Running out of messengers to shoot
Posted on
April 06, 2014 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
“Better Together” communications director Rob Murray:
Labour MSP Neil Findlay:
Don’t you hate these unreliable, low-credibility rogue pollsters, readers?
The Ipsos MORI survey claimed the Nats had surged into an 11-point lead over Labour. That would see them take 14 more seats – four short of a majority – while Labour would drop one to 45.
You have to admire their consistency, if nothing else.
Better Together are just beginning to eat their own campaign message.
It does seem like new democracy for Scotland starting 19th Sept 2014, is a kind of blasphemy for these oddballs.
Guys if you dont like this – you’re gonna hate the real poll on Sept 18 !!!
The people will be watching and you wont be able to fix it either !
Heh, heh.
Bring it on!!
@ Gordoz, So true.
I think the better together expert campaign organisers and supporters are exactly correct – they should carry on exactly as they are.
Darling is doing a stunning job running the campaign. He *is* the No Campaign. A great asset. Everyone in Scotland can see this!
Love it! History repeating itself right enough
“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.”
Mark Twain
Just like the person whom the New Statesman say should take a bigger role in the Anti-Independence movement Gordon Brown they are delusional.
Brown claimed he had saved the World, well as Winnie Ewing famously said “Stop the World we want to get on”
There will be a few bumps along the way but we will win.
link to
Ah yes, classic case of Nero fiddling while Rome burns.
As always, folk pick and choose polls according to which results sound better to them. This is a one-off referendum, meaning it’s hard to know which pollsters – if any – are closest to the electorate’s true mood. That’s something we will only know in hindsight but for now, the trend is the thing to watch, and all pollsters have one thing in common there: encouraging news for Yes and jitter-inducing news for No.
@Jingly Jangly, thank you for the New Statesman, some never learn anything.
Wait a cotton pickin minute,that newspaper is dated 2011 . Whatcha tryin to pull!.
This is déjà vu all over again.
According to the Daily Mail yesterday the No campaign received a “massive boost” in the form of support from JK Rowling. Unfortunately there are no magic wands available in the real world with which to cure Scotland’s ills.
Ms Rowling has not inhabited the sphere of the real for some time having spent a large part of her life writing fantasy novels. However, on her last visit to reality she was a struggling , single mother in Edinburgh, scraping by on Social Security. She appears to have forgotten that, but, would have single mothers all over Scotland vote for the continuation of a political system which will guarantee them a miserable, depressing existence at the hands of a Westminster government that does not give a damn about them, and would prefer to imagine that they did not exist at all.
JK Rowling is not now and never was a, “struggling single mother”.
She got MARRIED, had children then DIVORCED! Her child had a father.
It’s not difficult to get the facts right so why don’t you?
James Davidson – very good point on Ms Rowling
Gordon Brown could bring additional assets to the anti-Scotland campaign.
His economic skill in plundering pensions, introducing corporation tax cuts and selling the UK’s gold reserves at market low prices are prominent on his CV and widely known.
We should not forget Gordon’s communication skills with female voters. A lot of people remember him abusing that elderly, life-long Labour supporter. He called her a “bigot”. This was not Gordon’s fault as his cabinet only had 13.6% female MP participation despite females being 31% of the Parliamentary Party.
Gordon was basically unaccustomed to conversing with females with a strong point of view.
James Davidson says:
Rowling has indeed forgotten her roots!, she runs in higher circles these days, as in, friends with G. Brown’s wife.
Enough said.
How about a poll
Is Better Together together?
Pollster without Tory shareholder correctly predicts election shock.
The poll of polls has been showing for months the gap is narrowing. This poll is consistent with that long term trend.
So the BT types are shitting themselves.
I think J K Rowling’s publicists pulled back from peddling the tale of her writing her novels in a cafe whose owner kept filling her cup. It didn’t really strike true.
OT slightly
I note that the Independent is running with your poll (from the Times) Stu. Unfortunately Wings are not mentioned.
