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Wings Over Scotland

Let’s talk about you

Posted on June 02, 2013 by

It’s been several months since we last did a major reader survey, so we’d quite like to poke our noses in again and get your views on a few issues that we didn’t ask about last time, as well as learning a little more about you personally. Some of the questions are directly relevant to the constitutional debate, some aren’t – we’re just curious. Feel free to skip any you’d rather not answer. As if you needed us to tell you that.

(NB All votes are anonymous, in case that’s important. We have no way of knowing how any individual reader voted on any question.)

Are you male or female?

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What's your age group?

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Where do you CURRENTLY live?

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Who (tick up to two boxes) did you vote for in the last HOLYROOD election? (NB parties listed are those with MSPs.)

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Who did you vote for at the last WESTMINSTER election?

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Which party would you be MOST likely to vote for in an INDEPENDENT Scotland's first general election?

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Which of these options is your actual constitutional preference, REGARDLESS of which options will be available on the referendum ballot paper?

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Are you in favour of equal marriage?

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Should an independent Scotland return railways to public ownership?

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Should there be a minimum unit price for alcohol?

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Which of these is closest to your view on faith schools?

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Which is closest to your view on the Offensive Behaviour (Football) Act?

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Which of these is closest to your view on prisoners being able to vote?

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Should Scotland continue to use nuclear power?

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Which of these options is closest to your view on what an independent Scotland's immigration policy should be?

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What will be the price of a first-class stamp in an independent Scotland?

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That’s probably enough questions for now – we don’t want to get to 500 or anything ridiculous like that. But suggestions for things we could ask next time are welcome.

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You need to allow 2 options on the Holyrood question

Rod Mac

I think a question about EU Membership , currency union ,and monarchy would be worthwhile.
These are 3 issues the Unionists seem to major on


Ahem… we have two votes for Holyrood but you only allow one choice.

David Allan

Some interesting opinions being expressed here, an exercise worthy of repetition , good to see that many answers represent views of other than SNP voters.


Not listing the SSP as an option has ruined my day and made me cry.

Doug Daniel

Why did you not ask what price people think a stamp will be in an independent Scotland? WHY DOES NO ONE ANSWER THE BURNING ISSUES?!?!?


I said I would vote for the SNP in the event of a Yes vote, in the first parliamentary elections to an independent Holyrood.  However, I am far from convinced with the low corporation tax policy of the SNP.  Economically they are generally too neo-Liberal for my liking.  I would like to see Scotland having its own Central Bank, and currency in the long term.  I would also like to see an abolition of the monarchy, and the setting up of a republic.  Also, I would support much more wide ranging land reform.  If another party supported these kind of things I would be very tempted to vote for them instead. 


Wow 13 votes, For a moment I felt all cyberslab voting for Johann Lamont being a credible First Minister,

Iain More

Personal preference would be for an Independent Scottish Republic outside of the EU. 


Done my votes
I didn’t see the the last lot as I am a late arrival. Was there one one on NATO?

Chic McGregor

Nearly 3/4 so far 46 or over, bit surprising.
Maybe we need to await the Saturday night hangovers to wear off on the young uns.

Rod Mac

Nice to see us old codgers are in the majority here.
It does defy the alleged demographic of support for Independence is lowest in the 55 and overs.
On here we constitute 32% so far , interesting or a blip?

Doug Daniel

Nice try including a question on stamps, but I have another 499 questions where that came from. You’ll never answer all my questions, so you might as well just give up this silly idea of independence now.

Doug Daniel

(Incidentally, the answer is obviously that we’re too stupid to have our own postal service.)


Bit weird – I’m only getting the option to vote on the stamp issue, all the rest are results. Firefox and Chrome…..


Yes. There’s a link to the results of the last survey in the first paragraph. DOESN’T ANYONE EVER CLICK THE ETC?
Err…of course..maybe..sometimes.

creag an tuirc

I need a single question with a straight yes/no answer, I’m too stupid to handle anything more than that 🙂


I was taking the stamps question seriously, and was disappointed that there was no option for “they will be cheaper because the post office will be properly subsidised as a national public service”. Am I weird?

