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Wings Over Scotland

Life comes at you fast

Posted on February 05, 2018 by

Because sometimes you just can’t even.

Let’s all take a moment and imagine Labour stepping up to that situation, shall we?

Oh yeah. Now we remember.

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ronnie anderson

Where’s Labour that stepladder tae ah kick it lol.

Bill Hume

I thought that Her Majesty’s loyal opposition were meant to oppose………………..must have got it wrong there.

Bill Hume

If ye’ flie wt’ the DUP, ye’ll get shot wi’ the DUP


SO STUPID ON ALL LEVELS. The DUP will love it. I wonder though if they might be punished by the electorate in due course when the Irish see costs rise all to help the right wing Mogg Johnson and Gove living in a wee country south of Scotland called little England. Still the labour leader supports Irish independence. Confused? He is.

Now the stockmarket in the US has dropped like a stone. No doubt Trump Mogg and the like think its all fake news.


I can only assume that dear wee Blair has not spoken to Corbyn recently cause as WE all know Corbyn wants a HARD Brexit pronto like! Either that or he was not on the e-mail list to be “informed” of Labour’s latest plans for corrupt and broken Britain regarding Brexit.

Now we have HARD Brexit as confirmed by Feartie and undoubtedly supported by Corbyn I can hardly wait for the (now) upcoming unification referendum that will surely return a YES vote. Obviously oor wee Blair will be front and centre of that campaign fighting for the “Union” again! 😀

[…] Wings Over Scotland Life comes at you fast Because sometimes you just can’t even. Let’s all take a moment and imagine Labour […]

Jack collatin

£7,614, the cost of Miliband’s ‘Edstone’.
His six pledges:-
1.A strong economic foundation
2.Higher living standards for working families
3.An NHS with the time to care
4.Controls on immigration
5.A country where the next generation can do better than the last
6.Homes to buy and action on rents
How did all that work out for Better Together UK?
Remember the Red Tory pillar box red mug ‘pledging’ to cut immigration?
Remember the Clunking Fist’s ‘British jobs for British workers?’
Great swathes of ‘traditional’ Labour voters voted Leave to stop Johnny Furriner stealing all their jobs.
We remember you too, Blair McDougall, just.
Well, it’s all come back to haunt you now.
well spotted, Stu.
McDougall’s new boss, Corbyn the Commie, is determined to destroy Europe for Mother Russia. It’s 1969, and the Militants have taken over the asylum, Blair.
Treeza and Jezza will march arm and arm into the wilderness, not for the 40 days and nights of Lent, but forever.
We Scots are remaining in the EU, and will have the same border controls with your Motherland Greater England, as the other 27 EU countries.
There will be ‘Troubles’ in Ireland, that’s for sure.
Social, political, and economic anarchy is about to be unleashed on these islands, violent chaos not seen since Cromwell’s days.
I hope all the Project Fear Better Together Freeloaders are happy now.


Dear Blair,

We’ve rumbled you ya numptie and you cannae act all aggrieved now as we have your back catalogue!!


Just a wee sort of O/T but possibly not sort of moment here. 😀

Thanks to Feartie and her confirmation about there only being a HARD Brexit coming down the track then amongst all the other shite due to happen as a result the breaking of the Good Friday Agreement etc we are looking forward now to a HARD border between N.I. and Eire.

The question is sort of in multiple parts.

a) will the WM immigrant haters actually build a wall akin to Trump the mump’s idea?

b) who will build it?

c) how long will it last?

d) will the wall, once built last longer or, shorter, than the Berlin wall?

February 5th was the 10,316th day since the Berlin wall came down which coincidentally is the same length of time the Berlin wall was actually up.

Robert J. Sutherland

Oh dear, Mr. BT van Winkle has just woken up from deep hibernation and discovered that things in his precious UKOK are far from proceeding as intended.

The lunatics are in charge of the asylum, and Jeremy the lunatic-in-waiting and his pals are just as mad and bad as the ones who currently think they are in charge.

“Step up”? Mywwaaaaah!


He managed to esape from the SIU Burns night?

Yes – this is Labour, the feckless mess that they are.

Highland Wifie

This would be utterly hilarious if it wasn’t so serious.
There’s little pleasure in seeing all the lies and scaremongering coming back to bite them.
Where’s that lifeboat?

Dr Jim

Time Labour stepped up!

