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Wings Over Scotland

The birth of a nation

Posted on November 24, 2014 by

If the mark of a strong democracy is a free and diverse press, Scotland has been in a terrible state for a very long time. On the morning of the independence referendum, the biggest issue the country’s addressed in over 300 years, not a single publication could be found on Scottish newsagents’ shelves backing the constitutional option supported by almost half the population.


Today that changed.

It remains to be seen whether it changed permanently. The National, the new pro-Yes daily from the makers of the Herald, is currently on a five-day “pilot”, but we’d be astonished if independence supporters didn’t make sure the trial was a success, and that would mean Scotland had a brand-new daily newspaper for the first time in more decades than we can remember.

That alone would be a commendable achievement in a world of plummeting sales for print media, but on the strength of issue 1 it’s a decent paper in its own right too. Seemingly aimed at a similar market to the successful Independent spinoff the i, it’s compact but intelligent, free of celebrity gossip and scandal but replete with sport, business, news and comment.

There are a few interesting and/or surprising aspects, one of which is the seeming total absence of familiar Herald bylines. There’s no sign of writers like Tom Gordon, Paul Hutcheon or, less surprisingly, Magnus Gardham – almost all of the first issue’s political coverage is penned by a New Statesman contributor who’s variously identified as “Jamie”, “James” and “Jamies” Maxwell. (The subbing throughout, it’s fair to say, leaves a lot to be desired.)

There’s lots of international coverage as well as Scottish, though curiously very little about UK politics, and there’s the odd jarring piece like an “exclusive” about Rangers and Celtic that had actually been covered extensively in the Scottish Sun on Sunday a day before and a rather odd “my favourite charity” column, but overall it has a fresh feel that’s all the better for some less-familiar voices.

We hear mixed reports about availibility, which is to be expected from a new launch and a relatively small print run, but what’s less excusable is the chore that getting hold of the digital edition proved. There’s absolutely no excuse for any digital merchant not supporting PayPal or other one-click payment schemes these days, and ploughing through the laborious rigmarole of entering multiple sets of credit-card and address details – and the ever-enraging “Verified By Visa” – was a complete trial that for a less worthy cause would have seen us give up in a foul-mouthed strop.

And it’s dismaying that we now have to engage with a FOURTH different platform to read the papers on a tablet in the morning. That the newspaper industry still can’t make its mind up whether to support Newsstand (the Times, the Scotsman), Press Reader (the Herald, the Mail), proprietary apps (the Record, the Sun), or special browser-based readers accessed through an intrusive front end (as with the National) is exactly the sort of idiotic petty incompetence that illustrates why it’s having such a hard time in the modern era, and that’s just a single format (iOS).

But quibbles aside, the National is a hugely welcome addition to Scotland’s media, partly for the mere fact of its existence but more importantly for the quality of its execution. The petulant wails of Unionists on social media bemoaning the fact that they now only have 97% of the print press on their side have been a sight to behold, and frankly the £1.50 we paid for the initial week was worth it for that alone.

But thankfully, there are far better reasons to back the paper than that. At the very least it deserves an extended run to prove its worth.

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Chris Smith

Just TXT Aye and your email address to 80360 and you will have 5 subscriptions without the need for PayPal/Debit or Credit cards.

Martin McDonald

Stuart, I found the digital edition very easy to access. I subscribed for a week by sending a single text message and I’ve found the paper itself opens comfortably in Safari. So far so good I say.

Lewy Tee Bee

I heard a certain distribution centre in Dundee only recieved 2000 copies. Bit low for the highest perecentage of Yes vote in Scotland tbh.


If today’s edition is how it means to go on then I’m impressed. Just logged on to look at the online edition & was pleasantly surprised. The article on poverty was better than the Guardian’s coverage & Caroline Leckie’s was excellent.

I also agree with the editorial stance-speak truth to people & government alike promotes positive change for the common good. Forget the spin-we can live without it.

Just what Scotland needed-well done the National-impressive start

Jim Thomson

I subscribed via the 80360 text number that was mentioned at the Hydro on Saturday (Yes, I was there as a non-SNP interloper) and got the helpful response text that seemed to recognise my e-mail address. I was hovering over the PC this morning waiting with bated breath for the “here’s your copy” e-mail and … nothing.

Deep disappointment, now tempered to mild disappointment having rescued two copies from the local Co-op (one for a random act of kindness later today).

I agree that the proof-reading is worse than with some of our “local” rags and there’s precious little in the way of an obvious means to contact the paper (you have to read the editorial to get that) but, it is a reasonably light read which would benefit from a few internet links to more in-depth material.

I still think they need a horsey section to really get their daily circulation up and challenge the Record.

Print quality of photographs also a wee bit suspect.

I’ll give it a week to see if they do take feedback (available via their website) on board and develop it further.


A year too late, perhaps?

And I would maybe say that explicitly going with the tagline about supporting an independent Scotland is just a bit exclusive (see also ‘the 45%’ stuff) where the focus should be on inclusion and convincing those who didn’t vote Yes.

Many might also instinctively distance themselves from a paper that is so open about this, believing that their current paper exhibits ‘balance’, even if that self-declaration doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.

Pro-union media is implicitly so, The National would benefit from the same approach IMHO.


Five pages of sport out of thirty-two including a double spread on Lewis Hamilton – Please!

Paid for the online version – unwieldy, doesn’t flow naturally, or work with scroll wheel. Difficult to read.

Hope these are just teething problems.

Love the concept, but…

Osprey MacIntyre

One advantage of living in a No area: if the newagent gets this is, it’s probably still available!


I have not bought a paper in decades apart from the first Sunday Herald with a ‘Yes’ on the front cover, and a Daily Record that was edited by Alex Slamond. Do I regret that.

However I bought my first National today. As a child the only paper I can recall lying around the house was the Daily Record. I hope in years to come that the only paper my children will recall lying around will be The National.


I have just signed up for my subscription and it did show Sagepay as an option and filling in the credit card details is not that laborious, I am viewing on a PC and that means a single format reader but it is not the best layout I have seen however in defence, it is a trial period and the costs might need to be reviewed before committing to a single app that various for all mobile platforms as well as browser based systems. I suppose week 2 shall see the proof of the pudding.

Gerry Robertson

Just back from the local newsagent with my copy although had to search high and low before I found it tucked away at the bottom amongst all the other obscure rags.

Linda McFarlane

Got mine. No page three. No Celebrity waffle. And as a follower of F1 Lovely Lewis.


Spot on Stu. I liked the cover, simple yet striking.

I bought my copy in local shop and when I asked for the paper to be available to me from now on, was told that ” You won’t need to bother, it’s only on trial for a week”!

I let her know I’m expecting to buy it for longer than that. 😉


I enjoyed reading The National and may it go from strength to strength ! The Co-op in Cardwell Road (Gourock) has a rather large pile of them sitting, should anyone in the Gourock area be struggling to obtain a copy.


Jim Thomson@ 10:57am

I subscribed via text on Sat and had to go to its webpage yesterday, get it to send me a password reminder (though, of course, I’d never had a password for what is a new service) and at that point I could log in and see I had my 5 copies to activate as they became available. A couple of hours later I finally got an email from someone named Lynn Craig confirming I had activated. Yes, a mess and a footer but perhaps it is worth you trying the same thing. The password reminder button was on same page where it now encourages you to subscribe digitally via CC.


My wife tried to buy a copy today in Sainsbury’s, Denny.
Told they had them in stock but couldn’t sell them and waiting for instructions from head office. We phoned Herald distribution who told us there was a scanning problem with barcode which would be rectified by tomorrow and it was a wide spread problem. We hope not as this would affect 20% of weekly target sales.


I’m a bit more forgiving when it comes to the digital edition, which is what I went for due to not having access to newsagents during the day. Since it’s a trial run, it doesn’t make sense to commit to a paypal contract which may end up costing them more than going with an established SagePay system. Yes it’s tedious for the user but overall it’s not that bad, it’s not like they ask you to fill a million fields.

I would expect the process to be more streamlined if it becomes a regular run. I would certainly welcome a Google Play subscription so I could read it on the tablet but one mustn’t be too demanding to start with.


I must confess to enjoying the tone of some of the wailing in organs like the Guardian (not the worst by any means) from below the line contributors.
Godwin has barely had time for a 5 minute tea break. The political events at the weekend had numerous references to Nuremburg and the birth of the National compared to variously Pravda and Der Stumer

I think we can safely say that the Nay Sayers (what is left of them as an organised force) are confused, disturbed and rattled. The plaintiff cries of “you lost, get over it” are now changing to accusations of anti-democratic fascism because we see the vote merely as a temporary set back. A foundation stone in history to build upon.

As ever, when Godwin is wheeled out the argument is lost. Yes the Nazi’s had rallies but then so did Martin Luther King. We are the good guys in this particular political struggle. 🙂

Chris Cairns

Sorry to fart in the lift but I’m less than impressed.

I hope it goes without saying that I welcome the paper and wish it well but unless they turn this into a proper newspaper pronto I’m afraid it’s doomed to fail.
No weather, no op/ed, no crossword, wafer thin sports and business coverage, heavy on the worthy commentary but light on humour (no cartoon!) and wit.

OK, it’s only 50p but it will need to appeal to folk beyond the die-hard Yessers and frankly I don’t see anyone giving up their favourite all-singing, all-dancing professional newspapers to go with this.
Sorry, I hope it does improve but Newsquest need to put their money where their mouth is with this. It’s being done on the cheap and that is both taking a loan of pro-indy readers and commercial idiocy.
C’mon guys – if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

Brian Powell

See that, “Libertie, egalitie, fraternity”? the words are in the wrong order, and it’s too short.


Practising my evil laugh for the naysayers having a hissy fit.


Needs more practice. 🙂


Going to check it out later.
I think its important to support the real version, to get hard copies in the shops.

Otherwise we are just all talking to ourselves again.

This is why I think the ‘supports independence’ tagline isn’t helpful.

Surely it is better to take a pro-Scottish / pro-independence tone in general, and attract more general readers who could then be influenced.

People don’t want to feel like they are buying a partisan political flyer.


I don’t see the point in having another referendum before we have convinced a good portion of the 55% of the duplicity of the Westminster parties. The new National newspaper is a start. I bought my copy at my local co-op.

