Murray doing a bit of freelancing ? Curious. Murray is despicable & wants to keep his cushy job come labour wipeout.
7 years ago
Vote for Ian Murray….anti brexit, anti labour, anti Corbyn, anti Dugdale, anti SNP anti indyref2, anti independence. Vote for him he’s against everything, but all for keeping his job.
Brad Millar
7 years ago
oh the intrigue … by the next General Election Brexit will be implemented and hopefully we will be out the UK by then … i would laugh if he did quit the Red Tories
7 years ago
Now that is interesting.
The point isn’t what ticket he’d stand on, it’s that data is being collected for standing in an upcoming election.
Now what elections would that be then?
Bill Hume
7 years ago
Ian Murray? Most Scots wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.
Joseph Robinson
7 years ago
Yawn…….Tory oooops Labour are just getting boring these days. Politics south of the border is padded cell politics.
7 years ago
Just need Kez now standing like Comical Ali saying ‘we are very clear that we are against a second divisive independence referendum isn’t that right Ian….Ian?’
7 years ago
It is probably fair to say that he has seemed unhappy about the current Labour position on Brexit…assuming he has had as much luck trying to find out what that is as the rest of us have. Edinburgh did vote heftily to remain too.
[…] Wings Over Scotland Testing the water
We just got this email from a reader. We can’t verify it, but have no reason to […]
7 years ago
The way this year’s panning out, anything’s possible. That’s too many apostrophes already.
I suppose he couldn’t just join the SNP after all. Water under the bridge etc etc.
7 years ago
So would that be our one Labour MP looking to create a split in the Labour party Scottish MP`s which consists of him.
Vote for Ian`s anti brexit party or just Ian because he is really shitting it that we hand him his p45 if screaming mad mayhem goes early GE or we tell westminster to do one.
7 years ago
American Lurker here. This is one reason they don’t know why Nicola Sturgeon has come to California.
California (the state) has the sixth largest economy in the world, surpassing France. It’s a trillion dollar economy, with strengths in both technology, but also agriculture. America gets most of its fresh fruits and vegetables from California, just about all of the film industry is there, and trade from Asia goes through its ports.
American states have immense powers. For example, California has just signed a several billion dollar state-funded infrastructure project to repair its roads and bridges funded by an increase in the state gas tax. States have a National Guard to keep order in extreme cases. States can make trade deals with companies and nations on their own, provided they are consistent with national agreements.
7 years ago
Curious. If There was no snp opposition in a general election he would be standing on an Indy ticket. Hmmm
Daisy Walker
7 years ago
The wheels on the bus are falling off, falling off, falling off
The wheels on the bus are falling off…. we’re all going indie
Could it be the power brokers behind the scenes down in
Tory/Establishment London
are sharpening up a ‘no confidence’ vote for Ms May perchance.
If the above is true poor Murray mint, no principles, no party, no friends,
no chance.
Red Morningside voted for his party (not him personally) to deliver. As he
might have noticed they’re not
good at social loyalty, and Brexit buggers up far too much of Edinburgh’s Financial/University economy.
Poor wee scone, Are you lonley tonight, does your Union Jack suit feel to tight…
7 years ago
Interesting that he (or whoever else wants to know) can envision a circumstance where the SNP might not stand against him.
I’m sure I remember that in General Elections their constitution obliges them to stand in every constituency – and why not? If there were rival “Labour” candidates the SNP would have an enhanced chance.
Robert Peffers
7 years ago
@Dr Jim says: 4 April, 2017 at 10:34 pm:
“Stop Brexit? he couldnae stop a biscuit
unless he sat on it.”
I rather thought Ian Murray was rather more like the proverbial Kelty Barber’s Cat, proverbially allegedly, “Fu o wind an pish”.
So rather than not being able to stop a biscuit he would be unable to stop a fart. Hence, “aw yon wind an pish”.
Robert Peffers
7 years ago
@Effijy says: 4 April, 2017 at 10:37 pm:
“Your Anti Ian Murray is Anti Brexit, Anti Independence, Anti Scottish, Anti SNP, Anti Socialism, Anti Corbyn.
He is your Aunty Anti.”
Aye! An he’s never aff yon Aunty BEEB either.
Robert Louis
7 years ago
Many academics and staff from Edinburgh and Edinburgh Napier University live in his constituency – in fact the medical school might even be in it, and most realise how freaking awful brexit will be for both universities.
Add to that the fact that Edinburgh had the highest pro EU vote in the referendum in Scotland (75% – which shocked even me, and I live there), and you can see why Murray might be getting a bit feart for his career. Indeed he has probably been getting his ears damaged from all the constituents shouting at him.
I just can’t fathom the Labour party and its stance on the EU or independence. It makes no sense, even if you are die hard Labour. No wonder people have deserted the Labour party.
Norman Ross
7 years ago
Isn’t this just an extension of the similar ploy Labour have used at Council by-elections – stand as an Independent in the hope that nobody notices that you are really Labour?
So now they plan on doing it at Westminster MP level too?
7 years ago
Would I be correct that he could just resign the party and still sit on the benches, as an independent and doesn’t need to resign the seat till the next GE,Did Margo MacDonald not do that, and a few others in Westminster do the same over the years
Not sure why he’d do it ,really, his numbers up in any case, and I doubt if any party would have him nor does he have acting skills to claim an epiphany
Swami Backverandah
7 years ago
Is this the point where we’re supposed to be all wide smiles and welcoming to another potential Independence voter come the referendum, or do we just point out the latest member in the number of rats deserting the sinking ship of the ‘Wrong Side of History’?
Please advise.
Can multi-task.
Swami Backverandah
7 years ago
Hello all you happy little precious unionists.
Here’s something for your precious freak horror show archive:
Your International Trade Secretary Fox grinning alongside death-squad Duterte.
7 years ago
stonefree says:
4 April, 2017 at 11:44 pm
Would I be correct that he could just resign the party and still sit on the benches, as an independent and doesn’t need to resign the seat till the next GE,Did Margo MacDonald not do that, and a few others in Westminster do the same over the years
You’d be absolutely correct there Stonefree, remember a certain UKIP M.P. did exactly that just last week I believe. 😀
For me this stinks of a certain Labour M.P. shitting his breeks over the next General Election. I’m not convinced he’d ever get the S.N.P. to agree to give him a “free” run as an independent candidate.
If,reading between the lines here, Murray is seriously looking at ditching Labour and becoming an independent M.P. then the end result would, in my view, be the same … NO Labour M.P.’s in Scotland. 😀
7 years ago
Living in the adjacent constituency to Ian Murray, (where we are proud to have the blessed Joanna Cherry as our MP), I hear that he is generally considered to be a conscientious MP, responding to problems and holding lots of constituency meetings etc.
I would remind all you atheists out there that there is more rejoicing in heaven over the repentant sinner than in all the good guys.
We shall see if there are any more straws in the wind.
OT last thread. Try to hear Nicola’s address to Stanford University. Total class as usual.
I thought he looked quite snazzy in his UK jacket and with his girlfriend. He’d look even better in a saltire jacket.
7 years ago
@ fireproofjim
I have friends and relatives in Ian Murray’s constituency, and he has replied promptly when they contact him, although the content was not always as wished.
I don’t get the sense here that he is moving towards independence for Scotland, though, just that his inability to accept his own party leader(s)/policy may propel him out of that party, into none.
7 years ago
Optimism in the extreme over at Sky News…
(Archived to deny clicks to an anti Scottish media).
“The party (tories) could lose up to 15 seats to the Liberal Democrats, his projections suggest, but make major gains from Labour and COULD TAKE A HANDFUL OF SEATS from the SCOTTISH NATIONALISTS”.
I want what they have been drinking…?????
As for Ian Murray….what an odd thing that is!!
Someone expecting a Snap General Election, and Murray is expecting the SNP to turn it into a defacto referendum perhaps ?
Obviously no unionist uk parties can retain seats at any level of post indy politics, just as we could not exactly leave 56 MP’s at WM.
However, that would not help Murray in a snap GE, he would be toast in any WM GE scenario.
I’m flummoxed so I am…!
Still Positive
7 years ago
I can say most of the over 60s on the FB page treat it as a joke.
Although they are very positive about Nicola’s speech at Stanford which was marvellous.
7 years ago
@ geeo
Someone expecting a Snap General Election, and Murray is expecting the SNP to turn it into a defacto referendum perhaps ?
That’s what it looks like, but why on earth would he imagine getting a free run as an anti-Brexit candidate? All the parties campaigned for Remain, he’s more likely to get a free run from the Tories as an anti-SNP candidate, and his biggest obstacle might be an official SLabber rather than the SNP (who would nip through the gap created by the split “Labour” vote, especially if the Red Morningsiders went back to the Ruth Harrison Party, so they would be mad not to stand).
And if he’s contemplating a by-election, the precedents are mixed – Davis, Carswell and Reckless held on; Goldsmith got his comeuppance, and Copeland – with a different candidate – was also lost.
If people are essentially being surveyed about whether they’d be more likely to support him if he ditches SLab, and also about the effect of a free run, how could he sell giving him that free run to the SNP? It’s not as if he can actually do anything to stop Brexit.
7 years ago
Nicola’s speech at Stanford for anyone who may have missed it on previous thread:
As my old mum used to say “never trust a man with a perfectly spherical head”
You might say I should ‘play the ball and not the man’ . . .
. . Feel free to create your own punchline
Ian Brotherhood
7 years ago
Amusing to imagine Ian Murray disguising his voice, phoning random constituents, trying to come across as a keen student earning some beer tokens for the weekend.
7 years ago
He fancies his chances of calling a bi-election and repeating the unionist unification in Edinburgh South to beat an SNP candidate on a 100% anto-scotref ticket – having persuaded tory and Libdems to steer clear. Could Ruth be trusted to do that ?
Not sure if he could actually manage it – he needed Neil Hay’s baggage last time – and in any case what would it prove? – hardly representative.
Of course we are all analysing through our own lenses – this is man with an extensive ego who has an entirely different world view.
7 years ago
False Flag.
As I was saying yesterday to a colleague, I hear that Jim Murphy is being egged on to become the alternative voice to the independence movement, we then dissected his Iron Brew Celtic fan ukok roadtrip, repeatedly watched him deliberately walk into a carbord sign in an attempt at creating a strammash.
And we came to the conclusion that “now is not the time” for mr am just a boy’o, see that Celtic I just love Celtic.
Now ask yourself if the question was actually about not Murphy, but Brown? Not the first time false polling questions have been asked. You see Jim is just so light weight, just so yesterday’s man, too well ordinary, too pedestrian, too Jim.
7 years ago
At least with FPTP voters can vote out troughers of whom they can’t stand the sight.
A Royal who took part in an illegal war is leading a campaign against landmines. In memory of a relative that died, in mysterious circumstances. With lack of relevant security. While carvorting with Dodi Al Fayed. His father was one of the biggest illegal arms dealers in the world. That is where he got the money to buy Harrods etc Al Fayed sold Harrods to to the Qatari’s for £1.5Billion. The Royal Tories who are supposed to be impartial and not interfere in politics, should be quiet or bow out.
More Syrian propaganda. A rebel facility, where chemical weapons were being produced and stored was hit by legitimate Gov forces. Assad supported by 80% of the people. The Tories got 37% of the vote on a 50%+ turnout. 23% relevant. Teresa May lying condemns and blames the Syrian Gov, while cavorting with the Saudis. The most absolute, despot monarchy in the world where there is no respect for human rights or universal suffrage.
Saudi Arabia and China must hold the UK debt. Illegal Hinkley Point by the sea is a total waste of money. The Chinese will make £Billions out of it. £100Billion. An illegal bribe. The Tory Gov is illegally breaking International Law, again. There are more credible alternatives.
R-type Grunt
7 years ago
The man wouldn’t know a principle if it bit him on the arse.
7 years ago
Murray’s a wee actress, I’d believe anything!
Julian Smith
7 years ago
You sure this wasn’t another Ian Murray April Fool stunt?
Brian Powell
7 years ago
Robert Louis
If Murray goes to Edinburgh and Napier academics and staff, saying he will tsp Brexit, he will be surprised to find they will say. “How are you going to do it?”
Of course there is a party in Scotland already in power who can stop Brexit, the SNP.
7 years ago
Your sure somebody’s no had a bump on the heid an’ thinks it is 01.04? Otherwise it sounds like someone is winding you up
R Scotland reported this morning that the EU have published their guidelines on BREXIT and it notes that a majority in Scotland voted to remain.
No comment, but I suppose they must be wondering what the significance might be. Their listeners certainly will be.
7 years ago
Under boundary changes, Ian Murray’s seat is due to be scrapped in 2020 and he would have to take his chances against Tommy Sheppard or Joanna Cherry as few safe labour seats left in England.
Meanwhile on BBC GMS this morning regarding council candidates gender equality I must have misssed them telling listeners that SNP have a majority of womenm candidates.
Good articles in The National on Denmark and the ongoing cost to your local council of Labour’s PFI/PPP schools project.
Why does he not join Labour for Indy?
Is this the first inkling of Red Tories realizing the yoon-game is over?
He is the only yoon-Red-Tory-MP!
All has gone quiet in yoon ranks recently after the Dpanish bombshell.
I wonder why?
Where is Kez? Dreaming of the latest chimera Federalism-Vow2 and what Gordo can do?
McLeish had a long agonising piece in the National re the f-issue. He noted the crux would be the continued absolute sovereignty of the HoC. There is nae chance of a separate parliament for England outwith a UK parliament. They have EVEL, English Votes For Everyone’s Laws!
Brown’s faux federalism is a con, just like Vow1.
All powers and more can only come to Scotland through Independence.
7 years ago
“… wasn’t opposed by the SNP” is the intriguing bit.
IMO that could only happen if he stood as pro Indy.
Standing as anti Brexit alone wouldn’t cause the SNP to hold back because they are the de facto anti Brexit party in Scotland. If he didn’t get the Unionists to rally round him, he probably wouldn’t win against the SNP.
Might you, Unionists clearly don’t understand the dynamics of Scottish politics now, so heaven knows what is being thought about.
7 years ago
EU debating Brexit live on BBC parliament channel if anyone interested.
UKIP MEPs in full rant in Strasbourg. Coburn giving another right wing party a standing ovation. What a balloon.
Juncker on now.
Calum McKay
7 years ago
labour is finished in Scotland and the battle for England is also lost for labour.
Obvious conclusion is for Murray to resign the labour whip and join the SNP benches now, providing he gives assurances and guarantees.
If he did so, I believe he’d have the right to campaign on issues he wanted to, but under the overarching umbrella that independence is the only option for Scotland.
I have never found this question simpler than it is now:
“Iain, do you wish to live in a London based tory run uk out of the EU or in an independent Scotland in the EU run by all the peoples who live in Scotland?”
Answers on a post card to………..
7 years ago
Thumbs up for Nicola at Stanford, but a wee bit disappointed, ach, not disappointed, how can I put it? In the post speech Q&A she said the population in the YES 2014 referendum was very well informed. Come again?
Well yes, granted, some were, but an awful lot more were thoroughly blinkered, propagandised and left jaded under continual assault from a very hostile and disingenuous media. Does that count as being well informed? Not in my book.
Why did a shiver run up my spine and I am suddenly remembering Blair Jenkins saying there was no question of BBC bias? Personally, at that moment more than any other, I heard the psssst! as all the air was suddenly let out a YES tyre.
I am up to my waist in déjà vu. It is suddenly 2014 again, and I am wondering if the SNP is playing cat and mouse with the media, or is instead being blindsided by the propaganda merchants and genuinely thinks it can overcome the problem?
I’ll ask again the same question I asked in 2014; Does the SNP have a strategy to counteract the hostile media bias and make sure the population has access to objective, dispassionately set out arguments instead of the 2014 soup of propaganda masquerading as an informed debate?
Please, I beg on blended knee, do not allow these charlatans at the BBC and in the newspapers dictate the agenda, terms of reference, and narrative of the ScotRef debate.
SEE what happened in 2014, LEARN, and please let us be wiser and more sophisticated for having seen it. The current duplicitous situation in broadcasting is a grievous weakness for us, and it must change or all bets are off and the outcome for ScotRef is in the lap of the Gods.
7 years ago
Eh why are folks jumping to the thought he might be coming out for indy.
The only thing he gives a shit about is himself.
Which you will see more often from the ranks of slab as they figure out they are a busted flush as a party and all the little red tory piglets look for a new trough to stick their greedy little snouts in.
The self preservation society.
Craig P
7 years ago
Breeks, we have all had similar thoughts, but I wonder if Brexit and its consequences will hole the BBC’s unionism below the waterline. Think of it a different way. We see the BBC as biased, but what if the BBC sees itself less as on a sacred mission to preserve the union, more simply to report the tone of what it thinks the majority thinks? And it thought that the majority supported No last time and they were proved right.
But if the BBC start to feel the consensus is for indy then goodnight London.
Also I can’t see the English papers or the Scotsman changing but predict that the Daily Record and the Sun will make the switch before a second referendum.
7 years ago
Breeks says:
Nicola at Stanford … the population in the YES 2014 referendum was very well informed.
I noticed that. And it’s not the first time SNP politicians have pushed that line.
For me, the whole point was that not enough people were sufficiently informed.
Some NO voters did make an informed decision, for their own personal circumstances. However half (my guess) of NO voters made their decision out of ignorance. They were gullible and believed the propaganda and false promises, as you point out.
I suppose the ‘informed myth’ is part of the general SNP policy of always being positive.
7 years ago
Draft resolution the EU Parliament are debating this morning. Vote at 11 ish. Nigel Farage & Co making a complete nuisance of themselves apparently. One clause recognises that the majority in Scotland and Northern Ireland voted remain.
N. whereas a large number of United Kingdom citizens, including a majority in Northern Ireland and Scotland, voted to remain in the European Union;”
Great post breeks
Even yesterday our old pal Nick Robinson was moaning in the telegraph about people moaning about the impartiality of the BBC .
He said it was not the job of the BBC to be balanced because the referendum was over !!
They did not even pretend to be balanced in our referendum.
We need to be ready for the undoubtedly barrage of crap that will be thrown which is why this place is so important
Esteban Gonzalez Pons Spanish MEP speaking out in Scotlands defence in Euro Parliament.
Pointing out division secession from Europe will lead to Division Secession from UK.
How times change
Robert Peffers
7 years ago
@Arbroath1320 says: 5 April, 2017 at 12:29 am:
“You’d be absolutely correct there Stonefree, remember a certain UKIP M.P. did exactly that just last week I believe. “
Winston Churchill jumped ship several times from one party to the other and was an MP for Dundee foe some years.
The truth might surprise you. The original idea of the UK parliament was to have the whole UK split into roughly equal constituencies and the voters elect a representative to speak for them and the elected members choose the government ministers from within their numbers.
There was nothing about political parties in the rules. Parties came later and for the benefit of the members – not for the electorate. So your MP is officially representing the electorate in their constituency and not a party.
So there is nothing to stop an MP from changing party or not being in any party. Nor is there any rule that prevents a political party throwing out any MP they disagree with.
Of course the MP will claim that you elect him/her to do as they see fit and to tell YOU what you should do.
7 years ago
Craig P says:
… if the BBC start to feel the consensus is for indy then goodnight London
I’m not so sure it would go quite so far, but I agree you are correct in that broadcast media tends to side with the majority/consensus view.
If we do reach the stage where Indy is the majority view, we may see less bias. Would neutrality be too much to expect?
English papers
The pro EU, more progressive ones are focusing on being anti Tory anti Brexit, which gives us common ground. I sense the Guardian and Independent are becoming more neutral regarding Indy. Articles often seem to take a line of, ‘maybe the Scots are right to get out’.
Again, if Indy looks probable and Brexit looks shite (the two being intertwined) then perhaps some South British papers may come to passively accept the situation and not oppose it.
Les Wilson
7 years ago
Breeks says:
What does make a very big difference from 2014, is our starting point. Here I agree with A.Salmond.
We started from 28% and ended at 45%, despite everything thrown at us. We start this time hovering around the 50% mark. With brexit bringing an wider target area for us could bring the positive focus firmly on Indy.
Yes we are and will continue to be swamped by the every virulent media, as we had to endure the last time and then some.
However, if we play it right,we should cross the line and then some.
Lots of work still needs done, but with, I suspect, a large number of no’s who want to retain our involvement in Europe will add to the natural yes votes.
We have no place for self doubt, and we need a multi point approach.For example, the SNP while focusing in joining the EU, should go the EFTA way in the first instance. This will bring the euro skeptic yes voters back in, but keep us on the EU path to be decided after Indy by a people’s vote on full membership.
So there is much to be happy about friend,we are on our way out of this insidious non union.
7 years ago
An interesting, and on topic, thread from twitter about Labour folks voting Yes …
The SNP do seem to be very naive as regards the media. Yet I have on more than one occasion heard Alex Salmond refer to the biased BBC. So, at least he knows what’s what.
7 years ago
BBC live website updating on EU discussions. So far failed to mention the Spanish minster’s remarks about Scotland. Paul Nuttall, MEP for North West England, quoted though.
Little forest of Union Jacks decorate the page banner.
Why would the SNP not oppose an Independent candidate who didn’t support Independence?
As its all hypothetical we can speculate that first off Murray would have to declare openly a support for Independence and an intent to run as an Independent if he doesn’t want SNP opposition.
He would also have to share the broad range of SNP ideals and policy positions.
A candidate seeking election after a 180 flip within the same constituency.
Do not worry. There is not going to be a 2020 Westminster election in Scotland.
7 years ago
Some are surprised that the FM said people were well informed in 2014. What else could she say if you want to persuade some no voters to change, insult them and infer they were too naive not to be taken in. You are not going to convert anyone with that line of attack, even the stupid people don’t like being called stupid.
7 years ago
Oh, whoops! The Empire 2.0 more like The Colonies Strike Back.
From FT, India dents UK trade hopes with lapsed deal.
‘The UK has become the latest country to lose a key investment deal with India after New Delhi let it lapse just days before Philip Hammond visited in an effort to secure better terms.’
‘… the UK’s chancellor insisted the prospects of a free-trade agreement between the two countries were strong, in part because of their “cultural ties”.
Reporters collapsed in laughter (OK, that bit isn’t in FT) as he said,
“I suspect [Britain’s colonial rule of India] has become increasingly an irrelevance, except for the legacy footprint,”
I reckon that’s a legacy footprint that would make dinosaurs look petite.
Hope I didn’t come across as hysterical, but in 2014, the media won the battle to get Scotland voting No.
I agree, with the Vow, Sewell, Brexit, the pro Indy starting point, then the odds look healthier for a YES result.
But there are YES results and YES results; we can topple over the 50% in a referendum vote, but have our population entrenched in polarised positions in festering acrimony. Or, we can comprehensively traduce the stupidity of Brexit and spell out in bold capital letters what happens to our economy and society if Scotland is dragged kicking and screaming out of Europe.
If the rotten media cannot secure another NO vote, they do have the power and influence to poison the debate and muddy the waters.
I agree with most, Brexit changes the whole scenario, but the media and UK government are still framing the debate. Just yesterday or the day before, I saw Hammond in India saying it was much better negotiating a one-to-one trade deal after leaving the EU. Bullshitter. The UK breaks the law if it tries to negotiate any unilateral Trade Deal while still an EU member, and risks the collapse of EU negotiations for the act of trying.
