Poisoning The Unwell
Posted on
January 18, 2025 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
The poisoned dwarf and her cabal of deviants and perverts have injected a toxic mixture of paedophilia and sexual deviance into a heterosexual small c conservative nation of trusting peaceful people , and hopefully KARMA will extract a judicious revenge
Another cracker Chris , big val has been feeding her the wrang medication
Excellent image from Chris The cartoonist. History will surely judge this woman to have poisoned the well of Scottish politics during her time involved.
Poisoning The Unwell in more ways than one:
1. Pouring poison into Scottish politics
2. Sending infected people into our Scottish care homes
3. A legacy of toxicity
Queen Biohazard in all her rotten to the core glory… beautifully illustrated by CC.
The truth of a wasted decade in a wee picture. It was the most important time for our country in any of our lives and it has been torture living through it.
100% spot on.
I’m trying to figure out what is wrong with that woman. Narcissistic personality disorder?
More like No Personality Disorder. She’s been a professional, career politician since she was 16 years old. She’s never been anywhere and she’s never done anything except for a year or two as a solicitor.
Allegedly, she had to resign because of incompetence.
She lied to a client, and her employers – she said she had applied for legal aid when she hadn’t. Her domestic abuse victim client had to wait for her case to be progressed until legal aid was received – but the application had not been made. A disciplinary action was taken and Nicola Sturgeon resigned from the solicitor’s roll before the action was enforced.
This information came from a Wings article.
Plus other sites had articles on the matter.
link to grousebeater.wordpress.com
link to petercherbi.wordpress.com
I am not familiar at all with the circumstances of the case, so just out of curiosity, can I ask if anything of what she did then might have been of dubious legality and, if it was, when approximately did it happen?
I am trying to establish since when she may have been compromised. In particular, I am interested in finding out if she might have already been compromised before 2014, and if she could have been already working from within to frustrate independence via her role in the referendum campaign.
We often ask on these threads how could it have been possible for such an astute politician like Mr Salmond to not spot the real personality traits of this woman.
Well, could it have been a case of “keeping your friends close and your enemies closer”?
I mean, Mr Salmond was brilliant and could hold himself very well when following a script or without script. As soon as Sturgeon stops following a script you see that she is a mediocre debater and her narcissism immediately comes to the surface. She does not hold herself well at all when under pressure either. This should have been obvious to Mr Salmond.
1996/97 per the Grouse Beater article that Dan has given a link to. The article has some interesting things to say about the investigating lawyer Olga Pasportnikov. She was promoted by Sturgeon in 2015.
Sturgeon playing fast and loose with a case of a woman’s safety????? Surely not????? Feminist to her fingertips etc etc etc.
Hard to believe, isn’t it? LOL
Thank you Sarah. The grousebeater article is most interesting.
Mmm. 1996/97 is quite close to the devolution referendum for comfort, and we know she has been acting as a fervent devolutionist from at least 2014 to present…
What I found most interesting is the comment from grousebeater that it was Nicola Sturgeon who was stopping the legislation to register judges’ interests. I think there might be more to the story that we are let to know and I also think this idiot might have been compromised and under control of the British state for quite some time before becoming leader.
Yet another reason for me not to believe the official indyref result.
I missed that bit about the registering of judges’ interests being stopped by Sturgeon. Now why would she do that? Verily, a parcel of rogues are ruling us – nothing has changed since 1707.
From what I heard, her attitude changed when she teamed up with Peter Murrell. But unclear whether 2003 (relationship) or 2009-2010 (proposal and marriage) was meant.
My own guess, would be primarily the latter. (Not that she hadn’t made her mistakes before then, and had the roots of her later behaviour already present in her character.) But because prior to that, she was being pulled in a positive direction, and after that in a negative or at best, divided. (That decision in itself, was the victory of over-confident fantasy over reality, that ensured disaster.)
It then took only the removal of Alex Salmond. From leadership, from power, from her positive regard. In order for the existing forces, of greed, division, gender-cult, Imperial espionage, and careerist cowardice, to exploit and maximise all her natural weaknesses.
From without, and to some extent from within.