Doug Daniel

Tearlach – that’s because you’ve already voted on the other questions, and then Stu’s added the stamps one after you’ve voted.

The Man in the Jar

Interesting that someone mentioned the Monarchy it is a subject not mentioned very much. I have found myself with changing views on the subject lately. The argument that the alternative “A President” is much worse has kind of swayed me in favour of retention. That and I think that Big Ears has had such a bad time in the press. We of all people should understand that. Also having old Jacobite blood in the veins I lament the passing of the Stuart line! 😉
I expect that I might get “pelters” over this.
It is not a pressing matter but I would be interested to hear other viewpoints.


2 votes for the status quo!?
Didn’t know we had Francis Rossi & Rick Parfitt on board!


I assume it filters on IP address so the poll does not reflect the possibility of a plurality of interest or opinion in the sam ehousehold <grin>


I think I actually clicked on a link once. It may have been in a more lucid moment right enough. I just like to see the Rev use colour co-ordinated text. 🙂


i dont think we could really answer the question about stamps, i put down what it is just now as my answer but the royal mail is about to be privatised so we dont really know how much a stamp will cost even by the end of this year nevermind by september next year….

link to


Man in the Jar,
I too dislike the idea of a President.
I actually like Prince Charles & Camilla, and have no problem with them becoming our future King & Queen of Scots. Don’t get me wrong I am not a gushing Royalist, but the very idea of electing a President just doesn’t do it for me.


Mercer to resign his seat facilitating the first UKIP MP?

link to

Ukip has support of one in five voters – poll

The poll will be a blow to the Tories, with the position of one of its MPs, Patrick Mercer, looking in jeopardy following claims that he has tabled parliamentary motions after taking thousands of pounds from a fake lobbying firm in a newspaper sting.

Mercer’s constituency, Newark, is regarded as a Ukip stronghold.

That would certainly put a cat amongst the pigeons. Hey Scotland, look what’s coming if you vote No…



Has someone else in your house completed the questionnaire?   My other half has completed it and all I see now are his answers so I can’t add to the mix …. 
Help Rev 😉


I couldn’t answer the immigration question.
I would prefer something like the Australian system.

Adrian B

@ Frances,
Suggest using a laptop or mobile device from a local cafes wireless network or if you have a smart phone with internet access on your contract move out of range of the home network and try again.


Rev, what about some questions on the central / local government split in an IS? eg
Health, social care, housing
Education, employment
Police, fire, ambulance
Ports, roads, rail, air, telecoms
Constitution, defence, foreign affairs
Also how many politicians in total will we thole in an IS?
 105  1 in 50,432 /  300  1 in 17,651 / 1200 1 in  4,413

The Man in the Jar

A friend recently asked me to name one living President that isn’t in the pockets of big business and or a foreign government I could not name one. Just another snout in the trough!


No to monarchy especially the Stuarts, fat lot of good they did,  “divine rule of kings” ma erse complete bampots them and the saxe coburgs lot. Single branch family tree the both of them 🙂  No president either- whats the point of one, How’s that worked out for the states or France lately?


As long as I’m a citizen and not a subject, I think monarchy is fine. Just make sure we don’t get the hangers on like the House of Lords.

The Man in the Jar

It would only be a matter of time before some self-serving tougher convinced folk that what we really need is a president. Just my opinion for now. I’m open to persuasion.

The Man in the Jar

A much reduced civil list for a start. And they can leave most of the pomp and forelock tugging at the border. Something a bit like the Dutch Royalty would do me.


i didnt like to click dont know/dont care when what i wanted to click was ‘dont know enough about it to express opinion’.    think too many people wont admit to not knowing enough about thing.

