The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Truth always has an audience

Posted on March 01, 2021 by

Wings Over Scotland pageviews, March 2020-Feb 2021.

No wonder only dogs can hear Pete Wishart’s screeching now.

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It’s only the same £5 being passed round or something 😀

David Keenan

Keep going man!

Your country needs you lol

Lady Lyon

I see the FMs first opportunity to comment after Friday won’t happen since the covid brief will be led by Jeane Feeeman today


It’s good to know that there are plenty of people willing to listen to all sides to get a view of the bigger picture.

David Gray

Rev, I think you should acknowledge the debt you owe to Nichola for banning you. All the best read literature was banned at some point by the leaders.

Bill Cowan

Good stuff Stu. You should give thanks to ‘Comfy Slippers Pete’, Fiona Robertson and Cllr Graham Campbell. You couldn’t have done it without them and the woke crew. 🙂


Is the FM being trained for Wednesday ? And are we paying for it ?

Bet she takes the fifth amendment/ i don’t remember line. Can she incriminate mr murrell?

Stu – Do you have a bigger readership than the herald ?

P.S. where is the ring-fenced money – daddy bear ?

Sunshine on Crieff

To be blunt, this site is essential if you want to be informed of what is going on in the murky depths of Scottish politics. And you can bet your life that most of those who denounce this site read it avidly.


I dip in and out several times a day. How do the numbers for individual viewers compare?

Really value your work, even the hard truths. Maybe especially the hard truths.


Nobody reads WoS. He’s just a bitter guy from Bath, who’d like to split the independence movement ?


I’m with Geoff

Ian Brotherhood

And the dogs who can hear Pete have a strong case to bring to the SSPCA.


“No wonder only dogs can hear Pete Wishart’s screaming now.”

Even the dogs can’t, he’s blocked them, chum.

I’ll get my coat!!


Doubled in a month !! I wonder why ?
Despite their attempts to smother and hobble the messenger, you’re still getting it out.
Keep it up Stu.
Job’s no done till the fat lady and her fat hubby in heels are removed, and Independence is back on the menu.


Just shows the importance of your work Stu. Can you imagine how ill informed we’d be about the corruption without you?


Congratulations and an accolade richly deserved.
It is Wings and Wings only that I trust to truthfully inform
me of what is really happening in the big bad world.

God you must be hated in the political world for recording their lies
and holding them up for all to see.

Their won’t be a U.K. politician, Westminster dark force or fake journalist
who don’t visit every day.
They might account for half the traffic volume.

On the downside for you, I’ve become addicted and probably check the site
every hour so mark me down for 10,000 hits.

We couldn’t do anywhere near as well without you!

John Grant

Yup. That’s a whole year and not a critical article about the Tories, Labour or the LibDems.


You cannot fail to be impressed by the growth in Wings. I believe one of the reasons has to be the large number of credible sources that Stuart has. Also the speed at which he publishes information.

Keep going!


It would be interesting to see a regional breakdown. Where are the new visits coming from? And what about the bounce rate, is that drastically down?


Wings always reaches the parts others can’t reach. Thanks for everything Stu. Just donated . So worth it.

Captain Yossarian

‘There is a time in politics when a public mood begins to develop that is unstoppable and ushers in change that a little while ago seemed impossible. A sense a government has been in power for too long takes hold and has a momentum of its own.’

From today’s Scotsman.

There is no doubt in my mind that these pages have been at the forefront of this investigation. There comes a point when it either jumps from internet bloggers to the press or it doesn’t and this story now has.

I understand Alex is giving evidence in private either today or tomorrow to the James Hamilton Inquiry. They will be discussing the Aberdein statement, which the Hamiltin Inquiry has been issued with.

We can only presume that Salmond will be more forthright in private, and with all the evidence to hand, than he can be at the Fabiani Inquiry with all the Crown Office bloodhounds listening-in.

I cannot see any possibility that Hamilton will find that she has not broken the Ministerial Code. She will therefore have to resign.

A handfull of people come out of this with credit, of which Stewart Campbell is one.


A right riveting read – as Nicola knows.


I see Iain Lawson is also reporting massive figures for February. Pistol Pete fails to understand that if you want people to ignore something, you don`t tell them about something they didn`t know about and have now to ignore. A massive strategy failure from Wishart. I doubt the guy could find water in a sinking ship, let alone find Scotland her independence.


@Lady_Lyon, 10:52 –

the CoVid briefings were actually for me the first real sign of big problems.

There’s never been a need for the FM to front them all. No-one would have batted an eyelid if she “only” did 4 out of 5 – it would still have looked vastly more professional than Johnson. Instead, she ended up creating the impression of the Scottish Government being a one-woman band, and of her being a micro-manager.

When was the first one actually fronted by the Health minister, CMO or Deputy FM?


