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Wings Over Scotland

The cowards of the county

Posted on April 13, 2015 by

We try to avoid openly editorialising on this site, readers. While unashamedly partisan in our leanings, as a rule we prefer to present the facts and let people come to their own conclusions from the evidence.

But we’re not sure we’ve ever seen anything more craven and pathetic than this.


Stunning as it sounds, Scottish Labour’s response to the UK head office slapping down Jim Murphy’s false claims about cuts earlier today is to simply stick its fingers in its ears and run off shouting “LA LA LA LA WE CAN’T HEAR YOU!” and hope the whole thing just goes away.


Those words say more about the “party” than we ever could, so we’ll just stop and leave the stage to a true comedian.

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I wonder if the Saviour of the Union, James Francis Murphy, is currently in a SLAB bunker sniffing glue… 😀 😀


Naw Jim, you’re frightened of losing your cushy number, with all it’s monetary benefits.

Murray McCallum

Maybe Monday is bath night for Jim?

Swami Backverandah

Jim’s probably just tired. And a bit emotional.
Maybe Johann Lamont will agree to fill in for him.

Alastair Watson

Jimmuppetmurphy if your scared of nothing and not a fearty then how about stepping out and into a locked cage for three minutes . Please Jim , it’s for the people.
Because your arse shall be well skelped.
In front of the people.


As the kids would have it “lol”

Donald Urquhart

Feart of nothing… Quite right Jim, you big hard bastard, you.
Now put the glue down and get yer arse on the telly. You tell them who’s boss………..

er, Ed in London


I actually heard that Murph the Smurph had turned down Scotland Tonight’s extremely generous offer for a free advert tonight due to prior commitments.

Aparently oor Jim is taking Brian “Toodle Ooh The Noo” Taylor out for a meal as way of thanking him for his most exellent analysis of the *ahem* differences between London Labour and Labour in Scotland being purely down to EMPHASIS! 😀


My sides are literally splitting at Creepy Jim’s joke wow he has missed his vocation, Creepy Jim is now the joke and even Malcolm Bruce is having a dig.. hahaha Creepy


How cool would that be, whenever someone asks you an awkward question to be able to say, I’m no answering that, now piss off.

Scottish Labour, don’t you just love them.

Can you actually imagine voting for these people. The thought of it would give you the creeps.

Tony Little

Given that here is a man “frightened” of an egg placed firmly on his back – I am not surprised.

i'm a fan

He has utterly failed to turn the SNP tide and rescue Scotish Labour.

He is slapped down by UK labour and for all the talk of being such a big man can’t stand up for himself and face the music with a compliant media.

He tries to talk the talk, but can’t walk the walk.

What exactly is the point of Jim Murphy?

PS give it overnight and I’m sure he, SLab and BBC Scotland will have worked out a plan to bury this and relaunch with a headline grabbing attack on SNP


I’m sure this gentleman will do the honorable thing and resign as the previous gentleman who ran the branch office apparently did.

But really, that headline is brilliant. A real Laugh out Loud and rush through to the lounge to tell wife moment.


So, what will it be…daggers at dawn?

Or pistols at 15 paces!

No, it’ll be my favourite, the strongly worded letter. 😀

David Thomson

If he’s not afraid of nothing then he must be scared of something.

Jamie H

The wheels have now well and truly come off the Murphy wagon! Bet there’s some internal beefs kicking off within Labours ranks.

They really have chucked it!

Andrew Morton

The problem with the Labour Party is that they say one thing in public and another thing in public.

Patrick Roden

You will know things have really got bad for ‘Scottish Jim @Scottish Labour, in Scotland’…

When the Tories start criticising them!

We heard from the SNP, we even heard from the LibDems,

What has Ruthie said about her chum?


Jim. You are no longer part of the Westminster establishment, you are now only relevent in Scotland and therefore a second class citizen in the eyes of London.
Welcome to our world.


Oh Dear! Ah well, back to the drawing board Jim old bean.


That is a great joke from creepy I cann’t stop laughing


I think Jim is busy pondering his future, other MP’s have resigned for less.

Tackety Beets

Monday night is Egg Shampoo night .

Ney frightened ? or is it Neigh Frightened ?

He is certainly a horses a@se !


I have it on good authority (the voices in my heid) that Jim has a forged hand written note for teacher to say he can’t come out tonight to do any T.V Interviews as he’s busy filling his Expenses Form in.

There should be Journo’s camped outside his house. God, Labour MP’s have been practically hung drawn and quartered for tweeting pics of Flags, or eating a bacon sandwich with no finesse. Surely being scared to do an interview because you’ve been found out fibbing is cause for media scrutiny?

Funny thing is though he’ll have to do a Salman Rushdie and go into hiding as this question ain’t gonna to go away.

Well not from Claire at STV for sure (I hope).

So he’ll appear on Reporting Scotland where Jackie can sit and purr in admiration after asking him what his favourite colour is.

Or in the Daily Record where he’ll appear with his head on Torquil’s lap, sitting on the sofa like a loving couple mulling over John McT’s next master plan.

That’s just the voices in my head making up those last two. I could be wrong.

But then again?


Carmichael is already in hiding, now Murphy. We just need a Tory now…Naw Mundell is invisible anyway. Hat trick.
Job done.

Gordon Jackson

From that famously accurate documentary…

…and a cry went up from the crowd of PISH!


I’m curious.

As we all know Murph theSmurph loves nothing more than espousing his love of football and a prticular Glasgow football club.

Perhaps the next time he spouts out his eagerly awaited line about the afore mentioned football club folks might like to throw this back at him. (Letter in National 13.4.2014 )

FURTHER to Peter Robert Davidson’s letter in relation to Jim Murphy’s efforts, on numerous occasions, to try to gain himself votes by mentioning that he supports a certain Glasgow football club, I too have noticed his shameful and pathetic tactics.

Far be it from me, however, to point out that the SNP candidate for Inverclyde, Mr Ronnie Cowan, is no less the son of the famous Morton goalkeeper Jimmy Cowan, widely regarded by many football protagonists as Scotland’s greatest ever goalkeeper.

Jimmy Cowan earned 25 Scotland International Caps between 1948-52 while playing for Morton and belongs to a unique band of footballers to have played in “back-to-back” Wembley victories, being goalkeeping custodian in 3-1 and 3-2 victories against England, one of which is famously known as “Cowan’s Game”, and also being the first goalkeeper inducted into Scottish Football’s Hall of Fame.

Should these facts encourage not only Morton and Scotland fans, but football fans in general in the Inverclyde area, to cast their votes for his son Ronnie then – I’ll be up front about it – all the better, rather than the sleekit Mr Murphy’s tactics in trying to gain votes by deception with the odd “slip of the tongue”.

Daniel Goodwin,


I suspect Ummuna’s cool and calculated statement about their Scottish Branch Manager signals WM Labours intent to do a deal with SNP. To prove their good will, they have agreed to the disposal of the services of Scottish Labour and left them to fend for themselves!

No no no...Yes

Remember this is the man that wants to be the First Minister of Scotland. He failed his job interview yesterday and he’s failed to trap tonight. Really!

In all seriousness Jim’s deputy, Kezia Dugdale should be speaking on his behalf. After all they are the dream team, yeah?


Jim Murphy on cuts,maybe aye maybe no,that’s his stock phrase is it not.


Has Shouty Smurph gone back to Smurphland where he belongs? I’m not being xenophobic just remembering the song!

Arithmetic isn’t his strong point as he’s shown on the whole ‘biggest party’ piece. So not understanding his numbers on Labour’s proposed slashing of public spending and continuing austerity is hardly surprising now is it?


Andrew Morton says:
“The problem with the Labour Party is that they say one thing in public and another thing in public.”

The problem with the Labour party is that, they are the Labour party and care for nothing else but the party and a whiff of power.


Jims Scribblings released:

Free flute bands to help fans sing at fitbaw

Free irn bru for aW men wae freckles

A box of tunnocks teacakes for grannies

College place for all university students rotten at Countdown

100000 nurses….pleeeeaasse


… have you noticed that this unfeartie

1. Ran away from the ANC and
2. Ran away from the STV

Is he really just feart of acronyms?


The people’s flag is a sickly Yellow
You’ll nae keep the Yellow flag flying here


If we put an expenses claim form from Westminster by the door,
I’m sure that we can temp Dim Jim out from under the bed. lol

In truth he can’t be under the bed because his favourite football Team strips are under there, Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Clyde, Thistle, Scotland, Maccabi Tel Aviv, Trident United, Westminster Wanderers, etc, etc.

This just isn’t fair as the media said they would cover everything he said as Gospel. There was supposed to be a liar charter?

Now Uncle Dim insists that you all use your best Gold Fish memories to forget everything he has ever lied about.
Just say SNP Bad, SNP Bad, SNP Bad. There isn’t that better now?


A creep and a coward, shock. A coward dies a thousand deaths and this is pretty much the end of the creepy Jim Murphy career. He’s not even Lord’s material.

Harry McAye

Labour will be doing well to even win one seat now. They are finished, it’s over. Maybe you could go back to Uni Jim and finally get that degree.

Scott Graham

The Branch office has been well and truly trashed.

Les Wilson

Andrew Morton says:

“The problem with the Labour Party is that they say one thing in public and another thing in public.”

Aye you are spot on there !


Ian Gray had his Subway retreat.
Johann Lamont had the bunker to escape questioning.
I keep picturing Dim Jim in a remake of a hammer movie – a castle with a coffin. He is hiding from the “light” of today’s announcements.

He would have made a good hammer films actor!

Les Wilson

What goes around, comes around, and Dim Jim has just been bitten in the arse. Nice!


Also Smurph made his claim a scant couple of days before Labour’s manifesto launch when there are Labour spokescreatures galore making themselves available to be interviewed on the issues of the day.

So not only is he a lying coward but he is a manifestly stupid one who couldn’t manage or strategise his way out of a damp discarded chip wrapper. Probably a combination of stupidity and arrogance, always a personally dangerous combination.

Donald MacKenzie

Best thing Jim could do would be go to bed, pull the blankets up around his head and stay there until 8th May. And then go for a nice long holiday to ponder his future.


Haven’t heard much from Deputy Dugdale since she made a fool of herself during the dreadful smear campaign against Nicola.

Big Jock

Awe Jim. See that’s what happens when you lie before consulting your masters. Next time ask teacher if it’s OK to tell porkys.

I suppose you can always blame McTernan. The master of lies and spin stuck you in it Jimmy.

Paula Rose

Eggspect Jim in a jimmy wig tomorrow.

call me dave

He’s toast folks. London labour have given him the thumbs down.
Where’s Curran, she is the executioner they say.

So is the Glasgow labour cabal toast… except Wee Wullie Bain the loneliest labour politician in Scotland. Sec of State for (against) Scotland well well who’d a thunk it?

Interesting times.


i keep imagining that somewhere John McTernan is on the phone roaring “We must have something on HER that we can leak tomorrow?”

While big Blair is thumbing through his contacts looking for “Miliband, D” and praying hes been forgiven for losing Dave his leadership bid.


I genuinely pity the poor bugger. He must honestly believe the crap that comes out his own mouth and therefor proves that he has swallowed the whole neoliberal/capitalistic fascist tripe hook, line and sinker, or, he simply underestimates the intelligence of every other person in Scotland.
Long may Scotland be free from the simple mindedness of himself and those alike. London is welcome to him!

