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Wings Over Scotland

Question sourcing

Posted on February 17, 2014 by

We’re only a few days from the second annual Wings Over Scotland fundraiser, readers, so don’t go buying anything expensive, because we’ve got some big and very exciting plans and we’re going to need your cash. We want to mark the appeal with the third of our super-fun opinion polls, and we’re already at work on the initial draft.

We’ve got some excellent questions lined up already, but what do YOU want to see asked? We’re especially keen to find out more social-attitudes stuff, as the data last time (here and here) were fascinating, so ideas for more of that will be extra-welcome, but let’s hear anything you’ve got.

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Findlay Farquaharson

i would like a question asking if people in scotland believe scottish labour are looking out for scotlands interests or their own self interest?


I would like the following.

Do you believe the economy of Scotland is better in the hands of the SNP or Westminster run parties?


Do you think the BBC is biased towards the No or Yes campaign?


A question on how certain issues impact them? Or perhaps how they feel they are able to access or are given information from each side or on each issue? How about how the feel about impartiality issues?

Hi Rev, was at a meeting today and you will hopefully be pleased to know that you were quoted a few times and mentioned as a good source by the audience and speakers. Surprising when you think how small all this started off as! Felt like the place was twa men and a dug.


A mangled one that needs a bit of polish.

‘If there is a YES vote, should Scotland’s MP’s side with the People or Parliament ?’

And as a kind of related one again in need of polish…

‘Should Alistair Darling etc make clear their positions on Pensions, Currency etc in the event of a YES vote BEFORE the referendum ?’

Maybe a whole section of ‘September 19th Questions’ as to what voters want to happen if Scotland votes YES perhaps ?

Maybe even a section of question relating to what they expect if we vote NO?


@obamacares. Good question. I’d change “SNP” to “Holyrood” though.


We could do repeats like the BBC. 🙂

Philip Galloway

Should an independent Scotland join the EU


Media bias might be a good subject to ask about. Maybe find out what the most trusted source of indyref info is?


I think it should be put to people that this referendum is about power for ourselves and our own country-men/women; voting ‘no’ to this is a vote against ourselves, our fellow Scots & our own country Scotland & damning us to London rule & those bad politics that we’re used to forever.
If we vote ‘no’ they can do what they want… & I’ll bet we all thought thatcher was bad???

Politicians should do what they’re told, in an independent Scotland the Scots are sovereign & Scots rights will be enshrined in law… unlike the British joke at Westminster which has no written constitution & claims our sovereign rights for itself.


Nationalising energy generation?


How about a question on whether or not the BT side should give explicit plan for what happens on a “No” vote and if they feel that they do now for certain what will happen?

I think most people are still floating in a sort of bubble on this issue, not realising that they’ll get even less than the status quo. It’ll be heads down for a proverbial kicking afterwards.

Juan Pablo Del Roomigrant

A step down from recreational drug use as in a previous poll. I feel this is relevant.The drug policy in general should be revisited.

Should people in persistent pain be able to access medical marijuana?


A question on the legitimacy of further devolution/ independence for other areas of the present UK – Wales, Cornwall and Northern England.


I would like an insight as to the debt question.

“Do you believe an Independent Scotland is responsible for it’s population share of current UK debt if the UK assets are not also split on a population basis”

Ian Brotherhood

@Smith –

Nice one. I’d go for that too, certainly for domestic gas/electricity.


Something to guage if the info is reaching the populace regards how wealthy and strong an economy Scotland has, may be useful, given its importance, and of course, something to show us exactly what the aggressive interventions by Westminster over the last week has made to voting intentions.

John Gillespie

maybe a question on where people are getting their information from about Indy. Followed by a question on which parts of media they trust.


Do you believe that Westminster will limit the powers of a Scottish Parliament in the event of a No vote?

Thomas Widmann

(1) Normal Yes/No question.

(2) (For No voters:) In spite of this, do you think it’s at all possible you’ll vote Yes?

(3) Which currency do you think an independent Scotland will be using in five years’ time? (Pound in currency union/Pound mirroring rUK pound/Free-floating currency)

(4) Do you think Scotland will be an EU member in 2016 after a Yes vote?


It’s about time, Rev. I thought I was gonna have to visit, and beat you around the head with my cheque book. 🙂

Can’t wait to see some of the suggestions.


I think questions which test the idea that social/political attitudes in Scotland are different to those in England are what should be explored, so attitudes to immigration, the EU, free education, living wage and so on.

In terms of the referendum I want to know more of what Labour voters are thinking. In the event of a yes vote, will they stay with Labour or are they likely to flip. By the same token, are there current SNP supporters who will flip to Labour in the event of a YES vote. I want to know what people are thinking about likely 2016 voting intention for the Scottish parliament. I want to know whether intention is predicated on a YES or NO vote.


Which campaign do you feel has Scotland’s best interests at heart. Yes Scotland or Better Together?

Do you believe the Westminster MP’s campaigning for a No vote are doing so for your best interests or for their own?


Views on Scottish taxpayers attitudes to funding London infrastructure like HS2, Crossrail etc at the expence of their own countrys.


Good idea to gauge Labour voters opinions with some special questions of their own, I think.

Salt Ire

I am sooo skint that I’m fracking my garden to keep nuts and berries on the table for the family.

However, I will make a wee dent in my wallet to help the cause.

Are you looking for penetrating questions that will give the lie to the bluff of WM or is it more just general questions about the future?

Most readers on this site will have made up their minds on the biggies so “Will my milkshake bring etc” seems slightly redundant.

The biggest problem voters face is being able to deselect their representatives in a timely manner. If this was possible there’s no amount of disasters that could be avoided by a vigilant and aware citizenship.


If Better Together do not provide clarification on what a No vote will mean for Scotland will this sway you to vote Yes?

Highly likely
Highly unlikely

jingly jangly

Eu or EFTA

Calum Craig

Are you just having one fund raiser that will cover both the costs of running the site and the poll together? (Rather than the separate ones last year.)

And, btw, I think you could easily get 6 figures.


@Marcia says:

We could do repeats like the BBC.

Except for viewers in Scotland.

Gordon Smith

Question: Would you like Scotland to be an independent nation, but are afraid to do so due to media driven uncertainties.


Watching Eck on STV. The man is a bloody genius.

Former Labour activist I know joined the SNP in 1992 having seen Salmond come out of an interview with Brian Walden unscathed. I had been less than impressed, but my friend with the political experience was right.


One question, how much is it going to cost me to get my name in green text in the roll of honour in the fund-raiser?

Calum Craig

A repeat of the straight yes/ no question from the second poll so we can see the shift. (But, you were probably going to do that anyway.)

Fergus Green

In your opinion, which group represents true Labour values? The Labour Party or Labour for Independence?


Not an exact repeat of the Yes/No question – make sure that leading preamble isn’t used.


I think something about media bias would be interesting too, if only because the media may well end up having to report it!

Fergus Green

Should BT publish a document outlining the positive case for the Union?


Do you think their should be land reform in Scotland?


Do you believe referendum material should be scrutinised by a reputable, independent body now that the electoral commission have said they will not?

Fergus Green

Have you ever suspected the BBC might be biased towards the ‘no’ campaign?

Andrew Morton

One of the things which has poisoned the well of Westminster politics is party funding. Taking money from big business and wealthy individuals hopelessly compromises the political class.

I’d like to see a question along the lines of ‘Do you agree that parties in an independent Scotland should be funded by public money?’

Shiehallion! Shiehallion!

Do you agree that Westminster did the dirty on Scotland in (for example) 1979?

Do you feel that after a Yes vote your feelings will alter towards your friends and family in England, Wales and Northern Ireland?

Can you imagine living in an economically and culturally successful, independent Scotland?


Canavan on STV too. Haven’t seen much of him. Did very well, calm and reasonable, and got a great last word in.

Colin Harvey

assuming a yes victory,does the final currency choice matter to you GBP SP Eu NoK US$? or as long as you can buy your shopping and pay your bills are you happy to use any.


Should the British Government ask the EU for a definitive position on Scotland’s Status in the event of a Yes vote?


Well Rev, I say there’s no harm in stirring the shit up with a big spoon. 🙂 Especially if it reveals or makes people think about the other side of the issues we’re being made to fear. The questions can’t be all one way, even if Darling and the rest would prefer it.


