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Wings Over Scotland

One two-hundredth

Posted on August 30, 2017 by
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That’s one for the history books of the future Chris =)

Oh what a bonnie bridge 🙂

Scotland’s symbol of engineering for peace and prosperity!

winifred mccartney


And All Scottish – the Saltire Bridge?


That’s a keeper Chris. 🙂


Welcome back from your holiday Chris.
What a great pic. Says it all really.
Scottish Government (SNP) building bridges.
UK Government wasting money on Trident.

Winifred mccartney


And all Scottish – The Saltire Bridge!


They say a picture says a thousand words but this one writes a whole book!


Its oor bridge, nae the yoons bridge, and its afa bonny.


Well done, Chris. Captures the difference between the Scottish Government and the anti-Scots British Establishment.


That’s a prize winner sure enough…


The madness of political priorities in one simple sketch. Excellent CC


Simply brilliant.


Just been across the new bridge – magnificent structure – shame about the lorry breaking down and part blocking the inside lane, no doubt the yoons will try to make hay out of this.

Conan the Librarian

Have another holiday Chris. Nutshell.


But wee Lordy Foulkes think the Chinese do better infrastructure projects than Scotland. His wee researcher of old Kezia resigns from the labour leadership leaving Foulkes to worry if the bong in Ben will never be heard of again.

Brit nat priorities. Where’s my nuclear weapons to threaten the French and Germans and the rebellious Scots to crush.

Now onto BBC scotchland labour. Labours revival under Dugdale and Corbyn.

The National picture is important says one worthy. The nation of Scotland doesn’t exist.


First class, Mr Cairns, says it all in the nuttiest of nutshells!

Mair power to yer elbow.

Marie Clark

Well done Chris, nailed it again.

Whit a braw brig, an it’s aw’ oors. Smiles.

Chick McGregor

Trident is more of an insanity project.

Another good toon Chris.

Dorothy Devine

Bloody brilliant and bloody bonny!

Den Cairns

Talented bunch these Cairns’


The Isolator

Drove across it to work this morning.Magnificent structure.How d’ya like them apples SLAB?


Spot on Mr Cairns.

[…] Wings Over Scotland One two-hundredth Read the full article:: Wings Over Scotland One […]


Brilliant Chris,

But all the yoons know there ain’t no Sanity Clause.


R4 this morning, lots of “news”. Korea, Dugdale, Waterloo station disrupting commuters, not a squeak about Scottish commuters crossing a brand new bridge paid for entirely out of Scotland’s pocketmoney.


I am actually detecting distaste from no voting colleagues, re No commentators reticence to acknowledge success of the bridge, particularly Labour quarters.
Gobsmacked by some folk you could say, so its a start maybe a seed of doubt.

Has anyone else heard the latest jibe about tolls charges?

SNPbad rumours already out there among elderly.
I shit you not.




Right on the money.


The Tories should stop starving people. Off to Japan for another useless campaign. Leaving the mess behind. How long before May resigns. Davidson could be next. Are the Bankers going to waste more money promoting the Tories? The multimillionaire farmers getting ÂŁhundred and thousands in subsidies blaming the SNP for unionist policies. The ÂŁmultimillionaire fishermen who wouldn’t’ use bigger nets. The unionists building hotels and conference centres with public money, instead of building schools and houses. Like they should be doing. Cutting education and essential services. Rearranging council meeting to accommodate two jobs Tories to keep themselves in power. To waste even more public money.

The Union costs Scotland ÂŁ20Billion a year. ÂŁ4Billion+ in Oil revenues. ÂŁ3Billion in tax evasion. ÂŁ1Billion Trident, ÂŁ1Billion no minimum pricing. ÂŁBillions lost in EU renewable grants and investment. Scotland paying loan repayments on money it doesn’t borrow or spent. Scotland can’t borrow to invest in the economy, Total ÂŁ20Billion. GERS figures estimated because UK Treasury claims it can’t give separate figures? A click on a computer. Claimed the same for military spending, when they had the figures.

Scotland raises ÂŁ58Billion in revenues, but could raise more. Gets back ÂŁ50Billion. The UK raises ÂŁ533Billion. The rest of the UK raises ÂŁ34.Billion pro rata. Borrows and spends ÂŁ100Billion more. Including investment from the Chinese which has to be paid back with interest PPI (claimed to be private). Hinkley Point and HS2, a total waste of money, which will make prices higher.



Stay Kez!?……please, please, pretty please!!


… it falls upon me, as is often the case, to point out the obvious.

There is no “equivalence” or easy prioritisation that can be drawn by comparing expenditure on armaments or a bridge – anymore than one can justify spending money on a bridge whilst there are people, just around the corner, using food banks in Scotland.


Gordon Brown keen to stress it was a global undertaking with no credit given to Scottish government.

