity!
This is what happens when you allow just anybody to vote (and their vote to be counted). 


Just seen an urgent update from The Herald – headline should read

Brown: Vote for Labour to
be a true Scottish Patriot

Editors note: the Patriot system has a success rate of below 10%, and perhaps even a zero success rate according to Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This is consistent with the Ex-PMs political performance to date.

Craig Macinnes

Desperate stuff from the fucker who couldn’t even say he was from Scotland!!! Proud North Brit – I think I despise him even more than Blair.

Hoss Mackintosh


Good news – Gordon Brown is going to retire along with around 40 other SLAB MPs and 10, or hopefully 11, Lib-Dem MPs as well.

I hope none of them will return to Scottish politics – ever again.

There will be no safe seat down in England anymore for these Scots MPs (unless they defect to the Tories – Danny) and even the House of Lords may be a difficult exit route for the Scottish failures – there will be a long Q.

No wonder they are panicking!


I am absolutely sure that Gordon will stand by his vow, as he has promised before, and to demonstrate his commitment will see that his charity lodges the requisite 877K in an escrow account, to be disbursed within one year of the next Labour administration being formed. If there is anyone who would question this vow from Gordon, I would be happy if you would forward your comments on to him directly.


Why are we the ones that are often painted as the narrow minded nats, and yet they are the ones that are always banging on about patriotism? Desperate stuff.


He must surely know the last of the SLabour voters are British Nationalists like his good self,so this clarion call could even finally drive them to vote Blue Tory,the silly old fool.

Paula Rose

It’s not laughable – it’s dangerous.

Anyone reading what I write now is in all probability more clued up on the state of politics in the UK than 70% of its inhabitants (someone else do the math I’m having a strop).

This is dangerous territory – the only way to democratically defeat this is by talking to people, identify yourself and be a friend – show them that that is the bedrock of our people’s democracy.

Bob Sinclair

One word:

Ian Brotherhood

Brown, SLabbers…the whole fekking lot of ye’s – we’re coming to get ye’s. and ye know it, so…

House of Pain, ‘Jump Around’ –

link to


He’s no welcome in Fife. Gordy its time to move….. in other words F#ck off!!

No no no...Yes

Words fail me…

Interesting that he is trying to save wee Dougie from “a student.” If Mhairi Black wins this seat,it will be truly historic and comparable to Winnie and Margo’s achievements.

[…] We’ve said it before […]

Zen Broon

Oh, and the SNP are now to blame for Scottish poverty. Remember Brown was an actual UK prime minister and his beloved party ruled West Scotland Scotland for more than half a century. Poor people tended to vote Labour, of course. Exploitation of poverty?

link to


Latest betting market data has SNP claiming 54 seats, gaining 39 from Labour – see for full analysis.


The Herald headlines are very reminiscent of the couple of years pre-referendum with “SNP accused …”, “Scotland’d black hole …”, “LibDems accuse Sturgeon (/Salmond)…”, “Sturgeon defends …”, “distorted headline number 6A”, “Brown appeals to Scots” (believe that and we’ll believe anything).

It’s just like old times in the impartial Scottish Media with its declining circulation figures.



Labour are a bunch of dinosaurs with no imagination or inventiveness.

They roll out the old tired, grey, dull and boring self servers from upon high and expect the sheep to follow blindly into the abyss as after all this is how shamelessly the ones who think they are upon high have earned a living for so long, games over labour and MSM.

I mean even the young ones like Kezia, Pammy Nash etc have no youthful input they just trot out the old tried and unfounded as and when required.

Move along folks nowt new to see here…………..


There is something fundamentally very, very lacking in a community which allows a man like Gordon Brown to rise to such pre-eminence, and then, after catastrophic failure, to be paraded as if he were a flawless hero.

It is a community blindness, induced by a belief in a false messiah. What is disturbing is that the blindness of the community continues even after the Messiah fails to show signs of authenticity, but instead fails to live up to the promise associated with him.

In this way, blind faith is born. Such are the remaining followers of the Labour Party in Scotland. John McTernan is a disciple, oh yes, a believer!

maureen mangan

Y’know, I love WOS but…..

The more I read, the more frustrated I get at politicians on the other side not answering questions and interviewers not making them answer questions and politicians that I think I agree with not interrupting and asking the right questions or challenging the bloody lies presented.

It’s 1.40 in the morning and I don’t know how much more I can take of these lies and well Blair really. Ha ha, tried to Swype bullshit and it came up with Blair. If my tablet’s keyboard knows the similarity, how come the electorate doesn’t?


Can someone please explain to me what a Scottish patriot is?
I believe in self determination for this country, we cant be a country if we cant decide our own path.
I do not believe we are better than anyone else on this planet. We have good people and Bad, just like the rest of the world

fred blogger

re article GB indy newspaper.
lets also not forget that last few years WM cuts have stripped, over £2bn/yr out of the scottish welfare budget.

Robert Peffers

May the FEAR be with him.

Grizzle McPuss

Baron Munchausen of Apoplexy makes his farewell jowl wobbling intervention before retiring to house of ill gotten gains.


This just shows how out of touch the old fart is if he thinks he is still important in Scotland.


I can’t sign this petition. No matter how much I despise what Gordy’s doing, I watched Nicola at FMQ’s yesterday calling out bad language, crap labelling regarding Dugdale’s ridiculous accusations, etc., and so I’ll keep away from condemning Gordy in ‘go f— yourself’ terms and find other ways of expressing my disapproval. But I certainly regard SLAB’s wheeling him out again in front of the MSM (and specially selected members of the populace) as deeply pathetic – perhaps he’s to be the counter to the other pathetic figure John ‘Prime Minister of Sleaze’ Major??

Paula Rose

hey pals – remember the referendum? go talk, chat and converse it’s the only way.

Bob Sinclair

(Why not join in)

Ok folks, so how’s your General Election experience?

I can only speak from personal experience but I’ve been out doing the whole canvassing thing and, you know what, People really do want change.

I always thought that knocking on a door & asking people how they plan to vote would be a difficult, awkward, unpleasant experience, rife with lots of ‘f**k off it’s none of your business’ type responses. I thought it was an activity for ‘party drones’ I always thought political canvassing occupied the same ring of hell reserved for PPI claims salesmen.

However, times are changing. In the SNP we have not just a political party representing Scotland. We have a political movement which will change Scotland, the UK & Europe for the better.

I’ve had some of the most interesting conversations I could hope to have on the doorsteps of Glasgow South – not all of them with SNP supporters. We seem to have reached a point where, for the people of Scotland, politics is no longer a dirty word, no longer to be brushed under the carpet. The age old dictum of never discussing politics is dead, and that’s a good thing.

We in Scotland have started to apply a bit of scrutiny to those that claim to represent & serve us, and I’m sure it comes as no surprise that many of our long term ‘Public Servants’ are found wanting. What we have realised is that our MP’s are our employees and they need to be accountable to us.

What has been a revelation to me is how closely the results of canvassing are mirroring what the polls say. I have been (since 18th September 2014) suspicious of Polls – a bit of the ‘ beware of Greeks bringing gifts’ thing there.
The polls say this, that, the next thing, but there’s no substitute for meeting the Lifelong Labour supporter on the doorstep who says ‘enough is enough, this time I’m voting SNP.

