The Innocent
Posted on
May 18, 2024 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
The pussy cat should maybe have been in a cage
But well done Chris!
That’s a belter Chris. Also two good questions to ask candidates seeking our votes…?
Thank you for putting our aghastness into a picture. Love it.
Dangerous Extremist!
That sounds exciting! Makes a change from being a boring old housewife.
Sums up these cnuts very well.
YOUNG SCOTS FOR INDEPENDENCE, you are much too long in the tooth for such naivety, such lack of political nous, such innocence.
The EU is no cuddly pussy cat, at best US in see thru genderqueer drag.
Love it!
I want a ‘Dangerous Extremist ‘ badge!
Hamish receiving some hateful feline persecution because of his beliefs.
Hot on the heals of the Hate Monster badges, another marketing opportunity opens for Dangerous Extremist regalia.
Dangerous Extremist fashion accoutrements could incorporate different tartan / other colour backgrounds to help identify which clan / tribe / faction / militia the wearer belongs to.
Lovely! Dear Hamish. Well done, Chris. I have 2 mugs with Hamish on that always make me smile.
I’m making a ‘Sovereign Extremist’ badge.
Mr Cairns consistently produces some of the best political cartoons out there. And so well drawn too. This one is superb.
Where else can you find his work?
NB Is that guy who does the hilarious impersonations of Harvie (with the baldy whig and whiny voice) still around?
@ Southernbystander: Chris Cairns has a site and sells his books of cartoons – and he used to do mugs as well, perhaps still does.
Shauny Boy has done a brilliant video piece on the breakup of the Bute House agreement.
MODERATION in Scottish politics has yielded nothing. Maybe the alternative mighg be embraced with «love».
Wear that alt. with panache, with «smeddum».
What’s to lose?
In the wider context, a very apt cartoon commentary in this particular week.
“Dangerous Extremist” is simply a catch all term for anyone and everyone who strays a single iota from The Official Narrative (TON) or dares to question, criticise, or challenge whatever that narrative is on any matter.
The term has lots of other similar bastard siblings – like “Anti-Semite”; “TERF” – “Saddam/Putin/Xi/Iran/Hamas/Whichever ‘Official Enemy’ from anywhere outside the collective West is applicable at any given moment in the self indulgent purity spiral infinite hate fest that operates 24/7/365 for our bought and paid for political and media class.
Both of which fall into Upton Sinclair’s well known quote: “It is difficult (ie impossible) to get someone to understand something when their salary depends on them not understanding it.”
And, as discussed here, such terms have intended consequences….
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….which are systemically designed to shut off not just any debate or discussion contrary to whatever The Official Narrative (TON) is on any given matter but any contrary thought.
An example of which is discussed here:
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“There is a movement within some American and Ukrainian agencies, such as DHS, to list what they call “info terrorism” as a crime. In other words, if you have any opinions which are contrary to official narratives, you would be considered a “terrorist” and therefore subject to the same laws as actual terrorists who hijack airplanes, plant bombs at marathons or blow up buildings. Your words and thoughts could get you tortured or even executed if this Orwellian plan is put into action, because you would literally be considered a “terrorist” just for not subscribing to the approved and sanctioned groupthink.”
The minority of the planet which is the Collective West is becoming a more dangerous place every day. More like a ‘jungle’ than a ‘garden’ – to use EU Eurocrat Josep Borrell’s terms.
One with a cough mask, self zipping gimp suit, leash & collar, EU custom control and a wide open door?
As much fun as we had with all that (& why would we not given our nature :)) Its great as is – penalties v Israel springs to mind.
Innocent indeed.
Those lunatics who would project their insane and irrational hatred onto others; others who are blameless and undeserving of their twisted accusations are, in their blind and incoherent lunacy, oblivious to their own dangerous extremism.
Yet again Chris paints a thousand words in a picture – and at the same time delivers a potent point in favour of Scotland’s liberation from oppression.
Apparently a big story is due to break any minute… courtesy of that silver fox guy.
What a worm Sunak is. Really slimy little turd.
Very dangerous game this talentless wanker is playing.
Be careful what you wish for Rishi, it might just come true.
The front page of McPrävda leads today with SNP grievance monkeys complaining that the British Broadcasting Corporation’s flagship, shockjock show, Question Time isn’t giving them a fair platform.
Yeh, no shit! Question Time is light entertainment disguised as politics. The whole modus operandi was laid bare in the Billy Mitchell scandal.
The SNP are incapable of taking Marla Daniel’s advice from season one of The Wire; “if you do not play, you cannot lose”.
The SNP of course require the publicity Question Time offers to maintain the performative fiction that they are interested in political change and not just maintaining their snouts in the Westminster gravy trough.
“Do you know who we are?”
Another valid question. By May 2026 Sunak will be long gone.
The wee baldy bloke (I’ve already forgot his name) will have been consigned to history’s dustbin too.
BTW, does the back of his heid really look as if his “brains” have liquified and settled at the top of his neck?
As a medical symptom, that could explain a lot.
We elected the SNP into power and the policy’s the SNP have implemented on the voters are extreme to say the leased, the reality is if it wasn’t for 50% desire to be Independent the SNP would have been chucked out of office long ago because of their extremist views and policy’s.
I heard someone saying they’ll have to hold their nose and vote for the SNP, well I have no intention of holding my nose and i’m voting for a party with these extremist views and their Anti-Scotland on Independence the quicker these people and this party is out of powers the better.
“Dangerous extremists” That’s the kind of desperate, divisive language you might expect from the political-wing of any jaded, metropolitan-elite in crisis.
Great cartoon.
It seems to be the new norm amongst the eejits running the show. Zero diplomacy skills. Zero self awareness. Zero humility.
Treat ppl like shit, smack them around a bit, name call & then blame them for them having to take decisive action.
Straight out of the abusers handbook.
Sunak, Mayhem, BoJo, Cameron, Truss have all been trying their best to slur independence supporters as extreme terrorists since 2014 but let’s not forget Labour too: Khan, Burnham, Starmer, Nandy, Rayner etc. Mind this folks when polling stations open. They are not our friends & don’t intend to be. Their wee outbursts are intended for their home & international audience.
Sunaks ancestors are spinning in their graves. It must be a big win & a hoot at dinner parties amongst the hob nobs to have an immigrant be a c*nt & a racist on their behalf.
As for Harvie. His only audience is down at the club with the other banjo players. No harm done LOL.
All the more galling since those politicians who claim to want independence are too gutless to fight back against such Britnat extremism. They have no genuine desire for independence. They are in effect just as much unionists as Sunak and the other Britnat scum merchants.
Pro independence voters have no-one to follow, no party to vote for. They might as well abstain from voting at the next Westminster election. Show contempt for the union and all unionists by delivering the lowest possible turnout.
Blimey, first we were deranged cybernats, and now we are dangerous extremists. Oh well, that’ll be me then, guilty as charged and proud of it.
Well done Chris, nice to see oor Hamish again.
Xaracen says:.
I’m making a ‘Sovereign Extremist’ badge.
Put me down for one. I’ll swap you for my ‘Colony Scotland’ badge
This cartoon doesn’t really work. All normal, common-sense people, on whatever site of the separatism debate, believe in biological reality.
Aye Chris, well done,
The third reich in action, from finger pointing to a raised open palm is not a big distance, ID badges anyone?
Separated , sectioned and sanctioned to a Scottish ghetto,
They didn’t see it coming the last time either
“They might as well abstain from voting at the next Westminster election. Show contempt for the union and all unionists by delivering the lowest possible turnout.”
Spoil yer paper. It still counts..
BBC – let’s head to Glasgow Central – results are in!
Returning officer:
Lab 13,000
Con 4,000
“There were 19,800 spoiled papers ‘End the Union – GIRUY’ where their vote doesn’t count”
What a laugh that’d be hearing it read out ..LOL
I believe the candidates are shown the spoiled ballots too. Win,win.
Fantastic cartoon. We have walked the whole circle, where extreme left meets extreme right and they merge to become the exact same shite.
The political spectrum is not even a continuous, it is simply the same rubbish sold as different brands to create the illusion of a choice. Just like the north branches of Scotland, labour and libdems have a different name to con the voters into thinking they are autonomous from the England parties. It is all about conning and deceiving the voters and the Scottish people, isn’t it?
I am sure I am not the only one who is bored to tears and sick to her back teeth of this nonsense and the repetitive platitudes and psychological blackmailing dished out by politicians whose only goal is to feather their own nests while their is country pillaged and broken into bits under their watch. It is the same propaganda over and over and over again. Gosh, I am sick of it.
A few years back we had that labour idiot coming from London to patronise us by calling independence supporters “racists”. Then we had that other labour idiot saying that nationalists had to be exterminated. A while back we had that other crown tool Gordon Brown churning his hyperbolic propaganda and talking about “extreme independence”. Now we got Sunak delivering on behalf of his handlers some laughable speech trying to like independence supporters to “extremists”. Do any of these idiots do irony at all?
Delivering that speech, talking about “extreme independence”, calling Scottish nationalist racists or openly saying they had to be exterminated is as extreme as you can get, so they can all fuck right off with their extreme unionism.
The only extremism here is that of the entity all those idiots work for and that is forcing Scotland to remain in this toxic union against its will for the sake of continuing to steal Scotland’s resources from the Scottish people and to sell their country bit by bit through that other byproduct con of extreme unionism which is the green “free”ports.
I have not watched TV in a very, very, very long time. It seems I didn’t miss a thing. I watched the most recent question time on youtube because Mr Salmond was in it, but my goodness it is the same shite being regurgitated over and over again.
The “de rigour” planted questions of independence from the audience continue in the same boring format they were a decade ago. It is so obvious they have been planted, because anybody who has been living in Scotland for the last 10 years and had their eyes open, knows for a fact that the SNP has not lifted a fcking finger to progress independence, so, frankly, to claim they only think in independence comes across as the most laughable claim and that they are using the same old worn out bone thrown to the dog time and time again.
Goodness, is Flynn the best they got as future leader of the SNP? The man was awful. No clear answers, all evasiveness, all deflection, all waffle. He came across as another mass produced politician with nothing new to offer.
Then along came the same old bone borrowed from tories with regards to the NHS: “the NHS is getting the highest level of funding ever”. Well, duh! that will be because the prices of everything keep increasing just as the amount of private business sucking on the teat of the NHS keep increasing. Just how stupid does Flynn think the people of Scotland are?
The question no politician has the balls to answer because no reporter has the balls to ask is how the privatisation of the Scotland’s NHS bit by bit is chewing up that funding and as the privatisation increases, how does that impact on the real funding the NHS has to deliver services.
If you have to feed profits to private companies through the NHS then that funding is not being used efficiently, is it? That stands to the obvious. If you increase privatisation, you are increasing the amount of profits you have to give away through the NHS, draining the funding pot even more.
You could increase the funding by 100% but if you continue to increase privatisation of the NHS, that funding is simply redirected to profit private companies rather than being used to deliver an efficient services.
So the claim that the NHS is receiving record funding is simply a con, just like the old adage that “the NHS will always remain free at the point of use” is also a con. It is a lie. A person may not have to pay for the service at the point of receiving it, but taxpayers have been paying through the roof throughout their NI contributions for the service because a large chunk of that payment has been going to to pay for the profits of all those private companies being sustained through the NHS.
And let’s not start with how much of those funds have been redirected to create all that tier of red tape jobs for “equality”, “gender nonsense” etc, etc. The only thing this has done is to drain the pot more, leaving even less money to cover the actual services.
The other question all the crown minions sitting in HOlyrood and in Westminster should be asked is “When is the evident extreme unionism that Scotland has been forced into from 2014 going to be addressed and stopped”?
When is the focus going to be moved from Scottish nationalism, which is a natural thing, to the extremism of “British nationalism”, which has been artificially created and artificially maintained through active and forceful suppression of democracy, and more importantly, when is the focus of attention going to be placed on the entity that has been forcing Scotland to remain in this union since 8 May 2015?
The Rev, Chris Cairns and Shauny Boy, are the only seriously analytical, political and succinct commentators out there in the state of Kafka.
Nice one Chris, listening to Sunak, Jack and Lord Robertson recently the unionist mask slipped even further and they hinted at the dire plans they have for Scotland if a unionist party comes out top in the 2026 Holyrood elections.