All bad Brexit news is going to be sugar coated and sold to all as a “Britain knows best” panacea.
To get away with it, they have to suppress the truth and discourage or undermine dissent. How many times already has Nicolas been asked why doesn’t she postpone the Indy debate and work with Theresa for the best UK result? The “best” UK result is a much worse Scotland than Scotland in 2014. It’s not Nicola Sturgeon who caused Brexit, it’s the bampots in UKIP and the Tories who did that, and now need a scapegoat to carry the can.
We need a truth outlet. In short we need a Wings on TV dissecting the bile and dishonest propaganda, but there, on TV, after the “news”. The SNP has talked about a disinformation resource. Good. Where is it?
I see the all knowing Mr Sarwar yesterday accused the SNP of deliberately concealing the results of the 2016 NHS Staff Survey because the results were so bad. He has it on good authority.
ERR actually so do I. There was no staff survey carried out in 2016 as they are changing to a new better system that I know an awful lot about. (Smiles to self).
I cannot deny it must be hard for people from the NO side and yes Labour, to find that in the interest of changed situations and representation of the electorate that a different future exists as a seperate Scottish Eurpean involved state, one they thought they would never consider.
So I agree – respect to Mr Martin, (dismay with the remainder of Labour politicians in Scotland; I mean compare his stance with McLeish ? ….. jeeez grow a pair Henry)
7 years ago
I wonder how many ex SNP members are standing as Independents in May,seems like there are a few disgruntled branch members
‘Britain is looking for ways to scrap its 2020 clean energy targets while maintaining everyday trade in Europe’s energy market,’
Oh well if that fails they could always import batteries from India to keep the country powered up or maybe the amount of industry and ‘johnny foreigners’ moving out will reduce the demand to meet supply.
7 years ago
@CEARC – did you see my post yesterday about Biz Campbell?
7 years ago
@CEARC – did you see my post yesterday about Biz Campbell? Google for the 2012 report of her jumping ship straight after the 2012 council elections.
@ gordoz – agree that David Martin’s speech was a cracker. Last straw for the SLab doctrine.
Things seem to be moving fast now. Looks like Craig’s right. There will be no Scotland/Westminster general election.
7 years ago
David Martin Labour MEP for Lothians since 1984. Married to Labour/Unionist Times correspondent Lorraine Davidson.
David Martin was one of the first to make the claim that Scotland,out of the UK Union, would not retain EU membership. Supported by Ms Davidson.
Folk certainly change their tune when they lose the lucrative job.
7 years ago
The Ian Murray “survey” should be easy to confirm. Typical poll contacts 1000 people, 5% of Scottish people read Wings, so about 50 Wings readers should have been surveyed. Now, not all who’ve been surveyed and are Wings readers will post up – but just one? Seems odd …
Would be great fun if true …
Robert Peffers
7 years ago
@Les Wilson says: 5 April, 2017 at 9:33 am:
” … For example, the SNP while focusing in joining the EU, should go the EFTA way in the first instance.”
Where did you get this idea, Les, that the SNP were, “focusing in joining the EU”?”
Far as I can see that is quite a wrong assumption and actual facts bear out my view. So let’s examine these facts, shall we?
Here’s a couple of facts to begin with :-
The EU has no other rules, laws or legal mechanism to expel either an EU Member State or any EU citizen from their membership/citizenship of the EU than the Article 50 route. This Article 50 is simply a formal written request to officially leave the European Union and thus give up European Citizenship.
Furthermore, if there were any such rules, laws or legal mechanisms then the European Union would cease to exist as its whole ethos is based upon the power to unite as much of Europe as can meet EU standards and protect its citizenry. So the whole point of a European Union is for the unified Europe to protect its member states and its European citizens. If it cannot stick by that ethos a European Union is utterly pointless.
We already have seen this in action as the EU refused point blank to consider, debate or even discuss anything with Ms May, or the UK government, until the formal Article 50 was delivered into the EC, (not the EU), hands.
So before Scotland can apply to re-join the EU then Scotland must first of all have been removed, against her EU citizens collective will, from the EU and be looking in from the outside.
Yet how can the EU, in all honesty, allow around 5.5 million of its EU citizens to be dragged out of the EU against their will? Especially when it is brought to their notice that as the very title of, “The United Kingdom”, describes what is legally a bipartite union of two equally sovereign Kingdoms and obviously not a single unified country?
In fact not only is the United Kingdom a union of two Kingdoms it contains four countries and thus cannot be legally a single country. The EU is faced with the problem that it accepted as a member state a legal union of two kingdoms that between them contained four countries.
Now not only has one of those kingdoms democratically voted to remain in the EU but, as Scotland is also a country in its own right, That one UK country out of four has voted to remain in the EU as have a majority of that country’s citizenry.
If the EU accepts that the UK Government has the democratic right to drag Scots out of Europe against their will then the EU parliament will destroy its right to exist as a union of member states and still protect their EU citizen’s rights.
So just why would the EU Parliament go to all the bother of changing EU laws and rules only to actually destroy its own entire raison d’être?
All the EU needs do is acknowledge that the UK is a bipartite Kingdom and one part does not want to leave and, without changing EU rules, everyone gets what they want.
The Kingdom of England gets to leave the EU. The Kingdom of Scotland gets to remain as the legacy member state. The EU gets rid of the biggest thorn in its side that has caused them such grief throughout their entire history. What’s not to like?
The EU’s alternative is to allow the English Kingdom part of the United Kingdom to drag the Scottish part of the UK out of the Union and so destroy the whole point of the EU. Remember that there cannot be an rUK when the remainder is factually composed of only the Kingdom of England.
7 years ago
gordoz says:
That’s one former Dr Who on side for Indy now !!
Two now, Sylvester McCoy? and David Tennant.
7 years ago
Valuing the UK is a valid view, even if we disagree with him. I prefer to allow all views.
Ian is generally viewed as one of the hardest working MPs and has a lot of personal goodwill in the constituency, which may explain his continuing career. Perhaps he realises his competency is not matched by his party. Good luck to him.
Can confirm I got the exact same survey yesterday evening…
Asked who paid for it – they wouldn’t tell.
However it was survation and they were only polling Edinburgh south.
Very interested where they got my number – as I never get telephone polls normally.
FWIW : Ian Murray is alright and a decent MP. I agree with his stance on Brexit (which I emailed him about several times) just a shame he is not pro-indy.
If he wants to ditch Labour then I cant blame him – sinking ship!
7 years ago
Sorry I didn’t respond.
‘She said there was “no right time” to defect.’
{Except, maybe, just a couple of days after being elected on a campaign promoted and funded by a party ticket?}
Ms Campbell said: “If I had defected prior to the election I would have been accused of trying to get votes. I might have gained some Lib Dems but I have lost a lot as well.”
Oh, the shining integrity.
Basically she ran a fraudulent campaign, surely the LDs should have demanded their expenses back from her?
7 years ago
Valuing the UK is a valid view, even if we disagree with him. I prefer to allow all views”
Twa beeb gimps also prefer to allow all views, theirs.
ending with “she should get back to work and stop grand standing abroad.”
Propaganda doesn’t get more extreme than BBC Scotland’s.
Robert Peffers
7 years ago
@John H. says: 5 April, 2017 at 9:40 am:
“The SNP do seem to be very naive as regards the media. Yet I have on more than one occasion heard Alex Salmond refer to the biased BBC. So, at least he knows what’s what.”
Whatever makes you imagine the SNP are, naïve about the media, or the BBC, it particular? Hell we were aware of BBC bias when I was first taking an interest in politics way back in the mid-1940s.
There are two things you must consider. The first is that just as you can, “Take a horse to water but cannot make it drink”, then you can send the media as many Press Releases as you wish but you cannot make them print, or even acknowledge they received, them.
The second is rather more obscure but not less true. If you let the media carry on with what is obviously biased output to you, but which is trusted as truth by voters brainwashed since birth, who are thus inclined to vote against you. You will eventually see them suddenly become shocked when the hard truth eventually dawns upon the brainwashed people that they have been played as suckers by the media.
Personally I’ve long lost count of the number of former unionist party voters who have said, “I used to vote Labour but I’ll never vote for the lying B*****ds again”.
A quick search through old Wings Articles will turn up plenty of evidence that is so.
Thing is, if you try to convert someone, and thus tell then they were wrong, they will shift Heaven & Earth to prove themselves right. However, if you can find just one example of media lies that you can prove to be lies, and present them with that evidence they will, but not instantly, change their views.
What they will do is be aware that the media might be lying and, even if they don’t consciously realise it the seeds of doubt are growing and they will then discover other media lies for themselves. You will thus have made your convert.
I’ll tell you another thing I’ve noticed about such converts. The ones who are the loudest and most vehement arguers are the most likely to become active workers for the cause of independence when they finally realise how they have been fooled. Once again a search through the old Wings comments will verify that truth.
Perhaps then the SNP have adopted the correct course of action. If they had begun to campaign against the media it may have proven to be more counter productive than allowing their former opponents to find out the truth by themselves. Not to forget it is just such as those present opponents we need to convert to get over the finishing line of independence.
7 years ago
hmmm Valuing the UK is a valid view
Okay i will give you give you $10 for it $5 more than i think its value is and with a 1.6 trillion debt i am doing you a favour.
7 years ago
Nice to here from someone,I assume, who is in the same ‘local ward’. Maybe we live within a hundred miles of each other?
7 years ago
Just cause I love a bit of a conspiracy theory –
Is this a bit of ‘push polling’ perchance? (Where pollsters ask questions not to collect data but in order to implant certain ideas into voters minds)
I wonder if Ian Murray is trying to perhaps disassociate himself with the Labour party?
It’s worked (partially) for the Tories who’ve rebranded themselves as the ‘Ruth Davidson – Tories? Not me Guv! Party’ in Scotland. Could the remnant(s) of the Labour Party be trying a similar trick. Hmm…
7 years ago
@cearc – I was looking into our ward candidates to try to decide what order to place them so I read the Ross-shire Journal article very carefully. It is a difficult one – BC says she paid her own expenses and was disillusioned with the LibDems because of their coalition with the Tory government, which are plus points. On the other hand, Wester Ross being a staunch LibDem area, it must have helped her re-election to be on their books.
As for this May’s election, well she does sound better than a Tory but should we weaken her chances by placing her below them on the preference list because she is more likely to get in otherwise? [I’m getting confused now!]
7 years ago
An Idea for your new badge Stu.
Indyref II
The Empire Strikes Out.
David Mills
7 years ago
Give his record I am only surprised he not pitching as an attention candidate
David Mills
7 years ago
Sorry predictive smelling getting in the road again
Abstention candidate
7 years ago
@cearc – our ward is mad, isn’t it? I feel sorry for our councillors with the miles they have to cover. I’m at the Lochbroom fringe. The Green candidate is having to be very un-Green, driving to all the Community Council meetings!
7 years ago
Graun’s FM Sturgeon black out continues, other than Sturgeon bad, heavy Graun trolling Scottish democracy style. Or Severin’s clearly got a thing for women urinating, as UKOK hackdom’s got even creepier this week,
Severin Carrell Scotland editor
Wednesday 5 April 2017 12.45 BST
Activist loses case against Trump golf course over urination photographs
Sheriff rules staff at Scottish course did not unfairly photograph Rohan Beyts, but says Trump Organization complaint was frivolous
Severin Carrell Scotland editor
Tuesday 4 April 2017 15.05 BST
Trump golf course staff photographed urinating woman ‘to detect crime’
Lawyers for Trump Organization resort in Aberdeenshire argue that employee was legally justified in taking pictures of Rohan Beyts, 62
Severin Carrell Scotland editor
Monday 3 April 2017 17.15 BST
UK news
Activist ‘upset’ that Trump staff secretly photographed her urinating
Rohan Beyts suing Trump’s Aberdeenshire golf resort after it claimed she breached decency laws on the course
Severin, if you’re out there dude, ew, just ew.
Or seek help.
Tartan Tory
7 years ago
Just puting two and two together here……
What’s the chances of a NEW Scottish Labour Party being created here? The only sitting Labour MP moves for independence and takes a load of labour votes with him. As a pro-Indy force, the SNP may not stand against him in a GE, but come independence, a true ‘Scottish Labour Party’ would have a lot of potential for government – especially if the SNP were to fracture (UKIP fashion) after acheiving their goal?
7 years ago
Just reading the Jeanne Freeman article in my latest iScot. (Everyone should subscribe!)
She makes a very important point which goes a long way to explain a lot of things.
The current Tory WM government are behaving like they are new. People may have changed but they are still the same government and MPs elected in 2015 and have a manifesto to abide by from then. They cannot and should not try to wipe the slate clean and start again on their arrival.
JF says they are trying to renege on everything they agreed to pre their personal arrival. In particular she refers to benefits.
As a general point she is spot on. This IS the same government elected in 2015 and not, as they seem to believe, a completely new TMay plus Brexiteer regime.
Most of all (me talking, not JF) , they have walked away from the solemn manifesto promises to maintain a single European market. The Leave vote should have meant, with the WM government’s manifesto commitments, Brexit WITHIN the single market.
Jim Chalmers
7 years ago
Another prominent Labourite, David Martin MEP, preparing to jump ship?
Listen to his speech to the EU Parliament this morning at link to
7 years ago
Yeah, c’mon Labour movement types, use a little bit of that 1% required imagination.
You’ll never, in a month of Sundays, sweat off the corporate indulgence that hi-jacked your traditional party, so side-step the London elites and take control of your future.
7 years ago
Tartan Tory says:
NEW Scottish Labour Party
They don’t need to. After the council election there will hopefully be no elections prior to Indy. If Brexit is shite, and the SG deliver ScotRef as planned, it would be crazy to have elections before Indyday.
What Labour could well do is campaign NO or YES on an individual basis. Ideally with the party taking no side officially. I feel that is quite likely.
As you say, the YES faction could continue into the future while the NO supporting Unionist morally have to bow out.
the SNP were to fracture … after acheiving their goal?
IMO very unlikely for the first, or even second elections. At some point the broad church approach will mean squabbles and desertions. Scotland will be a PR democracy with room for many parties (like everywhere else).
7 years ago
Not until after indy chaps do not want to get in the way,we will continue to kick lumps out the red tories though.
Though as an old Labour guy if he was to stand for the position my vote would go to Eric.
Any man who punches out a tory is the right man for the job as it will need these special skills imo.
7 years ago
In relation to what happens to unionist party politicians…
It seems obvious that, any and all current unionist politicians will be out of office upon independence.
They can hardly represent Scottish people when they as politicians are run by what will be a foreign country.
Not like we could leave the 56 SNP MP’s at WM, is it !
Election Expenses submitted by the Lib Dems £150.97 (in kind)
I’d still put her ahead of the tory. In the Holyrood election regional list the tories went from c.20K in a good year to 45k. with no loss to other parties – I assume holiday cottage owners (outside of Scot) who were encouraged to register for Indyref as the increase is not there in the WM election where they would be more likely to vote at home.
So if it’s the northern fringes we’re quite close, I’m as far north as the ward goes.
Robert J. Sutherland
7 years ago
Robert Louis @ 23:23 (04.Apr):
I just can’t fathom the Labour party and its stance on the EU or independence. It makes no sense, even if you are die hard Labour.
Actually both do make a kind of sense. English Labour are primarily concerned with holding on to their heartlands in their NE and fear them going over to UKIP, so they have become willing Tory collaborators over the EU. They have effectively jettisoned BLiS, and Ian Murray in particular. His pro-EU views and those of his constituents are just an embarrassment to them now.
As for independence, BLiS are against that because it cuts off their main source of funding. They are bought and paid for by their English comrades, and can only to stand by lamely while their paymasters look after their own interests.
Sooner or later something is bound to break. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ian Murray were to quit Labour and become an independent, since he’s in an impossible bind. But would he go as far as support independence? Unlikely, though you never know. I would welcome him if he did, though.
It would make a whole lot of sense for BLiS, as gala has just suggested, to go officially neutral on ScotRef, but the current leadership have been so committed for so long to Unionism that it would likely take a complete clearout there to make that possible or credible. And even then, who would likely be the replacements…?
7 years ago
Just to get back on topic, wasn’t there a councillor or MP who did this?
Kicked out a a Labour candidate, stood as an independent, got elected, then returned to his party?
Isn’t that a policy for the Electoral Commission to cracking down on?…. in theory.
7 years ago
Tartan Tory,
I think that ‘a new Labour’ party would probably have to drop the labour name, it has become a bit confusing what with right of centre New Labour and the mess that is the remnants of SLab. Certainly a new left of centre mainstream party would be needed and I think the current shower of the Harrison/Davidson party are not doing themselves any favours amonst their natural electorate.
I doubt that the SNP would break up ukip-style but certainly both members and representatives will start to move to other parties.
As I see it, one of the reasons that the SNP can govern so effectively in (or near) majority is that is a political coalition within itself.
Robert Peffers
7 years ago
@Tartan Tory says: 5 April, 2017 at 1:24 pm:
” … especially if the SNP were to fracture (UKIP fashion) after acheiving their goal?”
Just a wee reminder for you, Tartan Tory, That the letter, “N”, in SNP stands for, “NATIONAL”, party and not for, “NATIONALIST”, party.
i.e. the party of the nation and after independence the truth is the nation will be in even greater need of a party doing what is best for the nation and that nation will be Scotland and not either Britain, Great Britain, The United Kingdom or England.
So just where does that leave the three unionist parties and their offshoots?
The Tory Party is officially, “The Conservative & Unionist Party” and Labour’s policies have always been, (allegedly), the International interests of the workers with the accent on the international bit. The LibDems are anything you want them to be if they can just get to play at being important. All dedicated to taking Scotland back into the Union.
It may take some time for a real left and right wing, purely Scottish, opposition to begin to emerge.
It has, after all, taken around 10 decades for the SNP to emerge from when the two previous independence parties united until they are in sight of gaining Scottish independence.
7 years ago
Front page now. BBC r4 also long thing on this tragedy, never in the field of women going peepee, has so much UKOK hackdom time and energy being expended on some weewee, soaking into the dunes at Balmedie.
Even if they have tried to hook this appalling human tragedy in Scotland, with Trump’s golden showers in Russia… maybe they are but cant be bothered to look.
Severin Carrell Scotland editor
Wednesday 5 April 2017 14.01 BST
Sheriff attacks Trump golf course complaint about woman urinating
Trump Organization accused in court of making frivolous complaint against Rohan Beyts, who nevertheless lost privacy case
7 years ago
“European Union lawmakers adopted a resolution on Wednesday setting their red lines for the two-year divorce talks with Britain and rejected attempts by British MEPs to recognize Gibraltar’s pro-EU stance in the Brexit referendum…… because “we do not agree to give to the Gibraltar issue the same importance as Scotland’s and Northern Ireland’s”, a parliament official said.”
Sounds fun! Take the kids, the more that go, the stronger the democracy.
7 years ago
@ Breeks
There was a council by-election in Oban (maybe last year?) in which a former, unsuccessful, Labour candidate ran as an independent and won – despite having been exposed for what he was during the campaign.
Once elected, he reverted to SLab. I don’t think he was “kicked out”, though – it was just a ruse.
Is that what you are thinking of? There may well be others.
7 years ago
Labour’s hatred of the SNP has effectively blocked many of the avenues of creative, political possibilities which would otherwise be open to them.
It is this hatred, acting like a blindfold, and at the same time, as a millstone round the neck of BLiS, which will drag them under.
Is there any hope for them? In a word, none.
7 years ago
Excellent, galamcennalath. Westminster only has eyes for the assets, while the EU sees its citizens.
Scotland 5.3 million, Gibraltar, 30,000.
7 years ago
cearc -so for Highland Council ward 5 [W Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh] it should be:
1. SNP Ian Cockburn
2. SNP Alex MacInnes – that’s the order on Ian C’s leaflet.
3. Green Topher Dawson [cough]
4. …I don’t yet know where Richard Greene Independent stands on the Union. But assuming he’s a Unionist then we have to choose from him; Biz Campbell; an official LibDem, Kate Stephen; a Labour, Christopher Birt; and a Tory, Derek Macleod.
5 of the 8 are new – only Ian C, Richard G and Biz C are existing councillors. I know Topher is a Yesser but know nothing of the others. Can anyone help with this?
I’m near the head of Loch Broom and attend Yes Ullapool and Lochbroom meetings [k/as Talking Change for a while] – are you on the mailing list? Next meeting Mon 17th April 7.30 Ullapool Village Hall.
7 years ago
Tartan Tory says:
5 April, 2017 at 1:24 pm
Just puting two and two together here……
“What’s the chances of a NEW….”
I’m not sure what you’d achieve Tartan Tory. You’d see the “Labour” corporate image and political vocabulary pole vault over the awkward business of securing an Independent Scottish Government, but be forever tarnished by the devout Unionism they preached while opposing independence.
I’m not quite sold on the idea of a Labour “Told You So” Party heckling every action the new sovereign Scottish Government tried to make and wailing continually about the good old days of Westminster rule. I’m already bored of that concept in the time it’s taken to write it down.
What Labour lacks right now is a cohesive idea that is relevant. Get the idea right, give your grassroots something with substance to promote, (and in Labour’s case, eat a few humble pies and seek forgiveness), and your Party might just survive.
I’ve read there’s a Labour opinion that the Labour Party now has to burn before it can rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. They are certainly burning all right, but so far there is no sign of any rebirth happening. Quite the reverse; they are dredging up tired old ideas, old news from yesterday’s stale politicians. There’s a certain irony in the list system that breathes life into spent politicians and sustains a political career which in former times would be ended. How can you be a “new” anything when saddled with ranks thick with political has-beens and rejects, and still subordinate to a mothership has-been Party all the way down in London?
A “list” seat should be wildcard opportunity for a fresh young hotshot; a chance for an unknown to secure a flying start to a new career, not a cosy retirement plan for those MSP’s the electorate has seen, considered, and deliberately put out to grass.
Scottish Labour needs dynamic fresh ideas if it wants to survive, but the problem is those dynamic fresh ideas don’t need Scottish Labour. Right now, the only big idea in town is Indy.
In my very humble opinion, Scottish Labour blew it in 2014. Allan Grogan and his breakaway Labour for Indy movement was Scottish Labour’s last available ticket out of Dodge City. Instead they put their faith in the North Briton, Gordon Brown.
If Scottish Labour had put their faith in Grogan, broken from London and properly backed Scotland, the party might have followed the same trajectory as Grogan did, and made the same connections with Socialist elements of what would become RIse, and perhaps, just perhaps, the fresh ideas of the Commonweal could have fuelled a credible new political force to keep the SNP on its toes.
But, that was 2014, and I think that window of opportunity no longer exists for Labour in Scotland. Certainly not after the Vow. They are spent, and things must be bad when even the BBC can recognise it needs more credible material than Labour can give.
7 years ago
He might be thinking about an election, but not a General Election. If May says no to a referendum then what options do we have?
56 by-elections would certainly get her attention. 57 or even 58 would be even better. Except, why would Murray (or Carmichael) stand down, unless he was given a clear run?
