The corridors of power
Posted on
October 06, 2014 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
We couldn’t help noticing this sad story from yesterday’s Sunday Times:
That’s Johann Lamont, readers – the woman who wants to lead Scotland, but had to be “rescued” when she tried to negotiate entry into a lift. God save us.
I wouldn’t want share a lift, or anything else, with her either.
Didn’t she tell us that Scots aren’t genetically programmed to use lifts?
That tells you all you need to know about the hierarchy of Scottish Labour right there. If Lamont was truly the leader, she’d have been in the lift before Sawar and Curran. But she was obviously following behind, presumably trying to keep up with them as they talked shop.
Can you imagine a pair of SNP MPs walking ahead of Alex Salmond or Nicola Sturgeon?
Aww – diddums….
You should still be on your hols, Stu!! Just can’t keep away, eh? 🙂
The corridors of power?? Mare like the elevators of incompetence!!
Was she too wee to reach the button?
Eat your cereal, Johann!
Looks like a think bubble above her – with nothing inside it.
Obviously she needs help – not cruel mockery. Everyone make sure to shout out to her “Press the button Johann” next time you see her.
I wonder if she passes wind in a lift and it was a premptive defensive move by those in the lift?
Either that or Jackie got in first and overloaded the lift.
Anyway,the wee soul was bamboozled by all those buttons to press and all those floors to chose from.
Certainly not going to do much to elevator status in the Scottish Parliament
The cloud should be black and the rain pissing down.
Oh to be a fly on the wall there.
Those lift doors on the Death Star shut really fast.
I remember her from a last Spring. She hasn’t appeared in public much over the summer, has she. What does she do, again?
Only reason they opened the lift was cos she was carrying their bags.
Seasick Dave: Or too stupid.
Naw. She said she wanted to go up in the lift, but in reality she just wanted to stay in the lobby.
Leave her stranded, she’s used to it!.
Well, she is a cretin, but then who comes next?
I think it would really depend on how big a cretin you would want.
There are many choices in Slab that would justify the word.
11. 11. Eleven. ELEVEN!!
There keeps being talk of Johann being ‘replaced’ but who’d seriously want to take on the job at this point in time? If Labour as does poorly in Scotland at the May GE as the polls currently seem to suggest they will then it’s odds on that ‘Scottish Labour’ will take the blame, not ‘Westminster Labour’. Why risk taking on the job of leader of Scottish Labour with that hanging over you? Why not just let Johann muddle along and be the fall gal then step in after she’s punted?
I am surprised they noticed she was missing, nobody else does.
Hell mend her. She had no bother sorting out a rabble outside Asda, like a fishwife. The woman is a political pygmy.
Lament might not have got a lift, but it gave me one…a lift that is.
It`s unbelievable the level of stupidity there is amongst these people.
Elevator to where…hopefully descending into hell.
A stark realisation of where she is in the pecking order.
Her face must have looked even more than ususal like a bulldog licking pish off a nettle.
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden Labour shills;
Inside the lift, as they all posed,
Laughing and joking, the doors they closed.
Better together, better together Johann. Works better if you all get in together then you can pull and share the job of working out who’s buttons to press.
Ma coats on!
I hope it was a voice activated lift. ‘Eleven”
[…] The corridors of power […]
@frankieboy …
Sorry, could you repeat that please.
She never realized that Labour MSPs are supposed to use the stairs.
“It wis that basturt Salmond’s fault.”
Points finger.
On RT Going Underground, phillup hamand, talking after/around the time there was a no vote against going to war with Syria, referred to Saddam Hussein,when he should have said Bashir Assad.Saddam was
dead and buried?
Same script different name.
OT, Labour at it again in Fife link to
Davidson is supposed to bayonet the (YES) wounded, but then turning on their own was always the Labour way.
@Nana Smith: such as the one we see at the closing credits of the film “Angel heart”?
Maybe she just intended to keep her body healthy and take the stairs?
She wanted to debate who goes first.
link to
I am amazed at this, Peston question neo-liberalism?
Bawheid Bragg says: @ 4.12pm, John King was saying that the comments were not favourable to them. As a constituent I am stuck with them right now, hoping to get rid of the two of them within the next few years.
O/T but this is so worth it…
link to
Sadly the lift had to be removed and dismantled and melted down as scrap as it never recovered from the vomiting fit after Johann Lamont was taken out of the lift, Rust in peace ..
Bashed Bragg
That’s incredible that they’re blaming the SG, as the posters point out in no uncertain terms.
Who owns the Dunfermline Press? A shameful rag with smarmy Labour journalists.
Being held as an irrelevance in your own political party, despite being a “leader”, is a wee thing in Johann’s world.
It’s her policy vision and ability to capture the imagination of the political left in Scotland that will get New OneNation Scottish Labour where it wants to be!
We should remember that Harriet Harperson could not remember the name of Joke McConnell. He could be considered less of a non person than Lamentable.
Nana, signed the wee petition with pleasure.
Come on play fair, theirs nae a lift doon tae the bunker.
Let’s give the lady some credit here – I’d not want to risk getting stuck in a lift with Curran and Sarwar either.
Apologies for O/T but give yourself a laugh by clicking onto and see pictures from the LibDem conference in Glasgow.
British Labour Party in Scotland – Going Down.
Do they have lifts up to 10 Glebe Street, Hen and Maggie getting in and leaving Daphne outside?
British Labour Party in Scotland – Going Down!
Can I suggest that you leave off the criticism of Lamont? The woman is an absolute godsend to the independence movement and ANY alternative – even Murph the smurf – would only make our life harder.
nana tried to sign but it wouldn’t let me – I would love to sign this, and am hoping it gets tens of thousands of signatures, lets get them ‘pooling and sharing’, after all we’re all init together, aren’t we?
The Sun and Daily Mail in their inimitable fashion claiming SNP reimposing a version of the Thatcher Poll Tax ….. the media, especially the tabloid press and the now tabloid BBC, will continue to try destabilise the public against anything that is not a far right politic.
Please, do not talk this woman down !!! Every month of her continued presence as Red Tory leader makes for more votes on the side of the progressive yes parties. Let her continue to 2016 for goodness sake.
…and in next weeks episode, Johanne attempts to master getting the ‘green man’ to come on at the lights. Tune in to see how she gets on…
Had she paid for the lift?
Given Miliband’s lamentable rating as leader in the Yougov opinion polls, is it true that Boris Johnson is thinking of standing for Leader of the Labour Party, as it’s too far to the right for his liking?
Lamont, symbolic of deserved Labour gangrene, needs to remain in post so the whole body may become septic ne’er to rise again. Its treachery both to its own founding principles and to the Scottish people make it moribund.