Neil MacKenzie

Need option for wait and see what’s on offer from all parties for first General Election post independence. I voted “other”, but based on current parties would be SNP. I hope that SNP will be a different prospect post indy with splinter groups being forming competition for the unionist parties.

Inbhir Anainn

What bugs me in my hame toon in SW Scotland, there is a mix of Royal Mail delivery vans some displaying the Scottish Crown only, whilst others have a Crown and EIIR on them.


Ach I say get rid of the monarchy, useless money wasting gits the lot of them.  No need for a president though, just leave it at First Minister, first amongst equals is fine by me.  I’d rather a democratic meritocracy than a monarchy myself but that’s because you get the job based on whether you can do it well enough or not.


The What’s your actual constitutional preference, REGARDLESS of what’s available on the referendum ballot paper? question has been fiddled with!!

Abolish Holyrood has no votes but 1% of votes cast … status quo has 0% despite the massive return of 2 votes!  Rigged I tell you!  Rigged! etc etc etc . . . .


Frances, you need to tell me your answers, so that when I get to work tomorrow and log in with my usual username which is remembered by that computer too, and all the questions are waiting to be answered, I can put your replies in!

Otherwise there will be two of me.  I may change some answers.


If we’ve got to have a monarchy or indeed a president why not select by lottery?  Imagine the reaction ” aw naw I’ve been picked to be queen/president for a year”, “stop moaning and git that crown/suit oan grandma” 🙂   But seriously no one should be able to wield power without accountability especially if they are funded by the public.  But to be honest who rules is not a priority in the sneddon palace we just want independnece.


OT in memoriam Norsewarrior…
link to

Peter A Bell

On the question regarding votes for prisoners I was obliged to choose, “All prisoners should be allowed to vote”, although this does not accurately reflect my view which is that I am opposed to a blanket ban on prisoners voting. I accept that it would be appropriate for certain crimes to carry a suspension of the democratic franchise as part of the penalty. Although I see no logical reason why this should arbitrarily be applied to crimes of violence and not offences involving dishonesty.
Obvious candidates for being denied a vote are those convicted of electoral fraud or offences related to corruption in public office such as bribery or malfeasance.
The important point is that democracy must be as inclusive as possible. For that objective to be realised it is necessary that the default position should be that everybody has a vote. It is the denial or removal of this fundamental right which must be thoroughly justified by those who claim that circumstances warrant it.


Rod Mac,
I think a question about EU Membership , currency union ,and monarchy would be worthwhile.
These are 3 issues the Unionists seem to major on
Rod Mac is right, these need to be included the next time when you do the survey. Certainly would be interesting on the EU and Currency.
You might want a question on what we should do militarily (even a multi-answer on what we might want (select as many options as you want on questions such as retention of nuclear weapons, should we be involved with UN in conflicts, working with rUK as a combined force, keep the SAS, etc) (certainly opens up the grey areas!).


Man in the Jar,
I too dislike the idea of a President.
I actually like Prince Charles & Camilla, and have no problem with them becoming our future King & Queen of Scots. Don’t get me wrong I am not a gushing Royalist, but the very idea of electing a President just doesn’t do it for me.
I agree, Man in the Jar.
I like the idea of keeping Royalty. I think Charles will be a good King, and William certainly has his head screwed on, so we know that at least, there are 2 successive Kings who would be good.
I hate the idea of a President …seriously, think about it …President Gordon Broon ….President Johann Lamont …President Margaret Curran …President wee Willie Rennie …even the term President Salmond doesn’t sit well with me. We are not a Presidential nation. Keep First Minister, and keep the Royals. Having Royalty as one of our Nations primary figureheads gives us a better standing in the world. It doesn’t solve everything, but it’s a million times better than the alternative!


“Rod Mac is right, these need to be included the next time when you do the survey. Certainly would be interesting on the EU and Currency.”
They were included last time, and I didn’t think people’s opinions would have changed that much.
Apologies Rev. I just can’t remember it for the life of me from the last time. 
Maybe around this time next year, ask those questions again once we get nearer the Referendum. They will definitely be in folks thoughts. Might even persuade a few folk out there, once they see the instant vote result, that others are also thinking like them! Who knows!


