The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

39636 to “Off-topic”

  1. Smallaxe says:


    Do you have any more verses?

    Peace,Love and Poetry

  2. Tinto Chiel says:

    BDDT: that was funny. Haven’t seen that before.

    Cactus, if you get across to Bute one day, try to get down to St Blane’s churchyard. It has a very special atmosphere, and nothing to do with religion.

    A very old place by the sea.

    “I saw eternity the other night.”

  3. Smallaxe says:

    Brian Doonthetoon:

    I haven’t seen you on here for days.;-)

    BUT I came across a brilliant,funny Website for people like
    me who have read the whole interweb.Love It!

    Peace,Love and Anagrams

  4. Smallaxe says:


    PS.Did you check out the Blindside Blues Band(Crossroads)

    Good Musicians!

    Peace Always

  5. Michael McCabe says:

    Angus & Julia Stone- Heart Beats Slow (Live from the Distillery)

  6. Smallaxe says:

    Michael McCabe says:
    7 September, 2016 at 12:56 pm
    Angus & Julia Stone- Heart Beats Slow

    Bikers,Guns,Sex and Funny Fag’s

    What more could a man ask for. 🙂

    Peace,Love and Eric Clapton”let it grow”

  7. Cactus says:

    Tinto Chiel ~

    Bute, St Blane’s churchyard. I’ve made a note of that. I will make a point of visiting there one day, thanks.

  8. Smallaxe says:

    Hi Cactus:

    No man is an Island.

    But you seem be in every Island!

    Peace,Love and Island Hoppers 🙂

  9. Cactus says:

    Smallaxe ~

    Sure, why not! Here be the second verse to “Free Again.” I’ll add the chorus in too.

    “If we could only
    See ourselves
    The way that others do
    Then maybe we would stop
    to take a different point of view

    See I’m still wondering
    What I’m gonna do
    Cause I just keep on falling over
    In love with you.. Scotland..

    (bridge of harmonies)


    Free.. again..
    To be free.. again..
    Free.. again
    Free again..”


  10. Andrew McLean says:

    Oh reggie

    In France so fraternal greetings, wingers.
    Not that I condone vandalism but arrived at a campsite in the Rhone Alps, and the guy who’s showing us the site pointed to the Union Jack, pulled down, “strong winds after brexit”? Not sure what he was saying, but I was telling him we were Scottish, and he said, oh I know, I don’t point the flag out to the English! Anyway he took a note of wings over Scotland as he is interested in developments, I asked him if he knew about Scotland wants to remain European, and he said of course everyone does.

    Anyway this reminds me of camping in Europe when I was younger,, peace!

    link to

  11. Cactus says:

    Music is poetry ~ Poetry is music.

    Yeah, Scottish island hopping is essential for the soul, in fact it’s the complete tonic! Maybe we should get a crowd together and go spread the good words up in our Shetland Islands next..

    Anybuddy gotta boat?

  12. gordoz says:

    Online indy leaning radio @

    Argyll Independent Radio – tonight (Wed) 7-9pm Backtrax.
    (DJ gordoz)

    To all wingers; why not listen while on WoS, to a wide range mix of all kinds of rock music from all over the globe but with a big hint of Scottish influence & politics ( from the 70’s to the present day).

    And thanx to the Yes Supporter for offering the new gear for the station, absolutely magic. (Much Appreciated)

    link to

  13. Tinto Chiel says:

    Lochside came up with a couple of good phrases today on the main thread: “poets and comic singers” and “echo chamber of babble”.

    Much better than than O/T, don’t you think?

    I’m feeling optimistic today, so I’ll just say we’ll all be singing this sooner than we think:

    link to

  14. yesindyref2 says:

    Don’t know whether it’s Indy in the air, but I zipped through 7 months backlog of bank statements, transactions, unopened letters and scattered paper junk and got my VAT return in with a full half hour to spare, feeling pretty groovy I’m like a link to

  15. yesindyref2 says:

    Era’s another one

    link to

  16. Breeks says:


    Come Independence, don’t shred all the files Westminster. Keep a few for this fella.

    link to

  17. Paula Rose says:

    *crotchets new unicorn loo-roll cover*

  18. Tinto Chiel says:

    Sorry about my ill-judged comments re. Shepherdess bog roll cover, Paula Rose. Well, I’d been stuck in there for hours and all that loud Reggae: you can have too much of a good thing, ye know.

    How about a matching lion and unicorn set in eau de Nile and heliotrope?

    Think Sirdar has a pattern.

  19. Stoker says:

    Transferring this to here for possible discussion!

    Stoker says: @ gus1940
    I have a similar idea as yours but it’s not connected in anyway to the SNP nor should it be. It would be completely WOS orientated and driven, giving us much more freedom to operate and promote WOS and the idea of Scottish independence at the same time.

    A Wings Over Scotland roadshow travelling around the country to different towns and cities raising awareness and recruiting.

    We could have whatever suits each venue such as stall(s), activities, music, whatever.

    These swally rally’s are all very well and they serve a purpose perfectly but instead of expecting folk to make arrangements and travel from all over the country why don’t we get organised and take the show to them?

    Just another idea which has been reverberating around my cranial cavity for a wee while.

    Cactus says:
    Aweright Stoker ~
    We could crowdfund a tour, come mobile roadshow..

    Stoker says:
    Yip, that’s the very idea Cactus. Take the show to the people and promote Indy and WOS awareness. Even if we just focused our first roadshow on our cities then we could look at a town tour for the next one. Hope you’re well!

    • Paula Rose says:

      Stoker hope we see you on the 18th – this has been a WOS idea for some time, be good to have a face to face about it.

  20. Cactus says:

    Yeah, t-minus 10 days to go now till the gig on the Green. The historic significance of this location for the gathering goes way deep into your past, Glasgow.

    It was given to you Glasgow, for the people.. it’s yours!

    Howde Smallaxe ~

    Where were we at with Nine Miles..?
    I must pry, I must, I must..


  21. yesindyref2 says:

    Thinking abut the main thread, if youse lot are going to have a roadshow which sounds like a great idea, I’d suggest bedecking some vehicle like the YES bus with penants including the English, Welsh and Northern Irish flag (a lot of Northern Irish moved to Scotland because it’s close and the troubles), Polish, French, Indian, Pakistan, as many penants as you can get. Make the thing truly welcoming to people of all origins. You might want to think about having the Union Jack as well, it should be welcoming to all.

    I’d also suggest writing to whatever wee paper in advance, who might just send a reporter and photographer, and even clearing it with the Police in the hope of attracting crowds 🙂

  22. yesindyref2 says:

    Don’t forget the flag of Japan, to make think think of transferring that investment to a Scotland in the EU when they move it out of the rUK. It’s never too soon. Also of course the US, Canadian, Australian. I think you can get bunting strings fairly cheap.

  23. yesindyref2 says:

    Quick look for “flag bunting” and £3.99 on ebay for starters. You’d have to add the “home nations”.

  24. Tomorrow bwtween 7pm and 8pm I have George “Andy” Anderson on as a guest on my “Roundabout” discussion programme on talking about his report “Defending Democracy” (which has become known as “the Dunoon Report”)and answering question about some of the concerns that continue to grow about the insecurity of the postal ballot at the referendum. (He will be on next week also talking about the economy and the currency which is an area of expertise for him)

    Tomorrow’s programme will be of course be followed by my “Not Fade Away” rock’n’roll programme (which will include TJenny’s request). 8pm – 9pm

  25. Capella says:

    @ Andrew McLean in the Rhone Alps – many thanks for conveying fraternal greetings from our French cousins. Glad to see our Foreign Correspondents posting morale boosting dispatches!

  26. Smallaxe says:


    Sorry about delay,I took Mrs S. up to the Peace camp at Faslane,then to Loch Long,Loch Lomond and pairts aboot for her
    Birthday.I am trying to write the rest of the saga in one go,
    to save putting it in installments. I will post as soon as it’s finished.

    Peace and Love to you my Island hopping Friend.

    This Post was written by:-

    Billy the Rhymer
    Last of the Hippies 1969r
    if read and disliked
    Scroll on if you please
    If liked by someone
    I send Love and Peace

  27. Tinto Chiel says:

    Out on the randan in Glasgow last night (The Dhabba, followed by The Pot Still for all you Kulture Vultures) with some old pals from primary in the 60s.

    Anyhow one guy was a Canadian exile: very strong Rangers fan, self-made man, able to retire in his 40s, Burns Club performer, golfer. You can see where this stereotype is going, can’t you?

    Except he completely surprised me by saying he would have voted Yes, and even better, he scoffed at the BBC and how they twisted everything to put Scotland in a bad light. He thought Canadian news was much much better. And, no, I had said nothing at that stage.

    I may be wrong, but he doesn’t sound like the kind of guy who frequents sites like this to turn him into a frothing cybersep/BBC hater so I was quite cheered up that he saw right through our wonderful state broadcaster when so many resident Scots can’t. Mind you, he had travelled pretty widely in the course of his work.

    The only sad bit of the night was listing all the people we knew who had to leave Scotland for a job: you know, that wonderful Union Dividend.

    Stoker, if you’re in the Hamilton area, I sometimes have a coffee in Cafe Crema (Yes-supporting owners) to leave behind a copy of The National, if you want to discuss your excellent road show idea/general subversion. Or might see you down The Hub sometime.

  28. Stoker says:

    Paula Rose (@ 1:16pm)
    Sorry, can’t give you a definitive answer on that either way at this moment in time, it’s not looking promising for me so far.
    If it has been a WOS idea for some time why hasn’t it developed Wings (or legs)?

    YIR2 (@ 6:02pm)
    One or two good suggestions floating around in there, possibly!

  29. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The Great Scottish Fuck Off!

    First of the groups…only one can progress…names were selected from list of 102 using random item generator (i.e. a pen/closed eyes)

    1 Anas Sarwar
    2 Neil Oliver
    3 Bob Geldof
    4 David Dimbleby

    Cast your vote here, or tweet it to me and I’ll keep a tally. It’s rough and ready, but youse are rough and I’m ready, so let’s do it!

    Remember – ‘There Can Be Only One!’


  30. Clapper57 says:

    @Ian Brotherhood


    My nomination is Anas Sarwar who is also know as The Great Scottish Fuck Up…well he is Labour after all. lol

    Have fabby day Mr B.

  31. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Clapper57 –


    So far, Anas Sarwar has received 100% of all votes cast (i.e. 1)

  32. Stoker says:

    My TGSFO vote (Pot 1) = Anas Sarwar

    Please help send a message and educate the masses folks.
    Go Go Indy, Indy Go Go!

    Landscape – Einstein A Go Go
    link to

  33. Stoker says:

    Sorry, folks, forgot to add the important link to my post @4:40pm
    link to

  34. Smallaxe says:

    Ian Brotherhood:

    I would like to nominate Anas Sarwar.

    And if I can make a suggestion Ian,in future could you use a
    pin and closed eyes.Then you will be able to tell us,which little Prick is the winner.

    Peace Always

  35. carjamtic says:

    Ian B

    I have ‘weighted’ all the candidates in this round,the result is as follows:

    BG (__/__) DD (__/__) NO (___/___) AS (____/____)

    I herby declare that Anas Sarwar gets one more vote as biggest Erse in this round.

    N.B. Any resemblance to current Red/Blue Tory MSP’s is purely deliberate.


  36. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @carjamtic –


    Keep your eyes peeled for some even bigger arses – plenty in the pipeline!

  37. Paula Rose says:

    Stoker Honey – try and turn up – it is very difficult to move things on if folk aren’t there.

  38. Stoker says:

    Paula, if i don’t make it it will not be for the lack of trying, lets put it that way.

  39. yesindyref2 says:

    Every little helps, make it inclusive – always the strength of YES. I forgot Italians, considering how many of them moved here in the 20s, 30s, and the part of our lives they are.

    @Ian B
    Neil Oliver for me, such a total lack of passion for his supposed native country, in his History of Scotland. Compare him with the pride and anger of Huw Edwards in Story of Wales. Oliver might as well have been commentating on the mating rituals of slugs.

  40. Lollysmum says:

    Ian Brotherhood-my vote goes to Anas Sarwar 🙂

  41. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Might as well stick up Group 2:

    1. Torquil Crichton
    2 Sir James MacMillan
    3 Effie Deans
    4 Alan Cochrane

    Same rules – only one can go on to knockout stages.

    Harsh, but there it is.

  42. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi IanB.

    Can I award 1/2 vote to Sanwar and 1/2 vote to Oliver? If not, award the whole vote to Oliver. No doubt a cry of “PISH!” will ring out above the other candidates…

    Group 2’s gotta be Cockers!

  43. Stoker says:

    My TGSFO vote (Pot 2) = Tory Quil

    A wee fanfare for the Rev – I’m currently in the process of trawling through the WOS Archives and i came across this:
    link to


  44. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘The Great Scottish Fuck Off!’

    Group 3:

    1 Owen Smith
    2 Tony Abbott (ex Oz PM)
    3 Susan Calman
    4 Jackson Carlaw

  45. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    Seeing as it’s you, nae borra.


    Wish I could divulge who’s ‘winning’ each group right now, but that wouldn’t be fair. Besides, the groups are all on Twitter as well, and that shows updates.

    Each group will be on Twitter for one day only, then I’ll add whatever was cast here and that’ll be the total.

  46. Stoker says:

    My TGSFO vote (Pot 3) = Jackson Carlaw

    Right, back to trawling the WOS Archives!

  47. Ian Brotherhood says:


    *wipes away sweat*

    Must take a break from counting all these votes!

    If this doesn’t make yer toes tap then, sadly, ye’re actually pan-breid:

    John Martyn, ‘Jelly Roll Baker Blues’, live, 1986 –

    link to

  48. Lollysmum says:

    Group 2 -Effie Deans
    Group 3 -Jackson Carlaw

  49. K1 says:

    1: Oliver

    2: Cochrane

    3. Carlaw

  50. Lollysmum says:

    Group 2 -Effie Deans
    Group 3 -Jackson Carlaw

    Slow down it says-how its an 8 word comment?

  51. K1 says:

    PR explained it a wee while ago Lollysmum, it’s the number of comments being posted in that given moment which generates that message, part of askimet’s filtering comments I’d imagine…nothing personal about the length of our posts. 🙂

  52. Michael McCabe says:

    Group 1 Neil Oliver Group 2 Torquil Crichton Group 3 Jackson Carlaw. Cheers for putting the lists up Ian B

  53. Lollysmum says:

    Thanks-have been out of the loop for a couple of months so must have missed the explanation.

    Thought it would have been resolved by now but clearly not 🙁

  54. What a line-up!

    link to

  55. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian B:




    And I hope their next bowel motion is a hedgehog.

  56. Stoker says:

    “A pretty pitiful showing from the Scottish Labour leader, then, in a period which has seen many dramatic developments in Scottish politics you’d have thought she might want to comment on. Her last appearance was over a month ago….”
    The Rev – (06.04.12) – On the disappearance of Slab branch manager Johann Lamont

    So Dippy Dug’s not the only one to suddenly “disappear” off radar?

    The scores on the doors
    link to

  57. Michael McCabe says:

    Christy Moore – Weekend in Amsterdam link to

  58. carjamtic says:

    Group 2 – Cochrane
    Group 3 – Carlaw

  59. Tinto Chiel says:

    I meant a star-gazing hedgehog, obvs.

  60. Stoker says:


    Those b@$t@rd$ in the SNP are promoting jobs and the Scottish economy and they’re fookin doing it deliberately.

    Meanwhile, in other news, Dippy Dug wants the ‘Yes’ word outlawed.

    Too much news
    link to

  61. yesindyref2 says:

    Group 2 – Alan Cochrane
    Group 3 – pass. Don’t really know mcuh about the first 3, and Jackson Carlaw famously said he’d man the barricades with the SNP for currency union, so he’s a good guy. No, really! Honest guv.

  62. X_Sticks says:

    1. Anas Sarwar
    2. Alan Cochrane
    3. Jackson Carlaw

  63. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Cheers all…scoring frantically here…

    Some outright winners already, but it’s early doors…

    Twittertastic too!


    The Jacksons, ‘Enjoy Yourself’ –

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      STOP MESSING THE PLACE UP, I’m expecting visitors.

  64. Smallaxe says:

    Michael McCabe:

    Try Christy Moore,Danny Boy,a spoken poem.Sorry Michael,cant link.

    Peace Always

  65. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood

    1. Sarwar (Daddy’s money, sorry I mean Daddy’s boy)

    2. Deans (F**KTARD)

    3. Carlaw (Only ‘cos Smith is irrelevant in Scotland)

    Stoker et al , I volunteer to help man the road show from Aberdeen Northwards just gies a shout.

  66. yesindyref2 says:

    Do what I can to help a roadshow in my neck of the woods, North Ayrshire. My season’s over but still work to do so I can’t promise dates but will help if I’m free. Not really available from end March to mid-Sep.

    Can also help with colour laser printer, 160gsm card, laminators and guillotine for display – A4 / A5. I use Avery DesignPro 2000 which is why I’m still stuck on Windows XP for all my business stuff. A jpg will do. Got a unit and it’s got a lot of stuff in it, workbenches, racks, clutter, but I’d find some space at need, specially if it was just overnighting stalls or something. Let me know.

