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Wings Over Scotland

On tenterhooks

Posted on January 14, 2014 by

We’re quite keen to peruse the results of this poll, which was conducted a few days ago by YouGov alongside their World War 1 one, but hasn’t yet published.

2014-01-09 14_39_55-YouGov Survey

We got in touch, but the company was unable to tell us when, or whether, the responses to this question (and some others about independence, along with some on Welsh education) would be made public. It doesn’t seem like the kind of question that would be particularly useful as a piece of private polling, so keep your eyes peeled.

40 to “On tenterhooks”

  1. Doug Daniel says:

    Such a wonderfully balanced question. Not even a hint of bias there.

  2. Bill Fraser says:

    I think your helpful professor might have something to say about that question.

  3. turnbull drier says:

    Can we run a sweep on the result?
    I’m 75%…

  4. turnbull drier says:

    Crap.. I meant 75% not LOreal…  <sigh>

  5. Tony Little says:

    ONLY 75%?  😉  Actually I think something like 12% worth it; 81% not; 7% didn’t understand the question. 

  6. chalks says:

    8% Worth it
    65% Not worth it
    27% Not sure

  7. redcliffe62 says:

    Do you think giving London a higher share than Scotland and the rest of the UK is worth it to have all those pollies in the Commons and Lords running the country, paying no tax along with their banker mates and wasting your money?
    99% would say NO.

  8. Hazel Lewry says:

    They are obviously very picky about to whom they send certain questions. I never got this one, but then I’ve always been a bit forthright about which way I’d vote in a “If There Is General Election Tomorrow” type question.

  9. Bill Fraser says:

    Do you think continuing to give London a higher share of public spending than all the other regions of England is worth it to keep London part of England (since Boris thought it should be a separate super state)

  10. Neil McAdam says:

    I’ve never understood the public spending argument anyway.
    You CANNOT compare two countries of such different sizes with a “per head” comparison when it comes to public spending!!
    For example:
    A country of 5 million people need a road built.
    It costs £5m
    Cost per head = £1
    A country of 50 million people need a road built.
    It costs £5m
    Cost per head £.10p
    Both countries need a road.
    Should the country of 5 million people not get a road because the cost per person is too high?
    Obviously not,
    So anyone who make this comparison is basically saying only big countries are allowed to spend money on their infrastructure!
    If the small country generates enough cash it can spend its money how it sees fit.
    The fact is, Scotland does easily generate enough cash to fund our public spending.

  11. FreddieThreepwood says:

    A thing I’ve pondered for some time …
    The question here reflects that eternal ‘truth’ south of the Border that we – like the rest of the Celtic fringe – are subsidised. This misconception was created and is maintained by Westminster and its pals in the media as part of the whole ‘stick with us or you’ll be doomed’ strategy. It’s not, of course, a product of the indyref debate – it’s just the default posture every UK government has taken since George Galloway proved the rhythm method disnae work.
    But at what point will they realise it’s counter-productive? It hardly fits in with the English sleb love-bombing we’re promised, does it? If they continue to fire up English resentment at Scottish ‘scrounging’, that’s hardly nurturing the Great British family we’re supposedly planning to turn our back on.

  12. Dave sharp says:

    I was sir if anyone noticed this poll.
    The first handful of questions were so heavily loaded, it was unreal. Unfortunately, I didn’t take screenshots of them, but I did with the war questions.
    I feel a propaganda exercise brewing.

  13. Rolf says:

    I was emailed that questionnaire and answered No, it’s not worth it, to that question. Definitely not worth it from Scotland’s persepective. I didn’t have an opinion on Welsh education, however.

  14. Alex Grant says:

    Thought they had to publish the data from any polling?

  15. Illy says:

    I would expect that the results from that poll to show there is a lot of support south of the border for cutting the Scottish budget in the event of a no vote.
    Are we sure this wasn’t commisioned by a pro-independance supporter?  It seems to be shooting itself in the foot if it was commissioned by the no campaign…

  16. Luigi says:

    65% Not worth it
    Well, I guess that, following a NO vote, we can kiss Barnett goodbye then.

  17. handclapping says:

    I suggest you ask Carwyn Jones for a copy of the results.

  18. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Hezel Lewry
    Me too. Semm to screened out of these ones as well.

  19. Frost says:

    Scottish sample size (unweighted) was 229 but looks like no SNP voters were canvassed so would be very interesting to see the Indy question and responses. If we don’t get to see it then it would be a reasonable assumption to say that the amount of people in favour of independence was relatively high.

  20. chalks says:

    Luigi, I was just guessing! Don’t quote me on it.
    I think it will probably be higher though, just didn’t want to give the English a hard time of it too much, they aren’t all bad

  21. faolie says:

    Does anyone still think we should continue to shovel cash at these whingeing, ungrateful jocks just to keep the union intact?
    First draft of the question..

  22. Norrie says:

    Maybe a question for the next wings poll. But then we would have to do it UK wide.

