Irrelevant man muddles up dates
“Scottish Labour” apparently launched its election “manifesto” somewhere in Scotland today. The “leader” of the fringe “party”, Jon Murnaghan or something, seemingly got a bit confused and made a number of pledges regarding devolved issues over which the Westminster government to be elected next month will have no control whatsoever, and would properly belong in a manifesto for the 2016 Scottish Parliament election.
Mr Morley or whatever his name is, who – assuming he wins his own seat – will be an insignificant backbench MP in the event of Ed Miliband’s Labour party winning the election, also said a bunch of other stuff about the SNP being “bad” because they refused to tell him what would be in their 2016 manifesto, further supporting the idea that the agitated branch official had lost track of what year it was.
Eyewitness accounts suggest that an invited audience of several people listened politely to the comments, even though the regional office run by Mr Murgatroyd [SUB PLEASE CHECK] is currently trailing by 20+ points in the polls and is expected to secure only a small handful of Scottish seats in the election.
Any curious readers requiring more detail about the quaint ritual should tune to every news bulletin on every channel for the rest of the day for some unfathomable reason.
This is all clearly aimed at those of us with buttons on the backs of our heads. Sadly, I fear there are still quite a few of those.
Time to get canvassing!
Who could have thought that politics could be so entertaining.
Thank you Mr.UHU
[…] “Scottish Labour” apparently launched its election “manifesto” somewhere in Scotland today. The “leader” of the fringe “party”, Jim Murnaghan or something, seemingly got a bit confused and made a number of pledges regarding devolved issues over which the Westminster government to be elected next month will have no control whatsoever, and would properly belong in a manifesto for the 2016 Scottish Parliament election. […]
Backbencher Morphy’s £200 million mental health dosh is just going to be soaked up trying to cure this lot
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There’s probably not enough therapy in the whole world for this kind of crazy.
Isn’t it about time someone in the media asked him an awkward question?
Radio Clyde citing Scottish Labour pledge 500 doctors and a mental health fund in news headlines
Who needs actual facts eh?
Jan Murtrie the Labouristic Leader in Scotlandshire simultaneously at the same time patted her head while rubbing her tummy, unlike Scotlandshirists who pat their tummy and rub their heads, the basturts.
Eyewitness accounts suggest that an invited audience of several people listened politely to the comments
Very funny post, Rev Stu. I am grateful for a laugh at any time and this provided it in the best possible way. Thanks 🙂
I suspect this minor party is fighting the next election because they have already conceded this one. After May 7 this strange and irrelevant individual will doubtless claim that his claim that his outfit will not lose a single seat was a reference to the Southern Regional list for Holyrood.
The new Viz character: Jim Irrelevant (“He’s Completely Creepy”)
This has been puzzling me about the unionist parties and their “Scottish manifestos” Do they not realise that manifestos for a GE are their UK party manifestos. They cant have a separate one!
Do the unionists not understand their own country and how they have made it? It was the same with the Scottish leaders debates, totally irrelevant.
The only Scottish leader who can debate about “national” and “regional” elections is Nicola. The rest only get out the box when its region time.
The unionists are trying to make us a region and yet still want to play as a country.
Make your bloody minds up!
That last couple of lines had me spitting my tea over over the screen (again) 😀 😀 😀
Brilliant Stu.
Anywhoo who are this ” Scottish Branch” .
Zombie party tick tock
Mr Magoo, of the short sighted party. Waldo, my boy. What year is it?
While David Cameron muddles up his countries.
I remember many years ago, there was a spate of fraud activity in London, wherby tourists were ‘sold’ famous London landmarks by spivs.
It seems that someone has ‘sold’ Scotland to David Cameron, who thinks it is now his and he has incorporated it into England.
Actually, on a visit to London in the ’70’s, a bloke in a yellow tie with black spots and a red hat, sold me Buckingham Palace. I’ve still got the title deeds. I’ve never been back to London since, so I’ve never bothered. Do you think if I phoned Her Majesty and told her that I had made the Palace a part of Scotland, she would find somewhere else to have her parties.
Well, Dave’s having a go . . . .
