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Small lunatic fringe forms splinter group

Posted on December 04, 2013 by


About 1,000 more and LFI will be bigger than Scottish Labour’s actual membership.

99 to “Small lunatic fringe forms splinter group”

  1. desimond says:

    I wish to be known as Loretta!

    REG: Right. You’re in. Listen. The only people we hate more than the Romans are the f*cking Judean People’s Front.
    P.F.J.: Yeah…
    JUDITH: Splitters.
    P.F.J.: Splitters…
    FRANCIS: And the Judean Popular People’s Front.
    P.F.J.: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Splitters. Splitters…
    LORETTA: And the People’s Front of Judea.
    P.F.J.: Yeah. Splitters. Splitters…
    REG: What?
    LORETTA: The People’s Front of Judea. Splitters.
    REG: We’re the People’s Front of Judea!
    LORETTA: Oh. I thought we were the Popular Front.
    REG: People’s Front! C-huh.
    FRANCIS: Whatever happened to the Popular Front, Reg?
    REG: He’s over there.
    P.F.J.: Splitter!

  2. So (Scottish) Labour are the splinter group now then 🙂

  3. Seasick Dave says:

    Remind me again, who are Scottish Labour?
    I thought that there was no such thing.

  4. David says:

    Scottish Labour for Independence – Scottish Thistle
    Scottish Labour for Unionism – English Rose
    Says it all.

  5. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Does Duncan Hotdogstall know about this?
    Someone will have to tell him.

  6. MochaChoca says:

    And it looks like the Tories are on to Darling.
    He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy….

  7. MajorBloodnok says:

    I saw a couple of Labour for Independence flags at the rally in September.  Pretty cool I thought – proper red flags with the thistle in the top corner like a hammer and sickle.

  8. Adrian B says:

    I can see that “1000” gap starting to narrow.

  9. Jimbo says:

    @ Seasick Dave:
    Eric Joyce agrees with that – there is no such thing as a Scottish Labour Party. According to him:  

    “There’s also the problem that there is literally no such political party as the Scottish Labour Party. It’s just a brand created by some clever advertising bods in London years ago – the construct was a good idea then; with a strong SNP administration it’s a disaster. You can’t be the leader of something which doesn’t exist. The leader of Falkirk Council, a decent bloke by the way, isn’t the leader of the Labour Party in Falkirk – similarly, Johann Lamont is the leader of Labour in Holyrood but not in Scotland – there’s only one Labour party, so there’s only one leader.”
    link to

  10. Morgwn C Davies says:

    Interesting times, out campaigning under the Yes banner, it used to be assumed that you where a SNP supporter, This weekend told by a member of the public don’t think if you vote Yes you will get a Labour government in Scotland, held my tongue from saying thank God for that looking at their performance at the moment, and said why. Answer ” You get another SNP government.”
    Presumably now all Yes campaigners are in fact Labour for Independence supporters dreaming of a Labour government in an independent Scotland.     

  11. balgayboy says:

    Looks like LFI are gaining the upper hand and the rump UK labour party in scotland are on the run…..good.

  12. Seasick Dave says:

    Ah, yes, I remember now,

  13. Morgan McKeown says:

    Well Miss Sturgeon did say last week there was no real difference between Labour and the SNP on social policy>>>>The SNP, Labour< Tory< LibDem are all the same>>>>4 cheeks of the same backside…..ALL WANTING continued BRUSSELS RULE an citing it as patriotism.  

  14. It shows undecided voters that its not just SNP who desire Independence, keep up the good work 

  15. Keef says:

    When Scotland votes Yes there needs to be a strong Labour party either in power or in opposition. The present numpties are a real “project fear”. Thank god for LFI.
    I hope a real Scottish Labour party will be formed by true socialists who wish to serve their fellow Scots. Unlike the present freebie seeking mob flipping houses as they await their ermine.

  16. Peter A Bell says:

    Councillor Alex Lunn defects from Labour to SNP
    Would the last person to leave British Labour in Scotland please switch off Maggie Curran.

