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Wings Over Scotland

Over the red line

Posted on December 20, 2023 by

So, just a quick one, because we’ve got Christmas shopping to do:

Since continuing to fight for the GRR was famously a “red line” for the Scottish Greens in terms of the Bute House Agreeement, do we think that the Greens will now withdraw from the governing coalition, sacrifice their ministerial cars and salaries and influence, and return to the back benches for the next two and a half years until they can try to form an alliance with Labour?

Will the Greens quit?

  • No (97%, 4,118 Votes)
  • Yes (3%, 132 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,250

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If they’d an ounce of integrity they would.

But they don’t – so that’ll be a naw.


That would imply some form of conviction and honor in their policies



Not a fuckin chance…….
The greens are like the bosses son in a business…… fuckin hopeless, useless, no future, but will not leave and cannot be sacked.


They aren’t scrapping the legislation – it will still sit there forever doing nothing until it is either repealed or, more likely, a future Westminster Government lifts the section 35 order, meaning the bill will immediately become law.

So we need to keep up the pressure on Labour and Keir Starmer to promise that they won’t lift it if they get into power in the future.

I suspect that this will be what the SNP and Greens will be quietly hoping for.

This is a long way from being over.


Two chances!
Have a great Christmas Stu and thanks for everything x

Ian Brotherhood

Tried to guess the % before voting (at which point 124 votes had been cast).

Got it spectacularly wrong but it was worth it for the laugh.


Lorna Campbell

Fat chance. The best thing that could happen to the SNP is if the Greens were gone – and the Greens hiding within the SNP itself – the ‘woke’ faction. I hope that this will be the start of a shift in SNP perceptions, but I’m not holding my breath. They, too, have entrenched positions on their salaries and ministerial cars. Independence means little to most of them.


No way, Jose. They are corrupt and perverted. Look at what they did to Andy Wightman who is a sincere environmentalist who has done important research on land ownership.


I’d just love to think they would BUT I know they like their gravy far too much


If they had any principles they would quit over the cuts to housing. But no.


Any way the wind blows …………..


The Greens suffer from GREED! They do not have an ounce of integrity. They will retain their salaries and their cars. They are only in it for the money. Sadly the same can be said for the SNP

stuart mctavish

Could get tasty if they do – instead of repealling the treaty as early as next sitting, parliament could send the same message more delicately with a vote of confidence in SG, and either make Ash FM already (my favourite for all sorts of reasons) or early defacto ref beckons 🙂


This whole GRR was never about empowering trans peoples rights, it was always about destroying the Indy cause by upsetting 50% of the population and damaging the SNP.

The greens lost any principle they had when they considered men more important than women, of course they won’t walk but the SNP will still let the greens rule the chicken hen.


Not just No.

No fk´chance….

Name (required)

the greens, they / them have principles

and if you dont like them (who does)

we have others… (will sell self for fame and power)


These are the things I’d like to happen next year,

01 SNP goes bust
02 The National stops publishing, because if the SNP goes bust the National will follow
03 Ash Regan becomes leader of the Alba Party
04 Angus MacNeil joins the Alba party
05 Labour doesn’t win a majority and therefore keir starmer doesn’t become PM
06 Alba party becomes the biggest party from Scotland In Westminster
07 We never hear from Kate Forbes ever again
08 Ash starts the process of removing Scotland from the Union
09 Kezia Dugdale does something with that hair
10 If We win the Euro lottery and I’ll see you all in George square drinks on me


Yousaf? if he had anything,
Could stand up thank Harvey for their service and announce the Green’s retirement from Covt
Why not?
it appears he’s fabricated everything else
Well I’d be smirking


It’s a ‘No’ from me. Far too unprincipled and self-centred, every last one of them.

Lady Lyon

The Greens would need to have principles, they don’t. Not a hope in hell they will give up the only ministerial positions they will ever have


No, they won’t quit. Too many trinkets

mike cassidy

Does anybody know if there is a time-limit regarding a Section 35 order?

Does the order kill the Bill?

Or does Westminster have to keep renewing the order to keep the Bill at bay

Or is Holyrood now legally obliged to officially scrap the Bill?

David James Russell

They will hang around saying they are discussing ways to promote trans despite the ruling, Shona has already hinted at that. Then with a few months to go before election they’ll announce it’s all just not good enough and their principled stance will be enacted. Worms.


Kate Forbes wants a minority SNP government.

“People have left the party. We keep having to ditch or rework major policies, for good reason but not without political or financial cost.” She called on the Greens partnership to be repealed because they are a different party to the SNP, and want more distinctive progressive policies.

Daily Excess report

Jim Bo

Hahaha good one Rev.


I would like to see someone ask Harvie “is transitioning surgery carbon neutral, and if it isn’t shouldn’t the -greens- be taking a hard JUST STOP TRANNNIES line?”

– just to see his brain explode, or better still someone in the chamber will say

“your name is RumpledForeskin!!” and he will be gone in a “puff” of smoke, like the evil -fairy- in that tale

if you thought there were any “good guys”, think again
link to
the british state and anyone who works with it at that level must be considered “amalek”

Rory Cormac, professor of international relations at the University of Nottingham and author of How to Stage a Coup and Ten Other Lessons from the World of Secret Statecraft, said: “They recruited across the political spectrum, but left of centre people who were anti-communist were more credible than right wingers.

“They were very sophisticated in some of the ploys and deceptions they used. Their MO [modus operandi] was to put out all manner of information in the hope that some of it would stick.”

Now the trade unions are dead, nationalists are the only real threat (apart from self created ones like muslamic terror and the “far right”)

another tale of tr34chery –
link to


They can’t leave, the job is only half done.
Civil wars don’t start themselves.

Young Lochinvar

So nonentity Robison drew the short straw to make the announcement while Top Shagger keeps his head down.
Must have had a prior appointment in his diary again..


I smell fudge… or is it something else?

Millions to be earmarked for Trans-specific services in the NHS will be sufficient for the Rainbow Warriors a.k.a Scottish Green Party to remain propping up the most incompetent and shambolic administration in the history of devolution.

Nice to know where all that extra revenue from taxation will actually be spent.

Indy for Scotland!
SNP and their Green Party Igor sidekick OUT!


There’s not a hope in hell that the Greens will resign from government, the Greens have had a wee taste of power and its went straight to their heads.

Like the current SNP there’s absolutely no accountability within the Greens, we can start removing SNP MPs at the next GE, and we can help remove as many Greens and SNP grifting careerists in 2026 as well.

David Hannah

The science denying flat earth green party. And the false green agenda.

£36 million we’ve given to fossil fuel developing, African Mega project nations. Zimbabwe. Rwanda and Malwawi. Including the £24 Million given to John Kerry. So that Humza could have his face on the cover of Time Magazine.

We spend, £59 million on DRS. Even when the UK Government granted their exemption to proceed without glass. They called Humza Yousaf’s bluff and chose not to implement it anyway.

They’ve spend millions on GRR. Highly protected Marine Areas. No loyalty to Scotland and the Scots.

Grangemouth is closing. So our oil is refined elsewhere and sold back to us at extortionate rates.

They’ve destroyed everything they’ve touched including the lives of many children. And the careers of many woke psychiatrists and doctors in the sandyford clinic. Who will be up on the stand in a few years to come.

I want to see Ash Regan and Fergus Ewing splitting the SNP. And shutting them out of Government.

In a future Independent Scotland. I will vote for a politican that will stop all pensions to corrupt former leaders.

I will sieze Nicola Sturgeon’s assets and hand the keys to Alex Salmond.

The 3 million Alex Salmond is sueing the government for. Wouldn’t it be nice to have to sell the holiday home in Portugal Nicola?

To pay back big Eck for what you’ve done?

Merry Christmas ya filthy animals. And a happy new year.


They will not get on their bike in this instance.
I’m surprised they don’t want to waste more money on an appeal.
For the price of a mile long bike lane bedecked in plastic boundary signs adjacent to a congested vehicle lane they could appeal.

If only the failed bottle return scheme had delivered all those 20p returns the appeal could have been self financing.

They can now devote themselves to Fart Free Friesian Cow R & D.

David Hannah

Gender ideology. Not my believe system Miss.

Not my faith.

I hope that all woke school teachers will be getting exposed for their transitioning. All woke social workers. Meddling in the family lives of which they have no business sticking their noses in.

It’s time to take our country back. Our schools back. And make our education system predator free.

Bring back Christian values. Family values. And LGB without the T.

You are in the right body. Your personality or body doesn’t need to change for you to be loved. You are unique and brilliant.

Lesbian. Gay. Bisexual. And autism spectrum. You are unique and brilliant. Never stop. Never change. And certainly. Never sex change. Don’t listen to the green haired goblins. You are loved.

Never stop. Never change. God bless you this Christmas


As fifty crates told us democracy is a con . Others have reminded us if voting made a difference it would not be allowed.
The Labour Party were going to reform not join the House of Lords just a century ago. I know some elected Labour people who still cling to that . The SNP has been subverted so much quicker.
There are people in the Green movement who are ecological and terrified of the climate crisis and the Anthropocene nature of much of the destruction. Tho the woo woo folk do seem to have hijacked them for now.
What are we like !?

Bob Mack

The Greens won’t but the young “darling” activists of the party just might.

David Hannah

Nicola Sturgeon. How pathetic. That she got her mate Shona Robinson to read out the statement at Parliament.

You’ve failed Nicola. You’ve failed in everything you’ve set out to achieve.

The only people going to the United Nations. Will be wings over Scotland. When they are nominated for the anti corruption awards. ACE. For exposing what you have done.

You’re no mother. You’ll never be a mother. You’re a disgrace to this country.

Dundee Scot

Put not your trust in politicians….

And yet people actually believe the Alba Party will be different. Just like they thought the SNP would be different.
Just like they thought the Greens would be different.

Zander Tait

What do the New York Jets and the SNP have in common?

They are both supported by Gang Green.



I see Lorna Slater’s trying to improve her public image via press coverage of beaver reintroductions in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park. A genuine green issue.
But it’s a bit too late now, because she’s shown her real colours, having already wasted so much public money on pointless schemes like GRR, which have nothing to do with green issues and the environment. .


Republicofscotland @ 14.54

As long as we’re landed with the D’Hondt closed list voting system for Holyrood I just don’t see how we stop the List Green MSPs getting in, RoS.
I have no figures, however I very much doubt many of us presently vote for them as is. However as long as they manage to maintain their basic minimum core vote (I believe that messrs Harvie & Slater only managed some 16,000 votes between them at the last Holyrood election) the Greens will still get seats on the votes allocated to them from the numbers cast for other Parties. And, those at the top of the Green party will make sure that they get first chance at List seats.
D’Hondt, the gift from messrs Blair and Dewar which keeps on giving.



One thing is sure as shit..

The union won’t be.

Whoever claimed the SNP would be next to Saintly??

They’re a political party. Not the second coming..


Healthcare to be improved for trans people – Shona Robison

The Scottish government is looking at new ways to help transgender people after confirming it will scrap an appeal of the UK government’s veto of gender reform.

The best way to improve the health of ‘trans’ people is to get them to stop being ‘trans’.

Injecting fake hormones to better resemble the gender you are not is very bad for the human body. Surgery is worse. NHS Doctors should not be sterilising the mentally ill, because they are not supposed to harm patients. Society should not be encouraging people to lie about their sex.

But here we are again, with the SNP-Nonce administration signalling that it would rather walk a mile on broken glass than do anything for normal, heterosexual, job-having, ‘white people’ (as Humza calls you) Scots.

I don’t know why the Scottish Parliament hates us, but I sure as Hell hate them back a thousand times more. They are the worst people in Scotland, let’s pray we can be free of them one day soon.

Merry Christmas!


As energy policy is reserved to London Rule this link is basically just a load of waffle and wishful thinking until Scotland returns to self-governing status and regains the full levers of power to actually implement a coherent energy strategy.
If the Scottish Greens really were driven by green matters then the primary focus and priority would be for Scotland to gain back the ability to better control our energy policies and initiatives.

How it started policy. (Archived version from 2016 is the same linked page to show timescale)

link to

link to

How it’s going…
Let’s just transfer massive amounts of leccy produced predominantly from renewable energy generation sources in Scotland down to England.
Scotland currently generating and using approximately 3.6GW, but still managing to produce an excess and export 5.6GW to England.

link to

That growing abundance of energy generated by renewable sources in Scotland could be used to directly heat our homes with quiet leccy storage heaters, if there was a serious focus on improving the thermal efficiency of our properties to reduce the amount of energy demand required to heat properties. It would also be handy if we had the power to better rein in the corporate energy companies’ leccy pricing.
But instead we get the utterly insane folly of pissing away taxpayers’ money on clagging ASHPs and solar PV arrays onto totally unsuitable properties…

Has anyone actually read a proper detailed analysis with supportive evidence that explains and justifies the rollout of this flawed greenwashing strategy?


Of course the rotten corrupt trough huggers will hold on to the bitter end. The lot of them, including hummer the useless should go, but we will boot them out anyway. Tick Tock!


MaryB says:
20 December, 2023 at 3:50 pm
I see Lorna Slater’s trying to improve her public image via press coverage of beaver reintroductions in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park.

Mary, I fervently hope never to see the Canadian brain donor’s beaver.

She’s cost us hundreds of millions of pounds with her stupidity. Good enough reason to capture her, microchip her, and reintroduce her to her native Canadian habitat outside a Tim Hortons somewhere in Nova Scotia.

Garavelli Princip

Not a chance. The so-called ‘Greens’ are just a bunch of grifting sexual perverts.

They will not deny themselves the perks of government office, and in doing so provide the wedge that the Brit state has so successfully driven into the Indy movement.

Money well-spent by perfidious Albion.

David Hannah

Somerville says the Gender Bill is passed. Is not off the table. They are just waiting for an incoming Labour Government to implement it.

I hope the Tory Party wins now. In England. Because it doesn’t matter what we vote for up here. England chooses for us. I’ll be voting for Alba Party or Scotland United.

I wonder if Nigel Farage will be standing for the Conservatives. In the seat that’s just going to by-election.


As if this farce hasn’t already cost the Scottish taxpayer a bloody fortune, now this.

“SCOTTISH Secretary Alister Jack has confirmed the UK Government will seek expenses from the Scottish Government for the Section 35 legal battle.”

Get the Greens and the SNP out of office at every election

David Hannah

Kemi and Farage. That would bring the labour party down.


The Greens have enough wriggle room to (try) to justify sticking it out.

They can say the red line was drawing up the legislation and getting it through Holyrood, which of course was done.

They will say they have pushed it as far as was legally possible (at the moment) and point to how all parties supported it (with some notable Conservative exceptions).

They will say the red line stopped at the court’s decision to uphold the s.35 Order. They will say their argument is not with the SNP – no fall-out between them and the SNP. Their argument is with the making of the s.35 order and/or the court’s decision. So claiming the red line has not been breached.



Its not just Scotland that the English Tories are robbing.

“MONEY saved by scrapping a high-speed rail link to Manchester will be spent on repairing roads in London – sparking disbelief from MPs in the north of England.

The Department for Transport announced on Wednesday that £235 million has been pledged to every London borough with money recouped after HS2’s northern leg was scrapped – as part of its “Network North” project.

Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham said: “‘Network North’ seems to include everywhere – except the north.”

The money will be split between each of London’s 32 boroughs and Transport for London over 11 years – with £75m committed for next year.

Andrew Gwynne, a Labour MP for Manchester, said the Government was “extracting the urine”.

He said: “Whilst I have no doubt London’s roads (like everywhere else’s) need investment after 13 years of Tory cuts, let’s remember this was Crewe-Manchester’s rail funding.”


Oh look the SNP government gives us ANOTHER date as when the A9 will be dualled, and if you don’t like that one I’m sure they’ll have others, in anycase by 2035 the grifting careerists in the SNP and Greens will have moved on to pastures new, possibly as corporate lobbyists at Holyrood, or to a cushy job in a firm that they made a fortune for whilst as an MSP.

“THE Scottish Government has confirmed that the new deadline for dualling the A9 is 2035.

Cabinet Secretary for Transport Mairi McAllan updated Holyrood on Wednesday on the delivery plan for dualling works for the remaining sections of the A9 between Perth and Inverness.

Former transport minister Jenny Gilruth (below) had told MSPs in February this year that work to upgrade the road to dual-carriageway in its entirety by the original 2025 completion date was “simply unachievable”.

The statement also comes after papers released to Holyrood’s Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee, which is carrying out an inquiry into the dualling programme, revealed ministers were warned two years ago that the work could take until 2034 and cost almost £7.2 billion – more than double the original £3 billion estimate.”

John C

There’s not a chance in hell The Greens quit. Sure, they’ll release a strongly worded statement but they’ll spin it so they look like victims ‘but we have to stay to help guide Scotland’ or some such rubbish.

In a fair world, Patrick Harvie and the rest would quit but those government salaries and perks are too good to let go. Especially as they know there’s a realistic chance that after the next election they won’t be anywhere near a position of power, especially if the backlash to Trans ideology continues to grow.


O/T. A9 dualling. Target date for completion now 2035.

Given that they have managed to complete just over a mile per year in the past ten years, a more realistic target date would be 2135.

Now, when do the ferries start operating? Any new target dates for them?

Anton Decadent

The Misfits-Green Hell

Here in this place lies the genie of death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place is a means to your end
Touch it, feel it
Green hell

You’ve come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
And don’t you run away from anything
I bet you thought you really could in hell

We’re gonna burn in hell
Green hell
Like every hell but kind of green
In hell, green hell
We’re gonna face the mess we’re
In hell, green hell
I think I’d rather be up here
In hell, green hell
You know I fucking shake apart
In hell, green hell
Gotta find a way that you will stay
Green hell
Cannot forget about the heat
In hell, green hell
Hell is green, I need a flame
In hell, green hell
Gotta burn in hell
Green hell

You’ve come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
And don’t you run from anything
I bet you thought you really could take it

Here in this place is the genie of death
Touch it, see it
Here in this place is the way to your end
Touch it, feel it
Green hell

You’ve come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
And don’t you run away from anything
I bet you thought you really could
You’ve come to this like no one could
I bet you never knew you woke it
We’re gonna burn in Hell
Green hell


Dark arts at work?
Anybody on twitter / X fancy responding to this tweet asking if Andy is keeping okay seeing as the content on this account of his has dropped off significantly since this post of his at start of November highlighted Scotland exported 1.69TWh of power to England during the previous month.
Concerned Scots are asking…

link to


No chance of the Greens giving up their cushy positions IMO. The Christmas candles will be burning long into the night as they desperately try to construct a face-saving narrative and build a suitable (painless as possible) off-ramp. If Humza had any decency he would go as well. No chance. The last thing a bunch of useless politicians wants is to be exposed as a bunch of useless politicians. My heart bleeds.:)


Humza should be made watch RRR. It would compensate for any multiple R withdrawal symptoms he might have and maybe even give him some backbone.


robertkknight @ 2:52 pm

What extra revenue from taxation? Anyone earning in that band will make use of the pension rules to escape it. 125140 – 60000 = 65140, so the 45% band won’t be hit.