I fear they will further clamp down on marches and public speeches with independence in mind, just as the West has done with Pal—estin–an demos and marches all across Europe.
extremist, racist, bigot – all intended to shut reasonable people up. After all, there is no debate.
So where does it go from here?
This would seem to be an end-point in politics and public discourse. You either go to greater extremes, which, given enough time, will inevitably end in violence, or you simply keep quiet and let the powers that be get on with it.
Right now the majority are keeping their mouths shut. Even when faced with despicable acts in Gaza, the majority are simply sitting this one out. The mass protests against the Iraq wars happened in a parallel universe.
Even on a simple matter of whether the country should govern itself, there is in large part a stony silence. The Rev. has stated before that people are simply too busy making ends meets to give it much energy. However I think we’ll rapidly get to the stage, if we’re not there already, where any mention of it simply won’t be allowed.
So the question is, how do we get back to a point where there is a discussion on whether various things are a good idea or not?
The foxes are boiling the frogs, while raiding the hen house.
Me too Dorothy!
I would like all the badges in one.
The hate monster with the caption ‘Vile Dangerous Extremist Cybernat’
Seriously is calling people Dangerous Extremists not a hate crime.
Time to get Sunak reported to the Sex Shop, Mushroom farm, Rape Crisis centre are whatever Hate Crime reporting centre is closest to you.
According to Westminster and unionists,
Scots are…..
Far to many white people in Scotland.
Extreme independists,
Told to go back home to Scotland
And should be exterminated from Scotland once there.
Go on and on about old guff history like the treaty of the union,
Now that is two faced Hypocracy coming from Labour, Tories, Snp and the Greens. Whom are all displaying open signs of Racism and extremism to Scots whilst they rule Scotland because of that old same guff , namely the fallacious treaty of union and the colonial Scotland Act administration, that applies two sets of laws over Scots and Scotland compared to only one set of laws in England,
Scots that continue vote for these political parties racism towards themselves, are like suicidal Turkeys voting for Christmas,
Well said.
Absolutely. This is how these eejits kick off. The drip, drip desensitising of a ppl until they’re described as no longer human & need exterminating off the face of the earth as they’re a threat.
Scotland should remove itself immediately from Westminster for those comments. I won’t hold my breath tho. The eejits we sent there for independence are more interested in their own bank balance as Sunaks predessors are also guilty as charged for cranking up the hostility. Fcks sakes, they even stand mealy mouthed in parliament like eejits to a good beating.
By remaining there, with a mandate in their pocket, they’re only treating Scotland with contempt too. Get them all out at the next election. Spoil yer paper if there isn’t an independent indy candidate or one who vows never to attend.
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This week’s Alex Salmond’s show.
“SERIOUS losses coming down the track” for the SNP – Campbell Gunn
“listening to Sunak, Jack and Lord Robertson recently”
The Clan Donnachaidh Museum at Bruar on the A9, (by Blair Atholl), had on display until recently a glass stand honoring Lord George Robertson. It featured a photo portrait in ceremonial regalia, but most strikingly a framed calligraphic original (?) of the following commendation from George Bush. Remembering the histrionic pitch of George Robertson’s lobbying against Scottish devolution and independence, it is the words “freedom”, “democracy“ and “liberty” which irk me most:
« With vision and Leadership, George Robertson has helped transform NATO to meet the challenges of a new century. As the 10th Secretary General of NATO, he has distinquished himself as a passionate spokesman for freedom, an advocate for democracy, and a true friend of the United States. Leading NATO through its historic enlargement, he was instrumental in its decision to send aircraft to patrol American skies after September 11, 2001, the first time NATO has activated its founding principle of collective defense. The United States honors this statesman for his dedicated Service and for his unique contributions to the advancement of peace and liberty around the world.
The White House
Washington DC
November 12, 2003
Signed George Bush. »
“By remaining there, with a mandate in their pocket, they’re only treating Scotland with contempt too”
I couldn’t agree more. It is “Scotland’s” MPs in Westminster who are responsible for continuing to legitimise this colonial abuse and the insufferable situation Scotland has been put in by Scotland’s MPs.
Scotland’s MPs have in their hand the power to end this union tomorrow. They have in their hand the power to transfer their powers to Holyrood and transform it into a full blown parliament. They have the power to transfer their powers to HOlyrood so Holyrood can call a referendum. They have the power to reconvene the old Scottish parliament and put the union on hold.
They choose not to. They choose to fill up their pockets and drawn us in stupid propaganda and platitudes instead.
This union should have ended on the 8 May 2015. The responsibility for not having ended lies squarely with Scotland’s SNP MPs. Scotland did not send 3 absolute majorities of anti-union MPs to preserve the union, to have Scotland sold by bits in the form of freeports, or to have its only refinery closed down or to be dragged out of the EU.
Scotland elected those majorities to end the union. If those MPs really represented Scotland rather than the crown they swear allegiance to, Scotland should not have needed to sent three majorities of anti-union MPs to Westminster. One is all what should have been needed, because only one is what was needed to force Scotland, kicking and screaming and knowingly against the will of its people, into this union.
What the last 10 years have demonstrated is that there is not such a thing as Scotland’s politics. There is no such a thing as “Scotland’s” MPs. The only thing we have is crown’s useful idiots playing the role of politicians while they abuse their position of power to suppress democracy, to stop Scotland from ending this union and to ensure the rampant abuse and pillage of Scotland’s land and assets continues at pace.
The more I look and read about what those who call themselves Scottish politicians say and do, the more embarrassed I feel and the more convinced I become that if we want Scotland to restore its status as an independent state, we need to bypass political parties.
UK general elections should have only one purpose: to select candidates on an abstentionist vote and refusal to swear the oath of allegiance to the English crown.
The treaty of union states that Scotland should be represented in Westminster by 45 MPs. When less than 45 elected MPs are prepared to swear allegiance and take those seats, that article of the treaty will be breached and we can demand the union to end.
We have followed our believe that there is no point in voting to further for the devolved government to continue as a Westminster Colonial Administration over Scotland and we have not registered to vote for any of the unionist parties in the devolved rolled down political administration from Westminster,
The Scottish people, the people in Scotland, if the do not want to end up exterminated and deleted they must be aware they cannot survive as a nation under a Colonial administration,
And should refuse to take part in voting for it to be so,
We have a Sovereign choice to choose a government that is best suited to our needs,
@ Sarah, thanks!
Thanks Chris, nice one
Lots of unhappy, bitter individuals on Wings decrying our current political system and suggesting the people should not vote at any future elections! I am sure that will work!!
I have given the matter some thought and together with a few others, we are going to form a new Political Party in Scotland. A suitable name for said Party was initially difficult to find but, in a flash of inspiration, it will be called The Disciples of Billy.
For a nominal sum of £1,000 you can apply to join and be a founder member. However a rigorous vetting process will be pursued. Not only will you receive a bi monthly newsletter from Mr Carlin, on his in depth knowledge and insider take on world events but you be able to attend his monthly seminars, free of charge. Ibrox, Celtic Park and Murrayfield are willing to host the events. Founder member status will only be available to a certain few. Those with mental health issues will go to the head of the queue. Unfortunately, whilst suitably qualified, the contributors to the comments section on Wings, every fucking day, posting the same tired shite need not apply as rejection often offends. Sorry Che, RoS. Geri, Baird, Northcode and several others.
A secondary membership will be available for a paltry £500. You will receive the newsletters but will have to pay to hear the Great Man at his monthly seminars.
This is limited time offer only and those interested should register their interest on here initially and I will advise Bank details for your membership fees.
Billy would have loved to have posted another of his revelations today but he has several meetings lined up with Mr Biden, The Pope, and that nice misunderstood gentleman from Ru$$ia. Later today he is expecting to solve the crisis in Palestine. Tomorrow he will end World poverty and find a cure for cancer.
Our team are ready to take your orders.
Very good Mr Cairns!
BritNat = GOOD
ScotNat = BAD
How can’t we see the world as they do?
Empire biscuit, anyone?
As for the deviant’s travelling circus of bearded ladies peddling puberty blockers, the less said about that shower of unmentionables the better.
This will be very unpopular but it has to be read and understood, Peter A. Bell explains it better than me so take a look.
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Poor Hamish under the cosh. The Greens influence on biological reality will dissipate at the next Scottish Parliamentary Elections. The Albion forces will remain. A guy of Indian descent tells me I am an extremist alongside half of the Scottish Population. Sunak says I didn’t say that. And this is where I rely on Stu. What did he say? That needs to he investigated.
A mediocre meritocracy, being a standard feature in colonial governance, constantly needs to invent its own fallacies in order to continue to divide and manipulate the people with its mystifying policies. The manufactured Ferries Crisis is another case in point (see from 5 mins in video):
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@Alf 7:10pm
I wanted you in the room at the latest Ferguson Marine Summit. Clearly incapable of building large vessels at least with their current core competencies. But there is a solution with smaller vessels. Half a billion pound later. We abandon the workforce now. Madness.
RoS, why do you think it will be unpopular?
Bell makes a distinction between the UK government and Scottish government that is quite difficult to substantiate when you look at major issues over the last few years…
Thus, as Sturgeon was touring the country in her “STOP BREXIT” bus, her Government was essentially paving the way for Brexit, when Covid came along she completely surrendered to London policy (even the ‘herd immunity’ mass suicide pact), and, of course, Sturgeon not only did nothing to force the issue on indyref2, she went on the record saying the only route to independence was through a Section 30 (at the exact same time as the UK Government told us they would block the Section 30 route).
I could add a multitude of other examples, including various important facets of UK foreign policy, but I think the point is made already; the role of ScotGov under and since Sturgeon has been to implement and administer UK government policy; examples of the Scottish Government opposing it in anything but rhetorical terms are in very short supply. We can expect the same on the proposed nuclear power plants.
Another shortcoming of Bell’s analysis, though, a shortcoming that is all too common on the pro-independence side, is the failure to address issues surrounding ownership of Scottish resources. It’s quite disingenuous and lazy to talk about the UK Government stealing our resources when we all know there’s a lot more to it than that.
In short, if we achieved independence tomorrow, all of the most valued resources of the country (land, oil, wind, etc. etc., etc.) would remain in the same hands so that the people of Scotland would not necessarily benefit in any material way at all.
I disagree with that. I disagree with the arrangement that puts the resources of a country into the hands of big business without consent, just as I disagree with pensioners in an energy rich country sitting hungry in houses they can’t afford to heat. None of Scotlands biggest problems necessarily disappear with independence.
If the independence is to be anything other than a sort of hobby for anoraks, it needs to unify all these things and make a coherent argument for national liberation — not just liberation from the UK political union (a subject that bores most of us to tears nowadays) but liberation from the neoliberal free-for-all they created here too; it’s a classic “open door” policy that basically gifts our national resources to any Tom, Dick, and Harry that shows an interest (Trump, Gupta, Standard Oil, etc., etc…).
An Interesting and educational video, Alf
The obvious conclusion from watching your video presentation is that catamarans are the ideal ferry design on every metric, including safety, compared to the mono hull design.
If I were making the decision I would have opted for the catamaran design on watching your video presentation alone.
Why would the Scottish Government, via Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited, I’m assuming, decide to go with mono hulls?
It doesn’t make sense.
@ Northcode
It makes perfect sense if you want to intentionally paint a picture of Scotland not being capable of delivering competence in various matters, whilst at the same time handing a lot of taxpayers’ money to a certain group of folk.
The ferries are just one example in engineering and procurement. Another example is the legal arena with malicious prosecution relating to Rangers.
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Looking at who and what benefits in any particular situation, I’m minded to think the Rangers malicious prosecution was actually just a long con being played out.
Deposit Return Scheme is another.
There doesn’t seem to be any austerity when it comes to blowing huge amounts of taxpayers’ money on certain things.
I don’t know what he said. I haven’t found the speech but this is
how Alex Salmond reacted to Rishi Sunak’s speech.
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It’s outrageous!
More on Sunak’s speech.
“Speaking at an event in London organised by the Policy Exchange think tank, Sunak claimed that “an axis of authoritarian states” were attempting to undermine British values.
In a passage under the heading “The dangers”, Sunak listed Russia, Iran, North Korea, antisemitism, “gender activists”, and finally “Scottish nationalism” as posing threats to the UK.
“The dangers that threaten our country are real,” he said.
