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Wings Over Scotland

The sickness

Posted on April 21, 2021 by

It’s always nice to hear from the SNP/Green youth wing first thing in the morning.

Stay tuned for lots more Gentile-obsessed hetro TERF monkey antics, readers!

(As a positive counterpoint, this is the nicest thing James Kelly’s ever said about us.)

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Dorothy Devine

Are they mixing Jews and Gentiles ? I’m all for that!


Are the youth taking up the Bible in their quest for … whatever it is they’re protesting about?


Interesting result if you lookup that IP address!

Patsy Millar


Albert Herring

Is this about the family jews?

Eileen Carson

ROTFLMAO Cannae even spell genitals!! Oh jeez that’s so funny. It’s not Professor Kirstein Rummery by any chance …… asking for a friend


B H (Calcutta) Failed.

Johnny Martin

I am not confused about who Claudio Gentile was, at all.

link to


Can’t decide whether it’s a double blow getting mental illness on top of having no mind, or whether it’s a double negative and you’ve actually dodged a bullet. Hurray! 🙂


One very confused individual.


Wee soul. Was the dunce of the class. To be pitied, really.

Dave M

Those bloody GEntiles!


Does this mean they’re also Anti Semites ?


That has to be some kind of joke I hope but if it isn’t, it says a lot about the standard of education in Scotland under the SNP and Swinney.


Who is filling kids heads with all this nonsense? A decent government would be looking into porn culture, the internet and its ill effects on kids as a major problem. Not, as they seem to, as something to be encouraged.


Is this real? I suggest we treat it with a deal of circumcision.


Claudio Gentile was a great player for Juventus.


Ladies and Transladies… the Curriculum for Excellence

Captain Yossarian

I said last week that the avaerage IQ in Scotland was now 97 and in the rest of the UK it was 100.5 and I was set-upon by a bunch of incandescent folk. Here’s your proof.

Tony Hay

No matter how thick you are there is always someone thicker than you.

The Isolator


Pishin masel here lol.Ooooops here comes the Captain with stats again.Back in ma box.

Stuart MacKay

If you lookup the IP address it appears to belongs to a Markus Koch, Cia Triad Security Llc in the Netherlands. There’s plenty of info including addresses if you care to look.

The IP Address from the message could well be fake but even if it is it’s a reminder that not all national polictics stay within borders.

One thing worth noting that a lot of service providers in the Netherlands take international law seriously so if you have no jurisdiction they’ll simple tell you to go f**k yourself. That’s a good thing but it opens the door for a lot of customers who do somewhat shady things.

Thomas Brotherston

God preserve us from such people.

David Lee

The Hetero TERF Monkeys really started to lose it after their second album.


It’s a shame really, but people with certain special needs (not all) and mental issues, who are unequipped to deal with their own lives, let alone the fast-moving, aggressive world of politics, have been actively encouraged to get involved. This I’m afraid is the result.

Sad, very sad.

Marie Clark

Blimey, is this the standard of education in our schools now. My auld school teacher will be birling in here grave at that. Deary me.

With these standards, I fear for Scotland’s future, intelligent NOT.


Captain Yossarian,
Yes, for years the average IQ has been 100 in the U.K.
So 50% of the people in the U.K. have double digits for an IQ, one might argue that a survey held on the 18th September 2014 in Scotland has shown that we have 55% of the voting population in double digit IQs.
Hopefully in the next calculation we can improve on that considerably.


Due to sporting a lockdown haircut and not shaving for a while, I have bravely come out and currently identify as a superstraight male monkey with no mind (but stunning gentilia).
I am deeply offended and hurt by the derogatory language used to dismiss my sexual endevours by the entity hiding behind ANONYMOUSE pseudonym.


Colin Alexander

Today at 11 am ALBA Party Leader Alex Salmond will launch the ALBA Party #Manifesto in a speech from Ellon, Aberdeenshire.

Watch from 11 am on:



Do not go gentiles into that good night.

mountain shadow

Didn’t one of the SNP Wokist List candidates have dyslexia as a disability to move to the top of the list?

