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The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland » swinneygenders


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    • Robert Hughes on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Brilliant evisceration of the Cuntocracy’s latest racket to squeeze the ” useless eaters ” of more bucks n freedoms by…Oct 26, 00:06
    • Zander Tait on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Looks like the IDF Fanboy Hatey has been on the Charlie again. Well it is Friday, I suppose. I recall…Oct 25, 23:28
    • Hatey McHateface on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “The Ancient Guff has its uses. I am fond of the text in the Declaration Of Arbroath that makes common…Oct 25, 22:42
    • Xaracen on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “The Treaty isn’t England’s alone, and neither party to it can force the other to remain bound by it, especially…Oct 25, 22:40
    • Hatey McHateface on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: ““If England won’t play ball, then our MPs are fully entitled to end the Union unilaterally, right there and then”…Oct 25, 22:08
    • Hatey McHateface on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: ““breeching our sovereignty” Ah yes, that would be somebody trousering our sovereignty. Or did you mean “breaching”? Then again, it…Oct 25, 21:52
    • Campbell Clansman on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “What’s truly sad (or funny) is that you may actually believe the twaddle you write. Your 1707 craziness is on…Oct 25, 21:41
    • Confused on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Money, get tae fuck … Something most will not have noticed, for these things are not explained. Rachel Reeves, of…Oct 25, 21:32
    • Xaracen on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: ““An example of where a minority of MPs “imposed legislation” on the majority?That’s not how democracy works. That’s not how…Oct 25, 21:22
    • Republicofscotland on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Good Comment Mia – however it matters greatly how the illegal union came about – we know – that from…Oct 25, 20:44
    • Hatey McHateface on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: ““I do believe there was a political union in 1707. I guess we have to agree to disagree on that”…Oct 25, 19:48
    • Hatey McHateface on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: ““too stupid to know or care about the truth” Here’s a truth for you Ros. “Scotland” is spelled with a…Oct 25, 19:44
    • Hatey McHateface on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: ““fabricating new obstacles each time to continue to stop Scotland’s independence” Nobody has fabricated an obstacle to the Plebiscitary Election…Oct 25, 19:38
    • Mia on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: ““There could not have been a UK parliament for their was no legitimate union to begin with” For as long…Oct 25, 19:04
    • Republicofscotland on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: ““Westminster is not England’s parliament. It is the parliament of the UK.” There could not have been a UK parliament…Oct 25, 18:20
    • twathater on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Now Now Mia you should know better than to explain the truth to a proud Scot BUT unionist who delights…Oct 25, 17:40
    • Mia on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: ““That’s not how democracy works” And yet, please remind us all, what was the percentage of the vote in “the…Oct 25, 17:17
    • diabloandco on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “So what happens if they ignore the deadline? Anything? Or do they just stall for ever?Oct 25, 17:08
    • Tinto Chiel on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “It just dropped randomly into my YT gander-bag. Imagine if Scottish children were actually taught this kind of stuff in…Oct 25, 16:59
    • Dan on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Soz Stu, I’m acutely aware I’m risking death by hammers again… But it’s two days since I made a post…Oct 25, 16:52
    • Campbell Clansman on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “An example of where a minority of MPs “imposed legislation” on the majority? That’s not how democracy works. That’s not…Oct 25, 16:49
    • Tinto Chiel on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Ha! Ha! If only my old Latin teacher, Mr Blythe, were alive. They’d bloody well pay attention then.Oct 25, 16:49
    • Mia on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: ““when are you (and Stuart) going to demand that Scotland’s MPs set a “non-meddling” example by not voting in (or…Oct 25, 16:46
    • Stuart MacKay on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Care to share an example where Scots MPs in Westminster were able to impose legislation on England that the English…Oct 25, 16:11
    • James on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “I quite agree with abstention, wise guy, but how can Scottish MP’s be ‘meddling’ when they can’t vote on English…Oct 25, 15:59
    • agent X on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “ Still no FOI release today so far (at 15.30) – the deadline is 26 Oct.Oct 25, 15:38
    • Rab Clark on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Very interesting and nicely done. Thanks for the link TC. 🙂Oct 25, 15:35
    • Campbell Clansman on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “It’s incredible to think that Scotland has been meddling in England’s affairs for almost a thousand years now…. And still…Oct 25, 15:23
    • sarah on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Scratching my head, trying to think of someone who could make the class pay attention. Sadly, I can’t come up…Oct 25, 15:12
    • James on The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland: “Indeed. It’s incredible to think that England has been meddling in Scotland’s affairs for almost a thousand years now…..Oct 25, 14:58
  • A tall tale

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