“There’s an increasing number of authoritarian states like Russia, Iran, North Korea and China working together to undermine us and our values.
“War has returned to Europe, with our Nato allies warning that if Pu**tin succeeds in Uk**raine, they might be next.”
However, the Prime Minister also said that homegrown cultural disputes were also a threat to the UK’s “history and identity” – including Scottish nationalism.
He said: “People are abusing our liberal democratic values of freedom of speech, the right to protest, to intimidate, threaten and assault others, to sing antisemitic chants on our streets and our university campuses, and to weaponize the evils of antisemitism or anti-Muslim hatred, in a divisive ideological attempt to set Britain against Britain.
“And from gender activists hijacking children’s sex education, to cancel culture, vocal and aggressive fringe groups are trying to impose their views on the rest of us.
“They’re trying to make it morally unacceptable to believe something different and undermine people’s confidence and pride in our own history and identity.
“Scottish nationalists are even trying to tear our United Kingdom apart”.
He added that “more will change in the next five years than the last 30” and claimed “the next few years will be some of the most dangerous yet the most transformational that our country has ever known”.
The National.
(My bold.)
Ruby said:
It’s outrageous!
Craig Dalzell comments “Extremism Bingo” here:
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and WeegieFifer comments on the transcript being censored here:
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This is the third time I’ve tried to post this
“Speaking at an event in London organised by the Policy Exchange think tank, Sunak claimed that “an axis of authoritarian states” were attempting to undermine British values.
In a passage under the heading “The dangers”, Sunak listed Ru**ssia, Ir**an, North Ko**rea, anti**semitism, “gender activists”, and finally “Scottish nationalism” as posing threats to the UK.
“The dangers that threaten our country are real,” he said.
“There’s an increasing number of authoritarian states like Ru**ssia, Ir**an, North Ko**rea and Chi**na working together to undermine us and our values.
“War has returned to Europe, with our Nato allies warning that if Pu**tin succeeds in Uk**raine, they might be next.”
However, the Prime Minister also said that homegrown cultural disputes were also a threat to the UK’s “history and identity” – including Scottish nationalism.
He said: “People are abusing our liberal democratic values of freedom of speech, the right to protest, to intimidate, threaten and assault others, to sing anti**semitic chants on our streets and our university campuses, and to weaponize the evils of antisemitism or anti-Muslim hatred, in a divisive ideological attempt to set Britain against Britain.
“And from gender activists hijacking children’s se**x education, to cancel culture, vocal and aggressive fringe groups are trying to impose their views on the rest of us.
“They’re trying to make it morally unacceptable to believe something different and undermine people’s confidence and pride in our own history and identity.
“Scottish nationalists are even trying to tear our United Kingdom apart”.
He added that “more will change in the next five years than the last 30” and claimed “the next few years will be some of the most dangerous yet the most transformational that our country has ever known”.
The National.
(My bold.)
Dan @9:42pm
Aye, Dan. I have no doubt you’re right.
I re-read Alf’s comment @7:10pm and he does in fact allude to the reasoning behind Scotland’s ferry fiasco when he says:
“… invent its own fallacies in order to continue to divide and manipulate the people…”
You might have already watched Alf’s presentation, but if you haven’t it’s an interesting watch – and especially educational for a non-engineering type like me.
Here you go George
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A recording of his speech
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A transcript of his speech.
Check out Lesley Roberts. The Whistleblowing infection control Nurse in the Greenock Hospital and Union rep.
Shot at. Car firebombed. Due to speak at Covid 19 inquiry. Now banned from speaking. A £200 million cover up.
The Shipman Sisters – DNACPR – for anyone over 45. In Haymairs Hospital. With Midazolam and Oromorph.
Sturgeon and Jean Freeman put in DNACPRs without patients consent.
The wayback machine is able to source the image. The guidence. The extreme lengths Jean Freeman and the Shipman sisters – Sturgeon are going to cover up the corporate homicide MASS MURDER.
Watch the Siver Fox Hot Takes. Youtube truth teller.
Super injunction. To hell with Nicola Sturgeon. I hope it cost her hundreds of thousands.
Set the truth free wings over Scotland. I stand with Lesley Roberts. The whistleblowing nurse. God bless her.
The Silver Fox Hot Takes. The full story. The Lesley Roberts Story. A must watch.
Get Dr John Campbell on the phone.
Corporate homicide in the Scottish NHS. Mass murder on orders from opengrupenfhurer Nicola Sturgeon. Jean Freeman.
Set the truth free.
DNACPR – corporate homicide in the Scottish NHS. The Lesley Roberts story.
Get her on Wings Over Scotland. The £200 million cover up of Oromorph and Midazolam.
Share the story of Lesley Roberts and the death of her monther Leticia.
Given a DNACPR. And moved to a care home without her consent.
Sturgeon’s corporate homicide.
Sturgeon fucked us all. She fucked us all.
The Lesley Roberts story – youtube. A must watch for everyone in Scotland!
A £200 million cover up. They are lying on the covid inquiry website saying Leslie Roberts doesn’t want to speak.
They’ve gone into her private group. Gained access and extricated her from the covid inquiry.
It would destroy the Scottish Government. And Westminster. The establishment are working through her private socials to pull Lesley Roberts from the inquiry.
It’s a disgrace brothers and sisters.
Set the truth free!
“In short, if we achieved independence tomorrow, all of the most valued resources of the country (land, oil, wind, etc. etc., etc.) would remain in the same hands so that the people of Scotland would not necessarily benefit in any material way at all.”
Of course we would. The revenues go to where the brass plate is located & that would be to an independent Scotland.
I’d assume contracts/licenses would also transfer & with that would be renegotiation “Under new management”
It’s Scotlands resources. It’s Scotlands territory.
Big business may kick & scream but they can fck off if they’re not happy with new offers. Plenty of others can step in.
Sturgeon was a tractor & Scotwind was a travesty. There’s more to that. Ash Regan said she’d look into that if she was elected leader. (Go figure -she wasn’t) She didn’t know much about it as it wasn’t something she was involved in but said there may be confidentiality clauses.
Some bastard sold it off at a jumble sale price & Scotland will find out the truth when Sturgeon & her minions fck off from Holyrood.
All their dirty laundry & dirty deeds will be laid bare for all to see.
Cheers aLurker
These are interesting links.
I’m thinking we might be spending too much time BTL here on Wings fannying about talking about the franchise and basically saying the the same thing over and over and over again.
Dan calls it the Badger syndrome.
@Ruby 10:23pm
Thanks Ruby. The guy has never served in a combat service role for the UK. And yet he pontificates on extremists within our Nation. A desperae political ploy. We have just watched the six episodes of the new Rebus on I player. A sensitive portrayal of ex servicemen in Edinburgh. We are not from Edinburgh but learn fast on the nooks and crannies. Spoiler alert the new Rebus is great.
George Ferguson
18 May, 2024 at 4:15 pm
Sunak says I didn’t say that. And this is where I rely on Stu. What did he say? That needs to he investigated.
I don’t know what he said. I haven’t found the speech but this is
how Alex Salmond reacted to Rishi Sunak’s speech.
link to
It’s outrageous!
“He added that “more will change in the next five years than the last 30” and claimed “the next few years will be some of the most dangerous yet the most transformational that our country has ever known”.”
It’ll be transformational alright.
They’ll be carted off to the Hague for war crimes, BRICS is expanding at an alarming rate & NATO is defeated. It turns out fck all works.
All they’ve left in their bag of bullying tricks & agitation is nukes & they’re unhinged enough to do it cause Americas days of bullying, overthrowing governments, issuing draconian sanctions & breaking international law are well & truly over as they’re told to pack up & fck off out of their countries.
Unelected spoon face is unhinged too. Out noising up a military power while he has a pot lid & some ships that no one knows how to work LOL
& Anyone would think Sunak didn’t just introduce a new police bill that restricts our freedoms that includes the thought police.
Unpopular because of this.
“The choice is NOT between two sets of devolutionism. The choice is between nominal Scottish nationalism and explicit British nationalism.
We cannot afford to let the British parties retake the Scottish Parliament. And you may as well start now getting accustomed to the fact that in order to prevent this we may be obliged to vote SNP.
And this.
Still we find ourselves now in the position of having to vote for the lesser of two-evils as the saying goes, and it does make some sort of Kafkaesque sense to vote for the SNP to keep the unionists out, because they will do far more damage to Scotland than the SNP.”
Rishi Sunak has no electoral legitimacy. Liz Truss had no electoral legitimacy. Humas Yousaf had no electoral legitimacy and John Swinney has no electoral legitimacy. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
“And from gender activists hijacking children’s se**x education, to cancel culture, vocal and aggressive fringe groups are trying to impose their views on the rest of us.
“They’re trying to make it morally unacceptable to believe something different and undermine people’s confidence and pride in our own history and identity.”
Anyone would think Sunak wasn’t in charge of the UK. Or the Tories – those great bastions of ‘law & order’ couldn’t have stopped this bullshit entering schools, everyone’s workplace & the ladies loos.
Who is he trying tae fool with his bullshit? The think tank he was addressing probably came up with this shit in the first place.
Ruby Friday got moderated quicker than expected.
George says
Spoiler alert the new Rebus is great.
I don’t do murder George just romance & aga sagas.
I need HEA endings in my fiction to make up for the lack of HEA endings in my life & politics.
Mr Kerevan will be know in the area due to his SNP stint.
“George Kerevan is to stand for the Alba Party at the next General Election, it has been announced. He previously served as the SNP MP for East Lothian between 2015 and 2017 before leaving the party in 2021 to join Alba. The East Lothian seat is currently held by Alba’s Kenny MacAskill, but he will be the candidate for Alloa and Grangemouth at the next Westminster election.”
@Ruby 11:28pm
But the central theme of the new Rebus is romance. He wants his wife and children back. Watch it and see the romance.
George Ferguson
“Rishi Sunak has no electoral legitimacy. Liz Truss had no electoral legitimacy. Humas Yousaf had no electoral legitimacy and John Swinney has no electoral legitimacy. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”
Are suggesting that’s okay then?
This is the stuff of an authoritarian regime.
“British values”
Hark at the democracy deniers about values. He needs to call an election. Why hasn’t he? What’s keeping him? Swinney too, btw. One of the ones he’s castigating in his speech has just been re elected with 80% support.
“Sunak claimed that “an axis of authoritarian states” were attempting to undermine British values.”
He’s lying & projecting.
Stop meddling in stuff that is none of his concern & they won’t meddle in his. It’d help if he stopped sending weapons too & told Cameron to STFU about attacking “inside” R. A clear act of war. Cameron should go bunker down in trident if he wants to act like a Ned.
Great shame that Alba are putting up a candidate [Kenny MacAskill] in Alloa and Grangemouth instead of applying a Scotland United approach as Eva Comrie has already declared that she will stand there. Kenny should stick with East Lothian or try Falkirk as that is nearby.
Wow – Has Eva left the Alba party?
@ Geri: Yes, Eva has left Alba – a few weeks/months ago. Several others have too e.g. Denise Findlay. I can’t remember the ins and outs of why.
Thanks. I’ve just googled. Apparently a falling out with Yvonne over TRAs but the article also mentions infighting over internal elections so it could be a mix of both..
Blimey, both women will be a great loss to Alba. Denise worked her socks off touring & organising the wee book events & campaigning all over the place as well as keeping abreast of things within the party & chapping doors & Eva too at organising women’s evenings & appearances on Prism.
Sounds to me like the same thing that happened to Posie Parker? (Supposed support suddenly switches to the dark side for no apparent reason)
I’ve not been on X for ages so completely missed this bombshell of them leaving. Wow. I’m in shock. That’s a blow..
The Scottish National Movement is up a creek, with a boatload of parvenu(e)s, without an engine and no one has a chart.
If this is not a set-up situation then i have blond hair and blue eyes.
However out of such absurd situations……
It’s bad enough not knowing what day of the week it is but without Stu’s Twitter I wouldn’t have a clue what’s going on out there in the big bad world.
I would like to see BTL on Wings being a bit more like Twitter.
Everyone says twitter is too fast moving.
I dunno wtf version of twitter I have but everything is always showing hours old, if not days LOL
Even refreshing doesn’t fix it. I’ve had to set notifications to the accounts I pay attention to on there & just abandon the so called ‘whats happening’ page.