It might not be an ‘Independent’ ticket, it might be ‘Independence’.
Robert J. Sutherland
7 years ago
David Martin MEP can see at least some of the writing on the wall, it seems.
The Labourite who was an ardent TIPP supporter and wanted to produce a report echoing Barroso by stating that Scotland would automatically be out of the EU if it voted for independence, but which was vetoed by his Socialist grouping in the EU Parliament:
Now here at home though it seems he hasn’t moved on very much. He just can’t get beyond peddling this party line indy “second question” pish.
7 years ago
Robert Peffers at 11.39am. Absolute stonker, Robert. Well done.
For the first time I see that the UK which joined the EU is, as the Supreme Court emphasised in the appeal against the High Court’s Miller judgement, NOT what Westminster thinks it is, but what the Law says it is.
So, the EU, as Robert so rightly states, has to deal with Brexit on the basis of a UK joined by a bipartite Treaty between two equals, the kingdom of England and the kingdom of Scotland.
What Westminster says the UK is, ie. one country, is clearly at odds with what the Law says.
It would be absurd were Brexit to be resolved on the basis of hearsay from Westminster.
All rise.
7 years ago
Come on folks send him an invite and encourage him
to join the independence movement.
7 years ago
Me @3:29
So, has the BBC reported that Reuters story saying the EU consider the’Scotland situation’ more important than GIbraltar?
Not that I can find. UKIP, Gibraltar … blah blah. Scotland and the EU? Nothing.
In UK constitutional and Brexit terms, this strikes me as a big story. It doesn’t fit with the London centric view though, does it?
7 years ago
What are the legalities of refusing to reveal who you are polling on behalf of? For all we know this could be a bit of mischief making by some other party.
Jack Murphy
7 years ago
galamcennalath said at 4:21pm:
“So, has the BBC reported that Reuters story saying the EU consider the’Scotland situation’ more important than GIbraltar?…….”
Nope—-it’s not on BBC Scotland on-line,therefore it will be avoided or covered briefly in “now some other news”.
Great comment Robert. Will use this in a debate with an English Brexiteer who lives near me and doesn’t think that Scotland should have any powers and that the Scottish Parliament should be closed.
She moved here with her business to have a better life!
Maybe I’ll just not bother but keep your comment in my notes.
I haven’t said much about Ian Murray because he is the MP for where my family stay and the mention of his name fills me with such fury, I can’t put it all down in one comment. So I won’t.
I’m away to leaflet instead.
7 years ago
Interesting times.
Conservative Spanish MEP Gonzalez Pons has had a go at the Tories for “preventing Scotland being part of Europe.”
I think May and her merry band of Brexiteers might be in for a shock re Scotland’s position in the EU negotiations.
7 years ago
Am I the only one who gets the feeling that the
tide is ever so slightly turning towards independence?
willie fae kilwinning
7 years ago
Hi folks, need a little assistance.
Got somebody on another site bumming up labour giving us Hollyrood, devolution.
Did see something on here a wee while ago re the UN and this subject.
Could anybody post relevant links or point me in the right direction.
“In UK constitutional and Brexit terms, this strikes me as a big story. It doesn’t fit with the London centric view though, does it.”
Now I’m going to make a wild guess here, galamcennalath, but I will also explain my thinking.
I believe that the EU MEPs and the EC, (who are the EU Civil Service), will have been working hard behind the scenes on legalities behind Brexit and will have been playing it very close to their chests.
I detected a rather different EU attitude from the moment the May Article 50 letter arrived. Now they will begin to show their hand and they won’t be bluffing.
Looked on from a neutral POV the EU has axes to grind and one such axe is that Spain is a respected EU member and thus their opinion will go a long way as every member state has a veto and Spain has a strong interest in Gibraltar.
So just who are the EU, as a parliament, going to favour in the matter?
We have Westminster, who have just requested to leave the EU but wants to do deals to cherry pick and retain many of the privileges of EU membership but yet who want to drag, Gibraltar, N. Ireland and Scotland out of the EU against their will.
Yet the legal situation is that both Gibraltar & N.I. are historically legally dominions of the Kingdom of England.
Gibraltar came under British, (sic), rule between 4 and 7 August 1704. However, at that time the British were using a different calendar from that of the Spanish and thus there is an 11 day discrepancy in the historic records. Between Spanish & English/British recorded history.
Anyway here’s the problem. In 1704 there was no United Kingdom but the Kingdom of England has maintained that there was a, “Union of the Crowns”, in 1603. Legally there was not as it was only a personal union for the monarch who legally wore two, still independent, crowns.
So, as this was pre-the Treaty of Union, then Gibraltar became legally an English Dominion in 1704. In the case of all Ireland that had become a dominion of the Kingdom of England in 1542, (Crown of Ireland Act). These are the, “Dominions”, written about in the preamble to the Treaty of Union of 1706/7.
So the legal situation, as far as the EU is concerned, should be that as the Treaty of Union united two equally sovereign kingdoms and one of them legally had the dominions of Wales, Ireland & Gibraltar then The Kingdom of Scotland has no legal claim on those dominions when the two Kingdoms split up.
Mind you if Westminster claims otherwise then Scotland could then claim a share of at least Gibraltar and Northern Ireland.
This would be in line with the EU claim that Scotland’s claim to remain in the EU is not only more important but is legally factual. So if the EU accepts that the EU Member State is a bipartite United Kingdom and the bipartite United Kingdom is splitting up then N.I. and Gibraltar legally go out as part of the Kingdom of England.
Unless, that is, they can claim, (under the EU and UN terms of Human Right Law), Self-Determination as distinct and identifiable groups. Thing is that the EU probably see this as being easier to achieve for both English Dominions if the UK has already split into two separate Kingdoms.
Anyway I’m not a lawyer so could be way off beam with my conjectures.
Hoss Mackintosh
7 years ago
Looks like Duncan Hotdogstall and Dr Scott are really serious about setting up the independent state of Red Morningside!
They need to dump Kez and Corbyn so Ian Murray will appeal to all these Tory voters.
So I don’t know why they just don’t go the whole hog and merge with the Conservatives.
Will mean their extinction just like the National Liberals, Scottish Unionists and Lib-dems before them. But worth it to try to save the Union.
What a nasty treacherous quizzer rat! As for the sleekit polling organisation well. The only way to stop Brexit in theory or reality is to vote Yes to Indy in the next Indy Ref.
My attitude is that NO FREE RUNS BE GIVEN TO ANY QUIZZERS EVER! Lets face it he is never going to be Pro Scots Indy.
7 years ago
starting to feel the lurv from the EU.
Treeza must be bricking it
7 years ago
crazycat says:
5 April, 2017 at 3:35 pm
@ Breeks
There was a council by-election in Oban (maybe last year?) in which a former, unsuccessful, Labour candidate ran as an independent and won – despite having been exposed for what he was during the campaign.
Once elected, he reverted to SLab. I don’t think he was “kicked out”, though – it was just a ruse.
Is that what you are thinking of? There may well be others.
You are right -the independent even got his picture taken with a labour badge on. Not the cleverest of councillors- and that is saying something
Iain More
7 years ago
RE the Council Elections. There shouldn’t be any confusion at all.
It is simple – DONT VOTE FOR ANY YOON OR QUIZZER at all. As far as I am concerned Kippers, Tories, Fib Dooms, Labour etc are just different colours of anti Scottish bigots and anti Indy bigots.
As for Independents I don’t trust any of them. I cant say it is true for all Council Areas but my sickening experience of Independents in Moray is that they are all closet Kippers or Tories. They are political whores who will sleep with anybody but the Pro Indy SNP. Nor do they give an eff about providing Council Services efficiently and honestly and are as incompetent and corrupt as hell!
7 years ago
Robert Peffers says:
Now they will begin to show their hand and they won’t be bluffing.
An interesting reply.
Their preparations will have been exhaustive and they have an accurate understanding of the true nature of the UK. They will be well aware Scotland’s constitutional status.
I have always thought there will be one of only two outcomes. Firstly WM accepts what the EU offer with a little bit of room to negotiate around the edges, or secondly the UK walks away.
The EU will propose solutions for Scotland and Northern Ireland almost certainly based on the outcome of referendums. IMO that will be integral to the divorce talks whether WM likes it or not. They will be tougher on Gibraltar which is basically just a money making scam.
…why is Jackie Bird so pleased to announce “bad news” relating to the financial position of her own nation. (Not that accept the propaganda)
That smirking delight as they run down their own country typifies the Scotbut mentality.
7 years ago
“It is probably fair to say that he has seemed unhappy about the current Labour position on Brexit”
Ian Murray and other Scottish Labour politicians don’t have positions on anything.
They are in it just for themselves and for the unionist establishment.
7 years ago
BBC national news coverage of EU debate doesn’t mention David Martin’s warning on consequences of a hard Brexit for the UK as it does not suit their London centric agenda
BBC Scotland and STV might as well just sign up and join Scotland in Union now Jackie Burd almost said to Douglas Fraser “So Scotland and the Scottish government are shite then Douglas?” “Well you can’t know for sure Jackie but it sure does look like it” said Douglas “And it’s not the fault of Brexit, it’s more likely the fear of Independence” said Douglas
A bit of paraphrasing there but nevertheless damn close to what they said whilst showing a big giant Union flag and a little teeny weeny Saltire beside it
The cringe is overwhelming for the pipsqueek STV and the BBC are just filth
Aah! At least being unpleasant about them brings a certain satisfaction
Stephen McKenzie
7 years ago
Clootie 6:46
It’s the “best news” the BBC has had for days, let her savour the moment.
I listened to Douglas Fraser earlier telling us how dreadful we were and how well the rest of the UK were doing. Thank God we can smirk ourselves on foolish and hollow they now sound – and then turn them off 🙂
Black Joan
7 years ago
On the subject of BBC bias and the theory that Nick (“He didn’t answer the question”) Robinson, J. Naughtie (Red Morningside resident), and their BBC UKOK colleaugues might query the wisdom of Brexit and therefore exhibit less hostility towards the SNP — as I understand it, the BBC charter has been re-written and now explicitly defines “nation speaking truth unto nation” as meaning showing support for “our” (precious, precious) Union at every opportunity.
They have got to do it, even if it means nation speaking lies unto nation, or woe betide them at the next licence fee review.
So if you thought they were bad in 2014, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Murray’s one redeeming feature seems to be a genuine recognition that Trident is an obscenity (probably not a view shared by many of his Tory supporters in Morningside).
willie fae kilwinning
7 years ago
To Proud Cybernat and Gerry Parker,
many thanks.
Lenny Hartley
7 years ago
How can anybody claim with any accuracy the health or otherwise of the Scottish Economy?
As we know from Gers, the figures are basically made up, we don’t know how many imports there were into Scotland, we don’t know how much exports from Scotland were worth so how can we say that the economy grew or dropped by ,4% in any given quarter?
7 years ago
“So, the EU, as Robert so rightly states, has to deal with Brexit on the basis of a UK joined by a bipartite Treaty between two equals, the kingdom of England and the kingdom of Scotland.”
The EU and the rest of the world does not give a damn about the status of the kingdom of England and the kingdom of Scotland, as long as the UK exists as a unitary political state.
Any posturing by the EU will only be to weaken the UK’s negotiating position.
The EU WILL NOT state a clear position on an independent Scotland’s EU membership until after Brexit has been completed or Scotland has voted for independence.
Robert Peffers, you and your sycophants don’t read my comments so don’t bother responding:
Robert Peffers,
“@Dan Huil says: 4 April, 2017 at 7:32 pm:
“Has Rock given us his views on Gibraltar?”
Who would know, Dan? Does anyone still read his comments?”
7 years ago
Robert Peffers,
“@Les Wilson says: 5 April, 2017 at 9:33 am:
” … For example, the SNP while focusing in joining the EU, should go the EFTA way in the first instance.”
Where did you get this idea, Les, that the SNP were, “focusing in joining the EU”?””
You might have missed it, but the whole point of a second independence referendum is for Scotland to be a member of the EU.
It couldn’t be any more clearer.
7 years ago
Who can now believe any figures coming from Westminster regarding Scottish economy. Figures can be made up as they go along. Glen Campbell even got them worked into his report from the United Nations, which proves collusion with the crew in Glasgow about how to work the story.
Sorry folks I feel totally unconvinced about anything political I hear on the News.
7 years ago
Tuned into Reporting Scotland headlines to see what they were saying about Nicolas successful tour of America, only to find Jackie (Lets call it Devo Max) bird giving the main headline of Scotland is doing shit and the UK is doing better.
I can’t imagine any other media in the world so ready to put down its own country by comparing it to another.
Let’s hope our kids don’t have to suffer the media crap that we have to day in day out.
7 years ago
Black Joan says “Murray’s one redeeming feature seems to be a genuine recognition that Trident is an obscenity”
So he says but if you check his House of Commons voting record on Trident you will find that he has abstained more often than his very recent oppostion to Trident.
7 years ago
A link to the UN website that you can watch the FM giving a speech to the UN at 8pm BST.
Ian Murray is my MP. He is an excellent and conscientious MP who voted against the Brexit bill along with the SNP and Alasdair Carmichael. Only Fluffy voted for it out of the 59 Scots MPs. He is also opposed to Trident. He is hanging on to a wafer thin majority of about 800. He is no fan of Corbyn’s.
I have reason to be in contact with him from time to time on a non-party political basis and can assure you that though sound in many ways, he is totally opposed to Scottish independence.
So the interesting question in my mind is why is this question being asked now? And only in Edinburgh South?
Does Murray think there could be a general election before 2020?
7 years ago
O/T but still relevant: A poem
“Pity the nation whose people are sheep,
and whose shepherds mislead them.
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice,
except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero
and aims to rule the world with force and by torture.
Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own
and no other culture but its own.
Pity the nation whose breath is money
and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed.
Pity the nation — oh, pity the people who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away.
My country, tears of thee, sweet land of liberty.”
? Lawrence Ferlinghetti
7 years ago
Its shocking, Nicola Sturgeon is spending five days promoting Scotland to the world, and yet sadly, due to the lack of news coverage from the UK media, very few people in Scotland will be aware of how well she is doing.
Wullie B
7 years ago
“Rock says:
5 April, 2017 at 7:20 pm
Robert Peffers,
“@Les Wilson says: 5 April, 2017 at 9:33 am:
” … For example, the SNP while focusing in joining the EU, should go the EFTA way in the first instance.”
Where did you get this idea, Les, that the SNP were, “focusing in joining the EU”?””
You might have missed it, but the whole point of a second independence referendum is for Scotland to be a member of the EU.
It couldn’t be any more clearer.”
Rock, please keep p, Single Market is where the new Buzz word is these days, the difference between the voting public in BRexit brought the material change in attitudes, the EU is one way to remain in Single market, EFTA is the other way, and favourable to many Scots
7 years ago
Clootie says: 6:46 pm
…why is Jackie Bird so pleased to announce “bad news”..
I usually find something better to do at half six in the evening, anything but watching smug news for pensioners.
7 years ago
They are only allowed to compare figures if they are worse in Scotland. If they are better the argument becomes ‘they are still not meeting the targets’ or the comparison is not valid.
Suspect a lot of these figures come from WM, it strange all the figures about Scotland from WM are always worse.
Dorothy Devine
7 years ago
louis.b.argyll , me too , haven’t watch Misreporting Scotland for two years – couldn’t bear to see that sneering trollop ever again.
As for the bloke who ‘interpreted ‘ what is said by SNP leaders , as opposed to what is actually said , it is a joy not to have to listen to him.
It really is a mystery why anyone would wish to disrespect their country and work so hard against it.
They can hing as they grow – I won’t be listening to their ordure ever again . I would just love to know the viewing figures because I know I am not alone in treating BBBC Scotland as some kind of highly infectious disease best avoided like the plague.
7 years ago
Robert Peffers
It was the forces of the Grand Alliance – England and Netherlands – that captured Gibraltar in 1704 but it was not until the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 that Spain formally ceded it to Britain as part of the settlement of the Wars of the Spanish Succession. At that point it could be said to be legally Britain’s rather than in 1704 when it was seized by force by a coalition force.
Doug Mcg
7 years ago
FYI my wife had a phone call last Thursday re the local elections from a polling company and having established that she was over 30 y.o. asked if there were any youngsters available. No was the answer , that’s a pity because they find it very difficult to get to this age group said the caller , due to them being mobile users not landlines.
Two points , she could have lied about her age (never!!) and distorted the poll and are stay at home landliners really representative of that age group? Polls , ehhh can you trust them?
7 years ago
OT does anybody know where to watch the rest of Nicola’s Q and A session at Stanford which was cut off in the middle of the livestream?
On the BBC website today there was a report of it which I barely recognised as being the same speech, yet there was not a word of a lie in it. These guys are real propaganda pros.
7 years ago
We live in a country that when the First Minister is welcomed, received with respect internationally e.g. in Dublin and now in the USA, the people of her country are deprived by our public service broadcaster of the opportunity to hear, to any significant extent, what she is saying and why, and to learn how well she is received and how well Scotland is regarded.
The same happened when Alex Salmond over recent years spoke at notable gatherings in the USA and Europe. Little or no coverage in our domestic mainstream media.
To do so would risk the people of Scotland developing a national self-confidence – it wouldn’t suit Unionists to risk diluting the ‘cringe’!
7 years ago
Lenny Hartley says:
5 April, 2017 at 7:08 pm
How can anybody claim with any accuracy the health or otherwise of the Scottish Economy?
…..Kinda related, and my knowledge is limited, but I seem to recall an Independent Scotland can do more to protect itself and industry in hard times. I think it’s something to do with EU competition rules, but many governments cannot subsidise their industries where it provides obvious advantages and runs contrary to fair competition, however when the facility represents a Nation’s only capacity, such as the last shipyard, or coal mine, the rules change and it is possible to help it survive.
All sounds a bit “if, then, and but”, but put into perspective, had Scotland been independent, then Ravenscraig could have helped to stay open to maintain Scotland’s only capacity to make steel, rather than close and see Scottish steel production finished.
It’s not a panacea for all ills, and subsidy isn’t always the healthiest way to support your industry, but there would be more opportunities to help struggling industries survive and come back from the brink.
Don’t laugh, but in addition to Hillman Imps, Scotland once produced electric cars back in the 60’s. Scamps I think they were called… Now doesn’t that sound like an interesting idea for a country with a surplus clean and renewable electricity production? Whether it’s electric cars or hydrogen from sea water… the sky is the limit if we want it to be…
There are also mechanisms to improve infrastructure between countries. For example, in the event Scotland and England became separate nations, both could access funds to improve both motorway links and rail links. Whether that still applies if England is out the EU, I don’t know. But I think it might include North Sea ferry links and power infrastructure to physically connect Scotland with Europe.
Don’t see that help as subsidy but investment to raise productivity and get that industry paying for its keep.
Don’t ask me for the details, it was something I read a long time ago, way back when Ravenscraig was closing. An Independent Scotland could have stepped in to save it without breaching competition rules with Port Talbot.
Thinking about it, it might actually be worth doing a audit of the support measures an Independent Scotland could access which at the moment are the preserve of Westminster.
Just to qualify those comments, I don’t want to see Scotland reliant on EU subsidy, or even developing a dependency on it, but I am 100% behind getting help to get the country startup investment to get us running on all cylinders and very soon making a worthwhile contribution.
Free to make our own decisions, Scotland can make realistic plans and strategies to optimise the capacity we have really get Scotland running with much greater efficiency. Independence is just the first day of everything that follows. We can make our own rules… and our own mistakes.
The Judge
7 years ago
BBC Scotland comparing the Scottish economy against the massive economy of the rest of the UK including the “Black Hole” of the South East of England.
The economy of Scotland should never be measured in this way but that is what we are up against.
We have heard it all before and we will hear it all again.
BBC Scotland and STV have their orders:
“Protect London at all costs.”
7 years ago
I cauught a bit of the church service in London and it was extremely politicised. (“precious union” or suchlike made an appearance – sorry did not not the exact phrase).
7 years ago
Here is a link to the full Q & A at Stamford yesterday.
” … I can’t imagine any other media in the world so ready to put down its own country by comparing it to another.
Let’s hope our kids don’t have to suffer the media crap that we have to day in day out.”
I’d have thought, by this time, you would have worked out their mind set by now?
Their country, besides not even being a country, is, “The United Kingdom”, or Britain or even Great Britain.
To them these are all synonymous terms. Scotland is just the place they work. Where they do missionary work among the uneducated and uncivilised natives while they look forward to their retirement to the best retirement home in the World in London in a place called, “The Lords”.
It’s hard, dirty and dangerous work – but someone has to do it. It is their sworn duty for their Queen and country, you understand.
Wullie B
7 years ago
“Dorothy Devine says:
5 April, 2017 at 8:30 pm
I would just love to know the viewing figures because I know I am not alone in treating BBBC Scotland as some kind of highly infectious disease best avoided like the plague”
Viewing figures are kind of like GERS , cant remember the exact numbers of boxes that record the data of what the viewer is watching, but they then work out the ratio of viewer watching a certain show, then multiply it to get a general demographic, but if it is all blue rinse brigade or older generations then you can bet they are bit long in the tooth and still watch these shows day in day out, but doesnt represent other age demographics
7 years ago
Just been told there’s a pro-indy rally now planned in FINLAND too! Where next? 😀
FFS a yoon at the UN, some yoon I didn’t catch his name just came out with yoon drivel in the Q&A with the First Minister..
Yoons be **crazy**
7 years ago
o/t – Local Elections ie LOCAL
Sad to see in my area of ardrossan/ stevenston that not one local SNP branch member was able to be elected as a possible candidate. Selected candidates from the north coast ie Largs are dropped in and know nothing of the area. Likewise other snp candidates are palsy with the MSP/MP elite and live in Glasgow and Troon i.e outside of North Ayrshire! How can this be right? Surely there are enough SNP people in the respective areas so that local voices are represented.
Sad to see SNP in some areas copying old Labour. I will hold my nose and vote SNP but after the council set up I hope SNP HQ will review their procedures. Based on previous experience I doubt it. Local democracy is important. God help any Leader of the SNP in North Ayrshire as a fair % of possible councillors will not answerable to them but to a higher authority. Poor show all round. I have heard some members just wont vote for the outsiders.
Robert J. Sutherland
7 years ago
Wullie B @ 20:12,
I think you mean EEA rather than EFTA, in order to remain fully in the single market.
Where the opportunities present themselves to us we still have to wait and see, but don’t be lulled into the casual assumption that EEA is some kind of “get out of jail free card”. The proposition is vulnerable on the very reasonable grounds that you have to pay nearly the same as a full EU member yet you don’t get to take any decisions.
So it doesn’t actually satisfy the sovereignity zealots nor the expense grumblers, and doesn’t retain the full citizenship rights that we currently enjoy, nor make us eligible for the EU development funding that might be crucial to a (re-)nascent Scotland, nor get us heavy-lifting support during the Brexit negotiations.
The EEA notion could easily fall between two stools and satisfy no-one. That’s the real danger that some are currently overlooking.
7 years ago
For your own health, try to avoid watching the teatime news bulletins on BBC Scotland and STV.
STV depends on advertising revenue and viewing figures are very important to them.