Is there a dance? Take the floor for the *Scotland in Yoonion*


link to

PM Rees-Mogg, toryboy ultra, should make case this farce union even stronger than ever:D

Big Blair must go down in Scottish history as one of the Scottish greatest rogues, in a giant parcel of rogues.


Rees-Mogg is in the news a lot now, can you imagine him as PM? From Cameron to May to Rees-Mogg, UKKO.

Still Positive

Rees-Mogg is a complete arsehole. An over privileged man with too much personal wealth.

It has been snowing here, just outside Glasgow, despite what the BBC has said.


OFFS! Fast right enough.

When your own strategies come back to bite you on the arse… etc.

Andy Anderson

I think they have not got a clue what their words mean. Tories or Labour.

Andy Anderson

Hopefully this means a free Scotland and a united Ireland soon.


NANA!!! What are the Irish Times saying about this?


heedtracker @ 12.43 am

Wee improvement, hope you don’t mind (Rev’s choice of words):

Big Blair must go down in Scottish history as one of the Scottish greatest bawbags, in a giant binbag of bawbags.



“Intensive talks” start today apparently.

link to



Macart @7:12am
If it wasn’t obvious all along then it is now. David Davis’s negotiating strategy is to put up barriers and prevaricate so there is ‘No Deal’. Then blame the EU for being inflexible. I wonder if the little englanders will care?

Meanwhile I hope the SG has a watertight strategy as Mundell’s minions at the Scottish Office appear to be growing in numbers.



There’s only ever been one strategy tbf.

The constitutional damage on Brexit was done the nanosecond Cameron chose to launch an EU referendum. The economic galactof**k the instant A50 was triggered.

The strategy for UK gov from that point on was how to prevent the politics of the UK from crashing down around their ears. It’s always been about buying time to sell the impossible to a society they fractured themselves long since.

Their choice.


FM Sturgeon currently on the BBC r4 vote tory Today show, shock. Beeb r4 gimps clearly gunning for online politics chat or, online abuse of women, simpers the beeb gimp. Not much else. Wonder why BBC r4 gimps are not asking Sturgeon about Brexit or indy ref2.

Online politics is of concern to Strong and Stable Teresa today. If they do come for online politics that are not beeb gimp network blanket monopoly, it should be interesting to watch,


What a mess. Just appalling.

STV reporting internet cover as 40%. It is over 80%. More lies.

Students from poorer backgrounds, 17%. Plus colleges etc. Not included. 18% of the population from poorer backgrounds. More per average in education.


The U.K. Strategy on Brexit talks appears to be stick your fingers in your ears and chant “Bespoke Deal” to the tune of Rule Brittania.

…you would almost think they were trying to force a hard Brexit ?


Daily Mirror group taking over the Express. Desmond losing money.


Big Blair must go down in Scottish history as one of the Scottish greatest bawbags, in a giant binbag of bawbags.

Blair’s a big fat toryboy. Nothing more, nothing less. Wonder what he blew the JK Trolling million quid on Project Fearing? If he just became an out and proud toryboy in his Scotland region, he’d do quite well with the Scottish tory vote NO mob.

Like all great SLabour socialist workers, he lives in toryboy heartlands of south side Glasgow, although Newlands probably isn’t called southside. Lovely burbs, quiet, leafy, a pleasant place to be for a great big tory plumper like Blair.


Oooh! Beeb r4 vote Tory Today gimps give Colonel Ruth a massive beeb gimp boost there. Very weird. Colonel Ruth wants suffragettes pardoned, she’s statewomanly and wise, is the Colonel.


As an SNP member I was heavily critical of Anna Soubry when she attacked The SNP from the Tory Front bench at Scottish Questions.

However, her recent performances culminating in last night’s wonderful attack on the loonies has got me signed up to her fan club.

What a woman – I have this vision of her walking up to the loonies and laying about them with her handbag.


What a woman – I have this vision of her walking up to the loonies and laying about them with her handbag.

Never trust a tory.

BBC r4 Today show again, beeb gimp asks Amber Rudd why Brexit negotiating UK gov has completely excluded Holyrood, FM Sturgeon etc from Brexit deal,

“that’s not true, explains Amber, Sturgeon is mis remembering, she will remember it differently, we have consulted her, she must have read about it…”


link to

Statement by Michel Barnier following his working lunch in London with David Davis
link to

link to

After six years of wrangling, NewsUK has admitted that News of the World hacked and surveilled the family of the detective leading the fourth murder inquiry into the involvement of their favourite private investigators, Southern Investigations, in the murder of Daniel Morgan
link to


Thanks for the links. It’s going to take more time than normal to read them all.