  67. yesindyref2 says:

    Oh yeah, and a wee van which is mostly empty this time of year. Takes a europallet.

  68. Paula Rose says:

    yesindyref2 or anyone else in that area – I need some stuff moved up to Glasgow from Irvine on the 18th, anyone able to help?

  69. Stoker says:

    Jockanese Wind Talker & yesindyref2

    Both your offers of involvement have been noted for future reference and are very much appreciated. Would be excellent if we could manage to create a wee group of volunteers for each of the 32 Scottish council areas. A bit ambitious maybe but not impossible as a longer term goal.

    Another idea to throw into the mix, PR’ need for help has just reminded me, how about setting up our own WOS van? Crowdfunded, capable of carrying billboards on the sides (similar idea as a glaziers van)? A standard Transit short wheelbase, new, with some sign writing design would cost, at a rough guestimate off the top of my head, somewhere in the region of £25,000.

  70. Nana says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Difficult to choose

    1 Oliver

    2 Cochrane

    3 Carlaw

  71. Nana says:


    Good ideas, especially like the Wings van with billboards. Would a second hand one not be better, keep the costs down so more can be spent on graphics?

  72. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Group 4:

    1 Gordon Brown
    2 Ian Smart
    3 Marie Rimmer
    4 David Coburn

    Group 5:

    1 Bill Matthews
    2 JK Rowling
    3 Jackie Bird
    4 Alistair Carmichael

    Group 6:

    1 Bamber Gascoigne
    2 Alex Massie
    3 Tavish Scott
    4 Queen Elizabeth

    • Nana says:

      @Ian Brotherhood

      Group 4 Gordon Brown [oh how I loathe that creature]

      5 Help me Rona Carmichael

      6 Massie

  73. K1 says:

    1. Brown

    2. Carmichael

    3. Massie

  74. Michael McCabe says:

    Group 4 Gordon Brown Group 5 Alistair Carmichael Group 6 Queen Elizabeth.

  75. carjamtic says:

    G4 – GB
    G5 – JKR
    G6 – AM

    Love to wipe the smirk off her napper,close call,but dislike bullies even more.

  76. Tinto Chiel says:




    *shudders, washes hands*

  77. Ian Brotherhood says:

    *Marker for self – all counted to here…*


    It’s going a bit mental on Twitter – 100s of votes pouring in! And that’s with only 6 of the 26 1st-round groups posted…michty me!

  78. Chic McGregor says:

    Bamber was OK.

    Still hear Bamber Gasgoine superimposed over Jeremy Belluman in the University Challenge programme intro every week.

  79. Stoker says:

    Nana, not really because (a):We have an image to maintain and (b): A second-hand van would most probably be a false economy in the longer term, not to mention unreliable, by the time we pay for ongoing repairs and replacement parts, more fuel usage, getting it fit for the road, more insurance possibly etc etc. Thanks for the suggestion though, every idea helps us progress. 😉

    My TGSFO votes for pots 4, 5 and 6 are as follows:

    4 = Gordon Brown
    5 = Alistair Carmichael
    6 = Queen Elizabeth

    BTW, my own top 5 preferences for a Great Scottish Fuck Off:
    1 = Westminster
    2 = WMD
    3 = The BBC
    4 = The HoL
    5 = The Monarchy

  80. X_Sticks says:

    4. Gordon Brown
    5. Alistair Carmichael
    6. Queen Elizabeth

  81. Ian Brotherhood says:


    The first result:

    Neil Oliver wins Group 1 with 62 Twitter votes and 6 WOS votes = 68.

    He got 47% of Tweeted votes.

    Anas Sarwar was 2nd, with 24% of Tweets and 7 WOS votes

    Bob Geldof got 19% of Tweets, no WOS votes

    David Dimbleby 10% of Tweets, no WOS votes

    Convincing victory for Neil Oliver!


  82. Stoker says:

    Ian, (G1), see if that changes in a few months time when Sarwar starts pushing for Dippy’s joab and he’s never off the front pages. 😉

    Nana, on second thoughts, you might just have the better suggestion. I tried to catch 40-winks but my wheels wouldn’t stop turning because of you, so if yer right ears burning you can blame me.

    I’m thinking that one van, from a practical point of view, would not be sufficient but what if we tried to crowdfund 3 vans at £10k budget/fund per van?

    One to serve the Highlands & Islands, one to serve the central belt and one to serve the border regions with all 3 vans being on call to help each other out if need be?

    Mind you it would depend on several factors for this to work, especially getting the backing of most, if not all, Wingers. We would also need the go-ahead from the Rev. We would need 3 volunteers to take responsibility for the vans, ie; running, maintaining, insuring and driving them etc.

    I think i also got a bit carried away with suggesting having the van with WOS sign/logo. On further contemplation i think that would be a mistake and open the vans up to being targets for knuckledraggers, not to mention having a negative impact on any insurance. Better they be unmarked but still possibly with the billboard capacity?

    Anyway, just throwing some ideas out there for dissection and consideration.

  83. Nana says:

    Been out for the day just seeing your comment.

    I like the thought of more than one van, but the costs might be too high what with insurance and every other thing a motor costs.

    Certainly the damage to a ‘wings’ vehicle could be a worry what with all the loony yoons about.

    It’s difficult coming up with ideas for getting the message out. I thought the old fashioned loud hailers on top of cars were pretty good, sure made me stop and listen.

  84. Smallaxe says:


    Have you thought about leasing vans?

    Just a thought.
    Plenty of places to choose from!

    Peace Always

  85. Lollysmum says:


  86. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Group 7:

    1 Dan Snow
    2 Jack McConnell
    3 John Barrowman
    4 Jim Murphy

    Group 8:

    1 Oliver Mundell
    2 Murdo Fraser
    3 Sarah Smith
    4 Paul Dacre

    Group 9:

    1 Alex Johnstone
    2 Michael Forsyth
    3 Tom Harris
    4 Chris Deerin

  87. carjamtic says:

    G7 – DS
    G8 – MF
    G9 – TH

    A lot harder than you think,in some cases a 3 way photo finish (donkey Derby ?)


  88. Michael McCabe says:

    Group 7 Jim Murphy Group 8 Paul Dacre Group 9 Michael Forsyth. Keep Up the Good Work Ian B

  89. Ealasaid says:

    Hi guys,

    Can you help me?

    I was trying to search for some of the informative posts by Robert Peffers on Scottish sovereignty and constitutional issues for someone. I know I should have copied them at the time. Can you tell me of the best ways to search for them?

    Thanks for your help.

  90. K1 says:

    1. Murphy

    2. Fraser

    3. Forsyth (now there’s a creep from our past that needs telt)

  91. X_Sticks says:


    You might want to speak to Lindsay Bruce (@RogueCoder250). I had a brief discussion with him on twitter the other night about the cost of postage for AyeMail. Briefly discussed some sort of distribution, perhaps through Yes hubs. Maybe the van idea could fit into that model.

  92. Fairliered says:

    1. Sarawak
    2. Deans
    3. Carlaw
    4. Brown
    5. Bird
    6. Queenie
    7. Murphy
    8. Dacre
    9. Johnstone

  93. X_Sticks says:


    Try just searching with google something along the lines of:

    wings over scotland “robert peffers” “Scottish sovereignty”

    Should get you to what you are looking for.

  94. Ealsasaid says:

    Thanks for that X_Sticks.

    I knew it was possible to search somewhere, but thought it was on WOS.

    Many thanks again.

  95. Stoker says:


    Certainly would be a far cheaper option but cross border insurance and recovery costs on rentals are either astronomical or non existent. You also have the serious problem of not being guaranteed a rental when we need it due to all vehicles being leased, mostly on pre existing contracts etc. Cheaper, Yes, but a bit hit and miss. Still, it’s a worthwhile suggestion. Thanks!

    That’s the very thing i had in mind, moving WOS materials and anything else we need shifting around the country. Even going to help those footsoldiers out in the rural parts with their door to door deliveries. Basically anything WOS related. Could even be used for picking his nibs up if he wanted a trip up the road.

    Well, i’m off to watch a couple or three films on Netflix, i’ve been doing too much thinking, i’m surprised you can’t smell the burning.

    Oh, before i go:

    7 = Murphy
    8 = Mundell
    9 = Forsyth

  96. Tinto Chiel says:




    Aliens all.

  97. Smallaxe says:


    No problem,thank for your reply.

    Peace Always

  98. Nana says:




  99. X_Sticks says:

    7. Jack McConnell
    8. Paul Dacre
    9. Michael Forsyth

  100. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘The Great Scottish Fuck Off!’

    Results: %=Twitter, (WOS votes)

    Group 2:
    Effie Deans 49% (3)
    Sir James MacMillan 18% (1)
    Alan Cochrane 17% (7)
    Torquil Crichton 16% (2)

    Group 3:
    Jackson Carlaw 49% (9)
    Owen Smith 29% (0)
    Susan Calman 14% (0)
    Tony Abbott 8% (0)

    Powerful results for Deans and Carlaw there, in strong-ish groups. Scriveners and luvvies not registering anticipated opprobrium. Poignantly poor returns for the fading Cochrane.

  101. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Aye, okay, let the BBC have Glasgow Green for the nicht so’s they can pretend it’s a UKOK classical consensus.

    They won’t dare come anywhere near the Green next week, eh?

    Been a wee while since we had this:

    Hamish Mccunn, ‘Land Of The Mountain & The Flood’ –

    link to

  102. yesindyref2 says:

    G4 – Brown
    G5 – Carmichael
    G6 – Massie
    G7 Pass
    G8 – Mundell
    G9 – Harris

    I think I’d be able to help. Got a messy job on wellies, spiders ‘n that, but probably finished Tues/Wed, hoovered and cleaned inside anyway. Maybe even a wash, and I might get the van done as well.

  103. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Stoker Why vans commercial insurance would be a killer. Why not Box Trailers with Magnetic signage , they would be ideal for transporting merchandise.

  104. yesindyref2 says:

    Ah, light dawns, next Sunday, Glasgow Green. Well why not? I was considering coming anyway, anywhere to park?

    BDTT’s got my email addy, I’m a bit careful with it, unionist customers for my normal business. I’ll have to set up another gmail one when I’ve time.

  105. Liz g says:

    @ Nanna & Stoker
    How about first putting together Wing’s (don’t know the correct term) “thing’s for lot’s of our own car’s,which would serve two purposes.
    Firstly there would/could be lot’s of car’s with these logo’s therefore the actual Wing’s vehicle’s wouldn’t be so identifiable,to target.
    Secondly the fund’s that the sale of the (now being advised they are called decals???) Car “Thingys” generate could be used to help fund the running costs of the vehicles.
    Just throwing a thought or two in !!!

  106. Liz g says:

    OMG just thought of Lollysmums new neighbours reaction to a Wing’s Over Scotland car on her driveway!!!!

  107. yesindyref2 says:

    @onnie anderson
    Box trailer’s a great idea, no need to register, insure or have a named driver, just a tow bar (which I don’t have), and a spare number plate for the tower. Pretty cheap online.

    Not sure how it’d work on ferries for the islands, might be able to drive it on one end and unhitch, get someone to pick it up the other – seen that done a lotm=, no idea how it gets booked (by phone probably!).

    So a box trailer van (jockey wheel I think it’s called).

    Mmm, maybe even get one with a window / hatch, then it’s an event van as well.

  108. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @yesindyref2 –



    My sophisticated polling system – developed over many minutes – makes now allowances for ‘passes’.

    Come on – John, Jim, Jack or Dan!

    Please don’t fuck-up the whole ‘Great Scottish Fuck Off!’ fucking thing!

    Then I’ll have to start it all over again…

    And that’d be enough to make anyone curse!


  109. yesindyref2 says:

    ROFL. Well, seen Wingers post about Snow but never heard of him, there’s hope for McConnell and Murphy (he makes me laugh), so it has to be Barrowman, a Scot of Convenience, kind of like the Panama flag used to be.

    G7 – Barrowman

  110. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @yesindyref2 –


    Many thanks.

    I can hit the sack now, peacefully, knowing the system remains intact.

    There’s a long way to go, but that single vote for the bold Barrow-man could make all the difference…

    We shall see.


  111. yesindyref2 says:

    I used to watch whatever it was called, but he always struck me as wanting the whole world to revolve around him. The sort of egotistical guy who would answer “pass” to a mutliple choice question with 4 possible answers.


  112. Stoker says:

    Are we there yet?

  113. Stoker says:

    Are we nearly there yet?

  114. Stoker says:

    Ronnie Anderson wrote:
    ” Why not Box Trailers with Magnetic signage , they would be ideal for transporting merchandise.”

    Brilliant idea Ronnie, especially combined with liz g’ sticker ideas. Some good food for thought!

  115. Stoker says:

    Box trailers and WOS decals (btw liz, your informant is correct).
    Sounds like a plan at a fraction of the costs. What say folk?

  116. Stoker says:

    YEEEEEAAH! I’ve done it, it’s only took me 2 years but i’ve got top billing on a new O/T page. Hmmm, talk about feeling deflated!

  117. Stoker says:

    Liz g wrote:
    “OMG just thought of Lollysmums new neighbours reaction to a Wing’s Over Scotland car on her driveway!!!!”

    Now, there’s a Winger (can’t remember the persons ID but someone will know) who has a car absolutely plastered in WOS, Newsnet etc etc logo’s.

    It would be rather rude of us not to send that Winger on a formal ‘Welcome to Scotland’ visit to oor Lollysmum’s, wouldn’t it?

    A sort of caring welcome on behalf of her extended family, eh?
    Nudge, nudge, wink, wink! 🙂

    btw, That wee smiley thing doesn’t do justice to the huge grin i’ve got on my face right now at the thought of that car sitting proudly outside oor Lollysmum’s. MWHAHAHAHAhahahahaha

  118. Paula Rose says:

    Calm down Stoker Dear – you’ll do yourself a mischief.

  119. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Stoker.

    You typed,
    “Now, there’s a Winger (can’t remember the persons ID but someone will know) who has a car absolutely plastered in WOS, Newsnet etc etc logo’s. “

    That’ll be Wee Jonny. He runs a glass wall hygiene business. Perchance Lollysmum could book his services?

    link to

  120. Stoker says:

    Hi Brian, that’s the very one, thank you!

    Jonny, fancy a wee joab?

  121. Ian Brotherhood says:



    Group 4 %Twitter (WOS)

    1 Gordon Brown 60% (9)
    2 David Coburn 19% (0)
    3 Ian Smart 18% (0)
    4 Marie Rimmer 3% (0)

    Group 5

    1 JK Rowling 44% (1)
    2 Alistair Carmichael 28% (7)
    3 Jackie Bird 27% (1)
    4 Bill Matthews 1% (0)

    Group 6

    1 Queen Elizabeth 47% (4)
    2 Alex Massie 32% (5)
    3 Tavish Scott 18% (0)
    4 Bamber Gascoigne 3% (0)

    Brown storms through to Round Two with strongest performance yet.

  122. Stoker says:

    YIR2 wrote:
    “Box trailer’s a great idea, no need to register, insure or have a named driver, just a tow bar (which I don’t have), and a spare number plate for the tower. Pretty cheap online.”

    “Not sure how it’d work on ferries for the islands, might be able to drive it on one end and unhitch, get someone to pick it up the other – seen that done a lot, no idea how it gets booked (by phone probably!).”

    Anything to do with the ferries has to be arranged via contacting the office at the intended port of departure, EG; if you intend on going over to Bute you have to make the arrangements via the Colintraive office or Wemyss Bay office, whatever route you plan on taking.

    I’m assuming you are talking, for now, about Cal Mac routes. If that is the case then as far as i know they charge by the length (or combined length) of car & trailer.

    Anything commercial also has to be pre booked in advance and you must turn up a certain amount of time prior to your intended boarding time. At least that’s how i remember it, things may have changed.

    You also wrote:
    “a box trailer van (jockey wheel I think it’s called). Mmm, maybe even get one with a window / hatch, then it’s an event van as well.”

    What exactly do you mean? Catering van? Burgers etc?

  123. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Group 10

    1 Jack Straw
    2 Muriel Gray
    3 Frances Barber
    4 Jim Hood

    Group 11

    1 Tim Farron
    2 Neil Findlay
    3 John Reid
    4 Margaret Curran

    Group 12

    1 Johanna Baxter
    2 George Robertson
    3 James Naughtie
    4 Eddie Izzard

  124. carjamtic says:

    G10 – MG
    G11 – NF
    G12 – GR

  125. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for all the BritNat haters of Scotland.

    …symbolic power is that invisible power which can be exercised only with the complicity of those who do not want to know that they are subject to it or even that they themselves exercise it.” – Pierre Bourdieu

    Brain Damage – Hurtful Dub (Show Me a Purpose Versions)
    link to

  126. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for all the BritNat haters of Scotland.

    “…symbolic power is that invisible power which can be exercised only with the complicity of those who do not want to know that they are subject to it or even that they themselves exercise it.” – Pierre Bourdieu

    Brain Damage – Hurtful Dub (Show Me a Purpose Versions)
    link to

  127. Clapper57 says:

    @ Ian Brothergood – TGSFO

    Group 10 – Frances Barber
    Group 11 – John Reid
    Group 12 – George Robertson

  128. Clapper57 says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood

    Freudian typo slip in my previous post I typed your surname as ‘BrotherGood’….sounds good to me.

