The wheels of time grind slowly
Posted on
April 28, 2015 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Dearie, dearie me!
Bit they canny coont….
The bit that actually worries me is the fact that although they deal with millions, even trillions of pounds on our behalf, they can’t count worth a damn….
They are on the run and all in a muddle , don’t even know the time o day !
I am convinced that the westminster huddle are afraid the SNP might find out what’s behind the green door and that they might tell the public about all the shady shenanigans.
He’s still using that old Better Together calculator. It also has a calendar function. Which doesn’t work either. 🙂
Depends if you think you can do something worthwhile on polling day itself I suppose. The Express is clearly less sanguine about that possibility.
I remember my late uncle an Engineer in Kincaid’s Marine Engine Works old Clydeside say, “They don’t know whether their arses are punched, bored or coonter-sunk”. Add to this they don’t have a knowledge of basic Primary School Arithmetic.
Auld Rock
Groundhog day.
I blame Peter Capaldi.
Auld Rock , yer uncle was good , however it’s non of the above .
From where I’m standing their “ar$es are oot the windae in a wik ar twa !”
Who s coontin’
Tick tock .
Auld Rock , yer uncle was good , however it’s non of the above .
From where I’m standing their “ar$es are oot the windae in a wik ar twa !”
Who s coontin’
Tick tock.
I keep wondering what all the paranoia is really hiding.
They seem sure this will be the end of the union.
I think they have plenty to hide, and that is what is really effecting them, their bubble is bursting.
Aye the babies late. 🙂
11 days, 10 days…?
Okay, let’s look at this this way, There a reason that the UK does not have a constitution, that is a written one…illiteracy.
Could there also be a defecit in basic artihmetic skills south of the border too?
Cannae read, write nor count…!
No wonder they cannae balance budgets and have a deficit.
Poor wee lambs.
And they wonder why we question the GERS figures, OBR, IFS….
When one has attended Oxbridge, one knows that one will be able to delegate one’s counting tasks …
I am not at all convinced that Britain will be lost if The Baby is late.
The UK is already beyond saving. What Westminster refuses to admit is that it’s been broken for a while, and they’re running round screaming because the people have woken up and are pointing fingers at them. They can deflect all they want and blame a scapegoat – us – but there’s no denying it. Westminster, in a succession of governments disconnected from the electorate, broke this country up for their own purposes.
Time we took it back, all of us, right across this Disunited Kingdom.
What about nominations for the worst piece of journalism between now and the elections
I think that Hay may have a case against the Record and others and hope he follows up after elections
There is only one man big enough for this job – the man who, he himself proclaimed, saved the world – chortle!
It was probably a headline prepared in advance for Monday but some better smear came along and they moved it to Tuesday’s headline and didn’t even bother to check there facts once again.
For us the time is dragging, while for Labour it’s flying by all too quickly.
But the 8th will be odd, for while we will most likely be celebrating, England may very well be plunged into further uncertainty for a few more weeks as Cameron concocts a constitutional brew to keep him in power for another 5 Years. He has 20 days in which to do it. It could be an agonising wait for the English.
what a 2 faced MOFO.
I’m so happy
All the general histories of the eighteenth century have something to say about the calendar riots,from the oldest standard works to the most recent of textbooks.
Basil Williams’ volume in theauthoritative Oxford History of England notes that “the bill … passed without difficulty inParliament, but aroused much antagonism outside … for some time the most popular cry in thecountry was ‘give us back our eleven days’.”
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“Derek Jarrett’s England in the Age of Hogarth notesthat “in 1752 … there had been violent protests at the apparent loss of eleven days”. Peter Quennellwrites: “This ‘popish’ innovation both puzzled and dismayed the British proletariat; and the cry ‘giveus back the eleven days we have been robbed of’ was taken up by the conservative mob, who felt that eleven precious days had been wrenched out of their life-span”.
ach weel, there’s 11 days of my life i’ll never get back
Daily maily editor walking down the street with a pink suede welly boot on his head, is accosted by a passerby who laughingly asks why he is wearing a pink suede welly boot on his head to which the editor replies,
“I always wear a pink suede welly boot on his head on mondays”
“Um…but it is tuesday?”
