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Wings Over Scotland

Timewaster wastes time

Posted on October 15, 2015 by

We wonder how many papers we’ll see this in tomorrow.

“The Electoral Commission has today dismissed the nonsensical claims made in the press that Business for Scotland and the SNP broke campaigning rules by ‘working together’ during the 2014 referendum campaign.

The Electoral Commission, in its letter to Business for Scotland, clearly states: “We are not opening an investigation or otherwise pursuing this matter further. We have seen no information or evidence that the SNP and BFS worked together to an agreed plan to promote or procure a ‘yes’ outcome at the Scottish Independence Referendum. We therefore consider this matter to be closed.”

A spokesperson for Business for Scotland said: “These were malicious and sensationalist claims, made by the unionist press hoping to damage the Yes movement, and we welcome the Electoral Commission’s confirmation that we acted entirely properly.

“We were never in any doubt that our actions were within the law, because we sought specific advice from the Electoral Commission on how to work with other Yes organisations during the referendum.

They told us that speaking with, sharing a platform with and getting updates from other Yes groups was not only within the rules, they expected us to do so and went so far as to say they couldn’t understand how we could run our campaigns without communicating in that way.

“The original complainant, a well known unionist blogger and social media troll, and the press who led on this ridiculous story simply don’t understand the Electoral Commission’s rules about which they were writing. And the Electoral Commission has made it clear that there is no need for an investigation, despite the headlines claiming that there was.

Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp, founder, CEO and registered head of the BfS referendum campaign said: “BfS has now twice been given a clean bill of health by the Electoral Commission in direct contrast to the No campaign’s business group, the CBI, which tried to avoid electoral campaign rules by not registering, but were forced to register by the Electoral Commission resulting in the resignation of as much as half of its Scottish membership.

“BfS will write to all the editors of the newspapers that ran this inaccurate story without seeking a quote from BfS and demand a right to reply.””

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Brian Doonthetoon

One can but hope that the truth will be outed by our trusty corpmedia…

Paula Rose



SNPouter nutcases say its all giant conspiracy, like the moon landings or 9/11. So they’ve all wrapped themselves in this union jack comfort blanket

Kevin Hague Retweeted Adam Tomkins
Party politics aside, if you live in or care about Scotland this is a sobering read Kevin Hague added,
Adam Tomkins @ProfTomkins
My cover piece in this week’s @spectator, on the SNP’s catastrophic rule

Classy bunch.


Calling Colin Ripley, calling Colin Ripley your man took one hell of a beating LOLs 🙂


Calling Colin Ripley, calling Colin Ripley.

I think he’s still at his desk, being sobered by Prof Smirky’s bizarre UKOK thing today in modern neo fascist magazine, or whatever its called.

Kevin Hague ?@kevverage 1h1 hour ago
How do you find the time to fight this battle on Twitter?

By still sitting at my desk at 21:30 that’s how.



Wont be holding my breath on any papers correcting their stories.

Tomorrow, there will be another bad snp story to fabricate, oops sorry, I ment cover.

Could go something like ” out of over 100,000 members the snp could only manage to attract 3500 to their annual conference in Aberdeen.” See , the honeymoon period is over…… again.


They’re really clutching at straws,aren’t they? The louder they hate the SNP the more ridiculous they sound.Remember,the SNP has more members than most of these papers have readers.




O/T Ha ha, just Luvvit when he goes fuckin banyanas

Grouse Beater

Read that good news story earlier today. Excellent

Don’t expect the press to give it space – broadcasters are determined to keep the debate as narrow as possible by asking the same bloody question over and over again, but encouraging as much useless heated discussion on it as possible – namely, the one about when the next referendum will happen.

Scotland 2015 had some balloon running around holding aloft a cardboard elephant (in the room – geddit?) and asking delegate to affix a sticker on a time line.

Yes, that’s wonderful nutrition for intellectual thought.


Yet more vindication for Wings and the Yes movement.

Also,well deserved reward for the hard work and penetrating research of the Wings team.

As for Kevin Hague – Don’t give up the day job.Stick to ‘punting’ hamsters.


Well it is already the headline story in the Herald on-line so…

Bill Fraser

Another load of lies and rubbish by the unionists rightly thrown in the muck heap where it belongs.Whilst we don’t expect truths from the anti ind.,this goes a little bit far.

