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Wings Over Scotland

Take your partners

Posted on December 07, 2024 by

0 to “Take your partners”

  1. Morgatron says:

    Brilliant Chris, though utterly revolting that I can actually visualise that as fact !

    Chris & Stu, why do you not compile a wings cartoon crimbo annual each year of all the cartoons from the year and sell them. I know There will only be about 30 , Chris does need his golf.

    I would buy a couple for prezzies and sure my fellow wingers would too?

  2. Ruby says:

    ‘The Auctioning Off The Garter’

    They do like a bit of ‘sissie’ just ask Beth.

  3. Andrew Ellis says:

    Another belter Chris: thankfully it’s a while since breakfast or I might have spat coffee all over my keyboard.

    Given the company Alex Cole Hamilton keeps and those who he’s “doing it for” and giving standing ovations to I imagine he’ll be irresistibly attracted to the come hither call of milquetoast nationalists in the SNP.

    That ministerial Prius has it’s price. Brace yourself Alex!

  4. winifred mcartney says:

    ditto about wings cartoon annual

  5. Hatey McHateface says:

    I like what Swinney’s done with his hair!

    (Heavy night last night, better give it a few more hours before driving)

  6. Campbell Clansman says:

    Prediction: Unionist parties will NOT win any more by-elections in Scotland for the rest of 2024.

    That’s because there are NO by-elections scheduled for the rest of 2024.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      In the spirit of Wings BTL, I’m choosing to take exception to your post, call you a Yoon liar, and downvote you.

      In fact, you’re lucky I’m in a good mood this morning, or I would have called you a cant too 🙂

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        Thank you!
        Any chance you can upgrade me from “yoon liar” to “troll paid by the British Secret Service?” ?

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Ach, CC, I don’t like to hand these out just for single posts. They should be like Khan’s knighthood, earned for years of consistent effort.

        Keep posting facts and reality-based opinions for the next year or so and I’ll put you on the short list.

        In the shorter term, I believe there’s a DARVO Award up for grabs. You could be in with a shout for that one.

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        And right on cue, the same people who can’t refute anything we write, anonymously downvote us.
        BTW the next council by-elections in Scotland are Jan. 23, 2025–two in Edinburgh, one in the Shetlands. More facts…. shame on me!

    • Mark Beggan says:


      • robertkknight says:

        I was just beginning to enjoy that…

        It was like watching two village idiots in a shin kicking contest.

        Tasteless, yet somehow compelling entertainment.

  7. Doug says:

    As usual Chris gets to the crotch of the matter.

  8. Karen says:

    Just … astounding!

    It’s hard to draw baldy men. Kudos for not shoe-horning Greg Wallace in there.

  9. James Gardner says:


  10. Captain Caveman says:

    Ugh. Pass the mind-bleach!

  11. Nae Need! says:

    An Annual Ball on a budget, or a Ball held for the Budget? The ‘lady’ in red (Belle of the Ball) and her coy, come hither seductive look is very well done, Chris. Alarmingly so. I notice that for a Scottish Ball there are no kilts, and I’m sure that’s not an oversight. Excellent work.

  12. Republicofscotland says:

    A difficult choice for the Cole-Hamilton between knife wielding Beth – and that vile treacherous b*stard Mayor Swinney.


    The US and its minions can’t have this guy in charge of Romania – which is a well known Nato/EU staging post.

    Democracy is on its knees – and anyone who thinks Scotland will ditch this illegal union via the ballot box is kidding themselves on.

    “The invalidation of Romania’s presidential election results by the country’s top court is a formalized coup d’etat, according to independent candidate Calin Georgescu, who clinched a surprise win in the first round last month.
    Georgescu outperformed the other candidates in the first round of the election with 22.94%, beating out liberal leftist candidate Elena Lasconi, who received 19.18%, and the country’s Social Democrat Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, who finished third with 19.15%.”

    • Muscleguy says:

      Not under the same franchise as last one. But if Liberation succeeds and the UN Decolonisation Committee international standard is adhered to instead then yes. After all us Scots reputedly voted Aye in 2014 but got outvoted by incomers. Remove the latter and we have an Aye again.

  13. Oneliner says:

    Dress code: Colonial. How true

  14. Dan says:

    A clue to NuSNP membership number if you can do mafs.

    If every SNP member speaks to or messages just three people, we could reach 200,000 people.

    link to

    • sarah says:

      Sir, sir – does that mean the SNP membership is 50,000?

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        Sarah, you still haven’t answered my question: How many people participated in the “Indy Summit” you were promoting on WoS? The one scheduled for this week, the one that was supposed to transform Scottish politics.
        Were there Three participants? Six? And was a “manifesto” issued (yet another one)?

      • Michael Laing says:

        You’re a yoon troll. Nobody is obliged to answer your questions about things that don’t concern you. If the answer is really that important to you, you can find out for yourself.

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        A political movement like SALVO/ISP/whatever that hides how big (small) it is is lying to voters–just like the SNP lied to voters.

        We all know why Sarah hides the numbers–because the numbers would show how her vaunted movement is just a handful of online cranks.

      • Zander Tait says:

        “We all know why Sarah… Blah blah blah”


        That would be Cokey and Captain Clansman and Campbell Caveman.

        And 2 of the above are just one poster using 2 aliases.

        You exist in a gang of 2 TransMan.


        Ha ha ha ha

      • The Flying Iron of Doom says:

        “Campbell, there is no need to resort to abusive language. It does you no favours in advancing your points of view” – ©Zander, a day or two ago… 🙄

      • Zander Tait says:

        Ha ha ha. Very good Fido.

        Looks like there will be 3 in attendance at Captain Clansman’s funeral. Or should that be Campbell Caveman?

        It doesn’t matter.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        You’re forgetting that because Zander doesn’t read people’s posts, he believes nobody reads his either.

        It’s some kind of ostrich-like condition, no doubt there will be a fancy word for it.

        Alert readers are invited to speculate on where, given Zander has his heid permanently buried in the peat, he speaks out of.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        The guy’s an out-and-out troll, as evidenced by pretty much every single post he makes (see above). No idea why he’s tolerated.

      • Zander Tait says:

        Crikey. I ask Campbell Clansman a question and Captain Caveman responds. What a surprise.

        BTW, did you see the results of last week’s poll by The Sunday Times, on Holyrood voting intentions and Scottish Independence?

        Come on now Captain Clansman, what were the results?

        We’re waiting, Campbell Caveman.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        You goading/trolling again?
        Imagine my surprise.

      • Zander Tait says:

        No Campbell. Just asking a simple question.

        Cmon, Cammy. What were the results of yesterday’s poll for the Sunday Times?

        Holyrood voting intentions and Scottish Independence.

        2 topics very close to your black heart.


      • Captain Caveman says:

        You’re not asking any “questions” mate, you’re goading and trolling. Just like every single post you make here.

        I’m hoping it’s being noted by the site’s host.

      • Zander Tait says:

        I understand Captain.

        Like all Unionists, you have proven yourself and both of your aliases to be another C word.


        Have a lovely day Cammy boy.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        Trolling. Again.

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        Not just goading and trolling.
        He persists in calling you “Campbell” (which is me). Trolls that insult you that way don’t deserve to be responded to.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        Yes you’re right of course, but I hate bullies of all kinds – especially the cowardly ones.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        More trolling.

      • Zander Tait says:

        Yo Captain.

        Here’s a question for you.

        How many individuals will attend your funeral including yourself?

        Answer: 2.

        Cokey McCokeHeid, Campbell Clansman and Captain Caveman.