Something along the lines of “how well do you feel the media represents the issues you feel most important in regards to the referendum”?

I’d also like to know if there’s a correlation between what people consider important in their every day life, and what people *think* (or have been conditioned to think) is important in the referendum. Something like:

“What issues do you think are most important to your everyday life?”

“What issues do you think are most important to your decision in the referendum?”

Because when you get down to it, how many people are going to cite the pound and the EU as important issues compared to, say, jobs or health or whatnot?

Also, try something like “regardless of whether Scotland was independent or part of the UK, which powers do you think would be best served by a devolved Scottish parliament”?

Probably done this stuff before, but hey, contribution.

Neil McAdam

Do you think you are: a/More stupid or b/Less stupid than George Osborne thinks you are?


Ask them to recall how they answered the 2011 census identity question. Same format for answering. Ask it before any political stuff, e.g. with age, public/private sector checks.

Sounds boring but is very useful. I’ll chip in anyway (of course – it’s a poll!).

Colin Harvey

Failing EC membership (after spite blocking by rUK and or Spain should Scotland also consider EEA and Scandic union memberships.

Vincent McDee

I have 3.

1) How makes you feel Westminster Ministers coming here to tell us what we can and can not do, does it or not change your stance on independence?

2) Is the £ Pound Scottish too or only British?

3) How would affect your vote in the Referendum if the position asserted by LIB/COM/LAB about the Pound being only British, was their final decision after a Yes result?

Andrew Morton

What about a section about what people want to see after independence?

For example rank the following in order of importance:

Get rid of Trident
Establish a living wage
Reduce child poverty
Increase life expectancy


What media among the many outlets do you think is biased towards Scottish Independence?

Andrew Morton

Rank the following in terms of how much you can trust what they tell you about the referendum


jingly jangly

O/T The man who stole 100 billion pounds from UK Private pensions is re-entering the Devo debate with a speech on pensions, pass the sick bowl!!!

Maybe he has made enough from his charitable work already this year.

A wee reminder according to the UK Pensions Dept, all existing pensioners will continue to receive their pension paid by the Ruk , all Scots who have contributed for 35 years or more into UK National Insurance will get their pension on retirement age. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world you will get your pension from Ruk.

This gives Scotland a golden opportunity to build up a pension pot so that in future pensions are paid out of the pot and not as presently done in the UK where pensions are paid out of current taxation


I think the poll being fit for comparisons is a good point and important enough to ensure it can be done. Stuart and others have produced some good pieces on the back of this notion. I don’t like bad or leading preambles, but if it means it is undeniably suitable for fair comparison with previous it is worth it. Also lets us know for sure it is a trend in attitudes changing if Yes goes up and not just due to format of poll.

wee 162

One which I think would be interesting would be about level of engagement and how people are interacting. Something like “how are the majority of your friends voting” with a “not discussed” option. Get cross tabs with yes/no to see how independently people are getting to where they are.

Doug Daniel

Here are my 100% serious question suggestions

When should we reclaim Berwick?
a) straight away
b) after a few years – lull them into a false sense of security
c) never

Which of the following people should be officially banned from Scotland? (Tick yes or No)
a) Jose Manuel Barroso
b) George Osborne
c) Danny Alexander
d) Alistair Darling
e) Mariano Rajoy
f) Tony Blair
g) Other (please specify)


A trivia question that I’d like to know is:

What would people be doing on 19th Sept if either yes or no.

Might focus their minds on immediate future after vote!

Neil MacKenzie

Can you name one Scottish newspaper owned and published in Scotland?


Ask them to recall how they answered the 2011 census identity question.

Ideally, have the pollster (I might suggest a different one like ICM at some point just to gauge differences) weight to this and not weight to it, just to see the difference. Certainly should be cross-tabbed even if no weighting is applied.

Man that sounds boring. But then if your sample is not correct, then it gets more inaccurate from there onwards.

Shiehallion! Shiehallion!

Something about the value for young people in voting for independence. Do they feel they understand what is at stake, regardless of the old stuff people talk about – or the stuff old people talk about. That this is a vote for Scotland’s Future, to coin a phrase, rather than for its (or anyone’s) past.


Like the suggestions of something on Labour in Scotland and the BBC.

Neil MacKenzie

mogabee says:
“A trivia question that I’d like to know is:

What would people be doing on 19th Sept if either yes or no.

Might focus their minds on immediate future after vote!”

I like this. Involves alcohol either way though.


Do you think the NHS will be better looked after in the UK or in an independent Scotland?

What nationality would you have called yourself two years ago:
1. British
2. English
3. Scottish
4. Other

What nationality now?

Alternative version “Has Better Together campaign made you feel:
1. More British
2. Less British
3. Not British at all


Had another thought: “do you think the representation of Scottish people in the general media has become more or less respectful since the referendum campaign began?”

Just thinking of 8 Out of 10 Cats, The Wright Stuff, HIGNFY etc.

Andrew Morton

Watching The Agenda on STV and a bunch of commentators blundering around with the most appealing misconceptions about Scotland and the independence debate. Germaine Greer in particular is off the scale.


Yes supporters seem to be more informed than No supporters, many of their opinions seem to be based on ignorance. A wee series of questions to test how much each individual knows about the issues surrounding the debate would be interesting reading.

Graeme S

For those voting or no, I’d like to know whether it’s primarily due to being happy with being part of Britain or due to uncertainty over Scotland going it alone. Might give a good indication of the percentage of No folk who might be won over.

Andrew Morton

Apparently Alex will be on shortly.


If an independent Scotland had to offer free university/college tuition to students from the rest of the united kingdom, do you think that would a price worth paying to keep education free?



Re debt question – should cover all bases:

In relation to the National Debt should Scotland,

1. Demand that rUK takes on additional debt to pay Scotland back for the fiscal transfers from oil revenues
2. Take on a population based share of UK debt service
3. Not take on any debt (zero option)

2. is the correct formulation for assuming debt as Scotland can’t take over any of the actual debt without the UK defaulting.

jingly jangly

Re Poll what about

Do you believe we will continue to get Free Prescriptions in event of no vote

Do you believe that free University education will continue in the event of a no vote

Do you believe that free personnel care will continue in the event of a no vote

Do you believe that Free Bus Passes for elderly and infirm will continue in the event of a no vote

Do you believe that the Barnet Formula will continue in the event of a no vote


Have you ever visited pro indy websites for information? style question.

Gavin Greig

Whichever way you intend to vote, is it:
a) unaffected by either campaign;
b) because you agree with a campaign;
c) because you disagree with a campaign; or
d) despite a campaign you might be expected to agree with?

I think it’s an interesting idea but would need better wording, and the options may not be mutually exclusive.

ronald alexander mcdonald

Are you aware that the UK’s joint assets are valued at circa £1.3 trillion?


In the event of a No vote, do you think:

a) Nothing will change
b) Scotland will get more powers from Westminster
c) Westminster will remove powers from Scotland


Do you think Alan Cochrane will spontaneously combust in the event of a Yes vote? Yes or No.

James Kay

Regardless of how you intend to vote yourself, would you feel proud if you became entitled to a Scottish Passport?

Calgacus MacAndrews

Do you lie when responding to Opinion Poll questions?

Murray McCallum

Which, of the following people are the greatest threat to Scotland’s membership of the EU?

Manuel Barroso
Nigel Farage
Alex Salmond
David Cameron
Jeremy Clarkson
William Hague


Is it more important to you that the preamble goes, or that the question is the same both times so a like-for-like comparison can be made?

I thought about that and on the whole I would like to see as “straight” an answer as possible. If confounders are kept to ensure comparability, we end up like the SSAS, asking questions that lost their relevance in 1999.

I understand that trends are important, but I think there are plenty polls across the board to show trends. I also think it would be absolutely fascinating if a poll without that preamble produced a result comparable to the one PB did for the SNP.

Just my early thoughts. I’m not banging a drum for it if others have good reasons to think differently.


Who do you trust to tell you the truth about the Scottish economy?
Alex Salmond
George Osborne
Alastair Darling

Gavin Greig

e) a plague on both their houses!