Paula Rose

Prediction no 2 – big show of bonhomie between Cameron and Ruthie, and Clegg and his Willie!

Kevin meina

Nicola Sturgeon is of a new era.And offers the only incentive to rid us all of Toryism.This a direct lift from Twitter timeline from the one and only Arthur Scargill


Not been a great day for Labour in Scotland. I think Jim probably said “Sod it (or words to that effect) anything I do or say will only dig the hole deeper”.

No doubt he will be out tomorrow pretending this never happened.

Tackety Beets

While we are at it , don’t suppose al get a pie an a pint at the fitba es wik either then Jim … Jim …… are you still here Jim , Jim ?

” You Plonker ! “


Mealer says:

Haven’t heard much from Deputy Dugdale since she made a fool of herself during the dreadful smear campaign against Nicola.

I’m thinking that that might be down to … erm … her Dad’s put down of her on Twitter the other week Mealer. 😀

Big Jock

There is no doubt he is thick. He told Nicola that she couldn’t spend more money to better the economy. When questioned by Nicola on what he would do. He said labour would grow the economy. What with money or thin air Jim you economic illiterate.


When Jim achingly tries to launch the Scottish Labour Manifesto its just going to be hit with reporters (for they know how to desert a sinking ship first) asking “But Jim…does Ed agree…”

Whilst the public with Jim are already like Charlie Brown hearing “blah blah blah” everytime a Teacher speaks.

Big Jock

Well folks I did say today, that I thought Murphy would get chucked. Watch this space. He is now a liability and not just in Scotland.

donald anderson

Resign! Resign Murphy! Point of order! We demand an Inquiry! Point of Order!


Hahaha stay off the drugs jim, this guy is living in his own bubble!!! well you can’t stop change, his bubble will burst it’s only a matter of time and same goes to all the corrupt deluded world leader’s who believe they own this world, the truth is this world own’s them it’s about time people woke up to this, this planet is our’s as much as it is theirs!!! are we really going to allow them to destroy it.


Ladies and gentlemen, I have to report their is a very good reason for Jim Murphy BA-Politics (failed) to refuse to commentor appear on either the bbc or stv political programs tonight.

We have a report of a unexploded carton of eggs being found at both site’s, these eggs are now know not to be free-range. The public are being advised not to appear with a frying pan or bacon, please heed the authorites in this matter, and follow Jim’s lead on this and do not appear.

This may be a “cybernats black-op’s” operation, the bastards, they didn’t even leave toast.

Tam Jardine

Must be some interesting conversations the night between slab groups of mps and MSPs the night. Wonder what Neil Findlay and Katie Clark make of all this?

Must be weird on the ground too. You know whenever the labour activists go quiet for the night its been a bad day at the coalface.

Imagine canvassing for the accounting branch the morn, wondering if the householder behind the next door is going to be asking some very awkward questions about the cuts. Jim’s dropped them right in it.

Maybe phone in sick. After all, its hardly an exaggeration – you’ve been feeling a bit queasy for a while now. This ain’t what you signed up for.


So the guy who loves publicity and self-promotion. The guy who single-handedly took on the egg-throwing baying YES mobs, with nothing more than an Irn Bru tin, suddenly does a McCavity when the heat is turned up. Real leadership material there Jim, you are no better than Gordon Brown.


Dr Jim

Afraid of nuthin, no a fearty, big and ugly enough
Goat yur chib Jimboy, bring yur team anaw

See ye it four ya bas

I remember the lingo

God, seems a very long time ago since i even heard anybody talk like that
It’s all ” Seeyoo in thu wine barr Frayssir ” Noo


I dunno but can’t shift this song from my head tonight can’t think why it is even in there? 😉

link to

Kevin Meina

Nicola Sturgeon is of a new era.And offers the only incentive to rid us all of Toryism.Lifted from the the Twitter page of one Arthur Scargill.

Grouse Beater

Does anybody recall Murphy getting challenged even once by anybody in the media for his acrobatic backflips on every policy and ideal he once held dear?

Macwhirter mentioned the obvious along the lines Murphy was doing his best to convince people of the passion with which he held every belief the opposite to those he advocated before the Referendum, but I have never seen nor heard a single television of radio presenter put down their clipboard and demand to know how he expects the electorate to believe a word he is saying.

Not a single challenge.

They all take him at face value.


IF the following comment that I found in the Herald online works out to be true, then it really is coming apart for Murphy.
Made by a Alex Hill, Edinburgh
Just heard the OBR have retracted their original 7.6 billion deficit figure and admitted they failed to account for VAT attributable to Scotland which should have been included in their income revenue estimates. They’ve also admitted to “overcharging” within their expenditure estimates.
New figures are to be released soon.

link to


If Labour loose a swathe of Scottish seats at the GE next month, the imperial masters will be looking for someone to blame. They need a fall guy. A patsy to take one for queen and country. Now who………..

Oh Jim, you are not in a very good position right now!

Kevin Meina

Who cares what Katie Clarke thinks her time is almost over going by support and canvass returns in North Ayrshire .Patricia Gibson mp will do for me.


Be afraid .
Remember one of his targets boasting to the media when he got the job was to raise £1 Million campaign fund. I assume he is holding back spending it till the right moment.
Do they still have 20,000 members. Is he holding them back to.


I think I’ve just figured out what newspaper Murph the Smurph will NOT be buying tomorrow. 😀

I’ll leave it to Marcia to do the honours. 😉


Let’s not get too carried away here folks. I spoke today with a work colleague who absolutely ripped into Labour before announcing that he would still be voting for them as he ‘mistrusts Salmond and Sturgeon’.

When challenged further he went off on a wild tangent about being ‘true to his upbringing’, shorthand in these parts for religious affiliation.

Whilst diminishing in number there are still plenty of these folk around, on both sides, and their contribution could still be decisive across quite a few seats.


Very strange things have been happening during the past 48 hours. I’m wondering if the imperial masters have decided to jettison their crumbling Scottish strongholds and go all out for the English vote, on a quiet understanding that the SNP will probably help block the Tories out anyway. If they have, then JM will be the last to hear about it, and the Scottish Labour party will be hung out to dry.

My heart bleeds.


I’m pretty certain we don’t want Jim to resign.


Have Labour Head Office approved Murphy’s £1600 election bribe for first time voters.


Shame you couldn’t make it Jim, busy schedule I know. hard work being a numpty, though you make it look easy 🙂

“It’s 190,381 voters to be exact,” said Murphy. “A lot of the people who voted Yes just wanted change – they weren’t ideologically nationalists, they were scunnered with the Tories. I think those people are looking again at the Scottish Labour party – they’re saying, if you keep improving, we’re interested.”

Now that they are scunnered with you and Labour Jim and I have it on good authority that since you took over the B team another “190,381 voters to be exact” have moved from Labour to the SNP.

Give John and Blair a hefty pat on the back and a wee bonus in their pay packet from me for doing a grand job.


Jim McIntosh

O/T – just watching Game of Thrones

Jon Snow- “I think you’re making a terrible mistake”
King beyond the Wall – “the freedom to make my own mistake is all I ever wanted”

Reminds me of something 🙂


Oh Jeez!

What an utter car crash of a day for Labour and we have Scotland’s own version of the Scarlet Pimpernel pulling a disappearing act on his fav broadcaster.

Oooft! 😀



In terms of election targets, Murphy has an ambitious plan to not lose a single seat to the SNP, and he wants to gain the Liberal Democrat seat of East Dunbartonshire. On his personal role in the campaign, he said he will revive something similar to the infamous 100 Towns in 100 Days tour he did atop two Irn-Bru crates in the run up to the referendum.
“I don’t know if I’ll bring the Irn-Bru crates out of retirement, although the Irn-Bru is always out of retirement,” he said. “But certainly we’ll do something similar. If you put the abuse aside, I loved the 100 Towns tour. Whether it’s on Irn-Bru crates or not, I’ll certainly be on street corners speaking to people.”

How’s the plan going Jim? Still hoping for 42 seats this election?

Time to get back on the crates maybe you dummy. Yes, that would be eggscellent.


I smell a very big RAT. Did Labour make this a ploy, to a) get rid of dim jim, and b) get rid of Labour in Scotland once and for all, while, making it seem that the Scots are just not capable of making political decisions, and in fact are stupid with numbers! They all insist on calling the Scottish branch, Scottish Labour, when thay take their orders from their masters in London.

Considering they know they are finished in Scotland and knowing that even if they did ok in the GE here, it would have almost no influence on the outcome, it could be a deliberate attempt to steer things their way in England.

JM will be back at WM sooner than you can say jack flash, they are using him to ensure that Scotland has no real credence in the eyes of the electorate South of the border.

I mean, what do people think about what is going on with all this? We know, but do they?

Just a thought.


Expect an extremely desperate attack piece in the next couple of days from McTernan. My suspicion is that they’ll try the racism angle somehow.


Now Jimmy, be as good as your word,
Come, let us try baith fire and sword,
And dinna flee like a frichted bird,
That’s chased frae its nest i’ the morning.

When Jimmy boy he heard o’ this,
He thocht it wouldna be amiss,
Tae hae a horse in readiness,
Tae flee awa in the morning.

Grizzle McPuss

I’ve been saving this one for Murphy (should be in O/T…but hey, the party’s here)

“Just Go Away” – Blondie

O Don’t ya know
Don’t wanna see you any more
Put up or shut up
You spell, you read

You got a big mouth and I’m happy to see
Your foot is firmly entrenched where a molar should be
If you talk much louder you could get an award
From the federal communications board…

link to


He may not be feart but is he Tuffy Nuts?

Free Scotland

Any bets on whether Murphy is still teetotal?


Apparently no one from labour was available to appear on tv tonight Funny that Where are all the gobs/ surely they haven’t taken stage fright’ they usually have plenty to say on every subject, even ones they know nothing about


Tonight in a Joint statement, the brave country of South Africa and the hardened Glasgow area of Arden have both denied ever knowing the Scottish Labour Leader (currently in exile) James Shitebag Murphy


Big Jock says:
13 April, 2015 at 9:23 pm
“There is no doubt he is thick. He told Nicola that she couldn’t spend more money to better the economy. When questioned by Nicola on what he would do. He said labour would grow the economy. What with money or thin air Jim you economic illiterate.”

Did he not also say he would spend more money to better the economy?
Exactly what Nicola had just said.
Asks for an answer then steals it for itself, tricksy…

During yesterday mornings rammy, sure that’s what I heard.

donald anderson

I think London Labour embarrassed with him. He has outlived his usefulness and has become a liability.

As for buying Brian Taylor a meal to explain that the his differences with his bosses is just a question of “emphasis”, Brian will politely eat him as he is not as stupid or as compliant as the Lab Unionist rat pack hacks.


desimond says:

Tonight in a Joint statement, the brave country of South Africa and the hardened Glasgow area of Arden have both denied ever knowing the Scottish Labour Leader (currently in exile) James Shitebag Murphy

You sure about that Desimond? I mean from South Africa. I thought they would still be after him to do his National Service! 😀

Robert Louis

Luigi at 947pm,

You have hit the nail on the head.

Murphy has had many months to change the polling trend. He has failed, and the script is written. We are three weeks from polling day, and those advising Miliband on strategy will look at the polling UK wide. They will see the Scottish seats are all but dead for Labour. They will tell Miliband to focus on winning England, secure in the knowledge that if necessary they can do a deal with the SNP to get Ed into number 10.

