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Wings Over Scotland

Shocking incredible news

Posted on December 21, 2015 by

Telling voters they’re morons and robots rather surprisingly hasn’t worked.


We suspect the opposition parties will give it a few more years just to be sure.


(Readers may already have noticed that we rather slacked off over the weekend. In previous years Wings has largely carried on throughout the festive season, but this year we’re going to have a bit of a break. We won’t be shutting up shop entirely for the holidays or anything, but we’ll probably only have little news snippets like this and a few soapboxy pieces, unless something unexpectedly dramatic happens.)

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Well that’s some good news before Christmas. Thanks Stu


So even “shocking and incredible” news is not working.

What’s that phrase, about doing the same and expecting different results?

Looks as though people are beginning to see through shouts of “crisis” for what they are..

Bob Mack

What do you know eh? Pile it o Unionist Parties. The more you give it out, the more we pick up in voters.

Rather strange to see Labour Tories and Lib Dems making themselves irrelevant and unelectable.

First Holyrood, then the Councils.This is far from over.


‘the opposition parties will give it a few more years’

The thing is,I believe 50% of Scotland’s electorate now realise what it is that the Unionist/opposition parties oppose,and the scales have been removed from their eyes.

These parties oppose the good governance of Scotland,with Scotland’s interests foremost.

This, all despite the best,most plausible propaganda machine the planet has known.

gerald connelly

They don’t get it. The more they belittle, the more the voters despise them. Many of us ,(the voters,) might well dopes or even total morons, but we don’t like to have it pointed out to us by those who are utterly desperate for our votes.
We are not desperate for your votes !
Think on that.
Fat chance.


I am sure someone will tell Labour that you should not mention your opponents name too often – in adverting you don’t mention your competitors.

I wonder who will lead Labour after May? Depends who gets in on the list.


BLOW FOR STURGEON. The SNP lead has only slightly increased over the last month.


Telling voters they’re morons and robots rather surprisingly hasn’t worked. We suspect the opposition parties will give it a few more years just to be sure.

Totally agree, Stu. It seems they can’t help themselves from blundering on with their old, tired anti Scottish insults and scare stories.

They live in a political bubble where they only talk to each other and convince themselves their way is the only way. They are totally out of touch with public opinion. They have no understanding of the people or what the people expect from their politicians.

Where the Scottish Unionist are concerned, when it comes to learning from previous mistakes, incompetence rules.


Well, its not as if they weren’t warned of the possible consequences of the ‘white noise/cry wolf effect’.

24/7 and 365 days a year for several years of SNP bad and basically folk apply their own bullshit filters.

Does anyone reckon the opposition and their media will actually take the hint and come up with plausible counter policy and accurate journalism?

(Shrugs) Me neither.


But..but.. but you’re all robots, not programmed for political thought and..and ..and a wicked virus who do things deliberately who all believe in Braveheart. I WANT MY MUMMY!!!

Hoss Mackintosh

Just wait until the bridge is fixed and open ahead of targets. The Polls will just keep on increasing for SNP.

Saw another poll sub-sample with SNP on 62% and Labour on 10% !

Oh and Scottish NHS is the only one hitting A&E targets – from the BBC ( not PQ! )…

link to

They really must try harder to coordinate their anti-SNP propaganda.

Peter McCulloch

It’s great news that the latest opinion poll a seen an increase in SNP support over Labour.

As others have said people are beginning to see through the garbage being peddled by the unionist parties.

I would also suggest no one gets complacent about these polls and continue to work hard and get the message over to ensure an SNP majority.

As for labour, it will be tough for it next year to sell the proposition that people who are on low and moderate incomes – and are already struggling financially – should pay increased income and council taxes to protect public services from Tory spending cuts.

Walter Scott

I’m hoping Labour dump Kezia & elect James Kelly as their leader

David McCann

Its the way they tell ’em!


Maybe the Scottish Unionists genuinely believe that we’re all robots and morons and that “We are not genetically programmed in Scotland to make political decisions.” © Johann Lamont

[…] Shocking incredible news […]

Jake Gittes

As more and more suffer under the British status quo, the Unionist parties as a whole in Scotland are tarred equally with supporting the continuation of a structure which is bringing misery.

Labour division and factionalism within it’s Westminster PLP is seeping like a cancer through the rest of the Party, destroying Corbyn’s authority and credibility aided by the London media.

With the parent Party in London paralysed and confused, Slab lack the capacity here to develop a narrative of positive Unionism. A capacity not helped by an immature leader of a group many of whom know their careers are over in May.

That to my mind is a key reason for the SNP ascendency.


Mogabee 12:18

link to


The past month has seen the political agenda return to devolved issues such as healthcare and transport, with opposition politicians attacking the SNP government’s record on hospital provision and on maintenance of the Forth Bridge. The criticism appears to have had little or no effect on support for the SNP

LOL.. 😀

Hamish McTavish

@Marcia 12:27

The problem they have is that if they don’t keep mentioning SNP at every turn, they have nothing positive to say about themselves that isn’t a crock of shite or a pile of lies.

Oddly enough even the die-hard tory/lab/libdem voters are becoming wise to that tactic too.


We have to congratulate the bum media on what a fantastic job they are doing and keep up the great work! When will they realize that the Scottish people have moved on.

Dr Jim

What’s that screeching sound Oooh!! It’s so high

Is it a Bird? Is it a Wean? NO!! It’s YOONS!!



You have beaten Severin to his favourite headline

you meanie you 🙂


with its standing apparently unaffected by reported problems in the health service and the disruption caused by the closure of the Forth Road Bridge,

That “reported problems” must be the understatement of the BBC millennium. BBC Scotland tv news creeps full on monstering of Michelle Thompson was pretty spectacular attack propaganda, Ashley Madison adultery, ruthless property tycoon, kitten strangler…


Maybe it’s not what you do but the way that ya do it.

Is it no time to change the Red flag for the White one… yea get me.

I’ll get me coat….it’s Red…wae White Er..rrrrr…mine.

Auld Rock

Could the falling readership/viewing figures of the unionist MSM maybe had a wee bit to do with it given people are now realising that they have been constantly lied to???

Auld Rock

PS Well done Andy, Jamie and Leon.


Please take a well-deserved break. Everyone needs a wee hiber – Nation We promise to let you know if the referendum gets called in the next two weeks or so…


P.S. Expect tomorrow’s Herald headline: SNP ACCUSED OF NOT REDUCING ITS POLL LEAD

Bill Steele

It looks as if NO voters are beginning to realise that they have brought Scotland to live in a waking nightmare. The Scottish government, and the Scottish Sovereigntist parties, must use every means possible to explain simply and clearly to all the people, especially those whose only source of (mis)information is television, or/and the Unionist (news?)papers, how the Westminster government is harming Scotland. This may mean buying time on the tv stations and buying advertising space in the rags. It may mean asking neutral experts to appear and write.


Dr Jim. It’s probably Jackie bird.?


Totally O/T

Stuart, have yourself a restful Christmas break.
Thanks for your sterling work throughout 2015.
I’m looking forward to lots more from you in 2016, especially in the run up to the May elections as, no doubt, the Unionist camp will be ramping up their SNP BAAAAD attacks.

SNP x2 in May

William Steele

It looks as if NO voters are beginning to realise that they have brought Scotland to live in a waking nightmare. The Scottish government, and the Scottish Sovereigntist parties, must use every means possible to explain simply and clearly to all the people, especially those whose only source of (mis)information is television, or/and the Unionist (news?)papers, how the Westminster government is harming Scotland. This may mean buying time on the tv stations and buying advertising space in the rags. It may mean asking neutral experts to appear and write.


I think people simply want a pro-Scottish party in charge of the Scottish government.

The London based parties just can’t be trusted to put Scotland’s interests first.
We all saw that from the feeble Smith commission after significant home rule was promised.

And the Tories still haven’t restored the £28m VAT break to the Scottish police and fire service. Something that was expected to be a mere formality.
Tory politicians here obviously have NO influence on their London bosses to return that money, or they are happy with Westminster holding onto that cash.

schrodingers cat

anyone got a link to this poll?

Scot Finlayson

And yet the YoonYonists and their pet Hacks will still cry ‘Crisis’ and ‘SNP bad’ as they are flushed down the political toilet like the turds they are.

These are great days to be alive to see the extinction of the Blue and Red Torys and the corrupt media and its hacks.


At FMQ this coming Thursday Kezia Dugdale, Ruth Davidson and Willie Rennie are expected to pose a series of successfully critical challenging questions for Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney, and have Sturgeon and Swinney totally speechless, bobbing around futilely. Sturgeon and Swinney will be shown up for the lighter than air windbags they are, for all to see on national TV.

At the end of the session the leaders will draw lots as to who gets the right to burst their ballons with a pin.

(you would need to have watched Apprentice You’re Hired).


This may mean buying time on the tv stations and buying advertising space in the rags. It may mean asking neutral experts to appear and write.

TNS polling suggests just letting the whole BBC led UKOK media get on with it though.

More could be made of how toryboy world continued to shaft Scotland with their NO triumph 2014, from EVEL and their historic The Vow fraud, to Scottish renewable energy and carbon capture industry in the north east destroyed by the blue tories a couple of weeks ago.

Even UKOK stuff like this. Toryboys said vote tory Scotland and we will spend several hundred million on a “super” barracks for Scottish military, they reneged on all of it and instead

link to

Graham MacLure

Rev.Campbell you have more than earned your rest over the festive period but I suspect, like the flock masters and mariners of old, you will keep a watchful eye and a steady hand at the ready should the need arise.
I wish you all I would wish myself.


Enjoy your rest Rev and come back refreshed next year as we will need you to help with the expected full on attack on everything SNP.

Although having said that I have noticed a backing off from A Neil when interviewing SNP MPs.

The Yoons should now realise that we don’t believe a word they say.

It is great to have facts at your disposal to swipe away their nonsense.

The twitter assault on Andy Murray was a disgrace and they have the nerve to call us anti-English.

Wondered if JK would have had anything to say about that but no – head down in the sand, cybernats bad.


If you throw enough shite, you just look like a monkey.
Seems the people hold that to be true.

Grouse Beater

Grateful thanks for all your dynamism, Stuart.

Here’s my festive offering: link to

PS: I’ve just been told by a stout supporter of George Galloway supporter that my politics are down to the obvious fact that I can’t ‘get it up.’

Galloway’s response? “Brilliant.”

The Man in the Jar

We are almost at the stage where Nicola Sturgeon could sit at FMQs with her feet up on the desk playing games on her phone and reply to every opposition question with a dismissive “Aye Right, Whatever” and the SNP would still win.

However folks we must not allow complacency to dull our endeavours. At the polls in May lets give them a taste of that “Shock and Awe” they are so fond of dispensing.

Anyone saying “We are going to win anyway so what’s the point of voting” should go to the toilet and give themselves a right good talking to.


Won’t be long till Scunterbunnet and team will be up and get your ideas for billboard(s) ready…2016 is going to be a very good year for house cleaning!! 😉

Cannie wait. Hope everyone has a great time, roll on the New Year..Happy Christmas Stu 😉


At FMQ this coming Thursday Kezia Dugdale, Ruth Davidson and Willie Rennie are expected to pose a series of successfully critical challenging questions for Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney

I can see them doing really well this week….although security might ask them what the feck they are up to sneaking into an empty chamber. 😉


From the TNS Poll report:

“It may be that, faced with the SNP’s huge lead in the polls, a number of voters feel that their vote would not influence the result. However, it seems unlikely that turnout in May will be as low as the 50% recorded in the 2011 Holyrood elections.”

I hope no-one determined on independence is conned into thinking that the election is a foregone conclusion – so they’ll just sit at home and wait for the result.

We need to get our voters out in massive numbers in order to send a clear message to the Unionist Parties that we’re still out here and we’re not going back in our box. Please, everyone who can, make a point of turning out to vote. Scare the crap out of them and demoralise them with the exit polls.

Vote SNP X 2


Enjoy your break, then the run up to the May election, Tory Budget in March may prove interesting.



‘I can’t get it up’ Galloway-‘Brilliant’

That’s rich coming from Gorgeous George, who wearing a skin-tight red leotard in CBB showed us all what a stallion he is !

Don’t let him away with that one !


Wondering what will actually be the end game to this story? Hopefully our ultimate goal. What will be the alternative to that though?


We have to take into account that participants for these polls are generally politically engaged.The poll reveals that expected turnout in May is around 58%,that way down on the GE figure of 70%.The 2011 turnout was 50%.
As support for independence /SNP is pretty solid,the drop-off in turn out must be predominantly Unionist, after all they won indy ref, and won’t place as much value on Holyrood.
It is worth considering these factors, and the possibility of a massive majority for SNP…



Gives me a chance to catch up.