Salt Ire

Should the Scottish people vote to be able to punch their own representatives in the face or just put morally superior comments on the internet?

Peter Brown

Should we look at the possibility of staying (just) outside EU like Norway? In other words having unimpeded trade with the EU but not sharing the fishing?

And should we not try to join currency union with fUK but instead use unofficial Scots pound, par with sterling, and start out with no debt?


The canvassing card we use asks people 2 questions:

Will you vote Yes/No

Where are your voting intentions on this scale: 1-10

1=No 10=Yes

It helps us to work out who it’s valuable to write out to specially – usually people in 4-8 range.

It might be useful to you to see how soft the No vote is.

Steve B

I’ve a couple of suggestions and I apologise if they’ve already been suggested:

1. Irrespective of your current voting intention, in the event of a yes vote, what would be the main advantage you would expect as result of Scottish independence?

2. If by 18 September, Labour, in your view, looks highly unlikely to win the next UK general election how likely is this to change your vote in the referendum. If it makes you more likely to change, will it incline you more towards yes or no?

Murray McCallum

When Alistair Darling was forced into repaying £700 for false MP expenses, do you think he:

1. Struggles with numbers.
2. Simply forgot which one of his houses he was living in and accidentally claimed twice.
3. Didn’t accurately check the work done by his public funded tax advisor.
4. Is just a bit greedy.
5. Would offer some other spurious excuse.


If there is a No vote, in ten years time , do you think Scotland will be

A. A more equal , fair and prosperous country?

B. A less equal , fair and prosperous country?


If you knew for a FACT your children or children’s children would be better off if Scotland became independent would you vote yes?

I know there will still be a few nos…

Ian Mackay

Something determining whether people believe Better Together is a Tory fronted organisation might be interesting. Maybe along the lines of

Which political party do you most associate with Better Together?
Lib Dem

The Man in the Jar

I am with Marcia and others regarding a question on BBC bias. I know that it has been covered before but I think that the bias has become even more obvious of late. I would also be interested to see how much peoples perception of the bias has changed since the last poll.

Findlay Farquaharson

should an independent scotland legalise weed and do lots of nice things with the millions it would bring into the scottish economy?


Question from my 7 year old daughter

“Will the bad man who says we cant use the pound be coming back to Scotland to scare us again?”

Seasick Dave

Ask some questions which get people to think positively about the future.

For example, what do you think we should spend money on that we don’t now?

Personally, I would like to see a more developed and affordable ferry system like they have in Norway, servicing the Western Isles and Orkney and Shetland. Norway also has a lot of bridges linking many of their smaller islands and this could also be looked into.

I would also like to see some old rail lines to be reopened.

It would also be good if we could have a renaissance in Scottish architecture as I think that a lot of Scottish housing is depressing in its design (or lack of it).

As a keen cyclist I would like to see a network of paths or trails which would link up, avoiding the use of main roads.

Obviously, some of these may never happen but I think that we have to start think about the possibilities in a new Scotland where the focus on spending is not on military projects.
As a rich country that has had its resources squandered I think that the time has come for a new direction and that the questionnaire could be used to channel some of that focus away from the negativity of the past.

Open your minds people of Scotland and grasp the opportunity!

The Man in the Jar

Which one of these three people would you happily lend £20.00 to?

A/ John Swinney

B/ George Osborne

C/ Alistair Darling


Who would play Alex Salmond in a biopic?

What should be the official ingredients for a Full Scottish Breakfast?

What would a Scottish central bank be called, if there was one?

What colour should we paint the Trident subs, if we’re to hand them over?

Should Salmond enforce the 5/2 diet on the obese?

What should be the Official Scottish National Anthem?

Should Hadrian’s wall be rebuilt to keep out the water?

Should more funding be made available to help find Nessie?

Who should represent us in Eurovision?

Should we have more “Cyber Solidiers” to combat cyber terrorism?

Would you prefer a nuclear deterrent or a midge deterrent?

What would we call a new Scottish currency?

Should Scotland ban those really annoying adverts on the TV and Radio?

Should we move the maritime border back to where it was?

Would a Scottish/English Border be more pleasing to the eye than wind turbines?

What should Scotland build instead of WMD’s?

Would an Independent Scotland see more rain?

How long do you think it will take for Scotland to appear in drop down menus when selecting a country online?


If after a no vote it became apparent that better together lied and the truth was misrepresented, do you think there should be another referendum?


According to Alastair Carmichael on Newsnight Scotland tonight, Brian Ashcroft is a totally neutral source and that Scotland becoming independent will have hardly any effect on England’s balance of payments and Scotland exports 70% of its products to England.

Hmm. So the loss of all Oil exports will not affect England’s balance of payments, nor the fact that Whisky exports that represent 25% of all food and drink exports will not cause a dent in the trade balance figures for England. Lets consider that all goods sold to England from Scotland which currently are not included in trade figures, will become an export trade from Scotland and an import trade for England


Can you geographically split respondents?


Pineapple or mango?

Thomas Widmann

“The independence debate has been likened to a married couple contemplating a divorce. Do you feel the arguments from Better Together are getting so shrill and hurtful that the UK cannot be saved in the longer term, no matter whether it’s a Yes or No in September?”


Do you think Westminster as the member state should ask for Scotland’s position to be clarified on the EU?

Do you think the Bank of England is England’s bank? ( if so name and shame your place of education)

If there is a No vote, do you think the SFA , SRU etc names should be removed and Scotland become a region?

Do you think Scotland should have at least one Scottish owned newspaper?


If Independence means no more House of Lords for Scots,how would that affect your vote in the Referendum?

Increase for Yes

Increase for No

Les Wilson

If the Westminster parties bring out devolution max type proposals. would you trust them to deliver them after the referendum?




Cyberniall – if there was a biopic it would need to be Alex Norton to play Alex Salmond -Taggart, surely


If Alex Salmond was forced to announce a Plan B, how much would you bet on the headlines being “Salmond can’t make up his mind”?


Which outcome is more likely to rid Scotland of food banks,child poverty and the bedroom tax?

A Yes vote for independence, or A No vote to independence

Murray McCallum

Why do you think Alistair Carmichael pleaded “help me Rhona” on a live TV debate with Nicola Sturgeon?

1. He didn’t understand any of the questions
2. He thought he could ask the audience
3. He was frightened
4. He just wanted it all to stop so he could go home
5. He’s just not up to the job


To measure hope, if money was no object, what is the greatest / most significant / most transformative thing that an independent scotland could achieve?


Could we have a question asking who is most trusted with welfare and pensions, Holyrood or Westminster?

What is the most important change you would like to see in an Independent Scotland. Sorry that’s a bit vague.

Jamie Arriere

Ask them if they understand the purpose/rationale for the White Paper Childcare policy post-independence ie all the increased tax take from the workforce increase staying in Scotland.

Also test the general penetration of the White Paper – who’s read it, ratings of it as a blueprint, etc

I watched a programme (Dont Panic : The Truth about Population)by a Swedish statistician, Dr Hans Rosling, about the British public’s misperceptions about world population :

link to

Do something similar with salient facts about Scotland’s economic performance, contribution to UK finances, amount of oil left in North Sea, %age of budget spent on welfare etc

This could expose both the level of knowledge/ignorance of facts in the debate, and give the opportunity to tell them the real ones.

Be sure of the sources though.

Elizabeth Sutherland

How about a question on whether they have attended any of the public debates/meetings. Did they get to ask a question.


In no particular order: Sturgeon, Lamont, Davidson.

Snog, Marry, Avoid?


The BBC was found to be biased against independence by the University of West Scotland after a year long analysis of its broadcasts; do you think that:-

(1) The Scottish Government should make TV licencing free and delegalise the current licence law in Scotland that you must pay the BBC to own a TV?


I commented that we hadn’t seen Alistair Carmichael for a while on a previous thread, and Im sure that someone mentioned Brian Ashcroft earlier too, is this proof that the Secretary of State reads Wings?

Andrew Morton

In your view, is Scotland a region or a nation?

creag an tuirc

Do you believe the British Pound is as much Scotland’s as it is England’s?

or something along those lines.

Andrew Morton


To measure hope, if money was no object, what is the greatest / most significant / most transformative thing that an independent scotland could achieve?

