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Wings Over Scotland

Our lords above us

Posted on July 20, 2015 by

We weren’t going to do anything on last night’s episode of Australian news show 60 Minutes, because we assumed it would be all over the newspapers today, but they seem to be more concerned that an SNP MP followed someone who may have said some nasty things on Twitter. So here it is.

Be warned: some of it is difficult to watch. More details here.

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  1. 20 07 15 14:17

    Our lords above us | Speymouth

168 to “Our lords above us”

  1. Alastair says:

    Listening to Cameron’s One Nation One United Kingdom speech.
    Why do I not believe a word .

  2. Hoss Mackintosh says:

    Thanks for posting this Rev Stu.

    Needs to be seen as much as possible as it is truly disgusting that no-one has been arrested and jailed for this appalling abuse.

    It is also incredible that it has not been mentioned on any MSM outlets or TV. It now looks increasingly likely that we need to get our “real news” from foreign sources.

    I hope the SNP do something about this – none of the other main parties will do anything as some of their MPs and Lords were/are still involved.

    It goes right to the heart of the rotten core of Westminster.

  3. Bob Mack says:

    We already have had some of the revelations of this gross behaviour in senior establishment circles.
    Westminster and all its satellite organisations in the Establishment are a cesspit,and the sooner we sweep them out like a dirty stable the better.

  4. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “the sooner we sweep them out like a dirty stable the better.”

    What I’m going to sweep out like a dirty stable are PEOPLE WHO DON’T PUT FUCKING PARAGRAPH BREAKS IN THEIR FUCKING COMMENTS, Bob.

  5. wee_monsieur says:

    Wow. Unbelievable that so many vulnerable youngsters were abused in this way by people supposedly in the highest ranking positions in our Society.

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  6. Bob Mack says:


  7. BLMac says:

    Such evil flourishs when there are people with permanent political power.

    Abolish the House of Lords.

    And jail the evil scum.

  8. The Man in the Jar says:

    I had heard of this some time ago from a friend who is quite well connected. If the rest of what he told me is true this barely scratches the surface. Some of the names mentioned (not all male) would have your jaw hitting the floor.

  9. Joemcg says:

    No mention of this on the ITV news but we have got Cameron standing on a plinth with one nation one United Kingdom emblazoned behind him trying to brainwash us in to bombing Syria. Get us the fuck out of this union pronto.

  10. Scots Anorak says:

    I notice that there seems to be great reluctance to name anyone who is still alive.

    Of course, one has to be careful of prejudicing ongoing investigations.

    However, the police have already had 40 years or so to convict the full complement of those responsible for abuse at the former Kincora Boys’ Home and elsewhere.

  11. HandandShrimp says:

    The number and scale of the accusations are beginning to look damning. Not just serious levels of abuse but murder seems to be a recurring theme.

    I know we have been here before regarding ritualistic abuse which later turned out to be complete hogswash but this is of a different order in terms of scale and consistency of evidence

    In many ways the rather more way out conspiracy theories have served to protect the establishment. Perhaps the real conspiracy is that the establishment generates the conspiracy theories.

  12. Tartan Tory says:

    Speechless. 🙁

    There’s a very pragmatic bit of me who wants to sit on the fence and view this from the position of a Devils Advocate. Is this just a piece of journalistic sensationalism? Is this guy just an Australian maverick looking to create a story? Have I just watched a couple of actors paid to be victims for the camera?

    Then you see Tom O’Carroll, who is so obvioulsy deluded in terms of the utter wrongness of his position. He thinks a four year old girl is fair game for a ‘consenting’ adult.

    I cried when he spoke. I’m physically shaking just writing this now.

    Rightly or wrongly, I almost feel sorry for seventeen year old boys who are duped by fifteen year old girls (days off their sixteenth birthday) and are then placed on the sex offenders list.

    By contrast, I feel enraged to the point of illegal action simply by the words of O’Carroll.

    Devils dvocate or not, I featr there’s no smoke without some sort of fire here. These are not ‘men’. I don’t need to have a daughter to display my utter disdain and revulsion at what seems to go on. I don’t understand what pleasure can be extracted from kids in this way. I don’t actually want to understand, but in this case, ignorrance isn’t bliss.

  13. Morag says:

    I’m curious as to why the British media are ignoring it. Even if they were worried about being liable for defamation, simply reporting that allegations had been made in an Australian TV documentary is hardly actionable. And indeed I noticed that the programme was pretty careful about defamation. Almost everyone who was named is already dead, and only proven claims were made against people still alive.

    It seems like the sort of story nobody would want to miss. How does this suppression work? Who makes the decision not to cover the story, and how is it possible that every editor made the same decision right across the media?

  14. HandandShrimp says:

    I notice that there seems to be great reluctance to name anyone who is still alive.

    Failing to be reluctant cost a fair number of people a fair few pounds.

  15. thomaspotter2014 says:

    Only in sleazy murderous old Rule Brittania could this disgrace be given MSM Blackout.

    A fucking disgrace, but this abomination of evil horror will not go quietly away.

    These monsters should be dragged kicking and screaming to the highest court in the land.

    Problem being that they are the same people who run that system.

    Truly horrific and cannot be allowed to be swept under their swelling carpet.

    If this doesn’t finish them we should demand to know why.

  16. fudge says:

    There was a rumour that Willie McRae had details of this.

  17. Morag says:

    HandandShrimp, I was also remembering the “Satanic abuse” cases, but as you say this is a different thing altogether. One of the consistent things about the Orkney case in particular was that the alleged victims consistently denied that anything had happened.

    In this case we have multiple victims prepared to speak out and testify that something happened to them, and not as a result of some voodoo “suppressed memory recovery” flim-flam either.

    I’m getting a nasty feeling that this may go even higher than has so far been revealed, if only because the papers would surely be all over it if it was just MPs and politicians involved. Some reports talk about “someone living in Buckingham Palace”. Makes you think.

  18. Desimond says:

    Hahaha, Im suddenly picturing Stu as Heisenberg ranting

    “I am the One who Knocks…submissions into a readable form!”

  19. Chid says:

    I’ve always believed that the “establishment” preferred to have MPs with skeletons in the cupboard – making them easier to control. The only way to explain why some, seemingly decent MPs become right wing b*****ds and possibly why they hate so many SNP MPs with no such skeletons.

  20. Calum Craig says:

    That O’ Carroll character makes me physically sick. I have a 5 year old daughter and he came anywhere near her I’d cave his skull in with the nearest blunt object to hand.

  21. fudgefase says:

    Without reference to lizards, David Icke has been saying this for years. He says it goes into the palace as well.

  22. HandandShrimp says:

    Hi Morag

    Yes I agree, the Satanic abuse/recovered memories farces probably did more to undermine investigations into abuse than other single event.

    This however is quite different and recurring people and very specific places from a significant number of sources seem to indicate that something horrible did occur, over a fair length of time, up and including murder.

  23. ClanDonald says:

    Has the National even reported on this 60 Minutes documentary? I haven’t seen anything.

    Surely they aren’t in breach of any kind of D Notice or at risk of a defamation suit if they are just reporting that Australian telly has broadcast this documentary? Or are they fearful of prejudicing a court case? (Because one day all this will make it to court, aye, right).

    The MSM silence is deafening, what are they so afraid of?

  24. Fiona MacLedo says:

    One word….Dunblane

  25. peter says:

    What we need is a movie made , a blockbuster that’s what it will take to show the world what’s going on in the Uk Government. Expose them to the world.

  26. heedtracker says:

    BBC knew nothing about Saville, Iraq has WMD’s, they can’t vote for their Lords, UKOK spooks didn’t rig 18th Sept, on and on it goes.

  27. G H Graham says:

    The near silence by the London’s propaganda channel, the BBC & its jingoistic newspapers is deeply disappointing yet hardly surprising.

