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Wings Over Scotland

The consolation prize

Posted on November 29, 2014 by
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Aye right.


Secretarial and janitorial services, about sums it up.

Brilliant as usual.

Fergus Green

Superb. Get Chris signed up for the National.


Not even enough money for a vacuum cleaner?


Endless excellence from Chris.

Though I would have made Lord Smith’s grin bigger.

[…] The consolation prize […]


Says it all, Chris, sadly. I just cant believe that so many of my fellow scots have allowed this to happen or that they can be so blind to reality. Depressing!

Dr Ew

Would love to see Chris’s work in The National.



…too accurate



If we get any more new “sweeping powers”, we’ll all end up in the Scottish Curling team.


And they will generously see to our Universal Credit whilst we are sweeping, because we obviously won’t have enough time left to regulate it ourselves.


The Consolation prize.

I remain inconsolable.

Any Independence powers, Lord Smith?

I didn’t think so.

BTW Don’t call us, we’ll call you.


Well let’s sweep the unionist MPs out next May for starters.


Just one small problem Chris, Holyrood will not have the power to create even that new job. Otherwise… spot on.


Was talking to a Yes guy last night who’d had a conversation with an oil exec. who told him the UK Gov figures for oil and gas revenues are hugely understated.

The money flowing to Westminster from Scotland is much more than we’ve been led to believe. He said the Block Grant as per the Barnett formula, is a pittance.

So I poured myself another glass of Rioja, as one does.

Depressing doesn’t do it justice.


Couldn’t agree more Chris. That’s exactly what it feels like.

Home Rule it ain’t.


link to BBC defrauding as per,

“Scotland’s thrilling new powers will make English politics more reactionary than ever” rancid hypocrite/red tory Guardian CiF headline and

link to etc etc

Its been a busy week for BetterTogether propagandists across the land and they all seem very very delighted with their work too.

Wee Jonny

Perfect again Chris.

Dr Ew says:
29 November, 2014 at 7:44 am
Would love to see Chris’s work in The National.
^what he sad^


14 second clip of Gordon Brown’s speech to the people of Scotland today.

link to


So the last ‘draft’ gets to the UK cabinet in London and most of the welfare devolution gets dropped. I thought the Smith Commission was to publish its report independently which would then receive reviews and be critiqued. Instead it goes down to our Tory lords and masters who get out the red pen and scrawl through. Wasn’t that meant to happen in the Commons at debate stage? Why is all the media so quiet on this? Miliband saying vow is signed, sealed and delivered. How? This was just stage one in a process. What a load of bs.

Stooshie Max

Bark loud enough …. and be given scraps.

You do not ask for Independence …
… you Declare Independence

The Smith Commission Report is only fit to
wipe the arse of an Independent Scotland.

Nothing was going to come of it, and it didn’t.

Free Scotland

Gaun yersel, Hamish. Grab that brush, and do a “Happy Gilmore” on his unionist posterior.


Can I just make out the shape of a rusting nuclear sub conning tower in there? A few did you say?
Nah, it couldn’t be – they’d never do that, never.
Even this Government wouldn’t do that.
I must be hallucinatin’. Again.

I think we’re gonnae need another brush.
I’ll go get mine – it’s in the shed.

2 million Scots have got an amazing imagination – they all believe everything’s fine, no problems.


Nail on the head, as usual.

People keep expressing disappointment in Smith. Why? If he had suggested something substantial it could have brought the independence cause to a grinding halt. Now the path is wide open to move forward to what we really want.

The big mistake the Unionists made in IndyRefOne was to make promises they would not, could not deliver on. They won the vote but the means they used has sealed the fate of the Union. Next time the fearmongering will be less effective, and they can’t play their grandiose promises card again. Success for Yes in IndyRefTwo seems much more likely now.

Good showings for pro-Indy parties in 2015 and 2016 combined with emerging constitutional issues such as failure to implement even Smith, the WM lurch to the right, the EU … will make IndyRefTwo a necessity.