I hear that some of the major supermarkets did not sign up for it. That is just one more reason for me to keep to my own vow of avoiding the big four supermarkets as much as possible. It is not as convenient as doing my shopping all in one place, but as I am single I find it less expensive overall, as I can buy in smaller quantities, and don’t spend money on wrappers for freezing. Anyway, my freezer is pretty full of fruit from the garden to use over the winter.

Anybody know if M&S had copies?


It may need a cartoonist. Go for it Chris or Greg

Eric D

A good start, but I have to agree about the lack of a Paypal facility !

Like many others, I could only access the ‘one day’ option – and I hope that changes quickly.

Looking forward to contributions that have previously been denied to most – all the good stuff from Bell and MacWhirter, McAlpine, Boyd, Whitford, Riddoch, WfI, BfS, etc etc, and items plucked (by agreement) from Bella, WGD, and other blogs/sites.

With 1.4 million in Scotland not having access to the internet, the print edition could do what 33 Scottish newspapers refused to do – and add some balance to the debate.

[…] The birth of a nation […]


Heh, boss has just walked in holding one. 🙂


I like it. It’s weird not reading the usual royals grovelling or such and such Lord Trougher of Scotlandshire says etc…
Hope they focus on Scotland’s neighbours like Norway, Finland, Iceland. That could be a culture shock for people to see how Norway has transformed itself with it’s own resources and less than 5 million people. None of these counties have labour in Scotland, the BBC, the OO and the great Britsih meeja either.


Excellent first edition. Great look and great content. Good balance for a 32 page paper: 5 sports pages, 4 business and 4 World News.
Chris Cairns – the op-ed is on page 3.
Well done The National!

Helena Brown

Well got the National, Hubby found it at RS McCall this morning in the Centre in Dunfermline, five left when he picked ours up. Give it time people, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Regardless if we had a newspaper other than the Sunday Herald behind us we might have made some inroads. Online we have more than enough, but also give it time.
I would rather though it was simply a neutral newspaper, telling the truth than one which has said it supports YES or Independence. This is all anyone in YES really wanted. I fear that those who had decided to Vote No were not interested in reading anything which might have changed their viewpoint, specially not something they considered from the other side, whilst they might have read a newspaper which simply said we have no particular side we simply write the truth.


I have to disagree with your “worst page 3” comment. I think Nicole Kidman’s seriously hot!


Would be nice if it appealed to No voters too, instead of the “Pro-independence” line giving them an excuse to avoid it.
Talking about “propaganda”… Oh, the irony! Excuse me while I go release this bottled-up laughter…

…Ok, back now. Think I need to see the doctor about my ribs though…

Anyways, I don’t think the pro-independence line will matter too much in the long run.
The unionists and their media puppets knew full well what was going on with this paper, and they’d have set out to smear its reputation as much as possible right from the start. Desperately hoping that it would fail and they could get back to the usual routine of turning politically-motivated voters back into docile mindless sheep, so it was always going to be up against that right from Day 1.

Knowing it was going to be up against that, I’m surprised they didn’t take the time to make sure everything was right on Day 1, instead of going by what seems to be the usual modern business model for new products, as in fumbling everything and having to spend a week patching it all together.

Haven’t got mine yet, but I’ll be heading out later to see if I can find one around here 🙂

Have to say though… A paper with no mindless celebrity gossip and scandal?
That’s such a rarity these days that I’m practically sold on it already! 😀

Now I wonder if they’re hiring…


First issue and “constructive criticism” is flowing! Last Monday we had nothing, this Monday we have an independence-supporting newspaper.

Wafer thin sports section I regard as a blessing. Just what value is there in newspaper Sports sections that generally feature about half of each page taken with a colour photo of some player or other? Or reports often written by guys who can’t play the game themselves – Sunday Herald the exception bless ’em features Craig Chalmers, and boy, he could play. Rugby I listen and watch. Football I watch and turn the sound off.

Yes I need my puzzle section. Weather? My i phone does OK. Cartoons? What better than a Cairns and Moodie combo.


If some supermarkets are reluctant to stock it, I suspect it may be because of the blatant political header, instead of taking a more softly softly approach.

People can always ask at the helpdesk for it to be stocked.
If there is enough demand, they will want to keep customers happy.
Perhaps it is just supply problems, being the first day.

There was a good point in the other thread.
If it is a success there is a chance of the front pages being read and discussed on various political round-up shows.
This was one of the BBC websites tricks during the referendum. Regular ‘What the papers say’ articles to splash unionist propaganda.

Only real newspapers count – not digital versions or websites. Another reason to make the paper version a success.

It’s important to keep this alive, at least until the next elections.



I would tend to agree if that were to be the long term format (or lack of elements in this case) but I think this is just a toe in the water to see if there is buying public out there. Crosswords, cartoons, political diary/sketch plus film/theatre reviews, TV guide etc are all necessary for a rounded package. These are, though, the easy bits (cartoons excepted obviously 🙂 )


Agree that it needs some lighter content.Crossword,cartoon, TV programmes etc.
I spent the morning phoning supermarket headquarters and contacting their shops locally to complain about them not stocking it. According to the paper’s circulation department ASDA,Tesco,Morrisons & M&s refused to stock it. A friend who complained to the manager in his local Tesco has just had a phone call to say they will have copies tomorrow.

Bill McLean

“The newspaper that supports Scotland” would have been much better!!!

Ian Mackay

@Chris Cairns
Is that you touting yourself for the cartoonist’s job on The National? 🙂

I’d agree that it needs to offer the basics of TV/Radio, Crossword/Sudoku and Weather, more Sport etc to appeal to a broader base.

@Gordon 10.57
Agree the tagline should be changed. It needs to be more open so the soft Nos will pick the paper up too.

But IMHO its a pretty damn good start for a newspaper. I hope it works. And new jobs are promised if it does.
link to


Sarah Cooper says Crash Gordon reputation restored by his series of speeches just before the referendum with Brown getting loving puff from future leader of their Scotland region, Eggs Murphy. Eurgh. Buyers remorse:-{

Doug Daniel

One minute we’re moaning that no daily national newspaper supports independence, now we’re moaning that one does…

The tagline is surely only temporary, but remember folks, not everyone is on Twitter and Facebook – in fact, that’s kind of the whole point of why we need a pro-indy paper. So not everyone knows in advance that The National is a new pro-indy paper – those outside social media might not realise that without the tagline and instead just think “huh, never heard of that one before”.

They need to establish themselves first, and the easiest way of doing that is getting Yessers on board straight away, to create a solid core readership. Then, as it becomes recognised as a quality paper, those “not yet” voters will hopefully start paying attention to it, and then maybe even solid No folk.

Baby steps.


Yes, bought mine this morning. Good start. Enough sport for older No voting DR readers?

An interesting scenario. If it proves successful and bucks the decline trend, might some other titles smell the coffee and at least move into the middle ground, if not to full Indy supporting?


I tried 4 shops (W H Smith, Tesco & two branches of R S McCall) in Ayr this morning without success. Eventually signed up for the digital option.


I got the digi version eventually.
They payment system is not good, I wanted to use maestro, but not UK Maestro as I live in Germany. They will get a far bigger international circulation if they sort out payment methods to suit the world market. They should also loose the pro-indy tagline and replace it with with something that is neutral but offers a balanced view, that what MSM is severely lacking. People make up their own minds about things and don’t need herding like sheep into one political box or other with editorial commentry that tells them what to think, so it needs to be kept neutral to get a wider readership.


Subscribed through my phone (by text),and received a text saying I had 5 days access,the £1.50 taken from the balance. Does anyone know though,how I access the paper?

John Sm.

bjsalba asked:

“Anybody know if M&S had copies?”

I just nipped over to Markies St. Nicholas branch, Aberdeen, to check it out for you (first time I’ve set foot in there since the referendum), they’re not stocking it, not today anyway.

More P&J’s and E.E.’s than you can poke a stick at though…


Read my digital copy this morning, looking forward to the rest of the pilot subscription. I would have liked some UK news too, if it does that it will hit the spot perfectly.

Bring it on, I hope; more than wish, it’s a success.


As Doug says, once it’s up and running then the quality and size should increase.

It’s 32 pages but will increase should there be an appetite for it.

I don’t get the moaning about it, maybe it’s just monday morning.

Picked up mine in sainsbury’s, it didn’t scan properly, but the boy still sold it to me.


Got 3 copies in Sainsburys at Livingston, no hassle, in fact lady at counter said it was going well. Lad in McDonalds drive through saw it on the seat and said he was out for his copy shortly. All in all its a good start, first and foremost it looks good, well sign posted and some good features all of which makes it a great platform to start running articles we don’t see in MSM.
It’s then up to us to sell it to the NOs we know on the back of them finding new info not available elsewhere. Great opportunity let’s build it into a really credible alternative!


Lucky me. After hearing about the new paper on Friday I called in to my newsagent on my way home, just before closing time. I used to get the Herald delivered every day, and the Radio Times weekly, but I cancelled the Herald two years ago and the RT not long afterwards. (I’ve had the Sunday Herald since it came out for Yes, obviously.)

Well, he had no idea what I was talking about and although he said he’d try to get it and would deliver it if he was successful, I wasn’t that confident. Then I got sick after the event at the Hydro and I’ve been in bed since. I wouldn’t have had a chance of going out to find a copy.

So imagine my delight when I finally staggered downstairs this morning to find the paper sticking through my letterbox. Result.


By 1030hrs it was proving nigh on impossible to get a copy in Greenock. Tescos, WH Smith and RS McColl had sold out (the latter only having had SEVEN copies in the first place) It took another two stops to finally get my hands on one and it was their second to last! Tomorrow I’ll set off earlier!!


@John Sm

Sainsbury’s on George Street has it


Doug Daniel, I know it’s still early but I believe you have just won the comment of the day award.


The old Labour supporters, soft No’s and Daily Record readers won’t buy it right away, but they sure as hell will read it if someone passes them a free copy.



Bought my copy in Asda Livingston, from the same box on newstand where Scotsman used to be, National also on sale at small newsagents at other end of the Centre.


We’re not fools. Much less bairns. And it’s not ‘half-done’. So none of the proverb applies. Still though … “Fools and bairns should never see half?done work”.

As others have said, let’s show them they have a model, even if we’re inflating figures for the first week, then relax a bit and hope curiousity – and osmosis – get the job done.


Chris Cairns,

In the comments that sent to them I mentioned the lack of cartoon mentioning both you and Greg and suggesting it would be nice to have more than one cartoonist on different days.