Good article about the ‘legacy’ of Nicola Sturgeon
link to
Seems a bit strange thought that the thrust of the article was about how much she brought division to Scottish politics yet the article becomes divisive itself with the below despite it being obvious that she never had any intention of plan to hold a second referendum:
It’s Sunday not Friday! I haven’t got a ‘Ruby Sunday’ moniker yet so you might have to stay alert if knowing the day of the week is important to you.
link to
He’s pointing out the window with his thumb warning rich people about these folk out there on pavement and sleeping in doorways are ‘dangerous extremists’ likely to disrupt the possibility of them being twice as rich as the king.
link to
There’s been a lot a talk about the franchise here BTL on Wings. Some would say too bloody much considering the possibility of us having a referendum in need of a franchise any time soon is pretty low. What I’ve been thinking when reading all the comments is that we’re not in a fight against ‘the English’ it’s more a fight between rich & poor.
Rich are No poor are Yes.
link to
NB the bit about the students should read not poor.
The above was in response to
Vivian O’Blivion’s post
link to
A hundred posts and counting, many promoting some of the wackiest opinions you will find anywhere, but sharing one common theme:
We’re a fascist, authoritarian hellhole where only the approved opinions of the WM government remain uncensored.
Just imagine for one moment there was any truth in that. What would that make Rev Stu and Wings?
The only authoritarian hellhole I see is HR, where the HCA remains an entirely home-grown, “Made In Scotland” abortion, brought to us courtesy of the SNP’s self-anointed, pretendy leader.
Oh well, perhaps wee Scotland can still teach the rest of the world a thing or two about cognitive dissonance. Where else but here can you still read doubts about whether the world’s foremost shithole, NK, is really as bad as all that?
A MUST (long) READ about GEN Z «mind» & how it got so screwed.
link to
Being GZ apparently, i can vouch for the veracity of much in this article re my peers.
Thankfully, my early life (real life) experiences have provided me with differently synapses.
You talk in riddles!
I have no idea if you do are do not have blonde hair & blue eyes the only thing you have told us is that you are a 15 year old boy from Iraq.
That was a couple of years ago so you might be 17 by now.
Are you trying to tell us now that you are not guilty of being WHITE! and that we should have known that because you told us you were from Iraq?
@Geri 12:02
Maybe Scottish Indy supporters should grow a pair and acknowledge that when another country is desperately fighting for its own independence, and in defence of its own culture, language, etc. that a position of general sympathy and tacit support is the only one that can ever have any credibility.
Readers come on here and respond to your posts with bemused incomprehension. What is it about an aggressive and murderous invasion of a sovereign nation you like so much? Is it as simple as you having the hots for Pres P? Maybe you’re shitting yourself – that at least, if openly admitted, would elicit some understanding from the readers.
If all you’re really afflicted with is a “toys oot the pram” infant jealousy sparked by the notion that if Scotland can’t have her independence, then no other fecker can either, then you really should keep it to yourself. Believe me, it’s a bad look.
Sectarianism was a driver for No, imo.
The stupid couldn’t see past YES as some sort of IRA terrorist outfit & they’ve been at it ever since.
Tories also came back from the dead in Scotland for the same reason. Rooth the mooth, baroness part time tank commander cashing in on the sectarian vote.
& Then there’s Thatchers Britain. Selfish greed barstewards who think they shouldn’t pay for the services they use incase a poor person benefits too.
Then there’s the biggest dysfunctional, anti social, benefit scrounging, racist bigots no one will ever meet – the Royals.
Which leads neatly back to sectarianism, the masons & the orange order who can’t move past the 1600s..
The RECTOR OF GLASGOW UNI, who lives in London, under investigation.
link to
This nicely links in to my previous post about GEN Z and the slack jaw, airheads that are found in it.
Btw…what is the point of RECTOR? An «honorary» mickey mouse job?
Elsewhere, a rector is THE senior official in a university.
The Liberal Arts might sound boring, but they aren’t:
Scotland’s educators should be teaching Scots children the Trivium, the liberal arts of logic, grammar, and rhetoric, instead of…whatever it is they teach them.
I first came across the Trivium and the seven liberal arts many, many years ago. Back when Thoth and I would chill-out on the sunlit banks of the Nile, under the shade of gleaming gold-topped pyramids, having a laugh and drinking much wine.
I was so inspired I attempted to become a postulate in preparation for entering into a life of learning and faith within a cloistered nunnery as a bride of Christ, and to follow in the footsteps of Gertrude the Great.
However, being a man, that path was blocked to me…and so I embarked on a road of my own creation and set off towards the shining light of…well, enlightenment.
I might sprinkle some ‘food’ on the fertile soil that is btl for all the beautiful roses out there bursting to bloom. Food in the form of a wee few comments on the liberal arts – the first three anyway.
There are four more arts which together form the Quadrivium, and the Quadrivium along with the Trivium give us the seven liberal arts. But we don’t need to bother about the Quadrivium for now.
Knowledge is power. Most importantly, power over your own mind.
We’re a fascist, authoritarian hellhole where only the approved opinions of the WM government remain uncensored.
Wacky Shit from Hatey McHate.
The problem is the opinions of the WM Government in this case the Prime Minister are being censored.
See redactions:
link to
If you look back you will see the something similar happened with Humza Yousaf’s ‘WHITE! WHITE! WHITE! racist speech.
If you’re looking for wacky I would suggest you look at your own posts and those of John Main, Andy Ellis & Chas.
“The only authoritarian hellhole I see is HR, where the HCA remains an entirely home-grown, “Made In Scotland” abortion, brought to us courtesy of the SNP’s self-anointed, pretendy leader.”
You never disappoint at hypocrisy.
BoJo introduced a new police & crime bill. WM pretendy PM added to it further. Posie Parker a case in point. English womens rights campaigner plagued & harassed by Police over hate crime complaints. Media arrested at protests. Jurnos accosted by police etc.
Take yer eyes & point them away fae Holyrood & see that this is a “made in Britain” abomination happening both sides of the border that Sturgeon happily played along with because she was their loyal servant. Even banning protests outside Holyrood.
Then cast yer eyes to Europe & to the US. Same thing. What a coincidence eh? Jeez, it’s almost as if this was a direct instruction from someone “Go forth & start some civil wars so we can start battering ppl & clamping down on ppl talking”
We’re a fascist, authoritarian hellhole where only the approved opinions of the WM government remain uncensored.
Wacky Shit from Hatey McHate.
The problem is the opinions of the WM Government in this case the Prime Minister are being censored.
See redactions:
link to
If you look back you will see that something similar happened with Humza Yousaf’s ‘WHITE! WHITE! WHITE! racist speech.
If you’re looking for wacky I would suggest you look at your own posts and those of John Main, Andy Ellis & Chas.
Maybe Inspector Rebus could investigate the mystery of missing Wings BTL discourse.
I want to know what was in the 64 posts that aren’t showing between.
Geri’s post at 1:12 am
link to wingsoverscotland.com373
And the next following post by Turbadin at 9:00 am
link to wingsoverscotland.com438
Hatey McHateface says: at 10:33 am
“Maybe Scottish Indy supporters should grow a pair and acknowledge that when another country is desperately fighting for its own independence, and in defence of its own culture, language, etc. that a position of general sympathy and tacit support is the only one that can ever have any credibility.”
Cough, Palestine. I note John Main has misplaced his self-awareness tablets again.
It’s a cult and apparently they make up 30% of the Scottish electorate.
Cults are always difficult to deal with. The people of Stonehaven had the right idea!
Is it an indigenous Scottish cult? Yes according to Andy Ellis everything is Scottish. If you suggest otherwise you are a racist.
Are they ‘dangerous extremists?
I think they could be but not one Sunak would recognise as being a danger to British culture, identity & history.
@Turabdin 8.57am
MODERATION in Scottish politics has yielded nothing. Maybe the alternative mighg be embraced with «love».
Wear that alt. with panache, with «smeddum».
What’s to lose?
You may well be right. From memory those of us who complained during the 2012-14 campaign that it was a mistake to be so relentlessly positive and expect us to be wafted to independence on the strength of group hugs, “just be nice” and and repeated choruses of kumbaya, were roundly condemned by those steering the Yes campaign.
It didn’t seem to matter when it was pointed out to them that most recent successful political campaigns at that point relied on a combination of both positive and negative campaigning. I would actually accept that positive campaigning had its place and probably persuaded some people – particularly women and younger voters who the data suggested were more anti independence at that point – to switch allegiance.
The concentration on purely or at least overwhelmingly positive messaging helps explain the 2014 defeat much more effectively than nativist ranting about being robbed by incomers and furriners.
The Yes campaign never really laid a glove on Project Fear and was constantly on the back foot responding to yoon talking points about the currency, EU membership, the fiscal black hole, pensions and even access to the BBC and Doctor Who.
Five will get you ten that many of those steering and working for that failed campaign are the very same as those who are about to drive the SNP off an electoral cliff.
Perhaps things would be different if we ever had another indyref, though I have my doubts.
In the end we have to divest the movement of its devolutionist mindset: so, no further participation in the Westminster charade and concentrate on plebiscitary elections and ensuring the SNP is staked through its black principle free heart.
19 May, 2024 at 9:00 am
The Scottish National Movement is up a creek, with a boatload of parvenu(e)s, without an engine and no one has a chart.
If this is not a set-up situation then i have blond hair and blue eyes.
However out of such absurd situations……
The SNP is in a mess, but Scottish Independence seems quietly resolute. You are mistaken to think nobody has a chart, because there are several in existence. If it wasn’t for the contemptible SNP under Sturgeon, you’d already know a lot more about them.
Right now, the very last thing I want to see is a wretch like Swinney latching on to a robust “chart” towards Independence and fkg that up like they’ve fkd up everything else.
I am a lapsed member of ALBA, largely because they’ve allowed themselves to be seduced by the UK political system, when it’s the entire paradigm which needs to be re-set, with the removal of Holyrood and the Scotland Act from the equation.
Holyrood was there to be won for sovereign Scotland, but the corrupt regime under Sturgeon did a better wrecking job of that than all the spies in Whitehall.
Rather than saving Holyrood through reform, it’s my personal belief it would serve Scotland’s interests much better as a sacrificial lamb to be impeached out of existence, and the wreckage sent packing off to London like a proverbial fire-ship.
A few people here and there are already beginning to acknowledge the SNP is now an obstacle to be cleared before progress can be resumed. I readily subscribe to that opinion.
And while I remain a huge supporter of Alex Salmond, and his ALBA party was a flash of inspiration, he seems to be treading water. But in my opinion, Kenny MacAskill should not be contesting Eva Comrie in any Scotland United context.
Am I perplexed about it? A little maybe. But I’m so wearied by all of this crap. How many dacades are we planning to waste? When Scotland is ready, no rancid wee seat in Holyrood or Westminster will get in our way. Brace! Brace! Brace!
Seats in our first Sovereign Parliament, or interim Convention of the Estates, will command a higher premium, and the only people dawdling around Holyrood will be forlorn Unionists, disowned SNP Devolutionists and cleaning staff.
Is Independence in trouble? Not judging by the number of trolls and naysayers here on Wings. They’re the nervous ones.
He’s too busy being romantic and trying to get his wife back.
I’ve done a bit of investigating for you and come to the conclusion that you’re ignore button has started working!
Other possibility is that everyone had a long lie today and there were no posts between
1 am and 9 am this morning.
Or all posts made between 1 am & 9am went into moderation?
Some would say that Scotland isn’t a nation but rather a region, just like Wales, England and NI. All four are proud regions and there’s nothing wrong with that.
March on the Royal Mile.
Lots of young people in blue shirts. Could it by ‘Boys Brigade’?
They are proudly carrying the Union Jack and marching like little soldiers.
Not ‘dangerous extremists’ then no threat to British culture, identity or history.
Anyone care to define British culture, identity & history.
A lot of Americans talk about a British accent. Anyone care to have a go at that one.
What I noted in Sunak’s ‘dangerous extremists’ speech was how much he sounded like a member of the Royal Family.
Must have been to the same language coach! I would guess that’s what Americans mean by a ‘British accent’.
“Some would say that Scotland isn’t a nation”
And if that were true those who would say that would be correct.
Andy Ellis says: at 11:14 am
“In the end we have to divest the movement of its devolutionist mindset: so, no further participation in the Westminster charade and concentrate on plebiscitary elections and ensuring the SNP is staked through its black principle free heart.”