Come on now, we should really keep the standards high, stop insulting the opposition and get his name right.
Mr Mulligatawny, if you don’t mind. 🙂
Apparently there are 160 pledges in the manifesto. Wonder how many if any will ever see the light of day?
Irrelevant man promotes irrelevant branch – Red Tory Slabbers.
Desimond – Are you sure it wasn’t 500 spin doctors and a mental health unit for unemployed Slabour Mp’s.
I am sure you will find it was a Mr Morden, a known representative of the Shadow Alliance
Yes Stu, but you’re forgetting that Jim Morrison(?) is a patriot – which probably explains why he’s strayed from his remit… and remember, Maguire( ?) said they’re not going to lose a single seat so will remain a powerful force.
Not sure if you’ve heard,but McCarthy(?) is very clear that the biggest party blah de fu==ing blah…………….
In the body politic Murphy(?) is the pubic louse – the next three weeks are like waiting on the lotion to work.
@ Heedtracker, 2.57
I know something had me rattled and couldn’t figure out what. Thanks for “enlightenment”.
I was speaking today to an old journalist friend, who went over to the dark sie and became a Labour spin doctor.
As I gently chastised him about his continuing support for Labour he reminded me: “But Socrates, I’ve always believed in lost causes, I support Hibs.”
To cheer him up, I suggested there was more chance of Hibs winning the Scottish Cup this season than of Labour winning the General Election.
And finally… a skateboarding duck!
Ha ha. I wonder if the launch was timed for the day after the challengers debate to deflect from Nicola’s second moment in the UK sun? Even so, this shower of drizzle and dark clouds will have little impact.
All primary schools already have breakfast clubs. Labour in Glasgow are considering shutting them down. Classic.
Well put!
What is it with Labour that they don’t seem to understand what is devolved, and what isn’t? What is for WM, what is for Holyrood? What is for GE 2015, and what is for 2016?
This isn’t the first time I heard them get it totally wrong. Curran habitually does.
To get something as fundimental as that wrong, how can they expect to be considered competent?
The galling thing is, over 20% of Scots will still vote for them!
Just what I needed on a Friday afternoon after a long week of boring meetings, contract variations, legislative changes forcing changes to services & contract monitoring. It’s true what they say humour cures many ills & boy has my week been ill so far.Even kept me from WoS for much of it.
Thanks for the laugh Stu 🙂
[…] Irrelevant man muddles up dates […]
I thought that it was a bit Parochial for the three Better Together Parties to have separate manifestos. I would have thought if we were actually Better Together there would only be one per party? After all this is to do with Westminster and it really depends who wins the election surely. If it is irrelevant for Nicola Sturgeon winning Debates in England, then it is irrelevant for Jim Morphie presenting this rubbish to the electorate in Scotland.
WHIT nae sprinkles ,ah want Hunners N Thoosands an mibbee,s ah wee Flake.
Sorry whits that you say,it is Flakie, ok ah believe you.
@ Heedtracker £200 million fur Mental Health, thats Jock Scott n me sorted then, but is Jimbo no the Saviour ah simple laying on of hands would have satisfied me.
All of my pupils are now voting SNP
Very Proud and honoured
Thank you
Perhaps sLabour are well aware that these are devolved matters and are deliberately seeking a mandate for Westminster to intervene in them?
Scottish Government setting up help line for redundant SLAB MPs. O and a food bank after they are certified by BAMs medical board, if they turn up!
I am getting seriously puzzled here.
WTF is Scottish Labour and why do they have a separate manifesto from their Westminster overlords ????
I can see the requirement for a “regional” approach for the Hollyrood elections where management of devolved issues are fair game.
This ?????
For those who haven’t seen it – the Murph being subjected to unparliamentary language in Carnoustie:
link to
I have a question.
Whoever it was that drew the short straw and mumbled a load of s***e about something or other, were they wearing a Dunce’s hat when they were mumbling cause if they weren’t then they were just talking a load of p**h! 😀
Since when did anything the BBC or Scottish Labour say that had to be true. They both know if you keep on repeating it becomes true. Well at least it did in the days before the internet and social media. Unfortunately for the BBC and Scottish Labour the truth can be found in seconds nowadays. They obviously have not yet cottoned on to the reality that there is A MOOSE LOOSE ABOOT THE HOOSE.