To the destruction of:
– the SNP,
– the dominance of the Independence Movement,
– competent governance,
– institutional integrity,
– voter engagement.
And the perilous position Scotland is in today.
Whatever the truth is, the material fact that she was not regarded as a threat to the powers that be was obvious the moment papers like the Guardian or the Times were running elaborate full double-page *sales* spreads with headlines like “is this the most dangerous woman in Britain” – which they were doing a lot from around 2015 or so onwards. Even the fact that Swinney gets ‘neutral’ headlines in the Metro is a mini-size version of the same phenomenon. Among the lots of things it achieves, includes giving a ‘background illusion’ the media isn’t biased. But why am I even saying this? Everyone here knows it.
She just hasn’t poisoned Scottish politics its everything she ever touched. I can’t bare to watch or listen to her. I wish she’d leave and go back to Newcastle for good I’d even pay for her TRANSport.
Great cartoon Chris regrettably still topical. Reminds me of Stus original article of Poisoning the Well. For me, Stus best article given the unbelieving audience at the time. Nothing changes, another failure of a Scottish Institution reported yesterday. This time the SPS. Nobody will get sacked or resign. Swinney will be along next week with apologies and a promise to escalate the recommendations from seriously to very seriously. And nothing will change. Mediocrity and incompetence the normative state of Scottish politics.
You are too kind with your ‘mediocrity and incompetence’, she and her mates don’t deserve such an accolade.
Chris on the other hand , does!
That posted before I re read , Chris I think you’re wonderful and the cartoon is excellent ! Apologies for defective thinking , I blame lack of sleep.
‘A restricted recruiting ground’ means that all we can ever expect in a colony is ‘a mediocre meritocracy’. For in a colony ‘the promotion of mediocre personnel is not a temporary error but a lasting catastrophe from which the colony never recovers’ (Memmi).
I couldn’t find that article by the search button. Could you remember which year it was so that I can search the archive, please?
The Poisoner April 30 2021. Towards the end of the article
Sturgeon poisoned the Yes movement to the extent the unity achieved in 2014 was unlikely to return. Also I remember the words Sturgeon poisoned the well but it is within a differently titled article somewhere else. I can’t find that one.
The Betrayer January 31st 2020 is an equally good reference.
Thanks, George. I look forward to reminding myself of the Rev’s insight. Mind you, it is an example of a prophet not being recognised in his own country – or at least of the prophet’s words being hidden from the populace by the establishment.
There are no shortage of Nicola Sturgeons in modern politics. People admire them and vote for them in the same inexplicable way the office bully and pub blowhard seem ever popular with those around them.
I’m no longer sure that the way we select our leaders is legitimate in the modern world. We just can’t trust ourselves to see through the carefully crafted hype and fibs. We blind ourselves to the obvious incompetence and cronyism, only facing up to our bad decisions when facing the wreckage of their time in office.
Perhaps our coming AI overlords won’t be such a bad thing.
I think there is a tendency in all ‘civilised’ societies -by civilised I mean you aren’t just looking to survive another day- to be pleased someone else is prepared to do the political work the rest of us can’t be bothered doing.
We always assume also, that someone will step in to get rid of them when they take it too far.
As usual, at this point in the cycle the rogue has still a big influence and retains the protection of the people she put in place to do her bidding including the media she kept in business.
…that good men do nothing…
Applies as it always did.
There is three possibilities if AI takes over
The first is it kills us all. An outcome that wouldn’t bother me that much as frankly I’d enjoy the peace and quite
The 2nd is it actually governs for the benefit of mankind instead of its own ego and bank account. This outcome would also please me greatly
the 3rd option is so insane that I think it can be safely discounted.
And that is AI ends up doing a worse job then the current politicians
A little off topic,regarding humza’s challenge to musk (by both supremacists) did the sturgeon and sweeney organisation ever offer an open public debate with the leader of an independence party?
Speaking as a person aghast at alba’s leader making a personal plea to an oligarch.