Have you not got that the wrong way round then. As the constitution of the UK is reserved to Westminster, then why not use the more direct and straightforward path of fighting a plebicitary election using the UK’s first past the post voting system to elect a majority of genuinely Pro-Indy MPs to end the Union, instead of pissing around with the complexities and vagaries of the voting system used in the devolved Scottish Parliament elections, with all the inherent difficulties that would create.
Past experience of supposedly Nationalist Parties not being willing to work together to achieve their main aim tells us that your suggested path is the more difficult route.
Bring us news not history Molesworth!
BREEKS 11:24
Independence, as you write is not in trouble, reasons to maintain the status quo thin out by the day and that spells big trouble for the establishment.
My parents, who live in Doha, tell me that few take the UK seriously anymore as a «power». It tends to be perceived as a «supplicant» in the Gulf.
The politicians may posture about influence, like the US, but It is become a bargain basement eternally on «fire sale». .
As others see you…..Scotland needs to get out of the basement.
@ Andy
Soz if I picked up what you meant incorrectly. After submitting my post and re-reading what you said re. “no further participation in Westminster”, I see that could still mean participating in UK government elections, but not attending if seats were won.
Some say… that he defecates through his mouth. Others, that he simply tries to stirr up trouble my making assinine comments. All we know is, he’s called Molesworth.
@Dan 11.52am
I didn’t used to be in favour of abstentionism à la Sinn Féinn but have changed my mind more recently. I see no point in participating in the crypto-medieval mummery that is Westminster.
Our representatives there aren’t even prepared to do as the IPP used to do and cause procedural issues and disrupt procedures, so there is very little point in lending legitimacy to participation in a parliament that does not respect the right of the Scottish people to decide its own fate.
In my view the movement as a whole should be uniting around the principle of every election being plebiscitary by default, therefore in any election where 50% + 1 votes are cast for pro-independence parties, the British nationalists are on notice that we would regard that as de facto independence having been achieved.
The current problem is convincing the SNP to get on board with that concept. At the moment they patently aren’t, which is why they either have to be changed from within by their own membership (which given all we’ve seen seems highly unlikely) or defeated and ultimately replaced as a vehicle for independence. Again, that doesn’t appear to be something that will happen overnight.
Electing a majority of pro-indy MPs at Westminster needs to be twinned with gaining >50% of the vote and standing on an explicitly plebiscitary platform. The SNP are not going to do that. Until and unless all pro-indy parties co-operate and stand on a “Scotland United” slate, your plan won’t work. I don’t think it’s ever likely to work with the current SNP and Scottish Greens.
Hatey makes a good point about scapegoating.
Scapegoating is defined as “the act of blaming a person or group for something bad that has happened or that someone else has done”
Scapegoating is rampant in the WoS comments.
Sturgeon’s follies? Don’t blame Alex Salmond, who made her leader. Don’t blame the Scots voters who elected the SNP MSPs who made her first minister. Don’t acknowledge the fact that many of the scapegoating commenters here voted for these same MSPs.
Instead, blame–“Westminster.” The Tories. Labour. The English. Shadowy foreign businessmen. The French. The Normans. Queen Anne. Blame everybody except… Scots who voted for the SNP.
Ditto Humza. Ditto Swinney. They all got to be FM via elections and votes. They didn’t achieve power by Harry Potter wizardry, and the long-dead Queen Anne had nothing to do with it.
Hatey McHateface 10:33
You’ve been warned to keep off that topic but you persist.
I’ll put this into bullet points cause you’re as thick as shit.
*This is a proxy war by the US neo cons, ya absolute fud.
*Their actions were/are an existential threat in a place that was fck all to do with them.
*They just can’t stop pouring in weapons that reach further “to the last man standing” motto. Not their men, mind. Another country’s men are being slaughtered while their nation is being sold from under their feet to US disaster capitalists. No shit Sherlock. The puppet regime is profiting nicely.
*International treaties mean something. The ppl should have stuck to it & to the ticket they were elected on. Peace. They’ve also trashed their own constitution.
* They were offered a peace deal way back in 2022. Favourable terms. BoJo rejected it. (When the fck did he relocate there?) Now Cameron is wading in while poor Sunak cries into his cornflakes no likes them & someone may attack them with the well worn ‘it wisnae us’ *whistles*
Would Sunak allow troops from a hostile nation to set up operations in Ireland along it’s NI border & start fcking about with coups, troops & weapons?
No. It’d be a clear threat. So what problem do the Britnats have with someone else seeing it the exact same way?
I’m no fan but I do listen to both sides. You should try it.
That exceptionalism you have, along with the Americans, is a threat to everyone elses security & peace but they just can’t help themselves as they march on fcking everything up, everywhere, & flouting international laws to quench their colonial itch to rule the world. They rattled the wrong cage & a cage that has serious weapons (So much for deterrent eh?) Are you really so shocked the rest of the world has had enough of military threat, toothless international organisations completely captured by them, sanctions & war that they’ve decided to club together to restore some sort of natural order to knock theses permanent aggressive warmongers off their perch for good?
I’m glad yer coming round to indy. Palestine has 143 countries that agree it’s a sovereign state. That’s a majority. Why do those great bastions of freedom, liberty, democracy & western values persistently deny a democratic vote from achieving its democratic end?
Take yer time..
They’ll be in the courts for crimes against humanity & supplying/aiding the mass murder of civilians. Brilliant news that there’s no time limit on those charges. We’ll see if that’s also captured soon enough.
Your so full of shit & hypocrisy but unlucky for you & Sunak, no one is buying it..well, no one outside the propaganda channels you seem glued to…
Campbell Clansman another one of John Main’s many monikers.
Campbell Clansman! With a name like that he’s got to be ‘Scottish’. What ever that might mean.
Hey ‘Ruby Friday’ you make many good points about wacky posts.
You should add Campbell Clansman, Molesworth & Rob to the list.
I wonder if one of the wacky fuckers was pissed as a fart last night and started posting mental posts at one o’clock in the morning with each one of the his 64 posts going straight into moderation.
@Dan 12.06pm
No apology necessary: I could perhaps have been clearer. I’m totally unenthused about the Westminster elections. I don’t even know if I’ll bother voting, though I’ll probably just spoil my ballot if there’s no Alba candidate. I suppose that’s why I can’t get too excited about yet another rammy about splitting the vote WRT Comrie and MacAskill as it’s largely irrelevant unless there’s general agreement on a “Scotland United” platform, which the SNP just won’t countenance.
If the British nationalists continue to refuse to honour the 2014 Edinburgh Agreement for future referendums, the movement faces a choice. It must either change the rules of the game and force through a new devolutionary settlement enshrining the right of Holyrood to be the only and final arbiter of when and how often we hold referendums (don’t hold your breath!), or we accepot the referendum route is now a political cul-de-sac.
That being accepted, the quickest and easiest route to achieving independence is a majority in plebiscitary elections supported by all pro-independence parties, which means that it won’t matter if Alba, ISP and the rump SNP and Greens all hate each other as long as they’re all signed up to the plebiscitary concept.
Any parties that refuse to accept that concept should suffer the electoral consequences.
Hey Dan
You’ve got me obsessed with the mystery of the missing posts now.
link to
link to
Where is 91.
The first step on the path to enlightenment is possibly the most difficult for humans. And that first step is: do not hate.
Hate will hinder progression toward enlightenment far beyond…more than you know – so don’t. Hate is very, very bad for us.
And even if hatred seems a justifiable response to the unjustness that is rife in this world it won’t help, it will only make things worse.
So best to avoid anything with hate in it.
Our objective on the path to enlightenment is, in part, to raise ourselves above the perception of insult and ‘injury’. To be smarter. To be better. To be more.
Each of us have within us the power to be whatever we want to be. That be the second step to understand as we set off on our journey toward the light.
Geri @ 1.12am:
“Sounds to me like the same thing that happened to Posie Parker? (Supposed support suddenly switches to the dark side for no apparent reason)”
Hadn’t heard about that – was it something to do with the candidates being put up for The Party of Women?
Hatey McHateface said;
“The only authoritarian hellhole I see is HR, where the HCA remains an entirely home-grown, “Made In Scotland” abortion, brought to us courtesy of the SNP’s self-anointed, pretendy leader.”
Your usual dis-framed blethers, Hatey!
The real authoritarian hellhole is Westminster’s House of Commons, where England’s MPs presume a formal authority over Scotland and her MPs that they simply do not possess. England’s establishment enforces a bogus presumption that the ten-fold greater numbers of England’s MPs actually equate to formal superior authority over Scotland by means of a flat voting system that treats all MPs as a single body, which thus leverages that ten-fold majority over Scotland’s MPs as if that actually meant something. It doesn’t! Even on normal democratic grounds it doesn’t!
The problem for Westminster and its English establishment is that there is literally no formal agreement that attests to that presumptuous arrangement in any of the three founding constitutional documents of the Union.
So, my question to you and the other the hard-line Unionist nutters infesting this site BTL;
Which clause, in which of the three formal constitutional documents that founded the Union, formally attests to the agreement of both Treaty Principals that all Union governance decisions in its Union parliament will employ a simple flat vote applied to both bodies of MPs together as if they were a single body, despite those two bodies formally representing two still-separate*, foreign sovereign kingdoms?
Yes, separate, despite the ludicrous English establishment pretence of unitarity. The border still determines the edges of English law versus Scottish law, the English constitution versus Scottish constitution, the English monarchical territorial rights versus the Scottish monarchical territorial rights, and above all, the writ of English sovereignty versus the writ of Scottish sovereignty.
Westminster’s so-called sovereignty is not entitled to transcend that border.
19 May, 2024 at 12:06 pm
My parents, who live in Doha, tell me that few take the UK seriously anymore as a «power». It tends to be perceived as a «supplicant» in the Gulf.
Yup, that squares with my own perceptions, and given London’s grotesque warmongering and tolerance of genocide, I find it a tremendous relief.
I have a quote in my head along the lines of “there’s nothing more dangerous than an Empire in decline”, but I can’t find a source for it. I’m sure it was a Thatcher / Falklands thing, but the quote was older, Victorian maybe.
I’m not sure Scotland ever benefitted from the Union. I mean compared to those nations being colonised, yes it did, clearly. But whether the benefits outweighted the grevious injuries to our Nation, lacks a reliable yardstick to guage how an Independent Scottish Nation might have fared over three long and hollowing out centuries of anglicisation and cultural delinquency.
The Scottish Enlightenment is a conundrum… something the Empire facilitated? Or Scotland free to spread its wings with its corrupt and servile political class removed to London? It’s a complex discussion, especially when some folks cannot abide the notion of a thriving Scotland.
I see the bbc is making a big thing about celtic fans making a mess in glasgow
I do not recall them making a big issue of rangers fans, against police instructions, marching into town and rioting or the unionists mobs running around attacking anyone of colour after the referendum.
Funny how the bbc covered the nazis marching to the cenotaph in london and the peace marches elsewhere in london.
How they frame the news tells you more than what us in the news
I haven’t tuned into her channel lately but a few months ago she was angry that some high profile womens voices, that were supposedly on her side for women’s rights, suddenly started to be manipulated into making allowances for TRAs & that she shouldn’t be so hostile.
From what I read regards Yvonne & Eva it looks like Yvonne may have fallen for the same manipulation with her tweet which has caused a war of words & claims of being a fraud to real women.
Geri 12:21
I’ve been warned have I?
You’ve been educated then. Waste of time that was too.
There’s a common thread to your every post that intrigues.
I mean, there’s no way that you can believe your lies and magical wishful thinking to be true.
Yet you post it anyway.
Independence isn’t a zero-sum game. It’s not the case that if one country gets it first, no other country can.
It’s not a good look to be sitting behind your keyboard, endlessly greeting about poor, wee oppressed Scotland, taking time out only to castigate other nation’s freedom fighters who wouldn’t see the likes of you in their road.
Nasty cough you’ve got there.
People might think you’ve been holed up in a deep underground bunker for the last 7 months, cowering behind walls of your own dead women and kids, clinging on to your hostages in the hope of coming out with your own miserable, yellow skin intact.
Tell you what, though. If you’re so certain that’s a good way to inspire Indy, why not lead from the front?
Logic dictates, as a famous TV show character would say, that the liberation of the Scots from the Union is now inevitable, a foregone logical conclusion.