        Ha ha ha ha

      • Aidan says:

        It got called off due to storm Darragh so they both had to go home . .

        But it’s alright, the UN is taking this stuff mega seriously, I heard the peacekeeping force will be landing in Prestwick next week. Just click on the “Donate” link to learn more

  15. Republicofscotland says:

    Yesterday was the commemoration day – 6th of December, of the establishment of the Irish Free State (1922).

    The Irish, achieved it through blood sweat and many tears – a road Scots will ultimately need to go down, if they want to rid themselves of this illegal union.

    Sadly Scotland is full of sheep – the two-legged kind.

    • Andrew Ellis says:

      Hardly surprising the site’s resident moon howler in chief can’t resist the atavistic urge to conjure the ghost of civil war to try and advance his sophomoric views on “life, the universe and everything’.

      Thankfully the vast majority of ordinary Scots, whether pro or anti independence realise that it isn’t 1922, nor indeed is it Ireland.

      All Scots have to do is summon the political balls to put an X on a ballot paper. Westminster isn’t going to shell the GPO in Edinburgh or put the leadership of the movement up against a wall at HMP Saughton and shoot them.

      Of course, the rate things are going a united Ireland seems more likely to happen before an independent Scotland.

      Thankfully most right thinking Scots regard the extremist worldview of RoS and the rest of his wee cabal in here as deeply repugnant. there’s as much chance of them gaining any electoral traction as there is of Ian Paisley Jnr. becoming Taoiseach.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        It’s “Ros”, Andy.

        He doesn’t think “Scotland” rates a capital ‘S’, so no need to cover up his flagrant disrespect for him.

      • Andrew Ellis says:

        We don’t have to sink to his already low standards bud! 🙂

      • Republicofscotland says:

        On the contrary – there’s in reality no other way out of this illegal smoke and mirrors union.

        Westminster and its ever compliant House Jocks have blocked-off all the routes – you and that other Chinthe pr*ck can shove your X’s where the sun doesn’t shine for – any Scot with half-a-brain knows that Holyrood is not a route out of this union – even moreso with no indy parties at it.

        I find it midly amusing that an Atlanticist shit like you is pushing democracy – when the Yanks/English government are backing terrorists to regime change – backing a J-ennoc-idde – and helping the corrupt as f*ck Romanian authorities, to annul an election because they don’t like the winners policies.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        It’s nae a gen0cide Ros.

        And it’s nae spelled “scotland” either.

        Not all your huffing and puffing and potty mouthed primary school playground insults are going to change these facts.

        But please, do keep wanging on about it. I want you to because I want somebody who flatly refuses to write my country’s name correctly to be constantly exposed to the brilliant glare of publicity.

        So that the entire world can see just what an eejit he is.

    • Dan says:

      Sadly Scotland is full of sheep – the two-legged kind.

      Absolutely, sic a parcel o muttonheids in a nation, and I’ll add an increasing number of bastarding beavers still creating havoc with their non-planning consented hydro schemes…

      link to

    • Muscleguy says:

      Won’t happen. WM cannot use the Scots squaddies in The Regiment to oppress their fellow Scots. Unreliable. So that means an invasion, BUT they equally cannot be sure The Regiment will stay in barracks and watch their womenfolk be manhandled by foreign guys.

      Also Polis Scotland report to HR not WM and they are armed. Squaddies vs Polis snipers?

      We have no equivalent of the Spanish Guardia Civil or the French Gendarmes.

      The British Army could not subdue Belfast or Derry or the Border. They have no chance of Glasgow or Dundee or Inverness.

      Meanwhile as we are led to believe the Russians loom.

      The Generals would say Nay!

  16. Dan says:

    Them fucking Finlanders must be doing seriously good shit amphetamines!

    In April 2021 Rauma Marine Constructions signed a contract with Spirit of Tasmania for the construction of two ships, the Spirit of Tasmania IV and Spirit of Tasmania V. Construction commenced on 28 February 2022 with a steel-cutting ceremony. The keel was laid on 28 October 2022

    link to

    Nae danger you can build a muckle boat so quickly without being on performance enhancing drugs.*

    *When viewed through the prism of Scottish shipbuilding…

    • Dan says:

      OT Incidentally my mate was flying from Finland to Estonia last night. There was just him and a lady with a cat on a lead waiting for the flight in the departure lounge. Cats on leads? On planes? WTF!
      A stealth pic was taken to prove to me he wasn’t bullshitting or hallucinating. It looked like a muckle ginger and white Norwegian Forest cat.

      • sarah says:

        We used to take our cat on camping holidays and she had a harness and lead for occasional use. She didn’t wear it when we climbed Skiddaw, though.

  17. George Ferguson says:

    Well done Chris!
    Men showing their thighs, It will never catch on you would think. But in the World of insular Politics in Holyrood anything goes. The budget will be approved. Everyone else wants an election. I am beginning to think Holyrood is the ultimate White Elephant, and the cause of Independence has retreated.. But the polling is positive we just have nobody to represent us. Hope exists.

  18. sarah says:

    @ Dan: the link you put up earlier [now on Voices for Independence] is vomit-inducing. First, that multiple fetish groups colours for the Yes logo. Second, that the SNP [for that is the author] has the gall to use the word Yes when that is the word used by all the stalwart souls who have been plugging away for the cause ever since 2014, unlike the SNP. Third, the patronising, slimy, deceitful tone, trying to portray themselves as real independence supporters.

    How much will you bet that SNP have refused, and will continue to refuse, to be involved with any other independence activists and groups?

  19. Republicofscotland says:

    Happy Birthday Noam Chomsky – who is 96 years young today.


    Nelson Mandela actually visited Ga-azz-za in 1999, and said: “Choose peace rather than confrontation, except in cases where we cannot move forward. Then, if the only alternative is violence, we will use violence.”

    • George Ferguson says:

      Violence is a weapon chosen carefully. Would Nelson Mandela endorse 7th October? I am pretty sure he wouldn’t have endorsed the withholding of hostages. There is a solution outside the rabid religious. politics. . No wonder Qatar dumped the Hamas leadership.. I wanted Scotland to adopt an even hand. That is thre situation outside of the Scottish Parliament.

      • Republicofscotland says:

        George – there’s at least two UN Resolutions that state the oppressed people of P-aal-eestinne have the right to take up arms and remove the invaders from their lands.

        Mandela himself was described by the West as a terrorist because he stood up against them – and Apartheid – but one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter – as for the hostages – there’s at least 7,000 prisoners including women and children held without charge in prisons – and this has been going on post-1948.

        Anyway you’d better check your pockets for wee holes – your Shekels might fall out- yes its that obvious.

      • George Ferguson says:

        Shekels I thought you were better than that. The trouble with violent revolutionaries is that they have never done it themselves. Violence is a last resort of a civilised community. Of course it has to be an option. But I failed to see the connection between Scotland and the situation in the Middle East. I do a lot of community work. Your views are an outlier. Nobody talks about your concerns when I deliver much needed aid to them.

      • Republicofscotland says:

        “But I failed to see the connection between Scotland and the situation in the Middle East.”

        I never said their was a connection – though in my opinion Scots will need to take their independence – if you can’t see that – fair enough – the Chief is gone (Salmond) and that’s huge blow to us he carried our cause all around the globe – and there’s no one to take his place.

        Westminster and it careerist House Jocks at Holyrood have the parliament sewn up tighter than a drum when it comes to indy – we face at least another decade of nothing on the indyfront.