“uhh, (short intake of breath)…”What a fool I must look”
Yeah, among others, there’ve been two main projects going on for a while now..
Project FEAR
Other examples of this intentional confusion are rife throughout the main stream (audio/visual) media.. like the radio phone-in shows where the host pretends not to know their subject and thereby confuses the issue (audience.)
Here and eh by the way.. it’s 9 pipers piping today (in the key of A major).
I thought the point you were gearing up to make is that from those headlines one might have thought that it was still September 2014.
It’s weird that at the same time the SNP are being criticised for wanting another referendum campaign the unionist media seem to have started one of their own already!
Am on Pacific time clock goes faster
@ caz m Put Your name & Martyns in O/T for the C/House badges. I would have done it but its your choice ( real name or screen name).
Dodgy arithmetic and dog whistle headlines aside, I think Britain may still be there after May 7. British politics however will have received a long overdue enema.
Headline written by the owner while in a different time zone? GMT’s a bugger if you’re sitting in a caribbean island.
Great British logic dictates that when it comes to Scotland two and two make three.
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57.
They have got their sinking Union. Where’s Britain going? Sinking in the South.
OK, smart alecks. The polls open at 7 am on the 7th and close at 10 pm. Do you count that day or not? Reasonable people may disagree about this point.
The two articles were written by different people for different newspapers. There’s no particular reason why they had to agree.
Sheesh, talk about petty quibbles! Tell me, which journalist is right and why are you so sure?
Now doubt they’ll have ‘don’t forget to vote tomorrow’ on the 7th.
Purely by mistake of course…
Another lame headline.
I really hope he fails.
Cameron quotes are pretty repulsive really, “while conceding SNP MP’s have every right to come to parliament and are equal in every other way to other MP’s, they would bring uncertainty, instability, resentment”
How things change from their bettertogether campaign, pleading, threatening and lying, “we want you to stay” but “stay away from our parliament.”
Thanks again proud Scot buts.
Morag says@ 5.49
“Sheesh, talk about petty quibbles! Tell me, which journalist is right and why are you so sure?”
I think the petty unsubstantiated crap they throw at us on a daily basis justifies a little light joshing on our part, dont you?
Get your free volvic water and fuchsias before armageddon
Actually, I get more worked up about the irritating use of the word ‘worth’ instead of cost or costing.
I would love to be reading the minds of those of my countrymen who voted no. How do they rationalise what is going on. Oh I know SNP bad blah blah.
The Union is deid already and Cameron etc are Zombies
He’s probably counting the day of begging to the lib dems, UKIP, ulster unionists etc.
Rancid The Graun puts another boot in, with usual crap Sturgeon photo
“Will the SNP really be able to call the tune for a minority Labour government and hold the country to ransom, as Conservative ministers have repeatedly claimed?
The latest to make the charge was the home secretary, Theresa May. She told the Mail on Sunday: “If we saw a Labour government propped up by SNP it could be the biggest constitutional crisis since the abdication. It would mean Scottish MPs who have no responsibility for issues like health, education and policing in their own constituencies [as they are devolved to the Scottish parliament] making decisions on those issues for England and Wales.
Rightly, people in England would say, ‘Hang on a minute, why are Scottish nationalist MPs allowed to do that?’”
Because this is what you all Project Feared Scotland to vote for, you ghastly pack of red/blue tory prigs and con artists etc etc
If the union is to survive it must be changed radically and dramatically.Change which would wreck the established order across the UK.Westminster can’t have its cake and eat it.Their best plan would be to let us go NZ style.Phase in independence.Be proactive in it.Dont actually call it independence.That way,it could be done without them destroying their establishment or losing too much face.It would give them time to adjust their economy and it would allow them to sell independence as a “our new relationship” at home and abroad.I could see them lumping it in with “a new relationship with Europe”.