    I did a quick headline search at “”, an independent news aggregation service & not a single return matched this 60 Minutes story.

    link to

    It’s as if the collective group think by the London Establishment has decided that it is in their best interests, that the general public doesn’t learn about the claims of alleged systematic sexual abuse, abduction & murder of children by members, officials & associates of the British government.

    Better Together.

  28. Ken500 says:

    Westminster put ‘D’ notices on the abuse and murder of children, under the Offical Secrets Act. Anyone who reports it can be put in jail. It is just disgusting, sickening and beyond belief. These people can be named in Parliament under parliamentary privilege.

    When told of the abuse. Thatcher said, ‘Boys will be boys’. Thatcher should have been put in jail.

  29. Chic Thomson says:

    Meanwhile bits of the BBC are at war with other bits of the BBC over positions taken with regards to this mess.
    It’s a bit like trying to pick up a shite by the clean end!

    link to

  30. bugsbunny says:


    You say you’re curious to why the British Media are ignoring this?

    That is because, in all likelihood, as you climb the greasy poll at Aunty Beeb, if you are one of those “special people”, whose fancy blows the way towards the kindergarten etc, then you will have hit the jackpot. The BBC is chock full of peadophiles/pederasts, and underage skirt chasers.

    Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter are just the icing on the cake. The Marzipan below that and the fruit cake below that are filled with every deviant going.

    At least the BBC didn’t back Independence. In our future history books, we can show our Grandchildren in a future Scotland, that Better Together was backed by Multi Millionaire perverts.

    It is widely believed that Prime Minister Edward Heath took young boys aged 12 to 15 trips on his yacht Morning Cloud, where a flunky would arrange rose petals scattered across a made bed sprinkled with lavender water with champagne on ice and other expensive goodies to ply the boys with before buggering them.

    What a lovely Union we are in. We really really are “All in this Together”. This being the overwhelming stench of festering shite.


  31. Luigi says:

    Aye, the establishment wagons are certainly being pulled into a defensive circle right now. All to do is keep the pressure on and the truth will out (eventually).

    Is it any wonder the old boy’s network is so tight? Many of them seem to have some nasty, undisclosed info on each other. So, everyone keeps stum, or else!

  32. caz-m says:

    Morag 1.36pm
    “Who makes the decision not to cover the story, and how is it possible that every editor made the same decision right across the media?”

    I have been asking that very question since 2012. Not just regarding child abuse but even our very own Referendum. It was very strange when ALL media outlets would carry the same scare story at the exact same time, on the exact same day.

    I have always thought that there is some kind of media central command run by the Establishment.

  33. Luigi says:

    Morag says:

    20 July, 2015 at 1:36 pm

    I’m curious as to why the British media are ignoring it.

    Because they are right in the thick of it. Circle the wagons!

  34. Tony Little says:

    The 60 Minutes documentary scratches the surface of what seems to have been widespread and orchestrated abuse going on for decades at the highest levels of the Establishment. Perhaps there is more to come from them, I hope so as this entire story MUST be in the public domain.

    At the risk of sounding like a complete tin-foil-hat looney, I suggest that people take cognisance of who attends meetings like the Bildenburg Group and the Power and Position that these people represent. (The international bankers, the Media, Merkel et al “discussed” the Greek situation just a few weeks ago, and we have seen the result).

    The Establishment is not just a UK phenomenon, but represents the worldwide power-brokers and absurdly rich people who manipulate governments the world over. We certainly do not live in a proper democracy.

    Unless someone in the Media, or Police, or Whitehall takes action (or blows the whistle) at some serious risk to themselves and their families (this is how power is retained) no one alive will face proper prosecution. But there comes a point when ordinary people decide for themselves that they have had enough of the situation. It seems that the tipping point gets closer every day.

    This is a desperately dreadful enlightenment of the UK and the abuses of power by those in power. Will the ordinary people find a voice and a champion? More details and a lengthy history of articles can be found here link to

  35. call me dave says:

    I read in the National today. Page 14 has a wee bit about a senior labour MP (I assume still in post as not exMP) having been reported to the police two weeks ago. About abuse on two young men going back 10 years.

    In another incident it seems he was, allegedly, arrested for another incident of indecency in a public toilet but no charges were brought.

    I agree the new SNP MPs should try and put pressure on the whole mess to be properly investigated.

  36. mogabee says:

    Stinking, rotten, corrupt and crumbling like the building they inhabit.

    I don’t want these monsters to get away with this any longer and all of them need to be named ASAP.

    I have some confidence their time is getting nearer especially after listening to that film and the conviction coming from the new inquiry lead.

  37. Bob Mack says:

    This has been knocked into touch,especially as it comes days after the Royals being captured on camera giving the Nazi salute.Might give the family a bad name if too much comes out simultaneously, What!!

  38. Chid says:

    I take it you didn’t get the D notice, Stu?

  39. heedtracker says:

    There’s a 100 year D notice style block on all information on the Dunblane massacre too. Why Lord Geroge Robertson did so, is not the kind of democracy we are living right now.

  40. muttley79 says:

    There is a hell of a lot more to come out in this story. I remember someone ages ago saying that a former cabinet minister in the Thatcher government was moved because of his alleged serious criminal activities. He has since died, but his name has cropped up a few times in this story already. The person who told my family about the former cabinet minister was not prone to making accusations of that nature, so I assumed (and still do) that it has some basis in fact.

    The individual also mentioned a Labour MP in Scotland (a Edinburgh MP) in connection with disturbing activities. I am less sure about that, but I have saw his name mentioned on the internet in regards to alleged child abuse in London. Therefore it could well be true as well.

  41. Luigi says:

    Bob Mack says:

    20 July, 2015 at 2:27 pm

    This has been knocked into touch,especially as it comes days after the Royals being captured on camera giving the Nazi salute.Might give the family a bad name if too much comes out simultaneously, What!!

    There is a nasty rumour going round that the Royal Nazi salute video (not exactly news) was quickly released as a smokescreen, because they knew something even worse was about to break out.

  42. Haggis Hunter says:

    I couldn’t watch it to the end, sick b@st@rds.
    This shows exactly how the British establishment works and their media, Police, every part of it is involved, the BBC being just as rotten as regards Saville

  43. thedogphilosopher says:

    When buying my National today, noticed on the Herald front page Torrance’s article title: ‘SNP moral high ground built on shifting sand.’

    Good to know he’s on the side of the RIGHTeous.

  44. Marcia says:

    Absolutely shocking.

  45. muttley79 says:


    Was it about Mountbatten?

  46. Every time this subject is highlighted it brings back the question “Why did Jill Dando die?

  47. Roll_On_2015 says:

    call me dave @ 2:21 pm

    I read in the National today. Page 14 has a wee bit about a senior labour MP (I assume still in post as not exMP) having been reported to the police two weeks ago. About abuse on two young men going back 10 years.

    Aye cmd I noticed this story earlier in the Torygraph:

    Senior Labour MP accused of child sex abuse.

    I wonder how far this story runs before it dies?

  48. DerekM says:

    Another team GB whitewash,nothing to see here,look big scary terrorists from a faraway land.

    Shocking and if ever anybody needed proof that the MSM are in league with the establishment then there it is,any descent investigative journalist should have been all over this like a bad rash.

  49. Luigi says:

    muttley79 says:

    20 July, 2015 at 2:54 pm


    Was it about Mountbatten?

    Dunno, not necessarily royals involved, but handy for decoy “news” for the establishment. TBH there are so many potential candidates out there (including the Right Honourables and our Lordships), it’s impossible to narrow it down at the mo.

  50. Luigi says:

    I’m waiting and hoping for a Tom Watson MP, or even an SNP MP to stand up in the house one day, and name and shame the lot of them.

  51. Tinto Chiel says:

    Morag asked, “I’m curious as to why the British media are ignoring it.”