Perhaps Dim Jim doesn’t know the NHS is devolved. I have came across several Labour activists who don’t believe me when I state that fact – the usual response is “…it’s the NATIONAL Health Service”
I suppose that level of intellect and education explains why they are still voting Labour long after the rest of us left.
Quite scary that Smurph is considered a “big hitter” berhaps it was a misunderstanding when someone nominated him the reply was ” He’s a bull Shitter”
Where’s yer mojo now, Jim?
Just went on the BBC news website to see what they were making of the Branch Office Manifesto….. nothing on the front page.
BBC this is Jim’s big day, surely this is a national story and needs greater prominence than being buried in the wee Scottish section.
How can England vs West Indies be more important than Jim Murphy? BBC stop treating him like a man struggling to hold onto his seat, who’s not in charge of a real party and hasn’t a hope of one day being first minister.
In all honesty words fail me…..Scottish Labour WTF?????
Some wonderful skewering going on there Rev.Kudos.
But, but, but…..I thought you promised an £8.50 min/wage Jim? Obviously your party masters in London have slapped that one down too!
I might be wrong but I think the Unionist parochialism is an affectation designed to bamboozle those who are not paying attention. Aided and abetted by probably the most dishonest and disreputable press and media in the developed world.
Still, what else could we expect as England’s, sorry the British Establishment’s last colony?
All manner of confusion over who’s in charge of the Scottish NHS – it is in fact the current SG government and it is almost universally known (except for a few misinformed individuals ) that health is a devolved matter and this material is really a year too early in terms of political campaigns.
Labour should be asking what can be done to re- nationalise NHS England because the Secretary of State for Health is no longer responsible for the delivery of health in England – up front charges for health care are coming their way sadly as services are taken over by Virgin, Serco etc. The provision of health care tells you a lot about the integrity of government- the English NHS will soon have to lose the ‘national’ bit we are very fortunate in Scotland that SG have taken an entirely different path.
So will this mr murphy be going to Westminster?
He’ll prove to be quite an effective leader at holyrood…
I just hope Slim Jim ran all this by his masters down south to make sure it was ok. I would hate for the lad to get into more trouble as it could lead to problems for him when he inevitably heads back to Westminster in the future. Ed Miliband must be choking on his bacon sarnie every time he hears what the little branch office staff are getting up to.
Murphy is TOAST! 🙂
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Did Mr Murphy get permission from Chukka Umunna to tell these lies
Delboys at the Lighthouse at 6PM
Kevins doing Commonfest at the Queen Magaret Union at 7PM
Tune in & support the Guys.
Ashcroft polls are out today.
Amazing set of results – link to
Douglas Alexander 11% behind the SNP. No wonder he looked like a Zombie last night! LOL
SNP look like taking Dumfries as well!
OT Interesting new polls from Ashcroft concerning changes to VI since he last polled same Scottish constituencies.
Vey funny #Scotriots on Rev’s timeline…highly recommend for continued lightening of the mood 🙂
The latest Ashcroft polls show that the SNP lead is solid and substantial. With only 19 campaigning days left I guess we can expect every dirty trick and smear tactic in the book to be thrown at us.
These polls are going up for the SNP during the campaign. No reason to suggest that they have peaked yet. Meanwhile Slabour are going back the way.
For once Scotland seems to be taking a stance against the Westminster parties.
I’m not re-fighting the indyref, but as we have lots of new readers.
Imperialism, defined by The Dictionary of Human Geography, is “the creation and maintenance of an unequal (political,) economic, cultural and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination.” Political oppostion to this foreign domination is called “anti-imperialism.”
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Don’t celebrate yet folks …and put any liquids off the key board before looking.
‘Scot goes pop’ Ashcroft poll.
Cameron – Exactly the state we live in.
You can stay with us Scotland, as long as you know we run the show. That sounds like domination rather than partnership to me.