Another Labour leader subway moment?
Btw, I had posted a comment yesterday but it didn’t get posted. I checked the new users webpage and it said comments were removed/not posted for various reasons. However, I didn’t think the comment I had posted had breached any of these reasons. Is there a moderation policy on this site?
She’s only a MSP, both her salary and expenses are less than an MP’s so its quite right that she should be left behind. That’s what happens in a Tory world.
Talking of which the really big outcome of the referendum is that Labour, by fronting Better Together, have made being a Tory respectable. Just what that is going to mean for Scottish politics I don’t know but with Labour not having all the patronage as it used to and working hand in glove with Tories on everything from Councils to the House of Lords I’m sure there will be some of those whose object in life is their self advancement will consider waiting in Labour for buggins turn to be a poor return and become an overnight Tory instead.
Husker, it may depend on how you try to in-f-l-uence the debate. Perhaps go and have some corn-f-lakes whilst the system settles down.
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This rag deserves to be boycotted
Read the comment by the mother who was actually involved in the save pitcorthie primary school
We should be demonstrating out side the dunfermline press offices
Or, as they were on the way to freebies, it shows that you need to experience Westminster to learn how to be a master trougher.
O/T – Just had one of Alan Reid MP’s minions on the phone asking me if I was a “yes” or “no”. I said, “what’s the question?” He said “Are you in favour of more powers for the Scottish Parliament?” I answered, depends what you mean – if you mean the undefined but limited powers that you lot are supposed to be giving us then I’m not really interested so that would make me a No. But if you mean the full powers of an independent state, then I would definitely be a Yes. I went on to say that my only interest in the supposed “more powers” was that when the unionists failed to deliver Devo Max, Home Rule, Federalism or Devo Super Max (take your pick) then I would enjoy giving Mr Reid and the other unionists hell. Otherwise, not really that interested.
Still don’t know if he put me down as a Yes or a No.
Oh the gift that keeps on giving.
Lamenable Jo is left standing and it would NEVER happen to Salmond or Sturgeon.
Body language says it all.
Hope she hangs about till the GE though , she’s kept a pretty low profile hoping we will forget about her….Aye right. Jo. You and your gang can watch your party , like the Empire , wither away and die. Into the history books along with a catalogue of epic failures to the people of Scotland.
Too much ???
Nah horrible human being.
If the SNP and the SSP didn’t have a recruiting stall outside the conference, it was a wasted opportunity.
OT: Help! NATO’s Joint Warrior task group is off to Arran to sink FPV Minna in revenge for the Referendum:
link to
Luckily they’re all at sea, they don’t seem to be able to find her.
We know that Single Cell Lamont is at the bottom of her class
but between now and GE May 2015,
John McTernan & the BBC – with the Red Tory vote rigging machine –
will be working their socks off
to restore Labour to it’s ‘rightful place’ in Scotland.
It will be the same type of campaign as for IndyRef
Fear & Smear – a winning formula
BBC & MSM under tight control.
Unlimited funds from Tory lovers in Westminster.
Can we stop them ?
Ms Lamont is every bit as capable as Willie Rennie.She has all the qualities a leader of the Libdems needs.
Re Bawheid Bragg says:
link to
Pair of hypocrites, typical SLAB – the comments on the article dinnae miss them (or Johnston Press) and hit the wa’!
She’s finished. That ever growing ticking sound she can hear is the countdown to her inevitable and bitter end. However, she shouldn’t fret too much. Others in the Scottish Labour, Scottish Conservatives and Scottish Lib Dems parties can all hear the same ticking sound. Each day, it gets just that little bit louder…
Husker, we all occasionally have posts vanish, or go into moderation for no readily apparent reason. A first post will always go into moderation, but you yourself should be able to see it with the words “awaiting moderation” at the top. The fact that you have posted now indicates that Stu has approved at least one of your posts.
What Skip means is that we recently discovered that the letter-string n-f-l (without the hyphens) sends any post containing it into the great bit-bucket in the sky. It seems to be in the profanity filter. So if you used a word with that letter-string, your post will vanish. The commonest word in that category seems to be in-fluence.
Nana, signed very happily!
Seanair , great photos – good to see so few not enjoying themselves!
Mocha Choca , what an absolutely disgusting phrase to describe the leader of labour in Holyrood – choked on my coffee and it fair cheered me up!
Thats a great link,didnt know there was a site like that. We dont seem to have any Scottish Navy ships nearby. 🙂
The puir wee soul. Has she just found out that a deceitful, malicious,greed ravaged organisation as hers would be ungrateful for her contribution to the pulverisation of decency and fairness in this country? Anyway, Im just a virus to her.
I see JoLa and her colleagues are after a ministerial scalp. Motion for the head of the Justice Secretary. Must be too many cops on the streets; or crime figures too low or something.
She just doesn’t look one bit like a leader. When Ed Milliband and Co graced my town with their presence a few weeks ago. Wee Johann was left standing alone in the car park looking like a wee lost sheep. Only when Margaret Curran went over and spoke to her, did she perk up a bit. Imagine Magaret Curran speaking to you being a relief. Most of us would dread such a scenario.
‘Victory’? Eh
Dunfie Press owned by the Romaines family and was in a bit of financial difficulty not so long ago and is part of the Clyde & Forth Press group which seems to be headquartered at Pitreavie Industrial Estate.
At least some of the readers know who made the un-defendable decision to close a school which is / was at the centre of the community and they certainly ain’t missing them.
There is still time for Fife Council to change their minds, but I don’t see that happening, even if it is going to cost us tax payers more.
…. and just imagine what sort of money they will get from house builders for the land that the school sits on. Prime site to say the least.
I have never voted anything other than SNP in any election, council through to EU. When it came to consider Tory versus Labour at Westminster, Thatcher left me feeling the Tories were enemy No1. I had Labour down as a chocolate tea pot, Feeble Fifty and all that.
However, Blair’s Red Tories through to Labour doing Tory bidding in the referendum has slowly but surely changed my mind. Labour are now enemy No1. And, what makes them most dangerous and destructive is far too many Scots haven’t yet come to see Labour for what they are. They still are a bit of a chocolate teapot, not fit for purpose, however in the referendum we have seen what can ouze from the teapot as it melts – anti democratic venom and manipulative lies directed against the very people who have voted for it.
As much power and influence in Scotland as possible needs to removed from Labour’s clutches in WM2015.
No, it’s co-n-f-l-ict!
No co-n-f-l-ict on wings.
Peace and love guys!
Doug Daniel had it spot on, but then the lamentable one does front a phoney political party.