Maybe this is they.

Robert Hughes

I think we should just Passover this lunacy in silence


Maybe we could try putting seven Gentile-obsessed hetro TERF monkeys in a room with typewriters to see if they’ll eventually replicate the entire works of Pishtalk Pete Wishart.

Wullie B

Has Josh Mennie not got his spell check on, He should look at Grammarly, ooooh shit Mamie Mennie will have a hissyfit now ??


Looks like it’s been typed by someone who’s dyslexic…just sayin’


Don’t mock the afflicted!

Rose Ford

Reminder to self – don’t read WoS when you are meant to be working. Just spluttered a mouthful of coffee all over my keyboard. Still working though, so that’s good.
Can’t wait to see my partner’s face when I suggest some monkey business and mixing of our gentiles 🙂 🙂 🙂


Correct spelling is now being seen as elitist.

There were reports earlier this month that Universities are being encouraged not too mark down students for spelling.

This is not only in Scotland. Although to be fair to ANONYMOUSE he was consistent.

Red Squirrel

Can’t decide which is the greater priority for an emergency intervention – a dictionary or a psychiatrist.


Um, I’m pretty sure that’s a parody?


Sex is an entirely animal pursuit, we do it *because* we are animals, and if you don’t do it like an animal, you’re not doing it right!


I think you’ll find that particular public relations company already work for Pete.


I would like to think you are right, purely for my own sanity.

Tom Robertson

I very much doubt monkeys with no minds would be capable of life, nevermind acting . . . though it could have been a reference to Eastenders.


Pornsick weans raised by pornhub. Do parents just not bother about parental controls any more? It’s tragic.

Grey Gull

That’s nothing. I know of a university course where the pass mark was 40%.

John McNab

Good grief! Or, should that be mazel tov!


” Stuart MacKay says:
21 April, 2021 at 10:17 am

If you lookup the IP address it appears to belongs to a Markus Koch, Cia Triad Security Llc in the Netherlands.”

Its a TOR exit node so the poster could be from anywhere.

The company is registered in Delaware (like pretty much all LLCs in the USA) so again could be anyone.

CIA Triad might sound sinister to some but its a security concept for helping to secure networks.

Also there’s nothing in that post which is illegal in the Netherlands.



Oh goy, oh goy


Thomas Brotherston says:
21 April, 2021 at 10:17 am

Aaahhhh… he/she/it meant “genitals”, but wrote “gentiles”. I didn’t get that at all until I read your comment. No wonder I was confused (and who isn’t these days…).


Somewhere there’s a village out there looking for its idiot.


Doesn’t even know how to switch off the Cap Lock.


Well, this particular gentile is getting more mixed-up and confused by the day.

Daisy Walker

Were there not 12 Tribes of Judea… so mixing up the Gentiles fairly normal.

Mungo Armstrong

Geezo 3 mins in and YouTube Alba Manifesto launch frozen!! Someone needs to sort this out looks awful .

Ambrose Harper

One my former staff was a very bright and able engineer who wrote and spelled just like this. He was dyslexic and did not realise his writing was amiss. Argue with the person’s point of view folks, don’t mock their delivery.


O/T but is it just me or is there a problem with the Alba manifesto launch on Twitter? All I’ve got is Alex looking rather earnest.

Jim Bo

Dirty tricks from British establishment no doubt. I’ve said it before but the number of times that live broadcasts freeze, disappear or get unexpectedly cut during the rare times a pro Indy voice is allowed to speak on BBC is really something. It’d make for a fantastic show reel if anyone had the time or inclination.


Well when I got up this morning and opened my back door, two wood pigeons were giving it large on top of my fence. I didn’t interrupt the wee things and let them finish. The male, obviously impressed by his performance, once finished, moved a few steps to the side and started preening himself, pleased with his work for the day while the female just sat there very pleased with herself too, kind of purring in a way..