P.S. you probably deserve a rest as well Rev.

schrodingers cat


i’ll just away and kill masel’

Proud Cybernat

For the Yoons out there.

Are you happy that the Corporate Media and State Sponsored Broadcaster in this country (Scotland) give the Unionist Parties pretty much an easy ride during interviews? Give them free rein in the Idiot Press. Seriously? Are you happy with such a dire state of ‘democratic scrutiny’ of Unionist parties in this country?

You might well be happy that the Union is still hanging together (just). But when you look at how this is being achieved, do you not, in the wee dark hours, realise there is something fatally wrong with our democracy? Do you, even as a Unionist, not realise that the CorpMedia in this country are doing YOU a complete disservice? Do you not realise that they are stealing ALL OUR democracy?

BritNat or ScotNat – the media in this country are stealing democracy from ALL of us. Why can’t you see that? Or is it okay by you for them to do this because you think they are helping preserve your precious Union? If you believe that then you are severely mistaken. Lies and distortions and free rides in the media will NOT preserve the Union. Nothing can exist with any longevity on a lie.

If YOU support the Union then YOU should be demanding TRUTH in our media every bit as much as those who want to end it. If you don’t then, I guarantee, you will not like the Union, the country, you will surely end up with.

It’s not too late.



This was not an online poll but a face to face poll, which means they knock on doors ask multiple questions about various topics. The TNS political poll would be an add on to the other questions asked about insurance or soap powder. I was asked during the Referendum. The interviewer asks the question then gives you a tablet to record the answer and they don’t see what you have chosen.

According to their website it says:

?All interviews were conducted face-to-face, in-home using CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) and quota sampling.

Bill McLean

Have a great break Rev. Thanks for keeping me sane amongst all the dross that the BUM push out. Happy Christmas and a better New Year to all! Not forgetting all those, home and away, whose lives have been and are being blighted by mighty Britain!


Just for a wee laugh I stuck the figures into the Scotland Votes seat calculator … cause I’m like that you see. 🙂

Amazingly I appear to have ended up with the following result. I honestly think I must have done something wrong. 😀

S.N.P. with 78 seats (winning every constituency bar the borders and Shetland)

Labour with 25 seats (all regional list seats)

Lie Dems with 2 seats (Shetland and one list seat)

Greens with 9 seats (all list seats)

link to

Incase I forget I hope you have a good Christmas Stu, you have more than earned a rest this year. 😉


We know who the real morons are. They keep moaning about a health service which is constrained by a uk budget cut, policing which is excellent, frb faults which would have happened under any government, but don’t realise that Scots in the min aren’t that concerned about these issues.

We’re all sick of the corruption at Westminster!


I had a feeling you were taking a bit of a break Stu. I was beginning to get ratty with the family and my hands beginning to shake just a little bit. Been checking for new articles to find none…NONE! Oh no…he’s having a well deserved break, how dare he, no I mean that’s great, you deserve it! But how will I get through the holidays without without my hourly fix…omg hourly! I am addicted, they said I was, I didn’t believe I’ll be fine, where’s the diazepam?

Seriously, have a great Christmas! We need you refreshed and ready for May.


The SNP are fast becoming the only credible, serious and coherent political party in Britain.

The Tories are in meltdown over Europe and the knives are out early for Cameron.

Corbyn doesn’t have what it takes to rid Labour of the political careerists.

And, well, need I mention the LibDems or UKIP, or the Greens?

I genuinely feel for our English/Welsh cousins, not having an SNP as an option.

We are winning, but we haven’t won. Focus 2016. SNP x 2.


George Galloway is a waste of space and a coward, to boot. If he can’t beat you in debate he just waits till you are in a position where you can’t defend yourself, then he attacks. Just like he did following the death of Christopher Hitchens.

He probably believes that his idiotic response is a withering put-down.


@ Lesley-Anne

S.N.P. with 78 seats (winning every constituency bar the borders and Shetland)

Labour with 25 seats (all regional list seats)

Lie Dems with 2 seats (Shetland and one list seat)

Greens with 9 seats (all list seats)

I wonder if Foulkes still wants to scrap the list seats? 🙂


Have a nice break Stuart.

As chief cashier of WoS accounts,please don’t be tempted to dip them for a wee junkit to a tropical paradise like Costa Rica or such.

Ach to hell wi’ it whose gonnae notice anyway -msm? Go for it.

At least that’s what I’d do if I was a man of your means:)


YoonYoon-ism, sounds like a cult.


Yes, she won’t be there, it’s Christmas Eve. But taking helium-filled balloons with images of her into Holyrood might be their only chance of beating her.

I kind of like the image, Romesh did it very well.


Noted the bit in the poll story about the %of people sure to vote has dropped a chunk.
This is possibly/probably labour voters feeling it is not worth turning out to vote as they will be hammered anyway.

This, if the case, should be all the incentive we need to get the SNP message out there and ensure a very high SNP vote for maximum effect.

It is not even 2016 yet and the unionist voters appear to be ‘giving up’the ghost, yet the SNP vote is planning the next stage of the fight to ensure not just a majority, but to also make a bloody big and bold statement of intent !

Lenny Hartley

There is a Panelbase one due soon as well I was invited to take part last week but the link would not
Work ( funny that)

propaganda state

in the shocking incredible news category….

“The Director General announced recently that the BBC needs to plug a £150 million annual gap in its finances from next year,”

oh dear how sad never mind

the formula 1 parade has been binned due to financial
austerity overcoming the beebs budget

wonder what caused that then?


Interesting poll..lots of (now) undecided voters..

.. as if the penny drops again..

.. And yet more people see how cowardly and uselessly Labour (in Sc*tl*nd) has been at fighting our corner.

Bob Mack

In case I don’t get the opportunity Stu, I want to wish you all the best things for Christmas. I already have mine wrapped up under the tree, courtesy of Chris Cairns.

Truly, there has never been a greater champion for Scotland than yourself in her hour of destiny.

For my part I view you with as much regard as any who have fought for our land and our people. Scotlands Heros have come in many guises, and the most recent happens to write and type for a living.
You have gathered the people together,and armed them with knowledge and belief.You have made the seemingly impossible a reality.My thanks and utter respect.

When this land is free,I hope your efforts will be rewarded properly.


Ah…thanks for the heads up Marcia.?


Translating these potential votes into actual votes will require a huge amount of canvassing.



Don’t forget our Tory friends

Although…..I will take zero seats for them if its going!


Telling voters they’re morons and robots rather surprisingly hasn’t worked.

Indeed, and it’s a lesson there for us also, so let’s be a bit more respectful of the NO voters next year. After all, we still need their votes!.

Have a great, well-deserved break, Rev.


Did the poll ask..

Do you intend to vote by post?


Not only is the Labour/Media propaganda onslaught turning ordinary voters to SNP, it is making thousands like me more determined to get active within the SNP. I have gone from voting Labour all my adult life, to voting SNP, to joining SNP, to being active within SNP delivering leaflets, canvassing on doorsteps, street stalls, branch meetings, fund raisers etc etc. All because i want to get back at the lies, spin, propaganda & smears coming from unionist parties & their compliant media, If any unionist party MP/MSPs are reading this, thanks & keep it going, my branch has never seen so many people wanting to help



😀 😀 That’s the one..


Your output has been pretty high for what is, at its core, a one man operation.

Thanks for the articles of 2015, Stu.

(Assuming Labour do not find interesting new ways to destroy themselves over the festive season, or the Scottish Press get hold of a JCB and dig themselves an even deeper hole).

Big Jock

It works with the hardline no voters, who blame everything on the SNP. In other words it reinforces the narrow minded blinded by prejudice and rage types.

I know because I have to listen to them. The media are just keeping the diddies on side, who were already on their side. They are not gaining any more no voters, and some moderate no voters are going the other way.

It truly is Custers Last Stand. The waggons are being circled and they have nowhere else to go.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Lesley-Anne.

Did you not forget about the tories?

The figures I got were,
SNP – 77 (Including 6 regional)
Labour – 33 (all regional seats)
Con – 11 (including 10 regional)
Lib-Dem – 5 (Including 4 regional)
Green – 3 (all regional seats)

You can see my graphic from the ‘’ page, showing the figures entered and result, here:-

link to


ahundredthidiot says:
21 December, 2015 at 2:52 pm


Don’t forget our Tory friends

Although…..I will take zero seats for them if its going!


I forgot all about the Tories … well it is easy enough done … or so I have been told.

Tories with 15 seats (winning borders and 14 list seats)

S.N.P. with 78 seats (winning every constituency bar the borders and Shetland)

Labour with 25 seats (all regional list seats)

Lie Dems with 2 seats (Shetland and one list seat)

Greens with 9 seats (all list seats)

link to

There fixed it for you ahundredthidiot … sorry I couldn’t get the zero figure you wanted though. 😉

Jimbo says:
21 December, 2015 at 2:30 pm

@ Lesley-Anne

I wonder if Foulkes still wants to scrap the list seats? 🙂

Oh PLEASE Jimbo please say this is so, Labour WIPEOUT! 😀


For any budding U/G students out there of Politics, Social studies, Property, Surveying, Business etc. Here’s a good topic for dissertation focus: ‘The demise of the Labour club in Scotland’ (or ‘The idiots guide to self inflicted damage / ‘Arson about’ ?)


I had a look at your graphic Brian but the figures you used do not tie up with the figures from the T.N.S. poll. The T.N.S. figures were:

Constituency vote:

S.N.P. 58%
Labour 21%
Tories 12%
LieDems 4%
Others 4%

Regional List vote:

S.N.P. 54%
Labour 20%
Tories 12%
LieDems 4%
Greens 9%

These figures gave me the results I put up earlier.

Brian Doonthetoon

hi Lesley-Anne.

Apologies – just realised I used LAST month’s figures!

I’ll have to do it again.


Broch Landers

What we are seeing now is both entrenchment and stalemate. Winning over that 10% stretch of no-man’s land is going to mean a war of attrition.

It can’t be assumed that it will happen automatically because of demographics. The more we edge forward, the dirtier and uglier the Brits will fight.

We must continue to be patient, creative and above all peaceful and kind. Friendly discussion and amiable disagreement is the only way forward.

So when encountering an ardent “No” voter at your Christmas work night out or family gathering, remember to go for a hug not a headlock.

I know, I know. But try.


easily enough done Brian, I’ve done it myself often enough! 😀


Yes, the TNS poll shows a lot of undecided voters who could make a big difference. It’s important I think to keep up the pressure, unearth the falshoods and spin of the likes of the anti-SNP FRB saga, just gently but firmly lay all these lies to rest.

But before the TNS, there was at least I think, a little bit of a reverse trend to SNP support creeping in, to the one or two polls but also subsamples. I actually think the FRB spin stuff has reversed that and is helping the SNP.

Brown stuff happens, and while the opposition have been flapping around like Politician Penguins looking for a chocolate covered snack, the SNP have quietly been getting on with the job of repairing the bridge, rerouting traffic as best they can, and carrying on building the FRC.

The opposition aren’t even fit to oppose, could you imagine what they’d do if put in charge of Scotland? Don’t panic don’t panic!

Good to see the Green vote rise, and not at the expense of the SNP it seems.


Take a well earned rest Rev,you more than deserve it.

Go placidly amid the noise and haste

and remember what peace there may be in silence.

Thanks for enlightening me!

An early Christmas present for you.?

Will Podmore

“Telling voters they’re morons and robots” – I assume this is just the usual overheated rhetoric – perhaps stu really does need a break (perhaps he could visit Scotland?) – and that the Labour party hasn’t actually told voters that they’re morons and robots?
Not believing in the SNP doesn’t actually turn one into either a moron or a robot.


Merry Christmas Rev.

Love from Scotland


“So when encountering an ardent “No” voter at your Christmas work night out or family gathering, remember to go for a hug not a headlock.

I know, I know. But try.”

An I’ve been practicing an all. 🙁


Broch Landers

Hugs all round for lower case no voters

No voters with a capital N though….nae chance, best I can do is a smile and a handshake and then make my excuses.

And the rebirth of the Sun won’t change that……sorry, I mean Christmas time…….honest.


Will @ 4.15

Dr Jim,
call for you!
do you want to get it,
or will I tell him to call back later?


Bob Mack

Well said Bob, I agree entirely.

Enjoy your break Stuart.


Please help our First Minister to reach her 100,000 signature
target to protest against Bombing the innocents of Syria.

We only require 220 more to join us, but the numbers have stopped growing over recent days.

We must find these extra names before the year is out!
Please help by forwarding to a friend, if you have already signed.

(Highlight and click on the link below)

link to

Proud Cybernat

@ Will Podmore

Big hugzz…


@ Will Podmore:

Labour’s John Woodcock called the SNP robots.

Nadeem Sarwar used the morons comment.