    Where’s Eleanor Bradford when you need her? If she can find a scintilla of bad news in the excellent Scottish NHS, just think what she could do with the vile ocean of slurry at WM.

    Seriously, I wish the SNP could do something to bring it all to light. Cue further apoplexy from MSM.

  52. Marcia says:


    “Why did Jill Dando die?”

    Willie Macrae also.

  53. David Arnott says:

    The thing i actually find most disturbing is how surprised people are at this kind of news.

    Most of you are, or have been, living in your own naive happy little bubble and you guys are actually the more awake of our society of hapless, brainwashed, tax-cattle dumbf**ks.

    The bad news is most have a lot more waking up to do. However as usual most in the country will maintain their precious fuzzy childlike worldview by simply letting it slip from their conscience so they dont have to find it within their meager courage to do something to make a change.

    I noticed this with 9/11 which was, to anyone who has taken a good look, at least partially supported and conducted by interests within the u.s. Yet despite it being utterly obvious people just dont want to know and for that they are the lowest cowards.

    Why am i being as nasty about this as i am? Because its dumbf**k cowards who wont stare the obvious ugly truth in the face for fear of upsetting their cosy view of life that allow this kind of shit to go on. In fact they are more likely to point fingers at people who are having an objective look at things and denigrate them as ‘tin-foil-hat wearers’ and ‘conspiracy theorists.’

    British people in general are steadily earning the terrible country they are seeing unfold in front of their eyes through apathy and spinelessness.

  54. Mark Coburn says:

    Thanks for posting this!

  55. indigo says:

    It’s difficult to find words

    @The Man in the Jar – 1.28pm – I’ve heard similar

    One day the full extent of the horrors that took place will be known, but I suspect that will not happen whilst certain people are alive

    With regards to the political aspects to this – I think we must all be realistic about what our SNP MPs can do in relation to this topic

  56. Macart says:

    Some actions leave you without the words.

  57. Beats me how the interviewer kept his hands off that PIE bastard’s throat. I’d have knocked fuck out of him. Pardon my French.

  58. Mealer says:

    The establishment will be carefully selecting their scapegoats before a “full and thorough enquiry”.Westminster is a cesspit of sleaze and corruption.The fact that a Lord is deemed unfit to stand trial for raping children but can still play a part in the governance of our country is proof of that.

  59. michael diamond says:

    Cynicalhighlander 2.54. Yeah we all know jill dando was onto a juicy story, so therefore the establishment had to shut her up.even if it meant fitting up poor bar.ry george!

  60. call me dave says:

    Labour MP. Same story in the Observer too.

    link to

  61. Dr Jim says:

    It will never be dealt with legally in any of these peoples lifetimes
    It’s always way down the line when the British can express all their horror and faux outrage at what should have been done at the time

    Perhaps a lesson for folk who think the pen is mightier than the sword

    It’s not!

    The pen is only useful to rewrite history for the winners

    As the Brits have proved time and time again

  62. Luigi says:

    Surely it is now time for all decent MPs of all parties, judges and police officers to get together and stand against this. We need the normal, decent people in the establishment (and there are many), to stand up and say “Enough is enough” and root out these evil monsters. No more protection, no more cover-ups. This has got to stop. Now.

  63. sensibledave says:

    @ Luigi

    Hear Hear!

  64. Muscleguy says:

    People, people, there is a Royal Commission going on right now with the power to compel witnesses. Headed by the NZ Judge without establishment links, remember? Thus a lot of this stuff is effectively sub judice and who wants to be accused of prejudicing the the trial of a paedophile?

    The 60 Minutes piece names Janner but again the DPP has been forced to agree a trial of the evidence for him so it is again sub judice.

    I’m all for holding the Establishment to account and I abhor paedophilia but I also want them all suitably and safely prosecuted. So should you.

  65. Marie Clark says:

    Jeez oh Rev, that was a hard watch.

    It made me feel physically sick, when that lowlife O’ Carroll started trying to justify it. How that reporter kept his hands off him I don’t know. I would have trailed his tripe out.

    I always knew the British establishment was rotten to it’s very core, and I dread to think what it will do to those pour souls who have been brave enough to speak out.

    It’s a truly heartbreaking programme to watch. It makes you want to weep.

  66. Marie Clark says:

    Jeez oh Rev, that was a hard watch.

    It made me feel physically sick, when that lowlife O”Carroll tried to justify it all. I don’t know how the reporter managed to keep his hands off him. I would have trailed his tripe out.

    I always knew that the British establishment was rotten to its very core. God knows what it will try and do to those pour souls who are brave enough to speak out.

    It’s truly heartbreaking, makes me want to weep.

  67. Sassenach says:

    Zak Goldsmith seemed pretty genuine and came across well, I thought. Oh, for a few more like him.

  68. Giving Goose says:

    Slightly OT but Slightly On;

    Channel 4 news last night interviewed Roberto Saviano, author of Gomorrah, who stated that London is the world centre of dirty drug money laundering.

    He stated that the nasty goings on are not apparent, e.g. Judges are not assassinated etc and I thought “no one is investigating this, that’s why there are no gun battles on the streets of London that you may find in Mexico or Italy.”

    And why does there appear to be a rather relaxed attitude to all the dirty money pouring through London?

    Answer on a postcard to George Osborn, who needs the tax revenues that the Financial Industry brings in. Stuff the morals (or lack of them).

    Interesting, the UK manufacturing base accounts for 11% of the economy. So HM Treasury needs the tax coming from somewhere, even if it is dirty money.

    Nice country this UK, isn’t it?

  69. sensibledave says:

    … at last, found this online –

    link to

  70. mumsyhugs says:

    Wee Ginger Dug is also on the case here in his latest post 🙁 he gives useful advice on being careful not to prejudice any possible action that might follow – heaven forbid any of us should unwittingly do anything that would let these b#strds walk free on a technicality 🙁

  71. Meindevon says:

    A commenter on Exaro said that you have to sign the Official Secrets Act to work at the BBC. Does anyone know if that is true?

  72. Marie Clark says:

    Apologies for double post folks.

  73. Meindevon says:

    Re The DM article.

    It has fifteen paragraphs. Fourteen of them are two lines or less. The fifteenth is three lines long.

    I have got more words on a postcard.

  74. Dal Riata says:

    The Westminster et al cover up of paedophilia and murder has been going on since it ever took place. The cover up continues to this day.

    Why? Because, should every dirty, filthy secret be revealed, it could very well bring an end to the rotten edifice that is the British Establishment.

    There are accusations of such brevity that, should they be proved to be accurate, would expose those arbitrators of UK power – both hereditary and state – as so unconscionable in their actions that the repercussions could see the fall of the UK state itself.

    The accusations cover the whole spectrum of the Establishment: public servants of all hues; judges; police officers; MOD officials; Ambassadors; MP’s; ex(?) Prime Ministers; Lords; … and royalty. And members of the UK’s secret services: MI6; MI5; GCHQ officers.

    That’s the whole power that can be brought to bear by the UK state. A cover up? Of course. And relatively – up to now – easy to do for such state actors as these.

    The revelations would be so explosive and so detrimental to the UK, the West and the USA’s ‘good guys’ propaganda image that, of course, the whole thing must be kept under wraps at all costs.

    There is hope, though, that the horrors perpetrated by those in power will come to be public knowledge, and that lies with not only those brave, brave people who come forward to give evidence of the horrific abuse, but also with the internet which has already done so much to bring revelations of government abuse worldwide.

    The horrors of what has been done by the UK Establishment – against defenceless children – are so atrocious that they must be exposed by any and all means.

  75. gerry parker says:

    Try not to click onto direct links to Unionist rag’s folks.

    They’l be trying to pull the

    “can’t possibly have a fair trial after all the publicity that surrounded it”


  76. G H Graham says:

    Only when it is clear a prosecution will take place, i.e. someone has been charged with committing a criminal offence, are you free to mention a suspect’s name.

