Hit for Six
Posted on
September 17, 2016 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
I wonder if lead Yoon and ‘useful idiot’ Alex Massie will appreciate the cricketing reference here.
Well portrayed Chris,they can bat away the six if they like,
all we need is one good Scottish broadcaster(aside from
BBC Alba of course)
Peace Always
Cracking cartoon as usual Chris, hitting the nail right on the head.
“You Scots will take the news we want to give you, and like it. What could there possibly be worthy of reporting in Jockland that’s more important than “British”….. (oops ‘English’) news?
It is really important that Scotland gets its own Broadcasting Service independent of the BBC. All we are getting is State Propaganda Pravda style. it;s time to ditch the BBC for good.
The fact is, as wee ginger dug put it, we don’t actually want 30 more minutes of Jackie Bird, what we want, and should demand is a Scottish broadcaster, funded by Scotland, for Scotland. It is truly absurd that so many Scots still seem contented to sit through the supposedly ‘main’ news every freaking night about English education problems or English health funding and English Doctors strikes. All from England.
Then there is the monumentally stupid mindset, perpetrated by the English owned and English controlled ‘scottishy’ newspapers, asserting that with a separate Scottish broadcaster, Scots would lose some programmes such as ‘strictly’ or ‘Eastenders’. The fact is programmes like those are sold to broadcasters ALL over the world. Their is not a single reason why those English production companies would then say, ‘oh, no, we’ll sell ‘strictly’ to China, but we simply won’t sell it to Scotland. It is utter rubbish. Every day, people in the USA and other countries around the world watch programmes like ‘coronation street or eastenders’.
We don’t need to even look very far, as the INDEPENDENT Ireland has its own broadcasters who buy in programmes from all over the world. It is how TV works nowadays.
No, the fact is, Westminster doesn’t want Scotland to have its own broadcaster, answerable to the people of Scotland instead of London, for one very simple reason, cultural suppression. They want to pump ‘Britannia’ propaganda, Queen Lizzie and all, into our homes 24/7, and the very last thing they want is increased Scottish cultural awareness about Scotland. They want to perpetuate the dependency, subservient, ‘poor wee Scotland’ mindset, which has kept Scotland shackled against its wishes to an unwanted, unfair and undemocratic English union for over three hundred years.
It will not do, and I just wish the SNP and Scot gov would start boycotting rubbish like Question time, and other BBC shows. Eventually, if they stuck to their guns, people all over Europe and the world would start to notice. Even the SNP as the largest political party in Scotland, largest party in the Scottish Parliament, the third largest party in the entire UK, with almost every single Scottish MP, is still treated as a ‘fringe’ party by the BBC, with wowefully inadequate coverage of their political conferences. It is time, they metaphorically ‘grew a pair’ and stopped playing ball.
Excellent Chris , many interpretations can apply.
They are continuing to “Brittish Stamp” everywhere ……… No in ma hoos !
They can F@@k off !
Well done Chris. Take that you lot.
Personally I don’t care about a Scottish six, too little too late as far as I.m concerned. Has to be our own broadcasting TV station, not the EBC.
This cultural suppression has gone on for too long. We need to demand control NOW. Nothing less. Surely it is illegal what Westminster is doing to Scotland. Where are our friends in Europe when we we really need them? We maybe need to reach out to them first? Inaction will be our downfall.
Don’t watch tv so immune to pro Britnat BBC home counties zoomery & jingostic propaganda.
But a Scottish media broadcaster, based in Scotland, funded by Scots & focused around Scottish issues & culture just like every other country enjoys is surely a reasonable aspiration.
But you can’t change broadcasting in Scotland if you keep giving London your money.
As usual Chris … awesome cartoon that hits the nail fairly and squarely on the head! 😀
BBC Scottish also known as “The news where you are.” 😛
link to youtube.com
Robert Louis,
Agree with every word.
I no longer watch any of the major TV channels or read any newspapers, but to matter where you look there is very rarely anything positives about Scotland in either TV reviews or front page headlines.
It was never going to be International news of interest to Scotland. It would have been the same London centric bias with Jackie Bird in tartan ((((shiver))))
30 minutes of misreporting or 60 minutes of misreporting. It will still be controlled by greedy,useless criminals. Who cares? Unless broadcasting came be devolved and come under control of the people who pay for the service. The Scottish people.
The BBC the biggest con trick over all. £3/4Billion of funding depending who are to be believed? for a complete load of nonsense. Absolutely appalling. A bunch of greedy prima Donna being used to misinform the public. Just like the Olympic millionaires cheats being used for policial purposes. To annoy the public. People are sick of it. They know they are being brainwashed. It won’t wash.