Iain Lawson’s blog “Yours for Scotland” is reporting a huge rise in readership figures as well, for which he has thanks Uncle Pete. The Streisand Effect on steroids!


*he has thankED Uncle Pete* d’oh!


I’m English and a Scottish friend put me on to WoS. I have started logging on regularly. Through WoS I have found Gordon Dangerfield and Iain Lawson and others and feel far better informed about a topic which is enormous for all of us on this Island, whether you be English, Scottish, or Welsh, Unionist or Independence Supporter. I am not going to say I agree with everything on here, I form my own view, but I am grateful for the insights and, I am sorry to say, straightforward facts, that are not available elsewhere regrettably.

Charles Hodgson

Pistol Pete couldn’t find his arse with both hands.

Big Jock

“Better, Faster, Stronger” -Daft Punk.


the ‘streisand’ effect at work

unlike the MSM, there’s no party spin on the latest developments, on this site

we get what we come here for

the naked facts

the denouement beckons, at last

Big Jock

If Nicola does come crashing down. I expect many of her sycophantic MSPS and MP’s to suddenly do a U Turn and say democracy won. They are quite happy to bury Salmond until Nicola goes. They can all get tae!


Keep up the good work.


Imagine this drama happening without Wings, how different it would all look. Garavelli would have been nominated for a Pulitzer, lol. They must hate you.


I cannot see any possibility that Hamilton will find that she has not broken the Ministerial Code. She will therefore have to resign.

This seems correct to all reasonable souls. However if the party has the support of almost half the electorate, and those within the party overwhelmingly support NS, I still feel she can wriggle out of this, wounded I grant you.

David Earl

Yeah yeah that’s all well and good but can you wear a velour tracksuit better than Wet Pishfart?


You work for the readership Mr Wings. You work very, very hard and thanks a million. I have an optimistic feeling about things and much of that is because you have kept me on line against my better feelings quite often. I hope you don’t have to wait until heaven for your reward.

Ian Brotherhood

Just told my boy about these stats and he was properly gobsmacked. His work is all about website development, online marketing etc and he reckons, if Wings did ads and was getting one penny per page view (which he assures me is not unreasonable) then that would be £70k for last month alone.

So, Bella and Wishart and others who accuse Stu of ‘milking’ us as readers can take that and stick it right up their noses.


John Grant @11.05am –

That’s because you have to get your own house in order first. People in glass houses……

I know you are hurting and that grief is a process. Sadly the vile, evil, unprecedented plot had to be revealed bit by bit – making it that wee bit worse for all her supporters. However you now know who is to blame – Thanks to Wings and a few other bloggers.

“You are never betrayed by your enemies.”

P.S. Where is the ring-fenced money – daddy bear.

Bob Mack

You obviously knew what was happening in the SNP far better than we did at the time. So much of what you said has come to pass. They have lost their way and like the leader who promises a new land to all of the oil tanker Exon Valdiz inhabitants in Waterworld it becomes all promises without substance.

We have come a long way but first we must clean out our own house before taking on anybody. We sweep them out the door to be replaced by a new model of we renovate the old.

We do it together.

Ian Brotherhood

Ooops, my mistake – one penny per page view would work out at £60k for February.

katherine hamilton

Of course what you don’t reveal is how much of that extra 3 million was added yesterday with your Nature Special. You’ll claim it was your exposure of corruption at the highest level, won’t you? But some of us know better. Pete and I discussed it last night.
It was the squirrels.


The click payments might be worth the Rev looking at?

Yes the media who are money grabbers at that game will
accuse you of the same but you get paid a tiny fraction of
what you are worth.

You should at minimum operate on an MPs salary.

Monies beyond that could contribute to polls, legal fees,
supporting others being unjustly singled out for seeking

I used to admire Barcelona FC for not taking shirt advertisements
but in this world you need to take all the help you can when facing so
many rich opponents.


So how would that compare versus say The Herald?

One Man Blog v National Newspaper

Captain Yossarian

It would be worth watching the Lord Advocate and John Swinney over the course of today/tomorrow.

Are they both working in the public interest, or are they in fact working in the SBP party-political interest?

Alex Salmond was clear about that….the blurring of the lines of distinction between politics and law in Scotland.

If it is found at the end of this that the legal profession in Scotland has let us all down, then I hope there are repercussions.

Many of them in Scotland get paid £250/hour to make sure nothing gets done. This is the short-route to a basket case economy.

Geraldine Waugh

Many thanks to you Stu for holding power to account – doing the job politicians seem incapable of doing. Some here have commented that the prohibition on reading Wings will not just excite the curiosity of thousands, but the Sturgeon cabal who will be reading avidly in order to cobble together a defence of the indefensible. Sturgeon should have recalled that the Catholic Church devised the Index – books we were forbidden to read so we good convent school girls read them! Is Sturgeon ignorant of history? Possibly.