Once again “Scottish” Labour only emphasise just how irrelevant they actually are. If they cannot even get right which election they are supposed to be fighting, then what is the point of their existence? Why are they? Really..why are they? The only purpose seems to be to provide a lucrative meal ticket to some very nasty, thick, arrogant and downright crooked people.
Here we go again.Nice round figure and sums showing clearly they have not researched the subject. “What will sound good? OK use that figure whether its appropriate or not”
Mental ill Health can be every bit as painful as physical ill health. I wish Labour would stop using health as a political weapon. They are so obvious!
lol nice one Rev
never did like that Spud Meggphy guy he shouted at women you know ,never a good thing, so whats his party called now or are they still pretending to be the labour party.
A manifesto i guess Meggphy must think he is PM material such a sad case of delusion, no it cant be that labour have two manifesto`s can it ,they must be another party what else can explain it.
There is hardly a day goes by that I don’t ask myself, really, why would anyone vote for Labour, and judging by the latest polls, it looks like many people are thinking along the same line.
Ashcroft Polling …. Wow!
Oh, let it turn out that way on the day!
Ashcroft Polling …. Wow!
…. Murphy bounce? Honeymoon period?
Ha Ha Ha
Great start to a sunny weekend
I am enjoying these polls so much! There is no reason to fear any significant drops in the SNP support either, because every constituency has rock-solid teams of canvassers going out every evening and round homes.
Also, Nicola is increasingly becoming a VERY relevant national figure, whose every word will be closely followed by the media. So not like in the past, when the SNP hardly mattered and it was a question of a Lab-Con battle for power.
East Renfrewshire is very interesting! SNP on 38% and Lab and Con both on 28%! As Murphy is planning to run for Holywood next year, surely the logical Lab/Con alliance response would be for Murphy to drop out and support the Blue Tory. Can you imagine the impact that would have?!
Loving the news on Wee Dougie and Charles Kennedy. And could we actually end up with more Tory MPs than Labour MPs?
Lord Ashcroft makes me happy. I love him! But I love the voters in Scotland more! If these poll results withstand the Better Together Barrage over the next 20 days, I will cry. I’ve been waiting for decades for a result like this – I’m sure there will be many like me. C’mon Scotland!
Please,please let that Alexander result come to fruition. His wee sad rat face will be a picture on the 8th!
Nice easy to read summary of the Ashcroft poll from James Kelly on ScotGoesPop link to
Read and weep Gin Murfuk.
Murphy gone
Swinson gone
Kennedy gone
Alexander gone
Davidson gone
Mundell gone
Campbell (Ming) gone
Moore gone although his seat currently going to Tory – bit more work to do here although only 1% in it!
What a difference a day makes
Only 24 little hours
No more Slabers with powers
who were just such a pain
Jim’s lying days are through- Cheer!
Today we are SNP, dear
No more votes through fear here
Now that Smurph has taken up mime
What a difference a day makes
There’s a rainbow alliance before me
Skies above won’t be stormy
Since that moment of bliss, that farewell kiss
It’s heaven when you find justice on your menu
What a difference a day made
And the difference is you!
OT – Anyone heard anything about GAP’ new book, London Calling?
I ordered my copy over a month ago and it was supposed to be due for delivery early April but i’ve heard nothing about it.
If Murphy does lose (please, please) his seat … then he would clearly have to stand down as Branch Admin Officer.
So …. who draws the short straw and gets his job?
Dad’s Army theme tune (Slab’s Army?)
Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Murphy?
If you think we’re on the run,
We are the boys who will stop your little game.
We are the boys who will make you think again.
‘Cus who do you think you are kidding Mr. Murphy?
If you think old Scotland’s done?
Mr. Brown goes off to town
On the 8:21.
But he comes home each evening
And he’s ready with his vow.
So watch out Mr. Murphy
You have met your match in us.
If you think you can push us
We’re afraid you’ve missed the bus.
so who do you think you are kidding Mr. Murphy?
If you think old Scotland’s done,
Anyone who can vote Red Tory in Scotland in GE15, isn’t voting Labour at all – they’re just voting No again.
Really good interview with Nicola on sky/youtube.
Really good reaction from folk who have seen this – especially my young girls. Please share the link
link to
Lord Ashcroft polls – amazing!