I won’t see it until I go into the village to collect the copies I’ve ordered from the newsagent. I can’t use my iPhone to read the digital edition as it doesn’t support flash player (which is ridiculous on Apple’s part). I buy The Sunday Herald every week using Press Reader: it works brilliantly on my phone. I really hope the National will be available through PR.

donald anderson

My local SPAR, Cleveden Rd, Kelvindale, Glasgow, refused to stock it. I go further down now to patronise the local Kelvindale Mini market.

I emailed a letter off in support of an anti sectarian article. I’ll wait and see if they print it.


@ msean

Check your emails. I got an email yesterday confirming my subscription & providing password & link to National. Follow that link.

Got mine fine this morning after an email saying that the National was available online now


Friend just went to get 3 copies (1 for friend who is down south, and 1 for random act of kindness) at Barretts on Byres Road; said there was quite a buzz in the newsagents; she and two others then a fourth person arrived, all looking for the National, they sold out this morning and are getting new deliveries at 3pm today! Staff quite excited by it all…they can’t believe the demand. This is going to be a goer!

ronald alexander mcdonald

Bought mine this morning from R S McColl’s. Quite prominent in their paper stand.

I hope it becomes a huge seller and it develops. However, I feel it will not develop into a huge seller as to do so would have to compete with The Herald. Quite honestly I thinks it’s piss poor, but will continue to support it.

John Sm.

Thanks chalks!

Lesley Riddoch “National” article just loaded onto the Guardian site just now, great, the wider the readership the better…

link to

Jim McLean

Had a bit of a hassle getting the online edition. The texting system had closed by 2pm yesterday and when applying online I made the stupid mistake of not studying the subscription page properly and bought the 1 day version. I went back and realised there was an option button and chose the 5 day version so I now have a subscription for 6 days! That’s optimism but well founded I hope. I am waiting till the end of the week before passing my opinion but better something … Which can only improve …. than nothing.


I agree that the pro-independence tag should be played down as the others don’t advertise themselves as pro-westminster. We need to get those other readers to buy it because it is good and informative.
can I have a couple of Sudoku for the train please.

panda paws

The editor has said he’s using current staff to produce the trial run but if successful he’ll employ more staff. I’m sure that will help improve the content. But yes they need sudoko :=)

I’ve not been able to get hold of a hard copy yet. Hopefully they’ve been sold out rather than not stocked.


Got my copy in a small newsagent in Sauchiehall Street after no joy at Tescos and WH Smith. Hope it continues past the first week.


Bill McLean says:
24 November, 2014 at 11:53 am
“The newspaper that supports Scotland” would have been much better!!!”

But “The newspaper for Proud Scots” might have been a mistake.

It would be good to see it filled out with more snippets of “stuff that happens” (car crash in the Highlands, house fire in Dumfries. etc) rather than just political and opinion pieces and worthy stuff about charities. What’s the state of play with newspapers in places like Catalunya, Quebec and Flanders? Is there any possibility of sharing regional European and North American material with publications in those parts?


@ Doug Daniel & One_scot

Well said both of you.We also need to remember that they’ve produced this paper with no extra staff which shows great goodwill from the Herald on Sundays staff team. Thanks guys & gals.

HoS have committed to creating extra jobs if this pilot works so let’s support as as best we all can. I can’t think of a greater testament than creating jobs from this new venture.

Yes there will be teething problems but they will be ironed out given time just as the format will change once it has its own team working on it. Personally, I think it’s a great start & a foundation to build upon.

[…] If the mark of a strong democracy is a free and diverse press, Scotland has been in a terrible state for a very long time. On the morning of the independence referendum, the biggest issue the count…  […]


Eric D says:
24 November, 2014 at 11:39 am
“With 1.4 million in Scotland not having access to the internet,”

Eric, where did you get that figure?
I’m curious because only this morning i was wondering about that,
how many people in Scotland don’t have internet access,
and trying to think of ways of reaching out to these people.

Do you have any other info on the subject, ie; are the bulk of
them located in certain places or spread over rural/island areas etc?
Macart says:
24 November, 2014 at 11:42 am
“Heh, boss has just walked in holding one.”

Whey hey, and so has mine.
For anyone interested, the wee newsagents on Woodmarket, Kelso,
has sold a few and has about a dozen remaining. Also, the Co-op
in Kelso town centre has quite a pile of them sitting.
@ Holebender,
Good to see you posting.
I used to enjoy reading your posts on ‘Our Scotland’ a few years
ago but then you seemed to disappear. I’m a newbie on here and haven’t been near that particular site for quite a while but have recently seen you and “shagpile” posting on here. Would be
good to see you both posting more frequently.

Re, Sainsbury’s, i’ve been reading some comments about them
having piles of ‘The National’ but can’t sell them due to barr-
code problems etc. Sainsbury’s are also seriously major donors
to the Labour Party, but i’m sure that has nothing to do with it.


Agree, Doug is talking nothing but sense. We need to help it stick around long enough for more reluctant people (No-ers who are not hardcore No) to get around to giving it a go.

Only had time to read a few pages so far (I got the digital version and a hrd copy) but already so pleased to see the proper ramifications of (UK) government policy spelled out in a few places (the charities story on page 2 comes to mind) in a way other papers just do not do. It is perfectly balanced as well, simply does not parrot the line that ‘unemployment is down, and that’s good’ unquestioningly, like far too many other news sources do.


Anyone that read my comments the other night about missing a newspaper will know just how happy I was to get my sweaty paws on this! I was clicking my heels together like a bad Fred Astaire impersonator! There were still a good few copies in the Co-op when I got mine, unfortunately, but I hope that’s just because it fairly early in the day.

I, honestly, would’ve preferred that an existing newspaper just did some proper journalism, like they used to, and was unbiased but since none of the other papers are unbiased, that’s not an option and so this is badly needed. I just hope that people who are soft nos/on the fence don’t disregard it because they think, “Opfh, that’s just a Yesser’s paper”; I’d like to see those people at least give it a chance – we’ll see how it goes, it’s early days, like others have said. Hopefully, any problems re subscriptions, content and tagline will get ironed out. Great start though; I think they’ve done well.

Nana Smith

For too long we bemoaned the fact there was no pro-indy media so I welcome this paper for the time being.

However I hope to see more articles detailing how the No better together bbc lot lied to Scots. I want to see the factual evidence laid out for the No voters.

Too many people are still certain they made the right decision by voting No so they need to take the blinkers off and this paper should provide the proof for them.


Asda at The Parkhead Forge have loads of copies, if any eastenders are looking for one.


I can’t say I agree with the comments regarding the “supports independence” byline. Why shouldn’t they? Sure, it might be an excuse for unionists to ignore newspapers, but they have literally almost every other paper in Scotland to read. The 1.6 million people who voted Yes didn’t have a daily. Now they do. Why shouldn’t they? By taking a pro-independence stance, they’re already being more inclusive to that demographic than the newspapers which openly advocated a No vote.

Think of it this way: would we call the Catholic Observer “uninclusive” because it’s catered specifically towards Catholics? Is An Gàidheal Ùr “uninclusive” for non-Gaelic speakers? Muslims have the i-Witness, gays have The Pink Paper, Jews have the Jewish Chronicle: why shouldn’t pro-independent Scots have a newspaper they can buy?

As far as the media and establishment are concerned, we pro-indy Scots are a minority. It is up to the majority to be inclusive of minorities, not for minorities to cater to the majority. Scotland’s newspapers have failed miserably in that regard. When the paper’s a success and the pro-independence movement has unambiguously passed the 50% mark (which it may well already have), then we can worry about being uninclusive of No voters. But right now, they’re happy to shut us out or present us as fringe lunatics.

Nana Smith

For anyone in the news business these days, the launch of a new daily printed publication is a cause not just for celebration but thanksgiving; giving thanks that in the age of digitally-driven agnosticism, there is still belief in the printed word.

link to


Doug Daniel is right. It is baby steps, whether it be more powers for Holyrood, or a new national daily pro-independence newspaper. There has also been the Scottish News taster as well. These things are significant, and hopefully will grow in the future. The independence referendum showed we need to develop our own media significantly to be able to win the vote. I think the overall situation in Scotland shows cautious grounds for optimism.


It seems the (sensible) consensus today seems to be a gradual, first step approach. Try it, support it and see. I couldn’t agree more. The National has to be normalised and become part of the MSM, but this will take time. For now, it’s our job to support it as best we can.

By the way, the unionist rags won’t take this lying down. Today there will be emergency meetings in the editors’ offices, formulating strategies to destroy this little project before it takes root. For example price wars, promotions, giveaways, even token support of more powers for Holyrood etc. It’s our job to support and protect the roots while this little plant establishes itself.

R-type Grunt

I bought my copy this morning after first hearing about it at the SNP Hydro do. It seems pretty good, despite the obvious amateurish pointed out here.

However, I do have a problem with the concept of a pro-independence stance. Prefixing anything with ‘pro’ implies bias and we don’t need bias. All I’ve ever asked for is that people be told the truth. That would seem, to a layman like me, to be a pre-requisite in journalism. Labelling this paper as pro-independence is likely to turn off the very people who should be reading it.

Still, it’s a start.

Murray McCallum

I subscribed through their website (issued after the texting line had closed). Got an e-mail saying edition was available and link provided. Haven’t had time to look at yet.

If sales of such a paper cannot justify its continued existence then that is a pretty desperate set of affairs. This has got to be a significant and welcome step in the right direction.


I am not a big twitter user but The National is looking for feedback on their paper.

Could be a good time for people to put forward any ideas or concerns they may have.


Popped into the new TESCO in Dunfermline this morning at about 6.50 and they did not have any Nationals available. Just the normal Suns, Records, Mails and loads and loads of the Dunfie Press.

Have to wait until I get home to see if the wee corner shop has any.

R-type Grunt

I just heard on Radio Scotland that Morrison’s has refused to stock The National. We all know what to do about that.

On a side-note, there’s a band called The National, well worth a listen. I’ve seen them twice in Glasgow and think they’re excellent. There’s also a headphone amplifier called The National, manufactured by ALO. I know, I don’t get out much.

red sunset

TESCO have just confirmed to me they are not stocking The National.
Make of that what you will.
Other reports that local newsagents are doing a good trade with the new paper.


Personally, I didn’t think it was a very interesting read. Annoyingly amateurish sub-editing, and a mysterious story about a fire in an anonymous stairwell in an unknown location… Really, I’d rather have an HONEST paper than a paper that supports independence or unionism, however I’ll continue to support it, but I do hope that it gets better content.