You can quite easily Google it for yourself.

les Wilson

When you consider the frantic Corpmedia horror show,you just have to wonder what is left for them?

They have tried every means, but still cannot burst our bubble. What do they have left when Indy2 comes along.
Already we are hardened to their lies and deceptions,even signs some no’s are turning. So I guess we will get a rehash of all the worst they can do.

But having heard it all before, will it work this time, I hae my doubts.


Found this:

link to

Greens to get 4 Lothian seats !!


Oh I suppose I had better take it then, nobody’s in will leave a message after the beep
link to

katherine hamilton

Have a good break. You are a gold nugget in a field of dross. Hope you and yours have a quiet and peaceful time. God bless you.


Another day looking at the herald and their what happened on this day section
Still no historic events in Scotland on this day over one thousand years
Do you think the homeresque editor deserves a dohnut if and when he can find a scottish historic event


Enjoy your rest Rev., ‘Cos next year could be the clincher. Holyrood elections then Euro referendum.


Have a wonderful rest, Stuart. Still thrilled by your fantastic news and this will be a very special Christmas.

I have a feeling that The Bridge will open sooner than scheduled – if not for Christmas then for Hogmanay. They’re already testing the work done so far with some heavy lorries. Maybe I’m too much of an optimist. Still, I’m sure that would burst a few Yoons’ balloons given their usual SNP-bad clamour.

arthur thomson

Good news. A good base from which to build.

The SNP is the respectable face of democratic politics. Nicola and John Swinney personify a party which is based on the sound principle of common decency. No need for hype and lies, just an approach to the electorate that says: we are doing our very best for Scotland, we are learning each day and we will work for and with you to make a Scotland that we can all enjoy and be proud of.

I reckon the people will believe that and with good reason.

Have a good break Stu, you deserve it. Thank you for all the work you have done for your country and mine. I would just ask that you post some little bits to facilitate ongoing banter for the Wings commentariat. I for one love to read the comments pages.


Seems like Inform is finally starting to get off the ground, delays due to something about getting bank account set up.

Yaaaay !


Rev Stu.,

You’ve done a TOP JOB keeping us all informed in a way the MudStreamMedia could and should take a lesson from.

Time for you to take a well earned break over the Christmas and New Year buddy.

Have a good one, and I’m looking forward to Wings Over Scotland in 2016.

By the way, I’m just listening to “Lord Blencartha” drone on about scroungers on benefits whilst he uplifts his £300 a day in the warm luxury of THAT palace – the one with the subsidised food and booze.

What a fu88ing odious little hypocrite that David Lord Maclean is.

Please can some journalist (I know many MSM read WoS) or for that matter a serving police officer explain to me why Lord Blencartha has not yet been charged with FRAUD, THEFT or even CLANDESTINE POSSESSION?

Lord Blencartha a.k.a. David David John Maclean (DoB 16 May 1953) was proven to have spent more than £20,000 of taxpayer’s money improving his farmhouse under the Westminster Parliament Additional Costs Allowance (ACA) scheme – before selling it for £750,000.

That is not illegal. This is…

David John Maclean claimed taxpayer money by designating his personal property as his “second home” with the Commons authorities, yet Maclean did not pay capital gains tax on the sale because the taxman accepted David John Maclean’s lie that it was his “first home”, and his “sole or main residence” therefore exept from Capital Gains Tax.

Someone somewhere here is lying for pecuniary advantage and has broken the law. Serious law at that.

Even if the police/CPS/Procurator Fiscal are too feart to try and take this to court as the burden of proof is ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ and hard to convict, then the taxman and House of Parliament should be issuing this devious little creep with an action in the civil division of HM Court for the money he has misappropriated.

Little wonder this unpleasant creature wanted to kill off the Freedom of Information laws.

Lying thieving little toad.

Anyone care to join with me in reporting David John Maclean a.k.a. “Lord Blencartha” to the authorities…

1] link to

2] link to

3] link to

Iain More

What is this about slowing down over Xmas = BAH HUMBUG!

never a labourite robot

Isn’t it funny that the end of the public’s poor engagement in politics where huge tracts of people voted by ‘family tradition’…and family pressure…. without any form of their own considered political scrutiny is considered the start of a period of mind control….not the end!

hilarious doesn’t describe the viewpoints, machinations and downright doublethink of the likes of kevin Hague and the McColms and Cochranes of the press.

People voted labour because they believed in labour. As someone who has always voted SNP, I’ve always respected that, even if I didn’t understand it.

They look for artifical reasons when they know that what the really want and need is the return of Apathy.

Of course, The BEST NLP of the referendum deserves its full credit and Mr Hague’s contribution to it was not non-existant. Project Fear was a marvelous NLP campaign.

Caroline Corfield

Have a well deserved rest, and a Good New Year!

That goes for everybody.

Jim Arnott

Really pleased you are taking some time off Stu. Hope you are able to have a relaxing enjoyable Festive Season.


Have a very well deserved break, Rev. Thank you for all your hard work.

This site remains head and shoulders above any other, for debunking all the unionist crap. I also enjoy so many of the regular participants comments and angle.

Hope our pet trolls have a nice break too.

Robert Peffers

@Capella says: 21 December, 2015 at 12:31 pm:

“BLOW FOR STURGEON. The SNP lead has only slightly increased over the last month.”

It is a fairly obvious truth about politics that a new party, or a new direction for an existing party, will probably see a fair support at the outset. Then, if they prove stable, a steady increase in support then a slowing down as it gets harder to convince converts. .

The reason being that it is almost certain there will be others existing of a like mind among the electorate. With stability the numbers then slowly increase as doubters become convinced but then it becomes ever increasingly difficult to gain converts.

Then comes long stagnation and stability. This can maintain for a very long time unless by some chance the party gains power and proves itself. In which case there
follows either a collapse if the party is seen as unreliable or a landslide if they prove themselves.

It very much looks like the SNP has finally proved itself.

Black Joan

If ever anyone deserved some time off, you do, Rev.

The quantity and quality of your work is phenomenal.

We know this is your least favourite time of year, but at least it should provide some rest and relaxation.

Good news: this is the winter solstice. Tomorrow the days start to lengthen again.


I’m not having it you taking time of Rev,your the only thing keeping me sane and giving me hope that one day i will have a free country to return to.


I have an opinion which I have long kept to myself and did not dare even mention it online in case it was picked up by the onionists… But I think they are too full of themselves to read on here (I mean those in charge who secretly laugh at the No voters for being “useful idiots”).

Let us just say, I think one of the main movers in the slow shift from No to Yes, which will deliver to us independence, is situated not a million miles from the Broomielaw…

I am sure everyone here has given as much as they can give to the Orkney Four. Their total is now standing at an absolutely incredible £197,500.* I believe they need to get to £208,000, so if you are planning to meet up with Yes friends over the holiday season, can I suggest you buy a bottle and stay at home and maybe send a saved fiver to the fund? Would be great to reach the target by Hogmanay as these are four sterling people.

* Shame on Scrooge Carbuncle, this money could have gone to food banks.

Rob James

We should demand that Slabour tell us their Plan B, as plan A obviously isn’t working.

They remind me of a punch drunk fairgound boxer. Never had a decent opponent to date, just some ned with a few pints in him, egged on by his mates.

Now, however, he is facing a professional. He tries to fight dirty, punching below the belt, using his head and elbows, but his opponent just picks him off with consummate ease.

He ends up flailing his arms wildly in an attempt to land a damaging blow, but is knocked back onto the ropes with a flurry of coordinated punches. One good uppercut will finish the job.

I predict May at the latest.

All the best for Christmas and the New Year, Stu. We’ll try not to fight among ourselves in your absence.


It’s about time you took a wee break Stu, you have basically been going non-stop since the referendum date was announced and you did promise that you would take a wee break in the summer and you didn’t.

I want to wish you and fellow wingers here a very happy festive season and over indulge tae yer hearts content.

See ya in 2016


BOB MACK said “For my part I view you with as much regard as any who have fought for our land and our people. Scotlands Heros have come in many guises, and the most recent happens to write and type for a living.
You have gathered the people together,and armed them with knowledge and belief.You have made the seemingly impossible a reality.My thanks and utter respect.”

Bob I couldn’t agree more with your words, and so eloquently put.

During the Ref1 campaign I was constantly amazed by just how many thoroughly decent, good, honest folk I met – each doing what they could, in their own way, to create a better society – an alternative to the corruption, war mongering and immorality of the Westminster troughers.

The REV is a perfect example of this. He is a hugely talented wordsmith with a fine analytical mind and a respect for the importance of truth.

In any NORMAL country a man of his talents would have a high profile, both in the press and on national Television.

That day WILL come.

In the meantime I hope the REV takes a proper break, switches off the computer, twitter et al and totally recharges his batteries for a week or two.


I’m not having it you taking time of Rev

Me neither!

Don’t know what withdrawal symptoms are with WoS lite for Xmas. The day after Scotland’s independence day will be the best day off, ever.

Thanks for all the brilliant WoS reports and your patience with me. Hope Santa’s good to you and all your many many readers, YES and no.

link to


Just been studying ways in which “Lord Blencartha” can be taken to court for the £20,000 he stole, or alternatively the tax fraud he committed.

Just discovered this obscure document which would have been kicked into the long grass…

link to

It shows how the Palace of Westminster was STUFFED full of thieves and crooks.

FACT: 52% of the MPs and Lords were ordered to REPAY money they had “ahem” accidentally or wrongly claimed. I knew they were bent but I am genuinely shocked at how many of them were AT IT.

If any ordinary voter had done what over half that crooked parliament have done and we would be in the jail.

Jim Mitchell

Never mind plan B, what one will the unionists be up to by next May?

Helena Brown

Have a very Merry Christmas Stuart, we will all have withdrawal symptoms but we will get over it. Should be speaking to our loved ones during the Festive Period, many we have here,but we will get by.

winifred mccartney

Have a great break – will miss you but you deserve a rest – hope santa very good to you and yours.

Iain More

Now I have fed as the latest opinion poll gave me an appetite. I hate to think what hysterical Brit Nat garbage the Brit Nat Brainwashing Corp ran with on Disreporting Jackie and Britannic TV Aberdeen.

Marie Clark

Hope you enjoy your festive break Stuart, you’ve certainly earned it.

To all wingers, old and new, Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016.


We are truly blessed most many aspects of the Yoonery are ineffective. A phrase of my mother’s comes to mind – ‘moaning minnies’.

Politicians and their corporate media running dogs, or should that the corporate media and their political running dogs, are just a bunch of ‘moaning minnies’.

Making fair criticism is one thing, incessant and unjustified whining, just grates on the nerves!

It should be no surprise that it appears to be having little effect on the SNP’s standing.

I also read somewhere that it is best not to mention opponents too much, as a general rule. The Yoonery do nothing else but talk about the SNP. That, in itself, is counter productive.

I have a feeling 2016 might be a good year for Scotland.

Neil Baillie

From the Grauniad, news that UKIP will now get three PPBs a year even though they only have one MP.

The BBC’s executive has published the list of political parties it has determined are eligible for party political broadcasts in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Conservatives, Labour and the Lib Dems qualify for three in England, Wales and Scotland, while the SNP and Plaid quality in Scotland and Wales respectively.

I guess they had to change the rules, otherwise Cons, Fibdems and SLab would not be getting any broadcasts in Scotland! But we have to put up with three UKIP broadcasts in Scotland – something not right there.

Also contains a lovely typo – SNP and Plaid quality (true), but I think they mean qualify.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi shug.

Re: the Herald and its ‘what happened today’ blurb.


December 21 1846
Robert Liston, who was born in Linlithgow in 1794, performed the first operation in a British hospital using anaesthetic (ether).

December 21 1988
Pan Am 747 blew up and crashed at Lockerbie, Dumfries, killing 243 passengers, 16 crew and 11 Lockerbie residents.

They’re from:-
link to

Typing about important dates…
6th April, 2020, will be the 700th anniversary of The Declaration Of Arbroath. Wouldn’t that be the most appropriate, highly significant and historic date for Scotland’s ‘Independence Day’?

All we need is IndyRef2 in late summer 2017 or late spring/early summer 2018, to provide a reasonable timescale for negotiations to the 2020 date.

There’s another timeline of EXACT dates at this link:-

link to

Why not send the two links above to the editor of the Herald, so he can educate his staff? Here’s one last link to have a look at, and a quote from it:-

link to

“Today in 1805 Thomas Graham was born in Glasgow. One of the founders of modern physical chemistry, Graham is often considered the father of colloid chemistry thanks to his work on permeable membranes, for which he coined the term “dialysis”, and he is known for Graham’s Law describing the diffusion of gases. His statue stands in Glasgow’s George Square.”


Have a brilliant break and a Merry Christmas Stu.

Thanks for 2015 & can’t wait til 2016.