    Have fabby day

  129. Fairliered says:

    10. Straw
    11. Curran
    12. Robertson

  130. X_Sticks says:

    10. Jack Straw
    11. Margaret Curran
    12. George Robertson

  131. Michael McCabe says:

    Group 10 Jim Hood Group 11 Margaret Curran Group 12 George Robertson

  132. Michael McCabe says:

    I could have sworn a guy sung this. Mind You. Evertbody’s Changing

  133. Michael McCabe says:

    Sorry here is the Link. link to

  134. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Latest Group results:

    % Twitter, (WOS votes)

    Group 7

    1 Jim Murphy 45% (4)
    2 Dan Snow 39% (1)
    3 John Barrowman 11% (2)
    4 Jack McConnell 5% (1)

    Group 8

    1 Murdo Fraser 55% (2)
    2 Oliver Mundell 18% (2)
    3 Sarah Smith 16% (1)
    4 Paul Dacre 11% (3)

    Group 9

    1 Chris Deerin 34% (0)
    2 Michael Forsyth 28% (3)
    3 Tom Harris 26% (2)
    4 Alex Johnstone 12% (3)

  135. Stoker says:

    This TGSFO round of voting is the hardest yet, so many worthies!

    10 = Hood
    11 = Curran
    12 = Robertson

    Sick ah canny vote furr Gray & Findlay annawe!

  136. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Final batch of groups to wrap up the weekend and get us almost halfway through the First Round.

    Some proper corkers in here – ain’t gettin’ any easier!

    Group 13

    1 Ian Davidson
    2 Anne Begg
    3 Laura Kuennsberg
    4 Michael White

    Group 14

    1 Severin Carrell
    2 David Mundell
    3 Andrew Marr
    4 Kaye Adams

    Group 15

    1 Euan McColm
    2 Willie Rennie
    3 Sir Nicholas McPherson
    4 Eleanor Bradford

  137. X_Sticks says:

    13. Ian Davidson
    14. David Mundell
    15. Sir Nicholas McPherson

  138. carjamtic says:

    G13 – LK
    G14 – KA
    G15 – SNM

  139. Stoker says:

    “ain’t gettin’ any easier!” – No shit, Sherlock!

    I’ve just realised i’ve made a boo boo with group 8, oh well!

    13 = Kuennsberg
    14 = Marr
    15 = Bradford

    You’ve a lot to answer for Mr.B

  140. Paula Rose says:

    PUT YOUR VOTING SLIPS IN THE BIN! Stop leaving them lying about please.

  141. K1 says:


  142. K1 says:


  143. Tinto Chiel says:







    FFS: you’re posting too quick!

  144. Tinto Chiel says:

    It might help if you put a LINER in the bin.


    And oblige Tinto Chiel.

  145. Nana says:







    Blimey its the cast of a horror movie

  146. Paula Rose says:

    A liner for paper – don’t be silly.

  147. Tinto Chiel says:

    Paula R: I know you’re a lady and all that but take a closer look.

    On second thoughts, don’t.

    No wonder Nana walked out.

  148. Tinto Chiel says:

    Do I have to be specific?

    Snot rags spread diseases!


  149. Nana says:

    @Paula Rose & Tinto Chiel

    I’ve spent the last while looking for a sketch by a comedian my mum took me to see when I was but a lass. He used to portray an old wifey who kept house for the local minister, a right messy cratur. Reading your exchanges on here for some reason made me think of this sketch.

    I believe there are recordings but sadly no film footage.

    You can read about him here link to

    The caileach was indeed a legend.

  150. Paula Rose says:


  151. Michael McCabe says:

    Group 13 Ian Davidson Group 14 David Mundell Group 15 Sir Nicholas Mcpherson (AKA the Weasels) Doing a grand job Ian B

  152. Tinto Chiel says:

    Jeezo, Nana, that’s my cover blown.

    See you wise women, you’re a bloody menace.

    I coulda been a contender!

    And wipe your feet on the way out.

  153. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Tinto Chiel-8:44pm The Contender. link to

  154. Tinto Chiel says:

    Michael: that was much too beautiful for my silly throwaway remark. Great stuff. Thanks.

    This is my song for Paula Rose. Get those Marigolds on, milady.

    link to

  155. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Paula Rose. Sorry if we have left a mess. But dinnae Kick me out. I have Nowhere else to go tonight. link to

  156. Fairliered says:

    13. Davidson
    14. Carrell.
    15 Bradford (plus a wild card for McColm.)

  157. Michael McCabe says:

    Oh and while Nana is in the Vicinity(I think she likes Guitarists) Have you heard of these Two. link to

  158. K1 says:

    I see Brian Wilson hasn’t appeared in any group yet…good…whatever group he is in my vote for him is hereby prebooked!

  159. Nana says:

    @Michael McCabe

    That was good Michael, you always choose great tunes.

    Here’s two of my favourite guitarists, difficult choosing from a very long list.

    link to

  160. Nana says:

    Forgot to answer your question Michael. Yes I have certainly heard of Ford, thin he’s on one of the Crossroads videos.

    If you like guitar tunes you should get the boxsets, you will not be disappointed.

  161. Great stuff

    link to

  162. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @K1 –


    Wilson’s in there, nae danger…

    He’s in one of the final groups, should make an appearance Wed/Thu.

    Can’t say too much, but he’s in one of the toughest groups, if not THE toughest – serious chance he may not make it through to Round 2…


  163. Paula Rose says:

    Do I have to spell it out – it is so lovely to have you all visit *makes more sandwiches*

  164. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Sorry for all the mess.

    Please have a wee gander at this Joan Eardley painting:

    link to

  165. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    This is for Smallaxe, who mentioned the lyrics of one of the tracks involved at 6.58am on Sunday morning. As usual, (nowadays) it’s taking me hours to keep up with all the btl comments.

    Onnyhoo, this was one of the first mashups I did, around 1974, when I awarded myself an Akai 4 track stereo tape deck.

    link to

  166. Paula Rose says:

    IAN Honey you are totally fprgiven – I will always clear up when you make one of your wee messes.

  167. Smallaxe says:

    Nana & Michael: Guitar players,

    I can’t link but have a listen to Jack Bruce & Rory Gallagher
    playing”Politician” on YouTube.

    Peace Always

  168. Smallaxe says:

    Brian Doonthetoon.

    A Cracker Brian, I see,like myself that you appreciate the
    subtle nuances of this beautiful song.Did you happen to catch
    my duet earlier this morning with the lovely Siobhan McFadyen?

  169. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Smallaxe.

    Knowing of your interest in the Scottish music scene, I thought this may interest you – one of the more obscure stories from the scene but backed up by links.

    link to


    BTW: Anyone else noticed that the Rev’s Twitter account has been suspended? Here’s what I got when I refreshed the tab just now:-

    “Account suspended

    This account has been suspended. Learn more about why Twitter suspends accounts, or return to your timeline.”

  170. Smallaxe says:

    Brian Doonthetoon,thanks for the link Brian,I’m going to sit
    and have a good read at it now. I will get back to you in the
    morning and let you know what I think.

    Re,Twitter saw someone on the main thread complaining about
    the same thing.Thanks again.

    Peace Always

  171. David says:

    Copying this from the main thread:
    I’m also seeing on Twitter that the @WingsScotland account is suspended.

    Stuart also has another, more personal, Twitter account, @RevStu . Worth checking that out for now.

    He may need to use it more frequently from now on for regular Wings business, at least until the main account is back up and running.

    Nasty business from the MSM, WM, unionist, dirty tricks brigade. But they cannot silence us all. This will backfire on them.

  172. K1 says:

    Ahem…is there any possibility that we can skip through all the GSFO group rounds and just establish that the Express’s McFadyen has actually come up from behind and won the fucking thing?

  173. Paula Rose says:

    K1 exactamundo fundilymundily.

  174. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe, I know most of our attention is on the Twitter situation, but mts that if you get out to Strathaven and the Wilson monument, take a look at the war memorial on the hill above and behind.

    It has a great view of Tinto to the SE and Loudoun Hill to the SW. The memorial is, I think, the only one in Scotland to include the serviceman’s address (happy to be corrected about that).

    Hope you are keeping well.

    K1: gets my vote too. As old Bugs used to say, “What a maroon!”

    I’m hoping she gets charged for a Public Order offence, myself.

    Oh, the irony of that.

  175. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto Chiel,

    My daughter and grandson went to the top of Tinto in July this
    year and they tell me it was beautiful.I will try to get there
    this year,if the weather holds,and have a look for myself.

    Re,you know who, I agree with yourself and K1.Its a pity she
    could not be charged with having an offensive Face. 🙂

    Peace Always

  176. carjamtic says:

    K1 haud yer horses….Martha Lane Fox…Director Twitter….on Guardian’s 200 signature list…..against Scottish Indy.

    TGTF….a nation waits….;-)


  177. chasanderson200 says:

    Paula Rose
    Paula, looks like I can make it to Brechin tomorrow, can you confirm the venue and time please.
    Anybody else from Glenrothes or Dundee need a lift. I won’t be able to hang around afterwards as I need to be back in Fife 11:00 ish.

  178. Paula Rose says:

    chasanderson200 the venue is the Caledonian Hotel, Southesk Street, Brechin DD9 6DZ – doors open from 7, Paul will be speaking shortly after 8. He is also speaking in North Fife in Tayport the following evening.

  179. chasanderson200 says:

    Thanks Paula
    I’ve made the arrangements for Brechin now so I shall just stick to them.

  180. Paula Rose says:

    It’ll be much better in the city of Brechin rather than a little town like Tayport.

  181. Tinto Chiel says:

    Paula Rose, sorry to interrupt but there’s no piccalilli for the sandwiches and that Ian Brotherhood may pop in later.

    I’m a lime pickle and popadoms myself.

    We need Nana back for a wee bit strupag. Her rock cakes are magnificent.

    link to

  182. Paula Rose says:

    There’s some of my special plum pickle in the fridge.

  183. Tinto Chiel says:

    Paula Rose: that’s a goer. Take it all back.

    Sorry I snapped.

  184. Lollysmum says:

    Stoker & Liz g
    Now I see why my ears were burning. Give me a few weeks & my own car will have its own indy & wings stickers/decals etc. Need to do the basics like getting curtain rails & curtains up in the house first then I can concentrate on the psychological meltdown of my neighbours 🙂
    Lots of time to plan *laughs maniacally*

    In the meantime I hope I’ll see some of you at Glasgow Green on Sunday

  185. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Smallaxe.

    Did you get round to reading about Dundee’s ‘musical’ legend?

  186. yesindyref2 says:

    Am I too late to vote?

    13. Ian Davidson
    14. David Mundell
    15. Sir Nicholas McPherson

    You see quite a lot on Calmac ferries people driving on with a trailer and driving off leaving trailer behind, so presumably there’s just a charge then for the trailer. No idea if all routes do it, or even if it’s official. But particularly big lorries do it all the time, Mundell for instance, and you see farmers with sheep trailers dumping them.

    Yes, like a burger trailer, but the hatch / counter could be used for leaflets etc.

  187. Cactus says:

    The Wings Tour Bus.. something like this Stoker:
    link to

    Might need a paint job though!

  188. Smallaxe says:

    Brian Doonthetoon,

    Hi Brian,Sorry for the late response, I had to have the doctor
    in this morning (chest infection) my wife has it as well.

    Anyhoo,enjoying it immensely just a few links to go!

    I have been sleeping most of the day, I think the doc.slipped
    us a Mickey.We must get rid of this before the 18th as we’re both determined to attend.I will definitely be looking out for
    you my friend,for a good old natter

  189. Smallaxe says:

    Brian Doonthetoon,

    Sorry must be the medication, I forgot to say.

    Peace and Love Brian, and to those you Love

  190. yesindyref2 says:

    I can do a one way on Sunday (either way), got an order to get out Monday.

    Just found my dedicated email web server domain name expired 3 days ago hence no emails from me. Luckily only affects sending, not receiving, hence why I didn’t notice (too busy). Ah well, soon mended. Later though!

  191. Jockanese Wind Talker says:


    Advertisers are:

    Nationwide Insurance
    British Airways
    Sainsburys (Full Page Advert)
    Hugh James Solicitors
    Thomson Cruises (Full Page Advert)
    Irwin Mitchell Solicitors
    Liverpool Victoria
    Acorn Stairlifts
    Slater Gordon Solutions Legal Ltd
    ROL Cruises (readeroffers ltd) (Full Page Advert)
    GN Voyages
    Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd
    Sunlife (AXA Wealth Services Ltd)
    Specsavers (2 x Half Page Adverts)
    Riviera Travel
    Ultroid Clinics
    Imagine Cruising(dot)co(dot)uk (Full Page Advert)
    Fred Olsen Cruise Lines
    Invisible Health Care(Full Page Advert)
    Serious Injury Helpline (BBL Legal)
    facebook(dot)com(back slash)mouthy money
    PPI Claimback(dot)co(dot)uk
    HSL Chairs (Full Page Advert)
    BT Sport (2 x Half Page Adverts)

    Biggest advertiser by far is the Health Lottery (4 x adverts a Full Page one, and a couple of half page ones).

    I’m pretty owner is the same as the Rag in question.

  192. Paula Rose says:

    yesindyref2 have it sorted now – thanks.

  193. Stoker says:

    Jockanese Wind Talker

    Quite a comprehensive list there, i’ll get back to you on it as i’m just about to grab a bite to eat. Well done btw and thanks!

    Thanks also must go to Ms Sobbin McFudyin
    link to
    Your rep goes further down the stank as our popularity grows.
    Oh my!

  194. Chic McGregor says:

    I am by no stretch a legal expert, however my belief is that for a newspaper or anyone else to bring a successful action for damages to reputation it has to be established that malicious intent and actual monetary damage was committed and that the claims were untrue.

    Again, emphasising my lack of knowledge, I’d say you could be on a sticky wicket with the first two criteria in this scenario and that therefore it would be advisable that any claims made to said advertisers would have to be true and demonstrably so.

    I may be entirely wrong on this, but felt if I said nothing and fellow Wingers did get done then I would feel guilty for not having spoken up.

    Hopefully someone with more knowledge can either confirm or allay such fears.

  195. Math Campbell-Sturgess says:

    Does anyone know the deal with the rally on 18th?
    We at English Scots have been offered a speaking slot and we want a stall. But we don’t know where to put it. Anyone know the organizers phone no? I’ve only got a email address and they don’t respond quickly!

    Also anyone got a wee gazebo we could borrow?

  196. Stoker says:

    Chic McGregor (11:30am)

    Nor am i any sort of legal expert but the way i operate is covered by the ECHR and as long as we stick within the boundaries we are perfectly safe, it’s cover by several ECHR articles but the main one being Freedom of Expression.

    Jockanese Wind Talker (10:31am)

    Once again, that’s a very good list you’ve supplied us with. Just glancing through it i can see several easy targets where one can cancel their contracts.

    State clearly why you are doing it, ie; That you don’t agree with your custom being used to finance and promote cheap shoddy hate filled lying articles nor to help employ those who write the articles, either in the printed or online publications.

    Then give them one or two linked articles from WOS as a reference. Thank you very much but i’ll take my custom elsewhere. Yours Etc!

    JWT, i’m away to do some outside chores and enjoy that wee bit of sunshine, i’ll check back in later. Going for the advertisers is a power we have at our disposal, let’s use it to the max folks!

    A wee thought, would it have more clout if we actually targeted those advertisers who appear alongside McFudyin’s scribbles?

  197. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Latest results

    % is Twitter votes, then (WOS votes)

    Group 10

    1 Muriel Gray 44% (4)
    2 Frances Barber 39% (1)
    3 Jack Straw 13% (2)
    4 Jim Hood 4% (2)

    Group 11

    1 Margaret Curran 45% (6)
    2 Neil Findlay 22% (1)
    3 John Reid 19% (2)
    4 Tim Farron 14% (0)

    Group 12

    1 Eddie Izzard 46% (0)
    2 George Robertson 36% (8)
    3 James Naughtie 11% (1)
    4 Johanna Baxter 7% (0)

    Group 13

    1 Laura Kuennsberg 55% (4)
    2 Ian Davidson 26% (5)
    3 Michael White 11% (0)
    4 Anne Begg 8% (0)

    Group 14

    1 Kaye Adams 45% (3)
    2 David Mundell 38% (3)
    3 Andrew Marr 11% (1)
    4 Severin Carrell 6% (2)

    Group 15

    1 Euan McColm 44% (1)
    2 Willie Rennie 31% (0)
    3 Eleanor Bradford 18% (4)
    4 Sir Nicholas McPherson 7% (4)

  198. X_Sticks says:

    16. George Foulkes (don’t forget he coined the phrase Cybernat)
    17. Danny Alexander
    18. Ruth Davidson

  199. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Okay, I’ll bite…

    Whose plums did you use?

    *keep hearing Patrick McGoohan as Longshanks ‘…next time it could be MY plums in Paula’s pickles…’*

  200. Alex Clark says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Sorry pal, is it no possible to stick them all into one big group and tell them all to FUCK OFF?

    Just asking, like.

  201. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This weekend I’ll post the whole list here and re-open nominations so that we can cover some very VERY obvious omissions.