I’m completely frustrated with the lack of access to the National. I’ve tried and tried…asked for a password reminder (although there was no previous subscription) ..that didn’t work ..failed to send to my email.. checked everything..tried again..sent Lynn (same as Jim Thompson) an email..only to have it bounce back. Can anyone help please ?



“I’m curious because only this morning i was wondering about that,how many people in Scotland don’t have internet access”

The Scottish government report that:

“Since our baseline year of 2007, the percentage of adults using the internet for personal use has increased for six consecutive years. The figure of 79.8% for 2013 is up by 2.4 percentage points from 77.4% in 2012. Over the period from the baseline year of 2007 to 2013, the indicator has increased by 17.1 percentage points.”

Source: link to

So, working with a population of 5,327,700 (source: link to ) that means that 4,251,505 have access, while 1.076,195 do not have access (figures rounded)

Hope that helps 😀

Dan Huil

At least two shops selling The National in Lossiemouth.
I liked the paper. Hope it continues long-term. Bit disappointed there was no racing pages.


I didn’t find the digital subscription process a problem, though I take your point about dodgy the copy editing. Nice clean lay-out, good Rouhani profile (though shame about the typo). Apart from the great centre-page spread use of photos a bit unimaginative, but look forward to seeing how it develops.

Dr Jim

Just heard on Radio Scotland news Morrisons excuse for not stocking The National is “Wait for it” they don’t have enough room and would have to move other papers, but will review their decision at a later date


“Dan Huil says:
24 November, 2014 at 1:16 pm

Bit disappointed there was no racing pages.”

Now, I’m sure that there’s someone who could fill that gap…

Willie Hogg

At first read I agree that it is a good product that will get better. However, it seems to me that it is more designed to return ex-labour Yes voters to the labour fold than enlighten No voters to Scotland’s possibilities! What with its article bigging up Brown as the architect of all previous constitutional change and STUC and RIC attacks on the SNP.


It works for me, and I’m glad it doesn’t fill space with TV, crosswords etc. It’s not that sort of paper.

We are all largely non paper buyers. But I’ll happily buy this one again. Every article is worth a read with little frivolous guff. We can get our TV etc in SunHer. And there’s no Gardham. Result.

It was a good read in the hospital waiting rooms, and available at our wee independent newsagent in Strathaven. No problems with digital edition either.

Welcome The National, looking forward to more, and far beyond this week. Might even change my moniker, or maybe not.

Harry McAye

Got mine in Sainsburys, Hamilton. Had to hunt for it though, not on their big news stand, not even on any of the smaller side panels, one of which was empty! It was at the bottom of a separate stand a few yards away from the papers, where it would be easy to miss. Went to check nearby Morrisons, nowhere to be seen.

Not too impressed but early days. I will buy it for the rest of the week. If you want a good football section, looking back to the weekend’s action, then it’s a total flop and you will want to buy another paper on top of this one. I agree about changing the “supports an independent Scotland” but the cat is out of the bag now.


Got my NATIONAL this morning, haven’t had time to digest it in full. Been a busy morning.
Got it no problem at all. Ordered it at the newsagent where I used to buy my papers a year or so ago. Ordered it on Saturday as soon as I learned about it, and whilst on my way to the Hydro.
Signing off now to have an in depth read. Cheerio ????.



I take your point but I think your last sentence sums up why a lot of people don’t like the tagline – it could give the impression that it’s for a “fringe” group and so therefore risks being disregarded as a biased, propaganda rag by many of the people who really need to see the other side of the coin. Like I said, I’d have preferred The Herald or someone just went back to first principles and started to do some proper journalism like they used to but that’s not going to happen, it seems, so I’m just delighted it’s here.

Personally, I’m not too fussed; I’m just happy that there’s a newspaper that I can read now! But I can see why people don’t think the tagline isn’t a good idea going forward. But, hey, isn’t it great that we’re now getting to debate about a pro-indy paper?! This time last week, who’da thunk it?! It’s wonderful.


@Dr Jim
“…but will review their decision at a later date”

Yep, as soon as they find out whether they’re going to lose business over it or not.
If so, no doubt they’ll start stocking it and say they were in favour of it all along!

One thing I hate worse than people who are openly biased, is people who pretend to support both sides just to try and curry favour with everyone…

Dr Jim

Call me an old cynic and i certainly hope this is a genuine attempt to launch a much needed paper, but, because of previous form by all MSM i hope this paper was’nt designed to fail so once again the Brits give themselves something else to say about the “You lost get over it” stuff

Chris Cairns

My thanks to all who’ve punted me and Greg Moodie at The National (maybe I should have tempered my feedback a little!)

My concerns remain, however. DC Thompson had a similar ‘soft launch’ of The Stooshie earlier this year and it sank within months leaving barely a ripple in the Scottish media pond. I am greatly concerned that a lack of commercial faith in this exercise could condemn it to a similar fate.
Of course I support it. Of course it’s way, way better than nothing. But if we turn a blind eye to the many and obvious shortcomings of it as a product we’re only kidding ourselves.
For the avoidance of doubt I have ordered all five pilot editions and will herewithforth-like desist from bad-mouthing it.
Just saying.


If the big supermarkets are playing silly buggers and not selling the National then I’m sure Aldi and Lidl will easily take up the cudgel

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Oneironaut.

Here’s a quote from the story about The National’s launch in The Courier:-

“Mr Walker told BBC Radio Scotland: “We haven’t employed staff on a permanent level because clearly it’s a five-day trial but once that trial is over and, as I’m confident will happen, we continue, then yeah, we’ll be employing new people. For me this is about creating jobs.””

link to

Nana Smith


SNP’s Drew Hendry to stand against Danny Alexander

Brian Doonthetoon

Apologies for forgetting the closing html tags.



We all want independence to become a mainstream thought, I’d actually suggest that it already is, with 1.6 million people opting for it, I’d say it isn’t a ‘fringe’ group at all.

PLUS, what better way to normalise it even more?


Sold out in my town and our local newsagent only got 8 copies and all were sold early doors. I have ordered mine for the rest of the week, anything Gardham free must be good.


gardennat says @11.53 : The National

According to the paper’s circulation department ASDA, Tesco, Morrisons & M&s refused to stock it.

Wingers know what to do…… complain and when you are at it mention the unnecessary union jack packaging on fruit and veg produce which is bad for the environment as well as for my blood pressure.

@1.30 pm Chris Cairns says: your concerns are justified .. check out the lack of advertising in the newspaper. That will be the key.


Our Imperial masters at Pacific Quay usual empty tosh

“While some may say they have stopped buying a newspaper because of its politics or stance on independence, there are clearly far wider factors at work in the long-term decline of the market.

If The National becomes permanent, can it become a significant contributor to wider public life? Or will it simply serve a niche audience and be ignored by everyone else?”

BBC liggers certainly saved teamGB but their future is not bright in Scotland. So PFI debt mountain that is their big glass box of NO should be public knowledge for example. Did we have any say in their £500 million debt splurge move from Queen Margaret drive? Ofcourse not etc


The National will succeed or fail only on one criteria – demand. At the end of the day it is a product. If the product pleases its target market it will be bought and so long as it makes money for its publisher it will be produced.

Now it has to be borne in mind that this is a market test. The publishers and editor will be looking for feedback, not just sales figures. If the sales are good enough and the market reaction is more positive than negative, then we have our voice in the market. But ultimately we, its target market, decide whether this title succeeds or fails.

Derick fae Yell

starlaw says: 24 November, 2014 at 12:24 pm

Bought my copy in Asda Livingston, from the same box on newstand where Scotsman used to be, National also on sale at small newsagents at other end of the Centre.”

Sold out at lunchtime.


I bought the second last copy in my local newsagents.

Mcleod's Ghost

I have to second Doug Daniel’s point. The vast majority of readers on this site have no need to read a new newspaper in order to understand the bias of the mainstream media. Wings/Twitter/Facebook has done a fine job in revealing that 🙂

However, the whole point as far as I can see it, is that we need to make sure this is a success in order that the people who are not aware of the bias and scaremongering have an alternative source of information. The people who only read the Daily Record and watch BBC News 24 will end up voting for the UK/Labour once again because they don’t know any better. The comforting fa(e)ces on BBC News will have told them to do so.

To that end, if you manage to get your hands on a copy make sure you pass it on to a ‘No’ voter for free, especially those without Internet. If you’re getting a free paper you may read it, but if you’ve got hee haw else to do you’ll most definitely read it. Remember some people don’t have/use internet but it didn’t stop them voting. And who might you vote for if you had no ‘unfiltered’ alternative ideas being presented to you.

In time perhaps the National can fill the gaps with the expected content of a newspaper but hopefully it will maintain the lack of celebrities with their arses hanging oot. This newspaper could be crucial come election time in 6 months. I’ve got my copy and will be passing it on to a ‘No’ voter!


Oh, and on the lack of advertising. The size of the readership draws advertisers and as a brand new title which has been essentially put together in a matter of weeks, I’d have been stunned had anyone put together a sales drive for a market test.

Advertising follows readership figures. Big numbers attract big advertisers.


At 9.52am this morning I posted a lengthy comment on the Aneurin Bevan story giving my views on the 1st Edition and thoughts on what could make it a great paper with a long future.

Being a lazy sod I don’t feel like typing it all over again but would be intersted in the thoughts of others in particular as regards what I suggested for the future of the paper.


I’m a bit disappointed at some of the criticism for the new National.

It may not be brilliant but I think we have to support it.

The editor was saying he didn’t know if he was coming or going as they have been working round the clock to get this out.

So that sounds to me like they have been coming up against some opposition to the idea of this newspaper.

I think we should live with the problems this week and as others have suggested it should improve.

The editor is asking for feedback, so the people who want crosswords etc could mention that.

I an going to suggest guest columnists such as the Rev, WGD and others.

Tam Jardine

Happy to buy the National everyday from now on – and I’d rather pay 50p for something more condensed than £1.20 or £1.30 for a padded out unionist rag.

One thing missing is the contribution of some of our more talented Wingers – and you know who you are. I don’t want to list for fear of missing someone out but there are some amazing bloggers and citizen journalists on here who could find a wider audience. Stu hardly needs this but I hope there are articles in the pipeline from this community.


A very O/T here. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Bugger? Where is the Panda?


