Something in reserve
Posted on
September 06, 2014 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
*Readers! Meet Chris in person next Thursday as part of the Scottish Cartoon Art Studio. Tickets are FREE but you need to book in advance. – Ed.
Fandabby! Tucking in for the final sprint. Scotland must have eaten its cereal.
Streaking ahead on the final straight and this is without performance enhancing drugs.
Looks like John Bulls getting cramp.
And the stands are starting to roar us on.
Even here in Geneva’s United Nations community people from all over the world are getting excited. Asking why would anyone vote NO or whether I’ve changed my mind based in the latest scare then going away with several explanations as to why x y or z is nonsense and a big smile.
Roll on the Yes polls tomorrow so we can spend the last few days magnanimously pushing for bigger & bigger yes as BTNT start the concessions in the final tearful acceptance of the inevitable.
Fanciful optimism? Well it has served us through so many years of mocked “fringe” politics to this cusp of finally answering the “when will we see yer likes again” question.
Just like the Commonwealth games.
Scotland won
Sure sign of a thoroughbred if you can keep yer bunnet oan straight when yer all o’re John Bull like a cheap suit on the final bend.
He’s definitely feeling the breath of YES on his brass neck – just ask his surrogate, Alan Cochrane, that sneering pet jock infamous for his obsequious Uncle-Tammery and Lauder-like buffoonery. link to
Squeaky-bum time in Kensington, knightsbridge, chelsea, and Morningside, right enough.
The steely eyes of (self)determination says it all..
O/T @Alistair, glad you got the wbbs past on okay. Thanks again
This is my favourite so far. Thanks for all the smiles Chris.
And unlike the Commonwealth Games, the crowd is full of folks with Yes badges and they are waving big Yes Saltires. Gaun Yersel Scoland!
@ Christian Wright – just read Cocker’ s last ditch effort to save the Union – so any No voters out there just get some sticky back plastic, one of your Mum’s old shoeboxes and a ball of string and hey Presto its saved.
The man’s shittin himself – comedy gold
Brilliant, kinda looks like yer leaning in for the punch.
Oot the way slim. Comin’n through!
Nailed it Chris.
A week and a half to go and I know we can do this. This isn’t the end of the race though, its only the qualifiers.
Next up, we move on to world class arenas.
If Inverness is a litmus test of the campaign then it’s looking good. There are x2 bars that are Yes; The Gellions and Johnny Foxes, both very popular.
I saw a taxi emblazoned with Yes. The Yes stall in town the other day was brisk, and it was heartening to see folk picking up stickers and badges. I got the impression that people are really now starting to (literally) show their true colours.
In contrast, the No shop up Castle Wynd was dead, with a couple of bored staff inside. I came away from the town feeling very upbeat.
A catalogue of Unionist Scary Tales may prove to be a best seller in the near future.
As Steve Cramb EBC commentator would say, “The UK is just in the lead but Scotland is coming up strong on the outside. The underdog is timing its finish perfectly. The coach is watching in the stands and will be delighted the tactics are paying off. Scotland needs to to push really hard, every sinew needs to be strained and be a momentous victory can be theirs!”
Come on Scotland, every vote counts, lets do this!!
OT was on Ayr High Street yesterday. Yes out on force. Seemed to be getting a good reception.
Did notice they have an excellent leaflet, ” Oil jobs boom in Ayrshire. But only in an independent Scotland. ”
Getting the oil in the Clyde message across very effectively!
@Christain Wright says
Squeaky-bum time in Kensington, knightsbridge, chelsea, and Morningside, right enough.
Go Easy on Morningside.
It has a superb YES shop with WBBs, and loads of YES windaes.
Watch out for the attempt to trip you up as you go past!
I sure hope there will be some take on Labour’s yesterday’s men big beasts being let out to spread fear.