    It’ll be a good chance to tell them whole lot of them where to go, if you feel so inclined!


  202. Alex Clark says:

    Hehehe get it on twitter Ian, that’s smart. Can’t wait to find out the “winner” hahaha.

  203. Cactus says:

    Here a thought..

    Imagine throughout Scotland in every island, village, town and city.. ever area had their very own “Yes-100” group’s..

    Imagine each of all of these one hundred Scots clubbing and coming together with their own local ideas, to make a collective difference. Anything’s possible. Crowdfunding sounds popular.. you could do a lottery.


    We’re the Glasgow City 100
    We’re the Isle of Arran 100
    We’re the Millport 100
    We’re the Brechin 100
    We’re the Dundee East 100
    We’re the Morningside 100
    We’re the Larkhall West 100
    We’re the Shetland 100
    We’re the Oban 100
    We’re the Wick 100

    Hey, pleased to meet you.

    You know the history and the rest of the story..


  204. Cactus says:

    We own the number one hundred.

    Please form orderly queues, ten by ten will do.

  205. Cactus says:


    We’re the Arbroath 100.

    Aye aye, pleased to meet you.

  206. Cactus says:

    X x X = C

    C x ? = lots of Scots

  207. Politicaiicious says:

    A wee shy hello to you all… *waves*

  208. yesindyref2 says:

    Something I’m thinking about the box trailer if crowdfunded, is that anyone who needs a tow bar fitted should also be done out of the fund. That’s not me angling for one – my van’s too old and it’d be a waste.

    Also fuel used should be paid, we’re not all independently wealthy!

  209. Andrew McLean says:

    Cactus 12:00 am

    Yes then we will decimate the opposition.

    I’ll get my coat!


  210. Cactus says:

    Well said Andrew McLean an yer coat’s mighty fine where it be, cheers 🙂

    A confident welcome to you too Politicaiicious @ 1:38am above.

  211. Paula Rose says:

    Politicaiicious hi Honey – you need to get yourself one of those pretty gravatar thingies – I can’t remember how to do it, can any of you lot help out?

  212. Politicaiicious says:

    @ Cattus… Thank you!

    @ Paula… Hi cutie pie! I do indeed, but I don’t have an ‘account’. I keep having to post individual comments using my email.

    Is their a place somewhere on this site to register an account, then create an avatar? Or am I being stupid (more likely)?

    What are line breaks – Stu talks about them in the rules?

  213. Politicaiicious says:

    Opps there* (dies of shame at typo)

  214. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Politicaiicious.

  215. Politicaiicious says:

    Thank you Brian, off to look now… :))))

  216. carjamtic says:

    Avatar Test

    Though,only a rocking horse-dealers,daughter
    She ‘Expressed’ her delight,
    As she plotted the fight,
    and the culling of the European otter.

    She ‘reporterdly’ typed,
    Her daily shite,
    ‘Not….in my Ring of Whitewater’
    The Rotter.

  217. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Wingers have stopped voting, or are doing so via Twitter, so just the Twitting %s here in latest results:

    Group 16

    1 George Foulkes 46%
    2 Kevin Hague 24%
    3 Liam Fox 23%
    4 Jeremy Corbyn 7%


    1 Piers Morgan 37%
    2 Steven Daisley 33%
    3 Danny Alexander 23%
    4 Brian Taylor 4%


    1 Ruth Davidson 67%
    2 Brian Spanner 28%
    3 Clare Lally 5%
    4 Hugh Pennington 0%


    1 Andrew Neil 44%
    2 Duncan Hothersall 40%
    3 Kezia Dugdale 11%
    4 David Leask 5%


    1 Michelle Mone 85%
    2 Rory Stewart 8%
    3 Gordon Brewer 6%
    4 David Hamilton 1%


    1 Jackie Baillie 60%
    2 Kelvin Mackenzie 29%
    3 Tom Gallagher 8%
    4 Ming Campbell 3%

    If people are getting fed-up with this, tough.

    I’ve started, so I’ll finish, and everyone who made a nomination deserves to see how they’ll fare in an open vote. The Hothersall himself turned up last night on my Twitter, kidding-on he wasn’t sure what it was all about.

    Well, what it’s about is proving a very very mild antidote to the hysterical pish many of our compatriots are mesmerised by 24/7. I’m not daft enough to think that a cheap stunt like this is going to make one iota of difference to anything, but if it makes anyone think twice about the role of ‘celebrities’ and career politicos in crucial discourse determining the future of our weans then it’ll be worthwhile.

    Unfortunately, this can’t go on indefinitely, but it’s a long way from over – still another four, maybe half dozen 1st-round groups, then a draw for the 2nd round, consolation draw, and the finals week-end after next.

    Full list of winners, and a brief window for more nominations coming up – probs this Friday eve.

    Hoots all!


  218. X_Sticks says:


    It’s obvious you are on a mission, a labour of love, even. Bet you’re wishing you hadn’t started it 😉

    BTW I voted on twitter ’cause it wasn’t on here!

  219. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi IanB.

    Your mention of “Piers Morgan” reminded me of this…

    Rev Stu produced a poster, late Summer 2014. I altered it slightly, by adding in a Piers Morgan quote – in red, at the foot of the quotes on the right hand side.

    We had it on display at various Team YES Bus events at City Square, just prior to the Referendum vote.

    link to

    PS: I also changed the whisky names (just for fun) but I think that was a tad subtle…


  220. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @X-Sticks –

    You’re right man, I’m ploughing on. Just wish I’d timed it better so’s it would coincide with the actual climax of that shite on the box, but that runs on for yonks.

    Ach, it’s futile, but at least it does force us to remember some of the characters we’ve been up against these past few years. I just hadn’t realised how many of them there are.

    Having said that, it’s not long since I got into the whole Twitter thing, and that’s just astonishing – there are so many of us, but you don’t realise it until you have to look at each and every name, consider whether or not you want to ‘follow’. I just check what followers they already have, and if there are familiar names, fair do’s, click and that’s that, but ALL of these folk are probably every bit as committed as us right here, and many even more so, for a whole raft of reasons.

    Here’s hoping next Sunday’s nice weather-wise, and that as many as possible of ‘us’ make it to The Green. Fingers crossed!!


  221. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –


    Brian, you’ve known me long enough via here, and we’ve met a good few times now. You know I’m quite a laid-back, non-confrontational type…

    But when it comes to that guy?

    Short of devilishly complex allegories, there is nothing I could write about Piers Morgan that would not be actionable.

  222. Bob Sinclair says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Gemmes a Bogey – Rigged from the start. The final will be a penalty shootout.
    Siobhan McBadyin Vs the ‘Great British Whatever’

  223. Paula Rose says:

    I’m still a bit full of wonder – not only did I have the wondrous Wee Ginger Dug speaking as arranged in Brechin, the wonderful X_Sticks was there as well – I was touched by your presence Dear…
    link to

  224. bilptoe says:

    Watched a report on Channel4 news earlier on the Sleaford Mods.
    They did a song about New Labour that didn’t go down at all well and have been blacklisted from voting in the leadership contest.
    Anyway, never heard of them and decided to check them out on utube.
    They’re a strange duo but I found this interesting clip by way of a Christmas message to them from 2014. There’s a few juicy bits on Clegg and UKIP I didn’t know about either. Worth a nosey.

    link to

  225. bilptoe says:


    link to

  226. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    “Wings Over Scotland ?@WingsScotland 27m27 minutes ago

    Nobody knows what the last thing to still be rationed after WW2 was. Readers?”

    I’m pretty sure it was sugar…

  227. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Ignore my last comment.
    Sugar (and sweets) was Selwyn-Lloyd…

    Bed for me.

  228. yesindyref2 says:

    Egss I think.

  229. K1 says:

    Jeez…it was meat, it’s on his twitter guys! 😉

    (Can’t actually believe I’m following his Bullseye show on twitter…bloody brilliant…one hunnndrrred and Eighteee!)

  230. Smallaxe says:

    I found out where you are on the list,see Sorry,Boys!

  231. Smallaxe says:

    Meant”Sorry Guys”

    Peace Always ALLWAYS

  232. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi peeps.

    I posted this on the “Heads they win…” thread this morning just before 11 but it seems to have been skipped over by all.

    The post was in answer to all the comments last night about lack of publicity for Sunday’s Glasgow Green event.

    The first link in it should be bookmarked by all and checked daily for updates.


    The problem with publicity for organised events is when the organisers ONLY advertise on Facebook or Twitter.

    Not everyone uses these platforms so organisers are depending on word-of-mouth getting the message out.

    Most people, nowadays, have internet access so it would make sense to have a web site that anyone can access. The strange thing is, such a web site has existed since before the 2014 referendum.

    It’s a wee bit clunky to use but the info is there.

    link to

    Use the arrows at left and right (in front of the Forth Bridge) to scroll through the events posted. Both HOF on Saturday and Yes Movement (Glasgow Green) on Sunday are featured. The info re Sunday is found by clicking on the ‘read more…’ link. Still showing a 12 noon start so hasn’t been updated to show 2pm.

    link to

    This is the site that needs used and advertised, for people who will not use Facebook or Twitter.


    BTW: the info about Sunday has been there since just after the “All Under One Banner” march at the end of July. Seems obvious that the word needs spread about the existence of the web site.

  233. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Seems I missed out a batch of TGSFO Groups here.


    These are the groups still open for voting:

    Blair McDougall
    Jill Stephenson
    Barack Obama
    Manuel Barroso

    Alistair Darling
    George Galloway
    Ken McQuarrie
    James Cook

    Katie Hopkins
    Alberto Costa
    Johann Lamont
    Alex Gallagher

    Brian Wilson
    Neil Lovatt
    Terry Kelly
    Niall Ferguson

    Glen Campbell
    Ian Murray
    James Kelly

    Alex Rowley
    Ian Duncan Smith
    Adam Tomkins
    Siobhan McFadyen

  234. Smallaxe says:

    Brian Doonthetoon:
    Caught your post this morning Brian and your right in all you
    say, I don’t do Twitter or Facebook but my wife does,she is
    posting your link on Facebook as I write.Everyone,who knows
    someone who uses f/b or Twitter should ask them to do the same.

    Will be back in touch later Brian re’ Johnny Duckworth!

  235. Lollysmum says:

    Jill Stephenson
    Alastair Darling
    Katie Hopkins
    Ian Murray
    Siobhan McFadyen

  236. Smallaxe says:

    My apologies for leaving out.

    Peace Always

  237. carjamtic says:

    G22- BMcD
    G23- AD
    G24- AC
    G25- BW
    G26- IM
    G27- SF

  238. Michael McCabe says:

    Group 22 B McDougall 23 A Darling 24 A Costa 25 B Wilson 26 I Murray 27 I D Smith (what a Shower)

  239. K1 says:

    Mc Dougall
    Mc Fadyen

  240. Smallaxe says:

    Look back at “Sorry Guys” if you get time.

    Peace Always

  241. Tinto Chiel says:








    Feeling kinda queasy……

  242. Smallaxe says:

    As the saying goes,we’re a’ Jock Tamson’s Bairns 🙂

    Peace Always,ALLWAYS

  243. Paula Rose says:

    How long is this going to go on ian sweetie?

    Drums fingers on table-top

  244. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Sorry. I know you’re getting hacked off but this has to be seen through to the end.

    It’ll finish on Sat Sep 24th, mid-late evening.

    I wanted to ask you to help me do the draw for the 2nd round on Twitter. It would only take about 10/15 minutes and just involves you taking balls out of a virtual ‘bag’. If you don’t want to do it, no probs, I’ll ask someone else or just do it myself…


  245. Ian Brotherhood says:


    If you see this…

    I saw your note on Twitter but not sure what you mean so I didn’t reply there.

    Who do you mean? Checked the site of that first name but couldn’t see anything obvious…

  246. K1 says:

    Indeed Smallaxe, indeed 🙂

  247. Paula Rose says:

    Clears table and floor so that Ian can have more room

  248. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Okay, if you’re going to be like that, I assume you don’t want to take the balls out?

  249. Paula Rose says:

    Ian Ian Ian I’m making space for your balls.

  250. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Aach, FFS, it’s like trying to stick a Post-It on a jellyfish…

    I will have the balls numbered and prepared. (None of them will be artificially warmed-up, none of that palaver…) All I need is someone to take them out, one at a time, on Saturday evening, at some point between 8.30 and 9.30.

    You up for it?

    • Paula Rose says:

      On the 24th?

      pretends to look in diary

      Yes Dear I will be available.

  251. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –


    Good stuff.

    I’m dusting off my tuxedo in between tweeting updates…

  252. Paula Rose says:

    puts on party dress

  253. K1 says:

    TGSFO…can we ‘ave Quentin Letts oan the list perchance?

  254. K1 says:

    Damn you Rev and your Bullseye twitter show…it’s becoming must see viewing!

    *sticks kettle on whilst whistling the intro…*

  255. K1 says:

    John Freedland likes the Rev’s Bullseye show too…telt ye it’s crackin’ 🙂

  256. K1 says:

    Aye Jonathan even…eek

  257. Smallaxe says:

    Brian Doonthetoon:
    didn’t see you on tonight,talk tomorrow.

    Night all

    Peace Always

  258. X_Sticks says:


    You’ll need to remind me what that was about – I can’t find the tweet and the addled brain can’t remember what it was about! Doh!

  259. Ian Brotherhood says:


    It’s no big deal. Will remind you about it if/when we meet on Sunday.

    Hoots brother!


  260. Chic McGregor says:

    Wishing winger Dick Gaughan a speedy recovery.

    One of his best interpretations and seasonally appropriate.

    link to

  261. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Penultimate batch of TGSFO Round One results:


    1 Blair McDougall 54%
    2 Jill Stephenson 40%
    3/4 Barack Obama/ Manuel Barroso 3%


    1 Alistair Darling 54%
    2 George Galloway 35%
    3 James Cook 6%
    4 Ken McQuarrie 5%


    1 Katie Hopkins 65%
    2 Alberto Costa 13%
    3 Alex Gallagher 15%
    4 Johann Lamont 7%


    1 Neil Lovatt 47%
    2 Brian Wilson 41%
    3 Niall Ferguson 9%
    4 Terry Kelly 3%


    1 Ian Murray 50%
    2 Loki 24%
    3/4 Glen Campbell/ James Kelly 13%


    1 Adam Tomkins 46%
    2 Siobhan McFadyen 37%
    3 Ian Duncan Smith 17%
    4 Alex Rowley 0%

    Still time for last minute nominations if you can get them in before 7pm this evening.

    The draw will be made on Twitter tomorrow evening 8-ish-9-ish, and full list will be published here before midnight.

  262. Ian Brotherhood says:

    These groups taking votes right now:

    Group 28

    1 Theresa May
    2 Brian Donohoe
    3 John McTernan
    4 Michael Kelly

    Group 29

    1 Oliver Letwin
    2 Malcolm Rifkind
    3 Quentin Lotts
    4 ‘TRIDENT’

  263. carjamtic says:

    G28- TM
    G29- Trident

    Wingers,hiva braw weekend,remember those,who are there in spirit….but are stuck on a rusting piece of metal,in the North Sea Haar (50/60 miles,east of Dundee…I think).


  264. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian: McTernan, delusional as ever. And Rifkind, another seller of favours caught up with George Robertson in the Thomas Hamilton 100-year D Notice.

    Tell us all about it, guys.

    Or perhaps not.

  265. Michael McCabe says:

    Group 28 McTernan 29 Trident

  266. X_Sticks says:

    28. John McTernan
    29. ‘TRIDENT’

  267. Paula Rose says:

    No no we need JmcT and others becos they are re-cruiting sergeants.

  268. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Tinto Chiel –

    Just read your comments over on’t main thread about the ‘loss’ of Scotland’s historical records etc.

    Fascinating. First time I’ve heard about that. Intrigued, and must pick your brains about it sometime…


  269. K1 says:



  270. K1 says:

    Och! *slows down as I’m reading too fast…*

    Trident of course…but Letts too!

  271. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Look over there! A dry-ice factory! A good place to get some thinking done…’

    Talking Heads, ‘Cities’ (live) –

    link to

  272. Betty Boop says:

    @ IanB

    Tryin’ awfy hard to catch up on stuff, but, everytime I open up Off Topic these days it reminds me of a football coupon for all the sense it makes to me 🙁

    26 groups???!!! Will there be onybody left in Scotland after TGSFO?

    Anyway, can’remember who I nominated before (there are so many candidates), but, I noted a name in a recent list which I’d have no hesitation giving a big vote and that would be the humongous ego, a legend in his own head, that is… (drum roll) –

    Where will it all end…?

  273. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Betty Boop –


    It will end with one of them being told to fuck off even more than the rest.

    Loki was nominated, and eliminated. I got some grumbles for including him but I’m sure he’ll survive, might even give him an idea for a lyric. 🙂

    The draw for Round Two is tomorrow nicht, and Paula Rose will be doing the ball-extraction thing. (No-one else volunteered for some strange reason…)

  274. Smallaxe says:


    May your life be steered safely from the sea to a friendly

    Harbour in Love and Peace my friend

  275. Betty Boop says:

    @ IanB, 11:08pm

    Does this mean you are about to get your life back? 😉

    I’m sure Paula will do a lovely job with the balls… Paula, if you are about, remember the cherry red nail polish (the one that matches your fascinator)if your hands are going to be on show. Mwah x

  276. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I need ONE more name to complete Round One groups.