So if they show a drop in viewers due to biased reporting, it maybe give them something to think about.
If you must, then try watching ITV instead of STV.
Every little helps.
7 years ago
@ Marcia
thank you! says it all that we have to scrape around looking for a recording of our own First Ministers speech and our ‘national’ broadcaster only shows the extracts it wants to.
7 years ago
I think the ‘Yoon at UN’ was a planned set up. Did you notice that immediately after Nicola answered his question (very eloquently), and she moved on to the next answer, a hand came in to the bottom left of the picture and removed an additional microphone of type used by professional broadcasters…I await to see which broadcaster this is!
7 years ago
‘I think the ‘Yoon at UN’ was a planned set up’
Yeah, it was a bit obvious. I would not be surprised if the UK Establishment has them placed at every venue she goes to.
The ironic thing is, the answers Nicola gives just makes it clearer to a wider world audience that Scotland should really be Independent.
Yes I think you are right. The Yoon At The UN will probably be on the invite list for Batshit Jill’s hogmanay dinner party.. 🙂
Dave McEwan Hill
7 years ago
Hamish100 at 9.08
You are completely correct. The vetting and selection of candidates for the local elections has been a disgrace to the SNPand has effectively removed all power in this matter from local branches and CAs.
This is completely unacceptable but the late conclusion of the vetting process I suspect has been entirely deliberate to mute complaint.
7 years ago
Sturgeon invited to UN, Dugdale invites herself to Clinton campaign, Davidson invited to Houston Rodeo (made that one up but someone has to ride those bulls).
7 years ago
Iain More 6:11 pm
RE the Council Elections. There shouldn’t be any confusion at all.
As for Independents I don’t trust any of them.
You really DO NOT KNOW the circumstance in which folk are standing
I personally was told to go away to the YES camp
Seriously you don’t know the half of it
7 years ago
Writing from Ward 1; the answer to the Green councillors becoming greener is to authorise split wards with one councillor each. Smaller patches to cover, closer to the electorate.
7 years ago
That “excellent and concientious MP” you mention, is an out and out LIAR.
He stood on WM green and told a national news reporter he had voted AGAINST the Tory Welfare Bill, when IN FACT, he abstained with 183 other labour MP’s.
He does not have a single redeeming feature.
Dave McEwan Hill
7 years ago
I have just watched the news about Syria. My conclusion is that the Syrian Government must be very very stupid indeed as it keeps dropping incendiary devices exactly where there are TV crews set up ready to transmit this to a very gullible world.
This is bullshit out of the same box as the bullshit about Aleppo and the WMD of Saddam Hussein.
I an assured it is bullshit as I have just been polled by YOUGOV asking me if this “attack” justifies us basically invading Syria
Robert Peffers
7 years ago
Hamish100 says:
5 April, 2017 at 9:08 pm
o/t – Local Elections ie LOCAL
Sad to see in my area of ardrossan/ stevenston that not one local SNP branch member was able to be elected as a possible candidate. Selected candidates from the north coast ie Largs are dropped in and know nothing of the area. Likewise other snp candidates are palsy with the MSP/MP elite and live in Glasgow and Troon i.e outside of North Ayrshire! How can this be right? Surely there are enough SNP people in the respective areas so that local voices are represented.
Sad to see SNP in some areas copying old Labour. I will hold my nose and vote SNP but after the council set up I hope SNP HQ will review their procedures. Based on previous experience I doubt it. Local democracy is important. God help any Leader of the SNP in North Ayrshire as a fair % of possible councillors will not answerable to them but to a higher authority. Poor show all round. I have heard some members just wont vote for the outsiders.
7 years ago
Marcia says:
5 April, 2017 at 8:45 pm
Here is a link to the full Q & A at Stamford yesterday.
Its great but its a bit creepy how every single FM Sturgeon youtube vid, is always “next up” with one posted by Dr Scott Arthur next up. Just by view numbers maybe.
Andrew Neil exposes Nicola Sturgeon’s economic plan in a car crash interview. #SNP16
Scott Arthur
7 years ago
She’s quite something oor Ms. Sturgeon.
Anytime, anyplace, cool,calm and fluent with the subject.
As for the yoon-at-the-un, I thought that people looked rather shocked at his hostile intervention. Not quite UN style.
Robert J. Sutherland says:
5 April, 2017 at 9:09 pm
Wullie B @ 20:12,
Where the opportunities present themselves to us we still have to wait and see, but don’t be lulled into the casual assumption that EEA is some kind of “get out of jail free card”. The proposition is vulnerable on the very reasonable grounds that you have to pay nearly the same as a full EU member yet you don’t get to take any decisions.
Robert J. Sutherland says:
5 April, 2017 at 9:09 pm
Norway paid the equivalent of £120 per person for its EEA, Netherlands pays £412 for full membership, over a few thousand it isnt much but over 4.5 million people its a fair amount just to have a say, those savings would quite easily build up so we wouldnt need grant aid, and yes we would have access to single market, freedom of movement, this was one of the reasons the SNP always held up Norway as a comparison,
The SNP will lose the Banff and Buchan stronghold next election due to its insistance of full EU membership, the EEA would appeal to the fishermen who blame the EU for their woes as Scotland wouldnt have to sign up to the CFP, would also hold a seat at the negotiating table alongside the EU spokesman( He currently negotiates for all EU North Sea states) Norway Iceland Faroes and Greenland when it comes to quota talks and such like,
We would have full control over our EEZ, and make rules that would suit our maritime habitat and maybe realise that the one rule fits all doesnt work in a mixed bag fishery, am one of the few fishermen who voted remain in the UK, and believe it or not but the EU have to hold their hands up along with the inept Westminster deal makers when it comes to the state of the industry in Scotland, the bulk of fisheries is no devolved, but we have to rely on one spokesman to remember to speak for us when Spanish, Dutch French German, Dane Swede and Belgian fisheries deptartments are all seeking the best deal for their nations.
When the French were involved, they killed a new targeted fishery of Scottish boats by insisting historic track record should be taken into mind and effectively stopped over twenty new purpose built boats from fishing for deep water species west of Lewis out to Rockall, saying we couldnt get any quota, the French and Spanish boats claimed it all
7 years ago
Ouch. It will be CGI for FM Sturgeon, from beeb creeps next.
” … o/t – Local Elections ie LOCAL
Sad to see in my area of ardrossan/ stevenston that not one local SNP branch member was able to be elected as a possible candidate.
That’s utter rubbish, Hamish100.
It is the Constituency Associations and the local branches in the Constituency Associations who democratically choose their candidate.
Mind you there will be a list of preferred candidates as they must all be vetted in order to attempt to try and make sure no duds or chancers get through the vetting process.
So if the local branches have not put any suitable candidates forward for the list then of course there will be none to be vetted and put on the list.
So please do not propagate such stuff and if you want to do something about it then take it up with your local branch and/or constituency association. For it is they who are at fault. You could even put yourself or a friend forward as a candidate and try to be proposed and seconded as a prospective candidate.
The SNP are nothing if not democratic.
7 years ago
@Phil – I’ve been thinking for some time that what we really need, at the least, is the restoration of the District Councils that were removed in the 1980’s/90’s by John Major. Highland Council’s area is ludicrous – no wonder the officials in some cases are a law unto themselves, unresponsive to community needs.
Even better might be the something more like the French system – every village practically has it’s mairie, elected mayor and local funds to employ police, fire service, and power to encourage businesses etc etc.
7 years ago
A n other Neo fascist Voice of the North P&J indy poll, with a nasty wee twist You have to sign up, then they tell you they’ll only publish details at regular intervals, so cant think why these rabid tories would do that.
Thank you for taking part in The Press and Journal rolling poll. We will publish results a regular intervals in the future. Please sign up to The Press and Journal newsletter to ensure you receive these straight to your inbox.
Wullie B
7 years ago
stonefree says:
5 April, 2017 at 9:39 pm
“Iain More 6:11 pm
RE the Council Elections. There shouldn’t be any confusion at all.
As for Independents I don’t trust any of them.
You really DO NOT KNOW the circumstance in which folk are standing
I personally was told to go away to the YES camp
Seriously you don’t know ”
Councillor Drew Miller of Eilean A Cheo ward here in the highlands was once a libdem, he was kicked out on the auspice of sharing a meme on facebook showing protesters holding banners with “Freedom of speech”, it cam out afterwords that the original poster was Britain First, what it doesnt tell you was that he fell foul of the party before hand over his support for Scottish Independence, Drew works hard for the ward and still supports independence, shares very little on facebook now, but does a hell of a good job for his ward, he is an independent, and funnily enough the local paper had a photo op with five independents from the area , who all support the union, he was absent from the picture
Wee Willie Rennie has been remarkably quiet this week?
7 years ago
I’m sure that in cities the multiple member wards are quite a good idea but in Highland it is ridiculous. Even splitting to 2 member wards would be an improvement and then it would still be possible to keep the STV system along with the rest of the country.
7 years ago
robert peffers,
I think I know more of what goes on in my local and adjoining branches than you do– no disrepect.
Candidates parachuted in from Glasgow –worked at Holyrood. Look at the facts. My local branch told that 2 from Largs will represent us. Nice people. Do they know the area? No. Pals of the elite? Certainly.
I’ll vote for the snp as I have for the past 47 years. The process is flawed believe me. Placemen and placewomen. No democracy — nodded through once the decision is made.
I didn’t join the SNP for this. Incidentally other good young local candidates were passed over.
This has ALSO happened in other constituency areas.
So no harm to you Robert but don’t infer that everything in the garden is rosie.
In this matter you are simply wrong.
7 years ago
Heres the First Minister at the UN doing all of Scotland proud. The Yoon At The UN comes in around 36:00…..
… the EEA would appeal to the fishermen who blame the EU for their woes
That’s just your guess though, Wullie. It’s just as likely that the NE fishermen are so beset with BritNat anti-EU propaganda that they might reject an EEA offer as well. There’s no evidence that they are behind this option at all, it could be just wishful thinking. That’s my point.
EU-lite could just as easily disappoint all those recent No-to-Yessers who have been shocked out of their wits by Brexit. (You’ve likely seen the vids.) What about them? Likely a lot more of them than a bunch of very wealthy boat-owners.
There’s no guarantee that you can please everybody and maximise support by some watered-down compromise.
You focussed solely on the fishing issue and ignored everything else, but there’s far more at stake. When the realities of Brexit begin to bite in the upcoming negotiations, a lot of chickens are going to be coming home to roost, and they might even puncture the fishermens’ little fantasy bubble.
7 years ago
Just watched reporting Scotland at 10.30pm
Scotland growth down U.K. Growth 4 times ours
We are going into recession etc
It’s so blatant it’s incredible
Dave McEwan Hill
7 years ago
Hamish100 at 10.32
You are very correct. All I got at Spring Conference was complaints from all across the country about good candidates failing vetting, of good councillors being removed because they didn’t get on with the MSP etc and a top down process which removed selection power from local branches. VMS appeared to come from on high. We had a particular problem in our branch which left us fighting to try to keep good members in it and we do not have the candidate selection which we believe was the best for us. We do the work,we raise the money and we know who we want to contest for us and who is most popular locally. We are fighting his election as best we can but after it we will be formulating a very detailed compliant to the NEC.
Another Union Dividend
7 years ago
Hamish100 says:
The SNP vetting system is very robust and those wanting to get on the approved are assessed by experienced neutral people. The many good young people you refer to perhaps need a bit more campaigning experience / life / leadership skills / policy knowledge before becoming SNP Councillors.
I am told that almost half of those who applied failed to meet the required high standard on this occasion and that included some sitting Councillors.
Once approved it is then each member has a vote on who is selected. In some areas the position was also complicated by the requirement to have female / minorities candidates if two or more slots available or retiring local councillor.
Robert J. Sutherland
7 years ago
Sarah @ 22:08,
You may well already be aware that Lesley Riddoch has been promoting a more distributed and localised form of democracy such as is typically practiced in Scandinavian countries such as Norway. I imagine with that country’s own geographic challenges such an approach was almost essential. So there may well be exemplars worth investigating.
The opportunity to do so will only arise, however, with independence.
7 years ago
@ Sunniva at 8.01
Pedantry alert:
It is Mundell and Carmichael who have majorities in the region of 800.
Ian Murray’s majority in 2015 was 2,637, with an increase of 4.4% in vote share since 2010 (the SNP gained 26.1%; the LibDems lost 30.3% and fell from a close second to fifth behind the Greens – ouch!).
The Tory vote share also fell, by almost the same amount that Labour’s increased, which might not be a coincidence.
Edinburgh South is still a marginal, though,just as it was in 2010 when Nigel Griffiths retired. One of my friends who lives there thought Murray did not expect to hold the seat against the supposedly-surging LibDems, but of course he did – albeit with the smallest majority in Scotland, a mere 316.
His increased majority may be partly due to his diligence, as well as to Tory tactical voting and SLab dirty tricks.
7 years ago
@Hamish100 9:08 pm and Later
That’s why I’m standing as an Independent
7 years ago
@Robert J Sutherland – good point about Norway’s geographical barriers making it a closer comparator for Highlands Region, and many other Council areas.
But surely you are wrong to say major changes will only come with independence. Haven’t we heard the Ruth Davidson Party, Rennie’s Rump, and Dugdale’s Doomed all say that it is the SNP’s fault we are so centralised?
Wullie B
7 years ago
Robert J. Sutherland says:
5 April, 2017 at 10:51 pm
Wullie B @ 22:03:
… the EEA would appeal to the fishermen who blame the EU for their woes
That’s just your guess though, Wullie. It’s just as likely that the NE fishermen are so beset with BritNat anti-EU propaganda that they might reject an EEA offer as well. There’s no evidence that they are behind this option at all, it could be just wishful thinking. That’s my point.
That is no guess Robert, go and speak to them if you want, I have lived and worked with them and to a voice the are all anti EU, the EEA gives a best of both worlds to both pro EU and Anti Eu, it gives the benefits of the single market nad the other freedoms, but it also gives the sovreignty of the borders to an iScotland, we could make and set our own deals that would suit our nation, we dont need to be full on EU especially when many Yes voters were also Anti EU, we need every vote to count, and if that means EU Lite then so be it, we can always test the waters and see what fits, we will be out of EU with that bloody cow down south not going to do us any favours, and even the SG realise now that the EEA might be a stepping stone or it might suit us, Fewgus Ewing in January talking to Bertie Armstrong one of the leading figures in the fishing industry said that an iScotland would NOT be signing up to the CFP, if you are in EU then CFP is a must as it is classed as one of the freedoms, now the EEA means you dont need to sign up to CFP but still have all the accesses,
Nicola Sturgeon at the conference made little mention of EU, she concentrated on access to Single market, the SNP were Anti EU right up until the noughties, the Pro EU stance only came about this century, so read into that what you like, but I might be blinkered on for one industry, but Banff and Buchan voted overwhelmingly out of EU last June, only Aberdeen West made kept the area remain, , did you know that for every crewmans job at the industry, 10 jobs ashore are dependent, engineers, painters shop assistants, lorry drivers that is before you get into processing
I for one dont believe the Torys will do a deal that will suit the industry but try telling that to the gusy who believe it will, just like Farage and his NHS £350million a week, and I can more or less guarantee you that the SNP will lose the seat in Banff and Buchan net election, back to a tory, Jimmyu Buchan stood against Alex Salmon a few years back(He of trawlerman fame) and only lost by 2500 votes, the feeling in that part of the country ius they have lost all faith in the SG after having to deal with Richard Lochhead who took on every EU directive and made them worse(Inshore MPAs, SACs, and worst of all was the Cod Recovery Zones, which prevented Scottish boats fishing in areas of Scottish waters due to cod numbers being too high when the EU said that it was against its policy to stop other nations from carrying on fishing, Scotsmen watched English, Irish and every other country fish in areas that the Scottish Government prevented their own people from working,
Lenny Hartley
7 years ago
Hamish 100 is Ardrossan and Saltcoats made up of multiple wards? reason I ask is that I have an election leaflet in front of me and it says Ardrossan and Arran!! I don’t know where Tony Gurney hails from but Ellen McMaster is most definately a member of the Arran Branch.
I do however agree with you having spoken to others There appears to be disquiet with the selection process Scotland wide which needs to be addressed, maybe sNP HQ needs a wee reminder who is in charge (after the elections of course) Robert Peffers is as usual correct with the principle in this case On how the SNP is supposed to work, but as many including David Mcewan Hill will testify the practice is different. (For the moment)
You are absolutely right. STV getting worse than BBC in Scotland! I just turn over and watch ITV too.
In fact every news station in the Western world was showing Syria sarin gas attack. Why do I not believe them that it was Assad?
That’s how it goes now. I don’t believe anything the West says anymore about the Middle East.
I have news on in the back ground during the day but can’t stick with one for more than ten minutes now. That says something about believabIlity!
7 years ago
Wullie B
“worst of all was the Cod Recovery Zones, which prevented Scottish boats fishing in areas of Scottish waters due to cod numbers being too high when the EU said that it was against its policy to stop other nations from carrying on fishing, Scotsmen watched English, Irish and every other country fish in areas that the Scottish Government prevented their own people from working”
Without the EU, our seas would dead now. EU market is the only market for Scottish fish produce.
You are full of it Wullie.
gerry parker
7 years ago
Lenny Hartley and Dave McEwan hill.
There will certainly be some issues to sort out after the results are in wrt organisational efficiency, candidate efficiency and branch cliques. I am looking forward to that as much as I am looking forward to the result.
But, Now is not the time.
Dave McEwan Hill
7 years ago
Another Union Dividend at 10.57
Very robust indeed. It gives huge power to folk who know absolutely nothing about the local areas the candidates are seeking to contest or the candidates standing and respect in these areas and it gives huge and unacceptable powers of interference to agencies in the hierarchy of the party and such as MSPs. This is not the SNP I joined over half a century ago.
There is considerable suspicion across the party that some candidates were already crossed off before they even entered the vetting process.
The whole process is not sufficiently transparent and migh tbe hugely improved if branches who supported candidates (as ours did)were given full and public explanation for refusal which only should be done for the most serious of reasons. It is all very well to have a OMOV selection procedure but not when the candidate that would have got by far the highest support and in which the branch had total confidence is already removed from the process.
ian m
7 years ago
Nicola at the UN was hosted by the UK mission
How the fuck did she end up with a dodgy microphone
As for the Yoon at 36 mins (who had a very clear microphone )
Nicola skelped it oot o the park
Dave McEwan Hill
7 years ago
Ian M
Indeed. The yoon at 36 minutes will find out, as they all will, that the remaining respect for the UK all around the world is evaporating at an alarming rate and that most of the world doesn’t actually like the Brits.
As is now in slow burn here as well
7 years ago
Scotland pays nothing for it’s EU membership, The benefits outweigh any contributions. €Billion. It all comes back in CAP, Grants, ECB renewable grant, shared Defence costs. Scotland could get more ECB investment Grants, renewables, exports etc. If Scotland was Ibdependent. Scotland would get more renewable grabts investment etc. Which is blocked by the Westminster intransigence and lack of decision which blocks Scotland access to EU and ECB funds. Ie Scotland was given increased CAP farming payment. Westminster took it and gave it to wealthier framers down south. The Tory minister even said ‘Better together’. A committee of SNP/Lib/ + 1 other pleaded for Scotland to get the intended funds. It was refused. It was on Parliamentary Channel.
Fishing industry have received £Billons of EU Grants. Peterhead fish market is being extended funded by EU funds, The fishermen overfished the seas and threw back dead fish for years. The Norwegians did not. They did not approve. There are changes now negotiated by the Scottish Gov for bigger nets. being used. Richard Lochhead.
The quotas are being increased. If the fishermen want to be shafted again. Brexit will do it. They will lose their biggest market the EU. For the best prices, and the EU workers that are needed for it. Peterhead was like Latvia. Conservation measures would have had to be introduced by any Gov. Or there would have been no fish left for any industry. Never heard of Spanish fishermen in the NE.
Fishing is worth a gain of £200,000. Scotland will lose £8Billion because of Brexit.
Banff and Buchan voted for Alex Salmond as MP for over thirty years. Different Constituency now Gordon. Still one of the best politicians in the world and the most popular in Scotland and the rest of the UK. Scotland has probably the best representation in Westminster that there has ever been .
The UK Union costs Scotland approx £20Billion a year. In gross mismanagement and funds taken illegally out of Scotland. The illegal high Tory tax on the Oil & Gas industry since 2010 (Osbourne) has cost Scotland 120,00 jobs and £Billions. Plus more Oil & Gas has had to be imported. £10Billion+ a year. Lost EU Grants/investments for CCS and renewable grants.
£1Billion could be saved on minimum pricing. £1Billion on Trident, Scotland has to to pay £4Billion repayment loan repayments on money borrowed and spent in the rest of the UK. £3Billion? Lost in tax evasion. Whisky companies tax evade etc. £9Billion + £4Billion Oil revenues lost = £13Billion.
There is also a Oil & Gas which vpcoukd be developed in the West. Getting rid of Trident will mean more commercial activity could be developed in the Clyde.
Why are Orange Marches not banned in Glasgow and the streets cleaned up instead. That would develop the economy better. Tourism etc. Exclusive, discriminately private organisations should not be subsidised by public money. If they want to march do it on private land. Find a field. Not a stadium. No wonder the terraces are empty. Paedophiles and cheats on steroids were running the Clubs. The ones who get the most public money wins. Most of the football businesses are in debt, subsidised by public money. .
Any complaints about vetting etc should go to the appropriate quarters. For consideration and improvement. The internet is not the time or place for obvious reasons. An open forum.
7 years ago
Don’t ask me pal. I was summoned to the presence in mid-January but had an order to get out (you know, that food stuff some of us have to earn money to put on the table), and since then I haven’t even been invited to a branch meeting, let alone a committee meeting! I did keep them informed. But it’s probably also because I insisted voting SNP 1 and 2 could be followed by pro-YES Ind at 3 etc. “Oh no”.
@Robert Peffers
Where’s your branch, I’d like to become an honorary member please.
7 years ago
Oh, ironically my other idea was how they could try to increase attendance from between 15 to 24 tops of the 330 members.
Instead it appears they made it minus 1 🙂
Welcome to the West of Scotland.
7 years ago
There was low unemployment in the NE for years 1% – 2%. Because of the Oil industry work because people preferred to work there for better terms and conditions than the fishing industry. In fact fishermen who came up from Hull worked in the Oil industry on the supply boats for years and are recently retired. A local prawn fisherman has a boat but also runs another one for Oil work. The fushermen are always glad off any Oil work it is better remunerated and less stressful, hard conditions.
@ You don’t need to be invited. Just get sent an e-mail. Or find out and turn up at a branch meeting. It ebbs and flows. Branch meeting discussions are private. Is there not a statement to that affect?
7 years ago
I don’t get sent any emails at all, though I used to – I checked my server log, and the only ones I got since mid-Jan were for the small donation to scotref.
7 years ago
@ Peter Piper
‘Cunningham is just asking Murdo Fraser if he wants tea or coffee’
Still laughing at that one.
Don’t give up join another branch. There might be more compatibility and understanding.
7 years ago
“‘I think the ‘Yoon at UN’ was a planned set up’
Yeah, it was a bit obvious. I would not be surprised if the UK Establishment has them placed at every venue she goes to.”
