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Wings Over Scotland

Let’s twist again, like we did all summer

Posted on July 22, 2012 by

It looks as though we spoke far too soon when we suggested late last week that The Rangers Saga was effectively over. It had seemed that, with Charles Green having accepted the imposition of a deferred 12-month transfer embargo as a condition for assuming the old Rangers’ membership of the SFA, there were no remaining obstacles (in the short term, anyway) to his new club taking its place in SFL Division 3.

We know. We’re embarrassed too. What can we have been thinking? Yesterday saw a fresh outbreak of chaos and insanity which could yet derail the entire fiasco and see SFL3 kicking off with just nine teams, as Sevco Scotland manager Ally McCoist decided to act the chimp and launch a hefty pile of shit right at the fan(s).

It has emerged over the last 24 hours that there are still two significant points of dispute to be overcome in the five-way negotiating process that much reach its conclusion before this coming weekend. The SFA, SPL, SFL, oldco Rangers and newco Rangers must all come to an agreement before the transaction transferring the SFA membership can go ahead, and it seems that several of the parties just won’t play nicely with each other.

The SPL is apparently demanding that the SFL sells it the broadcast rights to Sevco Scotland’s matches in Division 3, in order that the SPL will have a more attractive package to offer Sky and ESPN, as it desperately tries to protect its actually-not-that-lucrative TV deal. To add muscle to this demand, once again the big-boys’ league is waving the empty threat of refusing to pay the SFL the “settlement agreement” fee of roughly £2m a year that it is contractually obliged to hand over.

We can see no earthly reason why the SFL would roll over and meekly give up such rights, with TV companies already showing a keen interest in following The Great New Rangers’ Diddy-League Odyssey. The SPL offered a derisory £1m bribe for the rights as part of its craven attempt to get Sevco FC parachuted into SFL 1 and got told where to shove it, and we can’t think of anything that’s happened to make the lower leagues change their mind unless a lot more money suddenly appears on the table.

But the far more interesting new quirk in the story is McCoist’s rush-of-blood-to-the-head proclamation that there is simply no question of the Ibrox club accepting the possibility of the SPL stripping any of the titles it won during the period in which Rangers FC is alleged to have fielded ineligible players through the use of EBTs and dual contracts, a crime which would normally see the forfeiture of all games in which said players appeared, and therefore also of any trophies won as a result.

McCoist is already facing SFA punishment for a previous ill-judged outburst against the SFA’s judicial panel which originally imposed the transfer embargo, later overturned at the Court of Session. Yet he now appears to be attempting to lay down the law to the SPL and SFA, like an accused murderer warning the judge that he might be prepared to accept a community service order if found guilty, but will refuse to be sent to jail.

At this point, we must confess that we have no idea who Mr McCoist is labouring under the apprehension that he is. If Rangers FC is found guilty of using dual contracts, then there is not the slightest scintilla of grounds for debate that the club was cheating when it won the titles and cups in question. If you have high-quality players on the field who have no right to be there under the rules of the governing body, that’s cheating, and it’s cheating in the most direct and obvious way imaginable.

If Hearts were found to have borrowed Lionel Messi from Barcelona for last season’s Scottish Cup final, sent him out onto the pitch in a fake beard and moustache disguised as Craig Beattie and got caught, there can be no doubt whatsover, under clear SFA precedents, that the Tynecastle club’s 5-1 victory would have been annulled and the Cup given to Hibs. McCoist has offered no justification whatsoever for why Rangers should be retrospectively exempted from the same rules.

The motivation for the SPL demanding the TV rights is entirely understandable, even if it’s without merit. (It’s one thing for the SPL to attempt to buy the rights from the SFL, by making a fair and reasonable bid and inviting the SFL to accept it, quite another to try to extort them by effectively taking an SFL member club hostage.) But this new development is bewildering, because it seems an absurdly trivial thing to be staking the newco’s entire existence as a football club on.

The trophies in question are barely 10% of those won by the old Rangers. If Sevco FC manages to come out of this affair trading as “Rangers”, with the same badge and 90% of the historical honours of the old club, it will have pulled off an escape trick that Houdini would have doffed his hat to, and created an illusion David Blaine or Derren Brown would have been proud of. Putting that at risk on an all-or-nothing ultimatum makes no kind of sense on any level.