They need a good exit strategy for Scotland.A strategy which they retain at least some control over.A strategy which allows the establishment to retain control over rUK.This is not a time for dithering.They need to crack on and save what they can of their establishment or it will all come crashing down around their ears.Either way.I don’t mind.
They are no longer thinking straight. The eyes are off the ball and they are too focused on ‘what if’.
From what I can gather, it seems that the Tories may even support a Labour minority government (if the bigger party over the Tories). Now… is that going to play both ways? Is this the private deal to lockout the SNP? You scratch my back and I scratch yours.
What happens after that should such a nod-nod wink-wink deal exist, and what it means for the SNP and Scotland is certainly open to debate.
As Dylan sang: “The times they are a-changing.”
I hope these folk aren’t in charge of counting postal votes
Ronnie Anderson 2.51am
Reply in O/T Ronnie. Cheers.
I bet you the Royal baby will be produced just before the Election day,to strains of Rule Brittania.Save the UK for Wills, Kate, George et spare.
Actually much as I do like them,it won’t affect me.
However ,some here and South of the border may see it as their Imperial duty to vote for the Union.and put an x in the Tory box.God forbid.
Bob Mack commented on The wheels of time grind slowly.
in response to RevStu:
“I bet you the Royal baby will be produced just before the Election day,to strains of Rule Brittania.Save the UK for Wills, Kate, George et spare.
Actually much as I do like them,it won’t affect me.
However ,some here and South of the border may see it as their Imperial duty to vote for the Union.and put an x in the Tory box.God forbid”.
With Union Jack Nappies?
Proof that BST stsnds for Bastards Shitting Themselves?
I think it is a cunning plan, so cunning that a cunning person from cunningville would approve of it’s cunningness.
They are hoping to make SNP supporters turn up to vote a day late, cunning no?
Mr Cameron stabbed the union in the back on the morning of September 19th, 2014. He has been idly applying the death of a thousand cuts for the past six months in every political sound bite, every piece of legislation, every contrived media release, yet NOW he’s calling for the paramedics?
Y’know I don’t think he was being entirely sincere with his referendum plea.
Who knew?
Does that not mean that the Express Readers should all vote on the 8th of May?
Hopefully, some of them will.
Nicola is on to answer questions on “call Kaye” this morning
after 9 am, I hope we are all ready for the filtered questions that will be put to her, BBC style.
Garry Robertson trying hard to push Labour Murray this morning with her, by pushing the SNP candidate’s old twitter remarks, yet again. In line with the recent Media bias.
donnywho says:
28 April, 2015 at 8:41 am
I think it is a cunning plan, so cunning that a cunning person from cunningville would approve of it’s cunningness.
They are hoping to make SNP supporters turn up to vote a day late, cunning no?
Ha Ha Ha. Brilliant. You nailed it, Donny.
Those sneaky barstewards!
Couldn’t believe my ears last night when that illiterate idiot Dugdale spouted that with FFA our pensioners would be £18 per week worse off. We do not have a chance in getting FFA for many years but her figures are based on now and still running the economy the same suicidal way of Westminster. Ignoring the fact that Scotland pays more towards the interest on our national debt of £1.51 trillion than we pay our pensioners. Our pensions are the lowest in Europe thanks to The incompetence of Brown and Osbourne.
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Prof Tomkins, Smith Commission tory boy/, Professor of constitutional law at Glasgow boosts UKOK “constitutional crisis” if Scottish polls don’t change, even quite a lot.
Nutters in higher education, who’d have thought it.
“How would you feel if you let the the tories in in England”.
Kaye gets of to a good start and has spoken for more than 80% of the short time she has been on…Kaye is on an agenda SNP bad and labour needs all the help it can get. Good old Auntie.!