The only way is UP!
Bit O/T but came across a statement in The Times which quoted David Cameron as saying something like -if I don’t get an overall majority I will act for ‘the national interest’.
Seems to me a bit like the Grand Con/Lab Coalition nobody’s talking about.
When you think about Ed Milliband on last nights debates-if it was Take Me Out-he wasn’t having any advances from the ladies,looked like he only had the hots for the Invisible Man-David Cameron-curiouser and curioser.
Someone should come straight out and ask him if the Con/Lab coalition is on or not?
And the same goes for dishface.
Interesting. Do the other branch offices (Yorkshire Labour, Manchester Labour, Welsh Labour, London Labour) also get to make their own policies for the GE?
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Over on the BBC Scotland website, Brian Taylor is clutching at straws in an effort to bring some comfort to Labour in Scotland. For example:- “This is, quite simply, an engrossing contest. Across the UK, where the main parties appear close – and especially in Scotland where polls suggest a mild revolution may be under way.”
It’s a mild revolution folks – how’s that for a piece of Taylor understatement.
@Stoker says:
17 April, 2015 at 5:14 pm
OT – Anyone heard anything about GAP’ new book, London Calling?
Me too as well also! Purchased online on the 6th April, 16th paypal says they’re taking the money soon. The postie thinks I’m stalking him but I just want ma book!
Oh my goodness goodness gracious me…:) 😉 🙂
Something – perhaps the Ashcroft poll? – has just caused the arse to drop out of SLab’s GE campaign. After days of being static, Labour’s strongest seats have, in the space of a few hours, been blasted wide open and they’re now second-fiddle in all of them. Nothing as dramatic as this ever happened during Indyref.
If it’s not due to Ashcroft’s latest then something else has caused it, and whatever it is? it’s major.
Some odds from earlier today, with the new odds:
Renf East(Morph) was 4/9, now 11/10
Ayrshire Central (Donohoe) was 8/11, now 6/5
Paisley (Wee Dugs A.) was 4/6, now 2/1
Glasg SW (?) was 8/11, now 7/1 (with Paddypower)
Ed South was 8/11, now 11/10
Check out the oddschecker site for whatever constituency takes your fancy:
link to
@manandboy 5:06 pm my sentiments entirely.
ED the talking horse has sidelined and now is about to sacrifice Dim Jim and SLAB on the alter of self gratification. They are an embarrassment and liability, time to do the kind thing and put them out of their misery.
Socrates MacSporran
Would that be Simon Pia by any chance?
Just had a wee look at Scot’s Ashcroft Polls and remembered a Joan Baez song ( wonderful name for a BBC Scotland person) but slightly amended:
Where have all the Slabs gone?
Long time passing,
Gone to sign on everyone,
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?
OT, but on the subject of media standards.
I was watching BBC News at 10 last night after the debate, and there was a segment where they were in a newspaper office. Did anyone else notice the part where the dialogue was roughly:
BBC: “Is this article revenge for his [Miliband’s?] stance on Leveson?”
Newspaper Editor: “No, but it does make it easier to choose sides!”
That encapsulates everything that’s wrong with the British media, choosing sides instead of reporting fairly and impartially as they should.
I also noticed a bit in the post-debate spin room interview with Danny Alexander where he seemed to say that the Liberals couldn’t be in the debate because David Cameron wouldn’t allow it. Since when was Cameron the leader of the Liberal Par… oh, hang on, never mind.
Never a good idea to portray your party to the electorate as the lapdog of another party, though.
Finally, Grant Shapps on Question Time tried to say that the debate was called the “Challengers’ Debate” – immediately slapped down by David Dimbleby – so the clue was in the name and David Cameron couldn’t be included for that reason.
Not to be diverted, Shapps then tried to claim that he didn’t even think David Cameron had been invited. I don’t think his attempts at spin could have been more transparently false, given that the broadcasters very definitely invited David Cameron to take part in all three of the originally-planned debates.
Roll on the 7th of May.
@ Almannysbunnet (5.40pm).
I’m not quite stalking the postie yet but not far off it.
