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Wings Over Scotland

Sugar Daddy

Posted on December 17, 2022 by

0 to “Sugar Daddy”

  1. twathater says:

    WOW Chris you have captured the slithering sneekiness of one twat and the obsequious sickening boak inducing face of another

  2. Willie says:

    Quige, and like the dodgy bank the SNP have the very man.

    Peter Murrell the SNP equivalent of Sir Fred Goodwin.

  3. PhilM says:

    However until everything finally went tits up, Fred Goodwin would probably have been only too happy to let people see the bank’s accounts…the fact that bawheid wouldn’t tells you all you need to know.

  4. Andrew F says:

    At an exchange rate of 1$US = 0.7175 GBP
    107,620 GBP would equal exactly $US 150,000.
    That was about the exchange rate for USD = GBP in June 2021.
    Give or take a few dollars or pounds for charges, maybe that explains what happened.
    Maybe the “loan” was to pay, or repay, someone $USD150,000?

  5. Geoff Anderson says:

    Andrew F

    More likely 150k dollars came in FROM the States and they had to hide it. A “loan” to the SNP would be the perfect cover. Only Peter is allowed access to the accounts. They have a pet Nicophant to sign off whatever Peter puts in front of him.

  6. Viscount Ennui says:

    As recent events have shown, the cost of borrowing on the international markets depends on credit ratings and the credibility of any fiscal plans.
    So, a) Swinney appears to be arguing that Scotland should borrow on the basis of the UK credit rating (which remains good despite KK’s disastrous mini-budget, and the capacity of the UK to pay back any loan – i.e. the UK’s fiscal plan. B) If Scotland tries to operate a huge budget deficit, it could have a very negative impact on that UK credit rating and would thus be a liability. C) There appears to be no plan to increase tax revenues by growing the economy which is the only way to balance a budget without cutting public expenditure.
    I am not sure that it has really registered with most SNP voters just how bad has been the mis-management of the Scottish economy over the last 8+ years nor how inept these ministers are.
    OK the thread is really about PM and his dodgy loan, but the current mantra that Scotland would be a better place is we could borrow more needs to be nailed on the head.

  7. Jim Tadgercock says:

    For years now Peter seems to be able to hide in broad daylight and remain concealed in shadows. Maybe it’s time to shine a light on him.

  8. Viscount Ennui says:

    What I meant to add was that Swinney appears the bw increasing Scotland’s dependency on WM not reducing it.
    He is behaving like a spoilt teenager demanding more pocket money when he should go out and get himself a Saturday job.

  9. Viscount Ennui says:

    And finally, can someone tell Swinney that the Soviet model of a planned economy based on a huge public sector has now been discredited. Unless you allow businesses the flourish raher than punishing them, we will never escape the mire that we are in.

  10. Robert Hughes says:

    What is with these baldy SNP c***s ? At least THEY won’t be ” fighting over a comb ” or pulling their hair out in despair

    In the wunnerful world of Nu SNP

    Where any old he can become a she

    Promotion is almost guaranteed

    With sex on the brain n nae hair on yr heid .

    Brilliant work as per C.C

  11. Breeks says:

    Thank God for blogs.

    I find it thoroughly nauseating how “accommodating” the National is about the SNP’s cowardice, corruption, and ultimately their surrendering over Scottish Independence and giving the money to charidee.

    All these despicable wankers crawling out the woodwork to “commend the wisdom”. There isn’t a Unionist born who could say it any better. Same bunch of wankers who defend Sturgeon the Betrayer. Same bunch of wankers who slag off ALBA for their share of the vote. Same bunch of wankers who try to smear and ridicule SALVO. Same bunch of wankers who insist Alex Salmond was guilty. Same bunch of wankers who nod their heads and applaud every time Independence gets kicked into the long grass.

    There is a massive con going down Scotland, truly massive. I’m sorry, but it’s also bigger than you think.

    All those months ago when I wrote my stuff about Red and White Sovereignty, I missed something… I missed out something important. The part played by the infiltrators, actual tra1tors. I missed out the treacherous infiltration of people / Independence supporters who are not what they seem.

    I assumed that every true believer in Independence would naturally default to Red Sovereignty, because Scotland’s sovereign credentials are so well documented. These credentials are not for us to doubt, but for Scotland’s enemies to undo and disprove. (Spoiler alert – they lose that battle).

    The awareness of Red sovereignty, the constitutional sovereignty of the Scottish people, the trump card that is Scotland’s Claim of Right embedded at the very heart of the UK’s foundation is the last thing these false politicians want you to hear about.

    But, Scotland having the Constitutional Kryptonite to undermine every aspect of Westminster’s control over Scotland is the very last thing these frauds wanted to hear. This is where where holy grail, “san greal”, becomes ”sang real”, a royal bloodline, where an obvious truth undermines the “establishment” faith, so MUST be suppressed and vilified as heresy, or the faith will fall.

