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Sources in conflict

Posted on October 26, 2014 by
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Red Tories in disarray, blue Tories happy and glorious. Sup with the devil Jojo…

James P. Forrest

They are in complete turmoil. Absolutely unbelievable. The party has more factions than the General Sejm.

And Murphy the front-runner according to some.

Oh, if wishing made it so. What a disaster that would be for them.

[…] Sources in conflict […]

ronald alexander mcdonald

Here is a free piece of advice to Labour party MSP’s. Before it’s too late, form a new political party that promotes Independence.

You can call it The Scottish Labour Party.


Is this the Labour Hokey Cokey?
We want Lamont in, Lamont out,
Yes! No! Whit? We’ve a lot to think about…

And, slightly OT, just when you thought that the Scottish Labour leader couldn’t stand up to her masters…


From yesterday’s Herald on the leadership contest (should that be leadertug?)

“A key element of the contest will be the electoral system. Following the Falkirk candidate selection debacle, Ed Miliband replaced Labour’s historic electoral college with one-member-one-vote (OMOV).

However, Lamont did not implement OMOV for Scottish Labour leadership contests and, unless a special conference is called, the old system will be used.

This would mean one-third of votes going to affiliated trade unions and societies, one-third going to MPs, MSPs and MEPs, and the remaining 33.3% being handed to ordinary members.

The college system has attracted widespread criticism and has even been referred to as one-member-four votes: an MSP who is a member of two trades unions could get multiple votes.”

But for light relief the next line is hard to beat:

“Another issue is the lack of capacity in Labour’s Glasgow headquarters to run a leadership contest.”

Couldn’t they just remove the door and take the phone out?

Alex Clark

I prefer the Guardian version, she had to go no matter the referendum result. The spotlight fell on her during the referendum campaign and her inadequacies were exposed for all to see.

There are now too many former supporters of Labour and a lot fewer actual supporters for the London leaderships liking.

I suspect a great many of those Labour supporters who did vote No will not even bother turning up at the polling stations in 2015 nor 2016. There is nothing worth voting for.

Steve Bowers

Loving it, why is it that the side wot won is in such a bloody mess, all my YES chums have dusted themselves down, joined a political party of their choice and are looking forward to a new future. Just imagine how much better it would have been if we’d won !


I can’t help thinking that JoLa’s apparent rebellion/fall from grace in the Blab party, is nothing other than a ruse.

She can now be piloted into leading a newly formed Scottish Labour Independent Party (not independence though), in the hope of mopping up Slab voters who voted YES, as they may well be conned into thinking they are voting for a party of the YES Alliance, whilst keeping the faith with Labour. (It has to be faith, as it can’t be on any of their policies).

They wont be, of course, voting for independence, as if they do get any MPs elected under that SLIP banner, they will still vote with Blab in WM.

Maybe I’m just a cynic.

No no no...Yes

Who was Johann Lamont’s political adviser ?
Whilst she did not have the skills to be party leader, far less a First Minister, someone was giving her advice and writing her scripts. It is time for them to be brought in to the spotlight, surely there’s a investigative journalist reading this site that has the same curiosity that we all have?

David S Briggs

@Alex Clark

“There is nothing worth voting for”

The SNP, the Greens or the SSP.

Alex Clark

@David S Briggs

Of course I agree, Labour die-hards however are in a quandary and won’t see it the same way as you or I.

I will vote SNP in 2015 and SSP in 2016, I have something worth voting for and it isn’t Labour.

fred blogger

what bare faced hypocrite’s.
they have utterly betrayed scotland and the scottish people.
they deserve all they get, they withheld info and truth, who on earth will vote for them now.


London Labour. Looks like Mr Salmond was right all along,it wasn’t a slogan after all,it was the truth lol.


It was obvious that Ed and Johann didn’t click, unlike Magreet Curran!

Skynews kept saying “Yohan” this morning. Even they don’t care/know who she is…


It just gets better and better, cheerio slab.

gerry parker

@ T Jenny.

The only problem is they don’t have the resources to start up a new party, and sure as hell Westminster Labour would not let them use any of the existing structure or resources.

It might cause some interesting fights though.