One Scot, at least in Spain, the ex-foreign minister has recently been on TV shows blabbing that it is an important task of Spanish diplomats to counter-programme, physically if necessary, any nationalist visits abroad – a committee meets in Madrid every Friday to keep up with events and plan future actions. The new FM is a lot more discrete.
So it seems to be quite normal in countries with pesky nationalist movements.
How would Ian Murray stop brexit?
He can’t even deal with stickers.
Murray doing a bit of freelancing ? Curious. Murray is despicable & wants to keep his cushy job come labour wipeout.
Vote for Ian Murray….anti brexit, anti labour, anti Corbyn, anti Dugdale, anti SNP anti indyref2, anti independence. Vote for him he’s against everything, but all for keeping his job.
oh the intrigue … by the next General Election Brexit will be implemented and hopefully we will be out the UK by then … i would laugh if he did quit the Red Tories
Now that is interesting.
The point isn’t what ticket he’d stand on, it’s that data is being collected for standing in an upcoming election.
Now what elections would that be then?
Ian Murray? Most Scots wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.
Yawn…….Tory oooops Labour are just getting boring these days. Politics south of the border is padded cell politics.
Just need Kez now standing like Comical Ali saying ‘we are very clear that we are against a second divisive independence referendum isn’t that right Ian….Ian?’
It is probably fair to say that he has seemed unhappy about the current Labour position on Brexit…assuming he has had as much luck trying to find out what that is as the rest of us have. Edinburgh did vote heftily to remain too.
Stop Brexit? he couldnae stop a biscuit
unless he sat on it
Do you think he’ll be claiming the costs of the Survation poll on his expenses form?
Is it possible to do 1471 to identify and return a call to this caller?
Your Anti Ian Murray is Anti Brexit, Anti Independence, Anti Scottish, Anti SNP, Anti Socialism, Anti Corbyn.
He is your Aunty Anti.
Is there an Anti-Dope for this malady?
A woman posted that on the FB page ‘Over 60s for Scottish Independence’ this afternoon, so it is almost certainly true.
I will come back later and report on the conversation BTL when I find it.
Apparently 500+ of us have joined in the last 3 weeks, including me. Totally impressed with the quality of the debate last night.
Well, everyone will know his intention now as they all read Wings!
Captain Blye look alike Ian Murray (Charles Lawton) looks like he’s going to mutiny
[…] Wings Over Scotland Testing the water We just got this email from a reader. We can’t verify it, but have no reason to […]
The way this year’s panning out, anything’s possible. That’s too many apostrophes already.
I suppose he couldn’t just join the SNP after all. Water under the bridge etc etc.
So would that be our one Labour MP looking to create a split in the Labour party Scottish MP`s which consists of him.
Vote for Ian`s anti brexit party or just Ian because he is really shitting it that we hand him his p45 if screaming mad mayhem goes early GE or we tell westminster to do one.
American Lurker here. This is one reason they don’t know why Nicola Sturgeon has come to California.
link to
California (the state) has the sixth largest economy in the world, surpassing France. It’s a trillion dollar economy, with strengths in both technology, but also agriculture. America gets most of its fresh fruits and vegetables from California, just about all of the film industry is there, and trade from Asia goes through its ports.
American states have immense powers. For example, California has just signed a several billion dollar state-funded infrastructure project to repair its roads and bridges funded by an increase in the state gas tax. States have a National Guard to keep order in extreme cases. States can make trade deals with companies and nations on their own, provided they are consistent with national agreements.
Curious. If There was no snp opposition in a general election he would be standing on an Indy ticket. Hmmm
The wheels on the bus are falling off, falling off, falling off
The wheels on the bus are falling off…. we’re all going indie
Could it be the power brokers behind the scenes down in
Tory/Establishment London
are sharpening up a ‘no confidence’ vote for Ms May perchance.
If the above is true poor Murray mint, no principles, no party, no friends,
no chance.
Red Morningside voted for his party (not him personally) to deliver. As he
might have noticed they’re not
good at social loyalty, and Brexit buggers up far too much of Edinburgh’s Financial/University economy.
Poor wee scone, Are you lonley tonight, does your Union Jack suit feel to tight…
Interesting that he (or whoever else wants to know) can envision a circumstance where the SNP might not stand against him.
I’m sure I remember that in General Elections their constitution obliges them to stand in every constituency – and why not? If there were rival “Labour” candidates the SNP would have an enhanced chance.
@Dr Jim says: 4 April, 2017 at 10:34 pm:
“Stop Brexit? he couldnae stop a biscuit
unless he sat on it.”
I rather thought Ian Murray was rather more like the proverbial Kelty Barber’s Cat, proverbially allegedly, “Fu o wind an pish”.
So rather than not being able to stop a biscuit he would be unable to stop a fart. Hence, “aw yon wind an pish”.
@Effijy says: 4 April, 2017 at 10:37 pm:
“Your Anti Ian Murray is Anti Brexit, Anti Independence, Anti Scottish, Anti SNP, Anti Socialism, Anti Corbyn.
He is your Aunty Anti.”
Aye! An he’s never aff yon Aunty BEEB either.
Many academics and staff from Edinburgh and Edinburgh Napier University live in his constituency – in fact the medical school might even be in it, and most realise how freaking awful brexit will be for both universities.
Add to that the fact that Edinburgh had the highest pro EU vote in the referendum in Scotland (75% – which shocked even me, and I live there), and you can see why Murray might be getting a bit feart for his career. Indeed he has probably been getting his ears damaged from all the constituents shouting at him.
I just can’t fathom the Labour party and its stance on the EU or independence. It makes no sense, even if you are die hard Labour. No wonder people have deserted the Labour party.
Isn’t this just an extension of the similar ploy Labour have used at Council by-elections – stand as an Independent in the hope that nobody notices that you are really Labour?
So now they plan on doing it at Westminster MP level too?
Would I be correct that he could just resign the party and still sit on the benches, as an independent and doesn’t need to resign the seat till the next GE,Did Margo MacDonald not do that, and a few others in Westminster do the same over the years
Not sure why he’d do it ,really, his numbers up in any case, and I doubt if any party would have him nor does he have acting skills to claim an epiphany
Is this the point where we’re supposed to be all wide smiles and welcoming to another potential Independence voter come the referendum, or do we just point out the latest member in the number of rats deserting the sinking ship of the ‘Wrong Side of History’?
Please advise.
Can multi-task.
Hello all you happy little precious unionists.
Here’s something for your precious freak horror show archive:
Your International Trade Secretary Fox grinning alongside death-squad Duterte.
stonefree says:
4 April, 2017 at 11:44 pm
Would I be correct that he could just resign the party and still sit on the benches, as an independent and doesn’t need to resign the seat till the next GE,Did Margo MacDonald not do that, and a few others in Westminster do the same over the years
You’d be absolutely correct there Stonefree, remember a certain UKIP M.P. did exactly that just last week I believe. 😀
For me this stinks of a certain Labour M.P. shitting his breeks over the next General Election. I’m not convinced he’d ever get the S.N.P. to agree to give him a “free” run as an independent candidate.
If,reading between the lines here, Murray is seriously looking at ditching Labour and becoming an independent M.P. then the end result would, in my view, be the same … NO Labour M.P.’s in Scotland. 😀
Living in the adjacent constituency to Ian Murray, (where we are proud to have the blessed Joanna Cherry as our MP), I hear that he is generally considered to be a conscientious MP, responding to problems and holding lots of constituency meetings etc.
I would remind all you atheists out there that there is more rejoicing in heaven over the repentant sinner than in all the good guys.
We shall see if there are any more straws in the wind.
OT last thread. Try to hear Nicola’s address to Stanford University. Total class as usual.
link to
I thought he looked quite snazzy in his UK jacket and with his girlfriend. He’d look even better in a saltire jacket.
@ fireproofjim
I have friends and relatives in Ian Murray’s constituency, and he has replied promptly when they contact him, although the content was not always as wished.
I don’t get the sense here that he is moving towards independence for Scotland, though, just that his inability to accept his own party leader(s)/policy may propel him out of that party, into none.
Optimism in the extreme over at Sky News…
(Archived to deny clicks to an anti Scottish media).
link to
Optimistic bit……
“The party (tories) could lose up to 15 seats to the Liberal Democrats, his projections suggest, but make major gains from Labour and COULD TAKE A HANDFUL OF SEATS from the SCOTTISH NATIONALISTS”.
I want what they have been drinking…?????
As for Ian Murray….what an odd thing that is!!
Someone expecting a Snap General Election, and Murray is expecting the SNP to turn it into a defacto referendum perhaps ?
Obviously no unionist uk parties can retain seats at any level of post indy politics, just as we could not exactly leave 56 MP’s at WM.
However, that would not help Murray in a snap GE, he would be toast in any WM GE scenario.
I’m flummoxed so I am…!
I can say most of the over 60s on the FB page treat it as a joke.
Although they are very positive about Nicola’s speech at Stanford which was marvellous.
@ geeo
That’s what it looks like, but why on earth would he imagine getting a free run as an anti-Brexit candidate? All the parties campaigned for Remain, he’s more likely to get a free run from the Tories as an anti-SNP candidate, and his biggest obstacle might be an official SLabber rather than the SNP (who would nip through the gap created by the split “Labour” vote, especially if the Red Morningsiders went back to the Ruth Harrison Party, so they would be mad not to stand).
And if he’s contemplating a by-election, the precedents are mixed – Davis, Carswell and Reckless held on; Goldsmith got his comeuppance, and Copeland – with a different candidate – was also lost.
If people are essentially being surveyed about whether they’d be more likely to support him if he ditches SLab, and also about the effect of a free run, how could he sell giving him that free run to the SNP? It’s not as if he can actually do anything to stop Brexit.
Nicola’s speech at Stanford for anyone who may have missed it on previous thread:
link to
As my old mum used to say “never trust a man with a perfectly spherical head”
You might say I should ‘play the ball and not the man’ . . .
. . Feel free to create your own punchline
Amusing to imagine Ian Murray disguising his voice, phoning random constituents, trying to come across as a keen student earning some beer tokens for the weekend.
He fancies his chances of calling a bi-election and repeating the unionist unification in Edinburgh South to beat an SNP candidate on a 100% anto-scotref ticket – having persuaded tory and Libdems to steer clear. Could Ruth be trusted to do that ?
Not sure if he could actually manage it – he needed Neil Hay’s baggage last time – and in any case what would it prove? – hardly representative.
Of course we are all analysing through our own lenses – this is man with an extensive ego who has an entirely different world view.
False Flag.
As I was saying yesterday to a colleague, I hear that Jim Murphy is being egged on to become the alternative voice to the independence movement, we then dissected his Iron Brew Celtic fan ukok roadtrip, repeatedly watched him deliberately walk into a carbord sign in an attempt at creating a strammash.
And we came to the conclusion that “now is not the time” for mr am just a boy’o, see that Celtic I just love Celtic.
Now ask yourself if the question was actually about not Murphy, but Brown? Not the first time false polling questions have been asked. You see Jim is just so light weight, just so yesterday’s man, too well ordinary, too pedestrian, too Jim.
At least with FPTP voters can vote out troughers of whom they can’t stand the sight.
A Royal who took part in an illegal war is leading a campaign against landmines. In memory of a relative that died, in mysterious circumstances. With lack of relevant security. While carvorting with Dodi Al Fayed. His father was one of the biggest illegal arms dealers in the world. That is where he got the money to buy Harrods etc Al Fayed sold Harrods to to the Qatari’s for £1.5Billion. The Royal Tories who are supposed to be impartial and not interfere in politics, should be quiet or bow out.
More Syrian propaganda. A rebel facility, where chemical weapons were being produced and stored was hit by legitimate Gov forces. Assad supported by 80% of the people. The Tories got 37% of the vote on a 50%+ turnout. 23% relevant. Teresa May lying condemns and blames the Syrian Gov, while cavorting with the Saudis. The most absolute, despot monarchy in the world where there is no respect for human rights or universal suffrage.
Saudi Arabia and China must hold the UK debt. Illegal Hinkley Point by the sea is a total waste of money. The Chinese will make £Billions out of it. £100Billion. An illegal bribe. The Tory Gov is illegally breaking International Law, again. There are more credible alternatives.
The man wouldn’t know a principle if it bit him on the arse.
Murray’s a wee actress, I’d believe anything!
You sure this wasn’t another Ian Murray April Fool stunt?
Robert Louis
If Murray goes to Edinburgh and Napier academics and staff, saying he will tsp Brexit, he will be surprised to find they will say. “How are you going to do it?”
Of course there is a party in Scotland already in power who can stop Brexit, the SNP.
Your sure somebody’s no had a bump on the heid an’ thinks it is 01.04? Otherwise it sounds like someone is winding you up
Worth reading.
link to
Worth viewing.
link to
R Scotland reported this morning that the EU have published their guidelines on BREXIT and it notes that a majority in Scotland voted to remain.
No comment, but I suppose they must be wondering what the significance might be. Their listeners certainly will be.
Under boundary changes, Ian Murray’s seat is due to be scrapped in 2020 and he would have to take his chances against Tommy Sheppard or Joanna Cherry as few safe labour seats left in England.
Meanwhile on BBC GMS this morning regarding council candidates gender equality I must have misssed them telling listeners that SNP have a majority of womenm candidates.
Good articles in The National on Denmark and the ongoing cost to your local council of Labour’s PFI/PPP schools project.
Why does he not join Labour for Indy?
Is this the first inkling of Red Tories realizing the yoon-game is over?
He is the only yoon-Red-Tory-MP!
All has gone quiet in yoon ranks recently after the Dpanish bombshell.
I wonder why?
Where is Kez? Dreaming of the latest chimera Federalism-Vow2 and what Gordo can do?
McLeish had a long agonising piece in the National re the f-issue. He noted the crux would be the continued absolute sovereignty of the HoC. There is nae chance of a separate parliament for England outwith a UK parliament. They have EVEL, English Votes For Everyone’s Laws!
Brown’s faux federalism is a con, just like Vow1.
All powers and more can only come to Scotland through Independence.
“… wasn’t opposed by the SNP” is the intriguing bit.
IMO that could only happen if he stood as pro Indy.
Standing as anti Brexit alone wouldn’t cause the SNP to hold back because they are the de facto anti Brexit party in Scotland. If he didn’t get the Unionists to rally round him, he probably wouldn’t win against the SNP.
Might you, Unionists clearly don’t understand the dynamics of Scottish politics now, so heaven knows what is being thought about.
EU debating Brexit live on BBC parliament channel if anyone interested.
UKIP MEPs in full rant in Strasbourg. Coburn giving another right wing party a standing ovation. What a balloon.
Juncker on now.
labour is finished in Scotland and the battle for England is also lost for labour.
Obvious conclusion is for Murray to resign the labour whip and join the SNP benches now, providing he gives assurances and guarantees.
If he did so, I believe he’d have the right to campaign on issues he wanted to, but under the overarching umbrella that independence is the only option for Scotland.
I have never found this question simpler than it is now:
“Iain, do you wish to live in a London based tory run uk out of the EU or in an independent Scotland in the EU run by all the peoples who live in Scotland?”
Answers on a post card to………..
Thumbs up for Nicola at Stanford, but a wee bit disappointed, ach, not disappointed, how can I put it? In the post speech Q&A she said the population in the YES 2014 referendum was very well informed. Come again?
Well yes, granted, some were, but an awful lot more were thoroughly blinkered, propagandised and left jaded under continual assault from a very hostile and disingenuous media. Does that count as being well informed? Not in my book.
Why did a shiver run up my spine and I am suddenly remembering Blair Jenkins saying there was no question of BBC bias? Personally, at that moment more than any other, I heard the psssst! as all the air was suddenly let out a YES tyre.
I am up to my waist in déjà vu. It is suddenly 2014 again, and I am wondering if the SNP is playing cat and mouse with the media, or is instead being blindsided by the propaganda merchants and genuinely thinks it can overcome the problem?
I’ll ask again the same question I asked in 2014; Does the SNP have a strategy to counteract the hostile media bias and make sure the population has access to objective, dispassionately set out arguments instead of the 2014 soup of propaganda masquerading as an informed debate?
Please, I beg on blended knee, do not allow these charlatans at the BBC and in the newspapers dictate the agenda, terms of reference, and narrative of the ScotRef debate.
SEE what happened in 2014, LEARN, and please let us be wiser and more sophisticated for having seen it. The current duplicitous situation in broadcasting is a grievous weakness for us, and it must change or all bets are off and the outcome for ScotRef is in the lap of the Gods.
Eh why are folks jumping to the thought he might be coming out for indy.
The only thing he gives a shit about is himself.
Which you will see more often from the ranks of slab as they figure out they are a busted flush as a party and all the little red tory piglets look for a new trough to stick their greedy little snouts in.
The self preservation society.
Breeks, we have all had similar thoughts, but I wonder if Brexit and its consequences will hole the BBC’s unionism below the waterline. Think of it a different way. We see the BBC as biased, but what if the BBC sees itself less as on a sacred mission to preserve the union, more simply to report the tone of what it thinks the majority thinks? And it thought that the majority supported No last time and they were proved right.
But if the BBC start to feel the consensus is for indy then goodnight London.
Also I can’t see the English papers or the Scotsman changing but predict that the Daily Record and the Sun will make the switch before a second referendum.
Breeks says:
I noticed that. And it’s not the first time SNP politicians have pushed that line.
For me, the whole point was that not enough people were sufficiently informed.
Some NO voters did make an informed decision, for their own personal circumstances. However half (my guess) of NO voters made their decision out of ignorance. They were gullible and believed the propaganda and false promises, as you point out.
I suppose the ‘informed myth’ is part of the general SNP policy of always being positive.
Draft resolution the EU Parliament are debating this morning. Vote at 11 ish. Nigel Farage & Co making a complete nuisance of themselves apparently. One clause recognises that the majority in Scotland and Northern Ireland voted remain.
N. whereas a large number of United Kingdom citizens, including a majority in Northern Ireland and Scotland, voted to remain in the European Union;”
link to
Great post breeks
Even yesterday our old pal Nick Robinson was moaning in the telegraph about people moaning about the impartiality of the BBC .
He said it was not the job of the BBC to be balanced because the referendum was over !!
They did not even pretend to be balanced in our referendum.
We need to be ready for the undoubtedly barrage of crap that will be thrown which is why this place is so important
O/T !!!!!
Esteban Gonzalez Pons Spanish MEP speaking out in Scotlands defence in Euro Parliament.
Pointing out division secession from Europe will lead to Division Secession from UK.
How times change
@Arbroath1320 says: 5 April, 2017 at 12:29 am:
“You’d be absolutely correct there Stonefree, remember a certain UKIP M.P. did exactly that just last week I believe. “
Winston Churchill jumped ship several times from one party to the other and was an MP for Dundee foe some years.
The truth might surprise you. The original idea of the UK parliament was to have the whole UK split into roughly equal constituencies and the voters elect a representative to speak for them and the elected members choose the government ministers from within their numbers.
There was nothing about political parties in the rules. Parties came later and for the benefit of the members – not for the electorate. So your MP is officially representing the electorate in their constituency and not a party.
So there is nothing to stop an MP from changing party or not being in any party. Nor is there any rule that prevents a political party throwing out any MP they disagree with.
Of course the MP will claim that you elect him/her to do as they see fit and to tell YOU what you should do.
Craig P says:
I’m not so sure it would go quite so far, but I agree you are correct in that broadcast media tends to side with the majority/consensus view.
If we do reach the stage where Indy is the majority view, we may see less bias. Would neutrality be too much to expect?
The pro EU, more progressive ones are focusing on being anti Tory anti Brexit, which gives us common ground. I sense the Guardian and Independent are becoming more neutral regarding Indy. Articles often seem to take a line of, ‘maybe the Scots are right to get out’.
Again, if Indy looks probable and Brexit looks shite (the two being intertwined) then perhaps some South British papers may come to passively accept the situation and not oppose it.
Breeks says:
What does make a very big difference from 2014, is our starting point. Here I agree with A.Salmond.
We started from 28% and ended at 45%, despite everything thrown at us. We start this time hovering around the 50% mark. With brexit bringing an wider target area for us could bring the positive focus firmly on Indy.
Yes we are and will continue to be swamped by the every virulent media, as we had to endure the last time and then some.
However, if we play it right,we should cross the line and then some.
Lots of work still needs done, but with, I suspect, a large number of no’s who want to retain our involvement in Europe will add to the natural yes votes.
We have no place for self doubt, and we need a multi point approach.For example, the SNP while focusing in joining the EU, should go the EFTA way in the first instance. This will bring the euro skeptic yes voters back in, but keep us on the EU path to be decided after Indy by a people’s vote on full membership.
So there is much to be happy about friend,we are on our way out of this insidious non union.
An interesting, and on topic, thread from twitter about Labour folks voting Yes …
link to
The SNP do seem to be very naive as regards the media. Yet I have on more than one occasion heard Alex Salmond refer to the biased BBC. So, at least he knows what’s what.
BBC live website updating on EU discussions. So far failed to mention the Spanish minster’s remarks about Scotland. Paul Nuttall, MEP for North West England, quoted though.
Little forest of Union Jacks decorate the page banner.
link to
Why would the SNP not oppose an Independent candidate who didn’t support Independence?
As its all hypothetical we can speculate that first off Murray would have to declare openly a support for Independence and an intent to run as an Independent if he doesn’t want SNP opposition.
He would also have to share the broad range of SNP ideals and policy positions.
A candidate seeking election after a 180 flip within the same constituency.
Na its a load of mince.
EU livestream here ( for those who don’t pay the TV tax:
link to
Do not worry. There is not going to be a 2020 Westminster election in Scotland.
Some are surprised that the FM said people were well informed in 2014. What else could she say if you want to persuade some no voters to change, insult them and infer they were too naive not to be taken in. You are not going to convert anyone with that line of attack, even the stupid people don’t like being called stupid.
Oh, whoops! The Empire 2.0 more like The Colonies Strike Back.
From FT, India dents UK trade hopes with lapsed deal.
‘The UK has become the latest country to lose a key investment deal with India after New Delhi let it lapse just days before Philip Hammond visited in an effort to secure better terms.’
‘… the UK’s chancellor insisted the prospects of a free-trade agreement between the two countries were strong, in part because of their “cultural ties”.
Reporters collapsed in laughter (OK, that bit isn’t in FT) as he said,
“I suspect [Britain’s colonial rule of India] has become increasingly an irrelevance, except for the legacy footprint,”
I reckon that’s a legacy footprint that would make dinosaurs look petite.
For full article shared link from here
link to
Worth a read.
Hope I didn’t come across as hysterical, but in 2014, the media won the battle to get Scotland voting No.
I agree, with the Vow, Sewell, Brexit, the pro Indy starting point, then the odds look healthier for a YES result.
But there are YES results and YES results; we can topple over the 50% in a referendum vote, but have our population entrenched in polarised positions in festering acrimony. Or, we can comprehensively traduce the stupidity of Brexit and spell out in bold capital letters what happens to our economy and society if Scotland is dragged kicking and screaming out of Europe.