The credit for the ending of the centuries old union between Scotland and England must go to England.
Had it not been for the intransigence of the larger partner and its increasingly brazen poor treatment of the smaller the union might have continued indefinitely.
But the arrogance and unbending short-sighted nature of the larger partner is about to secure Scotland’s permanent withdrawal from the ‘partnership’ – just as that same nature has secured the independence of at least 80 of its former colonies.
France, by adopting a similar attitude, is doing the same for what remains of its former empire, too.
Perhaps, when they have nothing left but their own nations, England and France could form a union of their own.
I wonder how that would work out – with France being more than twice the size of its new partner.
Not just us & the Gulf but every geopolitical news outlet I watch have the same opinion & piss themselves laughing at the *little Brits* who are an embarrassment. They’re delusional they still have clout in the world. All they do is shout insults from behind a bully then roll over & play wounded better than Naymar could when anyone dare says “Boo” in return.
They think ppl will still buy the *woe is me* act. *I was just minding my own biz, not doing nuffing – Oh look! Terrorists!!*
Aye. An Empire in decline is the most dangerous & I believe the Americans will reach for the nukes. Just a wee one mind. Just as a message. Nothing too catastrophic. (Do they even make those kinds) Eejits. They had a good innings but they just never knew when to stop. Now it’s all change & they’ve no one to blame but themselves. They’re guilty of every single thing they accuse others of & their gig is up.
Xaracen 1:30
Not up to your usual standard.
I’m not accepting that you believe Yousaf’s HCA originated in WM and was voted on us by English MPs.
The most authoritarian legislation affecting us all is intended to censor what we can and can’t say, and what we can and can’t write.
And it has “Made In Scotland” stamped all over it.
Thanks for that.
I saw some of what happened with Yvonne and Eva, but didn’t see the original tweet that caused the issue. I think it was quickly deleted and an attempt made to gloss over it all. Personally, I’d rather it was all out in the open – what was said, and why. I suppose they assume people will either have missed it, or will just forget it happened.
Re Posie Parker – that’s unfortunate, but there does seem to be an idea that things can be resolved amicably, although the people saying that never explain ‘how’ it could happen. I’m a bit surprised that people who have supported her would think that though.
“shout insults from behind a bully then roll over and play wounded when anybody says ‘boo'”
Let’s accept you’ve accurately summarised the situation. How come then, we’re still as far from Indy as ever?
Is Scotland and the Scots so far gone we can’t even summon up a ‘boo’?
Ach, never mind. Go and hoover somewhere, make yourself look useful.
Don’t be shy about asking how it works.
Hatey McHateface
They had independence.
They threw it all away for absolutely NO gain & on behalf of a country that couldn’t give a shiny shite for any of them.
They were only used as a battering ram.
It’s backfired.
Don’t act shocked when the US try to move in as a permanent fixture, that’s if they don’t nuke it first.
North code
“Perhaps, when they have nothing left but their own nations, England and France could form a union of their own.
I wonder how that would work out – with France being more than twice the size of its new partner.”
Shug says: at 1:47 pm
“I see the bbc is making a big thing about celtic fans making a mess in glasgow
I do not recall them making a big issue of rangers fans, against police instructions, marching into town and rioting or the unionists mobs running around attacking anyone of colour after the referendum.
Funny how the bbc covered the nazis marching to the cenotaph in london and the peace marches elsewhere in london.
How they frame the news tells you more than what us in the news”
Well yes, it’s what they do. No reporting that “Religion” causes world pallet shortage, pollution and global warming.
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Arse! My mouse copy and pasting buttons are failing…
Pallet content.
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You really should engage your brain..
“I’m not accepting that you believe Yousaf’s HCA originated in WM and was voted on us by English MPs.”
Three out of five parties that voted this through Holyrood are registered in London, England.
That means they work for London.
Not Scotland.
England ALSO created a new police/hate crime bill but for some strange reason you only want to focus on Holyrood. Please do – that’s also English with English appointed civil servants, English appointed permanent secretaries & with English political parties masquerading as “Scottish” in name only filling the cheap seats to pass this shit into law by the back door & by their willing agents.
When you speak of the SNP you should also include them now. They no longer work for Scotland either since Sturgeon took office.
Geri 3:20
Asbestos knickers will protect you when you post lies that that, but they present dangers to your physical health too.
According to the lists of symptoms available online, there’s no risk to brain function though.
Logically then, there has to be another factor in play.
@Geri 11:22pm
I wasn’t suggesting condoning internal party machinations to select a leader. I am suggesting we need a UK General Election and a Scottish Parliamentary Election. Both the Tories at UK and the SNP at Holyrood have no legitimacy. Ergo what prospectus did Sunak or Swinney stand on? Same difference in my opinion. Tbh I am glad Kenny is standing for Alloa and Grangemouth. I will support his campaign. Alba as a party have called the Grangemouth situation correctly.
Hatey McHateface said;
“Xaracen 1:30
Not up to your usual standard.
I’m not accepting that you believe Yousaf’s HCA originated in WM and was voted on us by English MPs.
The most authoritarian legislation affecting us all is intended to censor what we can and can’t say, and what we can and can’t write.”
Down to your usual standard, Hatey. You ignored my question altogether, and I said nothing at all about Yousaf’s HCA, let alone that I believed it originated in WM. Though I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if
the Union’sEngland’s security services were deeply involved in it.‘The most authoritarian legislation affecting us all is intended to’ and actively does deny Scotland from any meaningful say in its governance within the Union; a denial that never applies to England, and which isn’t remotely warranted by anything in the Treaty or Acts of Union.
Justify that to Scotland’s sovereign autochthones, and to the rest of the world!
What NI badly needs is a Green Party LMAO!
They’d soon knock the pallet malarkey on the nut as they’d need to call the fire brigade in advance to book a slot for controlled burning & animal welfare to make sure theres no wee cute animals nesting inside.
Apologies to Hatuey.
I made a mistake mixing you up with Hatey further up. Sincere apologies.
Main needs to stick to one ID. Does he really believe he’s hiding? LOL
The Alba Party does not do women’s rights!
I can understand why gender critical women might want to leave the party.
Where’s Craig Murray these days?
You need to do Twitter/You Tube if you want to learn about women’s rights.
BTL on Wings like Alba does not do women’s rights!
Stu definitely does and it was on his Twitter account bloody ages ago that I learned about Eva and Denise leaving the party.
BTL on Wings is more interested in a franchise for an Indy Ref that will probably never happen.
Yesterday I learned that ‘Jaffa Cakes were Irish. I never knew.
Is the Celtic Fans Cult Scottish or Irish?
Are they ‘Dangerous Extremists’ and a threat to British culture, British Identity and British History.
link to
I think they might be the real deal.
On the subject of Irish Jaffa cakes and the various different snacks preferred by the different groups.
Do the Celtic guys like the Orange Jaffa cakes while the Rangers cult prefer the Tunnocks Tea cakes Empire Biscuits & the best British Shortbread.
What about Independence supporters what is our preferred snack?
Anything but Tunnocks Teacakes, Empire Biscuits & British Shortbread?
I do like the Rocky Road bites from Aldi.
@ Ruby
It’s homemade flapjacks for me with oats, butter, syrup, treacle and occasionally some cocoa lobbed in for the chocolate hit.
Well that’s until the Scottish “government” ban oats for being unhealthy…
@Xaracen 4:56
Good one. You managed to deny my claims about the HCA without mentioning it.
As you go on to say, you would still want to blame the HCA on the English though.
That’s clever. Tam o Shanter duly doffed.
Note I wrote “clever”, not credible, rational, believable or persuasive to the hinged.
BTW, it’s “autochthon”, plural “autochthons”. Best to get the details right before appealing to the rest of the world!
News reporting that a helicopter has crashed in or around the border or Azerbaijan the occupants are said to be the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Iran’s Foreign Minister.
If the helicopter is found to have been brought down and the occupants are dead we can expect Iran to retaliate if and when evidence points in a specific direction.
Got an SNP leaflet (Amy Callaghan) thru the door today, the word Independence did not appear anywhere on it !
Given that she only has a majority of 149 how does she expect to be re-elected ?
RoS, probably safe to assume Israel fired a rocket at it and they’re all dead. Even if that turns out not to be the case, we are talking about a bunch of genocidal maniacs who aren’t in any sort of position to be offended by anything.
It stinks though, that’s for sure.
I doubt many will be shedding a tear for Raisi, the Butcher of Tehran who oversaw & personally sanctioned the executions of 5,000 people for anti regime protests, including teenagers.
Hopefully the landing was so hard his trip to hell will be shorter.
@Republicofscotland says: 19 May, 2024 at 6:54 pm
“News reporting that a helicopter has crashed…”
Let me just re-write that for you:
“Good News: A helicopter has crashed …”
Unless you like regimes that kill lassies for showing a bit of ankle.
It’s difficult to believe that in 2024 and in Scotland we still have enthusiastic cheer leaders for the theocratic nutjobs of the Middle Ages.
But we do, and they infest the Indy movement too.
Indy needs to put its house in order.
Andy Ellis.
First Fico now Raisi regardless that both have/might survive, the mad dogs at the Pentagon, Brussels and Westminster will need be on high alert for what goes around comes around.
Incidentally Salome Zourabichvili the president of Georgia roll in shooting down the Foreign Agents Bill is one of nominal, her pathetic gesture hasn’t got the clout to change it passing.
Zourabichvili is a woman after your own heart an arse licking Atlanticists.
“Good News: A helicopter has crashed …”
And let me re-write that for you…
“It looks like a bunch of genocidal maniacs who have slaughtered tens of thousands of women and children over the last few months have now downed a helicopter.”
Nobody will even pretend to be surprised if that turns out to be the case.
As for the Iranian government, I don’t have a good word to say about them, or any other government for that matter — they are all wicked — but they aren’t invading, occupying, and slaughtering anyone outside their own borders.
Anyway, aren’t you all meant to be discussing Scottish affairs? You have your own occupation to be concerned with…
I’ve read some analysis that says Raisi is dead and that the search for him is staged to deliver the death of Raisi to the Iranian people gently as in delayed, the analysis also hints that the strike area is perfect for the perps to melt away after carrying out their mission.
We’ll see if that analysis bears any fruit or not.
“Anyway, aren’t you all meant to be discussing Scottish affairs? You have your own occupation to be concerned with…”
Well said on the genocidal maniacs too. I think the hypocrites forgot about that current event.
Zourabichvili is lying that she voted against the bill as it would affect EU membership. They’ve disputed land so that’s their entry off the table until it’s resolved.
It’s a good bill. Everyone should know what foreign agents are in their parliament & wtf they’re really doing there.
How on earth would that hinder EU membership?
RoS, I guessed they were all goners the instant I heard about it, and I guessed Team Genocide was behind it too.
We’ll soon see.
Murdering the Ir@nian president (and I have no doubt it was) is another wild Isr@eli provocation desperately trying to start WW3. They are so desperate it is unreal and desperate people do desperate things.
Gee remember C0vid and how is struck the Iranian cabinet hard when it first appeared… nothing suspicious about that or the ‘naturally occurring’ (oh ma sides) virus.
The people behind this are totally out of control.
The world collectively need to put them down as you would a rabid dog.
Ochone…it’s a wee shame for all the tankies that it turns out their hero the Butcher of Tehran died because the Republican Guards think it’s a good idea to fly helicopters in bad weather.
Whatever will they turn their faux outrage towards now?
I saw last night ordinary Iranians were expressing their sorrow at his death using fireworks.
Geri @ 11:03 pm
“Everyone should know what foreign agents are in their parliament & wtf they’re really doing there.”
Quite a few oddballs in ‘our’ parliaments, few if any of whom seem remotely interested in reclaiming never mind asserting Scottish sovereignty, or in limiting the absolute (i.e. dominant) external control and plunder of our society and economy.
Clearly a colonized people are ‘out of the game’ and ‘no longer part of history’; in a colonial society ‘only the values of the colonizer are sovereign’ (Memmi).
Independence is about removing external interference and exploitation from a country; dependence means the opposite, i.e. domination by external interests.
@Alf Baird 7.52pm
Never fear Alf, if the usual suspects in here have their way our future will be bright in the service of our new overlords Uncle Vlad and Comrade Xi.