Schrödinger's cat

Mcternan all but called Kerr and the other slab official on crossfire ("Tractor" - Ed)s

The mp’s will get their way, are they deluded enough to try a holyrood by election to parachute in their choice?
We may see our first scottish alliance msp sooner than we thought

Hope it’s all an grogan or Colin fox
I know several 100’s in my wee town alone who will travel to help in that by election

No no no...Yes

Here’s an interesting recent interview with Lamont from Border TV: It lasts less than 5 mins, and commences at 12 mins 5 seconds from the beginning:

******WARNING no drinking or eating whilst viewing*******

link to

Lamont speaks about the role of the SLAB leader. She was also asked about SLAB membership and replies I don’t have the figures for you and I’m not pretending that we’ve got the 60,000 that the SNP have got!

When asked about SLAB “least most radical” Smith submission she havers about “wunting to build a consensus.”

But the best bit is about UK pooling and sharing and how the Scottish NHS is funded:

“… we benefit from the people with big mansions in Belgravia in London that … fund our NHS here in Scotland…”

Oh, at the end, she also says she will be leader going into Holyroood 2016!
If Miliband et al watched this, it is no surprise they wanted to get rid of her.


gerry parker – ah, but if the Tories saw it as splitting the Lab vote, I’m sure they would be happy to fund them. (through some convoluted opaque organisation set-up).

gerry parker

@T Jenny.

The Tories don’t need to worry about splitting the Labour vote now, in fact any splitting of the Labour vote is likely to let in Indy candidates.
Why go to the expense of starting a new party?
Dosen’t make sense to me.


SLab’s role was to be a safe pair of Unionist hands to run Scotland in a manner where it didn’t deviate too far from the London agenda. And, that was even when Tories ruled WM! They were to do as they were told and never ever show initiative or independent thought.

SNP and the good sense of the Scottish people completely screwed up London’s plans and Slab’s role. I assume under instructions from their masters in London, SLab embarked to tribal warfare with the SNP and forgot about contributing the the governance of Scotland. They opposed policies which were much like their own simply because they were SNP sponsored.

Then, the ultimate sin …. SLab did the Tories’ bidding in the referendum. In so doing, they lied and fearmongered.

Their popularity may be at its lowest in Scotland for 100 years. That really is quite an achievement. And both SLab and WMLab know it.

So now they are in melt down. Like rats in a sinking ship they turn on each other trying to survive. One faction says something different from another. Even the factions and sides aren’t clearly defined in the chaos. Leadership and direction disappeared years ago. Communication has broken down and there is no plan. No surprise!

Roll on GE 2015 !


It is all about as believable as Jeremy Clarkson was in Argentina.

gerry parker

@ galamcennalath.

Meltdown right enough.
What labour followers can look at their plans for more devolution in this graphic, and not think.
“hell, even the tories are suggesting more devolution than us!”

link to


@ gerry parker
@T Jenny

Just looking back over your postings.

At this post-referendum moment in time, WM GE is what matters to Lab & Con. My guess is the Tories would actually prefer to see Indy MPs instead of Labour ones, if it denied Milliband a majority.

[…] Sources in conflict […]

gerry parker

@ galamcennalath

Can’t see Labour having a majority with Miliband in the leaders post.

However, £10 to the Bernado’s shop in Dunoon if they go to the bother of funding a new party to achieve it.


I know who’s position is really untenable and he goes by the name of Ed Miliband, the only thing is…he’s too cowardly too admit that he isn’t up to the job but sends out some wee Scots woman to show him the way. His performance as a leader is pretty damn abysmal and completely lacking in any cohesion from top to bottom in the UK. As far as Scotland goes, he really is pretty despised and as such a lame duck for Labour who will be lucky to retain any MP’s

gerry parker

@ Eric.
Some pretty large Majorities to overcome though.

However, with the right material going through the right letterboxes I think we can do a great deal of damage in the months up to May 2015.

The next campaign has started.


galamcennalath – aye, you’re right, but I’m not sure that any of the parties will get an outright majority in WM. And it woud be handy for Milipede to have a wee pretendy indy Slab party, supporting him with votes in WM, as UKIP would prob do for Tories.

Robert Louis

The problem with Labour at Holyrood, is simple. The Scottish MP’s at Westminster, do not want the Labour team at Holyrood to be any good. This acts to prevent anybody in Holyrood Labour deciding that maybe they should have a different policy to that in Westminster. If they do, they will suffer the same fate as Wendy Alexander and Lamont.

It is that simple. The Westminster Labour MP’s and Labour party management actually want the Holyrood Labour group to be second rate, as a means of preventing party dissent from Scotland.