@Rev Stu
In an Independent Scotland should responsibility for the following lie with (C)entral or with (L)ocal government
                                                           Central … Local
Health, social care, housing?                     C        … L
Education, employment?                           C        … L
Police, fire, ambulance?                            C        … L
Ports, roads, rail, air, telecoms?                 C        … L
Constitution, defence, foreign affairs?         C        … L
Health, social care, housing?
Education, employment?
 Local                              etc.


@Frances – ta thats it, youngest Macdaid is home from Uni, and had completed the survey, nabbing the IP address of the house.


RevStu said:
They were included last time, and I didn’t think people’s opinions would have changed that much.
You’ve got a lot more posters since then, though – haven’t you?  Certainly more readers.


Use a ‘New Private Tab’ which is what I use to get round the limited views on the Herald site.
link to


I shall get Mrs SS to complete on her netbook. She reads sometimes but normally says ‘I don’t need to read up on independence; you tell me everything that’s happening’. Which is fair enough I suppose.


Personally I am strongly against the monarchy, as I see it as the ultimate in inherited privilege. I am genuinely scunnered at the level of support shown here. Bunch of medievalists :). I suppose you will be asking for the House of Lords to be expanded next, in terms of the scope of its remit and budget? Indeed, this universal suffrage thingy is proving to be a bit troublesome, so we should just do away with that while we are at it. Simples, and should not raise concerns over the day-to-day governmental process of managing Britain’s 21 century collectivist oligarchy, as the red, blue and yellow Westminster party has ably demonstrated its ability to run the show without democratic mandate. All in service of the Crown.
To all looking forward to Prince Charles taking over the family business, would you at least want him to pay the millions of £s in tax he has managed to avoid over the years, as a prerequisite of taking the throne?
link to

Michael Granados

poll seems to be flawed…  recorded voted for things I didn’t answer and won’t let me vote for other question…  Giving up. 

Richard McIntosh

I’m pro Monarchy as I’ve always thought we Scots live in a kind of republic anyway, with ultimate sovereignty lying with the Scottish people. I know within a U.K. context it’s more complicated than that …but if Independent…how long the Windsor’s… maybe the return of a “separate” Scottish Monarchy? 

David McCann

I answered all the questions as accurately as I could, bar the last one about stamps. Must confess that I had a bit of fun and voted that we would be bombed back to the stone age


Newsnet report on how Scottish youngsters answered a different set of questions:
link to


@cameronb   I am with you.  Independence is about change, renewal, doing things differently  improvement, egalitarian society, social justice…  
Why, why, why, would anyone advocate keeping Charles (and other elites) who is a part of the corrupt and archaic system called the British Empire, that is run out of Westmister and London?  
This is the chance to learn from mistakes, not retain them. 


I take the Bolshevik approach to monarchy.


I have got to agree with CameronB about the monarchy. No need for them.
In my view, royalty ( in all countries) are the descendants of successful thieves and murderers and nothing at all to idolise. They also don’t pay enough tax. A bit harsh maybe but generalisations often are.


That horrible wee guy Kerr at bbc scotland couldn’t hold his excitement back while reading out the results of the pupils poll. It was THE story of the day according to him and he couldn’t wait to ask his guests their opinion of the result.  He really has one of those faces hasn’t he.. I hope he shows the same enthusiasm when the polls start to turn in our favour. 


I would prefer a republic but it’s really not a big deal.


On the monarchy I’m with Juteman. Down to a cellar with the lot of them, machine gun, can’t have these dam’ benefits scroungers, what? Anent head of state, whether elected president or inbred imbecile, can anyone think why we need one?
Shocked myself by hovering for a long time over Green for the first parliament, but eventually stayed with Mummy SNP.  And that’s assuming that we still don’t have a socialist option.