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
You can see why they pick people like Lamont though, or at least what qualities they look for in the red Tory leadership as in, “so dumb he can’t walk and chew gum at the same time” or push a lift button.
Yes, posted by someone in Grun 2.5 years ago. The FPV (Fishery Protection Vessel) Minna (42m length) is ScotGov owned (arine Scotland), as are FPV Jura (84m), both built at Fergusons, and the most recent FPV Hirta (84m) built in Gdansk 🙁
Perhaps they should be retro-fitted with Harpoon anti-ship missiles and a 5″ Mark 45 gun 🙂
Doesn’t really matter what name they put in her place they’re all irrelevant place people. Door holders and bag carriers for British Labour’s northern franchise. Three qualifications for the post: 1. That you don’t really give a shit about democracy 2. That you don’t really give a shit about ethics and 3. That you have an unnatural and visceral hatred for Alicsammin.
Here is the text of an email received from Stu this morning.
So now we know, and this post should appear even if I use the word “influence”. Hopefully that’s the lot and the disappearing post thing will stop.
The Dunfermline press paper is unbelievable as you say well done the folk commenting,
Just sit back and watch the BBC blame the SNP.
Those 2 labour MSPs are total liars
@Morag (proxy for Stu):
Now I can tell everybody I’ve caught the influenza and I’m going to bed. Stay at bay, folks! 🙂
(This message will coNFLagrate in 5 sec.
Why does the artwork backdrop look like she is somewhere in Syria?
Apparently when a person’s level of intelligence is being questioned, an old saying is “Does the lift go all the way to the top floor?” Best opt for the stairs next time Jo!
Email from my local SNP branch (Edinburgh Leith Walk), ‘I wrote last week when we had 166 new members — now we have 387. You are all very welcome!’
SNP numbers rising as the admin plough through the new membership applications. 🙂
Behold your imperial masters Scotland, “where’s lamont?”
Could someone please advise this woman to stay away from twitter:
link to
😀 😀
Morag, you seem to have influence with Stu!
Too bad we disnae get this on film, we should crowd fund Indy live to follow her about
I, ll organize the flash crowd with megaphones lol
To be fair to Johannes, the lift was going up, so she stayed where she was…she knows her place !
Sorry, Johann !
A thought. Is it possible the Unionists had firm plans to offer DevoMax as weapon of last resort? If things looked bad for them, was it something they had held in reserve all along?
With hindsight, as soon as it was offered, the game changed and it was inevitable soft Yes voters would opt for what the probably wanted all along.
Anyone with a bit of insider knowledge would therefore know that a Yes win was much less likely when the ‘ultimate weapon’ was deployed. And, here’s my point, does that explain why there was so much confidence of a No win in certain quarters? Perhaps bookies too?
In other words, we were ‘had’ well and truly!
It is also one explanation why it was kept off the ballot. If No appeared to be winning, then the Unionists need never have offered DevoMax. If Yes appeared to be winning, they had a weapon available to counter this.
I hope she stays around as Labour leader- at least until after the 2015 election, but preferably until after the 2016 election too
I posted here about 15 months ago that someone I met at a lunch table, told me quite simply what the No campaign did, would be their last shot.
I e-mailed the Rev at that time but as I couldn’t remember the bugger’s name although I did know he was a mover and shaker in European economic planning and infrastructure at Berlin and Liverpool Universities.
At that time there was no hint of devo “max” on the horizon, as far as I remember.
“Bloody Cybernats, they must have damaged the hawd button.”
Re Lamont remember there has been a suggestion that the Smurf might try to go for her job – I think it would depend on what happens in GE
@Ravelin says:
There keeps being talk of Johann being ‘replaced’ but who’d seriously want to take on the job at this point in time?
I think there is a large element of truth in this.
The job is a poisoned chalice.
It seems inevitable that the SNP will win again at Holyrood.
That is where people want a real Scottish party, standing up for this country.
Not a branch of a London party.
I think she is in Syria! Going by the look on her face, the bubble above her head should read…”How the hell did I get here?!”
Lifts are not programmed to carry genetically mutated Lamonts.
Lots of the “smaller” nations represented by warships. Not us though 🙁 Have a view over the Forth(Fife side) this will come in handy.
Socrates Macsporran says
“Do they have lifts up to 10 Glebe Street, Hen and Maggie getting in and leaving Daphne outside?”
Maggie? curran?
Maggies braw!
Schrödinger’s cat says:
6 October, 2014 at 5:16 pm
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another paper in danger of going out of business due to offending its buyers , sooner or later one will click on to the fact the SH is getting big sales from backing the indy cause while every other paper has dwindling sales from following the WM party line.
Sunday Times also say 100 towns Jim Murphy is after her job which can’t be right but they are a crazy breed, red Tories.
At least we know 100 towns Jim’s kryptonite, adorable oap’s asking questions, really easy questions about another mad fraudster in particular
link to
as 100 towns Jim goes mental at an elderly lady
link to
and we lost to these lying buffoons.
Guys, this ain’t funny. It’s shocking to think that one of the deepest political thinkers of our time couldn’t get into a lift. I can only assume she was ruminating over some fine point of socialist theory.
It’s times like these that you realise that they are a party of trolls. Not the monsters of legend – that’s scary enough. No I am talking about the longshankers, the Grahamskis and the hothersalls. Scottish labour are now the party of internet forum trolls. Incapable of debating as they have no position to debate. The only thing they can do with skill, is to be offensive.
But Mrs Lamont, sadly for her, is not a troll, nor a politician. Nor is she even a placeholder. She’s room meat.
Thanks Skip_NC & Morag for replying. I had posted a few comments in the previous two threads which was displayed and one was replied to but have now disappeared. Very strange.
I’ll keep in mind the string you mentioned and other peculiarities that I assume is being caused by the spam filter the site uses?
OT But very useful link to
@CameronB Brodie
You’ve been missed, welcome back.
@Morag and Paula rose
Great detective work on the mystery of disappearing posts.
Job well done.
Galamcennalath, I think that’s pretty much exactly right. It’s something I remember worrying about right at the start when they refused to have it on the ballot.
If devo-max had been on the ballot, two things would have had to happen. First they’d have had to define exactly what they meant by that, and second they’d have had to deliver if that option won. Having the detail picked over by all the media for two years would have seen to that.
This way, they didn’t define it and don’t need to offer anything.
I really didn’t think they had the brass neck to do it after the purdah period and so close to the vote. Silly me.
Morning call
link to
In the evening
Like it never happened.