    Just one.

  277. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Betty Boop –

    🙂 !!

    No-one will see Paula’s hands – they’ll be inside a big virtual black velvet bag, rummaging about for the warmed ones… (i.e. just a normal Saturday nicht in Brechin, eh?)

  278. yesindyref2 says:

    Did anyone nominate Jenny Hjul?

  279. Smallaxe says:

    Ian Brotherhood:

    Ian Ave goat twa doon here n’ Dumfries,twa coonslers thit want
    tae hiv a refurendrum o’ Dumfries n’ Galloway tae mak it pairt
    o’ Inglind! Ian Caruthers n’ Peter Diggie,wit aboot it?

  280. Sorry to hear of Dick Gaughan’s indisposition
    Had him on my radio show tonight twice – first with 5 Hand Reel and the best ever rendition of The Freedom Come A’ Ye and then with the interesting version of Erin Go snooker loopy!

  281. Go to bed happy. Fabulous 5 Hand Reel with Dick Gaughan

    link to

    PS Don’t know how Erin Go snooker loopy! became “snooker loopy” in last post. I certainly didn’t type anything remotely like that.

  282. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @yesindyref2 & Smallaxe –

    Thanks, but ye’s are just a tad late – I got the last name via Twitter and that’s Group 30 up and running, will expire tomorrow at approx 7pm.

    Group 30:

    1 David Maddox
    2 Tony Blair
    3 Steve Bell
    4 Sir Craig Reedie

    And if that’s not a total belter to finish with, me no know what is…

  283. Smallaxe says:

    I bow to your superior knowledge and PRs pointy heels.

    Goodnight All

    Peace Always ALLWAYS

  284. yesindyref2 says:

    I don’t mind. It means poor Jenny Hlul wasn’t even considered important enough for anyone to nominate, apart from me. But I did like her article in the Herald: “Jenny Hjul: Scotland has so mush to thank Cameron for”.

    That was good for a laugh.

  285. Michael McCabe says:

    Group 30 Tony Blair

  286. K1 says:


  287. carjamtic says:

    G30- TB

  288. Smallaxe says:

    carjamtic, what’s the weather like where you are?

    Peace Always

  289. Cadogan Enright says:


    Can someone ask Nana to contact 07590462329

  290. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Fascinating. First time I’ve heard about that. Intrigued, and must pick your brains about it sometime…”

    Won’t take you long, Ian 😛 Scot Finlayson’s doc. says it all, sadly.

    Hope to see you and other vile seps on Sunday, if we can find each other.

    Hoping PR wears her 8″ heels again.

  291. X_Sticks says:

    30. Blair

  292. CameronB Brodie says:

    Proud Cybernat
    Glad to hear you’ve managed to source the stickies and apologies for possibly being more hindrance than help. I hadn’t appreciated you wanted to move so quickly.

    Congrats anyway for your initiative.

  293. Jim Thomson says:

    @Ronnie Anderson

    Check your fb messenger, old boy.

    Ta much.

    Toodle pip

  294. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Whenever you’re ready…

    Batches of four, from 1-32, please.

    I’ve already numbered the group winners, lobbed in a couple of highest runners-up. It’s as random as can be without doing any actual seeding, so there’s nae jiggery-pokery or dodginess.

  295. yesindyref2 says:

    Just as well by the way I wasn’t needed for the Irvine flit, running late this week and blackberrying today, so van only just cleaned out and loads to do for Monday. Hope to get along tomorrow though, treat myself for a change 🙂

  296. yesindyref2 says:

    I hate to say this, but it’s next Saturday you booked Paula for, not tonight!

    Paula Rose says:
    15 September, 2016 at 10:10 pm

    On the 24th?

    pretends to look in diary

    Yes Dear I will be available.

  297. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @yesindyref2 –



    Here’s me sitting all anxious, gettin meself in a fankle…

    No, seriously, well-spotted there…

    The draw must happen, and it has to happen tonight.

    So, yesindyref2, would you mind doing the ball thing?

    Can we do it right now?

  298. yesindyref2 says:

    I’ve got to go work, but as a fallback in case Paula isn’t available I’ve run “=ROUND(MOD(32*RAND(),32),0)” in Excel (not great but it’ll do), and got this list (excluding dupes):

    11, 3, 23, 24
    19, 32, 7, 15
    13, 27, 25, 2
    1, 5, 10, 30
    16, 21, 14, 26
    9, 29, 17, 20
    22, 18, 4, 8
    6, 28, 12, 31

    I had a list of 100, and still there was one missing – the last one, 31. But that’s fine!

    Just saw your reply – beat you! 🙂

  299. Betty Boop says:

    @ yesindyref2 9:17pm

    Blackberrying??? You surely mean “brambling”! 😉

  300. yesindyref2 says:

    @Betty Boop
    Brambling! I knew there was something wrong, but was thinking more of the jam and blackberry and apple pie tomorrow night. With custard of course 🙂

  301. Betty Boop says:

    @ Tinto Chiel, 10:10am

    “Hoping PR wears her 8? heels again.”

    Last time she did that at a rally, we used her shoes in place of tent pegs for the gazebo! They were a bonny blue though and were a rerr match for the canvas!

  302. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @yesindyref2 –

    That’s just perfect.

    Thanks so much – ye’re a star and I owe ye a pint.

    Can’t believe how much I’m looking forward to seeing how these groups pan-out…

    The first three will be up on Twitter soon, and I’ll copy them in here.



  303. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Round Two

    Two from each group will go on to the quarter-finals.


    Jim Murphy
    Neil Oliver
    Margaret Curran
    Neil Lovatt


    Muriel Gray
    Brian Wilson
    Kaye Adams
    Chris Deerin


    Murdo Fraser
    Katie Hopkins
    Tony Blair
    Effie Deans


    Jackson Carlaw
    George Foulkes
    J K Rowling

  304. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one for @lewis_rickard

    Would it surprise you to discover that love is considered a technology of social transformation? That would be my weapon of choice for bettering society, not a bunch of bloodthirsty Islamofascists, though a lightsaber might be handy in some circumstances. I think you seriously need to take a look at yourself before judging others, as your values appear a bit disordered, tbh.

    Uptown Rebel – Lightsaber
    link to

  305. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  306. carjamtic says:


  307. Alex Clark says:

    G1 NO
    G2 KA
    G3 TB
    G4 Trident

  308. Smallaxe says:

    CameronB Brodie says:
    18 September, 2016 at 2:03 am
    Here’s one for @lewis_rickard

    Cameron where’s @lewis rickard’s post?

    Peace, and Love Always ALLWAYS

  309. CameronB Brodie says:

    I don’t twitter but spotted him on the Rev’s account. He hoped that ISIS would descend on George square yesterday. Bit of a knuckle-dragger by the looks of things.

    That’s the type of outlook that gave rise to what little nasty divisiveness there was during indyref14. As you will no doubt have noticed, the troglodyte in question is one of your supporters. Better Together eh?

  310. Tinto Chiel says:



    This is getting too difficult.

    Betty Boop: have you seen Paula Rose in her red patent leather Doc Martyn’s?


  311. Tam Jardine says:


    Aiming for the 12.30 train from waverley if you change your mind about Glasgow green

  312. Smallaxe says:

    CameronB Brodie:

    Thanks Cameron,saw your post and it piqued my interest and as
    you will know I am not surprised that love is considered a technology of social transformation.rickard and d Bothersall
    can go and have flying coitus with each other as far as I’m
    concerned,as long as they don’t procreate. 🙂

    Peace, and Love to You and those you Love

  313. X_Sticks says:

    1. Margaret Curran
    2. Kaye Adams
    3. Tony Blair
    4. ‘TRIDENT’

  314. K1 says:

    Jim Murphy

    Brian Wilson

    Tony Blair


  315. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Really great to see a’body today.

    Too many bods to name, but…

    Smallaxe, it was a pleasure to finally meet you and the ladies in your life. You’re all charming and I hope you enjoyed yourselves despite the dodgy weather.

    Odette, if you do see this, thanks for a very interesting chat, and the info which I’ve now passed on to my boy. He’ll certainly be looking into that.

    Well done to everyone who represented this place so cheerfully and professionally, despite some serious provocation at the very end. Happily that type of thing hasn’t happened before but it had to sometime, and it was great to see everyone keeping the heid. That’s another valuable experience under the belt.


    Youse are like family to me and I love ye’s all to bits.


  316. Odet says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood

    Thanks for the chat, and for letting me know the outcome.

    It’s great starting to be able to put faces to the names on this site 🙂 I had a magical time meeting all the Wingers, especially those who came for the Scribe’s inscriptions.

  317. Stoker says:

    Can i just put all 4 of my votes to Trident in this round?

    Failing that i’ll go with:

    G1 – Murphy
    G2 – Wilson
    G3 – Fraser
    G4 – Trident

  318. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Tinto Chiel –

    Just saw a clip of Stott on Marr’s show.

    FFS, you’re not wrong.

    Reminded me of this:

    link to

  319. yesindyref2 says:

    Oh votes
    1. Neil Oliver
    2. Brian Wilson
    3. Effie Deans
    4. George Foulkes

  320. Smallaxe says:

    Ian Brotherhood,

    Ian, I can assure you that the pleasure was mutually enjoyed.
    Yourself and so many others made it a day to remember and
    cherish.We were made to feel very welcome by everyone,as you
    say,like family.It was so enjoyable to be able to put unfamiliar faces to some very recognisable names:

    Names: Brian Doonthetoon,X Sticks,Pete the Camera,the yew choob’ers,Ronnie Anderson,the wee ginger dug and his pet human Schroedinger’s cat,Lollysmum,yesbot and so many others,last but most certainly not least the beautiful Paula Rose (I got a stroke from her) when the wife wisnae lookin,there was even
    some self proclaimed”Lurker’s”. I was given a chair to sit on
    and a hot cup of coffee,badges,magazines even a half dozen
    rolls to take home with us!

    I would like to thank you all for your genuine friendliness and a welcome that the Scots are rightly famous for,although
    not everyone was Scottish born,but Scots all the same.

    My apologies to anyone not mentioned but as you can see there
    was so many people to meet I had trouble keeping up.

    We are so lucky to have so many good and kindhearted Wingers it was a glimpse into the Scotland we all deserve and strive
    for,with people like these I am certain,OUR DAY IS COMING!

    Here’s tae us Wa’s like Us!

    Peace and Love to All and those you Hold Dear

    I can’t link,but I would like some or all to go on YouTube
    and find Eric Claptons “let it grow”

  321. David says:

    When faced with provocation, we need to respond with love. Light years of love, as Blue Oyster Cult sang:

    link to

    Newsflash from Wet Wet Wet, Love Is All Around:
    link to

    And for Smallaxe, Eric Clapton’s ‘(Plant Your Love And) Let It Grow’:
    link to

  322. Betty Boop says:

    And another good day was had amongst the Wings… Great to see so many and sorry about those I missed or didn’t get much of a chance to speak with.

    Odet – I hope your hand isn’t cramped after all that writing. They just kept coming!

    Good to see Pete back in action – take care though 🙂

    See y’all next time.

  323. Smallaxe says:

    David: Thanks for putting in the link.

    Betty Book: Hello I met you yesterday, I was disguised as a
    Hula dancer so maybe you didn’t recognise me.

    Peace Always

  324. Smallaxe says:

    Betty I meant Boop,sorry.

    Peace Always 🙂

  325. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian Brotherhood @11.34.

    An amazing likeness. It may be that Ken had stage make-up on and his hooter isn’t that bad.

    Or maybe not…..

    Great to chat to you again but I seemed to have missed a lot of folks. We should probably go about with our “names” on big badges.

    Maybe catch you next time, Smallaxe. Glad you had a great time.

  326. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Round Two, final 4 groups, all pure hoaching with big beasts…

    Group 5

    Andrew Neil
    Alistair Darling
    Euan McColm
    Eddie Izzard

    Group 6

    Laura Kuennsberg
    Adam Tomkins
    Jackie Baillie
    Blair McDougall

    Group 7

    John McTernan
    Piers Morgan
    Michelle Mone
    Queen Elizabeth

    Group 8

    Gordon Brown
    Ian Murray
    Ruth Davidson
    Jill Stephenson

    • Nana says:

      @Ian Brotherhood


      Gings I feel dirty just typing their names. yuk yuk yuk!

  327. K1 says:


  328. X_Sticks says:

    1. Andrew Neil
    2. Blair McDougall
    3. Queen Elizabeth
    4. Gordon Brown

    Painfully difficult to choose!

  329. Odet says:

    Who was the lovely gentleman who lent his Wee folding table to me yesterday?

    Apparently me brain was as cramped as my writing hand by the end of the afternoon
    ( excuses excuses)
    and I forgot to return the table personally or express my thanks.

    Grovelling apologies.

  330. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto Chiel:

    Hope we meet next time,it would be good to have a blether.

    Peace Always my friend

  331. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Forget to bring results of R2, first batch:

    The winners, top two from each group:

    Neil Oliver 57%
    Jim Murphy 25%
    Kaye Adams 45%
    Muriel Gray 32%
    Effie Deans 35%
    Murdo Fraser 43%
    ‘TRIDENT’ 43%
    JK Rowling 37%

    But check out the losers! They’ve all gone out:

    Mgt Curran 11%
    Neil Lovatt 7%
    Brian Wilson 14%
    Chris Deerin 9%
    Tony Blair 18%
    Katie Hopkins 4%
    George Foulkes 15%
    Jackson Carlaw 5%

  332. Betty Boop says:

    @ Smallaxe

    Apologies, I met so many yesterday whose outfits had me mesmerised (including a yellow monkey; I think that’s what it was!). For some reason, I thought you were wearing a Stetson! Guess that doesn’t match a hula though :-). It was all go from the moment we set the tables up, so, confusion reigns in my auld heid.

    Good that you got to the Green – you wouldn’t have any trouble finding the Wings reprobates!

    @ Odet. I recall setting up that wee table, but, I don’t know if it was Ken or Kim Jong Ron that brought it. Hard task master, eh? 🙂 Hope you have recovered after that sterling effort.

    @ Tinto Chiel

    Didn’t see you at GG. Does that mean you don’t have a passport? 😉

  333. Tinto Chiel says:

    Betty Boop: ha! ha! no, I’ve still got three passports from Freedom Square. I was at GG yesterday and spoke to a very busy Ronnie and BDTT but got in tow with yon Ian B and spent a while planning the revolution. Will advise closer to start date. Good to meet JLT, X_Sticks and Tam Jardine, though.

    Sorry to have missed you, BB, but for all most wingers were within about 200 square metres of each other, we don’t seem to have been very good at meeting up. We need more badges!

  334. Betty Boop says:

    @ Tinto Chiel,

    Yup, meeting up and planning escape, that’s what it’s all about. The thing is, just head for the Wings stall or banner and someone will a) recognise you, or, b) you just tell them who you are after you’ve made them guess for a while!

    Most Wingy folk end up at the stall or just in front of it at some time. Me, I was all on the stall all afternoon between JimT, Anne, Bdtt, Pete the camera, Caz-M, Odet, Miss Babington, Ken at iScot and Roguecoder at Ayemail. Bob Sinclair and X-Sticks were in and out. Oh, and some fella called Ronnie was hingin’ aboot 😉 Paula was working the crowd…

    We had quite a number under canvas from time to time, JLT, IanB, Morag, Lollysmum, Smallaxe, Lanarkist and probably quite a few more that I missed seeing.

    That’s thing, build it and they will come! Very apt that; I reckon GG was truly a Field of Dreams on Sunday.

  335. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi peeps.

    A busy weekend, what with ‘Hope Over Fear’ on Saturday afternoon, then ‘a small libation’ in the Yes Bar on Saturday evening, where it was fine when Sarah Johnston and her pal, David, joined the vile cybernats for a couple of pints.
    Sarah is the one on the right, in this video…

    link to

    Then we had Glasgow Green on Sunday, where, once again, it was a pleasure to meet up with previously identified Wingers and be able to put faces to names I hadn’t met before, like Rogue Coder, Smallaxe, yesindyref2…

    Onnyhoo, as I showed yesindyref2, I did a couple of videos on Sunday. The first features the arrival of the YES Bikers, from the first to the last. It started around 2.15.

    link to

    After that, I did a short ‘panorama’, to show the extent of the crowd, around 2.30. You should be able to pick out Wingstown halfway through.

    link to

    I have pics from George Square (July) and Sunday afternoon. I’ll get them uploaded to Imgur in the next couple of days, then stick the link in ‘off-topic’.

  336. X_Sticks says:

    Really good to catch up with everyone yesterday. Great to put some more faces to names, especially Smallaxe and his lovely lady, Tino Chiel, and yestoindyref2 names lang kent and now faces too.

    The family grows with every meeting, and here’s tae ye a’!

  337. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Jaunty tune with braw video. Brings back some very happy memories…

    New Order, ‘True Faith’ –

    link to

  338. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘In my drunken stupor I’ve got to admire your ingenuity…’


    Magazine, ‘Rhythm Of Cruelty’ –

    link to

  339. ronnie anderson says:

    Tae that wee wummin caw’d Odessa fur her scribing we bless her
    tho her que ‘s were long she stuck tae the task whit mair could we ask
    And like the rest naebody payed her.
    ( wingers will be confuddled as to Odessa is ) lol.

