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Wings Over Scotland

Scottish and British

Posted on July 25, 2013 by

Looks like someone had this problem at the online flag shop.


Remind us again why it’s “cybernats” we’re meant to be ashamed of.

127 to “Scottish and British”

  1. MajorBloodnok says:

    That’s Scotland’s UKIP support in one photo.  And that lad with the Union flag upside down is in trouble.  Or will be.

  2. Jamie Arriere says:

    Is that one of those Better Together-like photos where the entire demo is squeezed into the photo to make it look bigger than it is? There’s probably a bigger crowd of Japanese tourists going to Holyrood Palace across the road watching them.
    I’m sure all their mothers love them……

  3. Desimond says:

    The Scottish Defence League?…I thought it was being called The Scottish Professional Football League. Marketing gone mad!

  4. CameronB says:

    An NF hoody, that’s posh. What is it that can’t be polished?

  5. Luigi says:

    It’s a bit naughty, but wouldn’t it be fun to hand out a bunch of BT badges to these jokers?  I’m sure they would be worn with pride!

  6. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    It’s a bit naughty, but wouldn’t it be fun to hand out a bunch of BT badges to these jokers?”


    Okay, who lives in Edinburgh?

  7. MajorBloodnok says:

    I do.  I’ve got no hair to speak of so could blend in…

  8. Doug Daniel says:

    Luigi, that is genius.
    Although more than one might say “no thanks, I’ve already got one.”

  9. CameronB says:

    @ Re. Stuart Campbell
    I’m up for a laugh.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I do. I’ve got no hair to speak of so could blend in…”

      “I’m up for a laugh.”

      You all know where to go, right?

      link to


  10. pa_broon74 says:

    Having never thought too deeply about the motivations of the SDL, I sort of assumed they were hard-line nationalists.
    Going by the image I see my assumption was diametrically opposed to the reality.
    Still I met some ‘interesting’ folks at the indy march, I approached one lady who became very defensive, her group wore sun glasses, dark t shirts & kilts & doc martin boots etc. All very melodramatic but not at all scary, they just seemed a little sheepish really.
    They had a lovely banner though.

  11. MajorBloodnok says:

    …the blue woad and handlebar moustache might be a giveaway though.

  12. Luigi says:

    It looks like they are waiting for a bus. Noone told them it was torched last week.

  13. O/T We soundly condemn your scurrilous requests for subsidies.
    link to

  14. Bill C says:

    I have to say I’m not a fan of this ‘Oh you can be British and Scottish’ chain of thought. I consider myself Scottish end of.  The thugs in the picture claim to be defending Scotland (of what I am not quite sure?) while waving a flag that to many Scots represents a dark, repressive and brutal time in Scotland’s history.  The ‘Butcher’s Apron’ says it all. Me British? Never!

  15. Atypical_Scot says:

    In this instance, TF for this problem at the online flag shop.

  16. EdinScot says:

    Therein lies the proud face of British nationilism.  All you need to qualify for membership is a hatred for foreigners  and anything else that  isnt considered the norm by small minded gits.  Im just left scratching my head as to why they are actually marching. What is the reason of their march.  I also wonder if  other Scots Unionists overlook their outporings of hatred and feel pride in seeing their Union flag hijacked by  this shower.    Shame on the City Council to let this march go on this tourist route at the heightt of the festival.  Anyone would think they were trying to damage Edinburgh and in turn Scotlands’ reputation. whilst crippling us in the pocket.

    A year out from the referendum it does make you wonder.

  17. Can anyone tell me what these jokers think they are actually defending Scotland from?

  18. HandandShrimp says:

    Well they love the Union Jack and all things British and they do support Better Together and Better Together will be hoping they go out to vote No even if they do hold their noses when they are near them….so there is no reason why they shouldn’t wear BT badges 🙂

  19. Rod Mac says:

    I am sure the Scottish media will be asking Johann Lamont and Alistair Darling to discipline these No campaigners and bring them toi heel .
    I am sure it will be main headline on RS

  20. HandandShrimp says:

    Sharia law apparently

  21. Bigheed says:

    The reality of our situation is that these muppets, BT and other “no…body” groups are going to bring 1m + Scots to vote against our country existing.
    Our job is to bring 1m + and keep our fingers crossed, knowing that we are on the right side of the argument.
    It must happen in Sept 2014 or our nation is finished,

  22. Jamie Arriere says:

    Can anyone tell me what these jokers think they are actually defending Scotland from?
    Well. judging by the photo, I think it might be women?