    Doing so, when someone is being investigated but not yet charged, even though they may well be a prime suspect, could result in you being sued for libel.

    Having said that, the Queen’s Bench Divisional Court ruling regarding Westminster Press Ltd in 1991, ruled that the media has no automatic right to be informed by the police, of the name of a person who is under investigation or who has been charged by a criminal offence.

    Source: link to

    Be careful then, when making comments that include named persons.

  77. paulTgeist says:

    Spot the troll at 4.05pm touting for business for the NaziMail.

  78. jcd says:

    Haven’t watched the vid I think I know about as much about the DisUK state as I need to and I’m sick enough already being stuck in the stinking union with them.

    Thing is though this is the kind of thing that if it got enough traction could turn out to be a real vote swinger towards the Independence cause because I doubt if even unionists (some of them anyway) would be too enamoured by the idea of being ruled by a distant shadow elite riddled with beasts.

    That would of course depend on them being aware of it in the first place, which is why there won’t be a peep about it on the msm unless or until circumstances somehow force them to reveal it.

    That’s what this organization is aiming to change

  79. Brian Powell says:

    A Royal Commission can delay things by years, which is why Royal Commissions are set up, and if anything gets through then the prosecution may start; more time.

  80. galamcennalath says:

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

    Edmund Burke

    ….. and that’s what worries me here. People who you would otherwise describe as good must have stood by, knowing what was going on. That has been alleged regarding Saville.

    Because no one spoke out, the perpetrators felt they could continue with impunity.

  81. @Meindevon says:

    A commenter on Exaro said that you have to sign the Official Secrets Act to work at the BBC. Does anyone know if that is true?

    link to

  82. heedtracker says:

    From the BBC, Saville in his pomp, oh we laughed, don’t have nightmares, etc

    link to

  83. sensibledave says:

    paulTgeist 4:37 pm

    You Wrote: “Spot the troll at 4.05pm touting for business for the NaziMail.”

    You idiot. The article, and many of the comments here, were about the MSM not picking up on the 60 Minute programme in Australia. I was equally frustrated and disappointed. I eventually found the story. And no, I don’t read the Daily Mail.

    If you are intent on using something like this to make a political point – perhaps you would explain to me why Kenny MacAskill has failed us all so abysmally too?

  84. muttley79 says:


    I am not sure if you need to sign the Official Secrets Act if you work for the BBC, but I am pretty sure Iain Macwhirter has said that MI5 vet you before being employed by the BBC. I am not sure if this is a blanket vetting procedure, or if it just applies to sensitive areas, eg political reporters and journalists.

  85. Ken500 says:

    Peter Morrison? Was the MP Thatcher was told about – dead.

    Where is the Chilcot Report?

  86. Robert Louis says:

    You know, it is pretty obvious, that this and previous governments have used every trick in the book, to delay all of this being properly investigated. No doubt in the hope, that as people die off naturally, there will be fewer witnesses and so on.

    What kind of a corrupt country is the so called ‘united kingdom’, and really, it needs asked, just what kind of monsters inhabit the corridors of power and buck house.

    All revealed by a foreign TV channel. Clearly, nobody in ‘journalism’ in this country has the courage to document all this.

    What do we see in the papers today? Wall to wall complicit cover up. It is like freaking North Korea.

  87. @Muttley79, @Meindevon

    “…MI5 vet you before being employed by the BBC…”

    Vet? Or recruit?

    link to

  88. Robert Louis says:

    Mutley 79,

    Yip, MI5 did vet potential BBC employees. They probably still do – though I guess they won’t tell us. Never forget, MI5’s base in Scotland, is reported (not sure how correct it is) to be the building(home of Scottish criminal records) just adjacent to the BBC at pacific Quay .

  89. Roll_On_2015 says:

    20.07.2015 05.39 pm

    Giving Goose @ 4:02 pm

    Slightly OT but Slightly On;

    Channel 4 news last night interviewed Roberto Saviano, author of Gomorrah, who stated that London is the world centre of dirty drug money laundering.

    Aye GG the Independent ran with this story a few weeks ago.

    Isn’t our government at Westmidden just simply wonderful?

  90. paulTgeist says:

    @ senselessdave.

    Listen, sweet cheeks, i couldn’t give a flying fuck what you read but you’re the tosser who posted a direct link to the NaziMail.

    As for your question about Kenny MacAskill, i haven’t a feckin clue, i take it you’ve got access to email facility in your cave, well try using it and ask him yourself. DUH!

  91. donald anderson says:

    Could not watch this. The whole Brutish establishment is obscene and their judiciary and police corrupt. I want out and away from the lot of them.

    Have we learn nothing from their shocking crimes in Ireland?

    Cameron is now saying, don’t put the blame on the Muslim terror/backlash on the Iraq War. Oh really? Who says? Where do start, Before or after Labour’s division of Palestine? Or, do we need to recite chapter and verse Britain’s colonial crimes? There is nobody like them and they have wee creeps like poseur Owen Jones defending their “one nation” fascist mentality.

  92. sensibledave says:

    paulTgeist says:
    20 July, 2015 at 5:43 pm
    @ senselessdave.

    Ypu wrote: “Listen, sweet cheeks, i couldn’t give a flying fuck what you read but you’re the tosser who posted a direct link to the NaziMail.”

    .. and if I hadn’t given a link, doubtless I would have been asked to quote my source. But hey ho. BTW, thank you for the compliment regarding my bottom (but inappropriate given the subject matter don’t ya think?)

    The you wrote “As for your question about Kenny MacAskill, i haven’t a feckin clue, i take it you’ve got access to email facility in your cave, well try using it and ask him yourself. DUH!”

    … no, I thought you wouldn’t have clue as it doesn’t quite fit with the SNP “Holier than thou” line. Its the story about The SNP Minister that couldn’t be arsed to read a report following the jailing of two men in Edinburgh that were leaders of a large Paedophile ring in Scotland.

    He said “he had not read a wide-ranging report produced in the wake of the case” he insisted he could not “micromanage” or tell police how to run operations.

    … is that the sort of seriousness, concern and decisiveness that you were looking for from our politicians?

  93. Roll_On_2015 says:

    CH @ 4.54 pm

    I don’t know if the Official Secrets Act is generally used across the BBC but I know it is used here.

  94. Roll_On_2015 says:

    OOPS wrong link

    CH @ 4.54 pm

    I don’t know if the Official Secrets Act is generally used across the BBC but I kow it is used here.

  95. Stoker says:

    Sorry but could only stomach just under 8 minutes of the video.

    You know, this article got me thinking.

    The authorities will spend thousands, and rightly so, tracking down nobodies who have computers full of indecent images of children and then successfully prosecute and jail the scum

    It’s a completely different story, however, when it comes to establishment figures who actually use and abuse children.


  96. heedtracker says:

    Just watched it all. There really some demonic people creeping around. The way those around these monstrosities have looked the other way or even colluded are just as bad. Hope there’s hell.

  97. Ken500 says:

    Westminster has been given dossier after dossier. Hague buried the one he was given, concerning Leon Brittan and others. Hague stepped down at the GE. Things getting too close for comfort. Rumors? MP’s should name those responsible, if there is no prosecution, in Westminster. Parliamentary privilege.

  98. Janet says:

    The late Paul Foot wrote the most excellent “Who Framed Colin Wallace”, which is very disturbing. If you want to know more about Establishment abuses, then it is commended. By the way, it’s now called a DA Notice.

  99. Grouse Beater says:

    An old political tactic:
    Create vociferous campaign on some pressing issue of threat on same day as negative news breaks on an issue affecting the government or its ministers.

    Cameron begins his campaign to outlaw extremist speech on same day as Australian documentary is broadcast.

