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Wings Over Scotland

The Mandalorian Candidate

Posted on November 04, 2024 by

To be honest, readers, the peculiar events of yesterday continued to nag at us all day as every news broadcaster in Scotland and beyond leapt eagerly on the ludicrous non-story from the Herald On Sunday’s front page. (It was even the #2 item on BBC Radio Wales, inexplicably).

For such an absolute nothingball of scurrilous sub-gossip to so dominate the entire news media was just too strange to ignore. We cannot remember the last time a low-grade freelancer managed to sell the same story to FOUR major Scottish newspapers – who normally, remember, only want exclusives for their big front-page splashes – let alone a crummy opinion columnist (not even an actual news reporter) who’s only been back in journalism for five minutes after a 15-year break as a failed PR guru.

(Once they’d all run the shoddy hatchet piece, TV and radio then had all the excuse they needed to blare it across the airwaves. “Oh, it’s not us inflating and amplifying this garbage, guv, we’re just reporting what the papers are saying.”)

So in our eternal quest for enlightenment and understanding we thought we’d see if we could find out a bit more about the little-known but recently-revived sleeper assassin with the ironic name: Carlos Alba.

For someone who likes to boast at any opportunity about his track record in journalism (the first words on his Twitter bio are “Former national newspaper editor”, albeit that that’s a lie – he was basically a section editor), Mr Alba is curiously reluctant to share any details about it with anyone.

Both his bio on Carlos Alba Media and his LinkedIn page describe a “20 year career in national newspaper journalism” (which we’ll shortly discover is also something of an ambitious embellishment, unless you consider Dumfries and Galloway to be a nation) but they only actually mention his 10 years on the Sunday Times Scotland.

The closure of the paper in 2010 (of which a colleague at the time has told Wings “He was a terrible editor, hiding in his room when London decided to make us all redundant and showing no leadership at all”) seemed to have drawn his journalism career to a close before his sudden unexplained return to the Herald 10 months ago.

But you have to do some digging to fill in the blanks for the missing 10 years before he joined the STS. We get a little more info from a bio page about his career as a novelist, mentioning “papers in Dumfries and Galloway, Aberdeen and Edinburgh”.

A 2006 piece on the All Media Scotland website identifies the Dumfries and Galloway Standard and the Press & Journal as the publications hinted at, and media industry magazine The Drum, reporting on the formation of his PR firm, put a little more flesh on the bones in 2010 by noting that he’d been education correspondent for the Herald and also chief reporter for the Edinburgh Evening News.

But curiously it left out what by any reasonable assessment would be regarded as his highest position before the STS – that of Political Editor for what at the time was by far Scotland’s biggest-selling paper, the Daily Record.

And it’s interesting to ponder why someone describing their identity with “they/them” pronouns, and thereby placing themselves firmly in what nowadays is called the “LGBTQ+ community”, might not want anyone to know that they held a senior editorial role at the Daily Record at the turn of the millennium.

Because 1999/2000 is the most infamous period in the Record’s history.

The paper was at the very heart of the campaign to stop the recently-elected Labour governments in both London and Edinburgh from repealing the homophobic “Clause 28” legislation introduced by Margaret Thatcher’s administration 12 years earlier.

While there was a broad political consensus in the new Scottish Parliament supporting repeal – with not even the Tories wanting to be seen standing in the way – a small but powerful alliance comprising Catholic religious leaders, businessman Brian Souter and the Daily Record worked doggedly to keep the law in place.

The campaign, as the Scotsman observed in 2005, “was fought almost entirely through the press”, by which it means the Daily Record. The paper was selling around 600,000 copies a day at the time (more than 13 times its current circulation), and pushed first Souter’s campaign, and then his private referendum on the repeal, relentlessly, making a huge contribution to the large “turnout” of 1.27 million votes.

Carlos Alba was no idle passenger in the newsroom during the time. A busy participant in the campaign from beginning to end, for months he penned scores of articles (the below is just a small selection) attacking the repeal and in particular Wendy Alexander, the minister piloting the repeal through Parliament, and generally whipping up hostility to gay people. “Anger” and “fury” were the order of the day.

(Modern-day transactivists, we should take a moment to address here, love to point out the superficial similarities between the campaign and those who are currently fighting gender ideology in schools. It’s a comparison that’s been comprehensively debunked by LGB people who actually lived through Section 28, for example by Joanna Cherry here, by Jo Bartosch here, by Gareth Roberts here, by Julie Bindel here and by Malcolm Clark on a more or less daily basis, so we won’t walk you through it now.)

The Damascene conversion of Carlos Alba from an implacable supporter of Clause 28 to a “they/them” relentlessly and spitefully violating the still-fresh grave of the man who legislated equal marriage in Scotland is perhaps one of the most remarkable in our small nation’s history.

But it’s still not quite as impressive as his rapid journey from failed PR man to small-time columnist to the vanguard of a co-ordinated media smear campaign. We trust his fees from the extraordinary syndication of his powderpuff “story” will supplement the rather meagre earnings of his monthly Herald column until the next time he’s called upon to be useful to someone.

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Yet again, Rev, we salute you!



David Hannah

You are a remarkable journalist Stuart. A living legend. You are so good at what you do.

You’ve destroyed this vile piece of human filth overnight. Outstanding work.

Justice for Alex Salmond. We demand it.