  23. Dcanmore says:

    Must be one of those Better Together ‘Meet the Sponsors’ meetings.

  24. Spout says:

    Some Souls are lost to us forever and are not worth our campaigning time…
    Recently said to me (in a broad accusatory Scottish accent) while handing out Yes leaflets in the street:
    “You want to be Scottish….. I’m British.”
    Ironyometer burls to max level – and they will never know why.

  25. Rooster says:

    Nothing will do the SDLs cause more damage than the the SDL themselves. Let them march.

  26. EdinScot says:

    Okay, who lives in Edinburgh?
    Rev, i found myself sitting behind one of these numbskills on his way to the last SDL march.  Doccie Martens, bleached jeans, braces, no1 crew cut and get this – the word ‘Scotland’ tatooed into the back of his head complete with a butchers apron sitting next to him.

    You could actually feel the intensity and bad vibes oozing out of him as he couldnt take the ugly snarl off his beak, what with a few foreigners in his viewing range on said bus.  That Scotland has become so cosmopolitan and international actually put a smile on my face as i felt a sadness that he had all this hatred.  I’d have loved to have handed him a bt badge but im struggling to think who is left in his closed mind that he actually is better together with.  Go figure.

  27. Vronsky says:

    Volunteers, please form a queue:
    link to

  28. Morag says:

    Vronsky, I don’t think so.
    The audience appeal will run until 24 July.

  29. Doug Daniel says:

    Vronsky – great, another debate held in Glasgow on a week-night. When it comes to trying to get varied audiences, nobody can beat the BBC.

  30. @HandandShrimp
    Sharia law apparently

    Nah, it can’t be that. I’m sure I’d have heard if couldn’t buy a bacon roll from the local bakers.

    @Jamie Arriere
    Well. judging by the photo, I think it might be women?

    Ah ha, that might be it! 😀

  31. bunter says:

    @ Vronsky
    A wee chance for the state broadcaster to conflate the political union with the union of the crowns and scare the royalists from voting YES. Why else have a debate on the Queen linked to the decision to be independent or not.
    Meanwhile BBC news 24 going large on BBC Scotlands drummed up trade war regards minimum pricing. No relation to Westminster abandoning the idea..hmmmmm

  32. Xander says:

    @Major, just get an overloaded hotdog on the way over there. One big bite, and the tomato sauce and mayo should cover up that “tell”. 🙂

  33. CameronB says:

    @ Vronsky
    Application sent as a disabled, unemployed Scotsman who is undecided over political allegiance and the referendum. Fingers crossed.
    Q1 – What role do they play in a modern democracy, other than tourist attraction?
    Q2 – When are they going to sort out their tax issues?

  34. Max says:

    Is that Johann Lamont in the Black Hoodie standing on the right (obviously)?

  35. Yesitis says:

    I wonder if the sole purpose of the Skankish Defence League is to put fear into  people at the rally for independence in September? It all seems very ‘Laboured’ to me.

  36. proudscot says:

    It’s a sad fact, but even at times of our most famous victories during the 13th and 14th centuries Wars of Independence, the Battles of Stirling Bridge (1297) and Bannockburn (1314), there were Scots fighting on the English invaders’ side against their fellow countrymen. Nowadays the majority of these same self-seeking fifth columnists can be found representing Scottish constituencies down in Westminster, under the guise of Labour and LibDem MPs – oh, and one wee ("Quizmaster" - Ed) Tory. The rearguard of these pro-Union lackeys and lickspittles are occupying the opposition parties’ seats in Holyrood. Shameful, the lot of them!

  37. Max says:

    Is there a British Defence League, or does that need the approval of UEFA?

  38. Max says:

    I understand that there are many European Defence Leagues. I wonder how many there are?