    Sexual abuse of children is the evil that lies underneath the façade of respectability.

  100. Brian Powell says:

    It’s not only those who carried out the abuses, it is those who know but refuse to deal with it that show the greater establishment are corrupt.

    They show no respect to the victims or the wider population. If police ignore crime or doctors ignore an illness they are punished when found out.

  101. fred blogger says:

    yep, it’s heartbreaking.
    i was a victim of csa/ca, now recovered, there is very little help out there.

  102. Papadox says:

    Considering the great “Brttish” free press hold HM Government and the establishment to account by fearless “investigative journalism” we only have to waite for them to establish the facts as directed by HM Government, HM Lords and the establishment via the rancid privi council. In the mean time EBC MSM will carry on ignoring the elephant in the room until the guilty are either dead or the state securitiy services buries the evidence and the bodies (Mmm!).

    Aye the mother of democracies, God save the Queen!

    WE ARE BETTER THE GITHER. Proud scots take a bow for saving us all.

  103. paulTgeist says:

    @ senselessdave (6.05pm).

    You say:
    “if I hadn’t given a link, doubtless I would have been asked to quote my source.”

    Mibees aye, mibees naw! Either way, a link isn’t necessary to quote a source. And you call me the idiot.

    You also said:
    “… no, I thought you wouldn’t have a clue as it doesn’t quite fit with the SNP “Holier than thou” line.”

    Oh, i’m very aware of what you were getting at but my interpretation of the situation you refer to is somewhat different from yours. And a wee bit of advice for you, i have absolutely hee-haw to do with the SNP.

    btw; I put that missing ‘a’ in the quote above for you. It now reads “i thought you wouldn’t have a clue..” instead of “i thought you wouldn’t have clue..”
    No need to thank me, i’m just the idiot.
    Know your enemy sweet cheeks. Bye bye.

  104. Petra says:

    And the irony of this! Not surprising to find that Eric Gill’s sculpture of ‘Prospero and Ariel’ stands over the entrance of the BBC building. Eric Gill who by his own admission sexually molested his sisters, two of his daughters and the family dog.

    ‘A BBC spokesperson said: “The statue of Ariel and Prospero on the front of Broadcasting House stands as a metaphor for broadcasting, executed by one of the last century’s major British artists whose work has been widely displayed in leading UK museums and galleries. There are no plans to remove or replace the sculptures at the front of Broadcasting House.”‘

    link to

    Some relevant articles / videos:

    link to

    Tory MP applies pressure on Simon Danczuk to withhold child sex abuse evidence

    link to

    MP: Evidence Of Two Murders In Child Abuse Claims

    link to

    British Royal Family complicit in UK child abuse cover-ups. Former Jersey Senator Stuart Syvret

    link to

    Sonia Poulton Andrea Davison (MI5 agent in hiding) interview Thursday Dec 19, 2013

    link to

  105. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Undoing the mistakes they made letting FOI get going. Could have saved so many snouts and degenerates at the trough, if they had just never bothered permitting FOI.

    “It was a ‘Freedom of Information’ (FOI) request that exposed the MPs’ expenses scandal. And it was another FOI request which exposed that a third of NHS contracts were being handed-out to private companies. FOI requests are critical for many of the campaigns that improve our society.”

  106. Dal Riata says:

    From Wikipedia:

    A dossier on paedophiles allegedly associated with the British government was assembled by the British Member of Parliament, Geoffrey Dickens, who handed it to the then Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, in 1984. The whereabouts of the dossier is unknown, along with other files on organised child abuse that had been held by the Home Office.

    More evidence of the UK state covering up horrific child abuse… and murder. Leon Brittan, himself, is strongly implicated in paedophile abuse. Of course he was not going to proceed with any enquiry that he himself would be implicated in. The dossier was deliberately ‘disappeared’.

    That Leon Brittan is now dead – usefully to those still living whose names were in that dossier – should not deny those whom he abused to give their evidence, nor should it stop him from being reviled a la Jimmy Saville.

    The following is from today’s Daily Mail. Yes, it’s the Daily Mail and no doubt implicit in the cover up to end all cover ups, but the point is, even they have been forced to put something into print after it took a TV programme from Australia to shame these scum and shine a light into the darkest depths of the UK Establishment’s unforgivable use of children for sexual gratification and murder:

    “”… like Cyril Smith, Lord Brittan was a regular visitor to paedophile parties at Dolphin Square in Pimlico. He liked boys to dress in women’s underwear and he liked to be alone in the room to punish you for wearing underwear.””

    “Two other alleged victims also made wide-ranging allegations, including that children were farmed out to abusers like sex toys. They repeated claims that serving MPs, peers, spies and even police officers are linked to what has become known as the VIP paedophile ring.”

    “One man, Richard Kerr, said he was trafficked from a Belfast children’s home by a criminal group and forced to have sex with high-ranking politicians. He said: “There are some very old Lords who are still there [Westminster]”, adding: “In London the first place I was taken was Dolphin Square.”

    “Another alleged victim, known as Ester, identified two politicians who were among the abusers in the 1980s. She claimed the first was a Lord who abused her for up to six years, and the second a senior MP who remains in parliament.”


  107. Blair paterson says:

    I know it is an awful thing to admit to ,but the S.N.P. Do at times make mistakes and change their minds unlike other parties who never do these things ?

  108. call me dave says:

    Your starter for 10 Mr Mundell.

    link to

  109. heedtracker says:

    Interesting watching C4 news going after FIFA corruption again. Poor Sepp Blatter. Who knew UKOK media were such an determined journalistic profession of great honesty and integrity. Dont mess with England and their right to host the World Cup when they want to.

  110. galamcennalath says:

    heedtracker says:

    “It was a ‘Freedom of Information’ (FOI) request that exposed …. ”

    The McCrone Report!

    Shame that couldn’t have been exposed decades earlier. Better late than never.

  111. Dal Riata says:

    “The Government should be allowed complete access to all of MI5’s secret files which will reveal the names of those responsible, says MP Tom Watson, who, three years ago (2012), was the first to raise these allegations in the House of Commons.

    He believes that in the course of the investigations, the Official Secrets Act should be set aside in order for evidence to be gathered effectively.

    Mr Watson said:

    “The MI5 files are key to understanding who knew what and when.

    They might also reveal how reported crimes were not adequately investigated and on whose orders.”

    The inquiry into VIP paedophiles has run into constant problems since its inception last year. A major difficulty has been in finding someone to lead the inquiry, as the first candidate chosen, Lady Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, was found to have links to the establishment and was removed from her position after only 6 days. Her replacement, Fiona Woolf only stayed in the job for a month before stepping down.

    In February 2015, a new leader of the inquiry was appointed with no links to the UK establishment. Dame Lowell Goddard, a 66 year old judge from New Zealand, took up the role of Chairman and prepared to lead the investigations. She has, however, declared that all State departments will be required to comply with orders to release files to the inquiry.

    Athough the evidence gathering process has been very lengthy, it appears that the inquiry itself may now be ready to start, with a first year budget of £17.9 million.

    Speaking to the Mirror newspaper, Mr Watson said:

    “Police investigations into the serial sex abuse of Liberal MP Cyril Smith were closed down by Special Branch in the 1970s, allowing him to terrorise children across four decades.”

    “There are serious claims of an Establishment cover-up of allegations of paedophile abuse involving the then Home Secretary Leon Brittan in the 1980s.”

    “It’s also now well-documented how police failed to prosecute senior British diplomat and MI6 operative Sir Peter Hayman in 1978 despite having a sickening stash of paedophile literature and sexual fantasy diaries.”

    The inquiry itself is likely to drag on until at least 2020, as the process involves up to 30 witness hearings, all of which will take around 6 weeks, prolonging the investigation for over 3 years. By the time the report is produced, it is likely that David Cameron will no longer be residing in Number 10.”

