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Wings Over Scotland


Posted on August 07, 2013 by

Okay, so we know this is teasing, but the results of our poll are in.

They make for amazingly interesting reading, and we’re confident you’re going to feel you got value for your money if you were one of the people who contributed to our absurdly successful fundraiser, which achieved 400% of its target in 72 hours before we had to issue a series of panicked tweets telling people to STOP sending money.

We only got the tables half an hour ago – we’re still digesting it all ourselves and there’s a fair bit of technical admin to do before we can start publishing, and there’s so much info we’re going to have to put it out in instalments so as not to overwhelm you with data, but hold tight. We should have the first release for you tomorrow.

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Thomas Widmann

Sounds good!
I happen to know the questions (because I sometimes take parts in polls for a certain pollster), so I’ve been waiting with bated breath for three days already now… 🙂

Scott Watson

I hope that once you publish you pass on the findings to MSM outlets (and Yes Scotland) as well. The poll questioning has been conducted by a respectable polling agency and thus the media can’t really ignore it.

Paula Rose

Can you post a copy of the poll please?

Donald Kerr

Since Rob Shorthouse had the questions emailed to him earlier, I wonder if someone has now emailed him the answers. Who’s the mole?

Alistair Davidson

Aye, make sure to press release it, papers love to report this stuff and you’d be doing yourself a disservice not to 🙂

creag an tuirc

Talking of polls Rev, when you contacted this mob in the first place about the latest poll, did they not say they would be publishing new poll data on pancake Tuesday or something? Where is it? Will your poll have been funded, conducted and published before it?


Exciting stuff! 🙂


Anent Blair
You can fool …


@Rev Stu
Of 1,015 people polled, the number who think Blair McDougall is “Always telling the truth” about independence is… 3.
I wonder if one of them is Rob Shorthouse….how embarrassing if it isn’t 🙂


Quick, quick, quick. Tell me tell me tell me Gonnae, gonnae, gonnae.
Ach! how no?

turnbul drier

Aw come on.. you cannae just leave that one hanging… as a certian AM once said.. ” who are these people”  😉


“Of 1,015 people polled, the number who think Blair McDougall is “Always telling the truth” about independence is… 3.”
So we have to wait until tomorrow?
You know that funny feeling you get on Christmas Eve……Well I’ve got it!! 🙂


Now that’s just cruel….


Seriously cant wait to find out what the space monsters question was…


Argh….suspense of this until tomorrow ….cannae wait….


“Of 1,015 people polled, the number who think Blair McDougall is “Always telling the truth” about independence is… 3.”

0.29%. Could be zero within standard error. 😉


3 out of 1015 what is that in % of those polled?  On night shift and haven’t got my head on yet.


3 – was that before they were sectioned?


Thanks SS you anticipated my question.

Paula Rose

Surely the percentage is dependent on how many of those polled know who he is?


I want to know why Blair’s Mum was polled (assuming she was one of the three like 😉  )
I’m looking forward to this. Which MSM deserves first bite of the cherry…it being a pukkah poll and all? Certainly not those twisted fruitcakes at the Scotsman.
Sunday Herald? They have been fairly even handed of late. Kevin for the Observer? He will will write a rambling stream of consciousness as is his wont but he might like space aliens. 


Put another way out of 1015 asked, 1012 know Blair McDougal is a liar.  His family must be so proud.


Could you tell me when and where the poll was out? Haven’t seen it….peeved!


Ooooh, that is actually a bit quicker than I’d thought it would be to get the results. Looking forward to seeing both the answers AND the questions. 🙂

Jon D

This reminds me of the anticipation I had at 14 when my first girlfriend invited me back to her house after the holiday’s because she had something for me. No sooner had I got there than her mother handed me a jar of cockles and a stick of rock from North Berwick. 
This had better be good tomorrow, Rev.

Bugger (the Panda)

Maybe better to hold off and give it to the Sunday Herald and you publish it on Sunday as well, with your slant?
The SH would have to give you credit and put up details of your website.