  39. Andy-B says:

    Divide and conquer, thats what Westminster did many years ago, look at NI and the civil unrest, the same principle applies in Scotland, the “Rule Britannia Brigade” will sink our bid for independence.
    The O/O and similar organisations will vote to remain in the union, and profess their undying loyalty to HRH, and baby George, the question is how many of them are they, and just how big a dent will they make, in opposing independence.

  40. CameronB says:

    The SDF do seem a git confused. Do they not realise there is no such thing as Scotland? It was abolished in 1707, allegedly.

  41. Vronsky says:

    Something Orwellian about these ‘Defence’ Leagues.  Usually the most dangerous thing around is them.

  42. FreddieThreepwood says:

    Given that everyone’s been having a go at him, Neil Doncaster of the SPFL wanted to call his new competition the Scottish Defence League … but it was already taken.

  43. MajorBloodnok says:

    CameronB says: The SDF do seem a git confused.
    Yes, they’re certainly gits and most of them are confused…

  44. CameronB says:

    @ MajorBloodnok
    I didn’t get the chance to edit, but I think it reads better this way. 🙂

  45. Edward Longbottom says:

    Oh dear it looks as though this is a reaction to SNP Nationalism.  It is clear that nothing comes out of Nationalism, except Fascism.  

    Well Scotland deserves a touch of British fascism for starting this ridiculous separation malarky to break the United Kingdom.  

  46. Dal Riata says:

    Leads to:
    “We’re sorry, this site is frozen. If you are the site owner, please contact our abuse team regarding the status of your website.”
    Ah, those SDL-ers. Such nice people. And loved by all. Winning friends and influencing people each and every time….

  47. Juteman says:

    Most of them are just angry young men looking for a fight. I work with a few.

  48. Dal Riata says:

     The SDL ‘said’ they went to Lockerbie in 2010, although this is disputed as no evidence has appeared of them actually being there. They released a statement which includes the following:
    “The SDL have done nothing wrong, we were denied our basic human rights but the police in Edinburgh and the police admitted it was the Scottish government who pressured them to act in such a way. So whilst we have the sham of the SNP and other politicians claiming to stand against the SDL calling us fascists, we hope some day soon people will see them for what they are and everyone will be given the freedom they deserve in this country. Till then the SDL will not be silended and we will continue to try and have “peaceful” events. Just like yesterday in Lockerbie.”
    Literacy is perhaps not their strongest point.

  49. Doug Daniel says:

    My natural inclination to order loads of BT’s “sent free of charge” campaign materials to stuff in the recycling bins is tempered by the fact that they would then have my home address…

  50. Vronsky says:

    Reportedly if you volunteer with BT they will get you to do telephone canvassing for them, and they pick up your phone bill.  Some evil Nats already doing creative things with this.  Just a thought. Remember your undecided auntie in Australia…

  51. Sneddon says:

    The SDL are a joke, found usually at their own demos  hiding behind the police.  At the last demo in Edinburgh they had to bus people in from the north of England to make up the numbers.  Mostly football holigans and far right nutters. Life’s losers and too stupid to know how stupid they are.  Hope it pishes down.  Watch their numbers drop when the football season starts.

  52. MajorBloodnok says:

    @Doug Daniel – you get round that by giving them the address of the recycling bin directly, and cut out the middleman.  Or even better, get them sent to the local community recycling centre, e.g.

    Old Dalkeith Road CRC
    EH16 4TB
    Look, there’s even a postcode.

  53. Dal Riata says:

    Hhmm, illiteracy and incoherence seems to be quite a dominant theme throughout the SDL’s announcements. This from the group’s Glasgow demonstration on the 14th of November, 2009:
    “Large groups of SDL were detained at both Perth, Dundee AND Edinburg were detained and prevented from travelling to Glasgow, and main English lads were visisted by Strathclyde police and warned off from travelling to Scotland. In a free country our grandfathers fought off the Germans to defend”
    Is that bEter TogeTheR, or Betur toogethuR, or be-ttur 2gethur, or ….?