I always thought the Scottish parliament was the stepping stone to Independence up until 2014. Sturgeon took over and for me the Scottish parliament is ROTTEN to its cure and the MSP’s and staff are all in it for themselves. A huge amount of general public don’t know this, but the parliament and the people who run Scotland out source every single policy to thinktanks or some other private organization so whats the point in us electing individuals into the parliament when they aren’t even running the country for me shut Holyrood down entirely the place doesn’t benefit Scots anymore.
This is appalling the UKG cuts the Barnett formula by billion and then it imposes a UK wide cut to the welfare system knowing its going to impact these other Country’s harder within the Union, like bedroom tax or two child cap. Then the SNP use the cut Barnett grant to remediate this, thereby lower even further the Barnett money that’s available for what its meant to be used for. This means that every single person in Scotland is being penalized. This means that more and more people from the outside Scotland but living in other parts of the UK see the remediation of the welfare cuts in Scotland as a reason to move to Scotland and this further cuts the money available and imposes huge strains on the SNHS, local communities and all other services. If we had a leader instead of a MORON it would be of the upmost importance to seek Independence get back into the EU and stop the influx of foreigners from the rest of the UK who I might add are appose to Scotland being Independent why wouldn’t they.
STOP blaming Westminster when we have a choice,the choice is simple and yet the SNP is hell bent on stopping all conversation on the constitutional question. Westminster isn’t able to stop Independence its the SNP who’s stopping it, the message is clear from our colonial powers (Scotland is a country and its free to leave when it wants) this message couldn’t be clearer and yet the democracy deniers (SNP) are using foreign courts and measly words in order to protect their own interest when are we going to waken up and remove the only stumbling block to Independence the SNP and the SG.
Yes, a colonial budget is primarily the wages of colonialism doled out to a mediocre meritocracy and a mostly British unionised public sector proletariat sufficient to keep the racket going.
You’d could list ever poison know to MAN and sturgeon would still come out on top.
Check out this video.
Is that a car key in Sturgeon’s hand?
If so, WTF was she doing driving when she’s clearly half-cut?
(1) beverley lyons on X: “I bumped into Nicola Sturgeon and Val McDermid at a party for the launch of #Glasgow Comedy Fest and here’s what they told me about their future plans… #nicolasturgeon #valmcdermid @NicolaSturgeon @valmcdermid copyright #bevlyons link to t.co” / X
Yep. Behaviour of someone who considers themselves as not only fabulous darling but also completely untouchable????
Wid thon no gie ye the dry boak? Nae sense o’ awareness, nane o’ them!!!!
I suppose she could have realized she was over the limit and handed the car key to someone who was actually sober. But how many people actually do that when they’re sloshed? Aren’t the drink-drive limits in Scotland so low that, if one is planning to drink any alcohol, it is a sign of poor judgment to drive if you know you’re going to be drinking?
You can’t drink *at all* if you’re going to be driving in Scotland. Even if you’ve been on the sauce the previous night you can still fail a breathalyzer test the following day.
She’s plainly under the influence. Any decent journalist worth their salt would follow this up.
Sturgeon can’t be permitted to just do as she likes, galavanting about the place like she’s a ‘celebrity’.
The people who do care about her – and there must be some – should tell her to wind her neck in, keep her heid down and her gob shut. Because if she keeps this up it’s just a matter of time before someone has a go at her. Having an old alcohol-ravaged female scrum-half at her side is certainly a deterrent to would-be assailants, aye, but that’s not the point.
I knew the limit in Scotland had dropped but didn’t realize it was low enough to mean that you can’t drink at all. As it happens, I think that is correct. Over here, only the Mormon stronghold of Utah has a similar approach.
Hopefully, it will take a good while for the book to come out, which means it will be a good long time before she feels the need to debase herself in the Australian jungle or some such nonsense. Perhaps we will all have the chance to see her on the Great British Bake-off in due course.
I see the Times had a go at her this morning. In an article about her and Peter Murrell’s marriage, they noted that she had used her parliamentary pass to gain access on forty-three days since she resigned. It will be up to her constituents to decide if that is good enough and I will be interested to see how they vote.
“Any decent journalist“…
That’s the overriding issue though isn’t it Ian.
Scotland doesn’t have a media. It has a bunch of bought and sold pish spouters punting whatever the editors of often millionaire owned press want to talk aboot.