Dan Huil

The Rev deserves a wee break. Next year is going to be crucial. BritNats have smears and lies; we have the Rev and the truth.


Given that when the Rev steps out to buy some yum yums some jock-baiting yoonery or whitehall arse-up or other happens, i’d be inclined to think that “something unexpectedly dramatic” might be, paradoxically, expected.

Have a good rest, auld chap. Well deserved.


@Will Podmore at 4.15 pm

Anything more to add to the abusive comment you made today already about the person who adminsters this here very site BTL that laughable piece of lying and misinforming Guardian pish-stain of an editorial…?

Have you told Stu what you think of him, his website, his printed works and where he resides, you know, like you did today in the Guardian? No? Not yet? Zat right, aye?

Well, here you are on the very site you were being offensive about. And how fucking weird is that, eh.

Anyway, let’s hear it, the stage is yours….

Your quote BTL today’s Guardian editorial:

“And the discredited Wee Blue Book, promoted by that passionate abusive Scot based in … Bath”

Robert Peffers

@Walter Scott says: 21 December, 2015 at 12:39 pm:

“I’m hoping Labour dump Kezia & elect James Kelly as their leader.”

I get the strangest feeling, that seeing as Jesus Christ will most likely not by available for the job, it won’t matter a tinker’s damn who else they choose for leader their collective jaikets are going to shoogle aff the shoogely peg.

Brian Doonthetoon

Well caught, Skooshcase!

Grouse Beater

Skooshcase: Anything more to add to the abusive comment you made today already about the person who adminsters this here very site

Ah, well done, Skooshcase!

You outed the troll who asks on this site why people are being so ‘beastly’ to him, when abuse is banned. I have the same objection to Dippy Dave. To his ego we here are ants to be crushed.

The boring Plodmore, caught wearing a policeman’s uniform when in reality he’s nothing more than an unemployed toilet brush.

Hope you enjoy this: link to


We have the Rev,
the truth,
and eachother.

Greetings to all…

schrodingers cat

happy sol invictus etc

rev, perhaps you could allow some of the commentators a chance to put up an article or 2 over the period?
something about Scottish history from mr peffers etc

macart, grousebeater, heedtracker conan etc?

without wos, withdrawl symptoms a certainty

Dr Jim

Andy Murray coming in for Yoon vile abuse for being Scottish again, and that’s just from Labour councillors

Yoons have decided if they don’t vote at all it’s like an election isn’t really real and the SNP are invalid

It’s a sort of arms folded mooth stickin oot approach to losing


Jesus as Labour leader?
Mundell as Pilate.?… Oh wait, that’s Easter.

Tam Jardine

The unionist playbook is starting to look awfy tired. What have they got left? More character assassinations? Pray for the bridge to actually collapse? Another slab relaunch? Another listening exercise?

It’s hard to see where they can go now. Enjoying the book by Ponsonby – seeing echoes of the media campaigns on Al Megrahi, on Trump on the referendum in the FRB campaign. What will the next assault be?

Or will they actually try and come up with some bold, innovative policy to show Scotland a positive alternative? Maybe somebody will start searching for that elusive beast, the positive case for the union!

Who knows. From an SNP point of view, with the enemy punch drunk and out of ideas, is now a good time for a major membership drive as a statement of intent?


Walter Scott says:
21 December, 2015 at 12:39 pm
I’m hoping Labour dump Kezia & elect James Kelly as their leader

Point of order……..naw I’m no standing doon ? Or is it sittin doon? Point of order….. is Kezia standin doon? Point of order who keeps talkin and interruptioning me? Jackie the Baillie sit doon….whars the Baillies…… Uh first on the list for the election? Must be numpties behind me then…


Will Podmore says:
21 December, 2015 at 4:15 pm
“Telling voters they’re morons and robots” – I assume this is just the usual overheated rhetoric – perhaps stu really does need a break (perhaps he could visit Scotland?) – and that the Labour party hasn’t actually told voters that they’re morons and robots?
Not believing in the SNP doesn’t actually turn one into either a moron or a robot.

This is your chance to give us an early Christmas present.

Could you please tell us all exactly what is so special about the Union you apear to cherish

Is it the world of privilege enjoyed by the un-elected Royals, Lords, Ladies and would be longing to reign over us?

Is it a system whereby banking fraud is houred and rewarded yet simple peasants who refuse/neglect/ can’t afford a State Broadcaster’s TV Licence can (in England) be jailed for non-payment.

Is it the world where peaodos and abusers are protected so ong as their faces ‘fit’ within the elitist system?

Is it the so called Mother of all Democracies that promote one view and denigrate, ‘other’ and despise any alternative view of how politics and politicians should serve the very people that elect them?

Is it a crime in your view that the most conservative of Conservative views, namely that folk should embrace self determination and stand on their own feet actually an hollow rhetoric and really everyone should bow before a corrupt State? Or does that only apply to Scots?

Just a few questions to answer, and I hope you will answer honestly from your heart. Most of the folk on here already have and, surprise, the answer is SNP/SNP May 2016 and IRef#2 after the brooms have swept the Councils clean in 2017.

You have very little time left to convince anyone why London rule is a ‘Good Thing*’ Insults don’t cut the mustard any more.

* ‘Good Thing’ Read: 1066 And All That

ronnie anderson

[ perhaps stu really does need a break (perhaps he could visit Scotland?)].

Dont faw fur Podmore’s ruse Rev , he’s efter yer Windie’s again.

Many Thanks to You & The Helpers,
Have a Good Christmas.

Dr Jim

@Grouse Beater

Plod and his pals are everywhere you look on the Interwebbynet shouting at anyone who’ll engage or even those who won’t I do believe there are only a handful of Yoons left and they just have lots of identities

Just be careful you don’t get bitten or you change into one of them (The Walking Yoons) You’ve got to get them in what’s left of their brains to finally put them down or they just keep stumbling on

Patrick Roden

have a well deserved break Rev and all the best to all wingers over Christmas & the New year. x

katherine hamilton

Goodnight and over and out. Have a long break, min 2 weeks, come back and blow them all to hell.
See you in 2016.

Robert Peffers

@Jake Gittes says: 21 December, 2015 at 12:45 pm

“As more and more suffer under the British status quo, the Unionist parties as a whole in Scotland are tarred equally with supporting the continuation of a structure which is bringing misery.”

Well, Jake, I think you have hit on something I’ve been getting at for many long years.

You say two very significant things within the above comment, one is a tiny bit wrong and the other is smack on the button. Correct the first and you have hit a nail dead centre.

There is no such thing as, “The British Status Quo”, for what you refer should be properly be described as, “The United Kingdom Establishment”, and the use of the wrong term, “Britain”, is part of that Establishment’s, many centuries old, propaganda.

Read the comment as, “The United Kingdom Status Quo”, and you are swinging the hammer for the blow.

The second part completes the strike with, “The Unionist parties as a whole”.

The stone cold fact is that the collective Unionist parties are,”The Establishment”, and they are now openly acting as a whole. It was only their cunning and the voters complacency that had not exposed them for what they really always have been.

They are, “The Establishment”, and feeding off the backs of the rest of us – and getting over fat as we get starved.

There is the stark truth. The South Britain Establishment are, “The Unionist parties as a whole”, and they always have been.

anti bbc

Listining to the bbc scottish? news tonight the take on Podemos success in the Spanish general election was that they wanted a referendum in Catalunya to get rid once and for all their aspiration for Independence and allow Spain to get on with it.

Switching over to EBC their take was that Podemos would only take part in a coalition government in Spain if Catalunya was allowed a Scottish style Independence referendum.

Did anyone else pick this up or did my lifelong bias for scottish independence kick in


@Grouse Beater at 7.41 pm

Podmore has got ‘previous’ over on the Guardian website regarding his views on WOS, Stu and the commenters here.

When I saw his comment there today, I just thought to myself, right, Mr Podmore, if you turn up on WOS today, like the lying hypocrite you are, I’m going to copy and paste what you said, stick it on WOS and give you a chance to expound on your opinion… And, lo and behold, there he is up there at 4.15 pm – but with a much less derogatory comment, of course!

The Guardian BTL is now such a steaming broth of bile-soup for Unionists and trolls abusing all things Scottish that Podmore is quite relaxed about voicing his true political stance and feelings towards this site being, as he is, amongst his own.

“The boring Plodmore, caught wearing a policeman’s uniform when in reality he’s nothing more than an unemployed toilet brush.”

ROFL! A brilliantly apt description!

And good article. Thanks!


louis.b.argyll says:

21 December, 2015 at 7:57 pm

Jesus as Labour leader?
Mundell as Pilate.?… Oh wait, that’s Easter.

And whit aboot the tractor Judas?

Quite a few serious contenders, IMO. 🙂

ronnie anderson

I hope this link works People, if not, its Glasgow Region (Mitch Kilbride), & Please Share thoughout Scotland.

Andrew McLean

Re David Lord Maclean

Re above post
Why don’t we give this beggar a piece of our mind!

link to


Dr Jim,
Or.. Dr Jekyll and Yoon Hyde..

Grouse Beater

Skooshcase: The Guardian BTL is now such a steaming broth of bile-soup for Unionists and trolls abusing all things Scottish

Agreed. They follow the Guardian editorial.

I think it’s arrived at its current repellent state because the ‘private’ moderators it employs have expelled almost all indipendistas, or least the smart ones have vacated the premises because it stinks of urine.


Was this what you intended to link to Ronnie? 😉

link to

ronnie anderson

@ Lesley-Anne No Lesley, its the Maryhill Foodbank Statement (doc) by Mitch Kilbride, if you could do that for me it would be much appreciated.

Robert Peffers

@Meindevon says: 21 December, 2015 at 2:18 pm:

” … But how will I get through the holidays without without my hourly fix…omg hourly! I am addicted, they said I was, I didn’t believe I’ll be fine, where’s the diazepam?”

Och! Meindevon, dinna fash! There are more than enough highly intelligent commenters who will keep posting. Even if we do argue among ourselves a bit.

My old teacher used to say, “If you ask a person, whose brain you want to pick, simply to give you an answer, you may indeed get an answer.

However, if you either contradict them, or offer a different view, you will get the full and detailed answer”.

He was a wise old bird and even looked like a hoolet.
Arguing among yourselves is healthy for debate.

Graeme Doig

John King

Still about John ta. Just keeping a wee eye on all you good people from afar. Never miss a post from the Rev as its by far the best way to keep up wi the news. I reckon a post a day keeps the yoons at bay.

Everyone on here doin a grand job without my witterings.

All the best John and all on Wings.


Exactly Mr Peffers,
Argument and debate ARE healthy..
Manipulation and subterfuge ARE NOT.


Rockin around, the Xmas tree, with my Slovene girlfriend here, who says

“At last Scotland is ready for Tories who are shaping the future and no longer fighting it”

Its from some of history’s greatest perverts at the Heil but she says

Adam Tomkins ?@ProfTomkins 11h11 hours ago
“There is a revolution going on in local govt in the rest of the U.K. Scotland cannot afford to be left behind”, says Mundell.

She does love her UKOK revolutions, just as long as no sweaties get near them, my girl.

ronnie anderson

link to Please Read & Share People. (Mitch Kilbride)


I think this is what you want Ronnie. You can download the document here.

link to


Podmore, communist my arse!


Ah, good idea, missed wings past few days but can catch up on some reading.

In fact, my local Oxfam bookshop had loads of interesting books today in the Scottish section.
I bought, wait for it, ‘Scotland’s Future, The Economics of Nationalism’. By, yep, Gavin McCrone, 1969. I already read one sentence saying Scotland was well capable of surviving outwith the yookay.

Some other books, one being about poverty and welfare in Scotland with input by non other than G Brown, and Robin Cook! I think from 1990s. I left that on the shelf. There were other ones but my finances are too stretched, if anyone wants I can go write down titles etc. In central Edinburgh.

So spare a thought because I now feel I have to read the McCrone book, which was published in, yes, the United States, but it is only 110 pages, all you need really and much shorter than the Indy ref one, ‘Scotland’s future’.

Looks like a must read?


@Grousebeater 8.54pm

You’re not wrong Grouse.

I gave up on the editorial and moderation of the Groan shortly after Dorice. They are what they are (shrugs).

Metrocentric, myopic and insular, they speak to what they consider the interested left of centre (cough) metro types, informing them on the world outside of their bubble. They refuse to consider that the folk and events they are commenting upon see and experience things somewhat differently from their view of the world and any dissent or comment which hits too close to home is moderated out of sight.

They don’t speak for us and they don’t speak to us, so why on earth should we waste our time feeding their bank balance, their egos or improve their page hits? As for their commenters BTL? Upon a time, a good bunch for the most part, who even with different views were willing to talk and listen. Today? Well today, pretty grim would be considered a polite description of some who have invaded the Scotland pages over the past two years.