You’d have to provide them with a list from which to choose.


According to Alastair Carmichael on Newsnight Scotland tonight, Brian Ashcroft is a totally neutral source and that Scotland becoming independent will have hardly any effect on England’s balance of payments and Scotland exports 70% of its products to England.

Uh huh.


Fall back position questions:

Parallel to EU membership discussions following a Yes result, should the Scottish negotiating team also begin discussions regarding possible membership of EFTA ?

Is unilateral usage of the pound, pinned to sterling, the option which should be pursued if the rUK refuses a currency union following a Yes vote?

In the event of a No vote:

Even if they cannot reach consensus on any extra devolved powers, should the three main party leaders, as they have done on currency, issue a statement confirming that:

1. No existing devolved powers will be removed from the Scottish Parliament.

2. That there will be no electoral changes in the Scottish Parliamentary voting system.

3. That no legislation will be brought into play to disbar future independence referendums.

4. That the Scottish NHS will remain autonomous and under control of the Scottish Government.


Do you agree that unconventional gas production, coal seam or shale, with potential hydraulic fracturing (fracking) should be developed in Scotland?

Should the rUK be able to partly meet it’s renewables obligation by importing electricity from Scotland but without having to pay a renewables surcharge?

Should an honours system exist in an independent scotland?

Salt Ire

Darling on C4 earlier being bested by Jon Snow – “I think the referendum’s a distraction”.

Q – Is the referendum a distraction or is it the end-result of a nation using democracy to change their situation?

Darling should not be let go on this point alone.


Do you believe the SG has detailed enough information to convince you that a Yes vote will leave every Scot financially better off.

If yes- by how much.
If no- what information do you require more of to convince you.

Should the SG consider scrapping FIAT money?

Should there be some sort of law written in the constitution to limit foreign ownership of Scotland’s media.
Should there be some sort of independent watchdog with REAL powers to prevent our MSM descending into the corrupt mess we are witnessing. In the UK today?

Would you like to see some form of democracy like Iceland uses via the social media to see some decisions and attitudes being reflected in real time?

Following on from the last question should Scots be given access to forming their constitution via the Internet?


Irrespective of the result in the Indy Ref there will be a Westminster GE in 2015.

Given that all 3 main unionist parties, Con/Lib/Lab and UKIP have joined together against Scotland using the pound, which party will you vote for in the 2015 GE?



Maybe this is already going in, but what about asking those interviewed their income and level of education?

Angus McLellan

One bad turn deserves another, so how about a question on Catalonia? Ask people if they believe Catalonia should have a chance to vote on independence from Spain? (Chances are they’ll say yes automatically, and you won’t learn anything much.)


1) In the event of a NO vote would you expect funding levels for Scotland to be

a) Same as current compared to UK
b) Higher
c) Lower

2) Would you like to see powers and funding given directly to local Councils rather than Scottish Government?


Who of these former Chairs of Scottish Labour Students do you think has the most influence on/biggest role in orchestrating the ‘No’ campaign?

Blair McDougall (Director, Better Together)
Margaret Curran (Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland)
John Boothman (Head of News and Current Affairs, BBC Scotland)

Source: link to


Who would you class as an immigrant if Scotland becomes independent?

Nation Libre

It would be interesting to find out the voting intentions of non-Scots so if nationality could be added to the information requested that may provide interesting reading. I have a feeling the Yes count in non-Scots would be quite high, particularly with English residents of Scotland. Just don’t know if the data would be a large enough subset to be meaningful

Dougie Douglas

One of the unionists favourite lines is the whole ‘Anti-English’ nonsense.

I would like to see a poll that has a large sample of English born residents of Scotland and to see the levels of correlation with the general population when asked about Independence.

My experience is that English born Scots are as open to Independence as everyone else. Some hard data to back this up and to promote would be greatly beneficial.


Which way do you think the political culture of the UK will swing in the event of a No vote? Left / Right / Don’t know

Which way do you think the political culture of the UK will swing in the event of a Yes vote? Left / Right / Don’t know


In the event of a Yes vote, Scotland would have no House of Lords/second chamber.

In your view, is this an advantage or disadvantage of independence?

Are you in favour of a maximum wage?

Are you aware that the UK has the lowest GDP per capita of any northern European country, excluding former Eastern Bloc states?
(see link to

Should Better Together return a $500 000 donation from a businessman with links to Saddam & Serbian warlords?


“Do you consider slurs and bigotry towards the Scots to be racist?”

“Would you feel happier/ safer travelling with a Scottish passport?”

“Should the right to vote in the referendum be extended to Scots now living elsewhere? Should resident foreign nationals be restricted from voting in the referendum? etc..”

“Should George Galloway be immediately deported to England/ Pakistan/Bradford/Siberia if he tries to enter an independent Scotland?” 😛

Colin Thomasson

should the ‘Land question’ be finally settled in favour of the Scots?

Should Land Reform banish absentee and foreign landlords without compensation and hand the land back to the communities that it was stolen from in the first place


if a Yes vote is achieved, at what point during the subsequent negotiations until 2016 do you think you as a resident of Scotland will cease to be an EU citizen as claimed by westminster?

What legal mechanism will be used to ensure you as a resident of Scotland cease to be an EU citizen regardless of whether you were born within Scotland or outside Scotland if/when a Yes vote is achieved?


Thats a humdinger. 🙂

Derek Cameron

Euro 2016 winner or independence ?

James Kelly

“Is it more important to you that the preamble goes, or that the question is the same both times so a like-for-like comparison can be made?”

The former, without a shadow of doubt. For two reasons – 1) a pro-independence website consciously using that preamble would legitimise it, which would be profoundly wrong because the wording is subtly biased in a No-friendly direction, and 2) if the results of the poll are outside Panelbase’s normal range (ie. a No lead of between 8 and 13 points) it would be a powerful signal that the Sunday Times series of polls have probably been overstating the No lead all along.

I also think Scottish Skier’s suggestion of asking the national identity question would be extremely worthwhile. Even if the voting intention results weren’t weighted by identity, the cross-breaks would allow us to check that the No vote isn’t being artificially boosted by an overly-British sample (or the reverse, of course).

Jim Arnott

An area I’d like to see covered is the Scotland Act.

Which of the following areas do you think are currently devolved to Scotland?


Crown Estates
Etc etc etc


Are you aware that the Scotland Act allows Westminster to recall the powers of the Scottish Parliament at any time?

What percentage of tax will be Scotland be responsible for raising after Calman Commission is enacted?


Not sure of the exact/proper wording of all these questions but something along these lines would be interesting. Could perhaps throw in where people answering poll hail from – Scotland, England, Wales or Northern Ireland (or even Ireland itself)?

scaredy cat.

Is it possible to find out how many No voters want to vote Yes, but are simply too afraid?

Gav Bain

How about trying to gauge the extent people have changed their mind and the direction of flow?

Something like, has your voting intention changed over the last year? We’re you previously undecided, or have you switched from either yes or no to the opposite position?


What do you think when you see the words UKOK?

1. UK is OK
2. UK is amazing
3. You cock


Do you feel the arguments from Better Together are getting so shrill and hurtful that the UK cannot be saved in the longer term, no matter whether it’s a Yes or No in September?”

This. Not proposing a question. Just reiterating the obvious.

Calgacus MacAndrews

When your grandchildren ask you how you voted in the 2014 Referendum will you say:-

Didn’t Vote
Don’t Remember
Do you want a sweetie?


Which party would you vote for in the first elections of an independent Scotland?


Another vote for getting rid of the preamble.

It should be the first question on the poll, no lead-in at all.

Lets get an honest answer to that, for once.

john king

“Politicians should do what they’re told, in an independent Scotland the Scots are sovereign & Scots rights will be enshrined in law… unlike the British joke at Westminster which has no written constitution & claims our sovereign rights for itself.”

Like it Rog Rocks
and the question could be : which outcome will you vote for?
lets see what its like when the yes campaign put in leading questions 🙂

Shaun Milne

From the referendum coverage in the media, in particular the information given by the Better Together campaign, how scared are you of a Yes Vote? (Tick all that apply)

1.Peaking through your fingers.
2.Hiding behind the duvet.
3.Hiding under the bed.
4.Turning all the lights in the hoose on.
5.Scared of whit?