C’mon folks-this isn’t the Wingers response that I know & love.My answer to Broon & pals

link to

Another Union Dividend

Gordon Brown is defending the Tories Strathclyde Commission’s tartan trap proposals to-day in Glasgow.

link to

Having bankrupted Team UK, Gordon Brown is the Craig Whyte of politics.

He has conned Scottish voters by promising a near Federal settlement and has fallen for the Tories tartan trap whereby the Smith Commission has transferred the blame for implementing the £60 billion worth of cuts to come over the next five years from Westminster to the Scottish Parliament without having the fiscal powers to changes things and grow the Scottish economy.

Income Tax without other range of taxation powers is a very blunt fiscal instrument which is easily avoided and a complete red herring in growing the Scottish economy.

The Smith Commission is nothing like the quasi Federal system promised by Gordon Brown in the fake “Vow” which means giving the Scottish Parliament full fiscal powers whilst handing back a fixed sum to Westminster to pay our share of defence and foreign affairs and other UK virility symbols like the House of Lords and the Monarchy.

If Labour thinks so little of our citizens to run our own finances why should we vote for a Party that has virtually no ambition for Scotland?


Gordon Brown will tell the Scottish Government today that it must stop talking about changing the Constitution and get back to using the powers that it already has.

link to

I think somebody better tell Ed Miliband then, because he was talking about that very thing to the people of England yesterday.

“ED Miliband has promised a Labour Government will match Scottish devolution with increased powers for English regions.”

link to


Lollysmum – you’re right.

We’re down but not out; we hear the ref counting; we’ll be up before the bell.
But you are right.

…..while in England, the petrels have come ashore.


“So the last ‘draft’ gets to the UK cabinet in London and most of the welfare devolution gets dropped.” But just watched BBC Breakfast explain that Gordon Brown says in incredible and amazing speech, drop all Scottish independence silliness now, vote Labour in Scotland and use thrilling new powers for social equality, like what he did, building UKOK into third most unequal western economy.

Nana Smith


Where is Gord Broon spouting today. Perhaps a small delegation of Yessers should go along and tell him where to go.

Perhaps he’s appearing at a ‘private’ venue as usual.


Why has Federal Broon suddenly crawled back out into the daylight after being in hiding for so long, including missing WM devolution debates? What constructive point could he possibly make now?

Well, he could do something honourable and decent, and make it clear Smith wasn’t what he ‘guaranteed’ ! Nah, Nae chance.


Gordon Brown is clear evidence that the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Bedlam comes to mind.

Nevertheless, everything that Gordon Brown does is carefully orchestrated by the Westminster PR machine. The purpose of course is to get him on TV to brainwash the gullible and the elderly some more, so that their better instincts may be overruled, allowing them to vote
zombie-like for Labour in GE15.

Sadly it does work – otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it.
IndyRef proves that conclusively.

Sinclair Macleod

Brilliant Chris. Only thing there are too many bristles on that brush.


So, the man who gave away our gold reserves to support an American bank thinks our politicians should concentrate upon sorting out the mess he aided rather than constitutinal matters. Good call.
The only problem is that is what we were trying to do before his intervention.
The referendum, awakened a nation and increased political enlightenment our politicians being our representatives are merely reflecting the peoples mood (That is Scotland’s people). Get down the pawn shop and redeem your moral compass before your retirement it will help you screw up Africa.


As usual no-one seems to know so clearly speaking to an invited audience. I expect the papers will know so they can get their photo ops

Perhaps we should be setting up some sort of information network to intercept them wherever they are speaking. Could be fun:-)

Grouse Beater

Stooshie Max:
The Smith Commission Report … Nothing was going to come of it, and it didn’t.

A committee loaded with hard line No politicians, and a chairman from the ‘Vote No’ Weir Group, we were bound to be given pretendy powers.

Incidentally, my spoof, ‘The Myth Commission’ on WordPress has gone bananas. Weird. I don’t understand the process by which one essay can attract a few hundred readers, yet the next attracts thousands. Content? Caught mood of the time? Google traffic error? Sheesh! If I knew the secret I’d be rich.