[…] Timewaster wastes time […]

Ian Brotherhood

Just sticking this in to help avoid unnecessary hammer-related fatalities.


link to

Colin Rippey

C’mon guys, at least spell the name right!

Ian Brotherhood

I am properly dim, and need help – did anyone ever find out what the status of ‘Vote No Borders’ actually was? (I know we discussed it here – on the very day it was launched!)

Wasn’t it meant to be a ‘grass-roots’ campaign?

Here’s a link which, strangely enough, is still live, and contains a piece by Professor Pish:

link to


Colin Rippey says:
15 October, 2015 at 11:49 pm
C’mon guys, at least spell the name right!

How are you Kevin? What’s it like getting your arse so publicly handed to you like this?

Don’t worry dude, you’re toryboy too poor, wee, stoopid Scotland region is still red hot:D

Hoss Mackintosh

Nice one – Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp.

“Great Is the Truth and it will Prevail”

Onwards towards Independence for Scotland.

Brian Doonthetoon

Apologies, Rev Stu.

Consider, metaphorically, wrist hit by hammer – won’t do it again.



Excellent, thanks.

We knew, and are well aware of the lies and smears and will continue to expose them, by sharing the information widely and getting the truth out there, to who and to where it matters.

Grouse Beater

Ian: did anyone ever find out what the status of ‘Vote No Borders’ actually was?

GCHQ concoction; clubby chaps meet over sherry, decide on pastiche social site with phony followers, a wink and a nod, and ‘David’ will be very grateful if you could front it, old man. Has his office cleared it? “Can’t answer that, but he will be grateful.

Well, then, delighted. My patriotic duty. Will need dosh to create, give it the plausible and the possible. Will shut it down once we have the bastards on the run’.

Oh, I’ve got a good contact at the BBC, old man. Gavin can give it a boost. “Is he one of us?” You bet he is, is the answer, with the rejoinder, show him a good weekend and he’ll be happy. You know, little secretarial squeeze of yours, Miranda. Pretty face.

Aren’t we the treasonable lot? they say, enjoying their furtive smirk and pouring another sherry before dinner.

Ian Brotherhood

@Grouse Beater (12.26) –


Aha! Now I understand.

It was a grass-roots movement…it just wasn’t ‘common-or-garden’ grass?

Nice and neat…and nae borders right enough.


It’ll probably get about as much coverage as the Westminster Parliamentary watchdog’s judgement that Michelle Thomson’s case merited no investigation or further scrutiny by Parliament. As in precious little, and scarcely mentioned.

Ian Brotherhood

Just heard Boris Johnson quoting Chumbawumba on BBC Radio Five Live.

Time for bed…

Paula Rose

@Ian Brotherhood – vote Nob Orders turned out to be nothing to do with a radical departure from normal gardening practises nor an attempt to get from the border to Glasgow in one easy move – it died a death.

call me dave

Catching up quickly this morning and the last three threads have been excellent reading.

E Commission agrees, nothing to see here move along. The opposition was indeed clutching at straws.

Enjoyed the conference on the excellent stream and caught most of it, thanks for the link.

The target for more house building is a welcome announcement but
Labour housing spokesman Michael McMahon is bricking it! 🙂

link to

Heathrow trying to catch the eye of the SG about support for a third runway and the tories in WM will go ballistic says Herald.


Bit by bit the hysterical desperate unoinist media will destroy any remaining credibility, and if BfS hasn’t got the funds to force all media to publish suitable retractions, given the same prominence as the original articles, they should consider crowdfunding.

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

Yea, yea, and thrice yea…VNOB was a shabby business altogether, and ’twas rumbled in a matter of hours by some of the CyberNats so derided by Prof Pish.

That much we know.

What we don’t know (or, in my case, have forgotten, which amounts to the same thing, personally speaking) is to what extent VNOB was ‘working with’ Darling/McDougall’s Better Together campaign.

It may well be that no-one has ‘officially’ raised questions as to any possible impropriety. Or it may be that any such relationship has been thoroughly explored and declared innocent.