Better put a large kettle on smallaxe.


Ireland border ‘fudge’ threatens to pull apart Brexit talks
link to

link to

link to


Good morning, Nana,
Thank you, for your links.It’s snowing* here today.
Kettle’s on!


Many thanks Nana.

Mr Barnier confirming what we’ve known since June 2016 in that EU statement. If Mr Robinson’s tweet above is accurate, then that’ll pretty much be that then. Next up will be the meeja spin cycle.

Can hardly wait. (*sorts through sock drawer,timetables night to re-arrange dvd collection*) 😉


A hard border was inevitable the moment the polls closed in the referendum.

The ‘leave’ politicians must surely have known this. All the fake surprise and outrage is just that. Fake.



Big kettle + Big cup…sorted.


Stravaiger says:
6 February, 2018 at 8:34 am
A hard border was inevitable the moment the polls closed in the referendum.

Its just more tory bullshit though, sold by all the usual tory propaganda units, led by the BBC.

link to

Brian Powell


In many ways Scotland deserves the position she is in. In NI the most Brit supporting Unionists can keep their EU citizenship, and EU supporting Scotland loses theirs, all because Labour in Scotland still thinks somebody far away can save them, and many voters are too indifferent or spineless to work for themselves.

Another Union Dividend

Labour peer Lord Addonis using BBC Radio Scotland GMS to attack the SNP over East Coast Rail franchise which is a UK responsibility.

When do SNP figures get to comment on UK wide decisions on BBC’s UK wide news?

Meanwhile why should SFA appoint Walter Smith as National football manger who thinks all the big decisions should not be taken in Scotland.

Full list of footballing “proud Scots” but…

link to

Scot Finlayson

Keith “I`m voting NO” Cochrane CBE FRSE is being questioned by the,

Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee and Work and Pensions Committee,

about his role in the demise of Carillion,him being CEO at the time,

Parliament TV

link to

Brian Powell

Looks like something of the, my enemies’ enemy is my friend, concerning Anna Soubry. She is her friend, that’s all.

Peter McCulloch

Let me see Labour during the independence referendum considered it acceptable to threaten to put armed guards on the Scottish Border if Scotland became independent.

So now the UK is leaving the EU and there is now the prospect of a hard border with Ireland Labour is now complaining and considers it unacceptable.

Don’t they understand the contradiction of their current stance to that of the indy ref?


Birders and customs union.

Barrier … “Let me add one point about this transition: the certainty about the transition will only come with the ratification of the withdrawal agreement.”

So, Phase One must be translated into a legally binding withdrawal agreement or there will be no transition deal.

And, we now have the Tories spouting off about ‘there will be no customs union’.

Sounds like we are full circle back to late last year where the Irish border must remain open, so with no customs union NI needs to be a special zone, and that implies customs posts between NI and rUK. The DUP don’t want that.

Brexit is full of incompatible desires and outcomes. Whatever the result, a lot of people will feel badly let down.

Graemeo Rab

Having read Blair McDougal’s counter arguments on twitter regards RUK or England being Scotland’s biggest trading partner etc etc. The question to him is if Scotland were no longer part of this alleged UK Customs Union then England would have to trade with Scotland through Scotland’s EU/EEA/EFTA position. If that were the case then RUK or England would not be able to single Scotland out as Scotland would be trading under EU etc rules. RUK or England does want a good deal with any one of these clubs doesn’t it?
In other words Britain has to deal fairly with Scotland or it deals with no one.

Dave McEwan Hill

Graemeo Rab at 9.57

Yes. We should be pointing out that they are implying that should Scotland gain independence England will single Scotland out and refuse to trade with us.
Only us?
Complete and utter rubbish.
This is one we can easily turn on its head.
“So you are implying that you will trade with the whole world – except your next door neighbour Scotland? Really? Do you think we are all stupid?”

This is the “No Maltesers for an Independent Scotland” argument

Calum McKay

I have never witnessed a more incompetent government than the current uk tories, no need to expand upon this other than to say they are a laughing stock home and abroad.

Yet, labour are trailing the tories in the polls.

labour could win the next general election or force one now, A). change their brexit policy to a remain policy, sane tories would support them to bring brexit down even if it brought down a tory government, and B). change their leader, I can think of one candidate in particular.

