The end of innocence
Posted on
December 23, 2022 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Nope. Stopped believing in 2016.
A belter Chris.
So funny, but so spot on.
The genderless, sexless, robotic Sturgeon made IndyRef2 disappear up wee Pat Harvie’s Arsehole.
Once again – spot-on Chris.
«Alice laughed. ‘There’s no use trying,’ she said. ‘One can’t believe impossible things.’
I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast»
I can better that said Nicola, i can get the punters to believe in them as well.
Great toon. Topical and then some.
Of course Santa could also have been saying beware of folks bearing gifts as Nicola Sturgeon hoves into view with the biggest strapon imaginable.
One good thing about GRR is it will hasten the charlatan’s demise, along with the murky links to dodgy lobby groups,
Hard to credit how such an unfunny cartoon could be more brilliant. [Insert emoticon, if it exists — and it should — which says both ‘laugh out loud’ and ‘tears welling up from a deeply depressed place’ simultaneously in a single expression].
When deadpan hits the mark, it is the best. [Sad emoticon]
Yay! Hamish is back.
Nice point Chris. I wonder how the #FreeIn23 folk are feeling now?
Great cartoon, spot on and sad, in that I too have stopped believing. Still fighting, but in a different way.
Brilliant Chris. Thank you.
Tried to post this on previous thread at 6.20 last night. Still “awaiting moderation”? Trying again now here:
Kate Forbes had this to say on the birth of her daughter:
“It’s been hard not to think about pregnant or new mothers in other parts of the world right now, particularly those escaping war zones like Ukraine or facing horrendous distress in Afghanistan.
“My prayer is that little girls around the world, like Naomi, grow up in a world of greater peace and security.”
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What has Imelda done to her? Whatever it is, it appears to have triumphed over common sense, religious faith and conscience.
Hahaha – very astute Chris, love it.
A happy and peaceful Christmas to you and yours.
kind regards
Ohhhh, well played! You certainly didn’t miss and hit the wall there Mr Cairns.
Oh no!
Poor wee Hamish he’s going to need therapy!
My first prediction I made some time ago (albeit under a different name, no idea what) – Was that Stu will come out against independence when a vote on it is close to happening. Whenever that might be. I stand by that. Whether that’s outright saying it, ignoring the issue or using innuendo.
My second prediction is that he will NOT come out against the UK government trying to reverse the new gender law.
Listen I’m not saying I’m for or against the new law. But! I do believe in the right for our government to make these laws. Right or wrong. We should be able to vote someone else in if we want to reverse that, not have our overlords change our laws for us.
I’m sure there are many here who have this view too. The UK government SHOULD reverse the law, THEN we can get rid of the SNP and THEN we should get independence. If you support this that’s fine, but you are at best a de-facto unionist and that’s fine too, but at least be honest about it. You don’t believe in the independence of the Scottish parliament.
Stu has just said “I’m too tired to write anything about the issue now”, which conveniently allows him to ignore the threats from the overlords.
My third and final prediction is that Stu will never reply to these accusations or if he does, he won’t answer the two questions directly in plain English.
1. Will you support independence when the chance to vote for it is actually given, by encouraging others to vote and putting your grievances aside. No matter how/when that vote is happening.
2. Do you agree that the UK should NOT be trying to repeal laws set in Scotland, despite the fact you disagree with that law.
I’ll wait…
ps: Can’t wait to hear the usual shite from everyone ignoring the content of my post.
But but Trans! but but you sound like you read such and such blog (which I’ve never heard of). Wake up!! Sheep! A referendum is not happening. yada yada.
All bluster to avoid these difficult questions.
“My third and final prediction is that Stu will never reply to these accusations or if he does, he won’t answer the two questions directly in plain English.
Unlike Nicola Sturgeon I’ve never swerved a straight question in my life.
(1) I still believe in independence, partly because the NON-delivery of it is the only thing keeping Nicola Sturgeon in power. Of course I will support it in the event of a vote, even if my enthusiasm for it is close to zero as long as she’s infesting Bute House.
(2) As anyone with a triple-digit IQ will have deduced some time ago without needing it spelled out for them like a particularly dim-witted child, I actively support the UK government intervening over this grotesque and manifestly unlawful bill. That it ever passed Parliament against the will of the people is a disgrace to democracy, but more to the point there was a reason Sections 33 and 35 were included in the Scotland Act and it would be perfectly legitimate for the UK government to invoke them until such times as they are revoked or Scotland is independent. Indeed, in the interests of proper governance it is imperative that they do so.
I hope that’s clear enough. If not I can get a primary school teacher with glove puppets to try to dumb it fucking down for you.
There are going to be a lot of people needing therapy but if you have been reading Wings regularly you should be OK as the idea of no indyref2 won’t come as such a shock.
Be happy Ho Ho Ho
Being happy is not just for Christmas
Happy Life!
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” Will you support independence when the chance to vote for it is actually given, by encouraging others to vote and putting your grievances aside. No matter how/when that vote is happening. ”
As you’re asking Stu to give his view on hypotheticals
1) When do you anticipate this opportunity to vote for Independence arising ?
2) Do you believe it will happen under Sturgeon ?
We’ll wait
Great cartoon Chris. Funny but sad.
OMG Things have gone Pop on this forum.
Another classic Chris.
Seasons greeting to all.
@Black Joan 9:47
How dare Kate just assume the gender of a helpless, new born child, just like that.
And give that innocent, unformed infant a gender specific name.
I thought this kind of vile, sickening, phobic assumption and presumption had been stamped out in the nScotland.
Looks like there is still lots of work for the SNP and Greens to do.
the dream is fkd
seasons greetins y’all
Dan goes Pop?
Would he ask these questions if the SNP just passed legislation that legalised cannibalism?
I predict he won’t answer. I predict I won’t care if he does.
He should leave predictions to people with expertise and 100% track records.
Taiwan will turn into a pumpkin at midnight.
This is possibly a bit off topic but does anyone have any anagrams of ‘Nicola Sturgeon.
Here are some to prime the pump.
Neurotic Slogan
Nuisance LogRot
Ugliest Racoonn
Groincult On-Sea
Cretin GoLoanUs
Oneton Surgical
Onegal Scotruin
Coolie Trans-Gnu
Scrounge Loan-It
Oh and I forgot to say (although I see my post is awaiting moderation anyway) a very Merry Christmas to all.
Ho ho ho etc..
Stu, well done for the usual straight answers to Desperate Dan.
I too hope the UK government intervene with an S35 over this because:
a) It will give the mad transactivist entryist lonies with no real interest in Indy no route forward but to genuinely campaign for indy or slooe off
b) it enables this mess being put off until after Indy, when hopefully it will be revisited in a safer, saner fashion
c) It will cause wee Harvie to choke in his cornflakes
I have had my disagreements with Stu’s views in the past, but suggesting he would tell people to vote against independence is barking mad, as deranged as the roaster who told me on FB this morning that Alex Salmind was after a seat in the Lords.
Pop off, Dan!
Dan2 @ 10.09
As you are so good at challenging people to answer straight questions, here’s one for you:
If the Scottish Government passed a law reducing the age of sexual consent to 7 contrary to the wishes of 99% of the Scottish people, do you feel that the UK government should refrain from intervening to make the law invalid?
Even self identifying as a sadistic Englishman, suggesting Hamish might trans into Ollie Mundell right here on Wings is way too much irony for my tiny mind
Fingers crossed Santa Salmond been working his magic in the background to ensure a Merry Christmas and, worst case, amazing New Year for everyone regardless.
Chris: thank you so much for this Christmas present – it is a real treat to see Hamish back.
Good to see the expression on his dear face – he is hopping mad and won’t be backing down. Just like the Rev and the best commenters btl.
Is Santa modelled on Grouse Beater by any chance [though not the blue eyes, I think]?
If Sturgeon and her straight out of the Wicker Man movie acolytes required you to kill your firstborn and set fire to your house in order to gain independence, I suspect you’d be only too willing to do so.
Perhaps you should prove your devotion to the cause by severing your right hand and posting it to the Dear Leader. I’ve a few stamps and some bubble-wrap left over, if they’re of any use…
You could then contribute to BTL with yet another monicer…“Red Hand Dan”. LOL!
The way things are heading with the Greens/SNP sewer dwellers Dan2 will be able to provide an answer to your question for real.
I’d also say that yes I would’nt object to the UK government flushing this travesty of a human rights bill away. Why not? The UK has been shitting on it’s current and ex colonies for centuries, so why not accept something that will do Scots a great service.
Consider if the SNP/Green sloor set the minimum wage at tuppence an hour in law and the UK Gov stepped in and struck it down in favour of five pence an hour would people moan? Of course they would’nt! Fortunately for us that’s not the case right now but what is goes way beyond that.
As for Rev Stu coming out against independence I’ll say nothing, I’m just laughing.
Just watched a clip of a lady lifting her skirt and flashing her fantastically hairy bush to the MSPs in protest from the public gallery in the Scottish Parliament.
As shocking as that was I was a mostly shocked at the sheer hairiness of it but it turns out she was wearing a super hairy merkin.
People seeing this clip from around the world must be thinking what a fucked up weirdo little country Scotland has become that women with densely hairy front bottoms are flashing their own MSPs to demonstrate what a real woman looks like and not allow known rapists to be sent to female prisons.
Personally I could not care who does it or how this legislation get blocked, anything would be better than it passing.
What Sturgeon is doing here is deliberately demonstrating why she / the SNP can’t be trusted with the keys to a newly independent Scotland.
‘Don’t underestimate the damage we could do if we were unchained from Westminster’, that is the message she is sending here to the electorate who are rightly horrified at this act.
And in truth at this point in time we are effectively relying on Westminster to ‘protect’ us from the madness of the SNP… Not a great look is it.
Again everything Sturgeon does undermines independence. It is full spectrum.
Rev Stu and Scots Renewables
Well said both of you. We should all be actively encouraging the UK government to strike down this legislation.
As long as Scots electors lacks the political bollocks and/or nowse to bring about independence and remove us from the jurisdiction of Westminster, we are entitled, and indeed in circumstances like these I’d say obliged, to make use of any and all weapons at our disposal to defeat the #GRRBill and the deeply odious and regressive forces who are trying to force it down our throats.
It is beyond lame for anyone in the movement to oppose such action on the basis of *eek unionists*.
Similarly, when it comes to the next Holyrood election, those of us opposed to the SNP/Greens and yoon parties need to ensure that our votes are used tactically to ensure the maximum number of Alba, ISP and SSP MSP’s (and any others who oppose gender-woo), whether or not that means placing unionists above SNP and Greens to decrease the number of MSPs they get.
Hey all, please just scroll past the nuisance commenter – Chris and the Rev deserve our full attention.
A Blithe Yuil and a Guid New Year to all.
Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur!!
Thanks for answering Rev.
I am glad you still support independence, even if you are demotivated. Many are. But please now that the issue is done and in law, move onto something else and try and use your energy in getting more Alba people elected or persuading your demotivated followers to action.
I would say supporting Westminster intervening in this issue means you are a defacto unionist. But this is my opinion. I think wanting Scotland to control it’s own affairs and wanting the UK to save us from any mistakes is a complete contradiction.
“There was a reason Sections 33 and 35 were included in the Scotland Act”. Yes, to undermine Scottish democracy. So if we were already independence and this law passed, what would you support then? Westminster seizing control over Scotland and enforcing a more proper law?
Imo people’s opinion on the issue is kind of irrelevant and people’s rights should never be decided by others (and yes I understand that by increasing the rights of one group may negatively effect another). Either way, I don’t think the issue of rights is the only thing that should not be voted by Joe public, but should be in a constitution and decided by lawmakers.
However I do believe the Scottish government should have listened to a wider opinion of experts and done more safe-guarding and come up with a more nuanced law. The lack of nuance in modern debate is depressing.
Thanks Chris – so good to see Hamish again. Have a Happy Christmas.
if Scotland had been independent and the bill had been passed what remedy would there be t to end the bill and its provisions An general election of course, but the whole episode has a powerful stink of Autocracy. I simply do not believe Ms Sturgeon did not anticipate the possibility of WM striking it down. The problem of a Scottish GRC in other parts of the UK is a fatal flaw.
England Wales and NI will quite rightly be incensed by the idea of a Scottish GRC /legislation having precedence in the rest of the UK.With free movement within the UK it makes the idea of a ‘Scottish’ GRC farcical.
One has to question Ms Sturgeon’s political acumen.
Why has she decided to take forward such a highly contentious and flawed issue? There is no possibility she did not understand these matters.
Why was there no wider formal process of consultation outside the parliamentary process? What was the urgency behind this legislation? As a non politician it seems important to me to carry out a thorough analysis of the matter, seek expert opinion,(legal, anthropological, sociological,historical, neurological,genetic,medical) and to consider the full range of factors. It would have been much safer and much less incendiary to leave the legislation to ‘simmer’ for an extended period of reflection.
The core of the issue remains unresolved. As far as I can tell there is an unproductive polarisation of the issue, both sides are in full ‘conviction rant mode’ On the government side there is a flagrant false rhetoric of ‘human rights and equality’. Anyone who thinks this is straightforward should listen to the recent Reith Lecture by Jonathon Sumption.
On the other side there is an indignant defence of the ‘scientifically obvious’ nature of binary sex. Unfortunately science is rarely ‘obvious’ Theories that seem fixed and irreversibly ‘obvious’ turn out at the very least to be nuanced and complex.
There is a widespread deficit of understanding of the psychological, physiological and ontological processes that give rise to this division of of thought, For most people sex is binary and regardless of rhetoric, the reversal of the process of development of sexual dimorphism is not reversible by surgical or pharmacological means. At best it alters the superficial secondary sexual characteristics i.e. there is a change in some features such as hair and skin.
Returning to the politics, it is very very odd that Ms Sturgeon did not consult with all the other legislative entities within the UK. This failure reeks of a mixture of absolutism, stupidity and dictatorial zealotry. The shallow analysis and political failure are convincing reasons to move to a rejection of the current SNP/Green government..The Greens/ (Maggie Chapman’s and Patrick Harvey’s) contributions have been grossly intemperate incendiary,like those of a pair of rabid dogs. I fear it confirms their already well established ineluctability, which is a great shame, at a time when so much of our environment is under threat.
*I think the issue of rights…
not I don’t think. Sorry left that in after restructuring my sentence.
If Dan2 is who I think he is, he is being very silly. I suppose he came just to look at the picture. Whether he will understand the picture is something on which I will not speculate, one way or the other, because speculation generally requires a lack of evidence.
The joy of a Chris Cairns cartoon (any good cartoon, I suppose) is that it is simultaneously simple and complex. A beautifully woven tapestry, if you will.
douglas leighton. One possible reason that things were rushed through is that young voters overwhelmingly support it, and yes, they tend to shout down any opposition which is depressing.
I actually tend to think though younger voters are right on most issues and the older generations (including myself) need catching up to do.
But as you say, it required more thought and was rushed through.
But I just hope the independence movement can move onto something else now. Change the government after indy and change laws if you wish. But let’s get there first.
And supporting Westminster reversing the decision is a terrible idea. Except, it may bolster the support for independence again because of the interference.
* laughs bleakly. Chapeau, Chris (& Merry Christmas n’all that).
No answer to my question I see.
Why not use your real name, Pete?
Here’s some great news. Panel Base poll reveals 42% of SNP voters and 19% of Labour would now vote Alba to maximise independence MSPs.
A shift is on. The voters are switching on. Sturgeon’s writ is coming to an end. Folks know she sold us out.
We are moving forward. Just think what a campaign would do.
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I would like to think that the strategy of renaming the Scottish Executive to the Scottish Parliament and use the newly renamed entity as a way of continually chipping away at Westminster’s authority was a sound way of achieving independence.
However, this hasn’t be done much until Nicola Sturgeon’s watch and when she does, it is contentious legislation like GRR which in no way furthers the cause of independence.
If those who are complaining about Westminster interfering in Scottish business then they should have been devoting more of their energy into getting Scottish independence rather than getting sucked into nonsense like this Trans issue.
Just sound like the same old “wheesht for indy” BS really Dan. It wasn’t convincing before and if anything it’s even less convincing now.
We don’t have to all believe in the same vision of what the early days of a better nation look like right now.
We aren’t required to check our brains in at the entrance to the campaign, swallow every principle we have.
We shouldn’t be expected to stand shoulder to shoulder with people we regard as purveyors of regressive, harmful, a-scientific dogma.
We don’t have to pretend that odious pieces of work who have spent years abusing gender critical folk, abusing political opponents, othering them, threatening them with violence and trying to have them fired from their jobs are allies we can somehow work with.
I’m not prepared to metaphorically bury the hatchet with such folk, unless it’s deep within their tiny little brains, OK?
robertkknight 11:55
I don’t think it’s severed hands our FM wants from us blokes …
Wishing Stu and everyone a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year, regardless of political opinions.
Dan2 says: 24 December, 2022 at 12:08 pm
It sounds like you can’t tell the difference between the powers that devolved administration and a fully independent country has?
What next? Are you suggesting your local council has the right to pass legislation to say for instance reintroduce the death penalty that is only applicable in the area that your local council represents?
Maybe you can enlighten us of the legal aspects of how a devolved administration can legally pass legislation that affected the other parts of the larger entity that is Westminster which it is part of?
If you can explain that then I will fully concede your argument is correct.
“I’m sure there are many here who have this view too. The UK government SHOULD reverse the law!”
Yes, indeed. I think it should for several reasons:
1. Because it does not represent the will of the majority of the people of Scotland. It has been forced through undemocratically, for the sake of vested interests other than those of the people of Scotland.
2. because this legislation is abhorrent, deliberately discriminates women
2. because, it might be unlawful. It sits on a farce of a consultation where people from outwith Scotland, for whom our parliament does not legislate, were allowed to take part.
In other words, they deliberately opened the door to external vested interests to actively interfere with our lawmaking process by trying to mask the real will of the people of Scotland.
That is disgustingly undemocratic and completely unacceptable. Personally I think a thorough investigation should be carried out of the parties involved to find out if there is a chance that external vested interests from outwith Scotland might have hijacked our democratic process to pass this thing against the will and against the interests of the people of Scotland.
3. This disgusting law was a deliberate provocation for Westminster, launched by negligent idiots on a power trip, with larger ego than common sense and who clearly treat the safety of women and children as disposable during their stupid political games.
From where I am sitting, everything points to the idea that it was specifically designed to, so Westminster mini-me could hand over moral and democratic legitimacy to Westminter by the back door to intervene, just like Sturgeon’s tacky charade of the English supreme court did.
It is beyond fascinating that only the tories, the party in control of the English as the uK gov, opposed to this. A coincidence too far? It is as fascinating as suspicious. It is also very suspicious that when labour, libdem and tories usually fall over themselves to team up and take control of the councils whenever possible, in this instance, labour and libdem sided with the SNP and against the tories in order to force this abhorrence through. It is obvious something else other than an interest in opening the door for perverts to enter female only safe spaces and deconstructing the concept of woman, is afoot.
“THEN we can get rid of the SNP”
Westminster will not get rid of the golden eggs goose. The SNP has become another innocuous political arm for the benefit of UK state, so why getting rid of it now that is finally towing the line? It does not make sense.
Getting rid of the SNP will be for the women of Scotland to do by hitting the spineless betraying cowards right where it hurts: their political careers and, by ejecting them from the seats they grew so used to, their bank accounts.
“THEN we should get independence”
If something has become clear is that “we should” not just get independence. We must GRAB it and with both hands and feet if needed. And grab it we will. We must terminate this union by ending the treaty and be done with it. Only then we will be able to bring to heel self-serving, unprincipled, undemocratic and unethical useless tools of the establishment like the current bunch using our seats in Holyrood and Westminster.
” If you support this that’s fine, but you are at best a de-facto unionist”
And here we go, more boring psychological blackmailing bullshit. It is truly pathetic to watch the level of cowardice that is attempting now to hide behind Scotland’s sovereignty when this shower of self-serving betrayers have been shredding and ignoring Scotland’s sovereignty at every opportunity for the last 8 years.
I have to say, I do not know what is more revolting, if the reprehensible actions of a band of self-serving, negligent idiots who think it is okay to abuse our parliament to deliberately endanger and undermine women and children, or the pathetic attempts to now hide their nauseating actions behind Scotland’s sovereignty.
No and one hundred times no. Seen intervention of Westminster on this instance does not make anybody a unionist. What makes somebody a unionist is to continue to support and indulge the relentless carrot dangling and actions against independence carried out by a political fraud who not only has abused our anti union majorities and pro independence votes to weld us more to the union and has wasted 8 years of our time destroying our political vehicle for independence. Now she has truly crossed the line by endangering women and children for her stupid political games, and that I am afraid is in a completely different level of failure and betrayal.