It will only be people earning more than 135000 who won’t be able to make use of this, and so will have some income in that band. How many people will that be?

This page suggests that for 2022-2023, there were less than 46000 people paying the top rate, and it will be a subset of them who can’t protect it all from the new band using pension payments.


Hopefully the Green Day for the likes of Slater is over; Coz I don’t want to be a (North) American Idiot like her. I’m actually thinking that following their NetZero doctrine was why they tried to screw over Scottish fisherfolk with that other now junked policy to protect seabeds.

Seeing as energy prices are so high to heat oor hooses, warm up for a few minutes exercise as you jump around to Green Day – American Idiot
link to


“MaryB says:
20 December, 2023 at 3:50 pm

“…beaver reintroductions…” ”

link to


That bunch of grifters giving up their ministerial salaries willingly? Not a fucking chance. They’d throw their gender “siblings” under the bus first.

Slater in particular should be forced to pay back what she squandered on an unworkable bottle return scheme.


Hahaha very funny Stu, the greens and integrity that’s like Hannibal Lecter saying he’s giving up eating folk because it gives him heartburn , it will never happen, send big bird back to tranada and the screaming vulture back to wherever the fuck she escaped from


This lot refuse to give up on their unwanted by the majority of the public GRRB, the plan now is to put it on ice and see which party gets into government at the next GE.

We really need to vote out as many SNP MPs as possible at the next GE, for this lot are determined to seriously impinge upon women and girls rights.

Get the SNP out at the next GE. Vote Alba Join Alba.

“SNP ministers have refused to ditch controversial gender reform legislation despite accepting it has no chance of becoming law while the Conservatives remain in power at Westminster.”

SAS said.

“Somerville, the Social Justice Secretary, said today the GRR bill “remained the government’s policy”. “It remains a Bill passed by the majority of this parliament and we will not be withdrawing it.”


‘My land is too green’ – Mary Coughlan

A song about a different time and country, …… yet oddly familiar.


Will they heckers like.


Jings over Scotland!

Nemisis Benn

Why on earth would they turn down troughable expenses at a ministerial level plus perceived (and no more than that) influence?


Shock horror! The SNP not letting branches have their money. They need it to stay afloat. Will any member make a complaint to the Branchform polis?

Lorna Campbell

David Hannah: even the NULabour party would think twice about getting embroiled in this nonsense. If they do pick up they baton, they will lose the race big time and be out of the door in double quick time. The Greens are parasites and, if they offer to prop up Labour, then Labour will deserve its fate if it accepts. If the ‘trans’ lobby tries to move over to Labour, then it will parasitise and destroy the party from within as it did to the SNP. The amount of public money that has been promised to the NHS to specifically treat ‘trans’ unreality (while people with real illnesses and disabilities have to wait) and the money already gifted to this lobby (all its various parts) should add up to a public outcry. Most people just do not know what is going on, unfortunately. If they ever try to reintroduce the GRRB, there will almost certainly be riots in the streets the next time. Every government and every institution has a duty of care to everyone, not just one special group of very con fused people led by chancers who, in turn, are led by their appendages. The duty of care is a legal one and anyone can sue if he or she feels that the duty of care is being breached illegally.


‘Lorna Campbell says:
20 December, 2023 at 7:34 pm
David Hannah: even the NUL…(et seq)’
This to my mind is the best condensed analyses I’ve seen of the state of affairs re this point with this laughable assembly.
As a supporter of the Union I suspect my comment may not be too welcome, but it’s there anyway


Merganser @ 19.31

There are any SNP Branch members left ? They’ve been shedding members so quickly I’d thought that the average Branch membership would be down to a couple of diehard OAPs with a wee dug on a piece of binder twine.

George Ferguson

@Lorna Campbell 7:34 pm
Completely agree you. Labour won’t put a lifting of the Section 35 block in their manifesto. Once upon a time Labour wrote the longest suicide note in history. They learn from their mistakes. Despite the claims made today the GRRB is binned. The SNP might fantastise about a minority UK Government where they hold the balance of power. The SNP will be a minority party again. And good riddance. They blew it by upsetting half of the Scottish population. And playing a game of Jenga with the Scottish economy.


Dundee Scot says:
20 December, 2023 at 3:31 pm
Put not your trust in politicians….

And yet people actually believe the Alba Party will be different. Just like they thought the SNP would be different.…

Under Alex Salmond, the SNP was different. It was turning our nation around and threatening to get Scotland back on its feet. He had the whole Unionist Establishment rattled and panicked.

Salmond made three mistakes in my opinion;

1. He didn’t press the Claim of Right Constitutional button in 2014, which would have strengthened YES tremendously. Even now, he has a reticence I don’t agree with, but I have inordinate respect for his strategic judgement.

2. He stood down before Independence was over the Finish line.

3. He appointed Sturgeon the Betrayer as his successor.

I’ll never understand the first. If Salmond built Scotland United around SALVO’s brief, Scotland would have live rounds in the Constitutional chamber, and finally stop firing blanks.

I do understand the second. Salmond is Old School, and failing to win in 2014 had a price to pay. He did the right thing, but I dearly wish he hadn’t. And the latter Conspiracy to frame him was an absolute disgrace, but not upon him.

The third “mistake” is on Sturgeon’s tre(acher)ous character defects rather than a failure of Salmond’s judgement. She’s a snake, and squandered Independence when it was in the palm of our hands. I harbour more animosity towards Sturgeon than even the shrillest and deluded Unionist or Tory. She should never be forgiven for her asinine abdication of Scotland’s Constitutional strengths, ever, and I’d love to see her rotting in prison, where she belongs, and pilloried as another Toom Tabard disgrace upon Scotland.

The paradox is, I want to see every squalid detail of her odious conspiracy and subversion of Independence fully exposed in all it’s t(reach)erous detail, but at the same time, I’d like nothing better than to see Sturgeon and her legacy expunged from every record and all mention of her erased from Scotland’s history.

I hope they build a bronze statue of Sturgeon simply for all the pleasure of seeing it torn down and flung in a skip.


Sven – who could afford to be in the SNP these days? That’s a luxury expenditure, like a new motorhome.

Alf Baird

Tommo @ 7:52 pm

“As a supporter of the Union”

What ‘Union’ might that be? Most colonized peoples were left holding worthless violated treaties, their enslavement brought about by complicit native elites. Scotland seems no different.

Robert Hughes

@ Breeks

” I hope they build a bronze statue of Sturgeon simply for all the pleasure of seeing it torn down and flung in a skip. ”

Given her dog-like adulation of all things * Clinton * and in keeping with all the Yank post-presidency self-aggrandising ” monuments to their own ( imagined ) magnificence ” .. Clinton Library , Stoogeon should have her equivalent , a reflection of her achievements …..The Nicola Sturgeon Public Toilet * sounds about right . A place where people can piss n crap under her name , just as she pissed n crapped over Scotland under our name .

* Colloquially – ” Nic’s Cottage “

Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks (8.19) –

Hear hear.

Have C&Ped your comment into a tweet where it will no doubt be as well received as the previous have been.


David Hannah

I saw Alex Salmond’s tweet. He’s saying what we all feel. That gender self ID was the worst legislation ever in the history of devolution. It divided Scotland. He says that money should be better spent on fuel poor Scots in energy rich Scotland. Here here.

And housing. New social housing and affordable homes.

2024. The year Sturgeon goes to jail. She can fucking rot. Rot in hell Nicola Sturgeon. For everything you’ve done.


Dundee Scot says: Salmond made three mistakes in my opinion; Really 🙂

Alex Salmond led an SNP minority government in his first term. His government passed landmark legislation, including the abolishment of university tuition fees, the scrapping of prescription charges and commitment to renewable energy.

Then at the 2011 Scottish Parliament election he and the SNP won with an overall majority, a feat previously thought almost impossible under the additional member system used in elections for the Scottish Parliament.

And as of 2023, his is the only election in which a party has won a majority in the Scottish Parliament.

In summary, Alex Salmond used his 2011 mandate to hold a referendum, which led to the signing of the Edinburgh Agreement and the 2014 referendum.

So Dundee Scot..what the fk have you ever done to earn an opinion on anyone… let alone a genuine significant Scottish politician?

Who are you or what are you to spout – Salmond made three mistakes in my opinion.

Fine. What the fk have you ever done or achieved in progressing the wellbeing of the Scots and Scotland_

And 🙂 who the fk cares what your opinion is?

John Main

@Alf Baird says:20 December, 2023 at 8:41 pm

If you’re still feeling enslaved tomorrow, give us a shout.

I’ll post a number you can call.

Chin up, we’ll have you free by Xmas!

George Ferguson

@Breeks 8:19pm
I think you are being harsh on Alex Salmond. He ran a competent Government. I haven’t heard anybody say he didn’t including Unionists. Not for him a self created 1.5 billion pound black hole. He blocked a renewable project I was involved in. Because it was a project over 100k. Fair enough. His fiscal rules at thet time. I give you the appointment of Sturgeon although I left the SNP in 2015. I saw it before him but Narcissistic behaviour is difficult to diagnose.


Apologies Dundee Scot says…

that Alex Salmond comment was from Breeks? Is he a colleague??

John Main

I am astonished nobody has picked up on Sam’s post from the previous thread, so here it is again:

“Following publication of our work, the Scottish Government approached NIESR to provide this analysis for Scotland specifically, as part of their Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population’s wider report into how to enable asylum seekers to gain employment, improve wellbeing and reduce the risk of exploitation.

Our new research found that allowing people to work while they wait for outcomes of their asylum applications could add £30 million to Scotland’s economy annually by allowing some eight thousand people to work.

We found the benefit to the Scottish economy would be through helping to fill gaps in the Scottish workforce, which in turn increases future council tax paid directly to the local authorities that host asylum seekers. we found no substantive downward pressure was likely to be generated on the wages of existing Scottish workers. One reason for this is simply the scale, migrant flow (especially in the case of Scotland – just a few thousand asylum seekers–) is markedly small compared to the size of the existing workforce.

The Scottish Government have stated that the full report will underpin the development of proposals for a Scottish Asylum Right to Work pilot which is due to be submitted to the Home Office in 2024.”

Let me summarise:

1) ScotGov wants to import workers without going to the hassle of even properly vetting them or making them citizens beforehand.

2) They lie about the numbers that would be involved. Just a moment’s thought suggests that the numbers used to justify this idea (just a “few thousand”) would balloon enormously once word got out that Scotland was a place where you didn’t even need vetting to start work.

3) And another moment’s thought shows that if it is against somebody’s human rights to deport them if they keep a pet, what’s the chances if they have a job?

In other words, this is a Trojan Horse with which to begin the Great Replacement pretendy FM Yousaf promised.

Never say you weren’t warned.


John Main says:
20 December, 2023 at 9:46 pm
I am astonished nobody has picked up on Sam’s post from the previous thread, so here it is again:

If they had marketable skills, they wouldn’t get on dinghies.

Scotland is already full of cheap migrant labour.

But I am unsurprised to find the Scottish Government, once again, proposing to do serious harm to the Scottish people and further turn our country into a dump.

David Hannah

Absolutely disgraceful. I want a Scotland for the Scots. And tough immigration laws. Brutal immigration laws. We don’t Scotland turning into the middle east. Where we feel alien in our own city. No thank you.

George Ferguson

@John Main 9:46pm
It’s about recruiting voters. Their playing Jenga with the Scottish Economy. They have alienated half of the Scottish voters. Women, and they will get their say at the next election.


“David Hannah says:
20 December, 2023 at 9:59 pm

Absolutely disgraceful. I want a Scotland for the Scots. And tough immigration laws.”

I daresay that the Indians wanted India for the Indians – but then the British turned up. You can alter that to apply to quite a lot of countries, and the boot is now on the other foot.

Charles (not the R one)

Merganser says:
20 December, 2023 at 4:32 pm

Now, when do the ferries start operating? Any new target dates for them?
The answer to that is perfectly obvious – the new ferries will start operating shortly after they have been delivered from Turkey.

George Ferguson

@Derek 10:17pm
Indeed the boot is on the other foot. That would be Women For Scotland and half the population of Scotland. I don’t mind putting Holyrood into special measures because for years we have pointed out the structural and procedural deficiencies of Holyrood.


Derek says:
20 December, 2023 at 10:17 pm
“David Hannah says:
20 December, 2023 at 9:59 pm

Absolutely disgraceful. I want a Scotland for the Scots. And tough immigration laws.”

I daresay that the Indians wanted India for the Indians – but then the British turned up. You can alter that to apply to quite a lot of countries, and the boot is now on the other foot.

Naw it isnae, and immigration isn’t some kind of revenge for some sort of inherited blood guilt. Gie’s peace.

The amazing thing about Replacement Migration is that it’s Humza’s white people making it happen. They are refusing to enforce borders by choice. It’s an open conspiracy against the general public.


My mum passed away today. A 95 year old lady born im Sligo in Ireland. She came to Britain in 1947 and married a Scotsman from Cathcart who had just retured a different man from the boy who had left in 1940 to fight the fascist. Throughout their lives they both were staunch Labour supporters until the late 1970’s when they realised that that Labour Party was one of the same machine and they both converted to the SNP. They never got to see Scotland independent or social true justice. I can’t believe we are still tied to the unionist apron strings . Please everyone , fight for Independence.


Sven says:
20 December, 2023 at 3:53 pm

“As long as we’re landed with the D’Hondt closed list voting system for Holyrood I just don’t see how we stop the List Green MSPs getting in, RoS.”

We shouldn’t, if we believe in democracy.

They are entitled to be in parliament.

It is the corrupt SNP that has brought them into government.

For the record, I support Alex Salmond and ALBA.


Condolences, Morgatron.

My auld ma passed earlier this year, she and my faither baith knew what was right, and it wisnae ‘BBC’ bollocks or being ruled by Tory Engerland.

Never trust a Tory, or a Yoon. The auld yins kent, and still ken, some of them onyway.

Ian Brotherhood

@Morgatron (11.08) –

Condolences to you and family.

Must’ve been a difficult message to write but thanks for thinking of us all by sharing it here.

Hopefully we’ll get there, eventually.



@ Morgatron: condolences on your mother’s passing today.

George Ferguson

@Morgatron 11:08pm
Condolences for your loss. My Granny left Ireland about the time of the transition. Her father a stoker died on an accident on the same ship journey. My Granny 3 years old was from Cork. And thanks to her I am entitled to an Iribh passport. Next year we attend an Irish wedding in Eire between my son who is marrying an Irish lass. A mixed marriage. Sent over his protestant baptismal records. The Priest has agreed to the wedding because both sets of parents are of mixed marriage status. The Good Friday agreement in practice.

Marriage heritage. My Dad 92 can’t attend in fact he just wants to make this Christmas.


To Morgatron, my sincerest condolences. It is really difficult to lose a loved one, especially at this time of year.


“Red says:
20 December, 2023 at 10:55 pm

“…immigration isn’t some kind of revenge for some sort of inherited blood guilt…” ”

No it isn’t, but getting upset at “what goes around comes around” is a bit selfish.


Morgatron. So sorry for your loss. Your mum won’t see an independent Scotland, I won’t and neither will most of us auld ones. It’s hard. Sending love to you and family x


Derek says:
21 December, 2023 at 12:08 am
“Red says:
20 December, 2023 at 10:55 pm

“…immigration isn’t some kind of revenge for some sort of inherited blood guilt…” ”

No it isn’t, but getting upset at “what goes around comes around” is a bit selfish.

Is it selfish to want to live in your own country and to want your daughters to be safe walking the street in their own country too? Is that what you think, aye?

Sorry everyone, we’d better give up on this “Scotland” thing, Derek says it’s a bit selfish.


To Morgatron and your family, sincere condolences for the loss of your mum, there is never a good time for loved ones to pass especially at this time, bear up buddy and know that we will never stop fighting to realise your parents and our dreams of a FREE SCOTLAND , the fight goes on


Condolences, Morgatron, on the loss of your mum. She was of that generation of strong but compassionate people who didn’t waste their lives feeling sorry for themselves despite the hardships. They put others before themselves but knew what was what. They saw at first hand the causes of social injustice and understood that without independence this won’t change.

It’s heartbreaking that those we loved and admired didn’t get to see Scotland pick itself up but without them the chain would have been broken. It’s not though. The memories of our folks and the good, honest values they lived by never stop inspiring us.


@ Morgatron. Condolences to you and your family.


Sneaky Rev, getting us to vote No.

John Main

@Derek says:21 December, 2023 at 12:08 am

getting upset at “what goes around comes around” is a bit selfish

Where to start.

Let’s just say that my faith in the right of universal suffrage is severely tested when I encounter comments like that one.

Unless Derek’s avin a larff, in which case, Derek, you got me good.

John Main

There’s some good articles on Unherd this morning, covering the pressures mounting on Sinn Fein in Ireland over uncontrolled immigration, and the inexorably increasing resistance within the EU to the elite’s “progressive” idea that western first-world countries can choose to do without energy, agriculture and manufacturing.

Sadly for Scotland, we still have 2.5 years of steady SNP/Green travel in the wrong direction ahead of us.

We face the most difficult and dangerous times since the end of the Cold War, with a bunch of incompetent frauds, grifters and virtue-signalling poseurs steering Scotland.

And I don’t expect any one of them to budge before May 2026, unless they’re being bundled away by the polis.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 9:31 pm

“If you’re still feeling enslaved tomorrow, give us a shout.”

You forget that Scots indeed were and remain ‘procured’; and over half of us were removed/displaced; with most of the remaining Scots still living in or close to poverty, prevented from accessing our resources or opportunities in oor ain laund.

Postcolonial theory tells us that the pampered and culturally assimilated native bourgeoisie do not wish to recognise this reality because they seek to protect themselves as ‘functionaries’ within the colonial racket, many paid off by Humza’s colonial budget.

