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Wings Over Scotland

The best of both worlds

Posted on January 06, 2014 by

It’s only January 6, but the 2014 satire bar just got set pretty high:


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Brilliant – gets the better together message across well – makes me want to puke

Lindsey Smith

Surely this is a “taste” that will appeal to only a very few, a very strange few!

Roddy Macdonald

Brilliant. My first real indyref belly laugh.


Aye once tasted never forgotten.


Aye…but it’s not the bottle that needs smacked…


Sorry Rev but, high though it’s been set there, it may have been broken already with this 
David Cameron‘s barber was awarded an MBE in the New Year honours list for “services to hairdressing”, it has emerged.
Raffaele Claudio Carbosiero, known as Lino, has styled the hair of the rich and famous for decades and is known for cutting the prime minister’s hair with a left, rather than right-hand, parting in 2010.”

link to

Alasdair Reid

Shouldn’t you attribute source ? Not everyone may follow on twitter….

Murray McCallum

It’s a cliche, but in this case a picture really is worth a thousand words.

Calum Craig

That’s not real surely?? Saw it on Twitter and assumed it was a parody…

Flower of Scotland

Brian Taylor seemed to give a bit of slack to the Yes Campaign on BBC Scotland at 6.30 pm . At last !! Maybe he has been reading Wings Over Scotland ! Go for it Brian you know you want to vote YES ! 


Well Mr. Tunnock is infavour of maintaing the Union, and it’s Houses of Parliament sauce.
Did I Win ?

Calum Craig

“Technically it’s satire, not a parody.”

I didn’t read your post closely enough- got distracted by the big colourful picture!

Caroline Corfield

HP sauce is owned by a Dutch company btw


Aye even though it’s got the Palace of Westminster on the label, HP sauce is made in the Netherlands. In this age were much of our infrastructure is owned by foreign governments, it’s really quite apt!

Meanwhile, a friend of mine came out with a belter of a line in response to that picture:

“Some things are just not better together. No matter how good the advertising.”

I’m definitely using that one!

Flower of Scotland

BBC still churning out Prof Curtis !!! Now Kezia Dugdale says the debate is only about Scotland ! Of coarse who is chairing it all ? , a neutral Gary Robertson ! It’s pathetic BBC ! 

Chickenhawk 2

Did anyone notice Curtice conflated, is that the word, those  polling as No vote and the no gonnie vote punters and the don’t knows into the one group. Thus Yes 39% No 61%. See it’s easy when you know how to read the figures.
Also, notice McColm telling Project Fear and Smear they have to start giving answers.


I thought HP stood for horse piss bit slow on the catchups.

Stewart Bremner

That’s brilliant. I am properly jealous I didn’t come up with it!


The funny thing is I absolutely love Tunnocks tea cakes and I have no real dislike of HP sauce, but I really don’t think they would be very good together.


Might be quite interesting with a plain chocolate teacake…… (blue foil)


A taste that could only be palatable in the parallel universe that is Scotlandshire.


Many thanks for using my picture of Blair McDougall’s breakfast, Rev.! 🙂 There are a couple more things in my Twitter photos that you are welcome to use if you want. And I dare say I’ll do some more before Sept 19th.
Thanks for the compliments WoS people. It’s nice to know it made you smile. 🙂

Seasick Dave

You could maybe have a similar ad with a Michelle Mone product.
Or maybe not.

Chic McGregor

“Did anyone notice Curtice conflated, is that the word, those  polling as No vote and the no gonnie vote punters and the don’t knows into the one group. Thus Yes 39% No 61%. See it’s easy when you know how to read the figures.”
The Ipsos Mori foetus on Scotland Tonight, was even worse with his 70:30 minus DKs.  Thereby asigning all the ‘Devo Max’ support to ‘No’.  Absolutely ridic..  
Dream on U crazy pundits.

ronnie anderson

Tunnock,s support the union. Carmichiel like,s tea cake,s .House,s of westminster parliament. HP hold,s a royal warrant.
Clydebuilt, nearly but nae coconut.


Sweet n’ Sour Sauce.

ronnie anderson

Chic, they have been listening to the Everly Brother,s awe week end, its a hard song tae get oota yer heid, DREAMING DREAM DREAM, . The end of a era, but there music live on.