I grabbed a piece of bread , broke it up and threw it onto the ground for them and quick as a flash they were gone. I know them personally as they live in the tree just over my fence – have done for years, well obviously not the same ones. I ‘ve no idea how long they live but there’s always been two there in that same tree every year the past twenty I’ve lived in the my house.

Anyhow that’s just nature and normal sex. I’ve no idea what this persons idea of sex is, I shudder to think.

Early morning sex , you canny beat it lol.

Dan Hardy

That IP address shows them routing through a TOR proxy server (Dark web). Could be anyone from anywhere.


Jim Bo, the recording is up and it (video and audio) froze at the same point as in the live broadcast. Whoever is at fault, this is not a good look for us.


Latest Analysis suggests South Scotland Region looks like snp 6, con 5, lab 3: lds 0, green 1, Alba 1.


Resolves to Tor proxy server. Just checked.


robbo says: …pleased with his work for the day….

Obviously your Wood Pigeons have grown lazy with the largesse you provide. Around here they would be performing several times an hour – NOT that I’m watching that closely .

Mark Boyle

@Stuart MacKay says:
21 April, 2021 at 10:17 am

If you lookup the IP address it appears to belongs to a Markus Koch, Cia Triad Security Llc in the Netherlands. There’s plenty of info including addresses if you care to look.

The IP Address from the message could well be fake but even if it is it’s a reminder that not all national polictics stay within borders.

One thing worth noting that a lot of service providers in the Netherlands take international law seriously so if you have no jurisdiction they’ll simple tell you to go f**k yourself. That’s a good thing but it opens the door for a lot of customers who do somewhat shady things.

Stuart, it’s a Tor exit nodule.

link to

As you can see, it was reported as coming from Zwiebelfreunde E.V. but in reality it was coming out of Bristol! One of the ironies of morons using Tor is that it immediately raises a red flag with most ISPs that the user’s a wrong ‘un and can expect to be monitored.

With VPNs becoming commonplace with more decent security software, it’s only going to be the incredibly stupid who manage to get themselves caught out this way (eg. MPs and their assistants!)


robbo says:
21 April, 2021 at 11:12 am
Well when I got up this morning and opened my back door, two wood pigeons were giving it large on top of my fence. I didn’t interrupt the wee things and let them finish. The male, obviously impressed by his performance, once finished, moved a few steps to the side and started preening himself, pleased with his work for the day while the female just sat there very pleased with herself too, kind of purring in a way..

I grabbed a piece of bread , broke it up and threw it onto the ground for them and quick as a flash they were gone.

You should be arrested for breach of the piece.

winifred mccartney

The most worrying thing of all is that the snp hierarchy are in thrall to all this seriously wrong nonsense which is so dangerous for everyone especially the young.


Too many people are collapsing in the direction of their greatest weakness, which, for many in a porn-and–social-media dominated society, is sexual identity.


Cudneycareless says:
21 April, 2021 at 11:19 am
robbo says: …pleased with his work for the day….

Obviously your Wood Pigeons have grown lazy with the largesse you provide. Around here they would be performing several times an hour – NOT that I’m watching that closely .


Ah well Cudeycareless it’s the first time I’ve caught them on top of my fence- I’ve seen them sitting on the branch of the tree a few times preening each other ,not catching them in the act. Not sure if there’s a law against watching wild birds having sex. I’ll need to review Humza’s bill to check, don’t want to get jailed for bird voyeurism you know.

The bread was finest Tesco brand, maybe they prefer Sainsburys?

or they were just embarrassed by getting caught?

Anton Decadent

People complain about not hearing anything from Peter Murrell and when he does post something they still complain.


Right there in one post. The mentality which guarantees that, despite being born poor and never doing particularly well, I’ll never vote leftist again.


@10.17am Does that Markus Koch have an impotent Scottish cousin called Drew Peacock?

Mark English

The much vaunted Scottish education system has a LOT to answer for…..

Poor spelling being the least if it….