Stu-2 good mentions for Wings in Graun today

Lesley Riddoch-Wings is provocative & more influential than many news columnists (paraphrasing here) forgot to record exact wording! Then she went on to praise Bella & their plans for future. She also said the Indy online offerings were better than the regular journalists efforts.

She certainly wound up the nae sayers on CIF but Hand & Shrimp, Rolfe the ganger & a couple of others are manfully keeping them at bay. CIF has gone downhill badly in recent months so I’ve almost given up on it but the articles & responses have made me laugh at their obvious discomfiture.

At least with Wings you don’t find the abuse that CIF attracts. Perhaps thats why I visited & stayed.

Well done Mr Provocative & Influential 🙂 I love that-thanks Lesley 🙂


@Kirsty: I take your point but I think your last sentence sums up why a lot of people don’t like the tagline – it could give the impression that it’s for a “fringe” group and so therefore risks being disregarded as a biased, propaganda rag by many of the people who really need to see the other side of the coin.

It’s going to be disregarded as a biased, propaganda rag anyway. Every single time a business, publication or individual has come out for Yes, they’ve been dismissed as SNP fronts. Labour for Indy, Business for Scotland, the Weirs, all claimed to be brainwashed or in the pocket of Alex Salmond. That still happens with the Sunday Herald, and it wasn’t even an explicitly pro-independence paper: it was a paper that happened to be pro-independence. Right now, I think we need a paper that’s unambiguously pro-independence, and that goes for a tagline too. If it sells, then it shows that we are not, in fact, a “fringe” group, but a significant proportion of the population.

Believe me, even if it was a paper that claimed to be completely unbiased, it would be called an SNP front just because it wouldn’t toe the “SNP bad/separatism bad/vile cybernats” line. Hell, would you believe even the BBC have been accused of being in Alex Salmond’s pocket? THAT’S what we’re up against. There’s nothing we can say that won’t be turned into accusations of propaganda or state publishing.

@Dr Jim: Call me an old cynic and i certainly hope this is a genuine attempt to launch a much needed paper, but, because of previous form by all MSM i hope this paper was’nt designed to fail so once again the Brits give themselves something else to say about the “You lost get over it” stuff

I wouldn’t put it past them, but if it does, it just proves our point, doesn’t it?

@Nana Smith: SNP’s Drew Hendry to stand against Danny Alexander

It has begun!


OK – here goes. Please take the following as constructive criticism – I’m hugely pleased to have a newspaper that I can be bothered to comment on at all….

1) It’s basically Sunday Herald lite. Not surprising considering how it was put together, but needs to evolve its own character as soon as possible

2) Agree with Stu about the subbing. But that can be cleaned up once there’s less pressure.

3) Far too heavy in tone & content for a daily tabloid. OK for politics freaks, but just not enough news, humour, gossip, for everyone else

4) Centre spread pretty landscape picture is a disaster unless they use better quality newsprint or repro – which they won’t be able to afford. Waste of space.

5) Very intelligent use of agency copy – especially on the foreign news & sports front. Deliberate effort to look for stuff other papers won’t be using

6) Far too many profiles for one edition (foreign, business, sport). Suggests lack of good home-sourced copy. Share profiles out across week would be better.

7) I’d like to see far more pull quotes. If you have a heavy article, a good pull quote can make people want to read, even where a headline doesn’t. Look at the article on Valerie Trierweller. The header’s wrong anyway, but that quote about “These are the mysteries of love” should be right out there.

8) Poor headlines on the whole (a subbing problem)eg ‘Israeli military kills Palestinian’, just makes me think – so what’s new? Whereas ‘Israelis shoot Songbird searcher’ (or similar) at least gives an angle.

9) Very good use of straplines & strong sense of continuity. You always know where you are.

10) No story on back page – just a pic & a full column puff is a mistake.

All these things can be cleaned up once the title becomes permanent…

Meanwhile, in best traditions of citizen journalism, we could help out by sending copy – especially little 100 word snippets of what’s happening – funny, sad, or just news. They may never use them – but the more copy they get, the more choice they have.


Muttley, the Panda was in the Counting House on Saturday. I don’t know how long it will take him to get home.


Like a divvy – I clicked the ‘view’ option on Sunday night after subscribing for 5 copies and used 1 on the empty cover – D’oh!

Flower of Scotland

Got my copy of the National in my wee co op, which isn’t renowned for stocking the best. They had a few left, so bought one for my son too. Heard some folk discussing it so at least it has been noticed. It’s actually great to have a paper copy. I’ve enjoyed it but agree, I don’t like the Independence tag. However we have to give it a chance and I’m willing to do just that.


Larkhall Co-op and local newsagents had a few copies left. Bought one from each.


@ muttley79

I’ve just emailed him.


As I was saying, give the guy a break!

link to

Alan Mackintosh

@ Nana Smith , 1.35pm
Not correct, Drew may have put himself forward, but he and any other candidates still have to be approved by National Committee and then nominated by Branch. Whoever is saying this is jumping the gun. The date for nominations is still not even closed.


I don’t think it should attempt to be a nationalist tabloid to replace the Daily Record. In Norway the better papers attempt to be mid-brow rather than high brow, but no paper taking itself seriously should attempt to be low brow. I think they got the level just about right. I like the lack of crap for dummies. But there is lighter weight in other items, like the big pictures of attractive landscapes.

One thing I would like to see on that front (pretty pictures of Scotland) is to have more items that makes the central belt aware of the diversity of Scotland and its communities from Yarrow to Yell. As that will help to build a more united sense of ourselves.


Has anyone else managed to subscribe from abroad, specifically USA? I tried twice and it said the BillingState field is required. I filled in everything except my phone number (not required).

Dr Ew

Well, I purchased the first issue from my local shop this lunchtime when there were 6 or 7 copies left from an original batch of 20, according to the assistant. Not bad for a wee village of about 1,000 folk served by three other outlets for newspapers.

Yes, it needs dressed up with crosswords, cartoons and columnists and a lot of sharpening up on the subbing, but we all appreciate newspapers take time to develop their style and character, especially one conceived and launched in such haste. For me this was a solid start with plenty to encourage hope for a longer-term run. Beyond its stated declaration for independence I thought the concise and clear-eyed analyses of policies, along with the absence of deferential tone and lack of drivel on TV shows, celebs, etc. helped make it sound like something we canould get behind.

So, 50p each day the National – a good bet for the future, yeah?


Subscribed to the online version and have only managed to read a few pages but so far so good. Signing up wasn’t the smoothest process but its also not the worst and Im sure they will get it sorted out in due course. To be fair I don’t even think the tagline is accurate – the content doesn’t scream Indy great, Union bad – it merely provides what most other papers fail to – factual, balanced anaylsis of Scottish (and international) politics – its simply a breath of fresh air – and I’m confident there’s a strong appetite for such content amongst both Yes and No voting Scots – if anything the plummeting circulation of every other title is proof of this.

ronnie anderson

@ Conan T Librarian. Keep us posted on the Panda,could be he,s traveling back to France today,silly auld Bugger was mixing his drinks on Sat nite. Lager n Wine dont go together.


Got a copy this morning, bit lightweight not just in tonnage, but cheap and some good articles. Not exactly earth shattering but a good contribution.

Fully intend to buy a copy every day this week and see what happens. Might as well, rest of the Dailys are completely shite.



Yes, I know. All I said was that I could understand why some people didn’t like the tagline, whilst I personally wasn’t fussed. I can see their point, just like I think your point is valid too. I, personally, really don’t think it’s that big of an issue – people can buy the paper or not, as they see fit but I can see that some people might be concerned that people who aren’t already pro-indy will simply disregard The National if they believe it to be biased – and it’s the non-internet, print newspaper market that we’d like to reach.

Like I said, I think it was a great start to a new endeavour and it’s great that we now have a pro-indy newspaper to discuss. I’m also pleased that I now have a paper with world news *le gasp* in it.

Jim Thomson

Good to see the range of opinions here but, what is needed is for those opinions to be sent to

Constructive criticism as well as sensible suggestions for an enlarged higher quality (look, volume and feel) are what’s needed.

I think they’ll have got the message about proof-reading by now but (again), content will probably need to be tolerated until the five day trial is finished and they can fully assess the feedback from readers of the hard copy as well as the on-line edition (that I still can’t access – no e-mailed reset password yet – 2 hours on!).

Based on @Brian Doonthetoon’s 1:34pm comment about the Courier’s content, I hope the National doesn’t resort to listening to the BBC for copy 😛

Bugger (the Panda)

Muttley 79

I am in glasgow today and fly back tomorrow.

I was at the Hydro on Saturday.


@ Ronnie, he’s at Glasgow airport.


Danger of being regarded as a newspaper for a fringe! There are 1.6 million of us as potential National Daily customers, and rising. Meanwhile our local newsagent is down to a dozen Scotsman newspapers per day, I’d call that a newspaper for a fringe.Ideally when the Scotsman newspaper eventually dies the title rights can be purchased. Great title, shit paper.

I’ll buy the hard copy of the National, adds to visibility, and hopefully curiosity as Joe Public sees it on newstands. Calling it the Grand National might up sales a bit? Mebbe Aye, mebbe neigh.


B T P, Misread your email; my grandbairns have given me the lurgy, haven’t slept since Saturday.


Onwards says:-

“It’s important to keep this alive, at least until the next elections.” I’m with you Onwards all the way.

Nit-pickers – please. No matter how imperfect the National is, it is a million times better than nothing.

If anyone doesn’t like it, tell the Editor, Richard Walker why you don’t like it with suggestions for improvement.
Get positive! – and ditch perfectionism.

5 days? Pah! I’ll be sticking with it.


Well, been around most of the places in Stevenston and Saltcoats that sell newspapers of any description.

No sign of The National in any of them…

Not sure if they’re all refusing to stock it or if they just don’t even know it exists.


They’re on ebay at 8 quid a pop 🙂

link to

ronnie anderson

Settle doon Childer it the 1st pulication of the National, Doug/Kininvie & others are right give it a chance & thank the Herald staff for taking the chance on a new publication.

No doupt the Herald & other newspapers will be scaning WOS for comments, not forgeting our favourite national broadcaster Beep Beep & I hope the National do a story on Bbc bias.