    Lugs back I shall this Only wance, £ 725 counted by Paula Rose & myself
    £500 will be forwarded to Roguecoder £225 will be retained for purchase of Tables ect (might need a new Gizebo soon).

    Thanks to WINGS TEAM (YOUS KNOW WHO’S YOU UR ) & ALL WINGERS & YESSERS for making our day.
    (Mitch Kilbride / Helen Smith /Bill Glen / Colin) for the Tea & Coffee stall monies included in the total.
    Petethecamera will no doubt put his charity donations for Badges up ( not long out of Hospital & cant keep him from attending this event) well done Pete get back to full health soonest.

    Signing off for now still KInacker’d lol.

    KEEK ODETE lol.

  340. JLT says:

    Hello folks!

    Not often I post on the Off-Topic, but yep, just want to say thanks to Ronnie and Brian for letting me help out in their big tent. However …I pray I never see a Wings balloon ever again.

    Was a pleasure meeting Smallaxe, Tinto and YestoIndyref2 for the first time. Also great catching up with Tam Jardine, X-Sticks, Betty Boop, Ian Brotherhood (good luck with the last year at Uni mate!), Morag, Lollysmum, Smallaxe, Lanarkist, JimT, Bdtt, Pete the camera, Caz-M, Anne, Wee Ginger Dug, Kendo Macaroonbar, the good folks in the ‘English for Yes’ tent and all the other Wingers who, in my book, are all ‘avid readers’ (and not the ‘Lurkers’ as Ronnie called them …tsk-tsk …shake o’ the heid LOL).

    But a great day, guys! Loved every minute of it (except those balloons). Catch up again soon folks. You all take care!!!

  341. JLT says:

    And oh God before I get slapped! It was also a pleasure catching up with the delightful Paula Rose! Always makes me laugh with his wee shenanigans around the Wingers!!

    Take care the now Paula. Catch up at the next do!! Cheers

  342. ronnie anderson says:

    @ JLT ah dont want Lurkers ah want tae see then dipping there toes intae Wings & becoming Lurchers.

    Cmon Lurkers post up, WE dont bite ( much) lol

  343. Tam Jardine says:

    ronnie anderson

    Great effort from you and the rest of the wingers manning the stands. My daughter and I had a great time. She went hame wearing a great flag courtesy of your good self and a couple of wee saltires painted on her face.

    Well, she might as well start learning a bit about this weird and wonderful country and her travails.

    Great meeting so many wingers- a good few weel kent names there I missed. Next time.

    Hopefully another meet is not too far off.

    • kendomacaroonbar says:

      Thanks to all my fellow wingers who helped set up/strip down the iScot Gazebo it was a great help. And to the gentleman who walked off with my gold foiled Scottish passport holder pre production sample Father Ronnie wishes to have ‘words’.

      thanks again, You guys are great x

  344. kendomacaroonbar says:

    Thank you to the wings family for helping us out you were superb.

    Not nice thoughts to the guy that walked off with my pre production passport sample – re-arrange into well known saying or phrase Jobby / hedgehog /breech position

  345. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Final R2 results:


    Alistair Darling 39%
    Andrew Neil 30%

    Euan McColm 16%
    Eddie Izzard 15%


    Blair McDougall 32%
    Adam Tomkins 24%

    Jackie Baillie 23%
    Laura Kuennsberg 21%


    John McTernan 38%
    Michelle Mone 24%

    Queen Elizabeth 22%
    Piers Morgan 16%


    Ruth Davidson 44%
    Gordon Brown 35%

    Jill Stephenson 16%
    Ian Murray 5%

    Congratulations to all the winners. Now, only the boldest proceed…after the hair, snotters and bits of ermine have been cleared away.

    Only 16 remain.

  346. Betty Boop says:

    @ IanB

    Scratched my head trying to figure how Brian Wilson dropped out of the running in R2, then I remembered there are an awful lot of candidates for the top spot. That guy gives me the heebie jeebies.

  347. Smallaxe says:


    May I add-jobby/hedgehog/breech position/haemorrhoids,we used
    tae ca’ thaim piles before decimalisation.The Bas-turd!

    Peace and Love to you and all you Love

  348. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Betty Boop –

    Typically, he folded against serious opposition.

    In this case, it was Kaye Adams (45%) and Muriel Gray (32%) who did for him, and convincingly so. The fact that Chris Deerin polled a miserable 9% will be scant consolation.

    Wilson has now slipped over the horizon of public consciousness, slipping into a netherworld of ignominious oblivion, as he was always destined to, still muttering darkly about finding WMDs in Iraq…

    Most of Scotland happily waves him off, saying ‘cheerio, ya pure nob’.

  349. Nana says:


    I am so sorry to hear you are under the weather, you really must take care after all you are not long out of hospital. Perhaps being out in the rain on Sunday did not help.

    Let Mrs Smallaxe mollycoddle you, lots of cuddles and plenty fluids. Get better soon xx

  350. Smallaxe says:


    Thank you for your genuine concern,if you haven’t already,have
    a look at my post on the Unhappy 11% at 5:45pm you will see the situation,as you already know I still have an incurable thingy
    to deal with,it can mess with the head at times, I like every
    Grandpa want to be here for my Grandchildren to hopefully guide them in what can be a very dangerous world.Im so proud of them Nana,there great and bright kids they are what keeps me going.

    I know that I must annoy some people at times with my daft posts at times,but if they see my name they can just scroll
    Past,are we Scots not known for our sense of humour,anyway I’m
    sure that the Rev.Stu will put me in my place if he thinks that I’m out of order.

    Peace and Love to You and Yours Nana. Billy.

  351. Nana says:


    Aye you have your troubles Billy and how you manage to keep a cheery outlook astounds me, I guess your faith plays a part.
    I for one look forward to your posts as they provide some welcome respite especially on days when the threads can be a bit ‘heavy’

    As for those who might complain ignore them. I’ve had a few broadsides hurtle my way over the last three years & I’m still standing [well sitting actually]
    I believe a cheery face welcomes more people to the cause than a gurny one, blimey there are too many gurners in this world already.

    I tell you what Billy, I’m thinking your grandkids are megga proud of grandad. xx

    I’m off to nab a couple of no voters I’ve got dangling on my hook, think they are about ready for reeling in. I can be a bit of a ‘battleaxe’ hahahaha

    For you
    link to

  352. Smallaxe says:

    Nana, your one of those special people who I and others love to communicate with or to have you as a friend, I consider you
    as a Best Friend I have yet to meet in person, I hope the day
    comes soon.My wife and myself send our love and best wishes to
    Your good self and your husband (lucky man) and we both hope to meet you in a Free Scotland soon.

    As always Nana Peace and Love.There’s nothing funny about that!

  353. Nana says:


    Ach I’m not special Billy. Hope to meet you someday too, you have to take care of yourself xx

    My wee westie has just come in covered in black seeds. He’s been lying in the shade under a bush in the back garden, help ma boab what a mess. He looks like he’s been pebble dashed haha

  354. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Who’s YOUR favourite Traveling Wilbury?

    link to

  355. Ken500 says:

    @ Brian

    19 September, 2016 at 8.25pm

    Thanks for the videos from the millions of folk that could not be there. Thanks Glasgow.


  356. Ken500 says:

    @ Brian

    Thanks for the videos


  357. Smallaxe says:

    Ian Brotherhood:

    It’s definitely him that starred in that classic movie with
    Vivien Leigh “Blowing in the Wind” Bob Gable aye that’s ma man.

    Peace Always

  358. Smallaxe says:


    Peace Love and Pebbledashed Pets 🙂

  359. Tinto Chiel says:

    @JLT: interested to hear about your work on the Douglas Family. I couldn’t remember the excellent book on The Black Douglases by Michael Brown, 1998, Tuckwell Press when I was talking to you. You probably have consulted it already but just in case……

    Douglas itself is very interesting and the family vault is in St Bride’s Kirk. You can get access by asking for the key. It’s a bit creepy on a winter’s afternoon, as I found out for myself one Hogmanay.

    Take a pal if you ever decide to go.

  360. Stoker says:

    Nana wrote:

    “As for those who might complain ignore them. I’ve had a few broadsides hurtle my way over the last three years & I’m still standing..”

    Just for you Nana, your own anthem! Steady oan the jiggin’ noo!

    Elton John – I’m Still Standing
    link to

  361. Paula Rose says:

    Just a test…

    link to

  362. Paula Rose says:


    link to

  363. Stoker says:


    I’m getting nothing from your link at 9:40 but your 10:05 works.


    I get the same as Paula’s 9:40 when i click on your 8:25 links.

  364. Paula Rose says:

    Stoker Honey I’m just so pleased that my efforts are not in vain.

  365. Stoker says:

    Sorry, Brian, just checked your links again and all are working.

    Thanks for those, very much appreciated.

  366. yesindyref2 says:

    Incidentally and quite by chance or something like that, going to the Glasgow Green thing on Sunday and being with fellow total absolute nutjobs seems to have given me a new lease on life and enthusiasm, not just for Indy work, but generally as well. Good for morale!

    I recommend it.

  367. Nana says:


    Cheers for that. Don’t suppose you now the number of a good chiropractor?
    Only kidding, but the bones don’t half creak, might need some WD40 in the morning! haha

  368. Paula Rose says:

    Oi – you lot something is totally amiss, there is nothing here by Thepnr I’m getting seriously worried.

  369. Paula Rose says:

    *looks in back of cupboard*

  370. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Paula Rose.

    RE: Georeferenced maps I mentioned at the weekend. Go to this link, then click on ‘Geo-referenced overlays’ at lower left.

    link to

    When you get the next page, I find that the ‘OS 25inch, 1892-1905’ is a decent overlay to start with. Slide between old and current with the slider at the left – ‘Change transparency of overlay’ – under the overlay drop down menu.

  371. Smallaxe says:

    Ian Brotherhood:

    You asked people who their favourite Travelling Wilbury was
    and I was the only one to reply,was there a prize?did you keep it for yourself? Speedboat? Caravan?own up Ian or I will be on
    the phone to Jeremy Kyle and the lie detector will get you.

    Peace Always 🙂

  372. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @smallaxe –

    No prizes I’m afraid.

    If you haven’t already watched that link you’ll see that it’s not the ‘real’ TWs, just some dude doing his take on them, and he does it very well!

    Hoots mon.


  373. Smallaxe says:

    Ian Brotherhood:

    I did watch the link,funny as feck,but did you see my reply,if
    so did you not twig the Humour back at you? 🙂

    Peace Love and Laugh’s

  374. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smallaxe –


    (Had to scroll back there, had missed it!)

  375. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Thanks to Paula Rose, the QF draw for ‘TGSFO!’ has been completed live on Twitter. Same as last round, top two go on to the semis, to be announced late tomorrow night.

    Group 1:

    Ruth Davidson
    Alistair Darling
    Effie Deans
    Adam Tomkins

    Group 2:

    Neil Oliver
    JK Rowling
    Gordon Brown
    Michelle Mone

    Group 3:

    Kaye Adams
    John McTernan
    Muriel Gray
    Andrew Neil

    Group 4

    Murdo Fraser
    Blair McDougall
    Jim Murphy

    There can be only eight!


  376. Cactus says:

    Good to be with youse all at the weekend in Yes Glasgow.
    Same time next year..?

    Where’s next.. Edinburgh, Aberdeen..

    Am enjoying the ongoing coverage of TGSFO!
    Aye, plenty of hoachers in there 🙂
    In the end, there can be only one.

  377. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Cactus –



    Good word mister. It’s a keeper.

  378. Paula Rose says:

    It’ll be in his next crossword *makes note*

  379. JLT says:


    Hi Tinto,

    Most of my research has been done through University archives. Being the 13th-15th century, the information to be found is pretty limited, and probably most documents have been found and added to what we know. My lecturers had warned me that anything from medieval times is likely to be fairly thin, and that what you are gathering is just the same information from various sources with just snippets here and there.

    However, to the group that I have been helping (a battle re-enactment group), they have found the information fascinating. They are more or less interested in James Douglas, 2nd Earl of Douglas and the battle of Otterburn when they defeated Henry Percy (Hotspur).

    At the moment, visiting anything is going to be limited as my attention has to be on my Uni studies for the next 8 months. There’ll be no chance before next May, but after that (and depending on what the Group want), then if I get a chance, then I may visit a few of the sites. I know Ian (my friend who participates in the battle re-enactments) does want to visit a couple of key places.

    But yep, noted down the site and I’ll mention it to him. However, as said, it all depends on what it is they want to look into and what to visit. Part of the their yearly dates is to be invited to France where they have participated in the enactments there (where the Douglases were involved). At this point, I might try and wangle myself on one of their wee trips to France and enjoy the culture of our two nations there. Could be worse! LOL

    But thanks again, Tinto. As said, it was great having a wee blether with you on Sunday. Take care the now!!

  380. Smallaxe says:


    As a Man writing this
    I may kick up a fuss
    But I still think that women
    Should clean up after us

    We’ve made a real mess
    But we didn’t mean it
    And I think we need women
    To step in and clean it

    As the earth is being squandered
    To make a fast buck
    The only woman consulted
    Has been Lady Luck

    I know some women frown
    As only some women can
    When a lady takes a chair
    From a gentleman

    But please force yourselves ladies
    Take a seat from a gent
    Take a seat in Old Holyrood
    Our Scots Parliament

    The daughters of Eve
    Once again must give birth
    To a plan that will help us
    Clean up Mother Earth
    This poem was written by Billy the Rhymer
    Last of the hippy’s 1969r
    You can read if you please
    If you like it it’s yours
    It costs nothing it’s free
    Just take it in Peace

  381. Cactus says:

    @Ian Brotherhood ~

    Aye aye,’Hoachers’ must have been picked up by my sub conscious and derived from your previous..

    “all pure hoaching with big beasts…”

    Not long to go now until the winner is crowned, but will it be (wo)man or weapon..

  382. Michael McCabe says:

    Group 1 Ruth Davidson 2 Gordon Brown 3 John Mcternan 4 Trident

  383. Nana says:


    I’m a wee bit of a rhymer myself, well I do try

    There is a wee rhymer on Wings
    Each day with his wit he does bring
    Light relief and some mirth
    To the threads and for me they are worth
    Much more than all shiny things

  384. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    On Sunday afternoon, I talked to a couple of peeps (Tam Jardine +1?) about a pilot drama I had seen on YouTube. It was set in Edinburgh’s New Town and I found it half decent.

    It’s been uploaded to YouTube but in 7 parts, of approx 9-10 minutes. The link below gives you part 1; the other parts are available from the related list on the right of the part 1 page.

    link to

  385. Smallaxe says:

    @ Nana

    I know a fine lady methinks
    Each morning she sends me fine links
    From finish to start
    They are truth every part
    And there sent from her
    Big Golden Heart X

    Peace Love and Poetry

  386. Tinto Chiel says:

    Nae probs, JLT.

    You sound a busy man, so good luck with all that.

    I am often amused by some of the more Yoonish academics who gloss over the reason the mediaeval period is so thin in documents: don’t mention regular invasion and confiscation/destruction of records/archives etc from ablow the dyke!

    A trip to Aubigny would be nice but then you’d have to drink the wine…..


  387. yesindyref2 says:

    Group 1: Ruth Davidson
    Group 2: Neil Oliver
    Group 3: Andrew Neil
    Group 4: Murdo Fraser

  388. Tinto Chiel says:




    Adams with an “e”


  389. David says:

    QF draw for ‘TGSFO!’, my picks:

    Group 1: Alistair Darling
    Group 2: Gordon Brown
    Group 3: John McTernan
    Group 4: TRIDENT

  390. Thepnr says:

    G1 AT
    G2 NO
    G3 KA
    G4 Trident

  391. Fairliered says:

    1. Darling
    2. Brown
    3. McTernan
    4. Trident

  392. Stoker says:

    A wee bit of reading for the nighthawks.
    Hidden History:

    Dr James Young (1811 – 1833)
    link to

  393. Paula Rose says:

    Thepnr Honey – how lovely to see you *cuddle*

  394. Cactus says:

    Och aye I’ll join in, but for one group only..

    4. TRIDENT

    Repeat as appropriate.

    Hope it counts.

  395. Tinto Chiel says:

    Stoker, liked that but thought you meant this guy:

    link to

    He was a carnaptious Scot who refused to accept the Unionist version of our history, like Stuart McHardy.

    Cactus: looked for your hat at GG but must have missed you.

    Next time, mon vieux.

  396. Ian Brotherhood says:



    QF/G1 Twitter% (WOS)

    Ruth Davidson 48% (2)
    Alistair Darling 24%
    Effie Deans 12% (0)
    Adam Tomkins 16% (1)

  397. Ian Brotherhood says:




    JK Rowling 31% (0)
    Gordon Brown 25 (7)

    Michelle Mone 23% (0)
    Neil Oliver 21% (2)

  398. Ian Brotherhood says:




    Kaye Adams 38% (3)
    John McTernan 34% (5)

    Muriel Gray 17% (0)
    Andrew Neil 11% (1)

  399. Cactus says:

    Aweright Tinto Chiel ~

    Yeah, I was hanging out with my good friend Jock Scot at the music tent, where we were harmonising to the tunes of Scotland. Next time.