If the rotten media cannot secure another NO vote, they do have the power and influence to poison the debate and muddy the waters.
I agree with most, Brexit changes the whole scenario, but the media and UK government are still framing the debate. Just yesterday or the day before, I saw Hammond in India saying it was much better negotiating a one-to-one trade deal after leaving the EU. Bullshitter. The UK breaks the law if it tries to negotiate any unilateral Trade Deal while still an EU member, and risks the collapse of EU negotiations for the act of trying.
All bad Brexit news is going to be sugar coated and sold to all as a “Britain knows best” panacea.
To get away with it, they have to suppress the truth and discourage or undermine dissent. How many times already has Nicolas been asked why doesn’t she postpone the Indy debate and work with Theresa for the best UK result? The “best” UK result is a much worse Scotland than Scotland in 2014. It’s not Nicola Sturgeon who caused Brexit, it’s the bampots in UKIP and the Tories who did that, and now need a scapegoat to carry the can.
We need a truth outlet. In short we need a Wings on TV dissecting the bile and dishonest propaganda, but there, on TV, after the “news”. The SNP has talked about a disinformation resource. Good. Where is it?
Bavid Martin UK Labour MEP just gave a stonker of a speech
supporting Scottish Governments EU position proposals being ignored by Tories.
Hard Brexit = End of UK
Craig Murray says:
In the words of that esteemed philosopher, Col. John ‘Hannibal’ Smith – “I love it when a plan comes together.”
The Britnats and the Dug won’t be happy with David Martin eh
he practically said everything but vote SNP
A decent man of principle there I think
As said elsewhwere – BBC Ukip ignoring all issues / comments in support of Scottish questions on BBC update website.
Sure Donalda will be right on to it to rectify ? Surely come on guys … why you so mistrusting things have changed … haven’t they ?
Check out how the BBC’s misreporting continues !
link to
I see the all knowing Mr Sarwar yesterday accused the SNP of deliberately concealing the results of the 2016 NHS Staff Survey because the results were so bad. He has it on good authority.
ERR actually so do I. There was no staff survey carried out in 2016 as they are changing to a new better system that I know an awful lot about. (Smiles to self).
He is truly a buffoon.
@ Dr Jim
I cannot deny it must be hard for people from the NO side and yes Labour, to find that in the interest of changed situations and representation of the electorate that a different future exists as a seperate Scottish Eurpean involved state, one they thought they would never consider.
So I agree – respect to Mr Martin, (dismay with the remainder of Labour politicians in Scotland; I mean compare his stance with McLeish ? ….. jeeez grow a pair Henry)
I wonder how many ex SNP members are standing as Independents in May,seems like there are a few disgruntled branch members
link to
Meanwhile,back in Dreamland,
link to
‘Britain is looking for ways to scrap its 2020 clean energy targets while maintaining everyday trade in Europe’s energy market,’
Oh well if that fails they could always import batteries from India to keep the country powered up or maybe the amount of industry and ‘johnny foreigners’ moving out will reduce the demand to meet supply.
@CEARC – did you see my post yesterday about Biz Campbell?
@CEARC – did you see my post yesterday about Biz Campbell? Google for the 2012 report of her jumping ship straight after the 2012 council elections.
O/T – Hey Rev did you know this ?
That’s one former Dr Who on side for Indy now !!
Well done to the Forward shop Dunoon (Scotlands 1st & longest surviving YES store) + IScot magazine !
link to
@ gordoz – agree that David Martin’s speech was a cracker. Last straw for the SLab doctrine.
Things seem to be moving fast now. Looks like Craig’s right. There will be no Scotland/Westminster general election.
David Martin Labour MEP for Lothians since 1984. Married to Labour/Unionist Times correspondent Lorraine Davidson.
David Martin was one of the first to make the claim that Scotland,out of the UK Union, would not retain EU membership. Supported by Ms Davidson.
Folk certainly change their tune when they lose the lucrative job.
The Ian Murray “survey” should be easy to confirm. Typical poll contacts 1000 people, 5% of Scottish people read Wings, so about 50 Wings readers should have been surveyed. Now, not all who’ve been surveyed and are Wings readers will post up – but just one? Seems odd …
Would be great fun if true …
@Les Wilson says: 5 April, 2017 at 9:33 am:
” … For example, the SNP while focusing in joining the EU, should go the EFTA way in the first instance.”
Where did you get this idea, Les, that the SNP were, “focusing in joining the EU”?”
Far as I can see that is quite a wrong assumption and actual facts bear out my view. So let’s examine these facts, shall we?
Here’s a couple of facts to begin with :-
The EU has no other rules, laws or legal mechanism to expel either an EU Member State or any EU citizen from their membership/citizenship of the EU than the Article 50 route. This Article 50 is simply a formal written request to officially leave the European Union and thus give up European Citizenship.
Furthermore, if there were any such rules, laws or legal mechanisms then the European Union would cease to exist as its whole ethos is based upon the power to unite as much of Europe as can meet EU standards and protect its citizenry. So the whole point of a European Union is for the unified Europe to protect its member states and its European citizens. If it cannot stick by that ethos a European Union is utterly pointless.
We already have seen this in action as the EU refused point blank to consider, debate or even discuss anything with Ms May, or the UK government, until the formal Article 50 was delivered into the EC, (not the EU), hands.
So before Scotland can apply to re-join the EU then Scotland must first of all have been removed, against her EU citizens collective will, from the EU and be looking in from the outside.
Yet how can the EU, in all honesty, allow around 5.5 million of its EU citizens to be dragged out of the EU against their will? Especially when it is brought to their notice that as the very title of, “The United Kingdom”, describes what is legally a bipartite union of two equally sovereign Kingdoms and obviously not a single unified country?
In fact not only is the United Kingdom a union of two Kingdoms it contains four countries and thus cannot be legally a single country. The EU is faced with the problem that it accepted as a member state a legal union of two kingdoms that between them contained four countries.
Now not only has one of those kingdoms democratically voted to remain in the EU but, as Scotland is also a country in its own right, That one UK country out of four has voted to remain in the EU as have a majority of that country’s citizenry.
If the EU accepts that the UK Government has the democratic right to drag Scots out of Europe against their will then the EU parliament will destroy its right to exist as a union of member states and still protect their EU citizen’s rights.
So just why would the EU Parliament go to all the bother of changing EU laws and rules only to actually destroy its own entire raison d’être?
All the EU needs do is acknowledge that the UK is a bipartite Kingdom and one part does not want to leave and, without changing EU rules, everyone gets what they want.
The Kingdom of England gets to leave the EU. The Kingdom of Scotland gets to remain as the legacy member state. The EU gets rid of the biggest thorn in its side that has caused them such grief throughout their entire history. What’s not to like?
The EU’s alternative is to allow the English Kingdom part of the United Kingdom to drag the Scottish part of the UK out of the Union and so destroy the whole point of the EU. Remember that there cannot be an rUK when the remainder is factually composed of only the Kingdom of England.
gordoz says:
Two now, Sylvester McCoy? and David Tennant.
Valuing the UK is a valid view, even if we disagree with him. I prefer to allow all views.
Ian is generally viewed as one of the hardest working MPs and has a lot of personal goodwill in the constituency, which may explain his continuing career. Perhaps he realises his competency is not matched by his party. Good luck to him.
@ galamcennalath
Just Capaldi now ??
Martin says:
5 April, 2017 at 11:59 am
Valuing the UK is a valid view, even if we disagree with him. I prefer to allow all views.”
Isn’t Wos a rather telling example of how the UK does not allow all views, and that’s putting it mildly.
Murray’s a red tory, getting ready to jump the JC ship. He’s got to eat too.
Can confirm I got the exact same survey yesterday evening…
Asked who paid for it – they wouldn’t tell.
However it was survation and they were only polling Edinburgh south.
Very interested where they got my number – as I never get telephone polls normally.
FWIW : Ian Murray is alright and a decent MP. I agree with his stance on Brexit (which I emailed him about several times) just a shame he is not pro-indy.
If he wants to ditch Labour then I cant blame him – sinking ship!
Sorry I didn’t respond.
‘She said there was “no right time” to defect.’
{Except, maybe, just a couple of days after being elected on a campaign promoted and funded by a party ticket?}
Ms Campbell said: “If I had defected prior to the election I would have been accused of trying to get votes. I might have gained some Lib Dems but I have lost a lot as well.”
Oh, the shining integrity.
Basically she ran a fraudulent campaign, surely the LDs should have demanded their expenses back from her?
Valuing the UK is a valid view, even if we disagree with him. I prefer to allow all views”
Twa beeb gimps also prefer to allow all views, theirs.
link to
ending with “she should get back to work and stop grand standing abroad.”
Propaganda doesn’t get more extreme than BBC Scotland’s.
@John H. says: 5 April, 2017 at 9:40 am:
“The SNP do seem to be very naive as regards the media. Yet I have on more than one occasion heard Alex Salmond refer to the biased BBC. So, at least he knows what’s what.”
Whatever makes you imagine the SNP are, naïve about the media, or the BBC, it particular? Hell we were aware of BBC bias when I was first taking an interest in politics way back in the mid-1940s.
There are two things you must consider. The first is that just as you can, “Take a horse to water but cannot make it drink”, then you can send the media as many Press Releases as you wish but you cannot make them print, or even acknowledge they received, them.
The second is rather more obscure but not less true. If you let the media carry on with what is obviously biased output to you, but which is trusted as truth by voters brainwashed since birth, who are thus inclined to vote against you. You will eventually see them suddenly become shocked when the hard truth eventually dawns upon the brainwashed people that they have been played as suckers by the media.
Personally I’ve long lost count of the number of former unionist party voters who have said, “I used to vote Labour but I’ll never vote for the lying B*****ds again”.
A quick search through old Wings Articles will turn up plenty of evidence that is so.
Thing is, if you try to convert someone, and thus tell then they were wrong, they will shift Heaven & Earth to prove themselves right. However, if you can find just one example of media lies that you can prove to be lies, and present them with that evidence they will, but not instantly, change their views.
What they will do is be aware that the media might be lying and, even if they don’t consciously realise it the seeds of doubt are growing and they will then discover other media lies for themselves. You will thus have made your convert.
I’ll tell you another thing I’ve noticed about such converts. The ones who are the loudest and most vehement arguers are the most likely to become active workers for the cause of independence when they finally realise how they have been fooled. Once again a search through the old Wings comments will verify that truth.
Perhaps then the SNP have adopted the correct course of action. If they had begun to campaign against the media it may have proven to be more counter productive than allowing their former opponents to find out the truth by themselves. Not to forget it is just such as those present opponents we need to convert to get over the finishing line of independence.
hmmm Valuing the UK is a valid view
Okay i will give you give you $10 for it $5 more than i think its value is and with a 1.6 trillion debt i am doing you a favour.
Nice to here from someone,I assume, who is in the same ‘local ward’. Maybe we live within a hundred miles of each other?
Just cause I love a bit of a conspiracy theory –
Is this a bit of ‘push polling’ perchance? (Where pollsters ask questions not to collect data but in order to implant certain ideas into voters minds)
I wonder if Ian Murray is trying to perhaps disassociate himself with the Labour party?
It’s worked (partially) for the Tories who’ve rebranded themselves as the ‘Ruth Davidson – Tories? Not me Guv! Party’ in Scotland. Could the remnant(s) of the Labour Party be trying a similar trick. Hmm…
@cearc – I was looking into our ward candidates to try to decide what order to place them so I read the Ross-shire Journal article very carefully. It is a difficult one – BC says she paid her own expenses and was disillusioned with the LibDems because of their coalition with the Tory government, which are plus points. On the other hand, Wester Ross being a staunch LibDem area, it must have helped her re-election to be on their books.
As for this May’s election, well she does sound better than a Tory but should we weaken her chances by placing her below them on the preference list because she is more likely to get in otherwise? [I’m getting confused now!]
An Idea for your new badge Stu.
Indyref II
The Empire Strikes Out.
Give his record I am only surprised he not pitching as an attention candidate
Sorry predictive smelling getting in the road again
Abstention candidate
@cearc – our ward is mad, isn’t it? I feel sorry for our councillors with the miles they have to cover. I’m at the Lochbroom fringe. The Green candidate is having to be very un-Green, driving to all the Community Council meetings!
Graun’s FM Sturgeon black out continues, other than Sturgeon bad, heavy Graun trolling Scottish democracy style. Or Severin’s clearly got a thing for women urinating, as UKOK hackdom’s got even creepier this week,
Severin Carrell Scotland editor
Wednesday 5 April 2017 12.45 BST
Activist loses case against Trump golf course over urination photographs
Sheriff rules staff at Scottish course did not unfairly photograph Rohan Beyts, but says Trump Organization complaint was frivolous
Severin Carrell Scotland editor
Tuesday 4 April 2017 15.05 BST
Trump golf course staff photographed urinating woman ‘to detect crime’
Lawyers for Trump Organization resort in Aberdeenshire argue that employee was legally justified in taking pictures of Rohan Beyts, 62
Severin Carrell Scotland editor
Monday 3 April 2017 17.15 BST
UK news
Activist ‘upset’ that Trump staff secretly photographed her urinating
Rohan Beyts suing Trump’s Aberdeenshire golf resort after it claimed she breached decency laws on the course
Severin, if you’re out there dude, ew, just ew.
Or seek help.
Just puting two and two together here……
What’s the chances of a NEW Scottish Labour Party being created here? The only sitting Labour MP moves for independence and takes a load of labour votes with him. As a pro-Indy force, the SNP may not stand against him in a GE, but come independence, a true ‘Scottish Labour Party’ would have a lot of potential for government – especially if the SNP were to fracture (UKIP fashion) after acheiving their goal?
Just reading the Jeanne Freeman article in my latest iScot. (Everyone should subscribe!)
She makes a very important point which goes a long way to explain a lot of things.
The current Tory WM government are behaving like they are new. People may have changed but they are still the same government and MPs elected in 2015 and have a manifesto to abide by from then. They cannot and should not try to wipe the slate clean and start again on their arrival.
JF says they are trying to renege on everything they agreed to pre their personal arrival. In particular she refers to benefits.
As a general point she is spot on. This IS the same government elected in 2015 and not, as they seem to believe, a completely new TMay plus Brexiteer regime.
Most of all (me talking, not JF) , they have walked away from the solemn manifesto promises to maintain a single European market. The Leave vote should have meant, with the WM government’s manifesto commitments, Brexit WITHIN the single market.
Another prominent Labourite, David Martin MEP, preparing to jump ship?
Listen to his speech to the EU Parliament this morning at link to
Yeah, c’mon Labour movement types, use a little bit of that 1% required imagination.
You’ll never, in a month of Sundays, sweat off the corporate indulgence that hi-jacked your traditional party, so side-step the London elites and take control of your future.
Tartan Tory says:
They don’t need to. After the council election there will hopefully be no elections prior to Indy. If Brexit is shite, and the SG deliver ScotRef as planned, it would be crazy to have elections before Indyday.
What Labour could well do is campaign NO or YES on an individual basis. Ideally with the party taking no side officially. I feel that is quite likely.
As you say, the YES faction could continue into the future while the NO supporting Unionist morally have to bow out.
IMO very unlikely for the first, or even second elections. At some point the broad church approach will mean squabbles and desertions. Scotland will be a PR democracy with room for many parties (like everywhere else).
Not until after indy chaps do not want to get in the way,we will continue to kick lumps out the red tories though.
Though as an old Labour guy if he was to stand for the position my vote would go to Eric.
Any man who punches out a tory is the right man for the job as it will need these special skills imo.
In relation to what happens to unionist party politicians…
It seems obvious that, any and all current unionist politicians will be out of office upon independence.
They can hardly represent Scottish people when they as politicians are run by what will be a foreign country.
Not like we could leave the 56 SNP MP’s at WM, is it !
Not entirely self-funded.
link to
Election expenses
Para 4.17 of Councillors’ Code of Conduct
Election Expenses submitted by the Lib Dems £150.97 (in kind)
I’d still put her ahead of the tory. In the Holyrood election regional list the tories went from c.20K in a good year to 45k. with no loss to other parties – I assume holiday cottage owners (outside of Scot) who were encouraged to register for Indyref as the increase is not there in the WM election where they would be more likely to vote at home.
So if it’s the northern fringes we’re quite close, I’m as far north as the ward goes.
Robert Louis @ 23:23 (04.Apr):
Actually both do make a kind of sense. English Labour are primarily concerned with holding on to their heartlands in their NE and fear them going over to UKIP, so they have become willing Tory collaborators over the EU. They have effectively jettisoned BLiS, and Ian Murray in particular. His pro-EU views and those of his constituents are just an embarrassment to them now.
As for independence, BLiS are against that because it cuts off their main source of funding. They are bought and paid for by their English comrades, and can only to stand by lamely while their paymasters look after their own interests.
Sooner or later something is bound to break. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ian Murray were to quit Labour and become an independent, since he’s in an impossible bind. But would he go as far as support independence? Unlikely, though you never know. I would welcome him if he did, though.
It would make a whole lot of sense for BLiS, as gala has just suggested, to go officially neutral on ScotRef, but the current leadership have been so committed for so long to Unionism that it would likely take a complete clearout there to make that possible or credible. And even then, who would likely be the replacements…?
Just to get back on topic, wasn’t there a councillor or MP who did this?
Kicked out a a Labour candidate, stood as an independent, got elected, then returned to his party?
Isn’t that a policy for the Electoral Commission to cracking down on?…. in theory.
Tartan Tory,
I think that ‘a new Labour’ party would probably have to drop the labour name, it has become a bit confusing what with right of centre New Labour and the mess that is the remnants of SLab. Certainly a new left of centre mainstream party would be needed and I think the current shower of the Harrison/Davidson party are not doing themselves any favours amonst their natural electorate.
I doubt that the SNP would break up ukip-style but certainly both members and representatives will start to move to other parties.
As I see it, one of the reasons that the SNP can govern so effectively in (or near) majority is that is a political coalition within itself.
@Tartan Tory says: 5 April, 2017 at 1:24 pm:
” … especially if the SNP were to fracture (UKIP fashion) after acheiving their goal?”
Just a wee reminder for you, Tartan Tory, That the letter, “N”, in SNP stands for, “NATIONAL”, party and not for, “NATIONALIST”, party.
i.e. the party of the nation and after independence the truth is the nation will be in even greater need of a party doing what is best for the nation and that nation will be Scotland and not either Britain, Great Britain, The United Kingdom or England.
So just where does that leave the three unionist parties and their offshoots?
The Tory Party is officially, “The Conservative & Unionist Party” and Labour’s policies have always been, (allegedly), the International interests of the workers with the accent on the international bit. The LibDems are anything you want them to be if they can just get to play at being important. All dedicated to taking Scotland back into the Union.
It may take some time for a real left and right wing, purely Scottish, opposition to begin to emerge.
It has, after all, taken around 10 decades for the SNP to emerge from when the two previous independence parties united until they are in sight of gaining Scottish independence.
Front page now. BBC r4 also long thing on this tragedy, never in the field of women going peepee, has so much UKOK hackdom time and energy being expended on some weewee, soaking into the dunes at Balmedie.
Even if they have tried to hook this appalling human tragedy in Scotland, with Trump’s golden showers in Russia… maybe they are but cant be bothered to look.
Severin Carrell Scotland editor
Wednesday 5 April 2017 14.01 BST
Sheriff attacks Trump golf course complaint about woman urinating
Trump Organization accused in court of making frivolous complaint against Rohan Beyts, who nevertheless lost privacy case
“European Union lawmakers adopted a resolution on Wednesday setting their red lines for the two-year divorce talks with Britain and rejected attempts by British MEPs to recognize Gibraltar’s pro-EU stance in the Brexit referendum…… because “we do not agree to give to the Gibraltar issue the same importance as Scotland’s and Northern Ireland’s”, a parliament official said.”
link to
… so, for the EU Scotland is a bigger issue than Gibraltar.
That seems good news! WM wants to ignore Scotland, the EU take the opposite view. Good.
link to
Sounds fun! Take the kids, the more that go, the stronger the democracy.
@ Breeks
There was a council by-election in Oban (maybe last year?) in which a former, unsuccessful, Labour candidate ran as an independent and won – despite having been exposed for what he was during the campaign.
Once elected, he reverted to SLab. I don’t think he was “kicked out”, though – it was just a ruse.
Is that what you are thinking of? There may well be others.
Labour’s hatred of the SNP has effectively blocked many of the avenues of creative, political possibilities which would otherwise be open to them.
It is this hatred, acting like a blindfold, and at the same time, as a millstone round the neck of BLiS, which will drag them under.
Is there any hope for them? In a word, none.
Excellent, galamcennalath. Westminster only has eyes for the assets, while the EU sees its citizens.
Scotland 5.3 million, Gibraltar, 30,000.
cearc -so for Highland Council ward 5 [W Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh] it should be:
1. SNP Ian Cockburn
2. SNP Alex MacInnes – that’s the order on Ian C’s leaflet.
3. Green Topher Dawson [cough]
4. …I don’t yet know where Richard Greene Independent stands on the Union. But assuming he’s a Unionist then we have to choose from him; Biz Campbell; an official LibDem, Kate Stephen; a Labour, Christopher Birt; and a Tory, Derek Macleod.
5 of the 8 are new – only Ian C, Richard G and Biz C are existing councillors. I know Topher is a Yesser but know nothing of the others. Can anyone help with this?
I’m near the head of Loch Broom and attend Yes Ullapool and Lochbroom meetings [k/as Talking Change for a while] – are you on the mailing list? Next meeting Mon 17th April 7.30 Ullapool Village Hall.
Tartan Tory says:
5 April, 2017 at 1:24 pm
Just puting two and two together here……
“What’s the chances of a NEW….”
I’m not sure what you’d achieve Tartan Tory. You’d see the “Labour” corporate image and political vocabulary pole vault over the awkward business of securing an Independent Scottish Government, but be forever tarnished by the devout Unionism they preached while opposing independence.
I’m not quite sold on the idea of a Labour “Told You So” Party heckling every action the new sovereign Scottish Government tried to make and wailing continually about the good old days of Westminster rule. I’m already bored of that concept in the time it’s taken to write it down.
What Labour lacks right now is a cohesive idea that is relevant. Get the idea right, give your grassroots something with substance to promote, (and in Labour’s case, eat a few humble pies and seek forgiveness), and your Party might just survive.
I’ve read there’s a Labour opinion that the Labour Party now has to burn before it can rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. They are certainly burning all right, but so far there is no sign of any rebirth happening. Quite the reverse; they are dredging up tired old ideas, old news from yesterday’s stale politicians. There’s a certain irony in the list system that breathes life into spent politicians and sustains a political career which in former times would be ended. How can you be a “new” anything when saddled with ranks thick with political has-beens and rejects, and still subordinate to a mothership has-been Party all the way down in London?
A “list” seat should be wildcard opportunity for a fresh young hotshot; a chance for an unknown to secure a flying start to a new career, not a cosy retirement plan for those MSP’s the electorate has seen, considered, and deliberately put out to grass.
Scottish Labour needs dynamic fresh ideas if it wants to survive, but the problem is those dynamic fresh ideas don’t need Scottish Labour. Right now, the only big idea in town is Indy.