Politics is a tough business, and it does indeed look as though Jim has been dumped by London Labour. It’s starting to look like all that is left to do with ‘scottish’ Labour branch office will be the bayonetting of the wounded (as thon Scottish Labour MP Iain Davidson once said).

Methinks the decision was made when Miliband and Balls came up to Scotland the other day. They will have seen the mess, seen the polls, and thought, nah!

I can only assume their is the mother of all stooshies happening tonight between Murphy and London Labour leadership.

James Forrest

One of the constants of this campaign has been my struggle with myself, and where I come from and what I was once was … a committed Labour Party member, now campaiging for their total annihilation. What I feel isn’t guilt, but regret. Regret that I didn’t know then what I know now … and wouldn’t have listened anyway. That’s what love is. And it’s fooled better people than me.

link to


You can almost see the sign post now as you drive North across the border.

Welcome to Scotland a Tory and Labour free zone‘.


“Aparently oor Jim is taking Brian “Toodle Ooh The Noo” Taylor out for a meal as way of thanking him for his most exellent analysis of the *ahem* differences between London Labour and Labour in Scotland being purely down to EMPHASIS! ”

This is absolutely spot on! Apologists for BBC Scotland use dear Brian as an example of a balanced journalist. This is a great example which illustrates perfectly why he’s no better than vast majority (but not all) of BBC Scotland so-called journalists. How these people have any pride in their job is beyond me. No doubt his mates in Pacific Quay will now be whingeing about cybernats attacking him. No, actually – just attacking his appalling bias.



I’m thinking that that might be down to … erm … her Dad’s put down of her on Twitter the other week Mealer. 😀

Oooft! That was a cracker by Mr Dugdale. 😀 😀


O/T But a good article on Full Fiscal Autonomy by Derek Bateman over on Newsnet

link to


Robert Louis

Im suddenly reminded of the night Maggie was ousted by her own Party and ‘loyal’ John Major was “Unavailable to talk due to sudden bout of toothache”


Perhaps when Jim Murphy said weeks ago that it was his plan to keep all of Labour’s seats, it wasn’t in Scotland he meant, but in his constituency office.

Paula Rose

(Grizzle McPuss honey – the party is always O/T)


Look out folks it’s back … the Right to Buy is back … according to quite a few newspapers on SKY news paper review.


The fact that Mr Murphy made his statement yesterday which has been contradicted by the Labour manifesto today strongly suggests that he was not even in the loop as far as the contents of the manifesto were concerned.

His absence from the airwaves today when you would have expected him to be all over it also suggests that Labour may have ‘pulled’ him because he, and his shoot from the lip policy making, have become an embarrassment to Labour.

I should expect that his future appearances and statements may be heavily regulated by Head Office.

michael diamond

Grow a backbone murphy and have the guts to resign, you sad streak of pish.


muttley79 says:


I’m thinking that that might be down to … erm … her Dad’s put down of her on Twitter the other week Mealer. 😀

Oooft! That was a cracker by Mr Dugdale. 😀 😀

Aye that was one hell of a belter that tweet wasn’t it Muttley. 😀


He’s been hung out to dry by his Imperial Masters.

Dr Ew

Right now, somewhere in a wee snug bar in Glasgow, Johann Lamont is sipping a G&T and laughing: “Tellt ye, ya back-stabbin’ big shite!”



Didnt the Scottish Govt remove that Housing disaster option+

Big Jock

Breaking news: Murphy seen in the Barrowlands being pulled into a black herse. McTernan heard in the back seat saying:” Is it safe ,Is it safe.” Some screams were heard later and two front teeth found in street!

Marie clark

I said on the other thread that any decent person, with integrity,would have resigned after what happened today. But we all know James Francis does not not do either.

What the hell happens next. Slab all seem to have gone to ground since Chuka Ummuna’s remarks today. They’ll be plotting some dastardly deed, that’s for sure.

Nae decency amongst the rabble, they throw you under the bus and you still cling on.

donald anderson

He’ll still have enough money in the bank and his Westminster pension. He won’t need to go back to his drawer in a Labour Council slum.

Wuffing Dug

Personally I think the main branch decided to disown him after Sunday’s performance. Too much of a liability. And a cowardly bully to boot. Timing too much of a co-incidence.

Disown him? More like an assassination. Total K.O.

This is brilliant, makes me want to crack open a beer. School night rules in force though. Pish.

haud on the noo

I’m assuming tonight’s Smith debacle is pre recordred? Swinney not arguing that the figures are now admitted to be wrong.

Hoss Mackintosh

Strange but true?

There is a Chess opening where the Red Player sacrifices either one or two Red Pawns in order to gain an opening advantage.

It’s name is the Scotch Game.

link to

Cadogan enright

@edward 9.38
Any chance u could archive the link to save us subscribing to Herald?


They’re all ganging up on John Swinney now.


Tomorrows Headlines

Police Force Review demanded by Unionists

Police Scotland refuse to look for assailants after Jim Murphy claimed to have been mugged in broad daylight in front of millions of witnesses


It takes a special kind of idiot to get it so badly wrong that Malcolm Bruce is taking the piss out of you…….
I’m in tears laughing.
Up here in Gordon the Tories are telling everyone the Lib dems are going to vote tactically for them to keep Eck out.
The Lib dems are telling folk the Tories are going to vote for them to keep Eck out.
The labour candidate has not been seen or heard of…….
Probably wise…..


michael diamond says:

Grow a backbone murphy and have the guts to resign, you sad streak of pish.

NO NO and THRICE times NO!

Did you not receive the memo Michael?

We now have a new campaign running … “SAve Murph the Smurph!” We need him to STAY. He is the biggest and best advertisement for folks to join the SNP we have ever had! 😀

desimond says:


Didnt the Scottish Govt remove that Housing disaster option+

Aye I do believe you are right Desimond.

I’ve just seen someone on Twitter suggest that this could be the start of diversion between Scotland and Westminster. 🙂


Wee thought re Willie Bain. Well not really, surely the SNP must be angling to get S of S for Scotland as part of negotiations. That and change of where BBC control lies?

Free Scotland

In the biscuit tin of lost causes, Murphy is the stale digestive.

In the biscuit tin of meaningful and perceptive politics, Nicola is one of the chocolate chips.


Bear with me folks, I’ve always been a kitchen cynic.

What if:

London HQ have thought all along that the appointment of Murphy would be toxic to many Old Labour supporters. After all if they’re more left wing in Scotland than darn sarf, why on earth would they want a neo-liberal Blairite imposed on them?

HQ figured they’d sustain some temporary loss of support because of this (and because of the man’s propensity for talking mince).

However, the master plan was to wait until the time was right then pull the rug from under him, thereby scoring a triple whammy – getting rid of Murphy, winning back the lost Labour voters AND gaining new support over their (very public) swift and decisive action.

Sound plausible? Watch this space.


@ Dr Ew 10:45pm

very good. having a good laugh at that.


Please, please, please, leave Jim alone. It’s not fair, his own party, MP’s, Msp’s and supporters hate him even more than us.

Jim, it’s OK pal, all us that intend to vote SNP in GE2015 love you. Just keep doing yer stuff and we’ll keep sending the lurv.



Tea’s oot

Aceldo Atthis

Artyhetty says:
13 April, 2015 at 9:56 pm
“I smell a very big RAT. Did Labour make this a ploy, to a) get rid of dim jim, and b) get rid of Labour in Scotland once and for all, while, making it seem that the Scots are just not capable of making political decisions, and in fact are stupid with numbers!”

There’s a third possibility ploy-wise. It involves another huge vow-like lie. They’re going to pretend there’s a split between UK Labour and Scottish Labour.

Actually, recently we have heard them imply that they are distinct and separate anyway, more than once. With the Scottish media helping out , just as it did with the vow, they are going to pretend Scottish labour is now independent of UK labour…

The truth is, structurally and in terms of voting behaviour at Westminster, nothing will have changed. They get to say they are now Scottish Labour serving Scottish families and all the usual junk, whilst at the same time being able to tailor policy to appeal to the more typically left wing Scottish elctorate. All a ploy though.

If you think it through it’s enough to keep you awake at night.

Everybody needs to get ready for this lie. Today’s developments look too much like a gift to me.

North chiel

“Stop press daily record scoop” Jim and Kezia seen in a rowing
boat heading for Skye,”fleeing from the “REAL UNIONISTS in


I’m sure BBC Scotland will update this web page..

link to reflect Jim’s shitebag-ness after being quoted by his bedfellows at the BBC “”Nicola Sturgeon can dodge questions in television studios, but she can’t hide from the facts.

Jim just dodges Television Studios – well ones that ask tricky questions.

BBC Scotland tomorrow it is then – So Jim, out of your Football strips, which one is your favourite?


What came first the chicken or the egg? First it was the egg and now we have the chicken.

call me dave

Nicola Sturgeon on Radio 5 Live ‘Your Call’ tomorrow ‘Tuesday’. I think it starts at 09:00hrs answering your questions dahn sarf!

G&T Lamont & Ice with lemon slice with her baffies on…Cool! 🙂

Cadogan Enright

Ruth Davidson seeks company in panda cage

link to


@Hector says:
I suspect Ummuna’s cool and calculated statement about their Scottish Branch Manager signals WM Labours intent to do a deal with SNP. To prove their good will, they have agreed to the disposal of the services of Scottish Labour and left them to fend for themselves!
Exactly my thoughts; Murphy has been sacrificed for the greater good of the labour party in the UK.
They know SLab are fucked in Scotland so the only alternative is a deal with the SNP and Murphy has paid that price.


North chiel says:

“Stop press daily record scoop” Jim and Kezia seen in a rowing
boat heading for Skye,”fleeing from the “REAL UNIONISTS in

All the while singing this wee ditty NC! 😉

link to


If UK Labour have, as it appears, decided to dispense with Murphy they have also sealed the fate of the Labour party in Scotland and the Union.

There were precious few candidates for the branch office managers gig before Murphy and none with a profile. As they have to choose from MP’s and MSP’s who replaces them when they might only have a handful of MP’s left?

Was the theory not once that the SNP had it easy in Holyrood because the Labour ‘A’ team was at Westminster? What if there is no ‘A’ team left?

Also who leads the next Better Together campaign if there are no Labour politicians left with any reputation of leadership abilities?

michael diamond

Agree with you there lesley-anne, he’s a vote winner for the snp every time he opens his lying trap!.


Dear Teacher,
Please excuse James from media on Monday.
He had a hole in his sand shoe.
It was a £30 million black hole, so it was.
Please oblige,
Mrs Murphy


In regards to Lamont and Murphy, Lamont although clearly out of her depth as SLAB leader, was as hard as nails in the Scottish Parliament. She fought as hard as she could for Labour in Scotland. Lamont also got a degree when she was at university.

Murphy likes to portray himself as a hard man, but he disappears when the going gets tough. He is also completely out of his depth, at least as much as Lamont was. The difference between them is that Murphy was a junior minister at Westminster, and the MSM seemed to automatically regard this as a reason why he should be elected to the branch office job in Scotland.

So the only real conclusion you could make is that both Lamont and Murphy was and is out of their depth as Labour leader in Scotland respectively, and that Lamont is both tougher than Murphy, also has got a degree from university….


Chuka Umuna was heard to say,
“Jim is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”


The one thing Labour cannot afford during this campaign is for English voters to think the Scots are being bribed, or getting some special deal, again (as they would see it).