Thank you.
Now why would the Herald employ this nobody?


The Herald is staggering to its grave and not before time.


He’s a patsy. They can throw him under the bus tomorrow and nobody would as much as blink.
the question is what are the herald doing???
it’s got to be a distraction tactic.
for what remains to be seen.

Kevin Cargill



It was item 2 on BBC Radio 4 also

David Hannah

I hate this man for what he’s done. What a horrible bigoted man. Think of all the hurt those stories would have caused gay and lesbian men and women.

I’m astonished at that Daily Record campaign. It’s the first I’ve heard of it. They try and keep that hidden don’t they?

He’s not changed has he. He has no heart. Bitter. Wicked and twisted.

Just like Nicola Sturgeon and her close associate aphabetty perjuring bastards.

Lock Her UP!


Last edited 2 months ago by David Hannah
David Hannah

God bless Alex Salmond. For introducting same sex marriage. Scotland is a better place and more loving place for gay men and women thanks to Alex.

Sturgeon – the destroyer of women’s rights – it’s doing her upmost to reverse Salmond’s legacy.

She’s imported the politics of poison from the United States.

Diplomacy under the butchers apron and the stars and stripes.

At an all time low

Now is the time to push for Scottish Independence. Let’s turn the dial up to 50 plus 1 and liberate our country.


“In an industry that seems highbound in jargon..” says Carlos.

I presume he means “hidebound”. I can remember the days when journalists knew* how to use the English language, as did people who’d been to Glasgow High School.

*Some still do, of course.

Alf Baird

Aye, whit is it wae posh ‘boul in the mou’ preevat ‘colonial’ schuils an aw thay preevelaged fowk gied poseetions o pouer ower us, yet wi nae human vailyies amang thaim an a fousome hatred agin ordinar Scots fowk an oor cultur.

Wi social segregation whit dae ye end up wi? Aye, colonial racism an prejudice. And the highest prison population per capita in Western Europe an aw.

In a colony ‘only the values of the colonizer are sovereign’ (Memmi). And so we see Fanon’s ‘two cultural and psychical realms’, the dominant colonizer culture lacking any human values made superior, the native rendered subordinate, and a social prejudice divide reflecting oppression, including ‘the torture of colonial bi-lingualism’ for the colonized group.


Irrespective of the subject matter in EVERY article Stu publishes you ALWAYS ignore the content.
You are only interested in promoting what is relevant to you. The use of your version of Scottish words and the inevitable quotes from nobodies simply reveal the shallowness of your thought.
I get the feeling that you think that you are better than the rest of us and feel that is your duty to educate us plebs………………constantly.
No doubt some will be along to try and defend you but, the reality is, you are driving people away from Wings and the Independence movement as a whole.


It is not the people it is the Establishment that cannot handle the truth.

Michael Laing

you are driving people away from Wings and the Independence movement as a whole.”

No, that’s exactly what you are trying and failing miserably to do, isn’t it? I don’t know why you think any supporter of independence would give any credence to your insulting comments. You’re obviously a yoon troll and your aim is to distract, divert and disrupt.


The ever increasing lack of comment on Wings would suggest that I am not far of the mark.
I have 3 friends that used to be avid readers of Wings. They are simply fed up with the repetitive, bitter comments from the regulars and now rarely visit. Sadly it is getting worse. There is rarely anything positive to read in the comments section.
Not all Independence supporters are of the rabid variety who now infest this site.
Have you ever seen a comment from Baird that differs from his all too regular mince? You can add Geri, Ros and a few others to the list.
Negativity breeds negativity and it is a vicious circle.
No fault is attributed to Stu who does an excellent job in EVERY article. Too many of the ‘regulars’ simply ignore what is written and prefer to concentrate on their own pet subjects. If you can’t see this I cannot help you.


You have friends?


And what is the point of you on this site, exactly?

Robert Matthews

Colonial-7 Memmi-1 Fannon-1


Herald On Sunday the voice of the Union along with the National the voice for the SNP who support the Union with every beating heart. Is it so important to go down buy a paper and read bile and lies and to spend your hard earned cash to do it, idot. Save your money and fight the cause.

panda paws

And the lesson here is not that people might change their views over time (either genuinely or to pander to the latest cause de jour) but that you REALLY don’t want to become a “person of interest” to Stuart Campbell.

And that karma is a bitch indeed.


Karma has no menu.
You get served exactly what you deserve.

Vivian O’Blivion

Clients of Carlos Alba Media include two Scottish Government QUANGOS, Visit Scotland and Skills Development Scotland. Clients also include Quality Meat Scotland which although presumably a trade body, likely receives State funding to some extent.

I wonder how these entities regard their connection to such a vile, peddler of fabricated, post mortem lies?


One hand washes the other ? And the taxpayer funds the operation.

James Gardner

Wan haun covers anither…..

Vivian O’Blivion

Is Carlos Alba a willing conduit feeding stories concocted in Thames House into the media?

I commented the other week on the stushie engulfing Sinn Fèin, where a former Mayor of Belfast was accused of sending inappropriate texts to a young lad (pederasty in Northern Ireland and paedophilia in the Republic where the age of majority is slightly different). I drew potential parallels between this development and past events in the SNP (Derek Mackay, Patrick Grady, Jordan Lyndon, … ). I also noted that an early General Election is very much anticipated in Dublin and that where Sinn Féin had been riding high in the polls, their current standing has been diminished by persistent scandals.