A big poster of them with “They had their chance. Vote Yes”
@Christain Wright says:
Squeaky-bum time in Kensington, knightsbridge, chelsea, and Morningside,
Go Easy on Morningside.
It has a superb YES shop with WBBs, and loads of YES windaes.
It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.
Uuurgh… Yes papers delivered. Up and out by 7am. Back for some studying, then off to the stall, before taking part in the Livingston Convoy at Almondvale Stadium.
Great cartoon. The wee lean lion taking on the flabby unionist as they sprint for the finish. Great!
Standing next to 2 guys discussing referendum in pub last night, one no and one yes. I kept out of it, my wife wouldn’t let me!!
No guy going big about better together, etc, etc. got a bit heated. Another guy came to bar, No supporter turned and asked if we were better together. Turns out he was visiting from Estonia and in one sentence destroyed the no argument. Estonia thriving having left the Soviet Union.
Nothing more said and conversation changed to fitba.
@ JLT.
Didn’t see any publicity for the convoy.
Wings had a presence at both the Aberdeen and Cumbernauld ones, don’t think I can make it today but I can e mail the group.
Any details?
Talking about finishing strongly.
This Video has a lovely twist in it.
link to
Wee Alex: Another guy came to bar, No supporter turned and asked if we were better together. Turns out he was visiting from Estonia and in one sentence destroyed the no argument.
I enjoyed your anecdote.
In the independence debate there’s comes a moment when we could do with a Woody Allen moment – that scene from Annie Hall, where he’s fed up with the guy in front of him in the cinema queue pontificating about the work of Marshall McLuhan to his grilfriend. Unable to take any more of the guy’s ramblings, Allan challenges him saying, “You know nothing about him or his writing!”
The guy retaliates with some bullshit about doing a sub-masters degree in McLuhan at which point Allan spots McLuhan actually standing nearby and pulls him over into the despute. McLuhan looks the guy in the eye and says:
“It’s true what he [Allan] says; you know absolutely nothing about my work.”
The guy visibly shrinks, his girlfriend thoroughly embarrassed.
Allan turns to the camera and says to us memorably:
“If only life was like that.”
link to Welcomes teamScotland!
nice structure to the above video – very well crafted
The Herald publishes Tesco denial
link to
That is a smart idea on the video brilliantly done. Thanks for that.
I have introduced my granddaughter to Hamish the Scottish lion, she looks forward to every appearance.
Listened to the Ian Bell interview this morning with Isobel Fraser on BBC Scotland radio. Seems Devo-Max was a done deal in 2010 but ‘down South’ changed their mind just before the election and the pens were taken out to sign up, thinking the result in Scotland would be labour. The Lib Dems were the spanner in the works it is claimed.
Oor Wullie Rennie followed on immediately afterwards to waffle that it wasn’t true. He sounded nervous imploring a NO vote cause it’s too close to call.
Doubly relevant when you consider Scotland paid more for the Olympics in London than the total of the Commonwealth games.
John Bull looks as if he is shiting himself and do you know what..he is
link to they think it’s all over, so they pulled it.
O/T Hope nobody minds if I plug Edinburgh events
If you are in Edinburgh today, looking to help, there is a mass canvassing going on, and a ‘mile of YES’, in central Edinburgh, with at least four YES stalls right in the city centre. Located Haymarket, Frasers, the mound and the Omni centre (Outside cinema) in Leith street. Plus other stalls all over Edinburgh (Grassmarket, Surgeons hall, Stockbridge, Morningside, Marchmont, and many, many others with canvassing going on all day at most.)
Looks like the weather will be nice too.
Time for the final push, 11 days of campaigning time left, we MUST win for Scotland, and every single vote will count.
link to
If you want to help;
Meanwhile radical independence campaign is aiming for a major final canvass and cities takeover on 13th and 14th (next weekend) link to
Oh, and for the music lovers and players, there is this in Edinburgh today;
link to
link to
Sneaky old. Graun, we have their economy, why aren’t they going faster?