So, in summary, my General Election has been awesome. I’ve made new friends, who I hope will be a big part if my life in the future. I’ve developed new skills, and I honestly think I’ve become a better person.

There’s no reason why your General Election experience can’t be awesome as well. There’s 13 days to go and we need anyone who can to lend a hand to join in. If we all pull together we can and we will change things for the better.

Labhrainn Macfhearguis

I find it interesting to note that Douglas Alexander is described as “election coordinator” rather than shadow Foreign Secretary – that is to say the man who Labour intends as Foreign Secretary if Labour forms the next government.


Fear not Maureen, I have seen advance headlines from newspapers all over Scotland for the nexr 12 days. Here are some examples:

“Independent thinktank, We Love Labour to Bits, says the letters “SNP” are the mathematical equivalent of 666″

“SNP policy on fishing will lead to the attack of the extra-terrestrial shark”

“SNP accused of slaughtering poor innocent sheep at lambing time”.

“Sturgeon revealed to be Rasputin in disguise”

“Her Majesty the Queen advises voters to think very carefully before not voting SNP”

“Medium in a trance reveals Thatcher says Murphy is her favourite politician back together, like ever”.

“Nasty cybernats pretend to be normal people, how disgusting, the SNP nasty party must act now to condemn this”.


This is the 100th Anniversary of the start of the Gallipoli campaign in 1915. I would swap the lives of every Unionist politician in Britain today for the life of just one 19 year old who lost his life so needlessly in a hail of merciless bullets as a result of the staggering incompetence of the British ruling classes.

Answer me right now and tell me that the present generation of the British Ruling Classes are any different than they were in 1915. Sure, times have changed and some things with them, but the attitude of the Ruling Class toward the cannon fodder, which is the working class, has not changed one bit.

Tragically, many working class can’t see that. The deep rooted belief that posh people know best remains. That’s why we lost the Referendum.
It’s our self-image versus our image of the toffs from London. That’s what took tens of thousands of 19 and 20 year old to Gallipoli to die.

James Dow A voice from the diaspora

The Mother of all Parliaments is about to be severely fucked over. She is advised not to try and turn any new tricks, but lay back and make the most of it and see what comes along. As she is considered an old whore it will require some very serious fucking over a sustained period to grab her attention.
But who knows something may take root, and she may even conceive an offspring to be named Democracy. A name that has not been heard around her residence for several generations.


105,000 SNP members seem to be making a difference. Driving up the West last week, through Oban, Mull, Skye, the SNP things stuck on lampposts seemed to outnumber the rest in total, about 20 to 1, plus SNP things stuck on people’s hedges, fences, walls, windows, all over the place.


Aye,the slaverin’ beast.Yesterdays man for yesterday’s people.Irrelevant.


@ Bob Sinclair

You’re post reads like some kind of army recruitment drive, especially 2nd last paragraph. I take it you think we should all get out more?

James Dow

No one could accept a proposition from Gordon Brown they are as flaccid as the specimen presenting them.
Aren’t they Gordon?


Still absolutely taking nothig for granted. A close friend hadn’t seen for a while told me she is voting
Labour to keep the tories out, yes, some less enlightened regards what their vote actually means in Scotland. Hence I sent her some useful links. Much to do, keep talking, keep leafletting.


@Bob Sinclair

Good post, and well don for getting stuck in there. Without fighters you cannot win the fight. We are many.


Can you imagine if an SNP candidate told people to vote SNP in order to show that they’re a ‘true Scottish patriot’. Kezia Dugdale wouldn’t be able to contain her pious indignation. They’d be lambasted as being ‘divisive’ and ‘offensive for doubting people’s patriotism’. Gordon Brown apparently doesn’t realise this discrepancy, you’d hope that the media might though.


What happened to Brown’s plan saving Tesco against closure, in Kirkcaldy I think. It made all the headlines. I do not think his failure to save it was mentioned anywhere in MSM.

James Dow

Fran reply You do not have to believe you are better than anyone else. Just believe in yourself, your people, and your Nation, that’s a full time job, and a good one.
I suppose that’s what is described as patriotic.


I wish I could laugh at this. I just wrote a piece about Vince Cable and finished with something about the SNP and their stock market reform proposal.

The amount of money traded in the London Stock Exchange TODAY was 6.7656 billion pounds. And that was only against shares.

The funny thing is, I might be wrong with the above. It could be 67 Billion or 0.67 Billion as Exel freaked out with the big number. It actually says it was 6.7657E+11 and I’ve zero idea what it means except it’s a big number.

What does this have to do with Vince and the SNP. My own opinion of Cable is poor but for some reason the market moves when he speaks his usual gibberish. It seems to treat him as a viable force, therefore our little country is liable to be the next force.

The good news – except for people paying in a UK fuel duty regime – is Brent Crude did something stupid, suggesting 67.6 USD is probable. This would take it above the downtrend and suggest visits to Sutherland or (god forbid) England should take place soon as fuel will increase in price.

Andrew McLean

Margaret thatcher stole my milk,
Gordon brown stole my pension,
Labour want to steal my dreams,



I’m a Scot living in England and therefore have no right to say anything 😉 but I am campaigning for a Labour Party candidate who is happy with looking forward to an anti-austerity bloc.

The Scottish Labour Party is dead, and burial is scheduled soon.

But we are in the era of coaltions in the UK. Let’s get, for exaample, the return to public ownership of utilities as a thing that people want in England but cannot possibly get except by another party that aren’t standing in England (that the establishment are scared by) ahem the SNP. If you are in Ehgland and have a decent candidate vote anti-austerity.

Desite what the media say we are the many they are the few.

Michael McCabe

If we are to take Jim Murphy’s when was the last time the biggest party has not formed the Government. Can Someone ask him when was the last time we used trident. I seriously hope we are rid of these Labour Shysters come the 8th of May.


First Edinburgh South shock horror twitter misrepresentations, now Federal Brown helping Douglas Alexander.

Looks like SLab are now focusing on the few constituencies they have a chance of keeping. Their aim is now to stop total wipe out.

Hardest Labour seats for SNP to take. I predict activity here …

East Lothian
Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill
Dunfermline and West Fife
Edinburgh South
Dumfries and Galloway
East Renfrewshire
Rutherglen and Hamilton West
Glasgow North East

John Moss


Gordon is hopelessly lost.

Please can I ask all of you to say a prayer for him tonight and ask Our Lord Jesus Christ forgive him his sins and take him unto his bosom, to cradle and cosset him?

I’m not asking too much am I?. We need to show compassion for our enemies, no matter how they taunt us.

Let’s send Gordon a message of forgiveness like this;

Dear Gordon,

I forgive you.



He is a sad and confused person who needs all our love.

God bless.


That’s some headline put to the presses by The Herald. You can almost hear the string quartet playing a dirge. The smaller words ‘save’ and ‘losing’, below, are key in the sentence of the story.

They would be as well saying.. “Brown: Vow for labour to be a true Scottish patriot” (vow? when? aye, heard it, shmerd it!)