Yes campaign gaining momentum with vote now ‘neck and neck’
Aye gillie Kecks & Keech springs to mind!
The more things change ,the more they stay the same
I am really happy for them to shoot the messenger. I really get wound up by unionists talking about ‘Scotland sleepwalking into independence’ as I believe that when we get the Yes vote, it will be because people have engaged and educated themselves. There’s only one lot that is sleepwalking, and if they keep ignoring the signs, then they will keep doing the same things, and we will win. Shoot as many messengers as you like guys, you’re not even dealing flesh wounds.
Sorry O/T
Group of Yes Supporters being abused by a member of the public.
Absolutely shocking.
J K Rowling spent her days in a cafe writing her first book
as she couldn’t afford to heat her flat when her child was at school,the owner of the cafe gave her free cups of tea,& that’s from her own mouth,so she has forgot living on the
Oh dear,civil war,racism,THE WAR (now 69 years since it ended-69 years!)sounds like a mad Tory.Deluded.
I do not believe the poll either the yes vote in my opinion is much higher than the no vote about 65per cent yes 25per cent no 10 per cent undecided I am sure i will be proved right if we ever have a fair poll. Vote yes
anybody have any links for Frid nite counting house.
@scaredy cat
I see our A-A Team, Clan Destiny, were there on the scene filming so we’ll probably get a steadier view of this incredibly abusive, near-hysterical rant, accompanied by some commentary. It will be interesting to see it from the point of view of the YES-campaigners at the stall.
There’s nothing like a well-reasoned debate and that was nothing like one.
@scaredy cat
It took me a while to figure what was going on. The loud tormented soul was accusing the YES people of being anti English because just up the road there was anti English graffiti . Like the internet graffiti is anonymous and I know Better Together people who would troll on a wall just as they do on the internet. We just have to be firm and insist our “enemy” is the Lack of democracy in Westminster and not any sector of the UK’s people.
Here is the link:
link to
I’m auld seadog. With lots free time I can bring to the Trenches.
I’m frae stronghold o Moray, now in the Scotland’s oil capital.
Abody must VOTE. Awthing must be done to this end.
I’m a total democrat and kinda libertine.
I’m not into voting compulsion, like a Nazi.
But thinking outside the box, ways can be found.
For example:
1. Discounted Council Tax/Tax for the Voter.
2. Higher Council Tax/Tax for the Non-Voter.
3. Food Voucher for the Voter.
4. Shopping Vouchers for the Voters.
5. Free Food for the Voter.
6. Free Bus Travel for the Voter.
7. Voting Online at Library’s, perhaps also at home!
8. Shutdown TV Stations.
9. TV only shows Vote Casting on the day.
9. NonVoters first conscripted in WorldWar3.
10. Gold Medal for the Voter.
Help! In a democracy we must get everyone to Vote.
I see pollsters as akin to voyeurs peaking though a key-hole. Due to the limited scope of their field of vision, they will never get the full picture.
Yeah but no but yeah. Tee hee.
@Marcia, thanks marcia got it.
Whatever these idiots are taking it’s the right meds wrong dose in my opinion! I’m just waiting for the 19th September to arrive and WE win, these idiots will be shouting aloud demanding a re-run of the referendum cause they didn’t get the result they wanted or what they kept telling themselves they’d get!
I have absolutely no idea what that guy was on scaredy cat but I’m certain it was illegal!
Oh dear Scardey Cat,
That is some poor tortured soul, who clearly has been brainwashed by the main stream media. You just have to feel sorry for folk like that.
English folk and an Asian dude there, clearly puts pay to what the poor tormented soul was claiming.
The problem that the No campaign has, is that they have No campaign!
@ Aiden
Yes I noticed it was being recorded from the other side, so I look forward to seeing their version too.
The guy just sounds deranged. Could be an illegal substance or perhaps he’s just not very bright. Either way, he probably shouldn’t be allowed out on his own.
Fortunately, and as you’d expect, they all remained calm and even polite. I hope this sort of behaviour doesn’t put people off. It looked quite intimidating. Thankfully there was a big group of them.