    Their game-plan from the beginning was for Scotland to reach for Independence, slake our desire, break our hearts, but to fail and never secure it, but in the process, install a false and disingenuous leadership of our own YES movement who’s mission in life is to make Scotland’s subjugation more palatable to those easily duped and the complacent. They “need” to persuade us we have no escape.

    Does anybody disagree…

    They sedate Scotland through media indoctrination.
    They sedate Scotland through creative accounting.
    They sedate Scotland through Devolution.
    They sedate Scotland through international isolation.
    They sedate Scotland by maligning our achievements.
    They sedate Scotland by belittling our sports.
    They sedate Scotland by smearing our language.
    They sedate Scotland by skewing our education.

    Well heads up folks… They are also sedating Scotland with our own Independence “Leadership” which is not at all what it seems.

    A patently corrupt and dishonest leadership that’s committee proof, police investigation proof, media investigation proof, and free to withhold or redact it’s own incriminating evidence? Really? Even the rabid dog anti-Scottish Telegraph and Daily Mail won’t even go there.

    Doesn’t it disturb you profoundly that months before a cost of living crisis, inflation and fuel poverty that was squarely predicted following Brexit, Scotland’s promised plan for National Power Company was quietly dropped, but yet barely a word was spoken about it?

    Here’s a question for you to mull over… Now ok, maybe it indulges tin-foil hat conspiracy theory, but just suppose in a parallel universe, Scotland was exactly as it is now, same predicament, same mood, same global circumstances…. The only difference is Scotland isn’t “ruled” by the SNP, but instead, it’s ruled directly by MI5. Suppose it wasn’t Sturgeon who took over from Salmond, but MI5. Consider 2014 until now as your timeframe and let’s “speculate”; what do you think would be done differently?

    Do you think ALBA would be marginalised?
    Do you think Salmond would be vilified?
    Do you think UK access to Scotland’s resources would be checked?
    Do you think the SNP would be neutered and dismembered?
    How would you go about it?
    Do you think MI5’s activities would be properly scrutinised by the Unionist press?

    Are you seeing the pattern yet?

    Ok, in that dystopian “fiction” I’ve made you think about, would you trust what the polls were telling you?

  12. PacMan says:

    Viscount Ennui says: 17 December, 2022 at 8:16 am

    I am not sure that it has really registered with most SNP voters just how bad has been the mis-management of the Scottish economy over the last 8+ years nor how inept these ministers are.
    OK the thread is really about PM and his dodgy loan, but the current mantra that Scotland would be a better place is we could borrow more needs to be nailed on the head.

    This is off-topic. You are correct and incorrect about borrowing powers.

    There is a difference between borrowing out of economic troubles and having the ability to borrow and use those powers to use them responsibly.

    To use analogy’s that people will be familiar with to illustrate this, you take a loan out. You can use that loan to buy a fancy motor or an exotic holiday. Alternatively you could use that loan to make improvements to your property or to pay for a training course for a new higher paid job.

    The first use of the loan adds no financial value to yourself. The later though has the possibility of adding increased financial value to yourself. I had said possibly where if the home improvements and choice of training course is done correctly, while there is no guarantee, there is a greater chance of increased financial value.

    This is the same with governments and their borrowing powers. If it is done correctly, it allows them to keep the economy ticking over in the bad times and puts it in good shape to exploit the good times that will allow the borrowing to be serviced through increased economic growth.

    You are right in saying that the SNP administration hasn’t a clue about economic matters and would abuse these borrowing powers if independent but that shouldn’t be used to dismiss the idea of responsible use of borrowing powers out of hand.

  13. stuart mctavish says:


    You might not be surprised to learn that I see that the other way around completely – ie the fact Fred Goodwin was only too happy to let anyone see the accounts before it all went tits up (yet nobody who did see them knew it was all going to go tits up either) tells you everything you need to know..

    That and the fact that, despite titter’s new owner’s reporting that one of his children was tracked (presumably by someone inspired by the information provided by said journalists) and the vehicle they were in attacked (in possible kidnapping attempt) SMSM ran with something along lines of his being the new Trump for shutting down journalists (think Tesla plaid/tartan speed/ big rocket man) and that that must be bad because Trump is pure dead evil* (think Scottish mother and Lewis chessmen)

    *ie for not pardoning Assange thereby letting the world know that the other guy wouldnt or couldnt let that particular journalist speak freely either..

  14. Luigi says:

    Maybe the missing 600k was also simply “loaned” to the SNP. Don’t ya just love creative accounting?

  15. Robert Hughes says:

    Breeks @ 9.05

    Excellent post , B .

    This is what we keep coming back to ……how could any – supposed – Scottish Independence-seeking Party be any WORSE than the current SNP ?