Keep It Smiling Scotland


@Fran says:
25 April, 2015 at 12:49 am

Can someone please explain to me what a Scottish patriot is?
I believe in self determination for this country, we cant be a country if we cant decide our own path.

Brown and Murphy believe in powerless patriotism.

Wear your Scotland top, drink your Irn bru, wave your flag.

But don’t expect any real political powers for Scotland..


Cement to say, I also received that selfie headed mailshot from Crash Gordon.. had to do a double take.. at first I thought it was Glen Michael (nae offence tae ye Glen).

Remember the parade of the Cavalcade.. Palladin, Totty, Rudi & Rusti?

Bugger (the Panda)

I am absolutely sure that Gordon Brown was a full time student rector of Edinburgh University.

Hypocritical, deluded and delusional.



Wings over Scotland should delete this petition immediately: its crude content and blunderbuss style does the Rev no credit and sits very oddly with his usual unique analytical approach. The pronouncements of Brown and those who act like him should be filleted rather than given the custard pie treatment.

bookie from hell

This article changed my mind on Neil Hay,Edinburgh South and why he should stand down

link to


All you need to know about Gordon Brown and vows.

How is that near Federal Home Rule coming along?
Scottish Parliament made permanent under law?
Significant powers devolved?
Pensions safe?
NHS safe?

Gordon’s last set of ‘guarantees’.

The man who beggared the UK, stole our pensions, lied to his electorate, used a strategy of fear against the vulnerable throughout the referendum and sold Scotland’s right to self determination to the lowest bidder.

I don’t think the electorate need any lessons from this person. Not on identity, not on responsibility to each other and not on how they wish to be represented in the future.

Yesterday’s man, yesterday’s politics, yesterday’s lies. Leave him in the past, its where he belongs and we have better things to do with the future.


@Phillip McAuliffe
‘colonisation by trans-dimentional numpties’

Phillip, I really must protest. I had almost erased all memory of Jim Murphy after a 24 hour Spud-detox meditation and now you’ve gone and brought him up again.

If I am wrong in assuming that you had Murphy in mind when you referred to trans-dimentional numpties then I apologise.

john king

I dont think the people at the tap o Lochgelly have read his (proclamation)
I was out delivering leaflets yesterday and a small group of people I knew from many years ago recognized me and gave me a little light joshing about not bringing my leaflets to their door the simple reason being the woman who lived in the house I was delivering to said

“if thats an SNP leaflet yer wastin yer time, pause, were aw SNP up here go awa hame an enjoy the sunshine, and later further down the street a man complained bitterly his elderly parent wouldnt listen to him and voted no, he said now, if they could go back and do it again they would vote yes so angry are they with the Labour party. (yes I know)

This is Gordon Browns (ex) fiefdom, 5 years ago I would not have believed that the SNP could have gained so much support HERE of all places, I had the pleasure of a personal visit by Roger Mullin our SNP candidate who sat with Irene and I for a good half hour and his reason for the personal visit was that our house had been marked down by canvassers as undecided (naughty) since Irene said she hadn’t had a visit, but my immediate impression was of a man with a certain gravitas but quick to laughter, a great ambassador for our area.



Tory election poster – Don’t let the SNP grab your cash

link to




john king

Capella says
“a COUNCIL GARDENER oh the indignity!”

Every time I think of the sense of entitlement these old Tory “grandees” have,
I think of this
link to


Yes “his” true Scottish patriots that are subservient to their public school colonial masters. What ambition Brown has for this country, he is happy to prostitute his integrity (is there an evidence he ever had any) to ensure we remain part of this wonderful union.

If Douglas Alexander had shown some backbone and actually worked for the benefit of his constituents he might not be in serious danger of losing his seat and need this self serving lick-spittle’s intervention on his behalf.


@manandboy,I too would swap all of them for one young life lost at Gallipoli.

The staggering thing is it was not incompetence. It was cold blooded murder and high treason by the secret elite.

Please read Hidden History-the secret history of world war 1.

Truly horrifying.


Charlie @ 2:20

Thanks for that, nice to read what you had to say.

Glad that you are working with a candidate there whose instinct sounds like it is ‘work with whatever the result is if we can find common cause with others’ rather than ‘shut people we don’t like out even if we have common cause and could have otherwise worked in the interests of the people we claim to represent’.

Good luck, and you can pass that onto the candidate too if they oppose austerity.


@bookie – he repeats the lie that Neil Hay called people qlings so poor from Stephen Daisley, also I don’t see anything wrong with the other tweet he highlights about Scot’s accents as it is a true reflection of that debate.

If he’s so concerned about morals in public office why doesn’t he shout from the rooftops about covered up child abuse and murder or when the fuck are we going to see the Chilcott report.


LBC now. Speaking pish about EVEL. Any wingers fancy phoning in?

Robert Peffers

@No no no…Yes says: 25 April, 2015 at 12:33 am:

“Interesting that he is trying to save wee Dougie from “a student.””

Makes me feel afu auld. I remember auld Broon when he was still a student. Says it all though, “How dare a student stand against their Election co-ordinator”. That’ll be the election co-ordinator that has co-ordinated the wipe-out of his party.


Several days ago I posted on another thread that I’d received this (?) letter from Brown, sent from the south of England, and if not delivered, to be returned to somewhere in the north of England.
The letter was addressed to me(male) and I wondered if my wife would receive the same letter.
The answer is NO, which begs the question does Brown think that only men in any household have a say about voting in the GE and women wives/partners will “dae whit they’re telt”?
Wouldn’t be surprised.
PS Whose paying for these letters?


Can I wish everyone who is going to the “Hope Over Fear” rally today to have a fantastic day out.

Ronnie Anderson, I wont make it due to being stuck on a rig but my son Martyn said he will come over and say hello.

These rallies are a great day out and If you have not been to one, then I hope you can get yourself down to George Square.

The song “Hope Over Fear” being sung, is one the highlights of the day.

Robert Peffers

Oh! Good Grief. BBC TV News this muckle driech morn.

I’ve not laughed so much for ages. BBC One Scotland, (Newswatch), asking if too much TV coverage of Nicola Sturgeon gave the SNP the edge.

Should they not be asking if too much Smurphy TV gave the SNP the edge?

This is, (nearly), enough to make my get a TV licence. I usually only see TV when I pop in to see my old pal.
I hadn’t realised the comedy shows had improved so much.


Playing catch up, I just checked the latest odds in the contest between Dougie Alexander and Mhairi Black and things are looking good.

William Hills,

Paisley and Renfrewshire South Constituency –

1/3-SNP (Mhairi Black)

9/4-Labour (Dougie Alexander)

link to


No, actually. Daisley is very, very wrong though he does at least try to offer up decent rationale for his argument (unlike many of the media). As so often, it appears the argument is that whether you say off-colour things on Twitter is more important than whether you would be a competent MP and represent your consituents effectively.

These ideas should be railed against at all costs. It is a piece of nonsense. Can what someone says reflect badly on them and their party? Of course. But, really, it is accepting that ‘the nice man in the suit who never says anything wrong but is completely self-serving’ which has led us into the mess we are in today. Fed up with that sort of politician, sorry.