Smith is proposing increasing tax controlled by Holyrood to 29%. The Scotland Act 2012 already had devolved some income tax control, landfill tax and property transaction tax.

So what is the additional tax suggestion? Around another 20% perhaps? Taking the total to 29%.

If implemented (and that is a huge IF), the Smith proposals take us just beyond a quarter of the way to FFA.

Excellent! All out in the open for everyone to see. Now all those No voters who believed Vows and promises know they were well and truly duped. It’s not we Yes voters who should feel let down, we saw it coming.

Grouse Beater

‘The Consolation Prize’

Chris, I’m impressed that you manage to capture the features of a man with a face you’d miss in an empty shopping mall.


link to

Interesting not pod cast from Libby Carrell of rancid Graun and at 20mins in, they rebooterise their ProjectFearing with staggereing insight, apparently SNP dont understand that they lost the referendum because “more No voters voted No than expected” Genius.

Its some display of Labour party/UKOK propagandists in action, as like the BBC, they erase their own very hard media work completely destroying Scottish democracy. Anyhoo, Carrell says, watch it SNP, quit complaining, take what you’re given or you will lose votes in Scotland, if they have anything to do with it, which indeed they do, to be honest.

Creepy as feck, or brilliant bettertogether insight at rancid old red tory Guardian.


manandboy says:

“Gordon Brown …. allowing them to vote zombie-like for Labour in GE15.
Sadly it does work – otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it.
IndyRef proves that conclusively.”

Yes, their approach worked perfectly, and will continue to work. However, it will become less and less effective. Once an ill informed voter has been exposed to the wider picture, they are probably a permanent convert to Indy. (I am not considering hard core BritNats who will never be converted.) Fearmongering and lies from ageing Labour stalwarts is the only weapon in their arsenal. It is a diminishing resource.

I feel we have much to be hopeful about. Patience is an issue, though!


Romanian folk tradition refers to November as “Brumar”, a word sounding like broom but which actually means ‘hoarfrost’. To them St Andrew is the patron of wolves; he protects people attacked by wolves. They celebrate St Andrews but also the eve of St Andrews (today) which they call the night of the vampires, when they have a party and ‘protect the garlic’.

They believe garlic will protect them from vampires so they put it on doors and windows to keep vampires out.

If some think that’s a silly belief they should remember that people in Scotland believe the Smith Commission delivered home rule.


Pete Wishart continuing what he started at PM Questions on Wednesday. Good man!

link to


Another great effort with your cartoon, Chris, but i’m afraid i’m
with Clootie on this one – its far too accurate to be funny.

From The Financial Times:

New pro-independence Scottish newspaper thrives
link to

Grouse Beater

Sinclair: there are too many bristles on that brush.

Should be handing the lion a toothbrush.


Mr Brown will argue that the Smith Commission means a future Westminster government would no longer be able to foist the “bedroom tax” or the poll tax on Scotland.

Gordon why insult our intelligence by continually churning out the same tired nonsence.

We know and you know that the above statement is utter bollocks!

Do us all a favour and crawl back under the rock you have been under since Sept.

call me dave

The great British brush off! 🙁

The Isolator

The Smith Commission was never going to produce anything tangible.It’s a side show by the Anti Independence Collective.Nothing more nothing less.Cameron has outflanked Labour nationally and has now set out to head off UKIP at the pass with EVEL and immigration.

I think this may have always been the plan ,even in the event of a Yes vote.The SNP hold all the cards in Scotland and the Tories /Farage in England.Alex being the supreme tactician and gambler is now favourite to bring home the prize.Cameron doesn’t realise it just yet..but he will,and as for Nige well anything can happen.As loose a cannon you’ll find anywhere.

De Valera

Sums it up brilliantly.

Our old friend Heffer’s view here
link to

john king

hen will Hamish be allowed to roar when?

One day Hamish one day!