I see that Jackie Ballie is pushing for more information from the government about the £54k spent on “external assistance” for civil servants in preparation for their appearance at the Committee on the Scottish Government’s Handling of Harassment Complaints via a Question to Ministers.

The sum as we know was revealed in a recent FOI request and not given in the previous answer to her previous Question to ministers on the same issue.

Answer is due by the 12th of March, question was lodged on Friday 26th Fed.

link to


John Grant says:
1 March, 2021 at 11:05 am
Yup. That’s a whole year and not a critical article about the Tories, Labour or the LibDems


Are you serious man? Obviously not.

SNP- That’s a whole 6 years and basically nowt from SNP about Indy ,apart from some mythical section 30 order that we don’t need.

You were given least 2 open goals and did nothing!


Stu… seriously…

Why no picture of Barbara Streisand on this piece?


Does anyone know why Wolffe has been moved to tomorrow? Is it significant?

And what happens if Nic holds her “I haven’t breached the Ministerial Code” line and Hamilton subsequently reports that she has? She is not going to find it easy to reconcile those conflicting considerations on Wednesday.

Meg merrilees

Wonder why Nicola is so busy today that she can’t do the briefing? Could be writing another reply to Jim Sillars? OR maybe she is just taking a cue from the Rev and having a day off in the sunshine, looking for squirrels?


What this site does do is highlight just how many useless, gradualist, selfserving politicians that are out there.

Whether Nationalist or Unionist, they are involved in the game of Bullshitting their constituents.

I have lost any respect I had for any of them.

Their plan is to bump along the bottom, while the money pours into their bank accounts.

A day in the life of an MSP is to turn up at Holyrood, nod head furiously, slap desk, then home.

And to give themselves an extra blast, they double check their bank account on the way home.

Meg merrilees

X sticks- maybe they are waiting for Levy and MacRae’s evidence etc to be studied before it is redacted…

Donald Raymond

Are there any recent figures for print media in Scotland?

David Caledonia

Yes, A lot of people in the pockets of Dilly Dolly and the Turd Advocate need to be brought to some real justice, this farce can never be allowed to happen again.
I am not a vindictive person by nature, but sometimes examples have to be made of charlatans as a warning to others


As far as I’m aware the committee hasn’t asked McRae and Levy for their evidence – they have asked the crown Office (again).

I suspect they only wanted to *appear* to be requesting the evidence but not actually wanting to have it available, so have gone the route that delays any chance of getting it in time to make any difference.


Re spinning ‘the truth’..
Brasilian strain hits Scotland, que beleza!
Watch out for samba moves, coffee cravings and skimpy beach wear warn scientists.

Steve The Pirate

Be honest Stu,…..

How many of these visits came from Pete???

Gerard McGhee

Wings’ popularity is the only thing that cheers me up these days!

Josef Ó Luain

Taking ethically-sound advertising is certainly one way to go. The only problem would be in finding enough truly, ethically-sound people/businesses with sufficient spending power.


Meg merrilees 12.17pm

Sturgeon might be writing her resignation speech.

Or she could be sitting in front of a mirror having a Q and A with herself. preparing for Wednesday.

After all, the questions from this powderpuff Committee will be no more difficult.

Gerard McGhee

does anyone understand why the unionists are refusing to put the boot in?
it might be because they see Sturgeon and her disciples as the Unionists greatest asset but I couldn’t credit them with that level of sophistication; not without direction from outside.


Will the supposed ban the SNP have imposed on their members go as far as all the SpAds and SNP grubbers that are glued to this blog constantly from Holyrood and Bute House? Or do they get the SNP equivalent of a Papal dispensation?

Or is it an ecumenical matter?


Gerard McGhee says:
1 March, 2021 at 12:36 pm

does anyone understand why the unionists are refusing to put the boot in?
it might be because they see Sturgeon and her disciples as the Unionists greatest asset but I couldn’t credit them with that level of sophistication; not without direction from outside.


Never interrupt your enemy when they are making mistakes.

The yoon press are leaving them until they have enough rope to hang themselves (metaphorically speaking).


I run a pretty successful website with higher pageviews but don’t bang on about it the way this Rev twat does.


G. Galloway

Charlie Roberts

I’m a Private Eye reader, and as more of this blog is being confirmed by the press / Spectator, I’ve felt more and more that the journalists involved deserve the Paul Foot award for their dedication and tenacity.

May I ask who else is involved?

Stuart Campbell and — (?Craig Murray ?Gordon Dangerfield)

Lots of regards and respect.


John Grant says: 1 March, 2021 at 11:05 am

Yup. That’s a whole year and not a critical article about the Tories, Labour or the LibDems.

This is the whole problem with the status quo of the indy movement.

There is nothing positive or ambitious on offer, only attacking the Tories, whatever shade of colour that they are. They nothing nothing to offer than just being better than the Tories.