There is a time for everything, and just now it’s time for the people of Scotland to stand and take responsibility for their country.
The world watches and their hopes are with us.
@call me dave
I heard that as well and he seemed more hate filled of the SNP than even Labour.
That vote No Graun thing there is one of the worst/best examples of UKOK propaganda in the whole thing. Somehow out of an austerity UKOK block grant, Swinney was able pay or offset £50 million for bedroom tax for Scots and yet the liggers in London monster SNP Scots.Gov “record on social justice” and with out mentioning that the bedroom tax is a Gordon Brown tax and Labour voted for it.
This is the probably heavier hitting BetterTogether propaganda, but still
link to
A good friend of mine just happened to meet Willie Rennie in the street yesterday.
My mate pressed him about a number of matters following which he blustered a lot and made a sharp exit, having been verbally torn up for arsepaper!
@Gerry Parker
I see JLT didnt respond (must have gone away out) did you get any info about that convoy in Livi?
@ Grouse Beater, didn’t Familly Guy rip off that Woody Allen gag with George Bush at a press conference explaining Jesus Christ incited him to go to war in Iraq, so Peter Griffin actually brings on a furious Jesus Christ. Blair did the same, “God will judge me” was probably as low as you get from Blair but you probably wouldn’t get this kind of satire in teamGB now, considering how virtually their whole establishment elite were such a bunch of blood thirsty jingoes for Sadam.
Go Scotland you can do it!!
Was out in Motherwell last night and passed a group of about 8 young girls of about 18. As I had my Yes badge on (and had a few beers) I shouted that I hope u are all voting Yes! Everyone of them said yeah and gave me a high 5. Young and old.. they are all joining the good side
Bonus was the taxi driver was a massive Yes as well on my way home.
O/T Pop over to National Collective and read the revelations of Better Together’s Alistair Darling’s part in the financial crash. Tut tut – who’d believe dishonesty and deception from these unionist cretins?
link to
Westminster has no money for UK tuition/education but buys another air carrier, only £3bn. No other country in the world bar the USA, has 2 aircraft carriers.
@ Christian Wright 7:27am
Regarding the article in The Telegraph regarding fighting to keep the Union..
‘How many ‘No Thanks’, or ‘OK UK’ posters are you displaying in the windows in your house or in your car or in your garden or in your FIELDS?’
Fields?? I think that explains why No won’t win!
Quite an amazing article actually. The writer gets tore into the No readers for moaning and not doing enough.
.. I think you’re too late mate!!
@Stevie boy says:
Was out in Motherwell last night and passed a group of about 8 young girls of about 18. As I had my Yes badge on (and had a few beers) I shouted that I hope u are all voting Yes! Everyone of them said yeah and gave me a high 5.
A lady stopped me in the street this morning because I was wearing my big YES badge.
We had a brief chat.
She was with one group of friends a week ago who were all NOs, but now wanted to talk about the IndyRef, and seemed genuinely unsettled when she answered all their BT arguments with the information that has come out during the debate over the past year or so.
She had also been with another group of friends this week. They had previously all been NO too, but are now all YES.
The point of these stories:-
You don’t have to go on Just wear your YES badge.
YES office morningside,always busy
Its great to think that everyone voting YES are the pace makers behind Scotland and now its that final bend sprint over the line. You may as well vote Yes now Scotland, because next time…
Gerry Parker, Irene got a message on Facebook from JLT AND is roulghly as follows
there is a convoy @ 14.30 at car park just north of the North stand @ Almondvale stadium,
Alderstone road,
eh54 7dn
Richard Mcharg is running this
@ JK, thanks
Stevie boy, re “Fields”
last weekend we travelled from Mull, to a wedding in Dunkeld and came back via Alloa (where my mother lives) Loads of Yes posters in Oban, and esp at Dunbeg. Plenty of Yes signs until we reached St Fillans where we saw the first “Proud to be Scots, delighted to be united” emetic banner. Then quite a few large “No” signs in Perthshire fields. Quite a lot in fact. Different story in Alloa, esp the social housing areas was awash in Yes posters and stickers
There is a huge class-based division line running right through this referendum. Not unexpected I suppose.