  54. Doug Daniel says:

    Phone canvassing eh?
    “Hello, I’m from the BetterTogether campaign. Fuck you, if you don’t vote for the union, you’re a total knobber. Thanks, byeeeeeeee!”
    “Hello, I’m from the BetterTogether campaign. Unfortunately, it’s become clear that Scotland would be better independent after all, so we’re just letting people know that there’s no point voting No, because we’ve given up. Thanks, byeeeeeee!”

  55. Vronsky says:

    “you get round that by giving them the address of the recycling bin directly, and cut out the middleman. ”
    After a lifetime (feels like longer) in IT, I still wonder why nobody made a million by giving senior managers a shredder on LPT1.  So much sorrow could have been avoided.

  56. Braco says:

    Is that true?

    They will give you betterNO phone numbers of potential NO voters to call up in your spare time in an attempt to convince them of your referendum voting intentions and they will pay your phone bill for performing this service?
    I may have found a one and a half hour a night hobby until September the 17th 2014!
    Do you have any more info?

  57. Jimbo says:

    “The SDL will be marching down the royal mile in Edinburgh on the 17th August, we will be meeting at Waverley train station from 1-1.30pm. The main reason for our march is to highlight the state neglect of our brave soldiers when they return from war zones such as Afghanistan. We will be using our march and demonstration as a platform to demand better treatment for our brave troops regarding their pay, housing provisions and medical aftercare for physical injuries sustained in war zones as well as psychological damage such as PTSD. We at the SDL find it disgraceful and totally unacceptable that a soldiers who fight for our country have a basic pay of just 16k a year and that Islamic extremists such as Anjem Choudrey who preach hatred against our country can claim up to 25k a year in benefits. We also find it unacceptable that immigrant families who have just arrived in the UK and have contributed nothing to our country go to the front of the housing queue whilst many soldiers are left homeless and have to sleep on the streets. At our march and demonstration we will also be highlighting Islamic issues such as terrorism, child grooming, halal meat, honour violence, forced marriages and the spread of sharia law. We ask everyone to come and march with us in Edinburgh on the 17th August to show our disgust at our government, together we can make a difference.”
    link to
    I’ll bet our brave soldiers are dead chuffed! 
    Their march down the Royal Mile (hopefully after Luigi has handed out BT badges – Lol Luigi) will be a great boost to the independence cause. 

  58. Lianachan says:

    proudscot says:

    It’s a sad fact, but even at times of our most famous victories during the 13th and 14th centuries Wars of Independence, the Battles of Stirling Bridge (1297) and Bannockburn (1314), there were Scots fighting on the English invaders’ side against their fellow countrymen. 
    Indeed.  Even in more recent times, the atrocities that were carried out in the Highlands in the late 1740s/early 1750s by the British under the Butcher’s Apron  were also carried out by Scottish soldiers (even some Highlanders, with old scores to settle or perceived advantage to be gained).

  59. Sneddon says:

    Andy B
    There’s probably around 50,000 O/O in Scotland.  And not all of them will be either voting No or at all.  Some are smarter than others.  The main brit nat organisations in Scotland are very small.  For instance there are more SNP party members than all the other main parties put together.  Rightly so it is the regular voter we have to persuade which means its all to play for.  So to answer your question. No,  not much of a dent

  60. Vronsky says:

    “Do you have any more info?”
    I was assured of this by an English lady at a meeting a few nights ago.  I can’t vouch for the details but she’s a bonny fechter and (being English) completely unprincipled.  It isn’t inherently impossible – the Yes campaign could be used in the same way, if it wasn’t so moribund.  Worth investigation, I’d say, with your sense of fun kept close to hand.

  61. Max says:

    Aren’t all these defence leagues overtly nationalist, opposed to immigration and against external governance and influence.
    Surely the SDL are in breach of the Trade Descriptions Act in being Unionist, opposed to Scottish nationalism and all for Westminster rule over Scotland. 
    Shouldn’t they be demonstrating against themselves and beating each other up?