The message from London Labour and their coterie of troughing Scottish Labour MP’s to Holyrood Labour is simply, ‘shut up and do as you are told’.

john gallagher

Well troops just browsing through all the backstabbing they are an absolute shambles and are imploding the Scottish government will do nothing they don’t have to The ("Tractor" - Ed)s are falling apart The only victory they got in the referendum was the truth they are a total mess And if Spud stands and gets it ie MURPHY IT WILL BE THE BEST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN TO SCOTLAND HE IS A DISASTER AREA WAITING TO HAPPEN Wonderful bring it on the Scottish labour party is a big joke


The Westminster Labour MP’s will not get involved with Holyrood until after the fall out from the 2015 General Election is known. If labour lose the election Ed Miliband will be replaced, possibly by Ed Balls, David Miliband or one of that ilk allowing a return to favour of those MP’s sidelined by Ed eg Jim Murphy.

Malcolm Chisholm will be aksed to take up the reins of power from Johan Lamont until 2016, at which time he is retiring. One of the MP’s not elected to Westminster in 2015 will be elected to the leadership post and parachuted safely into Malcom’s seat.

There u are simple eh!!


Murphy would be good craic in Holyrood, thrice he shouted ‘fuck off’ in Westminster, in Feb. this year. The object of his annoyance?
A SNP MP counting who was voting.

The man barely conceals his thuggery, and his expenses are ginormous at WM, so not sure he wants to give that up.


The next SLAB leader(ene) will most likely be the one who had the most advanced plans to ‘flip’ his main residence from Wastie to Holyrood-land.

So, who knows, it might be the man with the white hair and jet black eyebrows; the blinker-extroridinaire, who single-handedly united Tory, LibDem and Labour politicians in support of all that was great and good for Scotland.

Getting standing ovations where-ever he made an appearance – the messiah – a veritable Goliath indeed – ‘ermine in waiting’ – the only man reasonable enough to treat with the ‘great clunking fist’ and as history now shows – the main man who delivered the sensational NO vote.

But, it shoorely begs the question – just why ain’t he being put in the frame for this top job-of-jobs? Struggling, to think why.

Schrödinger's cat

Would mcternan, murph, curren etc, bring down Lamont without a plan to replace her?
I think not

Could they be stupid enough to bring about a by election?

If not then they already have some msp in place,
Unless Lamont wrong footed them, in which case miliband will be telling them to sort it out

Schrödinger's cat

I think they were planing a mattress for whoever fell at the ge in 2015


Just had a look at Wings Twitter, and it seems Red Baron Foulkes has struck again, this time abusing Mandy Rhoades yet again for being a good journalist. Will this cyber Britnat ever be held accountable?…


So that’s what a party imploding looks like.

Interesting. 🙂


@ Barontorc

I’d almost forgotten about Flipper. Hard to believe, I know. Where is he? Surely he, the great one who united all the union parties, should be up for this? Not heard a peep about him recently.

Strange indeed.


It was fun watching Gordon Brewer taking “Anus Sawar” apart during todays politcs show, he showed him up for the liar he is and always will be.

Red torys, Scotlands rat party.


Murphy is apparently 2-5 on favourite!


Why is Labour in Scotland even giontbthrough the motions of a Leadership electio? There’s no candidate who isn’t already compromised electorally, and they haven’t got a full party structure, and they can’t afford it.

UK labour should just impose a leader and be done with it.

Paula Rose

Planing a mattress, Shro..dinger’s cat? Sounds rough.


Paula Rose,

Some people like a very hard mattress!

Schrödinger's cat

Everyone likes a soft landing Paula

Schrödinger's cat

Except cearc apparently

Bugger (the Panda)

Mine is tiled.


@Davey, Gordon Brewer was quite funny doing his incredulous voice, cos Anus wouldn’t give him a straight answer about throwing his hat in.
Also, saw a tweet copied to FB – that tube Galloway saying it needs to be Brown, so that’s him backing another loser.

Schrödinger's cat

I think curren is ow’r auld fir carpet burns……
Actually, I wish I hadn’t said that…

It has left an unpleasant image in my mind

ronnie anderson

Ah hiv a half dozen SLABS oot the back fur a SLAB landing I.ll even deliver them.

Jim Mitchell

Given it’s Labour we are on about,both those stories are possibly true!


Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry me O/T again…

Live Indy are broadcasting a music event “Overheard in the Westend”

“You can overhear some of the finest independent musicians in the best independent cafe/ bar in the westend”

Starting soon:

link to

William Bolton

Wee Jimmy Krankie’s resignation as Scottish Labour leader could be a ploy.
She was going and she knew that she was going; the dogs in the street knew that she was going, so the best way to go is to do the noble thing for the party (it’s all about the party).
“Fall on your sword Jimmy” says Ed, “blame me and the plebs in Scotland will rally round the party at the election. The north Britons will feel that they are voting for the ghost of Jimmy Krankie and not for me”
“You’ll win the sympathy vote for Scottish Labour whilst appearing to be a feisty independent minded scotch person, that’ll keep the suckers on-side. I’m sorry if you think that this approach is Machiavellian but if you think that this is bad, you should see what I had to do to destroy my own brother’s political career!”
“Fandabydozey Mr Ed” says Jimmy, “Jack McConnell told me that he’s keeping a seat warm in the Lords for me.”

Paula Rose

I may get shunted to off-topic by the Rev – but Bugger dear, I do not remember your mattress being tiled, and relative cat – behave. Cearc honey – these boys are very silly aren’t they?

Proud Cybernat

Labour–they say one thing in private and then another thing in private.

Schrödinger's cat

Here’s me thinking thatt pandas were too far down the evolutionary dead end and had forgotten how


The top 3 contenders for the vacant managerial post at the Scottish branch of the UK Labour Party are as follows:

(1)-Crash Gordon.
(3)-Anus Sarewart.

Thank goodness i believe in Scottish Independence.


I think the shambles of Ed Miliband’s visit to Edinburgh was what did it. Apparently Ed wanted to have a higher profile in the referendum campaign but Lamont was not keen as he was not well known in Scotland. (How is he going to get well known if he doesn’t get to come?) Ed was concerned that Darling and Brown were getting all the profile. His visit to Edinburgh in the last few weeks of the campaign when he was trapped in the St James Centre and had to be rescued, must have convinced him that the Labour organisation in Scotland was a shambles. His visit certainly was.

Robert Louis

Imagine being one of the many Labour MSP’s at Holyrood, and when their is a leadership vacancy, you are told, none of you are capable of doing the job. How loyal would you be??

Patronising and insulting, if they select a Westminster MP, but it will in its own way, open up such fun for Nicola Sturgeon at FMQ’s. It could prove to be even more damaging that Lamont. Think of all those contradictions between what Labour says in Holyrood, and what it does in Westminster.

Marvellous! 🙂

Brian Powell

Labour let all of this go on while we were trying to decide the constitutional future of our country, and kept it quiet.

Rober Louis


Gordon (britin, britin, britin,) Broon, is reportedly already out of it.

Whoever it is, will be yet another Labour halfwit.

Paula Rose

Very true Devorgilla – how can he come if he is not known, btw who is he?

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Paula

My landing is tiled as opposed to a soft landing.

Isn’t everybody’s?

Bugger (the Panda)


Pass the bamboo and a bottle of red.


TJenny says:
26 October, 2014 at 3:27 pm

“I can’t help thinking that JoLa’s apparent rebellion/fall from grace in the Blab party, is nothing other than a ruse.

She can now be piloted into leading a newly formed Scottish Labour Independent Party (not independence though), in the hope of mopping up Slab voters who voted YES, as they may well be conned into thinking they are voting for a party of the YES Alliance, whilst keeping the faith with Labour. (It has to be faith, as it can’t be on any of their policies).”

Maybe this will seem offensive to them, but I wonder if the SSP could nip in and put “Labour” in their title before any trickery occurs?

As for the leadership contest, I want to see Jim “Reptilian” Murphy v. Brian “Frogface” Wilson v. “Honest Dougie” Alexander in 3-way Thai kick-boxing.

Schrödinger's cat

Pass the bamboo and a bottle of red.

Copy of hustler
thrown in for free mon ami

James Caithness

Davy says:
26 October, 2014 at 5:50 pm
It was fun watching Gordon Brewer taking “Anus Sawar” apart during todays politcs show, he showed him up for the liar he is and always will be.

Red torys, Scotlands rat party.

Wouldn’t have it been something to have seen Brewer interviewing the unionist people, prior to the vote on the 18th Sept, the way he interviewed the independence people and Sarwar today.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Schroedinger’s Cat

link to

Especially for you and T J

Paula Rose

Better re-name this thread – ‘sauces in conflict’, then us cooks an discuss béarnaise.