Oneironaut/Tam Jardine, Yes we have a wealth of talent on WOS
who I hope to see in the near future Chris& Greg ( cartoons)
WGD & our own Taranaich ( ma brogues ur polished Alan )& Morag,s bought a big fish (tae save her damaging her hand )

BTW I was buying 6 but put 1 back on the shelf in my local shop (they only had 6),tomorrow I,ll buy 2 .

The Herald should print of leaflets to advertize the paper
for us to distrabute anybodys up for Emailing that suggestion.


10 quid a pop

link to

Suzanne K

I thought it was a fresh, well thought out first edition. The only thing missing is a daily Chris Cairns cartoon.
That would make it perfect for me.


@ Nana Smith

A number of sources in fact suggest Drew Hendry is one of four people nominated by the Inverness and Narn SNP. Two other councillors have also been mentioned. Although I think he’ll be favourite, it probably won’t be decided for a few weeks.

Re: The National

It gives me a warm glow to know that most people have been buying the paper in their local newsagents rather than Tesco, etc. The money’s better spent there than in your Asdas, Lidls, Morrisons, etc.


One comment made to me was that a double page on Scotland’s rugby team rather than the racing driver might have been better, though I suppose it’s not every week there’s a world championship decided.


Having trouble with the online edition? Try this –


Bought mine today, and will continue to do so, particularly liked the story of the six new women’s independence groups that have been set up,in Troon, and nearby areas, bringing the total nationally to an amazing 150 groups.

Did we really lose the referendum?


Just bought 2 in Asda Hamilton.

Loads if copies there if anyone is looking.

On the normal news stand in the centre.



Did you have a good trip?


Popped into the new TESCO in Dunfermline this morning at about 6.50 and they did not have any Nationals available. Just the normal Suns, Records, Mails and loads and loads of the Dunfie Press.

Have to wait until I get home to see if the wee corner shop has any


I had the same problem, with TESCO I wonder if its deliberate, afterall most of the other titles would love to see it fail.

I got mine from the corner shop.


Gordon Brown in parliament 20 years ago;

Decommissioned submarines have their highly radioactive nuclear fuel removed, and sent to the BNFL site at Sellafield. The reactor is left in place within the hull. Mr Brown said: ‘We will not allow the Rosyth area to be frozen by nuclear dumping or becoming a nuclear graveyard. The Government proposals cannot be allowed to go ahead.’

link to

The preferred option for long term storage of high grade nuclear waste from 2040 is deep seabed storage. Another reason why oil exploration has been kept away from the West coast of Scotland.

Deep-burial will involve drilling 1,000 metres down into rock shown by geological surveys to offer stability, then inserting nuclear waste in secure jacket containers and sealing up the facility. It is obvious how many points of potential failure exist in such a proposed procedure. We know that Scotland’s seabed south of the archipelago of the Isle of Barra has shown the sort of geological reassurance the MoD is looking for. And we know that the imperial mindset will always look to dispose of risk in what are perceived as the colonies.

There is much more in the article much of it of great concern. Westminster is toying, once again with Scotland which will become the world’s largest nuclear dump over the next few years. What a legacy to leave our children.

link to


Could do with a betting section with a decent pundit who can pick a few winners, that’d pull the Record readers on-side.


There is a story going round that Tesco, Asda, Morrison’s and M&S have refused to stock the paper. People’s experiences seem to back that up.

Sainsbury’s is something else – nobody seems quite sure whether they’re having trouble with the bar code or whether they’ve really been told not to sell it. Some people have reported being able to buy it in Sainsbury’s.

The Co-op seems to have it reliably, and most independent corner shops.

Source, twitter.


@ Cod (1.14pm).

Thank you.

Re, ‘The National’ – will do what i can to help it flourish.

First copy today will be kept and stored with my WBB but all
future copies i purchase will be read and then strategically
given a new home.

PS: One or two wee suggestions on improvements being sent in.
But all in all, quite pleased with it. I’m looking at it as our
new wee baby, it’s just appeared and trying to find its feet
and establish itself. It will make a few mistakes but it’s down
to us, its guardians, to help support and nurture it on to success.
But at the first sign of a sh!tty nappy, i’ll drop it.

Jon D

” Och, A dinnae like the way it’s overtly pluggin’ thon Independence” seems to be a theme throughout this thread.

Well, here’s a wee tip.

Stuff it inside a porny mag, and then up yer jumper when yoos get outside and you can read it under the covers wi’ a torch when everyone’s gone oot.

One may on occasion wonder why we get labelled winging Jocks.

This is day one of a publication that seems to be trying hard.


Schrödinger's cat

Local news agent sold out 10 by 11am
Local coop stil had 5left at 14.00

Betty Boop

@ Roughian, 11:14am

My wife tried to buy a copy today in Sainsbury’s, Denny.
Told they had them in stock but couldn’t sell them and waiting for instructions from head office.

Read a comment on Facebook about the barcode in Sainsbury not scanning, but, the newspaper was sold simply by putting it through as a 50p sale on the till.

It isn’t really that difficult, is it?


Judging from Wossers experiences today in finding the National it would seem the smaller shops have outdone the big boys on the block. Great to see it. This is why we need diversity in our towns/cities


I welcome this publication, I sat not 30 ft from Mr Walker, I detected no hint of insincerity or duplicity when he spoke at the Hydro in front of 12,000 people, it would have taken a broon or darling to be that two faced.
On a personal note, I miss reading a newspaper. Like many, I stopped buying them when I could no longer tolerate the lies and propaganda being pushed as truth and fact. At the moment, I am just glad there is a publication aimed at me, cognisant of my politics, and hopefully give a voice to the many disparate opinions within our movement.
I for one have no concerns, regarding whether this paper will appeal to NO voters, it may in the future be where they seek alternative info when the reality of Fracking, pension reform and the assault on social services begins to effect those that thought they were immune.
It is often commented here and elsewhere about those without access to online info, relying entirely on the public broadcasters and msm. I met quite a few elderly yes voters who still buy the record etc because they have no alternative, if you know any, it might be worth contacting them to let them know this is available.


Having managed to sit down and read my NATIONAL, I enjoyed having a news paper to read again and having done so enjoyed the content.
I am not a news paper buff by any means. Far from it. But having read some, not all, of the comments of you lot, here on Wings, who appear to be either professionally adept in the business of hard copy media, or at least give that impression. Can I presume to advise?.
Give it a break for heaven’s sake.It’s the first edition and the people involved must have worked their socks off to get it out to us.
We’ve been begging for something like this for months. We’ve now got. Get behind it. If you have ideas to suggest how it could be improved. React to the invitation to do so within the Editorial column.
This HAS to succeed. I’ll play my part by buying it every day it hits the news stand.


The way NewsNetScotland is going I would rather give my money to the National


I was a bit more than 30 feet from Mr. Walker but not much, and basically, what Golfnut said.


It’s a good first edition.

I’d clearly ditch the sports pages for a science & technologies column, but eh! I’ve no doubt the former is way more attractive than the latter!


“Morag says:
24 November, 2014 at 3:28 pm
There is a story going round that Tesco, Asda, Morrison’s and M&S have refused to stock the paper. People’s experiences seem to back that up.”

I checked Tesco in Stirling about 8.15 and 2.30. No sign of it on the newsstand. Picked up the 2nd last copy in W.H. Smith’s at the back of 11.00 (whatever that might signify). Left it amongst other public papers in one of the local cafes.


Call from Neil Mackay asking for feedback on National via Twitter earlier. Lots of good feedback & I suggested they check out Wings page today for further individual reviews

Chic McGregor

We were about 15 feet from Mr Walker, ditto. He is sincere.


Aye,me too,I subscribed for a week by text,nothing doing though. Tried to track it down but no joy,no emails or text messages with details,just one after I paid telling me I had 5 days access and no other details.


I thought that was a pretty decent first issue given the constraints.

I’ll be back for more. 🙂


Someone here earlier said the 2 page spread of a landscape was a waste of space. I don’t agree-for me it’s a reminder of what I’m missing. But it could be improved by putting a large font comment underneath saying Does anyone want to frack here? Could be the start of a series! Just a reminder of what’s to come & what Scots stand to lose.

Just a thought.


Regarding Sainsbury’s and barcodes, it’s not surprising, getting barcodes on a system can be difficult for retailers ar times, a small bane for suppliers like me.

Tesco and Morrisons having cut hundreds of lines were probably reluctant to bother for a 5 day trial, but would have to take it later on. Silly of them, having got bad publicity over the ref (whether justified or not) it would have been sensible to make amends to what is now 50% of their customers base, and it’s not the pennies on a newspaper, nor the relative pennies on cigarettes or tobacco, it’s the bottle of juice, the sandwich, the packet of non-multipack crips and bar of chocolate, they’re potentially turning their backs on tghousands of early morning customers, the regional manager should be given a bollocking.

Spar is a little strange, but I expect they’ll pick up on it soon.

I agree about a crossword, puzzles, a cartoon, hopefully they’ll come later. The regular SH / Herald journalists may actually not be able to contribute withough a regular contract, so perhaps may come after the successful week’s trial. I hope they don’t include the idiot Torrance and the nutter McLeod. Personally I enjoy reading Gardham!


Waitrose in Edinburgh is stocking it. Not had time to read it yet.


I got mine at the local Co-op, having checked yesterday that they would be stocking it. They had received an e-mail (I wasn’t told where from) and expected 1 or 2 copies. There were in fact about 10 when I went in and bought 4; 1 to keep and 3 to give away this evening. I repositioned it in a more visible place.

I then visited someone to make sure he had seen it and he bought 2 more – the checkout assistant commented on this, so maybe she will also have a look. I’m hopeful that word will get round the village.

A while ago the Co-op started to stock a couple of copies of the Morning Star, which I occasionally bought, and the non-scanning barcode problem recurred time after time – but they were still able to sell it to me, so Sainsburys etc are just being difficult.


Everyone should try and buy the paper copy…otherwise it will end up as an online version only. We’ve already got online support.

We need a hard copy in the shop every day.

I read mine, then left it in the barbers. I’d encourage everyone else to try and leave their copy in a public place, workplace, pub, train bus etc.

I appreciate this tactic of leaving stuff lying around may not suit the greens, but they should lie back and think of Indy.


Anyone having difficulty getting the online National subscription from the text try going here:

link to

Enter your email and the password digitaleditions you’ll then be asked to fill in a bit more info.

If your email registration is correct that should get you in.