Perhaps no-one knows, or cares. Perhaps Prof Pish will be happy to lay bare his own dealings with the grass-roots organisation which garnered enough funding to produce this:

No Borders, ‘Why Build Another Wall?’ –

link to

Michael McCabe

Boris taking it a bit to seriously with the kids. link to

donald anderson

Meanwhile the Bra of the Moan is posing in her Barbie Ermine like nobody’s business.

“Impartial Rag Trade Slaver Flaunts Imperial Trappings”. Nothing about her dodgy overseas factory deals then?


The Graun online has wasted no time in sticking that utterly crap Steve Bell cartoon about NS’s speech right at the top of their online edition. No article on BfS

No surprise there.


awizgonny says:

“The Graun online has wasted no time in sticking that utterly crap Steve Bell cartoon about NS’s speech right at the top of their online edition. No article on BfS

No surprise there.”

No, it’s not a surprise, it’s not a surprise simply because it’s clickbait. This is how these fuckwits are staying solvent, purely by the numbers of ‘evil cybernats’ that are visiting their pages.

If I was the editor of a dead tree newspaper I would be going out my way to upset the ‘evil cybernats’…just think of the revenue that comes in from those angry clicks


The Graun online has wasted no time in sticking that utterly crap Steve Bell

Last year year they daubed swastikas on Sturgeon, so maybe they’re mellowing.

Graun’s merely another bunch of tories and they do not want England to lose control of Scotland. Scotland is nothing to them but the power and glory of British nationalism. That’s why Brexit is a very different kettle of toryboy world fish for these guys.

Graun liars with daft facial hair Mike Kettle, says Scotland is to England as Quebec is to Canada-

“Twenty years on, the dominant political forces in Quebec are not separatist. Instead, Quebec voters seem to be opting overwhelmingly for the centre-left Liberals under Justin Trudeau, the likely winner on Monday, and the leftwing New Democrats. Canada’s election is volatile, but current projections suggest that the nationalist Bloc may take just three of Quebec’s 78 seats.

If that happens, Britain can draw several lessons from it. First, that defeating a second independence referendum is critical. Second, that a new constitutional and political settlement between Scotland and the rest of the UK is a priority. Third, that the parties of the centre-left and left have the best chance to regain the initiative from nationalists, but only if they have a serious strategy. Fourth, it could all take a generation or more. But, fifth, there is absolutely no law that says the nationalists are bound to win in the end.”

England ain’t no Canada rancid The Graun. 2035 and SNP have three seats, Britannia rules the waves, is their cunning plan.

Who’s their next Michelle Thomson you have to ask?


The Herald has the story about the Electoral Commission decision in its paper edition and fairly extensive coverage of the SNP conference. More I think than it has done in the past when the conference is on.

craig murray

Grouse Beater

Brilliant pastiche, but I had the impression his tastes for a dirty weekend would run in a different direction.


This ain’t Canadialand.

When they had their referendums Social media interwebbery wasn’t around as an alternative to MSM.

We are far more engaged and are an old country with a long history of our own predating the act of the Onion.

Their media pish ain’t washing.

Nobody is listening.

I know a good few no voters who fully accept the BBC is a British Mouthpiece an is biased to the core.

Newspaper readership is declining.

It’s coming and they cannot stop it.


Ahhhhh so!!!

‘Agreed plans’ to procure a No vote:

RBS moving to England,loss of jobs etc.

Civil Service collusion’when territorial integrity of UK is threatened’.

Asda saying food prices will rocket?

Employees told they’ll lose their jobs unless they vote No.

The list is extensive.

Hope the EC are right on it.

Even ‘The Vow’ should be investigated.

Some hope but a legal case can be made.

Hugh Barclay

“Readers! Rather than apologise for going off-topic in the second comment under a post, JUST DON’T FUCKING DO IT.”

That made me chuckle lol.

We all know Unionists are the lowest of the low, lying scheming fuckwits, Did they never get the story about crying wolf?


If you ever wondered why Business for Scotland gets the muppetaria in such a lather have a read of their goals and values. “co-create and promote our positive Vision for Scotland”, “we will promote the values and sectors that will act as the foundations upon which we can build a more prosperous, successful, confident, greener, more equal and fairer Scotland”, “we are committed to the Living Wage, increasing wages for the lower paid will boost our economy and create a virtuous upwards spiral.
link to

Contrast with the CBI, “The CBI is the UK’s premier business lobbying organisation, providing a voice for employers at a national and international level”

Yes BFS would definitely make them splutter into their gin. Can’t be having it Boris simply cannot be having it. Seek and destroy!