Why do you think an ‘independence movement depends on the solidarity of the oppressed ethnic group’ (Hechter) which in our case is predominantly working class Scots language speakers, i.e. those who remain enslaved?


I am surprised that anyone takes seriously the frothing at the mouth of Main on immigration in Scotland and the NIESR piece.

Who/what controls immigration into the UK?

It is the UK gov which has an explicit policy of discouraging asylum seekers whether or not asylum claims are likely to succeed.


Like Count Dracula colonialism and its like only goes where invited.
Trade has alway been the thing with the bling.
It would do no harm to invite them to trade, would it?
Oh, how innocent! Trade, the soft colonialism, is more deadly than the gun for its effects are longer lasting.
Twas trade that did for Scotland, India, the indigenous peoples of North America and to a large extent the EU, now inhabiting a limbo of second hand anglo-american «values».
The reason the Japanese for centuries kept the traders locked in secure enclaves. Then they let them out…..


A pertinent example of anglo-american «values».
link to
What happened to «if it is not rational and clear it is not French»….


The arseholes pulling Humza’s strings must be getting frustrated that support for independence is not collapsing enough…

“Hmmm how can we really make the SNP hated?

“I know! Let’s raise taxes versus the rest of the UK! That’ll do it.”

It is comical at this point, barely even disguised, adopting every policy that even a blind man could see will drive voters away in huge numbers.

And people will leave Scotland, move business, it all has an effect.

It is pretty obvious the Green / SNP agenda is to deindustrialize Europe / Scotland as much as possible. Just look what the green mentalists are doing in Germany and Holland… closing down farms FFS, absolute evil masquerading as environmentalism.

It is an attack on our societies from within. This how they think they are going to enact their globalist bullshit by destroying everything. Mass uncontrolled immigration has also been weaponised…

Every ‘global problem’ is bullshit. It is either made up or artificially created in order to usher in ‘global solutions’, i.e. globalism. This is what these evil scumbags have been enacting…are enacting.

The damage they are doing to the West (and Scotland) is immense and on-going. We are in war and most of us don’t even realize it. Because we are being attacked from within.

Just look at the insanity of the GRR and the poison they are filling children’s heads with encouraging them to mutilate themselves… pure evil.

Ian Smith

When I worked in Vienna, my best pal was a Nigerian.

He had come in 20 years earlier on a dodgy student visa helped by family connections working at the UN.

When it came to election time and we were discussing the parties, he said that he didn’t follow it at all. He would always vote for the Socialists, because they were the ones that had done a mass amnesty type thing, giving citizenship to all sorts of iffy visa holders. Since they had worked out for him, they would have his vote for life. (And he new several other arrivals since, and hoped they would repeat something similar for them)

That is the sort of thing our current politicians aim to attract, a life long committed voter base, far less trouble than the natives shopping around for competency and decency.


In truth the blocking of this legislation is absolutely the right result by a country mile and then some.

This was legislation not just unwanted by the majority of the Scottish electorate but resented by them too.

But in introducing it in the first place to appease a loon ball Green Party, the legislation did a number of things.

Firstly it exposed how subsidiary the pretend Scottish Parliament actually is. Additionally however it showed how out of touch the Scottish Parliament was with the people and in this the colonial masters played a blinder in intervening to block the legislstion. And could you imagine the Scottish Government appealing to the UK Supreme Court to reverse the decision of the Court of Session which used to be Scotland’s supreme court.

As absolute messes go the Scottish Government could not have done worse.

But is Shona Robinson repentant. Is the clique of control repentant? I suspect most certainly not.

Will she reverse the legislation. I suspect most certainly not. That of course may be no bad thing since in doing so it would reinforce the SG’s subsidiary and lunacy in padsing this in the the first place.

From squandering mandates to undermining the both the Scottish Parliament and the drive for independence Robinson and the rest of the rotten SNP couldn’t have done better.

David Hannah

The National – ‘Petty’ Jack to seek legal costs for section 35.

£150,000 wasted. And the legal advice would have told Shirley Anne Somerville you had no chance of winning.

She’s wasted all of our money. And they’ve put the rail fares up for 8.7 per sent.

Scotland hitting the buffers with SNP Rail. Nationalisation without the benefits. Rip of taxes on ambition. Rip of taxes on commuters. We know the Scottish Government all works from home. We know civil servants in Scotland are the most obvious, self righteous, corrupt, sneering and are barriers to business and success. The procurement processes in the Scottish Government are an absolute scandal. The civil service. They don’t answer FOIs. They are nerds. They are lowers. They are some of the most horrible people in the entire nation.

And all of them work from home. While the rest of us commute to work. They put up low emission zones. They despise drivers. And now they are not going green either. Because they hate rail travellers.

Fuck the SNP. That’s my Christmas message. Can’t pay. Won’t pay.


What the Scottish government is interested in is the possibility that the UK gov might permit asylum seekers here to find employment pending the processing of claims for asylum.

The misrepresentation of this by the trolls is rare stuff.

The reaction of those who believe the trolling is disgusting.

David Hannah

8.7 per cent rail fare hike.

Time for a panorama documentary. From a good civil servant. Life inside the civil service as an intern. They are the most corrupt. Obvious bunch of people in the history of the country.

There was a cop on the news last night that went under cover and befriended a murderer for 20 months. And got a confession out of him. The first homocide charge in this manner. Incredible. Absolutely incredible story. What a hero he is.

We need a mole. We need information on the inside of our corrupt government. Our twitter loving. Green haired goblins we call the civil service in Scotland.

The non binary legislation and conversion therapy bills. Go and fuck yourselves you absolute melts!

David Hannah

Nicola Sturgeon’s civil service.

They sign their emails with she/her pronouns. They/them. These people rinse the tax payer every day. None of them work proper jobs. Laptops.

And they put the rail fares up 8.7 per cent. While demanding free lunches. They are a disgrace. It’s time to force them all to commute to Edinburgh and into the office.

We need to expose them from the inside. We need a panorama inside Leslie Evans secret service.

Ian Smith

Was there any explanation why the normally 20 hour a week part time parliament suddenly put in night shifts to get the GRR bill through? It seemed bizarre at the time.

David Hannah

We should do an article about it.

But since SNP Rail has taken over the Franchise. The Tartan Tory gender party have imposed record rail ticket hikes in both years.

Since the lying scotswoman. Nicola Sturgeon. The masked criminal bank robber had her name on a plaque on the side of the train

Fuck you nicola. You hate Scotland. We hate you. Go to hell.


Don’t you find it strange that the leaders of both Ireland and Scotland don’t seem to like white people very much, i.e. the indigenous populations.

How did we end up in a situation like this. Because neither of them are nationalists. They are globalists. They are not interested in building us up as a nation and making us better. They want the reverse, to weaken us, break us down.

All the woke poison is to turn everyone against each other endlessly. So we never, ever present any kind of threat to those really in power.

You’ll note with all these ‘woke’ progressive leaders they are for every war, every time.

We are in real peril here… and not just because of all of the above which is bad enough, but also because that viru$ was not natural, and nor was it accidental. That should inform you as to what they are capable of doing and very likely are doing.

I think the globalists are ultimately going to lose this battle but they will very likely destroy us trying, and not give one single fuck about the massive human suffering they cause, history proves that all too well from their previous incarnations…

Merry Solstice.

David Hannah

I’ll never take another vaccine again. And that includes the flu jag. I’ll take my chances. I hope I got away with it. But you see footballers collapsing all the time. Luton Town this week cardiac arrest. It’s terrible.

I despise the globalist civil service political nerds. I’m glad we’ve left the EU. The best thing that’s happened to us.

Robert Hughes

@ Mac

Another excellent post .

” And people will leave Scotland, move business, it all has an effect. ”

Specifically , Scots will leave Scotland . As they’ve * always * done , either through necessity or simply desire to see/explore other places .

The difference now is those departing Scots are being replaced by – in my area of the Highlands anyway – mostly * comfortable * English people , more often than not retirees , with their own values , political leanings and * loyalties * and zero sense of/interest in Scotland’s history ; the effects and implications of the * Union * or concern for what is truly in the best interests of the country they’ve moved to ..Scotland : of course , many of them don’t even acknowledge that Scotland IS a different country – to them it’s merely the Northern part of THEIR country , albeit with a few * quaint * customs and * accents * .

Replacement by imposition of large numbers of people from completely * alien * cultures is also being weaponised by those for whom every problem has only a global solution ; and this despite many of the problems being created by Globalists themselves . * Climate * being the latest big knobbly club with which to beat us into compliance ; and may prove the most damaging to our liberty and sense of National Identity .

This is happening all over the Western World . Does anyone actually believe the almost unbelievable numbers of people crossing over the US southern border is merely circumstantial ?
Not only are the numbers incalculable , things like points of origin , possible ( in some cases definite ) criminal records , political/religious affiliations , psychological make-up are not being given even cursory examination . Just , ” let ’em in , the more the better ” . This is already impacting in cities all across the US , deepening and increasing the already parlous state of the US economy , causing even more social friction – * Us * v * Them * , fighting over ever-diminishing social welfare crumbs . Cui Bono from this state of continuous strife ?

Nu SNP are simply vacuous clowns , brainless puppets whose strings are being manipulated by forces they are incapable of even being aware of , let alone resisting .

This does not in any way excuse them . They are culpable for their stupidity , and should be removed at the earliest opportunity . That any likely replacement is not going to be any better is a fact we may just have to accept . At least any future fucked-up shambles will not be perpetrated by a ( so-called ) ” Party of Independence ” .


No, ?????? give up all that gravy? ?????????????????????????


It is the scale of it as well Robert, going back a long time, decades.

I recall people commenting how it was strange that woke / progressiveness and all the tr@nny gender madness appeared across the West almost simultaneously, from nowhere, and all mainstream parties, on the full political spectrum, were all fully on board…

With hindsight that was a big clue, that it was not in any way a natural or organic political movement.

Mass uncontrolled immigration is a main weapon, make no doubt about it. As you observe you cannot explain the situation in the US currently any other way, it is so in your face at this point.

David Hannah

The globalist SNP now want to dictate to the medical profession that therapists. Nurses. And doctors. Are all evil conversion therapists for telling children they can be happy in the body they were born in.

Meanwhile our deparaved and sick SNP. Say that affirmation only approach is allowed. If you say you’re a woman you are.

Get ready to dilate on airport toilet floors. You are valid.

And then. We’ve got to accept, non binary representation.

I don’t accept non binary representation. You can fuck right off. That what I will say. You are no valid. You are male. And have all the redeeming qualities of an orfanage on fire.

Heather Pervert. And the rest of you are sick beasts. Like Beth.


The Scottish «independence movement» is plum in the middle of a wider existential crisis.
It does not seem to me that it is in anyway intellectually gifted enough to deal with it. In that it is not alone, as my previous comment indicated.
The «queering» of society is designed to confuse, atomize and isolate.
The independence of a country, its people and the promotion of its cultures is anathema.
«Queering» is non rational, it is something an individual is required to «feel», it is a skin to be put on and taken off as the occasion demands.
«Queering» has little to with homosexuality, something that been around since the dawn of human cultural awareness. The advent of the self styled «gay consciousness» in all its American and repressed puritan sexuality origins and strident counter culturalism is its driver. Allied to the «boy love» blather of the sex predator Foucault and his catamites we end up with a mixture toxic to all it contaminates.
Politics is now personalized identity, the freedom of peoples, ethnicities, nations, communities and any concept of ideology, of history, of reason and of science has been discarded in favour of the affective.

(Homo sapiens, the only creature endowed with reason, is also the only creature to pin its existence on things unreasonable)
Henri Bergson.


I’m a fan of Japanese entertainment, video games, Anime, Manga and YouTube channels devoted to it. As a result, I had taken an interest in Japan itself.

Japan is probably the only country of the main industrialised nations of the world that has such a strict immigration policy where it is very low.

IMHO, this has been achieved for a number of reason that is peculiar to Japan and it’s society.

Firstly, Japan is an island like here in the UK but they have a peculiar attitude to the point that they refer to everywhere else in the world as the mainland. In addition, they don’t refer to non-Japanese as say European, black, Scottish or any other label but Gaijin or foreigner.

Also peculiar to Japanese society is that it is centred on the group rather than the individual. I’m sure there is a number of reasons for that but I can’t help but feel one of them is due to living in an island nation that is resource scarce and is on the countries in the world that is most affected by natural disasters. In that way, they have to depend on each other, to the point sometimes of it dependent on their lives so that might make them way of non-Japanese who don’t have that same outlook towards the group as Japanese people do.

Also with that outlook towards the group, Japanese people form their behaviour towards to the group even if they don’t believe in it. They are able to do this through Honne and Tatemae which is similar to public and private face where they reconcile their public and private feelings and desires. It is basically if they don’t believe in something for the benefit of the group, they will put a public face on it.

I am mentioning this because while a low-immigration policy works in Japan, there is simply not work in the West and in particular here in Scotland.

I wonder if all these people who talk about immigration and the ‘foreigner’s are willing to forgo continued economic growth that immigration and Globalism brings, the lower prices particularly for example going to the car-washes or takeaway’s that are cheaper due to the foreign workers who are most likely victims of modern slavery?

I sympathise with some people in here are saying but the reality is most people don’t care about immigration and just want a decent lifestyle. Of course immigration disadvantages people but most people are selfish and don’t care as long as it doesn’t harm them.

What can be done in living in such an individualist society?

The problems that is being mentioned about immigration wasn’t caused by it but like for instance the housing shortage, these are existing problems and is being exasperated by immigration. The solution really is simple and start building more houses.

In terms of immigration itself, it needs to be done better and we are more selective about the type of immigrant we allow me.

That is controversial and for good reason. Whether immigration is short or long term, these immigrants need to assimilate to our society and lets be honest, our society has to adapt to them as well.

The reality is that there is an issue with for example some Muslim immigrants and from ones cultures that results in chain migration where they go to their former country, marry somebody from there and are allowed to take that others family with them back here to the UK.

If we are more selective with how we chose to allow to immigrate to this country then it will be at least not as bad as the status quo which even under the Tories is a free for all immigration policy to boost short term economic growth regardless of the long term dangers to our society.

Ultimately though, you can go on about the dangers of uncontrolled immigration but a lot of people aren’t going to pay attention especially the younger generation with social media who have a global outlook and are more than happy to live in a multiracial and multicultural society.

John Main

@Alf Baird says:21 December, 2023 at 9:03 am

working class Scots language speakers, i.e. those who remain enslaved

I’m getting a bit old to be relearning my first language (which is English BTW). I ken fine what the meanings of “slave”, “slavery” and “enslaved” are.

Here we are today discussing those New Scots who will bite the hands off anybody who offers them a shot at the jobs your “enslaved Scots working class” can’t be bothered to get out of bed to do.

If that’s slavery, it’s surely remarkable there are so many willing, eager volunteers to take it on, no questions asked.

Not for the first time, Alf, I’m simply pointing out that ridiculous, over-the-top language hinders, rather than helps. When the language comes with such historical baggage, I think some will find it offensive too.

If Indy really depends on convincing a majority of the nation we’re slaves, then I hae ma doots it’s ever going to happen.


It is independence, political and intellectual that will materialize the idea of Scotland, at the moment, as a result of historic «misdirection» only a set of disparate, conflicted notions.
You say it’s about economics I believe it is fundamentally about the mental conception of the «thing itself» freed from the constrictions history and its agencies may have applied.
The prosaic serves no one better than the current order.


There were four distinct interconnecting actions that triggered the mass uncontrolled immigration / refugee crisis in Europe. These four actions are not an exhaustive list by any means, they are just the more obvious ones.

The first (and this is not in chronological order) was the killing of G@dhafi and the destruction of Liby@. G@dhafi used to openly boast about how he was holding back waves of Afric@n migr@nts seeking to cross the Med and he also used it as a threat and an insurance policy, i.e. ‘this will happen if anything happens to me’. So they killed him…

The second was the invasion and destruction of Ir@q, creating millions of displaced people…

The third was the invasion and destruction of Syri@ (and Ir@q again) by a super scary ultra extreme violence mercenary force that seemingly appears out of nowhere and which commits incredibly graphic and brutal torture executions, which they record in Hollywood level produced videos, driving millions to flee in terror…

The fourth and most recent was the Ukr@ine war, causing millions to flee the war, conscription and certain death…

Seeing any pattern above?

In each of the above they were essentially done / orchestrated by western globalists leaders.

So when some people say ‘look WE destroyed these countries, so it is only right we accept all the refugees’ it is not the real truth of it.

The truth is ‘THEY destroyed these countries in order to create all the refugees’.

The people creating the mass immigration / refugee crisis are all globalists. It is not a coincidence. They want this. Which is what should worry you the most.

It probably should not come as a surprise that globalists like destroying nation states (including their own ‘host’ nation) and reducing them to chaos. It is a clear and obvious pattern. They also don’t care about the enormous human suffering they generate, not at all. That should also be obvious by now.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 12:35 pm

“When the language comes with such historical baggage, I think some will find it offensive too.”

Colonialism turns to the past of an oppressed people, and “distorts, disfigures and destroys it” (Fanon). Devaluing colonial history takes on a dialectical significance today when colonialism is imperiled; so much so that the colonized may not even wish to think about it, preferring the colonizer’s version of reality.

Corresponding with this ‘forgetting’ of native history: “You forget that Scots indeed were and remain ‘procured’; and over half of us were removed/displaced; with most of the remaining Scots still living in or close to poverty….”

John Main

@Mac says:21 December, 2023 at 1:01 pm

You had me nodding along until your fourth example.

Shame you had to shoehorn in a pet peeve – instead of bolstering your argument, you just blew it up.

John Main

@TURABDIN says:21 December, 2023 at 12:57 pm

You say it’s about economics I believe it is fundamentally about the mental conception of the «thing itself»

The “mental conception” reached its high point in 2014 – and it was not quite high enough (cue chorus of “bit we wus robbed”).

With the Great Replacement up and running and shortly to pick up the pace (FFS, what’s it going to take for people to see this?), then it’s about appealing to these New Scots (and HY’s New Stateless) too.

And that’s about making the economic case.

The New Scots aren’t coming here to take up life memberships of the Bannockburn re-enactment society, or to learn Gaelic in an authentic Hebridean black house.

They’re here for what they can get. (FFS, what’s it going to take for people to see this?)

Iain More

The Greens are deviants without any integrity. They wont quit.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 1:31 pm

“The New Scots….They’re here for what they can get.”

Yes, this is what postcolonial theory tells us; that the settler only moves to a colony ‘for a profit and an easier life’ (Albert Memmi). Moreover, ‘top posts are reserved for him’.