Meanwhile, if Hay was asked now whether he would look out for the interests of older people and said ‘no, and I don’t think they should be allowed to vote either because they are forgetful’ or whatever, then that would be a different matter.

And even then it would still be up to the SNP (and not the self-appointed ‘jury’ of the media) to decide whether they wanted him to stand knowing he had written off a significant portion of the electorate.

I realise that many people still listen to the media and will have been affected by their arguments on this. But the point is that we have to help more and more to get past this idea that the media is some sort of moral authority and that it should decree how we judge people. If their every will is bent to and people sacked every time they clamour for it, their power remains intact.

Let’s stop doing it, except where it is blatantly obvious to everyone that the prospective candidate MUST go because they have done or said something REALLY heinous and that the media has not distorted it for its own ends.


@ john king
That video captures the tone perfectly!
@ croompenstein, agree. Daisley uses the opportunity to repeat the false allegation and add another gripe of his own. The Labour Party and their media cheerleaders are a disgrace to democracy. Without a free press democracy is hardly possible. Thank heavens for W o S.

john king

Lest we forget
Gallipoli 16: Who Lives For England Sleeps With God

Helles Bay April 1915 The Allies managed to land 30,000 men on the Gallipoli Peninsula, but suffered 20,000 casualties in the effort. They held a foothold, but were unable to push forward more than one mile. Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, a journalist embedded with the British military noted; ‘At Anzac any further advance is out of the question, for the Australians and New Zealanders have as much as they can do to hold on to what they have won. No army has ever found itself dumped in a more impossible or ludicrous position, shut in on all sides by hills, and having no point from which it can debouch for an attack, except by climbing up them’. At Helles, the 29th Division had lost half its number, and Bartlett’s conclusion was that ‘we are barely holding our own on the Peninsula, there is absolutely no question of an advance…’

These men suffered. Arrangements for evacuating the wounded, especially at Anzac Cove, were brutal. They were ‘rowed in small boats in a rising sea from ship to ship, suffering terribly, until they found a ship which could accommodate them. There were isolated cases were the masters of merchant ships refused to accept wounded men, and one lighter with several hundred wounded was found at 3 am on April 26th drifting in the ugly swell, having been turned away by seven transports.’ Conditions were execrable. Denied hospital accommodation, the maimed, wounded and dying lay on filthy decks. Latrines were choked and there were no arrangements for feeding or bedding on the 700 mile journey to Egypt. Inexplicably, a well-equipped hospital ship, the Hindoo, lay unused off Helles. Make no mistake, these horrors were the direct consequence of the decisions taken by men in London who cared nothing for the suffering.

By 29 April food, water and ammunition were running low, and the initial impetus had spent itself. ‘As the days dragged by and the heat of the sun increased, the position became as stalemated as it was in the trenches of France and Flanders.’ Despite this, General Hamilton put an unwarranted gloss on his reports to Kitchener, informing him that ‘all continues to go well.’ Absurd though it was, he didn’t want to sound like a ‘malcontent’.

Denied the basics to survive this hell, without enough water, ammunition, protective cover or military leadership, the only consolation on offer was the Word of God. An Anzac awaiting transfer to Gallipoli from Egypt wrote home on 5 May, that the Padre had entered the recreation tent to say a few words. Like many from the Oxford dominated Church of England his comfort was cold. There was ‘nothing necessarily terrible in death’, he informed them, and ‘who lives for England sleeps with God.’ What impact did such nonsense have on morale? These brave lads were writing what might have been their last letter home while a chaplain spouted forth the propaganda of Christian justification juxtaposed with Imperial loyalty. They were to ‘march forward in one glorious body, the Captain of which is Christ’. With stunning insensitivity, he assured them that in death, ‘the rooms of His mansion are being filled, that is all.’ One part of his analogy was correct. The rooms of ‘Christ’s mansion’ filled to overflowing.

By 30 April the Turks had 75 battalions at Gallipoli to Hamilton’s 53. After less than one week, Gallipoli could at best be described as a stalemate. Every capable strategist had repeatedly said that only a joint military and naval operation could succeed. Commodore Roger Keyes, Admiral de Robek’s Chief of Staff, felt strongly that the navy should help the exhausted army by making another attempt to break through the Narrows. Keyes had resolved the minesweeping problem by adapting destroyers for the purpose and replacement battleships had arrived.

HMS Queen Elizabeth ordered back to home Fleet by Admiral Fisher

De Robek asked London to approve a joint operation, but permission was not forthcoming. Indeed, on 12 May the First Sea Lord, Admiral Fisher, ordered the Queen Elizabeth back to home waters. There would be no joint operation. He wanted to end the Dardanelles expedition immediately and, two days later at the War Council, he resigned. Churchill’s future hung in the balance. On 17 May, in the prime minister’s room in the House of Commons, a confrontation between Asquith and Churchill marked the end of his career as First Lord of the Admiralty. [8] On 25 May a new coalition government was formed. Churchill was replaced by Lord Balfour, former conservative prime minister, and member of the inner core of the Secret Elite. [9] Names changed, but the secret cabal’s control of policy remained unaffected.

Hamilton quickly found himself in difficulty. On 17 May, he noted in his diary, ‘On the one hand, there are at present on the Peninsula as many troops as the available space and water supply can accommodate. On the other hand, to break through the strong opposition on my front will require more troops. I am, therefore, in a quandary, because although more troops are wanted there is, at present, no room for them.’ He had two distinct requirements: ’(1) that my force is kept up to strength, (2) that I have a decent allowance of gun ammunition, especially of high explosives.’ Hamilton wanted 50,000 men to maintain his formations, and the shortage of munitions, rectified. Three weeks later he was promised three divisions, but by then, ten new Turkish divisions under German supervision were in place. Long before the sweltering heat of mid-summer, Hamilton realised that lack of drinking water was critical.

Wounded Anzacs lying under cloudless sky

Fighting continued throughout the summer. As the death toll rapidly mounted, the incompetence, stupidity and inhumanity of the senior officers beggared belief. Ashmead-Barlett wrote, ‘We carry on at this hopeless game, ignoring all the strategical possibilities… by persisting in these murderous frontal attacks on impregnable positions, losing tens of thousands of our best and bravest men without achieving any result or carrying us any nearer to our goal.’ [12] Orders issued to the 29th Division were seldom intelligible, and frequently had to be changed, modified or ignored. The fate of the fallen was horrendous.

Thousands of British soldiers were left to perish between the lines after attacks had failed, tormented by the intense heat, flies, and thirst, until death came as a merciful relief. The Turks regularly agreed a temporary armistice to collect wounded men, and actually asked for one at Hellles, but British commanders refused. Nothing could have been more demoralising for the ordinary soldier than knowing that hundreds of his brothers-in-arms lay mutilated and unattended only a few yards away in the baking heat, suffering the agonies of the damned in a long, lingering death .

Casualties were of no importance to Hunter-Weston provided the objective was met, but he sacrificed the lives of thousands in the 29th Division without meeting any objective. Under his command, the equivalent of three British divisions were lost in front of Achi Baba without a single salient position being won. [15] His over-optimistic reports played an important part in misleading Sir Ian Hamilton. Hunter-Weston developed dysentery in July 1915 and was promptly ordered home, abandoning thousands of his men whom he left in a much worse condition.