Has the Rebbe or moshiach risen?, Or has netanyahu been on the sauce?. Imagine doing a spelling bee with that fud/gentile lol

mike cassidy

Not proper sex!

That’ll come as a great shock to their mum and dad

Stuart MacKay

Vesta and Mark Boyle

Thanks for the extra info. I realised it was at least a VPN connection but I didn’t want to bore everybody else with more techno-babble.

Pretty interesting that it was coming from Bristol. That makes the message all the more intriguing. It’s way too grammatically correct to simply be ramblings of the devoted. The “gentiles” is likely a deliberate mistake.


There is nothing sinister in this IP address whatsoever. The brave and beautiful individual is hiding their source IP by using the TOR network and the ip listed is an exit node to the main internet.

CIA triad is a reference to an infosec acronym for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.

Dave Hansell

Are TERF monkeys from the same genus as cheese eating surrender monkeys or are they from a totally different branch on the evolutionary tree?


” Stuart MacKay says:
21 April, 2021 at 1:16 pm

Pretty interesting that it was coming from Bristol.”

That TOR node is at AMS-IX (Amsterdam). I can tell from the routing and latency.

No idea why anyone thinks its in Bristol.


The most hurtful thing about that message was their spelling. Hope they weren’t late to nursery after writing that.

Tom Halliday

Well I was already confused about the terminology of the woo woo’s, but fuck me, they don’t even know what to call the equipment that nature supplied to them.

Stuart MacKay


Mark Boyle, posted the info in this link link to


That link is wrong then.

Stuart MacKay

PS If you look at the reports of abuse it seems the exit node is being used to scan for unsecured ports in “alernative” locations so 2222 instead of 22.

Thinking about it more the “Bristol” connection is probably bad data in their database.

David Caledonia

Many years ago I had a pal who was very highly sexed, it was all he did and talked about, his escapades where always very informative and amusing.
He had terrible eyesight, couldn’t see his own arse in a 6 foot mirror, one day I met him on the street, here he said, whit dae ye think a this, whits that I said.
He said I have just paid a subscription for a prostitutes club and he pulled out his membership card, I said, let me see that, and he handed it to me.
Ach ya eejit I said, you’ve joined a parachute club, oh my god he said that’s awful, and he burst into tears, I said what’s wrong are ye scared o heights or summit.
No its no that he said, I’m doon fur a thousand jumps.


This isn’t just a sickness, it is a Sickness Unto Death.
It is enough to send even the most jovial soul into the deepest despair.
The Greens really do plumb the depths of stupidity.

Christopher Quinn

One of the comments on J Kelly’s article accused wings, and probably by association, its supporters of being Trump enthusiasts. How do they come up with this shit? If that doesn’t work then Wings will be ant-semitic and on and on.


Bristol is very near Bath. Might be a friend.


Transwoke Pointer-Monkeys have huge middle-fingers and gesticulate at anything they happen to disagree with, including fog banks, snooker, bottles of ketchup, and other Transwoke Pointer-Monkeys.

They are cannibalistic, but are also partial to alphabet spaghetti (when they can manage to find the right aisle).

Expected to be extinct by the end of the decade.

Aunty Flo

Cenchos, where’s Sir David Attenborough when you need him?

We need to get him on the case asap! Aided by Greetin Thunderburg…



Methinks the mouse doth Protestant too much.

President Xiden

A kinder gentiler politics

Mikey d

I left school at 15, in my mid 60’s now. I always end up winning £500,000 on clarksons, who wants to be a millionaire. Wife keeps saying i should apply. Thank f/k i was educated in Ireland. Scottish accent, but i do get a laugh when (before lockdown) i go out with family in Scotland and i listen to the level of conversation around me.intelligent, you’re having a laugh.especially in orange county, i’ve listened to more intelligent monkeys chattering. Lol.


Back in the olden days, the puritans would have a cold bath, put bromide in their tea and have a stiff upper lip. Now they deny that they are capable of having sex.

You couldn’t make it up.