This morning a fresh Sinn Féin scandal has broken. This time the politician is heterosexual, but the allegations again revolve around inappropriate texts to a minor. The lawyers of the politician (councillor JJ Magee) describe the release of the e-Mail correspondence as having been selective and edited. Given what we have experienced with Alex, I have the patience to hold judgment and see what eventually emerges.

Timing is everything and serial scandals (whether fabricated, or real but held in reserve for the maximum impact) planted in the press is very much the forté of the Security Services.

Lorna Campbell

Sinn Fein opened itself up to all this when it embraced the gender woo woo with such enthusiasm. Have been predicting an implosion for quite some time. Will go the way of the SNP and any other party that embraces this ordure. It is firmly embedded in deviant sexual practices and fetishes/paraphilias (not homosexuality). So, no independence for Scotland and a united Ireland pushed to the margins. Jesus wept! When are people going to understand what this movement is and who is behind it, and why?


Thank you


Was this disgusting smear too sordid for the usual suspects so they get a no-mark like Carlos to run with it – then the gutter press jump on it and spread it like the shit it is? It is already backfiring. Nobody believes it. And if they think that hammering repeatedly at alex will reduce our passion for indy they’re fools. He will always inspire us but his dream was our dream too and it has been a 300 year campaign – we will do this for Scotland – and for Alex.


That terrible bbc programme on wednesday now all makes sense. This is so orchestrated. Hell mend them for the upset they have caused Alex’s family and friends – but wow – even in death they fear you, Alex. Soar Alba.



Ludwig Göransson: The Mandalorian (Chapter 1): HammerTime:

link to


Negatives won’t help deep state clowns (yawn).


Alice Timmons

You are SUCH a bitch. Any chance of a few lessons???

Mark Beggan

Well paid rent boy.


I, for one, hope you can turn this into a weekly column.


Great Journalism Rev.
A joy to see real journalism in play as it’s almost extinct here in the U.K.
what a wee weedy weasel of a man this creep is there is no cess pit low enough for the unionist TV and Radio channels that followed their toilet paper brothers in defaming a very great man who did so much for his country.

We have the fascist owned daily mail promoting Trump the Criminal sex pest for President and who gives Boris, the criminal who made 5 different women pregnant a £1 million per year job for a sickening weekly column.

Sensible Chris

‘sake man, grow up.


You’ve not read it, then?
Or looked into it’s history (try the 1930’/40’s).


just in from work, you’ve made my day!! good sleuthing Rev? bet you’re not finished yet either… ? still need to know WHY this came about, WHO made it appear, and WHAT is the reason for this obvious distraction, something’s up…

Ann Rayner

Why and when are because the Establshment have noticed a rise in the support for Independence in Scotland.
I think its as simple as that and they are scared, Pretty sure there’s no evidence and the ‘abuse’ will turn out to be as threadbare as the that of the other 13 that made it to court.
Absolutely shameful to try this on when a family, and a country, are grieving but its what they do,


I think they have overstepped the mark here. Few will believe this conspiratorial effort. I expect Scotland’s lawyers to sort this latest scheme out.


The Mandalorian’s were bounty hunters in Star Wars , so if he is simply a shitty little bounty hunter who has been paid , it begs the question , who set the bounty and paid for it?

Alf Baird

Weel, wha calls the shots in the colonial racket?

Robert Matthews

Fannon? Memmi?

Bob Costello

Now, the next piece of the puzzle would be, who paid him to do this? I am beginning to think that the missing £600,000 of independence supporters’ funds, might have been put to uses not originally intended.

David Hannah

These latest made up allegations were reported to Peter Murrell 2 years ago. They were on Peter Murrell’s desk.

Salmond of course left the SNP in 2018. The majority female jury cleared Alex Salmond of all charges in 2020. And created the Alba Party in 2021?

Sturgeon’s husband has questions to answer. Perhaps he can firefight this one on all fronts?

Woman H was reprimanded by Lady Dorian 4 times for trying to lead the Jury. And was warned she’d be in contempt of court if she did it again.

Sarah Smith BBC journo was overheard saying, they’ll never believe her (Woman H) or words to that effect/ They’ll never convict him now.

Because he was innocent. And the perjurers committed perjury under the nose of Lady Dorian.

The Crown Office has covered it up. It’s great to know Lady Dorian – Scotland’s Jury Hating Judge, her legacy won’t be juryless trials. Scottish legal wasn’t happy and neither was Scotland.

Maybe she can start to reveal the truth and save her tainted and tarnished reputation. Tarnished by corruption.

But we know what she is… Lady Dorian… she’s a journalist jailing Judge. When she jailed Craig Murray. For publishing the truth about the Alex Salmond failed conspiracy.

Scotland. The Tartan Pariah Kingdom. That jails journalists.

Drain the Loch ladies and gents. Sturgeon’s SWAMP. DRAIN HER LOCH!

Set the truth free. ALEX SALMOND WAS INNOCENT!

They trousered the missing 600K.

The 8 mandates for Independence wasn’t enough for these horrible bastards.

The crooked Dorothy Bain made sure to delete Scotland as a nation in the wrong court in the wrong country.

We know she was acting on behalf of Nicola Sturgeon. The destroyer of women’s rights and the betrayer of the Independence cause!