  17. Michael Laing says:

    *yawn* The independence referendum is about Scottish independence, not the EU. The policies of individual parties towards the EU are irrelevant to this issue.

  18. Cath says:

    Was about to post that too Peter
    “A LABOUR councillor has defected to the SNP so he can campaign for a Yes vote in next year’s independence referendum. 
    Alex Lunn, who represents Craigentinny/Duddingston, said he believed the SNP now reflected his political views better than Labour.”

  19. TJenny says:

    I recollect someone, either in a comment on here possibly, or on Twitter, saying that we should brace ourselves in anticipation of the announcement of a new political party to be launched by the end of this year. 
    Could it be that LFI actually do now have enough support to split from SLab and emerge as a whole new entity, registered with the Electoral Comlmission.  If so, might we see some SLab big hitters (cough) move out of the dark and into the light?

  20. ScotFree1320 says:

    ‘Brussels Rule’ exists by virtue of the agreement of its members to pool sovereignty in certain areas for the mutual benefit of all.  Please explain, why is that not patriotic?

  21. Cath says:

    “Could it be that LFI actually do now have enough support to split from SLab and emerge as a whole new entity, registered with the Electoral Comlmission”
    As “Scottish Labour” don’t exist and aren’t on the electoral commission register, they could even take the name.

  22. Linda's Back says:

    I would not be surprised if more Labour representatives switch to YES as not happy with the Unionist stance of the Labour leadership.
    Can anyone shed any light on the Tory / Labour coalition in Stirling plans to close Libraries as they had not budgeted for the £400,000 cost of hosting the Armed Forces Day next summer in order to hijack the Bannockburn commemorations.
    Can’t see anything about this online.

  23. desimond says:

    @ Peter A Bell

    Bravo…now pass me a cloth so i can wipe the Irn Bru from my desk and monitor!

  24. chalks says:

    Yes, my how Brussels rule us.
    They have control over our Energy, Welfare, Military, Foreign Policy, Taxation, Budget.
    Oh wait, no they don’t.

  25. braco says:

    I wish it were true, and I all power to Labour for Indy’s elbow, but surely ‘likes’ on a Facebook page are not the same as membership figures for a political party? I know I am coming across as a stick in the mud Rev, but some of the comments seem to be taking this a little too seriously.
    Does anyone actually know the real membership figures of Labour for Indy?

  26. Keef says:

    My money is still on a Labour MSP defecting before the end of January. Mr. Lunn’s defection brings to mind the very insightful quote by Joan of Arc ” après moi, le deluge”.

  27. heraldnomore says:

    are they waking up?
    link to
    do we care?

  28. TJenny says:

    Cath – do you not think the name ‘Scottish Labour’ is somewhat tainted now?  Although I suppose the name LFI would have to be changed after a YES vote. So maybe they’ll launch as Scottish Indy Labour or somesuch. (that acronym leaves itself wide open to SILly puns/barbs though.)

  29. squarego says:

    Braco. You’re right, Likes on the page come from yes supporters of all persuasions – yet another example of the inclusive and consensual possibilities for our future parliament.
    I don’t think there can be a membership count of LFI as it’s not a formalised group? 

  30. Macart says:

    @Peter Bell
    Smilin’ for the rest of the day on that one. 😀
    Won’t be long now and hopefully what we’ll be left with is a Labour party that represents people before state or career.
    It already has potentially 3,677 members. 😉

  31. Papadocx says:

    This is the opportunity for all political parties to re invent themselves draw a line under the past and start with a clean slate. This is their chance, if they want to go down with the sinking ship, so let it be. NONE ARE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO SEE!

  32. Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy) says:

    “I don’t think there can be a membership count of LFI as it’s not a formalised group”
    Actually it is. It has a membership system and the only requirement is that you are already a member of Labour – or not a member of any other political party.
    “Membership is open to all who are committed to an independent Scotland and the restoration of a real Labour Party at the heart of it. Members cannot belong to a political party other than the Labour Party. However, those who are not members of any political party are welcome.
    “If you wish to become a member of Labour for Independence, please fill out the online form below or download and print the membership form.
    “You can pay your annual membership subscription directly into our account, by cheque or Paypal. Waged membership is £10 per year and unwaged membership is £5 per year.”