On Japan, its entire infrastructure is utterly compromised as reveled by whistleblower Edward Norton. If recall correctly (the Great Satan (USA) is squatting in so many countries now) Japan has the largest number of US military personnel of any of its staging posts around the globe.

Japan is further compromised by it Liberal party which has close ties with the USA, in effect Japan is a s f*cked as the UK when it comes to being a Great Satan (USA) puppet state.


Alf @2.51pm.

Bang on Alf, it must be tiresome for you to school Main everyday.


Jobs for the Boys as the saying goes, well the SNP government managed to appoint one of their own, Horsebox Mike Russell to the Chair of Land Reform, the result of this almost nepotistic move is that Russell will now give advise on land in Scotland to his SNP buddies.

Andy Wightman in an article pointed out that this was on the cards.


Not every New Scot is quite as mercenary as you allege.
Many come in the belief that they will not be subject to the personal constraints and possible violence put upon them in their places of origin, few believe the streets are actually paved with gold. Those that do are very quickly disabused of the notion.
At least they are free from people with guns and machetes and at worst have to deal only with the occasional «off» comment.
Freedom is a mind construct as is its antithesis. The former is not something obtained by throwing money at it but money is useful for salving the «conscience» of the latter, a condition which Scots know well.


Clay Davis of The Wire Fame mode on/

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeite… Maybe Operation Branchform should contact Jimmy McNulty and Lester Freamon and see if they are up for putting in a shift or two, as decades ago they managed to track and trace phone and money stuff quicker and with older tech.


Since Alex Salmond stood down as SNP leader virtually everything from the SNP that they’ve touched has turned to shit. These clown in government are doing more harm than good.

“Shona Robison has been accused of betraying “every family waiting for a house” after she announced a massive cut in the housing budget.But the housing budget was slashed from £738.3 million last year to £533.2 million, including a cut of £188.8 million to the housebuilding budget.

The Scottish Government has a target of building 110,000 new affordable homes by 2032 at a time almost 10,000 children will spend this Christmas in temporary accommodation.

Alex Neil, a former SNP minister, described the decision as “a betrayal of every family waiting for a house”.

Living Rent, which campaigns for affordable housing, said it was an “appalling” act.”

James Jones

Sound bites from Fanon, Memmi and others aren’t hitting the spot. I was hoping in an earlier thread that Alf Baird could post a precis of ‘other’ colonial societies he has studied, and how they were influenced before and after colonisation so we can be convinced of Scotland’s similar plight.


Dan @ 16.46.

Greatly regret to advise you that Jimmie McNulty passed away many years back, Dan.


The cost of train fares in Scotland is set to rise a whopping 9% in April, our esteemed FM had this to say about it.

“Any fare increase is unwelcome – but I hope you understand, after 13-and-a-half years of Westminster austerity, we have significant pressures on our budget and we have to respond accordingly.”

Fingering pointing to Westminster for the state Scotland is in, is the usual get-out clause from the SNP under Sturgeon and now Yousaf. We could’ve ditched this vile union after Brexit but Sturgeon betrayed us, and things will only get worse whilst we allow Yousaf to finger point with his nodding donkeys on the benches behind him clapping like seals waiting on fish to be thrown to them.

Westminster steals hundreds of millions of pounds from Scotland every day through smart accounting tricks, as our cities crumble and our people suffer hardships, our colonial administration doesn’t seem to care about either, but they do care about getting men dressed as women into women and girls safe spaces, so much so they’ve spent millions of pounds of taxpayers cash to try and force their GRRB on the Scottish public who in the majority don’t want it.

But hey when has the SNP government (from Sturgeon onwards) ever given a toss what Scots want.


@ Sven

Hey, I’m only half way through series 5 so you better not have given the game away!
The actor Dominic West who played McNulty has a wiki page which doesn’t state he’s dead.


Kate Forbes should force another vote on the lame GRR to see who is still willing to support it after the legal ruling and clear public majority against.
Let see who you are before any elections.

John Main

@TURABDIN says:21 December, 2023 at 4:01 pm

Not every New Scot is quite as mercenary as you allege


Even if I was inclined to believe you, I have Alf Baird at 2:51:

Yes, this is what postcolonial theory tells us

and some anonymous bloke at 3:36:

Bang on Alf

So, soz, TURABDIN 🙂

Alert readers might wonder, when Alf is in effect agreeing with me, why the anonymous bloke thinks I am being taught a lesson.

They may even wonder, when Alf is in effect agreeing with me, why he doesn’t get on board with the idea of making Indy palatable and desirable to the “colonists”. Showing them the post-Indy money.

These same alert readers probably already know the answer: to the purists, there’s an ideologically acceptable Indy (the right kind of Indy) and then there’s the wrong kind. Rather than dirty their hands pursuing policies that could bring about the wrong kind of Indy, the purists are only too happy to wait another generation or so in the hope that the declining rump of indigenous Scots will magically deliver the right kind of ideologically pure Indy.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:21 December, 2023 at 3:34 pm

in effect Japan is a s f*cked as the UK when it comes to being a Great Satan (USA) puppet state

You reckon?

Third biggest economy in the world, after the USA and the Covid spreaders.

Population 125 million or so too, so all that luvverly wealth is shared between a proportionately smaller number of people.

Amazing what a country sheltered and protected by the American hegemon can achieve in terms of peace, prosperity, democracy, public services, health care, quality of life, retention of culture, language, religion, national values, etc.

I know that when you croak your dying words, they will be “Great Satan” RoS, but few readers will ever be with you in believing that any country anywhere would ever be better off as part of the BRICS.


The Flying Iron of Doom

Dan says:
21 December, 2023 at 4:46 pm

Clay Davis of The Wire Fame mode on/

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeite… Maybe Operation Branchform should contact Jimmy McNulty and Lester Freamon and see if they are up for putting in a shift or two, as decades ago they managed to track and trace phone and money stuff quicker and with older tech.

Sad to say but my expectation is that the SNPolice will come out sometime in the spring to say, “Well, we looked really, really hard, honest we did, but we found no evidence of any naughtiness. None at all. Honest.” 🙁


Dan @ 17.32

Oops, identity confuddlement, Dan, breath easy. I believed you were referencing real life cop Jimmie MacNulty who was a computer buff and, I believe, a D/c with Strathclyde Police Stolen Car Squad.
Seldom watching TV myself I’ve no idea what the TV series is, so no spoiler alert after all.

Dundee Scot

John Main at 5:55 p.m.

It must be tiresome for you to school RoS, Alf, Geri et al every day! Keep up the good work!

Mark Beggan

Ross Greer could raise funds for the Greens by letting people slap him.


@ Mac 1.01pm you described in one comment what I have been going on about for years, this mass immigration not only of the uk and most European and western countries IS as a result of a globalist agenda , a globalist agenda that most western governments if not in agreement with are most certainly too stupid to realise they are being manipulated

John MOAN likes to denigrate and demean us nationalists for promoting indigenous policies and regulations, he always maintains that NEW SCOTS ??? would vote for indy if the circumstances were beneficial financially for them BUT if you look over his comments you will see that John when talking about NEW SCOTS his inclusive comments always appears to be about english new Scots he seems unable or unwilling to include brown people or other ethnicities with differing religions in that jock tamsons bairns mantra , is that called selectivety or is there another name for it, does John MOAN believe in open immigration for EVERYONE or is John MOAN just being his usual contrary baiting arse


It appears Yousaf’s (mis)Government and clown cabinet persists in its determination and commitment to insult Scotland’s women and parents by retaining the deeply unpopular Gender Self ID.

Apparently these self-serving hypocrites now hope for a UK Labour Government in the expectation it might lift the S35.

So Sturgeon and her continuity candidate’s SNP not only purposely attacked, sold and attempted to destroy the momentum of the independence movement. Now they are showing us their uttermost contempt by selling Scotland’s women to labour.

Who gave them the right to hold Scotland’s women and children to ransom? Who/What gave them ownership over Scotland’s women and children?

At least there is no doubt now why, since Sturgeon took control of the SNP, she and her successor have been doing all what they could to make the party unelectable. They are seeking a labour win so children and women can be exposed to perverts.

It has seemed rather obvious for a while now that the SNP leadership from November 2014 onwards have been deliberately sinking the party and disenfranchising pro-independence fundamentalists. Their plan must not be working very well when they have to go to the lengths of openly selling Scotland’s women and children’s safety to become unelectable. The question is Why. What are they trying to achieve for themselves? What incentive have they been given to leave a legacy of devastation to this ridiculous level?

How can these people actively and knowingly side with perverts, rapists and paedophiles and not be concerned for their own credentials, reputation and future prospects? Metaphorically speaking, this is like public self-immolation of their political careers. So what have they been promised in exchange for such level of sacrifice and by whom? Who/What is really behind this?

In 1706 self-serving crooks sitting in the Parliament of Scotland rammed the ratification of the treaty of union with England through. They did so deliberately against the will of the majority of the people of Scotland. They did not do it for the sake of Scotland. They did it for the benefit of the crown.

Those individuals in 1706 were not representing Scotland. They were representing the interests of the English Queen. Therefore, they did not deserve to call themselves “Parliament of Scotland” because they were deliberately acting against Scotland. They were abusing their position of power and the seats in Scotland’s parliament.

Fast forward 300 years and we have, yet again, a repeat of the same scene. We have a bunch of self serving crooks sitting in Holyrood, displaying different rosette colours only for show because in reality all of them are operating at the same side: against the people of Scotland.

This is the 21st century and, allegedly, this is a democracy. Yet, these 21 century crooks, are happy to display the exact same lack of scruples and principles their counterparts had in 1706 when they abused our seats in parliament to ram through this toxic legislation.

In 1706 the power abusers were representing the monarch. So who are the power abusers sitting in Holyrood in the 21st century representing? Because by passing that toxic legislation they left not doubt whatsoever they are not representing, nor even having the most remote interest in representing, Scotland.

So what is Holyrood? Because when undemocratic and unscrupulous individuals, abuse that parliament to force unpopular legislation on Scotland, you can not call it the Parliament of Scotland.

So, whose parliament is it? Who, What is it representing? Who/What is governing Scotland and from where is it being ruled?

Why hasn’t a public enquiry started to investigate the links of each and every one of the MSPs who abused their seats and our parliament to vote to ram this toxic legislation through with those sitting in the gallery to which they clapped once they had voted to betray Scotland’s women and children’s safety and parental rights?

When exactly were male prostitutes given control of our parliament, why and under whose instruction?

What are the links of each and every one of those who voted to force this toxic legislation on the Scottish people with big pharma, with perverts and paedophiles and with those actively working to create political division to neuter the independence movement not being exposed?

How can any of those sitting in Holyrood keep a straight face, when they pontificate about the UK gov’s assault on democracy by blocking “Holyrood’s will” , when those sitting in Holyrood forced that legislation after blocking the will of the majority of the people of Scotland they were supposed to be representing?

What kind of rent-a-dictators do we have sitting in Holyrood?

And why the eye-watering amounts of Scottish taxyapers’ cash that these self-serving amateur dictators have wasted in this crap, including court cases, MSP time, “advisors”‘ salaries, the millions handed to quangos to force this thing in schools and public services, the money sucked from the budgets for the NHS, prisons and other public services to roll this gender nonsense through all departments and brainwash workers to accept it, are not plastered every day in the front pages of every single newspaper?

Why aren’t Nicola Sturgeon, Robison, Sommerville, Yousaf, Cole-Hamilton, Sarvar, Harvie, Slater, Chapman and Carlaw being door-stepped every day by reporters about this?

Who is really behind this nonsense?

I am sick to the back teeth of watching SNP politicians shedding faux crocodile tears about the “carnage” to devolution caused by the UK gov by blocking this toxic legislation. As far as I am concerned, they can take their faux crocodrile tears and concerns for devolution, move out of the way and into where they belong: the labour party. The SNP was not voted in to protect devolution. They were voted in to terminate devolution by delivering independence.

Frankly, I am shocked that mass deselection of SNP and Green MSPs and MPs has not started yet after the way they have betrayed the independence movement, women and children.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 5:47 pm

“the idea of making Indy palatable and desirable to the “colonists”.”

There is of course a difference between ‘settlers’ and ‘economic migrants’, or ‘asylum seekers’. Making ‘Indy palatable’ to a settler requires their sympathy for the plight of the indigenous people and perhaps forfeiting their own privileges ensured by colonialism.

Postcolonial theory, however, reminds us that ‘independence is a matter only for the colonized’ (Memmi). Or should be. And would be if Scotland’s constitutional franchise mirrored that of Northern Ireland as stipulated in the Good Friday Agreement between the Irish and British Governments.

See Annex 2: link to


John Main @5.55pm.

Tell that to the countless Japanese women that have been brutally raped by US service men in Okinawa over the years.

“Both the U.S. and Japanese governments want to minimize people’s awareness of the number of crimes committed by U.S. service members on Okinawa. They think if this information becomes public, it will harm U.S.-Japan relations. They believe the U.S.-Japan relationship should take priority over the rights of Okinawans,”

link to


I’m not one for sticking up for the SNP post the Alex Salmond leadership, simply because the SNP has betrayed us since Sturgeon became FM and now Yousaf has taken up that baton of treachery.

However reading this comment below, I thought to myself who the f*ck is Ross to slander his own countrymen and women by calling them Nats.

Ross is a Tractor Ed, he and his branch office of fellow Tories are betraying their own people for the benefit of a foreign country, in other words Ross is working against the best interests of Scots. Why Scots allow a foreign country to have parties in Scotland when its beyond doubt that they are nothing more than branch offices of English political parties is shocking to say the least.

“DOUGLAS Ross has been told off by the Presiding Officer for calling the SNP “the nats” in Parliament.”

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:21 December, 2023 at 6:55 pm

That’s whataboutery or deflection or somesuch, but WTF, I can play along with your pathetic Student Grant games.

My Russti rapes in 404 and my ham boys rapes in Israel beat your US rapes in Japan.

TS, eh?

Alf Baird

John Main @ 5:47 pm

“the idea of making Indy palatable and desirable to the “colonists”.”

There is of course a difference between ‘colonists’ and ‘economic migrants’, or ‘asylum seekers’. Making ‘Indy palatable’ to a ‘colonist’ requires sympathy for the plight of the indigenous people and perhaps forfeiting their own privileges ensured by colonialism.

Postcolonial theory, however, reminds us that ‘independence is a matter only for the colonized’ (Memmi). Or should be. And would be if Scotland’s constitutional franchise mirrored that of Northern Ireland as stipulated in the Good Friday Agreement between the Irish and British Governments.

See Annex 2: link to

Robert Hughes

@ Mia

” Frankly, I am shocked that mass deselection of SNP and Green MSPs and MPs has not started yet after the way they have betrayed the independence movement, women and children. ”

I’m shocked that the Scottish Public haven’t thus far entered Holyrood en masse and dragged these imbeciles out , placed them in stocks and pelted them with an assortment of rotten fruit . Or worse .

Not only for the utter lunacy of GRR and the outrageous lie that they were mandated to pursue this , 1st as a policy , then the demented , doomed-to-failure attempt at legal recourse . Unforgivable stupidity. Or deliberate sabotage ? Probably both .

But so is their silence and cowardice at mounting any kind of resistance or challenge to the rapacious energy companies who appear to have carte blanche to rob the public by whatever amount they like . Shareholders watch their dividends & Pensioners watch their meters .

Thank fuck * we * won the Cold War , eh ? That’s why we’re living such luxurious lives , in impeccable Democracies , governed by enlightened sages , right ?

Neo Liberal Capitalism won the Cold War , and is now a voracious psychopathic monster , which has consumed the Political Class , MSM , * Science * , Academia and is in the process of consuming the Earth and all it’s wondrous beauty & generosity .

We’re next .

John Main

@twathater says:21 December, 2023 at 6:19 pm

I don’t support inwards migration for anybody, because I happen to know what colonialism is.

Alf and his fellow travelers believe colonialism is something only white people do. I say that’s virtue-signalling, reality-denying BS.

As for the difference between supporting migration and believing in migration, what kind of eejit doesn’t believe in migration when the evidence is in everybody’s face, every day of the year?

So, as it’s seemingly unstoppable, I’m pointing out that Indy is fecked unless you get the ever increasing numbers of migrants onside. Dangle a carrot they might want to vote for – folding money in their pockets, for example.

Why am I not surprised that you are quite unable to comprehend what is really quite a simple concept?

other ethnicities with differing religions

One thing at a time, TH, the tried and tested way to solve all problems. Just as soon as we indigenous Scots have finally solved the hatred and antagonism between our Catholics and Protestants, we can start to add other new religions into the mix.

As long as we can’t calm the strife we already have, it’s crazy foolhardiness to throw more fuel on the fire.

Why am I not surprised that you are quite unable to comprehend what is really quite a simple concept? Again?

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:21 December, 2023 at 7:04 pm

the SNP has betrayed us since Sturgeon became FM and now Yousaf has taken up that baton of treachery

Ross is working against the best interests of Scots

The blind, binary tribalism of the “politics as football” fanatic.

There’s the right kind of tractor, and then there’s the wrong kind.

There’s our tractors, and then there’s their tractors.

There’s doing something we like for the right ideological reasons (which we support) and then there’s doing exactly the same thing for the wrong ideologically impure reasons (which we vehemently oppose).

I’m not saying this is a uniquely Scottish phenomenon, but we probably take it further than other nations.

RoS certainly does.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 7:41 pm

“Alf and his fellow travelers believe colonialism is something only white people do.”

Not so. One only need consider the British cabinet and the leadership of its remaining colonial administrations to see that this is not the case.

We might also remember that ‘colonialism is a co-operative venture’ with native elites (Fanon).

John Main

@Alf Baird says:21 December, 2023 at 7:35 pm

There is of course a difference between ‘colonists’ and ‘economic migrants’, or ‘asylum seekers’

Mind if I get a second opinion? My family members in Canada have some First Nation friends. I’ll get their views and report back.

On second thoughts, looking at the son of economic migrants, Humza Yousaf, why would I need to waste their time?

Or should be

Forever fret about what should be, or deal with the world as it is. That’s called realpolitik.

Only one of these approaches will work.


John Main.

Its not whataboutery its facts, Japan isn’t the Utopia you make it out to be under US hegemony.