But they won’t.

labour can’t focus on the prize, we see that with the recent Scottish leadership contest, the best candidates did not stand, of the two candidates on offer, the weakest won, their leader is effectively a third choice or worse.

As for policies, they are a vacum, their strategy is to carp from sidelines waiting for bad press against the incumbent to get them back to power.

What I find most offensive is that labour knnow the damage brexit will do particualrly to the most vulnerable, but labour won’t move until brexit is sealed and the damage is being done.

On that stance I believe those who voted for brexit will not return to labour they will abstain believing that what ever they vote, politics does not matter. On the back of this the tories will get back in and use this as a mandate for a low tax and low service economy.

tories act against the interests of the people, labour silence gives the tories the cover to do so or in the case of MacDougal and better together, they do the tories work for them.

Lenny Hartley

Graemeo Rab my understanding is that if we are in EFTA/EEA then we can have our own trading arrangements with a non EFTA/EU/EEA state. therefore the worst we could have is the same as the EU. But I not sure if I am correct, anybody know for sure?


Labours only policy is to keep the bench’s warm for the Conservatives should they be voted out in a General Election.
Labour the biggest con off the lot.

Peter McCulloch

In my view Labour is quite happy to see ordinary people suffer as a result of Brexit, the expectation being that people will see Labour as their saviours and turn out at
a general election and vote in Labour Government.

Quite callous and cynical of Labour.

But I saw it doing the same thing during the poll tax non payment campaign as Labour did everything it could to administer and collect the poll tax.
While at the same time telling people to pay up and await the election of a Labour government.


Galamcennalath @ 9:41am
Contradictions and incompatible outcomes are what you get when there is ‘bad faith’ negotiating taking place. To counter this the EU needs to put things in legalese and get it signed off before moving on. This will clearly demonstrate the duplicity of the UK team.

Oh what fun it is to be looking on, knowing what is happening and what is likely to be coming next.

I’m going to need more chocolate.


Labour the biggest con off the lot.

SLab and big fat toryboys like Blair are forever doing one UKOK thing and one UKOK thing only, trying to block and shut down Scottish democracy.

This is the real glue that binds the red and blue tories together. If Colonel Ruth can just block Scotland’s democracy a few years more, its off the greatest anti democratic trough in the west, the Lords.

Big Blair can only watch and weep with frustration, at sock puppets like the Colonel, lauded and venerated by the beeb gimp network in merry olde London, for absolutely fcuk all, except standing against the tide in her Scotland region.

link to


Beeb gimps really love the Colonel. BBC r4 Today news this morn permitted a word from the actual elected Scots FM but thats way too much for these beeb gimps and she’s been excluded, as you do, beeb gimpery wise.

link to

Women who were jailed while fighting for the right to vote should be pardoned, say campaigners.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has joined with the Fawcett Society campaign group and relatives of the suffragettes in calling for convictions to be overturned.”

Robert Kerr

Hi Wingers.

Some history re Women’s suffrage,

link to

Lots of details regarding a remarkable woman.

link to


Meg merrilees


I knew Nicola was on the today programme but was unable to listen at the appropriate time. However, if you read the guardian website it says…

‘Today’ BBC R4 an all woman programme -presenters and guests- including A.N.Other, the PM of New Zealand, Baroness Shirley Wotsit, founder of LibDems and Amber Rudd.- guess who ignored!

However, interestingly, heard Amber Rudd being interviewed around 8.15am…

and I paraphrase..

Presenter: So Nicola Sturgeon is concerned that she has not been consulted about the No customs Union decision

Amber: Oh no, she has been consulted

Presenter: She said earlier this morning that she had not been consulted..

Amber; no, she’s wrong, she has been consulted..

Presenter: well, she thinks that she hasn’t..

Amber: Well, she really has been consulted and it shouldn’t come as a surprise to her because all the devolved bits have been involved in a lot of discussions..

Presenter well… I really should ask you this again but you’re clearly not going to say anything else..

Amber: I promise Nicola sturgeon that she will be consulted.

Thankyou very much Amber

Hatchet job completed, honestly, short of calling Nicola a liar… really biased broadcasting.
OBE’s all round.


Lord Adonis tweet from 4TH FEB
link to

Freemasonry that matters at Westminster is the Farage/Mogg lodge which now embraces most Tory MPs. Part of UKIP reverse takeover of Tory Party: hence Mrs May forced to rule out any Customs Union. Economically ludicrous & breach of the Good Friday Agreement!

actually a fascinating twitter site to read about the WM shenanigans.