Socrates MacSporran

The mix-up between “gentiles” and “genitalia” reminds me of when I worked on a Scottish daily newspaper’s sports desk.

I wrote in one story that former footballer Kenny Black had, during his Rangers’ career been known as ‘Gentile.” This did not go down well with the left-wing, right-on Chief Sub, who wanted to know what I was doing bringing religion other than the long-established Proddies v Tims, Old Firm nonsense, into a football story.

I had to explain the nickname was a reference to the famous Italian defender Claudio Gentile, rather than a suggestion that Kenny Black was, perhaps, the only gentile in a squad of Jewish Rangers players.

Maybe getting that word wrong is a left-wing thing.


“Alba supporters want Nicola Sturgeon to lose in Glasgow Southside”

“And yes, I know that Stuart Campbell is one of them and that he is influential”

I dearly hope that he is influential enough and gets the result he, and some of us, would wholeheartedly welcome.

Vote Labour 1 / ALBA 2 in Glasgow Southside.

Wally Jumblatt

There is no place for mysoginistic anti-semenism in the modern world
(no Alexa, don’t spell check that).

Clavie Cheil

I am off to scratch my Gentiles. Is that allowed or will I get jailed for it. Will I be hunted down by the Sturgeonite Transgender Police and castrated or converted to one of the The Chosen Race.


Goy-lly gosh – Torah much information – Yahweh wi’ ye


Incidentally, James Kelly used to be rather positive about you – shame you guys aren’t communicating.


21 April, 2021 at 10:07 am
Ladies and Transladies… the Curriculum for Excellence

in Alba’s compelling Manifesto,so different from the Blandifesto’s of the other parties. The Curriculum for excellence is praised but under Sturgeon and Swinney has become a bureaucratic nightmare.

I’d iput it in stronger terms.CFE It has become sub NVQ piece of learning mince and in the process, became a baccalaureate for bozos, like this unfortunate poor young person.


OT. Lord McFall has been elected as Lords Speaker.

I didn’t know lords could name themselves after bands.


LGBTIQQ+++ or is it LGTIB++Qq.

C’mon now we need to know. We’ve a Gender Identification Service up and running and all these gender identities need to be individually catered for.

And what about the non binary heterosexuals. Where do they fit in. Where are they provided for. This is the challenge Nicola has set for us. This is why we need to deploy resources to have Gender Identification Services located the length and breadth of the country.

Wonder what classification her and Peter are.And is this a good use of our tax money, because it is our tax money that’s paying for this.

Sex for six year olds next, or will it be sex with the dug. Loon balls are us.


Yesterday the National Union of Students – Scotland branch had a debate with several candidates (Nicola, Douglas, Anas etc) and there were dozens of transgender students ”hijacking” the forum asking the same questions over and over again.
The National Union of Students has included a full text on trans rights stating their full support for the Gender Recognition Act.

What is going on here? Who is financing all this nonsense?

Basically there won’t be a single space in this nation when us women from birth – NOT cisgender and all those ridiculous terms they have invented trying to belittle us- can feel safe and mingle with other women.

Please, read the text everyone and tell me this is not worrying.

I am just sick of seeing news on trans rights every single day on newspapers, university noticeboards, podcasts, book launches etc, etc… whereas nobody cares that lots of elderly people are still waiting for a vaccine, street valium has become a huge problem in many neighbourhoods in Glasgow and we have many other REAL issues the government should be focusing on.
link to

David Caledonia

Itz the educasion sistim tae blaim fur a ris, the gramma is juzt terribul theze daze


Perhaps gender self-identification centres could be established around the country where pilgrims could go to spend time in a safe space, surrounded by kind support groups who can assist them in working out their gender self-ID challenges?

Having attained a gender assignation, and having achieved the necessary physical alignments with that gender, pilgrims can then be given the legal and ethical statuses appropriate to their gen-sex.

We could call these places Stonewall Therapeutic Conversion Havens.


“A law unto themselves that takes instructions from no-one.”

That is an outright compliment in my book.

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