Schrödinger's cat

I wish you hadn’t
But since you did
link to

Bugger (the Panda)

I am not sure of Marine’s french conjugaisons these days but in those days her grazing rights were interesting.

Bugger (the Panda)

Jeez it is her Mother!


@Paula Rose:

Béarnaise and basquaise are for BtP.

I just do cakes. Meringues? Marbré? Tarte Tatin?

Mad Jock McMad

Murphy’s sticky fingers are all over this as he continues his war with McCluskey and Unite in Scotland for control of the Scotch Region.

Version one is the Unite Camp’s; version two, the Murphy camp’s.

As usual none of this has anything to do with what is best for either Scotland or Labour’s increasingly tenuous grip on Scotland.

Murphy has whispered Lady MacBeth like in Ed’s ear, Lamont has been Duncanned, Brown is the drunken night porter crashing around while Darling is trying to wash the Tory blood from his hands.

In the meantime the Yes woods of Birnam continue to encroach on Labour’s Dunsinane.

Schrödinger's cat

Yup panda
Look on the bright side
It wasn’t photos of your mother I posted lol

Paula Rose

Bugger – grazing honey, giggle.

Schrödinger's cat

Let them eat cake AuldA
Let them eat cake


Mad Jock McMad says:
26 October, 2014 at 7:41 pm

“Murphy’s sticky fingers are all over this as he continues his war with McCluskey and Unite in Scotland for control of the Scotch Region.

Version one is the Unite Camp’s; version two, the Murphy camp’s.

As usual none of this has anything to do with what is best for either Scotland or Labour’s increasingly tenuous grip on Scotland.

Murphy has whispered Lady MacBeth like in Ed’s ear, Lamont has been Duncanned, Brown is the drunken night porter crashing around while Darling is trying to wash the Tory blood from his hands.

In the meantime the Yes woods of Birnam continue to encroach on Labour’s Dunsinane.”

If it’s all the same I’d prefer Kezia Dugdale in The Night Porter.
And maybe if we employed a megabucks consultant (s)he’d suggest Untie as a name for Yes “going forward”.

Paula Rose

Tarte Tatin – now we have a serious thread xx


I think it was always on the cards that Scottish Labour were going to get ‘shafted’ by the Tories, but I don’t think Labour really ever contemplated just by how much. Maybe they should have consulted their other bed partners, the Lib dems, who may have given them some notion of by how much, as they have the experience, of getting shafted, from their coalition at Westminster.

The Tories are akin to something from the dark side. Sleekit, and we’ll practised at the ‘dark arts’.

Whether Labour had anything of an inkling of what would befall them for getting into bed with the Tories, the events of the last day or so, should now leave them in no doubt.

It’s no coincidence that Cameron brought out his latter commitment to EVIL, he saved that for the ‘cut the gress’ (pardon my French), knowing by then he would have them ‘by the baws’, so to speak. Broon caught like a rabbit in the head lights. Declared their VOW like a good wee fag and then when he realised what Cameron had stuffed him up his rear end, it was too late.

It’s going to be interesting to see how things develop. I’m pissing myself with excitement, waiting for how Farrage is going to net Cameron and watch him squirm as he has to apologise for what he has called them in the past so he can get them into a coalition after the next GE.
” Help me mother”.


@Schrödinger moggy:

No way. My cakes are only for my most couthy friends!

Mark Coburn

Rev, always go with the Daily Record. Afterall, it is The Branch Office’s press office.


I heard Murphy was not interested in being the Scottish leader which in best Yes Minster tradition means he does want to be leader and was instrumental in stabbing Johann in the back.

Miliband appears to be the David Brent of political leaders.

john king

Schrodingers cat says
“Yup panda
Look on the bright side
It wasn’t photos of your mother I posted lol”

How do you post a daguerreotype?
ooooohhhh. 😉

Paula Rose

Mark Coburn – lovely hero boy, us lovely wingers welcome you to our bosom. Darling do you need some attention?

Dave McEwan Hill

Iain Gray anyone?

john king

Paula Rose says
“Mark Coburn – lovely hero boy, us lovely wingers welcome you to our bosom. Darling do you need some attention?”

Its a rare honour to be welcomed into the (ample) bosom of none other than the delectable Paula Rose Mark (jammy sod) you must have done something really impressive to get that accolade. 🙂
Its nice to see you here Mark.