        “Violence is a last resort of a civilised community”

        The above would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic – Sturgeon gave £67 million quid to that vile dictatorship in Eastern Europe we make the guidance systems for missiles that kill women and children in G–az-zaa – we build the warship s in my fuckin home town (Glasgow) that are aiding and abetting in Jee-no-cide.

        Our ain folk Scots troops have murdered citizens in Iraq -Libya Afghanistan – whilst fighting for our oppressors the English government.

      • George Ferguson says:

        Yes I had a cathartic experience on the day of the Bosses memorial service. Roughly the same age as me I don’t have a lot of time left. My focus is on my grandchildren if it is to be delivered they are the generation to do it. I am thinking 20 to 30 years away. To redress your claims about serving Scottish soldiers. Of course we the Scots had the highest casualty rate in WW1. For decades I have hunted down my Grandads medals. He sold them during the hungry thirties. The bairns can’t eat medals he said. And yes I think about the people I served with everyday.Please don’t denigrate the people that served for you so you can comment on Wings Over Scotland freely. That’s why people before you gave their lives up.

      • Dan says:

        Down tools folks, Indy is only 10, 20, 30 years away!
        It fucking will be with enough self-fulfilling prophets and trolls spouting that pish.
        Mind you I suppose this is the site that is aligned with that view these days…
        But that’s jist the musings of “smart” folk that haven’t a scooby how to even win the hearts and minds of folk that are so dumb they think Reform is the answer to their woes…

        You can only piss with the urethra you’ve got in the here and now, folk have no idea what Scots will want 5 years down the line, let alone decades in the future.
        Mind you, there will be virtually no Scots left as the placed will be filled with NuScots such is the demographic trajectory caused by bad governance.
        TBH, the NuScots are welcome to what will be left of the crumbling shithole ruins of what we used to know as Scotland.
        Place seems to be filled with more and more brain dead lazy entitled arseholes sitting on their arses rather than actually living and importantly working on the land.
        I’ll be happy to take a break from endlessly grafting voluntarily to try to keep my locale a nice functioning place to live whilst battling against soft in the head morons trying to implement and over-regulate just about any physical work anyone tries to do.

        Had words with the beaver folk trying to tell me I’m not allowed to do what I was doing which was stopping yet another area and business premises from turning into a flooded swamp by removing yet another new dam within the 14 day allowed period.
        Told them to fuck off and read their own rules. I asked them that if they knew the new dam was being built then why didn’t they inform all the relevant parties that would be affected by the rising water level rather than leave it longer than the permitted two weeks which would make it all the more complex to remove. Silence…
        They also let slip that they actually don’t really give a fuck about the overall natural ecosystem when I asked about the huge 20 plus pound pike in the local ponds, it turned out they caught and killed them for no reason. The waters hold no trout and aren’t fished so absolutely no reason to cull such specimens.
        Anybody that has half a clue about conservation and fishery management knows that you leave the big pike in the watercourse because they regulate the amount of smaller pike through predation.
        Pike live longer than beavers but all these rewilders don’t seem to give a fuck about the damage they are doing to fish ecosystems.
        Plus flooding large areas of land and drowning thousands of planet saving trees ain’t great for the environment either, as rotting trees cause more pollution globally than fossil fuel use! Oh!

      • George Ferguson says:

        Goodness me Dan that’s some rant. Where do I start ? Reform or a an another is the disruptive influence we are looking for as the SNP have failed in their primary objective. We are looking at the next political cycle. Hence the 20 to 30 years. Such has been the damage to the Independence movement. But I increasingly find myself being out of step with the next conspiracy theory. Touché maybe time I departed. An Irish passport beckons thanks to my Granny of 4 when she left Cork. I am thinking Donegal. All the best but reserve your zeal for the people that don’t support Scottish Independence.

      • Dan says:

        And this is part of Scotland’s problem…
        Someone who is motivated and actually cares about maintaining and improving our infrastructure and dares to step up and address all too obvious issues, and then posts about it in an impassioned way to convey the lunacy and frustration of a situation, gets it dismissed as a rant.
        So sorry if my technical vision and attributes trump my written language skills but I’ll call it like it is though, because it takes folk like me to get stuff done, so suck it up and continue voting for and empowering magnolia dullards that won’t address stuff like this but are less offensive to your precious small c conservative principles.

        Now that this site hosts pics I can post this.
        Both Scottish Water and SEPA trying to tell me there is nothing wrong with this completely broken and displaced sewer pipe and that it achieved a successful dye and pressure test at the termination discharge end half a mile further down the pipe! Aye fucking right!

        That was 2500 gallons of untreated effluent a day getting pumped into the wrong stillwater watercourse for months destroying the eco system. A situation caused by beavers undermining the surrounding banking and pipe foundation causing the unsupported weight to completely shear the pipe.
        Some will recall my posts trying to get this sorted.
        (And I’ll wager this wasn’t even logged in SW or SEPAs audit of accidental discharges of effluent reports.)

      • Robert Hughes says:

        Did you think to bring this disgrace to the attention of those peerlessly vigilant eco-warriors in our/yr local or * national * Press , D ? Or did you conclude they were too busy breathlessly * covering * the joyous news of those ” Terroriststs -turned-Libertarian- Freedom Fighters’ victory in turning yet one more country in the M.E ( Syria ) into another Hell-On-Earth ?

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Wasn’t it a Hell On Earth already?

        600 thousand dead, and 6 million exiled refugees didn’t sound like my kind of heaven.

        Was it an Orc Heaven On Earth maybe? I understand that to you the Orcs are merely misunderstood good guys, and that the people they kill all have it coming for being N@zis, kiddy fiddlers, bioweapons lab staff and Dews, and that it’s only through the purifying furnace flames of death and destruction that the Orcs can build the new redistributive and socially just …

        Whoops, almost wrote “Jerusalem” there 🙂

      • Robert Hughes says:


      • Hatey McHateface says:


      • Dan says:

        The thought fleetingly crossed my mind, but I despise the “news” papers for their selective, twisted, and manipulative agendas so wouldn’t feel like that is an option to use.
        I also respected the wishes of the landowner who expressed that they didn’t want the attention that escalating the issue to the press would entail.
        In a normal functioning society a sewer pipe breakage shouldn’t really be an issue that needs escalating to the point you have to use leverage of the press to get the matter addressed and resolved.
        You’d think once the relevant organisation owning the infrastructure was informed of the problem they would just get on and fix it.
        But that’s not what happens here because the management doesn’t seem to have a clue about ensuring their organisation has the skillset to rectify such basic issues.
        SW execs getting large bonuses but still pumping untreated effluent into our rivers due to archaic infrastructure, but buys leccy vehicles to tick the saving the planet box…

        Anyway, today was a good day as have mountain biked 10 miles around the area and got the preliminary work completed by speaking to landowners and heavy plant business to arrange the consent to clear several trees that have fallen across and into a burn, so we can then gain access to clear a couple of decades worth of debris and sediment from a critical area of drainage which if left much longer would be a far more difficult to task to rectify.
        Fortunately the area meets the criteria that means it is permitted work that doesn’t require notifications and license prior to work commencing.
        I just need to check and ensure there are no utility services like leccy, fibre / phone line, or mains water in the vicinity that could be damaged during works.

      • sarah says:

        Good work, Dan.
        did you see that SEPA was fined the vast sum of £6000 recently for allowing sewage to go into a burn in 2022. Naturally I thought of you being very angry about the fact that SEPA has repeated the error in your district.