Happily the title, its editorial staff and that particular element of its readership have almost zero impact on Scotland. I don’t regret leaving it behind for an instant, though I do miss some of the good folk we spent time on those columns with.


“….standing apparently unaffected by reported problems”

That phrase tells you everything you need to know about the CorpMedia.
They lie for their Master but to no avail.
Can you imagine how far we would be in front if journalists did their real job.

ronnie anderson

@ Lesley-Anne thanks Lesley as you can see I got there in the end ,it was the way Mitch sent it to me I had trouble opening the doc,I had read it before it was posted on facebook,we,re posting the story in full shortly, maybe,s the Evening Times would like to do a correction on their previous stories,but I would,nt hold out much hope, so It will be on Social Media & I hope People Share it far & wide.


Enjoy your break over the festive season, Stu. You’ve certainly earned some time away from the keyboard.

As a relatively recent Wings addict, I’m using any ‘slack’ to enjoy your archived articles. From reading all the posts in April & May 2010, I just may be on course to understand your motivation.

After that election, I was disappointed at the lost opportunity for electoral reform… but took no action. If, back then, I’d had the benefit of your insight, I would have tried harder to persuade others to question what they read, hear and see in the mainstream media.

Thanks again for all the information you provide, which helps me build a sound case for supporting our truly democratic Scottish Parliament.

Grouse Beater

Macart: They don’t speak for us and they don’t speak to us, so why on earth should we waste our time feeding their bank balance, their egos or improve their page hits?

Fair comment.


This is a beaut from WGD.

link to


Glad to be of service Ronnie. 😉


‘I disapprove of monarchical and aristocratical governments however modified. Hereditary distinctions and privileged orders of every species I think must necessarily conteract the progress of human improvement’

William Wordsworth Poet Laureate 1843-1850

Not a fan of bloody revolution no doubt he would approve of the peaceful and progressive YES movement and the quest for a fairer,inclusive democracy in Scotland- modus vivendi until we gain our independence.


I’ve finally wasted spent 2 or 3 hours knocing up my list seat predictor on an xls spreadsheet (excel 970. Using scotlandvotes constituency predictor of 1 LibDem and 1 Tory the rest being SNP, I get exactly the same for its prediction, except for Lothian where I left in Margo’s seat as an Independent on the list because I haven’t a clue what to do with it, so that would give one less seat for the Conservatives than their predicton.

But it’s pretty clear that they, like me, use uniform swing for each region.

If anyone is interested I’ll clean it up and put it up on my wordpress blog for download so people can play with it. The calculations for each region are “semi-manual”, in that you have to look to see which calculated party percent is the highest for each list seat in turn, and adjust the formula for the cells underneath – I’d put up some instructions. It’s easier and quicker than it sounds!

Just post here or off-topic if you’re interested, and I’ll post again when it’s ready.


@schrodingers cat

“What’s wrong with the one you get if you click the picture?”

Back in your box, cat! Lol. Telt.

Cadogan Enright

Happy Christmas Will Podmore

Hope you see the light next year and throw off the mental shackles

link to


Oh yes, I am slightly different anyway from scotlandvotes in that I have the SNP with 1 list seat in South of Scotland. I think they’re 0, or it’s somewhere else as I have SNP 7 on the list, I think they have SNP 6.

Their constituency is SNP 71, LibDem (Orkney) 1, COnservatives 1 (South of Scotland).


Before I forget and it’s early January,

Big, massive “CyberHugs” to the lot of you,
Those I’ve met and those I’ve not,

You’re (nearly) all magic,
I don’t post much but I’m here almost every day for a wee visit to catch up with things.
God bless the good ship Wings and all who sail in her.

Here’s to great a 2016 and another nail in the Unions coffin come May.


These latest opinion polls are great news for the SNP.
We shouldn’t however translate that into a massive vote for independence, remember that Nicola appealed to NO voters at the Aberdeen conference to vote SNP next year by saying something like ‘a vote for the SNP at Holyrood is not a vote for Independence it’s a vote for a stronger Scottish Government’
It looks to me that some of these NO voters could now be thinking of voting SNP.

Amanda McGinley

All the best when it comes rev x

Cadogan Enright

Happy Christmas Rock

(National was very good today)

Paula Rose

@ shrödinger’s cat 7:53 – I could do a very interesting article on the importance of high heels in the Independence debate.


Expect to see this headline in tomorrows Daily Liecord

SNP surge to huge lead as they make a great job of managing Scotland


Stephen McKenzie

Aye, well I suppose I better say how much I appreciate the Rev’s rapid “de-dunking” of the various Unionist exposés that tried to be presented as “facts” throughout the year.

However the battle is still ahead of us, forget Mordor and Middle Earth (a Lib Dem stronghold), or indeed Fluffy Mundell in an Xmas special of the “Apprentice”.

We have still got to prepare for yet another Jackie Bird New Year outing, this will involve multiple physiological terms such as “Black Bun”, “Old Lang Syne” and “Haste ye back”.. Another double vodka please..


In a thousand years time, who’ll know the difference?

Tackety Beets

Apart from the obvious brilliant posts from our known scribes, the humour is due some praise.

There will be many like me who read everything by our Rev & nearly every individual post, scrolling past the occasional from the usual suspects.Those who do so will always have a “COK” moment (Coffee Over Keyboard).
Hoy , cut that out!

E.g. Cadogen Enright @ 10.55 Etc etc too many to mention

Keep up the quirky posts folks , it’s a great tonic for aul foggy like me.

See ye @ Pittodrie on Seterdi Rev , if not you enjoy your well earned break.

As Paula used to say “Play nicely”

Cheers everyone.


@ Al-Stuart at 5.09 and 6.39

If you’re planning to report David Maclean, mind and spell his title correctly (as given in Andrew McLean’s link at 8.52):

it’s Blencathra, not Blencartha.

This sort of thing seems to matter; Marie Rimmer’s first trial for assault collapsed because Shettleston wasn’t described as being in Glasgow.

(I spotted the letter shift because Blencathra is a hill in the Lake District whose name I recognized; Maclean was the MP for Penrith and the Border before Rory the Tory as you’ll know.)


@ Lenny Hartley at 2.41

I was also sent that Panelbase poll with the non-functioning link; I did write to them about it but have not had a reply. They sometimes take a while (ie too long, so the survey’s closed) but so far they have always eventually answered my queries.


crazycat says: 22 December, 2015 at 12:22 am @ Al-Stuart at 5.09 and 6.39 – If you’re planning to report David Maclean, mind and spell his title correctly. it’s Blencathra, not Blencartha.

Thanks for that C/Cat.

I was banging the keyboard letters that hard in anger at the pompous Tory tea-leaf added to a near brain infarction inducing fit his felonious sticky fingers were causing me, that my earlier posting came out with the typo.

Am wanting to speak to a friend who works as a solicitor before considering what to do next.

For sure I shall spell Blencathra correctly on any court forms or reports.

Though the way I feel about MR Maclean is summed up in another spelling for his lordship: Blencatheter – and I know where I would like to stick it 🙂


@ Al-Stuart

Yes, I quite agree (though sadly that would almost certainly get your efforts thrown out of court!).


Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Lesley-Anne.

I’ve tried to submit a post twice in the last hour, directed at you, with no appearance so I’ll give up.

I even composed it in Textedit so I wasn’t hogging the text submit box, then copied and pasted – and it only had one link.

Must be the gremlins on their Christmas bonus…

Brian Doonthetoon

Tell you what, Lesley-Anne.

I’ll try one FINAL time…

Hi Lesley-Anne.

As you’re interested in playing around at the prediction site, you may find this of interest.
As yooz (including other readers) will know, there’s a bit of a campaign going on, to get SNP voters to “lend” their regional vote to a different pro-indy party.

Before I continue, here’s what I think…

It’s quite simple. If you’re an SNP member/supporter/voter, you’ll vote SNP for both constituency and regional list.
HOWEVER, if you’re a member/supporter/voter of another pro-indy party, that isn’t standing in the constituency, you MAY ‘lend’ your vote to the SNP in the constituency but vote for your first-choice party in the regional vote.
There’s no point in trying to engineer tactical voting by advising SNP voters NOT to vote SNP in the regional vote.
NOBODY will have knowledge of the constituency result when they mark their cross in the regional vote. Tactical voting only works in a simple ‘first-past-the-post’ system.

The point is that we have to send a message to the UK establishment next year, that we have not crawled back into our boxes but are still here, fighting for ‘Hail Alba’. The way to do that is to provide the SNP with the biggest possible majority in the Holyrood parliament next year.

Onnyhoo, what I did in November, and again today, was to take the TNS polling figures and apply the conjecture, no matter how implausible, that 50% of SNP voters could be persuaded to vote for the Greens, as a simple example.
I then looked, for both November and today, at the conjecture that, instead of targeting SNP voters, the tactical voting campaign targeted Labour voters, to get 50% of them to vote Green for the region.

You can see the graphics, with the hypothetical results, at the link below. See the difference in seats, for each ‘tactical’ example. Once you’ve looked at them, yooz may have something to type. At the page, just click on the graphics to get a more legible version.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Nope – just tried again. No go. I’m for the stairs up to Bedfordshire. I just have no understanding of WordPress’s protocols.


Seasons greetings all.

Thinking it would be good if we could have a ‘Scottish Season’ (a bit like the way the Edinburgh Festival (Fringe) does.)

Imagine, throughout the land, ‘Scottish Season’ could begin on St Andrews day, right up to Hogmanay/NYD. Hell, let’s keep it going until the 25th! That’s three significant Scottish dates in-a-row for celebrating.

Dunno what format it would take yet, just sowing a seed.

Hmm, maybe when we’re in our independent Scotland.

Still Positive.

Season’s Greetings to you Cactus. Sounds like a great idea to brighten up a Scottish winter with the dark nights and on the 25th beginning to look forward to lighter days.

All the best to all Wingers for Christmas and the New Year.


Hey there Cactus! And Crazycat, saw you there too =)

Great idea!! But isn’t every day Scottish Season?! I’m sure we’re the kind of folk to think of something to cause a wee celebration each and every day 🙂

The days are getting longer! Yahoo! Oh, and the SNP are STILL increasing their lead, but shhh, I think that’s being kept a secret.

Have a really lovely Christmas and festive season everyone = )

Rev Stu, have a lovely holiday!


Some hospital trusts make millions a year from car parks – link to

In England. Doesn’t mention the SNP put a stop to parking charges (and PFI contracts). It’s in the UK section. BBC has lost its compass again.


O/T links

link to

link to

Glasgow citizens asked if they support bombing Syria

link to

link to


O/T links

link to

Tories order spy planes that don’t work with RAF’s in-flight refuelling system

link to

link to

link to

Grouse Beater

Truly lovely people:

Four years after the phone hacking scandal, which rocked the media and political establishment, Cameron is set to appear at Murdoch’s party, his first meeting with Murdoch since his re-election in May. Proof that the head of News Corp is back at the centre of power in the UK.

The event at Murdoch’s London flat in St James’s is also set to reunite Cameron with the strident Rebekah Brooks after the News UK chief executive was cleared of all phone hacking charges and three months after she returned to her old job, running Murdoch’s newspapers in the UK.

Lesson: Don’t allow Unionist trolls to tell you it’s Salmond ‘cosying’ up to Murdoch.


Have your self a merry little toryboy Xmas. HO HO HO!

Just this one crew of shysters alone get away with all kinds of historic UKOK mega whoppers like

link to

and then, when actually are openly toryboy, they get fined, 30 grand.

Still funny

“The Telegraph has been fined £30,000 for sending hundreds of thousands of emails on the day of the general election urging readers to vote Conservative.

In what he described as an “unprecedented step”, Daily Telegraph editor Chris Evans asked readers to back the Tories in a letter added to its daily email.

But data protection watchdog the Information Commissioner’s Office found the newspaper’s parent company, Telegraph Media Group, broke direct marketing rules.”

Semus Hamilton

Off topic.It was nice to see a bored lassie giving out copies of the Sun for free in a supermarket in Dumfries.I took 20 and put them in the bin, and told her there you can get home earlier now without poisoning anybodies minds…..oh how we laughed.


The next person who says
“are you all set for Christmas” gets the FULL malky visited on their arse!

In fact I’m inclined to answer them with “No I’m NOT set for Christmas” since I’ve been at work and its kinda fu&*ing hard to go to the shops in a half hour lunch break and the wife INSISTS that I decorate our dining room with,… f%^k oh I dont know… 36 fu*&*ng hours to go before Christmas dinner,and no I havent bought you a present because we’ve got to pay a fu&*ng grand for our fu&%ing holiday in March before the 31st of fu**ing December, capish”?
link to
Christmas Dinner will be served @ 15.00 on 25th December all FU***NG WELCOME
link to



The difference between a Prime Minister and a First Minister

A First Minister of Scotland doesn’t require the media’s aid to put them or keep them in office today.