In my very humble opinion, Scottish Labour blew it in 2014. Allan Grogan and his breakaway Labour for Indy movement was Scottish Labour’s last available ticket out of Dodge City. Instead they put their faith in the North Briton, Gordon Brown.
If Scottish Labour had put their faith in Grogan, broken from London and properly backed Scotland, the party might have followed the same trajectory as Grogan did, and made the same connections with Socialist elements of what would become RIse, and perhaps, just perhaps, the fresh ideas of the Commonweal could have fuelled a credible new political force to keep the SNP on its toes.
But, that was 2014, and I think that window of opportunity no longer exists for Labour in Scotland. Certainly not after the Vow. They are spent, and things must be bad when even the BBC can recognise it needs more credible material than Labour can give.
He might be thinking about an election, but not a General Election. If May says no to a referendum then what options do we have?
56 by-elections would certainly get her attention. 57 or even 58 would be even better. Except, why would Murray (or Carmichael) stand down, unless he was given a clear run?
It might not be an ‘Independent’ ticket, it might be ‘Independence’.
David Martin MEP can see at least some of the writing on the wall, it seems.
The Labourite who was an ardent TIPP supporter and wanted to produce a report echoing Barroso by stating that Scotland would automatically be out of the EU if it voted for independence, but which was vetoed by his Socialist grouping in the EU Parliament:
link to
Now here at home though it seems he hasn’t moved on very much. He just can’t get beyond peddling this party line indy “second question” pish.
Robert Peffers at 11.39am. Absolute stonker, Robert. Well done.
For the first time I see that the UK which joined the EU is, as the Supreme Court emphasised in the appeal against the High Court’s Miller judgement, NOT what Westminster thinks it is, but what the Law says it is.
So, the EU, as Robert so rightly states, has to deal with Brexit on the basis of a UK joined by a bipartite Treaty between two equals, the kingdom of England and the kingdom of Scotland.
What Westminster says the UK is, ie. one country, is clearly at odds with what the Law says.
It would be absurd were Brexit to be resolved on the basis of hearsay from Westminster.
All rise.
Come on folks send him an invite and encourage him
to join the independence movement.
Me @3:29
So, has the BBC reported that Reuters story saying the EU consider the’Scotland situation’ more important than GIbraltar?
Not that I can find. UKIP, Gibraltar … blah blah. Scotland and the EU? Nothing.
In UK constitutional and Brexit terms, this strikes me as a big story. It doesn’t fit with the London centric view though, does it?
What are the legalities of refusing to reveal who you are polling on behalf of? For all we know this could be a bit of mischief making by some other party.
galamcennalath said at 4:21pm:
“So, has the BBC reported that Reuters story saying the EU consider the’Scotland situation’ more important than GIbraltar?…….”
Nope—-it’s not on BBC Scotland on-line,therefore it will be avoided or covered briefly in “now some other news”.
They think Scotland’s zipped up the back. 🙁
Oh, Jings! GIGALOLZ 😀
link to
@Robert Peffers 11.39am
Great comment Robert. Will use this in a debate with an English Brexiteer who lives near me and doesn’t think that Scotland should have any powers and that the Scottish Parliament should be closed.
She moved here with her business to have a better life!
Maybe I’ll just not bother but keep your comment in my notes.
I haven’t said much about Ian Murray because he is the MP for where my family stay and the mention of his name fills me with such fury, I can’t put it all down in one comment. So I won’t.
I’m away to leaflet instead.
Interesting times.
Conservative Spanish MEP Gonzalez Pons has had a go at the Tories for “preventing Scotland being part of Europe.”
I think May and her merry band of Brexiteers might be in for a shock re Scotland’s position in the EU negotiations.
Am I the only one who gets the feeling that the
tide is ever so slightly turning towards independence?
Hi folks, need a little assistance.
Got somebody on another site bumming up labour giving us Hollyrood, devolution.
Did see something on here a wee while ago re the UN and this subject.
Could anybody post relevant links or point me in the right direction.
@ Willie fae Kilwinning
Try this Willie:
link to
@galamcennalath says: 5 April, 2017 at 4:21 pm:
“In UK constitutional and Brexit terms, this strikes me as a big story. It doesn’t fit with the London centric view though, does it.”
Now I’m going to make a wild guess here, galamcennalath, but I will also explain my thinking.
I believe that the EU MEPs and the EC, (who are the EU Civil Service), will have been working hard behind the scenes on legalities behind Brexit and will have been playing it very close to their chests.
I detected a rather different EU attitude from the moment the May Article 50 letter arrived. Now they will begin to show their hand and they won’t be bluffing.
Looked on from a neutral POV the EU has axes to grind and one such axe is that Spain is a respected EU member and thus their opinion will go a long way as every member state has a veto and Spain has a strong interest in Gibraltar.
So just who are the EU, as a parliament, going to favour in the matter?
We have Westminster, who have just requested to leave the EU but wants to do deals to cherry pick and retain many of the privileges of EU membership but yet who want to drag, Gibraltar, N. Ireland and Scotland out of the EU against their will.
Yet the legal situation is that both Gibraltar & N.I. are historically legally dominions of the Kingdom of England.
Gibraltar came under British, (sic), rule between 4 and 7 August 1704. However, at that time the British were using a different calendar from that of the Spanish and thus there is an 11 day discrepancy in the historic records. Between Spanish & English/British recorded history.
Anyway here’s the problem. In 1704 there was no United Kingdom but the Kingdom of England has maintained that there was a, “Union of the Crowns”, in 1603. Legally there was not as it was only a personal union for the monarch who legally wore two, still independent, crowns.
So, as this was pre-the Treaty of Union, then Gibraltar became legally an English Dominion in 1704. In the case of all Ireland that had become a dominion of the Kingdom of England in 1542, (Crown of Ireland Act). These are the, “Dominions”, written about in the preamble to the Treaty of Union of 1706/7.
So the legal situation, as far as the EU is concerned, should be that as the Treaty of Union united two equally sovereign kingdoms and one of them legally had the dominions of Wales, Ireland & Gibraltar then The Kingdom of Scotland has no legal claim on those dominions when the two Kingdoms split up.
Mind you if Westminster claims otherwise then Scotland could then claim a share of at least Gibraltar and Northern Ireland.
This would be in line with the EU claim that Scotland’s claim to remain in the EU is not only more important but is legally factual. So if the EU accepts that the EU Member State is a bipartite United Kingdom and the bipartite United Kingdom is splitting up then N.I. and Gibraltar legally go out as part of the Kingdom of England.
Unless, that is, they can claim, (under the EU and UN terms of Human Right Law), Self-Determination as distinct and identifiable groups. Thing is that the EU probably see this as being easier to achieve for both English Dominions if the UK has already split into two separate Kingdoms.
Anyway I’m not a lawyer so could be way off beam with my conjectures.
Looks like Duncan Hotdogstall and Dr Scott are really serious about setting up the independent state of Red Morningside!
They need to dump Kez and Corbyn so Ian Murray will appeal to all these Tory voters.
So I don’t know why they just don’t go the whole hog and merge with the Conservatives.
Will mean their extinction just like the National Liberals, Scottish Unionists and Lib-dems before them. But worth it to try to save the Union.
Wille fae kilwinning
link to
What a nasty treacherous quizzer rat! As for the sleekit polling organisation well. The only way to stop Brexit in theory or reality is to vote Yes to Indy in the next Indy Ref.
My attitude is that NO FREE RUNS BE GIVEN TO ANY QUIZZERS EVER! Lets face it he is never going to be Pro Scots Indy.
starting to feel the lurv from the EU.
Treeza must be bricking it
crazycat says:
5 April, 2017 at 3:35 pm
@ Breeks
There was a council by-election in Oban (maybe last year?) in which a former, unsuccessful, Labour candidate ran as an independent and won – despite having been exposed for what he was during the campaign.
Once elected, he reverted to SLab. I don’t think he was “kicked out”, though – it was just a ruse.
Is that what you are thinking of? There may well be others.
You are right -the independent even got his picture taken with a labour badge on. Not the cleverest of councillors- and that is saying something
RE the Council Elections. There shouldn’t be any confusion at all.
It is simple – DONT VOTE FOR ANY YOON OR QUIZZER at all. As far as I am concerned Kippers, Tories, Fib Dooms, Labour etc are just different colours of anti Scottish bigots and anti Indy bigots.
As for Independents I don’t trust any of them. I cant say it is true for all Council Areas but my sickening experience of Independents in Moray is that they are all closet Kippers or Tories. They are political whores who will sleep with anybody but the Pro Indy SNP. Nor do they give an eff about providing Council Services efficiently and honestly and are as incompetent and corrupt as hell!
Robert Peffers says:
An interesting reply.
Their preparations will have been exhaustive and they have an accurate understanding of the true nature of the UK. They will be well aware Scotland’s constitutional status.
I have always thought there will be one of only two outcomes. Firstly WM accepts what the EU offer with a little bit of room to negotiate around the edges, or secondly the UK walks away.
The EU will propose solutions for Scotland and Northern Ireland almost certainly based on the outcome of referendums. IMO that will be integral to the divorce talks whether WM likes it or not. They will be tougher on Gibraltar which is basically just a money making scam.
The welfare changes about to kick in.
link to
Still voting ‘no’?
…why is Jackie Bird so pleased to announce “bad news” relating to the financial position of her own nation. (Not that accept the propaganda)
That smirking delight as they run down their own country typifies the Scotbut mentality.
“It is probably fair to say that he has seemed unhappy about the current Labour position on Brexit”
Ian Murray and other Scottish Labour politicians don’t have positions on anything.
They are in it just for themselves and for the unionist establishment.
BBC national news coverage of EU debate doesn’t mention David Martin’s warning on consequences of a hard Brexit for the UK as it does not suit their London centric agenda
BBC Scotland and STV might as well just sign up and join Scotland in Union now Jackie Burd almost said to Douglas Fraser “So Scotland and the Scottish government are shite then Douglas?” “Well you can’t know for sure Jackie but it sure does look like it” said Douglas “And it’s not the fault of Brexit, it’s more likely the fear of Independence” said Douglas
A bit of paraphrasing there but nevertheless damn close to what they said whilst showing a big giant Union flag and a little teeny weeny Saltire beside it
The cringe is overwhelming for the pipsqueek STV and the BBC are just filth
Aah! At least being unpleasant about them brings a certain satisfaction
Clootie 6:46
It’s the “best news” the BBC has had for days, let her savour the moment.
I listened to Douglas Fraser earlier telling us how dreadful we were and how well the rest of the UK were doing. Thank God we can smirk ourselves on foolish and hollow they now sound – and then turn them off 🙂
On the subject of BBC bias and the theory that Nick (“He didn’t answer the question”) Robinson, J. Naughtie (Red Morningside resident), and their BBC UKOK colleaugues might query the wisdom of Brexit and therefore exhibit less hostility towards the SNP — as I understand it, the BBC charter has been re-written and now explicitly defines “nation speaking truth unto nation” as meaning showing support for “our” (precious, precious) Union at every opportunity.
They have got to do it, even if it means nation speaking lies unto nation, or woe betide them at the next licence fee review.
So if you thought they were bad in 2014, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Murray’s one redeeming feature seems to be a genuine recognition that Trident is an obscenity (probably not a view shared by many of his Tory supporters in Morningside).
To Proud Cybernat and Gerry Parker,
many thanks.
How can anybody claim with any accuracy the health or otherwise of the Scottish Economy?
As we know from Gers, the figures are basically made up, we don’t know how many imports there were into Scotland, we don’t know how much exports from Scotland were worth so how can we say that the economy grew or dropped by ,4% in any given quarter?
“So, the EU, as Robert so rightly states, has to deal with Brexit on the basis of a UK joined by a bipartite Treaty between two equals, the kingdom of England and the kingdom of Scotland.”
The EU and the rest of the world does not give a damn about the status of the kingdom of England and the kingdom of Scotland, as long as the UK exists as a unitary political state.
Any posturing by the EU will only be to weaken the UK’s negotiating position.
The EU WILL NOT state a clear position on an independent Scotland’s EU membership until after Brexit has been completed or Scotland has voted for independence.
Robert Peffers, you and your sycophants don’t read my comments so don’t bother responding:
Robert Peffers,
“@Dan Huil says: 4 April, 2017 at 7:32 pm:
“Has Rock given us his views on Gibraltar?”
Who would know, Dan? Does anyone still read his comments?”
Robert Peffers,
“@Les Wilson says: 5 April, 2017 at 9:33 am:
” … For example, the SNP while focusing in joining the EU, should go the EFTA way in the first instance.”
Where did you get this idea, Les, that the SNP were, “focusing in joining the EU”?””
You might have missed it, but the whole point of a second independence referendum is for Scotland to be a member of the EU.
It couldn’t be any more clearer.
Who can now believe any figures coming from Westminster regarding Scottish economy. Figures can be made up as they go along. Glen Campbell even got them worked into his report from the United Nations, which proves collusion with the crew in Glasgow about how to work the story.
Sorry folks I feel totally unconvinced about anything political I hear on the News.
Tuned into Reporting Scotland headlines to see what they were saying about Nicolas successful tour of America, only to find Jackie (Lets call it Devo Max) bird giving the main headline of Scotland is doing shit and the UK is doing better.
I can’t imagine any other media in the world so ready to put down its own country by comparing it to another.
Let’s hope our kids don’t have to suffer the media crap that we have to day in day out.
Black Joan says “Murray’s one redeeming feature seems to be a genuine recognition that Trident is an obscenity”
So he says but if you check his House of Commons voting record on Trident you will find that he has abstained more often than his very recent oppostion to Trident.
A link to the UN website that you can watch the FM giving a speech to the UN at 8pm BST.
link to
Ian Murray is my MP. He is an excellent and conscientious MP who voted against the Brexit bill along with the SNP and Alasdair Carmichael. Only Fluffy voted for it out of the 59 Scots MPs. He is also opposed to Trident. He is hanging on to a wafer thin majority of about 800. He is no fan of Corbyn’s.
I have reason to be in contact with him from time to time on a non-party political basis and can assure you that though sound in many ways, he is totally opposed to Scottish independence.
So the interesting question in my mind is why is this question being asked now? And only in Edinburgh South?
Does Murray think there could be a general election before 2020?
O/T but still relevant: A poem
“Pity the nation whose people are sheep,
and whose shepherds mislead them.
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice,
except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero
and aims to rule the world with force and by torture.
Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own
and no other culture but its own.
Pity the nation whose breath is money
and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed.
Pity the nation — oh, pity the people who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away.
My country, tears of thee, sweet land of liberty.”
? Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Its shocking, Nicola Sturgeon is spending five days promoting Scotland to the world, and yet sadly, due to the lack of news coverage from the UK media, very few people in Scotland will be aware of how well she is doing.
“Rock says:
5 April, 2017 at 7:20 pm
Robert Peffers,
“@Les Wilson says: 5 April, 2017 at 9:33 am:
” … For example, the SNP while focusing in joining the EU, should go the EFTA way in the first instance.”
Where did you get this idea, Les, that the SNP were, “focusing in joining the EU”?””
You might have missed it, but the whole point of a second independence referendum is for Scotland to be a member of the EU.
It couldn’t be any more clearer.”
Rock, please keep p, Single Market is where the new Buzz word is these days, the difference between the voting public in BRexit brought the material change in attitudes, the EU is one way to remain in Single market, EFTA is the other way, and favourable to many Scots
Clootie says: 6:46 pm
…why is Jackie Bird so pleased to announce “bad news”..
I usually find something better to do at half six in the evening, anything but watching smug news for pensioners.
They are only allowed to compare figures if they are worse in Scotland. If they are better the argument becomes ‘they are still not meeting the targets’ or the comparison is not valid.
Suspect a lot of these figures come from WM, it strange all the figures about Scotland from WM are always worse.
louis.b.argyll , me too , haven’t watch Misreporting Scotland for two years – couldn’t bear to see that sneering trollop ever again.
As for the bloke who ‘interpreted ‘ what is said by SNP leaders , as opposed to what is actually said , it is a joy not to have to listen to him.
It really is a mystery why anyone would wish to disrespect their country and work so hard against it.
They can hing as they grow – I won’t be listening to their ordure ever again . I would just love to know the viewing figures because I know I am not alone in treating BBBC Scotland as some kind of highly infectious disease best avoided like the plague.
Robert Peffers
It was the forces of the Grand Alliance – England and Netherlands – that captured Gibraltar in 1704 but it was not until the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 that Spain formally ceded it to Britain as part of the settlement of the Wars of the Spanish Succession. At that point it could be said to be legally Britain’s rather than in 1704 when it was seized by force by a coalition force.
FYI my wife had a phone call last Thursday re the local elections from a polling company and having established that she was over 30 y.o. asked if there were any youngsters available. No was the answer , that’s a pity because they find it very difficult to get to this age group said the caller , due to them being mobile users not landlines.
Two points , she could have lied about her age (never!!) and distorted the poll and are stay at home landliners really representative of that age group? Polls , ehhh can you trust them?
OT does anybody know where to watch the rest of Nicola’s Q and A session at Stanford which was cut off in the middle of the livestream?
On the BBC website today there was a report of it which I barely recognised as being the same speech, yet there was not a word of a lie in it. These guys are real propaganda pros.
We live in a country that when the First Minister is welcomed, received with respect internationally e.g. in Dublin and now in the USA, the people of her country are deprived by our public service broadcaster of the opportunity to hear, to any significant extent, what she is saying and why, and to learn how well she is received and how well Scotland is regarded.
The same happened when Alex Salmond over recent years spoke at notable gatherings in the USA and Europe. Little or no coverage in our domestic mainstream media.
To do so would risk the people of Scotland developing a national self-confidence – it wouldn’t suit Unionists to risk diluting the ‘cringe’!
Lenny Hartley says:
5 April, 2017 at 7:08 pm
How can anybody claim with any accuracy the health or otherwise of the Scottish Economy?
…..Kinda related, and my knowledge is limited, but I seem to recall an Independent Scotland can do more to protect itself and industry in hard times. I think it’s something to do with EU competition rules, but many governments cannot subsidise their industries where it provides obvious advantages and runs contrary to fair competition, however when the facility represents a Nation’s only capacity, such as the last shipyard, or coal mine, the rules change and it is possible to help it survive.
All sounds a bit “if, then, and but”, but put into perspective, had Scotland been independent, then Ravenscraig could have helped to stay open to maintain Scotland’s only capacity to make steel, rather than close and see Scottish steel production finished.
It’s not a panacea for all ills, and subsidy isn’t always the healthiest way to support your industry, but there would be more opportunities to help struggling industries survive and come back from the brink.
Don’t laugh, but in addition to Hillman Imps, Scotland once produced electric cars back in the 60’s. Scamps I think they were called… Now doesn’t that sound like an interesting idea for a country with a surplus clean and renewable electricity production? Whether it’s electric cars or hydrogen from sea water… the sky is the limit if we want it to be…
There are also mechanisms to improve infrastructure between countries. For example, in the event Scotland and England became separate nations, both could access funds to improve both motorway links and rail links. Whether that still applies if England is out the EU, I don’t know. But I think it might include North Sea ferry links and power infrastructure to physically connect Scotland with Europe.
Don’t see that help as subsidy but investment to raise productivity and get that industry paying for its keep.
Don’t ask me for the details, it was something I read a long time ago, way back when Ravenscraig was closing. An Independent Scotland could have stepped in to save it without breaching competition rules with Port Talbot.
Thinking about it, it might actually be worth doing a audit of the support measures an Independent Scotland could access which at the moment are the preserve of Westminster.
Just to qualify those comments, I don’t want to see Scotland reliant on EU subsidy, or even developing a dependency on it, but I am 100% behind getting help to get the country startup investment to get us running on all cylinders and very soon making a worthwhile contribution.
Free to make our own decisions, Scotland can make realistic plans and strategies to optimise the capacity we have really get Scotland running with much greater efficiency. Independence is just the first day of everything that follows. We can make our own rules… and our own mistakes.
BBC Scotland comparing the Scottish economy against the massive economy of the rest of the UK including the “Black Hole” of the South East of England.
The economy of Scotland should never be measured in this way but that is what we are up against.
We have heard it all before and we will hear it all again.
BBC Scotland and STV have their orders:
“Protect London at all costs.”
I cauught a bit of the church service in London and it was extremely politicised. (“precious union” or suchlike made an appearance – sorry did not not the exact phrase).
Here is a link to the full Q & A at Stamford yesterday.
link to
One_Scot says:5 April, 2017 at 7:37 pm:
” … I can’t imagine any other media in the world so ready to put down its own country by comparing it to another.
Let’s hope our kids don’t have to suffer the media crap that we have to day in day out.”
I’d have thought, by this time, you would have worked out their mind set by now?
Their country, besides not even being a country, is, “The United Kingdom”, or Britain or even Great Britain.
To them these are all synonymous terms. Scotland is just the place they work. Where they do missionary work among the uneducated and uncivilised natives while they look forward to their retirement to the best retirement home in the World in London in a place called, “The Lords”.
It’s hard, dirty and dangerous work – but someone has to do it. It is their sworn duty for their Queen and country, you understand.
“Dorothy Devine says:
5 April, 2017 at 8:30 pm
I would just love to know the viewing figures because I know I am not alone in treating BBBC Scotland as some kind of highly infectious disease best avoided like the plague”
Viewing figures are kind of like GERS , cant remember the exact numbers of boxes that record the data of what the viewer is watching, but they then work out the ratio of viewer watching a certain show, then multiply it to get a general demographic, but if it is all blue rinse brigade or older generations then you can bet they are bit long in the tooth and still watch these shows day in day out, but doesnt represent other age demographics
Just been told there’s a pro-indy rally now planned in FINLAND too! Where next? 😀
link to
FFS a yoon at the UN, some yoon I didn’t catch his name just came out with yoon drivel in the Q&A with the First Minister..
Yoons be **crazy**
o/t – Local Elections ie LOCAL
Sad to see in my area of ardrossan/ stevenston that not one local SNP branch member was able to be elected as a possible candidate. Selected candidates from the north coast ie Largs are dropped in and know nothing of the area. Likewise other snp candidates are palsy with the MSP/MP elite and live in Glasgow and Troon i.e outside of North Ayrshire! How can this be right? Surely there are enough SNP people in the respective areas so that local voices are represented.
Sad to see SNP in some areas copying old Labour. I will hold my nose and vote SNP but after the council set up I hope SNP HQ will review their procedures. Based on previous experience I doubt it. Local democracy is important. God help any Leader of the SNP in North Ayrshire as a fair % of possible councillors will not answerable to them but to a higher authority. Poor show all round. I have heard some members just wont vote for the outsiders.
Wullie B @ 20:12,
I think you mean EEA rather than EFTA, in order to remain fully in the single market.
Where the opportunities present themselves to us we still have to wait and see, but don’t be lulled into the casual assumption that EEA is some kind of “get out of jail free card”. The proposition is vulnerable on the very reasonable grounds that you have to pay nearly the same as a full EU member yet you don’t get to take any decisions.
So it doesn’t actually satisfy the sovereignity zealots nor the expense grumblers, and doesn’t retain the full citizenship rights that we currently enjoy, nor make us eligible for the EU development funding that might be crucial to a (re-)nascent Scotland, nor get us heavy-lifting support during the Brexit negotiations.