Hounding a man into an early grave – the Nicola Sturgeon legacy.


Last edited 2 months ago by David Hannah
Royston Rickard

No, it’ll be from some Special Branch slush fund.


His “company” also does “crisis management”, so who is having a crisis? And you missed out the bit about running the “Scottish” Labour leadership campaign against Dugdale – so a Labour hack.


Thanks Stu. What a vile piece of shite that man is . Also , the gutter press and even lower BBC. They are fucking putrid.


Spooks probably gave him a tenners bag.
What a grotesque individual.


Yet again a fine surgical expose of a useful tool for Britain.
Slimy Igor type character with suspicious background & agency. Dark arts operative. Make no mistake.


Ooft! Quite the article Stu.
The chickens come home to roost as wide boy Carlos Alba crashes and burns more than his namesake in the old Panama cigar advert.

link to


Brilliant journalism Stu. I can’t believe how homophobic the daily record used to be and more alarmingly the BBC and all of the London owned Scottish media have ran this story about a man with a not so good past! Are the He/Him or they/them going to be outraged? Absolutely not as we know they are very selective with outrage!

Neil McKenzie

See how he likes it

Ian Brotherhood

If the British intelligence services suddenly decided to bring all of their Scottish assets ‘in from the cold’, you have to wonder who’d be left.

mike cassidy

I suspect they’re viewed more as useful idiots than assets


Powerless British Intelligence Sissies totally suck at modern irregular warfare.

Tinto Chiel

Quite so, me old haricot.

Of course, it didn’t go too well for Richard Burton’s character, innit? 🙂

Alf Baird

Aye Ian, a wheen o fowk bocht an selt, an ye hiv tae conseeder that iverybody insnorit in thon colonial racket is bent as a nine bob note.

Mind ye, twa-three million poonds fir hunners o MI5 gadgies is money weel spent tae keep the £150 billion a year Scottish colonial racket gaun.


The SNP would no doubt be bereft of some very senior figures – we see you!

Robert Matthews

Alf Baird


Bravo Rev. Exposing mediocrity again. Another one with no sense of shame.


thought for the day –
“Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”


(hunter s thompon before, of course, but all wingers would know that)

So, some no-mark bum from nowhere, just gets a story (of no substance) splashed over the media … ? And it just happened, right now, like that? Why not before, or after, or along with the rest of it?

– do I detect a hidden hand?

“never forget who you are dealing with” – they don’t respect democracy, the rule of law, the will of the people.

the spooks are there to support the heinous crimes of the establishment, control politicians via blackmail and to smear the innocent. People need to think of our opponents as truly evil.

This is some dark reading, now think – how much more valuable is Scotland than NI? The second link has some nasty details, so skip if squeamish.

link to

link to

There is a streak of sexual sadism among the establishment which comes from the public schools – “le vice anglais” (it’s almost always little boys).

– considering who we are dealing with, am I really sure Salmond’s death was “natural causes”? Heart attacks are the clever way to do it, creating no suspicion in a man over 60. I can think of 3 substances which will stop the heart – snake venom, digitalis, lily of the valley – and I am not a chemist, nor do I have access to one of the world’s worst poison factories at Porton Down.

Timing is always the give-away; people who start to become a problem, don’t last long; accidents or that classic “got sad and took a lot of pills”.

David Hannah

link to

I was looking on twitter to see if he’s seen this fantastic character assassination by Wings Over Scotland – self inflicted of course. I hope he reads this!

And I’ve seen a page of clients associated with Carlos Alba.

Someone should ask them if they want their brand to be linked to a homophobic Bigoted they/them runt of the gutter press TWAT sullying their brand.

Destroy him.

Last edited 2 months ago by David Hannah
jock mctavish

Brit state. Be afraid, be very afraid. No amount of squirrels are coming to your rescue. Denigrate our National Hero at your peril. Tick Tock.

Robert Matthews

Thick Jock more like.


Thank God for the Jocks…

Nothing More: Carnal: Sight:

“We think ordinarily of the present
As an infinitesimal point at which the future changes into the past
And we also do a terrible thing
We imagine ourselves to be results of the past

You don’t realize that the past is caused by the present
As the wake of the ship flows back from the prow
Now the wake doesn’t drive the ship any more than the tail wags the dog
But we’ve all got excuses
But the truth of the matter is it all begins here
This is where the creation begins
And you’re doing it and won’t admit it
Because, of course, you’re all God in disguise

Jesus found that out, and they crucified him for saying so”:

link to

Robert Matthews

“What you ask of the runes
Will prove true;
They are of divine origin,
Made by the mighty Gods
And painted by Odin.
You’ll learn best with your mouth shut.”


Take your own advice then?


Who asked what.


