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Wings Over Scotland

The referendum in pictures

Posted on January 28, 2014 by

In quieter moments recently we’ve been working away on early drafts of our next opinion poll (schedule TBA). We’ve got some interesting questions lined up for it, but it dawned on us earlier that with polls now coming out every other day, it might be fun to do something a bit original and different.


One of the hardest things about writing a poll is wording questions in a way that’s both fair and concise, because a confusingly-phrased one can really mess up the responses. (We actually lost one in our last poll because we hadn’t made it quite clear enough and the results that came back were muddled-up and useless.)

And we thought, what if we did away with words entirely?


The simple reality.


Pick a leader (Level 1 – Easy).


Pick a leader (Level 2 – Difficult).


Spending choices.


Actors who don’t have a vote.


Battle Of The Boyles.


Democracy or feudalism?


Who chooses your government?


Thumbs-aloft double-acts.


Well, you get the idea. Anyone think of any more?

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I still think Susan Boyle was set up – couldn’t you use Jim Davidson?

David Whannel

2,000,000 Iraqi and Afghan children in one box, none in the other

G H Graham

Jim Davidson (Offensive English comedian) & Ian Davidson (Offensive Scottish politician)

G H Graham

Food Banks or Blood Banks


Blair McDougall or Blair Jenkins


Wind farms or fracking


Sheer genius, Rev.

Despite the humour of the article, there is an underlying serious point which is well made; that when we’re in the polling booth we have to choose between supporting those who would put Scotland’s interests first and those who may not.

Without wishing to pass comment on the personalities of those pictured I find them all rather telling, and the political ones most especially so.

Peter A Bell

Super idea!


Highland dancing or Morris Dancing.


Nicola or Gideon.


National instruments.

The Bagpipes or the Bell…


Bottom up or top down. Gives plenty of scope pictorially.


The city/shit on shoe.


Saltire + Oil + £BN’s
London + Oil + £BN’s

Jamie Arriere

Saffron Dickson or (Young) Willie Hague

Rod Mac

A bit of a Hobson’s Choice, Cameron ,or Lamont.

ronnie anderson

REV,your losing the plot,that last ballot paper, in the intrest,s of equality & fairness, there should be two picture,s of Mundell

Cankert Callan

Whisky or gin
Irn Bru or Vimpto


England- Student loan arrears, final demand, courts summons, for decades…



England- Supersonic rail travel all over south of England


Calgacus MacAndrews

John Swinney or George Osborne

Jamie Arriere

Shipbuilding on the Clyde or Shipbuilding on the Clyde

Archie [not Erchie]




Ian Brotherhood

@Jamie Arriere –

Saffron/Hague – brilliant!

Gordon Hay

Nicola or Nick

Ian Brotherhood

T-in the Park / Trooping the Guard

CyberNat Anon Sailor

Revised Barnett Formula or 3 Trillion Oil


How about a welcome to England sign and one of those failte gu alba wecome to Scotland blue signs you get on the motorway.

Andy MacNicol

How can I choose between Lamont and Cameron? If that was the choice, I would have to abstain, go to the pub and cry.

Jamie Arriere

Fiddlers (musicians) or Fiddlers (Bankers/MPs/Tabloid editors et al)

Roddy Macdonald

Hope vs Fear, Vision vs Screaming, Europe vs Isolation, Responsible Adulthood vs Pocket-moneyed Pubescence. Or, if we want to be kind to Labour, Johann Lamont vs Nigel Farage?

Archie [not Erchie]

St Mirren




I never thought I would vote No, but that ballot paper with Lamont and Cameron has me swithering… 😉


pick a leader level 2 may be too difficult,if i’m pushed I’ll have to choose the one who lives in a bubble and sees the world through union jack shades and who will end up in ermine,or the other one…

ronnie anderson


Just had a phone call re- R B S survey, key pad reply,s

if any body gets one, please post up on the question,s I

was to quik in cutting it of.


Ahh, now this really stimulates my creative side! 🙂

Hang on, I need to call them up and find out if we can get the ballot papers increased to poster size though…


Scotland or north Britain?

Murray McCallum

Wallace monument / Nelson’s column


Isle of Islay or Isle of Dogs?

Gov. William J. LePetomaine or PM David Cameron

Inbhir Anainn




Cankert Callan
Murray McCallum

Glasgow Ice cream van / London routemaster

Tennents / London Pride


That was unfair having to make a choice between Lamont or Cameron. I will answer that one when they have both expired. Does that make me an evil Cybernat?


Triage or Trident?