The EEA notion could easily fall between two stools and satisfy no-one. That’s the real danger that some are currently overlooking.
For your own health, try to avoid watching the teatime news bulletins on BBC Scotland and STV.
STV depends on advertising revenue and viewing figures are very important to them.
So if they show a drop in viewers due to biased reporting, it maybe give them something to think about.
If you must, then try watching ITV instead of STV.
Every little helps.
@ Marcia
thank you! says it all that we have to scrape around looking for a recording of our own First Ministers speech and our ‘national’ broadcaster only shows the extracts it wants to.
I think the ‘Yoon at UN’ was a planned set up. Did you notice that immediately after Nicola answered his question (very eloquently), and she moved on to the next answer, a hand came in to the bottom left of the picture and removed an additional microphone of type used by professional broadcasters…I await to see which broadcaster this is!
‘I think the ‘Yoon at UN’ was a planned set up’
Yeah, it was a bit obvious. I would not be surprised if the UK Establishment has them placed at every venue she goes to.
The ironic thing is, the answers Nicola gives just makes it clearer to a wider world audience that Scotland should really be Independent.
FM stanford speech transcription for anyone interested
link to
link to
@TheBuchanLoony –
I think the ‘Yoon at UN’ was a planned set up
Yes I think you are right. The Yoon At The UN will probably be on the invite list for Batshit Jill’s hogmanay dinner party.. 🙂
Hamish100 at 9.08
You are completely correct. The vetting and selection of candidates for the local elections has been a disgrace to the SNPand has effectively removed all power in this matter from local branches and CAs.
This is completely unacceptable but the late conclusion of the vetting process I suspect has been entirely deliberate to mute complaint.
Sturgeon invited to UN, Dugdale invites herself to Clinton campaign, Davidson invited to Houston Rodeo (made that one up but someone has to ride those bulls).
Iain More 6:11 pm
RE the Council Elections. There shouldn’t be any confusion at all.
As for Independents I don’t trust any of them.
You really DO NOT KNOW the circumstance in which folk are standing
I personally was told to go away to the YES camp
Seriously you don’t know the half of it
Writing from Ward 1; the answer to the Green councillors becoming greener is to authorise split wards with one councillor each. Smaller patches to cover, closer to the electorate.
That “excellent and concientious MP” you mention, is an out and out LIAR.
He stood on WM green and told a national news reporter he had voted AGAINST the Tory Welfare Bill, when IN FACT, he abstained with 183 other labour MP’s.
He does not have a single redeeming feature.
I have just watched the news about Syria. My conclusion is that the Syrian Government must be very very stupid indeed as it keeps dropping incendiary devices exactly where there are TV crews set up ready to transmit this to a very gullible world.
This is bullshit out of the same box as the bullshit about Aleppo and the WMD of Saddam Hussein.
I an assured it is bullshit as I have just been polled by YOUGOV asking me if this “attack” justifies us basically invading Syria
Hamish100 says:
5 April, 2017 at 9:08 pm
o/t – Local Elections ie LOCAL
Sad to see in my area of ardrossan/ stevenston that not one local SNP branch member was able to be elected as a possible candidate. Selected candidates from the north coast ie Largs are dropped in and know nothing of the area. Likewise other snp candidates are palsy with the MSP/MP elite and live in Glasgow and Troon i.e outside of North Ayrshire! How can this be right? Surely there are enough SNP people in the respective areas so that local voices are represented.
Sad to see SNP in some areas copying old Labour. I will hold my nose and vote SNP but after the council set up I hope SNP HQ will review their procedures. Based on previous experience I doubt it. Local democracy is important. God help any Leader of the SNP in North Ayrshire as a fair % of possible councillors will not answerable to them but to a higher authority. Poor show all round. I have heard some members just wont vote for the outsiders.
Marcia says:
5 April, 2017 at 8:45 pm
Here is a link to the full Q & A at Stamford yesterday.
Its great but its a bit creepy how every single FM Sturgeon youtube vid, is always “next up” with one posted by Dr Scott Arthur next up. Just by view numbers maybe.
Andrew Neil exposes Nicola Sturgeon’s economic plan in a car crash interview. #SNP16
Scott Arthur
She’s quite something oor Ms. Sturgeon.
Anytime, anyplace, cool,calm and fluent with the subject.
As for the yoon-at-the-un, I thought that people looked rather shocked at his hostile intervention. Not quite UN style.
Tomorrow’s National front page:
Tomorrow’s “National” twitter pages:
link to
Robert J. Sutherland says:
5 April, 2017 at 9:09 pm
Wullie B @ 20:12,
Where the opportunities present themselves to us we still have to wait and see, but don’t be lulled into the casual assumption that EEA is some kind of “get out of jail free card”. The proposition is vulnerable on the very reasonable grounds that you have to pay nearly the same as a full EU member yet you don’t get to take any decisions.
Robert J. Sutherland says:
5 April, 2017 at 9:09 pm
Norway paid the equivalent of £120 per person for its EEA, Netherlands pays £412 for full membership, over a few thousand it isnt much but over 4.5 million people its a fair amount just to have a say, those savings would quite easily build up so we wouldnt need grant aid, and yes we would have access to single market, freedom of movement, this was one of the reasons the SNP always held up Norway as a comparison,
The SNP will lose the Banff and Buchan stronghold next election due to its insistance of full EU membership, the EEA would appeal to the fishermen who blame the EU for their woes as Scotland wouldnt have to sign up to the CFP, would also hold a seat at the negotiating table alongside the EU spokesman( He currently negotiates for all EU North Sea states) Norway Iceland Faroes and Greenland when it comes to quota talks and such like,
We would have full control over our EEZ, and make rules that would suit our maritime habitat and maybe realise that the one rule fits all doesnt work in a mixed bag fishery, am one of the few fishermen who voted remain in the UK, and believe it or not but the EU have to hold their hands up along with the inept Westminster deal makers when it comes to the state of the industry in Scotland, the bulk of fisheries is no devolved, but we have to rely on one spokesman to remember to speak for us when Spanish, Dutch French German, Dane Swede and Belgian fisheries deptartments are all seeking the best deal for their nations.
When the French were involved, they killed a new targeted fishery of Scottish boats by insisting historic track record should be taken into mind and effectively stopped over twenty new purpose built boats from fishing for deep water species west of Lewis out to Rockall, saying we couldnt get any quota, the French and Spanish boats claimed it all
Ouch. It will be CGI for FM Sturgeon, from beeb creeps next.
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@Hamish100 says: 5 April, 2017 at 9:08 pm:
” … o/t – Local Elections ie LOCAL
Sad to see in my area of ardrossan/ stevenston that not one local SNP branch member was able to be elected as a possible candidate.
That’s utter rubbish, Hamish100.
It is the Constituency Associations and the local branches in the Constituency Associations who democratically choose their candidate.
Mind you there will be a list of preferred candidates as they must all be vetted in order to attempt to try and make sure no duds or chancers get through the vetting process.
So if the local branches have not put any suitable candidates forward for the list then of course there will be none to be vetted and put on the list.
So please do not propagate such stuff and if you want to do something about it then take it up with your local branch and/or constituency association. For it is they who are at fault. You could even put yourself or a friend forward as a candidate and try to be proposed and seconded as a prospective candidate.
The SNP are nothing if not democratic.
@Phil – I’ve been thinking for some time that what we really need, at the least, is the restoration of the District Councils that were removed in the 1980’s/90’s by John Major. Highland Council’s area is ludicrous – no wonder the officials in some cases are a law unto themselves, unresponsive to community needs.
Even better might be the something more like the French system – every village practically has it’s mairie, elected mayor and local funds to employ police, fire service, and power to encourage businesses etc etc.
A n other Neo fascist Voice of the North P&J indy poll, with a nasty wee twist You have to sign up, then they tell you they’ll only publish details at regular intervals, so cant think why these rabid tories would do that.
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stonefree says:
5 April, 2017 at 9:39 pm
“Iain More 6:11 pm
RE the Council Elections. There shouldn’t be any confusion at all.
As for Independents I don’t trust any of them.
You really DO NOT KNOW the circumstance in which folk are standing
I personally was told to go away to the YES camp
Seriously you don’t know ”
Councillor Drew Miller of Eilean A Cheo ward here in the highlands was once a libdem, he was kicked out on the auspice of sharing a meme on facebook showing protesters holding banners with “Freedom of speech”, it cam out afterwords that the original poster was Britain First, what it doesnt tell you was that he fell foul of the party before hand over his support for Scottish Independence, Drew works hard for the ward and still supports independence, shares very little on facebook now, but does a hell of a good job for his ward, he is an independent, and funnily enough the local paper had a photo op with five independents from the area , who all support the union, he was absent from the picture
another voice of sanity link to
Wee Willie Rennie has been remarkably quiet this week?
I’m sure that in cities the multiple member wards are quite a good idea but in Highland it is ridiculous. Even splitting to 2 member wards would be an improvement and then it would still be possible to keep the STV system along with the rest of the country.
robert peffers,
I think I know more of what goes on in my local and adjoining branches than you do– no disrepect.
Candidates parachuted in from Glasgow –worked at Holyrood. Look at the facts. My local branch told that 2 from Largs will represent us. Nice people. Do they know the area? No. Pals of the elite? Certainly.
I’ll vote for the snp as I have for the past 47 years. The process is flawed believe me. Placemen and placewomen. No democracy — nodded through once the decision is made.
I didn’t join the SNP for this. Incidentally other good young local candidates were passed over.
This has ALSO happened in other constituency areas.
So no harm to you Robert but don’t infer that everything in the garden is rosie.
In this matter you are simply wrong.
Heres the First Minister at the UN doing all of Scotland proud. The Yoon At The UN comes in around 36:00…..
link to
Wullie B @ 22:03:
That’s just your guess though, Wullie. It’s just as likely that the NE fishermen are so beset with BritNat anti-EU propaganda that they might reject an EEA offer as well. There’s no evidence that they are behind this option at all, it could be just wishful thinking. That’s my point.
EU-lite could just as easily disappoint all those recent No-to-Yessers who have been shocked out of their wits by Brexit. (You’ve likely seen the vids.) What about them? Likely a lot more of them than a bunch of very wealthy boat-owners.
There’s no guarantee that you can please everybody and maximise support by some watered-down compromise.
You focussed solely on the fishing issue and ignored everything else, but there’s far more at stake. When the realities of Brexit begin to bite in the upcoming negotiations, a lot of chickens are going to be coming home to roost, and they might even puncture the fishermens’ little fantasy bubble.
Just watched reporting Scotland at 10.30pm
Scotland growth down U.K. Growth 4 times ours
We are going into recession etc
It’s so blatant it’s incredible
Hamish100 at 10.32
You are very correct. All I got at Spring Conference was complaints from all across the country about good candidates failing vetting, of good councillors being removed because they didn’t get on with the MSP etc and a top down process which removed selection power from local branches. VMS appeared to come from on high. We had a particular problem in our branch which left us fighting to try to keep good members in it and we do not have the candidate selection which we believe was the best for us. We do the work,we raise the money and we know who we want to contest for us and who is most popular locally. We are fighting his election as best we can but after it we will be formulating a very detailed compliant to the NEC.
Hamish100 says:
The SNP vetting system is very robust and those wanting to get on the approved are assessed by experienced neutral people. The many good young people you refer to perhaps need a bit more campaigning experience / life / leadership skills / policy knowledge before becoming SNP Councillors.
I am told that almost half of those who applied failed to meet the required high standard on this occasion and that included some sitting Councillors.
Once approved it is then each member has a vote on who is selected. In some areas the position was also complicated by the requirement to have female / minorities candidates if two or more slots available or retiring local councillor.
Sarah @ 22:08,
You may well already be aware that Lesley Riddoch has been promoting a more distributed and localised form of democracy such as is typically practiced in Scandinavian countries such as Norway. I imagine with that country’s own geographic challenges such an approach was almost essential. So there may well be exemplars worth investigating.
The opportunity to do so will only arise, however, with independence.
@ Sunniva at 8.01
Pedantry alert:
It is Mundell and Carmichael who have majorities in the region of 800.
Ian Murray’s majority in 2015 was 2,637, with an increase of 4.4% in vote share since 2010 (the SNP gained 26.1%; the LibDems lost 30.3% and fell from a close second to fifth behind the Greens – ouch!).
The Tory vote share also fell, by almost the same amount that Labour’s increased, which might not be a coincidence.
Edinburgh South is still a marginal, though,just as it was in 2010 when Nigel Griffiths retired. One of my friends who lives there thought Murray did not expect to hold the seat against the supposedly-surging LibDems, but of course he did – albeit with the smallest majority in Scotland, a mere 316.
His increased majority may be partly due to his diligence, as well as to Tory tactical voting and SLab dirty tricks.
@Hamish100 9:08 pm and Later
That’s why I’m standing as an Independent
@Robert J Sutherland – good point about Norway’s geographical barriers making it a closer comparator for Highlands Region, and many other Council areas.
But surely you are wrong to say major changes will only come with independence. Haven’t we heard the Ruth Davidson Party, Rennie’s Rump, and Dugdale’s Doomed all say that it is the SNP’s fault we are so centralised?
Robert J. Sutherland says:
5 April, 2017 at 10:51 pm
Wullie B @ 22:03:
… the EEA would appeal to the fishermen who blame the EU for their woes
That’s just your guess though, Wullie. It’s just as likely that the NE fishermen are so beset with BritNat anti-EU propaganda that they might reject an EEA offer as well. There’s no evidence that they are behind this option at all, it could be just wishful thinking. That’s my point.
That is no guess Robert, go and speak to them if you want, I have lived and worked with them and to a voice the are all anti EU, the EEA gives a best of both worlds to both pro EU and Anti Eu, it gives the benefits of the single market nad the other freedoms, but it also gives the sovreignty of the borders to an iScotland, we could make and set our own deals that would suit our nation, we dont need to be full on EU especially when many Yes voters were also Anti EU, we need every vote to count, and if that means EU Lite then so be it, we can always test the waters and see what fits, we will be out of EU with that bloody cow down south not going to do us any favours, and even the SG realise now that the EEA might be a stepping stone or it might suit us, Fewgus Ewing in January talking to Bertie Armstrong one of the leading figures in the fishing industry said that an iScotland would NOT be signing up to the CFP, if you are in EU then CFP is a must as it is classed as one of the freedoms, now the EEA means you dont need to sign up to CFP but still have all the accesses,
Nicola Sturgeon at the conference made little mention of EU, she concentrated on access to Single market, the SNP were Anti EU right up until the noughties, the Pro EU stance only came about this century, so read into that what you like, but I might be blinkered on for one industry, but Banff and Buchan voted overwhelmingly out of EU last June, only Aberdeen West made kept the area remain, , did you know that for every crewmans job at the industry, 10 jobs ashore are dependent, engineers, painters shop assistants, lorry drivers that is before you get into processing
I for one dont believe the Torys will do a deal that will suit the industry but try telling that to the gusy who believe it will, just like Farage and his NHS £350million a week, and I can more or less guarantee you that the SNP will lose the seat in Banff and Buchan net election, back to a tory, Jimmyu Buchan stood against Alex Salmon a few years back(He of trawlerman fame) and only lost by 2500 votes, the feeling in that part of the country ius they have lost all faith in the SG after having to deal with Richard Lochhead who took on every EU directive and made them worse(Inshore MPAs, SACs, and worst of all was the Cod Recovery Zones, which prevented Scottish boats fishing in areas of Scottish waters due to cod numbers being too high when the EU said that it was against its policy to stop other nations from carrying on fishing, Scotsmen watched English, Irish and every other country fish in areas that the Scottish Government prevented their own people from working,
Hamish 100 is Ardrossan and Saltcoats made up of multiple wards? reason I ask is that I have an election leaflet in front of me and it says Ardrossan and Arran!! I don’t know where Tony Gurney hails from but Ellen McMaster is most definately a member of the Arran Branch.
I do however agree with you having spoken to others There appears to be disquiet with the selection process Scotland wide which needs to be addressed, maybe sNP HQ needs a wee reminder who is in charge (after the elections of course) Robert Peffers is as usual correct with the principle in this case On how the SNP is supposed to work, but as many including David Mcewan Hill will testify the practice is different. (For the moment)
You are absolutely right. STV getting worse than BBC in Scotland! I just turn over and watch ITV too.
In fact every news station in the Western world was showing Syria sarin gas attack. Why do I not believe them that it was Assad?
That’s how it goes now. I don’t believe anything the West says anymore about the Middle East.
I have news on in the back ground during the day but can’t stick with one for more than ten minutes now. That says something about believabIlity!
Wullie B
“worst of all was the Cod Recovery Zones, which prevented Scottish boats fishing in areas of Scottish waters due to cod numbers being too high when the EU said that it was against its policy to stop other nations from carrying on fishing, Scotsmen watched English, Irish and every other country fish in areas that the Scottish Government prevented their own people from working”
Without the EU, our seas would dead now. EU market is the only market for Scottish fish produce.
You are full of it Wullie.
Lenny Hartley and Dave McEwan hill.
There will certainly be some issues to sort out after the results are in wrt organisational efficiency, candidate efficiency and branch cliques. I am looking forward to that as much as I am looking forward to the result.
But, Now is not the time.
Another Union Dividend at 10.57
Very robust indeed. It gives huge power to folk who know absolutely nothing about the local areas the candidates are seeking to contest or the candidates standing and respect in these areas and it gives huge and unacceptable powers of interference to agencies in the hierarchy of the party and such as MSPs. This is not the SNP I joined over half a century ago.
There is considerable suspicion across the party that some candidates were already crossed off before they even entered the vetting process.
The whole process is not sufficiently transparent and migh tbe hugely improved if branches who supported candidates (as ours did)were given full and public explanation for refusal which only should be done for the most serious of reasons. It is all very well to have a OMOV selection procedure but not when the candidate that would have got by far the highest support and in which the branch had total confidence is already removed from the process.
Nicola at the UN was hosted by the UK mission
How the fuck did she end up with a dodgy microphone
As for the Yoon at 36 mins (who had a very clear microphone )
Nicola skelped it oot o the park
Ian M
Indeed. The yoon at 36 minutes will find out, as they all will, that the remaining respect for the UK all around the world is evaporating at an alarming rate and that most of the world doesn’t actually like the Brits.
As is now in slow burn here as well
Scotland pays nothing for it’s EU membership, The benefits outweigh any contributions. €Billion. It all comes back in CAP, Grants, ECB renewable grant, shared Defence costs. Scotland could get more ECB investment Grants, renewables, exports etc. If Scotland was Ibdependent. Scotland would get more renewable grabts investment etc. Which is blocked by the Westminster intransigence and lack of decision which blocks Scotland access to EU and ECB funds. Ie Scotland was given increased CAP farming payment. Westminster took it and gave it to wealthier framers down south. The Tory minister even said ‘Better together’. A committee of SNP/Lib/ + 1 other pleaded for Scotland to get the intended funds. It was refused. It was on Parliamentary Channel.
Fishing industry have received £Billons of EU Grants. Peterhead fish market is being extended funded by EU funds, The fishermen overfished the seas and threw back dead fish for years. The Norwegians did not. They did not approve. There are changes now negotiated by the Scottish Gov for bigger nets. being used. Richard Lochhead.
The quotas are being increased. If the fishermen want to be shafted again. Brexit will do it. They will lose their biggest market the EU. For the best prices, and the EU workers that are needed for it. Peterhead was like Latvia. Conservation measures would have had to be introduced by any Gov. Or there would have been no fish left for any industry. Never heard of Spanish fishermen in the NE.
Fishing is worth a gain of £200,000. Scotland will lose £8Billion because of Brexit.
Banff and Buchan voted for Alex Salmond as MP for over thirty years. Different Constituency now Gordon. Still one of the best politicians in the world and the most popular in Scotland and the rest of the UK. Scotland has probably the best representation in Westminster that there has ever been .
The UK Union costs Scotland approx £20Billion a year. In gross mismanagement and funds taken illegally out of Scotland. The illegal high Tory tax on the Oil & Gas industry since 2010 (Osbourne) has cost Scotland 120,00 jobs and £Billions. Plus more Oil & Gas has had to be imported. £10Billion+ a year. Lost EU Grants/investments for CCS and renewable grants.
£1Billion could be saved on minimum pricing. £1Billion on Trident, Scotland has to to pay £4Billion repayment loan repayments on money borrowed and spent in the rest of the UK. £3Billion? Lost in tax evasion. Whisky companies tax evade etc. £9Billion + £4Billion Oil revenues lost = £13Billion.
There is also a Oil & Gas which vpcoukd be developed in the West. Getting rid of Trident will mean more commercial activity could be developed in the Clyde.
Why are Orange Marches not banned in Glasgow and the streets cleaned up instead. That would develop the economy better. Tourism etc. Exclusive, discriminately private organisations should not be subsidised by public money. If they want to march do it on private land. Find a field. Not a stadium. No wonder the terraces are empty. Paedophiles and cheats on steroids were running the Clubs. The ones who get the most public money wins. Most of the football businesses are in debt, subsidised by public money. .
Any complaints about vetting etc should go to the appropriate quarters. For consideration and improvement. The internet is not the time or place for obvious reasons. An open forum.
Don’t ask me pal. I was summoned to the presence in mid-January but had an order to get out (you know, that food stuff some of us have to earn money to put on the table), and since then I haven’t even been invited to a branch meeting, let alone a committee meeting! I did keep them informed. But it’s probably also because I insisted voting SNP 1 and 2 could be followed by pro-YES Ind at 3 etc. “Oh no”.
@Robert Peffers
Where’s your branch, I’d like to become an honorary member please.
Oh, ironically my other idea was how they could try to increase attendance from between 15 to 24 tops of the 330 members.
Instead it appears they made it minus 1 🙂
Welcome to the West of Scotland.
There was low unemployment in the NE for years 1% – 2%. Because of the Oil industry work because people preferred to work there for better terms and conditions than the fishing industry. In fact fishermen who came up from Hull worked in the Oil industry on the supply boats for years and are recently retired. A local prawn fisherman has a boat but also runs another one for Oil work. The fushermen are always glad off any Oil work it is better remunerated and less stressful, hard conditions.
@ You don’t need to be invited. Just get sent an e-mail. Or find out and turn up at a branch meeting. It ebbs and flows. Branch meeting discussions are private. Is there not a statement to that affect?
I don’t get sent any emails at all, though I used to – I checked my server log, and the only ones I got since mid-Jan were for the small donation to scotref.
@ Peter Piper
‘Cunningham is just asking Murdo Fraser if he wants tea or coffee’
Still laughing at that one.
Don’t give up join another branch. There might be more compatibility and understanding.
“‘I think the ‘Yoon at UN’ was a planned set up’
Yeah, it was a bit obvious. I would not be surprised if the UK Establishment has them placed at every venue she goes to.”
One Scot, at least in Spain, the ex-foreign minister has recently been on TV shows blabbing that it is an important task of Spanish diplomats to counter-programme, physically if necessary, any nationalist visits abroad – a committee meets in Madrid every Friday to keep up with events and plan future actions. The new FM is a lot more discrete.
So it seems to be quite normal in countries with pesky nationalist movements.