Supporting that level of betrayal and indulging it while this fake continues to push independence away from us is what makes you a unionist. So, please, stop hiding behind psychological blackmailing to justify the unjustifiable and to attempt to give the moral high ground to the morally repugnant. We had enough of psychological bullshit games for the last 8 fucking years.
“You don’t believe in the independence of the Scottish parliament”
That is correct. I do not believe the current parliament in Scotland is “independent” because to be independent each and every single one of those self-serving hypocrites occupying a seat there must see and treat it as an independent parliament instead of abiding like sheep by the Scotland Act and seeing it and treating it as an extension of Westminster and as a tool to pander to the interests of perverts and rapists instead of those of the people of Scotland.
But how on earth can that parliament be seen as independent when the so called Slabour, Slibdems and Stories see their parties not as Scottish parties but as branches of England’s ones, and when the HQ and the actual leaders of each of those are down in England rather than here?
And how can we possible see Holyrood as an independent parliament when the political fraud leading the SNP falls over herself at every opportunity she comes across to hand over legitimacy to England’s parliament and courts over the Scottish ones to interfere at their leisure with Scotland’s business?
So please don’t insult our intelligence by attempting to distract us with more flying pigs.
“Will you support independence when the chance to vote for it is actually given, by encouraging others to vote and putting your grievances aside. No matter how/when that vote is happening”
Your question is flawed. It is flawed because it is being built under a false premise. You claim “when the chance to vote for it is actually given”. That is a false premise. We have an opportunity to vote for independence as individuals at every single election. Every single one. The only thing we need is to either vote for a party that actually includes in its manifesto a mandate to terminate the treaty of union on winning the election, or spoil our ballot writing on it we are voting for the termination of the union.
Voting for independence or not is completely pointless until you have a political or civil vehicle that is willing to act upon it and repeal the treaty of union. At present, we have two potential vehicles in construction, Alba and SALVO.
“Do you agree that the UK should NOT be trying to repeal laws set in Scotland, despite the fact you disagree with that law”
It depends. If those laws are passed in the actual parliament of Scotland – the one reconvened by our MPs when they find the backbones to depart from the comforts of our allocated seats in WEstminter, and which is not restricted by the Scotland Act or any other law passed by Westminster- then absolutely, I most definitely agree Westminter should not, must not and CANNOT repeal those laws because it does no longer have any legitimacy to continue pretending it is acting on behalf of Scotland.
But if those laws are passed in the Westminster mini-me, restricted by the Scotland Act and overflowing with useful idiots of the Uk state, then hell no, I do not agree. I will only agree to that when those idiots occupying our seats in Holyrood start to see and treat that parliament as OUR parliament and not everybody else’s parliament. For as long as they continue to abide like Westminster’s minions by the Scotland Act, Holyrood is not Scotland’s parliament and it does not represent the interests of the Scottish people. It represents the interests of the crown and the UK state, and occasionally, like we seen in the last couple of days, the interests of perverts and rapists.
“But but Trans!”
Trans what?
Transparent, transport, transfixed, transformation, transatlantic, transposition, transfiguration, transfer, translucent, translation, trans… what?
What will be the next self-awarded appropriation by the back door of the vested interests behind the so called “trans” movement? Every effing word starting with the prefix trans?
I would like to ask you the following questions:
1. What was the real urgency for the SNP, Greens, Libdems and labour to pass this rapists and perverts’ enabling charter that is deliberately putting women and children at risk?
2. What vested interest has been instigating this abhorrent legislation and why?
3. Why haven’t the SNP MPs cut Sturgeon’s bullshit and S30 bluff at the roots by vacating our seats in WEstminster, temporarily reconvening Scotland’s old parliament, putting the Treaty of Union and Act of Union with England under temporary suspension, legislate for the referendum and hold it?
They have had sufficient majority to do this since 8th May 2015.
So why not?
4. How can be possible that 56, 35 and now 45 MPs are so scared of a pint size, PR product and fake of a leader? Who/what is giving her that level of power? Who/What has been in control of the SNP since 14 November 2014?
Take your time.
Dan2 says: 24 December, 2022 at 12:14 pm
I wonder if younger voters, particularly females, if they were a lot older which support this legislation if due to declining health required full time care, particularly help of an intimate nature?
But I just hope the independence movement can move onto something else now. Change the government after indy and change laws if you wish. But let’s get there first.
How is that going to happen when the SNP are passing laws that are contentious and alienates No voters who are already sceptical about independence anyway?
It is just such an own-goal.
And supporting Westminster reversing the decision is a terrible idea. Except, it may bolster the support for independence again because of the interference.
Ordinarily I would agree with you but do you seriously believe that support for independence is going to rise if Westminster blocks GRR?
It is going to have the opposite effect where more people are going to frightened off by independence for fear of being suggest to regressive and extreme legislation only supported by a small part of the population.
HatueyI vote vote for Cannibalism! Being an Islander sometimes like this week between Cal-Mac not sailing and the incompetence of the Co-op stock ordering system , you get tolk fighting in the Aisle for the wee Robin that habitually goes in to eat some bread rolls.
Even if you can get fresh produce there is a chance it will be off by the time you get home.
I asked a question on a local forum this week if like me the milk was going off well before sell by date.
One woman said she got home with a milk and it was off and another said two packs of butter she recently purchased were off.
Some folk have to make up to a forty mile return journey to get their shopping.
So Cannibalism is an option !
@Douglas Leighton 12:10
That’s a good analysis.
I think there’s another factor in play.
Congenitally incapable of achieving anything of lasting value or effect in the real world, our overpaid parish council have seized on something they may just be able to pull off.
If it wasn’t self-id, it would have been some other pointless nonsense, chosen by them simply because it was feasible to do it.
In the real world, Scotland, the UK, Europe and indeed most of the world are foundering under the weight of excruciatingly difficult problems. In common with myself, and indeed just about everybody, our elected nonentities are frozen like rabbits in the headlights in the face of these obstacles.
How gratifying it must be for them when somebody turns up saying “fuck all that hard stuff, we can do this virtue signalling bollocks instead”.
Mac says:
24 December, 2022 at 12:03 pm
People seeing this clip from around the world must be thinking what a fucked up weirdo little country Scotland has become that women with densely hairy front bottoms are flashing their own MSPs to demonstrate what a real woman looks like and not allow known rapists to be sent to female prisons.
All it will confirm to the rest of the world is that not only do we not play football like Brazil but we don’t wax like them either …
Dan2 @12:14
As a new englishman with residual memories of hating the neighbours behaving badly I’d be inclined to take a closer look at that first paragraph and sack the focus group -or at least check its not being run by Kezia or similar..
Obvious policy change from the symptoms you describe being to bring back smacking and possibly give the teachers one, not dole out certificates of sisterhood on demand.
Your cartoons are always deceptively simple Chris and yet there is always a depth there worthy of comment. Take for example your use of the word ‘believe’ which effectively puts the idea of indyref2 as being no more than ‘pie in the sky’. Furthermore, a quick visit to the WGD site, puts this censorship in context, where there is not a single mention of recent ideological events. Yes, we are truly in the realms of Stalinist denial of certain scientific endeavours because they never fitted with the narrative of the era. You don’t believe that sex is binary, do you? Well, we’ll legislate against that and just Photoshop it out of existence. God! What a schmuck PK is for playing that party line! All contemptible.
“Younger voters are right on most issues…” .
You may “tend to think” that but you are betraying your confusion to everyone by telling us so. Younger voters are not a homogenous bloc of people for a start and neither are older voters, so what the f*** are you even going on about?
Also you clearly don’t know what democracy is, so I’ll explain it to you in brief terms. We have a parliamentary democracy and if something’s lawful then it doesn’t matter what we the people happen to think about an issue, if the people think the “law’s an ass” it doesn’t matter, it’s still the law. If legislation has passed the different stages of parliamentary scrutiny and has received Royal Assent then it’s the law (but see below). So whether someone ‘supports’ the law or not is neither here nor there. Similarly, until a proposed piece of legislation becomes law then it isn’t the law of the land. The process of legislating is important here as I will now explain. Some legislation takes a long time to become law because parts of a bill only become effective through ‘statutory instruments’ the timing of which is under the control of the govt. Many bills also require separate regulations to come into effect, a process which Shona Robison alluded to in response to Russell Findlay (I think). The Gender Recognition Reform Bill has only passed the parliamentary stage. It isn’t the law in Scotland yet by any means. The UK govt can still intervene at this late stage because that is part of our devolved parliamentary democratic system. For this legal system, the phrase ‘respecting Scottish democracy’ has no meaning. That phrase is political and has no strict legal meaning in our devolved system.
Going back to the legislative process, the introductory text of the last piece of legislation I looked at showed the bill in question being passed on a particular date and Royal Assent being given five weeks later. You then need to look at the ‘commencement’ part of the legislation to see what parts of a bill come into effect and when. Some parts of a bill never come into effect at all. The devil is in the detail which is why lawyers can lighten your wallet in the highly ethical way only they know how…
So in reality a lot can happen between a bill’s parliamentary passage and Royal Assent as we may be about to find out.
As for the Rev being a de facto unionist…
If someone wanted the UK govt to intervene all the time then that would make them a de facto unionist but this doesn’t apply in Stu’s case as you well know…actually I take that back…your confusion is on such a basic level that perhaps you don’t know that.
It’s worth bearing in mind Sturgeon doesn’t give a fuck about public opinion – least of all Scottish public opinion .
Her real audience is her Prog gal pals eg Hilarious C , Jace The Mace A , Just-in-time Trudy ( honorary gal ) n the rest of the Nu World Ordure ” You’ll Do What We Fuckin’ Tell You ” Mob .
If/when the Tory Gov challenge this aberration Stoogeon will frame it as some heroic holy war against the forces of Repressive/Regressive Patriarchy , or some such studenty bollocks n , aye , that old movable feast n flexible now-you-see-it-now-you don’t chimera * Democracy * will be dragged from it’s narcotic catatonia and pressed into the defence of the indefensible
Dan2 says:
24 December, 2022 at 12:08 pm
(to Rev.Stu) I would say supporting Westminster intervening in this issue means you are a defacto unionist.
Pure “Nelly is a pink elephant, therefore all elephants are pink” logic.
As Enoch Powell wisely pointed out, power devolved is power retained – this applies to not merely Holyrood and the regional assemblies, but to local councils and to international organisations. Or as Pontius Pilate never put it, “the buck stops here.”
When any tier of government starts taking actions which could be deemed ultra vires or in a manner noxious to the nation as a whole (Scotland or other parts of the UK), it can equally be said they risk jeopardizing that devolution that we have already by their stupidity in much the same way those in Northern Ireland are within a whisker of Stormont being perma-mothballed again. On another level, in recent times Liverpool City Council found itself subject to direct intervention when it became as trustworthy with money as Father Ted Crilley.
Failure by Westminster to intervene could easily be regarded as a dereliction of duty, ironically in itself an argument for independence. It’s not as black and white as you make out.
Skip_NC says:
24 December, 2022 at 12:14 pm
If Dan2 is who I think he is, he is being very silly.
Merganser says:
24 December, 2022 at 12:30 pm
Dan2 …Why not use your real name, Pete?
Maybe Stu could have a Christmas competition “Unmask The Dan2”, with the winner getting a bottle of Laphroaig?
Robert Hughes says: 24 December, 2022 at 2:01 pm
If the Tory Gov capitulates and ensure English legislation falls in line with those the Scottish government, which is possible, watch her prog pals disappear from the indy cause like snow off a dyke.
I am hoping for some things once I get over the bah humbugery that this English Xmas spirit thing induces in me.
The first thing I am hoping for is that the Alba Party will get some electoral boosts due to the undemocratic actions of people hating harridans in the SNP who represent about 0.000000000001% of the population.
The second thing I am hoping for is that the English Brit Tories overturn this nasty piece of legislation and that the Transgender Nazis, BLM fanatics, Feminazis and Wokists will fuck off and form their own unelectable Party to try and sell their shit policies to an electorate that doesn’t want to know.
My other wish for the New Year is thus that the Sturgeon and her cabal will fall and the SNP will once again become a Party of Scottish Independence and not the the Party of blokes and haters fighting to swing their rancid sexual parts in women’s chanties.
” If the Tory Gov capitulates and ensure English legislation falls in line with those the Scottish government, which is possible, watch her prog pals disappear from the indy cause like snow off a dyke.”
For sure , PacMan . Though they might hang around if they think they can persuade the geniuses @ ScotGov Inc to be the first country to lower the Age of Consent to 5 y.o . Respecting the rights and fully-formed wishes of toddlers is very important , doncha know ?
Excellent cartoon, depicting that:
“The settler’s work is to make even dreams of liberty impossible for the native.” (Frantz Fanon)
And so the decolonization template continues:
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Regarding the Westminster government striking down this latest Holyrood legislation.
What they could do is say “you made your bed, now lie in it”. Not making any attempt to overrule it.
However they could then legislate that the Holyrood law would only have jurisdiction in Scotland. That’s how to bounce the problem back to source.
Imagine a gender certificate that was not valid for passports or driving licences.
O/T: Corstophine/Murrayfield ward, Edinburgh council, by-election due to resignation in December of a longstanding SNP councillor Frank Ross.
Please, please Alba – have a candidate standing – preferably very high quality and profile e.g. Kenny MacAskill as his constituency is nearby. Wouldn’t that set the cat amongst the pigeons?
The very thought is lifting my spirits on a very dreich day politically and meteorologically.
I’ll believe in, and vote for Scottish independence until I take my last breath, as Alex Salmond said, The Dream Will Never Die.
Identity Politics and Culture Wars are the means by which the Yanqui Security State and its Anglo poodle promote and exercise Atlanticist hegemony.
“Colour Revolution” ©?Foggy Bottom & Langley, is ubiquitous. For Colour Revolution read CIA / State Department engineered coup d’état.
These Colour Revolutions are produced from the same playbook. The similarities from country to country are striking.
A Westernised, urban, privileged middle class protesting a democratically legitimate Government elected by the majority of citizens comprising the urban working class and the rural poor.
Thailand, Egypt, Türkiye, Belarus ….
Signs that indicate all is not as it seems.
* The urban, middle class protesters (usually limited to the capital City) will hold placards with slogans in English (a language with which they may not even share an alphabet). Who instructs them to do this? Who are the intended target audience?
* The Western msm will denounce the Government (they’ll use the term “regime”) as “populist”. A preposterous, Swiftian inversion of the dictionary definition where we are to understand that “populism” is somehow now anti-democratic.
* The BBC will invariably provide sympathetic coverage of the middle class demonstrators. Terms like “reform” and “minority rights” will be deployed. Any reference to actual, empirical democracy is scrupulously avoided.
The pink, light blue and white Colour Revolution we have just witnessed was an inside job. No insurrection to replace a Government but an Identity Politics Psy-Op. to secure a regime.
This is what Sturgeon the betrayer thinks of our nurses, the Judas has the chutzpah to say the other day that she stood with the unions.
“Nurses and other NHS staff in Scotland are “furious” and intend to press on with strikes in the New Year after being told the Government’s latest pay offer will be imposed on them – despite being rejected.”
“The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) accused ministers of “ignoring” its members, who are pressing for a better deal despite other health unions accepting the offer.”
The GMB, meanwhile, said strike action by its members in the NHS – including those in the Scottish Ambulance Service – was now “almost inevitable”.
“Earlier this week, 82 per cent of RCN members voted to reject the deal, with dates for industrial action across the NHS due to be announced early in January.”
In a meeting with union leaders on Friday, Health Secretary Humza Yousaf told them that the pay offer would start to be implemented anyway.”
This is what Sturgeon the betrayer thinks of our nurses, the Judas has the chutzpah to say the other day that she stood with the unions.
“Nurses and other NHS staff in Scotland are “furious” and intend to press on with strikes in the New Year after being told the Government’s latest pay offer will be imposed on them – despite being rejected.”
“The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) accused ministers of “ignoring” its members, who are pressing for a better deal despite other health unions accepting the offer.”
The GMB, meanwhile, said strike action by its members in the NHS – including those in the Scottish Ambulance Service – was now “almost inevitable”.
“Earlier this week, 82 per cent of RCN members voted to reject the deal, with dates for industrial action across the NHS due to be announced early in January.”
In a meeting with union leaders on Friday, Health Secretary Humza Yousaf told them that the pay offer would start to be implemented anyway.”
red sunset says: 24 December, 2022 at 2:38 pm
As I had said, it makes sense for the Tories to weaponise this legislation for the next General elections .
All they need to do is play up the threat of a SNP/Labour coalition and the SNP pushing GRR as part of that deal. That will keep disillusioned Tory voters south of the border in line.
I know I had got caught up in the emotion of the Hollyrood Tories doing the right thing but they don’t run their party, it’s their masters in London. When their master calls, they fall in line.
…to cut a longish story short, mibbes Chris’ Santa balloon could be paraphrased to read, ‘You don’t still believe that sex is binary at your age, do you?
We all get there in the end.
“Vivian O’Blivion says:
24 December, 2022 at 2:43 pm
Identity Politics and Culture Wars are the means by which the Yanqui Security State and its Anglo poodle promote and exercise Atlanticist hegemony.”
Good post Vivian, and lets not forget the change agents placed into organisations, NGO’s and even governments to change minds to push agendas that the public don’t want, and haven’t voted for.
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Stuart REV
Please spare us from Dan dan 2s questions he’ll keep going on n on He’s a confuddle’d Sturgionite .
The sooner Jack/Badenock put this GRA/ GRR to Westminster the better the YES movement is to fractured to stop Sturgeon .
Lol. Can people stop suggesting that I am James from scotgoespop. I’m definitely not. I don’t even have his writing style. I’ve argued with him a few times on twitter with things we disagree on. I don’t even know him. I do agree with him more than Stu though and I am a reader of his blog.
I also read wings even though I agree with Stu much less. But I can’t deny what Stu did for the campaign back in the day.
Anyway. I have to laugh at all the straw-manning going on here. They don’t even justify a response, but I will anyway.
“What about if they legalised cannibalism or killing babies or raping them..” For fuck sake. These things are not even related and I’m not sure why all your fucked up heads went there.
These policies would never happen so it’s absurd to even debate them and they are in no way related to what’s going on.
In some alternate reality if these things happened. There are many routes to fix it. Vote them out (if there is an election very shortly, obviously you couldn’t wait much longer than a week or so with these types of things in place) and preferably arrest them all afterwards too.
General strike indefinitely until reversed. Riot. Hostile takeover of government. I honestly don’t care what it would take to get rid of abhorrent laws like this. Preferably strict sanctions from other countries too.
But none of these are wishing for another country to change the laws for us. We need to change them ourselves.
But obviously these circumstances are so extreme it’s hard to imagine what you’d do, that’s why they are such stupid hypotheticals. Maybe I would want to be invaded, lol. But who cares. We are not there and nowhere near it.
So for all the strawmen out there. Hatuey, Merganser and I’d include Stu here too. What would you do if this gender law came into place after we were already independent? Would you vote to be not independent? Ask Westminster to do a hostile takeover? What’s your answer. I answered your absurd questions, so you can answer my simple one.
And if your answer is, we’d use democracy and of course we wouldn’t allow Westminster to decide. Then why is it different now?
@PhilM 2:00 pm
That’s a good, explanatory post.
I guess it is still legal in Scotland then, for the people who do ultrasound scans to point to a shadow on the picture and tell the doting parents they are expecting a baby boy, or maybes a baby girl.
Still legal, and no chance of being sued for assuming the unborn’s pronouns, for now.
Stuart REV
Please spare us from Dan dan 2s questions he’ll keep going on n on He’s a confuddle’d Sturgionite .
The sooner Jack/Badenock put this GRA/ GRR to Westminster the better the YES movement is to fractured to stop Sturgeon .
The signs in English ie American are generally an indicator of Western intelligence/media meddling. Social media provide the matrix.
Rich and comfortable expats are another indicator. They are the first call for explanation of the events. They usually understand little of what is going on but that does not deter being cited as «expert». Iraq, where i was born in the middle of the US «liberation» invasion, was a classic of the bogus information kind; criminal in its consequences.
The «MidEast» tends to be prey to such poseurs. Remember Syria? Iran is currently benefiting from their expertise, all about women’s rights it seems nothing at all to do with State Dept backed Kurdish separatism designed to fracture Iran for neo colonial exploitation.
Then there is that wee war in Europe’s wild east, similarly a stalking ground of the expert.
And another question for the straw men. If 99% of the public wanted to abolish homosexuality. Do you think that law should be implemented.