  33. balgayboy says:

    Apologies for O/T.
    Just been reading NNS excellent article but I struggle with the view in paragraph 7 in Stand-2 Online Media
    Would like to understand their perception of “anodyne messages” 
    Personally I find a open comment forum like WOS is more enlightening even with all it’s warts and all….. rather than the seemingly administrated selective “on message” style decided.
    Pointless commenting to NNS on this subject but I still support their mission.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Just been reading NNS excellent article but I struggle with the view in paragraph 7 in Stand-2 Online Media
      Would like to understand their perception of “anodyne messages” “

      One of these days I’m going to snap and insta-ban someone who says “I’ve just been reading such-and-such an article” and then DOESN’T BLOODY WELL LINK TO IT OR EVEN GIVE THE SODDING TITLE.

      And then have them brutally murdered.

  34. Morgan McKeown says:

    NO the SNP make the referendum about continued membership of the EU: The Lisbon Treaty in part: Pledge of allegiance and growing military convergence based in Strasbourg> Eurocorps “Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Hungary, Malta,
    Austria, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and the Slovak Republic declare that the flag with a circle of
    twelve golden stars on a blue background, the anthem based on the ‘Ode to Joy’ from the Ninth
    Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven, the motto ‘United in diversity’, the euro as the currency of the
    European Union and Europe Day on 9 May will for them continue as symbols to express the sense of
    community of the people in the European Union and their allegiance to it”.
    RECALLING that the common security and defence policy is an integral part of the common foreign and security policy;
    that it provides the Union with operational capacity drawing on civil and military assets; that the Union may use such assets
    in the tasks referred to in Article 28 B of the Treaty on European Union outside the Union for peace-keeping, conflict
    prevention and strengthening international security in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter; that
    the performance of these tasks is to be undertaken using capabilities provided by the Member States in accordance with the
    principle of a single set of forces;>>>>
    Apparently its just about TRADE in straight cucumbers,buying washing machines and the ability to go on holiday unhindered

  35. heraldnomore says:

    Was there not an SNP councillor at SLC, I think for Blantyre, jumped ship to Labour last week, apparently unhappy with all the separashun stuff?

  36. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Someone on the BT side is taking this money-saving poll seriously – Yes has dropped to 62% from a 65 high.
    link to

  37. steviecosmic says:

    So you’d prefer no co-operation on peacekeeping?
    Amazing. We don’t want to buy crazy, we’re all stocked up on that.

  38. Adrian B says:

    Its not looking like a good day for Labour or Alistair Darling.

  39. Wayne says:

    Just been reading NNS excellent article but I struggle with the view in paragraph 7 in Stand-2 Online MediaWould like to understand their perception of “anodyne messages” Personally I find a open comment forum like WOS is more enlightening even with all it’s warts and all….. rather than the seemingly administrated selective “on message” style decided.Pointless commenting to NNS on this subject but I still support their mission.
    I regularly post there, and have had comments refused for whatever reason.  Their moderation is certainly on the strict side, which must be very time consuming given they get a substantial readership.  However, the standard of article is fantastic. I think what they don’t want is the tit-for-tat banality you get on the newspaper comments pages.

  40. balgayboy says:

    M&M @ 12.45
    Looks like Scotland had little say in that treaty.
    link to

  41. Tamson says:

    Regarding councillor Lunn, IMO he’d have done more for a Yes vote by staying in Labour and campaigning fir a Yes vote.
    By defecting he merely reinforces the perceptions of tribalism.

  42. MajorBloodnok says:

    @Morgan McKeown
    So you’ll be a YES voter then?  Because according to all respected authorities (well, Alistair Darling, Alistair Carmichael, Blair MacDougall,  etc.) as we soon as we vote YES, we’d be kicked out of the EU despite what the SNP want.

  43. From the MoneySavingExpert poll:
    Note: We have detected unusual voting patterns on the ‘I live in Scotland’ vote – inc a disproportionate number of Scottish voters (even taking into account the topic). Its likely there’ve been email/social media campaigns to drum up voters. So the result may be far from representative.