Right from the campaign’s beginning it was going to be difficult for Murphy to appeal to Scots voters and not upset HQ who had their eyes on the bigger prize, the hearts and minds of English voters.

Looks like HQ have just come down on him from a great height. Inevitable, given the way he’s been thrashing around.

Who better to shut him up than his masters!?

Big Jock

I think he was set up. Normally politicians are scared of mentioning cuts. Today however the Labour MPs couldn’t get enough of the word cuts.

I think they looked at the polls,looked at Jim’s personal ratings and recent performances. They thought he is an utter liability and lying about the manifesto. Let’s do away with him.

However its not a manouvere to try and win Scotland back. Its to limit the damage to RUK. They are now going to run the campaign all over the UK. Murphy is going to be sidelined or he might resign.


Slab should be following the SNP lead as a true party of Scotland. I would have no qualms with them being unionists but if elected to Westminster they should be there with the same aim as the SNP; looking after the interests of the people of their own country first and pushing for policies that will benefit the rest of the UK as well.
I would have more respect for them if they did that.

Robert Peffers

It’s the way he tells ’em.
Or not – as the case may be.

North chiel

Enjoyed the “wee lullaby” Lesley Anne ,Hopefully it’s
“Lulla bye bye ” for Jim and “friends” on May 8th.


The Dark Destroyer- Dim Jim, Afraid of nothing:

Well Expect his final exams at University ( Knocked out 3 times)

Oh and he ran off to Join Labour to get away from the Students that he stabbed in the back after alleging to be representing them

Oh and he ran back home after the South African Army tried to
get him involved in National Service!

Oh and that man frightened him with am egg.

Here I’m beginning to think Smurphy is just a big stupid Jessie!

Someone should sow handles on to his trousers as it would make it easier to carry him out of office!

Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 13 April, 2015 at 8:46 pm:

… Aparently oor Jim is taking Brian “Toodle Ooh The Noo” Taylor out for a meal as way of thanking him for his most exellent analysis of the *ahem* differences between London Labour and Labour in Scotland being purely down to EMPHASIS! 😀

Ooooh! Slithery Jim REALLY isna feart. Ye canna be a fearty and offer tae feed Brian Taylor … …

Oh! Wait … will this meal be charged to Murph’s expenses? Lesley=Anne

Robert Peffers

@i’m a fan says: 13 April, 2015 at 8:48 pm:

He has utterly failed to turn the SNP tide and rescue Scotish Labour.

” … What exactly is the point of Jim Murphy?”

His wee pointy heid, of course.


Ha ha. jim – Caught bonny.

QUESTION. We are told that FFA will mean a deficit of £7.6 billion. But I heard on radio 5 am Stewart hosie say the uk deficit is £75 billion. So as we are approx 8.5% of uk population would this not mean we would be better off even having to pay for awful trident and during an oil dip? Would be really grateful if someone could confirm.

Also on radio 5 about 1.50 Stacey from the keiser report was praising Nicola and the commentator said nobody could vote for her. We are nobodies – we don’t exist! Admittedly he later corrected himself but it spoke volumes.


Murphy is/was my MP and I can tell you that he is like this over everything: he is a pathological liar whose cunning and self-interest are outweighed only by his complete boneheadedness and stupidity (“thick as pig$hit” describes him to a T). I think he is mentally ill!

When I heard he was being nominated as Branch Manager of North Britainshire Red Tory Party, I was delighted and even considered joining Labour just so I could vote for him. But I knew that BBC Jockland would be all over him like a rash and give him hours of free publicity every day. So it was.

Before Murphy, we had a Tory who was also completely deranged; his career ended in a nervous breakdown after he threatened environmental campaigners with a pickaxe. I know Murphy is teetotal, but I am convinced he drinks! I think there are more fireworks still to come with James Francis Murphy and I will not be surprised if he is dumped soon by Ed and defects to David Cameron!

Robert Peffers

@Patrick Roden says: 13 April, 2015 at 8:51 pm:

” … We heard from the SNP, we even heard from the LibDems, What has Ruthie said about her chum?”

Nothing much but there was a sort of eerie, distant, manic laughter echoing in the wind.


Words to Coward of the Country by Litany Dodgers

“Promise me, Smurph, stop the things that you’ve done
Walk away from Labour now you can.
It will mean you’re a Creep and have a bloody cheek
If you persist on lying on the run,
So don’t you be a bully be a man.”

Democracy Reborn

SNP on 52% in today’s TNS poll.

The Herald then have this headline, “Milliband : it’s still all to play for in Scotland”.


Dim Jim you have been set up stupid.

Believe you have a new anthem Jim “THE PARTY’s OVER” take it which way you want.


Glad to be of service North chiel. 😉

Robert Peffers says:

Oh! Wait … will this meal be charged to Murph’s expenses? Lesley-Anne

Oh come on now Robert stay awake at the back there! Do I really have to spell it out for you? … Really? … oh O.K. then … Y … E … S! 😀


Every night Newsnight give us their latest predictions for the number of seats each Party will win. Tonight they had the SNP winning 41 seats. Don’t ask me how they ended up with the SNP on 41.

They even added, that Labour and the SNP would not have enough between them to hold the majority of votes.

Something not quite right about the BBC’s predictions.

Donald Urquhart

I take it the Jim Murphy honeymoon period is over and we’ll have had the Murphy bounce.

Strange bounce!

Robert Peffers

@Les Wilson says: 13 April, 2015 at 9:07 pm:

“The problem with the Labour Party is that they say one thing in public and another thing in public.”

Naw! The problem with Labour isn’t that they say one thing in public and another thing in public. It’s that they do that, right enough, but they also say both things in private AND BELIEVE BOTH OF THEM


STV and ITV putting the shettleston boot into Labour tonight.


“Margaret Curran (after getting ripped for living elsewhere)..Has Labour failed Glasgow East after so many years in charge?”
“No..I think we have helped them..gave them 7 schools.SNP only gave them 1”


Guy in East end pub “We didnae leave Labour…Labour left us..look at them!”


Maybe the Murphy slap down is an indication that Ed has accepted that he will need SNP help to get into number 10 ?

Other than that…

Watched a wee bit on the news earlier regards Hilary Clinton being confirmed as presidential candidate.

It was the quote that reminded me of something..

“America is successful when the workers of america are successful”
Now where have i read something similair…?

This maybe. ?

“Britain only succeeds when working people succeed..”

No originality whatsoever..!

jock mc X

Kenny says: 11.53

Before Murphy, we had a Tory who was also completely deranged; his career ended in a nervous breakdown after he threatened environmental campaigners with a pickaxe.

Is that true Kenny…i laughed out loud when i read that,
hee hee!


Donald Urquhart says:

I take it the Jim Murphy honeymoon period is over and we’ll have had the Murphy bounce.

Strange bounce!

What do you mean Donald we have had a bounce … but … it’s a bounce Jim but just not what we expected (apologies to Scotty on Starship Enterprise! 😉 )

The bounce we have experienced Donald is the INCREASE in SNP support. When Murphy, or was it MSM, first came out with this Muprhy bounce mince no one actually said that the bounce would occur to the Labour support. 😀


Watched Scotland Tonight earlier and the political correspondent said that 30% of Scottish voters are still undecided.

If this is true,combined with the last You Gov poll which said there was a softening of support for SNP in key marginals,then we need to be aware that nothing is set in stone here.

Beware the ‘silent majority’ and soft yes voters who may capitulate in the booth and return to their default party.People are nothing if not fickle.

Even a hint of complacency should not be countenanced,or old pterodactyl heed might have the last laugh yet.


There were several ways that the message to Jim could have been softened. But they didn’t bother. In fact, as someone said, the dagger blow was ‘suspiciously quoteable’.

If the guy has any pride, he resigns as leader immediately, like Johann before him. But I doubt it.

The conclusion UKLab has drawn is that Scotland is too far gone to salvage. Dumping Jim and the rest of the toxics means they are now free to open the door to Nicola without any awkward baggage cluttering the entrance.

We now move on to Act II – in which UKLab attempts to do a Clegg on the SNP and blame it for everything that goes wrong in government. We’ll see how that goes.

Proud Cybernat

Jim–what you have to do between now and 7th May.

Create a Scottish Labour Party. (A REAL Scottish LAbour PArty, Jim. Not the faux SLAB that waves saltires and runs around in Scotland football shirts). This will require a complete divorce from the UK party, Jim. It has to be a Labour Party that espouses and represents the political demands of the people of Scotland one of which is FFA. It is your only chance to save your job, Jim. Do it now and you might save your own job (though it shouldn’t be about YOUR job, Jim–that’s something else you need to understand). Do it not and you and all your cronies will be history on 7th May. Tell Ed where to go, Jim. Create a fully constitutionally independent Scottish Labour Party (which means you have to stop trying to kid us with your pretendy ‘I’m the boss crap–you’re just not the boss Jim and we know you’re not’). But you have to create a true Scottish Labour Party that supports FFA. Do that, Jim, and you might have a chance in May. Do it not and you are history. It is that simple. Tell Ed where to go, Jim (really where to go–no pretendy shite).


Louis B Argyll

The biscuit tin of lost causes…nice one.

Where would an Orange Club go…?

Proud Cybernat

Has anyone seen the Scottish Labour Party’s manifesto? How does it differ from the London Labour Party manifesto?


Les Wilson

I wonder how many spin offs of this are being made in the “Hitler’s bunker” Can’t wait to see one. Guaranteed laughs.


Never again should anyone feel that Scottish Labour are the representatives of UK Labour in Scotland.

Policy will be made in Scotland, for Scotland, by our Scottish Party, putting the needs of Scotland first.

I am also clear that because of these changes we do not need, nor will we seek, permission from anyone or from anywhere in the UK Labour Party about our Scottish decisions.

Jim Murphy 15/12/14

link to

ailsa craig

Cadogan enright

Is this what you wanted re poll report?

link to

I hope it works; there is a lot to read through.


Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 13 April, 2015 at 11:03 pm:

“NO NO and THRICE times NO!

Did you not notice, Lesley-Anne that just before all this blew-up I posted a link to the song, “Hissing Sid”, and suggested a campaign, “Slithery Jim is innocent”?

Mind you I honestly didn’t see this one coming.


I believe the bounce that Slab has received from Murphy is what is called the dead cat bounce.


Just spotted on STV+1 at moment…Nicola on The Agenda and being allowed to explain policy and discuss possible agreements


Proud Cybernat @ 12.31 am

Don’t waste your breath on a chancer who’s time is up.

Murphy’s been climbing the greasy pole for years and he just doesn’t have the charisma or ability to sustain a serious job.

He espouses so many negative aspects that he’s well out of any ball-park and more importantly, the voting labour public have had this nosed out from the very start of his ‘Scottish’ campaign.

Have you ever at any-time seen a decent crowd around Murphy, never mind to hang on his every word?

He appointed two totally toxic ringmasters to push his campaign who were similarly loathed by labour supporters in Scotland – what was that all about apart from being political hari’kari?

He had maximum saturation coverage from Pathetic Quay and blew it big time. He’s had virtually the total UK press lobby covering for him and shaping him as the messiah!

Labour in Scotland would be well advised to get Allan Grogan of Labour for Independence to front for them until they can do a ‘cut root and branch operation’ to represent at least some way of giving their loyal supporters hope in a socialist future.

Has it even occurred to The Labour Party that some of their officers have placed themselves outside official Party standing orders by openly canvassing for another political party – the Tories!