Lenny Hartley @ 10:12 am

You ask about trading relationships between an EFTA member and non-EFTA/EEA/EU states. The following should help.

“The EFTA States jointly negotiate free trade agreements (FTAs) with partners outside the European Union in order to strengthen their competitive position and increase market access for their products. As a result, economic operators in the EFTA countries enjoy access to one of the world’s largest networks of preferential trade relations, which continues to expand thanks to an ambitious agenda of negotiations. Today, EFTA has 27 FTAs covering 38 countries and territories outside the EU.”

Source: link to

A list of EFTA’s current free trade agreements can be found at link to

A list of ongoing negotiations over new free trade agreements can be found at link to

And with all the hype about UK trade with China recently, the average growth rate over the last five years of EFTA’s exports to China has been 8.7% (link to ).


Meg merrilees says:
6 February, 2018 at 11:19 am

I knew Nicola was on the today programme but was unable to listen at the appropriate time. However, if you read the guardian website it says

Catch up on BBC r4 website as soon as they post the whole show.

Its interesting listening to the BBC interviewers “technique” with Sturgeon in that she’s trying to make Sturgeon come over not as nation’s First Minister but much more as a minor activist, who’s got an axe to grind. The sense of BBC r4 fear and loathing is very marked too.

Nic Robinson had the day off today but you can feel the presence of very hard core tory beeb editors.

Amber Rudd just lied through her teeth. As per usual.

We are never going to get used to the tory liars though:D

More generally BBC r4 has more or less become a one party tory state propaganda unit. They almost never have on any Labour people now, let alone never mentioning the SNP.

Its kind of embarrassing really, listening to assorted tory beeb r4 gimps chat together about the politics of this ghastly union,

Their nod to balance is having on beeb tory gimps, where you’d expect opposition actual non tories, who essentially take the opposition’s place, with all the usual tory slants.

How it got this bbc corrupt, may well come down them all watching the rolling BBC Scotland SNP out ground war and Scottish democracy ofcourse.

Ken McQuarrell must have made a big beeb splash for the way he ran the Pacific Quay Project Fear campaign 2014, which was spectacular UKOK attack propaganda, BBC Scotland radio in particular. Oh god.


@ Meg at 11:19am ……”BBC R4.

I see that the lying, invisible woman, Nicola Sturgeon, has now been reduced to being FM of not a Kingdom or country, nor even a colony or region but a devolved “BIT.”

I can’t wait for the “BIT” to bite them on the backside when the people of the “BIT” bid them farewell in the very near future.

Blair Paterson

So England are not going trade with Scotland if we obtain our freedom from them surely even the no voters must see that they England hold Scotand in contempt no thing else all they do is threaten us and try to use those threats as reasons for us to stay in the union,they cannot point to any benefits for staying,because there is not any but as the saying goes none are so blind as those who refuse to see

Meg merrilees

Petra @ 1.02

those words in italics are mine and basically paraphrase the conversation. Apologies if you thought they were verbatim.

Amber Rudd didn’t use the word ‘bit’ – I’m unable to go back and listen to the interview again because of the BBC restrictions on access to I-player so rather than misquote her I completely rephrased the gist of the interview. Apologies if I have misled you.

As an extra however, read this lengthy article on the BBC website about suffragettes:
link to

Loads about how amazing they were, what they achieved, should they be pardoned, Theresa may, Amber Rudd and some one called Ruth Davidson who has been very vocal about the whole thing and is calling for all sorts of political activity from women and then the magical afterthought, in the closing sentences of the article …

Meanwhile ( how insulting to the FM), as a tribute to the suffragettes, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced a £500,000 fund to encourage more women to become involved in politics.
A debate will also take place at the Scottish parliament later celebrating 100 years of female suffrage.


It’s OK Meg, lol. It’s probably how she / they see us anyway. See Scotland. Until they lose us, that is.


The BBC TV this morning had an entirely female team to present the programme and I suspect they may do the same on the main news later to demonstrate just how equal they are.

Can’t help but wonder if they gave the men a day off with pay to stay out of the road, presumably being paid more than the women who replaced them.

Bill Purves

The English will buy SCOTTISH oil and gas instead of stealing it’


Can’t help but wonder if they gave the men a day off with pay to stay out of the road, presumably being paid more than the women who replaced them.