@ ronald anderson: Season’s greetings to you too, Ronnie.
On your other point, what if we both message the Rev on the Contact button? I’ll do it now because there’s a tsunami of unhelpful piffle washing around already and Chris isn’t getting the plaudits his drawing deserves.
Do you agree that Santa here looks like Grouse Beater?
Heard on the radio this morning Tory branch manager in Scotland Douglas Ross, say when asked who or what his thought were with this Christmas, the Tory puppet didn’t let me down he replied my thoughts are with the Royal family, C..mon, WTF.
His thoughts aren’t with the poor or homeless or those struggling to survive in this cost-of-living-in-the-union-crisis, or those kids that won’t get a Christmas present, nor those who can’t heat their homes, no this b*stards thoughts are with the billionaires with multiple homes that are cosseted daily.
Meanwhile the vile creature Shona Robinson said on the possibility of Westminster blocking the rapist and paedo enabling charter aka the GRRB.
“The bill as passed is absolutely within legislative competence and of course was backed by an overwhelming majority with support from all parties,” she said on BBC Radio Scotland on Friday.
“I think any attempt by the UK Government to undermine what is, after all, the democratic will of the Scottish Parliament, it will be vigorously contested by the Scottish Government.”
So, the rapist enabling SNP government will fight tooth and nail to allow rapists and paedos into women and children’s safe spaces, we must never vote for this lot again, they disgust me.
Vote for the Alba party, join the Alba party.
Also, Tommy (the trougher) Sheppard just can’t help himself here, any opportunity to finger point to make him and his SNP troughing MPs look good to us back home is jumped upon.
“SNP MP Tommy Sheppard has said this is yet another “outrageous” bid from the UK Government to “undermine” devolution, something he claims is becoming a common theme.
He said: “No matter what your view is on the gender reform bill, this is quite outrageous from the UK Government.”
First up is the SNP MPs we need to make sure they are not re-elected they’ve done f*ck all to further the indy cause, lets make sure that wannabe Speaker of the House Pete Wishart is turfed out on his ear for good.
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@sarah 2.42
Why would Kenny MacAskill MP stand in a local council bye election?
Doubtless Alba must have someone local they could stand.
Abolish homosexuality? That’s like abolishing red hair.
“Dan says:
24 December, 2022 at 3:35 pm
And another question for the straw men. If 99% of the public wanted to abolish homosexuality. Do you think that law should be implemented.”
Whataboutery pish.
Its about keeping women and children safe, the GRRB is unamended which allows convicted rapists and paedo when back on the street to decide to be a pretendy woman to get access to women and children’s safe spaces.
Take a look at these monsters, now image how women and children would feel with this lot invading their safe spaces.
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Sarah I think Stu will see the message on the main thread & Yes Chris Cairns does a great job as for Santa being like Gareth GB he’s never had a beard that long .
Sturgeon the Judas, with a big fake smile spews out her Christmas message to Scots one sentence is, “I also want to thank all those for whom Christmas isn’t a holiday at all.” and she goes onto name the NHS as one of those services, yet she and her utterly inept Health Minister Humza Yousaf won’t give them a fair and proper pay rise. See my 2.48pm comment.
Of course Sturgeon and her revolting MSPs will fight like cornered lions to defend the unamended GRRB which allows rapists and paedos into women and children’s safe spaces, but to give our hard working nurses a fair and proper wage rise…no way.
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PacMan, I understand that Westminster can probably legally overrule some things we do. That’s the law. I say from a moral standpoint I disagree with this. Basically I believe in independence so it’s understandable that I get annoyed when things happen that are the opposite of that.
Like getting tory governments we don’t vote for. People have been making that argument for decades and you didn’t say then: “Oh good sir, I don’t think you understand how devolution works, of course the torys can rule over us, that’s the law”. Yes they can, the point is. I don’t like that.
Lame argument.
Republicofscotland it is whataboutery pish. You are correct. But it was in retaliation to the 10x more absurd strawmen arguments against me. What happens if the SNP wanted people to eat their children etc. Would you want Westminster to step in then?
I’m just using (an actually milder version) of their own tactics against them. Surely you can see this.
Sums it up perfectly Chris
ronald anderson I don’t like sturgeon.
Have you read
Alive: The True Story of the Andes Survivors by
Piers Paul Read
There’s also a film. Might be on Netflixs
Check it out it might be better than watching
Santa Claus-The Movie, The Sound of Music, Love Actually & the Queens Speech.
I don’t think it’s a transphobic movie but it might be. Better check the list if you are worried about that sort of thing.
Hey do we know if turkeys have been self-iding as human?
Years late, millions over budget and vital paperwork missing, no to mention what looks like a few palms greased along the way, and that’s the story so far on the two ferries, well one ferry the others nowhere near looking like a ferry commissioned by the Scottish government to be built at Ferguson’s shipyard.
Now new ferries will be built in Turkey.
“A TURKISH shipyard will officially be awarded the contract to build two new boats for Scotland’s ferry service, it has been announced.
Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL), the firm which owns much of Scotland’s ferry infrastructure, has announced two new boats to serve Uig, Lochmaddy and Tarbert will be built by the Cemre Marin Endustri A.S in Turkey.
It is the same yard contracted to build new ferries to serve Islay and the Little Minch route boats will be built to the same specifications as those currently under construction.”
This rapist enabling SNP Scottish government didn’t fight tooth and nail to secure the building of those ferries in Scotland, nor have they fought tooth and nail to further or deliver Scottish independence, but the GRRB, well they’ll fight to the end to protect that.
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Nice. My posts are being deleted now. This will be my last post. If I’m not wanted it’s fine I’ll go somewhere else. Just trying to have a debate and people are just going mental. Okay I used a sensationalist tactic to get a response from Stu but it’s only because I’m worried about the movement moving forward.
Last thing I’ll say is what I said in my last post which was in response to Republicofscotland. Yes. It is whataboutery pish. I was trying to play some folks here at their own game who were using strawmen arguments against me. Like “would you want Westminster to interfere if the SNP allowed child sacrifice” etc etc.
I am just playing them at their own game with a far less ridiculous comparison.
Anyway. I’ll go back to writing my scotgoespop blog /s
Ach can this thread not just be a fun Christmas Eve Party where we tell jokes and recommend good films to watch, books to read, music to listen and fun clips from You tube?
I thought this was great. My favourite pair were the two young men who were in front of the girl with the Christmas sweater.
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Happy Christmas everyone.
The fight continues.
Ciao bello
Its often claimed the best way to get rid of something is to tax it, so you may inadvertently have invented a new target for the call to tax the 1%
Wouldnt have worked in the old days but now you can prolly ask alexa who’s doing what and use a sliding scale from hair ruffling to the Eurovision song contest, etc.
Take heart for all that from red sunset’s observation that it may now be impossible for those identifying as truly English to give ANYONE born in Scotland an official document due to there being reasonable doubt as to what constitutes male or female up there – and the likelihood that geordies working the Newcastle passport office are gearing up for a fun new year too..
have a good one whatever your up to
youz’re even
You’re right Ruby. Merry Xmas everyone
OK, sick of the random pre-moderation now. I’ll leave BTL for those who can stomach it.
Festive Season champagne for my real friends. Real pain for my sham friends!
See you on the other side hopefully.
OK, sick of the random pre-moderation now. I’ll leave BTL for those who can stomach it.
It’s not random. You’re on the pre-mod list because THE FUCKING RULES ABOUT ABUSING OTHER POSTERS APPLY TO YOU TOO and you finally exhausted my patience. You had plenty warnings and I am fucking DONE with repeating myself.
Great speech from Alba’s Neale Hanvey outside Holyrood surrounded by very concerned women.
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Time to say goodbye (more like f*ck-off) to the SNP/Green rapist enablers, and say hello to the Alba party, vote Alba at every turn for the sake of our women and children, grandchildren, wives and daughters safety.
I wonder what Jenny thought of that, the commentors below aren’t to impressed by the craven Marra, expected from a BLiS boy
“Michael Marra allowed to skip gender reform vote to save job on Labour frontbench.”
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Republicofscotland says:
24 December, 2022 at 4:39 pm
“SNP Scottish government didn’t fight tooth and nail to secure the building of those ferries in Scotland, nor have they fought tooth and nail to further or deliver Scottish independence”
There is a reason the meritocracy in a colony is mediocre and will therefore inevitably leave numerous failed policies in its wake. The very concept of a protectorate means “it is in the colonizer’s interest that he be excluded from management functions, and that these heavy responsibilities be reserved for the colonizer” (Albert Memmi). Closer analysis of most of the key decision makers in ferries policy reveal this to be pretty much the case, and ditto in other government policy areas in Scotland, including independence.
Merry Xmas – Bah Humbug.
I have a niece who is a Nurse and I have one who is Primary School Teacher. I suspect they will both have strikes to picket for in the New Year but hey the Sturgeon Govt has given them the right to have some creep flash his dick or clit at them – Like I said – Bah Humbug.
The SNP hasn’t just failed the cause of Scottish Independence.It has failed ordinary Scots on several different levels. Too busy caring about giving Deviants the right to Self ID as women.
We can expect more of this in the New Year I suppose.
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“I would say supporting Westminster intervening in this issue means you are a defacto unionist.”
Well then you can fuck off.
Christmas is the quintessence of un woke.
Woman, pregnant, birth, boy, circumcision……
No prob with the birth cert details.
Joyous Feast of the Incarnation to all!
6.55 Weil said that Manny lol
To the SNP’s credit they’ve never failed to leave carrots out..
Hoorah! This has reached 6K
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Keep signing.
A protest of 6K is quite a big protest.
Lets try to get rid of the GRA 2004 and start from scratch.
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My preferences would be NO SEX CHANGES
Impersonating a woman to be made a hate crime.
Black face is a hate crime so why not woman face.
I would also like to see more research done into gender dysphoria and hopefully come up with a better solution than the current one which is absolutely barbaric.
Here’s to that Ruby. I signed both petitions.
After what she’s done to women and children with the unamended GRRB, Sturgeon the Judas has the cheek to wish everyone a Merry Christmas Eve, this egotistical sociopath of an FM, clearly doesn’t understand that she’s sent her party into serious decline and that the SNP in Scotland is on course to become the new BLiS.
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So we just give up then?
From another rapist enabling MSP Ross Greer, with the GRRB in mind.
“They threw every spurious argument, conspiracy theory, hateful comment and abuse of process they could at this. They did not stop us.”
No we couldn’t, but we can certainly remove you and your rapist enabling buddies from Holyrood when the time comes and we will, the majority of Scots didn’t want this nor did they vote for it, enjoy your time in the chamber at Holyrood for it will be the last time you’re elected to it.
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“Wishing everyone a happy Christmas Eve”: Sturgeon.
Except for viewers in Scotland…..
Sturgeon-free in ’23?
Surely there must be a Globalist/Establishment sinecure waiting for her somewhere after her great GRRA triumph, following in the dubious steps of other useful idiots like George Robertson and Nick Clegg.
We can but hope.
It’s often brought up in discussion on BTL comments about the political landscape when Scotland does become Independent. Will there be an SNP, or ALBA, or ISP? What will Slab and STories become?
What is certain is that fundamental beliefs won’t change: there will always be capitalists, socialists, liberals, and many shades in between in an Independent Scotland.
But what of Independence parties, who cater for all ideologies?
As a bit of fun during the festive period, (and Christmas wishes to everyone) why not think up some new names for parties that will be contesting elections on day 1 of Indy Scotland.
Here are some profiles of existing parties (well, my profiles) to help point in the right direction: –
Conservative Party, whose guiding principles include the promotion of private property and enterprise, the maintenance of a strong military, and the preservation of traditional cultural values and institutions.
The membership is drawn heavily from the landowning and middle classes—especially businessmen, managers, and professionals. Electorally, it has at times extended beyond these groups and conned approximately one-third of the working class into supporting them.
Labour Party, formerly working-class party whose historic links with trade unions had led it to promote an active role for the state in the creation of economic prosperity and in the provision of social services.
Since mid-1980’s, it has moved ever closer to Conservative Party ideologies, dropped its unilateral nuclear disarmament policy, abandoned Clause 4, and is now a fully functioning Neo-Liberal party. From a slogan in 1994, the party formally adopted the name ‘New’ Labour under Tony Blair.
Membership pedigrees are now difficult to define but is supported by a mixture of working class and liberal-left academics. Strength of party has declined considerably since 2005.
Liberal Party has included various schools of thought, but all Liberals were united in that the source of progress lay in the free exercise of individual energy. The purpose of politics, therefore, was to create the conditions within which individual energy could thrive to the betterment of all.
Membership has been in decline for some time, but the party is still fairly strong in the north and northern and western islands.
Scottish Socialist Party is an anti-capitalist, pro-independence, working-class, left-wing party whose guiding principles include socialism, internationalism, Scottish Independence, and class struggle.
They have a committed, single minded membership with policies wholly aimed at improving the lot of poor and working-class Scots at the expense of wealthy companies and individuals.
SNP were, until recently, a left of centre Independence party that failed by a whisker to gain independence under the brilliant leadership of Alex Salmond. Since Salmond’s departure in 2014 it has morphed into a poor replica of Tony Blairs New Labour. The transition has been plagued by disastrous leadership and decision making in every area of policy.
Membership, drawn from all social classes, reached incredible numbers in 2015, but as seen a rapid decline since. A small coterie of senior party officials dictates all areas of policy without consultation of members or electorate.
ALBA formed in 2021, is a membership led, left of centre party with Independence as an immediate priority. It believes in an elected head of state, a written constitution, and membership of EFTA. Tackling poverty, progressive taxation, women’s rights, equalities and welfare and social security are central to its core beliefs.
ALBA considers it preferable to have at least two Independence parties contesting elections to Holyrood.
Membership is from diverse backgrounds. The party has only recently become established with the Scottish electorate but with the country’s most astute political leaders guiding the membership, it is now making significant headway.
Scottish Green Party describe themselves as a party of social and environmental justice, climate change, workers’ rights, animal rights and electoral reform, and tag on independence to the list almost as an afterthought.
In practice, their focus is on gender reform and lowering the age of consent to enable children to participate in practices that are currently illegal.
In the 2021 HR elections, they performed a remarkable feat by converting 1.29% of FPP votes into 16% of elected MSPs, followed by entering a ruling coalition administration!
‘Ladies and gentlemen, Ellis has left the building.’
Just think , around this time , centuries ago in a wee bothy in Bethlehem , a * woman * was getting ready to assign a gender to her soon to be born baby-person .
Great work, Chris. It’s depressingly accurate but great work all the same
Merry Christmas to one and all – particularly Ronnie!
We have Westminster controlling our Oil & Gas, Controlling Nuclear weapons on our doorstep, pulling us out of the EU and the SNP do shit about it. These idiots now want me to be outraged that Westminster may undo the TransCult madness led by Sturgeon.
What kind of moron would be upset at them undoing the TransCult screwup but are happy with all the other Tory actions and happy to wait, and wait, and wait……???
Is this true?
‘Qatar produces 1 900 000 barrels of oil per day, Scotland 1 700 000 barrels of oil per day, That 200 000 barrels has made some difference to Qatar’s economy eh?’
link to
What a shame & at Christmas too.
You moonhowling, nativistic fringe nutters with your cunning plans for indy etc drove the man crazy!

I don’t have any champagne but I’ve got loads of other stuff.
What would you like?
I’m having a Cointreau & Coke.
Cheers! Happy Christmas everyone especially Stuart.
Without him we wouldn’t be here.
Oh shut up! I am not a suck up.
Tories plot to put Sir Keir Starmer on the spot over gender law
link to
Mia, just everything you said. Tried to argue every point you made, tried hard, couldn’t find it. Done with wondering why(still would like to ask her why?) I was at the protests at parliament, I felt very alone but was heartened at the turnout. Sturgeon is everything Alex Salmond isn’t. I just feel done now. New Year new fight, thank god for “gussiegrips”. Well done the merkin!!!
I was going to contact The Rev this morning about Ellis’s posts but didn’t – reckoning that as The Rev was back full-time, he would see onnyhoo. He obviously did.
However, I must type that it seems obvious that other BTL commenters had been “phishing” Ellis for reaction. Let’s all behave ourselves.
Ian Brotherhood says:
24 December, 2022 at 10:28 pm
Is this true?
‘Qatar produces 1 900 000 barrels of oil per day, Scotland 1 700 000 barrels of oil per day, That 200 000 barrels has made some difference to Qatar’s economy eh?’
link to
ACHT a don’t ken Ian . Ye’ll need tae ask the resident (yoon) CHAS JOHN MAIN ‘s of this world . We don’t huv enough of oor ain energy,lekie,gas, oil,computer tech, farming ,fishing etc.
too poor us- sour wee souls we ur.
Surely nobody believes Westminster will undo the gender reform legislation? That’s an easy one for the PM — there’s clearly a lot more political capital in letting it go ahead. Let it fester, let it divide, criticise it by all means, but don’t stop it, because stopping it just fuels debates about Scotland being dictated to, etc., and there’s nothing in that debate for Westminster.
Nah. We are stuck with it. Sorry if that’s a disappointment.
Ian Brotherhood says:
24 December, 2022 at 9:13 pm
‘Ladies and gentlemen, Ellis has left the building.’
Thank fuck!
Merry Xmas Rev, Chris and Wingers
Listen it’s no the end of the world. Mr HARVIE and Ginger cunt GREER have another more sinister plan for us.
These creeps havn’t stopped yet- It’s up to us now.
@Ruby (10.39) –
I don’t know which is more exciting – Santa coming, or Ellis leaving?
Festive salutations to you and yours!
Dan2: do you believe in independence for Scotland? If you do, you get it that we have an existential crisis on our hands. Why can’t you ‘trans’ late that to females, who are also battling an existential crisis? Hypocrisy?
Creepy Nicola Sturgeon.
Cheers to ye Rev, Chris, Hamish and all aboard the good ship WOS.
Fight and you may die… live and you may prosper:
link to
How the end of innocence times have changed.
Has English Ellis really left the room?
So there is a God.
Does anyone know why?
This is such joyous news.
But don’t forget, he’s got about another six “names” on the go on this website,,,so he hasn’t gone that far.
His “names” will lump on without him.
But at least the head of the dragon has been chopped off.
That has to be a good thing.
Merry Xmas to all genuine Wingers.
Poor Hamish. Suddenly he finds out all he believed in was fake, and that Sturgeon was actually wilfully trying to destroy Scottish independence and the Scottish Parliament from within. Their will be NO indyref2 with Sturgeon, just empty rhetoric and more ‘promises‘.
All those broken promises to Hamish. Looks like Hamish will have to fight for independence without the SNP. Looks like he will.
The YES Movement doesn’t need the help of any political party.
All we are looking for is a date, whether that is a Plebiscite election date, or a referendum date. The YES Movement will do the rest.
I know why but I can’t tell ‘cos it’s Christmas & there’s no swearing at Christmas.
@Robbo 10:50
Thanks for the name check.
No problems my end with comparisons between Scotland & Qatar. What you need to do, in order to grow Indy support, is explain how all of that lovely moolah is going to miraculously transfer ownership from its current rightful owners to us sovereign Scots.
Take your time. Looks like you will have all of 2023 and all of 2024, in the reality of SFA happening elsewhere.
Xmas being a time of miracles an all, maybes those nice owners will indeed just gift it to us. Or maybes you fancy taking it all, in which case do advise us what degree of heat you and your like-thinking pals will be packing.
Of course, if the international, multi-national greens get their way, all of that lovely oil & gas is going to stay exactly where it is, in which case the point is moot.
Best you focus on our renewable resources then, but then the same problem arises. What’s the plan for prising it all from the sticky fingers of the current owners and transferring it to me?
And the other Scots, soz.
Anyhoo, a guid Xmas tae you and yours.
Sorry to see the back of Andy, if it’s true.
His posts consistently injected some rationality and realism into the debate.
Even with him gone, I see from some of the posts above that the “playground shit” continues anyway!
Get a grip! He’s not dead he’s just been banned for ‘personal abuse’
This is not the only forum in town. You’ll be able to meet up with Andy on one of the many other ‘independence’ supporting forums.
ie Scot Goes Pop, Wee Ginger Dug, Craig Murray, etc etc etc
Sign this:
link to
Spot on lol
Marry Christmas to everyone x
Is it coincidence that Andy does a runner just when the new gender laws are formalised? I don’t suppose it matters but I hope he/she finds happiness.
Merry Christmas to all of you from Taipei.
Jeeeezus! Something tells me Sturgeon’s gender preoccupation is just the tip of the iceberg. Truly glad i’ve spent most of my life in far simpler times. Where did they all come from? Men from Mars? Women from Venus? The rest from [Insert Planet of Choice]?