Even oor supposedly brightest and best told us there was nothing going on in Scottish politics but for some reason Reform are now miraculously polling in low teens now…
If you’re soaring above Scotland Scottish politics so fucking high you didn’t spot what was going on for the past several years then maybe come doon a bit closer to earth to regain some focus…
It’ll be only news when she’s caught by the police.
The ‘old alcohol-ravaged female scrum-half’ is the only person she’s got and I doubt she will be around for long.
That sums her up perfectly.
Nasty, scabrous, narcissistic dwarf that she is.
Words can”t even begin to describe the visceral disgust that I feel towards this vile political animal and all her lickspittles and their total betrayal of many hundreds of thousands of people. And yet, still they hang around the corpse, like jackals.
Unfortunately, I can never separate the Murrells from the image in my head of a Rumanian Christmas day in 1989 when another husband and wife were politely informed that their services were no longer required, such was the sheer scale and longevity of THEIR crimes.
Aye Frank, too many Scots in Scotland have failed to catch up with the realities of life under the Murrells and their state sponsored ‘lickspittles’ !!
Oh to benefit from the view from thirty thousand feet. We don’t because the static of everyday life denies us clarity. In hindsight, the portents were all there in Nicola’s Coronation rally at the SSE Hydro on 26th November 2014. The no expense spared stage set, the carefully managed adulation were an essentially superfluous addition to the supposed task in hand.
I did see it as distinctly odd, but it didn’t ring alarm bells as such. Robin McAlpine was I suppose, accustomed to the nuts-and-bolts of political campaigning and saw oor very ain Nuremberg an der Clyde for the horror show that it was. My guess is that a monster which had remained latent up to that point was unleashed that afternoon.
This brings us to the curious psych of Nicola Sturgeon.
Without an intimate knowledge of Sturgeon’s personality, amateur and remote diagnosis of any of the “dark triad” traits (psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism) is problematic. This said, there’s enough of her professional life that’s been lived in public to form some speculative proposals.
The “dark triad” pathologies exhibit reasonably early in life. Did the failed Solicitor display the ruthless focus of a psychopath, the needy attention cravings of a narcissist or the serpentine manipulative scheming of a Machiavellianist? I suspect not. Sturgeon’s career is characterised by failing upwards.
This leaves open a possible diagnosis of Hubris Syndrome. Unlike the “dark triad”, Hubris Syndrome is an acquired personality disorder. This is über hubris on a pathological scale. Alternatively, Hubris Syndrome is a pseudo-scientific label applied to what the rest of us would regard as common bleedin’ sense.
According to its advocates, Hubris Syndrome exhibits only when high office is attained and becomes more pronounced the longer the elevated position is retained. We could go through the 14 symptoms of Hubris Syndrome one-by-one and most if not all apply to Sturgeon.
Perhaps the most strikingly applicable is; “Excessive confidence in the individual’s own judgement and contempt for the advice or criticism of others”. This trait was clearly on display during the Judicial review at the Court of Session, called by Alex Salmond to adjudicate on the procedure the Scottish Executive attempted to use to “fit him up”. Only when her lawyers Roddy Dunlop KC and Christine O’Neil, flatly threatened to resign, did Sturgeon concede the case.
Very interesting. Hubris Syndrome as a result of attaining high office could explain the change in pre 2014 NS to the post 2014 NS. As a “yes” voter who followed Sturgeons career since the 1990s I can honestly say that I don’t recognise her anymore.
I would say VOB that your last paragraph is bang on , this vile deviants unremitting belief in her unassailability and superiority is exhibited every day in every way by her inTRANSigence to LISTEN to anyone bar the wee voice in her head
And when Scotland is independent THOSE who colluded and capitulated with this poisonous vile creature must be subjected to the severest penalties we can impose which will include EVERY material possession they own including their finances , none of them should have profited from Scotland’s and Scots MISERY and TORTURE at the hands of this SCUM
Sturgeon seems to be away ahead of you twathater. I read recently that she has £2 million stashed in an American bank. If that’s true, it will probably have been earned legally by saving her salary from her time in politics. After all, it seems that politicians don’t like paying for anything. That’s what expenses are for.