Aah! Sturgeon finally gets to speak.
Pretty sure the 11 days thing wasn’t as daft as is made out. I remember reading that it was due to people being charged for an entire month but only being paid for what they worked. You can see why they’d be pissed off.
Kaye Adam shows her out and out hostility to Nicola Sturgeon.
They will not learn that this just turns people off.
Les Wilson
The only reason Labour supporting media people keep banging on about Neil Hay is so as Willie Bain won’t be alane.
Its a complete storm in a teacup and should be seen in context.
Despite a journalist concerned trawling thousands of tweets over three years and all he managed to come up with is two that could be misconstrued in order to damage an SNP candidate in one of the few seats Labour have a hope of winning.
Neil Hay did not abuse pensioners or mentally ill, during a twitter exchange of views on voting rights he merely queried the rationale whereby SOME elderly people who do not even know their own name retain the right to vote when some other people do not get the vote.
We may not agree with the view but it is hardly a hanging offence or worthy of journalists hounding someone for three days in a row.
Neil Hay did not abuse No voters, in fact he merely retweeted a link to the satirical website BBC Scotlandshire and a piece on a spoof awards dinner for Scottish journalists. The title of the article Is “Prizewinners celebrate success at this year’s Scottish Quisling awards”.
No one visiting that site could possibly suggest that it is meant to be serious.
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omg Is Call Kaye really that thick about largest party forming the government on Radio Scotland just now.
Including today there are 9 campaign days to go. The 7th is voting day and the wires fall silent.
listen to GMS, Kaye has attacked Nicola right from the start, Nicola has got right back into her face, it was a disgrace by the presenter. I have never heard anything like it on this radio show.
BBC Labour have not had the same impact in this election because Nicola has had so many positive reports and fair interviews on UK channels. The bias and antagonism are actually much more obvious than it was during the referendum and sits badly.
Can’t expect any better from BBC Labour though.
ER…um…going by those headlines, who’s rerunning the referendum?
tick tock
Of course if you are reporting on something that was said the day before publication this is completely reasonable. It would have been said on Monday, not Tuesday, and 10 days would be correct.
Since the print’s too small I can’t tell if this is the case
They’re so scared that they are trying to convince themselves that they still have time left to turn things round. They don’t.
Time does indeed grind slowly. Just read this on Lenathehyena’s blog. It’s about the Aberdeen Chartists from 170 YEARS ago. Change a few words and it could have been written about our situation today.
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Listening to Kaye Adams on GMS agressively talk over Nicola Sturgeon
Can only think that someone has slipped a large Vodka into Kaye’s
freshly squeezed orange
Totally agree with you Davy. I sent a text to the programme saying it was harassment not an interview. Also reminding Kaye Adams that Scotland voted Labour in 2010 and still got a Tory government. Expect she won’t read that one out. Don’t expect Kaye will read out that text!
Can`t help but think of the song “what a difference a day makes” “my yesterday was blue dear — (now) there`s a rainbow before me”.
Two days so far which will end up in the history books, 18 September 2014 and 7 May 2015.
Can`t wait for the third one, Independence Day.
Wow, I have never heard and felt such icy disrespect for such a sustained period of time by Kaye Adam.
She and Jackie Bird are singing from the same sheet and make no mistake.
Interesting contrast in the harsh ‘God, I hate you’ tones of UKaye Adams and the pleasant conversational tone of Nicola. It sounds so much like the Gestapo it is almost funny as Nicola, when she can get a word in, is up for her.
Funny that Kaye who did not know about Brown’s vow, etc, seems to be much more clued up for the attack. If she could hear herself – she would not be impressed at the difference from the image she has tried to put over in her former TV life.
Her interruptions are endless, but quite calmly Nicola is putting her in place without being rude. It just makes Ms Adams sound like a boor [well, she is!]
Would not worry too much wingers.The Adamms family programme probably has as many listeners as a Murphy crate rant!
Oh the irony.