Husker, the NFL thing is probably not the only glitch. Sometimes posts seem to appear and disappear, though that hasn’t happened to me that I rememeber. I think it’s a cacheing problem
Sometimes posts go unexpectedly into moderation. That can happen if you’ve re-typed your details and made a typo, so the system thinks you’re a new user. It can also happen because you’ve used a phrase Stuart doesn’t like people signing off with. There are a few of these, but try typing s-a-o-r a-l-b-a and see what happens, for example.
People often think they’ve been “put on moderation” when that happens, but Stuart almost never actively puts anyone on moderation. If he does, he’ll tell you about it, and it will be after several warnings. The last poster it happened to kept making death threats against unionist politicians even after warnings.
It’s possible that getting rid of the NFL thing will stop the completely-vanishing posts problem. If it happens to me again, I’ll repeat the salami-slice exercise and see what happens.
That info you had illustrates what I had in mind for a long time. YES needed an Intel and Analysis unit. Kind of a YES-SIS.
Am also away from the desk but logged in just so I could send best wishes. (Sent from my Ayephone) 🙂
O/T – There’s more than one way to skin a cat 🙂 I signed it.
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The problem started when she realise that she is not genetically programmed to go up in the world.
Thon story about the primary schule in Dunfermline, is that not a wee exercise in raising the profile in preparation for return of Tha Broon?
Watch as he swans in there at a later date and “saves” the kiddies, blurgh!
Bugger (the Panda) says:
“I posted here about 15 months ago that someone I met at a lunch table, told me quite simply what the No campaign did, would be their last shot……. At that time there was no hint of devo “max” on the horizon, as far as I remember.”
It does look like it was their last shot plan all along.
And, they purposely avoided DevoMax until they absolutely had to.
I wonder how many on the Yes side knew it could be deployed? I always thought it was something they would avoid because it makes independence inevitable a few more years down the road.
Of course, that’s why they are back pedaling now. They want neither independence nor DevoMax!
Well, they have played the DevoMax card, and if they don’t deliver, their Union might last even shorter than they expect!
I agree again. I don’t think they would have gone there at all unless they realised Yes had a reasonable chance of winning. At that stage it would come down to, let us go now, or stave it off for a bit longer with a false promise.
So they make the false promise, and hope to hold back the inevitable by refusing to allow another referendum. I wonder how much more time they can buy this way?
Damn you. You just spoiled my day. I was pleasantly thinking that things would get better and you had to remind me of the existence of Jo La. I am off to drown in my despair…..
(@ Jim McIntosh 8:20 – nice one)
Frankieboy says
“I hope it was a voice activated lift. ‘Eleven”
Say it in an American accent, that’ll work. 🙂
It can’t be the first time she has wished the ground would open up and swallow her.
Mocha Choca says
“A stark realisation of where she is in the pecking order.
Her face must have looked even more than usual like a bulldog licking pish off a nettle.”
I love this site 🙂 really 🙂
Oh ma ribs ur sair.
Listening to Prof Curtice and Gordon Brewer discussing the leadership of Scottish Labour yesterday, they did seem very worried about the loss of public support in the Red Tories.
They were openly suggesting that Scottish Labour need a “name” or a “big hitter” to come in and come in soon, to rescue the day.
Because if Scottish Labour falls, then so does the rest of the house of cards that they all reside in.
That is why it is vital we get as many SNP MPs elected in the 2015 GE.
Vote SNP in 2015, YES ALLIANCE.
It seems inevitable that the SNP will win again at Holyrood.
and Square Haggis regarding Brown:
One scenario I could see being played out is this: May 2015 – Tories win GE, but SNP make big gains and say “get Devo-Max on the statute book by next May, or we put a commitment to referendum MkII in our Holyrood election manifesto”.
Brown is then parachuted in to lead Labour at Holyrood into the 2016 election. The propaganda machine goes into overdrive in a “save the Union” mode (might even see electoral pacts?). Brown is then freed up to try to create a rainbow Unionist coalition at Holyrood, if he can get the numbers together.
Jim Macintosh @ 8.20
signed 🙂
With comment of course. 🙂
I hope you are still about.
I stopped paying my BBC TV License last Monday (By telephone). Today I received a refund form from them, telling me that I am due a refund. I paid my Licence by DD every month, so I don’t know how they can owe me money.
Is it a trap, should I just ignore it, or should I apply for my refund?
They did mention on the telephone that we pay our License in advance and that I had paid up to March next year.
Tamson, this is quite possible. By this time though,there will be thousands more 16 and. 17 year olds ready to vote Yes, and for obvious reasons less older no voters (No disrespect). And plenty who voted no and realise their mistake with foodbanks feeding 50% of the population and 1 in 2 children in poverty.
Being in a lift with Anas Sarwar, Margaret Curran and Johann Lamomt. Hell does exist!
Just watched a programme about the working poor how fucking depressing.This was the people who both work and have to get family credit what with minimum wage and zero hours contracts and don’t have enough left to feed themselves days before payday.These were the monsters who rob this country blind better together my arse
Hows this grab ye
George says on the English petition to get Scotland out of the union
“Don’t kick us out. Your money pays for my deep fried mars bar addiction and my 6 ginger kids”
and they say we’ve no sense of humour?
hahahahahahaha 🙂
@ caz-m your last sentence is why, yes you are due a six month refund.
“The fact of the matter is…
I wonder if some many expenses have ever travelled together in a lift. And if Flipper and Sincerity Jim had been there, the amounts would have rivalled a vault in Zurich.
I wonder if so many expenses have ever travelled together in a lift. And if Flipper and Sincerity Jim had been there, the amounts would have rivalled a vault in Zurich.
Just back from the monthly SNP meeting here in Dundee. Glad the venue was switched as instead of the normal 25 or so we had over 400. Yes 400. In all the decades I have been a member I have never seen so many at one meeting. We may have had twice the number that turned up to Liberal Democrat Conference in Glasgow.
Poor Johann. Oh well.
@Morag congratulations on sorting the spam filter puzzle.
@Nana Smith sorry but I sent a stiff email of complaint to 38 degrees over their Gordon Brown petition hijack fiasco and unsubscribed, so not going to sign the petition. I think they are Labour shills. There is an anti 38 degrees site run by a Tory councillor 38degrees debunked.
link to
interesting quote from them supporting the BBC against limiting share of the TV market.
“Please note that the BBC is a public institution and should not be treated in the same way as commercial broadcasters.”
link to
You can’t be too careful!
link to lamont is telt!
@Morag says: 6 October, 2014 at 7:49 pm:
“It’s something I remember worrying about right at the start when they refused to have it on the ballot.”