John Hargrave, who served at Gallipoli with the Royal Army Medical Corps described the appalling physical state of the troops just ten days before the allied offensive in August. Shortly after their arrival at Lemnos the newcomers developed dysentery so severe, that some died. They ‘were already an army of sick men’ and instead of becoming acclimatised they were steadily devitalised. They visibly struggled. Many were still unwell as a consequence of recent cholera inoculations. The suffocating heat, the rapid dehydration, the alien foliation which stank in their nostrils, diarrhoea, disorientation, fatigue and heatstroke broke the healthiest of heroes. Could no-one see this? Even on Imbros, where troops had been disembarked in preparation for the attack, water was so scarce that armed guards had to be detailed for water-carts. Instead of training for the assault, they spent hours rushing to the latrines ‘dozens of times a day’.

Suvla Bay landing August 1915

Yet the attack went ahead. Despite their wretched condition, troops were ‘packed like herrings in the beetles and destroyers, silent and listless’ Many had been on their feet since early dawn on 5 August, sweltering under heavy uniforms completely inappropriate for the climate. That evening men stood crushed together on the decks of the transports, some for as long as seventeen hours. It was ‘difficult to move an arm or leg. Limbs stiffened, went numb, began to ache and tingle with pins and needles. Conditions were akin to eighteenth century slave-ships. Worse perhaps. On embarkation, each man had a pint and a half in his water bottle and was solemnly warned not to drink it until absolutely necessary. It was utterly surreal. These troops were condemned to debilitating medical deterioration, depressed, desperate to relieve their bowels, tormented by unquenchable thirst and disorientated in their lethargy and confusion. Confidence and esprit de corps oozed away. They should have been sent into hospital, not battle.

The great Allied offensive began at Helles on the afternoon of 6 August with a naval bombardment. Once again, a terrible slaughter ensued. Desperate hand to hand fighting followed the brutally effective Turkish machine gun-fire and the communication trenches were choked with dead and wounded. The 88th Brigade lost nearly two-thirds of its officers and men. The following morning, 7 August, three brigades of VIII Corps lost nearly 3,500 officers and men, and gained nothing.

Leuitenant-General Sir Frederick Stopford

That same morning an amphibious landing of 20,000 sick and debilitated soldiers took place at Suvla Bay. Hamilton had asked for experienced corps commanders to lead the attack, like Sir Henry Rawlinson, battled hardened on the Western front, but Kitchener saddled him ‘with the most abject collection of generals ever congregated in one spot’. Command of the IXth. Corps was given to the most abject of them all, 61 year old Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick Stopford. He had been retired for five years, barely seen active service and had never commanded troops in battle. Physically, Stopford was so feeble and unwell that he was unable to lift his own dispatch case into the train when he set off for Gallipoli, yet he was sent to a climate which taxed the fittest of men. Despite the fact that Hamilton knew Stopford’s limitations, he gave him free rein to plan and control the Suvla operations; ‘ it was like giving a blank, signed cheque to a bankrupt.’

During the landings, Stopford remained aboard HMS Jonquil and slept on deck. No officer was sent ashore to assess the situation. His chain of command broke down completely.

What many historians have failed to record is that the most deadly factor at Suvla Bay was not Turkish machine -guns but an absolute failure to protect the Allied forces from dehydration. Some men emptied their water-bottles before or soon after landing. [26] Only 2 of 5 lighters carrying water arrived on 7 August and both grounded on a sandbank, too far for the water to be piped to the shore. ‘No water was available for use from them until the morning of the 8th.’ Effectively these soldiers were left to survive on one and a half pints of water over two days or more.

Hargrave described the harrowing scenes on the beach where he found ‘little groups of lost men wandering about, dragging the butts of their rifles in the sand, their blistered lips foolishly open, their eyes burnt out like dead cinders. They drifted slowly up and down the gully, sometimes as many as half a dozen in a bunch, [ asking ] always the same question… “Any water?” Other thirst-maddened men wandered up and down the beaches, at times fighting each other in their search for water. Sadly many were reduced to drinking their own urine [ 28 ] which was by then concentrated with salts and waste products of metabolism which added to the chronic problem of dehydration. It was like a scene from a Zombie movie, but these were men, strong men, sacrificed without care.

Desolate country around Suvla Bay

The numbers who died of dehydration at Suvla Bay remain a mystery. Hundreds? Thousands? We will never know, for the establishment had a vested interest in suppressing the truth. Imagine the public outrage if it was discovered that much loved soldiers had died, not from wounds, but from dehydration in the searing 100 degree temperature, or from the dysentery which wracked their exhausted carcasses? Died because the military high command failed to provide the basics for survival. On 5 August, Hamilton had informed Kitchener of the ‘sickness of the Australians, indeed, all the troops here’ but his concern did not matter. On 12 August Kitchener responded to the news that the operation had ground to a halt by urging Hamilton to ‘ ginger up’ the men. Lost in the unreal world of ruling-class England, Kitchener urged greater ‘energy and dash’ from sick and dyings soldiers. Like any decent human-being, Hamilton was sickened by this response.

Source:First World War Hidden History

gerry parker


Coatbridge Bellshill and Chryston.

We’re all working hard out here leafleting and canvassing. We have a great PPC in Phil Boswell and have a good wee shop just opened on the main street.

I know it’s a tough one to crack but the results I’m hearing are very encouraging, especially from the young.

Now's the Hour

Erm… given the auld scumbag’s views on Scotland and things Scottish, shouldn’t that read ‘Vote for Labour to be a true North British patriot’?

The desperate last fling from a disgraced and disgraceful ex-politician.


from the Herald article

‘He will make an emotional plea for voters to back Labour’s programme at an event being staged to help save one of the party biggest figures, Douglas Alexander, the shadow foreign secretary, from defeat on May 7.

Polling by the Tory peer Lord Ashcroft last week showed Mr Alexander trailing by 11 points in Paisley and Renfrewshire South to SNP candidate Mhairi Black, a 20-year-old student.’

Good scalp for a student!


@ john king
what a sad sad tale that is. It’s not possible to read any of the history of the British Establishment, whether in Ireland, Palestine, India or the middle east without holding them in complete contempt. How much misery and suffering have those ermine bedecked tyrants inflicted on vast numbers of people around the globe.

Another Union Dividend

O/T Labour supporting journalist still digging the dirt on Edinburgh South candidate Neil Hay over working for a Wealth Management firm but ignores fact that Ian Murray accepted MP Ian Murray, used the services of a seconded member of staff from the accountancy giant PwC, each at an estimated cost of £45,000.

This at the very least suggests a conflict of interest, particularly as Margaret Hodge, the chairman of the Commons Public Accounts Committee, said it was ‘inappropriate’ to accept unpaid help from the firm accused by MPs of promoting tax avoidance schemes on an ‘industrial scale’.

Private Eye reported that in House of Commons in January Ian Murray admitted that his party’s objection to TIPP was only to the proposal ” in its current form”.