The best way to save the union is to have a progressive parliament in Westminster.
Sinky says:
Think, it is not Willie Bain they are trying to save it is Ian Murray, who is campaigning against Hay. Slab have asked for Hay’s resignation over this, in order to clear the field for a Slab Murray win.
That is what they are trying to do, right or wrong ( I hope wrong) they consider W.Bain an easier seat to retain.
@ All
Much derision is aimed at Cameron for, in the eyes of many here, “desperately” trying to keep the Union together.
Seriously, has anyone got any theories as to why that might be? From a financial point of view, an Independent Scotland is, as I understand it, pretty neutral to the Union and, from an electoral point of view, at face value, it would appear that the Tories would be in a stronger position.
Wiki says Kaye has an MA Honours in Economics and Politics.
My flabber is well gasted at that revelation.
BBC Radio Scotland, the Election, “Making it clear”.
Wings over Scotland, making it transparent!
The survival chances of any particular Labour MP will more likely be determined by the age of the electorate in their constituency than the size of their current majority.
Cameron “10 Days to save my job” 😀
@Macart says: 28 April, 2015 at 4:03 am:
” … I think Britain may still be there after May 7.”
Will that, “Britain & British Politics”, still contain the UK along with the other four non-UK administrations, Macart?
I can’t stand Kaye Adams, so have to rely on the reports of people on here. It soundsas though she is upset because “we” as she once referred to the Labour Party, are being slaughtered in the polls. I have no fears for Nicola. She’s more than able for Adams. 🙂
Ten days to save the Union says Telegraph September 2014
Ten days to save the Union says Times April 2015. Write out 100 times I must not copy other peoples work.
Apart from that the last attempt to save the Union seems to have worked rather well. How many second chances do they want us to give them?
I wonder how Kaye,Jackie etc will react when London decides,for its own selfish reasons,just to let Scotland go.They’ll just turn with the tide,I suppose.
The wheels of the bus go round and round. Honestly its childrens hour at The EBC Labour branch office. Weeeeeeeeeeee.
Good article from Michael Gray in The National today:
“England has a radical history of John Ball and the peasants’ revolt, the levellers, the chartists and the suffragettes; William Blake’s Jerusalem, Percy Shelley’s Mask of Anarchy, George Orwell’s Socialism and the English Genius; not to mention the republics of Yorkshire, Manchester and Liverpool.
However, today it is the confused new Labour party that clings on to progressive England’s beacon.”
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Also, Len McCluskey, visiting Scotland yesterday, says Labour will work with the SNP (and all progressive parties). Something else for Theresa May to scream hysterically about.
O/T. Just done a Panelbase survey entitled ‘Shopping’, all about where you spend your money on groceries, etc.
Right near the end, they pop in the question – ‘How do you intend to vote in the forthcoming General Election?’
@ Robert Peffers
I suspect Robert, that the UK construct may be on an exceptionally shoogly peg after May 7. S’up to the establishment of course. All they have to do is fulfil their promises.
They need the SNP to be insignificant. They need ‘onside’ Scottish representation and they need the question of constitutional change to fade away. They know damn fine that with heavy representation they will be forced to publicly answer the question and that answer will be no home rule, no FFA, no securing the permanency of the Scottish parliament under law and little or no further significant powers for the Scottish parliament. It will be loud and it will be public and they will have to concede that their referendum pledges were either false, undeliverable or both.
So shoogly it is. 😉
Kaye Adams was attempting to make the point that because the SNP represent Scotland the English couldn’t vote her out so therefore in some way The SNP were not legitimate
Easy answer from me on that President Obama has influence in Yookay politics and decisions, Angela Merkel……
I’m not going to do the list
Laws are made in the EU every day which affect GB
So this infantile argument that the SNP are not legitimate
is just plain sstupid
The Yookay co-operates every day with Governments across the world so what the so called big parties are saying is
We’ll co-operate with everybody else but not the SNP coz they’re bad
So if they can make English folk believe that good luck to them
When a call comes in from Vladimir Putin for David Cameron I fully expect him to reject it on the grounds he’s not legitimate and then tell us all about how he doesn’t co-operate with folk he doesn’t like
Kaye Adams is just a silly silly wee nobody presenter attempting to score a childish point for any hard of understanding listeners who may have tuned in
Kaye Adams coming across like a stroppy teenager there. Openly rude, hostile, at times even apathetic?