      • Dan says:

        For clarity (due to the ambiguous nature of my wording of the post with the pic of sewerage discharging) that pic was actually from earlier in the year. And after months of chasing the issue a repair of sorts was put in place.
        I say of sorts because they just replaced the damaged section of pipe, and didn’t address the causes of why it broke in the first place after being stable for the 40 years I’ve known and fished the area.
        It failed due to foundation supports being undermined by beaver burrowing and eroded away during floods to the point that now about 30 foot of the new pipe is sitting 3 foot above the bed with zero protection in place should more beaver gnawed trees get washed down the channel in the up to 4.5 meter high flood levels that can occur.
        So we’ll just have to see how it copes over the passage of time. River levels had been exceptionally low this autumn and pretty much at summer levels until just a couple of weeks back and only increased with the snow melt and more recent rain.

      • sarah says:

        I followed your reports attentively, Dan. It was sad, and infuriating, to see how irresponsible the relevant authority is nowadays.

      • Alf Baird says:

        Yes, such activities reflects in a colonized territory the ‘cultural recreation of the colonizer’; ‘rewilding’, population displacement, the re-writing of native history, and any other imposed colonial procedure, amidst a bystanding native people who are put ‘out of the game’.

        Independence is therefore also about decolonizing an imposed culture and heritage, and what the colonizer has done to another peoples’ land:

        link to

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Aren’t beavers indigenous to Scotland then, Alf?

        Who wiped them out? Wasn’t it us Scots?

        Maybe it was the colonising English?

        I appreciate that if the only tool in your box is the hammer of decolonisation, you’re going to be quite unable to solve many problems, but surely wisdom should tell you that in these cases, your best plan is to keep quiet.

        If beavers were indigenous to Scotland, their re-introduction really has nothing whatsoever to do with colonisation, decolonisation, Memmi, or any of the other Marxist-theology-borrowing frauds.

        It’s a simple straight fight between nature and human development. Between the wildlife that thrived in the original pristine wilderness, and the descendants of the humans who wiped the wildlife out to settle and cultivate the land.

      • Alf Baird says:

        Control of the land is “a simple straight fight between” the colonized and colonizer.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        You just can’t stop denigrating, criticising and dissing people who fight for their own nation, freedom, culture, indigenous land, language, women and children, can you Ros.

        The only people you admire are the murdering, colonialist, occupying imperialists and the craven, yellow cowards who skulk in their tunnels while their own women and kids starve and freeze under canvas.

        You come on here, day after day after fucking day, pushing and peddling this poison on the world’s most read Scottish Indy site, then tell the bare-faced lie that you never said there was a connection between Scotland and the situation in the ME.

        You’re some piece of work, Ros.

        But please, keep on wanging on.

      • Michael Laing says:

        Another blatant example of DARVO from you, Faceache, accusing others of doing precisely what you are doing yourself. You speak for nobody on this site. If you actually believe the non-stop pish you write, you’re clearly not right in the head.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “Nobody talks about your concerns”

        I’ll bet!

        I’ll bet nobody writes “scotland” either.

    • Marie says:

      Who was it who said “if violence didn’t work then the powerful wouldn’t use it”?

  20. Republicofscotland says:

    AIPAC and it affiliated think tank – The Washington Institute can’t say enough good things about Jolani – the leader of (HTS) a proscribed terrorist group that murdering- and pillaging its way across S–yR–ia right now.

    Also Mi5 operative Paul Mason now hosts a podcast for the arms maker BAE systems – Lord Haw Haw hasn’t got a look in with this guy at the mic.

  21. Mark Beggan says:

    When you sup with the devil, use a big spoon.

  22. Jamie says:

    The governess will see her loyal minions now

  23. sarah says:

    It’s a horribly convincing depiction of Scot Gov and Holyrood, Chris. Yuck.

    Let’s hope that tomorrow’s Through a Scottish Prism has something pleasant to counteract this ‘toon. Eva tweets that there will be news about the Summit.

  24. Young Lochinvar says:

    Alright, I’ll ask.
    Who’s the baldy headed guy at the curtain?

  25. Republicofscotland says:

    S–yr–ia has fallen – the proscribed terrorists that have been committing terrible acts against the country’s citizens have entered Damascus – Assad and his family have fled to a unknown location – those that remain will face a horrible death as the hand of the West’s butchers (terrorists) – who’ll exact a heavy price against them.

    Regime changing through terrorism now a common tool of the West.

    Syrian insurgents enter Damascus, President Assad flees Syria | AP News

    • Robert Hughes says:

      And will produce the same result as all the other U.S – instigated regime changes , ie total , bloody chaos , where the chosen puppets turn against their backers and eventually THEY have to be removed – at the cost of even more innocent lives . Still , it’ll be worth it if ( as intended ) it means more Lebensraum for God’s Own & the Janus-faced expansionists in Istanbul

    • Andrew Ellis says:

      The regime that fell killed hundreds of thousands of its own people over decades of family rule and kleptocracy though RoS. I don’t see many useful idiots in the west demonstrating against that every weekend. Odd that.

      Perhaps now the west should do the right thing since the artificial construct that is Syria is falling apart: recognise an independent Kurdistan and let the Druze and Alawites have their own states.

      It’s certainly put the wind up the mad mullahs in Tehran and the Islamists in Ankara.

      • Robert Hughes says:

        Dafties like you never learn . How successful have the U.S-instigated regime changes in Iraq; Libya ; Afghanistan etc been ?
        And always the same script – this * insert newly-designated ” evil ” regime * must be overturned because blah blah n blah ” Democracy ” …..cut to 5/10/15 years down the line ……this now designated evil regime THAT WE INSTALLED must be removed because ……..and so it endlessly goes .

        ” useful idiots ” , eg people like you

      • Andrew Ellis says:

        We didn’t install the Assad regime. How did that work out? Doing nothing has a cost too.

        Of course, those without a moral compass are happy to give a bye to any genocidal maniacs because these are countries far away of which we know nothing.

        Appeasers never learn. Always the same script: a shiver looking for a spine to run up.

      • Robert Hughes says:

        I didn’t say ” we ” installed the Assad regime , ya donkey . ” Moral compass ” , like the worthless , scumbag regimes in Tel Aviv n Kiev you mean ? Yr a fckn clown who falls in line with every lunatic , U.S backed move even when the evidence of the disasters they create is clear for anyone not as thoroughly captured by the myth of ” West ” might-is-right homicidal idiocy as useLESS buffoons like you is blatantly and historically obvious .

        Like yr equally despicable arse-kisser , Main , you’re another who talks tough from the security of your sofa and would be petrified if ever placed in one of the countries targeted for ” special attention ” by the sick fucks you support . That’ll be countries which * coincidentally * have large reserves of oil .

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Syrians are doing it for themselves.

        You’re a pro-poot protagonist because your grand daddy believed Stalin’s propaganda and now you’re too idle/thick to overcome a lifetime’s indoctrination.

        You can never look at any straight forwards situation without imagining the influence of shadowy behind-the-scenes powers.

        You remind me of the Commie, so enmeshed in his own conspiracy theories, that when told his hated rival had died, replied “ Interesting, now what do you think he means by doing that? “

        IMO, you project your own personal sense of useless ineffectiveness onto entire nations.

        There’s a country celebrating breaking out from poot’s totalitarian influence, as administered by his colonialist “house Syrians”. True Indy enthusiasts are raising a glass in solidarity.

        No doubt your first and probably only impulse will be to post about onanistic practices.