I’d be more concerned about operatives in their pay than those beholden to Westminster. Doubtless most of them will be in mourning for the Butcher of Tehran this morning, so we might get some peace from their usual tankie inanities. We can but hope.
“BTW, it’s “autochthon”, plural “autochthons”. Best to get the details right before appealing to the rest of the world!”
This from Wikipedia:
The Wikipedia article has nine references to the word autochthones. The seventh being:
Xaracen , using the term ‘autochthones’, wrote:
“Justify that to Scotland’s sovereign autochthones, and to the rest of the world!.”
Which, according to Wikipedia and the Hellanicus and Encyclopædia Britannica (1911), is correct.
Does not take long for Shlomo Kidkiller to pitch up with the predictable zi0nist talking points. It is almost like they are reading from the same piece of paper…
@Northcode; Thank you for your timely comment re ‘autochthones vs autochthons’, as I was on the very point of submitting a comment to Hatey thanking him for the first useful and sensible thing he’d said to me this year. I shall have to edit my response to him a little!
Hatey McHateface said;
“BTW, it’s “autochthon”, plural “autochthons”.”
Thank you, Hatey. That would have been the first useful and sensible thing you’ve said to me this year, except you got it wrong. Nevertheless I accept take it be an honest mistake. However, the rest of the comment preceding that ‘correction’ was unbelievably dishonest, even for you!
Slave Trade & the Scots.
link to
When Africans, the Arabs and Turks acknowledge their significant role, or when hell freezes over?
Maybe the City of London could throw a % of that laundered money trade at it?
It could pass via the «offshore» Cayman Islands.
Google remains my friend. Wiki is not being honest with you.
As for those once again peddling their jenoside nonsense, it’s an odd jenoside that could be stopped in its tracks any day of the week by the release of around 100 hostages (or their corpses).
It’s the cravens cowering in their tunnels behind the tens of thousands of their own dead women and kids that bear most responsibility for the death toll. That’s hardly a surprise, as maximising that death toll is a strategic aim of theirs. Always has been, and note this, always will.
That, and saving their own skins.
Undoubtedly there’s a strand of Indy support that finds this kind of behaviour admirable. That will be the same strand cheering on the Islamist nutjobs of Tehran while they grab lassies off the streets to kill them for being cheeky, and supply the RF with missiles to kill our women and kids on the streets of Eastern Europe.
Vote Indy to give these people a sniff of power over decent Scots?
As I predicted, they’re all goners, and the helicopter seems to have gone down very suddenly without a mayday call. I wonder what could have caused that.
Our in-house moral cowards are celebrating death in the Middle East again. It’s business as usual, just another day…
The real reason they hate Iran, of course, has nothing to do with the treatment of Iranian women, or Islam, or any of that principled nonsense. It is simply because Iran has oil and the people of Iran (much like many here in Scotland) think the people of a country ought to control and benefit from a country’s resources.
That’s a red line for Western oligarchs.
Do you all have your own asbestos knickers, or do you have to take turns sharing?
Asking because I want to gauge the market size and assess profitability if I decide to invest.
Nah, the “real reason” is I have this mental picture of you and the other daily liars on here passing around your one pair of asbestos shitty kecks.
I don’t care much about asbestos knickers or helicopters the very interesting news this morning is all about Mr Idul Wadhwa and the Rape Crisis Centre
There seems to be a reluctant on here to focus on this type of issue. Can anyone tell me why?
Am I correct in thinking that the Rape Crisis Centre which this man Mr Idul Wadwa is in charge of is where the police expect people in Edinburgh to go and report crimes?
Will Mr Idul Wadwa decide which ones are forwarded to the police and which ones go in his shredder?
Read carefully and remember the shrieking comments from our resident genocide-denying warmongers Ellis and [gas] Main.
As soon as it’s suggested that the Z-ionists could be at work shooting down helicopters everyone is an I-ranian apologist. School playground stuff.
These are the two usual suspects who keep telling US how the Scottish independence movement should be run. Scroll on by.
Usual Suspects!
I want a ‘Usual Suspects’ badge.
My concern this morning is about our current overlords I think like Ellis they may not be right in the head.
Fuckin’ mental!
20 May, 2024 at 9:30 am
As I predicted, they’re all goners, and the helicopter seems to have gone down very suddenly without a mayday call. I wonder what could have caused that.
Mossad cunningly placed a 30,000 foot mountain in the flight path?
@Andy Ellis
They also cunningly made the helicopter over 40 years old and with malice aforethought made it windy, rainy and foggy. I assume they also made Iran have about the worst air transport safety record in the world. Amazing what they can do, isn’t it?
With the proviso that I feel sadness for the relatives of all who died in the crash I will add this; that old shite of a president has been personally responsible for more deaths than the IDF in over 6 months of war, at least 50,000 according Iranian opposition groups.
It doesn’t matter how autochthon, indigenous or Scottish is spelled. Everything and everyone in Scotland is Scottish and to suggest otherwise makes you a racist.
I also want a Nativist badge
Also a ‘Fringe Nutter’ badge
Why not? I want badges all over the place and to be referred to as a badger!
‘Ruby Badger’ could be my next moniker.
Badges! Badges! Badges!
I’m visualising a little animation featuring all these badges.
Same tune as ‘Badger Badger Badger’ but instead of badgers there will be badges.
Vile Cybernat Badge, Hate Monster Badge, Dangerous Extremist Badge, Fringe Nutter Badge,
Natavist Badge etc.
Are you with me?
link to
Badges not badgers!
Could it be because unhinged cult nutters are trying to start a nuclear war right now while slaughtering thousands, harvesting body parts, starving ppl, trafficking weans & assassinating other countries government officials that some hee-haw TRA in Edinburgh is the least of everyone’s problems right now?
Just a guess. Maybe we won’t even be here but if we are we can vote this bat shit distraction out of power.
This from The Scotsman:
“…shocking figures published in March showed almost a third of school pupils in Scotland are now persistently absent…”
I wonder why Scotland’s children are being so poorly served by the ‘Scottish’ Government.
Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills (office holders 1999-present):
That’ll be why, I expect.
I also wonder if the children of Scotland’s indigenous population are being deliberately denied a decent education or if it’s down to sheer incompetence. Perhaps it’s both.
A third of school pupils in Scotland are now persistently absent from school!
Can anyone guess the demographic that makes up most of that third? No need to guess – The Scotsman tells us in its article.
Unsurprisingly, most are indigenous Scots.
And “most of the families are living in poverty” said Katie Dowds, a family engagement support assistant (FESA) working in North Lanarkshire.
“Mossad cunningly placed a 30,000 foot mountain in the flight path?”
Aye & a qualified & experienced pilot just happened to fly right into it.
You’ll believe any old shite.
if only viz was alive “Franchise fanny – the propaganda para”
Could it be because unhinged cult nutters are trying to start a nuclear war right now while slaughtering thousands
What’s new?
Hey I think I might have a CND badge somewhere.
Don’t forget the ‘schemie’ badge’too lol
Not a cult thank fck would be a bit big I think.
Geri, are you seriously suggesting that experienced etc pilots never crash into things? Heavy rain, wind, fog; any one of those things can cause a helicopter to crash, why were they even flying in those conditions, especially over mountains? Complete madness.
What is not mentioned in the articles of the treaty of union?
The corporation Bank of England,
The private Bank of England and the private business bank/s of Scotland (did not merge) as a result or because of the treaty of union,
There was agreement in the treaty of union that the private Corporation bank of England would become the National Bank of Great Britain,
The last paragraph in the post above is a lie, and I wondered if anyone spotted it,
‘What’s new?’
This is new.
Cultist cunts want their rapture cause their empire is over.
They’re completely out of control and running about everywhere, in every country, like a bunch of demented NEDs on speed. They’ve nukes & fully intend to use them cause they’re mental & have done it before.
Aye Geri
‘Schemie’ ‘Foul Mouthed Harridan with Tourettes’ ‘Uneductable Pig’ Bigot, Terf etc etc
What about ‘Kilt not Cult’
or ‘Up Yer Cult’
Got other favourite personal badges?
‘The Captain of the Sinking school had a few choice names for me and for all women working in engineering. They should be at home making their man’s tea!
Where is he now? I bet he’s got a black balaclava and attends all the ‘Let Women Speak’ rallies.
I wonder what happened to the ‘sinking school’
I don’t suppose it matters at this point in time as a nuclear bomb will soon finish the job.
How do you share National debt with “no agreed terms in the treaty of union” for a Shared national Bank of Great- Britain?
Al Jazeera reporting: “Another picture showing what’s left of president Raisi’s helicopter after it crashed into the mountain.” link to
I’m not suggesting that at all.
Experienced air crash investigators will be able to report exactly what happened. It may have been a malfunction, bad weather or it was tampered with.
It may be a coincidence or it may not. Iran is just really unlucky right now tho eh? Either in flight or sitting in a embassy & they suffer unhinged psychotic neighbours who constantly attack & provoke cause they won’t recognise them. Safe in the knowledge bully boy will come to their rescue.
Truth likely more straightforward – they’re pissed their dome was shite & ineffective & retaliated.
Unsurprisingly, most are indigenous Scots.
And “most of the families are living in poverty”
We don’t know really know what an indigenous Scot is!
Why not just use the term ‘schemies’
Are all ‘schemies’ indigenous Scots?
Do we have any ‘New Scottish’ schemies.
“Where is he now? I bet he’s got a black balaclava and attends all the ‘Let Women Speak’ rallies.”
It’s probably on here masquerading as Main who told me yesterday to go get on with the hoovering or something.
Armchair Edwardian Grandpa doesn’t like being schooled by a woman who doesn’t buy his propaganda bullshit.
Andy Ellis @ 8:07 am
“Never fear Alf, if the usual suspects in here have their way our future will be bright in the service of our new overlords Uncle Vlad and Comrade Xi.”
So, efter three centuries of Anglo colonial domination and exploitation and a fair auld dose o cultural an linguistic imperialism, added tae near a thousand years of Anglo invasion, the diminishing number of Scots that are left today are warned by you to watch out for Ru**ia and Ch*na, two peoples who have never ever bothered us in history!
Gies peace, awa an blaw yer colonial touter somewhaur else.
Assumptions are dangerous.
We are told that the helicopter came down while flying;
* In fog
* In a mountainous area
* Near the border with Azerbaijan
The first of these may be true or may be cover. Flying at low altitude for security reasons in fog is extremely dangerous, see the Mull of Kintyre, Chinook crash.
If heavy fog was present, external targeting of the helicopter is less likely. A MANPAD system like a Stinger would be less likely to lock on target. Similarly mountainous terrain gives the helicopter protection as line-of-sight for initial targeting is required. There would be no shortage of operatives to conduct such an operation including Mossad’s happy little assassins cult the Mojahedin e-Khalq.
Theoretically the helicopter could have been targeted by an offensive, high altitude drone operating outwith Iranian airspace. The higher the altitude the less protection the helicopter achieves for “ground skimming “.
Again if fog was actually present this is less likely. Fog will interfere with all targeting systems including heat signature (the Laws of Physics apply despite what Hollywood would have you believe).
Why the delay in releasing news? The radio communication with the pilot post crash was disinformation. Was this agreed protocol within the Iranian state? Was someone in Tehran getting their duck-in-a-row for a palace coup?
The Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian was killed. There has long been rumours of rivalry between the Foreign Ministry and the IRGC, Quds force. Elements within the IRGC were said to be frustrated with President Raisi’s “cautious” approach to facing down the Great Satan and his little devils. Most impartial analysis has Raisi and the Foreign Ministry playing a blinder regards handling recent developments.
Did agents of Quds Force plant a bomb on the helicopter? Given the 24 hour delay in releasing news of Raisi’s death, who’s in charge in Tehran? Who’s in charge of the crash investigation?
Occam’s razor in descending order:
* The helicopter really was skimming the mountains in fog as a security protocol, the President and the Foreign Minister being on board was just spectacularly bad risk and succession management, it really was an accident.
* The IRGC (Quds Force) just staged a coup.
* Foreign malfeasance (US, Israel, Azerbaijani, MEK) is responsible.
“Gies peace, awa an blaw yer colonial touter somewhaur else”
An irrefutable point well made and succinctly put, Alf. An roundit aff wi a braw wee sentence writ doun in the Scots leid tae.
The more I see of the language o’ the Scots the more I grow to love it.