  62. Lianachan says:

    That SDL facebook page has the following as a status, from yesterday:
    “Warning 2 dodgy looking Asians in a 05 plate large blue van acting very dodgy around firs lane / plank lane. They jumped out of the van dead quick and walked over to a young girl saw me turned around and made out they where looking around an empty shop then when a neighbour came out to look they saw us both got in van and did one at high speed might be nothing but looked dodgy , and with a the recent attempted kid snatching keep an eye on your kids”
    Somebody called Frank Bohan commented “round them up n gas them all germany had the right idea wrong ppl” (receiving 9 likes) 
    Of course, we all know it’s the “Cybernats” that are dangerous scum really.

  63. MajorBloodnok says:

    @Max says: Shouldn’t they be demonstrating against themselves and beating each other up?
    If they’re anything similar to the EDL that’s exactly what will happen.

  64. Now honestly if they are SCOTTISH defence league why don’t they use the Saltire instead of the union flag,that is bewildering to me.If they use the union flag they should be the British defence league,that to me is logical,they don’t realise that the English defence league use the flag of St,George why because they want separation from the rest of Britain.What a bunch of idiots.

  65. Atypical_Scot says:

    Sadly Demented Losers

  66. ianbrotherhood says:

    Any detail on where and when the image at top was taken? Any others?

  67. Albalha says:

    Here’s an STV report
    link to

  68. Braco says:

    worth investigating. I will put it on my ‘possibly helpful things to do for a laugh list’. Thanks

  69. Albalha says:

    Also a quick google search throws up rather too many, given some of the banners they display I’m surprised thay’ve been given the go ahead, interestingly Aberdeen refused a June 29 march application.

  70. ianbrotherhood says:

    Got it, sorry – didn’t realise the photo linked to that Scotsman piece.

  71. Luigi says:

    I think we need to convince these turds that a “Better Together” tattoo would look great on their foreheads.

  72. Albalha says:

    Yes seems the video and the image above are one in the same, outside Holyrood after the death of L Rigby in London.
    Given the police can object on grounds of potential public disorder etc, the green light for this seems odd.
    Also it seems politicians on all sides have previously petitioned Glasgow City Council against them being allowed to march there.

  73. Jimbo says:

    They’ve got the haircuts, they’ve like to be in a uniform (of sorts – hoodie and ski mask), they like to parade under the British flag – If they care so much about the welfare of the troops and what they’re fighting for, why don’t they enlist and get over there and help them?

  74. Andy-B says:

    Not much of a dent
    I wonder if certain anti-independence organisations or even Westminster Gov controlled bodies, Could somehow flood Scotland over the next year, with people, (Covertly that is) who would vote no for them, (Not sure how long  you need to reside in Scotland in order to vote), afterall with the REAL polls being so close in my opinion, an influx of bodies would have a huge effect on the campaign.
    I dont know if theirs a president for this in any other country or vote, I imagine there must be somewhere, afterall lobbyists flood the EU in order to obtain their goal, it seems to me it wouldnt be too big a stretch of the imagination, to do the same in the run up to the Independence referendum, as theirs so much at stake both for the nationalists and the unionists, finance wise.

  75. Max says:

    Maybe it is a cunning nationalist ruse to get the SDL to riot/fight/throw out their dummies in the streets of Edinburgh whilst carrying Union Jacks aloft.
    What a Better Together image that would be. 

  76. CameronB says:

    why don’t they enlist and get over there and help them?

    Because they are arm chair worriers and cowardly bullies. The last SDL rally in Dundee, got kicked all up and down the street, later on. The police just stood and watch. That sort of unexpected togetherness I can support.

  77. mealer says:

    So,can Catholics join the SDL ?

  78. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Luigi 12:49pm
    @ Doug & CameronB 12:53pm
    I couldnt resist a freebie from BT to be used in accordance with their ‘Ground Rules’ which would be suitable for dissemination to SDL activists & supporters in Edinburgh. If you need more stock then I am sure BT resources will be happy to oblige. 🙂
    @ Rev Stu – Forgive me, I have sinned.

  79. Lianachan says:

    @Andy-B  BT have already tried the “move to Scotland and vote no” thing.  