I`m a republican type.
The monarchy is not my cuppa tea at all. Well, it might have been 500 years ago, but, I`m kind of over it. It just seems…utterly pointless and bizarre. If we are voting Yes to a new kind of Scotland, it seems strange to want maintain something so moribund as the monarchy.
Maybe a future referendum topic, post independence? But I`ll not lose sleep over it.

Richard Bruce

Sorry voted that china/England etc.. would bomb us for the stamp question, not very important as it will be a universal service provided by our government, or not depending on EU rules. BUT, No Monarchy!!!  Republic please!
And my roots trace back to the Wolf of Badenoch!


Don’t like an elected President. Randomly-chosen monarch would be really good. We’d all have such fun enjoying the reaction among the crowned heads of Europe.
Seriously, you need a head of state who is not a politician, but to whom armed forces, etc. swear loyalty. Gives me shivers that US President is CinC of US armed forces.
Elsewhere…Next time, Stu, can you be a bit more creative in the voting for parties after independence question? If you look at election results since about 1950, you’ll see that Scotland outside central belt has always voted differently from central belt. I imagine that a new party will rapidly spring up to take advantage of that. In fact, I might start one myself….Country party, anyone? (has a respectable pedigree) Policies: radical land reform, + to fishing, farming, tourism, demand proper planning regime for renewables. + to rural infrastructure  etc, etc.

The Rough Bounds

The monarchy is not on. How can some of your posters say that they ”like” Charles. How can you like someone that you have never met or spoken to?
It’s all propaganda and baloney. We haven’t got a clue what these people are like when they are out of the public eye.
I’ve been voting SNP at every opportunity since 1962 but I found myself putting down Conservative as a party I might vote for in an independent Scotland. I and my family suffered quite a lot throughout my working life due to the excesses of the red mentality in our trade unions.
They were often nothing but a bunch ignorant bears and only interested in their own small agenda. They didn’t understand what independent thinking meant, and I believe they would drop support for an independent Scotland in an instant if England went socialist tomorrow.


Randomly-chosen monarch would be really good. We’d all have such fun enjoying the reaction among the crowned heads of Europe.
The thought of Joe Soap glad-handing Europe’s ‘entitled’, still had me chuckling. Of course, I doubt Joe Soap will be invited to attend the real centers of influence, such as the Bilderberg Group. Interesting to note that the original guest list for this invites-only club which is largely credited with the creation of the EU, was drawn up by Charles Douglas Jackson, who was an expert in psychological warfare and was working under the command of Walter Bedell Smith, then head of the CIA. Our Betty gets to attend.


Someone once suggested a privatised monarchy.  The contract would make you king or queen for ten years, whereupon it would go out to tender again.  There would be no public funding: monarchs would have to arrange their own finance from sponsorship and advertising, and the rules would require that (for tourism) every term had to include a Royal Wedding, a Royal Baby and a Tragic Princess. A lot of it could be done as reality TV, a bit like the Osbournes.   Which it pretty much resembles anyway.


If we start having any serious discussion about a Scottish Head of State, won’t we see the likes of George Robertson, Ming Campbell etc having a sudden change of heart on the whole Indy issue?
Sociopathic narcissists must find it next-to-impossible not to see themselves in such a role. You can imagine Robertson being interviewed for the position; ‘Well, when I was Secretary-General of nay-doh, I gained much valuable experience on the world stage, and am very relaxed in exalted company. And I am, of course, very much a patriot. Always have been.’
How difficult would it be for the Yes campaign to hold…hold…hold…if characters like him try to get their neb in?
‘President Foulkes’, anyone?


Aye, it’s all good.
But who would volunteer to be that butler?

Red squirrel

I’d prefer a republic but if we really need mummy still, can we have a new queen (equal opportunity obviously) every year & they have to be voted in by the people through a Eurovision type contest?
but bugger this hereditary privilege idea – I’m still holding out hopes of significant land reform to end the obscenity of individuals owning thousands of acres of our country.