It’s seriously weird reading a newspaper that has Scottish people front and centre. The more support this gets the better. We need to normalise being able to read the news through the prism of our own nation rather than having it handed to us as backwards provincials


Libby Brooks on Twitter just now said @I’m hearing National print run tomorrow being increased to 100,000 to meet demand’

What great news 🙂


Signed up for the weeks online version, read the first issue. Overall very positive. Yes, would have preferred a PayPal option.

Alan Mackintosh

Just got my copy in Beauly, They were on the second shelf so had to actually look hard to find it. They’re on the top shelf now in full view…
I emailed them last night to suggest they modify their banner to include Shetland in the image of scotland. It doesnt do us any favours when “Scotland” is portrayed as the mainland and only the near lying islands, in terms of encouraging the Northern Isles to feel part of the country. They didnt reply…

Bill McLean

The Sunday Herald has more than doubled it’s circulation without mentioning in its tagline that it supports Independence. Many unionists still buy the Sunday Herald – we were all taught comprehension at school that’s why. Supports Scotland would have been a better tagline for the National – inclusive and after all most unionists want the best for Scotland as well.


I haven’t read it yet, working night and to bed after buying the couple of copies, but I had a quick look and it looks OK, a little bland but it’ll take time to give it the individual character it’ll need.

What I like most was the front cover, “more powers” and “vow”, as by that it appeas to a chunk of the 55% who voted NO for more powers. In other words it’s going straight in at the deep end to try to help get some of the 55% on the same side of the 45%, neccessary for the next referendum to return a substantial YES.

The SH did have some “anti-indy” articles to provide a balance, I hope The National does the same. But I also hope, unlike most daily’s, it brings in some analysis columns, so rather than just repeating the usual IFS / OBR press release, it reads the damn things and analyses what the data and even the executive summaries say, rather than the pro-union media spin of a pro-union press release.

I liked the full page ad from the YES bar, the young woman did tell me on Saturday after me and son came back from the Hydro, they’d taken one out, as I asked to leave a small pile of the flyers on the bar (on top of the fruit box!). We had a pint of 45 of course.

Robert Kerr

“The Newspaper That Supports An Independent Scotland”

That’s what it says on the front.

But they LOST. Didn’t they?

Really good thinking outside the nine dots once more.

Jim Thomson

Sainsbury’s taking a bit of a panning on their FaceBook page
link to


A good indication of how wee The National does is how much the likes of the Daily Mail ignores it. They’re terrified of invoking the Streisand Effect.


Didn’t manage to get to the shops until about 4pm so had a quick look in Sainsbury’s just to check and there was no sign of the Independent.

I was intending to buy it in a local newsagents in Clarkston Rd, Glasgow, so went to the nearest one.

They were advertising it on a billboard outside and there was a large pile left inside.

This is Jim Murphy’s constituency though but was a bit disappointed that there were so many left.
Thinking about it now, I should have bought more


I hadn’t realised until now how stressful it was for me to real a ‘normal’ biased newspaper, but my stress level just dropped right down reading the National. My god, what the feel of freedom is. How much better you feel not tensing yourself against something hostile to you all the time.

‘For freedom is a noble thing, it maks a man to have lyking’.


Freudian slip, that should have been The National.

Jim Thomson

@Alan Mackintosh 4:37pm

I emailed them last night to suggest they modify their banner to include Shetland in the image of scotland. It doesnt do us any favours when “Scotland” is portrayed as the mainland and only the near lying islands, in terms of encouraging the Northern Isles to feel part of the country. They didnt reply…

I agree with the inclusion of the northern Isles. The Yes Shetland group are extremely active and deserve to have some reward, regardless of how small.

As for the “They didn’t reply” bit, I suspect that they are a wee bit snowed under with the e-mail avalanche they’ll be under right now. I’ve sent them my constructive critique with a few suggestions thrown in for good measure 😉 I’ve also requested a password reset for my subscription to the on-line one and had zero response. Not fretting though because, if it’s a success, even an “lost” £1.50 will be worth it. 😛

Jim Thomson

@Devorgilla 4:52pm

That’s also a danger. Normalising a reader’s perception so that it can be manipulated at a later stage. Don’t get too complacent. Enjoy the good feeling while it lasts.

Jim Thomson

@Me 4:58pm

Jeez, learn to read your typos before you press send.

(I’m sure you’ll all be able to work out what I actually meant to type [groan])


Confirmed all 60,000 today sold out, print run increase to 100,000 tomorrow:

link to


Everyone, ask for it to be bought by your local library.


Dubious ad on page five, HYDRACRAT?

Their website is vague. Anyone with knowledge of the drilling industry know if this company could be utilised in frackng operations?


The Shell station on the Edinburgh bypass had 20 copies, but only 2 left at 1pm.
Agree that’ some lighter content needed but a good first day.


Picked up a copy at a local corner shop.

First opinions:
Surprised at how lightweight it felt.
But then again its only 50p.

And technically, the bold typeface in some articles, seems a bit too ‘bold’, or hard to read against the dark gray background boxes.

But some pretty good content overall.
As others have said it will improve when they add the usual TV listings, puzzles etc.
And bulk out the content for sports, entertainment etc.

Readers letters start tomorrow and that’s normally the most interesting part of a newspaper for me.

For a paper that will be read by many in the Scottish government it may be a nice touch to add a readers ‘Suggestions’ page, with ideas on how to make the country better.

And keep readers updated with new Scottish property and business developments.

Few people actually buy a newspaper for news anymore. Its more about opinions, analysis and commentators.

Some more humour and light hearted pieces would be good to see. Things like the Tom Shields/Ken Smith Diary section in the Herald.

The View from Australia / Scots living abroad section was a nice touch.

As was the centre spread photo – although it may be better if they had 2 or 4 readers photos of the day, instead of splitting one in half with the dividing line.

Geoff Huijer

A welcome addition.

Let’s hope it stays celebrity gossip & scandal free.


Bought a copy on the way to work, this morning. I had to search for it though, buried beneath lesser publications.
It’s a good read, so far, hope it continues to be so.

Betty Boop

Noticed there were still some on the shelves in the Co-op in Troon and the petrol station in Loans. The newsagent in Ayr Street in Troon also had them. Good on the wee guys – support your local shops.

Re the newspaper itself – I like the size. Good for reading in trains and on a bus. It is intelligent and I like the news presented from a Scottish perspective – the Herald was beginning to fail in this respect the last time I picked up a copy many, many months ago.

Flower of Scotland

@Jon D 3.33pm

Of coarse we all love the ” independence ” tag but we do not need to be converted! If we want the NOs to consider buying the National it might be a good idea to drop the Independent tag!

donald anderson

here is a printout form for those venders that are refusing to stock it. Inundate them. I am seriously thinking of organising a boycott of my local SPAR’

comment image

Jamie Arriere

The National sold out at my local shop and there was a guy on a bike pedalling round all the shops looking for it (4 shops so far) with no luck.

This appeared on my timeline – seems a bit of bother with Sainsbury’s in Glasgow

link to

Alan Mackintosh

@ Jim Thomson, I didnt expect them to answer, or at least not quickly. I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek, but not evident in my post. Have read a fair bit of it and seems ok as a start. I don’t normally even buy a paper so they’ve managed to tempt me so far.

Betty Boop

Another couple of thoughts on the National.

I don’t think it should state on the front that it supports an independent Scotland given that the people who really NEED to read it are those who don’t have faith in Scotland’s potential. Had a problem advertising a meeting because of similar sentiments in a name, so a worthy effort might be ignored by a large section of society. I reckon that it should probably say something like “supports Scotland’s aspirations” or similar.

Also, there a couple of articles, “Scots face real threat…” and “Scots tackle Ebola” which made me wonder why we need to say “Scots anything…”. I think there can be few countries where people need reminding who they are. Then I remembered that, given some of the nauseating subservience to their “betters” from no voters which proved the Scottish cringe is alive and well, some folk just might need reminding that they are Scots.


I bought mine in our local Coop and agree that it was a good read and promising start.


How the National styles itself will become less important.
If the content is good the readership will steadily increase.

Brian S

My local newsagents in Dundee City Centre had around 20 copies first thing this morning. Bought 5 and covered the DR with the remaining. Have left the ones I purchaced on buses, in coffee shops & at the hospital staff canteen throughout the day. Plan to continue to spread the news throughout the week.

Alex Clark

@donald anderson

Nice job.


Brian S @ 5:59 pm

A bit sneaky, Brian, but I like it!

Hug a NO voter – with a copy of the National!


Just contacted Sainsburys about what their postion is regarding The National.

Having just joined Sainburys Energy supply, I really need to know if are going to keeping getting £2000 a year from me.


I am surprised by the attitude of those who are glad that there is none of the usual football,soaps, celebrity and titillation crap.

Surely the whole point of the paper as far as those of us who support Independence is to have a paper that will help to convert NOs to YESs and to do that it will be necessary to drag NO’s and Maybes away from the Record and the other Unionist Red Tops not just attract readers from The Herald, Scotsman, Courier, P&J and Daily Mail – having a paper that just preaches to the converted won’t do much to bring Independence.

David Stevenson

The National sold out in the newsagent on Cambuslang Main St. Don’t know how many they had though. Will try on the way to work tomorrow rather than on the way home!

Some Unionist tube playing the”Pravda” card in the Metro letters page today. Getting the retaliation in early. Scared of any opposition. They are on the run.


Although I am never likely to be in a position to acquire a printed copy as I live well beyond any reasonable distribution area (as per Rev Stu) I felt the paper was definitely worth supporting and purchased the initial online subscription. However the presentation is appalling if one is using a small screen PC or notebook – one is forever scrolling up/down left/right zooming in/out. Unless the format is changed to make it as easy to read as other on-line newspapers I cannot see myself continuing with a subscription, regardless of how much my subs might help finance the running of a printed edition as there are numerous other worthwhile indy communication channels in need of income. If these are easier to read/view then they will be the sources who get my support.


Not available in Sainsbury’s Newton Stewart of the local high street newsagent

Chic McGregor

I suggested on twitter that they drop the ‘supporting indy’ tag pointing out that the opposition don’t have an ‘anti-indy’ tag.

Also suggested TV, weather, crossword and eventually horse racing, lifestyle etc. And, I think important, a ‘Best of the Net’ section.

My digital sub was ready to use this morning.

Also bought 4 because there is a Yes meeting tonight and some folk probably didn’t get one.


After reading somewhere earlier on this thread that Barrat’s on Byres Rd were getting restocked with National’s at about 3pm I went down there to see if I could get one. Sold out.