    In addition to the charge-sheet you list – what may prove to be THE most damaging assault on our cause is the ramming-through ( by stealth , subterfuge , threat ) into Law and against – manifestly against , majority public opinion in Scotland of this Self-ID aberration . Many , many women – and men – will neither Wheesht , nor vote SNP ever again because of this lunacy : or , at least , as long as the usurpers are in situ

    If anyone thinks the Sturgeon-et-al-Cabal has got through the last 8 years of outrageous behaviour – truly nasty plots , bare-faced lying to * Enquiries * , breaking of Ministerial Code , mangling Judicial/Police services ( albeit with the willing compliance of those * services * ) 3rd World levels of incompetence etc – unaided , * as if by magic * , or via deft political footwork ( LOL ) I suggest they reacquaint themselves with that increasingly meaningless , but still – just about- functioning concept ..Reality .

    They’ve got away with it because it suits the * Powers that be * that they ( the current SNP regime ) remain in place .

    Imagine if it had been Alex Salmond presiding over the last 8 years of socio/political carnage ( aye , I know , things would NEVER have got to such a dire pass under him ) .

    He and his Gov would have been the subject of unrelenting MSM vilification and personal character assassination ( as we seen , they done that anyway , pre-emptive of any return to the frontline by AS ) of an intensity that Sturgeon has * strangely * been exempted from . So far

  16. Viscount Ennui says:

    PacMan says:
    17 December, 2022 at 9:24 am

    “You are right in saying that the SNP administration hasn’t a clue about economic matters and would abuse these borrowing powers if independent but that shouldn’t be used to dismiss the idea of responsible use of borrowing powers out of hand.”

    100% agree. What concerns me is that the SNP appear to be incapable of articulating a credible vision for how they intend to grow the economy – independence or otherwise. This failure cements the view that they are happy to remain dependent on WM.

  17. John Main says:

    @Breeks 9:05

    Tin foil hat conspiracy? You’ve wrapped yourself in so much tin foil there must be a town near you where nobody will get to roast their turkeys this Xmas.

    How many hundreds, maybes thousands of words about the state Scotland is in, but not a peep about the two ginormous causes of the economic shitstorm we are all experiencing: Covid and The War?

    Naw. With you, it’s always Brexit, first, last, and everything in between. It’s an obsession, and like all obsessives, you destroy your own arguments.

    Rational readers will acknowledge the downsides of Brexit, whilst also acknowledging that there must be some other fecking factors in play, given that every other feckin country in the world is in deep shit.

  18. Ruby says:

    link to

    Repeal the Gender Recognition Act 2004

    Please sign.

    Don’t worry you can sign as many petitions as you like and in the highly likely event of there being a petition asking for the Repeal of the ‘Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill’ you can sign that too.

    Whether you have the ‘GRRB Scotland bill’ or the ‘GRA 2004’ and men are allowed to change sex there will always be problems.

    Signing this petition makes you feel better. It’s not much but it’s better than sitting around feeling helpless and wondering ‘what is a woman’

  19. Shug says:

    Can you even imagine the cluster fuck the SNP would make if they were allowed to borrow!!!

    High interest in a foreign currency to be funded on an income provided by the UK

    I can hear the squeals from here

  20. stuart mctavish says:

    Sorry, relevance to the cartoon of my earlier tuppenceworth being that SMSM were rather quiet (on several occasions) when Wings was kicked off twitter, despite his being their goto source for the position on the SNP leadership/family last week.

    Point being that if the arbiters of information are scared to act with integrity when it matters (honour the former first lady, treat Meghan like a princess because she married a prince (duh), protecting children from predators in skirts, etc) then hardly surprising when politicians (whose job it is to be the polar opposite of sovereign) end up talking all manner of scary nonsense too.

  21. Terry says:

    Please read this by Ash Reagan. And if you haven’t written to your MSPs its not too late.
    link to
    “And obviously, over the last few years, I have witnessed people getting death threats, rape threats, all this kind of stuff. And so you do worry about what is going to happen. But I got to the point where I thought, well, I can’t not do something because I’m afraid of what might happen to have to vote with my conscience.”

  22. Geri says:

    John Main

    Who are we at war with?
    I keep hearing this pish on the MSM.
    Everything is either Covid & Vlad..jeez!

    Did he come & rob the treasury of nearly £200 fkn billion or was that BoJo & his mates helping themselves on a feeding frenzy?

    And Brexit is shit. Business is going bust. Farmers are suicidal. Open yer lugs FFS! Not every other country is in the same shit either.

  23. Stoker says:

    Sugar Daddy? A right pair of creeps if ever there was one.

    Robert Hughes says on 17 December 2022 at 10:18 am:

    “In addition to the charge-sheet you list – what may prove to be THE most damaging assault on our cause is the ramming-through ( by stealth , subterfuge , threat ) into Law and against – manifestly against , majority public opinion in Scotland of this Self-ID aberration”

    A case, if ever one was needed, for introducing a strong law forbidding political parties from pushing through hidden agendas not clearly expressed in election manifestos. What the Murrell’s are doing is both irresponsible and criminal as far as i’m concerned.