Alex Thomson of CH4 news has been in Glasgow today. He has been blogging throughout the day so maybe there will be a report on CH4 news tonight about Mr Murphy and the manifesto launch today.
Scotland Today is about to spout more ANTI-SNP Propaganda concerning Jim Murphy. There was even a young girl holding up a sign saying, “An End to Food Banks”. FFS.
Stephen Roney.
I suppose this is what the British Establishment gets for not moving with the times.
The SNP’s exponential rise is throwing the British system of government into turmoil
Alex Salmond resigned as SNP leader and First Minister, to be succeeded in both offices by his highly competent deputy, Nicola Sturgeon. Far from retiring, Salmond is standing in the general election. If Salmond’s resignation was ultimately a tactical repositioning in preparation for a new battle, the same could hardly be said of the dramatic resignation of Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont in October. Lamont explained her resignation in Scottish particularist terms of the failure by the UK Labour leadership to give Scottish Labour more autonomy, adding that Labour in Westminster “do not understand” Scottish politics. Whereas SNP membership was sky-rocketing, Labour were “struggling to get beyond around 13,000”….
The fundamental question is whether a ‘British’ nation still exists. 62.4% of Scots reject a British national identity, identifying as ‘Scottish only’. A shared party system is central to ‘British’ politics, and if the SNP supplant Labour in Scotland, it will be “harder than ever to talk about ‘British politics’”. A “two-party system”, and “one-party and bare majority cabinets” are another two of Lijphart’s key features of the Westminster system. Both arise from the disproportional electoral system and strongly favour the Tories and Labour. There is little incentive for Labour and Conservatives to reform an electoral system so advantageous to them, but it is difficult to see how a ‘British’ party system can be maintained short of the introduction of PR that would at least see some Tories returned by Scotland.
Of course it would also mean the permanent end of single party government and a two party system (but this may be inevitable anyway, given the decline in the share of the vote won by Labour and Tories combined in recent elections). The current crisis requires something close to Scottish independence or PR or the re-emergence of traditional cross-cleavage cutting left/right politics. None of this is likely, the British crisis will rumble on.
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Thanks for that sturgeon link.
I’ll go back and read the again polls later to see if they are still the same and it was not a ‘fig leaf’of my imagination as some old lady comedienne used to say. 🙂 (Hylda Baker??)
Oh radio Scotchland just reporting the release of the Ashcroft polls …..err! SNP ahead….that’s it folks. Less than 10 secs move along nothing to hear here!
Yes, it sounds like Simon Pia.
I hope people do not get euphoric about these polls. The only time to be that is hopefully when the results come through. Do not underestimate SLAB’s methods and tactics in the last 20 days or so. They will have the MSM at their backs as well.
Looks like the weasel murphy has been riding that bird again.
Reporting Scotland at 6.30pm – Promoting the branches vowfesto.
It’ll no matter a feck anyhoo if the latest polls are to be believed.
There will be no Red Tory Slabbers to deliver anything after May.
Jim Murphy reminds me of a wat fart in a white suit
@WingsScotland They’re eating chicken in Torphichen. #ScotRiots
I know, it’s a work in progress.
Main BBC News (fae London) leading with a row breaking out on whether or not Labour will do a deal with the Conservatives to keep the SNP out.
Well now, BRING IT ON, if L!ebore do any such thing it will be tatty-bye Labour as they will be completely wiped out in Scotland and will face future total annihilation throughout Wales & England.
And take a step back and watch the resultant mega tsunami towards Scottish Independence as i would expect the SNP to put it into their 2016 Manifesto.
Oh happy days.
They are only polls, folks.
They are only polls, folks.
Exactly. The only one that matters is next month.
I just watched Kezia ‘Massive Hands’ Dugdale on Reporting Scotland. She looked crazed and was ranting about Nicola Sturgeon again. You could actually see the desperation in her eyes.
How marvellous.
Ian brotherhood.
These odds are spectacular. has something happened we missed ?
The bookies rarely get it wrong. Wow .
What a nice way to start the weekend .. and it’s sunny hoorah 🙂
Scottish Labour manifesto! Aye feckin right. What is that expression, em, eh.
A cry of pish rang above the crowd. Aye that sounds about right.