  44. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Now we know why Darling’s face is a minefield of involuntary ticks – scores of irate Lilliputian colleagues are firing volleys of wee toty arrows at him whenever he opens his gob.

  45. Luigi says:

    (even taking into account the topic).
    How on earth could he determine that?

  46. braco says:

    Morgan Mckeown,
    we are members of the EU as we speak. We will be be members of the EU directly after Independence. There will be NO difference in our position vis a vis EU powers, except for the all important one.
    That is, Scotland’s electorate will be able to decide our future relations with that organisation democratically, rather than our current position of being forced to follow the path chosen by the rUK and it’s totally dominant electorate’s our attitudes to EU membership.
    Of course that only matters if you want that decision on the EU to reflect the democratic will of the Scots electorate. They may well vote to remain within the EU after all, who knows? I am more than happy to argue my preference from within an independent Scotland, come the time, and will absolutely abide by the decision of the electorate whatever they decide. How about you Morgan?
    Because, I am getting the distinct impression, that many on the anti EU side would rather continue to forego Scottish democracy, in the hope of drifting out of the EU on the coat tails of an increasingly anti European English majority no matter what Scotland’s electoral view is on the matter.
    Or am I reading you all wrong?

  47. But more bizarre than the MoneySavingExpert poll is the one at link to , where YES is leading NO 83% to 17%

    This is the site that exists to ensure that “the patriotism of the quiet majority ” is heard 😀

  48. Danus Skene says:

    A little history.  There WAS a Scottish Labour Party, 1975-79.  Leader Jim Sillars, Chairman Joe Farrell, Secretary Alex Neill (wonder what happened to him)  I am very proud to have been Vice-Chairman.  Since we failed to hang on, riddled by Trots as we were (George Kerevan, wonder what happened to him), there has been NO Scottish Labour Party.

  49. balgayboy says:

    Wayne @ 12.57
    The NNS article has been online for over 13 hours with only 8 comments?
    A very good article I admit but I feel their “anodyne message” censorship is counteractive to their article in comparison to the like’s of WOS.
    Their call, I admit but I feel that NNS are not interested in the common feelings of the people who want to respond to their articles.
    The independence debate is not only about intellectuals and the well read in my view.

  50. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    The EU is an entirely voluntary organisation which any nation can apply to join and any nation already a member can negotiate withdrawal from. Independent nations in the EU freely agree to share sovereignty and responsibilities in areas which they judge appropriate and in their national interest. All countries have veto facilities which can be used on important issues.

  51. Illy says:

    I wonder what they would consider “usual” voting patterns?

  52. Macandroid says:

    Peter @ 12:09
    Who in God’s name turned her on in the first place?
    No answers please – the thought is far too disturbing!

  53. @ Danus Skene
    (George Kerevan, wonder what happened to him)
    He writes for Newsnet Scotland

  54. Munguin says:

    Scottish Labour will get an inexplicable overnight spike of hundreds of new likes as Anas sits there with his twitchy finger!!

  55. tris says:

    I bet there is an email going out now telling BT adherents to “like” “Scottish” Labour.

  56. wee jamie says:

    As a life-long S.N.P voter, and independence supporter, I find myself visiting the L.F.I page on a daily basis , and agree with about 90% of the content. Up until this point , I have been unable to square my in- built  traditional Scottish  socialist values, with what the British version of the labour party had on offer, and the  certainty that my country should be free. Now that Alan Grogan & co are out in the open , I may re consider my party voting allegiance  at some point in the future ,although until the referendum is won ,and all post indy negotiations are complete, I can think of no better equipped and competent  team to look after our interests than Salmond and Sturgeon, and think the latter would be the ideal representative of our nation on the world stage, as she personifies all that is good about our wee country.

  57. chalks says:

    Perhaps McKeown could enlighten as to what exactly his problem is with having a free trade arrangement with our closest neighbours? 

    Or do you believe that India and China will actually trade on a level like we trade with the EU if we were not in it?

    Do you know about the British Empire? 