Our First Minister is in that seat despite the media.


@John King


No, no nevermind.


Have a good one when it comes John.

(Ducks for cover).

Dr Jim

Sod all to do with politics

Anybody know where I can get Ginger Cordial or the concentrate stuff you make it with

Grumpy Grandad Bishopbriggs


Murdoch should be in jail for bribing public officials.The UK Press is owned by tax evading Non Dom. In the UK people have to access ‘foreign’ news because the Press is owned by ‘foreign’ tax evading Non Doms and liars who want to continuing tax evading. The rest are printing companies who rely on UK Gov contracts. Sales are plummeting.

The Tories have destroyed the Oil sector (tax take) the steel industry, the coal industry (refused CCS) and the renewable sector. More fuel and energy has to be imported putting up the balance of payments deficit and the debt. Thousands of people are losing their jobs. Having to sell up and move in with relatives or borrow to pay morgages or rent.

Trident/illegal wars, tax evasion and banking frauds are costing £Billions.

May 2016 is only 4 months+ away. Wipe out.


Memo: Labour Party Head Office, Westminster
To: the last elected Labour representative in Scotland.

When you leave Scottish Party HQ, please turn off the lights and note the meter reading and send it to the power co. On second thoughts, don’t we haven’t paid the last bill.

Turn the power off and scarper.


Tis the season to be an even bigger lying hypocrite than UKOK usual.

So from this bunch of UKOK delights, April mention for Sturgeon

link to

Nicola Sturgeon was among many female politicians derided in the run-up to the general election. Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian

link to

Whatever you say about UKOK hackdom, Scottish democracy’s certainly stretching their eh, abilities.



Dr Jim
Anybody know where I can get Ginger Cordial or the concentrate stuff you make it with.

Swap you a bottle of Ginger cordial for this
link to

Oh an keep yer eye oot will ye?
link to

OR… you could just go tae Dobbies where they do a nice wee line in Ginger with …eh something else for £3.00 odds

Bob Mack

@Dr Jim,

The only place I know that sells ginger cordial essence is the co-op. You boil it with sugar and water.
Used to get it with shortbread. Yum.


Bob Mack
I used to get that when I was a bairn, it didnea half mak yer een waatter, Im sure ma mither let me think it was alcohol.

Will Podmore

Skooshcase notes that on the Guardian Comment is free website I wrote, “And the discredited Wee Blue Book, promoted by that passionate abusive Scot based in … Bath”
He calls this abusive. Later he calls me a ‘lying hypocrite’, (isn’t this just a little abusive?) without bothering to prove it with evidence.
Grouse beater writes, “The boring Plodmore, caught wearing a policeman’s uniform when in reality he’s nothing more than an unemployed toilet brush.” This is, apparently, not abusive. And Skooshcase applauds this foul-minded abuse. He also falsely accuses me of ‘abusing all things Scottish’, confusing opposition to separatism with racist denigration of a whole people.
frogesque asks what I like about the Union, and confuses liking the Union with liking Westminster. I like the unity of the British working class.

John J.

Have a good Christmas and New Year Rev.


frogesque asks what I like about the Union, and confuses liking the Union with liking Westminster. I like the unity of the British working class

Will, English people are nice, so are the French, the Irish, Norwegians, the Dutch, the Japanese, Americans and so on, BUT why should Scotland be governed by any of the above, and it’s no good saying Scotland is not governed by England, with over 70% Scottish fiscal policy dictated directly by toryboys like Osborne at the Treasury, and that cabal of toryboys have barely 30% English vote. Its bad enough that they dump their giant debt on Scotland, at least England has plenty to show for it.


Cadogan Enright says:

21 December, 2015 at 10:23 pm

Happy Christmas Will Podmore

Hope you see the light next year and throw off the mental shackles

I see a strange beast flying over head. “Oink Oink”.


Wingers will be interested that IPSO has told Sun to print a(small) front page correction for lying about Jeremy Corbyn.

Now that they have set a precedent I wouldn’t hold my breath that Daily Heil, Excess etc will be ordered to do so every time they smear and lie about SNP or its elected representatives.

Also an excellent letter from economist Dr Jim Walker in The National on Scotland’s fiscal “time bomb” which should be required reading for all Yessers in order to counter the regular unionist taunts about bankrupt Scotland.

link to


The English working class vote Tory


From Kezia Dugdale / SLab site. From the party, pre-election, that stated it would support Osborne’s austerity cuts. From the party that later abstained on voting against austerity cuts.

‘’Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Well, unless you are the SNP’s Finance Minister John Swinney, that is. After the budget he delivered last week, it would be more appropriate to quote from Scrooge.

The organisation representing Scotland’s councils said the SNP Government’s budget could see 15,000 job losses. Millions of pounds has been slashed from council funding. There will be no Christmas cheer for the head teachers having to balance the school budget in the year ahead.

Councils help to build our schools and they employ our teachers. They pay for the specialist teachers that so many children rely on. They employ our janitors, dinner ladies, classroom assistants and office staff – the backbone of our schools.

Last week at First Minister’s Questions, I challenged Nicola Sturgeon to guarantee that there would be no job losses in our schools following the SNP’s budget, but she failed to do so. That’s a real worry.

The most disappointing thing about the budget was that it was such a missed opportunity. The Edinburgh government could have decided to do things differently. The new powers coming to Scotland mean we have a chance to take a different path to Tory austerity if politicians are willing to take difficult decisions. The SNP’s budget passed up that chance and instead decided to just manage Tory austerity.

Scottish Labour would do things differently. We wouldn’t just manage Tory austerity – we would use the new powers to invest in our young people. Scottish Labour would introduce a Fair Start Fund, giving £1,000 directly to head teachers for every pupil from a deprived background.

Somebody has to pay for these things, so we would ask the richest few earning more than £150,000 a year to pay a little extra in tax.

The new powers mean we don’t have to judge imagine a better country, we can make it a reality. It will require some tough decisions from politicians. We will all have to decide whose side we are on.

I have made my choice. I won’t let the next generation pay the price of austerity. We know where the Tories stand – Ruth Davidson and George Osborne want to cut, cut and cut again, regardless of the consequences.

It’s time for Nicola Sturgeon to not just say where she stands, but to prove it by her actions in government. She tells us she is against Tory austerity, but does nothing to stop it. That’s not good enough, anymore.”

”Nicola Sturgeon promised to save the steel plants.” Mair lies!

Steel workers:

”For steel workers in Cambuslang and Motherwell, Christmas is going to be a difficult time. Some have already been laid off by Tata Steel, whilst others will spend the holidays not knowing what the future will hold.

When the job losses were first announced, Nicola Sturgeon promised to save the steel plants. Several months on she hasn’t delivered on that promise and families are now suffering.

The steel industry can have a bright future with the right support from government. These skills and good quality jobs cannot be allowed to disappear from communities in Lanarkshire and across Scotland. Too many families depend on these jobs for them to be lost without a fight.

We need the government to be looking to the long-term too. That means assessing the future of traditional industries in Scotland in general. From shipbuilding to oil and gas to steel, too many of our core industries have been rocked by rapid global forces. Long-term planning is needed now to secure a bright future, rather than just reacting whenever crisis hits.”

Grouse Beater

Plodmore: “This is, apparently, not abusive”

I was being kind. You’ll soon know when I’m abusive.

You’re a troll.

You have a negative for every positive. Even when somebody agrees with you, you ensure they’re discomfited by your rejection.

You have no clear political belief other than to call all who seek greater democratic rights as ‘separatists’ – a slur – when in fact they’re nothing of the kind. You use ‘working class’ as a shield behind which you spout nonsense.

In any event, I dislike you for choosing an independence orientated site to tell contributors they’re wrong-headed or gullible. That makes you an egotist.

As with all trolls, you always manage to turn a political statement into something personal about yourself, Dippy Dave is the same. That makes you an atypical narcissist.

And even when you make a point you return to bash it to death when any normal person would move on. The only thing you manage to add to a debate is severe irritation.

That makes you a troll.


” I like the unity of the British working class.”

Im working class I I feel absolutely no affinity with you whatsoever,
besides if your so into universal whathcamicallit what’s to stop feeling you “affinity” with the Scottish working class when we’re (which we will be) independent?

Thank fuck we weren’t all on the Titanic with you, you wouldhave been pulling us all out of the lifeboats to make ussing the last verse of ABIDE WITH ME!

Grouse Beater

Sink: “an excellent letter from economist Dr Jim Walker in The National”

Thanks for the heads up, Sinky. Yes, a fine rebuttal from Jim Walker against Professor Bell’s doom-laden predictions.

Fascinating to see blind unionists still swinging their white stick in all directions even after they won.


Brilliant Dr Jim just brilliant! 🙂


link to

Why not


Toryboy bullshit.


Craig Murray has posted Peter Bell’s excellent riposte to silly comments that the SNP are no longer interested in Independence.
Worth a read as an antidote to the “concern trolling” doing the rounds lately:
link to


“And the discredited Wee Blue Book,”

By whom?
Scott Arthur?

Flower of Scotland

Have a great break Rev. You thoroughly deserve it. Your sterling work for an Independent Scotland knows no bounds and we are very grateful.

Wishing all Wingers a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Oops there,s my 20 year old cat attacking my Christmas presents again!

Anne Graham

Take a well deserved break. I don’t do Christmas, but I do wish a good one for you.


(Edwin Morgan)

call me dave

She’s in denial Petra and skating on thin ice as well , never mind falling on her gluteus maximus.

From the same article as you noted:
I went ice skating for the first time in about 15 years this week. Some genius thought it would be a great idea for me to film Scottish Labour’s Christmas video on ice.

Edinburgh’s St Andrew’s square is looking glorious, with a beautiful rink dough-nutting the monument. It could have been on the front of a Christmas card – assuming someone air brushed me falling on my bum out of it.

The only ice I’m negotiating from now on in is the stuff for my drinks!

Merry Christmas to all readers and posters.

link to


The Labour/Unionists who stood with the Tories against Independence complain about Tory cuts and austerity. Total hypocrites. Vote NO you get nothing.

Scotland was promised FFA, Home Rule, Federalism. It gets tax raising powers to pay for Trident/illegal wars, banking frauds and massive tax evasion. Until the next Referendum.

Unionists/Green councils waste £Million/Billions of taxpayers money and then claim they have no money for public services. They have more than enough for public services but spend it on over- budget Trams, ruining city centres etc. How ACC got the carbuncle mess though planning is a mystery. Wasting £Millions leasing it back for thirty years. Creating more congestion in the City. Paying off £26Million of AECC debt. Now they plan to spend £330Million on a bigger one. A total waste of public money. Spending £33Million renovating an Art Gallery. Refusing £80Million to pedestrianise the City. They are not fit for public office. Against the majority wishes and the public interest. GCC is corrupt.

Councils get more than enough for essential services. They spend it on other non mandated spending. They waste £Million/Billions.

Grouse Beater

I see McKenna promulgates the myth that Police Scotland is near break down point.

We can take from his statement he believes everything arrant journalists publish about Scotland’s police force every since the SNP took over, including… erm, McKenna.

There’s nothing like perpetuating lies and exaggerations you’ve promoted your self.

Proud Cybernat

So we have (so far):

Corporate Media (CorpMedia)
British Unionist Media (BUM)
Idiot Press
Mud Stream Media (MSM)
Mud Slinging Media (MSM)
State Sponsored Broadcaster

Use these pejorative terms folk. Use them often and everywhere you can. The corrupt media in this country is the mouthpiece of the Yoon Establishment. Most ordinary folks are totally unaware how our insidious press manipulates their thought – tells them how to think. When they begin to realise that the media in this country cannot be trusted, they will start to switch off and, hopefully, many of them will look elsewhere to become informed.

Of course, there are those who are quite happy to be lied to. We can’t help those types unfortunately.

So, to get those people to realise they are constantly being lied to by the media (the Big Mouths) in this country, we begin by defining that media with pejorative terms. It’s a battle we have to win.

So – use these pejorative terms every time you can to describe the rotten media in this country. And DON’T use ‘MAINSTREAM MEDIA’ or ‘MSM’. Those terms imbue these rags with a sense of ‘authority’ that is totally undeserving.


A trip to Cullen. A breathe of fresh air.


@Will Podmore at 9.02 am

Grouse Beater at 9.32 am encapsulates all that needs to be said.

Just keep re-reading that post until you get so het-up you self-combust, stick vegetables up your nose, or whatever it is that takes your fancy. Then, obvious troll is obvious, take yourself off to somewhere away from here where your trolling goes down well – like the now troll-infested Guardian, ideal for you and your… views.