They are a real joke.

chris kilby



Robert Peffers says:

@Lesley-Anne says: 13 April, 2015 at 11:03 pm:

“NO NO and THRICE times NO!

Did you not notice, Lesley-Anne that just before all this blew-up I posted a link to the song, “Hissing Sid”, and suggested a campaign, “Slithery Jim is innocent”?

Mind you I honestly didn’t see this one coming.

Aye I did Robert. I also posted a link to Murph the Smurph’s new *ahem* anthem on a previous thread, I think it was a previous one. 😉

You never saw this coming Robert, I never saw this coming, I don’t think Stu saw this one coming in fact I don’t think anyone saw this one coming! 😀

Valerie says:

I believe the bounce that Slab has received from Murphy is what is called the dead cat bounce.

Don’t mention dead cats Valarie … McTernan might be popping in for a wee chat and read that. Allegedly 😉 he may be allergic to cats dead or alive. 😛


Nuff said, Dimbo:
link to

btw, was in Gala today, place was saturated in Calum Kerr.

On the way in from Kelso, 2 farms with wee mouse Lamont banners.

Michael Moore, i promised you i’d finish you, twanker!


Bit surprised no one else noted or commented about the 30% of voters still undecided.

I must admit that figure concerns me,and could make a nonsense of the current indications.

But then,unlike that hard c**t Murphy,I am frightened of Every Thing and Every Body 🙂


I’m glad to see many on here are picking up on dim Jims new title, I’ve been punting it on the Herald the last few days 😉
Talking of the Herald it has quickly removed any reference to Dim Jim’s spate with his masters from head office from it’s online edition, if it is there then its very hard to find.
The Herald of late has certainly shown its true colours with Gardham being in charge.
But not so the National that has picked up on the dim Jim title with its front page tomorrow.
I’ll certainly be buying that edition even though I’m an online subscriber.
Excellent headline from the National and very apt.

link to



That’s twice on this thread that you have mentioned 30% of voters are undecided. I think that is bullshit, no offence but we like links and evidence on this site, please provide one.

Kevin Evans

Agreed – maybe 30% of labour voters are saying there undecided


Even if it is true that 30% of scots are undecided, then the balance of probability is the SNP would pick up even more of these undecided ffolk surely ?

That and being undecided might mean also, less likely to even bother.

Imaging a 35% turn out down south and a 55/60% turnout here delivering an SNP landslide in Scotland.

That would cause a bit of a stir i would imagine.


Intellectual giant, the Smurf will be offering a square go next instead of a debate. What a complete and utter fud.

liz g

Thepnr 2,16
Exactly!! I want to see the links to this stuff


If Murphy doesn’t want to go on Scotland tonight, prhaps they can get him to go on Jackanory, He’d be good their.


Unlucky 13th. for Creepy Jim.

I know that as it belongs to BBC Scotland there is no chance of it happening but I would love to see the Rab C. Election episode with Kenny Ireland playing the Jim Murphy character and the wee Tory trying to flog carpets.

Another brilliant performance by Nicola on tonight’s Agenda alongside Elaine C. Smith – what a pleasure to watch a civilised political program without Murph E Coyote shouting over everybody else – G. Brewer take note.

And we still have thursday night’s national debate with Dimbleby to come which now promises to be an open goal for Nicola when it comes to Labour’s Manifesto.

The Branch Accounting Unit must be burning the midnight oil trying to work out a suitable pack of lies for Murphy to come out with when he ventures out into the spotlight again – it will be interesting to see what sort of kid glove questioning he receives – that is if he allows anybody to question him.

I know that it is unlikely that he will resign before the election but if he did would poor wee Deputy Dug be thrown to the wolves.

donald anderson

Has Smurphy declared UDI without telling the North British Labour branch?

Kevin evans

Jim – where are yoouuuuuu?

The amount of time he’s been away this is gonna be a massive load of bull he’s cooking up for his return.

Wee Jonny

This is for my friend James Francis Murphy BA Politics (FAILED)©WGD)

Next time you want to be funny try this –

I did loads I drugs we mi shoe laces tedd the gither last night.
Big mistake. I was trippin a night.

You’ve more chance o fowk believing yi.


Not sounding good for Murphy on Good Morning Scotland.

Mention of his “slapdown” in The National, Scotsman and Daily Express, and his avoiding going on tv.

Game over man, game over man!

ronnie anderson

There,s a notable absence of Kezia/Anus/Magrit/Donahoe ? where are they all,or is it the case that the Accounting Unit Manager is the only one to get Broadcast time.

ronnie anderson

@ Wee Jonny Aye you were trippin awrite,cawin Murphy your friend. I,ll book ah detoks appointment for you.

He,s no cawed Jim nae pals fur nuthin lol.

Fraser McLaren

Thepnr 2.16
Liz g 2.51

Re Dakk’s post of 30% undecided – we need to be careful not to shoot the messenger.

The 30% undecided figure (It’s actually 29% I think) was from this weeks TNS poll showing SNP at 52%.

Maybe dakk lacks the technical ability to do the link – I certainly do. But if you check out Edward’s 9.38 post it gives a link to the Herald article on the TNS poll. (Note the link is not ‘Archived’).

I suspect what dakk was saying is don’t assume SNP have won until after the election – we still have work to do.


I think I can hear the sound of Gordzilla breaking cover. He is on the move again, for sure. There is no way the big beast will just lie low and watch his beloved Labour party (and union) disintegrate.

Is there?


JayR says:
14 April, 2015 at 6:23 am

Not sounding good for Murphy on Good Morning Scotland.

Mention of his “slapdown” in The National, Scotsman and Daily Express, and his avoiding going on tv.

Game over man, game over man!

Aye, it could well be his “Subway” moment.


Every time I see him now I keep thinking of that History Today clip. “A cry of PISH” rang out!!!

It’s not been a good day for The Repeller of Eggs!


The poison chalice. Expendable. Murphy is being hang out to dry.

Murphy should just keep his mouth shut. Instead of shouting the first thing that comes into his head. Empty vessels make the most noise. ‘Boris Johnstone, Boris Johnstone’. The dope on a rope.

Johanna always waited until Central Office had spoken.’No comment’. AWOL. In the case of the ‘bedroom tax’ a year. ‘Tough decision’


‘Scottish’ Labour out of the loop, again.

(Sir) Malcolm Bruce (in the landowners pocket) sat on his hands for 30 years and took all the benefits. Achievement an overnight sleeper train. LibDem (Greens) blocked the essential by-pass road for ten years. Secretly funded by landowners.

Aberdeen the only City in Europe without a By-pass road and pedestrianised City Centre. The SNP are building it. Get Willy Young (+Green) out and there will be a pedestrianised City centre. UTG Project.


30% of voters are undecided whether Jim Murphy is a creep or a sleekit hoor.
And on that note,I’d like to point out there is too much talk on here about how bad Murphy is and not enough about how good the SNP team is.John Swinney did very well last night as did Nicola.As did the armies of volunteers out chapping doors.The SNP stick up for Scotland.


Aberdeen By-pass long, long, long overdue.

However, if you pedestrianise Union Street where is all the traffic going to go? There is no comparable street to move it to.

How is replacing the present sunken Victorian Garden with an underground car park topped with a concrete ‘something’ an improvement?

I am not a ‘change nothing’ and would have been delighted to see the Peacock plan built, but not the commercial developments that were proposed after Peacock was shafted.

There are times when I wish we could kidnap the Dundee council and put them in charge (and that is without knowing which party has been in charge of their regeneration plans).

Andrew Brown

Apparently a deckchair from the Titanic is to be auctioned off. Perhaps we could crowdfund its purchase and send it to Mr Murphy to rearrange ?


‘30% of electorate are undecided’

In GE’s only 50-60% vote.


Anent Magrit & the Seven Schools, PFI slipped her mind here.

@ boris, love the pic of Douglas Alexander with a son-of-the-manse halo. A complete wee tosser.


I am reliably informed that Taylor and Murphy were seen having a quiet “dinner” in the Central station branch of Subway. Got to admire labour’s consistency. Its their panic room.


Torygraph pleading its reader to vote tactically in a new new NEW tactical vote campaign, they wheel out Deutsche Bank ghouls to threaten Scotland again, same ones that threatened 30’s style great depression if Scotland vote Yes, Ed Balls “contradicts” creepy Jim sez torygraph, so pretty empty vote anyone but SNP campaign day in tory boy world.

Online far right britnats say all polls are wrong, fixed, stacked against them, but plead with each other vote tactically, just in case polls are right maybe

Where is Steve Bell/rancid Graun when you really need them to save their teamGB pin up boy?

Les Wilson

Gary Robertson on BBCS this morning giving much air time and trying his hardest to inject some life back into Slab.
His bias over the long piece could not be disguised, although he tried, as he does.

Slab out, BBC out!

Cadogan Enright

BBC radio just ran an ‘analysis’ by Deutsche Bank that the most likely outcome in the election is an SNP/Labour coalition and this would mean higher taxes and be bad for the economy.

is this the same Deutsche Bank that intervened in the election?

Do you suppose that their head office in Germany is aware that their UKOK branch office is deeply involved in politics in this manner?

And who (what names and what connections) are behind these interventions by Deutsche Bank ?

Highly unusual for a bank to be so political


Cameron’s pal Deutsche Bank


Just listened to GMS ‘debate’ from Inverness
Well not so much of a debate, more about which unionist could talk bollocks the most.

Unfortunately SNP candidate Drew Henry, did not have a good morning despite holding the aces and allowed the likes of muppet Danny Alexander to get away with crap

I think someone needs to have a quiet word with Drew, if not already done so and tell him to up his game and do his bloody homework before he next enters any debate


The Pnr 2.16

I didn’t get the guy’s name on Scotland Tonight, but I’m not bullshitting,though ,he might be.No offence taken in any case.

I just thought other people might have noticed it.

I genuinely want to know whether the bar charts we see should be including don’t knows to give a clearer picture.

Ken 500

Mbe normally 50,60% vote in GE,but if the silent majority see this as Indyref2 as the Unionists are trying to hype up,then turnout could be considerably higher though I hope not.

I haven’t seen any polls suggesting numbers for those certain to vote.Whatever happened to Scottish Skier,our online polls expert.

Liz g 2.51

Sorry,didn’t catch the guy’s name and can’t be arsed trying to find a replay on internet,I’ll be more circumspect next time 🙂

jackie g

Kenny says: 11.53

Before Murphy, we had a Tory who was also completely deranged; his career ended in a nervous breakdown after he threatened environmental campaigners with a pickaxe.

Yes Jock it is true.

Tuesday 12 September 1995:

Allan Stewart, the former Scottish Office minister, was fined pounds 200 yesterday for breach of the peace after he waved a pickaxe at anti-motorway protesters.:-(

The Conservative MP for Eastwood told Paisley Sheriff Court he had “presented a pick-axe” at a group of demonstrators protesting against the planned M77 motorway in Glasgow last February. Stewart’s son, Gareth, and his friend David Clow, both 17, pleaded guilty to possessing loaded air pistols without lawful authority in the same incident. Sentencing of them was deferred for one year.

This is the best bit:

Stewart, 53, known in political circles as the “Beast of Eastwood”, resigned as industry minister at the Scottish Office after the incident which occurred after a family lunch!

Nice tory boy..:-(

Alan of Neilston

Good One. It’s not “The Scottish Labour Party” any more,but should from now on be called The British Labour and Unionist Party!!