Safety in numbers.
Greannach says 16:34
“I think J K Rowling’s publicists pulled back from peddling the tale of her writing her novels in a cafe whose owner kept filling her cup. It didn’t really strike true”
What, no free cups of coffee from her brother in law?
From wikipedia on Rowling.
” She wrote in many cafés, especially Nicolson’s Café and The Elephant House,(the former owned by her brother-in-law Roger Moore)”.
just watched the video rant. Can anyone tell me where the hell is Westminister?
Where was it recorded doesnt sound like Glasgow area accents?
@ronnie anderson says:
anybody have any links for Frid nite counting house.
Ronne, here’s a photo of one of the early-arrival Cybernats:
link to
Just seen on Italian TV the leader (I think) of the Northern League, or i secessionisti as they are called, with the subtitle Fuori subito o li liberiamo.
Fuori means outside and subito means at once, so I thought I was about to witness a full blown square go. But he’s also saying, ‘or we liberate them’, referring to the arrest of 20 people at the end of last week in Veneto.
There was CCTV shown of the Veneti building an armoured car, so they’ve either been very silly or black ops are involved.
Braco mate, haven’t seen you on here for ages, hope all is well. Got a great pic today of a very old Lancia Fulvia in the street which I will try to make into my avatar just for you.
@ Scaredy cat.
Hi. Did you notice he only backed off a bit when the woman stood in front of him calmly talking. Looking for a reaction is my take on it which he did’nt get. Yeah!
In Australia the voting is also compulsory. Are you calling Australia a Nazi nation or a non democracy? The thing is the fine for not voting is small and you can always spoil your ballot.
I’m in favour of compulsory voting. I think if you live in a democracy you should vote, again, you can always spoil your ballot paper if want.
@The Man in the Jar says:
just watched the video rant. Can anyone tell me where the hell is Westminister?
Where was it recorded doesnt sound like Glasgow area accents?
It was recorded at Wester Hailes yesterday morning.
The ranting guy looks to be a Scottish Defence League member or supporter from the other video he has posted on YouChoob.
@CalcucusMacAndrews, he went tae the wrang pub lol.
Sorry I’m O’T here Stu but just in case folks have not seen today’s Herald Newsnet have a piece about it. Apparently the Chief Civil Servant had no communications with Osborne before his “lecture to the Scots” about no currency union. Oops!
link to
Evwery day just seems to bring more and more bad news for the bitter Better Together crowd.
@ Lobeydosser
You’re absolutely right. He was just looking for a reaction and didn’t get one. He just ended up looking stupid.
If you go to the youtube version and look at the comments, most people seem to think that he made a fool of himself.
@scaredy cat
How did you get hold of his phone footage?
O/T re Rowling, there’s a cafe in Hay on Wye that has a sign in the window saying “we didn’t let J K Rowling sit and write without buying coffees and we’re not going to let you”
I hope all you confident yes people are putting big money down at the bookies; 10/3 available. Strange how ignorant the bookies are?!
@ Aiden,that guy ranting is a bloody amateur, ah was worse than that before ah got the Lumbar puncture,but defo he has a mental impairment.
@ Jim T
He put it on youtube himself, believe it or not. He obviously didn’t take advice before doing so and he is being ridiculed (from both sides).
I came across it because Yes Bridge of Allan shared the clip on their facebook page, although it doesn’t look as though it took place there.
Scaredy Cat… check out his other videos.
This isn’t the first time he has confronted ‘Yes’ stalls.
His other videos involve the SDL. Who is it he was calling Nazi’s? To be honest, folk like that are nothing but biggoted small minded racists. It is their own insecurities which drive them.
Talkin of crap polling companies.
Can’t wait for the next STV John Mackay Poll to come out.
“Hi, I’m John Mackay and results just in show YES closing the gap. They are now up to 18% vote and No have slipped dramatically to only 82%”.
“That will bring the Nat bastards back down to earth Alastair ma darling”.