    And all hidden under their “progressive” banner. Never, at any time, have they clearly stated in any manifesto the detail of their “progressive” agenda. The Murrell’s have gained their positions through deception, especially Sturgeon.

    What is also irking me just as much is the vast majority of those involved in pushing through this ‘Perverts Permit’ are all women in the current SNP and their female friend in the legal system, “Lady Haldane”.

    And on top of all that we see 2 Westminster petitions doing the rounds to get something done about all this and both are struggling to attract the required number of signatures. There have been petitions previously that have achieved their targets within a matter of days so it’s puzzling to see these 2 petitions struggle.

    Talk about getting confusing mixed signals? I suppose the best we can hope for is for support to grow as more folk become aware. Mind you, these issues have now been in progress for a few years now so you’d expect the support to be there right now.

    Dare i ask the blinking obvious? Is the support there or do most folk not really give a toss outwith WOS? Or are they all waiting until some child is abducted, abused and murdered by a self-IDing nonce? One thing’s for sure, it certainly will not be any child belonging to the Murrell’s because they can’t have children.

    PLEASE SIGN: link to


  24. Jacqueline says:

    Terry says:
    17 December, 2022 at 11:09 am
    Please read this by Ash Reagan. And if you haven’t written to your MSPs its not too late.
    link to
    “And obviously, over the last few years, I have witnessed people getting death threats, rape threats, all this kind of stuff. And so you do worry about what is going to happen. But I got to the point where I thought, well, I can’t not do something because I’m afraid of what might happen to have to vote with my conscience.”

    I did write to thank the lady. She stood up, better late than never.

    This madness is Sturgeon’s legacy. Division of the Indy movement and alienation of half the population. It knows exactly what it is doing. Shit will hit the fan once this perversion becomes mainstream, and it surely will.

    Your disgusting, anti-science mode is well thought out nicoliar. Who helped you, or was it just your own doing? I think not. RED TRACTOR. (someone should have told you that you don’t suit red). Regardless of the stupit following you still have, history will not be kind to you. Wait until the law suits pile in.

  25. Ruby says:

    Terry says:
    17 December, 2022 at 11:09 am

    Please read this by Ash Reagan. And if you haven’t written to your MSPs its not too late.
    link to

    Cheers Terry

    “I would say that the agenda here looks like it’s sort of a dehumanisation of women. That’s what it feels like.
    Ash Regan

    Totally agree and like Regan’s mother I am absolutely raging.

  26. PacMan says:

    Viscount Ennui says: 17 December, 2022 at 10:31 am

    100% agree. What concerns me is that the SNP appear to be incapable of articulating a credible vision for how they intend to grow the economy – independence or otherwise. This failure cements the view that they are happy to remain dependent on WM.

    This argument has been raging for years and I have already pointed this out on numerous occasions.

    The argument for independence has not been progressed in any meaningful way since 2014 and we are still having the same conversations that we had in 2014 and in the run up to it. By this time, the argument should have got to the point it should’ve have been only whether it is the right time to go independent or not.

    I see where you are coming from in your original post where the SNP is trying to portray borrowing as some magical bullet in their argument for independence where their current record of their current economic powers has been one of mis-management and missed opportunities.

    Herein lies the problem. The SNP has positioned themselves as the public face of independence which people now associate the party with it. If Scotland would ever to go independent, the assumption in the public’s mind is that the SNP would rule it as a one-party state.

    It’s hard to know how to remove that assumption until alternative independence parties become a major force is Scottish politics.

  27. PacMan says:

    Terry says: 17 December, 2022 at 11:09 am

    Please read this by Ash Reagan. And if you haven’t written to your MSPs its not too late.
    link to

    Regan fears a form of ultra-liberal and in — her view — misguided feminism is helping to drive change and cites Ireland, where she says self-identification “piggybacked” on equal marriage laws, and Norway where the changes closely followed the passing of hate crime legislation.

    Intersectionalism politics sounds great in theory but like every other system based on mutual good will and similar aims, it can be ‘gamed’ by groups and individuals who are pushing a certain agenda particularly when they get into positions of authority in the respective movements.

  28. Daisy Walker says:

    That’s a brilliant cartoon. The Herald has another on a similar subject today.

    And in other news. Lisa Keogh’s case has been thrown out. Lisa was a law student at Dundee and got ‘investigated’ when she insisted that ‘only a woman can have a vagina’.

    Sheriff George Murray has dismissed the case.

    Gutted for her, very brave of her to take this on. I couldn’t see past the paywall of yesterday’s courier for the details, but that’s where it is if anyone wants to look further.

  29. Mark Boyle says:

    John Main says:
    17 December, 2022 at 10:45 am

    @Breeks 9:05

    Tin foil hat conspiracy? You’ve wrapped yourself in so much tin foil there must be a town near you where nobody will get to roast their turkeys this Xmas.