Next time a joint poll?


Of 1,015 people polled, the number who think Blair McDougall is “Always telling the truth” about independence is… 3.
Sadly, this is exactly the sort of racist, misogynistic, homophobic, vitriolic bile we’ve come to expect from Wings over so-called Scotland and I will therefore ignore it.
Now currywurst can have the night off.


No reason you couldn’t write a freelance for some papers Rev.


@Rev Stu
Of 1,015 people polled, the number who think Blair McDougall is “Always telling the truth” about independence is… 3.
That is not fair to Blair McDougall….The number should be even lower!


So it’s not a misspelling of Blair – his name really is Bliar.


Now currywurst can have the night off.

Keyser Soze

Well done Rev.
…..enjoying reading the thread…..roll on tomorrow

Doug Daniel

Handandshrimp – dinnae be daft, Blair’s mum knows fine he’s a little liar 😛

Caroline Corfield

Yay, though this might be the reason it was a bit quiet recently! Looking forward to this.


Aw, go on Rev, let us at least know the questions. You can tell us how they were answered tomorrow.


Re passing the results onto the MSM for publication – I have a vague recollection of BBC when challenged before about not putting the results of a positive poll on their website or in their news broadcasts they insisted they were only obliged to publish poll results the had commissioned themselves.


Chocolate raisins at the ready and nice Merlot on shopping list.
Look forward to it Rev. 🙂


Now currywurst can have the night off.
I imagine he`s off to Bongo Bongo land for a night out with his naughty step unionist friends. It`s a best of both worlds theme park type affair.

Gordon Bain

I would make a point of NOT giving it to the BBC! And we’ll done by the way. Very fast.


Nice one rev, looking forward to seeing the results.
really happy to have contributed and am even happier to be part of the WOS community


Och Rev, you are an awful tease.
Many Anoraks will be restless tonight.


I’m positively moist with anticipation!

jim mitchell

I bet the Better Together lot have already put together some complaint about the questions being slanted against their point of view, and that’s even before the public know what the questions are!


I wonder if there is anyone in politics who wpuld score much more than 3 . It’s that word ‘always’ in the question.


I am looking forward to reading the results.  I think its about time more indepth studies are completed.   


Quite tricky to find an appropriate song while we wait.
I’d forgotten how dire Toyah Wilcox’s ‘It’s a Mystery’ really is…‘a shot in the dark, a big question mark...’


Headlines tomorrow (The Scotsman):
Scottish Independence: Can We Really Trust the Polls?


This is more like it:
Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes – ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way’-


Go on! Go on! ala Mrs Doyle..
Not even another wee another wee clue?


“The poll questioning has been conducted by a respectable polling agency and thus the media can’t really ignore it.”
Sadly, they can, have been known to and will continue to do so. 
However, I look forward very much to this, Rev. Great stuff 🙂



link to


“Well, everyone else we asked about did”
Was one of them Jackie “I Always Tell The Truth” Baillie? 😀


The latest post/rant on OpenUnionism should prove relaxing before bed. 🙂
link to


‘Why You Asking All Them Questions?’ – Spoken Reason

Vincent McDee

I have a Finnish friend staying at home. Out of curiosity and interest for the Indyref she’s perused past editions of WOS to get a clearer idea of what this is all about.

As she’s quite intelligent the next step has been questions, many and with meaning. We’ve done our collective best to answer them, but just now and unexpectedly (at least for me) she’s asked one whcih has let me speechless.
“If on one side you have Yes Scotland and on the other Better Together (or so they say) why do you keep naming them by their chosen name and not by the true one: No Scotland?

Didn’t then and still do not know how to answer that. Any willing help, please?