This will have reassured corporate fans of the deal, whose campaigning is run largely by lobbyists at British American Business. Among its directors is Greg Briggs, a partner in the giant accountancy firm PwC that has its own “international arbitration” team doing deals on existing trade agreements and for which TTIP will be a nice little earner.

Roland Smith

Is that not an abusive headline accusing me of being a ("Tractor" - Ed) if I don’t vote Labour. Anyone asked Fifi for her opinion.

bookie from hell

The Sun -English Edition


AS a child, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is said to have devilishly hacked the hair from her sister’s beloved doll.

It was an early sign of the ruthlessness which has propelled her to the top of Scottish — and potentially British — politics.


And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends, stol’n forth of holy writ;
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.



Lightning doesn’t strike twice. Labour lies. Illegal wars, banking fraud, tax evasion.

Brown and Brown should be in jail.


OT: British justice, they say, is the best in the world.

Well, i have always begged to differ.

We have recently witnessed British justice come to the conclusion that a major establishment paedophile, Lord Janner, was not fit to face multiple charges of child abuse, but was perfectly well enough to work passing new laws and policies.

Only yesterday our news channels were saturated in coverage of two Royal parasites participating in the 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign.

Meanwhile, as these hypocritical parasites attended their PR photo shoots, the establishment was frantically at work ensuring that good old British justice was, once again, being meted out.

Absolutely sickening!
link to


Euronews is not distinguishing between Scottish and rest of UK educational system. Reporting them as the same.

Alex Waugh

The only, small, consolation is that comments on the Herald’s site are almost unanimously not impressed.
As for Mr Hay; The furore artificially created about something he did not actually say about people he did not actually say it about in a tweet more than two years ago in an account that didn’t even bear his name is so far beyond distasteful that I am struggling to find a word for it. Anyway, how did the Labour party dig this up? How did they find out it was his account? I am a bit disappointed that Ms Sturgeon didn’t go for the jugular on this one though I understand that, at this point, she must be careful not to hand the media ammunition. Is not some of this tripe actionable? Is the Tory poster clearly saying Salmond is a thief not subject to libel laws? Is there nothing that can be done to punish these mendacious carpet-baggers?

john king

The saddest thing of all Cappela is that after one hundred years we can still clearly see that same attitude displayed by Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener KG, KP, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCMG, GCIE, ADC, PC,Lieutenant-General Sir Aylmer Gould Hunter-Weston KCB DSO GStJ, et al from the cabinet (as was) and disturbingly, normally decent men such as Vince Cable were being rendered completely impotent by the creatures he supported!
The more things change the more they stay the same!


A troll accuses others of offensive comments. The usual Labour/Unionist hypocrisy.

Louis B Argyll

Wars must end. Organised misery is criminal.
Aggressive politics must end.
Humanity is sunk unless it adapts.

Wee countries will change first.
They see their whole-selves, warts ‘n all.
Ensuring all needs’ provided.

Empires resist, they hold the cards,
. Masking the truth so needed by progress.

When it all comes tumbling down,
Would you really want to be inside it?


Three Royal cousins fell out. Victoria’s grandsons. 1WW.


@john king

Interesting ref Lochgelly and Fife in general supporting SNP. Also sad reading article on fateful campaign in Gallipoli. Terrible catalogue of mismanagement of the elite over the ordinary man on the street. And all for what. Mass murder of the innocent.


Labour started by trying to appeal to “labour friendly YES voters,” that failed. Then onto operation undecided, no sign in the polls of that working. Dust off the old clunking fist, which just shows how out of touch they really are! Gordo’s “vote labour to be a true Scottish patriot” is beyond pathetic. I’m surprised they didn’t change their constitution to leave people in no doubt that they love Scotland as much if not more than them damn Nationalists. Oh that’s right they did.
For those who have not seen “Scottish” labour’s (Murphy’s) revised clause IV here it is, “To these ends we work for the patriotic interest of the people of Scotland.”, so it is not by accident that you will hear the P word being used shamelessly by Labour.

The USA introduced an act of congress in 2001 called the Patriot act. Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Ostruct Tartanism. (ok I changed the last word) 🙂 I wonder if Jim had this in mind when he added it to their constitution.

Robert Peffers

You just have to shake your head in wonder.
Nicola speaks on behalf of the SNP and makes it very, very clear that the SNP Westminster contingent, (as yet unknown number), will NOT work with a Tory, or Tory led, faction at Westminster.

She also makes it abundantly clear she would not enter into any formal coalition with Labour but would back a Labour bid for a vote of confidence to allow Labour to form a government. Thus the SNP contingent will NOT be in formal coalition with anyone.

Since then every Unionist party leader has made a public statement that they will NOT form a coalition with the SNP –

Hello Unionist Party Leaders you are not getting the chance to enter into a coalition with the SNP. You have not been invited.

Excuse the emphasis but it seems the Unionist are all deaf.

I have a wee mental picture of Nicola, sitting forlornly on a doorstep, like a wee lassie with a wee dirty face and she is singing : –

Naebody likes me, everybody hates me,
I think I’ll go and eat wurms.
Big fat juicy ones, wee thin scooshy ones,
See hoo they wriggle and squirm.

I’ll bite aff the heids and sook oot the juice,
An throw the skins away.
A’body wonders hoo Ah thrive oan wurms three times a day.

Nana Smith

Livestream with Nicola 11am

link to

Nana Smith

Red tories Blue tories no difference.

Labour to call on Michael Heseltine if it wins election

link to

Flower of Scotland

Thanks for this Stu! It gives me a chance to say, how ashamed I am of the Labour Party in Scotland

When we sent 50 MPs to Westminster and when they were in power for 13 years, what did they do for us? I remember feeling excited about what they could do for us.

They did nothing for Scotland but certainly helped themselves.

They are now extremely worried about their own situation. They have to be, to let Brown loose again amongst the population! Of coarse he is not let loose is he? He is protected and only speaks to a room full of his supporters and media.

I say, let him have a walkabout in the streets, talking to ordinary folk and let’s record what happens then!


@ Nana Smith

I can call spirits from the vasty deep.

Why, so can I, or so can any man;
But will they come when you do call for them?

Why, I can teach you, cousin, to command
The devil

And I can teach thee, coz, to shame the devil—
By telling the truth. Tell truth and shame the devil.


@Alex Waugh
The other good thing about the comments on the Herald is that even if an anti-SNP poster gets in first, it’s usually not very good, something along the lines of “lying divisive SNP”, or “Salmond said in 2003 blah blah blah”.


Its going to be a very bumpy run in to May 7. See Milliband now blames Cameron for Libya and refugee drownings but there’s a complete blackout over their Iraq invasions that have cost a million civilian lives.

Louis B Argyll

Do we build our future from ruins?

Or do we start as soon as it crumbles?

That the truth itsel, is a permanent casualty,

Shows that a pillar has already fallen.


I dare say if the unionists had anything remotely like BBC Scotlandshire,some of their future candidates might have posted a link to it.But they don’t have anything as creative.What they have is a London based MSM running a fear and smear campaign against Scotland.


Ahhh… but the media just love the safe pair of hands that is Mr Gordon Brown (Former useless inept Prime Minister & British Patriot).