  112. Dal Riata says:

    “Authorities in Northern Ireland are refusing to reveal what they know about a notorious convicted paedophile with close links to a former government adviser on the grounds of “national security”, despite official assurances that two major inquiries will uncover the truth about an alleged child sex-abuse ring involving leading members of the establishment.

    The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) will not say if it holds information on Dr Morris Fraser, a convicted paedophile, following a Freedom of Information request.

    The revelation is likely to fuel suspicions that there was official collusion, for political and security ends, surrounding the abuse of boys at, for example, the Kincora Boys’ Home in Belfast in the 1970s. The abuse continued for years, despite several people alerting the authorities.”

  113. gus1940 says:

    In 1970 when I was in London on a computer course one of the guys on the course was well connected to the London Social Scene.

    I remember him telling me that 2 male members of a very prominent family, one of which has already been mentioned, were a couple and the set in which they socialised nicknmed them ‘Phylis & Edith’.

  114. heedtracker says:

    The McCrone Report!

    Shame that couldn’t have been exposed decades earlier. Better late than never

    UK establishment cover-ups are just as easy as they probably always were. And they wonder why they got the bum’s rush out of so many countries, if they were lucky.

  115. Clootie says:

    A very good point has been made about the “others” who must have known and did nothing and still to this day remain quiet.

    Several of these people and close police protection. The had staff and advisors, I’m sure they didn’t clean the flat with a dentist chair themselves. Who provided the drinks and nibbles for these sickos.What kind of neighbours could miss the strange comings and goings of the elite AND children. No one in the London press bubble had an inkling – very strange.

    Those who took part are to be reviled. However those who helped by silence to enable it to continue are just as liable.

  116. Dal Riata says:

    “Justice Lowell Goddard, the New Zealand High Court judge appointed to oversee the official Government inquiry, pledged it will not hesitate to explore abuse in the “corridors of power in Westminster”.

    The inquiry will also use its powers to make allegations against “named individuals” where necessary, she said.

    A statement from the inquiry later confirmed the monarchy will be “potentially within the scope” of the hearings, following several allegations made in the last year involving the Royal Household.

    “There is no limit on the types of institutions that fall within the terms of reference,” a spokesman said.

    “The monarchy is an institution and it runs a number of institutions, all of which are potentially within the scope of the inquiry.””

    So the royals will be “potentially” under investigation. Riiiight. Okay, then, we’ll just have to wait and see if those allegations against Air-miles Andy – and others within the royal mafia – come under further ‘investigation’, or whether the Establishment, Deep State and all, ‘allows’ it to happen. Might be a long wait. Criminals all.

  117. Lesley-Anne says:


    There again WE all know this paedophilia has been going on for decades yet Westminster and co have done NOTHING!

    Finally we have someone who is brave enough to stand up and name names and make the accusations in the open. What a pity we have to rely on someone frome the other side of the world to do what we all expect nay DEMAND from our own media!

  118. Anagach says:

    People that mentioned Jimmy Savile when he was alive were threatened with legal action.

    Now if you want to mention Lord Mountbatten you had better be an Australian 60 minutes news program and 10,500 miles from Westminster.

    No wonder none of the UK Newspapers are picking up the Australian program. What with that Nazi salute and the threat of terror to fill our pages.

  119. john king says:

    I’ve been thinking about this all day, and I don’t know if anyone else has put this theory up,
    But has anyone considered that this could put an entirely different slant on Mountbatten’s assassination?

  120. Dal Riata says:

    May 2015:

    “Some 261 celebrities and politicians, including sports, TV and music stars, are being investigated for alleged child sex abuse, police have revealed.

    They are among more than 1,400 men suspected by police of being sex predators as the Home Secretary warned it is only the “tip of the iceberg”.

    The rogues gallery includes 135 TV, film and radio stars, 43 musicians and seven sports figures as well as 76 politicians, the officer in charge of the issue has disclosed.

    Hundreds of schools, religious institutions, children’s homes and sports clubs are also implicated.”

    The UK state is a criminal organisation.

  121. Luigi says:

    I would have thought all these “elite” suspects would be a major security risk. After all, if so many people appeared to know something about them, you can bet your bottom dollar that the KGB and their successors knew all about it. Low hanging fruit for blackmail.

    No wonder so many secrets were passed to the soviets and Chinese during the Cold War!

  122. Dal Riata says:

    More horrors, this time exposed by a young man who was controlled by Peter Righton, who trafficked him to various venues to be abused by paedophiles, including VIPs.

    link to

  123. Luigi says:

    On the apparent UK media blackout, I think few scary phone calls were probably made to various editors and programme directors this morning.

    A combination of serious threats and trinkets (knighthoods, honours etc) probably did the trick.

  124. IvMoz says:

    Details in Scotland:

    Police Scotland has 58 separate investigations that meet criteria for Operation Hydrant.

    The earliest recorded date of offending is 1947, whilst the most recent is 2013.

    A total of 110 suspects, of which 80 are named. Twenty-six of the named suspects are deceased.

    99 persons are suspected of abuse within institutions.

    37 suspects are classified as Persons of Public Prominence

    Of these, four come from the world of TV, film or radio.

    33 are listed as having a Significant Public Profile nationally or locally.

    A number of these individuals have also been named as responsible for abuse within institutions.

    45 institutions have been identified within Scotland. They are:

    17 educational institutions.

    16 social care establishments.

    7 faith based institutions.

    4 leisure based clubs/organisations.

    1 health premises.

    Very worrying.

  125. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    I had already heard that the Mountbatten assassination was not what it seemed and was told by a high ranking retired police officer that he was enraged by lots of issues involving high ranking figures of the establishment which they were not allowed to pursue despite them (the police) being absolutely certain that serious and continuing crimes were being committed.

    I was told of Leon B in cahoots with Jimmy Saville, of a lord in Margaret Thatcher’s inner circle who managed to have his behaviour transferred to a dead brother and of a very famous pop star with access to a boys home in the north west.

    As others have indicated the death of LB looks very convenient indeed

  126. heedtracker says:

    What with that Nazi salute and the threat of terror to fill our pages.

    Maybe. Rancid the Graun has three Scotland region stories today, three! Its all on deep fried mars bars in Stoney and there’s nothing much in them even if you know Stoney, But rancid’s usual “Scotland’s a shithole under the SNP” service will resume shortly.

    Libby Carrell is unwell.

    link to

  127. crazycat says:

    @ John King

    My thought was that it puts a “different slant” on the presence of the boy who also died in the incident. (Maybe that is what you meant.)

  128. Les Wilson says:

    The establishment on the rack again. I truly hope they all burn in hell!

  129. Maxi kerr says:

    Why can’t anyone in a position of power in the UK talk about these crimes.
    Google the case about Holly grieg?????

  130. Dr Jim says:

    Everybody in the world agrees

    For years and years it goes on, investigation after investigation

    The newspapers agree, the Telly news agrees, Politicians all agree

    It’s bloody horrendous

    Should be easy to sort out then you’d think “NOOOOO”

    Because it’s the Bastirts at the top in Whitehall, the Government, and the Royal Bloody Family

    And the more we complain, guess what they’ll do?

    They’ll wave at us and do it all over again every chance the Bastirts get because it’s in their DNA to fuck the poor any way they can

    It’s what they are!!!

  131. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Another aside tonight…

    When I’m beavering away on my Apple MacPro, Intel Dual Xeon 3GHZ (see what I did there?), I usually have the TV on as audio wallpaper. In the past, it would heve been the BBC News Channel, up until 9pm, and then Dave after 9. (Dave tends to be $h!t before 9.)

    Like tonight, I am now finding that I’m watching the live broadcast from the HoC on Freeview 131. I fear I have become an anorak. The representatives of ‘the 56’ are doing the business.

  132. The athiest says:

    they really dont want to talk about this one do they

  133. Dal Riata says:

    Horrors without end.