@Vincent McDee

I have a Finnish friend staying at home. Out of curiosity and interest for the Indyref she’s perused past editions of WOS to get a clearer idea of what this is all about.
As she’s quite intelligent the next step has been questions, many and with meaning. We’ve done our collective best to answer them, but just now and unexpectedly (at least for me) she’s asked one whcih has let me speechless.
“If on one side you have Yes Scotland and on the other Better Together (or so they say) why do you keep naming them by their chosen name and not by the true one: No Scotland?
Didn’t then and still do not know how to answer that. Any willing help, please?
Simply that the No campaign know they would get hammered if they used this name.  Effectively though that is what they are; they do not want to see a fully self-governing Scotland.


I’m bouncing off walls like a toddler on a sugar high. Cannot wait to see the results. 


Sorted…it is No Scotland from now on!

Albert Herring

I, among many others, have been calling them that for ages.

Doug Daniel

Vincent – I think the only answer to that is to avoid looking like we’re just indulging in name-calling. But we do call them the No campaign, the No camp, Better No etc.
No Scotland does have that extra bit of power to it, though…

Ron Burgundy

Your smart Finnish lady friend has struck paydirt here.
Give the lassie a kiss, superb incisiveness


@Vincent mcdee
“If on one side you have Yes Scotland and on the other Better Together (or so they say) why do you keep naming them by their chosen name and not by the true one: No Scotland?”
I like that. Ok, it’s No Scotland!!!


Still prefer ‘Brits Together’ (dont like association with Scotland in the title); then they can’t hide behind smoke & mirrors.
great work Rev look forward to the results !!

Quinie frae Angus

Oooh, how exciting! I haven’t posted so much as a squeak for ages…..but have been lurking aboot, reading everything…..too mega busy with work and tiredness and other stuff to think or post much recently but am back “on it” now and very much looking forward to the Rev’s results and analysis. 


Effectively though that is what they are; they do not want to see a fully self-governing Scotland.
They want a continuation of the union which apparently extinguished Scotland, so ‘No Scotland’ is entirely appropriate. They want no Scotland at all.

Patrick Roden

No Scotland is a great title as it tells us what we will have if we vote no!
I’m that anxious waiting on these results that I’ve started involuntarily pleating the hairs on my bum!
3 people voted yes to Blair telling the truth??? I bet it was 3 BT types who know full well he doesn’t tell the truth, but said they thought he did, cos they wanted to support their leader.


Either vote Yes Scotland or get No Scotland. 

Dorothy Devine

Juteman, having had  a quick read of what Lucius had to say , I returned to the descriptor,
In his spare time he writes creatively.”
I assume the article is ” creative” but how nice of him to take such an interest in our wee country and especially our First Minister.

Bugger (the Panda)

No to Scotland


No Scotland is the perfect name for them. It is their objective, pure and simple.

Bugger (the Panda)

a propos Julius of Belfast.
Is it just me or does his Open Unionism logo look ever so faintly third Reichish?

A bit like a branding iron mark?


O/T, but as predicted here:
link to


By ‘creative’ julius obviously means historical fiction as there is little truth in his diatribe!

Roddy Macdonald

@Juteman: Presumably Lucius from Belfast finds the Scottish campaigning method boring because we’re not lobbing petrol bombs at policemen over a fecking fleg!


Meanwhile, more pearls of wisdom from the aforesaid Mr McDougall
link to


re julius
Simply a sectarian bigot.  His article is barely literate.  It is hard to believe he is a politics student, let alone a creative writer.  Apparently he takes an ‘intensive’ interest in his subject.  Dear me.

Wilson Jamieson

What about No Better Together?


O/T Duggy’s first outing.
link to


C’mon Rev, can we have an ETA for the results today?


Pretty much the ideal place to find McDougall’s childish scrawl. Let’s face it he’s preaching to the converted there. If he said that Alex Salmond was a werewolf who bayed at the moon and stole household pets for snacks, the readership wouldn’t bat an eye.
Actually I find it only too believable that he was a politics student. There was a time when people had a job first and then took up politics to try and make a difference. Now the career politician seems flow like water from school, to uni, to career, to ermine.

Dorothy Devine

“Now the career politician seems to flow like water from school, to uni, to career,to expenses claims( all within the rules of course !) to ermine to more expenses claims for doing even less( all within the rules of course!)”
Fixed it Macart!