G H Graham

Cockroach or William Roache

Alex Taylor

Stop me if I’m being obtuse here.

A poll could not really be conducted like that, could it,because it would only be open to people being polled online? That would skew it towards we cybernats and would quite rightly cause it to be dismissed.

I love the idea, though, and would be delighted to hear how it could work in practice.

Cankert Callan

This is of course perfectly doable with panelbase…

G H Graham

Arrest Warrant / Royal Warrant

Calgacus MacAndrews

Land of Hope and Glory


Let Alba Shine

Andrew Morton

I like the idea of actually presenting respondents with a ballot paper, however if they were presented with two flags and were asked to choose we don’t know the criteria which each person would use to reach a decision. Similarly, is Trident v. hospitals a valid choice?

Of course, I may be taking this a tad too seriously . . .

Arbroath 1320

How about £1.5 Trillion debt or NO debt!


West coast of Scotland oil or NO West coast of Scotland oil


Forth Bridge or Tower Bridge.

Arbroath smokies or jellied eels.

Burns or Kipling.

‘Flower Of Scotland’ or ‘Land Of Hope and Glory’

Dick Gaughan or Roger Whittaker.

But most importantly of all:

‘Sovereignty of the People’ or ‘Sovereignty of Parliament’.

Alex Taylor

@ scottish_skier

How do they work it S.S.?



Aly Bain v Wullie Bain
Elaine C. Smith v Walter Smith
Alex Salmond v Alex Ferguson
Blair J. v Blair M. (incl. bogof T. Blair)
James Kelly (Scot Goes Pop) v. James Kelly MSP (incl.bogtf Terry Kelly & Michael Kelly)

I realise I’ve gone a bit ‘namesakey’ there.


nicola sturgeon or margaret curran


Throw in a ‘don’t know’ option and I think you’ll get a really good representation of how many people actually sit in that grouping.

The pictures make everything very ‘black and white’ if you’ll pardon the mixed metaphor and force the respondent to choose

Great idea Stu

Peter Kemp

Yes yes yes

Cankert Callan

Brilliant Rev. 😀

Big Red Machine

Someone who is good with the dark arts needs to put this into a viral Jpeg format quick smart.

ronnie anderson

Ah thought submission,s were closed

Golden Eagle V Wee Cock Sparra ( dont furget the barra)

ronnie anderson

Caperchallie V Jackie Bailie ( twa big burd,s )

( Macavoy you,ve been telt already fek aff )


I am aware of that fact 🙂

Ha – I imagined you were, but figured some readers might not appreciate that. TNS door to door can do it too as they use computer video prompting. MORI telephone nope…

Important to formulate a good question to go with the picture so as people are not stumped by what’s being asked (which flag has three colours? Who is the most good looking?). Would be interesting to see the results without any written question associated with the pic but to really get a grip of peoples responses you’d need a written Q. I suppose you could run a split sample one just pics one with written Q and pics…

Murray McCallum

Perhaps one for Greg Moodie

Bagpipes / Tuba

Chic McGregor
Cankert Callan

link to

I fear someone may have to come round and take away my computer!

Les Wilson

Food banks or Oil

Trident, Glasgow or Southampton

Stuart Black

Battle of the English cartoonists.

Martin Rowson: link to


Steve Bell:
link to

Tony Little

Rev. I think the Lamont vs. Cameron option illustrates the dilemma that many in the middle might actually be facing. If they DO vote YES, there is a chance that Lamont might become First Minister.

That would certainly put the fear of God into me, and I’m an atheist!





Thomas William Dunlop

Tom & Jerry or Road Runner & Will E. Coyote versus Mickey & Donald? Loony tunes = more radical, try something new (YES?). Disney. safe & conservative (NO voter, fearty?)

Calgacus MacAndrews

Daily Mail or Wings Over Scotland


Alex Salmond/White Feather

SoS for Portsmouth/Blank Space

Murray McCallum

“If they DO vote YES, there is a chance that Lamont might become First Minister.”

A dilemma for many, including Labour supporters.

If such an event did occur, would it be unique in history that the first, democratically elected, leader of a newly independent nation was someone who had fought against it ever actually existing?

The answer to that may help lower the fear.

robert urquhart

Highland Spring or Peckham Spring?

Thomas William Dunlop

IMHO I think it is great idea. Language has a tendency to lead the respondee, intentionally or not. Human thinking is believed to be symbolic language (above & beyond language & words) so cut away any langage components physcologists have devised non-verbal thinking tests. Also very useful if the test subject is unable to respond in language, such as new born babies, people with strokes & non-human animals capable of thought.

Therefore, leaving language behind might uncover some interesting results.