When the Unionists were making noises about Devo Max on the Referendum paper I was mainly posting on The Herald, Huff Post, and several of the dead tree press comment columns. When the agreement was reached that the choice would be removed I pointed out then that this would be what they would campaign for when campaigning got under way. I was thus not surprised when things took exactly that turn.
Paula Rose
I will apply for my TV License refund and buy you a pint the next time we meet.
Thankfully our venue had extra chairs.
o/t, Just in from my first meeting at North kilmarnock branch SNP. Very encouraging to see it so well attended. Normally about 10, tonight about 60, all age groups covered. Also membership risen from 98 to 400 since ref. They are expecting more since there are still many applications not yet processed.
The Dunfermline Press is part of the Johnston Press Group, so, this type of cheap and local reporting on their part is not surprising, but predictable and tiresome.
The purpose of their publications is to generate income through advertising, so journalistic content is poor, and significant amounts of space not required for reporting is given over to ridiculously large headlines with gutter statements. Sex Shame in Park etc. You know the type?
They are responsible for The Scotsman also. That is the newspaper that is sinking faster than a brick!……..Aye, paper that doesn’t float because it’s full of excrement.
People buy The Dunfermline Press purely out of habit. It isn’t a family paper or we’ll composed, but has second hand car sales and £50 and under lists.
Another crooked little finger of UNIONISTIC intent.
“All three political parties have pledged to protect or increase NHS spending in the next parliament, but there is a consensus among health experts that none of the pledges go far enough to fill a looming £30bn deficit in the NHS’ finances.”
link to
I see Johann is up with the Fashion. She has her Funeral gear on. The Labour Party is Dying. Still Yes.
John King
Is your YES flag still flying at your house?
I took mine down on the 19th Sept, but I am very tempted to put it back up again, just to show this mob that we have not gone away.
I kept up the YES posters on the windows and on the car, but I think the time has come to hoist the YES flag once again.
It also gives all the shy YESSERS in the area that wee bit of confidence that they lost after the Referendum result.
Jim McIntosh says: 6 October, 2014 at 8:20 pm:
“There’s more than one way to skin a cat I signed it.”
link to
Signed up to that one too. Do you think I’d get away with signing it for the Dug? I’m sure she agrees and would sign it if she could. Thing is, her paws are not very good for typing with.
You shouldna’ve buried us, we’re not dead
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@Free Scotland says: 6 October, 2014 at 8:51 pm:
“It can’t be the first time she has wished the ground would open up and swallow her.
Och! Johann must be used to being properly shafted by her Labour pals by this time.
Seventh heaven.
caz-m @9.44
I did take it down on the 19th but two days later I put up a plain Saltire, I just couldn’t bear not to have one up, but a few days later I saw the idiot from two doors down putting his blue and brown buckets out with nice fresh union flags stuck to them,
No the brichtest. 🙂
@john king says: 6 October, 2014 at 8:56 pm:
Mocha Choca says,
I love this site really
Oh ma ribs ur sair.”
Johann could have texted Ms Mone for an uplift.
@Robert Peffers “Thing is, her paws are not very good for typing with.”
Maybe that was JoLas problem as well. She couldn’t open the door to the stairwell because she doesn’t have opposable thumbs.
OOps! anyone else getting ‘unable to connect to Dunfermline Press website’?
Being in a lift with Anas Sarwar, Margaret Curran and Johann Lamomt. Hell does exist!
And it’s plunging down to Hades – forever!
O/T Have been busy setting up studio and production space for iScot Digital & print Magazine which launches 30th November.
Any kind hearted souls who can find it in themselves to drop some coins in the tin, or even consider an advert for their biz, pls see the following link. Thanks.. Kendo
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Tamson says: 6 October, 2014 at 8:57 pm:
” … Brown is then parachuted in to lead Labour at Holyrood into the 2016 election. The propaganda machine goes into overdrive in a “save the Union” mode (might even see electoral pacts?). Brown is then freed up to try to create a rainbow Unionist coalition at Holyrood”
Where have yoiu neen? T%here has been a, “Unionist Rainbow Alliance”, at both Holyrood & Westminster for years.
Anybody know how to bypass the Murdoch paywall?
Re the Dunfermline press story I put it on twitter so it’s being shared around – they might be trying to ‘lose’ that story – if anyone can get a screen grab that would be helpful
Does anyone else think of “The Bride of Chuckie” when ever you see
this woman. lol
She didn’t get into the lift as there was no guarantee of a pension if she took this leap of faith into the unknown.
No point in trying to make decisions like that without instruction
from Westmonster Labour
Pussy Nancy @9.56
Im getting into it all right.
@Ken says:
Anybody know how to bypass the Murdoch paywall?
If someone who has access then archies it is all I could suggest.
This all looks kind of puerile to me. Is this the best we can do? Making an issue out of someone missing a lift?
Dunfermline Press
Closing Pitcorthie Primary School is in “best interests” of Fife kids
link to
I like puerile now and again, esp. when it comes to the British Labour Party.
Re. Dunfermline press article…Shouldn’t the Scottish Parliament be suing these lying b’sturds. No more Mr nice guy shit..if they tell lies, sue ’em and force the same unionist rag to print the real version of events by law. If not. they will just keep this up.
Time to get tough with these c*nts!
Have said it before, once (they think!) they’ve got rid of our Alex, they will continue to discredit the SNP. They want to destroy the SNP and get back to their cosy con/lab power sharing despotic ideal with no chance EVER of independence being brought up again.
For every lie they print, sue them..between falling sales and hitting them in the pocket for libel, we can DOWN some of them surely.
@The Rough Bounds: the point that some of us take from this is that although Johann is promoted as the leader of the party in Scotland, it’s clear that the Westminster MPs treat the MSPs like inferior local authority councillors.
“Scottish” Labour is just a pretence. This anecdote kind of confirms it.
Hi Folks
wee bit O/T but it is holiday season on the site!
Big turn out for the Ayrshire Yes Alliance meeting in Ayr Town Hall tonight, good broad range of parties and demographics in attendance, positive all round and looking forward to the GE challenge!
John King has taken me to task for likening Margaret Curran to Maggie Broon.
John, I accept Maggie Broon is braw, in the strip. However, Maggie must, by now, be in her 90s, given how long the Broons have been on the go.
So, I venture to suggest – she might by now look like Margaret Curran. Also, there is no evidence that Maggie Broon is the brightest; after all, Horace got the brains in that family.
Unfortunately, for them, there isn’t a Horace in the Scottish Labour family.
Hi folks
Just back in from Jedburgh & Kelso SNP branch meeting; at least 45 people, standing room only at the back, and it’s actually only the first of two meetings, because not everyone could get to Kelso so there’ll be a second meeting later in the month in Jedburgh. Branch membership has increased 6 FOLD from about 30 to 180 and still counting.