Ivan McKee

I know we’re all chomping at the bit here to get the poll results, but tactically would it make more sense to let Panelbase Press Release it to the MSM for maximum credibility and impact ? Even if we have to wait a bit.
I’m not an expert in this all this media stuff, so let me know if I’m wrong.
Just don’t want our excitement to get the better of our tactical awareness.
(Having said that I’m sure the Rev has thought through all the options already)


The linked article is a great example of why only 3 people believe he’s always telling the truth.


@Vronsky (7.35)-
That’s a solid piece from the Independent, and useful case-studies. The Comments make a grim read, but the full ferocity of the scrounger-hounds is on show – some truly nasty stuff in there.
(SSP will have a stall in Ayr, at the Wallace Tower, today, from 11-ish. We’re still doing our petition, but the main reason for these stalls is to catch the people who are curious, ask what we’re doing, then say ‘Oh, bedroom-tax? That doesn’t affect me’. ‘You think so pal? Really think so?’)


@Dorothy Devine
Feel free to correct anytime. 😀
Far more to the point than my example.


Just as the Millenium Dome provided a great ‘make-your-own’ metaphor for New Labour, here’s the very boy for the ConDems – a monstrous lard-ball threatening the Heart of the Nation:
link to


Found this pearl of wisdom.
link to
“Where the Briton dwells, utterly estranged from all the world.”
Our future if we vote no.
Hail Alba


I’ve been calling them No to Scotland for a good while but I’m happy to go with the shorter No Scotland 🙂


@ Dorothy Devine
Lucius of Belfast would be thrilled to know that you mentioned him on Rev Stu’s blog.  Nobody knows the type better than I do.  Thankfully his form of bullying Unionism will never again hold sway in N I.  That’s hard for him to accept but whit can yae dae, eh?  


link to
Just WOW… When you read this, remember that Scots will still be British (ie. live in the British Isles) after Scottish independence.
clearly, the person who wrote this twaddle does not understand the difference between the name of a geographic island group and a political construct (ie. the UK).
We still await the elusive positive case for the union!

Buster Bloggs

@ Alba4Eva
What a crock that is, even worse if it was a Scot who wrote it, Na still waiting…


Just read the forceforgood thing. It is an interestingly ahistorical amble through the annals of our islands isn’t it? 🙂
I see it finishes with the only four lines they can find that suggests that Burns was pro-Union ignoring that it was written under the threat of Napoleonic invasion and that Burns was still adamant that there were British wrongs to righted. Scots voting for independence is British hands righting British wrongs. A foreign army invading isn’t…not a hard concept to grasp I would have thought. As to the notion that Britain was a single entity prior to the Roman invasion…dear Lord!
I wonder if they aspire to James VI’s aspiration for one set of laws and Government, or in other words scarp Scottish law and Holyrood?
File under ill informed sentimental pap.  


First BOMBSHELL instalment should be up by lunchtime.
Stu sure knows how to build the tension 😉
O/t, Had an unnerving dream nay a nightmare that involved a certain missing Ms Lamont…she was such a charming, softly spoken with an angel face who decided after  listening to all the relevant info that indeed she was on the turn and going to vote YES, i woke up almost running in the opposite direction towards the NO Scotland brigade.  Then reality hit and i realised she is still posted as missing.  Has she given up the ghost i  wonder.


I think what Johann has demonstrated is that she is not missed on the political scene not even by Labour.


Ta Rev, look furrit tae ma pieces noo…!


Re, it would be be nice to get RT totally involved with these poll results and let Kaiser do his stuff.Give nothing to the Beeb, Scotsman or Herald, but send Ian Bell and Iain Macwhirter a personal copy and Gerry Hasson. Maybe Ivan McKee’s suggestion for Panelbase Press Release will do, but personal copies are more certain of getting read and put to use.
What a storking result!

Ian Mackay

On Robert Burns and his Scottish nationalism:

link to

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