“Well done Johnnie baby”.
OT/3 men arrested over racist chanting at Scottish football manager Steve Evans(Rotherham Utd)says STV news. Hope this isn’t a trend. So sad, so bad.
Getting worried about Mr. Darling’s blood pressure. Do you think we could push it up a little more please.
I do like to see him so rattled as it confirms the truth behind the polls – we are closing
@scaredy cat
Just heard BT are lining that guy up to replace Darling!
@arbroath 1320
Regarding that article in the Herald about the Chief Civil Servant and Osbournes “sermon on the pound” the Wee Ginger Dug has a good take on it.
link to
Eew, what a thoroughly unpleasant man!
@scaredy cat
Saw that video earlier scaredy cat, and I hat to say hats off to that lady with the flowery shopping bag who just kept getting in his face and driving him back. 10/10 for confrontation management!
@Scaredy cat.
He replied in the comments on Youchoob with about the same level of argument as the film. Desperate stuff indeed.
icecool! You really do know how to force a Lancisti into breaking cover don’t you. Looks like a clip from a Delon movie (but shot in Dundee)!
I am fine, working hard and saving for a return in July and at least gettin a wee bit of hard campaigning done before I vote Aye! Every little helps 8-/.
Cheers Broty, now really looking forward to seeing my GammaGT back on the mean streets of glasgow again.
@ronnie anderson says:
@CalcucusMacAndrews, he went tae the wrang pub lol.
Looks like right pub in these photos:
link to
I think the bright light at the top right is when the Cybernat Controller beamed down from the Cybermothership.
The thing I noticed about the chap on the video is a gift. I dare say we will be accused of sending in a ringer to make BT look bad.
The No guy shouting was a bit like I witnessed at a recent yes meeting when the unionist’s who have no argument resort to shouting and threatening behaviour. O/T Dancing in the streets of Raith tonight..well done Rovers
Hi Guys
I’ve been reading the comments re the video link above. We first encountered him at Wester Hailes some months ago at our YES Pentlands stall. When he first turned up and started ranting it quickly became obvious that he was not interested in counter arguments.
When he kicked off I filmed him on my camera, as the violence of the voice and body language made me think he was about to start something, then I spotted his camera phone in action! He was trying to provoke something. His clip later appeared on youchoob.
On Saturday, I was on my way to the upper car park at the WH Centre, taking some volunteers to Stenhouse, when he came into view on the down the escalator ranting at us – and at this point I had a little chortle to my self – rather than just a handful of volunteers he faced the last time, he was about to enjoy a General Custer moment!
Now when we first met him I was listening carefully to him and as far as I could ascertain, I did not hear him swear once! Can’t speak for Saturday of course, I was in calm, somewhat sunny, Stenhouse being barked at by the odd rude, no voters.
Word is he’s from some right wing org.
The next time we do Wester Hailes, I’ll offer him a slice of cake.
There’s this really crap joke about a guy who keeps hitting his head with a hammer. When asked why he does this, he replies “because it feels so good when it stops”.
Well, the Scottish Labour party reminds me of that, with two big differences. The MSM and assorted political commentators have begun to regard their insane behaviour as normal, and unlike the guy with the hammer, they show no signs of stopping.
Dismissing polls and election results is commonplace. But when the results are so stark and larger numbers of polls are beginning to chime in with similar results – the casual dismissal of them as “rogue” – seems like an act of desperation if not outright nutty behaviour.
I say nutty because they simply won’t accept that what they are doing is wrong. Like the guy in the joke, they can’t accept that what they are doing is harming them. The polls are telling them that people are losing faith. Rather than be honest and give themselves a good, long hard look in the mirror, they ignore the poll and keep doing the things that are making folk so angry.
In other words, they can’t stop hitting themselves in the head. Because to stop would be admitting that they are nuts, and so they keep on hitting themselves in the head.
Nutty yeah? But then we have the MSM in Scotland – keeping it going? Is the MSM nuts or abusive here?
One of these days someone is going to write a book about dysfunctional political parties. Its going to be a helluva read.