    More from Exaro and the boy who was trafficked to be abused by MP and VIP paedophiles, again at Dolphin House:

    “One bedroom at the large apartment where MPs and VIPs attended “abuse parties” terrified Darren (not his real name) more than any other.”

    “This was the bedroom you did not want to be invited into. I called it the ‘medical room’. There was a hospital-type bed with shackles, gimp masks and a tiled washable floor.

    Fortunately, I was never taken in there, but I remember one boy, who hqd been dressed up in tight leather shorts who went in with a senior Tory politician and other men.

    I met the boy afterwards, and he told me how he was made to stand in the corner and forced to drink a lot of water. In the end, he wet himself because he was not allowed to go to the toilet. They beat the shit out of him for being a dirty boy. Darren said the boy was under sixteen.

    Darren saw another senior Conservative politician take a girl to the “medical room”.

    He said that she was in care. “She was fifteen and I had been bumping into for many years at paedophile parties around the country as I had been trafficked since I was a young boy, initially by my own father. She had a smashing smile and braces, and I never saw her come out. I did not see her again, and I fear she may have been killed.”

    He recalled: “The parties would start like any other gathering, with guests standing around, chatting and having drinks.

    There would be women as well, but they would leave before any of the sex took place. I recognised one former woman Labour minister at the gathering. Her attitude seemed to be that she would leave early so the boys could go off and have their fun.”

    “I was often given tips by the people I had sex with. I’m sure that was to salve their conscience as many behaved like beasts. I was shocked at how easily they slipped back into their public persona, mingling with other guests as if nothing had happened.”

    link to

  134. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I apologise.

    My “Another aside tonight…” post was NOT intended for this page. Once again, I selected the wrong Firefox tab.

    It was intended for ‘off-topic’.

  135. Stoker says:

    Church Of England also has its history steeped in this filthy bile. Mind you, The CoE is a part of the establishment.

    This sort of British filth has been going on for centuries, not just decades. There are very well documented cases of children being sold to people in far flung places around the globe.

    Very few records were ever kept on the child’s progress at their destination. Some were genuinely adopted by childless couples and raised successfully and happily as part of a family unit, however, many thousands were sold off into environments of abuse, slave labour and murder etc.

    Ages range from new born babies to teenagers.

    The British establishments fondness for child abuse stems way back further than the 1970s. The late 1800s early 1900s seen thousands of British children shipped off around the globe and not all remained on the radar.

  136. @crazycat

    “My thought was that it puts a “different slant” on the presence of the boy who also died in the incident. (Maybe that is what you meant.)”

    The rumours have been doing the rounds for decades. I have no idea how true they might be

    link to

  137. James says:

    Several within the news media have long known about the paedohile rings within government and the BBC. They simply kept quiet about it, apparently they’d rather children be raped and die than they’d risk a scandal or lose their cushy jobs. Perhaps they even used them to further their career via blackmail. Hard to know when even now the greatest scandal in generations is being kept covered up and as low a profile as possible. Even suppressing those who spoke out against paedophiles, such as when John Lyndon brought it up in a BBC interview decades ago. None will admit to it, yet it’s so obviously been an open secret with the powerful and “the people” or TV and BBC types.

    This country sickens me.

  138. De Valera says:

    So according to the establishment, supporting Scottish Independence/being in the SNP is worse than being a paedophile? Glad thats clear.

  139. heedtracker says:

    Last week you couldn’t move online for UKOK britnats like the below attacking SNP using a tragic road accident where the victims were not found for days, yet not one UKOK red or blue tory’s mentioned of any of this Australian documentary.

    link to


    link to


    link to


    link to on balance, Glasgow uni’s Prof Smirky also attacked SNP with the Police control that handled the tragedy. I don’t want to look at what that Endinburgh uni Prof that called Mhairi Black a foul mouth sluts tweets

    Also odd is rancid the Graun’s huge Australian section makes no mention either. Interesting how rancid Graun’s got such a huge OZ coverage but absolutely fcuk all on their Scotland region.

    link to

  140. crazycat says:

    @ Scunterbunnet

    Yes, it wasn’t a new thought, just potentially a more widely-shared one.

  141. galamcennalath says:

    “The rumours have been doing the rounds for decades”

    It’s like Dunblane … truly astonishing some of the accusations and conspiracies online. Names who might be implicated. Online there seem to be nasty stories about all sorts of public figures in all sorts of situations.

    Problem is … there people with such a strong anti establishment agenda that they will make stuff up, or perhaps repeat unsubstantiated rumours from elsewhere. A bit like an alternative gutter press in some ways.

    You have absolutely no way of knowing what might have substance,

    And that is where good investigative journalism backed up by good lawyers should be kicking the lid of a lot of this stuff. Then ‘decent’ politicians should be pushing for formal investigations and inquiries.

    Alas, no. There is so much smoke, there must be fire! Yet the Establishment in all its forms seem to have closed ranks.

  142. Kennedy says:

    I had a gut feeling that Leon Brittan was silenced at the time of his death.

    No evidence to back that up but my spidey senses were tingling at the time.

  143. Stoker says:

    Elm Guest House – One Big Cover-up:
    link to

  144. Robert Peffers says:

    There has been great reluctance to expose these scandals and there has been many times in past years when there were vague reports that never seemed to do more than cause a few ripples on the surface of a very deep pool.

    There are thought, a few pointers that things were being covered up when the Jimmy Savile case finally began to look a bit further beneath the calm surface and expose some of the show biz celebs.

    We had cases that did put away a few of the offenders but I always had the feeling these were more the sacrificial selected few to allow much bigger fish to remain in the pool. There is one bit of truth that they cannot suppress for the records are there for anyone to check out.

    The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) had an official phone line in the Home Office. It was manned by convicted paedophile Steven Smith, a member of the group who worked in security in Whitehall. He could tell calling paedophiles where to go for the next paedophile meeting to discuss issues including decriminalising sex with children as young as four.

    This was in the 1970s and it has embroiled several senior Labour figures in a row over a link between civil liberties campaigning four decades ago and Westminster endorsement of paedophilia.

    Harriet Harman, was then a legal adviser at the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) from 1978 until 1982, and her husband Jack Dromey, an opposition policing spokesman, was then on the NCCL executive, (from 1970 to 1979). This pair have had to defend their organisation’s affiliation with PIE.

    This affiliation ran for eight years from 1975 to 1983. Dromey and Harman have denied offering any support or endorsement for that, “Evil organisation”. Yet there is evidence that NCCL and PIE links continued and archive documents show PIE did manage to influence policy at the civil liberties group. This despite PIE being run by people who believed in their right to have sex with young children.

    Archives at Hull University, from December 1975, indicate Keith Hose, chairman of PIE, wrote to Patricia Hewitt, (then general secretary of NCCL, and later Labour health secretary), asking her to consider PIE’s views in its policy on ages of consent.

    Hewitt replied : “We have found your evidence … most helpful and I think it has certainly been taken into account by the people preparing our evidence”.

    There’s too much of this stuff on-line, so if you wish to know more do your own research. I’m a bit busy trying to remember how to re-design my old, (very large), website and not only has HTML been modernised but I’m very, very rusty on the old HTML 4.0.

    As a very famous Polar explorer once said, “I might be some time”.

  145. Stoker says:

    Nightmares at Elm Guest House:
    link to

  146. mike cassidy says:

    Did you know the author of Saville’s authorised biography considers herself and other ‘didn’t know anything’ friends as victims as well?!

    link to

  147. Robert Peffers says:

    @heedtracker says: 20 July, 2015 at 8:57 pm:

    ” … Libby Carrell is unwell”.