O/T terrific article by Iain MacWhirter in to-day’s Herald on why Labour and SNP need to work together on Brexit and safeguarding what limited devolution we have.

link to


The SNP should have nothing to do with the Labour Party.

Let Hard Brexit continue, it is our ticket out of this rotten Union


The worse the Brexit deal becomes, the more popular Independence becomes.


I still can’t believe that the BBC managed to find some uni professor to come on and say the money could have been better spent on boosting the economy through extra resources for education. They really made a tit of themselves. As if people don’t know that the bridge was long overdue and isn’t just some vanity project but it sure as hell didn’t stop them trying to rain on the Scottish Government’s parade. People especially on the east coast must have watched that thinking what the hell?


The slacker Cairns returns! Well done Chris. The bridge emphasises what and independent Scotland could do without the Westminster monkey on our back.

Bye Kez. Hope you and Jenny have a wonderful time together now the pressure of leadership is gone. More time available to discuss the ins and outs of Scottish politics, eh? Who know where that discussion will go in the future. 🙂


My advice to the heedyins at the top of the SNP Government would be to purchase a large box of popcorn, sit back and let Brexit unfold in it’s worst possible form.

Brexit = Scottish Independence.



… it falls upon me, as is often the case, to point out the obvious

– and that is that old sensible has no conception of what a “cartoon” actually is, and whether one should take them literally!! A bit sad, really.

Street Andrew

Nice to have you home, Chris.

Don’t quite see how a major arterial route is a ‘vanity project’ though.

ronnie anderson

Nice one Chris.

Am dancing with Glee this morning ,hears ah wee song fur Kezia .


Sensibledave at 9.30 a.m.

You assert, without giving any rationale, that there can be no equivalence or prioritisation between armaments expenditure and expenditure on infrastructure. I would have thought the exact opposite – there absolutely can be such equivalence and there does need to be prioritisation.

Expenditure on WMD is, in my opinion, inherently evil and should not happen, whatever the price. But even if one accepts that such expenditure is desirable (which I stress I do not), there is then the issue of where it fits in the list of priorities for limited budgets. We are not able to spend money on everything we deem desirable so we have to prioritise. The Scottish Government spends money on infrastructure to enhance the economy and quality of life for people in Scotland. The UK Government spends many times more money on a weapons system that puts the people of the UK at risk of pre-emptive attack and at best will simply be retired without ever having been used. It does however allow them to indulge in some global willie-waving and makes the government of the much-diminished UK feel important.

I know which government I think has got its priorities right. Your assertion that you are pointing out the obvious is, as usual, just wrong.



On Radio 4’s Today Programme this morning James Naughtie was in discussion with Nick Robinson (I think) about Labour in Scotland. The latter slips in that (to paraphrase): at a future GE, the Labour Party will need to win in Scotland in order to have a chance of forming a future government in Westminster. Naughtie seems to agree. Of course these guys are in the BBC’s top politics team – and I heard it on the BBC’s flagship news programme – so this must be right!

But then my own political experience, obtained without the help of a huge BBC salary, provided me with this: (i) ‘Why Labour doesn’t need Scotland’ posted on Wings on January 10, 2012; and (ii) ‘The faithful lie’ posted on Wings on November 19, 2014.

However, its got to the stage when I doubt if these BBC ‘experts’ would even wish to reconsider the assertion made this morning: happier to stick with ill-formed opinion about Scotland that does not challenge their British Nationalist/Unionist cause.


Another belter Chris, thank you.

Robert Peffers

@sassenach says: 30 August, 2017 at 9:52 am:

“… it falls upon me, as is often the case, to point out the obvious.”

Nah! what it does is highlight the sheer lack of substance, truth and logical thinking of YoonYoonist plonkers. That goes all the way from sensibledave to Theresa May and everything in between.

These people don’t can’t think and go through a convoluted process that reaches conclusions a child can see right through. There are plenty other examples on show over the past few days.

insensibledave just doesn’t see how idiotic his every pronouncement actually is.

Another one I note today comes indirectly from a link provided up-thread by smallaxe.

The link is to the Express’s take on the new Forth Crossing but the article has links to other items the Express thinks of as related articles and one such link has a photo of the Scottish FM and trots out the tired old, long discredited, claim that Scots get extra per capita funding over every other country in the United Kingdom.

In the first place just where does the statistics quoted get the country of England’s per capita funding from?

There are no official figures for England because only England is funded as the United Kingdom directly from the Treasury and it includes anything that Westminster claims to be, “National Assets”.

Such things as The National museums, galleries, theatres, ballet, opera, orchestra – ad infinitem, but also excludes London expenditure. London is financed in a similar manner as the three devolved administrations. It’s Mayor is treated in similar manner as a First Minister. Not to mention that such as all London bus & raail terminals plus Heathrow are classed as national assets for funding.