The only channels worth watching is the Parliamentary Channel. To hear what the liars are doing before it is misreported. The Truth. The BBC before with half the license fee used to make good drama and documentaries. Now it is repeats and worthless rubbish. Less people watch it anymore. The listening rates are diabolical. They always were but it is getting worse. Not worth the effort or the money. Or the political place people.
I see another lie exposed by WESTMINSTER over defence. link to msn.com
RUK has enough aircraft to defend Whitehall!! Safer with that lot? Maybe Mundell reading of a wee bit of paper on a doorstep has certain echoes from the past. Westminster has NO defence policy for Scotland or for anywhere else.
I’m not that fussed about the Scottish 6 made and played by the propaganda factory.
Much more insidious is the amended Charter which gives the BBC licence to promote the Union above all concepts of objectivity and respect for those dissatisfied with the Union.
Surely this makes the BBC’s position untenable; charged to provide political news coverage when the BBC’s Charter puts it squarely at odds with democratically elected Government in Scotland. If the SNP or YES now promotes any concept of a better life outside the UK union, the BBC is now Charter-bound to suppress it. It isn’t news to most of us that the BBC already does this anyway, but this revised Charter is merely a cackhanded attempted to legitimise this prejudicial misconduct and bias.
The Scottish Government MUST surely now seek some form of legal interdict to ban the BBC’s interference with our political discourse. The BBC is indefensibly compromised by its prejudice and it must be challenged.
I wouldn’t panic Hamish … after all it looks like Fallon is going all lasery on us … in a defence sort of way. 😉
Who needs a defence force of any sort when we can shoot anything from anywhere at any time with a
death rayoops sorry laser.link to rt.com
The cricketer hitting us for six doesn’t appear to have any balls.
Very subtle but spot-on and very funny, Chris.
@Smallaxe says: 17 September, 2016 at 7:16 am
“Well portrayed Chris,they can bat away the six if they like,
all we need is one good Scottish broadcaster(aside from
BBC Alba of course)”
Trouble is that never in this World will we Scots ever get a Scottish broadcaster from the, so called, “British Broadcasting Corporation”. Even their officially given Royal Charter title is a propaganda exercise designed to mislead.
Yes it is “A” British corporation but it is only a United Kingdom broadcaster and most certainly not, “The”, British Broadcaster that it claims to be.
This is the usual Westminster Establishment wishful thinking that the United Kingdom is, not only, all of Britain but that the terms British and English are mutually synonymous.
Never for a moment must Scots ever forget the claim of David Mundell when he quoted from an official Establishment commissioned paper as, “The Treaty of Union extinguished the Kingdom of Scotland and renamed the Kingdom of England as The United Kingdom”.
There is not even a hint of such an agreement between the only two kingdoms that constitute, “The United Kingdom”, in the Treaty of Union.
Legally the treaty of union units only the two, equally sovereign, kingdoms of Scotland & England but the kingdom of England was comprised of the three countries of England, Wales and all Ireland in 1706/7.
There has only ever been two, legally equal, partner kingdoms in the United Kingdom which, by the way, has never legally been the unequal union of countries we have to suffer under today.
Robert Peffers says:”Trouble is that never in this World will we Scots ever get a Scottish broadcaster from the, so called, “British Broadcasting Corporation”.”
Unfortunately very true Robert, I hope you are well this morning sir.
Peace Always
The village green and cricket couldn’t be more iconic as “english”. But the union jack wastecoat isn’t incongruous – it reinforces scotland’s insignificance to the union as england/britain are interchangeable terms with almost nothing culturally to separate them. Scotland is expected to conform, become “british”, and thereby become “english” too. We should be happy watching their football, their news, their middle class period dramas…
Know your place Scotland. We exist because they have tolerated us up to now, but they’ve run out of tolerance. We either conform to what they want us to be, or grow some fucking balls…
donald @ 9.02
John Bull will, like any sensible cricketer, be wearing a box, to protect his prized assets. It’s a wee bit like the Establishment – you have to hit him very hard, and very accurately, to do any damage.
I would hopefully suggest, JB is about to be caught and bowled, however.
Re Robert Peffers’ explanation of the reality of the Treaty of Union, which, hopefully, many more than we Wings regulars will take to heart: For over 300-year the Establishment were allowed to get away with this lie – look at how Lillibet Windsor was allowed to style herself Queen Elizabeth II for instance, because the Church of Scotland hierarchy and our judiciary didn’t stand-up for Scotland.
Now, we have a Scottish Government and (admittedly somewhat constrained) parliament to stand-up for us, so, they can never pull that stunt again.