@Paula Rose

Tarte Tatin, oh that brings back memories. When I was a pastry chef that was a fav of mine. Had a damn good recipe too dontchaknow. Was also a bit of a whizz at hand made chocolates. But yep still whip out the old tarte for the odd dinner party. 🙂


If Scottish Labour are going to have a leadership election, we’ll get another gander at their actual membership numbers, based on how many ballots they send out to CLPs.


So anyway, having been to the hustings at Dalry, it’s Constance for me, and surprisingly her not wanting to be DFM is a yes factor, rather than an eh, what?

She seems to me to have the most clue about why I, previously unaligned, joined, and most likely to reach out not just to me and the others like me, perhaps most of the near 60,000 new members, but also to the wider YES, including SSP and Green and individuals. Hosie fair enough, by the way, did mention SSP. I raised an eyebrow in the past because while the SNP mentioned Green they didn’t mention SSP. It seems they’re getting their act together.

YES Alliance was quite big on the agenda by the way, with all three basically in favour. But it will all take a lot of work and I think being DFM is a downside, as aldo being an MP at Westminster will take Hosie away too much from all us new members, and from talking to Green and SSP.

The first object is to deliver as many pro-indy MPs to Westminster as possible, and I think Constance is the best for that. This was an intra-party political broadcast in praise of Angela Constance! Oh, I saw no knives in the back at the hustings, eat your heart out Johann.

castle hills chavie


Mark is Indy cycler, a hero in Maryhill and Kelvin, so it would be seen in Brechin…

Apa-logies if you already knew this.

Again, cheers John, 🙂


Got in late and read this story. Did have time to read the comments, as I have an early night for an early start tomorrow.

However, the fact that Labour can’t even get their anonymous story straight shows them up for the absolute rank amateurs they are. The saddest thing is that a shitload of the electorate fall for their pish time and time again.

Maybe JoLa did have something when she said we (Scots) aren’t genetically programmed to make political decisions. After all, we fell for completely transparent lies in the run up to the referendum. Now the electorate seem to be in a couldn’t care less mode, even though it’s obvious that there was never any intention of devo anything. Vow? Don’t make me fucking laugh.

Now we will get a relaunch of Scottish Labour with some ("Tractor" - Ed)ous prick like Murphy at the head and no doubt, dyed in the wool, DNA Imprinted, if it wears a red rosette I will vote for it zombies will fall in line and do the needful.

If that is what happens, Scotland is dead to me.


If the three main canidate’s are labour MP’s, how are the labour MSP’s going to react, will they want to be treated like second class wankers ???


So, the new leader of the Scottish Branch of the Labour Party won’t be announced until 13th December which means Jim lad will be able to wash his hands of the Smith Commission which would have ended on 30th November.

Looks like Iain Gray and Greg McClymont are the fallguys, but possibly also that ambitious youg man, Anas.


Well, oddschecker has three bookies offering odds on the new leader, all with Murphy at odds on. This is the page to watch:

link to


I really hope that it’s Shouty man. Will keep me amused for days on end.

john king

HAhahahaha I know Castle hills chavie,
but thanks anyway. 🙂

Schrödinger's cat

Mcternan really is a nasty piece of worker

In the thick of its replacement, the fucker

I can’t believe they have someone lined up to step down and allow an mp to stand in a by election
One lucky msp will be getting a phone call this morning and be told to take the job whether they like it or not
Lookout for msp’s distancing themselves from the post 1st thing this morning

Schrödinger's cat

Mcternan really is a nasty piece of worker

In the thick of its replacement, the fucker

I can’t believe they have someone lined up to step down and allow an mp to stand in a by election
One lucky msp will be getting a phone call this morning and be told to take the job whether they like it or not
Lookout for msp’s distancing themselves from the post 1st thing this morning



Did you also bake ‘tarte normande’?

I was considering moving to Scotland and work in the IT sector, but I wonder if I should not open some kind of bakery 🙂

A great morn to everybody!

Paula Rose

@ AuldA – open a patisserie in Brechin!


Open it wherever Jackie Baillie lives. You would be a very rich fellow indeed.


@Paula Rose:
Looks like a nice and canny little town, but I’m not sure there would be that many customers.

My goal is not to make money. I’m not a capitalist!
Besides, I would feel quite guilty to hone that woman’s (especially considering her interest in the health system) natural gourmandise.

Martin Wood

Johanne’s hypocrisy is a slap in the face this time.

She spent the past three years working to keep us under Westminster control by misrepresentation and underhandedness.