Just to be clear about what exactly happened (as I understand it). Roddy Dunlop QC (as he was then) and the solicitor-advocate Christine O’Neill were happy to defend the Scottish Govt and the procedure it had established and they did not believe they were engaged in fitting up AS. They had no problem representing their client. It was the prejudicial role of the investigating officer and their bias in directing the procedure that the SG withheld from their lawyers until practically the last moment. This made the defence futile with no prospects for success (I seem to remember RD mentioning potential professional embarrassment as well). There’s generally only a few grounds for requesting a judicial review of a decision and procedural unfairness was so obvious in AS’s case that the Scottish Govt were clearly shown to be devious towards their legal team, motivated by malice towards AS, and contemptuous of the cost to the public purse. Even if their cause had been just, they deserved to lose for abusing their powers.
It is interesting why they thought they could get away with acting like this, which makes me shudder to think what might be going on behind the scenes (167 tonnes indeed!).
As for the amateur psychologising, that sounds like a lot of portentous guff and a pointless literary indulgence. If we want to stray into some psychology, I would actually like to hear more from those who briefly lost their faculty of discernment during the first half of Sturgeotti’s reign why they overestimated her abilities and why they were so fulsome in praising a very average political performer. When it comes to politicians what interests me is less their psychology – they are all to a great degree psychologically similar to one another than they are to the voters – but how quickly are they leaning towards authoritarianism in practice as their tenure in power is prolonged. Thankfully years of SNP incompetence are hindering an increasingly authoritarian approach to governing.
The current SNP leadership, especially Swinney, Robertson, Somerville, Robison are exhausted and lack direction. They need to leave the scene and if that means the SNP have to lose power then that’s fine by me.
‘It is interesting why they thought they could get away with acting like this..’. Aye, It is something that has been on my mind for a few years now. Gordon Dangerfield’s blog, started in September 2020 demonstrated the support The SG/Sturgeon received from The Crown office. The role of the press, the Salmond Squad, etc. How did it work? Why would Sturgeon risk everything trying to destroy the man? Did she know she would be supported by the Civil Service, Crown office, Press and police beforehand?
Aye Toxic is as Toxic does.
I have to say, I’d laugh out loud if the Polis rocked up to (current des res) pal Vals gaff with the old blue tent..
“Well lookee here, what’ve we hot here then; who are all these people and what’s all this paraphernalia for then eh?”
I think this cartoon just brilliantly encapsulates the dirty role of Sturgeon within Scotland’s politics.
Since the minute she took over from Mr Salmond, the only thing she has ever done is to seed division and to ensure the yes movement continues to fight against itself.
The disgusting comments she recently made against Mr Salmond after he passed are further proof of that: she is doing all what she can to stop “team Sturgeon” and “team Salmond” to reunite and, in fact, she is completely self-destroying herself as a credible leader (and person) by doing so.
Goodness, her sins must be nasty indeed when she is willing to self-deprecate in such fashion to earn benevolence from her master.
And who is the only beneficiary of division within the yes movement she is promoting and creating?
The British state. She is clearly nothing more than another British state useful idiot. I think it can safely be said that this is all what she has ever been, at least since 14 November 2014 and probably sooner.
So, how much more do we have to wait until she is sent to share a cell with Isla Bryson?
NoThing‘s going on in Scotland…link to isp.scot
Chris, have you ever thought of setting up as a portrait painter? You have her build, her dress sense and her character writ clearly, and have shown the movement of lifting a heavy and awkward object. Excellent.
This image needs to be seen by everyone in Scotland. Can it be shown on billboards and mobile lorry screens? Rev?
Another great one Chris.
I think that the best that could happen to scotland be for a competent Scottish government
be that yoon or nat
As even a competent yoon government would be a bigger shot in the arm for confidence in scotland then the current morons
As no sane person will vote for indy while the government in Holyrood is incomptent
Well apart from the moon howlers
Err, what competence is it you recognise in any Unionist “Government”? Until Independent, every Government is a Unionist Government, and an irreconcilable violation of Scotland’s Constitution and sovereignty.