  80. CameronB says:

    @ Archie [not Erchie]
    I reckon the more boots on the ground the better, handing out BT badges on the day of the rally. All we need then is for the press to publicise the camaraderie amongst BT’s extended family.
    I reckon it would be best to do it in pairs though, so it might be an idea to get together beforehand.

    Sorry, I misread you last post. I still think it would be safer to do this in pairs tough.

  81. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ CameronB – I was choosing my words carefully. If these oiks want to associate themselves with BT then why not help them. Bring on the TV, MSM et al. Thanks for your suggestion about pairing up though – probably a better way. Perhaps Rev will release my email address to you privately.

  82. Sneddon says:

    Archie(not erchie) and CameronB
    Most of them will be pished and extra paranoid so be careful out there and don’t let yourselfs be mistaken for one of them by the UAF guys.  But the main thing is enjoy yourselfs 🙂

  83. Luigi says:

    Imagine a pair of pretend thugs at the march in Edinburgh, with fake “UKOK” tattoos, sporting union flag cloaks, walking a safe distance behind the main crowd, with a huge Better Together sign. What fun – it’s almost worth shaving the heid for that one! After all it is festival time.

  84. MajorBloodnok says:

    Luigi, I think there’s a kernel of a Fringe show performance art situationist-type happening thing in there you know.  Possibly suicidal but certainly an artistic tour de force.  I predict 4 stars in the Scotsman review pages and an encore at the ERI A&E.

  85. Lianachan says:

    O/T  This is a few days old, but I hadn’t noticed it.  Danny Alexander with more dodgy expenses.
    link to

  86. Borach says:

    Would someone please tell them that all the things they are demonstrating for/against are reserved matters… they should be pointed towards Westminster! 🙂

  87. Mosstrooper says:

    @CameronB 4.34 armchair worrier?
    been known to be one of these myself!

  88. JLT says:

    Luigi says:
    It’s a bit naughty, but wouldn’t it be fun to hand out a bunch of BT badges to these jokers?  I’m sure they would be worn with pride!
    Luigi Man …that’s a brilliant idea!!!!!
    Can you imagine the car crash TV of Darling having to try not only explain it, but talk his way out of it !!!!!
    PS …Where’s Lamont? Now that the Union have been found ‘not Guilty’ by the police …what’s her take on Falkirk?
    PSS …Saw Margreet on a train at Haymarket tonight …did not look happy! Wonder whit’s upset her?

  89. CameronB says:

    @ Archie [not Erchie]
    I’m happy for the Rev’ to do the same with my address, for yourself and anyone else up for a day out.

  90. Robyn - Quine fae Torry says:

    O/T, but I had emailed charities I support regarding their position on the Indy referendum and got a good response from one of them.  There were a few links in the email including these
    link to
    link to
    Not sure if any of you had come across them before but thought you might be interested. 

  91. CameronB says:

    @ JLT
    The police do not find people guilty or otherwise, they find evidence. Or in this case, not enough for a successful persecution. That is not the same as finding no evidence, and the police have said they shall investigate any further evidence that comes to light.

    link to

  92. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ MajorB – Funny you should mention the Fringe because I strutted my stuff many a year ago. Brushed up my lines in the GrassMarket while sipping G&T’s and at the same time being a pretendy actor with buxom tourists. Halcyon days indeed.
    @ Sneddon & Luigi – Thanks for your input however I think a more scurilous profile is in order. Perhaps an offer of ‘Farang Happy Ending’ or a sing-a-long verion of ‘Brown Girl in the Ring’ would entice SDL activists to come to their senses? Just a thought.

  93. CameronB says:

    Sorry, I can’t find the BBC report re. Falkirk, that I read earlier today. It was closer to the wording in my comment to JTL.

  94. Robyn - Quine fae Torry says:

    One of those links should have been for this
    link to
    sorry to go O/T again. 

  95. Albalha says:

    Think this is it
    link to

  96. mato21 says:

    I remember questioning how our Danny could justify flipping his main residence from London to Aviemore when his wife held down a job in London and his child had a place in a nursery which I understood were harder to come by than gold dust Of course we know the answer he would be able to claim expenses to do all the improvements and refurbishment required with us the mugs, picking up the bill
    He’s no as glaikit as he looks

  97. CameronB says:

    @ Albalha
    That’s the one, thanks.