    Aye! Libby Carrel’s been, “unwell”, or mair lik, bin afu no richt in the hied fir a muckle lang time, heedtracker.

    link to

  148. Joemcg says:

    Hmm..just thinking to myself could this whole disgusting story be the key to winning Indy ref 2? Surely if this got exposed it would turn those no voters stomachs.

  149. StevieMcB says:

    100 year restriction on Thomas Hamilton case, why?
    link to

  150. Alan Mackintosh says:

    galamcennalath, as you say there is so much out there on the web it is difficult to know where the truth lies, but regarding Dunblane, the files on it have been sealed for 100 years. That above all else should indicate that something smells to high heaven. So if you consider George Robertson and his links to Hamilton, then there is definitely some smoke rising behind that century deep wall.

  151. Petra says:

    @ Luigi says at 8:49 pm ”I would have thought all these “elite” suspects would be a major security risk. After all, if so many people appeared to know something about them, you can bet your bottom dollar that the KGB and their successors knew all about it. Low hanging fruit for blackmail. No wonder so many secrets were passed to the soviets and Chinese during the Cold War.”

    Exactly Luigi. People like Heath, Brittan (cousin of Rifkind) and Robertson as an example could easily have been blackmailed by Mossad, CIA and other foreign agents. There are rumours (and that may well be all they are) that the part that we played in the invasion of Iraq was linked to this kind of scenario.

    Someone has already mentioned the filming of sexual abuse, torture and murder on here. Andrea Davison, the MI5 agent in hiding, says that they were making an absolute fortune from such material …. satanic ritual torture and snuff videos. She also says that many MI5 / MI6 agents want to speak out but can’t because of the Official Secrets Act. I reckon what we know of is just the tip of a gigantic iceberg and it’ll never be investigated properly as there are too many people involved in this despicable network.

  152. Petra says:

    Another horrendous story.

    link to

  153. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    It is worth noting that Willie McCrae was Mountbatten’s aide-de-camp in India

  154. Mrs Grimble says:

    OK, time for an alternative view. Just how do we know all these “victims” are telling the truth? What’s the evidence? What makes their stories any more credible than, say, those of claimed satanic abuse victims?
    Child abuse is a reality, it DOES exist. But 99.9% of it takes place in ordinary homes, not the Houses of Parliement. All this concentration on historic abuse is taking resources from current CSA victims and investigations, at a time when vital services are being cut to the bone. For example, the new child abuse inquiry is expected to cost over £17 million in the first year alone. How many mental health workers, social workers and child protection staff would that pay for?
    Children are suffering today. While we’re transfixed by fantasies that are akin to the medeival tales of baby-eating Jews!

  155. Chic McGregor says:

    Saw that yesterday. Shocking, disgusting and frightening.

    Westminster is a huge mound of cess which we are supposed to stand up and salute.

  156. Mrs Grimble says:

    Hah, should have known that somebody would bring up Anna Davison. Hete’s another side of her story :
    link to

  157. Joemcg says:

    Yet another proud scots achievement this one. Thanks a million.

  158. David McCann says:

    And speaking of Dunblane.

    Have a look at this.

    link to

  159. Petra says:

    Mrs Grimble an alternative view to the link that you’ve just posted is that someone may be attempting to discredit Andrea Davison. Too late tonight to counter your arguments but suffice to say that she gave evidence at the Scott Inquiry which was recorded.

    ”OK, time for an alternative view. Just how do we know all these “victims” are telling the truth? What’s the evidence? What makes their stories any more credible than, say, those of claimed satanic abuse victims? ….. Children are suffering today. While we’re transfixed by fantasies that are akin to the medeival tales of baby-eating Jews!”

    Well we wont know Mrs Grimble until an inquiry is carried out and have you ever wondered why Westminster have done their utmost to make sure that never happens.

  160. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Stevie McB (11.32) –

    Cheers for that link mister.

    Have downloaded and printed it.

    The fuckers can’t suppress it now – what we’re doing here is proper samizdat.

    Hoots to ye!


  161. Thomas Willian Dunlop says:

    Cold pointy hat time.

    I wish for once that we could use this disgust against the British establishment (including their tribunes in the traditional media) to prove the point they are not fit to rule us, forfieting the right on the points of being incompetent as well as immorally being predators preying on the ordinary people of this company. Such a heady mix led to the Scottish reformation against the corrupt Establishment of the time (Church and the aristocracy working hand and glove).

    Time to strike a blow against the monstrous legion of privelage in our day and age

  162. Rock says:

    The establishment has always been rotten to the core.

    Will the plebs ever get the full story, and justice?

  163. Betty Boop says:

    @ Joemcg, 20/7/15, 11.13pm

    Hmm..just thinking to myself could this whole disgusting story be the key to winning Indy ref 2? Surely if this got exposed it would turn those no voters stomachs

    I have been hearing these stories for quite some time now and, although not surprised by some of the recent revelations, it just gets worse by the week.

    Regarding your comment,I spoke to an elderly lady on several occasion whilst canvassing. The subject of the paedophilia stories and she was quite surprised/shocked at some of the names involved, so,she started researching herself (yes, a computer literate oldie)and then stories began to emerge on tv etc. about the gov hiding evidence.

    She turned up at our Yes stall about a week before the Indyref and declared loudly that she was definitely voting “Yes” because there was no way she wanted to be governed by such depraved characters at Westminster who would cover up evidence and protect their own. Yes, it turned her stomach and this one thing was enough to make her certain she wanted nothing to do with such governments.

  164. Alex Waugh says:

    Re Mrs Grimble’s ‘alternative view’

    I am, by nature and as the result of having lived for more than half a century while keeping my eyes and ears open, a very skeptical person. It is normal for me, therefore, to immediately discount 25% of anything I read or hear and reserve judgment on a further 25% until I have done my own research.

    In this case, even if I dismiss a full half of the claims being made there remains so much substance to the allegations that it is clear that there is and was co-ordinated child abuse at all levels of the British establishment and that it has been and continues to be covered up.

    I greatly fear that the perpetrators will continue to be protected and can only hope that continued pressure from the new media will eventually force exposure of all those involved. I will not, however, be holding my breath.

    As for the individual from PIE: I too would have found it difficult to let him live and I applaud the interviewer’s restraint. What astonishes me is that an organization devoted to the promulgation of acts which are illegal is allowed to operate at all, despite having officially disbanded in 1984 and, even more shockingly, has received grants from the Home Office.

  165. Fred says:

    @ Alex Waugh, don’t dismiss half the claims Alex, this is likely to be the tip of the iceberg.

  166. Vestas says:

    I knew the 60 Minutes programme was imminent (I am a long-time reader of so I was curious to see what sort of smokescreen the “great & the good” would choose.

    I found it very amusing that not even “our” (German) royal family performing Nazi salutes wasn’t enough & that they had to resort to the “un-named senior Labour MP being investigated for child abuse” ploy on Sunday.

    The rest of the European press have been following this for years now as successive UK govts desperately attempt to cover it up (again). The Aussie press have become interested rather later – probably due to the ongoing Catholic Church child rape investigations.

    The fact that NOT ONE member of the UK “press/MSM” has deigned to report on any of this over the many years its been known about should indicate to you all how morally bereft they are. They are vile.

    Oh and don’t give me any guff about how “journos have to earn a living too” – this is child rape & murder we’re talking about here, not some vague term of “abuse”. The journos are part of the establishment & hence part of the problem. I have no doubt at all that some of them are equally complicit in the crimes committed, if only because they never told anyone what they knew (in order to keep their careers “on-track”)….

  167. Chris says:

    Why is n’t the BBC not reporting on Leon Brittan? There was a small aside in the Sun, as if it was commonly known, but that’s all I’ve seen

  168. Vestas says:

    Oh what a surprise – lets leave the Kincora “inquiry” to the tame judge, wouldn’t do to have the really heavyweight abusers named would it? Wouldn’t be much “purring” emanating from Buck House if that happened mmm?

    link to


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