AFI: Shut Your Mouth And Open Your Eyes: A Single Second:

“Oh my God, my god this can’t be happening
God tell me, tell me this isn’t real
I can’t believe all that I have foreseen is finally happening…

Once felt so warm, now I’m f**king freezing
I am the once embraced abandoned one
I raised my eyes up to the light in hopes of finding healing
No relief was mine, I was burnt by the sun

Fear memories are all that lie ahead
Never have I felt so lost
Fear tragedy is all that lies ahead
Never have I felt so dead

I feel so
I feel so lost…”:

link to


My Life Story: The Golden Mile: November 5th:

“Oh my friend, you look so cold
Frozen in thought, please take my coat
I’ll warm your heart until it burns
I know that things can’t get much worse

When the doctor is prescribing soap and water
For your living hell
And a heavenly choir of angels
Are pissing down your wishing well

The screaming stars will light our way
The screaming stars will light our way…”:

link to

Robert Matthews

“As above, so below. As within, so without.” – Hermes Trismegistus


A Day To Remember: What Separates Me From You: Second Sucks:

“Let’s keep it real
This is no competition to me
Even if everyone around you acts
Like they don’t see…

I speak the truth
And everybody else knows it
So set your ego to the side
And just get the fuck over it
Can’t waste my time
On hateful people like you
So keep wishing you were me
And I’ll keep making you have to

was anybody else listening?
Outta sight, outta mind
Is what you’ll always be
(Oh) I hold my cards to my chest
I laid my life on the line
So I expect nothing less from you

I just cant believe
Its really come to this
Because without me
You would not exist…”:

link to


Peter McAvoy

As this story featured on BBC Scotland news would BBC verify look into it?


The smearing of the dead…think about that…who does that?

Think about this, it took hundreds of years for “ordinary” people to achieve some level of political representation in this wonderful “UK”…that representation was “strategcially” “allowed” through the formation of a political party called “Labour”?…already corrupted at it’s inception

Hundred’s probably thousands were beaten up,jailed,transported and sometimes executed for having the gaui to demand the right to be treated like human beings (I hope Stephen fry reads that) …(Oscar Wilde’s life is no more important than anyone else’s) before they were “granted” the right of” politial representation….through the (LABOUR?)…party.
Go wave your union jack at King Charles..

(It was absolutely spot on that this website ‘wings over S cotland identified the so called “Scottish Labour party as the enemy of all Scottish people.}

The “Labour? party…
It is also the enemy of the Welsh people,the enemy of Catholic and Protestant people in the North of Ireland (sort that out please Irish brothers and sister.s…you are ceit,s} one and all!

It is espeially the enemy of the English people {the most feared group of people on these Brittish isles…..(that,s why they ran so hard to shove those protester’s into jail,…the Labour? party …(think about that)…
was issuing a threat to (British people)…not protester’s…(British people…think about that!…One of those people has since taken their own life…think about that…!

Back to Mr Alex Salmond,
He was,and his memory sill is a huge Threat,so,dying is not good enough…his grave must be pissed on,stamped on…

And those who believe in Scottish independence must be perverts if they support and believe in the ideas and beliefs of the proven innocent Mr Alex Salmond.

(Are people really that thick…davy?)….are they…really?

The Argument for Scottish autonomy was over long ago ..(weWon)..
Why wouldn’t we? Scottish people are Scottish aren’t they?
Alex Salmond’s great achievement was to shine a light on the cockroaches and the liar’s , the false Labour party related media reporters, and media organisations operating in this country.They are still feart of him…it’s so obvious..isn’t it Davy?
well maybe not to you.

But it is to me…………………

And now…..(mr wings)…Lol…i love u really…lol

I belive we are no longer in the (BATTLE) for {Scottish independence)….

AND IT IS A BATTLE …folks…(get used to it) quickly please…
were all in trouble …if your still breathing that is… life is short,

We are now in the battle for {SURVIVAL}

They’re lies no longer work in this “information age”(A bit like the old church couldn’t survive the invention of the printing press)… (well maybe on dumbell’s,eh Davy…lol}…

There are still some good politician’s I hear some optimist’s say…
Aye right….they are incorporated, like the great power Church of Rome used to do,Once they were neutered and of no threat…fuck me they even called some of them Saint’s…they got rid of the (dare I say it}…Alex Salmond’s)….there I said it…understand…

It’s a big game…we’re the pawns….most of us…

Are you a doctor? or maybe a dentist,
might be your an engineer or an architect,
maybe your a bank manager, or have your own business making 3 or 4 million a year!
You think,..I’m not an “ordinary” person

You think,… WTF I’m safe …if it comes to it …well I’ll just bugger off …I’ve got skills…


They make the laws, you are to be trapped ,like your brothers and sistesr,shop assistanst,cleaners,van driver,joiners,plumber,electricians,undertakesr,teachers train drivers,nurses, even poor security guards working horrendous hous…

you know ,all those people classed as “essential worker,s
during the pandemic….no longer to be applauded, but now to be treated like shit …………..again!

And last
Your replacement…thats right your vote is to count for even less than it did in previous decades,..{that’s right,it’s the information age}.you can’t be relied upon to vote the (right way)…ie tory or Labour…

you will be replaced

get it?


I work regularly in the cente of Glasgow…the evidence of your own eyes is the most reliable evidence!
I am Glasgow born and bred,,tough times, nobody helped us we had to fight like fuck just to survive,…I survived !

It is the end…of Scotland…of Wales ,of the North of Ireland…
and it is the end of the English.

These organised political parties put their own thirst for power
above the interests of the people of the NATION’s of the UK

And let’s face it … the labour party in particular is shitting on the graves of our own families…those who fought and in many cases gave up their lives to protect and maintain what many thought was a a free and democratic country..

And if we’re not all completely stupid ….Scottish,Northern Irish,Welsh, and English…they will succeed.

I think I’ve said enough…

I hope you get the jist… or is it gist…lol.

I’ve learned a lot from (Mr WINGS},and am grateful to him…worth another £100 quid if he asks for it.