    And I don’t think the police prosecute either. (embarrassed smiley)

  98. Atypical_Scot says:

    There was a wee cooper who lived in Fife,
    Nickety nachety noo,noo,noo,
    He lost his job and got in tae strife,
    Hey willy wallachy, how John DougalAlane quo rushety, roo, roo, roo.
    The cooncil they wouldnae help him oot,
    Nickety, nackety noo, noo, noo,
    The bedroom tax gid him the boot,
    Hey willy wallachy, how John DougalAlane quo rushety, roo, roo, roo.
    He felt so ashamed like it was his fault,
    Nickety nackety noo, noo, noo,
    But it was westminster foo o’ guilt,
    Hey willy wallachy, how John DougalAlane quo rushety, roo, roo, roo.
    He slashed his throat open all o’er the flare,
    Nickety nackety noo, noo, noo,
    Now that wee cooper is nae mare,
    Hey willy wallachy, how John DougalAlane quo rushety, roo, roo, roo.

  99. Morag says:

    And I don’t think the police prosecute either. (embarrassed smiley)

    Hah!  I thought you meant it!

  100. CameronB says:

    @ Morag
    Possibly subconsciously. 😉

  101. Bob Howie says:

    It goes to show they profess to be Unionistsbut cant even get the flag the right way up, they are thugs and no fancy name will ever make them otherwise, they call themselves Scottish yet it is obvious they want nothing but a fight….complete and utter eejits

  102. Murray McCallum says:

    Obviously, being the Scottish Defence League (which Wiki describes as an offshoot division of the English Defence League) they are there to represent Scotland by marching and waiving Union flags.  Well it’s all very clear to them.
    I trust no better together will have pictures on their site.  The SDL surely represent the perfect Union Scot.

  103. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Robyn, Torry Quine – Thanks for the links and I especially liked number one on your list.
    It would be nice to know what response you received.
    Woodside Loon @ Aberdeen aka known as a ‘windae hinger’

  104. annie says:

    O/T – Could be my imagination but I definitely thought the FM was looking a good bit trimmer on the 20 sec slot he was allotted on Scottish News.

  105. Juteman says:

    He’ll be getting down to his fighting weight for the big event, annie. 🙂

  106. mato21 says:

    I understood he was going on a diet So maybe he has lost a wee bit   

  107. Robyn - Quine fae Torry says:

    Hi Archie, greetings from Torry!
    Response from the RSPB was they are staying neutral.  The links above came from them.  Really helpful email and I like the first link particularly as well.  All charities under the LINK umbrella will be remaining neutral too.  
    Not so sure about the Red Paper lot though.  But they were external contributors and not part of the LINK partnership. 
    Just thought it would be worth a heads up as to what is going on in the charity sector with the news earlier this week about them being able to take sides in the Indy Ref. 

  108. HandandShrimp says:

    I’ve noticed he has shed a good few pounds recently too.

  109. Albalha says:

    The reporting on the AS diet was the first time I’d heard of the 5:2 regime, which he’s allegedly on.
    Let’s hope that’s the ratio of YES to NO next year.

  110. Derick Tulloch says:

    Entirely off topic but good news wot must be shared.
    link to

  111. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Robyn Torry Quine – I can understand the aforementioned charities are now in an invidious position…….what do they do? Hopefully their local committee members will be clamouring for guidance after the ‘taking sides’ you mentioned. More power to the cause Robyn. Anybody with any sense would appreciate the future of our countryside with our environmental cousins with a direct input to an Independent Scottish Governement.

  112. HandandShrimp says:

    Yes the Bitter Bastards are constantly trying to throw sand in the works between the islands and the mainland. The truth is those who have actually been interested in and sympathetic to their political aspirations are the SNP. The islanders know this and they won’t be played for a patsy by politicking carpetbaggers.