    Going walkabout on an adventure.. bbs.

  400. Ian Brotherhood says:




    ‘TRIDENT’ 55% (9)
    Murdo Fraser 24% (1)
    Blair McDougall 13% (0)
    Jim Murphy 8% (0)

    And that concludes the quarter-final results…


    Paula Rose was good enough to do the Q/F draw, and we remain grateful to her for bringing a wee touch of class to the proceedings…


    …but I must ask now, and I ask it most sincerely – would any other fellow correspondents like to volunteer to do the draw for the semis?

    Please note – this will be the last ‘draw’ required, as the semis will result in one four-name group.

    There may be eight semi-finalists, aye, but there can be only one ball-plucker…

    Please organise an orderly queue, or sort it our yersels and let me know…

    If no volunteers are forthcoming I shall have no option but to take the balls out myself and suffer whatever consequences ensue.

  401. K1 says:


  402. K1 says:

    Och…late tae the party…should huv read further afore posting 🙁

  403. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @K1 –

    Seeing as how we’re both here, and the results are all in, would you like to do the draw for the semis?

    Won’t take more than a few comments back and forth, and that’s it sorted, I can post them on Twitter.

    You up for it?


  404. Betty Boop says:

    @ Tinto Chiel, 10:01pm

    He was a carnaptious Scot …

    I haven’t heard anyone use the word “carnaptious” since my late Dad, but, more likely it was my Mum talking about my Dad! Thanks for reminding me 🙂

    @ Bdtt

    Brian, at GG you mentioned you would post a link to an event happening either end of this month or next (can’t remember). Would be grateful if you could dig out the details. Ta muchly.

  405. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @K1 –

    Bummer, must’ve just missed you there…

    I need these numbers drawn so I’ll head over to Twitter and get it done by someone properly random!

    Hoots anyway!

  406. yesindyref2 says:

    A reflective moment

    link to

  407. Stoker says:

    TC (@10:01pm)

    Thanks, the feelings mutual, i enjoyed the link you provided.

    From now on i plan to submit the occasional interesting Scottish history piece for others to read right here in Paula’s hoose, it can be a bit deserted at times and goodness knows she needs to be kept busy.

    I’ll not be posting as often on the main threads for a good while because i want to focus the time i have on my own wee projects promoting WOS in my neck of the woods.

    Rev, keep those articles and the ammunition coming, i have endless space in my armoury and one can never have enough bullets or weapons of choice.

    RogueCoder (Lindsay) – Order on its way to you later.

    IanB – For as long as Trident remains in the TGSFO running put a vote against it each time for me please. As for the others, well, who cares, they’re all Massey Fergusons or John Deeres. And don’t be doing a Dippy Dug and forgetting my vote.

    A final wee note to those waiting for ‘IndyRef2’ to be kick-started, don’t wait, time is precious, get the truth out now and when the big day gets triggered we’ll be well ahead of the pack.

    Quite often it takes some considerable time for a message, or change of habit, to sink in and be activated. Don’t make the mistake of thinking we’ve got this in the bag, we don’t!

    Take the time to get out from the WOS bubble and sniff the reality. Fight like your life depended on it because it does.

    Look after yourselves troops and stay safe out there. Orrabest!

  408. yesbot says:

    @ Brian Doonthetoon 22 September, 2016 at 11:06 am

    Thanks Brian, so ‘quirkily’ enjoyable and bang on with the Edinburgh cliches, shame the series didn’t materialise!

  409. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I did a post from another machine, around half an hour ago. It hasn’t shown so I’ll try from this machine.

    Hi Betty Boop.

    The date is 22nd October, 12 noon till 8pm. Originally, it was to be a march from Holyrood to Leith Links but it has been changed to a march from Waterloo place (East end of Princess Street) to a rally at Holyrood with entertainment, speakers, stalls and so on.

    Info at this page:-

    link to

    Also at the Facebook page:-

    link to

  410. Tinto Chiel says:

    Betty Boop: glad to have pressed the memory lane button for you. It describes me too and you should hear what Mrs TC calls me.

    Stoker: glad to hear you’ll be dropping off your historical stuff at Paula’s gaff. Do you think you could tactfully mention the state of the ash trays?

    Cactus: keep in touch and don’t eat yellow snow. Bon voyage.

  411. Paula Rose says:

    What’s up now? You don’t like the nice sparkly clean ashtrays?

  412. Tinto Chiel says:

    Yes, much better thanks.

    Might pop back later with the Pledge.

  413. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Zombie Banks and currency options
    Andy Anderson is on again tonight from 7pm talking with me about currency options for an independent Scotland and the fraud that is our major banking services.

  414. K1 says:

    Och Ian woulda been happy tae oblige, but ah headed aff tae ma pit sharpish after ma comment! Hope ye found someone to do the draw. 😉

  415. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @K1 – No bother, it’s done, and you’ve reminded me that I didn’t even post the SF groups here!

    @Stoker – Noted. Consider it done.

    Here are the SF Groups:

    Group 1

    Kaye Adams
    John McTernan
    Gordon Brown

    Group 2

    Murdo Fraser
    JK Rowling
    Alistair Darling
    Ruth Davidson

    Group 1 closes approx 10, and 2 approx 12 tonight.

    Hoots all! 🙂

  416. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Oooooh yeah, it’s Friday!

    Time to get on the leather jacket and legwarmers!

    Shalamar, ‘I Can Make You Feel Good’ –

    link to

  417. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it…

    Daniel O’Donnell, ‘Jambalaya’ –

    link to

  418. Macart says:

    Friday night and the first chill of autumn in my neck of the woods. Seems like a very long, though damp, summer since the June vote. Anyroads, this dead zone period is depressing as hell and folks are frustrated beyond words. (sigh)

    I feel a dram or three and a long (extended) lie down coming on. I think the change of pace should hopefully recharge the old batteries.

    Have a good one guys. 🙂

    link to

  419. X_Sticks says:

    Group 1

    Group 1
    Alistair Darling

  420. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Anyroads, this dead zone period is depressing as hell and folks are frustrated beyond words. (sigh)”

    Feeling your pain Macart. Not quite getting this clamour for UDI. Need a rest or a large malt.

    Or both.

    Ian B: Trident
    Ruth Davidson

  421. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I love beer but rarely drink it as it makes me fart like a champion.

    But I must tell you all about this stuff I’m necking right now. From Lidl, it’s called ‘Perlenbacher Festbier’ and the can bears a cheesy drawing of a busty barmaid holding frothy steins of it aloft. 99p a can.

    It is – I jest ye not – the best dark lager/beer I have ever tasted. Reminds me of Furstenberg, but nicer.

    Has a real kick too. (5.5%)


    Slainte all!

  422. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian Brotherhood: you’re better than that. Get on with your novel. Busty barmaids indeed: you’re our intellectual wing!

    Having said that, Mrs TC and I have to go to Hamburg for four days in October (long story).

    Any orders?

  423. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Sometimes words just aren’t enough…

    Sydney Devine, ‘Scotland Forever’ –

    link to

  424. Fairliered says:


  425. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian: I raise you this (steak and kidney, seriously?) That beer must be good.

    link to

  426. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TC –

    Indeed it is


    Approx a decade ago I woke up late-morning, as if from a nightmare, convinced I could hear The Sydney doing ‘Tiny Bubbles’, but much more worser than the rendition I had encountered in childhood.

    Drink had been taken the night-before, so I mentally dismissed the man and his caterwaulings.

    Would they disperse?

    No. They would not.


    So, maddened, confused, sleep-deprived and fearing for my mental health, I arose from my scratcher, and raggedly hauled up the blinds – painfully adjusting focus to cope with the unbearably sudden brightness, I struggled for many seconds to accept the awful truth.


    There he was, The Man Himself, in the bowling green which backs onto our humble abode, doing his warm-up for the Gala Day.

    True dat, and I do hope you won’t let a rift come between us.


  427. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian, you are a true poet, able to process your trauma into a tinkling stream of utter poetry.

    Was it Ardeer Bowling Club? or ICI?

    Your novel needs you, as does mine.

    It was so much simpler when Paula Rose when did the stir-fries.

  428. K1 says:


  429. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TC –



    It’s right over the back wall.

    (You sound familiar with these pairts.)

    Aye, Miss Paula Rose is very very quiet tonight – usually an ominous sign. Someone, somewhere, must be getting it.

  430. Betty Boop says:

    @ Bdtt

    Thanks for the info 🙂

    @ IanB

    If the book has closed a wee bit late:

    Group 1 Kaye Adams
    Group 2 Ruth Davidson


  431. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Betty Boop –

    Sorry, you just missed it, but I hope you’ll be pleased to know that your selection has proceeded to the final.

    Here’s how Group 1 of the semi-final finished:

    1 ‘TRIDENT’ 54%
    2 Kaye Adams 20%
    3 John McTernan 14%
    4 Gordon Brown 12%

  432. Michael McCabe says:

    1 Gordon Brown 2 Alistair Darling

  433. Michael McCabe says:

    Bluegrass ? Rocket Man. link to

  434. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian: not so familiar with Ardeer but an old Communist colleague worked at ICI. Lucky guess.

    I’m worried about Paula Rose: they say her satay is quite magnificent but she’s gone all quiet. She’s maybees chapping her ingans still.

    Think I need some of that beer you mentioned…..

  435. Ian Brotherhood says:

    And here’s the outcome of the other semi:

    1 JK Rowling 35%
    2 Ruth Davidson 31%
    3 Murdo Fraser 19%
    4 Alistair Darling 15%


    The Final of ‘The Great Scottish Fuck Off!’:

    Ruth Davidson
    JK Rowling
    Kaye Adams

    The poll will go ‘live’ on Twitter at midnight, and close tomorrow at the same time.

  436. K1 says:


  437. Tinto Chiel says:

    Much as I loathe our resident Massey Fergusons and Bamber Gascoignes, the only answer can be Trident.

    And so to bed.

  438. Michael McCabe says:

    Christy Moore- So do I link to

  439. Michael McCabe says:

    All About that Bass. link to

  440. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael –


    Nice one.

    This is an earlier version of the song he finished that concert with.

    Moore’s one of these dudes who doesn’t really seem to age a lot, eh?

    link to

  441. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    Ian Brotherhood,

    Thanks for the effort and the craic.

    Has to be TRIDENT sums up Scotland in Union and symbolises Little Britainers attitudes.

    We don’t want it, we didn’t vote for it but eat your cereal and suck up the fact you’re getting it, (GSTQ and all that needs it to pretend UK is still OK and a World Power (how very 1947).

    Wouldn’t give Ruthfurher Davidson, Jakey Rowling or UKOKaye Adams the publicity that winning this would demand.

  442. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Jockanese Wind Talker –

    Yer vote and sentiments all registered, with thanks.


  443. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    Ian B,

    Thanks go to you for thinking TGSFO up in the first place and running with it.

    Thanks also to Paula Roses’s baw handlin’ abilities to ensure a clean (fnaar, fnaar) vote.

  444. yesindyref2 says:

    I’ve given up voting in this, it’s obvious TRIDENT is going to win!

  445. yesindyref2 says:

    When I worked in Germany, around lunchtime everyone greeeted everyone else with just one word: “Mahlzeit” (mealtime).

    I got in the habit of saying that every time someone farted (including me).


    Oh, and may as well make my vote for TRIDENT as well even though living on the Clyde for so many years not far from Holy Loch and under a 100 foot aerial nuclear burst tidal wave I’m not particularly bothered. A bit wet all the same.

    Mmm, Warsteiner, that’s my queen unter biers.

  446. Chic McGregor says:

    Bit of a shocker yesterday. After watching the final of the Egghead’s search for new team members, I wondered where CJ was so looked him up.

    He had been arrested the day before for suspicion of murder in Amsterdam. Apparently, in his autobiography he confessed to punching a mugger and chucking him in the canal, possibly to his demise, 20 years ago.

    Yoiks! I’m scared to look up Daphne now. 🙂

    Ob sick joke. Good luck to the Amsterdam police interviewers in getting him to answer questions.

  447. yesindyref2 says:

    In honour of Corbyn:

    link to

  448. Thepnr says:

    Must admit to disappointment in the final four, I really wanted to tell John McTernan the seer to get to fuck as he is obviously a useless ….

    So forced to chose, for me it has to be the bint from hell that screeches Britnat propaganda day in and day out.

    Seriously as much as I would like Trident to fuck off I’d rather we told BBC propaganda fronted by the likes of her and the rest off them.

    We missed a trick here. We should have told the BBCC to FUCK OFF.

    Kaye Adams for me.

  449. Paula Rose says:

    Hi Honey *waves at Thepnr*

  450. Thepnr says:

    Hi Paula.

    Yeah I’ve reverted to Thepnr. That’s how I started on Wings and I guess that’s how I’ll finish.

  451. Tinto Chiel says:

    I know Paula Rose will be too young to remember this, but as the sun goes down and we all get a trifle melancholy, I’m leaving this here for all you aesthetes/Quality Street gang members. I remember watching this series with my dear old dad and I really loved the downbeat, rather seedy/sad atmosphere it created. Alfred Burke was really good in the part.

    Does anyone else remember it?

    link to

  452. Chic McGregor says:


    Sure I do, watched it regularly.

    Do you also remember Callan? Starring Ed Wud Wud Wud?

    Had the rarity of a Scot as a B character who wasn’t a drunk or wife-beater even if he did, apparently, smell a lot.

  453. Chic McGregor says:

    A reminder
    link to

  454. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto Chiel:
    Thank you for the memories, nostalgia rules

    Chic McGregor:
    You could not possibly have known when you mentioned Callan,
    But the late Russell Hunter was a personal friend of mine for
    many years,back in the sixties we used to spend a lot of time
    together when putting together an experimental show called
    The Barnstormers,Thank you and Tinto for sending me off to bed
    to sleep,perchance to Dream,Dreams of Happy memories.Goodnight.

    Peace and Love of Long Ago

  455. Chic McGregor says:

    Pleasant dreams Smallaxe. Nostalgia is not what they say it was.

    A bit like Scottish history.

  456. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Just for the record:

    ‘TGSFO!’ 2016

    The End!!

    ‘TRIDENT’ 54%
    Ruth Davidson 19%
    JK Rowling 16%
    Kaye Adams 11%

    So, its finally done.

    Make of it what ye will!

  457. yesindyref2 says:

    Blunderturds are go!

  458. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Well done Ian, I’ll bet there are a few politicians & celebrities who are fair disappointed. Those that did make the final though are probably chuffed.

    Truth is, it was an unfair contest. No mere mortal could possibly beat Trident.

  459. Smallaxe says:

    Chic McGregor:

    I know what you mean Chic,people keep telling me that I should
    do something for Posterity,but what’s Posterity ever done for

    Peace Always

    PS.I will hear no criticism of Scottish History after having
    seen the Historically Accurate Brig’o’ Doon and watching
    Those most excellent documentary’s by the highly acclaimed Prof.Nell Oliver (he of the lovely Locks) 🙂

  460. X_Sticks says:


    Well done Ian, 10/10 for sticking with it. I think it does say something when Trident beats all comers by such a large margin. It is and always has been my primary reason for wanting independence. Obviously a lot of other folk are of the same mind. As Alex says “No mere mortal could possibly beat Trident.” Nail, head, hit.

  461. Thepnr says:

    However Colin we mere mortals do have the power to make Trident obsolete.

    Let’s just do it. Nothing beats knocking a winner from their pedestal. Just ask Jim Murphy 🙂

  462. Tinto Chiel says:

    Chic and Smallaxe: sorry, I was out with Taylor Swift later last night and missed your comments. Nice girl but her knowledge of Scottish politics is a bit disappointing.

    Memory is strange. The music for Public Eye popped into my head the other day for no apparent reason yet I hadn’t heard it since the original series. I thought it was the Callan music but when I found the episodes on YouTube I realised I was wrong.

    I tried to remember more of the music and then the face and name of Alfred Burke came into my head from nowhere. The internet’s great for finding any reference or quotation in a few seconds and I traced him quickly to Public Eye and that moody music.

    Strange the ways music (and smell) can take you back half a lifetime to a long-forgotten memory.

    I have freed myself from the grip of TV so will take great pleasure in rediscovering Callan and Public Eye.

    Thanks for your comments.

    X_Sticks: completely agree about Trident being a prime reason for independence. Sadly I know Scottish CND members who voted no, and committed Christians who thought Trident an obscenity who did the same.

    Does not compute, I’m afraid but folk are funny.

  463. Chic McGregor says:

    Tinto + Smallaxe

    Still on the nostalgia kick, given Corbyn’s apparent, recent and long overdue, makeover I am now rather confused as to whether he is still identifiable with Worzel Gummidge or has he moved more towards Mr Crowman? (perhaps more appropriately in a titular sense).

    Anyhoo, here is a clip of Kezia/Aunt Sally caught fibbing by the two so you can make your own mind up on this serious political dilemma.

    link to

  464. Tinto Chiel says:

    Sheesh, Chic, that’s a difficult one. I always think he looks like an ageing Modern Studies teacher who drives a Citroen 2CV.

    But given the new main thread today, Kezia is a real Aunt Sally, it seems.