      • Republicofscotland says:

        “You remind me of the Commie, so enmeshed in his own conspiracy theories”

        You mean the one where Kissinger said that we should coup countries that vote for Socialism or Communism – and its still ongoing – if they can’t coup them, then they sanction them such as Cuba and Venezuela.

        No give me Socialism any day of the week along with Dolores Ibarruri (Pasionaria) and the Internationale.

        Scots fought and died on the side of Socialism/Communism in the Spanish Civil War- now Scots fight for their English oppressors in foreign wars – that brings death and destruction to those people who won’t bow to Western hegemony.

        Most Scots don’t even realise that there’s a monument in my home town – Glasgow to Ibarruri and the Scots that fell to defend socialism/communism in Spain.

        No Pasaran – some of us know who the fascists are – its a pity Scots don’t have what it takes to rid themselves of this illegal smoke and mirrors unions.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “Scots don’t have what it takes”

        Sez you.

        You continually diss people who do have what it takes to defend their country and freedom.

        You’re not capable of judging what Scots have, or what Scots should be doing.

      • James says:

        There’s a monument in Edinburgh too, RoS, in a quiet corner of Princes Street Gardens, if you look for it, commemorating the true Scots who fought agin fascism. There are quite a few fascist trolls infesting this website sadly.

      • Jay says:

        Yes, Robert Matthews must be able to shed light on that, he/she has very specialist knowledge on the fascist movement in on both sides of the channel.

      • Robert Matthews says:

        Remember Albert Mariner.

      • Jay says:

        Mr. McHatespeech,
        does your body, as well as your mind, bear the scars of indoctrination?

      • Republicofscotland says:

        The regime that fell was a secular one – I’m no big fan of Assad’s but the proscribed terrorists that the west backs and funds will now turn Syria into Libya – which is now a chaotic failed state.

        Syrian assets – will now be plundered even more than they were before by the West and Turkey and the head of the snake the US which has been strafing SAA troops from the skies over Syrian (a sovereign nation I might add) for a while now.

        Much of what ails the world today is down to US bellicose Foreign Policies – the Yanks have murdered millions and make countless more homeless – along with their obedient minions – Assad and Gaddafi were not nice people – but next to the West and their proscribed terrorists – they must look like angels now.

      • Breeks says:

        I post this again, in the forlorn hope people will watch and actually learn something. Skip past the opening 2 mins of Ad, but then it gets right down to business. 7 Countries to be overthrown…

        All those imbeciles gloating about this, be careful what you wish for, and just remind yourself who is in the driving seat.

        You’ll be needing a very long spoon.

        link to

      • Hatey McHateface says:


        Spare us your synthetic outrage, Breeks.

        Regular readers on here will remember only too well your gloating over destroyed western tanks and the targeting of unstoppable hypersonic missiles on civilian infrastructure.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “proscribed terrorists”

        Loving that one, Ros. You’re on fire with that one 🙂

        Your yellow tunnel skulkers in G@za now. Are they not “proscribed terrorists” too?

        How about your missile lobbers in Lebanon? Your oil tanker sinkers in Yemen? I’m confident you’ve insisted that all these “proscribed terrorists” are brave freedom fighters in the past.

        Never mind, eh? It will take you a wee while to force another twist in your pretzel logic. We can wait a day or two for you to resume “normal service”.

      • Republicofscotland says:

        Proscribed indeed – and don’t you forget it.

        “The leading insurgent group in Syria is Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), Islamist rebels whose group is banned in the UK.”

        (HTS) – is a terrorist outfit – supplied and funded by the West – what’s happening in Syria isn’t a rebellion by the people – no its a violent regime change orchestrated by the US, which has been attacking government troops openly for days now – the Wests terrorist outfits, have also been murdering and pillaging their way across Syria – with the help of the head of the snake the USA/Turkey/UK/and the occupying force committing jenno–ccide in the Levant.

        The PM of England who is currently aiding and abetting in a Je-nno-ci-de – and his deputy have welcomed the terrorist coup in Syria, even though the terrorists groups are proscribed in the UK and elsewhere.

        Yet anyone who said one word of support for Hamas – could find themselves in prison.

        Scots need to wake the f*ck up, and soon and realise that they are being gaslighted and robbed by the English government and their ever obedient House Jocks in Scotland.

        UK welcomes fall of Assad’s ‘barbaric regime’, says Starmer amid calls for peace

      • Hatey McHateface says:


        Scots have twigged it’s nae a gen0cide. 45,000 dead – you’re having a laugh.

        Scots have noticed plenty of Hamas supporters, including CM, who aren’t in prison.

        Scots have worked out for themselves that poot got his pals to open a second front in the ME, that it’s poot’s pals that ended up getting their arses returned to them on a plate, and that it’s that major miscalculation that is now coming home to roost in poot’s (ex) colony of Syria.

        Heck, Ros, most Scots have even twigged Scotland needs a capital ‘S’.

        Not you though, you’re special.

      • James says:

        A fitting comment from ‘Goose’ on CM: [The Site Prick and his bum chum] seem to think an armed insurrection by foreign mercenaries is an unalloyed good for S-yria; something every country should desire. E-gypt’s El-Sisi and J-ordan’s King Abdullah and minority ruler of B-ahrain, must be rubbing their hands at the prospect of being next then, on that basis? Oh, that would be off script for these western hypocrites, making these decisions to topple only the dictators who won’t play ball.
        Like many of these Atlantacist trolls and 77ers, who are down such a dark hole in their 8ussophobia, they view everything that happens in the world through a West vs 8ussia prism; if they perceive something as being bad for Puteen and 8ussia? Well, then they’re happy. They are totally obsessed with 8ussia, because they’ve unquestioningly bought into every claim & utterance of the US intel services over the last 15 years. They think Puteen caused Brexit; put Trump in power…twice, and they believe 8ussia controls social media somehow, conducting ‘hybrid warfare’. The only people conducting online influence ops. at scale, are the West – supposedly in response to 8ussia doing that to us, sans proof. Look at the accounts that have popped up spewing anti-A-ssad and pro-rebel stuff in the last 24 hrs with no counter narrative from 8ussia, or anywhere else for that matter. And who is providing all the pictures and videos from these caring, sharing jihadists?

      • Republicofscotland says:


        I can remember when the there were calls from Westminster politicians – to petition the queen to give Assad an honorary knighthood – around 2012 I think.

        Of course Westminster, has history when it comes to propping up societies worst – such as General Pinochet – not to mention the countless vile regimes in West Asia, such as Saudi Arabia – Bahrain – the UAE – Jordan – Oman etc – who comply with Western hegemony that’s why they are not regime changed.

        Assad wouldn’t bow to Western hegemony – so they had to find a way to depose him – at least with Assad Syria was stable – now Syria will end up like Libya a chaotic failed state – that fell apart after the West killed Gaddafi.

      • Jay says:

        despite my inclination to disagree with you, Mr Ellis, it would be undo much, if not all of the Treaty of Lausanne, 1922. The actions of the British in south-west Asia has nothing in it’s favour though McHatespeech would doubtless disagree with the latter comment because of his febrile commitment to colonialism.

      • Jay says:

        By way of correction…it would be GOOD to undo…..

      • Andrew Ellis says:

        Disagree all you like. There wasn’t much chance of the Allies facing down Atarturk’s regime in 1923. The French, Italians and British were all exhausted by WW1 and when the USA refused to participate it was really all over. The plan before the US fell in to isolationism was for a US mandate for Armenia.

        The lessons of history from this region are hardly encouraging: the Turks got off with exterminating the Armenians, ethnically cleansing millions of Greeks from Anatolia and oppressing the Kurds.