Am i the only one who now sees Star Trek as being decades ahead of its time? Life is starting to mirror the good ship Enterprise in that society now seems to be made up of an exotic liberal amalgam of strange, weird and wonderful creatures. And the downright mentally-disturbed.
What is a demi boy? link to
“The extent to which the respective gender is accepted is up to each individual.” FFS! Have a great day everyone. LOL!
” Merry Christmas to all of you from Taipei.”
Lol ! Did you don a Mao suit en route to Taiwan in an effort to fulfil yr prediction ?
Have a great day Hatz ; and , indeed , Capn Campbell n all the Wings Crew .
Things can only get , erm ….less weird in our country aka Monty Fuck’s Flying Circus ( well , maybe ! )
Forgot to say ….. great cartoon Mr Cairns
Often referred to here on Wings Over Scotland, Occam’s razor. LOL! link to
ESPECIALLY THIS: “The universe is a complicated place, but it’s sometimes made more complicated through the invention of complicated explanations that suit a particular ideology, philosophy or political persuasion,”
Are you paying attention, Sturgeon, Harvie & Co? Or is anything other than the alphabet way beyond your capabilities?
Stoker @ 2.12pm
I fear STurgeon and Harvie are the Morecambe and Wise of Scottish politiucs. They are using all the right letters, but, not necessarily in the right order.
Hi Stoker, you were wondering ‘where did they all come from?’ So you might want to have a look at Common Purpose, and find out if any of the Holyrood people are Common Purpose graduates, that’s possible.
My admiration for Mr Campbell has ratcheted up several notches after his outspoken tuition of Dan the man. It is refreshing to see that most people on this forum are stirring from slumber and voicing the sentiments which moved me to abandon the SNP after Mss Sturgeon became leader.
Now we must keep repeating “Never Independence at any cost. If we as a nation are to be taken seriously, we must start to present ourselves as sentient adult human beings, not idiotic ideological inflicted basket cases.
Independence will be hard but necessary, in fact I doubt many of us on this forum will see it’s benefits, which will be generational, but we must never allow Orwell’s pigs to succeed in their attempts to abuse and indoctrinate our women and children…..pull down your saltires, put them in safe keeping and go out and save our nation first.
Now we must keep repeating “Never Independence at any cost. If we as a nation are to be taken seriously, we must start to present ourselves as sentient adult human beings, not idiotic ideological inflicted basket cases.
This shite can be sorted out after independence. There will be no SNP/Green majority after an election or two post-indy, and laws can be repealed or changed. (Think OBFA)
Telling us we cannot have independence until this is fixed is a strange and susoect thing to say IMO.
Merry Christmas!
Now we must keep repeating “Never Independence at any cost. If we as a nation are to be taken seriously, we must start to present ourselves as sentient adult human beings, not idiotic ideological inflicted basket cases.
This shite can be sorted out after independence. There will be no SNP/Green majority after an election or two post-indy, and laws can be repealed or changed. (Think OBFA)
Telling us we cannot have independence until this is fixed is a strange and susoect thing to say IMO.
Merry Christmas!
Seemed to me to be saying
Don’t vote for fucking eejits just cause they wave an Independence flag’
Thankfully, one I already adopted at the last election.
Tick tock for Westminster next.
My name removed from thier voting register & my membership cancelled. I’ve paid & played no part of this farce that gives perverts free access.
One lesson I hope the we take from this is that Holyrood will always need multiple Independence parties, a super majority. If we’d had one the Greens could’ve been told to fuck off & Sturgeon could’ve faced a no confidence vote.
Ruby 9.06am
I’m going to guess that English Ellis got kicked off the site for talking
Bullshit,,, because we all know Bullshit is banned on Wings.
But I see one of his “Main” names lingers on.
Merry Xmas.
This debate has been defined by nothing more than the basest bigotry. It has sickened me to my core. As a queer person I will never, ever forgive a single one of these MSPs. I will carry my revulsion, my outrage, my burning fury for the harm done to my trans siblings to my grave.
Scotsrenewables. 3.40pm
I remember people on here campaigning AGAINST Sturgeon at the last Holyrood election so she would lose her seat in Govanhill,,,and I seem to remember that YOU were one of the loudest voices calling those very people all sorts of fancy names, like “Yoons” and “tractors” for even thinking such a thing.
Don’t you owe those people (including Rev Stu), an apology?
Because if we had succeeded in making sure Sturgeon wasn’t re-elected, then we probably wouldn’t be in this shit place we find ourselves now.
“This shite can be sorted out after independence. There will be no SNP/Green majority after an election or two post-indy, and laws can be repealed or changed.”
Wishfull thinking, Sturgeomania is strong in this area and to attempt to second guess what will happen after a referendum is foolish in the extreme. The cause has long since gone beyond Nation in the minds of these “eejits” (thanks Geri) and any degree of madness is on the table. Remember what they did to AS, who is a supreme politician and a hero to most true Nationalists. Remember how shocked most here were that the gang could cling onto power in the circumstances…well they clung on through the strength of feeling in this country which has been incubated by the Sturgeon led ideologists, they are excellent liars and I’m afraid to say that much of the Scottish electorate are hate filled dimwits who feel a need to undermine and tare down all that is good or inspirational.
Mr McBride says…… I’m going to guess that English Ellis got kicked off the site for talking
Bullshit,,, because we all know Bullshit is banned on Wings.
But I see one of his “Main” names lingers on.
Well I didn’t much care for Mr Ellis’s delivery in this section, I thought him slightly aggressive at times, but Mr Campbell has stated that he has been removed for abusing other members something which I too am totally against.
So I think we can dispense with the half baked guessing games.
No Wilson that is not correct!
I think you might be OK with bullshit on Wings I’ve been posting bullshit for quite a long time the only time I was in trouble was when I called Andy Ellis a c*nt too often.
In my defence I didn’t see that as personal abuse. I was trying to give the man a clue but he just didn’t take a hint. As a result he’s been banned.
Does that answer your question?
Merry Christmas to all GENUINE Wingers, REAL Indy Supporters and REAL WOMEN and GIRLS ,WE support REAL Mothers , REAL Wives ,REAL Sisters, REAL Aunties , and REAL Daughters ,
NO fake woman can give birth to future SCOTS no matter what deviants and perverts insist
Apologies Mr Wilson, I think I may have leaped to the wrong conclusion.
Yes you are correct there has been a lot of harm done & for what?
I have gone from having a great deal of compassion for people suffering from gender dysphoria to being totally transphobic.
I want no more drag, no more lady dicks, no more flippin’ pronouns, no more sex changes, no more crazy words like womb haver & chest feeder.
I am done!
Sorry but your trans siblings need to get themselves better activists, better political representative & a better argument as to why they should encroach on women’s spaces, sports & all the rest.
I am signing this.
link to
I am also done with feminists!
Sturgeon is a tartan BoJo.
When you condense it you see the full picture.
*Surrounds herself with sub-standard sycophant ‘politicians’
*Changes party rules to block any challenge to her leadership
*Appointed yoons as advisors
*Conducts parliament business in secret
*Removed AS threat to return to politics
*Blocked Cherry
*Fkd up procedure regards judicial review
*Fkd up the brexit stance
*Fkd up Keatings
*Blocked super majority – would rather have yoons
*Fkd up indyref & it’s movement
*Despite failure & at a huge cost to taxpayers along with it – refuses to fk off!
Tartan Thatcher isn’t for turning & is not going anywhere. Narcissists never do. Her sub-standard sidekicks will never force her down cause they’re well aware they’d not receive £70k working in the local chippy & her flying monkeys couldn’t give a shit about indy cause GRR was their only agenda & media protection along with it.
Well said Ruby , the gloves have to well and truly come off
The idea that independence overrides all other considerations is not only terrible and naive, it is the very sort of idea that got us into this mess. If more people were willing to question and challenge Sturgeon sooner, and make loyalty to the SNP conditional (rather than something thar could be taken for granted), there’s a good chance we’d be independent by now.
The gender reform legislation is so bad that it’s hard to resist the idea that it was intended to put people off independence. You’ll see that in the polls soon enough.
But Sturgeon’s record has been disastrous across the board, in every area of policy. And common to everything terrible she has done is a really blatant and insultingly childish tendency to try and cover things up, hide the truth, spin everything, bully those who disagree, manipulate and deceive.
The most recent and very typical example of this tendency was revealed by Wings in “On the hush-hush”; it speaks volumes about their contempt for voters and their understanding of how unpopular the gender legislation actually is when they don’t even want to mention it on Twitter.
I might be willing to “weesht for Indy”, but I’m not weeshting for that.
A growing number of people see through all this and Sturgeon is now so deeply unpopular that she is a major drag on support for both independence and the SNP. The idea that we should put all this behind us and focus on independence is quite simply impossible, ridiculous, back-to-front, and wrong.
Only when people stop being so stupid and gullible will progress be possible.
Ruby 4.53pm
Well no matter what you done, it worked.
Go to the top of the tree Ruby.
The last anyone has heard of English Ellis was of him trying to flog Wee Ginger Dug his laptop.
I’m more likely to believe in father christmas, than i am in Indyref2.
It’s not genuine trans. It’s rampant misogyny.
They no more want to change sex than I do.
Gays can fk off too – mutilate them, turn them into toys!
Their wee world is threatened by women getting above thier stations. They should be back in the kitchen where they belong & sadly that’s what the majority are now forced to do. To opt-out or suck it up.
Just look at the treatment of Meghan Market & the pricks in suits that never called time-out in her defense. Giving Even more pricks a platform to spout hate. Even her fkn father in law who didn’t even give them a mention today. Sickening & even more sickening is the biological women who cheered this nonsense into law.
I agree totally Ruby, the ‘be kind’ approach has been a dismal failure. Given an inch they’ve taken a mile. No more! No males in female spaces, irrespective of how they identify, no matter what they’ve done to their bodies, no matter how ‘gentle’ they are.
I’m in no way religious but merry Christmas to everyone who believes in common sense and independence for Scotland x
Merry Christmas to all of you in here even my fellow lurkers. Not sure what all the fuss is about Andy Ellis as I just used to scroll past his posts as he was just a wind up merchant so best ignored. Have a good new year and be nice.
Merry xmas to all.
Keep the dream alive.
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas day and best wishes for 2023!
I watched most of It’s a Few wonderful Life earlier and it got me thinking about parallel universes that I didn’t exist in. The film sorta invites viewers to do that and in doing so assess their impact on the world.
It wasn’t long before I was thoroughly underwhelmed and bored, and I moved on to consider a parallel universe that didn’t include Tricky Nicky.
I wondered who would have taken over from Salmond after 2014 if Sturgeon wasn’t around, and I wondered where we would be now. I think it’s safe to say we would not have had this gender reform stuff foisted upon us, and I’m equally sure Salmond wouldn’t have been dragged through the mud, if Sturgeon hadn’t become SNP leader.
There are a few other “definites”. What other politician would have decided to declare war on his or her own grassroots, for example? That’s uniquely twisted stuff.
Then I naturally moved on to less clear things that might have happened with someone else at the helm. Can you imagine how strong a position we’d be in with Salmond and the grassroots united now, regardless of who that leader was, though?
Outside of the SNP being hijacked by a unionist agent of some sort, it’s difficult to imagine we’d be further away from independence than we are now.
Of all the possible universes and lives, it seems like this is the least wonderful for independence supporters.
I have no idea where the word “Few” came from above… weird. I could blame it on Drambuie, I suppose.
“There are a few other “definites”. What other politician would have decided to declare war on his or her own grassroots, for example? That’s uniquely twisted stuff.
Then I naturally moved on to less clear things that might have happened with someone else at the helm. Can you imagine how strong a position we’d be in with Salmond and the grassroots united now, regardless of who that leader was, though?
Hatuey you forget the spell which Sturgeon has cast over Scottish women who have become a huge political power in Scotland. Although mostly anti independence, the the media feed the bitterness which exists within that demographic about their life role and males in general, personified by AS.
Nothing is going to be easy until the medics have taken back the asylum.
Some women, maybe, akenaton, not all. It looks like she has pissed off a good many recently with this gender stuff though. An aspect of the gender legislation that might explain the way the gender legislation seems to have divided women is class…
I haven’t seen anyone mention it as I haven’t really been that engaged, but it seems to me the gender stuff will impact most negatively on poor and working class women who naturally depend more on the sort of spaces that are now going to be accessible to trans-women. I’m talking about prisons, hospitals, womens aid, charities, support groups, etc.
It’s full of crude generalisations, but I think it’s fair to say poorer women are more likely to find themselves in prison, needing help from charities, womens’ aid, and possibly even hospitals, and generally relying more on those spaces that were once protected.
Again, crude and general, but most of the women I’ve seen that are supportive of the gender legislation tend to be middle class types. It won’t negatively impact on them, at least not as much. Nothing governments do really harms those that are well off and this is just another example.
Too early for new year resolutions? Nah.Keep calling out Sturgeon and her cowardly cronies for what they are: gutless scum. Tractors.
Dan, 4:45pm Saturday
I’d have no problem with Westminster stepping into Holyrood.
Remember, it’s not the real Scottish parliament.
It’s a WM administration. A glorified branch office under Westminster T&C’s & It’s not like they haven’t done it before with the power grab. They stepped in over the Rights of children’s bill too because it would have a direct affect on the imaginary *UK* law. This would be no different. We’re not having free in 23 either because they slapped it down because of the devolution T&Cs
Until Scotland reconvenes the real Scottish parliament, Holyrood is a Westminster branch office. We should stop calling it our parliament, imo. Everyone who works in it is designed to keep Scotland in check & report to thier boss in London. Throw in some bad advisors into the bargain to make it fail.
I think Sunak will allow this to go on & on but without actually stepping in for as long as possible. It suits them to stand back & watch labour & the Yes movement to eat each other.
Rev Stu I tried posting this last night and kept getting a notice ” ERROR 503 Backend Fetch Failed , Guru Meditation XID 721824 ” I have been getting the same failed message notices occasionally over the past few weeks , can you tell me if it is on your side or mine , the reason I am posting it on the main site is to see if others are experiencing the same thing
My guess is they will make a big song and dance about it but say that in the spirit of the GRA overall they agree that something had to be done to protect these poor bullied people BUT any GRC issued in Scotland will not be accepted as legal in the rest of the uk,any Scottish GRC issued they will also have to apply for an English GRC and meet the stated criteria , JOB DONE ,
So sturgeon has locked Scotland into a Bangkok holiday tourism destination where we can hand out multiple worthless GRC’s that cannot be used anywhere else within the uk
I get it too. I put it down to the site maybe being busy with traffic. Usually 7pmish or a new article. It’d be interesting to know if it’s something else causing it tho.
Hatuey says:
25 December, 2022 at 11:21 pm
Outside of the SNP being hijacked by a unionist agent of some sort, it’s difficult to imagine we’d be further away from independence than we are now.
Of all the possible universes and lives, it seems like this is the least wonderful for independence supporters.
Aye, but the collective “we” have nobody to blame but ourselves.
There were plenty of us sounding the alarm about Sturgeon, almost from the get go, and generally being vilified by the great and the good in the SNP because we weren’t “proper” Independence supporters but closet unionists.
Sturgeon’s very first “abdication” was doing nothing to challenge the “Vow” in 2014-15. You may recall the Vow promised more powers, but didn’t articulate what those powers were to be. I was screaming at the time for Sturgeon to run a snap Plebiscite and let the Sovereign people of Scotland decide which powers. In constitutional terms, would have been very awkward for Westminster to disrupt, and the Unionists were off balance on the matter too, but Sturgeon did nothing and let them off the hook.
Sturgeon’s biggest betrayal however was Brexit, with the two Sovereign components of the Union at Constitutional loggerheads and the Treaty of Union in existential crisis. Sturgeon’s inaction, which might have anything from a Scottish Backstop based around the Claim of Right, right through to declaring the Treaty of Union breached and at an end, was a sell out; an open goal squandered.
I could go on and on, Sturgeon is a serial tr ai tor, and has been all along, but she was given a free ride by those fops in the SNP would couldn’t bear to listen to anybody saying nasty things about Sturgeon.
Yes, people from the “other” side were always critical of the SNP, but it surely didn’t require the intellect of a genius to differentiate between Unionist trolls and true Independentists sounding off the alarm bells.
My heart bleeds for Scotland. If we’d had a semi competent Constitutional Champion defending our rights in 2015-16, Scotland WOULD HAVE BEEN INDEPENDENT in 2016. It was right there for the taking… fact.
But instead Scotland was led by a ("Tractor" - Ed) doing all in her power to sabotage and undermine Scotland’s Constitutional integrity, present Westminster with a bevy of grossly unconstitutional precedents which Westminster is now unlikely to surrender, and she diverted the whole Independence Movement’s attention away from Independence with this puerile Trans bullshit, while she repeatedly stabbed Scotland in the back trying to sever it’s Constitutional spinal cord.
It’s a difficult thing to quantify, and a bit personal, because it “feels” like it could be one of those crank regressions where people are hypnotised to believe they’ve lived before, but my own “Scottishness” seems to come from a dark and grim place. Not a merry and joyous one. My heart and grim resolve “belongs” in the line beside my countrymen, resigned to whatever fate awaits. That’s not to say I live a grim or joyless life, I do not, but the joys are fleeting, and always there is the grim expectation that one day, great sacrifices will be asked of you.
I don’t think it is a crank regression. There are soldiers in my upbringing, and my grandfather was a Colour Sergeant in the Gordon Highlanders. There are countless generations of Scottish young men conditioned to think like soldiers, who are ready to forfeit themselves to the cause, but in Scotland, the cause is bastardised. Scottish soldiers no longer fight for Scotland. Scotland’s pipes and drums flatter redcoats and Monarchists. Our culture is being purloined and corrupted in every direction.
I’m really struggling to put it into words, but you know that phrase in Declaration of Arbroath about the 100 of us left alive? Well, for better or worse, I am one of them.
I don’t “feel” like a modern Scot. I feel like an ancient Scot who is born out of time. My rightful destiny is to fight for Scotland, or at least be ready to, but before we sons and daughters of Scotland can fight for our country, we need to free it from servitude and subjugation. Fight for the UK? I don’t fkg think so.
Sturgeon isn’t our Leader. She is a ("Tractor" - Ed) selling our Nation into misery when the job she was given was collapsing the Union and getting Scotland out of this bear trap. To those who know this and would defend her, then I’m sorry, but we are not comrades.
For every generation of Scottish patriot, there has been a reciprocal curse; a ("Tractor" - Ed) or a turncoat determined to see Scotland defeated and undone. Sturgeon is one of them, and the Declaration of Arbroath warned us of her kind.
When the system is challenged military Scotland will do its duty. Just like military India did its duty in the Jallianwala Bagh «engagement» under Colonel Dyer, CB.
« I am your father and mother, soldier».
link to
Keep signing.
You make some very good points Hatuey.
That is probably correct and all these women who are in favour of Sturgeon’s GRRB are all feminists to their fingertips.
No more feminism!
I’ve always been a bit suspicious of feminists.
It was feminism that got Mark MacDonald fired and saw Alex Salmond on trial for a load of garbage invented by feminists.
Now fuckin’ feminists have brought us Sturgeon’s GRRB & and worst of all have ensured Scotland will remain a colony.
I am definitely not a feminist I am personist & I am ragin’
Beware of the feminists!
Who in real power in Scotland is a ‘friend’ of the Independence movement.
None. It is a near complete shut-out.
The media. Literally wall-to-wall state propaganda with none being as bad as the BBC. Every TV news station, every newspaper, almost without fail are against us. And this was never clearer than during 2014 and also during the attempted stitch-up of Salmond.
The Judiciary. I know there are plenty good guys in there but fuck me it could not be further up the UK’s arse doing all its foul bidding for it. Dorrian etc… really quite frightening seeing how they operate and how they want to operate, no juries. Sinister as fuck.
Police Scotland. If ever there was a Police State I don’t see any of them ‘resisting’ it one little bit. Their behaviour in the Salmond stitch-up says it all. Yet they still cant work out Liz Lloyd leaked the details of the court case to the Daily Record in 2017. Funny as every other cunt in Scotland seems to know… Add them into the judiciary and it is a really scary combination.
Big Business. Oh yeah we saw how they all backed us in 2014. One well coordinated threat to leave after the other… A few did not but when push comes to shove they clearly know which side their bread is buttered on.
The Scottish aristocracy / landowner class. Oh aye they have the oldest and best record of stabbing the people of Scotland in the back. Selling out the whole country for a few shekels and of course let’s not forget the clearances. Charming bunch of characters.