If the UK Government refuses an independent Scotland its share of UK assets should Scotland therefore refuse to take on its share of UK liabilities?


Newsnet has an article regarding devo max…an option we know is not on the table yet many believe it is still a possibility.
Is there a way of wording a question… If extra powers are not guaranteed in writing, from each political party prior to the referendum, will this make you more likely to vote yes.


I’d suggest we pay attention to the advice from James Kelly about the preamble. Very happy to donate again.


“Where do you currently source the information you get on the Scottish Independence referendum? (Tick one)

? Television / TV News
? The White Paper
? Newspapers
? Mail /Post from the capaigns
? The Internet


Should have said “Where do you currently source the most information”

The question should also be cross referrable to the voting intentions.


How do you intend to vote in the European election in May.
Maybe the answer will send a message to Barroso, etc.

Nation Libre

Where’s my comment? Is it because my email changed?


Something along the lines of-

“If you currently intend to vote ‘No’, which of the following is most likely to make you change your mind?”

a. Agreement on currency arrangements?
b. Confirmation that Scotland would be accepted as an EU member?
c. MSM becoming more positive towards independence?
d. Big names joining the ‘Yes’ campaign?



Two related questions

Do you feel that the campaigns have given you sufficient information about what you might expect from them?

If no

What is the information information that you require from the campaigns to assist your decision? Please list separately for each campaign (up to 10 items each).

Linda's Back

Alba4Eva says:

I agree with the question on sources of information but would add a couple of other options.

Personal contacts – such as friends, family, work colleagues


Social Media – such as Facebook and Twitter

Training Day

I’d like to see two questions:

‘Should Scotland be an independent country?’

‘Should Scotland run its own affairs?’

Would be interesting to see if -as is likely – there were to be a significant difference in responses

Rod Mac

If we ask questions re MSM/Broadcaster’s bias let me ask you all this.
Do you think the MSM will actually report our poll?
If our poll is favourable to the YES side in any way do you think they will report it?

Jim Arnott


I would also include:

? Friends/family/colleagues.


How about something to measure the reaction of the past week’s fun and games?

On the issue of currency Conservative, Labour and Libdem MPs have openly and jointly dismissed the idea of a Sterling Zone union?

Do you feel

a. More secure
b. Less secure
c. Threatened
d. Angry

George Minty

Should an independent Scotland establish a state semi nationalised oil company to emulate the “failed state” model of Norwegian Statoil.


Hows this for a preamble?

The UK’s public debt is almost £1,400,000,000,000. The UK’s private debt(Credit cards, mortgages etc.) is more than £1,400,000,000,000. Do you think the UK is OK?

A) Yes.
B) No!

G H Graham

Would you be in favour of having a Scottish state broadcaster that delivers national & international news from a Scottish perspective much like BBC Alba does presently but in English?

Would you be in favour of a Scottish state broadcaster if it were guaranteed politically neutral by being governed by a board comprised of members of the public/clergy/public & private sectors?

If Scotland had its own state broadcaster, would you be in favour of an individual license fee or prefer to enjoy broadcasts free at the point of use, much like prescriptions for example?

If Scotland were independent would you be in favour of making Alistair Darling wear a dunces hat whenever he leaves the house?

G H Graham

Many businesses in England currently refuse to accept Scottish bank notes even though they are legally required to do so.

Do you think its fair then to charge English visitors a fee in return for them asking you for directions to Edinburgh Castle?

Cymru Rydd

As others have suggested, a couple of questions about the type of country Scotland could be after independence would be very useful.

With the MSM/Better Together endlessly trying to scare people as regards the currency/EU situation, I would imagine there is a huge market out there for a more positive vision to overcome all this relentless negativity.

Tapping into people’s sense of the potential that an Independent Scotland could have would further embolden people after the sense of outrage engendered after Osborne’s visit last week.

What about: Would you like to see the people of Scotland actively involved in writing a new democratic constitution for Scotland after a YES vote, making full use of social media/internet, so that all citizens could be part of this process?


Which of these best describes your feelings about what intend to do on September 18th?

1. I’m very happy to vote YES
2. I’m very happy to vote NO
3. I will vote YES, reluctantly
4. I will vote NO, reluctantly
5. I’m a neutral YES voter
6. I’m a neutral NO voter
7. Still undecided, but happy there is a referendum
8. Still undecided, and annoyed there is a referendum
9. I will probably abstain


Ask about the £55 million WWI 100 year celebrations that kick off in Glasgow the day after the Commonwealth games end, is it appropriate/political/why now, why in Scotland?


Number the “trivial” / “wee things” in order of importance to you.


Is there any value in a question on how people think they would feel/be affected by a No vote?

G H Graham

Scottish tourists in southern England frequently meet locals wearing Union Jack designed vests, coatees, bowler hats & oversized lapel badges who irritatingly pretend not to understand the words coming out your mouth while they examine your Clydesdale Bank notes as if they have just come off a printing press in Botswana.

Should you …

a. Remind them that we are Better Together
b. Talk back with a fake Les Dawson accent in order to sound more educated
c. Refuse to leave the premises until they are led to believe that funny Scotch money is worth double English money

creag an tuirc

If you are voting ‘No’ in the referendum, is it because:

A) You’re a big fearty
B) You don’t believe in Scotland and her people
C) You don’t believe in self-determination and democracy
D) You love Britain
E) You hate Alex Salmond and the SNP
F) You believe Alistair Darling

You get the picture, something to make a no voter reflect on their stance.

Flower of Scotland

Now that YES have produced the White Paper and have given their views on currency etc after being asked for the Facts , should the NO side also tell us exactly what happens after a NO vote or is it more of the same OR even less as the Barnett formula WILL be cut


Which authority is best placed to shape the type of society you wish your grandchildren to inherit:

An independent Holyrood, or


Look Skye Walker

Following independence, I would like to see a referendum on EU membership, nationalisation of the rail network, nationalisation of the electric, gas and oil industries, rebuilding our fishing industry and reclaiming our fishing grounds. It is OUR country with OUR countries resources to be used by OUR people!


Do you consider the Bank of England (and other UK public institutions) to be assets of the UK ?



Q – How long after 2016 will it be before you free bus pass will go if you vote NO. One year,two years, three years?

Maybe that is a leading question but a question that needs to be asked on the doorsteps with further Westminster cuts due.


I’d like asked:

Are you aware that if Scotland votes YES, under international law you can’t be stripped of your UK citizenship, so, regardless of what Barroso says, you can’t be kicked out of the EU?


“Many businesses in England currently refuse to accept Scottish bank notes even though they are legally required to do so.”

No they’re not. Nor are businesses in Scotland.

The only sort of payment a business is legally obliged to accept is “legal tender”. Coins of the Royal Mint are legal tender, within certain limits. Bank of England notes are legal tender in England and Wales. Scottish banknotes are not legal tender anywhere. In fact, no bank notes of any sort are legal tender in Scotland, only coins.

link to

link to

link to

G H Graham

What is the George Tax?

A. A transaction cost incurred by businesses trading across an independent Scotland’s borders

B. A small clothing apparel restocking fee charged by ASDA



Love that question.

My own would be: In the event of Scotland voting for independence, how confident are you that the Westminster Government would keep its promise to negotiate in good faith?


Exclusion order or Madame Guillotine
(It was a joke!)


I would ask this :
Are you aware that the United Kingdom of Great Britain was created by international treaty in 1706?

Do you think that if Scotland votes to end the union, then the name ‘United Kingdom’ should be consigned to history?


“under international law you can’t be stripped of your UK citizenship”

Incorrect. The rUK would be perfectly free to declare that they do not permit multiple nationality, and that if you became a national of another country you would lose your rUK citizenship. Quite a lot of countries do this, and it’s perfectly legal under international law. Similarly, they could declare that foreign nationals acquiring rUK citizenship must give up their previous nationality.

It would be quite a marked change for the rUK to do this, as historically the UK has had a very liberal policy towards multiple nationality – it is not restricted in any way for either UK citizens taking foreign nationalities or aliens taking UK nationality. But given the xenophobia that’s taken hold in Westminster, I wouldn’t be too shocked if they were to start making moves in this direction.