It’s only deflection anyway to divert attention away from the fact that independence is off the cards and the only thing on offer is Blairite, tractor-stat, spin devolution.


Is it right what I read last night that Mrs. Murrell will appear at the enquiry on the same day as the UK budget is announced?

If it is, then don’t expect her to be in the papers on Thursday.


Gerard McGhee says: 1 March, 2021 at 12:36 pm

does anyone understand why the unionists are refusing to put the boot in?
it might be because they see Sturgeon and her disciples as the Unionists greatest asset but I couldn’t credit them with that level of sophistication; not without direction from outside.

It’s obvious that Sturgeon and co are only interested in devolution. Why would the Westminster establishment abandon a safe pair of hands like her that poses no threat to the Union and plunge the SNP in a direction of unknowns where, dare I say, somebody who actually believes in independence or at least genuinely pushing for more powers for the Scottish Parliament could be put in charge?

Ian Mac

Hardly surprising – one can only guess the number of SNP members who have to come here to find out what is going on in their own party. Not to mention the number of Scots who would like to know what is going on in their own government. There are precious few other places which will tell you, with sourced evidence btw. Quite a reflection on Scottish political and civic life, and the strange reluctance of most of its news organisations to actually report news of vital importance to voters ahead of an election.

Frank anderson

As has rightly been said there always at least 2 sides to any story. The fact that we get a clear explanation on this site, helps many of us to come to a better understanding of the issue. It allows us to decide what we accept. Like all things, there are some articles I don’t agree with ( not many), but I have all the information to reach a conclusion. Some seem to think we are all mushrooms, to be kept in the dark and fed a load of Sh^*.
Wishart and the SNP’s blatant attempts at censorship have failed miserably!

Charlie Roberts

The UK press would probably be getting stick for putting the boot in this early – get accussed of bias, picking on Scotchland etc.

In one sense it is devolution and none of Westminster’s business – until the gravity of matters makes it clear that the issue is of utmosty importance to the whole of the UK.

This is my reading, anyway,

I’m an english.


((link to

That says the Herald got just over 5 million views in a month but that is only up to Jan 1st.


Well down WOS, Sturgeon will be getting as muck cramming done as possible for her exam on Wednesday.

Ian Mac

“They don’t publish online stats. We used to track their print sales here:

link to

but almost all of them have now taken their figures private or withdrawn from ABC altogether.”

Funny that. If the figures were good they would certainly want the public and their advertisers to know. And yet here is a great opportunity to boost sales by fearlessly investigating and publishing the truth. It used to be called telling truth to power. Whatever happened to that quaint old idea?


One might wonder why todays Daily Record is championing NS and her impending majority in May.

You know, as opposed to actually doing their job as a unionist rag to help bring down a wicked witch determined on Scotlands Independence.

Or maybe it’s because someone at the rag knows full well that NS is on their side. Keeping Scotlands Independence at bay is best played out with Sturgeon at the helm.


@ SilverDarling at 12:38 pm

I had a halfhearted search the other day for an old Wings article which iirc had a FOI about how many computer / devices in Holyrood accessed Wings.
Lately my laptop has been slower than a week in the jail so didn’t find it… 🙁

SNP Regional List ballot voting has ended, but will Self ID disabilities be a factor in candidate placement…

link to

John H.

Congratulations Stuart. You can’t stop now.

Is there anything happening at Westminster on Wednesday that might distract people from watching Sturgeon’s appearance before the committee?

LaingB French

To be perfectly honest once this SNP fiasco is over I cannot wait for the ” BUTTERSTONE EPIC ” to start and the film that is being released ” T N S ” THE NEW SCHOOL
I expect WOS. to be exceptionally busy with printing condolences to who was and is no longer after this hits the courts.
SHOULD BE AN EXCITING YEAR! dont you think? has been up till now!
cheers! WOS.


@Gerard Mcghee

The Unionists know SNP will retain their standing as the party with the most seats. Unionists know the travel of direction has been steady rather than showing any real surge for Indy. They just need that to be halted to thwart Independence.

The SNP have taken their core support for granted since NS came to power counting on gaining soft Nos and young ‘progressive’ voters, their entire focus has been on courting them. The policies designed to do that that increasingly alienated older core voters who have financed and done the hard graft in lean years.

Now that core support is not only leaving the SNP but also threatening not to vote for them, the Unionists need to do nothing. The SNP are not interested in retaining that core vote it seems – and it will be their undoing.

There is also the obvious hypocrisy involved in that anything that can be flung at the SNP can be flung 10 fold at the Tories so why would they go there when the SNP are destroying themselves?

Annie 621

Tricky Nicky giving Covid briefing a miss today..not so important now?!
Busy prepping for Wednesday,
she’ll need a ‘coach’ as good as Pep Guardiolia to top Alex.

mike cassidy

Sneaky wee SNP

Just received a letter and form encouraging me to register for a postal vote

But this ain’t no ‘neutral’ pandemic safety suggestion from Hollywood

It’s SNP electioneering with a big smiley Sturgeon

And an




The committee for Wednesday will have swapped the Izal for the Cusheen lavender scented.