After having Nicola Sturgeon’s huge contribution during the week the National has a big article from Alex Salmond today. Of course this is just to confuse us so that we don’t notice that the national is a unionist plant putting out a continuous daily stream of pro independence material to…to ……..to do what exactly?
No surrender, not one inch is the brit mantra.
bbc at the top and the tory goverment are one and the same, we can expect nothing from them.
Scotland is the enemy within as far as they are concerned.
Before look at the attached link I strongly advise everyone to make sure they are sitting down and have nothing throwable or breakable within easy reach. 😛
link to twitter.com
You will have your first 25 minutes on Grammar Schools and the English NHS and Crossrail and all the rest, whether it is relevant or not. It is a shared experience (whether you experience it or not). It holds us together (whether we are thankful we not being governed by the Tories or not)
Devolution has made a UK news broadcast almost as relevant as a German or Dutch broadcast.
I think Murdo has lost the plot a wee bit with his tweets. Sooner or later (probably sooner) he is going to clip around the ear from Ruth for being an arse.
Not our problem though 🙂
In fairness HaS with a German or Dutch news broadcast at least we’d be guaranteed some semblance of TRUTH much as we currently get with a certain Russian news channel. 😉
The sneer says it all Chris.
Aye well, John Bull will soon be smiling on the other side of his face.
They’re not very good at politics, are they?
Seemingly petty, foreigner bashing OF ANY KIND is the BBC’s raison d’etre.
Even this morning, almost ‘sniggering’ at the USA paralympians, who are cleary beneath ‘us’ in the overhyped nationalist medal table.
Ah, Murdo Fraser, a once greatly respected British statesman, reduced to an internet Yoon troll.
Come on, at least I got half of it right.
That’ll be the same team Ruth was seen playing in last week…..good spot Chris.
@Handashrimp……. As long as the NHS and police forces etc in England are going to the dogs…… Receiving national UK news broadcast into Scotland, educates our ill informed as to how badly things are in England …… Long may that continue.
Seems to me an extra half hour of Jackie Bird and no news of the disaster going on in England has no benefit for our cause.
Nice one Chris.
I’m with others on here. I don’t want an extended Jackie Bird show.
There’s no BBC or ITV news or radio in my house. Their rotten biased news as taken me afar to other news programmes like Euronews, RT, France24, Aljazeera etc. and found out that they are much better than the ” in house Pravda news”
A fair point.
Dave McEwan Hill @ 9:28 am
I’m afraid we have a die hard group who are anti the National regardless of the evidence.
It is a good newspaper, well written and gives a platform to many Independence supporters who contribute excellent articles.
Like you I will continue to support and promote it.
Thats a grand cartoon Chris!
However as usual with Westminster its too little too late the argument has moved on from a Scottish Six to a SBC.
And Im not sure that we are not better off with a daily dose of the mayhem on English roads, in English schools and in the English NHS to show us that we are not too stupid to govern ourselves so that we have better hospitals and education than Westminster can manage. Asking the old folk to watch the news with that in mind could change a lot of feeling about how its better to be British.
If, as a retired general has suggested, Russia, or some other ‘mighty military’ nation should invade the UK..
..would they have to take a share of the national debt?
Good Morning Scotland had a good discussion of this and other things this morning, for once. The news editor Gary Smith? seemed confident it would go ahead. They are now going to ask their focus groups what they think and – drum roll – show them a pilot programme.
Amazingly, the widely publicised focus group rejection was based on NO information whatsoever. They hadn’t seen an example. They thought it would be an hour of Jackie Bird talking about local issues as usual.
It’s possible they are actually reading WoS now for their consumer research. Say we’re not going to produce a Scottish Six. Read the reaction as – too late now, we want our own broadcaster. Hurriedly stick Scottish Six back on the table.
Another excellent cartoon BTW. You’ll have had your holidays then!
WHY would another country ‘invade’ THE UK?
For oil?
It would be unprofitable to spend billions on an invasion when they could cheaply drill their own oil wells, or steal Norway’s.
PARANOID DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR. It’s what keeps he military machine turning. Aided by a media with lots of footage of rockets firing.
Dave McEwan Hill says:
17 September, 2016 at 9:28 am
After having Nicola Sturgeon’s huge contribution during the week the National has a big article from Alex Salmond today.
Press and Journal have Alex Salmond as a weekly columnist so what’s your point? At least with the hard core tory yoon P&J, you know exactly that they want the same as the BBC, a tory UK.