Their media pish ain’t washing.

Its certainly going to electorally test their horrendous UKOK propaganda. Vote NO, for your own good, for your safety and security in teamGB, for the pooling and sharing resources across the UK, you’re British.

Ok I vote NO

Last night, C4 teatime news has a Scottish farmer crying on camera, as he loses his beautiful farm to his super rich Highland landlord, (having signed the tenancy contract but heyho) in their West Highland region that voted NO for their own good, for their safety and security, for the pooling and sharing resources across the UK.

Slow eyed, mahogany tanned super rich landlord explains to C4 news gimp that both himself and his super rich friends have made Scotland beautiful.

So its all on SNP bad, says that nice Mr Snow. He can’t be just one more UKOK bullshit artist can he.


Paula Rose says:
“vote Nob Orders …. it died a death.”

Strangled at birth by the more cyber savvy Yessers 🙂

What has always amazed me is that somewhere, a group of people thought it was a goer and threw money at it.


heedtracker says:
“Their media pish ain’t washing.”

… and yesterday’s YouGov poll would appear to prove it.

I now get the feeling that the whole political arena in Scotland has moved into a different plain – it’s no longer simply party politics, and the massive support for the SNP is not actually all about the SNP. Half the country have independence as their target and politics is just a means to that end.

That half see Project Fear and Project Smear for what they are.

The Unionists parties, Corp Media and London broadcasters haven’t come to terms with this huge transformation in public attitudes.


Thing is that the original complaint link to had the accusation that Murrell was a shadow director of BfS with absolutely nothing to back it up other than the contradictory fact that rather than issuing orders he made criticisms that were taken on board.

The press choose not to fully report the nature of the complaint or even critique it. Something that seems common when they know the allegations they’re reporting are bullship but want to lend them an air of authority anyway.

The real story was, man makes allegation he’s made before with an added bit tacked on due to current events. EC reply, in diplomatic terms, that they know it’s crap but will have a look again to check it’s still as crappy as it was the last time they looked. Surprisingly they find it’s still crap.


well thats what they get for listening to rentahonk and running their mouths off without any evidence,eventually its will come back to bite you on the bum.

A bigger question should now be thrown in their faces just how much did this non event made up scandal cost the tax payer and was this a blatant waste of time and resources and should there be an investigation into this.


@ galamcennalath, it may come to a stalemate, with 600 English MP’s still in charge that is. The 50% YES vote in Scotland do seem impervious to full on UKOK attack propaganda BBC style, so its likely 56 SNP MP’s in Westminster won’t change much under their now disastrous FPTP (funny FPTP is now a very bad thing, for Britnats)

BBC Scotland and co might be able to beat down a SNP Holyrood majority with their relentless smear campaigning but unless they really come up with The Vow they actually said they would, there may be trouble ahead, but while there’s music and moonlight and weeping ex farmers on C4 news and it’s all Nic Sturgeon’s fault so vote SLab you too small, poor, stupid ingrates in our Scotland region, probably won’t cut it rule Britannia wise.

But then me not a fabulously over paid henchman running BBC vote SLabour Scotland, thank fcukily.

Love this guy! The last UKOK king of Scotland.
link to


“We are not opening an investigation or otherwise pursuing this matter further. We have seen no information or evidence that the SNP and BFS worked together to an agreed plan to promote or procure a ‘yes’ outcome at the Scottish Independence Referendum.”

I wonder if they could say the same about Better Together and the CBI?


They were trying to get more out of the Michelle Thomson story by connecting her with BFS and then tarnish BFS, simple.


The sad thing is there will be no apologies. The press ran with this and now it is kicked into touch. The rather pathetic story about TITP appears to have faded into nothing and there is no evidence yet that he Thompson story won’t do the same. However, I am in doubt that the press will simply try another tack. This isn’t reporting it is propaganda. The big problem is that they don’t have a credible alternative.

I listened briefly to the radio this morning as Gary Robertson wasted half of his interview with Nicola on the Thompson case. I wasn’t angry I was bored. It became a nothing interview. In fact I was so bored I changed channels to listen to some music.