The very, very, worst Scottish Government would be a matter for Scotland’s people to address internally, – none of anybody elses business, and a far better predicament for Scotland to be in, than constrained by even the lightest touch of foreign subjugation. Or should I say light fingered subjugation, – it is the UK Government we’re talking about afterall.
But hey, thanks for telling all us “moon howlers” what’s best for us, but be at peace. We already know a Vichy Holyrood will never serve Scotland’s interests, nor will it ever lead to the resurrection of a true Scottish Government.
Sadly, there are many Scots still duped by the illusion and beguiled by it’s supporting indoctrination.
The argument of incompetent government goes both ways.
ukgov is incredibly incompetent
link to youtube.com
– that is just one project, then we have a laundry list of the rest – hinkley point, every defence project
What team NAT needs to figure out is
That the blatant incompetence of Westminster is no excuse or justification for the abject incompetence of Holyrood
Or are you of the opinion that Yoon scum like myself are utterly delighted by the performance of Westminster?
If you want me to vote YES in indyref2 (which is next year, always has been) then no amount of flag waving and screaming right of claim will get me onboard
What will is grown up and competent government
But that’s too hard
So stick to marching
You might finally convert one person
the faroe islands, tiny, can do things the UK cannot
link to youtube.com
makes you think. Just one example.
BBC (2025): Murrell property sale ban during police probe:
“The former SNP chief executive and recently-separated husband of Nicola Sturgeon is currently banned from selling any property he owns, it has emerged…
The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) said it would not be appropriate to comment…
Ms Sturgeon said she had learned “nothing more”…
Operation Branchform began after questions were asked and complaints made about how £650,000 of donations for independence campaigning had been spent.”:
link to bbc.co.uk
link to archive.ph
I’ve always found that Uddingston house very strange. It minds me of a stage set – bought for the purposes of conducting political interviews.
Aye, same here Marie. I always thought it had the feel of a holiday home in a strange location for one.
I’ve heard Uddingston is lovely at this time of year?
I think you are right, Marie; it never looked right to me.
First of all, Baillieston is not actually Uddingston, it is the wrong side of the interchange. “uddy” is much nicer, but, up the road, Bothwell, is much nicer still – the home of footballers, snooker players, gangsters who made it and various middle class and white collar professional criminals. Especially nice round the back of the golf course. Sturgeon could certainly afford a place there, which is more secluded, discreet and with much better security.
– that house in Baillieston, anyone could come right up to the front door. Were there any cameras or other measures? It had an unlived in look. Just a mail drop, really. No one seemed to ask the neighbours right across the street anything about them. Such deception operations are common; actual journos might know where they really live, but aren’t allowed to say.
Sturgeon, who clearly has narcissistic tendencies, would never live in a place “not good enough for her”. Can you imagine Nikki nicking up to “the fort” to have a swatch roon tkmaxx? I can’t either.
I expect the Murrells have good sized property portfolio. As FM, your salary is good, while expenses are low.
Rumour is, the “freeze” means “something is happening”, but we have been teased before.
I heard from a local about 7 years ago that she was buying in Bridge of Allan. That sounds more like it?
The Murrell’s have property. That’s interesting because it seems there is a court order on Peter Murrell preventing him from disposing of property and other assets.
The order it seems was granted by the authority if the Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain no less.
A order preventing the dissipation of assets in advance of a trial, or in advance of a judgement advance is powerful device. Inhibiting a person’s assets in no trifling matter.
However, now that the inhibition has become public post Sturgeon announcing that she is getting divorced the BBC have stepped forward to say that inhibiting assets like property is standard procedure and that the order issued by the Lord Advocate is only a mere clerical procedure. In her name.
I’m no lawyer but freezing Murrell’s assets, which includes he and ( Nicola’s) properties both here and any abroad, was done for a reason, not least to avoid the potential alienation of assets out of reach.
Maybe someone could enlighten as to why.
Something strange about Sturgeon’s recent announcement. Maybe it’s, swag that’s going down the well in the toon.