    I think she is not going to last much longer now that JC has won. Cue lots of in-fighting.’Twas ever thus but the BBC will be their little helpers.

    I know it’s not Hamlet but I thought Una Stubbs “took her part lovely” as Kenneth Williams used to say in Round The Horne.

  465. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Smallaxe.

    You mentioned ‘Neil Oliver’…

    I guess you’ll have seen this documentary, from a few years into the future?

    link to

  466. liz g says:

    Came over here to nosy about because the link to the Phantom Power Pilot that Nanna just put up is coming up as this video is unavailable.
    Turns out SO is your link!
    It’s enough to make a body paranoid that there are people out there who don’t want us to see certain things!!!!

  467. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi liz g.

    I’ve just tried the link again and I’m getting the video ok.

    link to

  468. yesindyref2 says:

    I’m not really for or against Trident, the nuclear deterrent, but I do think we’ve had it (and Glen Douglas though supposedly empty now), long enough.

    Time it went elsewhere.

  469. X_Sticks says:

    Apologies if this is duplicated 1st try disappeared due to user stupidity!

    I’ve just watched Phantom Power’s excellent latest film

    link to

    I think it is the beginnings of the new media the we so desperately need. We need to get behind this and get it funded. They are at 31% of £18,000 with only two days to go.

    I’m going to flog this relentlessly and I hope others here will get behind it to. If Wings can raise 50k in a day then surely we can do this but it’s going to take a concerted effort. I hope you’ll help.

    PERSPECTIVE: “A series of documentary films covering Scotland’s journey to independence. Who is involved, what will our country look like, how will our economy work, where is our place in Europe? Exploring the big questions behind Scotland’s democratic revolution.”

    link to

  470. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @x-sticks –

    Thanks for link.

    Have been watching it in wee chunks.

    Top-quality stuff.

    Must admit to getting a tad emotional at the footage of Govanhill Baths. 🙁

    I learned to swim there along with my wee sisters. Standing in a long queue outside during the summer holidays, we would twist coins into the holes made by uncountable thousands of previous children along the sandstone wall and pillars at the entrance. You could tell which holes had been made by old pennies, sixpences or whatever by the diameter. Don’t know if they’re still there.

    Often, if we had enough cash, we’d leave after our session was up and immediately rejoin the queue. It was a fantastic resource in its day, and hopefully will be again.

  471. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian: you’re probably too young but did you call your jeely/cheese piece a “chitterin’ bite”? One of my dear old dad’s wee sayings after the baths in Hamilton.

    Not chitterin’ licht, one of our valued posters.

    I’m ready for revolution now. As Cactus would say, “I love Scotland.”

  472. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TC –

    TBH, I’ve never heard that expression before.

    However, it does have 13 letters, which means it’ll appear in a National crossword this side of New Year IF I can locate the same spelling in a dictionary.



    PS How was ‘Brookmyre’?

  473. Tinto Chiel says:

    PS How was ‘Brookmyre’?

    Ian: check your e-mail! Entertaining but too many lawyers about.

    Scots: to chitter:-shiver in English.

  474. Smallaxe says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    25 September, 2016 at 1:08 pm
    Hi Smallaxe.

    You mentioned ‘Neil Oliver’…

    Brian,if you look back,I mentioned NELL Oliver,this was not a typo.

    What you will not find in his Wiki thingy is that he once worked for the “Annandale Observer” a local newspaper in these
    pairts.I once had the great honour of being interviewed by him
    on the subject of some scribblings of mine many moons ago.He is just as impressive in person as dog turd is when shoved
    through your letterbox at midnight.I enjoyed speaking with him
    so much that he is lucky Tony (I found a Roman shit house) Robinson has not unearthed him on one of his Archeological digs.

    Peace Love and Lovely Locks

  475. Smallaxe says:

    Chic McGregor:

    Now that you come to mention it Chic,I used to partake of a
    small refreshment in a hostelry in Cumbernauld named “The Twa’
    Corbie’s”, there was some depictions of said members of the Crow family (corvus brachyrhnchos) and on some evenings if the
    light was just right,well let’s just say,I could at times see
    a resemblance.

    Then again this may have been caused by the hallucinatory effect of the strong lemonade I was sipping. 🙂

    Peace Love and Lemonade

  476. Smallaxe says:

    Brian and Chic:

    Apologies for the late replies but I was over on the other thread explaining some of the shit that Kezia had been spouting.

    Peace Love and ffs did you hear her?

  477. yesindyref2 says:

    link to

    Seems appropriate somehow

  478. Michael McCabe says:

    I agree with the last comment. link to

  479. Smallaxe says:

    Michael McCabe.

    Stop Children what’s that sound,some great music going around.

    Peace Always

  480. Why are so many of the Executive Class of our Health Boards so fat and unhealthy looking?
    How much do we pay these people?
    £100k? £150k? £200k?
    And all the crisps and chocolate bars which they can stuff in their mouths?

    Which reminds me.

    I see the CEO of the Scottish Health Service is complaining that NHS staff are afraid to whistleblow, and that 11 whistleblowers are still on suspension.

    The article which I read inferred that the Scottish Government must do more to protect staff and encourage whistleblowing.

    It begs the question:- What the feck are we paying the Chief Executive to do?

    Julius Caesar’s observation:-

    ‘Give me men about me who are fat, men who sleep o’ night’,
    comes to mind.
    Some apparently are sleeping during the day as well.
    It’s all that BAD SNP’s fault, doncha know?

  481. yesindyref2 says:

    Can’t catch me!

    link to

  482. Andrew McLean says:

    From the Man in Black’s backing band the Oak Ridge Boys who were a regular support group.

    “I’m caught up in the push and shove
    The daily grind, burning time, spinning wheels,
    I wonder what I’m doing here
    Day by day, year by year, standing still.
    Somewhere there’s a teacher with a heart that never
    Staying after school to help some inner city kids,
    A mother who’s a volunteer, a soldier in the fight,
    I can’t help but ask myself when I lay down at night.
    Did I make a difference in somebody’s life?
    What hurts did I heal? What wrongs did I right?
    Did I raise my voice in defence of the truth?
    Did I lend my hand to the destitute?
    When my race is run, when my song is sung,
    Will I have to wonder, did I make a difference?
    Did I make a difference?
    I’ve been working hard to make a living
    And forgetting what true living is
    Taking more than giving, something’s missing
    Lord how long can I go on like this?
    There’s a lonely old man down the street
    And I should be ashamed.
    I’ve never been to see him, I don’t even know his
    There’s the kids without their supper, in my own
    Will I look back someday and say that I did all I
    Did I make a difference in somebody’s life?
    What hurts did I heal? What wrongs did I right?
    Did I raise my voice in defence of the truth?
    Did I lend my hand to the destitute?
    When my race is run, when my song is sung,
    Will I have to wonder, did I make a difference?
    Did I make a difference?
    When my race is run, when my song is sung,
    Will I have to wonder, did I make a difference?
    Did I make a difference?
    When my race is run, when my song is sung,
    Will I have to wonder, did I make a difference?
    Did I make a difference?”

    That is a good song for Scottish Labour, and Kezia in particular. If you really want to make a difference why are you on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of the debate. If you want a “Labour Scotland” why vote for Westminster labour who are as always away and voting with the Torys!

  483. Cadogan Enright says:

    BBC Droning on tonight seriously debating Boris J’s claims of Russia potentially being involved on war crimes.

    Switched to RT. . . . .

    they were droning on about Boris blocking an independent UN war crimes investigation into UK arms and Saudi Arabia

    Did not see that mentioned on the BBC

  484. Tinto Chiel says:

    Cadogan: some clues in here perhaps. UK meddling seems to have been going on a long while and it rarely sides with the good guys.

    link to

  485. Liz g says:

    Last night / early this morning I got the impression that I was being told to leave the main thread and move my conversation over here.
    While that may or may not be the case my position was then and still is that I would only be obliged to acknowledge the Revs instructions to do so.
    I have waited to see if the Rev did indeed take a view,and since he hasn’t so far I am minded to think at the very least, he doesn’t see this as an urgent issue.

    After having read all the comments on the subject I think on balance I will indeed try my best to keep those kind of conversations over here.

    I did however get the impression a while back the Rev was a wee bit chuffed that his “computer fixer people” were struggling to find a gap in the comments, even though the night.
    Also I took the view that some new readers might be more comfortable bantering with the more irreverent posts to start with, and certainly viewed that kind of stuff as harmless,and it never entered my head it would be harmful.
    So just incase …..I will as I have said try to keep the chit chat over here.

    Hopefully those Winger’s who feel the main thread should be kept a bit more focused will keep up the night time posting on the main thread as I think it’s a good thing that Wing’s is active 24/7.
    But I’m still looking for a wee bit of a compromise, as this end of Wing’s is not really my cup of tea, I don’t generally dip in and out of, off topic especially through the night, I am giving fair notice that I will probably engage with another poster initially on the main thread first.
    Now bearing in mind things like age, alcohol,memory ect could be a factor anybody who thinks that I need reminding some nights please speak up.
    So hopefully that’s thing’s sorted,unless and until the Rev says different.

  486. ScottishPsyche says:

    I have ventured over here for the first time. I was certainly getting the vibe that being off topic or inadvertently repeating what someone else had said was being frowned upon.

    As I am relatively new I still feel I don’t always ‘get it’ so I suppose I rely on the prevailing mood music. Sometimes the discussions get a bit heated on the current threads and it can feel you are intruding in a private argument but that is why it is so compelling. People really care about getting an independent Scotland.

    Anyway I came over to say if you haven’t read the Booker Prize nominee, ‘His Bloody Project’, then give it a go. It’s by Graeme Macrae Burnet and published in Scotland. Written almost like a docu drama it tells the story of a young crofter accused of a triple murder from his perspective and from testimonies of those around him. The time period is the 1840’s, the advent of the Victorian asylums.

    I spent a lot of my time working as a junior doc in these places before they were closed down. The records were a fascinating look at the supposed enlightenment of the time but also an eloquent account of the awful conditions and misery of those with mental illness. The diagnosis of ‘moral insanity’ still fills me with horror, the ‘personality disorder’ catch all of its day. The book is more than that though – it also gives an insight into the class structure and powerlessness of the crofters. I liked it.

  487. K1 says:

    Thanks for your comments Liz and Scottish Psyche. I don’t feel it’s anybody’s business to police Wings apart from the Rev.

    Sure everyone has an opinion but I don’t see why people have to feel or even be ‘told off’ or ‘frowned upon’ by others just because they are gabbing away in the middle of the night on the main thread and those ‘others’ don’t enjoy those comments?

    I have a wee ‘pet irk’ with regard ‘one’ person making a rather critical comment about ‘what’ people are relating about on the main thread then others jumping in on the back of that comment and saying ‘well said’. Sure sometimes we have all posted mair times than we know but then we all get excited at different aspects of the political scene in Scotland and at other times we are arguing with someone (guilty) over specific points related to our varying political outlooks…but everyone is free to scroll past those comments that they find either irrelevant or uninteresting?

    There are no bosses on Wings…just one boss and that’s Stu.

    How did people become ‘regulars’? By posting and chatting and engaging on the threads…on a ‘regular’ basis? There are more and more lurkers coming forward and more are coming…partly what makes Wings a good forum is the ease with which you are welcome to comment on either the atl topic or engage with others on what they have expressed. That ‘develops’ the community feel of the place, does it not? It allows people to ‘find their voice’ and develop a greater nuanced understanding of the issues involved in our movement.

    It also lends itself to a more ‘personal’ interaction and people feel relaxed enough to share some of the more painful and difficult aspects of their human journey too which is, I feel, part of that ‘support’ that Wings uniquely and unexpectedly provides.

    There were times in the past that I too have felt a lot of posts were irrelevant or ‘boring’ and then the more I read and got to ‘know’ the style of the poster I could see the value in what they were sharing in their own unique way; they are sharing themselves, leaving their mark…their voice is being heard.

    In summation notwithstanding the house rules of no O/T on the main thread comment’s within the first 20 or so comments (as yesindyref2 commented on the main thread earlier today) O/T has always been part of the main thread ‘especially’ when it runs for more than a 24 hour period and I personally have no problem with anyone who is commenting in the middle of the night…sometimes it’s just ‘contact’ that we need…then.

    Also especially when it relates to another article about Slab…I mean how much more can we actually talk about the disaster that is Dugdale/Murphy/Lamont? Is there an actual factory in Scotland that we don’t know about that is producing Slabcutouts? If there is I demand Sturgeon shut it down!


    (Smallaxe I note you have not commented much today, and hope you are well…peace…as you would say 😉 )

    Thanks for the book review Scottish Psyche, will check out 🙂

    link to

  488. Liz g says:

    Thank you for your reply you are very kind.
    I don’t actually comment much at night but am usually around cause I am indeed a bit of an insomniac.
    But I do drop in and out of the main thread to see what’s being said if anyone is around,and have done for years.
    It was only when I read the night’s were particularly long for Smallaxe at the moment I let him know that I was usually around if he needs a distraction,didnt even think to suggest coming over here.
    (Like you haven’t seen much from him today hope that means he is doing ok)
    Like Scottish Psyche above I’m still figuring out the best protocols for this site,and I very rarely come here,but will watch with interest how the night time posting develops on the main theread.
    Anyhoo thanks again for your kind reply and goodnight to you.

  489. Paula Rose says:

    Everyone is welcome here – I’ll pop over the main thread and have a look.

  490. Tinto Chiel says:

    K1 and Liz: as you say, it’s the Rev.’s site and he decides what is permissible.

    Many regular contributors perhaps comment too much if the criterion is “only speak if you have something new to say”. I am guilty of this myself. Do I really want to acknowledge again the stupidity and mendacity of Kezia/Ruth/Baillie? I know thinking about them just makes me fed up. Yet I commented on the main thread on Kezia yesterday.

    What is most important on this site is what I simply call “playing keepy-uppy”. I’m sure the Rev doesn’t want the TV equivalent of “dead air” and many regulars are conscious of this and comment in their own idiosyncratic way. You get a real sense of their personality or when they’re cheesed off or perhaps lonely and others respond because it is a strange but welcoming community on here.

    In the end the Rev is our host and he is pretty tolerant.

    As usual I’ve said too much.

    We need Paula Rose and a tray of her Martinis, I think.

  491. Paula Rose says:

    Bit early for that Dear but I’ve left a couple of tray-bakes over on the main thread for folk to help themselves.

  492. Tinto Chiel says:

    Good point.

    I like you fruit slices.

    You need more Stork, btw.

  493. Nana says:

    @Liz g

    I don’t see anything wrong in folks engaging in a bit of banter. I often used to forget the rule re posting off topic links too early in the thread, so I tend to stay away during the day now just in case I slip up besides I have an aversion to hammers!

    Right now we are feeling edgy and frustrated. Some wingers may be unwell and looking for company with like minded folks and being a welcoming inclusive site we should make time for all voices.

    Yesterday morning did not sound like a voice of unity and that makes me sad.

    The other side are disparaging of anything and everything, belittling has become their way of life and just look at how ugly and off putting that is.

  494. Andrew McLean says:

    Paula Rose, is it gin’o’clock yet?

  495. Paula Rose says:

    Not yet and I’ll be out when it is because Bruce Fummey is appearing at tonight’s Be More Brechin event and I’ve got to get the venue ready.

  496. yesindyref2 says:

    @Paula Rose
    Probably a good idea to do a little on the main thread, peace and harmony and all that, and people do “listen” to you. I think it’s the heels, brings the fear of whatever God or no God people might or might not have into them.

    Yeah, some people forget that Wings does perform a support function, for those out there staying calm “out there” in the face of stupidity and provocation, and want to sound off in like-minded company. It’s not all about info and hard fact, or staying “on topic”.

  497. Paul Rose says:

    It is true that when there are no new articles things can go awry on the main thread. I try to keep an eye on the tone of debate but due to being asleep I missed that one.

    Give me a call here if it happens – if i’m around I’ll be in earshot.

  498. Capella says:

    Hi Liz g and Smallaxe
    Please don’t take those comment critics to heart. Some people just like to gripe. A bit of human kindness raises the tone of the thread, especially in the wee small hours.

    I just scroll on past if I don’t want to read a post. Read the advice on commenting Stu has posted. He suggests waiting till about 6 posts in before going off-topic. The link is at the top of the comment box.

    BTW when is Smallaxe going to post the rest of the Trench Town adventure?

  499. Chic McGregor says:

    Just listening to the prog. on the National theatre.

    Wee wifey explaining how there was nothing at all when she came up to Scotland and how she had to personally make office furniture out of oak, English oak of course.

    Switch off before they get on to productions like The Black Watch.

    Maybe that’s wrong. Maybe they will question why the history of the Black Watch completely omits their mutiny in seventeen forty three.

  500. Tinto Chiel says:

    Chic: strangely enough I was in seeing a neighbour earlier tonight and she was watching one of those History channel progs on Wallace/Braveheart.

    Only lasted about two minutes before I started shouting at the screen. Apparently Wallace and Moray were “Scottish rebels” and the Scots did not observe the rules of civilised warfare by ambushing Edward’s army at Stirling bridge.

    So we get invaded and if we fight back we’re “rebels”?

    Yoons just can’t help themselves, can they?


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