We also have no in house security services protecting us from infiltration and betrayal. In fact they are the ones orchestrating the infiltrating and betraying. Sturgeon and Co are clearly not on our side. Like Blair most likely working for the US / Clintons.
Of the two well read bloggers the independence movement has left and that I read, one has been jailed for ‘contempt’ of court by Dorrian. And the other had all his IT equipment seized by the Police and kept for months and months while they no doubt scoured them for anything remotely incriminating like hair pinging or saying the truth out loud.
Gosh it almost like we are living in a very British police state.
The Czechs had a velvet revolution well we have had the opposite, a velvet dictatorship. They could not tolerate Salmond, they could not tolerate Corbyn. So they fucked them. And ultimately they are not going to tolerate us if we don’t stand up. I am not optimistic.
Ottomanboi says:
26 December, 2022 at 9:38 am
When the system is challenged military Scotland will do its duty…
You’d like to think so, but watching the abject cowardice and stunted intellect of so many Scottish politicians, I have no such faith.
I don’t know what happened in Jallianwala Bagh but I understood Ottomanboi to mean that military Scotland would do it’s duty to the British State.
The Orange Order military certainly will.
I could be wrong. I might be getting too carried away since there is nobody here now to tell me how stupid I am.
A gold star for that excellent post.
Some music to inspire:
link to
Mac @ 10:33 am
“Who in real power in Scotland is a ‘friend’ of the Independence movement.”
As you well demonstrate, postcolonial theory likewise confirms that colonialism is always a co-operative venture with native elites. Scotland is no different.
According to Professor Michael Hechter in his study of the UK ‘Internal Colonialism Model’: ‘The docility of….Scotland was achieved by the co-option of regional elites….a precursor of Lord Lugard’s famed colonial policy of ‘indirect rule’. This resulted in the: ‘Widening cultural identification between gentry and ordinary people (which) may be fruitfully seen as a product of the colonial situation.’ It required the native elite to cast aside its own culture, language, and people, viz: ‘The conscious rationale behind anglicization among the peripheral elite was to dissociate themselves as much as possible from the mass of their countrymen’.
And in the UK’s supposed ‘alliance’ or ‘union’ context, basically: ‘what we are talking about is the colonial incursion of England into the Celtic lands’. For this artificial UK ‘political construct’ (i.e. the Tory ‘one nation’ Britain illusion) to work thus required the Scottish: ‘gentry to shed their language and mores to become Englishmen in fact, as well as in name’, in other words cultural or colonial assimilation. The ordinary people see this of course, in that: ‘The gentry were defined as enemies, not only because of their wealth, but because of their conversion to another culture, that of England’. Which explains ‘the cultural and ethnic division of labour’ dominant in the Celtic Periphery as well as the fact that the momentum for independence is dependent on the solidarity of the oppressed ethnic group’, i.e. Scots language speakers.
Whit also explains why oor imposed Cultural Hegemony dinnae lairn Scots bairns oor ain braw Scots mither tongue – for if they did, the natives would be much mair difficult to divide and rule, and plunder. Hence the reason one of the first things a liberated people grasp is thair ‘rusted tongue an moribund culture’ (Memmi; Fanon), the main cultural tool whit maks aw fowk unalike.
On Scotland’s institutions:
link to
It was an excellent post, Ruby, possibly on of the best accounts of the dire position we are in that I’ve read in a while. But then he spoiled it with the very last sentence.
Because despite all the disappointments, media control, back stabbers, lies, subterfuge, and disappointment, despite having no friends with real power, half of the population remain stubbornly supportive of independence.
Try looking at it from the British Unionist perspective and you’ll see plenty of reasons to be cheerful. For them it’s a constant battle to suppress us, deny us platforms, and contain us in a million necessary ways. That battle never ends for them.
If they screw up or fail just once, support for independence jumps from 50% to 65%. That could happen overnight.
Breeks above gives a quite scathing appraisal of the people who he says are to blame for the mess we are in. From the perspective I’ve described above, the people deserve the highest praise.
The BBC is one of the most powerful propaganda platforms the world has ever known and the people of this country have largely resisted its continual lies and spin for years.
Despite everything they’ve done to try and discourage us, then, the people of Scotland still want independence. We are like the fabled spider that Bruce witnessed in the cave, never giving up, never crawling away, no matter how many failures.
@Mac 10.33: yes, that’s pretty much the state of modern Scotland, I’m afraid, each of its civil institutions accommodating the English establishment. As for the “Scots nobility”, what a misnomer! They got us into this rotten union, which then bought off The Kirk and The Law to the detriment of the rest of us, who were to be Anglicised pronto (the first HMI of Scottish Education was situated in London). Let’s not forget Lord Reed is nominally a Scot but did his “Supreme Court” duty against us just a few weeks ago.
At least I don’t see what the remains of the Scottish regiments being ever used against us, as Ottomanboi hinted. Most of the ex-army folk I know are Yessers and in 1919 Scottish troops were locked in their barracks in case they turned native during the huge George Square demonstrations, when Maclean, Kirkwood and Shinwell were arrested and there were machine guns on the top of the Post Office building. The establishment don’t fully trust Scottish regiments and this is why in the past most of their officers were English, like the Indian Army.
Occasionally the media still perform their function too. I was surprised that this Old Tory finally saw the light regarding the smearing of Corbyn with anti-semitic excrement: link to
Of course, a similar video on The Salmond Affair is impossible just now because any naming of names would get you jailed, such is the total stitch-up achieved by our compromised “government”, but one day that particular dam is going to burst.
It’s snowing Where I Am just now and most of us are cold and fearful of heating bills in the most energy-rich country in Europe. We’re at a very low ebb and things look bleak but I’m still hopeful of a Scottish Valley Forge moment when a true leader can turn things around and focus all our energies on the fight for independence.
The most obvious candidate is strangely quiet at the moment, of course.
Just to emphasise what Alf Baird is alluding to, I am just watching Jockland news on the biased scum bbc , the presenter introduced a mother from mid Scotland who is suffering from the effects of the tories fuckups , the woman lives they said in social housing , possibly indicating that mortgage holders aren’t suffering, she is also disabled and has a disabled child, coincidentally she spoke with an english accent , does this have some underlying meaning
With no disrespect to the woman and her child I hope she gets through the hard times ahead BUT I have to wonder is there NO Scottish sounding people that they could have interviewed who are in the same position, or is it some psychological technique the scum bbc have been instructed to use to imply that Scots are reducing in number or our opinions don’t count or we are incapable of being understood without subtitles
WIKI on the Jallianwalla Bagh incident.
link to
The soldiers were of «Indian» ethnicity commanded by an India born ethnic Briton.
The military mindset is such that it cannot be expected to think beyond the next set of orders.
The British army expects….
The Army & the police swear an oath to the king.
That’s who they’d defend. They take their orders from the home office (& it’s funny how that office always has a bastard in charge of it) & if ever there was a YES revolution – they’d be first in the queue to baton the shit out of us.
Look at the wailing & weeping cause a 96yr old pensioner died & I they’re practically orgasmic at the sight of a poppy.
So true. Joe Glenton (ex military & self confessed tr-actor to the Monarchy) has a few vids on Double Down News explaining their mindset.
Civvy street is knocked out on entry. They’ve not to think beyond aggression & the next order.
Why so many turn to drugs & domestic violence when they leave – they can’t turn it off & cope being back in the public. There’s no decompression chamber.
Because of her blinding ambition, Sturgeon put herself before her country. Then again, it depends on which country she regards as hers. She may only be doing her duty as she sees it.
In fairness, Sturgeon was given a bad hand – Salmond lost indyref and walked off leaving Sturgeon to pick up all the broken pieces.
Sturgeon’s ‘Stop Brexit’ bus was just plain stupid, on that I think we can all agree. But there is NO WAY a UK PM would give Sturgeon indyref2 for Brexit votes, because they’d be giving away Scotland.
Sturgeon is weak because Scotland is constitutionally weak. Whoever is in power in Scotland – let’s be clear – they have no real power.
They do. Rip up the Scotland Act.
When Smith was pish she should’ve declared the vote void & turned the GE (which was only 6 months later) into a Plebiscite. They’d stiffed Scotland to win it & broke Purdah. No International adjudicator could argue with that. The goodwill of the Edinburgh agreement had been abused.
She folded before the ink was even dry on becoming FM. Because she’s a gradualist only interested in the gravy train.
Cheers Ottomanboi. I kinda guessed that was what happened.
There may have been some confusion about your post because you used the term
‘military Scotland’ it’s the British Military in Scotland.
I’ve just been searching for the origin of the term ‘turncoat’ I thought it might have had something to do with ‘redcoats’ turning their coats inside out but no it just means a defector/tra_itor
I expect any turncoats would have been shot.
Was there any revolution where the military sided with the people?
& you’re right regards the stop brexit bullshit.
The dullard never tires of trying to latch on to the Labour party & the next big cause (ppls vote) despite being told repeatedly to f-off. They even told her to f-off from thier team at WM. (Jo Swansong & Thornberry)
‘we’ll never work with the SNP’ just never seems to sink in.
It would also void the dullards own mandate. Indyref is just a slogan for elections.
Salmond just didn’t disappear I’m pretty sure he would have given her support and advice had she asked for it.
Maybe it was because he offered support and advice that he found himself in the High Court.
She didn’t like his advice re having her husband as CEO in fact she doesn’t like advice from anyone that’s why she never listens.
Sturgeon is not just weak she is totally insane!
F*ck Sturgeon! F*ck Feminism!
I very much doubt, if YES had won, that it would ever have been honoured. They’re not in the habit of giving back lands they believe is thiers.
Sturgeon wasn’t leader material & they mustn’t have had a plan for a No vote. Russell went into hiding? He seemed the only other sensible one before the 56 era.
Tinto Chiel @ 12.20pm
Peter Oborne is the last of the fair-minded journalists. A Tory, of course, but someone interested in truth rather than being thought ‘one of us’. What happened to the present generation of journalists? Nowadays they have become a journalist class that seems worryingly to identify with the establishment, rather like courtiers in the past would seek to ingratiate themselves with the ruler. You could only succeed if you pleased the ultimate power.
The Labour Party long ago ceased to be a party of the people and acts as a mere faction of the ruling establishment class. The SNP is repeating that transformation too. The politicians in both parties have similarly made war on their voters in the interests not just of the British establishment but also in the interests of an international ruling establishment. ( I’ve sometimes thought that they should have an anthem like The Internationale but with a significant change in the wording – ‘unite against the human race’. The ordinary punters are to be feared and ‘re-educated’, in other words lied to.)
The subtitles were often unintentionally amusing in that link. It kept getting Keir Starmer’s name wrong. In one rendition it appeared as Kesh Damo which I prefer, as it sounds like his evil avatar.
Gregory Beekman says:
26 December, 2022 at 2:04 pm
But there is NO WAY a UK PM would give Sturgeon indyref2 for Brexit votes, because they’d be giving away Scotland.
Brexit violated the Treaty of Union, Scotland was subjugated, the Treaty was breached, void, torn to shreds, and irremediably so given Scotland’s Constitutional integrity. No more Treaty of Union, no more United Kingdom to even have a UK PM.
You’d have thrown away Scotland’s sovereign Independence just to “win” a Referendum generously given to you on Westminster’s colonial terms and conditions???
I’m sorry Mr Beekman, you’re as bad as Nicola Sturgeon, and you need to do more reading on Scotland’s sovereign Constitution and where the actual finishing line for Independence actually is.
Brexit didn’t “warrant” a mere referendum, Brexit and Scotland’s outrageous and unconstitutional subjugation warranted the summary end of the Union Treaty.
The United Kingdom should not have survived the constitutional crisis. That it did, is solely because Sturgeon, Scotland’s Betrayer, capitulated and refused to defend the Claim of Right, and for that abject failure, Sturgeon deserves to be impeached and thrown out of office, and driven out as our enemy.
Backend keeps failing!
Too many sprouts at Christmas?
(Oh shut up! I know my jokes are rubbish. I’m trying)
Did you know
Jesus could have been transgender
link to
Aye! and so could his ma & da!
Louisa May Alcott too
link to
I pinched this from Stuart Parker on Twitter
By the time you folks are done, every strong, interesting, powerful woman in history, fictional or real, will have been redefined as some kind of man.
I’ll have to check back to see how you read comments on the Telegraph.
I should take better notes.
link to
Prince Andrew the musical!
That sounds like hoot!
A drag queen Margaret Thatcher and hideous wigs make Prince Andrew: The Musical a riot of ridicule
a hoot!
I’m not going to correct any more typos ‘cos I know all you fringe nutters are bright enough to figure it out.
Maggie Thatcher transgender? Aye OK they can have her & Nicol Sturgeon too.
“Sturgeon was given a bad hand”
I couldn’t disagree more. Sturgeon was given an absolute winner of not one hand but many hands. She wasted them all.
1. Already by October 2014 several outlets were predicting a landslide for the SNP. This loser deliberately made those majorities worthless by announcing before the GE2015 election and AFTER it had already been predicted an SNP majority, that a vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence, not even for a referendum.
In October 2014 the voters did not see the SNP as the party of devolution or. The SNP voters saw the SNP as what it traditionally had been in line with its own constitution: their political vehicle for independence.
Therefore it stands to the obvious that, at that point, the tide had turned against the union in such way that it was deemed necessary to urgently remove the wheels of the SNP rendering innocuous before that election took place.
To therefore claim, with a prediction of an absolutely landslide for the SNP in the upcoming GE, Mr Salmond handed to STurgeon a bad hand is fundamentally untrue.
2. Already on 19 September 2014 it was known the UK establishment had no intention whatsoever to deliver on the vow. If Sturgeon was a real leader and a pro independence one at that, she would have capitalised on this betrayal to continuously beat the UK establishment, either by demanding a re-run of the referendum because it was run on fraudulent terms and false promises, or running immediately a pro-independence campaign exploiting the betrayal. I have no doubt in my mind she would have won. That was another winner hand Sturgeon deliberately wasted.
Looking retrospectively, it stands to the obvious, despite pretending a pro EU stance, this loser and her masters wanted brexit to proceed at all cost.
Using any of the above to push independence forward would mean no brexit. It would mean no brexit because should Scotland terminate the UK at that point, and England would have been left in an impossible situation should it had exited the EU at the same time, with nothing to sell and unable to cut any decent trade deals. It would have also lost a significant chunk of what England perceives as its “domestic” market as part of hte UK. In other words, should England proceeded with England exit of the EU at that point, and would sink economically.
On the brexit issue, the interests of Scotland and England collide. The evident conclusion from this is that Sturgeon did not stop brexit because she did not want to and because she has never been working for the interests of the people of Scotland but those of the people of England and those of taxdogers desperate for the UK to leave the EU to stop the transparency laws that would expose them to the public for hoarding money in tax havens instead of paying the taxes they should. It was most interesting seeing one or two royal names among those leaked by the Panama and Paradise papers.
3. Brexit itself. This is in my view for two reasons:
a. it represents a change in circumstances that, under international law, can legitimately justify unilaterally terminating a treaty.
b. Forcing brexit over Scotland after the EU ref vote was a direct breach of the Claim of right because it is an imposition of absolute rule over Scotland. That should have terminated right there and then the treaty of union and with it the UK. There is no stronger hand than this, yet, it is another one wasted by this loser.
4. The continuous theft of our powers and the shredding of the Scotland Act without Scotland’s consent. Equally powerful reasons to terminate the treaty that this loser wasted.
5. The EU withdrawal bill caused breaches of the treaty of union in at least 2 ways:
1. a direct violation of Scotland’s constitutional tradition of popular sovereignty by including, without the consent of the people of Scotland, the English principle of “parliamentary sovereignty” into law.
2. a direct violation of the Treaty of Union principle that no part of the UK can have a trade deal advantage compared with the rest. This was violated with the special agreement for NI. NI, or even Ireland did not sign the treaty of union, but entered this treaty as dominions of the kingdom of England.
I could go on and on and on and on. My point is that the idea that Sturgeon was ever given a weak hand is total and complete nonsense. She was handed an absolute winner, but the loser just deliberately wasted every single tool she was given by fabricating obstacle after obstacle.
There were so many opportunities that if you think that the mathematical probability of anybody just by random being able to capitalise on even just one of those opportunities by accident is higher than missing on them all, leads you to believe she never acted randomly.
Here some may believe this astonishing level of failure to be due to her supreme incompetence. I am afraid I do not share that view. I think she has been deliberately jeopardising all the winner hands given to her and any chance that Scotland had to terminate this union because she was never in pursuit of independence in the first place.
It is my personal opinion the only objective this fake has ever had was to put labour again in power, lock down any door for Scotland to terminate this union, lock down any possibility for Scotland to re join the EU leaving England without a chunk of what it considers its “internal market” and “its assets”, foist on us all the toxicity and pain of brexit as a deterrent for pursuing independence, and then at our weakest point, help the UK establishment through labour to foist on us more pretend autonomy with some form of enhanced devolution. That, obviously, with the pretence excuse that “it is the will of the people”.
I am of the firm opinion Sturgeon’s dismantling of the SNP as a vehicle for independence and morphing it into a copycat of labour is no coincidence. I am totally convinced this was planned because the SnP was hijacked by the UK establishment to effect the “revival” of a dead labour in Scotland and stop independence.
“Salmond lost indyref”
That is the thing, I don’t believe he “lost” indyref. If he had lost indyref we would not have seen polls announcing a landslide for the SNP only a few weeks after and a pro-independence vote surpassing 50% even without the 16 and 17 year olds. If he had lost indyref we would not have a political fraud falling over herself to remove the wheeels of the SNP right before a predicted SNP landslide. If he had lost the indyref, we would not have watched under Sturgeon the powers that be rushing to disinfranchise the membership and disengaging them from power. If he had lost the referendum there would have no need for the relentless pro-union propaganda we have been subjected to for the last 8 years. If he had lost indyref there would have been no need to transform the SNP into a version of labour changing completely its foreign policy and approach to independence. If he had lost indyref the powers that be would had no problem with running it again. Yet we have been denied of one for the last 6 years. If he had lost indyref we would not have a situation where If he had lost indyref, the UK establishment would not have gone after him and use the UK civil service, the COPFS and a bunch of perjurers to stitch him up with a fabricated criminal case.
The more you look retrospectively into what has been done since 18 SEptember 2014 the more you realise Mr Salmond never lost that referendum.
“walked off leaving Sturgeon to pick up all the broken pieces”
You mean to pick up all the broken pieces of the UK establishment, because that is precisely what she did. When Mr Salmond stepped down in 2014 there were no broken pieces left to pick up in the pro indy movement. A testament to this is that despite Sturgeon’s best efforts to destroy the movement and the SNP, the support for independence remains stubborn.
I don’t know if we will ever know the real reason why Mr Salmond felt he had to step down. Personally, I am convinced he was quietly “persuaded” to do so.
“Sturgeon’s ‘Stop Brexit’ bus was just plain stupid”
Like every single strategy this looser has chosen. Failure after failure after failure, yet, MPs and MSPs cannot find the backbone to push this loser out of the driving wheel. This makes you wonder where such useless leader can possibly get her power from.
“But there is NO WAY a UK PM would give Sturgeon indyref2 for Brexit votes”
It is not for any “UK” PM “to give” anything is not theirs to give. Since at least 2015 no “PM” of the UK has had a democratic mandate to act or to speak on behalf of Scotland. In fact, in line with the Claim of Right, the legitimacy of the UK and westminster to continue acting on behalf of Scotland and ruling Scotland is questionable since our 2016 mandate for indyref.
Considering Scotland is a partner in this union, until that referendum or something alike takes place and Scotland decides if it wants Westminster and the union to continue, all UK institutions including the Sgov have gone ultravires. They have simply forced the status quo as the default option in absence of that referendum. I question they even have the right to make that decision. That should be for the people of Scotland to decide, therefore denying Scotland its legitimate right to decide and forcing in the meantime a status quo that has led to that mandate is, in my view, a violation of the Claim of Right.
“Sturgeon is weak because Scotland is constitutionally weak”
Scotland is not constitutionally weak. Scotland is one of the two equal partners of the UK of Great Britain. Scotland can terminate this treaty and union at any time of its choosing. There is nothing constitutionally stronger than that. The only thing we need is MPs with the determination, with the will and with the balls to do so.
The union has survived for 300 years because we have been sending a majority of pro-union MPs down to Westminter all this time. Is this because it is what Scotland wants? No, it is because this is what the crown wants, so democracy in the UK is an illusion. The option of terminating the union is never offered to us willingly because the establishment fear we will take it. The crown bought Scotland’s MPs in 1706 so this union could happen against the expressed will of the people of Scotland. This continues to this day. When the buying off does not work, then along come useful idiots willing to destroy the reputation of anybody that has the will, determination and balls to go to Westminster with the firm purpose of terminating the union. When that does not work, along come the propaganda mouthpieces and their black out of any political party and leader that threats the status quo.