  58. martyn says:

    there is no thing as Scottish labour, however due to the Labour party having “Scottish labour” listed as a “description” under their header party (Labour) i wasnt able to register Scottish Labour as a political party……
    Tried to do it about 2 months ago but the EC said no….cost me £150 but worth a punt

  59. Weedeochandorris says:

    Wee bit o/t, sorry if too early, but reading here and there that Katie Hopkins ‘dropped from this morning by ITV’.  Good news if it’s true – the 70,000 or so signatures did the job.

  60. MochaChoca says:

    I’m in two minds about the benefits or otherwise of the EU, however with regard to the Indy referendum I really feel this is a red herring.

    We are currently ‘in’ and therefore remaining ‘in’ (albeit as a new member state) represents continuation of our current European status.

    Once we are independent, and if there appears to be sufficient demand for it, an in/out referendum in Scotland may well come about. Until then we leave the choice up to our larger neighbour in the south.

    I suspect if the SNP felt that a likelyhood of leaving the EU would increase support for YES then that is a policy/stance they would surely adopt (undoubtedly to much ‘cries of you’ll not be allowed to leave the EU’ from BT, quoting the timescale it took Greenland to do so).

  61. Robert Louis says:

    Just reading some comments above regarding the pro independence website NewsnetScotland. 
    Both WoS and NNS are great sites, but they do different things, with the same goal, independence.  Different approaches can be more useful than lots of sites doing the same thing.  You might say, different strokes for different folks.
    Personally, i have come to accept the NNS decision to restrict comments, principally because it means their meager resources can be used to create more content.  Their detailed, near forensic documenting of blatant BBC bias against independence is second to none, and it is something which we should all applaud.
    I love WoS, mainly for the excellent articles by Rev and others and also the comments, but sometimes, I also enjoy the more straighforward approach taken by NNS.  We need all the pro indy sites we can get, and the more variety there is, the better.

  62. Robert Louis says:

    What I can never fathom, is why Labour have allowed themselves to be painted into this constitutional corner by the London Tory Government.  I mean, strategy??  What strategy?
    Already we are seeing reports whereby Tories are unhappy with Darling’s performance as head of the anti independence campaign, and they are still ahead in the polls.  Labour will simply gain nothing from their current stance.  If No loses, then Darling and ‘Scottish’ Labour will be blamed by the Tories and likely by London Labour too.  If the NO campaign wins, then it is Cameron, and NOT Darling who will get the credit.  A win-win for the Tories and a lose-lose for Labour.  It is beyond stupid.
    I am what might be termed, a socialist (in the REAL sense, not NEW Labour), and cannot for one nanosecond understand what Labour think they will gain.  The SNP have just put forward a prospectus for a vision of Scotland which almost exactly matches what a progressive socialist vision might be, and yet such is the animosity within Labour towards the SNP, they cannot seem able to think ahead, and grasp the opportunity.
    Oh, Labour, if only you could wise up.  
    It does NOT surprise me at all, that the Labour for independence group are doing so well.  Just as the late great Jimmy Reid famously said when he left the ‘Scottish’ Labour party for the SNP, many Labour supporters in Scotland must now also be thinking, ‘I didn’t leave the Labour party, the Labour party left me’.

  63. Seasick Dave says:

    With regards to impartiality in schools, I have been in contact with the Scottish Government again and they have pointed me to this document.
    link to
    I have not read it yet but if schools are not aware of it then they certainly should be.

  64. @ Robert Louis
    We need all the pro indy sites we can get, and the more variety there is, the better.
    I’ve set up an index / guide to all online referendum related info and issues. If you know of any good YES sites that you think should be included please drop me a line.
    link to

  65. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Rev –
    Who wrote it? Where? When? (:))

  66. Stuart Black says:

    @Ian Brotherhood – Your Lilliputian comment made me laugh, but it also put me in mind of a cartoon by Martin Rowson, that rarest of creatures, an English based political cartoonist who actually gets Scotland. His colleague Steve Bell may want to take a bit of notice.
    Anyway, here’s the cartoon it brought to mind. 😉
    link to

  67. Xander says:

    Didn’t know you had your very own link on LFI homepage, Rev.
    link to

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Didn’t know you had your very own link on LFI homepage, Rev.”