I’m not gonna lie, wings, I think about 3 million of those views are down to me.

Astonishing numbers though.

I wonder if the all-knowing Angela Haggerty can explain them when, according to her, nobody is interested in the Salmond story.

Isn’t it funny how Haggerty rose up to assume that all-knowing persona… from helping with the editing Phil’s book on Rangers (a books that’s diabolically bad, structurally speaking), to media superstardom in a matter of a few months.

Of course, that isn’t really her credentials. Her credentials are selling out on independence which today equates to supporting Nicola.

richard richardson

Transcript of Salmond evidence to Committee

link to

I Wright

I think Nicola Sturgeon will be judged to have broken the ministerial code but not sufficiently to require resignation. She will be the last to go, she has protected herself from the start. Her human shields are more vulnerable. Leslie Evans to be the main sacrifice.


6,000,000 page views in February. That over 200,000 page views a day. Over the course of a day that’s an average of nearly 10,000 page views per hour every hour.

With traffic like this there must be some peak periods of the day when Wings is getting multiple tens of thousands of page views per hour.

No wonder the anti Wings brigade are so apoplectic about Wings and it’s readership. Absolutely incredible viewing figures. Wings must certainly be doing something right, something very right, to attract a readership like this.

winifred mccartney

That great democratic institution of the Scot Parl has no information at all about the next meetings of the Harassment Committee and would appear not to be sitting today or if it is it is in private. When is Wolfe expected and what time is NS expected on Wednesday – she is obviously holed up somewhere swatting – she’ll still not be a patch of AS.


Dan @12.53

I think I know the one you mean, it said that Holyrood searches for WoS were by far the most prevalent especially amongst SNP staff as I recall.

Interesting about the Self ID stuff, I wonder if the sunlight shone on that has had any effect. Maybe all of the candidates on each list should have identified as disabled to shame some of the more blatant grubbers. Will they publish the figures I wonder?


Mist001 says:
1 March, 2021 at 12:43 pm
Is it right what I read last night that Mrs. Murrell will appear at the enquiry on the same day as the UK budget is announced?

If it is, then don’t expect her to be in the papers on Thursday.


Why would we care about that?

Uk budget is of no concern to us. England does what England does .Not as if they care about us.

Scotland balances it’s books every year, England does not and never has done, hence controlling Scotland’s resources.

Hence why we want Indy. Haven’t you grasped that yet?


Captain Yossarian says:
1 March, 2021 at 12:08 pm

…. This is the short-route to a basket case economy.

I’ve held back from saying so, but I think if you asked anybody who has had a legitimate grievance against either a bank, a public utility company, a quango, or a Local Authority, you will find they are not at all surprised by the Scottish Government’s mendacity, and hubris.

The intensity and ramifications of attempting to stitch someone up as a sex offender on criminal charges through a criminal conspiracy might be towards the more extreme end on the spectrum, but the modus operandi; the smearing of the ‘victim’, the belittling of arguments, the evasion and sophistry, and absolute denial, the attempt to bleed the resources of the complainer, the favouring of certain opinions over others,… it all comes straight out the Local Authority Playbook for Corrupt Councils.

In my personal experience, neither the Local Authority / Bank / Quango will have any respect whatsoever for the Complaint being made against them, no concept or understanding of honesty or justice whatsoever, and they have absolutely no fear whatsoever of the matter being referred to an Ombudsman or Regulator. (Ask yourself why). Even if you have proof, written evidence there in black and white, it won’t matter. They will find a way to excuse themselves and obfuscate your complaint to the point of such exasperation that you will give up and walk away.

This is how Scotland already ‘functions’ as an economy, and it is a basket case economy, with crooks and parasites running riot, looking out for each other. The nepotism and jobs for the boys mentality rules the roost, and should you dare to take one of them on, the others will close ranks and ostracise your company as a trouble maker. It’s a racket, and if your face doesn’t fit, you’ll be out in the cold.

That instance a few days ago when Sturgeon was crowing about Alex Salmond having no evidence, while she herself was presiding over a mountain of suppressed and redacted evidence which was denied to Mr Salmond? Standard obfuscation taken from the same playbook. Despicable.

“IF” there is collusion and corruption on going, as a victim of said corruption you will know exactly what the Local Authority is guilty of doing, you will know who some of the rogues are, but the chances for the ordinary business to secure any actual proof of the corruption is virtually impossible to get.

Even the mighty Inland Revenue won’t prosecute known wrongdoers for fraud, because the proof is so elusive. Instead they will pursue a party for the ‘attempt’ to defraud. But without that proof, (and occasionally with that proof), the rogues are untouchable and they know it. It’s disgusting, but the system protects them.