Then there is the little realised fact that the very nature of devolved powers, (not being equal across the three devolved administrations), is inherently unequal. A devolved function means that function is removed from a, “United Kingdom”, a.k.a. English Ministry along with the funds to run it and transferred to the devolved country’s administration.

Thus, because the devolved administrations powers are unequal then so also are the per capita funds transferred to each individual devolved administration and they never quote the figures for the devolved London anyway.

Yet while even the dogs in the street know that the devolved countries have different devolved powers it never seems to get through to people that so also must be the per capita funding to run them.

It point of fact Northern Ireland has most devolved functions and thus most per capita funding, Scotland comes next with Wales bringing up the rear – Anyone know where London is on that league table? Thought not.

So there you are – yet every Unionist will inform you that Scotland gets extra per capita funding and every Westminster propaganda rag will blare it out on the media and the tragic thing is these demented idiots actually believe it is true.

Ian McCubbin

Good satire again. Wish more folk would see it.
We are a great wee country just wish we could be in all ways.


On behalf of DAVIDD, the Democratic Alliance of Verifiable Indy-supporting Daves & Davids, I would like to point out that ‘sensibledave’ is not, in fact, sensible.


Smallaxe, could you and all our other creative souls mibbee pen a few wee verses for our Bonnie New Bridge ?

(While dodging hammers of course!)

This is Scotland’s history unfolding = )

Have a lovely day folks = )


Nicely put Chris

Robert Kerr

Yes, the new St Margaret’s Crossing suspension bridge is beautiful.

Scotland’s finest Civil Engineer Thomas Telford would approve.

He is reported to have the opinion that “If it looks good then the design is sound”

link to

No finite analysis or stress tensor calcs then.


Robert Peffers 11:33 am

You wrote “Nah! what it does is highlight the sheer lack of substance, truth and logical thinking of YoonYoonist plonkers. That goes all the way from sensibledave to Theresa May and everything in between.”

…. You highlight your problem in one simple paragraph Robert (or, no doubt, the whole thing if I could be bothered to read the full guff).

In your in-built, reflex response you demonstrate that, no matter the subject, you see it as a grievance to do with Scottish Independence.

The cartoon attempted to show the lunacy of spending on one thing – when they could have spent it on something you deem more important.

To state the obvious (which you seem incapable of being able to do), both the bridge and our defenses are important. My alternate, possible cartoon showing a brand new sparkly bridge with people going to a food bank round the corner is equally valid, and irrelevant, at the same time.

As for your boring, one-eyed translation of every issue being something uniquely “yoonish” demonstrates why you will continue to struggle to achieve the outcome you so want.

The arguments for, and against nuclear weapons are well rehearsed and most political parties have members holding differing views within them. No one knows what would have happened if the west disarmed back in the day or what would happen if we gave up our weapons now. We do have one clue though. Since the UK has had nuclear weapons no one has threatened our mainland. Of course we all know that “correlation is not necessarily causation” but nevertheless, we would be foolish to totally reject potential hard evidence in favour of unproven, hippy ideologies.

Jim Finlayson

Look, all you Nats out there. I listened to “Gordon goes Forth” today on BBC Radio 4 and Mr Brown made no mention of the SNP’s involvement in having the new bridge built, so I think you are all kidding yourselves on that the the SNP had something to do with it. And another thing that Gordon said was that he was so concerned about the bridge tolls on the Scottish road bridges that he raised the matter at Westminster when he was in opposition. I am fed up hearing you Nats claiming the credit for the abolition of the Bridge tolls. The fact that Labour didn’t abolish them when they controlled Holyrood for 8 years is immaterial. Gordon was against them when he was in opposition and that’s what really counts.


Jim Finlayson @2.08
Good letter in the Scotsman making the same points re Gordon Brown claiming credit and Labour being deliberately obstructive on the new bridge.
I drove across it today. Magnificent. Well done builders and Jim Swinney.


@ “sensible”

You are the most boring guy in the world.


az says:t 2:50 pm

… boring maybe … but right nevertheless.

Alex Clark


Your slipping dear boy. TD at 9:03 totally owned you there.


Aye, Col (9-42am), thoan wiz mibbae Professor John Rice [ah hink ae sid] ah Napier University. Whaw wiz interviewt, bae ah David Henderson – Transport Correspondent, oan Radio Scoattlin (6-15pm, 29th August).

Baith miscawin, yoan new brig. Fuckin erses, thurr twaw ae thum.


Can’t wait to see one, can’t wait to see the other gone:D

Conan the Librarian

@ sensibledave “Since the UK has had nuclear weapons no one has threatened our mainland.”

Apart from the eighty or so terrorist attacks since 1970.


Since the UK has had nuclear weapons no one has threatened our mainland.