Group of Yes Supporters being abused by a member of the public.
Absolutely shocking.
That guy was wanting someone to smack him so he could cry evil nats plain and simple failed attempt to cause havoc.
Reading in the Post today about the dinasaurs from Labour, Foulkes, Reid, Liddell, McFall, Robertson, Kennedy, and O’Neill described as dads army and all ready to get into the fight to save the union. They just don’t get it, all respect for these people, from all sides of the debate, was lost when they entered the Lords.
3 suspects for the guy in the video
from twitter
Better together appear to be entrenched in the politics of delusion.
From rogue politician, to rogue local election, to rogue poll, to rogue state.
That’s fine by me.
Who the hell wants to be respectable?
Great to hear you’re okay and heading home soon; we need all the boots on the ground we can get.
Pic was actually taken in Lucca today; think the car’s from Milan, but have no clue about age. Another week at language school then home, where the struggle continues. Onwards and upwards
Ciao, da un Alfisto.
@annie says:
Reading in the Post today about the dinasaurs from Labour, Foulkes, Reid, Liddell, McFall, Robertson, Kennedy, and O’Neill described as dads army and all ready to get into the fight to save the union. They just don’t get it, all respect for these people, from all sides of the debate, was lost when they entered the Lords.
Too right.
And for anybody that hasn’t seen it, here is the classic Jurassic Perk day-of-the-dinosaurs show when the ‘Scottish’ Lords and Ladies surfaced (for what seems like one day a year, Brigadoon-style) to bump their gums about Scotland and try to defend the indefensible.
Keith Brown of the SNP tells-it-like-it-is at the end:-
Don’t worry about people like the guy in the video. Smile, be upbeat and above all else remember that a YES vote will not only improve the lives of your fellow Scots but will do so for generations to come.
Why let ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s and bigots spoil the vision of a bright future.
Scotland is our country and we will win. Have no doubts and think only of the size of the victory.
P.s. Start saving for the party. Thinks days not day of celebrations.
didn’t realise goldie is now in house of lords,sad
OT: Malcolm Chisholm to step down at next Holyrood election. He’ll be missed. Malcolm, if you’re reading this. You Yes yet?
O/T, hope this is ok Rev Stu
I made a wee Indy music video, begged, borrowed and err borrowed all content so many thanks in advance, hope you all enjoy
Aye the awl Blue Peter dug..The Baroness Goldie..FFS as good a reason as any to vote yes and rid ourselves of this affront to democracy
Best you mention (give them a heads up) this incident and the other to the local Police in case this nut job kicks off for real sometime.
Buster Bloggs
Well, I’ll stick my neck out and say, nice one.
Oh Calgacus at 6:37!
Your in serious trouble now, my missus is dead centre of the top right hand pic.
I’ve just shown her, “come and see this” says I “oh No” she says “well at least I dinae look happy”
@Thepnr says:
Oh Calgacus at 6:37!
Your in serious trouble now, my missus is dead centre of the top right hand pic.
I could maybes ‘beam’ her out of the photo (in a Photoshoppy way) …
O/T This is an extract from an article in the Times about the UK Balance of payments. It is a long article but here is an important part –
“How risky is this? Britains current account deficit, Carrick points out is in similar territory to the so called “fragile five” emerging economies. The financial flows that have kept Britain afloat could be vulnerable to political uncertainty and change, such as a “YES” vote in September’s Scottish Referendum and, even more, a vote to leave the EU in an “in-out” referendum.”
What this points out, quite clearly, is just why they are so desperate to keep us, but also, in the event of a YES Vote, a currency union is a certainty. Basically they cannot afford NOT to have one.
The question may well be, why would WE want one?
The police should have a word with this guy. One day he may confront someone who is not so tolerant and he may have to remove his phone from his ass before downloading it!
How very silly. Re-reading Duncan H.’s pre-2011 election prediction never gets old! Hatred obviously clouds judgement.