“While Japan is often presented as a model democracy and a stable society with low rates of crime and inequality, beneath the surface, a different story can also be told. The U.S. has occupied the island nation since the end of the Second World War, with more than 54,000 troops stationed across 120 military bases. Washington also heavily interfered in Japanese politics, funding and supporting the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which has remained in power almost uninterrupted since the 1950s. In turn, the LDP allows the U.S. military to do what it likes in Japan.”

“They are the most loyal, subservient, pro-American government in the world, the LDP. They will do anything to satisfy the U.S. need for military bases and hegemony in the area. It is pathetic to see what is going on in Okinawa. The LDP are the ones building the new U.S. marine base, where there have been all these protests.””

link to

Shinzo Abe was a well known deep state US actor, when he spoke out against Nato expansionism with 404 and R_–_- in mind his days were numbered, his grandfather Nobusuke Kishi was a CIA operative, who was a war criminal of WWII, all charges against him were mysteriously dropped and he reported back to CIA boss Allan Dulles, Kishi founded the LDP party in Japan, a party that’s turned Japan into a US client state on every level.


@John Main

“I’m pointing out that Indy is fecked unless you get the ever increasing numbers of migrants onside. Dangle a carrot they might want to vote for – folding money”

What the hell is this gormless idiot talking about?

Scotland accounts for 4% of non EU born population (2020) and 7% of EU born population in the UK.

EU migrants in 2020 were most likely to have come for work, followed by family and study; non-EU migrants typically had come to the UK for family reasons, followed by work, study and asylum.

Of the 257,000 EU people coming into Scotland in 2020, 107,000 came to work, 51,000 came to study, 79,000 came for family reasons and 20,000 for other reasons.

Scotland had 11,000 asylum seekers in 2020 out of a UK total of 347,000

In what sort of misty dream world is there any connection with this and “Indy is fecked”?

David Hannah

I’ll never vote Tory. But Douglas Ross. I root for him every week to tear high tax Humza to shreds.

High tax Humza.

Rail fares up 8.7 per cent. £200 million taken out the housing budget.

Corrupt to the core. Corrupt to the core. Michael Matheson and the 11k laptop. Nicola Sturgeon and the missing 600K.

Dorothy Stain and Lady Doughball Dorian.

Corrupt to the core.

Arrest them boys.

David Hannah

It’s time we had a white Christian in charge of Scotland. I’m sick of high tax Humza. The white hating xzenephobe loyal to Africa and the false green agenda. The gender lobby and the globalists.

We need a Scottish nationalist in charge of Scotland that believes in Scottish values. We don’t have that.

The best Christmas present that could happen for Scotland would be for a sturgeon arrest. The pain she’s inflicting is hard to take.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:21 December, 2023 at 8:17 pm

Japan isn’t the Utopia you make it out to be under US hegemony

Japan is often presented as a model democracy and a stable society with low rates of crime and inequality

Yeah, yeah, but it’s still not good enough.

I get it, RoS, I really do. Because the US is the Great Satan, even if Japan is a model democracy and a stable society with low rates of crime and inequality, it still has to be trashed.

Is there anywhere on Earth that meets your high standards?

John Main

@sam says:21 December, 2023 at 8:50 pm

Let me guess what you are trying to do here. If you can persuade enough people there’s nothing to see, and keep it up for long enough, you’ll get the population replacement you want.

And certainly, for the past 20 years now, as a policy it’s been a blinder of a success. Just a few more years and it’s done, eh?

And you can always deploy the ‘R’ word at anybody prepared to stick their head above the parapet and say “haud oan though, fit aboot …”.

Scotland had 11,000 asylum seekers in 2020 out of a UK total of 347,000

Who knows, these numbers may be accurate. Imagine how they might change if HY gets his way and asylum seekers waiting to hear if they have leave to stay can come to Scotland to work.

11,010 maybes? Hows about 110,000? Ever hear about “pull factors”?

In what sort of misty dream world is there any connection with this and “Indy is fecked”?

You provide figures showing that a substantial majority of these New Scots support Indy and I’ll rethink. You provide figures showing that Yousaf’s declared intention to bring in a million or so New Scots aids Indy and I’ll rethink.

gormless idiot

Some people think the playground name calling is indicative of a weak argument, Sam.

John Main

@David Hannah says:21 December, 2023 at 9:17 pm

I’ve been sick of him from Day 1.

Because the election that put him in place was a flawed and fraudulent one, and thus a kick in the bollocks to any Scot who values his nation’s proud history and historic sense of these old-fashioned concepts – honour, truth, justice.

Scotland’s First Minister, appointed through a corrupt process, and those who have been blawing their trumpets about how much they care about Scotland for decades – where are they?

Standing mute. Hardly a peep from them.


Looks like we are going to war with Iran.

The Ten O’Clock News is full tonight of how the rouge state of Iran has hordes of murderous operatives loose on British Streets.

This is the way that the propaganda goes to shape the public’s demand to war, war, war. Sadam Hussain, Colonel Gaddafi, General Galtierri, or Vladimir Putin, the media campaign is always the same. We’re going in – its that simple.

Hard hats on folks, get you sons and daughters enlisted, we know who the enemies are.

A Scot Abroad

Sam, at 8:50 pm,

“ Scotland had 11,000 asylum seekers in 2020 out of a UK total of 347,000”

An interesting stat, and one that could be interpreted in many ways:

1. Not that many asylum seekers would cast off in their rubber boat from Calais and bypass the entire eastern side of England in order to make for Leith.

2. If making an asylum claim in England, then proceed to Scotland.

3. Perhaps they weren’t positively intending to go to Scotland, but were sent there as part of a U.K. load-balancing exercise

…further interpretations available. That’s the thing with stats.

Mark Beggan

Does Maggie Chapman have an udder?


The poll result, if not actually rigged, is in some other respect effective.

There cannot be as many as 100 people in Scotland, so stupid to think the Greens will quit.

My guess is that a couple of jokers here voted YES, 50 times.

HO HO HO. Happy Christmas. Nollaig Chridheil a h-uile duine. Blythe Yuill, Alf


The greens are the new browns , look like shite, smell like shite, have a wee bit of last weeks green giant corn kernels on them, so they must be shite. Fucking mung bean idiots


If the Greens walked out, would it raise or lower the IQ of the Scottish Government Cabinet?

The Greens have been as faithful to the Environment and Mother Nature’s biology as the SNP have been faithful to Scottish Independence. Who would miss them?

To be perfectly frank, I am less vexed by what the Greens or SNP will do next, than I am disturbed by the absence of the appropriate impeachment protocols to remove the unconstitutional absurdity that is a Devolved Assembly existing in our Sovereign Nation to begin with.

For added context, if this was 1305, and William Wallace was currently imprisoned in London defying the accusations of T(reason) against him, having never been a “subject” of the English monarchy to begin with, and thus incapable of committing T(reason) against it, he’d have found Humza’s “Governmental” signature conceding the ascendancy of English rule and endorsing his death warrant.

The “Scottish Government” would no doubt protest to the English Monarch’s “Supreme Court”, but just to contrive the expedient political defence that they “tried” to do something to stop it.

This shower of negligent charlatans are meant to be Scotland’s champions? They are worse, far worse, than useless.

You’ll pardon my gallows humour, but when Scotland was angered by ER2 decorating it’s Post Boxes in the 1950’s, perhaps in 2023, we should be decorating our Lamposts with Scottish politicians. Just one or two perhaps, so the others got the message.

David Hannah

The rights to develop three of Britain’s largest wind farms have been sold by Swedish company Vattenfall to German rival RWE for nearly £1bn.

They want us to be poor here on treasure Island forever don’t they?

Still more money than the £699 million. Scotland sold all 17 sea bed sites for.

Nicola Thatcher and her reverse auction. It’s quite unbelievable how stupid she really was getting into the JCB to laud her sell off of Scotland as a good thing.

Sturgeon has imposter syndrome. Because she’s a fraud. I believe she wanted to destroy Scotland. She’s never had our best interests at heart. Narcissists only think of themselves. Nicola of course is incapable of love or original thought.

Read her latest Christmas message in the Evening Times. She’s a tired old hag. Face like a burst football. I hope and pray every day that she is caged.

David Hannah

The devil comes in many forms. And I actually believe she is the devil. The covid inquiry. The Salmond conspiracy. The Independence Swindler. The lavender marriage. And the destroyer of women’s rights. And the destroyer of the SNP.

Her imposter syndrome. Because she’s been lying her whole life. That’s why she has imposter syndrome. Not an honest bone in her body.

She’ll not be getting her pension. It’s time to use the same bent corrupt process to get former ministers.

And take Nicola Sturgeon to the cleaners.

#Male #Me #Too. #Me #Me.

I hope the cops charge her. Come on branchform. Give a Christmas present!

Dorothy Devine

Breeks, you mean that famous phrase,

‘Pour encourager les autres’ – I believe piano wire was included in that!

Pat Blake

Dan 20 December, 2023 at 4:07 pm

Re renewable energy, are you aware that due to agreed funding, wind electricity costs 2.5 to 3.5 times more than conventional electricity derived from gas and even more when you convert electricity to heat compared to using gas to heat directly? So what you’re calling for is that Scotland alone pays for those massive subsidies so that it can be powered most of the time by its own renewables. Well if you insist.


It’s Christmas Competition time.

A relatively easy one but may require some research.

Simply identify how many times Alf Baird has posted, what is essentially the same comment, during this year.
Bonus points will be awarded if you can recall the names of the discredited academics whose ‘quotes’ regularly appear.

A Mr Mathieson has kindly contributed £11,000 of free roaming charges for the winner.

Isn’t it exciting?


Very interesting interview with a former state dept official on the CIA…

The CIA have been conducting ‘Organized Political Warfare” in Europe for decades. This involves rigging elections… and all sorts of other nefarious activities to rig political outcomes in Europe and beyond.

#2014 #salmondstitchup


A rebuttal unit, hmm… that’s a new one, will it be the equivalent to Sturgeon’s fifty refusals when put under pressure. Of course its all pie in the sky, as Yousaf has no interest in independence, all he wants its your vote to keep him and his party that full of careerists and grifters in office and in the union.

“THE SNP have launched a revamped Yes Scotland website with the aim of “empowering” Scottish independence activists.

The party says the new project comes with support from the new Research and Rebuttal Unit, which was promised by First Minister Humza Yousaf during his leadership campaign back in March.

Depute SNP leader Keith Brown also said the unit would be coming soon during an SNP conference speech in October, but details on the work have been scarce.

It is now understood that party staffers have been working in the background to set up the website and get the Research and Rebuttal Unit going over the past few weeks.”


More on the push from the SNP to win your vote and keep us in the union.

“The revamped website is now set to host a range of resources and information relating to independence and will be curated by the party.

Those involved in its production are promising explainers on key topics, Q&As with central figures, new graphics for members and branches, as well as much-asked-for rebuttals to common Unionist claims.”

Leaflets as well, I wonder who the skint SNP tapped for the money to produce them, or is there still some of the missing “ringfenced” 600K available?

“There will also be leaflets available addressing key questions often asked about independence – like what will happen to the NHS, pensions, the Border and our currency.”

Our beloved FM is delighted, of course those who can recall our delighted FM’s words during the hustings for the leadership of the SNP, remember Yousaf saying that if Nicola Sturgeon couldn’t deliver independence NO ONE CAN.

““I am delighted that we are launching the new Yes website today with a whole host of resources for activists to use to campaign for the better future we know is possible as an independent country,” he said.

“The resources on the website will be updated regularly to reflect the discussions taking place in our communities so that all of our hard-working activists are armed with the tools they need to speak to people the length and breadth of the country about the opportunity independence has to offer them.””

Meanwhile one of Yousaf’s compliant minions and ex-British soldier Keith Brown got his tuppance worth in.

““As the largest and most successful pro-independence party, it is the SNP’s duty to arm activists with the resources needed for the doorsteps in communities across Scotland and online – and to make a renewed case for independence – but it is all of our duty to use those resources and share them as widely as possible.””

Surely most indy minded Scots will see this BS for what it is a ruse to get their votes and nothing more.


More than ever colonisers from south of the border are moving to Scotland, Alf Baird explained in his articles how this works mostly for their benefit than ours.

link to


What is the point of having a parliament if a foreign country makes decisions for the people and not their own parliament.

Oh the SNP may gripe and moan about the below but they sold us out to keep Scotland in the union, so its crocodile tears from that lot, however as long as they can sup from the taxpayers trough I’m sure they’ll get over it.

“NEW devolution-busting funding has been announced for projects across Scotland – with the Scottish Government thought to have no say in how the £8 million pot is spent.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has announced it will give money to 17 projects across Scotland through its community ownership fund.

Levelling Up funding was intended to replace EU funds after Brexit – but is politically controversial because decisions are made in London, bypassing the Scottish Government.”

Ian Brotherhood

My memory is definitely failing so I’m after a bit of help…

Given what we now know about the behaviour of the Scottish govt, judiciary, police and msm in relation to the attempted stitch-up of Alex Salmond, why does the protection of the Alphabetties continue?

If the legislation designed to allow retrospective prosecution was ‘tainted’ and ‘biased’, how can it be legitimate? And if it isn’t legitimate, why don’t we have a clear ruling on that and why are ball-less Scottish journalists not howling about it?

This is where the auld memory’s letting me down – when was it confirmed that this legislation shouldn’t be contested/reviewed? Or has it been? I honestly don’t know.

FFS, one hundred Palestinian journalists have now been murdered, targeted by Zionist psychopaths for just doing their job. But here we have none (in the msm at any rate) who dare even question highly dubious ‘law’ because they’re scared of getting their wrists slapped by a bent judge.

Pathetic and shameful.



Republicofscotland says:
22 December, 2023 at 10:37 am
What is the point of having a parliament if a foreign country makes decisions for the people and not their own parliament.

… because it stops your government nicking it from you? I suppose you think it was OK for the EU to make the decisions.


Republicofscotland says:
22 December, 2023 at 10:30 am
More than ever colonisers from south of the border are moving to Scotland, Alf Baird explained in his articles how this works mostly for their benefit than ours.

Alf Baird is just a troublemaker. Those ‘colonisers’ have every right to move to Scotland if they please. Why do they move: cheaper? less populated? could be any number of reasons but its certainly not your business or anyone else’s.


The only thing they have left is revamping a tired website because the activists and door knockers are gone.
I am sure I am not alone in talking to ex party members who would never consider voting SNP again as they know fine what would happen.
It’s over I am afraid.

Charles (not the R one)

“There will also be leaflets available addressing key questions often asked about independence – like what will happen to the NHS, pensions, the Border and our currency.”

Driving licences?
Vehicle registration and taxation?
Air traffic control?
Value Added Tax?
Army, Navy, Air Force?
Border Controls?
Foreign relations, and embassies in 200 countries?

Remember, nowadays Scotland makes very little of strategic importance. Where are we going to get such things from?
It will ALL have to be imported.

The list is endless, and includes huge range of vital services and agencies most of us have never even heard of. They all work away in the background keeping us safe.
SASA and APHA are two that I assist in my modest way.

Who is going to organise and PAY FOR the necessary army of civil servants to do all these tasks, which are currently being done on a UK- or GB-wide basis? Scottish Governmant is already on the brink of bankruptsy, make no mistake about that.

The break-up of the UK is probably inevitable one day, but in my opinion, to attempt it at this time is foolishness in the extreme. Scotland simply could not afford to pay for it.


The Noes have it.

If the Greens were going they would have gone by now.

I can’t think who the 109 faithful can be. Unless, as suggested above, they are the only people who can find something to laugh about in Scotland today.

I too am sick of all our politicians, none of whom will stand up and actually tell the truth about the Union being run in contravention of the legal situation. And then act to withdraw from that Union. They are too stupid and cowardly to see that they would be big fish in our pond whereas now they scarcely register even under a microscope.

We are tied up in a cellar with gags on our mouths because the MSM are all on the side of the Union. God knows why. Don’t they see that they too would be bigger fish in our pond without England?

Anton Decadent

@RoS. I suggest taking yourself to the Birness Drive multistory flats in Pollokshaws and use those as a starting point. Look at who is pushing the prams there, that is New Scotland, and from there walk into Shawlands, that is Guardian Reading Administrative Class for the change which it is a crime to mention. They won’t be pushing prams, they’ll be walking the rescue greyhound instead. It is still GRAC as you get to Balvicar Street, we are talking about Strathbungo, lots of nice houses there with stone pillars to spend some of the money from the sale of the bedsit in London on, same with Queens Drive. Then you get to Pollokshields which is New Scotland as is everything from Torrisdale Street to all the way down to the edge of Oatlands if going East and all the way to the town if going North. It is growing at an alarming rate and as you get to the Jamaica Street bridge you will witness some entrepreneurship taking place at the bus stop under the scaffolding between Carlton Court and Carlton Place, asylum seekers in ski masks bartering with our own drug afflicted.

I was at someones house last night and caught that advert saying basically Just Be Kind with the woman crossing the cycle lane and being greeted by the nice New Scot man. The reality of the route I mentioned is aggressive New Scots males on electric powered bicycles on the pavements, a criminal offence which is not enforced as the police have been told to instead go after anyone who complains about it.

On the entire route I mentioned pay very close attention to who is pushing the prams often with a pile of toddlers in tow.


Pat Blake says:
22 December, 2023 at 9:08 am
Dan 20 December, 2023 at 4:07 pm

Re renewable energy, are you aware that due to agreed funding, wind electricity costs 2.5 to 3.5 times more than conventional electricity derived from gas and even more when you convert electricity to heat compared to using gas to heat directly?

Well, this is a load of climate-change-denying horseshit, have you been in Mike Russell’s office?

James Che

Morgatron+ James.

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your family. Weather expected or not, it is still a sad time and busy,
My mum passed away roughly the same time period last year,
My spouse went into hospital on the 21st this month for partial amputation of their foot, waiting in hospital ward today to learn wether op will be today or tomorrow, nil by mouth today, but the NHS back log will dictate which day,

the older generation are a mostly a lot wiser than the present generation in Scotland regards independence and made with more determination, understanding and grit than those that would sell their nations bloodline.

2014 was a pivotal moment in Scottish history, when we saw Scots down on bended knee begging for freedom from a treaty,
And not recognising that a “treaty” is mutual.

Colonisation is NOT by mutual consent.
And colonisers refuse to recognise the “right to self determination” at any time
And this is the identifier mark between Scotland and England situation.

In 2014 we realised that Scots were looking at the tail end arse of the dog treaty as it is today, which is incorrect, that is not the end that bit Scotland,

“We” “you”, “Scotland”, need to remove the teeth at the other end, we suspect those 300 year old teeth are not as secure as they have been implying.
Otherwise they would not be seeking to implement a new union agreement with Scotland as they are attempting to at present.