The caveat here is that assuming iScotland and the rUK remain in the EU, the rUK would not be allowed to single out iScotland for special treatment – that is, they could not deny dual nationality for Scots but permit it for other EU nationals.

Citizenship can certainly be stripped, but there is an international convention that binds states to endeavour to prevent individuals from becoming stateless. This is why most countries will not let you renounce nationality if it will render you stateless – they require you to demonstrate that you possess another nationality before permitting renunciation.

This UN convention notwithstanding, the Tories in Westminster have decided they can strip the citizenship from UK nationals even if it leaves them stateless: link to

G H Graham

Rules are whatever those in authority wish them to be Will. According to your practical logic, everyone is Scotland is using fake money.

So if Will ever presents an English bank note to me I’ll be sure to tell him to piss off.

Rude but not yet illegal.

Dawn Corbett

I would like you to find out how many people want us in Europe. I am a yes voter and would happily leave Europe. Are there others out there like me? All this bluster about Europe refusing us entry doesn’t bother me!

Harry Shanks

Q: Should there be a NO vote, do you consider Scotland would be treated –

a) Better
b) Worse
c) Just the same.


How likely do you think it is that the UK government would act against the interests of its own people in order to hurt Scotland, if Scotland voted for independence?

a) Very likely
b) Quite likely
c) Don’t know
d) Quite unlikely
e) Very unlikely


Of course rules are what those in authority wish them to be. That’s tautological: rules are set by those in authority. And the rules are clear: if I present you with a banknote in Scotland to settle a debt, you are legally entitled to refuse that banknote. If I pay that debt in coins (using exact change), you are legally obliged to accept those coins in full legal settlement of the debt.

The difference in England is you are also legally obliged to accept Bank of England notes, in addition to coins (and again using exact change), in full legal settlement of the debt.

None of this makes Scottish banknotes “fake money”. “Legal tender” is not the same as “legal currency”. Legal tender has a very narrow, specific meaning: payment that legally *must* be accepted in settlement of a debt. A debtor and creditor are free to mutually agree on any form of payment whatsoever, and it’s basically been universally agreed by everyone to accept Scottish notes – but *it is not legally obligatory to do so*.

Shiehallion! Shiehallion!

If you do vote No, do you agree that you will regret it?

Harry Shanks

Should there be a NO vote, do you believe the promises by Labour/Tory/LibDems of “further powers for Scotland” will be delivered?

a) No, I do not trust them to deliver
b) Yes, I trust them to deliver
c) I do not understand what these promises are.

Harry Shanks

If a Scottish MP is also a UK Govt minister, where do you consider his over-riding loyalty should lie?

a) With Scotland
b) With the UK Goverment
c) With his consituents

Shiehallion! Shiehallion!

Was Samuel Johnson correct when he said that “The noblest prospect which a Scotchman ever sees, is the high road that leads him to England!”?

In other words, do Ambition, Culture and Opportunity inevitably have their Origin in the South, and does this fact Justify a Continuous Laying Waste of the North?

jingly jangly

Will, Theresa May has stated that Scots will get dual citizen ship if they don’t do anything stupid with immigration.


It is, Rev, it is – but like I mentioned earlier, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Westminster adopted a universally restrictive policy on dual nationality. And of course if the Eurosceptics get their dearest wish and the rUK leaves the EU, they would then be free to discriminate against specific nations without EU ‘interference’.

Harry Shanks

What do you think about UK Govt Ministers who make speeches which denigrate the ability of Scotland to be an Independent country?

a) Approve
b) Disapprove
c) No opinion


jingly: I missed that particular statement from Theresa May, but it’s kind of beside the point. If Westminster decide to be really nasty about citizenship (the way that they’ve decided to be nasty about currency), they could credibly change their policy in such a way that Scots would not be able to maintain rUK citizenship (just like they could, and supposedly have, set their policy to deny iScotland a full-currency-union-of-equals). What I’m saying here is that this nuclear option does exist in their arsenal, should they choose to deploy it (and it would do a lot of collateral damage to non-Scots).


Do you think Westminster will ensure Scotland will never be in a position again to have a free vote in a referendum on independence should we vote No on 18th September 2014?


Have you read the White paper?

Would you like all the Unionist parties in Scotland to produce an equivalent White paper on the future of Scotland in the Union?

Is this likely to happen?

If you are planning on voting No, will a Tory/UKIP victory (in England) in the European elections in May change your decision (to a Yes) come September?


Repeating questions from last time gives a useful comparison of how views are changing. Not every question, of course, but enough to see any large differences.

Harry Shanks

Q: If Scotland had been an Independent country for the last 300yrs – would you NOW vote to join a Union with England, Wales, and NI

a) Yes
b) No
c) It would depend if I was going to better or worse off

Harry Shanks

Which of these Scottish Politicians do you consider best “stands up for Scotland”

a) Alex Salmond
b) Johann Lamont
c) Ruth Davidson
d) Willie Rennie
e) Alistair Darling
f) Ian Davidson

G H Graham

Will, your comments regarding legal tender etc are pointless.

Money is only worth something because we believe it so. It doesn’t matter who issued it, who printed it or what it says on the front/back. Money only works because we have faith that it is worth something. We can remove our faith and hence authority at will. Regrettably some folks in England do that frequently much to our annoyance.

So my question on the next attitudes survey might be

In an independent Scotland, should we refuse to accept English bank notes?

Harry Shanks

Q: Who is the leader of the Labour Party in Scotland?

a) Ed Milliband
b) Anas Sarwar
c) Jackie Ballie
d) Johann Lamont
e) Kezia Dugdale
f) Gordon Brown
g) Donald Dewar


Just for the record 634 blinks channel 4 interview.

Sorry 4 the obsession but it’s quite compelling…

G H Graham

Can you identify the leader of the Labour Party in Scotland?

Is it …

a. Anas Sarwar
b. Alistair Darling
c. Johan Lamont
d. Wee Jimme Krankie
e. Ed Miliband
f. Ed Balls
h. Edward Norton

gerry parker

For “No” voters.
In the event of independence will you.
1. Stay in Scotland and contribute towards creating a more equitable society.
2. Stay in Scotland and work towards returning to Westminster control.
3. Leave Scotland.

G H Graham

The British government operates within a bicameral system at Westminster (Two parliamentary chambers located at the House of Commons & at the House of Lords).

The Scottish Government currently operates within a unicameral system at Holyrood (a single parliamentary chamber).

If Scotland became in dependent, would you prefer to

a. Retain the current single parliament (unicameral)?

b. Introduce a second parliament (bicameral)?

Murray McCallum

Do you agree that (1) there is a “something for nothing culture” in Scotland and, if so, (2) that the historically independent Scottish NHS, education and legal systems should be combined with that of the rest of the UK?

Agree this culture exists
Disagree this culture exists
Don’t know

Agree – we should be One Nation and all services made the same
Disagree – Scotland should continue to run its independent systems
Don’t know


How about…..”is Scotland a country?” Or….”should Norway be an independent country?”


I’m with WelshNotBritish but snappier:-
If rUK won’t share the assets should Scotland take any of the debts? Y/N

Also a question on the fundamentals:-
Should laws be made by the will of the people or only by the Lords, Commons and Queen together? people/Lords etc

Ian Brotherhood

Q: Do you feel that the Edinburgh Agreement is being observed by the signatories?

Graeme McCormick

1 Do you consider the Bank of England a shared asset of Scotland and the rest of the UK?


Labour have said they will continue with the Torys’ austerity policies if they win the 2015 General Election.
Does that promise make you
a) more inclined to vote Yes
b) less inclined to vote Yes


Do you know Westminster has the power to shut down the Scottish Parliament at any time?

The Rough Bounds

How would you define yourself?



I agree with your thoughts on the fundamentally ephemeral nature of fiat currency, G H Graham, but it remains a simple incontrovertible fact that businesses in England (or Scotland) are not legally required to accept Scottish banknotes.


The Scottish NHS and English NHS are separate. Labour Shadow Health Minister Andy Durnham believes this is wrong.
Do you agree with Andy?

Do you get confused by who is in charge of the Yes\No Campaigns?

How likely is it that Alastair Darling is leading David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband in decisions for the Better Campaign?