I suggest changing the picture pair for nuclear trident & conventional forces picture (involved in humanitarian duties (UN soldiers?)

Scotland fans & the last night of the proms (waving Union jacks)

Franky Boyle versus a pro-union comedian (Eddy Izzard??)


Stuart Black
Feel free to use it guys.

link to

Murray McCallum

Cankert Callan
link to

Great choice. Like the united sentiment behind the combined shinty/hurling image.

Chic McGregor
Archie [not Erchie]

@ robert urquhart – Peckham Spring? Is there such a place? 🙂

Dick Gaughan

Dick Gaughan or Roger Whittaker.

I’m scratchin ma heid tryin tae figure out whether tae be flattered or insultit 🙂

The Penman

Oh dear, just banged my head against the wall watching the One show talk about the referendum. Including calling Alex Salmond the “head of Yes Scotland”.


Rod Mac

Only problem with this format is the naysayers will feel able to ignore it ,just like they did the first one.
If we do not do it exactly as they do it will be dismissed as less than useless.
Therefore it depends on what you want to achieve.


Ben Nevis or Big Ben?


Tommy Sheridan or George Galloway.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Major Bloodnock

Gordons Beefeater Gin


@ ronnie anderson’s squeezed and fermented tattie hooch oot in the back shed.(with mooth organ entertainment)

Stuart Black

Nice one, Norrie, thanks! 😉


Dick Gaughan,

Mr. Whittaker is probably a very likeable man. But, to my taste, he’s also a thoroughly wet, dreary and peely-wally excuse for a musician.

I hope I’m not being too rude to towards him.

robert urquhart

Peckham Spring was one of dodgy del boy triggers scams.


Golden Eagle or Trafalgar Square Pigeon?

Flower of Scotland

The wee Welsh girl on The one Show ( unbelievable ! She would be livid if she lived outside Wales and couldn’t vote ) Shitty show / Joan Macalpine on Politics show , Grrrrrrrrrrr !!

Stuart Black

Elaine C Smith/Katie Hopkins

robert urquhart

Del boy trotter….grr predictive text


@Dick Gaughan

Can you whistle?

Dick Gaughan

Helpmaboab says:
Mr. Whittaker is probably a very likeable man. But, to my taste, he’s also a thoroughly wet, dreary and peely-wally excuse for a musician.

Always seemed a bit right-wing for my taste. Decent voice, though.

Chic McGregor

Wasn’t Roger Whittaker South African?

How about Dick Gaughan v Flanders and Swann? That’s a no brainer

Calgacus MacAndrews

@Dick Gaughan says:
28 January, 2014 at 7:10 pm
Dick Gaughan or Roger Whittaker.
I’m scratchin ma heid tryin tae figure out whether tae be flattered or insultit 🙂

Both Sides of the Tweed
London Calling

Dick Gaughan

Conan_the_Librarian says:
Can you whistle?

Only when I was a wannabe referee 🙂

Stuart Black

Aly Bain & Phil C.

Sam & Dave?


Lock or Loch


Dick Gaughan

Chic McGregor says:
Wasn’t Roger Whittaker South African?

I think he was from Zimbabwe when it was called Rhodesia.

How about Dick Gaughan v Flanders and Swann? That’s a no brainer

No brainer for me – I have an irrational soft spot for Flanders and Swann which would make me vote for them.
“I’m a gnu, a gnother gnu”

And I can almost laugh at the fake irony of “The English are best”


I couldn’t do level 2 leader


Flower of Scotland

Sorry o/t
The British Gov are not wanting to take in many Syrian asylum seekers after the hell that they’ve been through . Germany taking THOUSANDS we might take a few HUNDRED !!! We could have them up here in Scotland ! YES ?


Heilan coo or Margaret Thatcher?


Oh hell. I’ve been surrounded by a pack of folk musicians and their after my blood.

For the record my original post was trying to compare Mr. Gaughan favourably to Mr. Whittaker. Hopefully that’s clear in the context. If I inadvertently made fun of the whistling Englishman, then I’m very sorry.

As for Flanders and Swann, that’s another matter.


Saffron Dickson or Saffron Walden?

ronnie anderson

@ronnie 7.36, its no the triple lock then,an the five lever

locks nae chance lol

John Reid

Wings over Scotland or The Scotsman


Nicola Benedetti versus Nigel Kennedy


With all due respect, Rev, I shall refrain from suggesting ‘Bath or Bathgate’.

Alex Taylor

“How about Dick Gaughan v Flanders and Swann?”