Looks authentic to me:
Is Val McDermid Peter Murrell in drag?
White wig, heavy rimmed glasses, purple earrings- lookalikies indeed. You could be onto something there
Seeing Sturgeon pouring in the poison made me think of something …
– the guards throwing in the zyklon B pellets while the unfortunates below had been sent for a fake shower. Nasty. She has form though.
– what to make of this?
sturgeon stands outside the newly expanded cornton vale (-check this, ed.) with increased space for all the hate criminals
– scotrail up to its usual bollox, no service at all
Scotland as a concentration camp, Sturgeon our Ilse Koch.
That is really in bad taste.
so is betrayal
real photo, no AI
Talking about toxic apart from the Betrayer, a friend of mine who lives in Perth W.A sent a photo of a snake next to his house. It’s a Dugite why did that put me in mind of another toxic politician ?
Browsing around I have just come across a letter submitted by Angus Robertson to the inquiry “The Governance of the Union: Consultation, Co-operation and Legislative Consent (Inquiry)”. This was published on the UK Parliament “Committees” website on September 2024, so just a few months ago. The letter was written in August 2024.
Through this letter, Mr Robertson provided an updated list of breaches of that wet toilet paper otherwise known as “the Sewel Convention”.
But what interested me was not the breaches of the Sewel convention. Those breaches have already been done and, as far as I am concerned, the damage is now irreversible. Mr Robertson himself and our brigade of useless SNP MPs did nothing at the time to stop those breaches.
What interested me from the letter is the apparent commitment of Mr Robertson to obediently work (on “our behalf” and if we want it or not) with Starmer’s “Labour” government for the foreseeable future.
Clearly he has already completely forgotten the numerous mandates we gave to his party to deliver an effing referendum and indeed he has completely forgotten the raison d’etre of his political party. He seems rather comfortable continuing to play UK politics.
His letter says this:
“The Labour Party’s Manifesto made the following commitment in relation to Sewel: “Labour will strengthen the Sewel Convention by setting out a new memorandum of understanding outlining how the nations will work together for the common good.”
Whilst it is not yet clear what precise form this memorandum would take, the Scottish Government stands ready to work closely with the UK Government and other Devolved Governments to negotiate a memorandum.
Securing such an agreement would be a positive first step in the process of repairing the damage done to the Sewel Convention and broader intergovernmental relations by the approach of the previous UK Government – as would a commitment from the UK Government to respect the Sewel Convention in spirit and practice in the new legislative programme.
Longer term, the Scottish Government remains committed to ensuring that the Convention is strengthened to ensure that future legislative consent decisions by the Scottish Parliament are respected and implemented by the UK Government. I look forward to working with the UK Government on delivering those changes in the future list of updated list of breaches of the Sewel Convention”
Goodness, how low can the SNP fall? Now they have completely abandoned the pursuit of independence and instead they are settling for a meagre “memorandum of understanding” to “strengthen” a useless convention that already betrayed us completely a few years ago and served as the excuse to steal powers from our parliament?
Mr Robertson is clearly only interested in labour’s memorandums, intergovernmental relations within the UK, cooperation with the Labour government and, of course, continuing to play the UK politics game.
Pursuing independence for Scotland is not in Mr Robertson’s list of priorities anymore, nor even for the “longer term”. Well, if it ever was, that is, because given that letter, one has to wonder.
It seems that the SNP betrayers tug their forelock and show their colours when speaking to these committees whilst thinking that nobody in Scotland is watching.
Ah!! but we are, aren’t we?
Some of us are watching, aided by this site and some others. However many SNP rank and file still think that the sun shines out of the party’s nether regions and hate anyone who points out the truth. It is dispiriting and worrying.
Angus Robertson ex BBC employee & and ex-member of the UK Security & Intelligence Committee, that Angus Robertson? Surely there’s need to remind you who his wife is Mia? He’s long since been suspected of being a unionist plant, I couldn’t/wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him!!
Remember that Angus Robertson was the initiator and enactor of all the SNP reforms which removed the internal democracy and devalued the branches. All allegedly done during staged debate during the official lunch break at an SNP conference. He is the master centraliser
He’s also desperate to rejoin the EU. So his allegiances are questionable at best.