Charles (not the R one)

Anton Decadent said:

“On the entire route I mentioned pay very close attention to who is pushing the prams often with a pile of toddlers in tow.”

Then, , ask yourself this – who paid for the expensive top-of-the-range pram?


“Scotland simply couldn’t afford to be independent because….”.

Scotland already pays, and through the nose, for all the civil servants, “services” of all kinds. Our whole income and assets are stripped from us and a small amount of the income is returned to us.

Or is that income actually returned to us? God knows as our finances are deliberately kept opaque.

How anyone can say that Scotland can’t afford to run itself is ridiculous. Just look at all the countries that became independent from Britain. No matter how small or how lacking in natural resources they all still exist.

John Main

As we’re discussing the cash bonanza iScotland stands to gain from offshore wind-powered electricity generation, here’s a wee link:

link to

And a wee quote:

“On Friday, an auction for contracts to build new wind farms received zero bids from developers. It’s the first time that’s happened since the current system was introduced almost a decade ago, and it raises major questions about the UK’s environmental targets.

The aim of the subsidies is to ensure a guaranteed price, but firms say it needs to be much higher or the construction of new wind turbines at sea will grind to a halt”

Defo looking as if that energy bonanza, if it ever happens, won’t be so cheap after all. Uh oh.

@Anton Decadent 11:21

Good post. These are the “New Scots” I think Indy needs to be targeted at. Otherwise, they probably will just vote for Unionist parties.

As to the kind of iScotland they are likely to want, well, I doubt if it will have much in common with the iScotland the class of 2014 had in mind.

But hey ho. The policies that have brought us to where we are have been enthusiastically cheered on for decades now, while us reviled “right wingers” were told to shut up. The pendulum is now swinging back all across Europe, but here in Scotland, we won’t have a chance to change things until May 2026.

So that’s two and a half years of maximum damage from the SNP/Greens under pretendy FM Yousaf before we can chuck them out.

It’s gonna be innarestin.


dasBlimp said;

in answering ‘What is the point of having a parliament if a foreign country makes decisions for the people and not their own parliament.’

“… because it stops your government nicking it from you? I suppose you think it was OK for the EU to make the decisions.”

And what exactly is ‘our’ government nicking from us, that Westminster hasn’t nicked already? And as for the EU making those decisions, I suppose you think it was OK for England to make those decisions.

“Those ‘colonisers’ have every right to move to Scotland if they please. Why do they move: cheaper? less populated? could be any number of reasons but its certainly not your business or anyone else’s.”

Blethers, it certainly is our business if they are having a real and negative impact on our own residents. We and our government have every right to do something about that.


I see the afghans being booted by the paki-stanis are being taken in by germany, which is nice.

everything in the world right now tells me that diversity is our greatest strength and that mass, fast movements of different peoples right on top of each other, leads to no problems whatsoever, as we see throughout history; those afghans will love germany, a lot of those boys have never seen a white woman and I bet they can’t wait to have buttsex with a tranny; this is what the west is all about. War, an exploitative economic system you have no control over, and a big dildo up your arse.

Anglo elites, for their greed and desire to win the class war, enthusiastically took up “multiculturalism”; it was a money making scam and designed to produce “tower of babel” erosion of class solidarity. They figured any problems down the line, when the numbers got too big, would not affect them; the incomers didn’t live in their districts, didn’t send their kids to their kids schools, and did not compete in the jobs market for the kind of jobs they did. Race had nothing to do with it beyond the obviously-visible; it could be jamaican bus conductors or polish plumbers, but in any case, no more trade unions, destroying the nation. Wage suppression, corporate profits up, fat middle class jobs, trebles all round, turned out nice again, bluebirds over the white cliffs of dover (a leaky zodiac in the distance).

Now it looks, looks since they are terrified to find out, this experiment will bite them on the arse; they have ghettoized much of England, and with people who don’t really feel, or want to be, “English” – why would they? Only the most pathetic creature would want to be like -them-. Other peoples have their own history, culture and religion; some people like themselves, you know?

– this is yet, another of their insane fuckups, and like all fuckups, Scotland has to come to the rescue. A lifeboat.

The problem is for us, not really violent pests like Badradeen, the mad stabber of George Sq, the problem is much worse, and more hidden.

Scotland and the Scots have only one enemy, an eternal enemy, which makes all others trivial in comparison.

the Anglo.

– invading a pleasant village, near you, right now.

I would take in 1 asylum seeker for every 2 Anglos we can boot from Scotland (afghans welcome); they will do a lot less damage. At minimum, the morriss dancers should lose the right to vote up here, and we need to get them off the ballot; UN rules would do this automatically. No birth certificate, no ballot.

Of course we wouldn’t have so many “asylum seekers” if it weren’t for the insane warmongering of the west; definition of a “western liberal” – someone who wants to

– kill as many brown people as possible in foreign lands, for bullshit reasons (liberal democracy, freedom, responsibility to protect, LGBTQ, womens rights, the war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on peace)

– then import as many of the survivors as you can, for other bullshit reasons (multicultural diversity, human rights, economic growth from people whose labour is worthless and whose only function is to collapse the welfare state, demographic crisis courtesy of stupid wimmin who have forgotten what their only actual job is, thanks feminism)

Scots should not have to pay for the problems caused by the greed and violence of the anglo. They have robbed you of the life you should have had, and spent buckets of Scots blood in pursuit of their worldwide pillage. Blood drips from their fangs, natural psychopaths, and they need to go.

link to


@ Republicofscotland

I had minded we had a conversation about American interference in Japanese politics after Abe’s assassination.

Something else that may be of interest which I had come across recently which I believed help consolidate the Liberal Democrat Parties grip on power since until recently:

link to

On 12 October 1960, Inejir? Asanuma (?? ???, Asanuma Inejir?), chairman of the Japan Socialist Party, was assassinated at Hibiya Public Hall in Tokyo. During a televised debate, 17-year-old right-wing ultranationalist Otoya Yamaguchi charged onto the stage and fatally stabbed Asanuma with a wakizashi, a type of traditional short sword. Yamaguchi committed suicide while in custody.

The assassination weakened the Japan Socialist Party, inspired a series of copycat crimes, and made Yamaguchi an enduring hero and subsequently a martyr to the Greater Japan Patriotic Party
and other Japanese far-right groups.

Decline of the Japan Socialist Party

The Japan Socialist Party had been an unhappy marriage between far-left socialists, centrist socialists and right socialists who had been forced together in order to oppose the consolidation of conservative parties into the Liberal Democratic Party in 1955. Asanuma was a charismatic figure who had been able to hold many of these mutually antagonistic factions together through the force of his personality. Under Asanuma’s leadership, the party had won an increasing amount of seats in the Diet in every election over the latter half of the 1950s and seemed to be gathering momentum. Asanuma’s death deprived the party of his adroit leadership, and thrust Sabur? Eda into the leadership role instead. Eda rapidly took the party in a more centrist direction, far faster than the left socialists were ready to accept. This led to growing infighting within the party and drastically damaged its ability to present a cohesive message to the public. Over the rest of the 1960s and going forward, the number of seats the socialists held in the Diet continued to decline until the party’s extinction in 1996.

James Che

Scotland simply could’nt afford to be independent because……

The question is could England afford to be independent,

After all their Council are one by one declaring bankruptcy, NHS problems, Strikes, migration overload, etc.

The question is Could England afford to be independent, I think not!

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Mac @ 9.44 am

Thanks. I would recommend people watch the link you provide. Very credibly valid material. How the subtle mobilisation of the young to throng ostensibly benign music festivals can make them more amenable to manipulated political group-think. Likewise more highbrow international cultural events. Globally ominous, of course, but undoubtedly a UK subversive dynamic in Scotland. Any repeat of the spontaneous, exhilarating, and overwhelmingly pro-independence flourishing of music and the arts in the 2014 referendum campaign must be cynically pre-empted.

“Conversation with former State Department official Mike Benz, delves into the intriguing intersection of music festivals, concerts, and intelligence operations, specifically focusing on the CIA’s alleged use of these cultural events to influence and facilitate regime change.”

James Che

What state would England be in without Scotland, Ireland And Wales?


@ Pat Blake

But yoons are always telling us the gas is running out and nobody wants it as fossil fuel usage is being phased out…
But the current fucked up energy setup we have to endure in the UK under London Rule is utter pish. Foreign States and private companies benefit more that UK citizens because Westminster which controls energy policy has over decades facilitated this situation.
I’ve stated many times previously that we need to decouple the unit price of energy generated by fossil fuel and renewables.
Taxpayers are already subsidising energy producers to throttle back energy generation when windfarms drop into curtailment mode.

Interesting also that you’ve chosen to go down that line with the points I made in that post, rather than acknowledge the point that the first thing that should be done to reduce energy usage and costs, regardless of how said power is generated, is to have a program that properly addresses improving the thermal efficiency of a huge amount of properties.
Scottish taxpayers are already paying through the nose for energy related shite, so instead of us paying subsidies of 25 grand to clag solar PV on a north facing roof and an ASHP on a single glazed and badly insulated property, we could instead have spent a much lower amount installing double glazed windows and improving insulation level which would have more benefits in the long term.
Of course the EPC figures are now totally corrupted with all this greenwashing as a neighbouring property of mine has miraculously jumped from G rated (the lowest) to A rated (the highest), and anybody with an ounce of relevant knowledge on this sort of thing knows fine well that that A rating is utter horeshit.
I was in touch with Environmental Services inquiring about ASHP noise emissions and was told that during planning applications for new builds and extensions they run through all the data specifications provided by the heatpump manufacturers, and specific construction plans to ensure suitability and conformity.
Yet none of the installations on existing properties near me in a listed building / conservation area require planning permission as it’s classed as permitted development… And that’s if the ASHP installation conforms to MCS standards. Noise wise that’s 42Db which they nearly all don’t… Permitted development also means suitability and conformity oversight gained through a planning permission process is not in place and which could have curtailed many of the dodgy installations.
Google to see how much it costs and how often an ASHP needs serviced, and how long they last, then factor in all the “engineers” driving about the country in diesel vans doing all the servicing and repairs. So when you factor in the wider costs and carbon emissions of producing heat from some of these supposedly environmentally sound systems, it soon balances any supposed reductions in cost in both financial and environmental terms.


dasBlimp says:
22 December, 2023 at 11:08 am
Republicofscotland says:
22 December, 2023 at 10:30 am
More than ever colonisers from south of the border are moving to Scotland, Alf Baird explained in his articles how this works mostly for their benefit than ours.

Alf Baird is just a troublemaker. Those ‘colonisers’ have every right to move to Scotland if they please.

No they don’t. They should qualify to emigrate here with the same criteria which allows them to retire to Canada, Australia or Europe, and don’t dare to assume the right of a vote on Constitutional matters until they’ve qualified for and been granted citizenship. If it’s “fair” for those Nations, why should Scotland be denied comparable protection, and have Scotland’s immigration dictated by an ignorant Colonial Government in London which has utter contempt for Scotland’s sovereignty and Constitution?

Only in Scotland is the everyday formality of “parity” met with derision and contempt.


“because it stops your government nicking it from you? I suppose you think it was OK for the EU to make the decisions.”


That’s bollocks, Westminster has been nicking from Scotland for centuries, EU countries are sovereign states only a small percentage of EU laws affect them. In anycase I’m no fan of the EU after they backed the Israeli genocide and fascists in 404, EFTA is good enough to allow us access to the EU market

No sovereign nation would willingly allow a foreign nation steal from it.

“Alf Baird is just a troublemaker. Those ‘colonisers’ have every right to move to Scotland if they please. Why do they move: cheaper? less populated? could be any number of reasons but its certainly not your business or anyone else’s.”


Oh its my business alright and every other sovereign Scots business, the swanning of English people up to Scotland to see what they can get on the cheap MUST stop, they must be disenfranchised in any constitutional matter that deals with independence, we have more than enough of our ain auld folk who need seeing to without auld English folk putting massive amounts of pressure on our public services.

If (Race for Africa) style swamping of Scotland by the English isn’t stopped we’ll reach a tipping point where our public service will no longer function properly, a point that we’re already close to.

Scots need to wake the f*ck up as see what’s going on and unite in the process.

Alf Baird

dasBlimp @ 11:08 am

“Those ‘colonisers’ have every right to move to Scotland if they please. Why do they move: cheaper? less populated? could be any number of reasons but its certainly not your business or anyone else’s.”

As long as a colonised people do not assert sovereignty over their land they are ‘out of the game’ and in ‘the process of perishing’ (Fanon). This is the only outcome for ‘a people’ if colonialism is permitted to continue. The only remedy for the colonial condition is liberation, i.e. independence.


Charles (not the R one) says on 22 December 2023 at 11:18 am:

“Scotland simply could not afford to pay for it.”

Honking tripe! Have you any evidence to back that up or do you just expect folk to swallow your Unionist guff?

You also said: “Scottish Governmant is already on the brink of bankruptsy, make no mistake about that.”

Pure tripe! How can a government, which has approximately half its annual income kept and spent by a foreign power every year, become “bankrupt”?

One more thing you fail to realise: If London expects a newly indy ScotGov to come-and-go a bit on “our share” of the national debt (and legally there’s absolutely no requirement for nd to do so) then they’d better play ball and split all the current shared assets, that includes military etc. Know what you’re talking about before expecting us to buy the BS you’re peddling.

Republicofscotland says on 21 December 2023 at 7:04 pm:
“I’m not one for sticking up for the SNP post the Alex Salmond leadership, simply because the SNP has betrayed us since Sturgeon became FM and now Yousaf has taken up that baton of treachery. I thought to myself who the f*ck is Ross to slander his own countrymen and women by calling them Nats. DOUGLAS Ross has been told off by the Presiding Officer for calling the SNP “the nats” in Parliament.”

I agree with every word of that. Can you imagine how much the Unionists would pish their nappies if indy politicians started referring to them in parliament as BritNats? The dummy-tit would be well and truly launched out the pram. And they’d be stamping feet and demanding resignations.

Republicofscotland says 22 December 2023 at 10:04 am:
“THE SNP have launched a revamped Yes Scotland website with the aim of “empowering” Scottish independence activists. The party says the new project comes with support from the new Research and Rebuttal Unit,”

Thanks for the heads up. Will be worth keeping an eye on what they’re promoting. Might get some useful material. Cheers!


Anton Decadent.

By far the greatest number of folk moving to Scotland come from South of the border that’s where the threat lies.

In 2014 72.1% of folk from South of the Border voted NO, if there were to be a indyref held say in a few weeks I doubt very much that figure would change any, why? well the argument goes that somehow we should persuade them to severe ties (in a national sense) with England by voting for Scottish independence, the argument further goes on to say that an independent Scotland would be better-off and be able to do more for our public services and infrastructure.

But look at the state Scotland is in now with the SNP government at the helm, ask yourself why would any of the incomers from England believe the SNP now, when they are incompetent and complicit, both if you ask me by choice rather than by circumstances.

So no that argument is okay to use if Scotland was on an even keel and doing well which it will never truly be in this union, it can’t be whilst the English government robs Scotland blind, so really its null and void argument if you ask me.

David Hannah

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…

The woke chief of police Jo Farrell. We know likes to be chauffeured around to Durham with on duty cops.

She’s now insulting the force. With bean bags in the office. Colouring books and children’s cards.

What the fuck. Dalmarnock police station? Fuck me… Rainbow flags and transgender police officers coming to the old firm game on the 29th!

Watch out for the officer with the big hands and the Adams apple. You don’t want to call her hun!



I didn’t know that, interesting stuff, thanks for the link.


Charles (not the R one) says on 22 December 2023 at 11:18 am:
“Scotland simply could not afford to pay for it.”

MMmmm! I wonder who i’ll believe, “Charles” or these:?

link to

link to

link to

And there’s plenty more where they came from. 😉


@John Main

“Ever hear about “pull factors”?”

It’s largely a myth put about by the Tory Party for the gullible, weak-minded and bigoted.

This from the Adam Smith Institute.

“You might be sympathetic to this policy if it had any real grounding in empirical research. It does not. First of all, when discussing reasons for irregular migration, an understanding of push factors is arguably far more imperative. There is clear evidence that conflict is the single most significant factor associated with asylum claims in Europe. Considering this, it is not surprising that qualitative studies have shown that many asylum seekers, particularly women and young men, do not even know their final destination when fleeing conflict, this being decided either by their families, smugglers, or other agents.

More importantly, the perceived pull factor of superior career prospects does not factor in asylum seekers’ decision making when fleeing to the UK. In fact, studies which have looked into the links between European asylum policies and the number of asylum applications received in each country have found no correlation between labour market access for asylum seekers and an increase in asylum applications. In actuality, asylum seekers have reported little to no knowledge of the UK’s asylum policies on arrival, despite the longevity of the 12-month ban, and assume that they will be expected to work in order to support themselves. Many do not know how to claim asylum, and some do not even know what asylum is until they arrive. Such limited knowledge of UK asylum policy clearly disproves the notion of asylum shopping; removing the permission to work has had no demonstrable impact on asylum seekers’ decisions to seek refuge.

It’s also worth pointing out that an abundant availability of illegal work is likely to be of far greater attraction to irregular migrants who have no legitimate claim to asylum than legal labour market access to those awaiting a decision on their claim. The OECD has cited the illegal employment of foreign workers as a major pull factor for irregular migration, calling for labour market and migration policies which facilitate legal pathways to work. Ironically then, by refusing to allow asylum seekers to work, the Government is creating its own pull factor.”

Data from the European Union, analysed by the House of Commons Library, shows that once you account for the size of each country, per person, the UK receives about half as many asylum applications than the EU average.

Of all refugees resettled in the UK from January 2010 to December 2021, around 70% were Syrian citizens
From 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2021, around 31,101 refugees were resettled in the UK under its six different resettlement schemes. Around three-quarters (76%) were citizens of Middle Eastern countries, and 17% were citizens of sub-Saharan African countries. Most were nationals of Syria: 68%.

Resettled refugees are of a small number of nationalities. The top five most common countries of nationality of refugees resettled in the UK from 2010 to 2021 inclusive make up 91% of the total, and the top ten 98%.

the top ten includes war torn countries – Iraq, Congo. Afghanistan, Eritrea.

The House of Commons Library says this about the latest figures.