Regards the question of the Royals, why are we paying them sooo much and allowing them to take sooo much of the land without question? I just don’t get it sorry. I see no reason why we could not have a totally equal but very different system, abit like a jury. Pick out of a hat a representative group who could tick the boxes and sign the bits of important paper…I’d do it but as an older person, I’d want some young people on the panel, from all walks of life, ideal or what? well, we certainly have a less than ideal elite at the helm and worshipped for it, at the moment and historically, giving very little but enjoying all the riches (only those in council houses in which you can hardly move around in, dream about!)and the extended royal family, doing the same…makes me sick. But, we have to be careful and not replace one regime with masses of money and power and land, with yet another!! So, an elected on merit panel, as according to social and cultural acheivements could and should be the  ‘heads of state’, only able to be on the board for a limited time so as not to stagnate, seems to me a very good way to organise a fair and equal society. Duh…

Iain Henderson

Immigration policy (question number 9765 or thereabouts).
I’d have preferred an extra option: current levels of immigration are about right but the policy needs overhauled.


If you haven’t already seen it, you might find some of the conversation on ‘Quarantine’ re ‘demarchy’ etc of interest – CameronB, Vronsky and other WoS worthies had a fairly intense gab about it all a couple of months back. 

Adrian B

@ Iain Henderson,
Immigration is controlled by Westminster at present. The only way that will change is under a ‘Yes’ vote in September 2014.

Dal Riata

Monarchy? To hell with that (them)! I really, really hope that when the time arises – on the death of the current queen would be right – that an independent Scotland has a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ referendum for retention of the monarchy. A King Charles of Scotland with whats’erface toddling along beside plus all their hangers-on and castles and lands at their disposal doesn’t bear thinking about – in fact, it would be an affront.
Get rid of all those figures of British Establishment, the whole damn lot of them. Get Scotland’s land, exploited for long enough already by the so-called landed gentry, back into the hands of Scotland’s people. No more Lords and Ladies using our land for the ‘fun’ of slaughtering animals.
Let’s rid ourselves of all old institutions of Establishment oppression that have caused resentment for far too long in a new Scotland after independence. Leave all that stuff behind that has been like a ball and chain around Scotland’s potential for centuries and let’s make Scotland a progressive and forward-looking country with hopes for the future – sounds good, and will be good!

Stuart Black

The thought of ‘King’ Charles makes me physically nauseous. Take a look at the old footage  of the coronation getting touted around at the moment, and tell me that an independent, egalitarian Scotland would have any truck with the pomp and preposterousness of it all.
Never mind the queen who was wearing the GDP of a small African country, the cost of the robes and regalia of each of the great and the good around her would keep a family of 6 for a year.
Fuck that.


My problem with the monarchy is it doesn’t go far enough. We should track down the heirs of Ystrad Clud, Dal Riada, Gododdin, Fortriu and the other ancient Scottish kingdoms. Why have one monarch when you can have a dozen! Then every year or so they nominate one to be High King like the Irish did. It’ll be fun!


Really chuffed, completed questionnaire made me ridiculously happy for a Monday morning, off to work with a smile. 


The Rough Bounds says:
2 June, 2013 at 9:09 pm

The monarchy is not on. How can some of your posters say that they ”like” Charles. How can you like someone that you have never met or spoken to?
It’s all propaganda and baloney. We haven’t got a clue what these people are like when they are out of the public eye.
Obviously I don’t ‘know’ Prince Charles but I have met him and he was absolutely charming and a great sense of humour, same to be said of Princess Anne.
By your reckoning I should not be allowed to say I like Alex Salmond or Brad Pitt, having met neither.
Dal Riata: King of Scotland?? not likely, King of Scots perhaps. The whole point is only with Independence will the people of Scotland get the choice to keep or ditch the royals. I for one don’t much mind which, but the idea of some half wit becoming President does.