Not as impressive as 400 in Dundee, I know, but we are in a remote rural area! Also had a collection for local food bank which was great. Massive enthusiasm and energy and everyone focused on the next battle.
Thanks to everyone for the inspiring and uplifting links, eg to footage from the Parliament on 28 Sep etc. Love you guys. See some of you on the 12th in Freedom Square!
Btw, the Hope over Fear rally and Independence Live TV still need crowdfunding if anyone still has a spare £5 from donating to everything else!
Burnistoun – Voice Recognition Elevator in Scotland
link to
Listening to Prof Curtice and Gordon Brewer discussing the leadership of Scottish Labour yesterday, they did seem very worried about the loss of public support in the Red Tories.
Yes, it was pretty obvious they were personally concerned about SLAB. Not much attempt at trying to hide it either. I have long believed that there is mutual self interest and self preservation between BBC Scotland and SLAB. Nothing that happened in the referendum campaign has got me to rethink this belief, or even challenged it a tiny bit. Expect from now until May for BBC Scotland to heavily promote SLAB. The SNP could do a lot worse than make sure they get heavy hitters into the TV studios in the months leading up to the general election. Claire Adamson MSP was far too timid at the weekend I am afraid.
Looks like the Fib Dems don’t believe in the right of 45% of the population (and rising) to have their opinions voiced. That”ll be democracy ‘UK Style’.
@The Rough Bounds says: 6 October, 2014 at 10:15 pm:
“This all looks kind of puerile to me. Is this the best we can do? Making an issue out of someone missing a lift?”
Whatever makes you think we are NOT doing other things? Have you not read the posts from those attending meetings putting up Saltires and such like?
The, “Wee Thing”, happening to Johann is just what Alistair claims is, “Just a joke”. You have heard about jokes, haven’t you, Rough Bounds?
Lord – I-miss-Hussein – Kelvin, chairperson of the Peter Out Powers Commission, says, the new powers granted must be acceptable to the all-party group.
Eh, no.
They must be acceptable to the people of Scotland, you fool.
Natasha, that’s a massive increase for the Borders. Wonder if Berwickshire has received a membership boost too?
It does make you wonder just how someone who was so against devolution in 1979 (Johann Lamont advocated a No vote) can be trusted to deliver further devolution now.
The same goes for all those other Labourites who were against it too such as Brian Wilson, and I believe Margaret Curran and many others.
@ caz-m, 9:44pm
John King
Is your YES flag still flying at your house?
Mine is still flying 25 feet up, still have a big white yes sign in an upstairs window and blue yes signs in three other windows. Also still wear my badges, sometimes all thirteen at the same time! 🙂
@Dorothy Bruce 10.40pm
I don’t know about Berwickshire, but I would imagine they have experienced a similar upsurge. 🙂
Better Together?
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This is the Panorama Kevin Meina was highlighting.
Now I wasn’t expecting shangri-la in the event of a Yes vote, but at least we’d have had a chance to improve on the desolate state our working poor are in under the Westminster system.
Furthermore, someone at the meeting reported that 28,000 people voted Yes in the Borders. That’s about 8000 more people than voted for Michael Moore in 2010. It makes me more hopeful that we might actually get rid of the little toad in 2015!
Guys, is it possible Rough Bounds is a t-r-o-l-l? I know I’m still an “incomer” here, so maybe I’m out of line, but remember not to feed them . . .
Many of the comments here are small minded and unbecoming of those of us who voted Yes.
Could do without this undermining of our wonderful ScotBritLabNoThanks leviathan of a political leader – leave her alone, she’s doing a great job (even if a dalek makes a better fist of negotiating a lift)
Fun little game which will amuse you for about 2 minutes
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Socratese Macsporran says
“John, I accept Maggie Broon is braw, in the strip. However, Maggie must, by now, be in her 90s, given how long the Broons have been on the go.”
Ye thanks for that socrates 90 years auld?
she’ll allus be 23 in my eyes a bonny wi it! 🙂
I had to take my Yes saltire down, simply because the flagpole is in a very windy spot and there was a howling gale threatening to flatten it. I’ll get an ordinary saltire and put it up again in the spring.
Our SNP meeting at Tweeddale only had 21 attending, but it was on 24th September which was too early to take in the bulk of the new membership surge. We did have several new people show up despite that – normally there’s about half a dozen at a meeting!
The Rough Bounds has been here for a while and he isn’t a troll. Besides, Stuart gets quite cross when people call other people trolls. Even when they really are trolls.
I think some people are forgetting that Stuart is on holiday but is kindly putting up a very short post every day or two to let us have a discussion focus and keep the community together. We’re not going to get any more serious political analysis until next week. What we have is a sandbox, and someone missing a lift is as good as anything else.
@Morag 10.59pm
I stand corrected! Apologies to Rough Bounds. By the way, I have had an acknowledgement of my freedom of information request on how many Scottish viewers cancelled their TV licences in the past 4 weeks. I will keep you updated.
Socrates MacSporran 10.31pm
Horace Broon and labour.
Horace is a Yes supporter:
link to
I do feel a wee bit sorry for lamont she isn’t the most gifted intellectually, well not on live debating, Its curren I cant stand that wee bossy weegie wifie, love to see Nicola take her doon a peg or two
Natasha, you’re a wee bit early. I haven’t cancelled mine yet! My annual payment (which I make by cheque) isn’t due till later this month, and I’m going to take action when that time comes round.
is the SNP allowed a candidate in Newcastle because I think we would romp it as per the feedback from my Geordie pals
Stealing Independence, a short film
link to
I liked the previous post – it allowed for discussion on baking, corridors are a bit samey just lift shafts on an horizontal axis.
Oh God not that again.
Socrates MacSporran 10.31
Horace Broon and the Labour family:
Did you know he is a YES voter?
link to
Islay is famous for producing fine whisky. But it also famous for producing two of the biggest dicks in Scotland.
Ladies, don’t all go jumping on the next ferry.
I was talking about Glen Campbell and Alistair Carmicheal.
@Morag 11.13pm
Take a deep breath and don’t respond! 🙂
Oh, it’s hard. To see our movement descend to that!
she has to walk behind her Deputies.with guns in her hands. Otherwise she would be stabbed in the back.
Jim McIntosh 8.20
Signed. Cats getting skinned one way or another.
I would rather it was by my fellow countrymen when/if they wake from their stuper.
I,ve said for a number of years now that I thought the only way we,d get our independence was if the english voted for it.