Graham Harris Graham

Listen up folks. The British Establishment knows exactly what it is doing. It came to terms about the SNP a very long time ago when it began to re-bury the embarrassing wealth once it started gushing out of the North Sea.

Former Labour Chancellor, Denis Healey, admitted his Government played down the value of Scotland’s oil reserves in the 1970s because of the threat of nationalism.

link to

We are in a British state sponsored political, cultural & social war, last seen on these islands when the Irish rightfully sought return to full sovereign independence.

A quick search for the British point of view, narrative & indeed cartoons in the early 20th century will reveal a picture that to me anyway, looks very familiar.

link to

Thus, the Scots & their elected political leaders are characterised in the London media as backward, kilt wearing simpletons with a one dimensional, illogical & deeply flawed, nationalist ambition; too wee, too poor, too stupid to manage their own resources & their own economy. “Doff yer hats, toffs in London know best.”

But the Irish story & indeed ours are just repeats of the ones used by the British in almost every case where a colony awakened to the idea of sovereign independence.

Those with weak stomachs may not want to take a peek at a list of arguably, the top 10 evil crimes of the British Empire.

link to

I’m not suggestion the inevitability of violence but I’m simply pointing out that aspirations for reforms at the BBC, across the British media or inside the House of Lords for example are a complete waste of time.

When it decides that all it takes for someone to become a member of its chamber, is an attention seeking, narcissist with big tits, you know deep down that as far as you and me are concerned, it doesn’t give a flying fcuk.

link to


heedtracker says:
“unless they really come up with The Vow they actually said they would, there may be trouble ahead”

Things seem to be stuck on 50:50 within statistical error. However, I see that as temporary pending the outcome of the Scotland Bill.

Once DevoMax has finally had a big stake hammered through its heart, and everyone knows it will not rise again, it becomes ‘make your mind up time’ for the DevoMaxers. Hopefully enough will see that Indy is the only way to get significant powers and there will be a Yes surge.

To stop all progress on Indy, the UKOKers need to deny the SNP a majority in May. So between now and then they will do the only thing they seem to know how – smear and fabricate SNPbad shite. The topic of this thread being a fine example!

I’m not sure what the timetable for the Scotland Bill is, but if DevoAllYou’reGetting is finalised before May, then a Yes surge could also be another SNP surge!


HandandShrimp, teamGB toryboy world is never boring. Last nights C4 news had a weeping evicted farmer and C4 gimps blamed the SNP. Last BBC lie machine had a tory voter weeping for herself, who voted toryboy and her life suddenly got much harder, shock.

link to

First they came for the disabled and still I voted red and blue toryboy, then they came for me and I wept, for me.

Brian Powell

Reading the papers today, the BBC today-apparently SNP something.

Yesterday- apparently SNP something.

Tomorrow- apparently SNP something.

Proud Cybernat

“The original complainant, a well known unionist blogger and social media troll, and the press who led on this ridiculous story simply don’t understand the Electoral Commission’s rules about which they were writing.”

They damn well knew, alright! But feigning ignorance, playing dumb allows them to play their dirty tricks. Disgraceful feckers. They damn well knew what they were doing–asking for a quote (i.e. getting the actual facts) from BfS could have meant that they might not have been able to run their smear. And they couldn’t allow that to happen.

CorpseMedia – love it.

Robert Louis

I have just watched the new SNP party political broadcast, and I must say, it is utter pants. It doesn’t inspire anybody. Those responsible should be shot*.

Seriously, the SNP leadership need to stop being so feart to mention the ‘I’ word. A bit fed up with the direction they are heading. Now, we are told, ‘they won’t stand in the way, if people want independence’, FFS! Hardly inspiring. If they don’t watch out they might not get my vote in 2016 – and I am not joking – and I have been in the SNP for many, many years.

I have voted SNP for a very long time to achieve one thing, Independence, and this nonsense about ‘lets’ show we are competent in Government, is hogwash. We did that since 2007. Things have moved on. If independence is off the menu, then so is my vote.

I’ve been around a while, and I’ve seen other political parties (Labour/red tories) compromise on their vision and values, until there is nothing of substance left. A little bit of compromise here, a wee bit there, drip, drip, drip.