        Imperialists do what imperialists do. The French and British were quite happy to carve up the Middle East in the Sykes-Picquot deal, but just because the states that were conjured in to existence in 1923 are still around doesn’t mean they’re immortal.

        Doubtless whatever happens the tankies will find a way to pin the blame on the oh so wicked west. Same old same old.

    • Hatey McHateface says:


      If true, a bad day for the Orcs.

      Cry us a river, Ros.

      • gregor says:

        a-ha: True North: Hunter In The Hills:

        “There’s a hunter in the hills
        I heard a shot rang out
        There’s a hunter in the hills
        Of that there is no doubt

        Clouds sweep through the treetops
        At dawn
        Dissolving into nothing
        The battle lines are drawn…”:

        link to

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      I see the news skips quickly over his “British” born wife.

      Ahh, just like Ghislaine Maxwell; British whereas they should have said English.

      I suppose they feel the over-riding need as usual to protect brand “Merry Old Engerlund”..

  26. Ruby says:

    link to

    ANDREW NEIL: This week Nigel Farage promised a revolution with Reform winning the next election. Here’s why he could be right…

    Andrew Neil ain’t no Terf although he claimed to be for a short period of time in 2023 when he was moved to tears by the abuse carried out on Chloe Cole. 

    Andrew Neil is just another man who just doesn’t get it or doesn’t want to.

    I read his article in the Mail to see if there was any mention of child abuse/women’s rights but there was nothing.

    Blah! Blah! Blah! Net zero. Blah! Blah! Blah! illegall immigrants.
    So it would seem this ‘johnny-come-lately’ has left the dark side.  
    (Good riddance.)

    He writes:
    Look at the reasons Donald Trump enjoyed such a convincing win over Kamala Harris in last month’s US presidential election.

    I looked but I don’t think Andrew did.

    link to

    ANDREW NEIL: Why I’m proud to be a ‘TERF’ and join JK Rowling on the front line in the gender wars

    • Michael Laing says:

      Andrew Neil has always been an anti-independence Tory prick. I doubt if many people in Scotland give a toss what he says or thinks.

  27. Dan says:

    Re-posting as initially posted on previous page by mistake…

    link to

    • James says:

      Just viewed – excellent. Let’s get on with it.

    • sarah says:

      Interesting to hear who attended this Summit. I hope we’ll hear more about it here. : )

      • Andrew Ellis says:

        I’d certainly be interested to hear what Rev Stu thought about it as he was mentioned as one of those who attended. I doubt he has much time for all the Alf Baird-esque “Scotland as Colony” obsession that so many on TASP seem to have?

        They mentioned there were about 20 attendees, from different parties and non-party, some of whom wanted to remain anonymous.

        Good to hear they’re so keen on inclusivity though! I wonder how that’s going to go down?

      • Nae Need! says:

        I was initially a wee bit puzzled (not an unusual occurrence :-)) ) until I looked at dates.

        Stu posted ‘The New Britain’ on Tuesday, The Summit was held, I think?, on Wednesday evening. . I wonder now if Stu has had his mind changed a bit (or perhaps not at all) by taking part in the Summit?

        I also wonder if some (spesh the focus on Reform and Farage) of what was discussed on today’s PRISM was in response (not explicitly, of course) to The New Britain?

        I also wonder if the timing of Peter A Bell’s piece today, titled ‘Unity or Combination’ was merely co-incidental analysis – did he know that Roddy and the team used the word ‘unity’ quite often in today’s PRISM? Or was it genuinely, and solely, a critique of some recycled pish fae the SNP?

        It must be a Wondering Sunday rather than a wandering or wonderful one 🙂

      • sarah says:

        I too wondered about Peter A Bell’s piece! But I think what he was getting at was that when the SNP calls for unity they mean under their control whereas Prism mean united on the one issue of gaining independence as a matter of urgency, no matter what other policies the supporter has.

    • Nae Need! says:

      I’ve just watched it too. Excellent stuff, as always. Phil was on particularly passionate form 🙂 See that both Alf and Stu got positive menshies and it was good to hear that the Summit was NOT just an idea being floated, but a reality.

      Bring it on.

  28. Muscleguy says:

    The Tories need to be in the frame too. In the past SNP minority govts have done a lot of budget deals with the Tories.

  29. Nae Need! says:

    Completely off topic to Chris’s ‘toon’, but I did a wee explore of some links on this site for the first time, went to ‘About’ and knotted myself laughing at some of the ‘reviews’, as posted here.

    There’s so, so many insane ones to choose from, but this one is spectacular 🙂

  30. Confused says:

    bbc speak adjustment #987

    “syrian rebels” = foreign mercenary army 

    how long before 

    – slave markets in damascus
    – all the gold bullion in the central bank ends up in new york 

    these “rebels” look like social democrats with locke and hume in their back pockets

    let’s have a bet – get a count of “how many people the assad regime” killed in its entirety and we can run a spread, in months, of how long it takes for the “rebels” to exceed that. I would go for 12 months.

    Syria is the new Libya.

    Still, it was humanitarian of the americans to look after the oil fields in the north west, to keep them safe so those resources will go to the syrian people.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      The Assad regime killed approx 600,000.

      If the new owners of Syria go at it at the same rate as the current, wee, pretendy “gen0cide”, it will take about 15 years to get to 600,000.

      Good points about the oil and gold though. Are you going to claim it was already divvied up by Assad and Poot for distribution to the Syrian people?

      Maybe naw, eh? Not even you could commit a nonsense like that one to public view 🙂

      • Confused says:

        Why not 6 million? That is a better number, that is always the best number.

        hasbara main, on the keyboard, hooves a-tapping wishing he had the donkeys penis and not merely its brain …

      • Republicofscotland says:

        You have to remember that Assad would not bow to Western hegemony, yes he was a despot – but not the Wests despot.

        The West props up countless despots and vile regimes – who have murdered millions such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, the UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, Egypt and many more. These vile regimes that keep their own citizens oppressed – comply with Western hegemony – for if they didn’t the West would regime change them, using their own citizens in uprisings (also known as Arab Springs) – so they do as they are told and that means the West turns a blind eye, to their daily atrocities against their own citizens.

        Take say Bahrain for instance when David Cameron was the PM – he sold the Bahrain regime shotguns, tasers, and body armour to kits out the state police to use them against demonstrators seeking rights and democracy.

        These vile Western backed regimes also spend billions on buying Western arms – one of the conditions to stop them from being regime changed.

        Here’s one of those deals.

        Al-Yamamah arms deal – Wikispooks

      • Willie says:

        Violence and brutality is the British way. Not the ballot box. Some clown on this site blogged earlier that all you have to do is put an X on a ballot and it shall be granted

        Utter rubbish. Just look at the history of the British Empire. Read the book the Blood Never Dried on the British Empire.

        Look at our neighbour Ireland both in the 1900s when the finally broke away. Or Kenya, or India, or Cypress, it’s a feostion time after time.

        The X that the earlier clown appear to relate to is the X of a target for a bullet. It is as grim as that.

        Ut fear not, BritNats may soon get the bigger and better opportunity to engage in their Gun Boat diplomacy.

        With the Ukraine conflict still live the middle east in now erupting in the new proxy that is Syria. Britain is going to get tough along with its hegeninic chums. The blood it seems never dries bur this time whose blood.