Go Hamish! You’ll find yourself ahead as the bend unwinds.
Heedtracker: Blair did the same, “God will judge me”
Isn’t like Blair to suggest he is not accountable to the electorate, only to a higher authority – God?
James: Then quite a few large “No” signs in Perthshire fields.
Not a surprise – it’s full of country land owning Tories.
Kinross and West Perthshire is still SNP. Crieff elected Scotland’s first SNP Provost back the the seventies, the much liked James Rae. You can see him in the forefront of group photographs crossing the Forth Road Bridge on opening day.
Just finished listening to the latest Bateman broadcast and would recommend it.
Super cartoon Chris, Scotland is coming home.
Had a dream last night where I completely lost it in the polling booth with tears and snotters blinnin me. We are all bringing Scotland home go Hamish go..
@James Westland
The top 1% may have 80% of the land & money for No Posters but they still only have one vote each.
@Grouse Beater
Perth can give way to Fife’s Provost James Braid
link to
Handclapping: Fife’s Provost James Braid
You’re right to remind me. (I was a bit young to be aware of both in their day.) Those were the days when to be a member of the SNP was to be a social leper, taunted or avoided by the press and media. You had to be courageous if in public life.
C’mon Hamish! Remember ur training….forget the pressure…don’t get excited…just relax….focus….your in the zone…you will win this.
Can anyone confirm if there is a BBC demo on Sunday? If so what time?
Having run my share of track races in my time, including coming from behind to pass too fast starters in the last 200m, I know how Hamish is feeling there. One last effort and victory is certain. That knowledge and feeling give your heels Wings.
There are enough Scottish oil and gas reserves remaining, actually and potentially, to restructure the entire Scottish economy, create a Sovereign Oil Fund, and create a Scandinavian style society where the Scottish “Common Weal“ is paramount. These estimates are before we add on the oil and gas reserves from the Scottish estuaries (Firths) and Scottish onshore (mainland) oil and gas reserves (over75 million tonnes of crude oil have already been extracted from under mainland Scotland with over 35 million tonnes of crude oil still remaining in place underground in one Scottish mainland well alone). Added to these supermassive oil and gas revenues would be the tax income one would expect from a normal, wealthy, sovereign nation (income tax, VAT, corporation tax, PRT, etc., etc.). Scotland is an EXTTREMELY WEALTHY COUNTRY, literally `floating` on oil and gas resources. It is NOT Scotland that has the problem with economic survival as an independent country. Any person who argues otherwise is either ignoring reality and the facts before them, or they are dealing in lies, deceit and conspiracy (to scare the Scottish people from aspiring to live in a wealthy, socially equitable, just, and inclusive Scotland), light years away from the bankers and financiers capitalist greed in London. Scotland has a massive bargaining chip with this vast oil and gas wealth. These Scottish oil and gas revenues are THE `GAMECHANGER` on a mega scale. The `scare` stories on Scottish independence being run in the Scottish and English media should be run in reverse as applying to the remainder of the UK after Scottish independence, and not to a wealthy, independent, sovereign Scotland. Do the research for yourself, and join the dots the Unionists don`t want you to join. The Unionist scare stories on Scottish independence are unfounded, not based on economic reality, and do not stand up to logic in the cold light of day. They are exactly what they are – scare in a load of hot air.
It’s all about the finish.
Lol. Like your post.
I have quite a few moments these days when I feel a wee patriotic tear coming to my eye.
Even reading ordinary people like myself’s comments on here.. shows just how much it means to us all!
I’ll be greetin’ like a big Jesse when Yes has claimed victory.
