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Wings Over Scotland

The Two Or Three Stooges

Posted on September 19, 2015 by


Order “Welcome To Cairnstoon”, Chris’ compilation of Wings cartoons and more, here.

49 to “The Two Or Three Stooges”

  1. Lanarkist says:

    Looks like a rally for Union Day!

    Wonder how many will turn out today in Freedom Square?

  2. David Westwood says:

    Brilliant 🙂

  3. jimnarlene says:


  4. Anne Bruce says:

    Amazing once again, Chris.

    Looking forward to my book, prints and badges!! They look braw.

  5. galamcennalath says:

    Excellent as always!

    Wonder what the drink of choice of the proudscotsbut is?

  6. Marcia says:

    It looks like halve of the attendance of the Union rally in Glasgow yesterday.

  7. Marie Clark says:

    Oh for that to be true Chris. Wonderful.

  8. mogabee says:

    A fitting tribute to the last year…

    Full of empty promises and hot air!

  9. Valerie says:

    Brilliant! Same number attending the Dependence day revelry in George Square yesterday. A few glum men in dark suits that were only missing their sashes.

    Off to Glasgow this afternoon, but I think it will be mental, as I’ve read a lot are travelling there from all parts.

  10. Thepnr says:

    What the establishment is just beginning to realise is that “THE PARTY’S OVER”

    We will have the party. Destroy there will as Chris is doing.

    Next time NO Unionist parties in Scotland, that’s a given. Thank you Chris.

  11. Graham MacLure says:

    mogabee @ 8:51

    I totally agree. The Unionist emblem should be “The Minister’s Cat”.

  12. dakk says:

    Needed cheering up before I start a brutal day at work,so thanks Chris.

    Bit down I can’t go to Freedom Square, but to all those going – I’m proud of you all 🙂

  13. Grouse Beater says:

    I like all the empty stacked seats. And I can recognize each of those podgy politicians from the sketch, something difficult to do with Steve Bell’s booze addled drawings, unless he sticks a name on them, like ‘Salmond’. I think Chris’s cartoons are evolving a commendably simple style.

    Anyhow, more in sorrow than …

  14. Grouse Beater says:

    The Three Amigos – Podgy, Pudgy and Pollute.

  15. Sinky says:

    Did Ian Murray hire out his jacket to the Brit Nats at Davis Cup match?

  16. One_Scot says:

    The heads up and the jacket definitely helped me get Murray.

    I can see the difficulty, he does have a pretty bland and instantly forgettable face.

  17. snode1965 says:

    Lol. Superb Chris, nobody can argue that the Union is a cherished construct in Scotland.

  18. Luigi says:

    Sorry I can’t be at Freedom Square to celebrate “Union Day” this time folks, but have a great time, all y’all who are attending. The rest of us are with you.

    Remember nothing quite unsettles the Naysayers more than when they see lots of independenistas, young and old, so happy, upbeat and together.

    So, enjoy! Look forward to hearing the report. 🙂

  19. Grouse Beater says:

    Sorry I can’t be at Freedom Square to celebrate “Union Day” but have a great time

    Something for the weekend, sir: link to

  20. JLT says:

    That is pretty much picture perfect. Three miserable soan-soas who believe more in the British State as a success story, than they do in Scotland. If they could only peel back the layers on Scotland, and learn it’s history, culture, stories, myths, and potential …they would be blown away.

    But anyway, Chris …spot on!

  21. Ken500 says:

    What is the Emirate Stadium doing allowing that embarrassing jamboree at the tennis. ‘Look at me’ supporters? ruining the Tennis. They should be chucked out.

  22. Lollysmum says:

    Hope over Fear live now

    link to

  23. Helena Brown says:

    galamcennalath, the drink of choice must be London Gin, don’t you think.
    We shall be praying that the Scottish Legal Establishment do not bottle their decision and that Big Alistair is definitely no more next year.
    On the other hand reading that Malcolm Rifkind chose his own judge who strangely enough cleared him. These people are as corrupt as they come.

  24. Luigi says:

    Thanks GB @ 10:34am,

    A great read – what a rollercoaster. You certainly know how to take the reader right down and then back up again.

    I think Rev Stu nailed it when he said that, for many, their resolve was hardened when they saw those images of the Brit Nat retards trying to intimidate our folk at George Square on the 19th last year. After the disappointment, I was thinking of just taking time out, getting on with my life, until I saw those retards with their flags, jeering, spitting, ordering us to obey the queen.

