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Wings Over Scotland

The Giant » aleximax2


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    • Lorna Campbell on The Giant: “Wonderful tribute to our greatest hero and Scottish son of modern times, Rev. Broken hearted. Taken far too soon. We…Oct 13, 22:12
    • Scott on The Giant: “Even though I live far away, Alex Salmond has been part of my life since I became aware of this…Oct 13, 22:12
    • Alan on The Giant: “Thanks for sharing these words – amazing to hear that he embodied this spirit to the end of his life,…Oct 13, 22:08
    • Geri on The Giant: “Exactly. There was no more evidence of that than them deliberately setting out to divide & conquer the YES movement…Oct 13, 21:54
    • Ronnie Leitch on The Giant: “My heroes are Gerry Rafferty, Leonard Cohen, Gordon Lightfoot, Kris kristofferson, Alex Salmond and Stuart Campbell I wept reading your…Oct 13, 21:41
    • Fiona on The Giant: “That’s a beautiful and fitting tribute Stu. Simply cannot believe he’s gone. Seems surreal to think that the Ayes Still…Oct 13, 21:40
    • Fiona on The Giant: “which was often :).Oct 13, 21:34
    • SteepBrae on The Giant: “‘Most importantly, he knew how to debate and disagree with others respectfully and without any hint of moral judgement towards…Oct 13, 21:31
    • holymacmoses on The Giant: “That’s a fine eulogy Mr Wings. Thanks.Oct 13, 21:24
    • Southernbystander on The Giant: “Around 2013 I was driving up from Yorkshire, up the east coast to the Orkney ferry and turned on the…Oct 13, 21:24
    • Bob McPherson on The Giant: “Piss offOct 13, 21:15
    • laukat on The Giant: “I would like to see both a funeral that members of the public can show how much Alex Salmond meant…Oct 13, 21:02
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on The Giant: ““Unacceptable disrespectable language. Alex Salmond was a Christian ,a member of the Church of Scotland” And he swore like a…Oct 13, 20:54
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on Two Spaces: ““Could it just be that the police have found that there is no case to answer and it has just…Oct 13, 20:52
    • ben madigan on The Giant: ““Think I have shed more tears this weekend than I did for the Indyref1 result”. Bearing a clan name, I…Oct 13, 20:49
    • Alex sneddon on The Giant: “Wonderful piece.Oct 13, 20:44
    • Gman on The Giant: “Fear not, it shall be the prototype for the first issue of the Scottish Smackeroony.Oct 13, 20:28
    • Pipinghot on The Giant: “Aye what a fucking arse.Oct 13, 20:25
    • Calum on The Giant: “I don’t have much to say that hasn’t already been said above. Lovely piece Stuart and glad you redacted any…Oct 13, 20:25
    • ridstar on The Giant: “*irreplaceableOct 13, 20:24
    • ridstar on The Giant: “Can’t believe this has happened. Big shoes for someone to fill,if they can. He is irreplacable.Oct 13, 20:20
    • Alan on The Giant: “I am a Unionist in Scotland but will miss Alex dearly. He was the greatest leader we ever had and…Oct 13, 20:10
    • Chic McGregor on The Giant: “Great and fitting tribute for a great and greatly wronged man. Think I have shed more tears this weekend than…Oct 13, 20:06
    • Martin on The Giant: “Thank you for writing that Rev. I was hugely impressed with the way Alex Salmond conducted himself when he came…Oct 13, 20:05
    • Carol Neill on The Giant: “You horrible person , a family have lost their husband and father I honestly despair of humanity given you are…Oct 13, 20:03
    • Sandy Howden on The Giant: “As a Yoon up until the referendum I always thought that the SNP were a capable government. After Alex left…Oct 13, 20:02
    • The Gander on Two Spaces: “Could it just be that the police have found that there is no case to answer and it has just…Oct 13, 19:59
    • Alison on The Giant: “The Burns’ quote to finish fairly did me in. A beautiful article capturing the true man.Oct 13, 19:49
    • Geri on The Giant: “A fitting tribute Stu in such difficult times. I’m numb & keep greeting. That gut wrenching sinking feeling like that…Oct 13, 19:35
    • Ann on The Giant: “Unacceptable disrespectable language. Alex Salmond was a Christian ,a member of the Church of ScotlandOct 13, 19:30
  • A tall tale

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