Colin mccartney

Now send the results of the survey to the Scotsman and see how they ” interpret” them?


“Why did you not ask what IMAGE people think will be ON a stamp in an independent Scotland?”

Craig P

Results so far seem to suggest SNP / independence supporters want to ban Catholic schools – I imagine some Labour MSPs and the media might be making more hay on that subject soon. 

Peter A Bell

How do you figure that out when there isn’t even a question relating to the “banning” of Catholic schools. Indeed, Catholic schools aren’t even mentioned.

The Man in the Jar

I also have met Prince Charles informally a couple of times. I found him to be a pretty decent bloke with a deep and obvious love of Scotland. It did help that we were in the middle of the Balmoral estate at the time. I don’t think that “the royals” are a huge problem. As I said earlier a much reduced civil list and leave the forelock tugging at the border. I think that the Dutch royals have got it about right.

The Man in the Jar

I know of some people that have tried to track down the last of the Stuart line with no luck. In fact one of these paths can bring you right back to the Windsor’s.
So dinnae you start! 😉

Craig P

Peter, you must have missed this one:
Which of these is closest to your view on faith schools?

Religion of any kind has no place in schools (except as a voluntary academic subject dealing with all faiths) (75%, 741 Votes)

Doug Daniel

Craig, as one of those who voted for that option, let’s just be absolutely clear that it’s not about “banning Catholic schools”. I simply don’t believe in using school to indoctrinate a child to believe in organised religion. I went to non-religious (as in they were’t specifically faith-based) primary and secondary schools, and even that had what I considered to be an alarming amount of religious dogma – from the obvious religious propaganda of having ministers (like BBC Scotland’s Andrew Kerr’s dad) to come in and tell us about Jesus etc every now and again and traipsing down to the kirk at easter etc, to less blatant things like singing hymns at assembly and being made to dress up as a shepherd in The Nativity. As I say, I didn’t go to specifically religious schools, so I hate to think how much religious pish children are force-fed in faith schools.
I hate all religion equally. It’s all equally dangerous. Catholicism is no worse than the rest, and I really cannot stand the way the squabbles in one part of Scotland are used to suppress people speaking their minds about religion in areas where nobody gives a toss which school you went to.


The Man in the Jar,
….much reduced civil list
Couldn’t agree more.


or Islamic, Hassidic, Buddist, Jedi, Confucian. They are all in the mould of give me a child untill 7 and I will show you the man.


If we have to have a monarchy after the Queen dies, and we end up with King Charles and Queen Mrs Parker Bowles, I’d like to see them behaving the way a Scottish monarch should behave, at least when they are in Scotland. 
No pomp, no circumstance, no bowing and scraping and behaving like they were a different species. No silly titles and styles which mean nothing. You Majesty!!!!
They are not different , and even if they were mrs Parker Bowles is just an old woman who ditched her husband for someone with much better prospects. She’s not royal.
So, it’s been a long time since there was a proper Scottish king. Perhaps they should look to the Nordic countries for their example of how to behave and what to expect.
Personally I’d prefer us to be a republic, but it’s hardly an important issue compared to the fact that people are hungry, living in damp homes and not getting proper incomes or health care. 
That’s what we need to sort out first.
When we live like people in a normal European country (one that isn’t constantly at war with America’s enemies), we can worry about Charlie and his tart come wife.


What are you going to do about the women’s vote, Rev. Seems almost no women frequent this site.


NickB says:
4 June, 2013 at 9:31 am

What are you going to do about the women’s vote, Rev. Seems almost no women frequent this site.
That wouldn’t be ‘No Better Together’ mathematics rearing their ugly head again, would it?

