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Wings Over Scotland

The jungle VIP

Posted on February 11, 2013 by

For all the staggeringly impressive total to date, fewer than 500 of our 30,000+ readers have currently donated even a single £1 to our fundraising campaign. If you’re one of the other 29,500 – and statistically you almost certainly are – there’s a certain lion who wants a wee word with you this morning.


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Green Bean

Thoroughly agree with this – I’ve been getting a bit worried about it. Surely most people can afford £1? For such an excellent website?
Hamish looks particularly splendid today, by the way.


cmon folks whats a pound?


At Murrayfield on Saturday there were circa 50,000 spectators, and 30 rugby players.
Here Rev Stu tells us that of 30’000 readers just 500 have stepped forward to contribute some money.
Which would you rather be, a spectator or a player, for Scotland? C’mon help build towards a better country, if only by paying out some cash either in the role of spectator or player.
Anyone keen to pull on the jersey should sign up to the Yes campaign.


@ Rev
Have made donation but you really could make life easier for a number of us by making some sort of ‘standing order’ proforma available. Many of us are on restricted incomes but would happily contribute a mickle on a regular basis to suit our pension payment date or whatever and a standing order costs nothing to set up. Either for the payee or recipient.
PLEASE make life just a little easier for us…… and if you are really lucky our fading memorys will mean it’s never cancelled!


Feel before commenting have to make clear I too have contributed, though not sure why, feels a bit uncomfortable. Appreciate that’s probably my problem.

Anyway yes lots of people could contribute a pound but I’m sure there are many reading this site, maybe even using it for copy, speeches, references etc who can afford a damn site more …… lots of Hero slots left. 


It would be such a shame if the old stereotype of tight Scots actually had some basis. Every pound will count in the end, so please help as much as you can. Even if it is just a pound.



I agree but there’s also the Scottish sterotype that it’s those that can least afford it who’re the most generous, nice to challenge that one too. 


The Man in the Jar

Just waiting for pension day. Most works pensions pay out on the 15th. of the month so I hope there might be a wee surge then.


@ Albalha
I don’t think that the generosity of the poor is confined to Scotland, I think it is something of a universal constant. It would be a nice one to disprove though.



With Scotland it seems generosity often stops with those with least, those with most being more stingy.  


Boorach says:
Have made donation but you really could make life easier for a number of us by making some sort of ‘standing order’ proforma

A standing order is set up by the payee (you). All you need to know is Stuart’s bank details. You can set s Standing Order up yourself if you bank online. Alternatively, your bank will do it for you. It does not require a form, just name, account, sort code.

Bank transfer (one-off or standing order) might well be more cost-effective than PayPal because PayPal charge for withdrawals and card payments as I understand it. I’d rather see Stuart getting the full amount than throwing money at PayPal.
However, if the receiving account (Stuart’s) is a business account, he might be charged for receiving payments. Only Stuart can clarify what the most cost-effective form of payment is.


I think launching this so close to the Christmas credit card bills hitting was a bad move, hopefully you’ll pick up once the Feb salaries are in.
Just one thing. I probably hit you from 4 or 5 IP addresses during the working day, depending on what site/device I am on.  Other folk like me might inflate the figures.
On the other hand I have punted £4.60 per IP (£23 to the rest of you)
It’s well worth it


I intend to donate again, maybe twice (second time in March). It means spreading it out more.


The other thing is that I’ve helped raise money for a couple of successful Kickstarter projects, and you can see a surge in pledges towards the end. People tend to rally round and spread the word. This is a dip period. But it would obviously help to get the money up more in this phase too. Also, there are people here who couldn’t donate at this point in the month, so they may be waiting until it fits with their financial cycle.


Rev. Stuart Campbell said: It’s a personal account, so there should be no charges at either end.

Maybe you should add the bank account options (one-off or SO) to your donate page explaining that using this method 100% of the amount go to you. I’d list it at the top with a link to your contact form to obtain bank details.


With regard to the number of Wingsland readers tracked by Google Analytics:
Without cookies being set, Google Analytics cannot collect data. Any individual web user can block or delete cookies resulting in the data loss of those visits for Google Analytics users.
I block GA JavaScript and cookies. I won’t be the only one. You might well have more than 30,000 readers.


I think the fund will increase significantly towards the end of this month when people get their monthly pay.  You have to say though that  the opening week has been a big success.  There is a strong base to build on. 

Robert Reid

I’m trying hard to donate a tenner but your paypal link doesn’t direct me to pay pal, it goes to the indiegogo site. Please advise.

Robert Reid

Sorry, I must have been doing something daft as I’ve tried again and it has worked. A tenner is on its way now!

K Mackay

Don’t eat me Hamish! I’ve paid! If you eat me now how can I vote Yes?!


Thanks Rev. If you do that I’ll cancel my PayPal subscription after next payment and start increased S O payment for following month.
Thanks Mutterings for support and explaining what I was struggling with…. it’s always a struggle parting with money! 🙂
By the by I like the Hamish poster on the indiegogo email.


I’ll follow Boorach’s analysis and cancel my Paypal subscription and convert to a Standing Order.
Are standing orders payments accumulative – like Greenshield stamps – so I can become a £208 Hero?
Jist asking ye ken. 
No no Rev Stu, don’t get off your seat. Honestly ( Liebor speak), I’m jist asking.


As soon as pay day comes I’ll be donating! Come on people! Lets do this!


Already chipped in a tenner a couple of weeks or so ago, and will surely repeat as cashflow allows…I’m sure the total is well-achievable, but keep up the pressure in any event!! I’d LOVE to be a £208er, but sadly have too many other commitments and not enough salary to last the month! Living wage…? Aye, right…


Just put my quid in, I’m assuming this makes me lion-proof now.


@Rev Stu
Has my cheque arrived yet?


What the total now Rev Stu?  It must be well over £12,000.


Yay!  Nearly half-way there!


Looking good! 

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