While you were there media pack did you ask Gordo on behalf of East Renfrewshire voters if Murphy has come clean about his position if elected ? ( and that’s a big if !!)

That Question should be very ripe for asking now .. never mind Browns other crap.

john king

When one considers (according to the hidden history site) that the campaign in the Dardanelles and Gallipoli we never meant to succeed, and its only purpose was to fool the Russians into staying on the Eastern Front rather than abandon it to attack the Ottoman Empire,
The (supposed) purpose of the attack on Gallipoli was to march on and take Constantinople and the fact that Russian observers were present to witness thirty thousand allied troops mount an assault on Gallipoli was enough to convince the Russian high command that the western allies were protecting their flank with the campaign,

In fact it is argued that the campaign was never meant to succeed as the British High command had no intention of marching on Constantinople as the UK had designs on the oil Fields of present day Iraq and intended to cultivate relations with the surviving rulers of present day Turkey, and the sacrifice of tens of thousands of lives was only ever meant to reassure the Russians of the British high commands commitment to support the eastern front.

The establishment of today are celebrating the deaths of many thousands sent deliberately to their doom to support a British governments foreign policy!


It’s a contradiction in terms is it not.
Vote Labour to be a Scottish patriot, Scottish Labour is ultimately controlled by English Labour. So technically your still SELLING out Scotland & nO better off.


Let’s get some realism on here. Yes, Neil Hay’s comments have been blown up out of all proportion but it is a general election campaign. The Tories and Labour are throwing the same sort of stuff at each other.

We have just come through 3 to 4 years of a bitter referendum and his Twitter account was still live until recently,why? At best Neil Hay was stupid to do what he did and deserves reprimand. Nicola was right to say let the voters decide, being too late to do anything else. He should not have been blogging at all under an alias. It has not been helpful and if we were not in a GE I think he would be facing sanctions.

Nana Smith


I wonder what Willie would have made of Westminster right now.

He would be hard pushed to find any ‘honour’ on either side.

Chic McGregor

If the electoral result dictates that the Tories cannot form the next government in alliance or otherwise, the Whitehall apparatchiks will immediately and very strongly, impress upon Ed Miliband that a formal alliance with the SNP would be in the best interests of preserving the Union.

By having alleged, direct input by the SNP into UK policy making and perhaps a minister or junior minister or two from them, they can pull off exactly the same trick the Cons did on the LibDems. Use them as powerless frontmen to launch and validate unsavory policies.

This would of course destroy the SNP’s credibility and set the cause of independence a very long way back.

It is a two-birds-with-one-stoner, kill off the SNP and use them to get through t(r)ougher policies than they would have managed to do on their own.

However, I do not believe many amongst the SNP’s leadership are likely to fall for that one.

In short, there is no way, the SNP would ever enter into anything other than a case-by-case basis support (or opposition). Even if Trident is part of any such chalice deal.


@John King 8.14am

No John, they’ve not changed, nor ever will.

Entitlement, arrogance and a supreme indifference to the lives of others. Its who they are and how they view the world.

No no no...Yes

@bob Sinclair I am having similar experience, having never thought politics was for me.

@john king always a pleasure to read your comments. As you know my better half’s family is from Lochgelly and I’m delighted to hear about increased support for SNP.


I think the majority of voters in Scotland understand now that rolling out has beens that have absolutely no authority to promise anything (let alone vow anything) just won’t convince anyone but the die hard “Labour for no reason, but we’ve always voted Labour and so’s my Granny” brigade, no regiment, no platoon is more realistic these days.
Murhy comes into the same category, he has no say in central Labour policy either. It’s all the same old empty promises that is the only consistent thing about Labour, or any other tory party.

Robert Peffers

@Now’s the Hour says: 25 April, 2015 at 8:24 am:

” … ‘Vote for Labour to be a true North British patriot’”?

Well no, Now’s the Hour, I have an on-line dictionary which defines, “Patriot”, as : –

a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

Now here’s the thing – North Britain is not a country, neither is The United Kingdom or indeed either is Great Britain nor Britain so just what country is Broon wanting us all to be patriotic to? Furthermore, just who is the clown telling us are its, “enenies or detractors”?

Now’s the Hour says:

25 April, 2015 at 8:24 am

Erm… given the auld scumbag’s views on Scotland and things Scottish, shouldn’t that read ‘Vote for Labour to be a true North British patriot’?


What about Clegg’s statement that the Libs will never go into a coalition or any agreement with the Labs if Labour rely on the backing of the SNP.

Eh! If the nasty Scots insist on being democratic the Libs will never work with them. Well that’s alright then.

This is war people, we fight for the very soul of Scotland and the enemy is legion even among our own. It is hard and bloody and seems to be getting worse. It will not end even with an SNP victory on May 8. This is for the long run and will only end in Independence.

Why do they( the British ) hate us so much? I have no answer but it seems that they fear the loss of face and treat us as though we were a favoured servant who has decided to go their own way. Damn them I have done nothing but want the best for my country and its people and yet they treat me with disdain and count my feelings as dust beneath their feet.They tread on my dreams and laugh.

I feel a rage building within me the fires of which will not easily be put out.


@john king – I had a look on amazon at the Hidden History book and had a look inside. Well what do you know our very own Will Podmore gets a mention!

Will Podmore read our early chapters and offered sound advice

I just wish he would offer us sound advice instead of bleating unionist pish…

link to


Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel: Samuel Johnson

Nana Smith


Deary me these politicians have terribly short memories.

link to

‘Tit for tat’ commentary from politicians playing with people’s lives, bloody awful creatures. No morals.

john king

Chic McGregor says
“However, I do not believe many amongst the SNP’s leadership are likely to fall for that one.

In short, there is no way, the SNP would ever enter into anything other than a case-by-case basis support (or opposition). Even if Trident is part of any such chalice deal.”

That what I fear, I convince myself (most of the time) that the SNP front bench would not be stupid enough to dazzled by the trappings of high office,(there is a far greater prize just waiting around the corner) but at times late at night when my blood is down I forsee a huge gaping trap being sprung on the party and getting themselves sucked into a mailstrom from which there can be no escape.


john king

Ah never noticed that Croompenstein. 🙂

john king

Mosstrooper says
“I feel a rage building within me the fires of which will not easily be put out.”

Get that on every bus stop!


The Russian Revolution 1917

Once the threat in the Dardanelles subsided. German blockade. The Balfour Agreement 1917. Right to State of Israel. Gladstone.

The Man in the Jar

The return of the Abominable No man. Again!


Re WW1 as really a battle for middle east oil, see Robert Newman’s History of Oil. Stand up comedy with facts. True facts!!

link to

Quentin Quale

The day Scottish journalism died. The sub-editor who managed to get that headline onto a national paper should hold his head in shame. There is no difference in that front page headline from any one of SLabs electioneering leaflets. This reeks of a blatant proLab message and any sense of balance is absent. Herald, you are a disgrace to journalism. Oh wait a minute, actually you’re not. You’re just keeping up the substandard nonsense we have come to expect from the MSM in Scotland.