But please (Mr wings) transgenderism…it’s the Loch Ness monster…. please understand… a creation… of very smart khunt,s

I’m tired from working my arse off and paying my taxes,so I will shut it… but you all are going to lose your own bloody country if if you don’t wise up….

I’ve changed my mind,…I think I will go for cremation when my time comes…I don’t trust Scot’s to respect my grave any longer…seems like cowards to me…sad…


But please (Mr wings) transgenderism…it’s the Loch Ness monster…. please understand… a creation… of very smart khunt,s

There’s a fair number of ‘Loch Ness monsters’ going about. I spotted one in the Ladies toilet.
Transgenderism ain’t no myth.

Gordon Hastie

Gotcha! Brilliant work.

Robert Matthews

Alf Baird is Innocent. (Sham 69)


It is absolutely and fundamentlly A requirement of your swearing in as an MP that you will not ever, not even in a month of Sundays tell the truth…..or call another mp a liar…cause if u do we will brand u with Jimmy savill.s cock…Or anything else we can dream up,

and of course dumbells like Dave will believe us ….hehehe..


Carlos Alba penned a whole series of homophobic stories during the Section 28 debate and today’s media are quite content to run a smear story about Alex Salmond penned by Alba. It highlights why the public now distrust what is published and broadcast by the MSM.


I guess by wheeling out this nonentity – to write smears, and innuendo about the Chief (Alex Salmond) – those that are pulling this wee shites strings, think that they are attacking the indy movement – because Big Eck – is still seen as the figurehead of indy.

Young Lochinvar

Probably in paid hack- servitude to SHE whose name shall not be uttered via a recommendation by Daily Records Murray (too lazy to pen his own lies now) “The Vow” Foote; former SNP CEO and still on their payroll I think.

Last edited 2 months ago by Ruby

This is a must watch, Elon Musk on Rogan. He is really quite frightening at times discussing why this could be the last real US election…

When you hear one of the smartest people on the planet saying these shocking things that you yourself suspected (but hoped wasn’t as bad) it is very sobering.

We are in bad spot right now and what happens next in the US is going to be pivotal for the world.

Amazingly they also talk about Saville (and how he was a made man) and the BBC… And the general state of freedoms in Britain right now.

Really well worth watching. The more I listen to Musk the more he impresses me.

link to


Even clearer picture

Last edited 2 months ago by Ruby

Men who drugged, raped and murdered young father jailed for life
In the latest articles this is the photo that’s used.



My posts about the ‘Decapitate Terfs’ placard have disappeared otherwise I would have added the following.

The SNP politicians pictured in front of the ‘Decaptate Terfs’ poster claimed not to have noticed

Last edited 2 months ago by Ruby

If the beavers haven’t flooded the roads and cut my village off by the weekend, this might be fun to attend.
What do folk make of some of the names attending? Genuine intentions or placemen to steer the narrative and trajectory.

link to

Spent another 3 hours of hard dirty graft in a mucky burn at the weekend removing yet another new dam that was beginning to flood a historic right of way in the village, and rising water levels continuing to turn the land into a swamp.
The once flowing burn’s totes fucked now for fish coz the #BrownTroutLivesMatter didn’t go viral.

Close to half a million quid and horrendous pollution into another local watercourse destroying its ecosystem earlier in the year when the beavers undermined the village sewer discharge pipe causing the pipe to completely fracture and spew tens of thousands of gallons of effluent out for months whilst I had to kick bureaucratic arses to get a (bad) repair put in place.
Of course the beavers immediately fucked off after they vandalised the rarely occurring and unique watercourse because the place soon became a stinking cesspit.

Aye, it’s all fine when the taxpayer picks up the tab for badly thought out policy and unofficial release.
Oversight and analysis of the true problem by more taxpayer funded bureaucrats will be flawed because they don’t have stats on all the unsanctioned pest control measures folk are getting up to.


3 names attending who I am very unhappy about – Riddoch, Russell and Gougeon. I trust Robin McAlpine, of course, but doubt that he will be allowed to have an effect on what the group does.

David Hannah

Riddoch should be fact checked in the same manner. All the crap she spoke about Alex Salmond.


This past event might interest you, Sarah.

Scroll down from the top to see the video.

We all might learn if we try to get Mike Hudson and Steve Keen interested in policy making for an independent Scotland.

link to

Robert McAllan

Wid that by ony chance be ‘the brilliant Lesley Riddoch’? Anither warble oan the back o’ the Independence movement!!


With the exception of Hyman I has serious doubts aboot Revive and the usual suspects….Land reform has been hijacked, just like independence and the Greens by cappuccino sipping vegan Edinburgh types. Russell and Gougeon are career politicians who have achieved nought. If you go take some pandrops.


Aye, Horsebox Russell was one of numerous names that caught my eye.
Talked a radical game at times but still remains in the NuSNP that likes to listen to Charlotte Street Partners rather than the grassroots of Scottish society.
Wonder why…

link to

Link from first paragraph of Craig’s article is worth a read too. Iain MacWhirter reviewing Grasping The Thistle.

link to


Tack this on seeing as mention of thistles.

link to

If you’re reading Clem, here’s a short article which ties in with the Viking raids theory.

link to

George Ferguson

I am inclined to support your analysis. And also unfortunate timing given the present uproar in the Farming community. Where is the NFU representatives? The National Trust for Scotland (180000 acres). Crown Estates?. A conference with predetermined conclusions and recommendations. Easy to get agreement when other relevant interests are not there.