  31. agent X says:

    NICOLA Sturgeon said she is not out to “settle scores” in her memoir but made no promises that she might “ruffle” some feathers in her book next year.

    link to

    Well trying to “settle scores” with Salmond didn’t turn out well for her and the SNP and cost the gov’t a lot of money. She may live to regret it even more if the court case continues.

    • Pipinghot says:

      Link to the National. Boak.

    • Oneliner says:

      Whatever the cover price of Sturgeon’s ‘recollections’, I am tempted to donate that same amount to charity on the day of publication.

      • Robert Hughes says:

        Just wait a couple of months and it will be available for a few £ in charity shops all over Scotland . The fate of every self-exculpating , ” literary ” vanity project masquerading as Political Memoirs : and no doubt it’s publication will be preceded by some tasty ” sensational revelations ” designed to boost sales .

      • Alf Baird says:

        Her memoir could be re-titled to reflect her and her party’s lack of understanding about the meaning of independence, something like: ‘Whit A didnae ken aboot Postcolonial Theory’.

        link to

      • Robert Hughes says:

        Subtitled ” How I Fought The Patriarchy In £500 Jimmy Choo Shoes “

  32. PacMan says:

    I had come across this term I had never heard of Brogressive – from the wikitionary – A male progressive, socialist or leftist who downplays women’s issues or displays a macho or patriarchal attitude.
    Does sum up a lot of these ‘progressive’ males in Holyrood.

    • Ruby says:


      Got a name for the females who stand by the Bros?

  33. Willie says:

    Looks very much like there is a backlash, and a violent one at that, at what is being perceived as big business healthcare profiteering.

    Inequality, unfairness, profiteering or the widespread perception of it, is a surefire recipe for discontent. And once such discontent is out of the bottle, as seems the situation, the potential for this type of thing spreading becomes a real reality.

    link to

  34. Mac says:

    Syria being thrown to ISIS who are paid for by the ‘West’ and always have been. One of the oldest civilizations on earth… it is beyond disgusting.

    It is like watching Liby@ and Ir@q all over again… but worse.

    The goal has always been to destroy these countries, it is as simple as that.

    Their crime, supporting the P@lestinians. That is why they have been destroyed. Entire countries… This was all planned out in the Yinon Plan a long time ago.

    I think that just leaves Iran now. How long before they come after them I wonder…

    The Turks and the Isr@elis really deserve and mirror each other. Hard to distinguish them at this point. Erdog@n and Netany@hu actually seem to be physically morphing into the same goblin like demon.

    We were in some pretty dark times before but now we are really descending into hell.

    And of course it will drive millions more of refugees into Europe as is also part of the plan.

    Same ghouls cheering it on as did the destruction of Iraq and Libya.

    • Robert Hughes says:

      Yes , Mac , and the same ghouls will be baying for the blood of these miraculously transformed ” Rebels ” in a few years from now . Nothing surer .

      Who suffers ? As ever , the innocent people caught-up in the sick * West * sponsored power games

      • Mac says:

        I fully expect there will be a gen0cide & ethnic cleansing of Syrian Christians and any other religions that don’t fit into these Takfiri savages narrow religious view. That is what they did everywhere else.

        Think about it. The “West’ (very much including Turkey) is paying for and organizing a insanely savage mercenary force to brutalize Syrians and predictably ethnically cleanse the country of Christians.

        They will also destroy Syria’s world heritage sites as they have done every else as well. They want to eradicate its history. Wipe it from the map.

        All paid for and supported by the ‘West’. So what are ‘we’?

        As for Turkey the idea they are part of the ‘resistance’ is laughable. They have killed the P@lestinians.

      • Robert Hughes says:

        Erdogan/Turkey is two-faced rat who proclaims ” Solidarity ” with his ” Muslim Brothers n Sisters ” to his domestic audience whilst conniving and collaborating with the Ameraeli Supremacists who are intent on destroying these ” Brothers n Sisters ” .

        Syria will be carved-up with parts going to Zville , other parts to Turkey and the rest set-upon by the fundaMENTALISTS you refer to .

        All , as you rightly say , part of the long-planned strategy to * take-out * any country/regime with the temerity to resist U.S domination

      • Andrew Ellis says:

        And if there was, you and all the other tankies would advocate standing by and letting it happen, because who else would do anything to stop it but the west? Several million Christians used to inhabit parts of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Many were ethnically cleansed and fled elsewhere or were just killed over past decades, stretching all the way back to pre WW1 days.

        The pious wokerati will as usual sit on their hands and complain and achieve absolutely zero as people are killed, because intervention is bad. Same thing happened in Bosnia, same thing happened when Obama abandoned the Syrians when his red line was crossed.

        If the west doesn’t have the will, the money and long term commitment to create stable, western oriented democracies in the middle east, then it should at least recognise the rights of the Kurdish people to self determination and ensure they can establish an independent state from the Kurdish parts of Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey.

        Militant Islamism can’t be negotiated with. If you lack the moral compass to tackle it, or think it’s OK to abandon those living under such dictatorships to their fate, fair enough.

  35. Mac says:

    Listening to this interview and they talk about how these ISIS (or whatever they are renamed to this week) savages target ancient historic sites as one of the first things they do. Destroying Palmyra…

    link to

    I am not a Christian but I understand the importance of these historical sites. Aleppo is the oldest inhabited city on earth apparently. They already looted it once and now the whole of Syria is in their hands. It is a tragedy, for all of us.

    In the interview they talk about how there is a village in Syria where they still talk in Aramaic. The language used by Jesus Christ (assuming he existed). It is literally on the road to Damascus where Paul had his conversion… As soon as ISIS took over they went after them.

    This is not just Syrian history being destroyed, it is world history. Very deliberately.

    Same was done in Iraq, another key site in human civilization origins (Sumer etc).

    It really does make me wonder as to who and what is driving it. It is so evil it is breathtaking.

    • Robert Hughes says:

      The first time I ever heard of the Taliban is when that mob of fanatics blew-up the incredible , truly monumental ” Buddhas of Bamiyan ” rock sculptures .

      I remember the revulsion I felt that anyone could be capable of such demented , wanton destruction .

      And we know who funded and promoted those fanatics , don’t we ? At least they did so until those beneficiaries of U.S largesse told the latter to fuck-off and carried-on in their insane project to turn the clock back 1500 years

      And here we are again . Never learning ; never interested in learning ; never giving a fuck about the consequences for ” ordinary ” people of unleashing & funding such atavistic forces upon them .

      Cue , the doltish duo on here dribbling about ” orcs ” or some such idiocy

    • TURABDIN says:

      Coming from that under threat «Aramaic» or Syriac Christian culture in Iraq I look on the events in Syria with total perplexity.
      Sectarian Sunni Islamists backed by the West, EU, Nato Turkey, Saudi and Qatari money and materiel take, for the moment until they start squabbling over the loot, Syria.
      if you do not believe in the Devil, think again…
      Oh and mind your heads. Islamists already have their next target, Europe.
      Notre Dame would make a rather nice mosque.
      In this eretz Yisrael may have moved from the frying pan onto the burning coals

  36. Scot Finlayson says:

    Why does Scot Gov give £100,000,000 to bike charity Sustrans.
    Nothing against cyclists or improving cycle safety but £100,000,000.

    • sarah says:

      Westminster only gives £23 million. It is appalling that Scot gov spends so much more [and is there any visible result, by the way?] as we have so many needs for that money – care home provision, drug rehab, mental health, catamaran ferries etc etc. Must be the price for the Greens “valuable” support in Holyrood.

      • crazycat says:

        and is there any visible result, by the way?