Are these Polls proving the old adage
Once you go Yellow & Black
You never go back
Think Ed Milliband has other things to worry him. Ive just watched a PPB from an organisation called TUSC be afraid Ed be very afraid all you red troughers
Has everybody seen this?
link to
Will the first outcome of this election be Jim Murphy declaring Scottish Labour as a new stand alone entity and all ties cut with London?
7.20 Chanel 4 News is a Must tonight , jump on to Ch4 + 1 if you missed it .
Alex Thompson in Glesga on the streets with the Slab manifesto , so funny , his 3rd and 4th person exceptionally funny , well done the lassie with the yalla tap .
She hastes past with a quick
” Naw , ye can stick yer F*********g Labour up yer A4R$E ! ”
Rev , or ontbody ,get it on YooChoob , sorry I’m useless wi that kinda kinda stuff.
Well we do need so light entertainment .
C4 News trying their best to give creepy Morphy a big boost and they say Morphy is “adrift” of SNP candidate by 10 points and Douglas Alexander is 11 points “adrift” of SNP candidate. They didnt say Alexander’s “adrift” to an extraordinary twenty year old women because that’s not their style as they too blow off about what a wonderful public service broadcaster they really really are. They’re not, they’re shite.
But got to love the word choosing by C4 liggers. A voter told C4 man to stick Slabour up his arse, next to the Barras. He didn’t though, he said there’s still time to save whatshisface Morphy. I hope they ask me too:D
Here’s one for James Moffat(?)
Jimmy Stewart & The Night Hawks – Nuthin’ but a Nuthin’
link to
On C4 news tonight I noticed Chuka had some Iodine on the top of his sharpish head, was this the result of the “Glesca Kiss” on Jumbo who has a cut on his forehead?
Roger wrote:
“Has everybody seen this?”
(Direct link to a Unionist rag removed)
Aye, have you read all the other comments?
link to
Live Indy Broadcast ON NOW
Streaming “New Northern Frontiers” ideas, hopes and aspirations for a future Scotland. from Glasgow
link to
Live Independence’ other feed tonight:
Common Weal Common Fest Night – Music and Comedy
A night of Common Weal Music and Comedy Common Fest Night!
The night will be opened by wordsmith Alan Bissett. Our speakers are Common Weal founder Robin McAlpine, the wonderful Elaine C. Smith (a Common Weal Board Member) and the author, artist and all-round great-Scot Alasdair Gray.
link to
I’m now hoping that the election is such a catastrophe for the London parties than another election is called and the people of Wales will have seen what has happened in Scotland and will grow a set.
“Seems to me a bit like the Grand Con/Lab Coalition nobody’s talking about.”
Many posters on this site are of the opinion that there will be a Con/Lab coalition “in the national interest”
If this happens, the SNP manifesto in 2016 should promise a referendum on Scottish independence within 90 days of coming to power.
This time there must not be any Westminster involvement whatsoever.
They can declare it illegal if they want, but we will hold it, with international observers from anywhere welcome to come and monitor if they want to.
Jim Murphy reminds me of a wet fart in a white suit
now that is an image I wish I didnt have in my minds eye – a bit like the man himself. Ah I see, right enough 🙂
Have you noticed ED, Dim JIM and KEZIA, they have all got really scary starey bulging eyes and look is if they are demented. Kezia and Jim shout, Ed tries to look angry, really angry.
According to the latest Ashcroft poll, the SNP have a 21% lead against Labour in Ian Davidson’s constituency.
Wasn’t it previously thought that Ian Davidson and Willy Bain would be the only Labour MPs holding onto their seats?
Subject to what weapons of mass destruction are used against us in the next three weeks, 59 SNP MPs now seems to be within reach.
But we must remain vigilant until, and especially after, the polls have closed.
link to this was today channel 4 news try to show people the scots labour manifesto hahah
@ Brian McNeill (8.33pm).
Gaun yersel hen, pure quality!
Thanks for that, Brian.
Rock if they block Scotland from power. Then its writing the last testament of the union. Nicola says its all about if things change to create a referendum.