      Me either. Yay!

  68. john king says:

    Peter Bell says
    “Would the last person to leave British Labour in Scotland please switch off Maggie Curran.”
    I would love to see her melt into a little puddle, and all that’s left are a pair of ruby slippers and a pointy hat.

  69. Xander says:

    For the Rev:
    link to

  70. Morgan McKeown says:

    The UK is in Scotland is not recognised as a state but a region of a member state the same as England…although England is broken down into 9 regions…N.Ireland,Wales and Scotland are treated as a region in their entirety>>>>England is not>
    There is nothing wrong with doing trade with one another which is what the Common Market was>>>>This EU is not the Common Market. I quoted the Lisbon treaty which is basically the EU constitution re draft>>>We are not art the end game yet>>>>2017 is an important date in its calender>>>>Ted Heath and Harold Wilson both said being in the common market would not lead to an exchange of sovereignty on any issues>>>>IT HAS at a UKlevel which is why UKIP is rising in the polls in rUK. Its not just the UK across Europe people re waking up to the notion that trade is one thing but we certainly did not sign up to the EU telling us what to do in our everyday lives,, being on our passport, having an army,a president an external security service>>>>
       A bit of an assumption that the SNP think that Scots want Brussels rule..I can mind when Georgia, Estonia, Lithuania, Azerbaijan,et al. All were in a single currency, a CAP, Common Security and defence policy, single border policy, fisheries, energy and Industry policy..funny how the SNP advocate that as Independence when those countries called it soviet communism…and anti democratic. The EU calls it “The Community Method”. Just as all those nations met in th 2nd chamber of the parliament in Moscow…all the EU nations meet up in Brussels…Just as the Soviet EU had a 12 person unelected politburo….the EU has a 26 person unelected “Commission”…The unelected EU foreign and security Commissioner Baroness Ashton gets to offer security contracts to Libya to help secure Libya`s borders as part of The European External Action Service>>>>What has that got to do with free movement of trade and goods and services? The view I hold is entirely compatible with the SNP of the 1970’s,Scottish Sovereignty Movement of today and of course the UK wide left :on the left “No2EU-Yes to workers rights” and “The United kingdom Independence Party”    which holds the view that any pan european political union was a threat to to sovereignty not just of Scotland but of the peoples and nations of the continent of europe. I might vote @yes@ but the SNP are the shoo in for the 18 months after to gerrymander our sovereignty away…so no change from the current UK position at all>>>The SNP LAB CON LIB are all Eunionists>>>born out by the defection today of Labour to the SNP of councillors who could not even defect to their Scottish Labour for Indy counterparts. Ye can’t tell the difference between the established parties as they are all shades of red>>>>              

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “There is nothing wrong with doing trade with one another which is what the Common Market was>>>>This EU is not the Common Market. I quoted the Lisbon treaty which is basically the EU constitution re draft>>>We a”

      For gawd’s sake, what the hell am I meant to do with all this chevron shit? Where did they teach you that in English?

  71. john king says:

    Scotsrenewables says
    “This is the site that exists to ensure that “the patriotism of the quiet majority ” is heard”
    Ive always thought of that site as being a tongue in cheek jibe at the no campaign and in fact was a yse campaign site, 
    your not seriously telling me some genius decided to call  NO Scotland  really?
    why didn’t they go the whole hog and call it NO Hope?

  72. john king says:

    Scotsrenewables says
    “This is the site that exists to ensure that “the patriotism of the quiet majority ” is heard”
    I’ve always thought of that site as being a tongue in cheek jibe at the no campaign and in fact was a yes campaign site, 
    your not seriously telling me some genius decided to call  NO Scotland  really?
    why didn’t they go the whole hog and call it NO Hope?