I saw Yesguys post yesterday re midlothian local election and the sight of a Labout man pipping the SNP guy by a handful of votes really set me back,
thinking, what the hell do we have to do to persuade these people?

Then this morning I standing in a queue to get served in the local co-op when the woman serving called out to a man studying the newspaper stand,

Ir ye lookin fur The National? cos its no oot oan a Seturday,
turning to me she says Ahm aboot dimentit wi the amount o folk waantin that paper ,ivery bugger thats come in here this moarnin
hus been looking fur it,
we coulda selt hunners,

I left the shop with a grin as wide as the Forth,

I live in Gordon Browns constituency! 🙂

haud on the noo

Gordon Brown …. lying #######d. Despise that odious git.


Gordon Brown will be making his speech at the Glasgow Labour Councillors Conference 2014.

I haven’t tracked down where it is being held yet. I presume it will be at the City Chambers. It will be an invited audience only and I don’t think there is a Q&A session.


Awesome Chris. Just awesome. Respect.


I see that slug Brown has crawled out from under his stone this morning to tell his demented followers how successful his VOW has been. I feel like being sick.

Disappointment in Mid Lothian. I was down there to give a hand. Great bunch of people working hard for Scotland.


@ caz-m.

It’s an audience of Glasgow Councillors, according to the BBC.

Ghengis D'Midgies

Meanwhile our economy remains suppressed and our wealth stolen.


That Gordon Brown speech in full….

I feckin hate the SNP. You should all be voting Labour you b…..ds. I really hate the SNP.

Thanks Gordon.


Excellent Chris.

Call me Dave, all over a TV near you.

John King, I’m suffering withdrawal, no paper, sob, until monday.

Lee MacDonald

45+ rally being held today outside the parliament, starts at 12.00 for 4 hours.

Hopefully a large crowd turning up will show our utter contempt for smiffy & his diddy powers.

haud on the noo

Is Brown just regurgitating an unused pre-referendum speech? How many lies has he managed so far ? The hatred of the SNP oozes from every pixel..


I thought that. Maybe somebody pressed his reset button to before the vote…..


Does anyone have a link to subscript to the National?

Lee MacDonald


45+ rally being held today outside the parliament starting at 12.00 for 4 hours.

Hopefully a large crowd turns up to show our utter contempt for smiffy & his diddy powers.

Bob Mack

Mr “PROUD SCOT” Gordon Browns opening gambit. “I am a proud Scot and believe in our proud history of sharing”. When exactly will Scotland gets its share I wonder? .As far as I can see we have become experts at being fleeced, especially by a rogue Westminster, inhabited by Scottish (and I use the term loosely) politicians who have more loyalty to a Party than to their country of birth, and who count their blood money gained through salaries and expenses, whilst subjugating the real Scots to the punitive rule of Westminster. Beneath contempt every one of them. What the hell do they mean when they call themselves” REAL SCOTS”?




Gordon Brown is a filthy cowardly bully who’s only response to a little old lady who had the temerity to question him, back in 2010, was to brand the pensioner “a bigot.”

This filthy cowardly bully then attempted to backtrack by claiming he “misheard” her, when the rest of the world heard her perfectly clearly.

Gordon Brown’s disgusting filthy Slabber colleagues then go on to work side by side with the BNP to destroy Scotland’s future in our referendum.

I do hope you’re reading this, Broon.
Tell me, what’s it like knowing that your children will grow up in a country that their father helped to destroy and in which he is branded a ("Tractor" - Ed)?

What’s it like knowing that your children will grow up in a country where their father will always be known as a cowardly bully who destroyed our country, destroyed the UK economy and is considered to be one of THE worst ever UK PM’?

You will go down in history as a spineless untrustworthy bully.
A gutless wonder who can’t keep his word.


Now that the Vow has been delivered and Scotland has Home Rule, we need to make sure England gets Home Rule, too.

It’s only fair.

So the Scottish Government should allow England to control 30% of its taxes and 15% of its welfare, while Holyrood controls the remainder. Of course, we must make sure they get full control of their road signs.