The UTG Project would be a walk-way to Union Square the only way to go because of the layout of the City. People would get out of their cars to walk between centres. The original plans did not include a car park but Gardens at the top and covered but open facilities/venue underneath. A walk-way for buggies and the disabled. The majority supported it, but Labour/Unionists cancelled it.

ACC are spending £Millions more getting the City into debt. A lease scheme for a Carbuncle in the City centre, increasing traffic, costing £Millions, after refusing a £80Million Gift. People are protesting on the streets. ACC spent £26Million paying off AECC debts but plan to spend £330Million (debt) building another venue. They cancelled the Community football stadium (funded) which would have kept traffic to the South, out of the City. Hazelhead Development has no trouble with planning permission. Young’s associates.



Scottish Skier can be found at James Kelly’s site, Scot Goes Pop where he is a regular contributor.

link to

Wee Alex

I know it’s already been said but Murphy has dropped his colleagues down south in the do do by promising money for Scotland from the “London” mansion tax.

Apparently this is going down like a lead balloon, not just in the shires but across England and is costing Labour votes. How dare the subsidy junkie Scots benefit from this.

Jim Murphy was presented with a golden opportunity to revive the Labour party in Scotland but comes across as anti Scottish, not my words but from a former Labour Councillor I canvassed on Sunday.

Now he is being disowned by his imperial masters. The only option for Labour in Scotland will be to start again, form a genuine independent Scottish left of centre party and start to rebuild the party I was once proud of. It will take a while but will re engage Labour with the voters.



Yes, with so many polls James and SS are in hog heaven and chew the fat over all the analysis. Great site is Scot Goes Pop especially if you want to delve into the actual number crunching. James is usually right up to date with all the latest releases and he really has his feet on the ground too. No false optimism or complacency there.


Don’t worry folks this will dog Murphy for the rest of the campaign.

Les Wilson

Those who speak of a new Scottish only labour party, are dreaming. Where is the talent in the Slab ranks?,who could be trusted? No matter what, UK labour will always have a finger in the pie one way or the other.

They have all been tainted by Westminster serving agendas, now deeply etched in their brain, Unionism etched in their brain. Scotland comes naturally second to them, shamefully.
They are lost now for a very long time,if not forever.


Wee Alex says:
“The only option for Labour in Scotland will be to start again, form a genuine independent Scottish left of centre party and start to rebuild the party I was once proud of. It will take a while but will re engage Labour with the voters.”

Why bother? With the SSP, Greens and SNP occupying the centre and left, is there any need for the Labour Party? Too much baggage comes with them and I, for one, think it’s time they went into the history books, as far as Scotland is concerned.

Since 2007 their contribution to Scotland has been to sit in the corner in the huff, moaning ‘SNP bad’. They troughed at WM. They sided with the Tories to deceive and cheat their way to winning our referendum.

And, for decades before that, they simple colluded in the ripping off of Scotland.

The ‘feeble fifty’ left me believing they would put self, party and Union before Scotland and their voters.

Hell mend them – political annihilation is too good for them.



It was Radio Forth and Clyde’s Political Editor Colin Mackay who spouted the 30% undecided line on Scotland Tonight (after Labour declined to send anyone).

He did slam Murphy for “ruining a good show today by Miliband” though his “it allows SNP to say labours economic plan is as bad as theirs” wasnt very nice.


Wee poser for someone.

Over the weekend someone put banners up advertising a hustings in the vilage hall for thursday. Problem is, they don’t state on the banners which Party.

Anyone know if this is normal practice? Surely if you are advertising for people to come hear you speak then you’d want them to know exactly who would be speaking?


Liz g 2.51

OK,my last word on the matter.

I siged up to STV player and found the clip on Scotland Tonight.

It was Colin Mackay Political Editor of Radio Clyde/Forth who said there is a poll today(yesterday) which suggested 30% in Scotland undecided its at 9.40 in sorry I dont know how to link.

However,he didnt say which poll,and he was bumming up Milliband saying he was ‘really,really good’and ‘best performance yet’ so in retrospect he sounds like just another Slab networker masquerading as a journalist,and not to be trusted,so we’ll move on,I think.



I didn’t hear Colin Mackay but that sounds pretty silly. What political party ever says “it is as bad as ours” Fair enough if he was having a laugh at the expense of both parties but if was bemoaning Labour’s lot and having a pop at the SNP that is straight forward naked bias.


The romantic view of a Scottish socialist Labour party will soon be shown on tourist trinkets…let it go folks.

Youre looking through red tinted glasses at a past that barely existed a very very long time ago and has been glorified through years of longing and disappointment.

Embrace the future..

bookie from hell

Denis Skinner ?@BolsoverBeast ·

Disappointed that Bob Geldolf is a non-dom.

It’s time to “Give us your f***ing money” Bob…

Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 14 April, 2015 at 1:07 am:

“Don’t mention dead cats Valarie … McTernan might be popping in for a wee chat and read that. Allegedly 😉 he may be allergic to cats dead or alive. :P”

Just had a word with next door’s moggy, Lesley-Anne. The wee beastie tells me 8 out of 10 cats are allergic to McTernans.


Graham MacLure

@ Wee Alex 9.02

I agree with what you have said Alex except for one thing and that is that a nippy wee sweetie called Nicola is already running such a party in Scotland with a very steady hand.
It looks to me that by moving to the right in their quest for UK power Labour have painted themselves into a corner in Scotland as the SNP and Greens have taken the center left leaving only space for fringe parties left of them.
There may, ironically, be an opening for them after Independence.


Marcia 9.01 and HandandShrimp 9.16

Thanks for those links.I’ve heard of them but never ventured.

Check it out later.

Jim Morris

Hustings usually include a variety of candidates giving their respective manifestos and open to questions from the attendees.

donald anderson

Gleu sniffin’ never did Murphy ony herm …. loop a loop, blurp, ….effin nationalists …oop alopp a doo dah.

[…] We try to avoid openly editorialising on this site, readers. While unashamedly partisan in our leanings, as a rule we prefer to present the facts and let people come to their own conclusions from the evidence.  […]



Under the Political Parties,Election and Referendum Act 2000 (amending the Representation of the People Act) all election material must contain the name of the printer,promoter andname and address of person on whose behalf material is being promoted if not the promoter etc etc

So your village poster is breaking the law.


Nicola has played an absolute blinder! Putting her case, outshining the others and not dropping to the gutter level politics and bullying UKOK, Westminster PMQ style.

A long game, giving Murphy enough rope to hang himself was a master stroke. But, in the end, it was London Labour, the real Red Tory Labour party that strung him up and put him in the smokehouse like an Arbroath Smokie

Now dear Jim is sitting on the nursery school naughty step surrounded by a baying mob of 5 year olds (and the odd STV News reporter) chanting “Lier lier, pants on fire!”.

This morning, for once, my aching knees are aren’t bothering me. It’s my aching sides! Bwaaahaawwww!

Brian Powell

On Colin Mackay, as with Prof Curtice, the only polling expert in the universe, are there only 3 or 4 TV pundits in the universe?

The strangest, surreal situation is seeing some politician make a comment or statement, then a reporter or pundit tell us what it means. That would be acceptable if it was a complicated technical description and breaking it down to be comprehensible.

But we have situations where the Labour spokesman clearly says the Leader of Labour in Scotland will not decide the economic policy, then Brian Taylor tells us that wasn’t quite what he meant.


It makes the rest of the week interesting as presumably Scottish Labour Imaginary Party will probably have scheduled a launch for their “manifesto” and it looks increasingly unlikely that Jim will be launching it. What chance the return of the Great Clunking Fist? Of course Jim may be writing it out in his jotter as we speak, the one titled “If I had a Political Party – Things I would do”.

Craig P

laukat said:

Also who leads the next Better Together campaign if there are no Labour politicians left with any reputation of leadership abilities?

That’s a very good point. Should the general election match the current polls, it will be left to some list MSPs and Glasgow councillors to make the non-Tory case for the union in the coming years.


G4jeepers & Famous15
A hustings should be an opportunity to listen to and question all candidates in an election (or those who turn up) so can be organised by any unaffiliated person or committee and therefore not subject to the party promotions rules. It will probably be your local community council or a similar local group.

Robert Peffers

@geeo says: 14 April, 2015 at 2:41 am:

“Even if it is true that 30% of scots are undecided, then the balance of probability is the SNP would pick up even more of these undecided ffolk surely ?”

In fact, if you ever tried to random survey the public on any matter, then around 30% of them would say they were, “undecided”.

It’s basically shorthand for, “Ah canna be bothered talkin tae ye”, or, “Sorry, nae time the noo”, or even, “Mind yer ain bliddy business”.


Here’s a thought folks. What if the SNP got 58 seats at the next election and a minority of right wing Labour MP’s form a Government of National Unity with the Conservatives? And the only Non SNP MP is Jim Murphy who becomes Secretary of State for Scotland?

How quick would that bring on Indereferendum2 with at least a 55% Yes?



G4jeepers says:
14 April, 2015 at 9:36 am
Wee poser for someone.

Over the weekend someone put banners up advertising a hustings in the vilage hall for thursday. Problem is, they don’t state on the banners which Party.

Anyone know if this is normal practice? Surely if you are advertising for people to come hear you speak then you’d want them to know exactly who would be speaking?

There are two possible types of hustings meeting.

If for a particular candidate of one party, it’s covered by electoral law as per Famous 15‘s post.

However, as the banner does not specify a candidate or party, I suspect it’s the second type where a third party sponsors a meeting.

This type is not covered by electoral law in the same way (for example, it doesn’t form part of any party’s expenses, and as it isn’t formally part of the election campaign doesn’t require the imprint) provided the following rules are obeyed. All candidates must be asked to attend, and either must attend, send a representative, or give permission for the meeting to go on without them.

If this isn’t done, the expenses of the meeting are divided between those candidates who attend, and count against the overall campaign expenses (no money needs to change hands—you just balance the share of the expenses with a donation from the organisers).


On the hustings meeting question – normally the term means that there will be debate between the candidates. Usually organised by a local church or community council, but with no axe to grind.

Don’t complain about it – be an active citizen, go along, see the whites of the candidates’ eyes, and you might even be rewarded with the odd gem of political insight, or unintended humour (I remember Colin Fox managing to get his Tory opponent at the last election to suggest that the UK’s nuclear deterrent might be needed to keep the Union Canal safe from terrorist threats.)

Embrace the opportunity warmly, lest they try and take it away from you.


This is comedy gold from BBC Scotland.. (cheek to call it Reality Check)

link to

No mention at all of Chuka’s or Ed’s actual comments. Just terms like “..certain amount of confusion.” and “..Ed Balls appeared to contradict that..” or “The confusion arises from the different promises the parties are making.”

I thought the BBC Scotland had it’s finger on the pulse when it came to Scottish News.

It’s niceof them to put me at ease, by not reporting the actual facts of what’s clearly going on. I’m not being lied to by Labours Branch Manager in Scotland. It’s just me just being “confused”.

Thank heavens for that. Why don’t they just have a picture of a fluffy bunny on their main page. To hell with the reality of news.. here’s a fluffy cute animal.


Important to remember that not all people saying they will vote SNP, will actually vote. It happens in every election. Thus the numbers are actually a lot closer.

A lot of the undecideds won’t vote and with polling such as TMS/Ipsos Mori, where it is a person asking another person, some people are reluctant to say who they are voting for….could this be a shy Tory vote?

Turnout will be in the 60’s, perhaps higher.