    Now, now, John, it is Christmas :p

    In too many Scottish towns they prefer to make roasters into MPs, MSPs and councillors rather than Xmas dinner …

  30. PacMan says:

    Jacqueline says: 17 December, 2022 at 11:37 am

    This madness is Sturgeon’s legacy. Division of the Indy movement and alienation of half the population. It knows exactly what it is doing. Shit will hit the fan once this perversion becomes mainstream, and it surely will.

    It’s going to alienate more than half the population.

    It’s been dressed up as a progressive policy and is going to drag back all the good things that the true progressive movement has brought to society.

    As tough times proceed in the years to come, reactionary voices will become stronger. Can these reactionary voices be countered when you are arguing for progressivism which in the public mind will what these toxic policies are associated with?

    Such is the arrogance and hubris of individuals of Sturgeon and her ilk of not seeing the bigger picture, that is if she believed in progressive politics in the first place.

  31. Effijy says:

    Congratulations to Mick Lynch.
    The fascist Mail has made him a Baron in todays publication.

    Could he have Moan’s seat in the Lords and bring a few of the pickets in for a subsidised lunch?

    Billions lost for poor shopkeepers due to rail strike is the banner.
    ITV news reports footfall down by 0.4%.

    Perhaps unions and strikes should be banned and U.K. workers can have their standard of living drop every until the Tories off shore accounts can’t hold anymore tax free money.

    If a 10 year old wants to work down the mines or up chimneys should trade unions stop them.

    Bring back the good old Dickensian days with no workers rights and we can bring back the sweat shops from Cambodia and Pakistan for our own workers.

  32. Andy Ellis says:

    It’s hard to know how to remove that assumption until alternative independence parties become a major force is Scottish politics.

    Ay, there’s the rub! On reflection it was always a mistake for the SNP to become such a dominant force and to effectively become identified as more or less representing the movement as a whole, irrespective of the ideological outlook of those voting for it.

    Back in the heady days of 2012-14 there may have been an argument for that: if independence had happened the inclusive, “big tent” movement was content to work together and prioritise achieving independence first, and arguing about policy and what the early days of a better nation would like afterwards.

    I have my doubts that applies anymore. The SNP (and their Green Party mini-me’s) have demonstrated that they are simply not fit for purpose. They cannot be trusted. That means that the only realistic prospect for achieving independence is to stand up an alternative party which can deprive the SNP of its dominant position. That was the argument back when discussions were taking place a couple of years ago, and it is even more evident now.

    There is little point people indulging in magical thinking about shortcuts and cunning plans: it just ain’t gonna happen. If you want to accelerate the campaign for independence it involves not only convincing enough current “soft” No voters to switch AND ensuring that the devolusionists in charge of the SNP aren’t able to dominate and direct the whole movement, still less dictate terms to it.

    Anyone telling you that’s going to happen quickly or without a referendum or (more likely) a plebiscitary election is deluding themselves.

  33. Joe says:

    Geoff Anderson says:17 December, 2022 at 8:07 am
    Andrew F

    More likely 150k dollars came in FROM the States and they had to hide it. A “loan” to the SNP would be the perfect cover. Only Peter is allowed access to the accounts. They have a pet
    Nicophant to sign off whatever Peter puts in front of him.
    Surely you mean “Expert Treasurer” ? link to
    link to

  34. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The Panto Dames from Hell.

  35. Joe says:

    Viscount Ennui says:17 December, 2022 at 10:31 am

    100% agree. What concerns me is that the SNP appear to be incapable of articulating a credible vision for how they intend to grow the economy – independence or otherwise.
    Not much hope of “Growing the Economy” by wanting to rejoin the EU and have the EU impose a hard border between EU member Indy Scotland and the RUK who we have a 60% of Export Trade with while only having 18% Export Trade with the EU. Perhaps EFTA is the only workable solution but will disappoint many, which of course is why the SNP will never tell us that truth.

  36. Shug says:

    Yep breeks you pretty much have it. To believe the police, the judiciary and ms all have her back say more about what the deal is.

    Delay and we protect you.

    At some point they will dump her and barlinnie beckons.

    I do wonder what motivates her

  37. Shug says:

    Re 150 dollars

    Would that cover allowing a Libyan to be tried in America for a crime in scotland

  38. James Che says:


    Media indoctrines?

    Yet our own media are not reporting the white powder addictions at lockdown parties of politicians and fetishis of all the elite, starting at the top,

    It is no wonder not only Scotland, but britain is in a mess.

  39. Joe says:

    LOL Perfect timing for this to appear.
    link to

  40. Skip_NC says:

    Shug, the Libyan now in US custody was never in Scotland and was, as far as I know, never pursued. If I am right about that, there would have been no need to pay anyone off. I still think the story here is that the S,NP is skint and in no place, financially, to head up an independence campaign. I may be wrong and there may be much more but, at the moment, the evidence simply points to that and nothing more.