Perhaps then – finally – they’ll stop complaining about all this unfairness!


Nice one Chris, time for a dust doon…

link to

Grous Beater

Call Me Dave: The Great British Brush Off.

Chuckle- a new BBC television series showing how easily the might of the British Establishment plus a few loyal Scottish ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s undermined a nation’s democracy. (Warning: Some scenes are off a brutal nature.)


Very hard watching the clunking fist, marching up and down, just to tell everyone how much he hates SNP.

Can’t wait for him to slither off and sink into his swamp forever, because this was salt into a raw wound.

Chris – ooft! That hurt.


Re, Chris’ cartoon.

I think Hamish is contemplating accepting that brush and swiftly turning Wee Boaby Smiff into a lollipop.

Re, The National newspaper.

I noticed this a couple of days ago – there is also another title by the exact same name. It’s billed as the leading English-language newspaper in the Middle East and is based in Abu Dhabi, capital of the UAE. I wonder if this might end up in a name change for one of them at some point. If so, it might mean our ‘National’ will have to change since its the newcomer?
Can anyone elaborate on this situation?


Gordon Brown to give a speech to the Glasgow Labour Party councillors. He only ever seems to give talks to the Party faithful. So no matter what rubbish he spouts, he is never questioned or held to account.

Just for once I’d like to see him show the courage to appear at a venue open to members of the public from all political persuasions, not just Labour Party drones.


As Clootie says this one is frighteningly real Chris. On the nail as usual.

Live Independence are broadcasting from the United 45plus Rally in Edinburgh Starting NOW link to List of speakers on the page.


Gordon Brown, Ian Duncan Smith and David Cameron

a menage a trois to give you nightmares.

Smith was never likely to give us what we wanted but it is clear that it would have gone further than it did if the Vow had not been jettisoned by Cameron’s Cabinet with the blessing of Brown and the Scunner Record


No worries here. There is no such thing as a European, let alone International, office for name registration. Only national bodies. So as long as the National is not registered in the UK, it’s fine.


45+ Edinburgh rally on livestream now

link to


Superb Chris, as others have said The National needs you and so do we; you capture perfectly the essence of what we are up against. They are selling a perception, you are revealing the truth.

Paula Rose

(@ Karmanaut 10:58 – borrowed your comment and put it on my fb page (UKOK) – it’s proving very popular xx)


@ AuldA.

Cheers, mucker.


Had to laugh,like all good comedy,it has a basis in reality.


I’ve been trying for days to find the site to subscribe to the National. Google just brings up plenty of sites talking about it but no links to the actual site. Tried cearcs suggestion(the still nothing but Papua New Guinea paper, UAE paper etc. This is my last try. Anyone help?

joe kane

Great cartoon as usual Chris.

The Labour Party are quite happy for control of the DWP in Scotland to remain in the hands of IDS, Esther MvcVey and Lord Freud. That is despite the fact we all know for a certainty that our own Scottish Government would repeal every single neoliberal law ever passed by Westminster attacking the British welfare state and which attacked the human rights of the poor, the unemployed, single parents families and the sick and disabled.
Never forgive or forget.


@ AyeAlba.

Alternatively, you can contact the sales team directly.

Ronnie has put these details here on WOS a couple of times
over the past several days – contact:

Gary McNulty on 0141 302 6261.

You can also get them, via that number, to send you out some
promotional leaflets for posting through doors – if you fancy
getting a bit active and helping them to promote the paper.



Thank you! I have no idea why I couldn’t get the bloody page. I’m blushing at my stupidity.


Thanks also to Stoker.
My stupidity knows no bounds :0((


@Paula Rose Nice one! Pleased to hear it.

Paula Rose

@ karmanaut -11,684 people ‘reached’ as I type this.

Christian Schmidt

so true!


Yet another great cartoon, Chris. Is Scotland really so tatty?

Dont worry about the National, they’ve chosen a bludgeon against your razor. Glasgow was not famous for bludgeon gangs. 😀

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