Unbelievable – how unprofessional. Well done First Minister for not walking out, or losing her temper
Get over to Newsnet and read Bistophobia
Great start to your day
@heedtracker says: 28 April, 2015 at 7:31 am:
“Will the SNP really be able to call the tune for a minority Labour government and hold the country to ransom, as Conservative ministers have repeatedly claimed?”
The deliberate propaganda prestidigitation in the above claim is in the word, “Country”. The United thingy is NOT a country it is a KINGDOM.
“If we saw a Labour government propped up by SNP it could be the biggest constitutional crisis since the abdication. It would mean Scottish MPs who have no responsibility for issues like health, education and policing in their own constituencies [as they are devolved to the Scottish parliament] making decisions on those issues for England and Wales.
The deliberate propaganda prestidigitation in the above claim is in the words, “Scottish MPs who have no responsibility for issues like health, education and policing”. The truth being these members, like every other Member in the HOC, are members of the United Kingdom Government, all of whom are responsible for UNITED KINGDOM matters. There are no legally elected Parliament of England members nor a legally elected Parliament of England.
“Rightly, people in England would say, ‘Hang on a minute, why are Scottish nationalist MPs allowed to do that?”
The obvious deliberate propaganda there is in the word, “rightly”, for the fact is the United Kingdom parliament, “rightly”, only elects United Kingdom MPs to a United Kingdom Parliament. There are no English Parliament Members and there is no English Parliament and thus no English only matters in that United Kingdom Parliament.
When you become a full-time salaried BBC employee you join a privileged sect. Dare to leave it before retiring or made redundant and you’re cast into the wilderness. You have become a leper, a fate worse than leaving the Communist party.
A reminder of how the BBC is a state within a state:
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@Ronnie Anderson
Time certainly does run faster in the Pacific my youngest from modern apped me from far NZ this morning and she was just finishing making her tea!
Things are a wee bit better though since both sets of clocks have changed we are now only 11 hours behind them.
think again says:
“Wiki says Kaye has an MA Honours in Economics and Politics.”
Makes her ignorance of political events even more staggering!
Methinks she just feigns ignorance to cover some of her biased remarks. The GB Vow for example.
Times Editors: I’ve got a great idea for tomorrows headline lets use today’s quote from Cameron about there only being “10 days to save the union”.
DOH! (_8(|)
For those desperate to ‘save the Union’ yet again, if it’s broken, don’t try to fix it:
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And we even hiv oor ain wee princess noo.
Makes her [Kaye Adams] ignorance of political events even more staggering!
Not really.
I often hear the remark, “You’re a teacher (or lecturer) you should know this…”
A degree is recognition of a narrow specialist knowledge – not of knowledge per se, or how to apply that knowledge, nor guarantee of insight or wisdom.
The remark is in the same category as those who think novelists and writers should be ace at spelling.
However, with Adams it is fair to presume she educates herself continually to keep abreast of Scotland’s politics, that she is erudite, since she earns her living presenting a show about Scottish politics.
But again, she need not have any sympathy for Scottish politics, but it would help!
O/T sos Rev.
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I’m all for politicians to be questioned on their policies by interviewers. However the interviewer should never allow their personal political preferences to colour their attitude towards the politician they are interviewing. Kaye Adams on this morning’s Radio Scotland phone-in has completely overstepped the mark in this aspect. She is aggressive and rude in her constant interrupting and talking over Nicola Sturgeon, and her comments are nakedly pro-Labour as well as being anti-SNP.