Sturgeon is weak because she is no leader. She is a tool of the British state who has shown no principles, has been dishonest and morally corrupt.
” Whoever is in power in Scotland – let’s be clear – they have no real power”
I couldn’t disagree more. Scotland’s MPs have the power to exercise Scotland’s legitimate right to unilaterally terminate the treaty of union and Act of Union with England at any point.
The only thing they have to do is temporarily suspend the treaty of union, vacate the Westminster seats, reconvene the Scottish old parliament and repeal the treaty and Act of union. THAT is how much power they actually have.
If this does not happen is because “our” MPs do not want to exercise the power to end this union we, the people of Scotland, have been handing to them since 8th May 2015.
The more time passes by, the more obvious Sturgeon’s anti independence true colours become, together with the unbelievable and unforgivable scale of failure of her tenure. As the time goes by, the more obvious it becomes she is just a PR product capable to follow a script and whose charisma is just an illusion fabricated by expensive image advisers and spin doctors.
One can understand the vested interest of the Uk establishment in capitalising on its investment on this PR product a bit longer by finding a way to deceive the voters by transferring the accountability for regressing independence from this loser onto the former FM, who has demonstrated to be the real deal in terms of a pro-independence leader.
But the deception simply does not wash any longer. Sturgeon’s stewardship has been one plagued by spectacular failure, unbelievable so. Sturgeon’s stewardship has also been plagued by a continuous attempt to deceive and to transfer her accountability onto anybody else, being that the England as the UK PM of the day, the Supreme Court, the pro-indy bloggers, a virus, Russia, or the former FM. Everybody and Everything but Nicola Sturgeon, the one responsible for the destruction of the SNP and the unforgivable squandering of 8 years of mandates, majorities and opportunities to deliver independence.
Aye. It was a trans who landed on the moon too.
They’re doing that colonial thing where everything invented by Scots was really English, Inc the kilt – the Scots just stole it.
As for Oborne – he admitted doing a hatchet job on Corbyn. There’s no jurnos anymore, just typists for pushing the elites latest idea. The advent of the press conference or acting like an arse at a desk where even the pen has a flag & by appointment & scripted questions to pretend to ask out the blue..
@JGedd 3.38: “Peter Oborne is the last of the fair-minded journalists”.
Yes, he is one of a few at most: the rest are merely Stenographers for The State or “presstitutes and churnalists” as Ian Brotherhood used to say. We don’t have a functioning democracy in Scotland (or in the UK) because we don’t have a free press and so the corrupt politicians are effectively beyond proper scrutiny. Looking at the antics of the mediaeval cesspit that is WM is quite boak-inducing, yet now we have SNP politicians bowing to that numbskull speaker as they leave the chamber.
It would have been delicious if the video subtitles had generated “Keir Stumer” as a Scottish version of his name: he’s merely a Trilateral Commission placeman and Establishment safe pair of hands with a personality by-pass.
Sadly, this problem is to be seen outwith Scotland in most EU politicians, who now clearly have contempt for the people they are supposed to represent and regard themselves as an “elite” (how Smallaxe scoffed at such a term for people like them) heavily influenced by the Davos/Bilderberg/WEF lot who regard us worthless eaters overpopulating the globe.
How we extricate ourselves from such a dire situation is neither easy nor clear.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
I miss ‘The Alex Salmond Show’
Peter Oborne was a regular contributor.
As Sturgeon the Judas enables rapists and paedos into women and children’s safe spaces, “complaints” were made on the day the unamended GRRB passed, about a woman in the public gallery at the Holyrood chamber who allegedly flashed MSPs whilst saying;
“If you are not going to be decent, I am going to be indecent.”
The hunt is on by Sturgeon’s foot soldiers Police Scotland to trace the woman, though the Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland has had more than enough time to find the missing 600k and failed miserably (no surprise there) it likely this woman who actually stood up for decency will be arrested and prosecuted, unlike the rapist enabling MSP who unfortunately will remain at liberty.
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Mia said I don’t know if we will ever know the real reason why Mr Salmond felt he had to step down. Personally, I am convinced he was quietly “persuaded” to do so.
How was he ‘persuaded’ and by whom? I think he stepped down because he genuineky beljeved it was the right and honourable thing to do.
I imagine there is no decision he has ever made that he regrets more.
Is this a Tragedy? Ha, ha, ha.
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@ Mia at 4.13: I’m not sure the comment warranted your effort in putting together such a lengthy and lucid response but I enjoyed it!
Merry Christmas!
What Pete Wishart forgets to add is that the Scottish public overwhelmingly DIDN’T back it. The Scottish public do not approve of the unamended GRRB that allows rapists and paedos into women and children’s safe spaces.
“Nearly all SNP and Labour MSPs backed this bill. All Green MSPs and Liberal MSPs backed it. Even 3 Tory MSPs backed it. But the UK Tories know best and will defy Scottish democracy, again.”
link to
“The hunt is on by Sturgeon’s foot soldiers Police Scotland to trace the woman”
You appear to be talking out of your hat.
I could post here the name, twitter handle and youtube channel of the Brave, Intelligent, Medical Professional of whom you speak.
Has been already actualy, so you don’t need to be Hercule Poiroit to find her.
She has stated repeatedly for the record tat she is PROUD of her actions, women won’t wheesh, and if ‘they’ wish to take any action against her, for she has not broken any law, they will be giving her a microphone to address the issue to an increased audience.
I for one commend her and her intelligent, caring, woman-centred view, and particularly applaud that she applied forward thinking she displayed by dying her hair balk BEFORE the public furore, which then would visually match to the strikingly large and dark comedic patch she had sewn.
p.s. I suggest that you go and google the term ‘Merkin’
link to
p.s. Welcome back and great to see so many ‘old’ names and lurkers finding their voice.
@Ruby: “I miss ‘The Alex Salmond Show’. Peter Oborne was a regular contributor.”
Me too and at least Oborne admitted he was quite wrong about Corbyn. I think another reason Sturgeon moved against Salmond was his appearances on RT, which probably spooked her handlers. They really are scared of him. He had to be stopped as a genuine independence politician.
Geri @ 4.20pm
Oborne did confess his part in the demonization of Corbyn but has recanted and gone on to attack that false narrative. You have to remember that the Labour party itself had been vigorously planting that false narrative with the media. The leadership of the Labour Party were loudly condemning Corbyn and lying shamelessly about their own members.
He might have been forgiven at first for thinking the lies might be true given that it was Corbyn’s own party concocting and amplifying the false stories using the media. At least he tried to put the record straight once he discovered how maliciously the Labour Party had acted against Corbyn and their own members. I don’t think any of the other media hacks admitted to being played. I think they are very satisfied with their role in helping to bring down Corbyn and doubt very much that any one of them would have a troubled conscience.
typo: should be
dying her hair BLACK
Republicofscotland, pish from National as per usual, the lady in question has explained her actions on youtube. As she never “flashed” its nothing more than the sadly usual witch hunt against those who are not part of the Cult.
As for the National , its a fecking joke, imho its no better than the likes of the Scum.
Mia @4:13
Thanks for the detailed response. I’m not sure how to reply to it!
I’ll just say there’s no way Sturgeon could use the first GE after indyref as a plebiscite, given Scotland had just spoken.
I don’t know enough about the Claim of Right to comment, but I’d imagine any action based on it would be bogged down in legal battles.
Scotland signed up to the new parliament of Great Britain and plays its role in it, so not sure how it could be claimed the parliament is going against Scotland’s will. Saying ‘no to Brexit’ is not the same as saying ‘no to the Union’. Plus, Scots voted in subsequent general elections of the Union parliament, which a lawyer would suggest means they still agree to it (ie the Union).
So I don’t think anything is clear cut – except the fact that Sturgeon doesn’t even appear to be trying…
Re Scotsrenewables at 4:42pm:
I completely agree with Renewables that Salmond stepped down in 2014 because he thought it was the right and honourable thing to do. How many have done it sense then?
Gie few – at Westminster AND in Holyrood. Only the thoroughly decent Ash Regan was woman-enough to tell the hypocritical “feminist to her fingertips” Sturgeon and Robison that they were deluded in in their trans-fixation.
How long will it take public commonsense to prevail over Parliamentary insanity? It is interesting to note that all the SNP MPs who vote again the GRR Bill were CONSTITUENCY Members as opposed to Regional List Members. Perhaps they are closer to the people, unlike List Members over whom the Party HQ now has complete selection control.
Alex Salmond must bitterly regret resigning in 2014 as it let Team Murrell to steadily take control of both Party and Government, supported by self-serving, whipped MSPs and the dreadful Greens.
How long will it last? Until the the self-interested people at the top of the SNP are toppled, the Party is thoroughly defeated in an election and replaced by party/parties that sees decency in personal behaviour as a requirement for political power in the pursuit of Independence.
People like Arthur Donaldson, Billy Wolfe, Donald Stewart and Gordon Wilson must be turning in their graves.
I fear that it will be a long battle.
I do not agree with Sara concerning your latest comment. It is an indictment brilliantly put together and warrants much wider distribution.
Congratulations on your consistent attitude and posts and enjoy the rest of the Christmas break.
Off topic but how do you post a you tube link on here? I know it was explained before but I can’t find it and my attempts all fail.
Re the female “flashing”in the SP, these are the words that are used in the sturgeon fanzine , QUESTION what does flashing consist of, did anyone see the woman’s private parts , did she expose HERSELF or merely lift her skirt to show a merkin , sturgeon’s fanzine CLAIMS the polis received complaints (plural) WHO made these complaints, are any of the complainers the same ones who complained about Mark Hirst or others
Can I complain about the ugly obscene people in that parliament who have voted to give rapists and paedophiles unrestricted access to women and girls
MAYBE sturgeon’s fanzine could write an OUTRAGED ARTICLE on that, MAYBE sturgeon’s fanzine could do some REAL INVESTIGATING and ask sturgeon why she forced this item through despite overwhelming opposition to it from the VOTERS
You just remove the https:// from the youtube link
Your link should start www.
the https:// will be replaced in your post by some magic.
Owen Mullions says: 26 December, 2022 at 5:49 pm
The most hassle free way of posting YouTube links is via tinyurl.
link to
I agree with the woman’s actions 100%, maybe you missed the part where I said in my comment that the woman stood up for decency, so get off your high horse.
I also put complaints in inverted commas, for we have a rough idea of who might have made the “complaint”.
Sturgeon’s fanzine the National claims that Police Scotland are looking into it.
Lenny Hartley.
Agreed, I also think this brave woman could end up like Marion Millar dragged through the courts for no good reason, dissent against the unamended GRRB on a public scale will not be tolerated by Sturgeon the Judas and her rapist enabling MSPs.
A belated Merry Christmas to everybody. I decided to tune out of the transtastrophe over the holiday period.
Over the past few days I have been watching more TV then I usually ever do throughout the rest of the year. What was on was the superficial, forced gleeful schmaltz that in on every year but hey, it is Christmas and it works.
Now that the festive cheer is ebbing, I look like this Christmas schmaltz and say the same fake emotion when I think of those seal clapping MSP’s after the GRR bill was passed and the gloating of their sycophantic supporters who ranted that this was a victory for equality and such nonsense.
There are a lot of factor at play at how this superficiality has come to be but IMHO, there are two main factors that contribute most to it.
We are nearing towards the end of the political cycle. All the major battles of equality and progressive politics have been won so it is inevitable that those on the left who had fought these want to push the centre ground so far to the left so that those who were centrist not even a few years ago are now deemed right wing.
It is also hard not to see that with the growing inequality in our society that is becoming not hard to notice even those who are just comfortable that they want to be seen as struggling against the system. What better way to do this than to hitch on these current progressive crusades as an ‘ally’.
In this environment, it gives them the ability of deflection where they can castigate anyone who disagrees with the mob they have joined as far right, homophonic, transphobic and other such slurs.
It also means that they have to justify this by this fake emotion that they are believing in something right when they know deep down it is not.
It is obvious also that it is easier to demonise the other than it is to stick their head above the parapet and campaign against the true problems in our society of the have’s having more and everybody else having less.
So for anybody who doesn’t go along with the Trans thing, don’t take to heart these jibs that are thrown to you as those who are uttering it deserve absolutely no respect whatsoever.
Gonna try Rubys suggestion of Youtube links
While Johnny Lydon wrote this about Christianity, it fits exactly the so-called progressive agenda that is being peddled now, which is turning into a religion with how fanatical it’s adherents are.
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Republicofscotland says: 26 December, 2022 at 4:58 pm
What Pete Wishart forgets to add is that the Scottish public overwhelmingly DIDN’T back it. The Scottish public do not approve of the unamended GRRB that allows rapists and paedos into women and children’s safe spaces.
“Nearly all SNP and Labour MSPs backed this bill. All Green MSPs and Liberal MSPs backed it. Even 3 Tory MSPs backed it. But the UK Tories know best and will defy Scottish democracy, again.”
link to
The majority of MSP’s of all parties supported this.
It will be the time at the next Holyrood election not to support these MSP’s.
frank gillougley says:
24 December, 2022 at 3:12 pm
“You don’t still believe that sex is binary at your age, do you?”
Ha! It used to be Room 101 that contained your worst nightmare; now it’s Room 5.
Flashing now there’s an interesting topic.
link to
‘Girl, 10, too scared to walk to school after flasher exposed himself in Kirkcaldy park’
That is a really scary experience for children but also for women. If you are in a quiet street and you come across a man hiding in a doorway exposing himself you run.
I think most flashers target children. There are also those who masturbate (know as playing pocket billiards) close to children’s playparks.
Now if these flasher self-id as women they are free to enter women’s changing rooms and flash legally. They could not be charged.
Women strip naked in changing rooms especially if they are going swimming. There is no law stopping them from walking about naked so there will be no law stopping a ‘trans woman’ from being totally naked. They could not be charged with indecent exposure.
I have seen many penises. I spent a lot of time doing life drawing but if I were stuck alone in a changing room with a naked man I would be very uncomfortable especially if he had an erection.
Unlike the male nude models they could not be asked to leave if they had an erection or forbidden from looking you looking you in the eyes.
Flashers love self-id.
When I was googling flashers I came across this
link to
Which I found curious.
If ‘gussiegrips’ get charged with flashing then every woman out in public wearing a bikini could be charged as could every man wearing ‘budgie smugglers’
I might actually be in favour of the wearing of ‘budgie smugglers’ in public being made illegal.
link to
Keep signing.
This is building up slowly but surely.
It’s now at 6574.
PacMan says:
26 December, 2022 at 6:48 pm
A belated Merry Christmas to everybody. I decided to tune out of the transtastrophe over the holiday period.
Well you likely missed this too, will this now finally be Sturgeons undoing ? link to
Another thing to think about with regards to changing rooms is those pervs who film women getting changed. They stick their phones under cubicles and have even been known to drill a hole in cubicle walls. Now they will be free to film women getting changed. Who is going to stop them?
Most of these gyms etc offer free wi-fi so it’s not usual to see women in the changing rooms checking their phones. How easy would it be for a perv to video women getting changed?
Also check public toilets & M&S, Primark etc changing rooms for phones under the door or over the the dividing wall.
I am watching the BBC4 Christmas lectures by Professor Sue Black just now. Clear anatomical difference between men and women. For all those Science deniers out there. GRRB is a law that has no basis in Science.
@ Margaret Eleftheriou: I feared that Mia was responding to a less-than-sincerely-held comment. Mia’s response certainly warrants wide attention.
Merry Terfmas everyone.
Apparently the trans men that the MSPs were applauding, one of them was pictured with a baseball bat threatening to smash in terfs.
Another one a sexual deviant that offers perverted services as a sex worker. Ahaha. Not in the slightest bit surprised.
The woman that made that powerful protest from the gallery. i say well done to her.
She must not be charged. Men will be able to self ID and flash women in gym changing areas legally.
Scotland is back to front under this SNP.
@PacMan 6:48
Took me just seconds to think of a few battles that have not been won.
The battle for decent living wages.
The battle for secure, affordable homes.
The battle for timely and effective medical treatment.
You are over thinking it. Trans woo woo has been adopted only because these real-world battles have proved to be beyond the ability of our professional politicos.
The opposition in these real-world battles have had decades to get their defences in order. These defences are well nigh impregnable.
Trans woo woo, just because it is so perverse and counter-factual, has no real defences against it. Thus it provides a perfect opportunity for those who could never otherwise achieve anything.
@Breeks 3:48
The people of the UK were asked if they wanted the UK to remain in the EU.
A majority of the people of the UK said “No”.
The time to settle what should have happened if the constituent countries voted differently was before the vote, not after. But naw, as far as the Remainers were concerned, the fix was well and truly in. Project Fear would ensure a comfortable win for Remain.
Big miscalculation, learn from it and move on.
It’s now as relevant as 1707 to most Scots.
@Tinto Chiel 4:29
“We don’t have a free press”
WTF do you think this is then?
I assume you really mean that we don’t have any MSM provider that has an editorial position that you agree with. That’s a completely different gripe.
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Meet Bee. Who Nicola applauded in Parliament. Here’s bees sex work account. Bee wants to talk fetishes.
link to
Here’s bee in the second photograph with an axe painted in the transgender colours.
Coming to a female changing room near you.
link to
Merkin knickers!
Far too pricey at nearly £18 quid.
Make your own.
You will need
a pair of knickers
a glue gun
a triangle of fake fur
(You could cut a wee bit off your fake fur rug
also check 101 uses of a dead cat)
glue furry triangle onto your knickers.
Warning: Wait until hot glue cools down before trying on.
Here’s the trick if you want to be a real superwoman.
Wear your merkin knickers on the outside. (See superman)
Support ‘gussiegrips’ by wearing your merkin knickers.
Gloves off merkin knickers on!
@John Main: “WTF do you think this is then?”
This is a blog for independence-minded folk (apart from the usual tiresome trolls) and is not a “press” or printed newspaper in the sense of the “dead-tree scrolls” as some witty Winger once remarked.
The MSM is nothing but deeply-compromised state-sponsored dreck, as you know fine well. Its editorial position is largely monolithic and strictly controlled, like the anti-semitic smears against Corbyn. I am fully aware he is a metropolitan who neither knows nor cares much about Scotland but he didn’t deserve the crapola thrown at him.
Unlike some here, I have some regard for your stirring contrarianism in the tradition of Sensible Dave und so weiter. Let’s not spoil a beautiful friendship
Happy to help!
link to
Sarah Everard killer Wayne Couzens charged with two further counts of exposure
Started as a ‘flasher’ and then went on to kill.
John Main says: 26 December, 2022 at 9:38 pm
If you think middle class lefties are interested in that you are either deluded or trolling.
Hi John Main.
I concur with TC.
(the press) [ treated as sing. or pl. ] newspapers or journalists viewed collectively: the incident was not reported in the press
• [ mass noun ] coverage in newspapers and magazines.
This is an online blog – it is not a newspaper or magazine.
And our “press” isn’t free – it is owned and editorially directed by millionaire owners. In an other sense, it also costs to read a printed newspaper or magazine.
Joe says:
26 December, 2022 at 7:42 pm
Well you likely missed this too, will this now finally be Sturgeons undoing ? link to
I’d be very wary about this article & similar articles in the MSM about Fergusons as the SNP Scot Gov, Transport Scotland & CMAL have all been making quite a lot of things up as they go along, even previous statements to the media given has been previously discredited by evidence given in the Scottish Parliament Public Audit Committee.
Out of all the committees it is the one committee worth watching for this kind of shenannigans as you find out a lot of stuff in those sessions that never see’s the light of day outside of the Scottish Parliament, including the evidence given by Jim McColl directly to Parliament which blows the most of the SNP Scottish Government’s, Transport Scotland’s and CMAL’s evidence to pieces, and McColl backed his up with physical evidence which he was willing to hand over given during iirc a 6 hour session in which he spent about half of it breaking down the general terms of business & practises used in shipbuilding in order for the committee members to unsderstand thier meaning, in particular for the SNP members of the committee who were constantly trying to strawman McColl & scapegoat him instead of getting to the facts of the matter.
People should instead be enquiring why the SNP Scottish Government have an active gag-order on the management who were working at Fergusons prior to its nationalisation – a gag-order that the SNP Scottish Government has refused to release them from on multiple occasions when asked to do so, so that they can give evidence – both phsyical and oral – to the Scottish Parliament PAC without the risk of being sued and/or ending up in prison for telling the truth about the situation, which as I think we are all well aware seem’s to be this SNP Scottish Governments answer to those who go up against them, that is imprisonment.