Would much rather we had the bottle ourselves. Sometimes I get a wer bit depressed thinking how hard this might be though given the weight of the establishment and their constant media bombardment.
I was just informed tonight our membership in Keith has increased by 184% thats from 37 to 105 and its still riseing.
The Red tories are shitting themselves, so just keep speaking to people and tell them whats happening and encourge them to join or come along to a meeting.
The job is nae finished yet, we have some crap to remove fae our country, and some new friends to welcome to the fold. You all honour your country with your faith and zest, and its always a pleasure working with you all.
We keep going.
@ Graeme Doig – surely the Vow means more subsidies for us poor folk? Keep up the pressure.
Hi Tamson.
You typed,
“One scenario I could see being played out is this: May 2015 – Tories win GE, but SNP make big gains and say “get Devo-Max on the statute book by next May, or we put a commitment to referendum MkII in our Holyrood election manifesto”.”
I’m gonna post here most of something I posted on someone’s Facebook timeline earlier tonight…
But secondly, two different opportunities are being conflated; the 2015 UK election and the 2016 Holyrood election.
The second paragraph of the SNP’s constitution states,
“2. The aims of the Party shall be:
(a) Independence for Scotland;”
Thus, if the SNP win a majority of Westminster seats in the 2015 election (a minimum of 30 of the 59), they have a mandate for independence, never mind another referendum.
This is why, if we want a fast track to independence, we should return as many SNP MP’s as possible next year.
As someone mentioned above, this could also give the SNP the balance of power if it is a hung parliament.
A formal (or informal) agreement amongst the pro-indy parties prior to next year’s election, could see, for example, the SNP not putting a candidate up against Tommy Sheridan in a Glasgow constituency. Mind you, I’m not party to how political parties negotiate with each other so maybe that’s a pipe dream.
Which brings me the the 2016 Holyrood election. If we can all (or most of us!) get behind the SNP for 2015, this will give the broad left (LFI, SSP, Solidarity, etc) enough time to coalesce into a party that could provide an effective alternative for disillusioned Labour voters in the 2016 election for Holyrood – which COULD be the election of the parliament that negotiates Scotland’s independence, depending on how we vote in 2015.
Or is that too simple?
I think many of us forget, or don’t know, the aims of the SNP…
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This post just to get follow-up comments by email.
Well done Rev Stu,
link to
Paula Rose
More biscuits and blue cheese. Is that all this fight is about. I know some good addiction counsellors 😉
@Brian Doonthetoon – I’m in agreement with this – I suppose Tommy Sheridan can now re-enter politics cos he would be a shoe-in in Pollok to get rid of JoLa
No no no…Yes 11.16pm
Is Horace not part of the Broons Sunday Post Vote NO team?
A bit off-topic, but still…
I’m fairly gobsmacked by the poor journalism evident in what passes for the “new media”. We noticed over the weekend how a few people on Twitter became quite hysterical over the idea that the SNP now had more than 100,000 members. This figure was achieved by adding the number of applications waiting to be processed tweeted by Peter Murrell on Thursday morning, to the total membership number he tweeded on Thursday evening. Except, the evening tweet already included the pending applications, as should have been obvious with a moment’s thought.
I saw at least two garish yellow-and-black graphics being circulated, citing Peter Murrell as the source for this inflated figure, except of course he had said no such thing. People started changing the SNP’s Wikipedia page to read 100,000 members, even though the linked citation was to the tweet that reported just over 75,000. That got reverted a couple of times.
By this time Peter Murrell had issued another update, quoting 76,688 members at 10pm on Friday. That didn’t stop anyone. Even sensible people were saying, but that number doesn’t include a pile waiting to be processed, when anyone following the tweets would have realised that it did.
Then the real heavyweights entered the fray. The Huffington Post breathlessly announced that the SNP now had 100,000 members. Apparently on the basis of the lurid yellow-and-black twitpics. The “editing” of the Wikipedia page began again, this time linking to the HP article! (That got reverted too.)
Today something called “New Europe” joined in, announcing that SNP membership had “quadrupled” to 100,000, without citing any reference. I don’t think that made it into the Wiki edit war.
But now we’ve got mistaken tweets being published as fact by online “newspapers”, and these then being used to justify including the erroneous information in Wikipedia. It’s perfectly possible that New Europe saw the Wikipedia page between reversions and thought that justified the headline.
It’s getting close to the point where someone edits a falsehood into Wikipedia, some news outlet reads it and prints it as fact, and that publication is then used to reference the Wikipedia entry!
And yet, the true figure was only a mouse-click away. Lots of people were re-tweeting Peter’s tweet, and referencing it. Nobody paid any attention. Worse than that, people who tried to correct the mistake were attacked for being Labour trolls, and accused of trying to undermine the SNP’s great achievement.
Tonight’s figure is 77,777. (I’m still slightly suspicious he fiddled that for effect!) It’ll be interesting to see if that squashes the inflated rumours. I suspect not, because people seem to be so angry about being wrong, and then leap to denying that they were wrong at all.
I was annoyed that people were boasting of the 100,000 figure when all they needed to do was check Peter Murrell’s twitter feed that gave the correct amount and nowhere near that figure. I now check for references as a matter of course now.
@ Stewart fae stoney says:
6 October, 2014 at 11:11 pm
is the SNP allowed a candidate in Newcastle because I think we would romp it as per the feedback from my Geordie pals
I was thinking this myself: if the SNP’s finances allow it, maybe they could start to field candidates in English constituencies? Surely in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumbria and Liverpool (disillusioned Labour voters) there are rich pickings? Obviously, they would have to tweak their policies a bit, but as a genuine left-leaning party committed to regionalism (“SNP for England”), I honestly think this is a very good idea. Would gain publicity as well… and surely it makes more sense than even to put up a candidate in a potential win area in England, rather than the likes of East Renfrew, for example….
PS This site is not really fit for purpose: so many of my posts just vanish into the ether and NEVER appear, it is hardly worth trying. Yet at other times they appear. And it is NOT because of some i-n-f combination… It happens ALL the time, well at least 50% of the time….
I’ve personally posted over 30 applications for membership from our shop and none of them have made it into our membership lists yet. So I suspect a 100,000 figure is far from impossible.
I look forward with some expectation to our Holy Loch branch meeting tomorrow night. I don’t think the usual packet of Jaffa Cakes will do the job as we already have 80 new members onto our 53 of two weeks ago,
Looked at a smashing premises on Dunoon main street this evening for a bigger YES shop and looks like we will be moving soon…
Caz-m 11:48
Horace Broon. Click the link and have a read at the tweets, definitely a YES
link to
Sticking with the Broons,Jim Murphy would double as Hen Broon. A big long drink of water as they say.