All of us should be wary about Labour’s ability to get out their vote as well.

In short, get your arse outside.

David Wardrope

@Brian Powell

TV political presenters are spin doctors by proxy.

When the politicians representing the public need their comments interpreted just so the public can understand them, we can only wonder where we have gone wrong. Either this means that the media think the public are not as clever as them and we need spoon-fed bitesize chunks of dumbed down political babble; or the very politicians who have stood up to represent us are speaking in such a contrived, sleekit way so as not to commit to anything that might get them found out.

I suspect both.


link to

History of Scotland Part 2 needed, if you’re out there:D

And lo, on the day of lord 13th April 2014, Creepy Jim Morphy bottled it and it was his own freak show, desperately acting like their last reign over teamGB was NOT in fact hell on earth/fabulous if you’re minted in the City, who actually delivered the creepy Jim coup de gras.

Or, will the Scottish Conservative party really save the Scottish Labour party, which is also something that nobody could have thought happening anywhere in Scotland, let alone teamGB either.

Or, Save us BBC and the Scottish tory boys, you’re our only hope.


‘laukat said:

‘Also who leads the next Better Together campaign if there are no Labour politicians left with any reputation of leadership abilities?

That’s a very good point. Should the general election match the current polls, it will be left to some list MSPs and Glasgow councillors to make the non-Tory case for the union in the coming years.’

Eddie Izzard?John Barrowman?

Or Alan Cochrane?


Colin Mackay, Radio Clyde political editor has got to be one of the most bias Labour supporters on our airwaves.

Remember the “I would call that a draw” statement, on STV.

I also listen to Radio Clyde now and again on the car radio and the news bulletins are so weighted towards Labour and so anti- SNP. You would hear Labour party sound bites and then it would be moved on to another item.

You are left feeling angry and it does put you off listening to the station, so you end up turning it to another radio station.(Are you listening Colin Mackay)

These news bulletins on Radio Clyde are produced by our good friend, Colin Mackay.

Bernard Ponsonby, Colin Mackay and John Mackay, all Unionist leaning supporters.

Robert Peffers

@biecs says: 14 April, 2015 at 8:01 am:

“Aberdeen By-pass long, long, long overdue.

However, if you pedestrianise Union Street where is all the traffic going to go? There is no comparable street to move it to.

Err! whoa! there, biecs, the main idea of a bypass is to divert the traffic away from the city centre.

Every major town has had the same problem as Aberdeen. For example there is no reasonable through road in Edinburgh. Prince’s St doesn’t run all the way through, neither does Ferry Road. Before the by-pass there was an inner and an outer circular route, and both were convoluted and quite useless.


Totally agree with comments about demise of Labour party in this country, why bother indeed, because the people who turned away from them, have done this for sound reasons.

On FB, all of the Indy pages post memes, vote SNP for WM, vote SNP/Green/SSP next year, so I think most are already thinking we should have a mix next year, but tellingly, left of centre parties.

That is where this country really does differ from the south.


For those somewhat confused by the 30% undecided take a trip to ScotgoesPop where James explains it to me in his comment section

jackie g

O/T but relevant.

link to


Dave McEwan Hill

I seriously hope the “Scottish” Labour Party is consigned to the dustbin of history on 7th May and would not support any revival of it. The whole apparatus of it needs dismantled and buried.
We don’t want any of those still clinging to it.
There will be a radical space in a new Scotland to be filled by many of the best of what surfaced during the referendum and none of that had anything to do with “Scottish” Labour (except having walked away from it)
Somebody mentioned the “feeble fifty”.
The Labour Party in Scotland was dead before then. They were dead when they (along with our few Tories)colluded against their own people in surpressing the McCrone report.
I met a very prominent ex Labour member a couple of weeks ago. “I’ve been waiting forty years for this” he told me
So have I.

Neil Carmouche

Can I suggest a new poster

“checked with chukka Jim? “


The Scottish labour Party Manifesto launch has been put back until Friday.

Labour do a lot of shit things on a Friday. That is usually the day Ed pays us a flying visit. No time to study what was said, before we know it, we are into Saturday and it is all forgot about.

Murphy will be hoping the same thing happens with his Murphy Manifesto.

And WHY do Scottish Labour have a different Manifesto to London Labour?

I thought we were all one big UK happy family, all in it together.

Is Murphy getting this election mixed up with the 2016 Scottish election?

Or is it because of the debate on the BBC on Thursday night, less ammo for Nicola to beat Ed with.

Robert Peffers

@Les Wilson says: 14 April, 2015 at 8:33 am:

” … His bias over the long piece could not be disguised, although he tried, as he does.”

Many moons ago I had a wee exchange of emails with Garry. I’m not known for mincing my words and told Garry he came across to listeners as an Establishment/Labour Party placeman.

Garry denied this and claimed, as a professional, to be strictly unbiased and fair. I quoted him examples of his obvious bias – but to no effect. I became certain Garry honestly believed he was a wonderful professional broadcaster who showed absolutely no bias whatsoever.

I concluded I was wasting my time and his by prolonging the exchange of emails. Like many, who stand behind a microphone or video camera, the size of Garry’s opinion of his own self vastly outnumbers that of his hat size.

Dave McEwan Hill

Chalks at 10.31

No doubt we will have to keep up the effort until polling day but I suspect the confusion among our enemies is likelier to keep them away from the polls rather more than it will keep our folk at home.

It does look as though Jim Murphy has now been abandoned. Sunday’s televised disgrace was probably the last straw. Or “shot” is probably a more apt description. That slapdown was vicious and no accident. We will be seeing a lot of London Labour leaders dominating their Scottish effort.
We must keep calling for Jim.

Graham Macqueen

@ shuggy, 13th April 11:08pm

Very plausible scenario, however I am not entirely convinced that anyone in Labour HQ, or even within the party itself, have such an ability to think so intrinsically or so forward.

I imagine they are simply trying to distance themselves from the disaster that is Mr. Murphy! He has more or less singlehandedly obliviated Labour from Scotland, akin to Thatcher in the 80’s. Long may he continue to Fcuk up!


“Ken500 says:
14 April, 2015 at 7:44 am

‘Scottish’ Labour out of the loop, again.

(Sir) Malcolm Bruce (in the landowners pocket) sat on his hands for 30 years and took all the benefits. Achievement an overnight sleeper train. LibDem (Greens) blocked the essential by-pass road for ten years. Secretly funded by landowners.

Aberdeen the only City in Europe without a By-pass road and pedestrianised City Centre. The SNP are building it. Get Willy Young (+Green) out and there will be a pedestrianised City centre. UTG Project.”

What’s the cost of the bypass now? £700 million plus and rising? Wouldn’t it have been better to build an Aberdeen Crossrail from Peterhead to Banchory? I’m sure it could have been electrified and some money left over for that price. It’s a real disgrace that the North-East has continued to see its railways wiped out even as the oil money has been coming in. More generally, I hope that we’re not going back to the politics of Trump.


Stoker @ 1:17am commented on seeing John Lamont posters near Kelso. Don’t know if you attended the hustings in Duns last night Stoker, but John got some stick about the “living on benefits being a lifestyle choice” that he made in response to a question. Interestingly the Tory section of the audience kept very quiet while the heckling was going on. The Green candidate let herself down by trying to trash the reputation of Borders schools in order to make excuses for sending her child to a private school. I reckon she will have upset a lot of teachers in the Borders. Independent newspaper reporter was there so will have a look at their website to see what they have reported about it.


Is it over did we slay the Slab myth ? ,well if Ed has done what i think he has then maybe yes ,if he has just killed Slab and is going after England,what happens now? will they need to break away from Labour as a new party and if they do then who is that sitting in the SP do they have a right to do that, shouldnt all their seats go into by-election ,im not savvy on how it all works but there has got to be something like that in the rules yes.


Just doodling and dithering away here, contemplating my navel. Labour is pretty close to being irrelevant in Scotland. I wonder if they have finally figured out how much money they can save by closing their Northern territory branch office? If the branch office is to be closed will they just move the nameplate to London or retire it completely? How many food banks will, the ever caring, Jim Smug visit once he’s been deposed and probably deselected, ok scratch that one, I know the answer. What will the knock on effect be to the BBC? How many BBC “journalists” will choose to retire on May 8th? Did I hear somewhere this morning that Bob the Knob Geldof is a nomdom? Better together aye Bob, wanker!
“I don’t like Mondays
an I don’t pay tax aye
and I can see no reason
Cos there are no reasons
What reason do I need to be shown”


@Stoker 1.17am
You never told me you came from Kelso! Are you in our branch?


Craig P says:
14 April, 2015 at 10:09 am

laukat said:

Also who leads the next Better Together campaign if there are no Labour politicians left with any reputation of leadership abilities?

That’s a very good point. Should the general election match the current polls, it will be left to some list MSPs and Glasgow councillors to make the non-Tory case for the union in the coming years.

If Labour lose most of their Scottish MPs in May, they lose legitimacy to govern Scotland – look what happened to the tories when they tried to rule Scotland from afar.

The smarter unionists (I know, but there are a few!) realise this, but some also realise that there is not much they can do about it now – what will happen will happen. For decades, the big obstacle to Scottish independece has been a mighty triumvarate, a wicked alliance of deception and delusion, comprising the BBC, the Daily record and the “Scottish” Labour party. It’s like a tripod. When one leg goes, the whole structure comes crashing down and the union is over. And they are all now resting on shaky ground! This may take one more mighty push (GE?) but it will happen sooner or later.

So, all ths talk of holding a UK mniroty Labour administration to account is fine (and plays well with some voters). In terms of Scottish independence,however, the main objective is the destruction of the Scottish Labour party as an effective political force. It’s not nice to wish destruction on anyone, but sadly this is the only way (other ways have been tried).


Kevin McKenna interviewed last night on R4 Newsnight was asked, ‘Have Labour given up on Scotland?’. The answer was a very short ‘yes’.


Hello, Jim. Come away in….ye’ll have had your bounce?

Marker Post

I reckon they’re busy re-writing the Scottish Labour manifesto after yesterday’s debacle…


Anybody who depends solely on the on-line Daily Record for news will be totally unaware of yesterday’s defenestration of Murphy by his London bosses.

It would appear that Foote, Clegg and Crichton have been unable to come up with any way to spin Creepy Jim’s political Waterloo.


The stramash over Murphy’s slap-down has forced the ‘power behind the political face’ to show its hand via its mouthpiece the BBC.

No sooner had Murphy finally gone over the top and had to be disowned by the UK Labour Party then the ‘UK Big Brother’ side took over and got Brian Taylor flustering about the differences caused by ‘presentation’ and ’emphasis’ – heavily sweating and spouting anything to obfuscate and blurr for nothing less than to deceive the public.

The BBC is a total disgrace and Brian Taylor is one person who must know this very well indeed. Now shamed and blamed. The BBC – Verity – Democracy? – You’re having a laugh, right?



Regarding undecided voters, the TNS poll had this to say:

Commenting further, Tom Costley said, “It should also be noted that one quarter (26%) of all adults aged 18+ in Scotland, and 24% of those who say they are certain to vote on the day, are currently undecided, suggesting there is still considerable scope for all parties to influence the final results in the next three months.”

link to

The earlier Youguv poll does not state the numbers of undecided but you can estimate the number who are undecided and/or will not vote from the tables and that (if my sums are right?) works out at 16%.

link to

Robert Peffers

@desimond says: 14 April, 2015 at 9:40 am:

“The romantic view of a Scottish socialist Labour party will soon be shown on tourist trinkets…let it go folks.