A disgraceful display of bias and what sounds like boorish disrespect being displayed towards a very talented and popular First Minister. Eventually Ms Sturgeon managed to put Adams firmly in her place but did so politely, while pointing out she was not being allowed more than three words of any answer without interruption!
Sneaky Nick and his red line.
Sneaky has come up with the red line policy of support 6.3bil for education or you don’t get lib support to make you look tough on policy. Now we all know sneaky wants desperately to hold onto his title of king maker and hence this policy. We are not stupid Mr Clegg the spectre of your betrayal on tuition fees last time still haunts you. And thus this policy that you will demand this for support is just laughable. Hoping of course that this will exorcise the tuition fee spectre once and for all. He’s stated that more red lines are to come?
What he has failed to grasp is the fact his unionist partners don’t seem to be over whelmed or ecstatic by his offer to prop up another coalition included lib Gov.
The Tory R hate him and his party and would rather go it alone in a minority tory Gov. So I will assume Cameron will not be able just to steam roll another pact like he did last time.
And I cant recall Milli ever stating he’d work with him either…….yet.
Thus he is still hoping he will keep his title of king maker to keep the status quo.
The problem is a leader who has lost all his principles and morality and sold his party down the drain for the title of deputy and who cant make up his mind if he wants to be anybody’s bitch or remain Cameron’s personal gimp just creates a really bad self image. If you don’t care who you will support it emphasises weak leadership and desperation. If you hold on to your seat Sneaky but you loose a good number of seats lets see if you are still leader of your sold out party, never mind the title of deputy, king Maker you want so retain so desperately.
X_Sticks says: Methinks she just feigns ignorance to cover some of her biased remarks. The GB Vow for example.
You are spot on there, well taught by the EBBC.
Ms Adams was furious with Nicola’s audacity to “secretly” belong to and Independence Party. Even, worse, not actually support HM Labour Party. How ghastly.
My irony monitor almost exploded when I saw Theresa May’s latest intervention.
I’ve had her tabbed as ‘the most dangerous woman in Britain’ for years.
Not just because of the numerous blunders she has made or that to me she comes over as someone who would have failed casting for ‘Allo ‘Allo for being too stereotypical but because she survived what would surely have been several sackings were anyone else in the job.
To me that suggests that Blow Dry Boris and Giddyup Gideon are merely stalking horses. That she is the chosen one for next Tory PM by the lizards in suits behind the scene.
Granted, Nicola does present more danger to the Slaberine, but hey! you reap what you sew.
It is disgraceful. I hope Neil sues, after May 7th.
Lawyers of WoS… Could this also be applicable?
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I see Race Relations site and Equality and Human rights site are not taking comments and complaints during the election.I wonder why.
Cameron and cohorts are whipping up future race riots with their determination to stay in power.
Baltimore and New Orleans will be nothing compared to Britain if Cameron and co continue with this tirade.
@Robert Peffers says:
28 April, 2015 at 10:45 am
@heedtracker says: 28 April, 2015 at 7:31 am:
“Will the SNP really be able to call the tune for a minority Labour government and hold the country to ransom, as Conservative ministers have repeatedly claimed?”
Often wondered if the ‘Tam Dalyell West Lothian Question’ has ever had any legitimacy?
You write ‘…..The deliberate propaganda prestidigitation in the above claim is in the word, “Country”. The United thingy is NOT a country it is a KINGDOM.’
TD’s so-called ‘West Lothian question’ draws attention to the anomaly in which devolved legislatures have law-making powers for some parts of a ‘country’ – (here, TD’s use of that word again), but the shared Westminster parliament is solely responsible for government of part of the whole, ie., without Scotland, Wales and NI it is England that’s left.