  41. Wilson McBride says:

    Sturgeon is a renowned “man-hater”.

    She is now turning that same hatred on her own sex.

    It makes you wonder which gender of the human race she actually appreciates.

    It seems she prefers homosexual men with boobs and a vagina.

    She’s a very mixed up character who should be nowhere near the leadership of the Scottish independence movement.

    If you are wondering where Peter Murrel has disappeared to, Sturgeon insisted he became she, and they now live happily together as lesbian couple in Bute House.

    Welcome to Nu-Scotland, Sturgeon style.

  42. Lorna Campbell says:

    Chris, brilliant!

  43. James Che says:

    There was no union of Countries between Scotland and England.

    There was a union of parliaments,

    Neither the Scottish or English parliaments are in existence since 1707.

    Neither parliament is legally beholden to the Treaty of union since 1707.

    The Balfour Royal Commission ( Scottish affairs report 1954, chapter 1, under the heading
    “Relationship with England”
    It was stated at paragraph 13 (ii)

    When it is advantages for Scottish businesses to be dealt with by the United kingdom of Great Britain ministers, There should be full understanding and recognition by these ministers and their officials that Scotland is a nation and voluntary entered into a Union with England as a partner not as a dependency.

  44. PacMan says:

    effijy says: 17 December, 2022 at 12:22 pm

    Congratulations to Mick Lynch.
    The fascist Mail has made him a Baron in todays publication.

    Could he have Moan’s seat in the Lords and bring a few of the pickets in for a subsidised lunch?

    Billions lost for poor shopkeepers due to rail strike is the banner.
    ITV news reports footfall down by 0.4%.

    Soaring inflation, soaring energy prices and overall soaring cost of living is totally irrelevant and nothing to do with it.

  45. James Che says:

    Queen Anne was the queen of Scots, not Queen of Scotland,

    Scottish monarchs were/ are not Sovereign, the Scots are Sovereign.

    The territory of Scotland did not belong with Queen Anne or any monarch at the time of the Union, but belonged the the People of Scotland,

    Hence it wad a union treaty with the two parliaments of Scotland and Englands parliaments not the two Countries.

    Neither of those two parliaments exists today.

  46. Maureen says:

    19/3/23 for special conference on way forward – Independence
    link to

  47. James Che says:

    The question of wether the Treaty of Union exists?

    This Question was discussed in the,
    United kingdom, ( House of Lords; Privileges committee, ctee,

    Treaty of the union article XX11

    In schedule 2 to the1963 Act.

    There is listed amongst other enactments Repealed by that Act article XX11 of the treaty of the union so far as it relates to peers of Scotland.

    The debate includes references toacademic lawyers on wether there is a treaty of union since neither state has existed since 1707.

    ( International Law report,
    Books, Uk, United kingdom House of Lords, Privileges Ctee,
    Pages 578-80.

  48. Iain mhor says:

    @James Che et al

    Whilst the interpretations of what ocurred between the Union of the two Kingdoms are varied, it is important to remember that there is only one hymn sheet UKGov sings from.

    This has been asserted by them several times.

    Scotland and its Parliament was abolished and folded into the English Parliament.

    The Union of the Crowns (the personal union) sees the English Crown claiming suzereinty over the Scots Crown where “The Crown in Parliament” is concerned.

    “The Crown” is a multi faceted abstract concept (even for UKGov) Yet all legislative power is derived from the ultimate sovereignty of “The Crown” nontheless.

    Hence every UK of GB etc dependency, dominion, or otherwise, declaring, or voting Republic, instantly severed the writ of UKGov.
    Republic gives them cold sweats.

    The ‘Scottish Parliament’ is an administrative arm of the UKGov and has no independence to ‘Act’ in any way – this by explicit UK legislation.

    It does not enjoy the benefit of UK ‘Dependencies’ past, or present which incorporated the Statute of Westminster 1931

    “No Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom passed after the commencement of this Act shall extend, or be deemed to extend, to a Dominion as part of the law of that Dominion, unless it is expressly declared in that Act that that Dominion has requested, and consented to, the enactment thereof”

    “No law and no provision of any law made after the commencement of this Act by the Parliament of a Dominion shall be void, or inoperative on the ground that it is repugnant to the Law of England, or…any existing or future Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom…the powers of the Parliament of a Dominion shall include the power to repeal or amend any such Act, order, rule or regulation in so far as the same is part of the law of the Dominion”

    Scotland, whatever it is, is not a Dominion of the UK. Nor is it a seperate Nation.
    For Scotland to become independent, that is deemed an act of regional secession of UKetc territory.

    Now however much it may be argued otherwise amd give people apoplexy (and I have too) it is the de-facto hymn sheet from which UKGov sings and that must be accepted and understood in order to advance any realpolitik strategems.

    Yes, it is a mess, a quagmire and a constitutional minefield, but it’s what they believe to be the case and what is always reverted to.