  23. Kev says:

    This myth needs to be destroyed and quickly – and can be done with simple common sense – does anyone honestly think that a parliament  controlled by English MP’s are going to stand by and watch billions of pounds bypass their constituencies and sent to countries of the UK whose electorates they are not accountable to?
    If we are in receipt of billions (or tens of billions some idiots will tell you) then where is the evidence for it? Is our quality of infrastructure, our life expectancy, wages, wealth per housheold on a par with London’s?, are we all driving round in shiny beemers on nice smooth roads with not a single pothole?
    Nothing could be further from the truth..eveyone should be given a copy of the national Asset register to see where all this “extra spending per head” goes – on “UK” expenditure, nearly all of which is spent in England, primarily in its South-east…

  24. Luigi says:

    Luigi, I was just guessing! Don’t quote me on it.
    Understood – I considered your estimate (65%) to be on the low side!

  25. AnneDon says:

    They’re asking the wrong question, of course, but hopefully some of those polled will point this out.

  26. G H Graham says:

    Reading the results of the poll will be such a waste of time because it will only confirm what we already know; the questions are so heavily biased that the answers will deliver the Unionist supporting argument that is being sought.

  27. abigdoob says:

    I wonder what the answer would be if UKGov respondees in Eng were asked.
    Scotland receives more than Eng etc, but pays in more than it receives. Would you be happy to have your overall tax burden increased to Scottish levels so that payments & spending in both countries could be levelled out? 

  28. gordoz says:

    Aye the respect agenda personified !
    Notice that the No side and there supporters in the Herald letters yesterday are full of bluff & gusto but betray absolute terror of Cameron debating with Salmond.
    Think this should be ramped up to the hilt that he is the PM is such  a crapper.

  29. call me dave says:

    Wee snippet from BBC Scotland GMS.

    Mr D. Buich? from Panmuir Gordon stockbrokers, opines but very negatively and gets his facts wrong about Scotland’s ability to have a good credit rating.

    Luckily Mr Kerevan and, to some extent, Mr Clegg? (no not that one),from the Daily Record paper puts the record straight shortly after.

    Starts 1hour 35mins and 45secs in. Worth a listen for 11 minutes. The truth emerges……/b03nhs2h

  30. Geoff Huijer says:

    Like Hazel Lewery (& others) I did not receive
    this poll and like her I always make my Scottish
    credentials obvious when polled on General Election
    voing intentions.

    Surely a coincidence though…

  31. Inbhir Anainn says:

    Apologies O/T

    Border News an interview with Wee Johann (of bunker fame) in that she would happily share a platform with David Cameron on the constitutional issues facing Scotland i.e. referendum. Apparently the full interview can be viewed on Freeview later tonight.

  32. Ron Wilson says:

    I completed the questionnaire in order to set the record straight upon completion. The questionnaire, puffed up as a Scottish political poll, began with a question on how well the respondent believed the government was doing. I indicated ‘very well’ (or something similar) only to find out after clicking through ‘the government’ referred to London & not Edinburgh – and no way of rectifying this travesty.
    These people have shredded their reputation as a serious polling company.

  33. Gaavster says:


    Speaking of Yougov, I’ve just completed my first ever poll by them which dealt specifically with the referendum.

    This despite me being a member for nearly 3 yrs.

    The poll dealt with voting intention (indyref & GE), then it proceeded to ask:

    – where I sourced my indyref information (online, print, colleagues, etc)

    – list of specific options (standard list of TV, websites and papers)

    – favourite source (Chose ‘other’ and WoS, of course)

    – trust levels for honest and fair coverage of indyref for each media outlet (rank 0 – 10)

    – rankings for ‘putting Scotland’s interests first’ (0 – 10)

    And hopefully you get the gist…

    They also grouped the Herald/Sunday Herald together which marked them down

    I think that the Murdoch group were probably behind it as there were also specific questions relating only to the Sun/Times/FT

    Did anyone else have the pleasure?

  34. Gaavster says:

    Should also have added that since I joined I have always answered SNP to all voting intention questions I’ve ever been asked…

  35. Paul says:

    I regularly do yougov polls but wasn’t asked to do that one Could it be because I always say that I vote SNP.

  36. Dan Huil says:

    Anyone know how much the Scottish public gave to the 2013 poppy appeal?

  37. JLT says:

    Why, oh why, are they doing polls like that?

    I thought they were meant to be ‘love bombing’ us. Not have an on-line version of a Kangaroo Court.

    Still, it’s what we have come to expect. God knows how they expect to win a ‘No’ vote, when they keep beating the Scots (and that includes the ‘No’ mob) with utter drivel like this!

    I’m wondering at what point that McDougall and half of the BT gang finally take the huff with their ‘pals down south’! Those chaps who keep making stupid and moronic statements that appear to place ‘ALL’ the Scots (which therefore, includes the BT gang) into the dock, so that the rUK can throw cabbages and rotten tomatoes at them! It can’t be easy having pals like that!!

  38. A2 says:

    what’s with the paranoia? They have how many people signed up and what proportion of those members are sampled for each survey?

  39. Big Al says:

    I take yougov with a pinch of salt. Remember that it’s owners and directors are rammed full of Tories. Might be worth pointing that out to anyone who pays any attention to them.

  40. Ken500 says:

    Another nonsense Poll.


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