The over-riding fact, that TD has never recognised nor has had noted, is that the devolved powers given to Scotland, are in name only and are totally dependent on the appropriate funds being granted by the UK Westminster parliament – although all taxes raised in Scotland – every penny – are put into a UK pot to start with, which in Scotland’s case is more what we get back and kinda turns the subsidy-junky myth on its head.
So, there’s something not quite right about that Tam, is there? We get Barnett – and told to be ever grateful – but are still left short-changed. Ouch!
Then like the shell and pea game – and just to help keep the waters murky and ever muddy – the UK is then referred to as ‘the country’ by Cameron, et al., which seeks to naturally place the devolved country, (Scotland) as to be no more than a region of that ‘country’ – dependent on the ‘country’s parliament of Westminster.
Gee, thanks, slam, dunk – a pretty neat and fancy deception.
Tam Dalyell’s ‘West Lothian Question’ was always a red herring and should never have been given the light of day. So, ditch it and let’s drop all dependency crap and the hand-out mentality that goes with it and take up our proper role as self-sufficient people.
If we Scots send representatives to a UK Parliament, which then takes all our taxes and sends some back, we will have a say in all things – or none at all – and no say – no taxes.
@Barontorc 12.27
Lets agree that the Scots, at the very least, put in, what they take out. Can we also agree that England doesn’t?
Do the SNP feel any responsibility (political and fiscal) for people in Wales and Northern Ireland?
@Les Wilson says: 28 April, 2015 at 9:59 am:
“Think, it is not Willie Bain they are trying to save it is Ian Murray, who is campaigning against Hay. Slab have asked for Hay’s resignation over this …
Les, If anyone, even just competent, in English Grammar applies the standard rules of grammar to the transcriptions of what Hay actually said and wrote they can only conclude there is absolutely nothing objectionable in them.
This is not the first time other political party supporters have made spurious claims and just proves one thing. They, the complainants, are unable to properly speak, read, write or comprehend basic English.
All sentences have a subject and in this case the complainants have failed to comprehend what the subject of the sentence is. Here’s a previous example of their idiocy.
Here the complainants said they based their accusations upon a question answered by Alex Salmond posed by Andrew Neil in a TV interview. Upon reading the transcript of the interview it showed that the question Neil asked had absolutely nothing to do with the EU.
This example began when the SG said they were to seek legal advice on the status of an independent Scotland within the EU. BBC Scotland presenters trapped like prize Greyhound with, “it appeared to be at odds” ,with comments Mr Salmond made in a BBC interview in March.
The BBC presenters had decided this interview, “appeared”, to prove Labour claims. We can only conclude Bill Whitford & Mairi Stuart had viewed the Andrew Neil interview and formed their opinions. Then the BBC, MSM and Unionist Parties took this very small snowball and started it rolling into a massive Alpine Avalanche of, “First minister is a Bare-Faced-Liar”.
So just what does English Grammar and comprehension have to do with this, you may well ask? Simply this, the actual Question posed by Andrew Neil, “DID NOT”, ask the FM if he had sought EU legal advice.
Neil asked, “Have you sought legal advice “from your own Scottish Government Law Officers”. So just how did a few BBC presenters just happen to all jump to the same wrong meaning of a quite clear question?
How did these BBC presenters and the opposition party people all fail to hear and/or read, “Have you sought legal advice from your own Scottish Government Law Officers” and understand it actually read/said , “Have you sought legal advice from the, “The EU Law Officers”?
So return to the transcripts of what the numpties claim the SNP candidate said and wrote, apply basic English Grammar and if you still find the numpties are correct then remember a weel kent Scottish saying that begins, “If ye flee wi the craws …”, and put on your body armour.
Pacific Kaye is just another of the ringmaster “Boothman’s Bitches”, fortunately Ian Smart’s Circus is about to drop the Big Top and the clowns head off to pastures new, aka The Buroo. 🙂
They grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine. And what is being ground up is the Labour Party in Scotland.
SLab has been failing at being socialist for some 50 years now, at least it only took Jim Murphy 9 years to fail at being a student.