See, here it gets tricky. Love Dick and saw him a couple of months back in Stirling Tolbooth (if you’re reading Dick, thanks for the show) and he was great.

But just ’cause it’s English does not automatically mean it’s rubbish and I’ve always had a soft spot for Flanders and Swann.



Thatcher and a bastard

Dick Gaughan

Sydney Devine or … or …

A’ll get ma coat.

John Reid

NewsNetScotland or The Scotland

I put my previous post on so as not to upset you Rev


Mini (real one) or Hillman Imp…..

ronnie anderson

@ helpmaboab, whistlein Englishman, thats no the Singing

Postman perchance,aww rite boyy,I ah am that auld,ah seen

im in Biggleswade WM club



Satan or Margaret Thatcher?

Hail Satan.

Alex Taylor

@ Dick Gaughan

You posted while I was writing, Dick, but I’m glad you feel the same about F&S. It’s no jist me then!


Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

deep fried mars bar / jellied eels



The Hillman Imp was made in Scotland…


Kind of OT…..

2 Unionist posters from Mr ‘British Unity’ which one is the dumbest?

This one which would actually extended Scotland territory ?

link to

Or this one, the classic illustration of British Nationalism (GOOD) vs Scottish Nationalism (BAD)

link to

The Unionists truly do have some epically stupid folk fighting their cause online.

Dan Huil

Freedom of fiefdom?

Dick Gaughan

Alex Taylor says:
@ Dick Gaughan

You posted while I was writing, Dick, but I’m glad you feel the same about F&S. It’s no jist me then!

Nope! But I suspect there now several people of (cough) lesser vintage who weren’t raised on the BBC Light Programme asking “who the hell are/were Flanders and Swann?”


BBC or Thought Police

Dave McEwan Hill

This could be done with a long horizontal questionaire with about ten choices and a totaliser at the end to indicate that you should be voting YES (or not)


Golden eagle or Carlaw’s robin!


When we had all that fuss about the referendum question I liked Rab McNeil’s suggestion: Do you want to govern your own country,or are you some kind of nutter?


A pissing wet day on Ardnamurchan or a sunny day in Picadilly Circus.

ronnie anderson

O/T is that the Shetlander,s,giveing Carmichiel a send off

at UpHELLYAH, A VIKING FUNERAL,could ha geid us a invite.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Corrie or The Corries


George Osborne or Fagan? (it’s a trick question)

Roddy Macdonald

O/T: Following on from last night, I apologise for interjecting in the fun with a quick tour of the dark underbelly of the Unionist Interweb with So who are British Unity:

link to

You may need to rinse your eyeballs afterwards.

ronnie anderson

ave hud the shits awe day,just hud a couple of bile,d eggs

you,s ur no helpin ma condition lol

Kenny Ritchie

Deficit or a surplus.


John Barrowman and a lead balloon (or even just a balloon)


Dick Gaughan, Alex Taylor and the rest,

I’m no’that young. Michael Flanders and Donald Swann were both pillars of the British establishment. Nevertheless they wrote some clever, witty comic songs that even a man in his forties can still enjoy.

‘The Song Of Patriotic Prejudice’ is a fine portrait of BritNat prejudices that still has a meaning today.


Kezia Dugdale or a wet fart



I’m sure Barrowman goes down better than a lead balloon.


Margo MacDonald v Queenie


Hmmm, awkward to put that particular name in the spam filter, methinks. Just saying….


Salt and sauce or mushy peas.


David Cameron and an Italian war hero


BBC or R.T.


Daily Mail or Beano


Burns or Shakespeare

Daily Hate or Oor Wullie


Al, it’s salt and vinegar pal…..


Great concept BUT…seems quite a few folk don’t know and so will fail to recognise Jolo Lamont for example. Roger Whittaker I don’t remember other than the name. Dick Gaughan comes into my head each time I play Westlin Winds so a bit specialist perhaps. I wouldn’t use the Susan Boyle clip- its nice to be nice…to most folk, which brings me to Murphy. Pairing him with a public toilet might offer a pragmatic choice for voters.


HS2 London to Birmingham £50bn
With financial losses to Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City & Moray of £220 and Dundee & Angus of £96m


Senior citizens Free bus pass & £28 rail pass

Chic McGregor

Not casting aspersions, or indeed slinging mud, gloriously or otherwise, at Flanders and Swan’s ability at all. I enjoyed their act as well.


Rev. Stuart Campbell says –

“Alex, if you don’t stop signing your comments I’m going to put your name in the spam filter. WE KNOW IT’S YOU. IT SAYS “ALEX TAYLOR” BESIDE ALL YOUR POSTS. WE DON’T NEED TELLING AGAIN AT THE END. ”


I’ll get ma coat


A difficult one – Harry Mount or a fluffy bunny



Glasgow’s miles better or Edinburgh’s slighty superior.