Thank you Mia at 4.13 pm. A brilliant summary of the Sturgeon failures over the last 8 years. I would ask all readers of Wings to read Mia`s contribution to the cause.
o/t The past week has been one of the most depressing times ever in the history of Aberdeen Football Club with last minute defeats to Celtic, Rangers and then a defeat to St Mirren in the space of one week. A very difficult time for Dons supporters.
For Independence supporters we must keep the faith and soldier on. Why has there been no demonstrations outside Bute House despite the significant number of people now recognising that Sturgeon is no longer a supporter of independence.
Gregory 5:36pm
Re Plebiscite..
‘Scotland had just spoken’
Yes, they had. Then promptly shafted on the 19th September with Cameron’s acceptance speech. Remember how Scotland was getting fk all, was at the back of the queue now & EVEL was introduced, making the Westminster parly an English only parly. Add the fiasco of Smith, the strongest parly was being super duper power over road signs? Whoop! I could hardly fkn contain myself with excitement! NOT!
All good reasons BEFORE GE2015 to declare a re-run.
Mia, great post! I didn’t see it. Was it in the moderation queue?
I couldn’t agree more. Plenty of reasons to end the treaty & still can be used. The claim of right was an absolute of the treaty of Union, non negotiable. The myth they have supreme power over that treaty is a nonsense. It is by the consent of the Sovereign Scots that’s been allowed to be hidden. The explosion of the YES movement & Sturgeons daft equality drive put in place sub standard MSPs & MPs – they wouldn’t know the Claim of Right if it bit them on the arse. Didn’t the judge at the SC reveal an individual could pen a referendum bill that would have bypassed the presiding officer & Bain? Parly vote it through & THEN accept legal challenge? You’d think Sturgeon should’ve known that.
As for Alex Salmond – he (foolishly) agreed he’d step down if he lost. I dunno if that was a pact by both him & Cameron – that if either lost they’d resign.
I say Foolish because he knows how slippery the UK government is – we were never going to get Devo max or anything like it. He should’ve held until he seen the offer first. Imo..
She probably did know that.
We’ll not get anywhere in Holyrood. It’s a WM branch office working against Scotlands interests. Everything from Unionist parties not registered in Scotland to WM appointed Lord Advocates to WM civil servants fkn up everything from ferries to farm payments.
We need to reconvene the real Scottish parliament. I don’t know why that myth was allowed to happen. It wasn’t a reconvening of anything fkn relating to Scotland.
Sooner someone is in charge to vote to reopen it officially – it’s just a branch office.
David Hannah says: 26 December, 2022 at 10:10 pm
Wonder what John Main has to say?
Ruby 7:17pm
It happened to me & yes it was terrifying.
I was about 8. Needed the toilet at my Mum’s work. She had a shop downstairs & there was one above run by a father & son..
To go to the toilet there was two doors. A door in, & a door at the end of a long single file corridor to another door to the toilet. Ran in, locked the door behind me, piddled & opened the door to the dirty bastard son with his strides down masturbating & asking me to ‘touch it’ I was stunned. WTAF was that? It took me a mo to register. I went to walk past him & he blocked me, I went to step the other way & he blocked me again all while asking me to touch it. There was feck all way of getting out passed him & the stupid single corridor he kept blocking. Quick thinking made me dart back in the toilet & bolt the door. Terrified, shaking, feeling sick. I stayed in there a while until my Mam came looking for me which seemed a fucking eternity. He’d gone by then.
Worst part was I never told her. Why? Cause I was stupid & thought ‘she’ll never bring me to her work again’ & feeling it was my mistake – I should’ve gone with someone instead of skipping in there on my own. The son of the guy upstairs was about late 20s. I shudder to think the shit he got upto later.
I think I was in my 30s when me & my sister were getting tipsy when the subject came up. FFS, the dirty bastard had done it to her too & she never told anyone either!
Anyhoo, for a child, yes it is terrifying & sickening. Out in the open at least you’ve a chance of running away or screaming to a passer-by.
The Sarah Everett copper flashed to a mother with her baby FFS!.
It later transpired my Mam had a nightmare on an empty train too. She was traveling up from England where she was studying nursing & coming home at the weekends. A flasher kept following her from carriage to carriage & there was no ticket conductor & she couldn’t get off as it was late & she’d have been stranded. OMG – what a fking nightmare that would’ve been. A confined space & no exit.
Could an ultra butch lesbian Self-ID as a man and enter male safe spaces?
Could that person enter the male changing rooms and get stripped off? because in the eyes of the law this person would be a male.
Just curious to know if it works the other way as well.
Because there are a lot of young boys use male changing rooms, and would be exposed to naked women in their changing rooms.
More unanswered questions.
This has opened up a right can of worms.
Sarah Everard killer Wayne Couzens charged with two further counts of exposure
Started as a ‘flasher’ and then went on to kill.
It always does. Once they’re bored with that & it’s no longer a thrill, they escalate onto something else. Something medical professionals are well aware of hence why it’s utter stupidity to remove safeguarding & inviting them in to women’s spaces. I’ve watched enough True Crime. The background is always a flasher & hurting animals, even sexually abusing them as experimenting their later craft. It’s a power trip. Something authorities would flag. Now they don’t need to. In Sturgeons idiotic universe they’ll tell a policeman their deepest darkest thoughts before embarking on thier depravities.
That was on the radio today. A trans man.
Get this, ‘they don’t want to use the gents because they don’t want to put anyone out or make men feel uncomfortable’ so they’ll just continue with using the female toilets.
*smacks forehead*
Women are from Venus right enough..
What can now happen tho is a trans woman can approach the butch lesbian & demand her to get her kit off cause they identify as a lesbian even though they have a male body thats fully intact.
The gay women who cheered this law on are in for a rude awakening. According to the documentary Adult Human Female – lesbians are being booted off of dating sites for not accepting Transwoman matches.
It is a can of worms. & They say they’re not finished yet. This is just the start. Non binary is next up..
Just when we thought this BS was all over lol..
Geri at 0247am,
Yes, you are correct, Lesbians (that is woman who are same sex (not gender) attracted), are indeed booted off lesbian dating sites simply for telling blokes who think they are ‘lesbians’ that they are not interested in them. I mean seriously, they are effeminate men who are straight and like women.
Anybody who tries to suggest that a guy with his bits intact is somehow a ‘lesbian’ is not only homophobic, but aff their head.
Folk from my generation and earlier fought tooth and nail for Gay rights, and we’re not going to sit back and let some wholly ill-informed folk like the Scottish greens, the SNP and weans from twitter who have never even had a girl or boyfriend, tell us that we don’t exist anymore. Such folk can GTF. And they can GTF with their whole ‘LGBTQIAA++’ nonsense as well.
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Robert Louis , we need a whole lot more like you to shout that from the rooftops – I have a horrible feeling there will be a backlash which will wreck gay rights as well as everything which needs wrecked in this perverted bill.
I do wonder why there has been not a squeak from child protection agencies and those in loco parentis or even parents themselves.
Maybe we are all ‘invalid’.
Back before men were given all these trans rights if a man entered a female changing room/toilet you could report them to the attendant at the gym/swimming pool and they would sort it out. If a man was exposing himself in the female changing room you could not only report them to the attendant but you could report them to the police. Now with these trans right
indecent exposure in a female changing room is perfectly legal as is voyeurism.
Not only can you not report these incidents to the police or an attendant you risk being charged if you do.
Keep signing:
link to
No more ‘trans rights’
No more sex changes
No more flippin’ pronouns
No more crazy words like wombhaver & chest feeder
No more drag
No more lady dick
No more men in women’s sport
No more impersonating a woman
Black face is a hate crime why not woman face
Have you had enough sign the petition.
@Geri 1:41 am
I apologise before hand if somebody finds this comment too graphic. Rev, please delete this comment if you think it does not add up anything of value to the discussion or if it is unnecessarily graphic. My intention is not to upset anybody, simply relate some real life experiences from my childhood and young adulthood and why I believe removing the barriers protecting women and children, as this law does, is very, very dangerous.
Thank you for sharing yours, your sister and mother’s terrifying experience, Geri. I think some people does not realise how common it is to come across perverts. I had my fair share of unwanted and uninvited flashing, masturbating in public, and worse: in the street when I was a child and teenager, as a very young adult sitting in a cinema while watching a film (it was the afternoon session and it was not a porno movie) and another in a public bus. In both occasions, with plenty of people around.
My main defense in the last two instances was to react quickly by shouting to alert everybody else at what the sick pervert was doing. In both cases that quickly drove the respective pervert away. Believe it or not, the event in the cinema was by a man in his seventies. He had come to the cinema with a stick and sat on the seat next to mine. While the lights were still on I saw nothing menacing on the man. What I saw was somebody’s grandfather coming to the cinema to watch a movie in the afternoon. I thought nothing of it and let my guard down. But hell, I never saw an old man with a stick move and run so fast once I drove the bastard away with my screaming.
A bit scarier was a time when I was around 10 and coming back home from a play day at my friend’s house. It was late afternoon and darkish, but it was a very short walking distance from both houses.
I saw in the distance a car parked in a strange place, right across my path and inside the car I saw somebody looking in my direction. I thought “he will be waiting for someone else”. But the idiot had parked near a street light so as I approached the car I could see what was happening inside. This pervert reclined the seat back and continued to look at me while he masturbated himself. I had never seen a man masturbating himself before, so it took me a moment to figure out what he was doing and what was going on. Because he was in his car and somewhat occupied, I could run away easily. But I have always wondered what would have happened to me if this had taken place in a public toilet or changing room instead and I could not run away.
But there is worse. When I was 8 years of age I saw a disgusting man in his 50’s sexually assaulting my little friend of 7 years of age. We were playing hid and seek in the street (it was around 15:00, summer time) when along came this sick bastard.
My friend was hiding in a wee alley between the big windows of two shops. I saw from a few meters distance how this bastard approached her and blocked her exit. By the time I got near enough he was over her, asking her menacingly if she was a good girl and always told the truth to her parents.
I could hear my friend assenting with her head, as, looking at her face, I got the impression she was too scared to speak. This disgusting pervert then proceeded to tell her that he knew an infallible way for fathers to know if their little daughters were telling them the truth or not.
Despite my desperate attempts to get my friend to come back to us and stop listening to the man, she was so terrified that she could not move. Then I saw in disbelief how this disgusting pervert proceeded to slide his hand over my friend’s t-shirt to touch her breast – my friend was only 7 but was taller than the rest of us and looked older.
At that point I felt something was seriously, seriously wrong and froze. When I managed to react, I started to shout, “that is nonsense. Christine do not listen to this man. He is lying. What he is saying is nonsense. Please come back to play with us”.
The bastard then looked back at me with what I thought was a terrifying look on his face. I froze. The only thing I managed to achieve was to rush him into proceeding to slide his hand under my friend’s skirt and underwear. I was paralised in shock and so was my friend. She could not move or speak. I could not move either because I feared this man was going to hit me. I did react, but way too late, by shouting “that is a disgusting man and I am going to run and ask your parents to come here right now”. At that point the abuser run off. I do not know if he run off because he really fear I was going to get my friend’s parents or because he finished what he came to do.
I had an opportunity to catch a glimse of his face. He was flustered and covered in sweat. His hands were shaking. My friend was in shock. Once the man left, it took her a while to burst into tears realising what had happened. Her parents contacted the police, but the pervert was never found. It was at a time that this kind of thing was considered normal and the blame was put on the victim for not guarding themselves, rather on the real culprit. My friend had nightmares for years and so did I. She because of what she went through. I because I felt horribly guilty I did not do anything to stop it. We were both scared to play again in the street for a very long time.
I have questioned my actions that day over and over again searching for what else I could have I done to stop it. I have regretted time and time again not having go to the man and kicked him in the legs, as I was far too wee to kick him in the balls. But I was in shock, hardly believing, or even understanding, what I was watching.
My friend has also blamed herself over and over again for not having been able to guard herself better.
This took place on a Sunday afternoon, on a public street, with broad light as it was summer time. It was a well transited street and my friend’s parents were very close by. Yet this disgusting pervert found the opportunity. I cannot bear thinking of what else he could have done had he caught my friend alone in a public toilet or changing room instead.
It is for all these traumatic experiences as a child and young adult that I think those in Holyrood who passed this legislation, either they were not thinking or they were deliberately trying to normalise perversions against women and children, or they have behaved like negligent cowards who proceeded to bury their heads in the sand while unnecessarily endangering women and children to pander to questionable vested interests.
Yes, perverts do exist and they can pounce on you anywhere. But removing the protective barriers that keep them separate from women at the most vulnerable times will not stop perverts and will not be innocuous. It normalises perversions by giving perverts plenty of opportunities and an open door to take their sick thoughts and actions even further.
The reason AS stood down after the No vote in the indyref is simply because it used to be the standard action of honour when one lost a major battle. And AS is the epitome of an honourable man.
There were no pressures brought to bear, no shady background deals with Cameron or anyone else and it is quite shameful of anyone to suggest this was the case. AS resigned simply as an honourable man doing the honourable thing. I am surprised at how many people dont seem to understand this given ‘rule’ of engagement in battle. It is the root of the saying ‘falling on ones sword’. Has the virtue of honour been lost in our younger generations nowadays along with common sense and an understanding of the most basic science?
The rainbow flag, also known as the (gay) pride flag, is a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) pride and LGBT social movements.
I never used to have a problem with the rainbow flag but now I do. Ever time I see it I get angry. The rainbow flag signifies misogyny.
Sometimes you can push people too far.
England and Scotland can never be friends or «partners», equal or not.
Only those who ignore the evidence of history could think so.
Psychologically, the twain are destined to meet only on the battlefield.
Where there is no respect…
The heart of the matter, respect.
Ruby at 10.00am. I agree with what you say – I also feel mere contempt now for the rainbow flag and where I have previously had no problems with trans people and have just seen them as perhaps slightly eccentric but ordinary people, nowadays I see them as hostile misogynists and I feel disgust towards them and to those who support them.
I would think a pretty high percentage of women have experience of perverts. I certainly have and so have many of my friends.
Sturgeon on the other hand hasn’t a clue.
If Sturgeon has been honourable she would have resigned as soon as she failed to get us a section 30.
When Theresa May said ‘now is not the time’ she should have admitted defeat and allowed someone else to take over.
I can’t understand why people are willing to accept a
plebiscite election without calling for Sturgeon’s resignation.
Ruby asked:
“Was there any revolution where the military sided with the people?”
Here you go – the Connaught Rangers, an Irish Regiment stationed in India, during the Irish War of Independence
“On 28 June 1920, a company of the Connaught Rangers stationed at Jullundur on the plains of the Punjab refused to perform their military duties as a protest against the activities of the British Army in Ireland.
On the following day, the mutineers sent two emissaries to a company of Connaught Rangers stationed at Solon, about twenty miles away in the foothills of the Himalayas.
The soldiers there took up the protest as well and, like their counterparts at Jullundur, flew the tricolour of Ireland, wore ‘Sinn Féin’ rosettes on their British Army uniforms and sang rebel songs.”
Anybody that’s interested can read the full story here
link to
Cheers Ben that is very interesting! Would be great to think that Scots/Scots Regiments in the British Army would do the same in the event of problems in Scotland.
@Tinto Chiel 10:18
My point is that yes, indeed, the traditional MSM is essentially consigned to history. The reasons are complex, including apathy and ignorance on the part of the readers/listeners. But I don’t buy into the narrative that the MSM is somehow or other “captured”. It gives the consumers exactly what they are prepared to pay for.
My point is that the times have changed. This here is “the press” in the third decade of the 21st century.It is free to publish what it wants, and usually does, subject only to quite reasonable restrictions.
My point is that in comparison with the ghastly fate that would await Rev Stu in quite a few countries in the world, this is an utopia of publishing freedom.
@Ottomanboi 10:04
Awa an shite man.
Ruby says:
27 December, 2022 at 10:43 am
“Would be great to think that Scots/Scots Regiments in the British Army would do the same in the event of problems in Scotland”.
That would depend on how much, and how many, soldiers and officers support Independence.I have no idea whether any attempt has been made to reach out to them.
I do know that since the 1850s (approximately) Irish revolutionaries(the Fenians and the Irish Republican Brotherhood) had been attempting to convince some Irishmen in the British Army of Ireland’s right to freedom.
They had also been very active on the Union side (anti-slavery) in the American Civil War
At friends over Christmas so kinda compelled to catch a bit of TV, and it’s really quite nauseating listening to the BBC describing the situation unfolding in Taiwan.
Conscription reintroduced to combat “Chinese Aggression”, but no mention of the $10 billion dollars in military investment from the US to which the Chinese were reacting. It isn’t Beijing who’s redefining the One Nation China doctrine which has kept the peace for decades.
Clearly without Yookraine giving the US it’s big pay out, the US needs to provoke instability somewhere else, and of course, the rancid BBC will lead the way justifying it. Pass the sick bucket…
Mia , similar experiences when I was growing up and I am disgusted and astounded by the dismissive attitude of the Scottish government and ‘friends”.
I agree FionaN. Any sympathy/empathy, whatever, has gone for these people.
FionaN says:
27 December, 2022 at 10:00 am
….Has the virtue of honour been lost in our younger generations nowadays along with common sense and an understanding of the most basic science?
Not sure about younger generations, but the virtue of honour clearly skipped Sturgeon’s generation, together with a rudimentary grasp of science, and similar rudimentary grasp of Scotland’s Constitution.
Given Sturgeon’s inglorious history as a lawyer, it would seem Sturgeon doesn’t grasp very much about anything.
“There were no pressures brought to bear, no shady background deals with Cameron or anyone else”
May I be a pain in the neck and ask you directly how can you possibly know this?
Were you with Mr Salmond 24 hours a day?
Did you have access to each and every one of the phone calls he received, post or emails, or every single 1:1 conversation he had?
Were you in his pocket to be able to hear all this?
Because if you weren’t, then I am sorry to have to point out to you that you are in no position to make such a claim.
And if you were, what legitimate right did you have to listen to all his conversations/email etc?
“it is quite shameful of anyone to suggest this was the case”
No, it isn’t, actually. When something looks suspicious the shameful thing to do is to shut up and look the other way legitimising it.
And his resigning certainly did look suspicious. Attempting to bring here the old, rancid “honour” card, to conveniently put “the blame” on him for his premature resignation and for giving power to a political fraud like Sturgeon, looks even more suspicious, I have to say.
There is no doubt Mr Salmond is a very intelligent man with a strategic ability far above the average politician and miles ahead anything Sturgeon on her own without the help of her army of advisors can ever come up with.
While Mr Salmond never gave the impression of following a script somebody else wrote, you can never shift away from your mind the thought that Sturgeon is following somebody’s script with every predictable move she makes and speech she delivers.
If even an idiot like me with no vision or strategic abilities whatsoever realised straight away that getting support for independence from a 23% in January 2013 to over 50% a week before the referendum, and against the full might of the UK establishment and its allies, is nothing other than a huge victory for Mr Salmond, so did him.
Having the entire UK establishment scrambling for damage limitation, mobilising the civil servants in the UK treasury to unscrupulously ditch their code of practice and fake “political impartiality” to enter a dirty war against independence, was no defeat for Mr Salmond. It was a victory.
Forcing the UK establishment to reveal its true colours by coordinating a tool of the state like Brown, a unionist newspaper and its three political arms to contain the pro-independence wave and then go on to abuse its position of power to play dirty breaking purdah rules, can never be seen as a defeat of Mr Salmond. It is a victory. He forced the UK establishment to expose its true colours as a dirty and untrustworthy player who would not hesitate in abusing power, abuse its ability to access UK taxpayers’ money or trampling over its pretence of democracy to get its way and preserve this “union”.
Mr Salmond’s victory became even more obvious when we had the crown tool Brown sharing a platform with Cameron to lecture us (as if any of them had the authority to do so) that the people of Scotland “had spoken” and that we “could not have another referendum”.
Why would you feel the need to say such a thing if you are convinced you won that referendum and won “decisively” by a 10%?
You wouldn’t. You only feel the need to say such a thing when you do not believe you have won and still you have to convince a whole population that you have won but you lack convincing arguments to do that.
Things like these were published in newspapers in October 2014:
“Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said SNP ministers must accept the “No” vote, instead of getting on the “betrayal bandwagon”.
“The betrayal bandwagon is already getting dusted down. This is simply not good enough. The Scottish people have made their democratic decision and it must be respected.”
Why would you feel such a need for these cries for the official result of the referendum to be respected if the majority truly had voted against ending the union?