On a more practical matter, a good friend of mine is running a “10000 flags” appeal…its a fantastically simple idea and has had the support of Newsnet.
The plan is to produce and distribute thousands of YES saltires to every corner of the country ultimately a mass-marketing campaign. From residential properties to live televised cultural/musical/sporting events, we want to see these EVERYWHERE.
We’re raising funds via indiegogo – please donate if you can.
Les Wilson
Short-term transitional ‘security’?
The cat is definitely out of the bag though, for all those who had not already twigged. The main concern of UK economic and hence social policy, is focused on maintaining the value of sterling (£).
Who benefits from this and are life opportunities equally accessible to all?
Best left where it is, just a wee bit shy as many are. Come September I expect she’ll be proud.
@Thepnr says:
Best left where it is, just a wee bit shy as many are. Come September I expect she’ll be proud.
Her and the other 5.3 Million of us on 19th September.
@Buster Bloggs
I thought your video was excellent, sharing on Facebook. Good work my friend.
Imagine if your job was to retweet inconsequential posts from Murdo Fraser. Humiliating.
CameronB says:
Cameron, I guess that it is MEANT to mean, but as usual it will actually apply to others, as it is now. We have to question ANYTHING the say, regardless of what Unionist party is saying it.
The lie to keep their greedy fingers in the pot. We are all aware of that.
In reference to the currency Union, I wonder, after a YES vote, what they will bribe us with to Join?
They will play hardball, until they have no more balls left. That is how desperate they will be.
Buster… brilliant work. I tried doing one before and know how much work it takes to get the image timing right with the music… ya nailed it.
Cameron, sorry for a couple of typo’s in post.
Calgacus MacAnderews @ 6.47
the wife says how the hell did you catch me wi a smile oan ma face?
Have you seen the terrific advert at the top of the page if you google “better together”?
Sorry if been pointed out already. Very good indeed.
The video of the very aggressive guy ranting against YES campaigners was taken at the Pentland YES Super Saturday at West Side Plaza Wester Hailes on Saturday 5 April.
Two Police Officers took him aside and spoke to him at some length after which he departed.
I’m really pleased about the kind comments about the wee vid, many thanks for sharing, glad you all enjoyed it
@john king says:
Calgacus MacAnderews @ 6.47
the wife says how the hell did you catch me wi a smile oan ma face?
I must’ve accidentally switched my Cybercamera into the special mode where it photographs everybody the way they are going to look on Independence Day.
Murray, that appears to be another absolute stroke of genius by our very own Stu Campbell. Brill
Buster Bloggs
Great video! Thanks.
Just been over at Blair McDougallw Twit page.
He has an unusual taste in books.
Machete Massacre, Season in Blood. WTF??
If you are married and then get divorced you become and, are therefore, by definition single. If you have a child or children then you are a mother . Put the two together and you have :single mother.
She was in receipt of Social Security, she was therefore, struggling.
She is now a multi-millionarre and is not struggling, but has forgotten what it feels like to do so.
These my friend are facts.
Just has a wee peek in at Blair McDougalls twitter page. He seens to have disturbing tastes in literature.
O/T Here’s a lovely article from young Shetland lass Louise Thomason on why she will be voting Yes. It’s in the Shetland Times.
“…And that’s what I love about the independence referendum: it has opened up a dialogue. In all of the information I’ve absorbed over the past year, the thing that I’ve been struck by most is a genuine enthusiasm: the online discussion, the setting up of new groups, making new friends. A shout out to the positivity of community. A flurry of events, articles, and artwork all in support of making the country a better place…”
link to
@Buster Bloggs
Oh, Buster, I love that wee video. Music really catchy and great images.
Truly nice one Buster. That’s one of my favourite songs too!
Oops That should have been ‘Shetland News’.
Indeed, but you would call that a “mobile up-load”.
Sorry, I’ll get ma coat.
JK Rowling was married and then divorced, she then, by definition, became single. She had a child she, therefore, became a mother. And biologically speaking you are spot on every child indeed has a father including JK Rowling’s.