All of this controversy about the BBC paying women less, is just the BBC blowing smoke up the licence payer’s backside.

The real issue is the giant pay cheques the BBC er, people pay each other. Its not just the “talent,” its the giant managerial class the BBC has created, that showers itself with vast amounts of dosh.

Why is Donalda, latest BBC Scotland hammer of the vile seps on £200+k a year, and there’s a vast crew of liggers in Pacific Quay behind her, earning the same or much more but with BBC London on their pay packets.


Rock (5th December 2017 – “From the archives”):

“An open Irish border would be nothing less than a backdoor entry for the UK into the European Single Market and the other way round.

A massive fudge opening the door even wider to massive corruption.

The only reason it might happen is both the UK and the European Union are massively corrupt politically.

The “plebs” of the UK democratically voted to get out of the EU and the single market, not for a fudge to protect the City of London.

As for Scotland, Nicola spectacularly squandered a once in a 1000 years golden opportunity by wasting more than a year flogging a dead horse – a separate deal for Scotland which was never going to happen.

As a result, instead of being on the verge of independence, Scotland and its political leaders helplessly and cluelessly look on at the theatre going on.”


Calum McKay @ 10.09am

To be quite honest Calum I really don’t give a doodly squirt what Labour policies or opinions are , as far as i’m concerned they are WORSE than the tories , at least the tories are known for what they truly stand for . Labour have betrayed the very people they were formed to protect .I like my family voted liebour most of my life but after self analysis I realised the depth of their corruption and lies . Labour are ("Tractor" - Ed)s to the working class and I use that word in its true context and I fervently hope they disappear in Scotland
You only have to look at mctornarse , Kelly,Curran ,Bliar mcdoodle to see the calibre of their organisation


As for Scotland, Nicola spectacularly squandered a once in a 1000 years golden opportunity by wasting more than a year flogging a dead horse – a separate deal for Scotland which was never going to happen.”

So what would you have done then Rock?

Or what would you have liked to have seen FM Sturgeon do Rock?

I know you will fudge it Rock?

But give it a go, what did you want to see happen last year, on Brexit ref day results announcement or even the year before maybe?

Declaration of UDI for Scotland probably wasn’t an option Rock?

Given that Scotland voted for this union with England again, the year before?



“So what would you have done then Rock?

Or what would you have liked to have seen FM Sturgeon do Rock?

I know you will fudge it Rock?”

Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex-)girlfriend, you must have missed this:

Rock (30th June 2016 – “All things are relative”):

“But the good people of Scotland must be told very soon in no uncertain terms that it is impossible to be part of the EU without being independent.

Otherwise, she will lose the momentum and goodwill she has now.

There is ZERO chance of the EU discussing anything with Scotland while negotiating Brexit.

Do we want to remain in the shadows for two years?

And then start negotiations which would force us to accept many things we might not like?

An independence referendum will have to be called very soon, and independent Scotland ready to take over from where rUK left from day 1 of Brexit.”


Channel 4 is running a ‘UK wide’ village competion program. Two Scottish villages are involved. They compete, according to the text, along with Yorkshire in the ‘Northern Zone’. How quaint! How Orwellian! How nauseating!


Alright …who prodded Blair. Who woke him up?

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    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: ““told the gang, whose jail sentences totalled more than 93 years, that they may never be released from prison” Math…Jan 27, 17:34
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “Eleven… ELEVEN… EEEFUCKINGLEVEN! cops is a bit suspicious and reeks of Burnistoun Quality Polis and the lift scene. 27, 17:30
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “A second poem for today: HOLLANDSCHE SCHOUWBURGJan 27, 17:23
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Well said, Dan Keep exercising your independence (Scotland values your opinions, experience and special contributions)… #ScotlandChampionDanJan 27, 17:22
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “A poem for today: A HYMN ON THE LIPS OF THE DAWNJan 27, 17:20
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “Defo good news that Police Scotland still has 11 officers. Haud oan though. Maybe it’s nae 🙂Jan 27, 17:09
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Up-vote if you value Scotland’s children.Jan 27, 17:02
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “I think you’ll find I was and remain “vaccine” critical…Jan 27, 16:51
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “BBC (27/01/25): Glasgow child sex abuse gang given life sentences: “The seven members of one of Scotland’s biggest child sex…Jan 27, 16:48
  • A tall tale

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