Paula Rose

Just whizzed down to the end of the thread – paradise murder stuff on – love the idea.

john king

Monarch of the Glen or Dixon of Dock Green

M Henderson

Ream or reamed…?

G H Graham

Chicken Tikka Masala or Edwina Currie.

G H Graham

Hugh Grant / Student Grant

G H Graham

Potato Crisp / Quentin Crisp

GP Walrus

Control of our own sea borders:

Rockall or Fuck all


Oor Wullie or Andy Capp



Here, I think Gaughan and Whittaker would be a pretty good double act as long as Whittaker did the guitar tuning between songs. (Sorry dick)

I once bought Rodger Whittaker live at the Lansdowne in a charity shop being all ironic like but it’s actually really good , not least cos of the stunning backing band. It’s both fiesty and fun.


Royal Mail in private hands or in oor hands (and call it something else):

link to

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

Bathgate / The Home Counties

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

Greyfriars Bobby / Margaret Thatcher

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

Schiehallion / The White Cliffs of Dover

Cankert Callan

@ twenty14 & Rev

Me too!

@GP Walrus

That has to be the best i’ve read tonight.

castle hills chavie

Inspired by Kev.

Royal Mail or Royal male

Paula Rose

A government we didn’t elect or one we did – hey are you telling me that democracy is an option?


Red pill/Blue pill. In this version, take the red pill & your back in the matrix. Take the bluey, ah promise it’s no a valli !


The Proclaimers


Chas & Dave.

Great idea for the hard of reading, cognitavely impaired.

Alex Taylor

“Alex, if you don’t stop signing your comments I’m going to put your name in the spam filter. WE KNOW IT’S YOU. IT SAYS “ALEX TAYLOR” BESIDE ALL YOUR POSTS. WE DON’T NEED TELLING AGAIN AT THE END. ”

Roger that Stu. I didn’t know it was a foul, though.


A picture of the 2013 Calton Hill Rally v EDL/BNP march


Who do you trust with Scotland’s finances:

link to

Patrick Roden


Caperchallie V Jackie Bailie ( twa big burd,s )

haha Brilliant 😉


Calton Hill rally or wee Dougie Alexander’s ‘rally’


Paw Broon or Gordon Broon

Chic McGregor

I like the idea of deliberate toughies, e.g.s:

John Barrowman v The Krankies
Jackie Baillie v Katy Hopkins
Kaye Adams v Kirsty Wark
Susan Calman v Fred McCauley

Make the respondents work.

Jamie Arriere

Karen Dunbar or Miranda Hart

Jamie Arriere

A better match for Flanders & Swann would be Scotland the What


Derek Bateman OR James Naughtie

Peter Mundell OR Ian Davidson

And although my initial reaction for Level 2 was I need a NONE of the Above box. On reflection I hope that most readers here would know that this is the real test in our belief in voting #Yes.

Between a Scot in HR or a Bullington Boy in WM then it becomes very simple: I accept the soverign wishes of Scots – and work like mad to get her out at the next election


Tattie scones or hash browns?


@Conan – and the Mini was made at Longbridge.

(also:- “Glasgow’s Miles Away”)

And, regarding Flanders & Swann….. humour transcends boundaries.


@Murray McCallum

Murray, I understand the concept but I spent 22 years living in Ealing and London Pride helped me stay sane. It’s still one of my favourites.


How about this?

link to

One Nation Britain, after all…


A bonnie, wee, white Scottie wi a tartan collar or an ugly, bruisin’, toothy bulldog wearing a union jack jaikit.

Stuart Black

Doh! Having read further down, I now realise that my comparison of Aly Bain & Phil C with SAM and Dave does not make any sense. It should, of course, have read Chas & Dave.

Apologies, it’s just that I’m an idiot. (wee embarrassed smiley thing)


Glen Michael or Alastair Carmichael

and 2 I’m willing to take a hit for

Captain Darling or Alastair Darling
Tony Adams or Kaye Adams


Kilt or Kill’t ( scene of war/conflict)


Carry-On vs Carry-Out


This reminds me of the old Glasgow Rhyming Slang –

Shereen Nanjiani or Jim Delahunt?

Alastair Naughton

Elaine C Smith or Katie Hopkins


Caankert Callan: Actually, mine’s Irn-Bru or R. White’s.

Saffron Dickson vs. Kezia Dugdale?

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