She depended on Social Security for an income , she was therefore struggling.
She was therefore a single, struggling, mother.
These my friend, are facts.
She struggles no more , because she is a multi-millionaire, but she has forgotten what it like to be a struggling, single mother and that is the point. Empathy my friend , that is the point.
finally the tables are starting to turn,
Fantastic video, hope it goes viral.
@Elizabeth 9:21pm says:
O/T Here’s a lovely article from young Shetland lass Louise Thomason on why she will be voting Yes. It’s in the Shetland News.
A lovely article indeed.
Well worth reading and sharing.
And nice to see poster JAMES MORRISEY in the comments section referring readers to Wings threads on various topics.
Nice video. If I was you I would add some tag names so you can more traffic and more viewers. You seem to have upset at least one unionist.
@Buster, Great vid and song. Shared and liked.
Many thanks for your comments and sharing the vid, I’m so pleased people like it and don’t like it if you know what I mean :-)also cheers for the advice Marcia, I’ll get that sorted
Looks like Eddie Izzard stopped the rot for Better Together then.
Sorry for going O/T Stu but found this on Twitter, interesting maybe?
link to
I would say this might give yet another explanation as to why Westminster is so eager to hold onto Scotland. 67 million tonnes of oil and 42 billion cubic metres of gas off the West coast of Scotland, estimated middle figures as of end of 2012. I wonder how Westminster will push this without upsetting the M.O.D. and their toy submarines.
Looks like our best friend from Better Together, Kevin Milne has taken down his nasty little video.
The delicious irony that Better Together activist and volunteer, Kevin, will have missed, is that he went out of his way on Saturday to highlight, yet again and in no uncertain terms, how bigoted and rascist, and woefully uninformed, nay deluded he really is.
All doubt has been removed.
Poor laddie couldn’t handle the comments, removed the vid, & couldn’t help himself but repost it again…(linked to here again, folks, just to retain the context of parts of the thread you understand.
link to
Yes votes by the bag load this weekend. Thanks Kevin. Look forward to our next intellectual discourse
Arbroath 1320
I know coal is a ‘dirty’ hydrocarbon, but I wonder why there is no mention of the vast coal reserves under Scotland?
Coal find could fuel UK for centuries: Vast deposits totalling up to 23trillion tonnes found under the North Sea?
Scientists have discovered vast deposits of coal lying under the North Sea, which could provide enough energy to power Britain for centuries.
link to
Here’s an additional/better link to a pdf from the British Geological Survey (see Fig, 10 pp.9).
link to
Perhaps just making it Law to Vote, would increase numbers.
Most people will obey the Law, it could work. Spoiling ballots would be ok as “Non Of The Above” option.
I wouldn’t get Police, Courts, Judges and Jails involved, that always escalates out of proportion and costs.
Chasing Non-Voters is not an economic activity, its an outgoing as it has a cost, Police etc are an overhead. They don’t create wealth but consume wealth.
I’ve got it, give every Voter a £1 Lottery Card and their children a luckybag or luckydip to encourage pester power.
I see the video has been removed by user, need to be quick next time and download it.
I use TubeMate on android.
“I see the video has been removed by user, need to be quick next time and download it.”
Way ahead of you. Uploading as we speak.
Correction; I’ve downloaded the offending YouTube video and is available soon via dropbox.
LOOK!…its a Groundhog!
Cameron B,
Going by that map the coal deposits offshore would be well outwith Scotland’s area of the continental shelf.
Scotland has plenty enough on (or near) shore to last for decades, and way more economically viable than offshore deposits could ever be.
I’m afraid they were the best links I could find, as I was mot able to find any notional mapping of the newly discovered coal reserves under the North Sea. The BGS was the best info. I could find about coal and known Scottish deposits.
Hopefully it will get folk thinking about the future and how it is not always apparent yet.
I’m not sure if I’m repeating myself (DDOS attack still on-going), but the future is not always apparent. I couldn’t find a map of the reserves under the North Sea.
What else is under our feet?