National presented very fringe left RISE as some kind of major force in Scotland, last GE. They were clearly following the rest of the press in heavily boosting the fringe left but as soon as the Scottish GE was over, they were all disappeared, and not just by the voters.
Why would the whole of our noble and honest British media in Scotland boost RISE so hard, then ditch them Dave?
Its just that, watching noble and honest BBC etc desperately trying to destroy Corbyn for being a far left unelectable commie, its a bit disorientating, for the consumer of the relentlessly tory UK media, is why I think the National is a con.
Hitting us for a six into the long grass (((((HOWZAT!)))))
Who cares? I certainly don’t! I’m not interested in an extra 30-minutes of BBC Shiteshire propaganda and i believe this “Scottish 6” debate was deliberately engineered to have us debating crumbs again, as per usual. Nothing short of our own broadcast news under an independent Scotland will be good enough for me.
Thanks for the toon Chris! Hope all goes well for the troops at Glasgow today and tomorrow, my envious thoughts are with you all. Have a great and safe weekend Scotland!
Good cartoon Chris.
Ref the National. I posted this on the last thread but also relevant in this one.
TheItalianJob says:
Good cartoon Chris.
Ref the National. I posted this on the last thread but also relevant here on this discussion.
I read with interest the conflicting discussions on the pros and cons of the National. I personally think that the National is a good paper and does give good well balanced articles from a variety of pro Independence politicians and spokespersons e.g. Business for Scotland which was very prominent in putting across the financial ability of an Independent Scotland during Indyref1.
I also see the contra argument that the paper is part of a family of Newspapers that is of the Unionist persuasion. This is what appears to irk some contributers to this site. They see it as us Indepedence supporters as paying for a newspaper group that is possibly in a bit of a financial hole. I think we need a balance view and the National does provide that. Also to a certain degree the Herald and the Scotsman do provide a balanced view at times, with the odd articles, and this needs to be acknowledged.
The MSM newspapers that are really the ones that do not provide a balanced view are the ones we should be more wary of and we are. These of course include the express, mail, telegraph etc. These we need to counter and denounce as Stu does on a daily basis.
The main high points and positive aspects of Scotland that the MSM and the TV stations (primarily the BBC) do not report, unfortunately, is the good progress that our Scottish Parliment and government is achieving in all sorts of matters ranging from health and education to the countries infrastructure projects and so on.
They can’t however as they (the UK government) know this would swing the cause for Independence well over the required numbers for a majority. A point in fact to this is the hidden McCrone report which stated such a scenario if this was made public at the time.
We Independance supporters are living in interesting times. Many of us are impatient but history (Brexit) had served us with an unexpected second chance so soon after the first in 2014 which is quite remarkable.
This time we have many more aspects in our favour than last time.
1. The Labour Party in Scotland no longer exists as our main Westminster representatives.
2. The promises made by the BT have not come to fruition (as we knew they would) and the majority of the Scottish people now see this.
3. The main perpetrators of BT have all now gone including David Cameron and George Osbourne et al.
4. The current PM and their administration are in disarray due to Brexit and having no plan in place for this.
5. We are starting from a much higher support for Independance now ~48% vs ~28%, in 2014.
6. We have a large number of strong MPs representing us in the Westminster government who stand up for Scotland on a weekly basis. Although as a whole number in Westminster they have a constant fight on their hands.
7. We still have a committed Yes movemnent and we will learn from the past issues that helped to defeat us in the 2014 ref.
8. The next BT team will not be fronted by Scottish Labour MPs as they only have one and Labour in Scotland and they know how toxic that turned out to be.
9. If the next BT team is to be fronted by ex Labour MPs (most of which will have to be dragged from the HOLs) and Tories they will be on a hiding to nothing.
10. We have support from other EU member states and their representatives which will help our case for Independence.
Looking at all of the above and I’m sure I’ve missed a few more, I can’t think of anything more
positive for the Independence movement going forward. Albeit we will have a fight on our hands nonetheless.
As K2 added above in the words of our famous bard “It’s coming yet for awe that”.
Here’s to us. Keep the faith. Goodness wins and we are good.
That ‘Whitehall insiders’ article saying there wouldn’t be a Scottish Six came out the week before pilots are being filmed. Plain interference. These plans would have been known for some weeks, even months.
Dave McEwan Hill @ 9:28am.
The National is placatory pablum. Nothing radical.Available to soothe those suffering the “slings and arrows” of the Unionist Assault.It needs a bit more edge and attitude.
Same can be said for iScot magazine.
Don’t have TV, by choice, but was away for a few days this week and the room had one so I watched the twenty or so channels for around a minute each, that was enough.