It’s an east coast delicacy surely; in the west they are served simply with vinegar.

Robin Ross

The real trouble with slogans (and Biblical texts) is that you can always find a contradictory one to bite it on the arse. The more I’m told that unionism gives me the best of both worlds the more I am reminded that you can’t have your cake and eat it.   BT’s increasingly shrill resort to sloganeering merits all the satire that can be thrown at these empty phrases.
Slightly OT but related to BT trotting out the same stuff ad nauseam I wonder just how long people can hide behind the mantra that ‘we don’t have enough information’. On ‘Call Kay II’ this morning the host seemed to accept that we are all desperately seeking more information, and BT must regard it as a valuable distraction from the core issue that independence is not so much about information as principle.  If Scotland is a country and not a region, and if countries do best by governing themselves, then Scottish self-determination is a logical end. The questions  demanding resolution can then be addressed. 

Andrew Morton

OT there is a petition going round for the UK government to ask the European Council for a ruling on the status of Scotland if we vote Yes. Let’s make sure that we all sign it!
link to
Someone else may have posted the link, if so, sorry, but does no harm to repeat.


@ jake

Shouldn’t the teacake be deep fried first?

The Man in the Jar

Despite growing up a caramel wafers throw from Tunnocks factory I avoid Boyd Tunnocks produce due to his support for the union. Having said that the dark chocolate Tea cakes have broken my resolve from time to time. But I am still voting Yes!
@ronnie anderson
Ronnie it is the snawbaws that have the coconut! 😉


Will there still be tunnocks teacakes and HP sauce in an independent Scotland?


I expect so, but hopefully independent of each other :-))


Not if I have any say in it.

Bugger (the Panda)

HP sauce is made in Holland.


Maybe we could rebrand the sauce as SP sauce but darned if I can think what to rebrand Tunnocks as. Ronnie, do you have a few ideas there 🙂

john king

“Not if I have any say in it.”
Don’t say that,
my daughter WILL  vote no! 

john king

Weedeochanddorris says
“Maybe we could rebrand the sauce as SP sauce but darned if I can think what to rebrand Tunnocks as. Ronnie, do you have a few ideas there ”
Quisling cakes 🙁


@ john king  he he! 🙂


A heads up on Labour for Independence.
Spread the word.
Labour for Independence to host national event in Glasgow
link to



How about a mock up of HP Sauce flavored Mackies icecream?

Ian Brotherhood

This poll is now 83% Yes.
link to

Craig Evans

A little unpalatable for me!
A little Freudian; perhaps they are really on the backfoot
A Happy New Year to Everyone on the Blog.


Sorry for another O/T.
George, devalution will kill Independence, Robertson is spouting off in the unionist friendly WP.
link to


The EU court has no right to give a status on Scottish nationhood. Beyond it’s remit. Scotland was a country (in an equal Union) before the establishment of the EU. Scottish nationhood precedes the EU Commission. There is no question of Scottish nationhood. It’s a given. Proof is it’s history. Scotland has a right for a judgement from the European court of Human Rights.’a right to self determination’. Already agreed, that is why Scotland could have a ‘Referendum on Independence.

Scotland is a better EU member than the UK or Spain. The majority in Scotland embrace the EU enthusiastically. People in Scotland voted by a majority for EU membership, implement all it’s directive, honour it’s principles and complies with all it’s Laws/rules. The EU members embrace Scottish EU membership in the same way. Enthusiastically, standing and clapping Scottish MEP’s who rebuked the embarrassment of Nigel Faradge behaviour Westminster administration
doesn’t embrace the EU in the same way, UK Political Parties opposes EU membership. Spain does not comply with all EU directives/rules.

The Spanish Gov is corrupt. Spain can’t use a Veto to stop Scottish continued negotiated membership, nor can the UK gov. It is against EU rules. The Veto cannot be used in that way. The EU Commission would support Scotland not Spain or Westminster under EU Law/rules. It is Spain and Westminster who are not complying with EU Law/rules and want different clauses.