Indeed MaryB
link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com
link to wingsoverscotland.com
One can only ponder why Angus would be so compliant to ongoing UK requirements. Is he just a plain and simple plant, or could the powers that be have some kind of leverage over him…
Plus further to these articles.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
link to wingsoverscotland.com
I noticed Progress Scotland had submitted some further info to companies house the other week when I looked.
Angus also did some not so stellar work on Scotland’s future hydrogen industry too.
link to robinmcalpine.org
Comedy site this has become. Couple of rocket quick dislikes to my last posts. Do Angus and Jennifer really sit constantly refreshing pages of Wings or are yoons voting down posts exposing Angus for what he has done…
Not forgetting of course that the Labour party was the only Unionist party who voted in the Sewel Convention not to give Scotland any more powers of legislation.Why would the NuSNP who proclaim that their only reason for existing is for Scotland to regain its Independence want to work with a party who are totally against Scotland running its own affairs?
Anent the strange house that the Murrells supposedly lived in, it does seem that perhaps it was all a set-up, perhaps by the “security services”. Instruction: “Buy a house off the shelf. It doesn’t need to be pleasant or secluded as it won’t get much use.”
And the police investigation was therefore even more of a farce than we thought. Minute searching of a place that didn’t contain anything much at all.
Fits well with “Smoke and Mirrors”
Scottish Daily Express (2025): SNP in ‘chaos’ as lawyer joins brutal clear-out of staff from Sturgeon-Murrell era:
“The SNP’s long-serving lawyer has been axed amid a major shake-up at party HQ in Edinburgh. Scott Martin worked alongside former chief executive Peter Murrell for years.
His colleague Sue Ruddick, who was the Nats’ chief operating officer, is also said to have moved on within the past seven days, alongside seven other members of staff…
A source told the Sunday Mail: “It’s chaos for the SNP right now. We have these long-serving staff leaving, Nicola and Peter divorcing, the police investigation still ongoing. It never ends.”…
Ruddick who hit the headlines in 2021 when she revealed she had reported an alleged “act of physical aggression” towards her by Alex Salmond to the police…. the party chief operating officer claiming he pushed her in a stairwell while out campaigning…
Another party official, Anne Harvey. She said… “I was only yards away. This is the incident she is referring to, but I can categorically confirm that there was no physical aggression on the part of Mr Salmond”…”:
link to scottishdailyexpress.co.uk
link to archive.ph
It is great that some of the MSM are beginning to report the defence evidence. I know they will not be doing so because they are ashamed, and regret their silence while Alex was alive, but at least it is a chance that some people’s eyes will be opened to the truth. Here’s hoping for wider coverage.
They have no shame, Sarah. Craven wretches every one.
Yeah, MSM damage limitation.
Ruddicks one to watch once quality Polis Toshan eventually get round to it, leave the donut shop and investigate her and the (perjuring?) alpha Betties..
There’s only so much Breathy Bain can keep under lock and key before she comes under the spotlight of scrutiny.
Officially off the gravy train now..
Wonder how SHE whose name shall not be uttered will keep her quiet now that Ruddicks out there all alone and exposed?
Perhaps Pal Vals inventive fictional mind will come up with solutions for “SHE”..
Good Morning Britain: Brian Cox:
“The thing that worries me the more than anything else is how women are being treated…
We’ve seen it with the defeat of Hillary…
We’ve certainly seen it with the defeat of Kamala…”
“But women voted for him – in their millions…” :
“I know, and that’s the problem…”:
link to x.com
BBC (2025): Biden issues pre-emptive pardons for Fauci and Jan 6 riot panel:
“Joe Biden has pre-emptively pardoned Covid response chief Anthony Fauci and the members of the 6 January riot investigation to prevent what he called “unjustified… politically motivated prosecutions”….
The outgoing US president said: “Our nation owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment.”…
A Trump spokesperson has called Biden’s pre-emptive pardon “the greatest attack on America’s justice system in history”…:
link to bbc.co.uk
link to archive.ph
I wish she’s take a huge slug of those ‘waters’