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Wings Over Scotland

The mack daddy of metagaming

Posted on February 25, 2012 by

Alert WoSland viewers won't need telling that there's nothing this blog enjoys more than a hearty slice of metagaming, and there can be little rational disputing that the modern-day maestro of the form is cranky old code-grump Jeff Minter. The ruminant-loving curmudgeon has just released another retro-flavoured reference-rammed remake onto the App Store, and it's his best work yet.

iOS Gridrunner is the latest in a long line of remakes of Minter's veteran Centipede derivative, and it's a brilliant interpretation. A tiny (12MB) universal app offering both iPhone/iTouch and iPad versions for a single 69p payment, it's got the VIC-20 and C64 games thrown in as bonus freebies and it also supports the iCade. Frankly you'd have to be some manner of total spoon-faced klutz to pass it by.

It's an all-action blast, and while we wouldn't say the MOST fun you can have with it is spotting all the bits he's nicked from classic 80s coin-ops, it's certainly an entertaining diversion. We're bound to have missed loads, but below are all the ones we've spotted so far. See if you can find any that slipped our notice and we'll make a definitive list.

Slow-moving bomb: Space Firebird

Flying saucer and spinning red/blue robot: Uni War S

Most in-game sound effects: Moon Cresta

Sheonite, Kapi and Brag Zakato enemies: Xevious

Pod and Swarmer enemies, end-of-level sound effect: Defender

Insert-credit sound: Galaxian

Warp power-up/speech sample: Astro Blaster

Not yet identified: various effects and the "Thank you" new-life speech sample. Sounds like very early-80s Sega hardware but we can't pin it down. Anyone?

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Ooh, shall give this a go.
Did you pick up Midway Arcade yet? My take would be good price, shame about the dodgy controls.

Rob M

It looks suspiciously like that ship is going to be hidden under my thumb – is this the case?  And does it control normally, or does it have that crappy inertia thing going on like Minotron?

No Name

It's inertia, and the ship does sometimes get hidden by your thumb.

But it *is* brilliant.

Irish Al

The blobs are sort of like Trailers in DropZone.

Irish Al

Also the Thank You could be from King & Balloon.


There's no inertia but there is acceleration. Takes a little while to get used to but it's great once it clicks.


On that Midway pack, Tapper is actually more or less fully playable with touchscreen controls (go with a non-fixed stick though of course).  Really rather nice.


Incompatible with my 2nd gen iPod — now what am I supposed to spend the 69p on?


Hey it runs Rage, it should run that!

Bobby Powell

Stuart Campbell is my mack daddy.

Irish Al

That Thank You sample is annoying me now. Could it be the insert coin sound from some game or pinball ?


Isn't the VIC version charmingly shit.


Some samples are from Juno First.

Irish Al

Is there a case for having separate leaderboards for iCade users, I wonder? Surely none of those people up in the 600K bracket in Pure mode are using their finger. Or maybe they are and I'm just more shit at it than I thought.

[…] appear to have been borrowed from a number of old arcade machines and a partial list can be found here. As with many of Minter’s games there’s a subtlety in the apparent cacophony of […]

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