Lord George trying to drum up American support and with a glance to the comments failing to convince. Loved one comment stating ‘who was he trying to kid’ on the subject of oldest ally. But it does show George’s level and just what kind of lies he’s willing to spread on the world stage.
Not a nice man. No, no, no, not a nice man at all. 🙂


The US Gov supports the’ right self determination’ and equality.(allegedly) All members of the UN support ‘the right to self determination and equality’ (allegedly. The States and the UN have to support the ‘sovereign right’ of Scotland, under Scottish/UK/EU/UN Law for Scottish Independence under the Democratic principle.

Scotland was a country before the US and most of the UN members. They can’t deny Scotland’s Nationhood. The strong, Scottish disporia in the States will make sure the US government is reminded of Scottish nationhood. Scottish Clan celebrations/voters in the States etc.


Robertson flying in the wind. Desperation. People in Scotland are not separatists. People in Scotland are a Nation in an negotiated Union, with ‘sovereign rights’ upheld in a separate legal system. Scotland is one of the oldest Nations in the World. Robertson is an insignificant ‘Johnny come lately’, breaking Scottish/UK/EU/UN and International Law. Robertson is an advocate of supporting illegal criminal actions.

Another London Dividend

O/T At approx 7.45 this morning GMS managed to circumnavigate any pretence at being balanced when at the end of a debate on George Osborne’s cuts the BBC reporter introduced the element of the Indy debate and gave Daily Record’s Torquil Chricton free reign to rail against the SNP by misquoting the supermarket chiefs on price increases after Indy then regurgitated the leaked report in which John Swinney said there may have to be cuts in welfare etc without placing this in context of possible scenarios if oil prices were to plummet.  This of course was the final word on the topic. 
Watch out for this tactic being repeated over the months to come.


How do we stop the sauce running into the batter before we drop it into the deep fry – solve that and we’re on a winner


Quick deep-freeze before battering?


(freeze it first)?


Aha CameronB – great minds (and dangerously experimental chefs) think alike.


The poster represents how the UK shi*s on Scotland? Have I got this right?


Some liquid nitrogen should do the trick.
Go all Heston on it. 🙂


George Robertson is winging the world, telling lies about Scotland and the UK Political system Robertson and the UK Political Party to which he belongs did not comply with UN International Law. Robertson and his political Party/Gov told lies, broke International Law and caused more
carnage in the World than any other body in recently history. More death and destruction than in the Balkans. People could campaign/petition under International Law for Robertson along with his cohorts to be put on trial for war crimes at the Hague. The Scottish Gov might just do that. George be afraid, very afraid. What happened to the Chilcott verdict?

George Robertson should really keep quite on such issues. Ignorance is not a Defence.

Robertson and his Party/Gov have also caused the UK £1.2Billion debt. Created UK debt illegally. Imposed English debt illegally on Scotland Imposed an Arministration in Scotland which usurped Scottish/UK/EU/UN and international Law. Imposed an illegal English Supreme Appeal Court on Scotland. Robertson and his Party/Gov have been responsible for actions which have caused world poverty, death and the collapse of the world economy. Illegal mass surveillance on the world and illegal torture and rendition.

Compared to George Robertson and his Party/Gov, Scotland is a Saint. Robertson should watch his Tongue. Ignorant and arrogant. People in Glass Houses shouldn’t throw stone or throw boomerangs, they always come back.

George Robertson has broken every


@ fertie
I read it as the bitter-sweet sauce that Westminster will pour over the delicate, sweet and uniquely Scottish nation of Scotland, ad nauseam for the next nine months.
Did I take that too far? 🙂
@ MajorBloodnok
You do realise I have a medical condition?

John H.

They think we’ll swallow anything.


i was interested in George Robertson’s balkanisation speech. I heard it from the Slovenian in the BTL comments in the Hootsman. Following on from Ivan
too wee, too poor, too old, too stupid and too dangerous.
i’m now a Dangerous Virus!


I should have said that I am already to old, too poor and probably too stupid but at 6ft I think I don’t qualify to bee too small. I am voting yes so that makes me too dangerous for George 


George Robertson looks and sounds like someone who has just eaten a Tunnock’s tea cake topped with HP sauce.
A bitter man.

ronnie anderson

John king,Weedeo, Fek tea cakes eat Dundee buttery,s, nae sauce.