All those letters and FOI requests of Rev Stu? All the evasive replies and obfuscation to avoid answering simple questions? I spent over ten years doing that. It was all depressing déja vu. Ombudsmen? Total joke. Every one of them. Don’t believe me? Drop a hint you’re planning to speak to a lawyer and watch them drop your complaint like a stone. They’re fkd if you know your legal rights.

Thus, Scotland already has a rotten economy, and has suffered from endemic corruption for decades. Scotland is a pale and anaemic version of what it could be. Scottish Industry should have the fit and lean body of a power athlete, but it actually looks like the emaciated husk of a half starved cadaver. As a Nation, we are so capable of so very much more.

The big hope was that the SNP was different, and under Alex Salmond I think it was, or had the chance to be, but under Sturgeon, frankly, I think the crooks and spivs have just been running riot, and the Scottish Government has conducted itself with all the shameful lack of integrity and seedy incompetence of the worst and grubbiest Local Authority. That’s the only prevailing philosophy that I see.

The big difference is that Alex Salmond is not your average victim, he is a truly exceptional character and it’s just possible he has what it takes to bring their corrupt palace to ruin. I certainly hope so, but I also know the bastards he’s up against fight dirty.

Sturgeon? I have zero respect for her, and not much more for those who defend her. Those people are quite literally those ‘good’ people who do nothing which allows evil to thrive, and our Council Offices are stuffed full of their ilk.


I wonder which finger-puppet has been selected to replace Sturgeon after she is, correctly, terminated?


I forgot to add their greedy attitudes towards their own renumeration too… Same MO.


Jeane Freeman on why she’s taking the Covid meeting today:

’The FM asked me to do it, I’m the Health Secretary, it’s a Covid briefing. Makes perfect sense’.

Yes, Secretary.

Tinto Chiel

Breaking news for the Scottish Government: Sarkozy has just been jailed for three years for corruption.

Truth will out, occasionally.


WoS is great!
I was very sceptical about the anti NS views for a while but thought the AS charges were improbable.
Thank you Stu for ploughing on through with the truth.
There is no “Wings over England”
Englands corruption is total, lying politicians who get paid to favour their pals is just part of it.
There are honest politicians and policemen but they are a minority. And very brave they are too.
In UK there are no political parties. There are brown envelop takers and refusers.
This is not conspiracy theorie unfortunately. It is the pure fact. I HAVE BEEN THERE!
A state which has d of r act, d notices, of secrets act etc.
Not to mention the media!
Then the joke justice system is good for a laugh!
Sorry Alex has no chance.
The good guys rarely do

Captain Yossarian

@Breeks – The problem we have at the moment is the Scottish legal profession are at the forefront of this malfeasance.

They are at the centre of taking a clients money and running him/her out of time (and money) with no end result.

So. a profession which should be run on the principles of public protection is not being run on these principles at-all, is it?

What of the big Scottish Unions? I don’t see them in conflict with this government; I cannot remember a single occassion when that has happened. Are they protecting the public interest? If not, who are they protecting?

I know the way it works. It was explained to me once by a senior lawyer. They always win. You might win, but you might lose.

It is a really bad problem in Scotland just now. I have worked in several countries and I have never seen anything as overtly rotten as this before.

If we manage to get rid of Sturgeon and a few rotten lawyers, that will be a start. I think that is bound to happen now. These things have a momentum and can become unstoppable.

Ian Spruce


Was reading Kenny mcaskill twitter and it stopped working.

Just tried to go back in and it says Account Suspended!!!!

Bob Mack

@Captain Yossarian.

“What of big Scottish Unions ? I don’t see them in conflict with this government.

Watch this space !


Pete Wishart blaming Red Bull for this astronomical surge in viewing figures to the Wings website.

Pete says it is Red Bull that gives you Wings,,, and has absolutely nothing to do with the actions of his lying, evil bastard of a leader, Nicola Sturgeon.

Neil Munro

Gaun yersel.


Cenchos says:
1 March, 2021 at 1:29 pm

Jeane Freeman on why she’s taking the Covid meeting today:

’The FM asked me to do it, I’m the Health Secretary, it’s a Covid briefing. Makes perfect sense’.

Yes, Secretary.

I predict a huge spike in both cases and deaths due to the FM’s absence today.


Sturgeon looks at the news from France and realises she’s not untouchable.

Not feeling quite Sarkozy now I’ll bet.


The GMB automatically attacks anything that moves
in Scot Gov. one of their leaders up here is desperate
to say anything to support Labour and give himself a
job as an MP sitting on his hands.

The Education Union is another that got a dream pay rise for such times
but still tries to be unhappy.

Captain Yossarian

The Education Union tries hard not to be unhappy. It tries very, very hard to be happy. Too hard, some would say.