Not Likely
Stop it, just Stop it!

Is Rob a Shorthouse?

Will you miss Kaye Adams?


I am interested in how people are reacting to the deluge of threats and negativity coming from Osborne, Balls and Alexander. A question(s) worded to find if people feel browbeaten and whether this is making them more likely to vote Yes, No, No Effect.

It would be great to have a feel for how biased people think the media are but with the BBC’s track record I suspect that they will ignore our poll if we include anything that specifically criticises them. A more generic question on the role of the media might be OK though.

Albert Herring

Should people who can’t pronounce the name of their native country be banned from public office?


In the Independance referendum. do you intend to vote YES or NO?

If YES… how confirmed is your vote on a scale on 1 – 10 with one being ‘not at all’ and 10 being ‘absolutely no doubt’

If NO… how confirmed is your vote on a scale on 1 – 10 with one being ‘not at all’ and 10 being ‘absolutely no doubt’



Have you changed your mind on how you will vote within the last 6 months?



sorry! just thought of another one…

Should London be an independant country?



What do you think will happen to Scotland`s public services post a NO vote considering that Westminster wants Scotland`s budget slashed by billions?

Post a YES vote what do you think the Scottish Government should spend the extra billions available on?

Do you think that Scotland is equal to its biggest partner in the union?

Do you think the UK parliament should be run from Edinburgh instead of Westminster?

Do you think the media in Scotland informs or misinforms the public?

Given that England now wrongly believes that Scotland benefits from English tax payers money do you think post a NO vote Scotland will be able to resist any attempt to cut Scotland`s block grant from Westminster?

Do you think that Westminster`s lies about what Scotland contributes to the UK will affect how you vote?

Do you think post a NO vote Scotland`s budget will increase, stay the same or decrease?

Does Scotland have a healthy democracy given that it has only 4% representation in both houses of Westminster?

Do you think Scotland needs unelected Lords making decisions for us?

What do you think Scotland would have done with all the oil money that Westminster chose to spend in England?

How many billions has the UK stolen from Scotland by lying to keep our assets under their control?
50 billion?
100 billion?
150 billion?

Do you think Scottish MPs represent Scotland in Westminster or Westminster in Scotland?

Do you think Scottish MPs are fighting for the union or their own jobs and all the perks that come with it?

How effective have Scotland`s MPs been in policy making in the Westminster Parliament?
A little?
Not very?
Not at all?


I thought this was pretty good from Derek Bateman “Do you agree Scotland is an inferior partner of the UK?”

gerry parker

“it remains a simple incontrovertible fact that businesses in England (or Scotland) are not legally required to accept Scottish banknotes.”

If that is the Law, then it can be changed.

Look at the Dollar Bill, on the front of it it says
” This note is legal tender for all debts public and private”

Nation Libre

Which party in Scotland (not Scottish Party) do you believe best represents the working class people of Scotland and Scotland’s interests as a whole

Rather than pick one, you could possibly score them 1 to 10, SNP, Labour, Tory and LibDem


To take that a stage further…. I suppose businesses anywhere are not legally required to accept any banknotes.

In terms of legality, I wouldn’t like to present a legal argument in a Scottish court that if a client paid me in Scottish banknotes then legally he hadn’t really paid me at all, so I was still chasing him for the funds.


Did you know that Scottish Labour Leader Johann Lamont has no power in deciding who will stand as candidates in Scottish Constituencies as this is decided by an English based Executive Committee?

Are you aware all Scottish Labour MPs did not vote against the Bedroom Tax and some left the country to make ENtrepreurship speeches overseas?

Should all Scottish MPs be forced to vote in all matters affecting Scottish constituents ensuring no “Pairing” which allows MPs to go and discuss matters like Entrepreneurship with overseas contacts.

Do you agree with the Unionist Parties that a replacement for Trident is more important than building new homes?

Bill Fraser

After a No vote do you believe Scotland will be
1) Better off
2) Worse off
3) Much the same


Although this is much like a question in the previous poll about independence bloggers/websites I thought I would post it anyway.

“Which of the following groups have you heard of?

Labour for Independence
Business for Scotland
Academics for Yes
The Reid Foundation
Scottish Independence Convention
etc etc”

Proud Cybernat

Further devolution is not an option on the referendum ballot paper. What is your next preferred choice–independence or the status quo?


Something about whether the UK Government is being reasonable and measured in its interventions or whether, as we move closer to the vote, it’s increasingly showing a vindictiveness and barely hidden visciousness that’s becoming kind of scary, wrt the pound, yes means no, chucked out of the EU, borders, shipbuilding etc

I think it’s a question that may make some No voters pause before answering.


Who do you trust more to spend money to most benefit Scots:

Local Councils

If Scotland votes YES, should the country then abstain from voting in the 2015 UK General Election?


Should the UK Govt be forced to now ask the EU for a confirmed position on Scotland’s entry or denial into the EU following any YES vote.

Chris Darroch

Do you believe that pensions will be protected in iScotland?

Do you believe that Scotland has a lot more wealth than Westminster is letting on?

Do you believe that Westminster is cheating us economically and in every other way it can?

Do you like the idea of being a country more like Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Finland etc?

How important is it for you, having no lender of last resort?

Do you feel encouraged when you see Yes campaigners on the streets and at your door?

Would you be more likely to wear a yes badge or sticker on your car, nearer to the actual vote?

What is your impression on the views of those under 18?

Do you know what the McCrone report was all about?


Coming to this late so apologies if already suggested.

Something along the lines of ‘Do you think the leaders of the UK parties should participate in debates or answer questions from the public? And a follow up ‘If they do not, are you more likely to vote yes/no?’

Needs work


IF you are of Irish extraction, in the event of Scotland becoming independent, would you regard any relatives still in Ireland as being foreigners? (yes, no, no different).

As ROI is independent of the UK and would fight tooth and nail to keep it that way, why would you vote No in the scottish referendum? (too wee, stupid ,etc?). Or if you vote Labour is it because you fancy your chances of a cushy number at Westminster? Any other reasons (NOT because Salmond is a Hearts supporter).

Vlad (not that one)

@Colin Thomasson

should the ‘Land question’ be finally settled in favour of the Scots?

Should Land Reform banish absentee and foreign landlords without compensation and hand the land back to the communities that it was stolen from in the first place

How about adding “Should land be taxed?”

Alan Gerrish

After we achieve Independence, which on of the following would you choose to sing as the National Anthem:

1. God Save The Queen

2 Flower of Scotland

3. An entirely new anthem to capture the spirit of a new Scotland and a new future

I post this more as a serious issue as I think we should be working now to have option 3 ready for the 19th September. We have our flag, but the absence of a proper anthem for the new Scotland is something which can’t wait – how on earth can we claim to be a Nation at the next Olympics medal ceremonies without one? And the first one to suggest that Flower of Scotland is appropriate will get me very upset….

Neil Mackenzie

As a citizen of independent Scotland, how would you vote in a referendum to establish a new body with rUK called The British Alliance which would fulfil the international hole left by the UK’s demise while retaining Scotland’s social, economic and political autonomy?

G H Graham

In an independent Scotland which of these experiences would you find most annoying …

1. An English gent explaining to an impatient European tourist in Inverness that it’s considered polite to form an orderly queue when visiting England.

2. The BBC weather map that is so skewed as to make Scotland appear to be at least 50% smaller than it actually is.

3. American news channels calling Queen Elizabeth II the Queen of England.

4. Watching British made programs about the United Kingdom’s rich, complex, turbulent, ancient history that make absolutely no mention of the three other countries in the United Kingdom.

Actually, fuck it. All of these happen now so ignore the independence bit and just tells us which one pisses you off more.

Colin Thomasson


ok, if something along lines of a Land Value Tax.
I think that might be for the common good

G H Graham

Whose face(s) would you like to appear on standard 1st & 2nd class stamps in an independent Scotland?

a. Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas Queen, Defender of the Faith etc.

b. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, KG, OM, CH, TD, DL, FRS, RA

c. Field Marshal Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig of Bemersyde, KT GCB OM GCVO KCIE ADC

d. Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, KG, KP, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCMG, GCIE, ADC, PC

d. Sir Edward William Elgar, 1st Baronet, OM, GCVO

e. William Wallace

Not sure how to word it but something along the lines of.