“Gies peace, awa an blaw yer colonial touter somewhaur else.”
Go Alf!
Well said..
when I was a kid no one could work out the falklands war; some yank politician called it “2 bald men fighting over a comb”. Thatcher was very big on the absolute nature of sovereignty and political rights of people who, at the time, weren’t even british citizens – people forget she was doing badly in the polls and she needed a good war.
– a friend of mine, notable for his often bizarre, but prescient statements said :
they will need it for the hopping off point when the antarctic treaty expires and the race is on to r4pe the place …
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let us take a moment to remember the brave skyhawk pilots who risked their lives against the british empire, and without the dud fuzes on their bombs, would have sent the task force homeward, to think again
kanaks not taking it –
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as an outsider from very far away, it is hard to know what is going on; the media is not to be trusted. On the face of it, the french were very “fair” about it all – 3 referendums they allowed, and all lost by the independence movement; the settled will of the people, time to move on. I doubt if this is the whole story, but I don’t have the time to do the reading.
Quebec, with its 2 ultra close votes, had a lot of shenanigans in the background. Notice how despite coming so close, and getting a second referendum, it seems to be over for the quebecois. I think we face a similar evaporation if nothing happens in the next 5-10 years, and I mean full indy, not just another vote, controlled by westminster, with unprecedented numbers of postal voting.
– are the kanaks “chippy, grievance monkeys” too wee, too poor, ingrates who wouldn’t last 2 minutes without the wise, pimp hand of the frenchie, to guide them? Or is there some serious bad blood and historical injustice there, that “one man, one vote” cannot ever address? There is also a lot of nickel in the place, which I am sure is a side issue.
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while I am mostly favourably disposed to the french, it rankles the way they go on about occupation by the germans – hello, you had a fucking empire at the time! – and they all pretend they were in the resistance (most were collaborators) and from what I have read their own generals preferred the germans to their own communists.
– they resisted losing their empire as hard as britain did, algeria, vietnam. New Caledonia is further from France than the Falklands are from the UK, fsake.
New, old, it looks the same to me.
I don’t remember being at all confused by the Falklands situation. What UK PM is ever going to sit by and watch another nation move in on a chunk, however small, of British Overseas territory? The population is mainly of British descent, some English, some Welsh, more Scottish. The latest referendum was held in 2013 when the Islanders voted overwhelmingly (over 99%) to remain a British Overseas territory.
“Geri, are you seriously suggesting that experienced etc pilots never crash into things?”
She did not suggest such a thing. She simply articulated what immediately sprang to the minds of many as soon as we heard of the crash.
Isn’t it fascinating how such “accidental” crashes never happen to flying devices when USA puppet officials are inside; murdering attempts are never directed to US puppet prime ministers; gas pipes never blow up “spontaneously” in the middle of the sea when they are controlled by US or US’ puppets; US’ and US’ puppets commercial planes never disappear into thin air like the MH370 did or get “accidentally” shot down by US allies like the MH17, and fake news about WMD or coups d’etat never seem to emerge when countries’ resources are under control of the US?
If any of the media watchers here are wondering about the hit pieces on the Indian government in the Guardian recently Blackrock and said government have had a fallen out according to Wiki.
From last weeks Guardian, the UK Rich List, Tony Blairs son now on it
“Blair, 40, has built up a £375m fortune – far more than his father’s speculated £47m – making him the 337th-richest person in the country.
Blair has claimed that some young people turned down places at Oxford to join his scheme. His business, co-founded with his friend Sophie Adelman, offers what he claims is “a genuine, credible alternative that can compete with university”.”
“The population is mainly of British descent, some English, some Welsh, more Scottish. The latest referendum was held in 2013 when the Islanders voted overwhelmingly (over 99%) to remain a British Overseas territory.”
Jeez! Wasn’t that a stroke of luck. I wonder what on earth possessed them to move somewhere with fck all in it.? Oh, to rig a referendum, that makes sense.
Mia @ 13.35
Just to mention the Helicopter crash in June 1994 in the Mull of Kintyre when an RAF Chinook came down with the loss of 25 passengers (almost all Intelligence Officers) plus 4 crew, in foggy and inclement conditions of poor visibility.
Like the rest of us I don’t know the circumstances of the Iranian incident, however personal experience cautions me against exercising my mind by jumping to conclusions.
I guess a large number of the female population of Iran is quietly celebrating.
I hear it only took the ICC half the time to issue arrest warrants for Bibi as it did for them to issue warrants for Putler.
One might almost think some kind of double standard was in operation.
Still at least the perpetrators of 10/7 are also on the list. I wonder if Qatar will hand them over….?
It’s a scandal, removing orphaned weans fae a war zone & transporting them to safety.
They should’ve zip tied the wee feckers & thrown them into mass graves instead. Even harvest their organs cause that’s apparently up for debate if it should be considered a crime.
What happened on 10/7? A prison break that was conveniently allowed to happen?
If they’re ever in court, instead of being conveniently killed beforehand, we’ll all get to hear the truth. That’s if the mafia don’t start killing off the judges too.
Zel of U, his presidential term ends today, on the day of his inauguration a commentator said:
“After a landslide election victory with 73% of the vote, it could only go downhill for him.”
Meanwhile the Zio-Monster Netan-yahoo and his defence minister will hopefully be in the dock soon as ICC prosecutor Khan grows a pair. Other good news Assange won his appeal today.
The truth is there is no law as far as international relations are concerned, and that’s down to western hypocrisy. On a more fundamental level, the west has been hijacked by money-mad crackpots who will happily destroy the world if they can make a few bucks doing it.
It’s tempting to compare these oligarchs that run The West to the Mafia, but the Mafia never had the power to start wars, experiment with biological weapons, pump poisonous vaccines into people’s arms, blow up gas pipelines, and destroy whole economies, etc. The Mafia would have every right to be offended by such a comparison.
And, so, the world is plunged into total chaos at the hands of these madmen. All hope for the restoration of order and civilised behaviour now rests with China and other countries who are able to resist and deter the psychopaths.
People wonder if it was always like this and we just didn’t know before. Certainly our prosperity always depended on exploiting the wider world, but you’d probably need to go back to the enlightened days of the slave trade to find Western Governments as depraved and unhinged as those at the helm today.
Something’s gotta give…
It takes a heavy duty Bacofoil bunnet to see the salvation of the world in the CCP, a regime responsible for more deaths than any other in history.
Perhaps their imperialism will turn out to be the soft cuddly kind and altogether different…though I doubt the Tibetans, Uighurs and Vietnamese would necessarily agree.
What colour is the sky in tankie land Hatuey?
Andy Ellis @ 8:24 pm
“Perhaps their imperialism will turn out to be the soft cuddly kind and altogether different”
Scotland’s only sovereign problem is the next door imperial neighbour think they procured us.
Well said.
The West has been hijacked with money mad psychopaths & it’s spread to every single organisation that’s supposed to uphold the law & every single politician who can be bought.
It was only a matter of time before other countries would start to cut them off. They were never trustworthy with agreements, never diplomatic, funded & created terrorists, over threw elected governments & never gave a shit for the chaos they left behind everywhere they went. They’re satanic & they’re getting worse cause their gig is up.
These mad dogs refused to sign up to a universal ban on taking nukes to space..Jeez..can you imagine the mayhem of them being in charge forever?
They need stopped.
Lets see if the ICC issues the warrants and what the Great Satan (US) will do about it.
The U.S. does not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court – NPR
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U.S.: ‘Hague Invasion Act’ Becomes Law – Human Rights Watch
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Biden denounces ICC for ‘outrageous’ implication
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If the ICC warrants go live, If I recall correctly the Rome Statute members can’t have anything to do with Net–anya–Hoo and his defence minster, and that they are obliged to arrest them if they set foot in their countries.
More on the ICC process.
The ICC relies on countries to make arrests and transfer suspects” to the court or subjects may also appear voluntarily. Iz–rail is not a member of the ICC. However, the court does claim to have jurisdiction over Gazzza, East Jeru—salem and the We–st Ba–nk after Pa–lest–inian leaders formally agreed to be bound by the court’s founding principles in 2015.
Cheers for the links
What planet is Kirby on??
What a deluded fckwit.
Alf: “Scotland’s only sovereign problem is the next door imperial neighbour think they procured us.”
I wish it was true. But it isn’t. Scotland is double-colonised; by England and by foreign countries from every corner of the world; invited in to fleece us under the auspices of a neoliberal open door policy — the same sort of free-for-all you will find in Africa, South America, and South Asia.
Most of our resources are in the hands of companies that are from beyond UK shores. We are a very typical neo-colony in that regard, with a political class in Scotland that is corrupt to the core and in the pockets of both London and multinational big business. The “democratic” limits of what is and isn’t allowed are well understood by everybody involved. That’s how neo-colonialism works.
Direct colonial rule was only dumped because neo-colonialism proved to be cheaper and more stable from the perspective of those who think they have the right to plunder the world’s resources; bribe and blackmail a few politicians and you have a country by the nuts… much cheaper than a military occupation (although that always remains an option).
Getting out of the UK (the political struggle) is actually the easier part. If or when we do it, we will immediately face the Western oligarchs (the economic struggle) and a pack of international organisations that will pounce on us like hungry attack dogs.
A lot of people think we can shake off the shackles of the UK Union and come to an arrangement of some sort with the international oligarchs and their attack dogs. Some even think we should try and win them over, get them on our side, reassure them, etc.
There’s a point at which wishful thinking becomes puerile delusion…
Oh look everybody.
Since completing the transition of Scotland into a utopia of peace, harmony, prosperity and universal lurv, they’ve moved on to sort out the rest of the world.
Busy, busy!
Giving the wisdom away for free, too, including the aviation accident investigation expertise. Awwww. And they could be charging mega dollars for that.
Oops, meant to write mega BRICS!
Hatuey @ 2:31 am
“Scotland is double-colonised; by England and by foreign countries from every corner of the world”
Our oppressor may well act as the ‘middle-man’ selling us on to whoever from wherever, as they did with many other colonized ‘peoples’ and their lands. Nevertheless, Scotland’s immediate and urgent constitutional priority must be reclaiming our sovereignty, for only then can we strive to stop the plunder and move to self and national-recovery – psychologically, culturally and economically. And who has stolen our sovereignty but the usurper who wields it and thinks they have the right to sell it on to others.
@ Alf Baird says: 21 May, 2024 at 7:16 am
“Our oppressor may well act as the ‘middle-man’ selling us on to whoever from wherever”
I’m buying it, Professor Baird.
You’ll be standing alongside me shouting a resounding, unequivocal “NO” to the EU, with its insistence on a level playing field for government fiscal policy, inwards investment and contract awards, and its demands for open borders and unfettered freedom of movement.
Aye? Right?
We can let Hatuey stand at the front and shout even louder.
Alf Baird
Aye, Alf. One liberation at a time seems a sensible approach.
Liberation from oppression should come first.
Then wi kin dae whitever ither liberations need tae bi done efter that frae thon western ollywhits an ther attack dugs an suc.
General Emilio Mola is credited as the originator of a well-known term most of us will be familiar with.
During the early stages of the Spanish civil war, as Mola’s four columns of rebel troops approached Madrid, he claimed he had another, ‘hidden’, column of sympathisers within the city ready to assist him.
This hidden column was comprised of domestic actors working to undermine the national interest in cooperation with an external rival or power.
Mola’s term quickly caught on and became widely used throughout Europe in the immediate years following Spain’s civil war; a war which has been called an ‘armed rehearsal’, or the ‘dress rehearsal’ as America’s Claude G. Bowers called it, immediately preceding WWII.
And so it was that Mola’s term came to refer to any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favour of an enemy group or another nation.
What was the term Mola coined to refer to his hidden column?
If we add Mola’s 1 hidden column to his 4 military columns we’ll arrive at the name of his fifth.
Hatey, my child, it would take me less than 3 minutes to completely disassemble your tabloid-inspired portrayal of the EU as an exploitative organisation (it really is the stuff of comic books and idiots).
My unwillingness to do that is simply down to an unwillingness to reduce myself. It’s for the same reason I refuse to engage with the Orange Order on the issue of papist plots and catholic inferiority — it’s beneath me.
You are beneath me.
The one thing you seem to have in your favour is a relative abundance of time on your hands. The verifiable fact that you spend so much of it on here confirms my superiority, though.