Their members are paid 50p an hour more than English school teachers. Can a Union be bought for 50p/hour nowadays?


Tinto chiel, two years of that suspended and he can serve one year at home electronically tagged. One rule for those f******s, one rule for us.


paul says:
1 March, 2021 at 1:41 pm
Cenchos says:
1 March, 2021 at 1:29 pm

Jeane Freeman on why she’s taking the Covid meeting today:

’The FM asked me to do it, I’m the Health Secretary, it’s a Covid briefing. Makes perfect sense’.

Yes, Secretary.

I predict a huge spike in both cases and deaths due to the FM’s absence today.

Makes you wonder Paul why Jeanne Freeman hasn’t been taken the covid briefings all along then.

After all, as she says, it does make perfect sense!

Stéphane Séchaud

“There exists, for everyone, a sentence – a series of words – that has the power to destroy you. Another sentence exists, another series of words, that could heal you. If you’re lucky you will get the second, but you can be certain of getting the first.”
? Philip K. Dick, VALIS

Robert graham

I suppose it might be helpful for people to know what that sound is ,the whining noise they hear , nope it’s not the washing machine having a fit and spitting out bearings , or your cat having a go at next doors barking dog other than that maybe a faulty hearing aid or smoke alarm ,nope not even close .

Look Look he’s at it again that bloody unionist from Bath boasting again he needs to be shut down

The Nicola Sturgeon fan club are having Seizures and are in total apoplectic shock this is widespread and is being experienced by that section of the community who have been in denial I doubt if that lot could be revived even with even with the help of a Defibrillator .

A quick assessment.

D N R hopeless cases every one , cremation advised possibly Thursday morning no flowers .


Squeaky bum time for Nicola Sturgeon as former French President goes down with a three year prison sentence suspended to a year in pokey for corruption and influence peddling.

Seems he Nicolas tried to influence a judge.

Can’t quite imagine the House of Murrell being over the moon on hearing that news. Pampers time perchance.


@ robbo

So, the fact that anything Mrs. Murrell says on that day will be buried away beneath news of the budget doesn’t concern you?



winifred mccartney says:
1 March, 2021 at 1:12 pm
That great democratic institution of the Scot Parl has no information at all about the next meetings of the Harassment Committee and would appear not to be sitting today or if it is it is in private. When is Wolfe expected and what time is NS expected on Wednesday – she is obviously holed up somewhere swatting – she’ll still not be a patch of AS.
This made me laugh as on first glance I read it as squatting!


if anyone is wondering why the Labour party isn’t making more capital than you would expect they have just lost a case trying to unmask a whistleblower who exposed plotting against Jeremy Corbyn on WhatsApp. The Judge described it as a ‘fishing exercise’

Background – link to

Ruling on case – link to

wee monkey

Gerard McGhee says:
1 March, 2021 at 12:36 pm
does anyone understand why the unionists are refusing to put the boot in?
it might be because they see Sturgeon and her disciples as the Unionists greatest asset but I couldn’t credit them with that level of sophistication; not without direction from outside.

They can’t because the EVIDENCE has been erased.


Rev you deserve a medal for your amazing work and the stress we know you have endured for the cause.

wee monkey


“A quick assessment.

D N R hopeless cases every one , cremation advised possibly Thursday morning no flowers.”

Which perfectly surmises what many, many families have endured this last year under SNP rule.

Not So Fucking Smug Now Are We.


In a previous life I was a criminal investigation manager for a Government agency. The issue of disclosure of any documents relating to an investigation was just about the single most significant aspect of any case once a prosecutable case was established. The possibility of the defendant & his lawyers being denied, let alone intentionally denied, any relevant material was tantamount to serious management action. At best the case would probably be dropped if there was any hint of suppression. At worst if it became apparent the suppression was considered to be intentional and demonstrably prejudicial to the case it would certainly be dropped & those involved suspended with dismissal for gross misconduct would inevitably be the outcome.

In this scenario there is minimal doubt that evidence material to AS was suppressed & or withheld which I find staggering. The position being taken by the Crown Office is equally staggering because by some means or another this material will surface. My current gut feeling is that an SNP member at Westminster will use Parliamentary privilege to effectively blow the thing wide open.

The extent to which the NS posse have abused, conned & discredited the Scottish people is beyond egregious.



It was a former staffer hostile to JC that brought the case. Labour defended it, to their credit and did not disclose the whistleblower(s).

The point being no party is immune to this sort of plotting and smearing against rivals within or outwith the party. Let’s be in no doubt though the unionists are saving their fire for the campaign and will hold nothing back and the SNP cannot blame anyone but themselves.

Tinto Chiel

@Boaby 1.50: thanks, should have looked below the headline, as The Rev always says.


Nicola Sturgeon, Nicola Sarkozy, similar names. Similar initials . Similar professions, similar jobs albeit NS, the French one, is now out of the job.