@ MajorBloodnok
I just realised my last comment might have been a little ambiguous. I was talking about that pesky VIRUS, of course. 🙂

ronnie anderson

Cameron B, Major, Have you,s goat that Waod virus tae, creeps up fae the toe,s , by Sept we, ll awe be like SMURF,S, ma hats being knitted the noo,ready tae join the Council a Nordic Nation,s.


Wee George the lap dug of Dunblane treacherous wee man, mouth peace of the great satan and hit man for the Westminster bum boys of the good old USA. How many poor people have the yanks killed since 1945 with the help and encouragement of their oldest and bestest ally the westminster carpetbaggers.


@ronnie anderson
Interestingly (or not), my condition expresses itself as an odd case of ‘woad shingles’, so it only affects one side of my body (see avatar).
Don’t worry, I knew exactly what you meant.  Charlton-Heston-Blumentahlitis – where you ride around in a chariot making snail porridge and shouting “Damn you. Damn you all to hell.”

Training Day

O/T just saw my first ‘UKOK’ car sticker. Scary to think that there are people living in Scotland right now who want to end one of the most successful countries in the world and absorb themselves into a Union which can only bring uncertainty and danger. These assimilationists can only be characterised as a virus.


@ MajorBloonok
Now that you mention it, I’m trying to create deep-fried porridge at the moment, and will be happy to offer it free off charge to the SG, once perfected. I’m sure a threat of its deployment within 45 minutes, might just show the world that iScotland does not present a security threat. Just think, Scotland would have the world’s only biodegradable alternative to nuclear weapons.
I’ll get ma coat.

Les Wilson

In reference G. Robertson, what more can we expect from a “Proud Scot” of the British state. The world will fall apart all due to our small country becoming Independent in order to improve the lives of our people.
Do people who talk like him, and there are of course many. Who wish to keep Scotland subjugated for their own reasons which include the world of Westminster benefits. It is truly shameful  of ” Proud Scots”, they are in fact Scots that have no allegiance to Scotland but only to their Westminster paymasters.
It is also deeply troubling that there is a worldwide backlash against the Independence of small states in general. So while all the Western world proclaim to be democratic, and indeed lecture others on it. Why are they making such a big deal of Scotland becoming democratic. It is beyond reason if they truly believe in democracy at all.
Is it that those who push democracy on others have their own agenda’s in order to curtail democracy when it comes to themselves? One must consider it so, when you see the lengths that are gone to when when trying to suffocate democracy in their lands, or indeed other lands if  they have an interest to defend.
These countries need to take a good look at themselves, what they have become is not what they say they are. They have reverted to the mean rather than to continue their thread of democracy. Democracy cannot be “only if we allow it”, for that is not democracy. It is however, the British state as well as others.
They should stop and think what they are doing, they should not interfere due to self interest. They should be sure democracy is truly seen in our own referendum, without the daily negative, of the Westminster propaganda machine.
Indeed to practice themselves, what they preach to the world. Then whole of these Islands will be a happier and friendly place if they do. A spirit of mutual benefit can develop. This cannot be done under present conditions, where such long standing, unequal societies and practices exist. Scotland, can only achieve improvement with Independence, and in the end, it will also benefit rUK to have a good relationship with Scotland, that is obvious to both countries, so let us not spoil that, let everyone support it.


@ faotie
Apologies, I think I need an eye test.


R.E. Georgie Porgie,
Just had a wee look through that WP comments thread. Amazing amount of ignorance in the world! Slightly O/T but a lot of comments about Megrahi flying about – imagine if, after independence, we finally got access to all those bits n bobs of “secret” info that are no doubt hiding in the Whitehall cupboards. Skeletons ahoy hoy 🙂

joe kane

That’s like something people do when they’re on drugs. Quite an apt metaphor then for the slightly surreal omnishambles known as the Better Together campaign. 

Speaking of the slightly weird world of unionsists, here is a bit of a bizzare Tunnock’s advertisement on the Telegraph newspaper website featuring Lanarkshire’s beloved biscuit baron Boyd Tunnock –
Wrappers Delight
link to


Fredrick Gibson Garton, obviously never tasted a Tunnocks Teacake, mores the pity for him.

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Ian Brotherhood

Damn you! Damn you all to snail!

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