So why has McCoist done it? Perhaps he simply can’t bear that the stripping of five titles would reduce Rangers’ total to 49, denying them the five stars they wear on their shirts and seeing them tied with Celtic, with the Parkhead side all but certain to overtake them and reach the magical (legitimate) 50 mark this season. One commenter on Twitter suggested that he’s laying the ground to give himself an excuse to walk out on the thankless task he faces over the next few seasons, while being able to claim that he’s “walking away” to protect Rangers rather than abandoning it.

We have no idea. But in an extraordinarily competitive field, the manager’s comments are probably the most suicidally stupid thing anyone connected with Ibrox has done since the Pyrrhic victory at the Court of Session. We humbly retract our previous statement that “finally we can state with a reasonable degree of certainty that there WILL be a football club, trading under the name ‘Rangers’ and laying claim to that club’s history, playing professional football in Scotland next season”. The ball is instead, once again, up on the slates. Rangers FC’s tea may yet be oot.

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charles comiskey

fascinating read.i cant understand mccoist either….i think hes walking away and he will use that as an excuse


There is no new club, only a new company running the club. If the latest disputes are settled the SFA membership for the club will be a continuing one.
As for “dual contracts” it’s a misnomer. The charges are about payments not covered by a player’s contract. Of course, charges can be answered, so we’ll see what happens. Celtic should face similar footballing charges for the EBT they set up for Juninho.


Oh John,
You like to bounce bounce bounce 
Things are not so easy to see
When you’re bouncing in hollow victory

I’m not a taig or a tarrier
Have the dome shaped head and gut of a hun
My mum knows the Queen; says she smells of money
Your money
Gets me harder than Chinese algebra

Anachronisms peter out
Tiny forearms cannot peel fruit
Tradition is becoming Dignitas
History will be written by diddys



Up till now Mr McCoist was the only person from either New or Old ‘Rangers’ who kept my respect. But he has lost it now. 

Rev Stuart, your analogy that his reaction is like one of a murderer accepting community service instead of prison is good but not perfect. I think it is more like a bank robber thinking that having been sentenced to prison, he can keep the money he stole. The honours gained while the club ‘formerly known as’ Rangers was cheating via the EBTs were ‘won’ under false pretences. Like all ill goten gains, they should be taken away. Otherwise cheats will have prospered. The suggestion that ‘Rangers’ can ‘negotiate’ to keep them is ludicrus.

For the ‘new’ rangers to keep them is not just unfair to the other SPL clubs who lost out, it is self defeating, anyway. If retained by ‘Rangers’ they will be forever tainted. By association they will taint the previously won titles.

If ‘Rangers’ and the people round ‘Rangers’ had any honour they would have owned up to their  cheating and accepted the consequences and punishment. They could then have rebuilt their club and retained their self respect and the respect of others. They flunked that test and missed the opportunity. At every stage in this sorry period they have behaved like victims who cannot accept that they are the authors of their own misery. They are blaming everybody but themselves. To think that they are in a position to control their punishment and reject any which they are consider wrong is outrageously arrogant. Just who do they think they are?

Old Rangers created the situation whereby football in Scotland has become a laughing stock. They should have some humility and some contrition. Shame on them and shame on you Mr McCoist

An Duine Gruamach

I don’t really know what difference it makes who officially has those honours – it’s what people think that matters.  I’m an Airdrie fan, and I know that my team, Airdrie United, never won the cup in 1924 or played in Europe.  I know that Airdrie United never had Antonio Caledon or Johnny Martin or Hughie Gallagher.  Nevertheless, those are all as much part of our club’s identity and folklore as the Diamond shirt is.  It’s a bit like fans calling the stadium we play in now “Broomfield”, although it officially isn’t.
It’ll be the same for Rangers fans, whatever the “official” name, badge etc.


McCoist is very transparently currying favour with the Ibrox faithful fans… Nothing more, nothing less. He needs them very much onside for the upcoming struggles and he knows that his outbursts will see a few dozen more knuckle draggers part with their giros to stay loyal to him.


I think we’re giving him too much credit. He’s an idiot, and he’s a Rangers fan. Combine the two factors (whether you regard them as mutually exclusive or not) and out come ridiculous statements like this and the previous one. His charm and wit have absolved him from responsibility for all sorts of stuff for years. We’re all very quick to forget the meltdown at the Old Firm game last season when he and his counterpart on the opposition benches behaved like a pair of, well, drunken Old Firm fans after several too many on a Saturday night. Not to mention the ‘I demand to know’ speech, and the insinuation of Bill Miller that during negotiations McCoist had demanded a hefty transfer budget in the midst of the greatest financial crisis in the club’s history.

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