And the difference perchance could in the letter S – as in S for stretch, or S for sentence.. Yes there’ something about about the letter S.

Aye, Squeaky bum time for some – and there’s that S popping up again. All part of the alphabet Miss S.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Jeane Freeman on why she’s taking the Covid meeting today:

“The FM asked me to do it, I’m the Health Secretary, it’s a Covid briefing. Makes perfect sense”.

Aye common sense, in fact makes you wonder why the Scottish Health Secretary hasn’t led these Public Health Covid Briefings from the start?

Could have anything to do with someone’s narcissism could it?

I Wright

I wonder if some of the delaying of submission or publication of evidence is to bring the end-game closer to the election for maximum damage to the SNP.


Mist001 says:
1 March, 2021 at 2:14 pm
@ robbo

So, the fact that anything Mrs. Murrell says on that day will be buried away beneath news of the budget doesn’t concern you?


Epic fail.

I don’t think it will be buried. Not by a long shot. Will be on here(wings), twitter, facebook and any rag uk outlet worth a jot.

When she’s gone you’ll be onto the next Scot, maybe Alex. I’d bet my house on it, cos you’re a YOON. and s WANKER.


Jockanese Wind Talker @3.05 pm

Agree, Jeane Freeman should have been taking these months ago.

NS will be avoiding awkward questions from the press and needs to rehearse for Wednesday.



That post sums up what I have experienced in a much better way than I could ever express. Taking a complaint to a council, an MSP or even challenging a decision taken by a Scottish Minister is like banging your head off a wall, eventually you give up with a sore head and swear you will not do it again.
Both the Rev and Alex Salmon have to be applauded for taking these people to task.

Robert Louis

So, Sarkozy sent to ‘the bastille’ for three years for corruption.

I wonder if any in high office in Scotland, might be taking heed? Tick tock, as they say. No matter how successful the Scottish government cover-up now, in the fullness of time, the truth will out.

I just find it breathtaking that people can collude with such evil intent and mendacity against one man, then smile and deny all knowledge.


Congrats Rev, well deserved

Thomas Brotherston

I think we should rejoice that the procedures we have put in place despite their flaws are head and shoulders above those of the so called “mother of parliaments “ if the blessed Nic is forced to resign then that only demonstrates the superiority of our procedures. To have a leader with the enormous popular support she enjoys forced to retire to the subs bench only demonstrates to me ONE LAW FOR US ALL. She can return. Salmond can return. To err is human, to forgive divine to learn from the error is to be Scots

Lorna Campbell

It is hard to trust any of the MSM these days. Thank you for that you do, sir.

Lorna Campbell

Duhhhhh… should read: ‘for WHAT you do’. I swear I will swing for that autocorrect. Or maybe I should go to Specsavers. I mean, really go to Specsavers cos the old mince pies are gettin blint.

ben madigan

Incoming VONC for Mr Swinney according to the Scotsman

link to


ENTERTAINMENT will always have an audience.

Page view numbers do not infer truth, they infer readership. If they did infer truth, then by that logic every mainstream newspaper is telling way more truth than Wings. En contrare as those with no French say.

I’ve called RevStu on this before; just because people read doesn’t mean they agree with you, and this time, it doesn’t mean they believe you.

(I do generally believe you, but I come here for entertainment. Like I said before it’s the consistency of posts that makes all the difference. I appreciate your work.)

Charlie Roberts

Graham – whatever the reasons (and saying it’s Entertainment is also a value judgement/assumption of motivations),

more vists, or more readers, or whatever, indicate an interest. Quite a high level of interest right now.

Perhaps a misleading or self-aggrandising title, but I’d say the bloke has a right to feel proud or satisfied that his message is reaching people, and trickle/stream (hopefully much more) of what the blog author is talking about getting into the News Media.

It’s a bit of both and everything.

And perhaps nothing too – just to cover my bases.


@ Ian Spruce
Kenny’s twitter account is still active.
link to


Good news indeed that the site traffic has increased. By definition, therefore, so have the number of spooks and the amount of trolling.

The dead tree press is not subjected to either of these phenomena. Their subversion is fully paid for.


Fair enough Charlie, but I think holding him to his oft touted rigorous standards of evidence is appropriate. The best he can say about page views is people are interested. Not that they agree or believe, as is sometimes implied.

Charlie Roberts

Graham – upon reflection, your attitude and opinion here is I reckon right.

“I’ve called RevStu on this before; just because people read doesn’t mean they agree with you, and this time, it doesn’t mean they believe you.”

People like you who are willing to speak up – about anything – are vitally important, especially nowadays. I wouldn’t want to put anyone off speaking truth (as they see it) to power.

It is good to both have humility and not be surrounded by sycophants and cheerleaders, and if RevStu can get carried away with himself at times, then he needs people like you to bring a sense of reality/grounding.

Hope this makes sense.

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