  73. john king says:

    Scotsrenewables says
    “This is the site that exists to ensure that “the patriotism of the quiet majority ” is heard”
    I’ve always thought of that site as being a tongue in cheek jibe at the no campaign and in fact was a yes campaign site, 
    your not seriously telling me some genius decided to call it NO Scotland  really?
    why didn’t they go the whole hog and call it NO Hope?

  74. john king says:

    I contacted STV last night after watching that pantomime about the meltdown of a non party(UKip)

    Dear Mr King
    Thank you for your comments about our Scotland Tonight programme.
    We do review each programme after it has been broadcast and we will consider your views within this process.
    Thank you again for taking the time to get in touch; viewer feedback of any kind is always welcome here at STV.
    Kind Regards,


    Can anyone please explain to me why a party which has absolutely no representation in Scotland gets 15 minutes airtime on Scotland tonight? and the deference given to that man Lord? Monkton by John Mackay  was truly sickening I sincerely hope this company will lose its fixation with London centric views and focus on the real story before its too late for you and this country (who coincidentally pay your wages)

    john king

  75. chalks says:

    The EU will not eradicate sovereign decisions, with the recent crashes a line is currently being drawn on the influence they extoll over nations.  It is certainly true though that some issues need addressing, but to say that the EU affects our everyday decisions is horseshit.  
    The EU stamp has been put on the passports/driving licences to allow easier travel between countries, it’s not to eradicate soveriegnty….you poor wee soul, would you like you’re little flag back?
    Fisheries and farming were sent to the back of the room by the westminster gov, who suffered?  Not England. Scotland did.  Scotland would have more influence in the EU as an independent country, rather than 6 MEP’s we’d have double that number, we’d also be entitled to more grants resulting from our membership of this.  There are decent things which the EU has acheived and obviously areas where they need to back off, but the juice is worth the squeeze. 
    I don’t think it’s in your interests to highlight weapons deals with Libya, as all the major players in the EU have been at that particular chestnut.
    Wait and see.

  76. tartanfever says:

    Morgan McKeown:
    some fair points about the EU, I have my doubts about where it’s all heading with them. I believe that you can’t have an economic model that fits such diverse economies.
    However, they have given us written human rights (the UK never has), they’ve helped promote renewable energy, they’ve targeted excessive work hours  (but the UK opted out), they’ve helped clean up our beaches, they’re trying to launch an investigation into state privacy intrusion (again, the UK have blocked it) and they have attempted to start regulating the banks through transaction charges which is the real reason that Cameron wants out of the EU -to save his banker chums in the City (immigration has become a handy scapegoat) and many other things.
    So it’s not all bad with the EU – in many ways they have done a lot more for us than Westminster has.

  77. Seasick Dave says:

    I don’t think that you grasp that no country is truly independent, as in ‘No man is an island’.
    What we lack at the moment is the ability to make all of our decisions in Holyrood, not Westminster, to raise and spend all our taxes and to control our resources.
    This is why I will be voting Yes.

  78. Tîm Criced i Gymru says:

    @ Peter A Bell
    Councillor Alex Lunn defects from Labour to SNP
    Yahoo! Brave man, and good on him! Let’s start to see a few more defections (and made public) and I’m convinced there will be an unstoppable ‘domino effect’… Then we’ll see who’s REALLY running scared!

  79. MajorBloodnok says:

    My view is that the EU does more good than harm (no more shit and condom covered beaches thanks to the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive for one).
    And you’ve got to ask yourself, if the UK establishment is against it then it must be a force for good in the round, because they can clearly see it as real threat to their cosy practices as it seeks to prise the lid off the putrid can of Westminster worms.

  80. mamaclanger says:

    I’ve just tried to find the Scottish Labour Party fb page just to have a shufty and it’s either hiding or not there anymore. There was an automated page with 432 likes but that was it!

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I’ve just tried to find the Scottish Labour Party fb page just to have a shufty and it’s either hiding or not there anymore. There was an automated page with 432 likes but that was it!”

      Facebook’s internal search is the most mindbogglingly useless ever devised. You have to bypass it and use Google:

      link to

  81. southernscot says:

    I like the fact that the EU takes on huge companies for anti-competitive practices (Microsoft, LG, Siemens, etc ) something the UK wouldn’t even consider.
    PDF Alert!
    link to

  82. chalks says:

    link to
    I presume McKeown, this is OK?