Sinky says:

“IPSO has told Sun to print a(small) front page correction for lying about Jeremy Corbyn.”

The correction should ALWAYs be the same size and position as the original offence.

If they say something which is false with a front page spread, the correction SHOULD be a front page spread.

The print media needs punishments which actually has some effect on their future behaviour.


Police Scotland get £1.8Billion. 40% off ‘charges’ never go to court but have to be processed through the system. The Police should understand the ‘Law’. There are legitimate questions being raised, especially about what went on before. GCC corruption. Changes in policies which would benefit the public and the Police.

Grouse Beater

John: “And the discredited Wee Blue Book,” By whom?

Well spotted, John.

A handful of crazy Yoons have posted that remark and never lifted a brain cell to justify it – an old propaganda trick of publishing a false statement and later returning to boost its credibility by assuming it’s true.

Scotia’s haters have the entire MSM at their disposal yet they see the need to belittle one small publication that takes the indie side. Scared, or scorched earth policy?


Another teamGB tubthumper takes another UKOK swipe. You’re all wrong, its the UKOK place at the top table what makes us all so bettertogether, and they dump their nukes in their Scotland region too

link to

No actual mention of his Scotland region, until he needs a whipping boy. They do love a subservient whipping boy, our imperial masters.

“Why? Because the Brexit sceptics make the same mistake as the SNP makes in Scotland.

They offer a simple and emotionally powerful solution to national ills – “we’re better off on our own” – on the erroneous basis that Britain, and Scotland itself, are more significant in the world of 2015 than they are. It was different a century ago when the British empire was still just about the No 1 global power, bleeding fast in Flanders mud. Like Ukip, these people ache with escapist nostalgia.

But our “place at the top table” and other not-insignificant benefits to both Scotland and UK hinge upon our membership of both Nato and the EU.”

Quite a lot of other countries decided they were better off not being run by our chums in the south too. Funny that.

Alan Crerar

Thank you for all your great work, Wings, and have good break.
Meanwhile, lets all consider the sanity (aside from the debate on whether we need a Trident replacement or not) of Labourists defending Trident as a job creation scheme. Under any other circumstances, that would be grounds for sectioning under the mental heath act.

Proud Cybernat

It’s Christmas. The Season of Goodwill to all Men. Peace on Earth and all that.

BBC Two a minute ago:

‘The Songs & Shows of Word War I’ Tonight, 10pm on Radio 2.

WTF is it with the State Sponsored Broadcaster? WAR? At CHRISTMAS!!!


Grouse Beater

When Unionists claim we’d all be better off leaving the EU, whatever happened to their argument independence loses our seat ‘at the top table’?

Just asking. 🙂


Will Podmore says:
22 December, 2015 at 9:02 am
Skooshcase notes that on the Guardian Comment is free website I wrote, “And the discredited Wee Blue Book, promoted by that passionate abusive Scot based in … Bath”
He calls this abusive. Later he calls me a ‘lying hypocrite’, (isn’t this just a little abusive?) without bothering to prove it with evidence.
Grouse beater writes, “The boring Plodmore, caught wearing a policeman’s uniform when in reality he’s nothing more than an unemployed toilet brush.” This is, apparently, not abusive. And Skooshcase applauds this foul-minded abuse. He also falsely accuses me of ‘abusing all things Scottish’, confusing opposition to separatism with racist denigration of a whole people.
frogesque asks what I like about the Union, and confuses liking the Union with liking Westminster. I like the unity of the British working class.

Will, no confusion on my part. You speak as someone who knows very little about the ‘working class’. I served my ‘time’ before going into management and I’ve seen first hand the unity of the ‘I’m all right Jack’ something for nothing set. Where overtime is controlled and given to the chosen few, where meetings are draged out beyond time just to avoid doing what they are actually paid for. Where Union ‘subs’ were collected in a tin box and no accounts were ever produced. As guilty of divide and rule as any of the worst managers.

Your ‘ideal’ of unity engenders corruption worthy of the best from an Eton playing field.

I want a better Scotland where my representatives are accountable and less than a 1 hour’s (free for pensioners like me in Scotland) bus ride away. They are accessable and do listen when they get it wrong.

Yes, surprise, even the SNP are human and make mistakes, but, and this is the big difference, they will put it right rather than force the people (of all flavours) to live with bad judgement. I do not see and never have seen any of that philosophy from a centrist London Establishment.

Anyway, hopefully it will all be clear after May just how far Scotland has evolved. So Have a great Christmas Will, It’s not too late to come in from the cold and join The party

However, I’ll drink a wee toast to all Unionists at the New Year and remember them when glasses are raised to ‘absent friends’.

Tick toc.


Proud Cybernat says at 10:04 am ….

”So we have (so far):

Corporate Media (CorpMedia)
British Unionist Media (BUM)
Idiot Press
Mud Stream Media (MSM)
Mud Slinging Media (MSM)
State Sponsored Broadcaster

Use these pejorative terms folk. Use them often and everywhere you can. The corrupt media in this country is the mouthpiece of the Yoon Establishment ….. So – use these pejorative terms every time you can to describe the rotten media in this country. And DON’T use ‘MAINSTREAM MEDIA’ or ‘MSM’. Those terms imbue these rags with a sense of ‘authority’ that is totally undeserving.”

I totally agree with you Proud Cybernat. This is a KEY issue as they pose the GREATEST obstacle to us getting our Independence. Don’t afford them any respect or credibility and undermine their authority at every turn. More than anything highlight to the general public exactly what they stand for. Why don’t we all just agree to calling them the corrupt media?


The @forthroadbridge will open tomorrow to all vehicles except HGVs

Whoohoo we’re free, we’re free


Nana, cyberhugs to yourself for your input here on Wings!

So looking forward to a troll-free 2016, mebbes time to crack the whip & prune the dead wood! Podmore in particular’s posts are neither informative, witty, funny or clever, they’re just about Podmore & his ego and for a member? of a proselytising party he’s made common cause with nobody, converted nobody and influenced nobody. I think we’ve established that this proletarian has never actually soiled his hands with work so the shop floor hasn’t been an influence and it shows.

The CP boys were out in Buchanan Street on Saturday flogging the Star & the old dead-horse, bought the paper for old times sake and asked about Podmore, “sounds like a tosser” was the response. Left the Star on the bus.

Helena Brown

frogesque, I echo your sentiments. We are presently surrounded by corruption at almost every level. The Establishment have used it as a method of control for a long long time. I too want a Country I can be proud of and am not of this benighted Union.
The Union is dead, it just is too brain dead to realise it yet, and the same goes for the Unionists.
Tic Toc



Unconfirmed and I don’t have a link but rumour has it the FRB will be open from tomorrow for all traffic except HGVs.

Brill news if true!


link to

Windy Wilson Weather and Road Reports

3 mins ·


Windy says the FORTH ROAD BRIDGE is to re-open to all vehicles EXCEPT HGV’S tomorrow, Wednesday the 23rd of December


When Unionists claim we’d all be better off leaving the EU, whatever happened to their argument independence loses our seat ‘at the top table’?

Its all about British strength, power, influence, glory, punching things, above your weight, bombing hot places that cant fight back, into democracy/stone age, several countries are currently experiencing UKOKness right now, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, do they know it’s a UKOK Xmas time at all…

Its all for you own good sweaties, never forget that.


frogesque says:

22 December, 2015 at 10:37 am


Unconfirmed and I don’t have a link but rumour has it the FRB will be open from tomorrow for all traffic except HGVs.

Brill news if true!

Credit to our amazing engineers, if true. And of course, a bright feather in Derek McKay’s cap.

GRUY, unionist whingers!


Wonder how the BUM will spin the early opening?
SNP misled drivers over reopening date?



It’s now on the Beeb site. Well done those engineers as it’s been rather blustery the last few days.


I hear the bridge repairs were stress tested by getting Jackie Baillie to walk across it.


@ Luigi:

See above update: Windy Wilson is usually spot on! Going to check out Fife Jammers as well.

and aye, GRUY Whingers!

Brian Powell

In other shocking news the Forth road Bridge will open tomorrow, Wednesday, from 6am for all vehicles except HGVs.

Well done all the guys working day and night in this weather to get it in back in operation 2 weeks before scheduled.

Since LabConsLibs tried to lay all the blame on the SNP SG then only fair to say well done SNP SG for taking bold decisive action to get it working again.


In today’s Scotsman, a unionist propaganda rag which professes to be a newspaper, one of their resdident band of blinkered and brainwashed idots who post comments has suggested the following:-

He lists twenty odd pseudonyms and suggests that all of their posts come from a single individual – Wait For IT!! – none other than The Rev Stu himself.

Displaying the cretinous characteristics which seem to infect those who infest the rag’s comments he seems to expect readers to believe that Rev Stu would waste his time arguing the toss with him and his fellow morons, far less go to the trouble of disguising himself by creating dozens of comment accounts.


‘Glasgow should have the powers of a global city’

says Mundell.

First things first fuzzy heid.

Perhaps if he first wanted for Scotland the basic democratic powers of all normal countries then we could assume he was being constructive.

Until then he is acting as Westminster’s agent in Scotland,no more no less.


Fairliered says:

22 December, 2015 at 10:48 am

Wonder how the BUM will spin the early opening?
SNP misled drivers over reopening date?

Aye, they did a good job and Old Foulkes will be complaining that they did it deliberately. 🙂


BLOW TO STURGEON: reports that the FRB would open in early January proved wrong.


A UKOK unionist lost in spreadsheets, as his country loses control of another, RT’s

Kevin Hague Retweeted
MichaelWhite ?@MichaelWhite 2h2 hours ago
MichaelWhite Retweeted K8t
When I write about self absorbed delusions of Indy Scots & Brexit types link to this is what i mean

MichaelWhite added,
K8t @K8T50
@neiledwardlovat @MichaelWhite @guardian Actually @JohnSwinney only successful & accurate finance minister in western world…
View summary 8 retweets 8 likes

Fair enough they are losing control of near on half of their country, silly facial hair and all.

Dave McEwan Hill

Very excellent letter in today’s National from Prof Jim Walker dissembling the usual unionist “too poor Scotland” at source.

Well worth wide distribution. It makes the basic point. All the doom-laden figures we are presented with are based on a Scottish economy trapped in a failed UK economy and it makes the point very well

We should not even entertain debate about the unionists’ figures for Scotland.
They are irrelevant


Grouse Beater says:

“When Unionists claim we’d all be better off leaving the EU, whatever happened to their argument independence loses our seat ‘at the top table’?”

Different rules apply when Greater England is involved. They are special, their country is the specialest ever.

If Greater England ain’t seated at the table, then the table ain’t worth sitting at.

I do not jest! There is widespread believe among the English elite that they actually unique and special in this world.

Their blind muddled thinking hasn’t allowed them to see that it won’t be a Brexit debate, it is going to be an Engexit debate!


O/T Just watched a short 5 min video on the Amazon stone henge. That’s the Amazon River in Brazil. Garrafinha looks after it.

link to

No I’m not ready for Christmas either and have abandoned any hope so am enjoying the “run-up” instead.

Proud Cybernat

Can anyone ever now imagine having a Scottish Unionist Government (of any hue) at Holyrood? A Governemnt that would aquiesce with whatever Westminster wanted. A Unionist Government that would go out of its way to assist and do good for London rather than the people of Scotland. A Unionist government that would send Scotland’s money back to Westminster because they lack imagination on how to spend it in Scotland.

Why would ANYONE in Scotland EVER want to go back to that kind of government at Holyrood?

Well done the engineers who sorted the FRB. Since the Idiot Press and State Sponsored Broadcaster wrongly pinned the blame on the SNP for the problem, will they now afford the SNP for repairing the bridge ahead of schedule and within budget?

Sorry – stupid question.


dakk says:
22 December, 2015 at 10:55 am
‘Glasgow should have the powers of a global city’

says Mundell.

First things first fuzzy heid.

Perhaps if he first wanted for Scotland the basic democratic powers of all normal countries then we could assume he was being constructive.

Until then he is acting as Westminster’s agent in Scotland,no more no less.

Glasgow always was a global city – before Thatcher, Blair et al destroyed it’s manufacturing heart. They never ripped the heart from the people though

Genius of the Glasgow Boys, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, City of Culture, Classic, rock and folk music, YES voting, Red Torys Out. I even hear they have a couple of footie teams! What’s not to love about Glasgow!

Glasgow still IS a global city, Mundell just thinks it’s a wee village in his London bubble.


Its kinda funny, but when I imagine the Rev taking time off to relax, he will be relaxing, and able to reflect back upon a new and important dynamic in the evolution of Scottish democracy which he has created. We done Rev, and warmest wishes mixed with thanks.