Short vid from Martin Kennedy of NFU Scotland, plus text in sidebar and further link.

link to


I went to fill in the consultation re land reform on the Scotgov website and lo and behold the consultation is now closed, I find consultations like this one insulting and enraging, WE have to go through a whole rigmarole of consultations , planning consents and planning objections in an attempt to oversee and control the misuse and abuse of large estate owners
The Loch Lomond development is a perfect example of how quangos and unelected bureaucrats do NOT work on behalf of the people , despite a historic record of objections against ANY development in Scotland it still was on a knife edge
These peoples ancestors STOLE this land through either bullying or patronage to a royal, WTF should we have to pay them to get it returned to the people who it was stolen from
And as for Mike Russell being part of that grouping , is that the same Mike Russell that wanted the SNHS privatised with people having to take out insurance to cover their health needs


Yup…and the same Mike Russell who tried to sell off Forestry Commission land in Scotland to an American corporation. .

Tinto Chiel

I’m afraid radical land reform will never occur under this compromised Scottish Government.

In 2017, Sturgeon announced banker Benny Higgins would advise and assist the SG in establishing a Scottish National Investment Bank.

Two years later he became the Duke of Buccleuch’s land agent, managing the latter’s property portfolio.

Np wonder Graeme McCormick’s Annual Ground Floor and Roof Rent scheme gained no traction in the SNP.


There is a very informative programme on DISPATCHES channel 4 with collaboration from the Times newspaper EXPOSING the despicable and disgusting ways and means that Charlie and his boay Wullie EXTORT their vast riches from charities like MacMillan Cancer or the RLNI , fucking hypocrites, they even charge the MOD and their sodjers for using their moors for training


land reform. That will be a joke, there will be no mention of humans, it will be all about that rewinding crap. Scotland needs to be UN wilded its an indigenous desert. The event should start with the poem
 “The Goose and the Common

Alf Baird

Yes, what we see is usually referred to as the ‘cultural recreation of the colonizer’ (Memmi). Here the colonizer determines, via his dominant authority and imposed cultural values, what is to happen to another peoples land; and without much if any consideration for the indigenous native of course.

Robert Matthews

A government or a party gets the people it deserves and sooner or later a people gets the government it deserves. (Fanon)


Yes. What we see is the usual mince from Alfie Boy. Who, as usual, fails to impose his dominant authority or his warped cultural values on Wings. The ‘Happy Clappy’ club will no doubt lap it up. Meanwhile another ex Wings reader will have had enough and leave the site.


Make that sad little stalkers, plural.


Watch out, Alf. I think you’ve got a sad little stalker.

Robert Matthews

Shut yer Geggy. ( Fanon & Memmi)


Mike Russell is in charge of the Scottish Land Commission which is meant to promote community land ownership. The SLC has betrayed land reform in Scotland by sucking up to international capitalists and begging them to give local people some scraps from the table. Another national disgrace…thanks SNP.

Alf Baird

Aye, thars naethin radical aboot Scotland’s colonial quango elites:

link to


Alf, i tried the link to that land comission. It looks like the sort of outfit from which no sort of independence would be possible. I could not even clear away their cookies.

They most likely will play the age-old trick of ostensibly acting for the common good but actually tightening governmental, centralised control, Stalinist methods adopted by the privileged elite.

That Russell looks seriously noxious, decidedly English but has not the honesty to be slickly clean-shaven. Instead has adopted the slovenly appearance (like mine), but maybe to establish ‘street credibility’ for himself. Key questions: how much is he paid and what property does he own?

Russell’s Friedmanite ideas show that Fascism is the unavoidable direction, not equitable land-holding.

Who pays Robert Matthews?

Robert Matthews

Who pays for the Scotch version of Wisners Wurlitzer, that’s the question.


Hello Robert, Nice revelation. Thank you.

Robert Matthews

Don’t thank me, thank James Che.


I’m amazed that 6 people(and still counting?) are enthused about a screen on Google’s cookie policy. Unless they have seen something I miss.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Perhaps the enthusiasm comes from pro-EU people and is simply a measure of how happy they are to have the Cookie Directive? 🙂


Slug of society.That this miserable excuse of a human being is given a platform by these newspapers to dishonour the memory of this great man speaks volumes as to the lengths the establishment will go to destroy his legacy and his place in our history.
Vile doesn’t even begin to describe these vermin.
Hats off to the rev again.

Stuart MacKay

So, it looks like Orange Bad Man is on for a win, and by a substantial margin, relative to recent results, too. Given the ocean of wishful thinking that was published over the campaign, how much longer can journalists delude themselves that they peddle anything but propaganda. Hang them all, but what do we replace them with?


re. “but what do we replace them with?”



Some people (losers) can’t handle reality…

BBC: ‘We are freaking out’ – Harris supporters anxious as Trump makes early gains in swing states:

link to

Stuart MacKay

It’s a simple answer, and the correct one, but how do you collect and report on reality, or do you let people sort it out for themselves.

A good example is the price of fuel. Here in Portugal the price increased at the start of the conflict near here but dropped back and hasn’t really changed since, if anything it’s cheaper. So that the “sanctions are really hurting” and “everything is being replaced with more expensive imports from the USA” etc. was all just BS. So what’s the real story.