  83. Edward says:

    Why don’t the Labour for Independence just call it?
    In other words set out their stall as the ‘official’ Scottish Labour Party
    What can Labour in Scotland do about that?
    Maybe I’m missing some parts of the jigsaw here
    Also why didn’t the councillor that’s defected to the SNP in order to campaign for a Yes vote not have a word with Labour for Independence?. He should have stayed put  and still campaigned for a yes vote. That would have had far more effect on the Labour party in Scotland, who are cracking up as it is

  84. Dal Riata says:

    In an independent Scotland, will, what we presently know as “The Scottish Labour Party”, still be called that?Let’s imagine a scenario where it was believed a name change was needed. Would those registering a new political party want to use ‘Labour’ in their party’s title at all, be it ‘The Scottish Labour Party’, or just plain ‘The Labour Party’?
    After the way the present Labour Party in Scotland has been acting and behaving and will, no doubt, continue to act and behave right up to the referendum (and beyond?), and the way they are being viewed by increasing numbers of disaffected voters, would there be a fear of using ‘Labour’ in a future Scottish political party’s name because of them perhaps then being seen by the population as being ‘tainted by association’ (of the name)? …. Or not?

  85. As someone who is a member of Scottish Labour, who recently joined Labour for Indy… I can tell you, labforindy is 100% more active, more engaged. 
    Its network is far from being a mere online activism (which I found with Scots Labour, its ‘grass roots’ are moribund).
    So the notion that labforindy could eventually outgrow the actual Scots Lab core membership doesn’t surprise me. Its about principles before self-interested party hacks really isn’t it?

  86. Andy-B says:

    LFI are the REAL Scottish Labour, to hell with the imposters.

  87. Even our Red Tories down here have more likes than yours. Incidentally if you add the taff and jock branches of the Red Tories together you get half the amount of LFI.

    LFI should brand themselves as the biggest Labour page in Scotland.

  88. Paula Rose says:

    Surely in an independent Scotland the name ‘The Labour Party’ will be up for grabs? Also I notice the Yes groups converge whereas the No groups are constantly separating.

  89. HandandShrimp says:

    Re: the MoneySavingPoll, I see that Better Together are giving it laldy. I notice also that Wales and Northern Ireland have swung to No. Given the percentage increase in the polls today looks like a real effort has been made. Still 59% to 41% for Yes but it was 66% to 33% when I went to bed last night. I think the MSE guy is probably wishing he hadn’t started this one.
    England are quite adamant we are not going I see. So much for all the trolls that say give us the vote and we will send you on your way. Absolutely no way they are getting a say on this performance 🙂

  90. X_Sticks says:

    “putrid can of Westminster worms”
    Very eloquently put Major.

  91. A2 says:

    “And then have them brutally murdered.”
    Could you hold off till next September?

  92. A2 says:

    “your not seriously telling me some genius decided to call  NO Scotland  really?”
    The guy’s ex BNP

  93. Xander says:

    I can’t join LFI as I am already a member of another party, however I wish LFI every success. I have no trouble believing that LFI are more active on the ground as I’ve seen LFI out and about in Midlothian. I’ve met Allan, Alex and Celia briefly and they positively reek of conviction and commitment. As for Celia, she appeared in so many places seemingly at once, it was like she had a tardis, or something. Gotta admire that work-rate.

  94. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Xander –
    Being SSP, I can’t join – elsewise, I would be tempted, and I know some people (via this place) who I know to be top-notch, and are closely involved.
    LFI is going to become the ‘real’ Labour party for Scotland – they’ve got the grass-roots support and they’ll see off the Lamonts, Sarwars, Currans and Mathesons for good. Anyone with genuine concern for democracy in this nation should wish them well.
    Gaun yersels LFI!

  95. Gordon says:

    Scottish Labour Party facebook page has 3 additional Likes since Stu posted this article.
    Labour Voters for Scottish Independence has 71 additional Likes.
    Says it all really.


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