Do we ever hear these cries and the demands for the people in England to accept the result after an election had taken place?
This also from Carmichael in October 2014 is interesting:
“I would call on Nicola Sturgeon to show genuine leadership and accept the result”
Wait, what?
Let’s remember this was published in October 2014. Sturgeon was no leader in October 2014. Mr Salmond was. Yet, the powers that be were already bypassing him and addressing her instead. Suspicious? To me, yes, very. It tells me Mr Salmond was well aware the referendum was “won” by playing dirty and worse, he was the only leader prepared to shout it and capitalise on it. Even worse, it tells me the UK establishment feared Mr Salmond was ready to launch a counterattack capitalising on the discontent of the people and that is why they were writing him off as SNP leader even before another one had been officially elected.
Yet, as soon as Sturgeon took over, all what we heard was silence and all that discontent let go to waste.
As to the real character of Sturgeon, it took me just a few months (from September 2014 to March 2015 when, knowing the SNP would win by a landslide she rushed to announce that a vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence) to become immediately suspicious this woman was in no hurry to deliver independence and I wasn’t even an SNP member at that point. I somewhat doubt very much Mr Salmond did not see anything untoward much, much sooner than that. Get your friends close, but your enemies closer?
To be successful in politics you have to be very perceptive. Mr Salmond was, and still is, the most successful pro-independence politician in Scotland, and the only one who has managed to put the fear up the backside of the UK establishment. The only one. Hence the rush of the establishment’s tools to trash his reputation, to remove him from Westminter/Holyrood.
Such is their fear, particularly when Mr Salmond found himself a platform in RT, which the British establishment had no way to censor it, that they seemingly might have gone to the lengths of recruiting what look like perjurers to put him in prison using a farcical criminal case. When this failed, they resourced to the black out of him or his party in the MSM outlets.
The enormous combined effort and collision of the UK establishment through its arms like political parties, COPFS, the police, the civil service and the MSM and Sturgeon’s government and party to keep Mr Salmond out of politics, does not point to Mr Salmond having lost that referendum. It points to him having won it. His rushed and premature resignation remains even more suspicious as the time goes by.
“Conscription reintroduced to combat “Chinese Aggression”, but no mention of the $10 billion dollars in military investment from the US to which the Chinese were reacting.”
Interesting choice to only go that far back, my understanding is the Senate Bill with the 10 Billion was first put forward in October.
In 2020 China carried out 400 incursions into Taiwanese Airspace, in 2021 they carried out just under 1000, and by May this year had already done some 500. I believe since then the monthly numbers since then have just continued to increase.
I am sure if I go looking there will be reasons for that too it’s all sabre rattling at this stage, but to act like the recent increase in Chinese military operations is a reaction to US money to Taiwan a couple of months back is a little disingenuous.
Mia says at 4.13. pm
Another excellent piece if information. Thank you for this
I do wonder though, surely Mr Salmond could not have missed such a devious creature. Why did he not see this coming. Is it not the case that he actually picked her for leadership. And as for the rest of the party high heid yins who are still in office, how many times did they knife Mr Salmond to get him out of the way of indy. What was his judgment of these disgusting people, why was he so blind.
Mia, you’re analytical thoughts are brilliant.
” why was he so blind”
The question for me remains: was he really blind, was he blinded or was he encouraged to close his eyes and look blind?
Sturgeon won the leadership of the SNP uncontested. That was strange in itself.
The establishment needed a staggering 18 months of investigation, ridiculous level of collusion between the UK civil services in the Scottish Gov with the copfs, hundreds of interviews, what look like willing perjurers, secrecy for the perjurers under the threat of criminal prosecution, and the entire might of the COPFS to silence Mr Salmond and making the Parliamentary enquiry toothless, to make a criminal court case based on ridiculous charges to stand.
This means there was nothing obvious in Mr Salmond’s past that was of sufficient weight to transform him into a puppet, a shell, a useful idiot the establishment could use as an asset while still looking as a pro-independence leader.
Was the same for Ms Sturgeon?
Remember Memo gate?
It allegedly concerned a conversation between Sturgeon and a French official linked to a French embassy. If I am not mistaken, the official version we were fed by the press is the conversation pointed to Sturgeon having mentioned she wanted Cameron and not MIliband to become PM. Not such a big thing from a Scottish point of view, you might think. It is obvious having the tories in power will turn more people in Scotland towards independence faster.
What was interesting is that Ms Sturgeon denied vehemently she said such a thing, as did the French diplomat, whose name, interestingly, has never been mentioned as far as I know. The latter said this regarding the conversation:
“did not touch on her political preferences for the next British prime minister, not at all.”
I do not need to mention that since then there has been plenty of rumours and innuendo in the BTL of different blogs and newspapers regarding a possibility of Ms Sturgeon leading a double life potentially involving somebody French, which Sturgeon herself has also rubbished and has never been officially proven.
I have zero interest in Ms Sturgeon’s private affairs. Her private life is her own and whatever she chooses to do in her free time is her business and her business only.
But what I am far more interested in is dates and patterns.
For what I can find, this memogate thing first hit the newspapers around March 2015, conveniently close to the May election. By early April 2015 it was everywhere.
Interestingly, it was also around April when Ms Sturgeon infamously announced that a vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence, nor even a vote for a referendum.
What is the probability that both things could be linked?
In the eyes of the public, the memogate was allegedly presented as a move to deter voters from voting for labour because it could lead to a coalition with the SNP.
But in Scotland it had a different outcome: it was seen as an endorsement of Sturgeon as a pro-independence leader who was seeking tories in power to speed up our way to independence.
But what if this memogate had a completely different objective, for example that of being a warning shot to Sturgeon to make her compliant?
How much did that official version of memogate we were fed contributed to the image that Sturgeon was a real pro-independence leader hated by the UK establishment and therefore reliable?
How much did that memogate contributed to the change in direction of the SNP under Sturgeon?
@Breeks 11:20
Do you believe that the US “investment” in Taiwan is in order to bankroll a Taiwanese invasion of China?
TBH, your post only makes any sense when interpreted in that way.
It is quite incredible how you continue to believe that both mad Vlad and Xi are duped patsies, forever doomed to dance on the end of the strings being pulled by the Wicked West.
Covid has savagely weakened the world economy. The ramifications will take decades to work out. Meantime, autocrats, megalomaniacs and imperialists are doing what they always do in periods of economic stress: looking after their own interests.
The US has taken the self-interested view that both it and the world will be best served if Vlad and Xi are kept within their own borders. I back that because it is in my own best interests. Just as it is in the best interests of the rest of us Scots, including you.
Innarestin, as always, to note your lack of sympathy for the Taiwanese, who want to be free to pursue their own ideas of government and self-determination, without the eternal threat of invasion and destruction.
Interesting points
Same applies to the Vietnam group where the conspiracy is clear. No mention in the MSM at the open goal and no questions in the Parliament.
There can be no doubt the copy messages are out there but someone is keeping the lid on them – for now!!
She is toast now or at some point in the future and she only hangs on to avoid the inevitable in the hope that time will offer some alternative.
Mia @1:13
The Russians have a nice word for that which you allude to…
Noun – Compromising information collected for use in blackmailing, discrediting, or manipulating someone, typically for political purposes.
@PacMan 1:32 am
“Wonder what John Main has to say”
Much the same as most other readers PM. To use a footballing analogy:
There’s a lumbering, carthorse-paced jog up the middle from PM, which is intercepted in a few words by JM, possession taken and the pass laid on, leaving PM all out of ideas, meaning he has to play the man, as the ball’s already in the back of the net.
A good time of year for resolutions, PM. Resolve to up your game in 2023.
I’m tearing what’s left of my hair out, this thread is turning into one huge hate fest. Does no one have anything positive to say about how we set about removing the SNP from power? Alba was never going to be a winner due to the job they did on AS and the connotations of his associations with RT.
I think we need to join forces with our erstwhile enemies to remove the infection which is the Devolved administration.
We also need to prove to the thinking voters that Independence is viable and in the interests of all the Scottish people (which I believe it is), but no thinking person believes it will be all sunny uplands with pipes playing and flags flying.
We must start telling the hard truth, explain the currency, the borders, how we deal with the sectarian problems, the return to the EU for people who understand politics is a vote Loser.
If we don’t get our act together quickly before Sturgeon gains complete control of this country we will have the dubious distinction of being the West’s first totalitarian state.
The scottish parliament was disbanded in 1707.
See: Wikipedia, Devolution.
Devolution differs from Federalism in that the devolved powers of the subnational authority ultimately reside in central government,
Thus the state remains De Jure, a unity state of the UK.
Note that 76% of Scotlands revenue and 36% of all its spending along with Defence and international affairs are reserved to the UK Government and the parliament.
Under the Scotland Act, The United Kingdom parliament established the Devolved Scottish Parliament as one of its most significant pieces of Legislation passed by the United Kingdom parliament since 1707 Acts of Union,
which ratified the Treaty of the Union and led to the disbandment of the parliament of Scotland.
As can be seen from records, there is no Scottish parliament.
The devolved parliament in Scotland is a Uk legislation Act, and all civil servants are UK civil servants across the board.
Whatever the SNP pass as Law in Scotland is actually not Scots law, but under United Kingdom parliament Legislation because the SNP are within the confines of a created and established Westminster Legislation in the Devolved Government,
The gender issue therefore must come under UK legislation even if it disguised as Scots law in a false Scottish parliament that is disbanded.
The devolved parliament
“Does no one have anything positive to say about how we set about removing the SNP from power?”
Vote for whoever is best placed to beat them at the elections. Without the income from MPs and MSPs, Sturgeon’s rancid SNP will be bankrupt within 12 months and will disappear up its own Woke arsehole.
We can then resume the push for Indy without being hamstrung by the idiots who regularly f**k up everything they touch, to the extent you’d be forgiven for thinking it deliberate.
Sturgeon’s rancid SNP has wasted 7+ years. It’ll take at least that to get us back to where we were in 2014, where just a 6 point swing would’ve won it for Yes.
But we need rid of Sturgeon’s Kompromat-rideen, cozy feet devolutionist, pseudo-Indy, incompetent and Woke-zealot infested SNP to achieve Indy.
So on a positive note, vote them out – simples!
All that has happened is the product of a massive amount of planning and effort put into disillusioning, alienating and bringing to surrender genuine independence supporters.
It has the opposite effect on me. I trust on you too.
A fighting New Year beckons.
The devolved parliament in Scotland can be repealed like any other legislation or statue of the UK parliament.
It is not a Scottish parliament, that was disbanded in 1707, thus the laws it passes are not Legally Scots laws, but UNITED KINGDOMS.
That sounds great, but would any UK govt contemplate dissolving Holyrood while Sturgeon has such strong support?
Methinks following the money is the key to her removal.
“Methinks following the money is the key to her removal”
Don’t need to follow the money, just cut off the money, and you get rid of them all, Not just Surgeon, but Robertson, Swinney, Forbes, Cozy feet Pete, Blackford and his replacements… Dumb & Dumber etc. etc. Kick ’em all out!
No, I doubt the UK would dissolve holyrood, when it isa branch of themselves in Scotland,
but we have the right to choose our own government in Scotland under the claim of right that prince Charles televised recently in his speech which was televised.
To vote out the devolved government also rids us of the SNP and any other illegal laws they pass as Scots laws, such as freedom of speech, or protests and marches,
Scots law was supposed to remain under the treaty of union articles, this is breached when laws are being passed under UK legislation into Scotland with uk laws and statues.
There is also the a creeping doubt in some politicians and professors as to wether the treaty of union is in fact a treaty between Scotland and England’s parliaments due to the Scottish parliament being disbanded, and ceasing to exist.
Keep signing
It’s nearly at 7k now.
link to
I’m not sure what Alex Salmond was “meant” to have picked up on regarding Sturgeon.
Watching Sturgeon in 2014, she “looked” like a safe pair of hands. Fast forward to 8:40 to catch her fulsome praise of Alex Salmond, the man she was about to stitch up as a sex offender.
So what came over her? And when? A Manchurian Candidate? Or was she conning people all along?
I’m not sure that she was. I think “something” changed, and changed profoundly, because the unstoppable juggernaut she was given as gift was doomed from the instant she took over.
I don’t believe Sturgeon has the intellect to be the root cause of this “evil”. I don’t rate her in any capacity. I believe instead that disruptive Establishment “forces” were present throughout but could make no headway whatsoever while Salmond was in charge, but when Salmond stood down, it was open season, and they were finally free to disrupt the SNP precisely because Sturgeon was so weak and impressionable by comparison.
Sturgeon is NOT the great character people believe her to be. I detect no great intellect, no strategic acumen, no strength of character or even strong will, no great loyalty to the Independence cause… Frankly, mediocrity would only describe her on a rare good day. She is a proverbial nobody.
Her “staying” power isn’t down to her talents either. For reasons only to be guessed at, the Establishment media keeps her insulated from scrutiny and criticism. It’s difficult to accept that Scotland’s people are so easily hoodwinked, but given the evidence, what other conclusion can be drawn? Look at the dullards below the lines at WGD. For the life of me, I simply cannot grasp whatever it is they see.
Sturgeon isn’t steering the boat. Don’t kid yourselves. Sturgeon is a patsy, and she’ll remain a patsy until the rank and file of the SNP waken up and realise they’ve played like fools for eight years.
Sturgeon is simply the best First Minister which Westminster has ever had. A sheep in wolf’s clothing.
The best thing for Scotland to do is to impeach Sturgeon under Scotland’s Claim of Right, and hand her back to the UK Establishment which created her, as a failed Vichy Gauleiter of no significance to Scotland, as we Scottish Nationals pursue a Constitutional route to Independence that has not been compromised by clandestine parlour games.
Which enemies do you suggest we join forces with?
I’m guessing Labour. Did you not try hard to convince us to vote for Anas Sarwar during the last Holyrood election?
I’m just waiting for a party that supports the repeal of the GRA and I will vote for them.
What is it you find so hateful on this thread was it
John Main telling Ottomanboi to
‘Awa an shite’
It’s standing at 7002
link to
Interesting question.
Could be a change of man who she relied for guidance?
Salmond kept her on the right path but her new mentor her husband led her astray.
I don’t get the hysterics over RT. It’s completely MSM pish.
Alex Salmond offered his show to the UK. They didn’t want it. STV said they’d take it but he had to go into the jungle first (I’m a celebrity, get me out of here) FFS! (Ian Dale/Alex Salmond interview LBC)
RT have never interfered, censored or had an problems with invited guests, even those who speak against Russia. It’s also free to view & has no black marks against it from Ofcom.
Compare & contrast to the pishy, government arm, heavily censored & bootlicking mafia BBC which we’re charged for by threat of jail.
Priorities. The general public are fking stupid with the RT hysterics. Tories & Labour were never off the fecking channel themselves!
As for Sturgeon – the chamber picks the FM, not AS. He knew she was a fucking dunce. That’s why he returned after the other fucking dunce (Swinney) stepped down. He more or less looked around himself & thought…fuuuuuuuck! I better stand myself. He said of Sturgeon ‘She wasn’t ready’ Aye, a polite way of saying she was useless. (Alex Salmond – a Rebels journey’
Thanks for sharing your experience too. l also pondered for years why I never told anyone. Embarrassment? Shock, shame, I’d get into trouble etc? It’s stupid now as an adult thinking back because I’d nothing to be ashamed of & the only trouble would’ve been my Mam castrating the filthy bastard there & then.
But it does give insight into a child’s mind of how these predators prey on them. That sick bastard must’ve been watching the toilet waiting for his next victim to enter & because it was a unisex (single toilet) if he’d been disturbed he’d have his excuse ready that he was entitled to be there.
Robert Louis
Yes, you have a fight on your hands. Waaaaay back when this nonsense was in its infancy, Wings did an article by a lesbian blogger who was horrified at the Edinburgh Pride event. It had turned into a no go area for lesbians & the whole event was menacing & tensions were running high as Holyrood had just backpedaled on the GR 1st consultation – the event turned even more ugly when they reached Holyrood to wee Harvie & Kezia speeches to, by then, a baying mob ready to kick hell out of terf or anyone daring to have a placard not in keeping with trans.
I’ve read too they’ve hijacked the pride flag to include pedophiles? Or Minor attracted persons. Jeez! Frightening how toxic this has all become. When ppl try to use Gays as the same movement I point out it’s nothing like that all. Gays wanted equality. They never stepped over someone else’s rights to get it. I understand your concerns. They’re trashing everything – including homosexuals.
Dunno where my other bit went but to say too..
I’m well aware of the term ‘falling on your sword’
But I’m also aware of the UK government. It’s entirely plausible he was given all manner of conditions to hold a referendum. Remember too AS had been agitating for decades for Scotlands Independence & he was running a rather good ship as Captain at Holyrood. They’d want rid of him & his threat immediately after defeat – ‘the Scottish ppl have spoken even if it was rigged’, cut down the shepherd permanently & the sheep will get back in their box. Independence is over – jettison in the tried & tested method that serves them well – the cowardly yes man.
There was nothing dishonourable in sticking to his end of the bargain & stepping down. The opposite in fact.
I just wish he’d waited until he’d seen the paltry offers first. No way would be have accepted the tosh of Smith. Devo max cost him the lead – he’d have made damn sure that was the only acceptable offer on the table. From what I know of him – he’s like a dug with a bone to time wasters & Smith was one massive time wasting exercise cause it was nothing of substance but lest we forget it was only ‘recommendations’ too. Not law & not worth the ink.
Mia 11.50.
I tend to skip your ultra-long-winded circular-argued posts as they are so boring and so poorly structured, but I did catch your questioning as to how I know AS resigned out of honour. Yet you show no evidence to support your allegations that his resignation was somehow forced by someone. I know his resignation was his own honourable response to not winning the referendum because I observed his body language and listened to his words, on top of having found him to be an extremely honourable, courteous gentleman during the time I volunteered in his election campaigns and within his constituency. This along with the fact that he belongs to the same generation as I do, when honour was important, a time when anyone and everyone who lost a battle resigned. History is full of examples of those who fell on their swords. Whats more, anyone who met and interacted with him in the political field were equally aware of his sense of honour, integrity and honesty and therefore knew they had no need whatsoever to put pressure on him. I really do not know what ‘suspicious circumstances’ you allude to, the referendum itself was suspicious, but please do enlighten us as to the ‘suspicious circumstances’ you seem to have observed. But please, not in a long rambling repetitive volume, a simple and concise summary will suffice for a change.
LGB supported the trans lobby to the hilt on the back of Stonewall at the beginning. Only when they realised that the general public would not accept it did they back off in fear that they became synonymous
LGB are not blameless, far from it and are well over represented in Holyrood and Westminster.
Ruby, I at no point suggested support for Labour or even Sarwar,
My remarks about “hatefest” were in response to the fact that the thread had no positivity about how we as believers in Independence were to move past the present incumbent in Holyrood.
We do though, as we appear to be a minority, require reinforcements. I have several in mind who see Sturgeon as a danger to society, but will keep my powder dry meantime.
The confusion may lie in there being so many LGB groups & youth wings etc?
I’m not gay so I don’t move in those circles but I do remember Wings gave a platform to a lesbian blogger very early in the trans debate regards the Gay Pride event she’d attended just after Holyrood pulled the 1st consultation so it’s going back a bit.
As usual it suffered the usual *never happened, ya transphobe bigot* bs.
I think the way to Independence is the tried & tested method of a convention completely separate from government. Then there’s no carrot dangling politicians or politicians refusing to use their mandate. There’d be time for those to play a role when we have a competent political party to implement it.
That’d see the back of Sturgeon. Removing the indy carrot just leaves her record & it’s abysmal.
GERI…..You may have a point regarding LGBT involvement in Scottish politics, but where does the impetus come from.
I was shocked to see that LGBT Youth Scotland is still in existence.
I agree that we need to rid ourselves of Sturgeon but I think legal means would be best….as I say “Follow the money”
Ruby, To stop you from worrying :0) I think myself closer to Jim Sillars politically and socially than any other politician.
I don’t think they’ll be in existence for much longer. A few youths are now breaking the story that it’s a peado ring that never ended with the jailing of Strachan & Rennie but continued.
But as Trans Scotland is on the case now we can expect it to be tossed out with nothing to see here.
The impetus came from Stonewall after thier causes had been met, rather than step down & make themselves redundant & stop accepting lucrative government funding, they latched onto another cause, the trans one.
I see the initials extending too ++++ for future aggro.
What does the I stand for? Anyone know?
Okay, got it. I is for intersex.
Now there’s a name, Jim Sillars.
The very one who warned us about Sturgeon & how she is a totally closed shop to others. It’s her way or no way, even when she fails.