People are still clamouring for change, the status quo is NOT acceptable, so I think Nicola Sturgeon is being very poorly advised, with her continuous raising of artificial barriers to independence. Too much dancing to the unionist media narrative.

No doubt I’ll be branded a ‘fundamentalist’ for saying this. Aye, it would seem independence = ‘fundamentalism’ now.

*Metaphorically speaking. Probably.


I’m not sure what the timetable for the Scotland Bill is, but if DevoAllYou’reGetting is finalised before May, then a Yes surge could also be another SNP surge!

Well think about the daily meets between that bloke MacQuarrel and say the whole BBC vote SLab Scotland news team. First thing they’ll be doing is checking out Holyrood marginals, where the tipping points are and why they are marginals.

Then they focus in on old school toryboy media attacks at these stress points, ie

Michelle Thomson’s their main target right now, from the Ashley Madison slander on her, to trying to develop a class war thing over her giant evil and cruel property empire. Over and over, keep bashing away at them because it works in teamGB, BBC is impartial and unbiased, greatest public broadcaster the world has ever seen forever and ever.

Same Pacific Quay crew will have watched their C4 news colleagues SNP attack last night with the crying farmer and given them a very hearty round of applause.

Proud Cybernat

@ Graham Harris Graham

“Those with weak stomachs may not want to take a peek at a list of arguably, the top 10 evil crimes of the British Empire.

link to

From here on known as the ‘Sabre-nats’.


I would like to know is how these people have that type of access to the media. Especially multiple media access.

Dr Jim

The Media are telling us The First Minister made it clear No Referendum, I never heard that, I heard

Get more Fukcing votes and let’s beat the Bastirts solid at the first available opporchancety

Followed by: Build houses, blah, better blah, some more blah

And then: The Tories will Fukc it up and we’re in

Peace and Love: That’s what I heard


I note that the voice of the north anti SNP P&J has nothing to say about this story in print or online editions but they have a report on this.

Nicola Sturgeon: I don’t know if Michelle Thomson knew lawyer had been stuck-off when she was selected.
Also as usual the print edition has SNP bad letters to the editor

Bob Mack

@robert Louis.
No you are not a fundementalist,but rather like everyone else ,you are someone who can sense something so nearly within our grasp,that we are almost physically reaching out to take it before it goes away.

The problem is my friend that only the SNP offer that hope at this time. Who else is there?

I trust Nicola. She has proven to be a brilliant strategist thus far. I must wait and see what plays out,as must you.


The corporate media just isn’t getting through to me anymore, or people like me, but probably enough to influence the swing we need and for that reason we need to keep debunking their peddled myths, lies, deceit.

Once we get the swing, and let’s not be niaive here, the empire will turn to more direct, nasty action to keep the last of its ramparts intact.

We live in interesting times.


hehe guys what the SNP have done is tactically masterful by saying maybes ayes maybes no`s it keep the rabid britnats screaming about a referendum,nothing like having your opponent do the work for you in keeping it hot on the topical.

And anyway what Nicola is saying is what she always says its up to the boss,the SNP are our hold on the legislation to have another referendum,they know this and they also know it cannot be them that runs the next indy campaign ,they must act as the government of Scotland.

Nope its up to us the SNP are holding the door open we have to walk through it.

I would suggest to all yessers that we run a duel SNP/YES campaign during the 2016 Scottish elections and get the yes message back on the streets and do it like we already have a second referendum.

That will put the wind up the onions lol



We’re a year down the road and an average of 4-6% have rethought their vote. At best the country is 50/50. A big step in the right direction, but it needs to be bigger.

We all still feel heart sick at the result and watching what the conservative government, with the aid of the other two, have done to the electorate in the past year. We also know worse is to come, both through policy and the media. Its going to take that to make the difference.

We know it didn’t have to be this way and we argued with people till our throats gave out predicting this very scenario. We weren’t believed. Its as simple as that.

Right now the SG have to concentrate on governing the country and doing it well. Our job is to convince people there is an out any time we want it and a government in place who will facilitate our wishes. They have to be seen through word and deed as the exact polar opposite of the Westminster government. That the SNP will honour the detail and spirit of the Edinburgh agreement even if the other team drove a fucking bus through both (which they did).