    Something stirred in me, I thought there is no way I am going to take this lying down, no going back in the box. That was what they wanted us to do. I am convinced that the trouble in George Square was orchestrated in order to prevent YES supporters talking over the square. The authorities were terrified that it could develop into a Scottish Spring type stand-off. So a desperate solution was required – send in the thugs. The monkeys causing the trouble were being manipulated by higher powers in dark places.

    Unfortunately for them, this action has backfired spectacularly. Within hours, thousands were standing up again, dusting off and continuing the struggle. SNP membership numbers exploded. Then cam Cameron’s spectacular own goal. The rest is history. The reason the authorities got it so wrong, the reason they keep getting it so wrong is that they do not understand what Scottish independence is all about. It’s like using a water-based fire extinguisher on an oil fire. Every time they try and be clever – booooom!. 🙂

    As for the monkeys, the Brit Nat retards? Well, by just existing, I think we are making them very, very unhappy and scared. Just by being there unsettles them. The idea that there is a viable, more attractive alternative to Rule Britannia that more and more people are fighting for scares the hell out of them. Long may it continue. 😉

  25. Capella says:

    OT – This Twitter thing
    I changed my handle(?) this morning to match my Wings name. Couldn’t do that yesterday from my mobile for some reason. So now I have some followers !!! Thanks. But my name is now @capella_e and no idea if twitter will update my followers so wil now try tweeting.
    Sorry for being so stone age about this.

    Linked to Hope over Fear Livestream. Looking good!

  26. Big Jock says:

    Ken BBC Scotland deliberately only showed the imported Brita at the tennis. In the background you could see see the Saltires. Good old BBC try and British everything.

  27. Luigi says:

    Ken500 says:

    19 September, 2015 at 10:42 am

    What is the Emirate Stadium doing allowing that embarrassing jamboree at the tennis. ‘Look at me’ supporters? ruining the Tennis. They should be chucked out.

    Och Ken, you know the score: If it’s union flags everywhere, it’s all harmless fun.

    It’s only that single saltire that causes offence. 🙁

  28. Onwards says:

    @JLT. The thing is, there are plenty of people who don’t have a problem with a part-British identity as well their Scottish identity. But It’s all messed up because the unequal political union of the UK is part of Britishness right now.
    If you could separate the two, then we would have far better relations.

    Plenty of people voted no, but they did so with a heavy heart after a campaign of fear and intimidation and being told their country could never prosper if it governed itself.
    It’s not exactly a day of celebration for many.

    If in the future if it looks like independence is likely, then the best way to maintain good relations and a shared culture would be for the UK to agree to negotiate a ‘friendly independence’ if that is what the people want.
    Instead we got all these threats of border patrols, currency threats, lobbying world leaders against us, kicking us out of Europe etc… Then they expect Scots to be happy about remaining in such a partnership held together in that way..

  29. Al Dossary says:

    See a few on the train no sporting their 45% T-shirts now. Should be in Glasgow for 12pm.

    3,500 miles travelled yesterday to get home and the Mrs ain’t too pleased that I’m off out so soon (I did ask her though).

  30. Ooft! Freedom Sq (TSFKAG) looking mobbed already,from the Livestream.

    And there wis me thinkin ah could get there at 12, and get up near the front.

    Right. Jaickit- check; bunnet – check; flag – check. Avante!

  31. manandboy says:

    Another great image, Chris. Excellent as always. A part of me wouldn’t mind seeing Carmichael win, as he would then become another reason to vote for Independence. But it’s only a very small part. He deserves to be in Barlinnie.

    Can’t make it into Mad King George lll Square today, but wish everyone a happy and successful rally.

  32. Ken500 says:

    It’s a planned orchestration that would not be allowed in any other stadium. These exhibitionists spoil it for genuine fans. A total rabble. A game is only as good as the opposition.

  33. heedtracker says:

    Last of the unionist Mohicans. Is crash Broon getting the next round in. UKOK media gits wil say “another packed meeting with three of the finest political brains in the UK” “rainbow alliance of British loveliness celebration”

    So another UKOK media day, rancid old Graun lies about the JC effect in their Scotland region, one more imperial mistress gets her very creepy shots in.

    CiF YES online and one more Glenda says you’re on the angry fringe of their country’s politics. Aren’t they lovely, come back Libby Carrel.

    link to

  34. Ken500 says:

    @ Re Tennis

  35. Auld Rock says:

    Hi galamcennalath I am reliably informed that it is 25yr Old Highland Park.