Giving Goose – 3 bars in the Sneck, don’t forget McCallum’s and their Yes window
a wider choice to celebrate in on the 19th.
Snode 1965
Regarding the BBC demo I believe it’s next Sunday 14th at Pacific Quay between 2-4pm.
I was at the last one and will be going to this as well as my brother and sister.. and lots more brothers and sisters I’d imagine.
Let’s send a big message out to them, they’re a disgrace!!
See u there pal!
Ps. I’ll be the one with the Yes badge on
James Westland
Yeah ur right mate, there is a huge class division running straight through this referendum.
That’s one of the things I find most heartening is that this time all the people with the money that think ‘I’m alright Jack, did the rest’ will be outnumbered by the wee ordinary decent compassionate people that want to be helped and help others.
Money doesn’t talk this time!!!
NAW’s oot in shopping centre Glenrothes and was offered the obligotary leaflet but refused it showing my two YES metal badges on my lapel & one large one on my tablet case. Sneering and snorting he turned round and was off. On a more positive note though
lots of their leaflets in and around bins
three people who I see nearly everyday in the town centre, who were anonymous regards their intentions last week, were wearing YES badges today. Who knew!
Cochrane as usual talking a load of shite. Also have you noticed how quiet the MSM, especially in the south have been about Farrage’s coming visit to aid the ‘YES’ campaign, LOL.
Auld Rock
In the background you can hear the people of Scotland .
“Come away ma wee Geordie!!”
Changing the subject for a moment, just listening to news and that young Aysha King is going to the Czech Republic for his treatment. Treatment not available in this great big ‘better together’ country yet little old recently INDEPENDENT Czech Republic has it for their citizens. Also doesn’t look like any ‘BORDERS’ exist to get little Aysha the proton beam treatment which hopefully will save his young life. Another ‘bittertogether’ lie exploded. As Nicola said the other night a bunch of “misleaders”.
Auld Rock
(7th attempt repost)
That’ll be Hamish, our Flying Scotsman, heading into the last bend and jogging in to a comfortable win.
After that, it’s up to all of us.. YOU voted for independence, so what would you like in your Scotland?
International Scotland WILL thrive upon independence. Other than all the other natural influxes of investment, the people themselves can crowd-fund Scotland through their ongoing daily routines..
Say, for example, you go to add some fuel to your motor-vehicle
instead of popping in a fiver (£5) or a tenner (£10).. On the 24th of March 2016.. if you can, FILL HER UP BABY! (hmm, maybe do it within the first couple of weeks).
It’s a pleasant thought driving on independent Scotlands roads with a full tank of fuel and helping our economy at the same time, but then, it would be the same for every other day-to-day thing!
X VOTE for Hamish X
(8th attempt repost)
That’ll be Hamish, our Flying Scotsman, heading into the last bend and jogging in to a comfortable win.
After that, it’s up to all of us.. YOU voted for independence, so what would you like in your Scotland?
Say, for example, you go to add some fuel to your motor-vehicle
instead of popping in a fiver (£5) or a tenner (£10).. On the 24th of March 2016.. if you can, FILL HER UP BABY! (hmm, maybe do it within the first couple of weeks).
It’s a pleasant thought driving on independent Scotlands roads with a full tank of fuel and helping our economy at the same time, but then, it would be the same for every other day-to-day thing!
X VOTE for Hamish X
Auld rock, the proton center in Prague is a private facility. Aren’t they bad?
Latest……..YouGov poll puts YES at 51% and NO at 49%…….how accurate is that cartoon…..we’re coming off the last bend…..the crowds are roaring…..and the winning post is in sight. Don’t look round, keep working hard……by god we’re gonna win this.
Chris Cairns……you are genius….all your Referendum cartoons in a book please…best seller guaranteed
Great cartoon Chris, lets all roar over that line.
O/T how do you all keep your Yes badges? I give mine away to anybody that asks for one.