What is patriotic about Brown or the Scottish branch towards Scotland . . nothing a big round ‘O’ their patriotism is to themselves. What have labour done for Scotland over the last seventy years ?


As Yesindyref2 said above,the Herald banner headline is a definite upping of the pro Labour propaganda by the Herald as happened before the referendum.

Magnus Gardham’s insidious influence to the fore.Expect much more of the same.


If this is Brown’s last stand, then it will be greeted with quiet disdain. His last minute intervention in the Referendum in one sense, is what he will be remembered for; a ‘Vow’ that was reneged on by Westminster. And with that, Scotland remained chained to the UK.

That is Brown’s legacy.

He will be remembered throughout the UK as a miserable PM, a man who broke the economy; who raided the pensions; who sold the gold off cheap; who frightened pensioners.

But in Scotland. In his homeland. He will be remembered for the ‘Vow’.

Just as Blair used to fret as to how history would remember him (and not too well as it would seem), Brown will be remembered as almighty calamitous failure.


John King,

Sadly, the same lions led by donkeys ‘strategy’ was also being played out by the Ottoman’s. The story of their soldiers is much the same.


We are all nationalists now 🙂


@ John King, thanks for the Gallipoli stuff John. I notice Prince Charles turned up with clanking sword & more medals on his chest than “My Brother Sylveste”.

@ Donald Urquhart, love the Slab comparison with mass-stranding of pilot whales. 🙂


“Im not going to go off on one” but its so obvious this is all about personal gain from these corrupt excuses for democratic politicians,and the sad thing is:they have a lot of support from people “who are doing ok the noo”.You can pick them out in the debate and question time audience by the disdain on their faces. Did anyone see the numpties from Northampton shoe factory(daily politics)the other day.The biggest numpty was the father of 5..Austerity has not affected me he proudly boasts,just wait till he and his family ever takes ill. PATHETIC.

Dandy Dons 1903

Ah north british Brown the man is a born liar, beware of unionists baring gifts. Learn from bitter experience!


@ Dandy Dons

*puts on homonym police hat”

Mr Brown cannot “bare” his gifts: they are not hidden. They are non-existent


New Labour failed to reduce health inequalities during its years in office. Many Labour MPs across the UK who did have the power to change policy have constituents who have suffered the most because of this policy failure. For example in Dunfermline East Gordon Brown has 360 less constituents who have died before age 65 because of the impact of inequality on life chances.
In this context patriotism is a rather meaningless term when you begin to count the dead.
We have a WM government who has chosen to give us a huge dose of the austerity experiment. If you lived in the more enlightened nations (Denmark ,Sweden, Iceland) you would be affected by the recession but spared the effects of austerity because their politicians chose to invest in health and social safety net programs.
Economic policies affect the health and well being,risk and resilience of the entire population.For example being homeless means you are more likely to die age 44 compared to average population age of 80. The government will be aware of a Shelter report that noted with the loss of housing there was a fiscal multiplier of 3.5 – for every £1 in cuts the economy slows by £3.5.
The economic crisis has produced data that represents the stories of real people- in London the number of young rough sleepers rose by 32 % between 2010-2011 ,the risk of TB rose by 8% ( homelessness one of the driving factors) the number of young unemployed in the UK was 1 million – a new high.
The tragedy of austerity is the enormous human suffering that it has caused- the proponents of it have perpetuated a false promise of short term pain for long term gain.Voters must now hold the WM politicians to account for their budget decisions made in the cosy abstraction of a voting chamber that have caused irreversible damage to its citizens.
We have that opportunity on May 7th – the austerity experiment has failed let’s choose something different.


Every Three seconds he makes a hand gesture
Gordons “Charity Foundation Fund” increases in size


The juxtaposition of a call for patriotism to the UK/Empire besides a report of a memorial to the colonials who’s lives were sacrificed for either a cunning diversion or simple incompetence is pretty self defeating.

That said the illusory promise of peace given by Trident plays on our reluctance to commit funding to conventional forces. The lesson learnt after WWII that we need a professional properly equipped army if we are to even contemplate sending them in to a conflict or have them ready to repel an invasion seems to have been forgotten. Except, that is, by those called on to fight who know that a weapon of last resort can’t be the only one in your armory. I’d rather money was spent on the kind of bombs and bullets that could protect the bairns than on Trident.

Westminster acts as though we could raise an army at the drop of a hat so cuts our strength based on that thinking and then has the audacity to send what little we have into combat. It’s either criminal stupidity or the same lack of regard for human lives that led to Gallipoli and to the mass slaughter on both sides of WWI. That’s what the kind of blind patriotism Brown is trying to invoke. Akin to the assumed party loyalty that ensured Labour were as strong in Scotland.

One other thing to note, in 1919 when troops were sent in to Glasgow to quell the protests the locally raised troops were confined to barracks for fear they would join the other side. I get he impression that there’s been a disproportionate standing down of the Scottish regiments.

Wuffing Dug

Up late today. The herald makes me sick, will never buy it or a national ever again.

As for brown he never had any integrity or real credibility.

The lumbering hollow man ham-fistedly tries to engage the disenfranchised with yet another false proclimation. FFS same shit, different campaign.

They have nothing to offer, absolutely nothing.

Like other posters I don’t engage with the MSM on any level any more, just come here.

We all knew their true colours. There is no doubt now, the scottish media (like many other things right now) need to be completely destroyed and re-built as they are totally corrupt and beyond rehabilitation.

Right now, as always they are the real enemy as they hold the airwaves and mass print, the high ground.

BTW thanks to all for the Gallipoli articles, very informative. What a waste of life. They’ll never change. That’s why we’re getting out.


Why is Brown offering £5000 to every food bank, when Smurphy’s claiming he can eradicate them with mansion tax funds?

Oh yeah that’s it, they’re all lying barstewards!

North Chiel

May 8th National petition for control of broadcasting and print media to Holyrood?

Gene Randell

Fighting to save the job of a Labour apparatchik. So not to help the people of Scotland, then?

Labour politicos in Scotland: prepared to die in a ditch fighting to preserve their sinecures and their exceedingly comfortable life styles…


As the corpse rots, the maggots start to wriggle…


Finally the justification which Curtice has been waiting for to explain away on 8th May how 25+ Labour MPs saved their seats.

Didn’t this man, with a bit of help from The Record and Pravda GB, save the union on 18th September last year?

Expect this to be front page “news” in the “independence supporting” The National on Monday.


The ‘Brown Bounce’? Bouncing ever lower, soon to be scraped off the shoe of politics..


The Herald is going full blast in promoting Brown`s ramblings and I have noticed its Unionist support as we get closer to the GE.


If you all vote Labour like proper patriots I promise removal of food banks and free food from the supermarkets, free holidays for all, return of student grants and a new Scottish flat rate income tax of two pence in the pound.

No ?????

Is that because like Gordon Brown I have no status or credibility and I am not in a position to make these offers come true.

The most polite thing I can say about Gordon Brown is that he is a first order fraud. Best thing for this delusional fantasist ex whatever would be an appointment with a shrink.


Mr Brown
is a clown
who rides through town
in a coffin.

Mr Brown – Bob Marley & the Wailers.

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