“In 2022, the latest period for which we have estimates, asylum seekers and refugees made up approximately 21% of immigrants to the UK. This includes arrivals under the Ukraine schemes, the Afghan relocation and resettlement schemes, arrivals in small boats, other resettled persons and arrivals on family reunion visas (around 264,000 individuals in total).1 If including the British National (Overseas) scheme in the category of humanitarian routes, up to 26% of immigration in that year would fall
into that category.”

What any of this has to do with Humza Yousaf is likely only to be known by Main and it is certainly not relevant to Scottish independence.


Breeks says:
22 December, 2023 at 2:10 pm

dasBlimp says:
22 December, 2023 at 11:08 am
Republicofscotland says:
22 December, 2023 at 10:30 am
More than ever colonisers from south of the border are moving to Scotland, Alf Baird explained in his articles how this works mostly for their benefit than ours.

Alf Baird is just a troublemaker. Those ‘colonisers’ have every right to move to Scotland if they please.

No they don’t.

Yes they do, because they are UK citizens and have every right to move to Scotland – a constituent country of the UK. Now stop your crying and get used to it because I’m moving in – howdy neighbour!


Alf Baird says:
22 December, 2023 at 2:21 pm
dasBlimp @ 11:08 am

As long as a colonised people do not assert sovereignty over their land they are ‘out of the game’ and in ‘the process of perishing’ (Fanon). This is the only outcome for ‘a people’ if colonialism is permitted to continue. The only remedy for the colonial condition is liberation, i.e. independence.

Something I absolutely support and that’s why I read the comments here. Well, that and the anti-English bigotry which always gives me a laugh.


Republicofscotland says:
22 December, 2023 at 2:16 pm
“because it stops your government nicking it from you? I suppose you think it was OK for the EU to make the decisions.”


That’s bollocks, Westminster has been nicking from Scotland for centuries, EU countries are sovereign states only a small percentage of EU laws affect them. In anycase I’m no fan of the EU after they backed the Israeli genocide and fascists in 404,

Did they? Maybe the EU isn’t so bad after all.

As for the rest of your whinefest there’s nowt you can do until Scotland is independent so suck it up buttercup!


Confused says:
22 December, 2023 at 12:16 pm

Anglo elites, for their greed and desire to win the class war, enthusiastically took up “multiculturalism”; it was a money making scam and designed to produce “tower of babel” erosion of class solidarity.

Correct! and it was the Scotsman Blair’s government that introduced multi-culturalism. He knew what he was doing.


dasBlimp says:
22 December, 2023 at 3:19 pm

Something I absolutely support and that’s why I read the comments here. Well, that and the anti-English bigotry which always gives me a laugh.

I’ve asked this before many times but I’ve never gotten an answer. I’ll ask again:

Can you define what you mean by English?



ROS bleated again

So no that argument is okay to use if Scotland was on an even keel and doing well which it will never truly be in this union, it can’t be whilst the English government robs Scotland blind, so really its null and void argument if you ask me.

There is no such thing as an English government.

Anton Decadent

@RoS, take that route I told you about and you will indeed hear some English accents in places like Shawlands, Mount Florida and Strathbungo. Venture into the wilds of places like Govanhill though and for every English accent you heard on the way there and indeed whilst there you will hear many more not speaking English. I understand people wanting to be nice and just blame the English but it has moved beyond that now.

In other news a spokesperson for the Soiled Nappy Party released a statement saying “A maximum of eight thousand grey squirrels will be allowed to live in Scotland. All of them are fleeing something and that is good enough for us. Each of them will bring a sack of magic beans with them which will ensure that Scotland will be self sufficient in producing enough marmalade to feed a predicted thirty million grey squirrels, whoops, was I supposed to say that, look, a squirrel. Anyone who claims that this could be detrimental to the red squirrels is a troll and to anyone who agrees with the trolls I say shame, shame on you.”


“Yes they do, because they are UK citizens and have every right to move to Scotland – a constituent country of the UK. Now stop your crying and get used to it because I’m moving in – howdy neighbour!”

This is exactly why Scots need to unite to protect our nation, let dasblimps condescending words give us the impetus help make the change no matter how long it takes.

Remember the above, the sense of entitlement to it that diminishes our sovereignty.


You don’t do facts do you ROS.


@John Main

“Ever hear about “pull factors”?”

It’s largely a myth put about by the Tory Party for the gullible, weak-minded and bigoted.

This from the Adam Smith Institute.

“…when discussing reasons for irregular migration, an understanding of push factors is arguably far more imperative. There is clear evidence that conflict is the single most significant factor associated with asylum claims in Europe. Considering this, it is not surprising that qualitative studies have shown that many asylum seekers, particularly women and young men, do not even know their final destination when fleeing conflict, this being decided either by their families, smugglers, or other agents.

More importantly, the perceived pull factor of superior career prospects does not factor in asylum seekers’ decision making when fleeing to the UK. In fact, studies which have looked into the links between European asylum policies and the number of asylum applications received in each country have found no correlation between labour market access for asylum seekers and an increase in asylum applications. In actuality, asylum seekers have reported little to no knowledge of the UK’s asylum policies on arrival, despite the longevity of the 12-month ban, and assume that they will be expected to work in order to support themselves. Many do not know how to claim asylum, and some do not even know what asylum is until they arrive. Such limited knowledge of UK asylum policy clearly disproves the notion of asylum shopping; removing the permission to work has had no demonstrable impact on asylum seekers’ decisions to seek refuge.

Data from the European Union, analysed by the House of Commons Library, shows that once you account for the size of each country, per person, the UK receives about half as many asylum applications than the EU average.

Of all refugees resettled in the UK from January 2010 to December 2021, around 70% were Syrian citizens.

From 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2021, around 31,101 refugees were resettled in the UK under its six different resettlement schemes. Around three-quarters (76%) were citizens of Middle Eastern countries, and 17% were citizens of sub-Saharan African countries. Most were nationals of Syria: 68%.

What any of this has to do with Humza Yousaf is likely only to be known by Main and it is certainly not relevant to Scottish independence.


Anton Decadent.

The fact of the matter is that the foreign country of England (and it IS a foreign country) controls who can and cannot live in Scotland, once this terrible wrong has been righted via dissolving this farce of a union, we can put in place our own rules on immigration, I’m not against immigration per se, but we MUST be able to control who can and can’t live in Scotland this can only be achieved by ditching this ball and chain of a union.


dasBlimp says:
22 December, 2023 at 3:16 pm

Yes they do, because they are UK citizens and have every right to move to Scotland – a constituent country of the UK…

Just like Poland was Lebensraum (“living space”) for the Germans in 1939, where the self-entitled German migrants subjected the non-German population on the occupied lands to forced resettlement, Germanization Anglicisation, economic exploitation, and slow but progressive extermination of their culture, heritage, language and national identity.

It’s different but just the same.

One difference was the Poles fought back, whereas Scotland is blighted by a subculture of cowardly and supine house-jocks, ready, willing, and able to advance Scotland’s colonial subjugation and economic exploitation for the betterment of England, and all for a miserly pat on the head from the colonial usurpers in London.


I’m more than intrigued with this link failing to find the article seeing as my local fishmonger didnae hae ony peppered mackerel this afternoon…
#NetZero meaning I failed to grab a fish for my lunch the morra…

link to


“Your comment is awaiting moderation”?

I must have included too many links. Apologies, Stuart.

Alf Baird

Stoker @ 2:36 pm

“if indy politicians started referring to them in parliament as BritNats?”

Yes, as the UK ‘Union’ has been found to be a corrupt political hoax, the term ‘Unionist’ is a misnomer.

In a colonial society there exists only ‘the colonizer and the colonized’ (Memmi), where the former exerts economic and political domination over the latter.


And before anybody disses the wholesome mackerel which contains plenty fish oil and imo sports a cool as fuck jacket. Folks like Charles (not that R one) might want to consider eating a bit more fish oil seeing as it is good for the brain and might stop them coming out with inane shite like what Scotland would do with vehicle licensing and registration.
Coz idiots that don’t understand that splitting a database of information relating vehicle shizzle through a geographic address based filter most likely takes less time than it does to do a clutch and dual mass flywheel on a Mondeo.


As more bad news of the ferries reaches us, it’s time to add a fourth verse to Masefield’s poem “Cargoes”

I’ll just quote verse two first for those not familiar with the poem:

“Stately Spanish galleon coming from the Isthmus
Dipping through the tropics by the palm-green shores,
With a cargo of diamonds,
Emeralds, amethysts,
Topazes, and cinnamon, and gold moidores.

And verse four:

Useless Scottish ferries, rusting in the dockyards,
Destined for the scrap heap, which can’t come too soon,
With a cargo of hubris, ignorance and flawed design,
Crazy costs, pig-headedness, and howling at the moon.


Breeks says:
22 December, 2023 at 4:24 pm

dasBlimp says:
22 December, 2023 at 3:16 pm

Yes they do, because they are UK citizens and have every right to move to Scotland – a constituent country of the UK…

Just like Poland was Lebensraum (“living space”) for the Germans in 1939, where the self-entitled German migrants subjected the non-German population

There is no equivalence to Hitler’s invasion of Poland. Don’t be silly.



My favourite dish over on the West coast of Ireland was mackerel rolled in oatmeal and cooked in an open cast-iron range oven for as long as you want, it never seemed to dry out.

The only thing about Mackerel I would pass on is that it goes off vey quickly. The moral used to be “Don’t buy mackerel which you haven’t seen alive”


@ Merganser

Mackerel with oatmeal could be marketed as a truly Scottish power food, and with its undeniable ecologically sound and beneficial to health credentials it should wipe the floor with fucking imported quinoa seeds…

It truly is an outrage that the mackerel only makes it onto the arse side of an RBS fiver and not a note of higher value.


Of course the usual US minions such as the UK and the dictatorship Bahrain that the UK supplies weapons to via licences have attended the USA’s call to join them in the Red sea. Part of the reason the Houthi’s are fighting is to stop the Israeli genocide.

“China refuses US appeal to join Red Sea coalition

This is after Spain denied US claims it was part of the coalition. Australia rejecting US appeal to send warships. Egypt, UAE and Saudi refused request to join and 7 coalition partners refusing to disclose who they are.”


dasBlimp said;

“There is no such thing as an English government.”

Yes, there absolutely is, they just don’t call themselves that! They prefer to call themselves the UK or British government, but every government in the UK since 1707 has been unremittingly English because only English parties based almost exclusively in English constituencies can achieve a working seat majority in the Commons. Even when the SNP achieved 56 out of 59 Scottish seats, they hadn’t a hope in Hell of becoming the UK government, so away and dribble your ignorant pish somewhere else.


Xaracen says:
22 December, 2023 at 6:38 pm
dasBlimp said;

“There is no such thing as an English government.”

Yes, there absolutely is,

No, there absolutely isn’t. The English are not solely represented by the UK government like the Scots, for example, are by the Scottish government. Naturally, the union is out of balance and devolution (put in place by the Scotsman Tony Blair) was put in place to correct that. Evidently (like a lot of Scots-led projects) it has failed on a massive scale.


Alf Baird says:
22 December, 2023 at 4:44 pm
Stoker @ 2:36 pm

“if indy politicians started referring to them in parliament as BritNats?”

Yes, as the UK ‘Union’ has been found to be a corrupt political hoax, the term ‘Unionist’ is a misnomer.

In a colonial society there exists only ‘the colonizer and the colonized’ (Memmi), where the former exerts economic and political domination over the latter.

Maybe you should try reading this, Alfy boy.

The Scottish Empire Kindle Edition
by Michael Fry (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

You might also be able to purchase a copy in the shop where you get all your dodgy literature from. Here is the blurb…

This new edition of Michael Fry’s remarkable book charts the involvement of the Scots in the British empire from its earliest days to the end of the twentieth century. It is a tale of dramatic extremes and craggy characters and of a huge range of concerns – from education, evangelism and philanthropy to spying, swindling and drug running. Stories of Scottish regiments on the rampage, cannibalism and other atrocities are contrasted with the deeds of heroic pioneers such as David Livingstone and Mary Slessor. Above all it tells how the British empire came to be dominated and run by the Scots, and how it truly became a Scottish empire. As the empire transformed Scotland beyond recognition, so was the Empire shaped by the Scots – a remarkable achievement from the population of so small a country, which was itself neither nation nor fully province, neither fully colonizer nor fully colonized. Michael Fry’s energetic and colourful account is one of the classics of modern Scottish history.

It’s a bit rich you whining on about being a colony now isn’t it. Take your medicine!


‘Dan says:
22 December, 2023 at 5:56 pm
@ Merganser

Mackerel with oatmeal could be marketed as a truly Scottish power food, and with its undeniable ecologically sound and beneficial to health credentials it should wipe the floor with fucking imported quinoa seeds…

It truly is an outrage that the mackerel only makes it onto the arse side of an RBS fiver and not a note of higher value.’

Agreed-and maybe I can be excused for responding to something in the spirit of Christmas rather than the usual vituperative stuff-another major oversight in the Scots economy is venison; delicious, nutritious and apparently very healthy source of protein. Won’t suite the Greens, mind (Oh heck I’ve rather reverted to type).Anyway- Merry Christmas and a Happy Hogmanay to all


Whats with andrew wilson saying high earners might leave scotland??. High earner children will be on course for uni . If they are in england it will cost £45k min, accomodation extra.

Thought he was an economist

Oh yes he wants to use the pound tied to london. No control of our economy.

Wonder who employes him.


“This new edition of Michael Fry’s remarkable book charts the involvement of the Scots in the British empire from its earliest days to the end of the twentieth century.”

Utterly expected from the likes of you to push Fry’s book, Fry will give an impassioned speech on Channel 4 on Christmas Day condemning the rise of anti-Semitism in the UK, oh what a surprise.

Meanwhile their brothers-in-arms (Zionists) are committing genocide in Gaza, I bet Fry’s keeps him mouth shut on that one.

I won’t be buying Fry’s book, even if its in the discount bin along side Niall Ferguson’s shit books.


Meanwhile the Great Satan (USA) has been a busy little bee.

“US diplomats are trying to persuade Switzerland – the custodians of the Geneva Conventions governing the rules of conduct during war, with the ability to decide when meetings are held to discuss non-compliance – to set aside the application of the Conventions to Israel’s genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza, according to documents seen by the HuffPost US.”


Western banks now Daisy Chaining to give off the image that they are in a healthy position when they are not.

Here’s how it works.

“The Daisy Chain concept is quite old, used in various contexts to exaggerate assets on the balance sheet or feign market depth and liquidity. Daisy Chains were used by 1980s Savings & Loans (US mortgage banks) to dress the asset side of the ledger for bank auditors. The executives of a group of Savings & Loans that were all facing bankruptcy would write each other notes (IOUs) for term at interest. The ‘investor’ S&Ls held these notes on their asset ledgers to make each S&L look healthy, knowing principal would never be paid off. They then offered above market interest rates on deposits to draw in more depositors and put off failure.”

link to

The USA is well into its Fourth Turning and its all downhill from here on in, which means a war on some country by the USA is approaching.

link to

Meanwhile US interest payments on Federal debt pass US Defence spending.

link to


dasBlimp said;

“No, there absolutely isn’t (an English government). The English are not solely represented by the UK government like the Scots, for example, are by the Scottish government. Naturally, the union is out of balance and devolution (put in place by the Scotsman Tony Blair) was put in place to correct that. Evidently (like a lot of Scots-led projects) it has failed on a massive scale.”

Blethers, again! You’re ignoring the fact that virtually every decision in the UK parliament is made almost exclusively by England’s MPs, because their 10 to 1 majority lets them almost completely ignore Scottish MP decisions in Westminster’s grossly dishonest and unconstitutional voting system. Parties get to be governments because of their party’s seat majorities, and the vast majority of those seats represent English constituencies. No party based in Scotland can become a government without the vast bulk of their MPs being from English constituencies.

That extreme asymmetry makes Westminster’s flat majority voting system ludicrously undemocratic, and it shows! Even the Scottish parliament suffers from it, since its powers to govern are badly hampered by severe limitations imposed on it by English MPs who don’t know their bloody place!

The Union is badly out of balance, as you put it, because England’s establishment refuses to respect the sovereignty of the Scottish half of the Union, and devolution couldn’t fix that imbalance because it was never designed to fix it. It was designed to protect it.

Alf Baird

dasBlimp @ 7:28 pm

“Michael Fry’s remarkable book”

Can’t you find someone other than a Tory re-writing Scottish history through privileged rose-tinted specs? The school of thought which thinks ‘the Clearances may have been naughty but weren’t genocide’?

The Scots Toady class aye hid their role as ‘functionaries of colonialism’ under some invented superior moral guise.

Moreover, the Scottish army was used much like the Indian army (and others in Africa and Asia) as a colonial battering ram to suppress peoples, including their own.

Even ex Labour MP Brian Wilson described Fry’s views on Scottish history thus:
“Fry set out to write a Clearances-denial book. Therefore his conclusions are worthless. It is a stunt which should not be treated as serious history.”

Try again.


Republicofscotland says:
22 December, 2023 at 8:14 pm

Utterly expected from the likes of you to push Fry’s book, Fry will give an impassioned speech on Channel 4 on Christmas Day condemning the rise of anti-Semitism in the UK, oh what a surprise.

Is he? Good man. I might tune in then.

John Main

Lots of posts bemoaning the migration of English people to Scotland.

No posts showing any interest on the makeup of these “English” people, I.e. the split between “indigenous English” and “new English”.

That’s because one of these groups is hated, and the other group – nobody is bothered about. Yet in my humble opinion, neither group is likely to be much interested in Indy, yet both groups will have a vote.

Then we have Sam, urgently arguing, for his own nefarious purpose, that if Scotland allows unvetted illegals to work in Scotland, but not in the rest of the UK, that will have no effect on the numbers of unvetted illegals leaving England and settling in Scotland.

But that’s a basic human right. Work, pay taxes, and you’re entitled to a vote. No taxation without representation.

Yet again, on a pro-Indy site, posters prioritising their virtue-signalling to the detriment of the Indy cause. Maybes it’s just me that wonders why.


Just read the new yes site currency proposal.

My goodness another policy designed to flop very quickly. I can hear alistair darling laughing in his grave.

Westminster toasted you on that policy last time and they are ready to roast you again.

Proposing this only makes me think they are entirely stupid or there is a chance Westminster might allow another indy vote(say the same time as a general election) alloying them to consign the indy movement to a final grave.

They can blow the currency plan out the water any time they like and ridicule the ano in a general election at the aame time

John Main

@RoS 8:32

I repeat my earlier invitation to you to specify a country or countries you approve of. Provide an exemplar that iScotland can model itself on.