    “If in doubt, refer to the hymn sheet – Alleluia and Amen” that is their mantra.

    *Tl;dr – Aim for the Crown, reclaim.or renounce.

  49. James Che says:

    The Sovereignty of/ in Westminster parliament is debatable.

    Queen Anne was queen of England at the time of the union but not queen of Scotland,

    As can be understood from the “Claim of Right” acknowledged by Westminster in 2018, and by Charles, the prince waiting to be crowned next year.

    The Crown in Westminster parliament rests there as a crown of England and of the new state of Great Britain that was briefly created before the foundations of that new parliament were made void.

    Article 2:

    The ascension to the Queen of England,
    That the succession to the monarchcy of the united kingdom of Great Britain and the dominions thereunto belonging after her most sacred majesty be,
    and remain and continue to the most Excellent princess Sophia Electress and Dutchess dowager of Hanover and the heiress of her body being protestants upon the Crown of England,

    is settled by an Act of the parliament of England in the twelth year in the reign of His Majesty the late king William the third entitled an Act for the further limitation of the Crown and better securing the rights and liberties of the subject.
    ” And that all papists and persons marrying papists, shall be excluded from and forever incapable to inherit or possess or enjoy the imperial crown of Great Britain, and the dominions thereunto belonging or any part thereof.

    And in every case the Crown and the government shall from time to time descend to, and be enjoyed by the person being a protestant, as should have inherited and enjoyed the same in case such papists or persons marrying a papist was naturally dead.
    According to the provision for the descent of the Crown of England, made by another Act of the parliament of England in the first year of the reign of their late Majesties king William and Queen Mary, entitled An Act declaring the rights and liberties of the subject and settling the succession of the Crown.

    Note, this is settling the succession of the Crown in/of England, no mention of Scotlands Crown succession.

    also The Acts were passed under and in the parliament of England, not of Great Britain.

  50. Liz says:

    @breeks late to this discussion.
    You’re spot on.
    Was watching a fictional prog set in Vienna in 1900.
    The decor was gorgeous, it’s still there to this day.
    Art Nouveau, Scotland had its own AN genius in Charles Rennie Macintosh and his wife, Margaret McDonald MacIntosh.

    Glasgow had the opportunity to be as beautiful as Vienna.
    It is no coincidence IMO, that the Art School was burned down twice.

    First time, they didnt expect the fire fighters to go above and beyond to save it.
    The second time, they made sure.

    We can have nothing beautiful in Scotland until we are free from our oppressors.

    As for Sturgeon, a detestable, despicable excuse for a human.
    No idea what her problem is, but she has it in abundance.
    She knows GRR will lead to abuse of women and children, she cares not a jot.

    She has surrounded herself with cowardly, self obsessed thick twats

  51. Willie says:

    As I sit at home can I just say that the absolutely enormous heating bills are all about to start landing.

    And they will have a devastating financial impact. For many who might just be able to pay they are going to have to decide whether they will bleed their deepest veins to feed huge corporate profits. For those who just cannot pay the decision is made. And for those on pay as you go metres they will just have to go go cold. It’s tough shit being a pig poor Jock. A heating famine in many ways not dissimilar to the Irish Famine where wheat and food was exported to England whilst the populace went hungry.

    For they sold Trevelyn’s Corn so the young could see the morn is how the Peter St John song goes, and it is a reflection of today’s power starved Scotland.

    And so, as the power companies gang up to pursue their bills I wonder how many people they can chase when a million or two million says no.

    How many soldiers and troops does OVO or British Gas have and how could they be deployed against millions of bill payers saying no. Truth is they couldn’t.

    Change is coming.

  52. James Che says:

    Iain Mhor.

    The united kingdom does not have a written constitution other than the treaty of the union, which is recognised as a international treaty by the likes of the EU and other Countries.

    However Scotland does have a codified written constitution that is amplified by that very (same) treaty as one of its sources.
    That Scotland retained its laws, education and ecclesiastical status, and Scotlands people retained their individual Sovereignty through the ” claim of right” wrote into the treaty of union itself.
    Denotes Scotland as a nation. And a Country.

    All internal laws passed by Westminster as a parliament for Britain since 1707 are therefore domestic laws,

    There is a mounting evidence that suggests one of two alternatives to the treaty of union,

    1: that is in fact a international treaty of union and unalterable by domestic laws, with no escape or get out clause for either side.

    2: That the treaty of the union was not executed to its proper legal context

    3: That it has been void since the two founding parliaments entering the treaty of union to bring Great Britain parliament into being have ceased to exist altogether, leaving no participants in the treaty.

    4: that the treaty of union has been altered beyond its original articles and became colonised by Westminster parliament.

    5: That the queen of Scots acted against the Scots wishes in 1706 and 1707, leaving her without authority in giving Royal ascent for the English parliament to confirm ratification for Scotlands sovereign people.