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    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “The U.K. is one of the richest countries in the world by GDP and GDP per capita, around 11th (out…Jan 19, 14:15
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “The state of the United Kingdom – do you not understand what that means, or do you think that could…Jan 19, 14:08
    • Oneliner on Poisoning The Unwell: “Is Val McDermid Peter Murrell in drag?Jan 19, 13:54
    • wally jumblatt on Poisoning The Unwell: “I think there is a tendency in all ‘civilised’ societies -by civilised I mean you aren’t just looking to survive…Jan 19, 13:51
    • Confused on Poisoning The Unwell: “Seeing Sturgeon pouring in the poison made me think of something … – the guards throwing in the zyklon B…Jan 19, 13:41
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “And you continue to deliberately twist words to confuse. What do you mean exactly by “U.K.”? Please state the name…Jan 19, 13:37
    • Confused on The same old tricks: “Dan, Mia – don’t waste time on these GERS discussions, it has been flogged to death; if any of them…Jan 19, 13:36
    • Alf Baird on The same old tricks: “You fail to observe what is a colonial balance sheet. Colonial plunder easily makes one of the richest nations in…Jan 19, 13:32
    • Confused on Poisoning The Unwell: “ukgov is incredibly incompetent – that is just one project, then we have a laundry list of the rest…Jan 19, 13:21
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “I happen to agree that the population share method of allocation is of no value, but thankfully GERS also provides…Jan 19, 13:19
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “What I want is an explicit positive authoritative statement demonstrating that the U.K. is formed of a treaty between two…Jan 19, 13:15
    • Andy Ellis on The same old tricks: “Any people can exercise its right to self determination via a number of routes Dan. Nobody sane disputes the fact.…Jan 19, 13:10
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “I never said anybody was out to get me or Mia so wind yer neck in and stop trying to…Jan 19, 13:05
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “When exactly did you provide any evidence? Just like those who rush to deny Scotland democracy are the first ones…Jan 19, 12:48
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “Just for the sake of completeness: According to google AI, in 2022 Norway had 156,900 jobs directly or indirectly related…Jan 19, 12:30
    • Confused on Poisoning The Unwell: “I think you are right, Marie; it never looked right to me. First of all, Baillieston is not actually Uddingston,…Jan 19, 12:23
    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “Thanks, George. I look forward to reminding myself of the Rev’s insight. Mind you, it is an example of a…Jan 19, 12:21
    • Captain Caveman on The same old tricks: “FFS Dan, really? No-one is out to “get” you, Mia or anyone else. It’s called discussion/debate, and guess what -…Jan 19, 11:56
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “Absolutely, Dan. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. For instance, another thing I did not include in…Jan 19, 11:36
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “It’s the typical conspiracy theorist tactic when asked to provide some evidence, to respond by making an even more ridiculous…Jan 19, 11:35
    • George Ferguson on Poisoning The Unwell: “The Poisoner April 30 2021. Towards the end of the article Sturgeon poisoned the Yes movement to the extent the…Jan 19, 11:18
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Aye, how hard can it be in this modern tech filled world to simply allocate genuine numbers to actual amounts…Jan 19, 10:39
    • G m on Poisoning The Unwell: “Aye, same here Marie. I always thought it had the feel of a holiday home in a strange location for…Jan 19, 10:31
    • Marie on Poisoning The Unwell: “I’ve always found that Uddingston house very strange. It minds me of a stage set – bought for the purposes…Jan 19, 10:22
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Could be but who knows for sure. Over the years there has been a steady stream of btl posters that…Jan 19, 10:12
    • G m on Poisoning The Unwell: “The argument of incompetent government goes both ways.Jan 19, 09:47
    • Mia on The same old tricks: ““For somebody that is often such a pedant in matters of btl law discussions, it’s odd that you should then…Jan 19, 09:45
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “For somebody that is often such a pedant in matters of btl law discussions, it’s odd that you should then…Jan 19, 09:39
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “Scotland’s parliament can be recalled at any time. The only thing we need is for our so called “Scotland’s” MP…Jan 19, 09:35
    • PacMan on Poisoning The Unwell: “She’s plainly under the influence. Any decent journalist worth their salt would follow this up.Sturgeon can’t be permitted to just…Jan 19, 09:34
  • A tall tale

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