I also invite you to specify the global hegemony to which iScotland should hitch its star. We are 5.5 million after all, and even pretendy FM Yousaf’s grandest open borders fantasy will only add a couple of million more. So whose empire are we going to join?


Alfy Boy says;

Try again.

OK Alfy – Ow’s about this one then from your very own Professor Sir Tom Devine…

Scotland’s Empire: The Origins of the Global Diaspora
In Scotland’s Empire, T.M Devine tells the compelling story of Scotland’s role in forging and expanding the British Empire, from the Americas to Australia, India to the Caribbean.

By 1820 Britain controlled a fifth of the world’s population, and no people had made a more essential contribution than the Scots – working across the globe as soldiers and merchants, administrators and clerics, doctors and teachers.

In this widely praised book, T. M. Devine – acclaimed author of The Scottish Nation and To the Ends of the Earth: Scotland’s Global Diaspora – traces the vital part Scotland played in creating an empire – and the fundamental effect this had in moulding the modern Scottish nation

Sounds like he backs Fry’s claim to how great the Scots are at empire building and colonialism.

s’funny innit.

Ian Brotherhood

@Mia –

Just to let you know I C&Ped your comment this morning (9.24) as a tweet and it’s now had 2,250 views, loads of compliments.

Have you considered doing your own blog?

John Main

RoS 6:27

Seriously? That’s why the Hotties are lobbing missiles at third-party shipping?

Man, I hope they get exterminated. Nobody who attacks party 3, making the excuse it’s because parties 1 and 2 are scrapping, deserves anything less.


John Main says:

No taxation without representation.

I nearly spat my cucumber sandwich out when I read that. I mean, I was just having a nice little chat with Xaracen along those lines. I said there was no such thing as an English government and as an Englishman I am taxed but not represented. “Yes, there jolly well is”, he said and then tried to back up his assertion not once but twice. I’m beginning to think the chaps a bit addled in the loaf if you get my drift. I’m worried about him. Is there no ‘care in the community’ in Scotland?

I’m thinking of moving to Scotland myself so I can help the poor chap out.

John Main

@Xaracen 8:38

It has occurred to me plenty of times that Indy should have set up a UK party, and solved the problem you describe by standing throughout the UK on the platform of severing the Union.

Beats me why nobody ever thought that could be made to fly, given competent politicians on both sides of the border.

Do you think it was our old nemesis, ideological purity?

Ian Brotherhood

Main (9.37) openly calling for another genocide.

As if one wasn’t enough to be going on with.


John Main

@dasBlimp 9:28

To understand many of the posts on here, you need to recalibrate your dictionary.

For example: Colonialism -noun- something only white indigenous English do.

There’s lots of others, such as genocide, slavery, war and n@zi. Let me know if you get stuck 🙂

George Ferguson

@John Main 9:19pm
I can’t debate with you about migration figures from England or any other country as we still await the full release of Census data. I get the returns were below statistically significant levels and required innovative statistical analysis. How many people have been fined for not returning a Census form? Extra cost involved several million. I mean these statistical innovations don’t cost nothing. As usual the release of the raw data will require lawfare or a referral to the only respected Institution left in Scotland the ICO.

A Scot Abroad

Re the English in Scotland, and the Scots in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Per the 2021 EW&NI census, there’s 750,000 Scots living in EW&NI. I’m one of them.

We don’t yet know about the number of English (or Welsh, or Northern Irish) in Scotland, as the Scottish census hasn’t yet been published.

Of course, as with all demographic data, it’s trend over time that really matters. From trends, one can forecast (not predict) reasonable future numbers.


@John Main

“Then we have Sam, urgently arguing, for his own nefarious purpose, that if Scotland allows unvetted illegals to work in Scotland, but not in the rest of the UK, that will have no effect on the numbers of unvetted illegals leaving England and settling in Scotland.”

You are a liar Main. Just a liar.

There is an Illegal Migrant Act 2023 under which the home secretary has a duty to detain and remove those arriving in the UK illegally either to Rwanda, or another “safe” third country.

What Scotland has not yet proposed to the UK gov but may later is that asylum seekers should be allowed to work while awaiting a decision on their claim to asylum.

On average the UK takes 20 months to make the first decision on asylum, slower than EU countries with more asylum claims to process.

The UK governmentis giving France 700 £million to better police the coast to deter small boats.

It is highly likely that the UK government will ignore any request from Scotland to allow asylum seekers to do paid work.

Refugees do have rights to work under international laws but these rights are frequently ignored.

Main will tell lies on any subject or twist and manipulate.

Ian Brotherhood

@dasBlimp –

Are you an actual balloon or is that a pseudonym?



You really should be on the stage old boy. Every post is a comedy classic! Do keep it up, you’re hi-laarious!

Wee Johnny Main fair likes you too….

John Main

@IB 9:57

Grow up for fecks sake.

Firing missiles at cargo ships? Trying to kill crew members doing nothing more than hold down a job?

What’s it about Indy that it’s plagued with people who think like you?

Let me guess. Sign on as a deckhand on a freighter and you deserve what’s coming to you. Is that it?

Alf Baird

dasBlimp @ 9:28 pm

“OK Alfy – Ow’s about this one then from your very own Professor Sir Tom Devine”

One disnae get a Brit Knighthood by spouting an anti-colonial line. Toadies aw.

Try again.


John Main’s grip on international affairs is first rate.
Says no-one!

John Main

@Sam says

“highly likely”

Let me see. Current application backlog 140,000. Average time to process an asylum application appeal 82 weeks. Yearly cost heading towards £4 billion.

What I think is “highly likely” is that WM will have Yousaf’s arm off when he suggests Scotland can “solve” this problem by giving the asylum seekers work in Scotland while that 82 week period drags on.

What I think is a dead cert is that you will attempt to rubbish my pointing this out by calling me a liar, or some other juvenile playground insult.

What I am increasingly becoming convinced of is your carpet bagging Indy for your own agenda.

John Main

Woohoo Johnlmao returns.

Keep your eyes peeled, Johnlmao, I might throw you a wee bone in a day or two.

It’s Xmas after all. Nobody gets left out.

Ian Brotherhood

As a general rule of thumb, supplementary to Rev Stu’s standing directions on how to deal with trolls etc…

The more they annoy you, the further you must move away from any engagement.

In other words, ‘ignore the bastards, it drives them mental’.


George Ferguson

@John Main 9:19pm
Multiple FOI gone in to the ICO. Their office is closed until 3rd January naturally. But FOI receipted. Something to take up in the New Year. We can’t debate anything until the raw Census data is released. Four questions asked. One question to Police Scotland how many fines issued for non return of Census data? And 3 questions to the Scot Government on statistical and financial issues. I am expecting a long drawn out affair. Shouldn’t happen to the most transparent Government in the World.

John Main

IB says

It drives them mental

Naw, the last word wins. Always. So you have to keep coming back, or accept defeat.

You’re up IB. Feeling lucky? You’re long overdue a post a rational Scot might find persuasive.

Or will it be more of the delusional greetin that has flatlined Indy support for the past decade?


Funny how with the SNP / Scottish government compromised tae f*ck, and let’s face it absolutely useless/ incompetent to boot, the 77th Brigade feel the need to annihilate every chat in here, helped tbf by some of you on the right side of things who are oblivious to the manipulation that goes on her BTL.
Leads me to a simple conclusion
We’re far nearer being able to oust them than they care to admit.
Ridicule is a sign of desperation after all.
I half expect some for this post,
They may choose to ignore, it attracts less attention.
I follow a lot of developments worldwide
Tbh, I’ve kinda lost interest in our own struggle as we are so easily manipulated, and a lot of our own don’t see the greater game at play, of which we are a tiny pawn of of course.

We really just need a bit of focus, we need to call out the enemy and make him uncomfortable, a bit of old fashioned nationalism so the young team understand who are enemy is.
There’s only one country has ever f*cked over Scotland and her people
Stop being shy about calling them out!!!
That’s not racism it’s real liberation theory
Until we’re comfortable calling out the real racist, supremacist culture that dominates this island, and… identifying their number one (only) ally, Uncle Sam
We will never gain our independence
*To all you Yoon F**kers on here I wish you nothing but ill, pestilence whatever you want to call it
I see you!!

John Main

George Ferguson 12:06

I think we all agree that New Scots predominantly are opposed to Indy. I think myself we can apply that across the group. Meaning that all New Scots are mostly opposed, not just one specific group, the white English.

If we agree on that, then the route to Indy requires turning around their voting preferences to a pro-Indy stance, given that the New Scots seemingly can’t be stopped from coming here.

So we need to find ideas that will bring about that change, accepting that the ideas that might excite us who were born here will have little traction with incomers.

This all seems quite obvious to me, yet continues to generate anger and scorn on here. Ho hum. The ideas of the past decade have obviously failed. Time for new ones.

Ian Brotherhood

More testimony which should, eventually, see Scottish government ministers/civil servants in jail.

link to


Actually just that one group JM you treacherous creep.
The white English immigrants are our problem
Not all by a far stretch but as a homogeneous group they are THE problem Scotland faces.
Might not be nice, but it’s the truth



One that can be easily fixed by changing the franchise.

International best practice protects indigenous populations from being swamped by interlopers.

15 years + residence.

Anyone advocating a free for all on Scotlands constitution &, more importantly here, her Sovereignty – clearly doesn’t want to win & is breaking Scotlands constitution.

I don’t think there should be a ref at all. Grown ups need to get in a room & dissolve it. It’s been violated too many times & isn’t fit for purpose.

If there is going to be a ref let the yoons have it on rejoining the union. Simple.

Main – we don’t need to convince any outsider of our own constitution. It has legal standing all on its own within the treaty.

Westminster would like to turn us into an English nursing home. Zero prospects, zero income. That’s invasion by default. There are laws against that & electoral interference.

OT – China! A word in yer shell like – See the wee guy that puts teeny tiny wee screw locks on the battery casings on every fecking light, toy, lantern & Christmas decoration – please find him a more useful job FFS! Soooo fed up of wasting screw heads & hunting for a teeny tiny screwdriver ..Pffft!

I’ll probably be back on over Christmas with my ill behaviour lol

..but if not before the big day..

Merry Christmas to you & yours Wingers xx Have a good one xx

David Hannah

link to

Police Scotland recruitment campaign… No whites need apply.

The criminals will be sticking their crayons up their nose and giving them a wedgie in the interview room and walking free.

All thanks to the new woke approach, Joe Farrell is bringing in. PC. Principles. To clean up Sir Ian Livingstone’s sexist and homophobic and racist police Scotland. As described in his words.

I’ve lost all respect for them. They are joke. Charge Nicola already!


@ Mia 6.32pm Very well said and oh so true, if only the females who support this lunacy had the intelligence to do some research on how the deviants and perverts are already abusing our children
Every one in the Scottish administration who supported this legislation should never be forgiven and should forever be reminded by voters as having done so, NONE of them should ever be elected or voted for
Coming up for election time we must find a way to openly and WIDELY publicise ALL the names of the deviants in ALL parties who voted through this abomination and let voters know the time and money that has been wasted which could have been better spent building social housing or funding the SNHS

James Che

Scottish government cannot be nearly bankrupt,

Scotland does not have a government or a parliament to go bankrupt you want to keep in touch with reality.

Because both are under Westminster Statues and Westminster Legislation.

Which of course is a major breach of the articles of the hoax treaty of union, that insist that there is only one parliament and governance of Great-Britain,

And Scots need to wake up to the clap trap that yoons feed them,
You either have a true Scottish governance and parliament with no connection to England (which breaches the treaty of union)……….or you have a government of England in Scotland under a super imposed false name.

The government in Scotland that is nearly bankrupt is Englands Westminster branch government that is nearly bankrupt sent Scotland under legislation, Statues and laws of Westminster,

Don’t let the yoons play both side,
Call it out for what it is


John Main said;

“If we agree on that, then the route to Indy requires turning around their voting preferences to a pro-Indy stance, given that the New Scots seemingly can’t be stopped from coming here.”

That’s no route to Indy. We need a realistic franchise that prioritises the owners of Scotland’s sovereignty, the native Scots. Being sovereign it is their decision to make on a constitutional matter like their own country’s independence, not for others to overrule them. We already get that constitutional abuse in spades from Westminster, we won’t be putting up with that on our own turf!

James Che


And all those multiple players would collapse in a instant if it was discovered that Scotland was not actually in the hoax treaty since it was…….”dissolved”……..from its liability to the treaty since 1707, before Great Britain was created 1707,

A dissolved Scottish parliament ( any dissolved parliament ) in English law no longer has representation…..or liability from the immediate time date it was dissolved.

And therefore so would every agreement or treaty made by Westminster since 1707,

The yoons are determined to shut down the topic of discussion, a non legal or binding attempt at entrapment over Scotland all these years,

If you want to aggreivate the yoons Scots should discuss it.
You will soon see the obvious and hidden yoons come out of their hiding places to protect the hoax treaty,
As it is a subject that is very tetchy to them, and difficult for them to protect all that old ancient guff.

Sorry everyone have to leave it there for now as spouse not out of operating theatre until this afternoon.

George Ferguson

@John Main 12:31pm
Rather than a debate about the sociocultural aspects of Independence without much in the way of evidence. I will pursue full transparency on the Census data and the statistical innovations. Their cost and validity and so on. If we want to imagine new ideas we need the facts and public information from the Census. The first time in the long history of the Census a Government politicised the inputs and now the outputs of a Census. So that’s my project for next year. We have engaged quite a few times over 2023 so I wish you well over the festive period. I am out until 2024.

John Main

George Ferguson 9:03

Thanks for that, George.

And all best wishes to you and yours.

John Main


In your post you claim only one country has ever fecked us over.

Then you go on to implicate their only ally, US.

Rithmetic not one of your core strengths?

Pity you don’t know much history either. It’s US support that fixed much of Ireland’s problems. If Scotland had played it smarter, we could have had similar support too, especially when you factor in our huge North American colonising diaspora and the Scottish heritage of the recent (and maybes next) POTUS.

Maybes you’re one of those reality deniers who refuse to believe in Scottish colonialism, think the US is the Great Satan, and took agin The Donald for his poor PC credentials.

Maybes naw. But their certainly were enough of them to feck up our best recent chance of meaningful international help and support.

And I reckon, from your post, you’ve already made your mind up that even though the past decade has gotten Indy nowhere, you think another decade of the same is called for.

Logical reasoning not one of your core strengths?

Alf Baird

George Ferguson @ 9:03 am

“Rather than a debate about the sociocultural aspects of Independence without much in the way of evidence.”

Culture is an established and central feature in the independence of all peoples and there is an extensive literature on the subject.

Colonial rule depends on making ‘a peoples’ culture inferior. Cultural assimilation is one of colonialism’s key tools in this regard. The colonial mindset – and ‘Scottish Cultural Cringe’ – is an established feature in our case.

Independence is ‘a fight for a national culture’ (Fanon) and is about ending cultural racism and discrimination, enabling oppressed peoples to reclaim their culture as well as their sovereignty.

link to


James says:
22 December, 2023 at 10:43 pm

You really should be on the stage old boy. Every post is a comedy classic! Do keep it up, you’re hi-laarious!

Thanks, James, it’s a gift

Wee Johnny Main fair likes you too….

I hope so. JM speaks the most sense here. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that if it were possible I would take you both for a festive tipple.

Don’t fret, James, I’ll pay.


Tartanpigsy says:
23 December, 2023 at 12:55 am
Actually just that one group JM you treacherous creep.
The white English immigrants are our problem
Not all by a far stretch but as a homogeneous group they are THE problem Scotland faces.
Might not be nice, but it’s the truth

And that, children, is a prime example of bigotry.


John Main.

The Houthi’s are attacking cargo ships going to Israeli ports no other vessels, quite frankly in my opinion if they are supplying the Zionist genociders they are legitimate targets.

Two cargo ships heading for Israeli ports came under fire from the Houthis both vessels asked two Chinese warships in the Red sea for help, the Chinese denied their request, no one should be supplying an occupying force in Palestine that is committing war crimes and genocide.


Forgot to add the link.

link to

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:23 December, 2023 at 5:39 pm

So the boys crewing these ships deserve what’s coming to them.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I notice you ignored my post asking if there is any country you actually approve of. Got the hots for the Covid Spreaders perchance?

Have to say, they have form when it comes to flouting or denying the international rules governing maritime traffic. Not great fans of the Muslims either, when in their territory, unless they have them in concentration camps to be indoctrinated.

What you would be screaming about as colonisation if it didn’t suit you to keep stumm.

Sorry to say I think Craig Murray has lost it. His recent post, when he expressed astonishment at the lack of meaningful criticism coming from Muslim nations, demonstrated his lack of understanding of realpolitik.

Scotland needs leaders and opinion shapers who can deal with the world as it is, not as how they think it would be if everybody could just be nice.


“Sorry to say I think Craig Murray has lost it.”

Craig Murray and some of his friends know what’s going on, this is why they are harassed and arrested and their devices such as phones and laptops are impounded unjustly.

link to


“Got the hots for the Covid Spreaders perchance?”

Nope, the Great Satan (USA) will not find itself in any court, as Professor Jeffery Sachs pointed out, there’s no political will to hold the USA to account over Covid.

The USA still has umpteen biolabs around the globe tinkering with god only knows what to weaponise it.

John Main

RoS 7:16

1. You’re playing with fire.

2. Your link confirms what I wrote – CM has lost it.

John Main

RoS 7:34

Isn’t that the boy who played Manuel in Fawlty Towers?

Honestly, you’re a hoot. Check out Wuhan in an atlas some time.


“You’re a hoot”


Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) has created a list of forty-one Israeli military commanders that should be charged with war crimes in Gaza, the dossier containing their names has been submitted to the ICC.

Will the ICC act, I personally doubt it- the ICC’s chief prosecutor Karim Khan paid a friendly visit to Israel post Oct 7th.

“Although Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute that established the ICC, the court’s jurisdiction includes Palestine, subjecting anyone who commits war crimes there to prosecution.

DAWN’s list includes only Israeli officers “from the rank of lieutenant-general and up who command units no smaller than battalion level forces.””

link to


Just read the piece where somebody is saying that Scotland’s wind energy is no Bonanza at all. Too expensive in fact to produce.

Now where have we heard that before. Was it not oil and gas where we were told it was a curse on Scotland.

FFS the amount of resource curses that Scotland has in oil, gas. Wind renewable its amazing that anyone comes here.

Poor Scotland.

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