When the Unionists take their time off to relax, for some reason, I see them huddled into shady corners and snugs in bars, with furrowed brows and wringing their hands increasingly disturbed that Project Fear/Smear/Jeer is not working, and they know the price of failure. The Empire will not tolerate failure.

2016 coulda/woulda/shoulda been a thoroughly awesome year for our new Scotland, just like that iconic image of the Scottish butterfly taking off to join the other European butterflies. Not a word spoken, but everything said….Not yet though eh?

Instead, we look ahead to another year of Unionist propaganda, manipulation of our news, trolls, and smears of our integrity. I hope we continue to rise above it all.

Let us hope that Scotland’s new bridge over the Forth chimes with our spirit of endeavour at home and abroad. From what I can see, our bridge will have a lot in common with the Millau Viaduct, and I hope, the pearl bridge in Kobe. They are so much more than functionary solutions to problems. We should embrace their vitality and allow them to lift our spirits, rather than fret about cracks in the old bridge and who did what to Col. Mustard in the Drawing Room.

Personally, I hope we wake up as a nation, and wake up to traditions we have in our sandstone urban landscape and stop demolishing our built heritage as some dirty blot on the landscape. Throughout our land, we are losing 100’s of tons of premier quality stonework to see it replaced with cheap modern trash. Let me stress, it isn’t trash because its cheap, it isn’t trash because it’s modern, it’s just trash. Some of our unloved stone buildings are the finest of their type, the envy of any number of societies across the world, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. When they are gone, they won’t be replaced. Sadly, there is as much “shite” spoken in the building industry and the training which underpins it as there is in Scottish politics, but sadly there’s no Wings site to defend the great and the good. Sometimes it’s hard to watch.

Roll on 2016.

Will Podmore

heedtracker asks, “why should Scotland be governed by any of the above?” I’m not advocating that Scotland should be ruled by the English. I advocate that together we should run our country, and stop the toryboys – and the Labour party – misruling us all.
frogesque tells me, “You speak as someone who knows very little about the ‘working class’. I served my ‘time’ before going into management and I’ve seen first hand the unity of the ‘I’m all right Jack’ something for nothing set.” Thanks for making it clear that you have nothing but contempt for trade union members, Scottish or English.
Fred writes, “I think we’ve established that this proletarian has never actually soiled his hands with work.” Actually I have been gainfully employed for 45 years now. But don’t bother yourself with the facts.



Very best wishes to you & yours Fred. Troll free 2016 eh? well we can hope!

Wishing all wingers a Merry Christmas, pour yourselves a dram and cheers to you all Hic hic….

Have a good rest Rev, you deserve it.

Will Podmore

Kevin Hague has analysed the Wee Blue Book. One example, from page 13: “we have to pay it even if we didn’t need or want the things it was spent on – like nuclear weapons, the London Olympics and the HS2 railway from London to Birmingham, all of which Scotland pays billions of pounds towards because Westminster claims they’re for the benefit of the whole country.”
Hague points out, “The latest GERS report is very clear on these two points;
•Page 77: Consequently, as discussed in previous editions of GERS, all capital expenditure associated with the Olympics has been assigned to the rest of the UK, primarily London and surrounding area, on the basis that Scotland will not receive a lasting benefit from the infrastructure and regeneration associated with the games.
•Page 77: Within GERS, the expenditure has been apportioned to Scotland in line with the regional breakdown of the benefits of High Speed 2 reported within The Economic Case for HS2, published by the Department for Transport. This assigns Scotland 2% of the total expenditure.
So per GERS we don’t pay for the London Olympics and we only pay for the apportioned value of HS2 that the Scottish Government (not Westminster) decide.”


There is a spoof article in Newsnet today suggesting that a spoof university from the west was interested in setting up in the Old Royal High.

That got me to thinking.

Edinburgh University is a success story with more and more students every year.

Would it not be possible, bearing in mind that it was built as an educational establishment,to move the History and Geography faculties into The Royal High and additionally include the abandoned project for a Museum of Photography?

Alba 46

O/T See the FRB will be open to all traffic less HGV at 6am tomorrow. What a blinder AMEY have played in getting this repaired and operational well before the estimated date. Hope the guys get a big bonus.

The transport minister Derek Mckay deserves a round of applause as well. He dismissed Labour calls for all sorts of enquiries into the why’s and wherefor’s to concentrate on getting the bridge repaired and open. He handled himself very well in the face of the usual barrage of Britnat flak.

Now for the enquiry. If only half the info on wings is to be believed FETA and Scotlab (branch office) are in for a tough time. Bring it on.


Will Podmore says:
22 December, 2015 at 11:29 am
Kevin Hague has analysed the Wee Blue Book. One example, from page 13: “we have to pay it even if we didn’t need or want the things it was spent on – like nuclear weapons, the London Olympics and the HS2 railway from London to Birmingham, all of which Scotland pays billions of pounds towards because Westminster claims they’re for the benefit of the whole country.”
Hague points out, “The latest GERS report is very clear on these two points;
•Page 77: Consequently, as discussed in previous editions of GERS, all capital expenditure associated with the Olympics has been assigned to the rest of the UK, primarily London and surrounding area, on the basis that Scotland will not receive a lasting benefit from the infrastructure and regeneration associated with the games.
•Page 77: Within GERS, the expenditure has been apportioned to Scotland in line with the regional breakdown of the benefits of High Speed 2 reported within The Economic Case for HS2, published by the Department for Transport. This assigns Scotland 2% of the total expenditure.
So per GERS we don’t pay for the London Olympics and we only pay for the apportioned value of HS2 that the Scottish Government (not Westminster) decide.”

So, that assignment (by Kevin who? no link) means that Scotland got no benefit from the Olympics and only gets 2% from HS2.

Our taxes still pay for it though and we get no recompense via Barnett. That is the true meaning of your figures, but I’m open to correction.

Patrick Roden

I think you will find that a lot of us Scots complaint about the Olympics was that a lot of money was siphoned from lottery funds to pay for it and that meant the funds that had previously went to causes in Scotland, were cut.

I think you will also find that the last minute extra security measures were paid out of the UK budget.

Only 2%?. If Scotland gets no benefit from HS2 why are we asked to pay anything?

Will Podmore

The rev writes of “that fucking idiot dog-food salesman” – may I remind him of this site’s rules about abuse?


Premoded Pod…it’s going to be a wonderful christmas folks!



Hey Rev, whit’s ma number? Pod’s got 500 comments?

Who’s got the most?

(yes, I’m half jesting, but curious too 🙂 )


Hurrah! The Rev has spoken – “Enjoy premoderation.” Peace and goodwill on Wings – the perfect Xmas gift to us all from our very own Wise Man! 🙂

All the best and lots of my mumsyhugs to you Stu and your team and everyone on here including the quiet lurkers 🙂 xxx

Derek C

Couldn’t resist sharing today’s P&J headline on a”politics” article:
” Nationalists ahead of labour despite bridge strife “

ronnie anderson

Ok whits pre moderation is that like pre eejitfication of the Pod.


@ronnie anderson

Its like the rules of ‘Fight Club’, but with HAMMERS. 🙂


So Macart, he’ll jist be in the ether fighting wi himsel’ noo?

Ian Brotherhood

‘Pre-moderation’ is when one is sober.

‘Post-moderation’ is when one is pished.



More this

First rule of WOS – The author makes the rules

Second rule of WOS – See rule number 1

Third rule of WOS – Hammers are applied for questioning rule number 1.


@Will Podmore
While the facts NOW are true about the Olympics and HS2, they weren’t before the Referendum, as others have pointed out. So to say that the WBB written before the referendum in 2014 quoting the known facts at the time is now “discredited”, is completely dishonest, a complete lie. The Olympics and HS2 adjustments are because of representations from the Scottish Government, good for them.

That’s exactly the same as those who quote oil price now, as though it discredits the White Paper written in 2013. In case you haven’t noticed, this is 2015, and the last few days of it as well.

Anyone who engages in the argument, or supports it, completely discredits themselves as worth reading or considering, and that’s not just in the eyes of Independence supporters, it’s in the eyes of those who are neutral, and even those on the side of the Union.

The still rising support for the SNP and Greens, and continually droppping of support for Labour and the LibDems is proof of that. People don’t like liars.

I personally would prefer to see honest arguments from those supporting the Union, but really it’s all one to me, if the extreme Unionist activists want to set about themselves in an orgy of self-destruction, as KH does, well, who am I to try to stop them? I’m not a psychiatrist.

Big Jock

Forth Bridge opening 2 weeks early. I want a public enquiry. The unionists promised it would be after the new year and might be longer. It’s just not fair when governments keep beating targets.


I sympathise with how annoying it can be.

The first thing is that one of the good things about WOS is that it’s open to those with an opposing view to post on, whereas I’ve seen people post about having their postings deleted off the likes of the Labour lists. Bella too allows quite strong criticism at times, as does Craig Murray. I think only absolute timewasters should be banned – but hey, it’s your blog of course.

For me one of the advantages of allowing those opposing views is so that lurkers can compare and contrast the different arguments.

For instance, your articles quote in context, and provide the links to verify that indeed you have correctly quoted and interpreted.

Opposing that is the likes of one particular article from a Dr S about the FRB that took small quotes absolutely out of context, with no URL link to verify. I found them by searching for a part of the phrase in quotes, to find out that indeed, they were totally out of context. Some clown quoted the whole thing in the Herald. LOL.

Bit by bit, anyone taking the trouble to check this out can see for themselves that while generally Indy / SNP / other pro posters quote accurately, with backing from known or official sources, the case against relies on deceit. That’s how we’re winning, and how we will win for Indy Ref 2.

Now Happy Christmas and bugger off leave us alone and enjoy yourself!


Scotland loses £Billions, in tax evasion thorough the City of London, including whisky companies. Tax Laws not being enforced by Wedtminster. HMRC not fit for purposes. Scotland loses £Billion from Trident/illegal wars.

Westminster illegally and secretly took the equivalent of £Billions from Scotland and kept it secret under the Official Secrets Act. The McCrone Report and Thatcher, ‘This must be kept secret’, written on the documents.

Scotland raises £54Billion in taxes. The UK raises £515Billion. Take £54Billion from £515Billion = £461Billion. . Divide £461Billion by 11 (rest of the UK 11/12 pop) = £42Billion. The rest of the UK borrows and spends £90Billion more.

Scotland gets £30Billion + £16Billion (UK) pensions/benefits = £46Billion. Pays £4Billion Defence and £4Billion debt repayments – not borrowed or spent in Scotland. £54Billion.

HS2 will make train journeys to Scotland longer. Get off and get on another train. Scotland can’t put a tax on ‘loss leading drink’. Westminster has destroyed the Oil sector. 50% tak of production + 25% tax = 75%.


Wings is so successful because Unionists are banned. They have ruined every other website. Independence supporters are deleted and banned on every other site.


Ach…of course Macart, you were going back to first principles of fight club…I was at the psychology bit; Pod kicking the shit out of himsel’ whilst believing he’s battling enemies… 😉

Grouse Beater

Wings: “(As far as I’m aware my IP is still banned from the Scotsman’s comment pages completely.”

Well dammit, I’m late to that bit of news. Unbelievable. Tantamount to censorship.

Why will any self-respecting capital-based newspaper ban a major source of contrarian opinion on Scotland’s affairs – one guaranteed to stimulate debate and counter-debate that might increase readership and the standard of debate, the very stuff of good journalism?


@Grouse Beater
Don’t know about the Scotsman, but the Herald just deletes any postings it doesn’t like these days. It totally disrespects its posters by doing so – the current moderator is obviously a plonker of a very raw and poor vintage, probably padded out with ethylene glycol, and suitable only for softening and cooking cheap cuts of meat like the Herald itself these days. It’s part of the reason for the decline in their readership, but they’re too thick to realise it.

Grouse Beater

Herald just deletes any postings it doesn’t like these days

Sometimes I feel piss-poor comment sections – the repulsive stuff in the Scotsman is an example – could do with the presence of regular staff, not necessarily to jump on errant comment, but to cajole and encourage good discussion.

One idiotic, slow-to-assimilate new knowledge (a well paid Murdoch TV executive) the same who chased me down to my essay blog, inhabited the Scotsman. Nobody was the better for it.


“this year we’re going to have a bit of a break”.

You selfish bastard. Right. Just fuck off then.

Grouse Beater

And for Wingers who missed this one posted earlier:

link to

Big Jock

Love that Gary Robertson on BBC this morning, presumes to know more about engineering than the bridge engineers themselves.

Derek Mackay’s response to him was :”Gary you are not even listening to what I am telling you”. In other words what’s the point in asking me questions when your agenda is to make up your own narrative to suit your agenda.

Feck off Gary we know your game. Total prejudiced bigoted waste of space.

Brian Powell

Happy Christmas to Wings and all Wings readers.

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