        Yesterday I was driving along a road with a cycle track next to it, separated from the road by a strip of grass, so it is safer than some such tracks. It is metalled, and apart from a few intersections with farm tracks, in good condition.

        As has been the case every time I’ve driven that . route, all the cyclists were on the road, lycra-clad, heads down, chasing some “personal best”, perhaps. What a waste of money and attempts to make it safer for everyone.

    • Ian Brotherhood says:


      That is astonishing.

      How many miles of the A9 could be ‘duelled’ with that kind of dosh?

    • Ruby says:

      link to

      Man has 500 bikes for Sudan refused at port

      They (Sepa) said they were not confident that the bikes would be reused as bikes.

    • Alf Baird says:

      I assisted a ferry company who wanted to start a cross-Forth passenger ferry service using advanced high-speed catamarans, but Sustrans and the local councils refused to support intermodal terminals, and the private port authority wanted to tax every passenger trip, so it never happened. These agencies are supposed to facilitate such transport services but instead they blocked a highly positive initiative. Now the port authorities want to tax every yacht. The Forth should have a ferry network like Trans-Tagus in Lisbon and 100’s of other waterfront cities/regions worldwide:

      link to

      A new Clyde riverbus ferry service could also have been introduced but for hopeless councils and transport agencies. The Clyde could have had a service similar to Uber-Thames Clippers in London. The latter company were interested in doing this until Glasgow Council started to build a series of low air-draft bridges which actually blocked navigation! The private port authority also wanted to tax every passenger trip and impose unnecessary speed restrictions which are more suited to larger heavy conventional ships rather than small high-speed ferries that can do emergency stops.

      link to

      Our transport agencies, private river authorities and waterfront town councils as well as Scottish Government are all illiterate, all ensuring Scotland remains under-developed in a maritime transport sense, as we can also see with the ongoing and costly CalMac/CMAL ferry crisis.

      link to

    • Republicofscotland says:

      Utterly fuckin disgraceful -these treacherous b*stards are cutting teachers posts – newly qualified nurses in Scotland need to head South or abroad to find a job – there’s a housing emergency on the go – our NHS is on its knees – people can’t get a NHS dentist – the roads are full of potholes the Vichy SNP/Greens have wasted millions in courts over the definition of a woman and gender BS – and energy (which goes up in January in price) and food costs a fortune – yet these self-serving scumbags only care about their own often warped policies.

      Hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayers cash has also been wasted on years late ferries – and the fitting up of the Chief Alex Salmond.

      There can be amnesty for the SNP/Greens at any elections they must booted out of office wherever you find them – the fuckin parasites.

    • Michael Laing says:

      These cycle lanes have turned the centre of Edinburgh (and no doubt other towns and cities) into a dangerous obstacle course for pedestrians, as well as uglifying the streets with the accompanying clutter of bollards, kerbs, lanes and signage. You can’t walk anywhere without cyclists whizzing this way and that, cycling illegally on pavements (a constant source of confrontation and danger), flying though red traffic lights and totally disregarding the rules of the road. It appears that all this is being done not to improve public health and safety and to reduce pollution, but for the benefit of garbage fast food chains that employ people to deliver their lard-laden junk by bicycle, no doubt on minimum wage, zero hours contracts. Is this what society really needs?

      As for Sustrans, they are well known for taking ownership of former railway alignments and preventing them from being used for railway reopenings. How did the needs of cyclists come to take priority over the need for fast, efficient public transport?

      • James says:

        Michael, I agree with some of your post but as a pedestrian I’ll play devil’s advocate….where I live, it is dangerous car drivers that are putting our lives at risk and have totally ruined town centre living. And to be sure people cycling on the pavement isn’t good (bring on some cycle lanes!) but with the ‘mad bastards’ driving here it’s too dangerous to cycle on the roads (you have to see it to believe it, they are totally out of control and know that no-one here is going to do anything about it). If I can quote your post and change one word it sums up what’s happening here;
        “These vehicle lanes have turned the centre of Edinburgh (and no doubt other towns and cities) into a dangerous obstacle course for pedestrians, as well as uglifying the streets with the accompanying clutter of bollards, kerbs, lanes and signage. You can’t walk anywhere without cars whizzing this way and that, parking illegally on pavements (a constant source of confrontation and danger), flying though red traffic lights and totally disregarding the rules of the road”. 

        I fully support traffic calming measures and prioritising buses etc.; there should be a happy medium for all? But, in my view town centres are for people, not cars. If only they would SLOW DOWN it would help. The norm seems to be to drive ‘as fast as you can at every opportunity’.

  37. Campbell Clansman says:

    The latest Norstat polls show the SNP (which many denounce here as a Unionist Party) garnering 37% of first-preference votes and 32% of regional votes. The vast majority of Scots will vote for Unionist parties, according to this poll. Visit What Scotland Thinks (linked to on WoS) for more.

    • Sven says:

      The reason confidence tricksters so often prosper is that they are, obviously, able to inspire trust amongst their victims.
      The SNP remain, in my view at least, a supreme example of such. Ably assisted I’d suggest by the publicly funded State propaganda broadcasters and the main print media in Scotland. (Who, I’m sure, were appreciative of the publicly funded largesse distributed to them from our devolved administration).


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    • Peter McAvoy on Green Eggs And Bams: “Another dismissal of the concerns and welfare of all native or permanent resident Scottish people would be to easily forget…Mar 7, 02:21
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “Sorry Dan, I didn’t bother reading your ill-tempered, abusive and no doubt factually illiterate rant. Your belief that wind energy…Mar 6, 21:42
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Fuck off John Hatey Main the ever-present bot twat. We’ve been over this matter for years and I’ve provided plenty…Mar 6, 21:14
    • Muscleguy on Green Eggs And Bams: “And woodburners pollute the house they are in so badly it has been compared to having a diesel exhaust piped…Mar 6, 20:42
    • Derek on Green Eggs And Bams: “Of course, the 2021 figures were significantly inflated by the double whammy of the pandemic and Sturgeon’s one and only…Mar 6, 20:37
    • Michael Laing on Green Eggs And Bams: “If only the cycle lanes were empty! Here in Edinburgh, these lanes are an absolute menace to pedestrians, with cyclists…Mar 6, 20:14
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““a geographic area having an abundance of clean renewable energy generation yet it being too expensive for many to access,…Mar 6, 20:00
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “You are right, Breeks. We have been, and continue to be, betrayed by nearly every SNP MSP and MP. How…Mar 6, 19:59
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “The Scottish Government signed off on guidance last month which said “trans staff should choose to use the facilities they…Mar 6, 19:55
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “It sounds perfect, Ian. I know there will be a great atmosphere and old comrades remembered – Cearc, Smallaxe among…Mar 6, 19:54
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Or “enjoy” the illegal level of noise generated by dodgy shite totally inappropriate air sourced heatpump installs in what were…Mar 6, 19:10
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “The next ‘Friends of Wings’ gathering will be in The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge, on Friday April 4th. The function room.…Mar 6, 18:58
    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “10 October 2017 The Scottish government is to set up a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The…Mar 6, 18:40
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “Where is all the misinformation peddled by the kremlin and the honest and verifiable facts issued by the EU, the…Mar 6, 17:45
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
    • 100%Yes on Green Eggs And Bams: “The SNP hasn’t changed, its the traitors running us and the SNP leadership which has. Its was all about riding…Mar 6, 16:32
    • David Rodgers on Green Eggs And Bams: ““So easy to delude people, so hard to get them to recognise that they’ve been deluded.” – This also applies…Mar 6, 16:09
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