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    • holymacmoses on In Times To Come: “I trust this will come to pass:-)Oct 19, 16:03
    • Terry on In Times To Come: “When we pulled up behind the line of cars on the slip road at Dyce we were staggered to see…Oct 19, 16:02
    • C MacKay on In Times To Come: “I’m up for this and so’s everybody I know- he gave us back ourselvesOct 19, 15:49
    • twathater on In Times To Come: “Another great tribute to a TRUE Scotsman Chris ,The statue I agree with and salute , the location I disagree…Oct 19, 15:43
    • Shug on In Times To Come: “I for one will be attending any memorial service for Salmond just as I will attend Nicola’s court hearing. When…Oct 19, 15:07
    • Aidan on The fleas on the ticks on the midgets: “It would be a weird world if we assume everybody is an MI5 agent unless they can prove that they…Oct 19, 15:01
    • Meg Merrilees on In Times To Come: “Alex agreed the referendum with David Cameron in 2012 and two years later we nearly got it over the line.…Oct 19, 14:53
    • sarah on In Times To Come: “Thank you, Chris. May it come to pass before too long. Two statues – one to replace the Dewar one,…Oct 19, 14:47
    • Effijy on In Times To Come: “Sturgeon has further to fall from grace! The moment and history belongs to Alex Salmond. Schools in an independent Scotland…Oct 19, 14:46
    • David Rodgers on In Times To Come: “That is wicked 🙂Oct 19, 14:41
    • Stuart McKinlay on In Times To Come: “Clarification — the above Neruda material is by Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh.Oct 19, 14:27
    • Stuart McKinlay on In Times To Come: “EL RETRATO EN LA ROCA  by Pablo Neruda (extract). Miré y allí estaba mi amigo: de piedra era su rostro,…Oct 19, 14:21
    • Carol Jardine on In Times To Come: “Well said.Oct 19, 14:19
    • Al Harron on In Times To Come: “There should be a number of statues to Alex all across Scotland in times to come. While I’d have no…Oct 19, 14:15
    • Geri on In Times To Come: “I’ve got her favourite book. How to lose friends & influence absolutely no one. Not even a dug.Oct 19, 14:09
    • Marie Clark on In Times To Come: “Spot on Chris.Oct 19, 14:01
    • Betty Boop on In Times To Come: “Re the 2014 referendum. Alex S was a true parliamentarian and trusted parliamentary processes would be honoured. Unfortunately, there are…Oct 19, 13:56
    • North chiel on In Times To Come: “Spot on Breeks . Independence would be his true legacyOct 19, 13:52
    • Colin Alexander on In Times To Come: “I am sorry Alex Salmond died. He had many admirable qualities and abilities. It is terrible what the conspirators did…Oct 19, 13:47
    • Sven on In Times To Come: “Perhaps Mr Dewar’s statue could be removed and there’s a plinth already prepared ? Although, in truth, I did like…Oct 19, 12:53
    • Marydoll on In Times To Come: “I couldn’t agree moreOct 19, 12:29
    • Republicofscotland on In Times To Come: “I hope it comes true Chris. I’m sure if they can erect a statue of Donald Dewar – they can…Oct 19, 12:23
    • Nemisis Benn on In Times To Come: “I cannot decide about this – it’s either EEEEVIL or just wicked. Alex Salmond was younger than me, so I…Oct 19, 12:21
    • The Flying Iron of Doom on In Times To Come: “I’m selling these superb lavender-scented pin cushions if you’re interested? 🙂Oct 19, 11:56
    • Mac on In Times To Come: “Lastly, what disturbs me most is that Alex Salmond was such a decent man, a politician widely recognized as someone…Oct 19, 11:46
    • Geri on The fleas on the ticks on the midgets: “People won’t fight for Colonisers that do not benefit them in anyway, shape or form. Have those elites pick up…Oct 19, 11:34
    • SteepBrae on In Times To Come: “In the Wallace Monument Hall of HeroesOct 19, 11:33
    • Frank Gillougley on In Times To Come: “But his statue sited in Edinburgh? Na! Na! Na! Surely a statue of Alex Salmond belongs in the middle of…Oct 19, 11:30
    • Scot Finlayson on In Times To Come: “Hounded to his death by the full force of the British establishment,judicial,media/BBC,smear,corruption,lies,perjury,political plots and machinations, not a bullet a bomb…Oct 19, 11:14
    • Bob Mack on In Times To Come: “They fear him more now. He has gone beyond being just another man.Oct 19, 11:04
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