Same with inflation. Prices are still going up but more slowly. What IS happening is the quality of food is going down. A good example is ground beef. Recently it’s become more “gelatinous”, presumably are more cartilage and other things you can’t sell directly get mixed in as “filler”. Bread rolls are getting smaller too. However, apparently none of this is happening and inflation is falling back to zero.


re. “It’s a simple answer, and the correct one, but how do you collect and report on reality, or do you let people sort it out for themselves.”

The solution is simple…

Everything you require is already here (You’ve lost nothing, Scotland) –

You are holding the key inside yourself (if you can discover your soul) –

What/who are you waiting for, Scotland (I’ve got every faith in you)…


The Flying Iron of Doom

I believe it’s all but in the bag now. Whatever happened to the overwhelming support for Kamala which we were told was to be found amongst the American public? I suppose that we shall never know… 🙄

Robert Hughes

It never existed , outside of the delusional * Progressive * bubble . The U.S appears to have awoken from the * Woke * nightmare . For which we should be glad .

Robert Hughes

Indeed , Stuart . The sheer unhinged delusion with which they * marketed * Harris + the hysterical hyperbole re the End Of Days scenario resulting from a Trump victory , should , but almost certainly won’t – cause the pro-Dem MSM to hang it’s head in shame . Quite gratifying to know all of the money , rebranding , camouflage & subterfuge poured into the Harris campaign – the refusal by the latter to face serious questioning or speak honestly ( or even coherently ) on any subject , was insufficient for them to disguise the desperate/ tragic domestic & foreign policy failures of the Biden/Harris tenure .

The necessary corrective to the malign idiocy of , eg * Gender * Ideology ; the relentless stupidity of the Critical Race Theory Industry and endless promotion of foreign conflict may now be beginning .

Zelensky’s free run at demanding ( and getting ) $/Euros/£ billions from other countries’ tax payers & driving the world to suicide on he and his cronies’ behalf is over . Time to face the reality of absolute defeat and devastation brought about by the utter folly of going along with demented & hubristic U.S ulteriorly motivated geopolitical fuckery .

Alas – unless he was merely going along with the AIPAC-Super Lobby in order to not have them undermine his election campaign – Trump has shown no desire to give the P……ians the justice they’ve been denied for 70+ years , the lack of which is the bleeding , never-healing wound of the M.E that will keep the region in flames as long as this awful situation continues unresolved .

Stuart MacKay

Agreed. Despite being the end of the world, I don’t think much will change. The schadenfreude being visited on all the Progressives is immensely entertaining. If only they’d organised themselves into a cult along the lines of Heaven’s Gate we’d all be in a much better place.


Don’t know where Trump sits on Scottish independence. But with news coming put at 7.30 am of Donald Trump declaring that he has won the presidency it makes you wonder about the logic of Sir Keir Starmer and his new government going all out to promote Harris.

Nothing like the mighty Brits trying to influence the affairs of foreign countries.

But to do it publicly is two fold. One is the public backing of the wrong horse. When appropriate the winning horse will not forget the favour.

And the other. Well one does wonder if a Brit prime minister sending his boys to influence things in a country that celebrates kicking the Brits out actually encouraged voters to vote Trump and Republican.

He’s seems a real smart cookie Sir Warner.. Naive in the extreme as even shown domestically at home.


Oh, and on Trump announcing that he has won, I wonder if John Swinney who announced he was supporting Harris will be wondering IF he as First Minister for Scotland was wise in declaring for Harris.

We don’t truly know what Trumps views are but with a mother from Lewis is half Scot. But anyway Big John told him – eh?

Robert Hughes

Aye , someone pass Swinney / Flynn & the rest of the SNP bed-wetters a towel : the egg on their faces looks ridiculous . Utter clowns , sticking their oars into something they had no need to . Give to the their equally ridiculous English counterparts in Neu New Labour


The SNP could not possibly vote for Trump their hate for anything slightly Scottish knows no depth

Alf Baird

Aye Wullie, self-hatred is a key part of the colonial condition. Still nae Scots Language Act fae Holyrood, an nae respect for human richts o Scots on self-determination either. Just mair useless Acts for mankit policies that mystify and oppress (haud-doun) the people.

National identity is the only bullwark against colonialism.Scots also need a Trump tae harness national solidarity an drain our colonial swamp, or in Scots tae ‘sook oot the slump’.

Swinney’s woke colonial administrators winna dae it because thay’re aw bocht an selt an pairt o the colonial racket. Thay hate Trump because he is a liberator o fowk, same as Alex Salmond wis.

Robert Matthews

There was a Wild Colonial Bore with an Anglo Saxon first name…


Troll alert.


James I think you’ll find it’s twat alert or maybe twat troll alert

Harry Dunlop

Imagine my surprise when listening to Radio Scotland’s phone in this morning (9am onwards) to hear none other than the bold Carlos Alba holding court on the implications of Trump’s election victory. I shouted at the radio, ‘what the hell is going on’ while, mentally, penning an email to BBC Scotland, to ask ‘why him, why now?’ Something very sinister is afoot, how is he becoming so prolific in the print media and now, it seems, on our public broadcaster too?


Who are the Editors at BBC Scotland? Who actually took the decision to engage Carlos (not as respectable as jackal)?

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