    6: Lawyers and academics in the House of Lords debate wether there is actually a treaty of union,

    7: the British parliament nor England has no codified written constitution, unlike Scotland does as a country and a nation in its own right.

    Finally it is noted that the english parliament was supposed to cease at the same time as the Scottish parliament was supposed to cease to exist to create the united KINGDOMS.

    This ceasing of parliaments in Scotland and England ceased any treaty of union signed or otherwise promised, both became extinct prior to the Great British parliament opened its doors.

    The treaty made by the parliament of Scotland ended,
    It would have been the case for England also if had they not continued in the same building of Westminster parliament, and had ended the session of the english parliament and elected new members for the Great Britain parliament, but the same members of the english parliament sat in the new British parliament,
    See: First Parliament of Queen Anne.
    Third session.
    Volume 4. 1706-1713.

    Queens speech to
    ( both houses of the old english parliament.

    ” It is proper for me, before we part, to commute to you that I think it expedient that the Lords of the Parliament of England, should be members of the respective Houses of the first parliament of Great Britain ”
    For and on part of England and therefore I intend, within the time limited, to publish a proclaimation for that purpose, persuent to the powers given me by the Acts of parliament of both Kingdoms, ratifying the treaty of the union,
    And after we have completed the great work, I assure myself that when you return to your several countries, you will omit no opportunity of making my subjects senable of the security, and other great and lasting benefits, they may be reasonably expect from this happy occassion.

    Parliament prorogued until Wednesday the 30th.

    So we see the old english members of the old english parliament in Westminster continuing in their seats to the british parliament.

    As we can ascertain from the Claim of Right 1689, passed by the Scottish parliament, Queen Anne was not Sovereign in Scotland or of Scotland in 1706 -1707, neither were the Scottish parliament themselves.

    Nether had the consent of the Scots.


  53. sarah says:

    @ Chris: it can’t have been much fun drawing this accurate portrait of PM. It gives me the creeps just looking at it.

  54. James Gardner says:

    Total Belter Chris………

  55. Excellent posts!

  56. TGC says:

    Of course we would be in a much beeper position if we had borrowing powers
    But who wants to disagree with that
    I can think of a thousand ifs and buts about why SNP “might” not have a vote on Scottish independence ( Scottish OR Westminster ) BUT I would be scratching at the dust to do so because there is absolutely no evidenced support for them not doing so

    Always gonna get a following for scare stories
    Do you want to be the dust of the scare stories or do you want be one of the real people living in Scotland party to all this crap
    We have people living in England ( not mentioning any names )
    People living in Scotland who are actually English and outspoken about Englands right to control Scotland
    And Scottish people stupid enough to believe that England is part of British British British and simply cannot see that British is just another word for English

    For a website with so many followers to dedicate itself to trans people hatred for “years” is in itself quite incredible
    For the regular followers to subscribe to that hatred for years is unbelievable

    There are hardly any trans people in Scotland

    You lot get a grip

    If this site shut down you would miss it but not for the journalistic talent it had ten years ago
    You would miss it out of habit

    Admit it , you feel a fry and pissed off every time you come here
    That’s because it’s crap

    No news here no worthwhile progress here
    Just hatred , of a minority group

    A minority group that I bet have harmed not a single one of you

    Hang your head in shame

  57. Scottydog says:

    Whatever happened to the Celtic Lion?

    Scotland under the SNP was to become a forward thinking, fast growing, low taxation, high wage, fairer country. I don’t recognise the polices of this SNP government, if they were to get independence (can’t see it as not even trying), it would be a disaster! This should have been the time where Scotland is preparing itself to be a strong independent country, with this lot in charge by the time we get there Scotland will be on its arse!
    I hear time and time again about people holding their nose and voting for this corrupt incompetent shower but the only way to get change is to withhold your vote and your money. They are taking us for a ride all the way to their holiday home!

    link to


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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““a geographic area having an abundance of clean renewable energy generation yet it being too expensive for many to access,…Mar 6, 20:00
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “You are right, Breeks. We have been, and continue to be, betrayed by nearly every SNP MSP and MP. How…Mar 6, 19:59
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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “It sounds perfect, Ian. I know there will be a great atmosphere and old comrades remembered – Cearc, Smallaxe among…Mar 6, 19:54
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Or “enjoy” the illegal level of noise generated by dodgy shite totally inappropriate air sourced heatpump installs in what were…Mar 6, 19:10
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “The next ‘Friends of Wings’ gathering will be in The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge, on Friday April 4th. The function room.…Mar 6, 18:58
    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
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    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
    • 100%Yes on Green Eggs And Bams: “The SNP hasn’t changed, its the traitors running us and the SNP leadership which has. Its was all about riding…Mar 6, 16:32
    • David Rodgers on Green Eggs And Bams: ““So easy to delude people, so hard to get them to recognise that they’ve been deluded.” – This also applies…Mar 6, 16:09
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