Sensibledave why are you such a dick? Look at the endless terrorist attacks on “our mainland.” There are so many dead and injured Brits now, victims of attacks on “our mainland” there’s probably no longer a count. From the London bus bombings, to the Manchester pop concert slaughter, its an endless horror.

But Britnats like you sensiblesave, tories red and blue, live in your own pathetic rule Britannia fantasy, where reality just never penetrates. Or worse, reality does but you think you can still fart out all the usual tory shite about Trident keeps us all safe.

What’s makes you even more repugnant sensibledave, your tory creepshow government has exact same mindset as you.

Jim Finlayson

fireproofjim @ 2.39

When I was listening to Gordon Brown this morning I was actually wondering if he was having a memory lapse or if I had stepped into a parallel universe.


@ sensible(?) dave: It might just be the case that the decision to build the bridge was taken before food banks rose to prominence in Scotland.What i’m sure will the case is that in an independent there there will be no food banks.


Oops – …in an independent Scotland.

Street Andrew

I wonder if anybody would notice if we were to sell Trident to Kim jong thing to even up the balance of power.

It’s only a matter of time before the Americans do something really stupid – I mean more stupid than having military exercises with the South Koreans. Now. I mean provocative or what?

If you keep poking a dog with a stick eventually it will bite you and it is hardly fair to blame the dog for that. Is it?

Dave McEwan Hill

sensibledave at 1.42pm

Just about the silliest post I have ever seen here

“Since the UK has had nuclear weapons no one has threatened our mainland.”

Since Italy, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Brazil, Argentine Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland etc etc etc etc etc etc etc haven’t ever had nuclear weapons nobody has threatened their mainlands either.

Auld Rock

Q. What does ÂŁ4 Billion buy you today? A. One aircraft carrier or 3.2 Queensferry Bridges. now what I’d rather have.

Auld Rock

Auld Rock

Whoops, missed out the (k)in Know.

Auld Rock


The bridge adds value to everday life,unlike Trident.


heedtracker 5:02 pm

You wrote “Look at the endless terrorist attacks on “our mainland.” There are so many dead and injured Brits now, victims of attacks on “our mainland” there’s probably no longer a count. From the London bus bombings, to the Manchester pop concert slaughter, its an endless horror.”

Oh God, I had forgotten just how dumb you are Heedy. Using your logic, having Police is a waste of time – because drunks still fight on the street. If you can’t see the difference between one country being run by a dictator deciding invade and annex another state – and individual nut jobs with a religious based grievance – then there is nothing I can do to help you.

You then wrote “But Britnats like you sensiblesave, tories red and blue, live in your own pathetic rule Britannia fantasy, where reality just never penetrates. Or worse, reality does but you think you can still fart out all the usual tory shite about Trident keeps us all safe.”

… thanks for that Heedy. A well argued logical and thoughtful debating point as usual. Is India full of Brit Nats? France? USA, Pakistan, China, Russia and Iran? You mus be right Heedy all of those countries have nuclear arms because they want to oppress the jocks – you are such an idiot.

Then you wrote “What’s makes you even more repugnant sensibledave, your tory creepshow government has exact same mindset as you.

Hmm Heedy, you might want to reconsider who is the nut job. Given the governments representing all of the countries in Nato, China, Russia and India, Pakistan agree on the best way to stop a nuclear war is by having nuclear weapons – whilst it is possible that a few hundred thousand partisan Scottish voters have some unique insight that has escaped the rest of the planet – or it could be that they just want to show difference and grievance and another reason to claim they are the superior race that is endowed with knowledge, education and intelligence no one else possesses.

Let me think on that and I will get back to you.


Aye, two projects of differing nature rise up from Scotland’s water CC

1) Project happiness.
2) Project(ile) hate.

I’ll go for the first project every time. The second project is pointless.

The QF Crossing… like a ‘six-sided harp’, music to ma ears 🙂

Gonna play my harp the next time ahm driving over…

Caledonia in C.


Brian Doonthetoon

I don’t make a habit of reading posts typed by a TV Station but I thought I would make an effort to bite the fly dangling there, because I have never read so much bovine excrement in all the time I have been reading WoS btl posts.

The TV station typed, at 12.56pm,
“Oh God, I had forgotten just how dumb you are Heedy…”

What a load of SheiĂźe contained in that missive!

Britnat desperation for all to see, nicht wahr?


Looking forward to seeing the photographs FROM our gorgeous new bridge.

Hey, maybe people will also be on the Forth Road pedestrian footbridge.

Let the flags of Scotland fly high and free!

Howsabout a toon looking from our gorgeous new bridge CC?

Celebrate today Scotland.


Senibledave at 12.56pm: “Given the governments representing all of the countries in Nato, China, Russia and India, Pakistan agree on the best way to stop a nuclear war is by having nuclear weapons “. Whit????!!!!! Some sort of contorted logic here!

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