Tried another few newsagents – screw the supermarkets – all SOLD OUT. One shop owner an obvious Yesser as he had a big wide grin on his face as he informed me that he’d been sold out since 9am.

o/t tory scum slag bitch Teresa May says we’re facing the biggest terror threat EVER!!! Oooooo I’m sooooooo scared, of the uk govt that is.


i think the situation with Sainsbury’s was confusion caused by the paper not being on their scanning system, meaning staff couldn’t scan it through to sell it. Should be sorted for tomorrow, according to their Facebook page, where they have said, and I quote:

“The National was not on our system in time for launch today, but it will be available from tomorrow,”

Lenny Hartley

Local Newsagent in Brodick got five copies this morning sold out by 9.00 am, tried a coop they didn’t have one but got one (The last) at the Pier.

Aint had time to read it yet, but to be honest Im missing not having a paper to read in the morning, especially with no Telly to watch anymore, was getting a bit useless at the local pub quiz when it came to current affairs questions.

Hopefully the National will help to sort that issue out.

Good news that print run tomorrow has been increased.


I first heard of The National on Friday (or Thursday?), and the way things go with social media and any indy news, that means that was the first time it was “out there”. That means no or very very few approaches to possible advertisers, and as said, the editor and “accomplices” keeping their mouths firmly shut, until the launch.

Possibly the reason for its launch right now is that this is the last week of the Smith Commission, and having a new pro-indy paper is a sharp reminder that if they don’t deliver in Smith, then there;s going to be a whole load of trouble for them, another Ref soon, the works.

Regarding Spar, it’s likely they have their own distribution network for the papers, and it might take time to get The national into that. Some Spars are owned by CJ Lang, but many are independent owned, and take what products they want from Spar. So it can be up to the individual owner what he / she wants to take.

It’s the first day, and perhaps judgments against non-sellers should wait until the end of the week!


The National may be a sign of the corporate takeover of the media or an indication of greater financial stability, but I can’t help thinking of the Scottish Daily News.

Roy M

As of this morning, overseas folk could not sign up for the digital edition – unless you supplied a UK address. I used my sister’s address, but my US credit card details (including my US address for my credit card), and was accepted. They’ve got a few teething problems, apparently.


@RoyM I’m working in France and had no issue signing up for a week with a French address.


@Roy M.:

I used my French address and it worked like a charm.

Graeme Doig

Headed out late morning. Too late to get a copy in either asda (I know) or 2 local newsagents. They had all sold out. Admitedy only around 10 copies each had been received by the 3 outlets.
Had a few things to do further afield so tried 2 Tesco outlets. Neither had received the paper. I asked both managers why and both stated they weren’t sure but would look into it.
I may reserve judgement re a new boycott list but am tempted, as always, to jump strsight down the throat of any anti Scottish move, however small, by any organisation.
I ended up without hard copy today but have placed order with local shop.

Betty Boop

@ Lenny Hartley, 6:43pm

Aint had time to read it yet, but to be honest Im missing not having a paper to read in the morning, especially with no Telly to watch anymore, was getting a bit useless at the local pub quiz when it came to current affairs questions.

Oh dear, I feel for you, Lenny. Just can’t keep up with those celebrities who feature in virtually all pub quizzes in normal circumstances, never mind with a self-imposed news blackout! This could ruin a good night out at the pub 🙁

Good thing you have Wings! We can be your social life. 🙂

Charles Kearney

Could agree more on PayPal as I do not use texting and cannot access Newsagents! Fore bye that I am ambivalent about financing such a virulent anti Independence Group of ‘Herald Newspapers!


Bought two in rural Aberdeenshire this morning. Shop did have an issue with the scanner but it worked OK. Great articles and layout and, like others, I expect it will improve as it goes on and cartoons, crossword etc are added.
They do have a feedback button on the website for those who want to suggest improvements.
But it is fantastic to have a newspaper you can actually read without fury and disappointment.



How do you expect us, digital readers, to cope with the crosswords? 😛

Chic McGregor


The Herald on line crossword engine worked fine years ago. I used to do it back then because it was free and at the time it was fairly neutral on independence.

Might be different now though e.g
1. Black (5)


Alan Mackintosh

Quick update re Beauly shop. After my earlier visit to put the National onto the top shelf in full view , I was back in the shop later this evening. They,re all gone! Plenty of others titles left lying about though.


Sounds all good, so far. Except that in my local Asian corner shop, they had a pile – 22 in fact. I bought one on my way to work and on the way back they had a whole 18 left, which they had bundled up to return.

A way to go yet. So don’t let’s get carried away.


@Chic MacGregor:

You mean that even the crosswords were biased on the MSM? 🙂

Nevermind. Crosswords are both a wonderful and strenuous exercise for people such as me…
G’d nite!


Got my copy in Sainsburys in Kelso this morning; they were having problems scanning it, but sold me a copy anyway, saying they’d just scan one twice later. I did have to ask for it though, as they’d put it behind the customer service desk while they were on the phone to HQ.

Husband got one in Jedburgh Co-op; luckily he’d asked in advance for one to be kept for him, as they were sold out by 5pm. He also got one in a local shop in Hawick and the woman behind the counter had piled all her copies on top of the Daily Records to hide them, as she was a Yes supporter and said she couldn’t stand that rag!

I really liked it; will be buying it every day and leaving copies around in the staffroom (can’t wait to see what my head teacher says!)


I don’t understand the comments critical of the banner proclaiming The Nationals support for Independence? Of course this should be loudly and proudly announced! Yessers have bitched and complained about the lack of MSM support for Indy so why complain when we are offered what we have demanded. 1.6M is NOT a minority of the population but a fantastic business opportunity to satisfy a huge and growing market. If advertisers have any sense they will support The National and take full advantage of the discerning and politically astute readership it offers them access to. The National is absolutely right to aim to provide a voice for Yessers….let’s support our newspaper and help it build a bridge to the 55 per cent. I would plead the case for a regular column for Wee Ginger Dug and Rev Stu…..Both Giants of the movement for Indy and deserving of a wider non internet audience!


I would strongly plead, to those who can, that if you are going to place a regular order of The National then please, please, please and pretty please do it through your wee local shop or newsagent.

Give your support to the wee guy and let those big guy supermarkets stew in their own filthy failings. Plus, i’m sure i heard last week that the supermarkets will soon be forced to shift their newspapers up out of reach from young eyes and will only be allowed to display each papers masthead. I don’t know the details behind it as i only heard parts of it from a distance in a noisy room.

My wee local shop voted No and i’ve not been near it since the 18th. I’m now taking the view that by ordering my copy through them i’m placing further positive influence into the enemys camp. They have to handle it and sooner or later curiosity will get the better of them and they will, at least, look through it.

Job done, hopefully!
btw, I’ll still be severely restricting my purchases until they see the light.
If they want my custom, they will have to earn it.


I thought it was an excellent debut. It’s a pilot which promises much. I read it from cover to cover except old firm sports articles.

I also think that it’s great value at 50p. I can’t really follow the negative comments. What are people looking for a stealth paper that doesn’t let on its support for independence?

If it matures into an established paper I’m sure it will be read by many of the frightened 55 at some point and an alternative angle will be available in print. I’ll be buying it every day.

Roy M

@Aulda, @Natonos – thanks for the heads up. Must be the Auld Alliance or something… they like French addresses, but not US ones! 🙂 Oh, well – I’m registered (slightly illegally) and gave them my money for the week. If it lasts beyond the week, hopefully they will have ironed out the teething troubles and I can subscribe using all my US info..


Tag Line:

Unbiased Scottish Journalism (Guaranteed)…..

The Guaranteed is optional


“The National is absolutely right to aim to provide a voice for Yessers….let’s support our newspaper and help it build a bridge to the 55 per cent. I would plead the case for a regular column for Wee Ginger Dug and Rev Stu…..Both Giants of the movement for Indy and deserving of a wider non internet audience!”

I think the point is that once independence support is established, then it is unnecessary to scream it from the masthead, and I expect they would change that soon.
It could put off neutral readers, who might otherwise be interested in the lead story.

Most partisan news sites at least pretend to be neutral, and sometimes are, giving time for opposing voices etc.

If it appears to be a party flyer, then many people will feel uncomfortable buying it. Hotels won’t offer them to guests. They won’t be left out in waiting rooms etc.

I will support it, and I hope it is a success though.
I just want it to have more impact than preaching to the converted.

Regular columns for internet bloggers etc is a great idea, and could help to pad out the content for cheap, or for the price of some publicity to their sites.

Not just political, but internet commentators on Scottish style, fashion, food&drink, outdoors etc would all add interest.


After reading earlier comments, I took a stroll to try a test purchase of Scotlands new daily, The National. Popped into a Morrisons Soup-er-Store and asked if they had any stock of the newspaper left.. to which the staff member replied “No, we don’t stock that in here” in a giddyish, kind of nervous manner.

So I wanders on, wondering where to get me one.. I come across a Shell fuel/service station, enter and ask the teller the same. She checks through her pile of returns and there they were.. I saw about 5 copies together, so I asks for two.

As stated by others, these did not scan on their system (any purchase can be manually overridden or ‘put through’ as misc), anyways the lady just took the £1 and said she’d sort it later, cool.

Yet to read, but at first glance the front cover would have stood out pretty well on the shelves in predominantly white, black and blue colours.

Same again tomorrow and in my best ayeGlaswegian accent:
“Get yer National ra morra, two furra pound” (2 for £1).


Welcome welcome to our new daily National!

Am hoping you can grow to be truly hard hitting!


Having absorbed my NATIONAL over again. The only criticism I wish to identify is the quality of ‘TIT’ on page three.

donald anderson

tombee says:
25 November, 2014 at 9:30 am

Having absorbed my NATIONAL over again. The only criticism I wish to identify is the quality of ‘TIT’ on page three.

Haven’t had time to open it yet. Does that mean they gave a photie of Jim Murphy, or am I aiming too high? Get the alliteration Jimmy?

[…] If the mark of a strong democracy is a free and diverse press, Scotland has been in a terrible state for a very long time. On the morning of the independence referendum, the biggest issue the country’s addressed in over 300 years, not a single publication could be found on Scottish newsagents’ shelves backing the constitutional option supported by almost half the population.  […]


@Donald Anderson,
You will immediately agree, I am sure, when you see page three. Good reading mate.

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