The McChattering Classes
Posted on
November 11, 2013 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
…so beloved of John McTernan are on this particular occasion myself, Michael Greenwell, Andrew “Lallands Peat Worrier” Tickell and the SNP’s Natalie McGarry, blethering away yesterday on the For A’That podcast.
If you’ve got nothing better to do for 61 minutes, you could always have a listen.
Liked the little aside about deep fried Mars bars. I come from the town they were invented, it was like the whole of the Scottish media descended during that time when I was at school. I laughed at “has anybody even actually SEEN one of these things?!” – I dunno about elsewhere but back home you wouldn’t see one, you’d have to ask for one and they’d just make it, quietly, and you’d feel all naughty, like you were trying to acquire a porno mag. Probably.
Within weeks, you could ask for deep fried anything – Twix, Snickers, Crunchies, Mini Eggs… I had one or two of the Mars then stayed away. I preferred crisps – and then taking the packet and shrinking it in the oven for a laugh. Remember when kids did that? :/
I started listening to this podcast this morning, and have just finished it. As always, an invaluable contribution by Michael Greenwell & Co., who have become a must-listen on the weekly digital rounds of every pro-independence (and persuadable) person.
His ScotIndyPod series is also wonderful, and I particularly enjoyed the one with the SSP’s Colin Fox earlier this year, a party I was (quite inexplicably) previously averse to.
Who wouldn’t be chattering with the price hikes the last Labour Government and the Coalition have allowed the energy companies to get away?
Would rather hear of a living income than a living wage constitutionally. Otherwise, consensus makes for a hard debate.
O/T I do apologise.
Annabelle Goldie, has just been confirmed in the House of Lords, her new title is,
Baroness Goldie of Bishopton.
No doubt, Ruth Davidson aspsires to climb the greasy pole of advancement to ermine, along with Johan Lamont.
Baroness Goldie of Bishopton.
Geeez! What next?
Lord Davidson of Bayonetfield?
@Andy-B Baroness Goldie of Bishopton? Is it me or does that sound like a name for a pedigree dog?
Baroness Goldie,eh? Its all a lot of clap-trap.But I would like to make the point that Ms Goldie is an entirely more capable person than Ruth Davidson or Johan Lamont,who are in positions way beyond their abilities.
Rev send this to “Radio Free Scotland” a wider audience would be good.
Thanks, nice to hear that people are enjoying them.
Thepnpr –
We’ve already got a good audience but we’re always looking for more. Glad you enjoyed it.
Divided into shows all the ScotIndyPod series (including Rev Stu) are here… link to
All the For A’ That (like this one) are here… link to
You can subscribe in itunes or get them from the channel page too…
link to
Apologies Michael

Haven’t read all the posts today but did see some about an Independent radio show thats why I just wanted to get the words “Radio Free Scotland” up there. I’d like to see you broadcasting 24hrs a day though
@ Rev Stu – John McTernan sounds almost ambivalent and open to persuasion. Will you now tell me that your Twitter confrontations with same are like a pair of stags in rut? The prize being a hundred virtual virgins dressed in plaid.
A very good listen and I totally enjoyed it. Much better than TV and the 10second sound bites.
For those who might want to go along, it looks like Question Time might be in Falkirk on 28 November.
Pizza Crolla, Buchanan St, Glasgow for your deep fried Mars Bar. Once saw a couple of Japanese tourists ordering them. They seemed to rather enjoy them.
Sorry O/T
BBCS totally ignore the latest Labour/Falkirk corruption revelations. More of the Poppy Girl meets dad. Don’t decry you your dad, Poppy G. but…… aaaarrrgh!!
Nice try BBCS but I for one will not be stupified with this BritNat guff.
Ray – I’ve always thought a deep fried tunnocks tea cake would be the ultimate
Some days I just really hate the Labour Party.
They seem to be deranged,
Another good programme from Michael Greenwell, pity it is not broadcast on the BBC too.
Thanks, 61 minutes well spent (and got the dinner on and eaten in the meantime). By the way, I stood for a while at the Remembrance event outside the Edinburgh City Chambers on Sunday morning – and have to say it was a pretty sombre, moving and entirely uncommercialised event. Must be a Scottish thing.
I don’t buy Tunnocks as they came out for Better Together how about the Aldi ones?
Ive never tried a deep fried sweetie, must to when the latest diet is over…
I was also wearing a modified poppy, held on with one of the blue enamel YES badges in the centre instead of the black dot thingy.
I was waiting for someone to challenge me that I shouldn’t bring politics into it, but I had my answer ready as I was prepared to quote von Clausewitz at them (“war is merely the continuation of politics by other means” – adding that I wanted to demonstrate that I am against the politics of those wars and for those politics against wars).
No one did.
That podcast was very enjoyable Rev Stu. All of the contributers were interesting and articulate. I’ll make the podcast a regular stop from now on.
For once I found myself listening without getting angry.
These days I’m usually shouting at the TV / radio / computer because there’s some unionist or other telling more lies. I detest liars.
I enjoyed that, but then the podcast is always good. The bit about the constitution was particularly interesting. LPW’s kind of shifted my thoughts on it a bit.
I’ve had deep-fried Mars bar. In Bath, SW England. Herbies, in Moorland Road, if it hasn’t burned down again.
And the Battle of the Khyber Pass – a good friend of mine is in line to inherit a baronetcy earned in that battle! I’m not aware if any Afghanis hated him before 2002 though.
Not sure what this Australian anti-war song is all about though.
It was actually written by a Scot…