When you vote in the referendum which people’s future will you be mostly concerned with.

Scotland only (the right answer)
Mainly Scotland but also the rest of the UK
Half n half
Mainly UK but also Scotland
UK only

E.A. Cameron

A Yes vote will, in practical effect, serve an 18 month redundancy notice to 150 politicians (59 MPs in the House of Commons and just over 90 in the Lords)

How likely is it that the Better Together campaign is an attempt to deceive Scots into voting against Scotland’s best interests in order to protect those 150 jobs?

Very Likely?

More Likely than unlikely?

More unlikely than likely?

Very unlikely?

Don’t know?


Based on previous political promises, do you trust Westminster to deliver on any promise of jam tomorrow (some kind of devo + offer) if you vote NO in the referendum? YES or NO?


I would like to know where peoples understanding of where powers lie? I.e. Reserved to Westminster or devolved to Holyrood?

I still think there is a lack of understanding of where powers lie, and believe is the electorate were made aware of the benefits they receive from a devolved Scottish government and policy thrust upon you by a Westminster government. I believe this would swing those misunderstanding this area to a yes vote.


Can Westminster promise the people of Scotland that they will not be taken out of the EU against their will if they vote no?

Will the Scottish parliament and it’s existing powers be protected, unfettered and free to serve the people of Scotland should there be a no vote?

Kenny Ritchie

What are the Scottish Labour, Tory and contingency plans if a Yes vote is realised?

Kenny Ritchie

Ooops. Should have read.

What are the Scottish Labour, Tory and Lib-dem contingency plans if a Yes vote is realised?

Tobias Hendry

3 years from now which of the following statements do you think is more likely:

Scotland will be independent with all powers to govern Scotland transferred from Westminster to Holyrood.

There will be further devolution with more powers transferring from Westminter to Holyrood than there is now.

Less devo

No change


Lost the will to live watching that utter rubbish ‘debate’!


Website playing up again badly.

Stuart Nelson

Question: Should the next monarch be crowned in Scotland using the the Scottish Crown Jewels?

John McCallum

Since Scotland is one of the most pro-EU parts of the UK, how about:

Do you feel that Barroso’s remarks make you less likely to support the UK remaining inside the EU?

I’d hope not, but if it were shown that his remarks reduced the chances of an continuing UK+Scotland remaining in the EU then it might be a way of getting a more representative response from Europe given Cameron’s intention for a referendum.

George Minty

If Independence Day turns out like the movie can Scotland have full control of Trident so we can deal with the thieving alien menace ( not Westminster). Alternatively would we have to rely on old recordings of Andy Stewart music as in “Mars Attacks”?


Don’t know if this would count as one question.

We have heard much about the ‘Status Quo‘ during the referendum campaign. So, thinking about how things are right now, please indicate whether you think the items on the following list will change more, or change less. by remaining in the UK.

More[ ] Less[ ] — Community charge
More[ ] Less[ ] — Free Prescriptions
More[ ] Less[ ] — Welfare Benefits
More[ ] Less[ ] — EU membership
More[ ] Less[ ] — Free Care for the elderly
More[ ] Less[ ] — Free bus pass
More[ ] Less[ ] — Pensions
More[ ] Less[ ] — Scottish NHS
More[ ] Less[ ] — Human Rights
More[ ] Less[ ] — Wealth gap


Sorry, that last question doesn’t do what I thought it did. Here’s a bit better thought out version:

We have heard much about the ‘Status Quo‘ during the referendum campaign. So, thinking about how things are right now, please indicate what you think the items on the following list will do if Scotland votes to remain in the UK.

Community charge
Will be more o : Will be less o : Will remain the same o
Free Prescriptions
Will remain o : Will go o
Welfare Benefits
Will be more o : Will be Less o : Will remain the same o
EU membership
More likely o : Less likely o : About the same likelihood o
Free Care for the elderly
Will remain o : Will go o
Free bus pass
Will remain o : Will go o
Will be more o : Will be Less o : Will remain the same o
Scottish NHS
Will merge with UK NHS o : Will remain the same o
Human Rights when UK leaves the European Court of Human Rights
Will be better o : Will be worse o
Wealth gap (difference between lowest paid and highest paid)
Will be bigger o : Will be smaller o : Will remain the same o


Obviously a similar question could be asked but if the respondents were asked to think about if Scotland voted no.

Might be a clever way of getting both worked into one question, but can’t think of it.


A late contribution:

As the majority of the audience at the Kelso debate on BBC last night seemed to thing taxes would go up in iScotland, perhaps a Q about how much more or less people think they will pay in tax?

We have to know what folk think before we can refute it.


Assuming that you asked as first question, so as not to be biased,
Should Scotland be an independent country?,
could you ask as the last two questions
Using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is completely against an independent Scotland and 10 is completely for an independent Scotland, where are you on this scale regarding Scotland becoming independent?
Should Scotland be an independent country?.

These are the questions that Yes Scotland are using on the doorsteps and including them will give Yes Scotland some feedback on how their campaign answers relate to poll results. The second advantage is that the respondents will have been biased by the questions put in the rest of our poll and we will get a view on scottish_skiers “softness” of the vote if we get different answers. It will also validate the result of the SNP poll that put Yes ahead by “leading” questions prior to their independence Yes/No.

Technical Question – Can Panelbase arrange that people cannot backtrack to how they answered the first question when they answer the last?

Thomas Widmann

I was asked this question in an opinion poll today: How happy or how disappointed would you be if the “yes” side won the referendum?

Based on the other questions in the poll, I reckon it’s for some political party’s internal consumption, so it might be worth asking the same question.


Q: Would Scotland be better aff athoot England?

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    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “You are currently functioning like a mini WEF/exclusive rotten SNP hierarchy – You lot are the worst Team-Scotland players, ever.…Jan 27, 21:57
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Dismantling your integrity is way more fun (and far easier).Jan 27, 21:46
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “I like your description and sense of humour, Dan Keep expressing (while the regressive Wings wretches carp from the sidelines)……Jan 27, 21:35
    • Andy Ellis on The Silent Revolution: “Can we volunteer a few others to lure in…? This place would be all the better for it. 🙂Jan 27, 21:32
    • Andy Ellis on The Silent Revolution: “Truth, honest opinion and publication on a matter of public interest are adequate defences “gregor”. It’s pretty obvious from the…Jan 27, 21:30
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Not willing/capable of standing behind your convictions (gibberpish) ?? I’ll continue duly defending Scotland (holding the champions trophy) while you…Jan 27, 21:25
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Still universally claiming the thoughts/minds of others (eyes roll). Unlike you, I value individual freedom of thought. #ForeverFreedomWings #MinistryOfEllisTruthJan 27, 21:20
    • Insider on The Silent Revolution: “Did that school ever actually fall down ? Haven’t seen anything reported in the newspapers !Jan 27, 21:20
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “Maybe the “falling school” boy could lure gregor in, just as the roof collapses 🙂Jan 27, 21:17
    • robertkknight on The Silent Revolution: “I can confirm that nothing is obstructing you from getting your own website, Gregor.Jan 27, 21:13
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “My response to that, Skip_NC, is that whoever came up with that answer must have been asking the wrong questions.…Jan 27, 21:11
    • Andy Ellis on The Silent Revolution: “Because he was pissy about it with Cameron Brodie. It’s his site: if he can’t be arsed taking preemptive action…Jan 27, 21:10
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    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Why don’t you make a direct complaint to Rev. #UltimateWingsBigotJan 27, 21:05
    • Andy Ellis on The Silent Revolution: “You could always try complaining to Rev Stu. The experience of trying to get him to ban the bampot Cameron…Jan 27, 21:00
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Insider: “Somebody’s trying to shut this site down by swamping it with gibberish !” 27, 20:57
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    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “I can confirm that nothing is obstructing you from posting, RobertJan 27, 20:28
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    • Insider on The Silent Revolution: “Yup ! Somebody’s trying to shut this site down by swamping it with gibberish !Jan 27, 20:23
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    • robertkknight on The Silent Revolution: “55 out of the last 124 posts… FFS! #wingsovergregorJan 27, 20:06
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