    Hope you all have a great time this PM in Glasgow.

    Auld Rock

  36. David Agnew says:

    I think a lot of the problem stems from the issue of Britishness. It’s so completely and utterly fucked up in Scotland that it makes little sense.

    For the English its not an issue – to be English IS to be British and vice versa. Its a completely interchangeable term. You’ll never here the English talk about it as a separate identity.

    In Scotland its a complete mess of conflicting ideas.

    Almost more than 60% of Scotland do not identify with Britishness at all. They’re Scots first and last. But half of that will use the term Britishness as a collective pro-noun, like the Nordic countries use the term Scandinavian.

    Around 30% consider britishness as a dual nationality. Much the same way that you can say Scots/Irish or Scots/Italian. Yet one struggles to see where that connection gets made. A significant proportion of Scots reject it as an identity, another thinks its a collective pro noun – so who are these Proud Scot/Brits identifying with? Could it be they identify with the “group” identity much more closely? At this point my understanding of this subject starts to run out.

    Before your head starts to melt consider that many of those NO voters – would have been in that first bracket. People who identify with being Scottish not British. So we have to assume their choices were largely to do with civic unionism perhaps?
    Could it be as Revstu tweeted that a large chunk of that no vote were folk who assumed that labour was going to win in 2015?

    Could it then be said that these folk, having seen labour fail, and there being no chance of getting the powers they clearly want…will then, reluctantly perhaps, vote yes?

    The one thing we can agree on is that having had this indyref, it opened doors that a banal unionism had kept closed. It now having been discussed openly, there is now no way it can ever go away. Maybe that’s were a lot of the anger from the no side comes from. They didn’t really make a convincing enough case and know that they can’t go forward as one Scotland in the UK, when half doesn’t want to have that journey with you. Its then you can see that they are the ones who can’t move on. The NO camp want nothing more than to wind the clock back to a time when this had not happened. But you can no more do that than King Canute could command the tides.

    At this point I am rambling a bit so will leave off for now.

  37. heedtracker says:

    Libby Carrell bites back and promotion to The Guardian Scotland Editor now. Very posh, the longer the red troy title, the nastier the vote NO, vote SLab or else stuff.

    Massive The Graun boost for Rise, a bit disorientating again watching bettertogether red toy propagandists boosting actual lefties but it’s teamGB at stake

    “The SNP, at more than 50% in the polls and with 56 MPs and 115,000 members – many of whom canvassed with the RIC in the referendum – is dominant and is now marketing itself as a centre-left party.”

    “Marketing” is very sneaky shit UKOK style.

  38. Dorothy Devine says:

    have to agree about the tennis debacle.

    Some pillock wearing a union flag jacket.

    Just back from the square – it was great saltires blowing in the breeze.

    Saw oor Ronnie,Caz.M and Briandoonthetoon and a host of other folk that I’ve seen before but couldn’t name to save myself!

    Met Sheena from Inverness , hope the rest of her day does not find her rooted to one spot looking for her friends!

  39. Grouse Beater says:

    Luigi: Thanks GB @ 10:34am, A great read – what a rollercoaster. You certainly know how to take the reader right down and then back up again.


    (PS: The thugs in Pic 1 – they’re no different from the power elite I have to deal with in London, only they do it without the hand gestures and the screaming. But they are just as abusive and as vehement.

  40. Onwards says:

    David Agnew says:

    19 September, 2015 at 1:23 pm

    I think a lot of the problem stems from the issue of Britishness. It’s so completely and utterly fucked up in Scotland that it makes little sense.

    For the English its not an issue – to be English IS to be British and vice versa. Its a completely interchangeable term. You’ll never here the English talk about it as a separate identity.

    In Scotland its a complete mess of conflicting ideas

    Exactly. England is ten times bigger by population, and the parliament and power of the UK is in London.
    To most people down south, England, Britain and the UK are one and the same. The union jack is effectively used as a more colourful English flag.

    But if politics was taken out of the equation, then most Scots could also embrace, or a least not be bothered by a secondary British cultural identity, as well as a Scottish identity. Britishness wouldn’t be a threat, because Scottish identity and democracy would always be safe.

    After independence, we could all easily have an attitude like Andy Murray, where he supports Scottish self-government, and doesn’t have a problem with a dual Scottish-British cultural identity.