She apparently doesn’t like this when the favour is returned in kind by her Labour “friends” ( why she is surprised by this is beyond me – she was part of the machine ).

But the real masterpiece is her ability to “resign” from Westminster control.

I’d like to resign too – but due to her and her buddies I can’t

Well done Johann – Fighting for the people of Scotland as ever

[…] Sources in conflict […]


You would have thought labour would have mastered the art of collusion by now 🙂

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    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “You seem to be resolutely opposed to accepting that when several witnesses testify to a knife-wielding nutter running into a…Jan 28, 12:33
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “The Colonizer (2025): People ‘moving to Scotland from rest of UK to boost population growth’: “The NRS data, published on…Jan 28, 12:32
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “Aye, It’s a kind of MTragic… For several reasons I haven’t posted pics of the worse taxpayer funded installs on…Jan 28, 12:13
    • Geri on The Silent Revolution: “The USA, in its race to thwart China, has unleased it’s mate BlackRock. BlackRock loves private ownership of everything for…Jan 28, 11:55
    • Skip_NC on The Silent Revolution: “Who decides what murders are open-and-shut and what are the criteria? Stefan Kiszko would assuredly have been hanged if we…Jan 28, 11:06
    • The Flying Iron of Doom on The Silent Revolution: “That photovoltaic arrangement in your photo was just…oof. If only such things could be planned and installed by people who…Jan 28, 10:56
    • Geri on The Silent Revolution: “It’s the exact same method as GERS.i.e – Made up manipulated shite to make resource rich countries look shit.. World…Jan 28, 10:41
    • Cynicus on The Silent Revolution: ““She accidentally said ‘the Mayor of Scotland’ also attended meaning Mayor of London…” ====== Wonderful. She has obviously picked it…Jan 28, 10:17
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “Aye Alf, dire stuff watching all this play out isn’t it. The hydrogen sellout isn’t new news though as I’m…Jan 28, 09:58
    • Alf Baird on The Silent Revolution: “And on our ongoing economic plunder, heard freeport Forbes on Radio shortbread this am announcing some kind of ‘investment’ arrangement…Jan 28, 09:45
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Maybe you’ll have found your independence – in seven hundred years (doubtful:)Jan 28, 08:43
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Speak to MSM. #MSMLeaksJan 28, 08:41
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Yeah, something has changed (hmm)…Jan 28, 08:36
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Yet you claim moral authority over me (sigh) Take a good look in the mirror: You are an abomination to…Jan 28, 08:31
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Look on the bright side, Lochinvar The insatiable forever-losers are shining a torch for everyone…Jan 28, 08:21
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: ““genuine people” Wasn’t it yourself, just a few days ago, who posted admitting you’re a long way past the age…Jan 28, 08:18
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “A careful reading of some of gregor’s recent posts, geri, suggests he still has his own teeth. I believe that…Jan 28, 08:04
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “The Flying Iron of Doom: “Maybe in about seven hundred years time they’ll be calling him the Spammer of the…Jan 28, 08:01
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Cheers G m (makes the effort worthwhile, while I enjoy my annual work holiday) – Latest UK developments… Liz Truss…Jan 28, 07:59
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “Don’t tell me – tell some struggling, tax paying, law abiding citizen who can’t get medical treatment because there’s no…Jan 28, 07:56
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “Cheers, gregor. Leave your details with Rev Stu and I’ll forward you my OnlyFans account details. Live cam every evening…Jan 28, 07:33
    • Captain Caveman on The Silent Revolution: “Wow. The unmitigated spewing forth of unlimited spam and nonsense, and you, “Young Lochivar”, choose to pick out my single,…Jan 28, 07:16
    • Young Lochinvar on The Silent Revolution: “Andy, you seem to have developed a trait in your written opinions assuming that you and the Rev speak, if…Jan 28, 02:04
    • Young Lochinvar on The Silent Revolution: “Why the down votes again? This place is becoming a Unionist tick box site. Needs sorted or genuine people are…Jan 28, 01:56
    • Young Lochinvar on The Silent Revolution: “I don’t agree. Not overnight no but the SNPs electoral defenestration over the last few years shows they have (no…Jan 28, 01:52
    • Young Lochinvar on The Silent Revolution: “Pointless comment. Where’s your blunderbuss moderation here then Rev or are you having a Jekyll and Hyde moment and inventing…Jan 28, 00:51
  • A tall tale

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