Youre looking through red tinted glasses at a past that barely existed a very very long time ago and has been glorified through years of longing and disappointment.”

That’s actually the absolute historic truth, Desimond. Indeed, Facts are chiels whit winna ding.

Here’s truth – in spite of what the Labour party prints as their history it is not proven true by actual facts. The early Labour Party was conceived and born in Scotland.

The first Labour Party MP was Kier Hardie but note the Labour Party name changes in that era.

Here’s a potted history.

James Keir Hardie, (born on 15 August 1856), He was the illiterate, illegitimate son of domestic servant Mary Keir. Hardie’s first job was, (aged 7), as a message boy. Hence no schooling and illiteracy. His mother taught him to read and write. Other jobs followed, an apprenticeship as a Brass-Fitter, working for a lithographer, and in the shipyards heating rivets. Life was indeed hard for Hardie. Aged 10 Hardie went to work in the mines as a “trapper”, (opening and closing a door to keep up the air supply for miners in a section). Hardie also attended night at this time. He then became a pit-pony driver, then a hewer in the mines. By 20Y.O. Hardie was a skilled practical miner.

Hardie started to associate with the Evangelical Union and became a member of the United Reformed Church, in Hamilton. He also joined the Temperance movement. This was where he learned the art of public speaking. Before long, Hardie was being seen by the miners as their leader but also by the Mine Owners as a trouble-Maker. Before long, he and two younger brothers were blacklisted for working in the mining industry.

First Hardie supported the Liberal Party but became disillusioned by Gladstone’s economic policies and began to feel Liberals didn’t represent the working classes but just wanted working class votes. He decided to run for Parliament. In April 1888, he stood as an independent labour candidate in Mid Lanark and finished last.

On 25 August 1888 the Scottish Labour Party (not the modern Labour Party) was formed, with Hardie it’s first secretary. The president was Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham, the first socialist MP, and later founder of the National Party of Scotland.

In 1892 Hardie was invited to stand as candidate in West Ham South, (now Greater London). The Liberals didn’t stand against him but didn’t support him either. field a candidate, but at the same time not to offer Hardie any assistance. Against the Tory Party Hardie won by 5,268 votes to 4,036, and took his seat in parliament on 3 August 1892. At Westminster he advocated a graduated income tax, free schooling, pensions, the abolition of the House of Lords and the women’s right to vote.

Then, In 1893, Hardie and others formed, “The Independent Labour Party”. After attacking the monarchy Hardie lost his seat in 1895. and spent the next five years building up the Labour movement and speaking at public meetings. Hardie got arrested at a woman’s suffrage meeting in London, but the Home Secretary ordered his release. In 1899 in evidence to a HOC Select Committee on Emigration & Immigration Hardie argued that the Scots resented immigrants greatly and would want a total immigration ban. They pointed out to him more people left Scotland than entered and Hardie replied: “’It would be much better for Scotland if those 1,500 were compelled to remain there and let the foreigners be kept out”. Dr Johnson said, “God made Scotland for Scotchmen, and I would keep it so”. Hardie claimed the Lithuanian migrant workers in the mining industry had “filthy habits”, they lived off “garlic and oil”, and they were carriers of “the Black Death”. Then, In 1900, Hardie organised a meeting of various trade unions and socialist groups that agreed to form a Labour Representation Committee and so the Labour Party was born.

So the Home-Rule supporting father of the United Kingdom Labour Party ended up as every Labour Party Scot since the party was born went from supporting Scottish Home Rule to joining the Establishment and becomes an ardent, anti-Scottish, pro-union, Proud Scot, but …


Les Wilson. 9.30 am. And Valerie 10.45am

Bang on the money Les. There are no likely contenders in LIEbour if they tried to change to an independence Labour Party. I want them all out. None are fit for the purpose. Born in Scotland and it will die in Scotland. YAHOO 😀

The SNP, SSP and Greens are now the logical Scottish parties. labour are defunct, not needed in ANY shape or form.

Roll on May and the SE 2016 where we can put LIEbour away for good. They have no one capable here. All the smart people are with the indi parties.

Scotland has a newer fresher approach to politics that WM cannot understand or fight against.

I have never been so proud of Scots than these last few months. They have suffered abuse and lies and still come back fighting for more. Even die hard unionists know there is no hope.

Indi is a nap . Just a matter of time now.


Watch James Frankie Murphy fall into a nervous breakdown as that Westminster pay cheque and free everything goes down the swanny


Off topic, remember the song & dance over the proposed speed cameras on the A9 led by Danny Alexander & some self-appointed expert from Inverness called Burns? the cameras have been up & running for a while now and in my humble opinion greatly improved driver behaviour, vindicating the Scotish Government & Transport Minister’s initiative.


Am so fed up listening to BBC Radio Better Together Jim Murphy, that I have switched to planet rock.


How much would it cost to build a rail line from Peterhead to Banchory and what’s the point for people going south to avoid or by-pass the City. The City/shire loses £Millions in time and manpower without a By-pass road. Putting two hours on people’s working day. The Green LibDems wasted £Millions blocking the proposals and on the Trump Inquiry. The majority supported the Trump Development.


@ Mosstrooper
@ The pnr

Thanks for the links,I now don’t feel there’s such a black hole as I feared,though I take nothing for granted.

Off to post Carol Monaghan candidate leaflets now.

@Robert Peffers

Great stuff,so even the much revered Keir Hardie was an arsehole.Why am I not surprised,wait till I use this on my cringing Labour Unionist international socialist acquaintances.


Wait. So Murphy is refusing all interviews now? He’s clearly in meltdown mode, having been flung over (deemed politically expedient) by his London Imperial Masters.

So what does a snake in the grass like Murphy do now? Well, like Flashman, he’s only in it for himself, so I see a sharp career change for Murphy.

I foresee Murphy relinquishing his MP candidacy in the forlorn hope of retaining, at least in his eyes, (and the eyes of the septuagenarian-plus-worried-about-ma-pension-labour-diehards), some tattered remnant of political credibility, to stand for the Scottish Parly next year. There, at least, he should be able to slither into, on his craven belly, a shoo-in list seat.

Patrick Roden

So Labour in Scotland have ‘postponed’ their Scottish manifesto (stop laughing at the back) until Friday?

Hmm, Is this because they are waiting to see what Ed says in the leaders debate on Thursday, by any chance?

Jim Murphy was unavailable for comment! 🙂


Labour HQ has realised that Scotland is lost to their party and must now rely on the SNP to form a Government.

Having to leave his Deputy to take a regular mauling from Nicola Sturgeon at FMQs because he is not entitled to sit in our Parliament; Murphy has proved to be nothing more than a liability to his political masters in London.

At least Johann Lamont came to her senses and realised her party was nothing more than a branch office and got out of there with what little dignity she had left!


Who would have thought that politics could be this entertaining, love it!


I reckon FUD and Dug, are trying their hand at hide and seek.
As they are totally inept at their current jobs, they must be good at something, then again I have my doubts.

Tinto Chiel

April 13: the day the hoped-for Murphy Bounce finally became the Murphy Splat.

Poor Jim, now electoral road-kill, run over in the end by his own Labour bus.

Warning: I am a Ranting-Rev. Rat.


Murphy has been bounced.

Is it too early to campaign to get the electoral system for Holyrood amended to include some form of STV for the list MPs? If not free rein then either pick an individual candidate or party.


“Am so fed up listening to BBC Radio Better Together Jim Murphy, that I have switched to planet rock.”

Good decision Angus, I like the “Nights, with Alice Cooper” evening show.. here’s,

Elected ~ by Alice Cooper
link to

Cheers fellow rocker!

Douglas Macdonald

@Cadogan Enright
@Ken 500

You are both correct about Deutsche Bank’s earlier intervention in the referendum. However, a few months later, perhaps late January/early February, the bank issued an official report that no fewer than seven regions in the EU would be able to stand alone as independent countries, Scotland being one of them. The current intervention is almost certainly by the same London-based Tory banker (and, probably, party donor), who is wheeled out on occasion to give his personal opinion (under the guise of official Deutsche Bank policy). As expected, the BBC and others in the media would never mention this in any introduction to the piece – another example of the usual sin of omission.

Brian Doonthetoon

It’s so hard to keep up with comments these days…

Hi gus1940, at 4am this morning.

Is this the episode, which you remembered fondly?

link to

biecs, at 8.01am.

The Dundee Waterfront Masterplan was put out for public consultation in 2000, under a Labour Council. It has continued under an SNP administration.

This is not unusual, as it was officials in the planning department who came up with the idea. It doesn’t matter who ‘governs’; the plan is defined/refined by the officials.

The administration is only needed to nod through the advice of the planners, so its politics are irrelevant to the ‘masterplan’.

And, of course, the planners can change their minds and advise the councillors to go along with this change of mind.

See this short video for an example of change, nodded through by councillors in Dundee.

link to

And this video, maybe, explains why the roundabouts had to be replaced by traffic light junctions, supplied by Siemens, a German organisation.

link to

BTW: if you want more background on Dundee’s Waterfront Development, check out the videos on the right of the YouTube page at the first link.

BTW2: Dundee has had a ring road, or ‘by-pass’, since the 1920s, when Kingsway was built (with enough room for a two lane tramway in the central reservation – never done), around the periphery of the city, to carry northbound (Arbroath, Montrose, Aberdeen) traffic, without the need to go through the city.

It was the work of James Thomson, city engineer, who had a surfeit of vision – he also proposed redevelopment of the waterfront and a Tay Road Bridge in the second decade of the 20th Century.


Murphyism – noun. Meaning: a lie of such magnitude that it cannot be believed, a lie which is not admitted to even when the truth is overwhelmingly obvious. Usually used in a political context but not exclusively so. Origin: named for Scottish Labour politician James Murphy who was a party leader in the early 21st century before resigning over ‘Ruthgate’ (see other entry) Murphy was known for his fantastical claims and for contradicting his own party and making ridiculous statements about opposing parties, usually SNP (the party that obtained independence for Scotland). Murphyism is usually used when said person is, or is on the verge of, becoming a laughing stock…


Natasha says: @Stoker
“You never told me you came from Kelso! Are you in our branch?”

Apologies for the delayed response Natasha, been busy busy busy.

No, i prefer being a free spirit.

I believe that to be a member of an organisation such as the SNP it requires a certain level of discipline and i’m not that type of person. I don’t believe i’m capable of meeting those requirements.

However, i have been dedicated to the independence cause for over 30-years and during that time i have voted for nothing but the SNP at every level and urged others to do likewise at every opportunity.

I tend to get about all over a large part of Scotland, from the Borders to the Highlands, promoting the SNP and WOS as i go.


You like to avoid editorialising, Stu?

I’d hate to see what you’re like when you aren’t trying to be objective :p

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    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on The same old tricks: “Thanks Mia. And for all your own very helpful and encouraging contributions. I would add that, since I can no…Jan 19, 00:29
    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “I couldn’t find that article by the search button. Could you remember which year it was so that I can…Jan 18, 23:22
    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “I missed that bit about the registering of judges’ interests being stopped by Sturgeon. Now why would she do that?…Jan 18, 23:07
    • Mia on Poisoning The Unwell: “Thank you Sarah. The grousebeater article is most interesting. Mmm. 1996/97 is quite close to the devolution referendum for comfort,…Jan 18, 22:59
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