    That would be the ‘best of both worlds’, not the current set-up.

  41. Robert Peffers says:

    @Onwards says: 19 September, 2015 at 11:22 am:

    “@JLT. The thing is, there are plenty of people who don’t have a problem with a part-British identity as well their Scottish identity. But It’s all messed up because the unequal political union of the UK is part of Britishness right now.”

    I do wish Wingers would stop spreading the Establishments propaganda for them. I’ve been fighting for Scottish independence since around 1946 as a schoolboy and I’m as British as any unionist. What I’m not is a willing United Kingdom subject of Her Majesty.

    By the way I’m not even particularly republican as under Scottish law the Royal personage is the sovereign people of Scotland’s subject.

    Don’t you understand that the Unionist Establishment of The United Kingdom want the other four non-United Kingdom countries of the British Isles to think they are not British. The want them, and Scotland, to feel we are part of their United Kingdom and that’s use the terms United Kingdom, Britain, Great Britain and even England interchangeably.

    Don’t play their propaganda game for them. Everyone born in the British Isles, including the Irish Republicans, the two non-UK Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey and the non-UK Manx-people and British.

    In fact constantly reminding the proud Establishment numpties they are only unionists and no more British than the rest of we Britons gets right up their big snooty nebs. I can, after a lifetime doing just that, promise you it is highly effective in deflating those overly puffed up Unionist balloons.

  42. bugsbunny says:


    London Gin would be their drink of choice, hopefully watered down by uisge mun. (Pish Water).


  43. Cag-does-thinking says:

    A classic cartoon. That had me chuckling as just so true…..

  44. Robert Peffers says:

    Oh! Nearly forgot to tell Chris he’s a genius with the pen.


  45. Onwards says:

    @Robert Peffers

    That’s what I’m saying though.
    The reality is that it is all mixed up.

    The flag of the UK is used as a symbol for Britain, and used interchangeably as a flag of England.

    And many people think that Scottish independence is a threat to their British identity – although they could still be British in a cultural and geographical sense.

    It’s these people we have to convince these people to vote for Scottish self-government.
    We need to persuade them that we can have a better Britain comprised of equal nations.

    Perhaps we should campaign for ‘Independence within Britain’

  46. Colin Church says:

    Good job on Murray who always has a gurning, miserable, pouting napper.

    The Morningside moan.

  47. asklair says:

    Just sat down long day at work, big smile on my face from an other epic cartoon. Thank you Chris.

  48. Robert Peffers says:

    @Onwards says: 19 September, 2015 at 7:03 pm:

    “That’s what I’m saying though.
    The reality is that it is all mixed up.”

    Aye! Onward, it is indeed all mixed up but only in the mind.

    The truth is quite simple. The terms being, “Mixed up”, in the mind really do have exact meanings and need not be confused except as a means of deliberately causing confusion.

    Britain, or the British Isles, is the entire set of eight different countries. Scotland, Wales, Republic of Ireland plus Norther Ireland, (one country but partitioned politically), The Bailiwick of Jersey, Bailiwick of Guernsey, Isle of Man, and err! Now what the hell’s the other one?? Oh! Now I remember – it’s the one that is never sure just exactly what to call itself, it is, of course, England.

    Now the Southern Irish most certainly know they are Irish but are ready to fight anyone who says they are British or United Kingdomers. The Northern Irish are also certain they are Irish and they will fight anyone who says they are not also British of United Kingdomers.

    The three Non-UK Crown Protectorates know exactly who they are and are exceptionally proud to be British but independent of the United Kingdom.

    The real Welsh also know exactly who they are but have so many Englanders born and bred in Wales who don’t know who they are it has caused all sorts of bother. This has caused some cases of the real Welsh burning down the Welsh/Englanders, (or the England/Welshers), houses.

    At the last set of counts the Scots mostly knew who they were but have always had a faction who were very confused as to whether they were as good as the English and so put on posh English accents and tried to ape the most idiotic and, “Patriotic”, Englanders.

    This aping takes the form of confusing the terms United Kingdom, England, Britain and Great Britain and such silly confusion should be avoided at all costs by the real People of Scotland lest this abuse of the English language has foreigners draw the wrong conclusion that everyone in the British Isles are United Kingdom Englanders.

    I’ll get my coat.

  49. cearc says:

    Thanks, Chris.

    Another excellent one.

    Looking forward to the book.


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