Lucy Adams, bbc scotland politics reporter would pass as Daphne…
Kenny, it obviously is fit for purpose because it is under constant DDOS attacks, for months now and that is because it is extremely effective.
I cant say I’ve had any posts disappear, maybe they’re too short
Marcia, I’m just waiting for one of the established papers or news outlets to do the same thing. People were tweeting at the Herald, asking why they weren’t reporting it. Presumably the Herald still check sources. Mind you, after seeing what McColm will print, nothing would surprise me.
I’m also quite surprised at the identities of some of the people who were telling me, “oh Peter Murrell tweeted it”, or “it’s on the SNP’s Facebook page” or “Peter Murrell put it on his Facebook page” or “yes but that number doesn’t include the ones waiting to be processed” when precisely none of that was true. Each time someone told me something like that I went off to check, and each time the information wasn’t there. People were just repeating hearsay, not realising that when someone asks for the primary source, they want the primary source.
One guy got quite miffed, saying, I’m just telling you what I read. Yeah, I read that too and wanted confirmation. You’re not helping.
And then there were those who called me troll and worse. I was blocked by about three people. Honestly, it would absolutely make you despair over the rationality of humankind.
Dave, Peter’s tweet said that all the applications have now been processed, so I imagine the notifications to the branches will be making their way through the system. The way the graph is tailing off I suspect it’s going to level off around 80,000 to 85,000. Anything could happen, though, as you say.
@No no no…Yes says: 7 October, 2014 at 12:10 am:
“Sticking with the Broons,Jim Murphy would double as Hen Broon. A big long drink of water as they say.”
The politically, (Ahem!), correct description of Jim, (the yokes on him), Murphy is, “The Lugubrious”, Jim Murphy.
Definition , ‘lugubrious’ : – Gloomy, mournful or dismal, especially to an exaggerated degree.
It fits Jim to the proverbial, ‘T’.
The only posts I’ve had disappear are ones where with hindsight I probably used one of the NFL words.
There are other banned phrases though, so it’s worth checking texts so see if there’s a common thread. The entire thing is automated and Stuart is on holiday, so if it’s happening to one person and not another then it must be something they keep typing in their posts.
FAO Ian Brotherhood,
Hi Ian
Holding Registration stalls in Edinburgh. Am able to download membership form for Greens and SNP but not SSP.
The website obviously allows online application but the Get Involved > downloads tab leads to a 404 Error: page not found
Any ideas, sir?
This membership increase has came about because of the Referendum. The SNP have not actively advertised or publicly asked for new members.
And we still have the SNP Conference and the crowning of Nicola still to come.
Then we will have the candidates announced for the 2015 GE. All of these events will also increase the membership.
I can see us having over 100,000 members by the beginning of the year.
And who knows what the final tally will be by the time we hit the GE next May.
You could be right, caz-m. I’m just thinking the massive spontaneous splurge is burning itself out, and future increases will be back to a relatively modest rate.
I saw a tweet where some Labourite was asking what incentives the SNP was offering to get people to join. When told “a free Scotland” he clearly didn’t believe it.
By the way guys, the SNP doesn’t stand candidates in England because that would reduce the party’s PPB allowance drastically (to name just one of a lot of reasons). And I’m not sure what good it would do, getting beaten in a bunch of English constituencies. Way to look stupid.
Sure, there might be a few English people saying they like the SNP, and maybe even a few would vote for an SNP candidate, but enough to win a FPTP seat? Not on a bet.
And while we’re at it, who’s going to deliver leaflets round English towns and knock on English doors to campaign for an SNP candidate? Any volunteers? And don’t you think you’d be better employed doing the same thing in Scotland?
Putting up a candidate for election in a constituency is a whole lot of work and effort. You can’t just put up a paper candidate and hope people will vote for you. You have to campaign, with a team of activists. You also have to fight off attacks from the opposition. Just think for half a moment about the opprobrium an SNP candidate standing in an English constituency would attract. We need absolutely every warm willing body slaving its socks off right here, not fighting pointless campaigns to get a few hundred votes in England.
There are some daft ideas floating around here, but that one takes the biscuit.
The Daily Herald is now running a scare story on it’s front page re ‘more powers’,
Sometimes you just feel like you’re being bludgeoned over the head by the MSM
Curtice has now covered the Panelbase poll for the SNP, and reckons the SNP will only pick up a “handful” of seats! What do you think?
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You may take away our freedom but you will never take our DEVO MAX ; )
@yesindyref2 – that’s them getting their stats in first so they can then manipulate the results to bring it about – just like the indy ref results
If there really is more support than a couple of hundred for, lets call it, Independence North it would probably be worth it to put up £5000 for some extrovert nutter to stand in Newcastle wearing a belted féileadh-mór in Northumberland tartan, playing their pipes with a ginger wig and tammy on a platform of anything the Scots can do we can do better.
Nothing to do with us guv honest but a bucket of publicity for the idea that the English want independence too. Pity Tony Bliar isn’t the MP for Sedgefield anymore
In 1983 the SNP were considering putting up a paper candidate against Thatcher in Finchley to get more press and tv time. We in the London Branch at the time vetoed the idea as a waste of time and money. Quite a few of us went home to our home constituencies to campaign whilst a few went to Orkney and Shetland to help Winnie Ewing.
Her head always reminds me of an evil flump.
I remember hearing about that, Marcia. But even that had some logic to it. Peppering England with SNP candidates even on a semi serious basis is bananas.
By the way, I still haven’t worked out why I couldn’t get any response from London Branch when I offered to put up two or three activists for the referendum campaign. Well, their loss was Plaid Cymru’s gain.
Got to fight them – keep giving them the truth the TRUTH the T-R-U-T-H !!!
You do realise you’ve ruined Angel Heart for me now.
yesindyrev2 @ 12.59
Curtice says only 54% want devolved control over broadcasting?
link to
T-R-U-T-H !!!
Is that also a word that triggers the spam filter? 🙂
Sorry, should have taken another film, e.g.: “ascenseur pour l’échaffaud” (lift for the scaffold).
By the by, that name is a reference to Diogenes?
When the final tally of SNP membership reaches around 80,000 no doubt some unionist rag will trumpet ” SNP membership falls by 20,000″. Probably the Scotsman. – and repeated by the BBC! ????
Sorry about the ????. Finger slippage!
@ John King
That means that only 46% of Scots don’t want broadcasting devolved! 🙂
@ Dave McEwan Hill
Re your Yes shop would an illuminated moving character sign thingy be of any use to you?
If so drop me a line at