If SNP return 40+ MPs and Scotland is represented by two minority parties in Scotland. I.e Labour and Tories. Then something will have changed and the mood would be for full independence in Scotland. They needn’t wait for HOLYROOD. The westminster parliament is sovereign. A Scottish majority can vote to end the union as it no longer works for Scotland. In reality they will hold a snap referendum as Scotland will become ungovernable. The mood will be for indepependence as most Scots will feel betrayed and ignored.
I view it as no accident that the Herald website has started using a stock photograph of Jim Murphy, looking pleadingly at the camera like an injured fawn, to tug at the heartstrings.
Sorry Herald: we’re wise to this stuff now.
Many voters are utterly confused with all these promises and pledges. This is a general election not an election for Scottish government. Yesterday I received election communication from my local Scottish Labour candidate. In the leaflet, the pledge is made that Labour (not Scottish Labour) will fund 1000 extra nurses in Scotland. There is no asterisk, no mention of conditions attached which would have to be met in order for this promise to be fulfilled. In other words it quite clearly implies that if you vote Labour into power in the general election, this is what’s going to happen.
Labour are making me us a solemn binding promise, that if we give something to them (our vote) they will deliver something to us (1000 extra nurses for our NHS) This is obviously something that is actually impossible to deliver on. If a business took my money and promised to deliver goods or services while knowing full well that they were incapable of doing so, then I could sue for breach of contract, same applies here. In this instance some might call it fraud, that would be for the police to decide if it were reported.
@galamcennalath says: 17 April, 2015 at 3:29 pm:
” … This isn’t the first time I heard them get it totally wrong. Curran habitually does.”
It’s her age. At all stages through her life all her troubles have been blamed on her age. From potty training to incontinence, its always been Magrits age. So why should it be any different now?
Ref my post @ 7.30
Thanks Brian McNeill @ 8.33
It took just over an hour to get a link here .
As I said the lassie in yalla tap says it for us .
Big Jock,
“Rock if they block Scotland from power.”
They don’t need to block Scotland from power – there are plently of UK OK Scots around.
But they will do their damnest to block the SNP from power.
40 SNP MPs are not enough in my view – they would still have 19 UK OK MPs to give credibility to Westminster rule over Scotland.
Scotland only becomes ungovernable by Westminster if the SNP have 55+ MPs. Subject to the inevitable vote rigging, this is now looking highly likely.
Labour cannot possibly go into a coalition with the SNP as the majority of its MPs will be from England and English voters as a whole will resent anything that they will (falsely) regard as favouring Scotland at the expense of England.
The fastest route to independence is 55+ SNP MPs being ignored by Labour.
Followed by the SNP winning the 2016 Scottish election with a pledge to a referendum within 90 days of being elected.
I liked Alex Thomson’s simple question to JMurph re: SLab’s decline and the recent polls when he asked, “Where’s it gone wrong?”
You could feel the heaviness in JM’s hesitation as he deliberated and fumbled for the too-honest answer, “Look, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, we’re shite and we know we are..”
I’m paraphrasing, natch.
O/T, but still topical, respect for Alex T’s inside take from the East end makeshift STory bunker yesterday. And what a story it is.
link to
Yes I know what you mean about vote manipulation. They will try their damndest to fiddle the marginals. Whether that’s tactical voting or ahem spoiled and lost postal votes!
Can’t see the SNP getting 59 MPs even if the polls suggested that. I remember Celtic used to say they had to play twice as hard as Rangers to win the league. Because they were playing against 12 men. There was some truth in that. I am a Partick fan but not blind to the bias against Celtic in previous decades.
Anyone else noticed that in Mundell’s seat more voters prefer a Lab/SNP combination than prefer a Tory govt? Looks like Fluffy’s in trouble…
kininvie says:
Anyone else noticed that in Mundell’s seat more voters prefer a Lab/SNP combination than prefer a Tory govt? Looks like Fluffy’s in trouble…
I think to say Fluffy is in trouble is like speaking the bleedin’ obvious! 😀
Little woman’s comment after debate. “I have always voted conservative, I thought Nicola sturgeon was awful!!” I hope her not so posh neighbours were watching, cause, that’s what thats all about Yeh !!!