I’d rather put my trust in those who at least attempt to honour their word than those who break theirs on a daily basis. That won’t go unnoticed.

Don’t lose heart RL, this IS the home stretch and the establishment are never more dangerous than when they are cornered and desperate.

Jack Murphy

OT.For those interested in such things here is Tory Baroness Mone of Mayfair sworn into the unelected House of Peers on Wednesday.
“Stephen Gilbert Esq will be introduced as a Baron and Michelle Mone will be introduced as a Baroness.”
To view the Farce just click on 11:09:54 at top of the right hand scroll. 🙁
Parliament Live.

link to


Macart says:

We all still feel heart sick at the result and watching what the conservative government, with the aid of the other two, have done to the electorate in the past year.

Aye indeed.

Thing that gets me is how 55% voted for what seemed inevitable to the rest of us, a Tory government. Yet months later Scotland only gave 15% to the Tories. 40% really really messed up!

I know. Some were daft enough to believe Labour would ride to the rescue.

I know. Some others were daft enough to think the DevoMAX on offer would shield Scotland from all WM domestic politics.

What gives me hope is that many in those two sizeable groups must now have become low hanging fruit for Yes conversion.

Jack Murphy

OT. The End of Pier Show proper gets under way at 11:17:15 in the House of Peers.
Jack Murphy at 11:51.
“Stephen Gilbert Esq will be introduced as a Baron and Michelle Mone will be introduced as a Baroness.”

link to

Ian Brotherhood

The Big Debate…Gordon! (nervous, flirtatious giggle) with all these professors you are really spoiling us!

Soo-perb, top-notch pish, straight from PQ.

Ye canny beat it! 🙂


@Dr Jim 10:50am

That is what I heard Nicola Sturgeon say as well. But I also heard R4 broadcast before 7am that Nicola Sturgeon was going to state there would be No Second Referendum.

They are obviously going to call her a liar if/when she does call the second Referendum. Like that will help them if we are then polling 60+% Yes.


PRJ says:
16 October, 2015 at 10:45 am

I would like to know is how these people have that type of access to the media. Especially multiple media access.

Ruby Replies:

That is a good question.
It seems you can go to the media with any old shite and they will print it.

Does all the media have friends like ‘The Scotsman’ whereby you pay £300 to get 6 articles printed.

KevAverage is a bampot but he does do a nice line in kilts for dogs on his Pet Planet he also sells shampoo for rats.

I still haven’t found out if it’s true that the hospital on Islay doesn’t do broken legs or laundry.


Nicola’s repetition of a BritEx leading inevitably to IndyRef2 all over the news. Good.

Just thinking, that will give the hardest core BritNats a BIG dilemma! If they manage to escape the wicked clutches of Brussels, those even more wicked Scots will escape from their clutches!

England Leaving Europe = End of the Union

BritEx become rUKEx.

Certainly a bid decision for them. They can only save the Union by staying in the EU.

Chic McGregor

Great overview, analysis and sensible conjecture on the machinations and economic ineptitude by the UK government in the National today from GMK.


Robert Louis,

“If they don’t watch out they might not get my vote in 2016 – and I am not joking – and I have been in the SNP for many, many years.

I have voted SNP for a very long time to achieve one thing, Independence”

Who might get your vote then?

Is there anyone offering a faster route to independence?

Brian Doonthetoon

That’s a good point, Rock.

I my not agree with everything you type but you’re spot on there.

We need a working SNP majority next year for two reasons:

1. To show to the UK establishment that the SNP is not going away and,

2. To allow the SNP the freedom to call indyref2, at a time when they deem it appropriate. My uninformed guess is still early 2018…



Definition of journalist
A person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast:

I think the word which properly defines journalist is NEWS writer.

The majority of journalists today, in my opinion, fail to write news stories but do write non news stories or nonsense for their outlets.

Apologies to proper journalists who do write news stories, not fiction.



Of course a newspaper or news program provides an outlet for news stories written by journalists I imagine.

NEWS being the link I think.

Chic McGregor

On RT they showed and emphasised the bit where Nicola said if it became clear popular opinion had moved enough towards Yes there would be a second referendum.


Brian Doonthetoon,

“We need a working SNP majority next year for two reasons:”

Well don’t get duped by your Green or ex-Green pal then.

SNP+SNP in 2016.

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