  113. Paula Rose says:

    Now lets get this straight – I was born in England, part of the British Isles, moved to Scotland as I felt at home here (I like many have ancestral connections), over the years I have seen the ways that westminster is no longer fit for purpose as the place for decision making outside of the SE of England. Therefore the decisions that affect Scotland must be made by a Scottish parliament, I find it hard to understand how the people of Scotland can regard themselves as ‘Better Together’ with a political union that has, and continues to show a total disregard for the wellbeing of Scotland. I am British – the part I live in and love is called Scotland, It is time to let the rUK go its own way into economic illiteracy and social breakdown. As someone born and raised in England I cannot understand this willingness to be subjugated.

  114. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Derick Tulloch re Lerwick Declaration – Not sure where to start so I will keep it simple. I am proud of the FM coming out? and I am also proud of the Islanders for promoting their cause. Both sides of the discussions have had their say but only the reparations to a listening and independent Scottish Government have resulted in forward action. Well done to you all and enjoy the next Up Helly Aa !

  115. Albalha says:

    Re Salmond and Lerwick over at the Guardian Severin says …….
    (During his visit to Lerwick, Salmond has moved deftly to help neutralise another rebellion in the islands: he has set up a ministerial group to deal with demands linked to the independence referendum debate from both the Shetlands, Orkney and the Western Isles for greater powers and self-rule. He’s grandly called it “the Lerwick Declaration”].
    link to

  116. Dramfineday says:

    Derick Tulloch says:
    25 July, 2013 at 7:53 pm

    Entirely off topic but good news wot must be shared.
    link to

    Hi Derick
    love the caption above the main title – great sentiment:
    Great is the truth and it will prevail
    (Not if the BBC and MSM having anything to do with it mind!)

  117. ianbrotherhood says:

    Help, please –
    Half-heard snippet on BBC Scot radio about Glasgow Saturday march being denied – which march? Is it another SDL gig?
    (Can’t find – may have to be in Glasgow on Sat, keen to avoid any spontaneous/unauthorised ‘demos’.)
    PS for CameronB & Luigi – ‘Careful Now’.

  118. CameronB says:

    @ ianbrotherhood
    It was a fun idea at the time, but I’m beginning to think a bit pointless, We are not going to convert any SDL, we might get fat lips, and all we are probably going to achieve is to get the Yes campaign accused of coordinating dirty tricks.
    I’m still up for meeting anyone who wants to point and laugh as the procession goes by.

  119. Morag says:

    Well, you got there in the end, I’ll give you that.

  120. CameronB says:

    @ Morag
    Thank you, you are too gracious.

  121. @ianbrotherhood
    Aye, it is the SDL – link to

  122. ianbrotherhood says:

    Cheers for that. I really wasn’t sure.
    Good to see that the cops raised their own objection – I wasn’t aware they could do that.

  123. Sean says:

    re: ‘Scottish and British’

    You can, and indeed always will be, Scottish and British. The term ‘Great Britain’ describes, not a political, but a geographical entity: namely, the largest island of the Britannic Archipelago, otherwise known as The British Isles, as named by the Romans who invaded and subdued its Southern Portion. The nomenclature ‘British’ is entirely accurate, regardless of one’s national identity. It is merely an indicator of geographical origin.
    Interestingly, the adoption of the term ‘Great Britain’ at international sporting events such as the Olympics, Commonwealth Games, etc., is both inaccurate and discriminatory, as it excludes participants from the Hebrides, Northern Isles, Channel Islands, Northern Ireland, Isle of Mann, Isle of Wight, and others eligible to represent the UK under the guise of ‘Great Britain’.

  124. Stuart Black says:

    Paula Rose said:  It is time to let the rUK go its own way into economic illiteracy and social breakdown. As someone born and raised in England I cannot understand this willingness to be subjugated.
    Great post from an English viewpoint Paula, thanks for that.

  125. Morag says:

    Sean, did you hear about the minister of Cumbrae Parish Church in the 19th century who prayed for the people of the greater and lesser Cumbraes, “and Lord in thy mercy forget not also the adjacent islands of Great Britain and Ireland.”

  126. Hopefully the tourists will think its just another daft fringe show, otherwise its an absolute Shame on my city this has been allowed at the very time of year when the streets are full of visitors (or foreigners as they’d call them). 


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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
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