Then it suddenly dawned when watching the state ‘news’, it is just like the ‘southerners’ having to get ‘Watneys bleedin’ red barrel’ and the ‘full engerlish’ when in any country in the world. They are simply not capable of loosing the empire state of mind (sorry Alicia Keys) so don’t feel comfortable being told something foreign by someone foreign. As far as they are concerned nobody does it better (sorry Carly Simon).
There is always Euronews which give a different prospectus, but is more difficult to access.
Reporting ‘Planes taking off from Lossiemouth Scotland to bomb Syria’, without qualification. Scotland voted not to illegally bomb Syria or for Westminster lies.
Theresa May , ‘Scotland didn’t vote for EU membership two years ago’. YES they did. Some people lied to by Unionist politicians voted NO for EU membership.
Theresa May is wasting £Billions on Hinkley Point nuclear station. It will be years late and over budget. Obsolete by the time it is finished. Totally contaminating. The last two built – France/Finland (7 years) were year’s late and £Billions over budget. The Tories are flying dangerous nuclear waste around the the world but complaining about ‘terrorisism’. Deplorable. There are much cheaper, more efficient, safer, renewable alternative.
The Tories are wasting £Billions on HS2. A total expensive waste of £Billions of public money. It will make journeys’ throughout Britain take longer and be more expensive. Damaging the UK economy. The investment should be have made improving the present system. Quicker, cheaper, safer and less disrupting. The Tories are doing it to line the pockets of them and their associates. Syphoning off, illegally embezzling £Billions of public money. Against the majority interest and the public interest.
Cameron and Osbourne were two of the worst politicians the UK has every had. Greedy criminals. There is something seriously wrong with the English education system. Pride and privilege replace decency, justice, equality and caring.
I was just wondering HaS if when wee Murdo was talking about queues he was mentioning them because he is expecting queues of people lining up NOT to sign his wee pretendy petition but to ask him and his mate a few questions. 😉
1) When will wee Ruthie apologise to the Chamber for her party’s xenophobic remarks about Christian Allard
2) When will wee Ruthie apologise to Christian Allard for her party’s xenophobic remarks about him
3) When will wee Ruthie apologise to the chamber for her lies about the NHS on Thursday at fmq’s
4) Has Alexander Burnett been suspended from the party yet as a result of the police investigating his election expenses.
I’m sure these and other “interesting” questions will all be asked of wee Murdo and his mate today! 😀
Who needs papers when Wings is about. A larger readership. Thanks to every one going to the Independence Rallies. Thanks to Glasgow/Edinburgh for the millions who can’t go. Demographics. Thanks a million. Might see it on RT.
The National is an excellent paper if you are interested in Independence. I have an online subscription as newsagents tend to run out. Good articles from a range of excellent writers. I can only assume that people who are vehemently opposed to it just don’t read it.
Check it out online:
link to thenational.scot
It would be entertaining to see his answers but to be honest anybody that calls Rangers “The Queen’s Eleven” is not all there so I wouldn’t hold out much hope of getting a sensible answer.
When will multimillionaire politician’s business affairs be investigated. Getting local gov contracts. Declaring an interest? and despite repeated warning allegedly illegally overcharging. Fraud. The staff are trying to cover. The firm is a shambles. Davidson is trying to cover to cover up. A fraudster. Fraud and corruption endemic in Tory/Unionists. They committed electoral fraud in 31 Constituency. A minority are illegally trying to take the majority out of the EU.
Nobody wants it in Scotland. Lets face it, it’s depressing rubbish.
I was lucky enough to buy the second last copy at my local
Newsagents this morning,bearing in mind that I live in Dumfries & Galloway,it sells quickly even here in toryland.
Peace Always
I think you have got it right there HaS. 😛
I’m sure I read somewhere Ken that the Finnish nuke power station was still not operational because they still had problems. As for HS2/HS3 I seem to recall that the HS sttions are going to be on the outskirts (sort of) of Birmingham etc. This means that anyone fancying a wee burl on an HS2 train would have to go by “normal” train to somewhere like Birmingham New Street, disembark their train, walk to the taxi ranks and catch a taxi to the HS station, walk on to the platform. All this will take time and being Birmingham will I suspect take upwards of an hour to complete. Net result you will be arriving in London around 20 minutes AFTER your original train … probably. 😀
No doubt those in the know will correct me on anything I have got wrong here. 🙂
I have a subscription for the National. I think that it is a good paper and reflects my views better than a Scottish owned one called “The Courier”
“I think we need a balance view and the National does provide that”
Well then they need to say that them. Buy the National for the balanced view, we’re neither pro or anti Scottish independence, would be a lot fairer sales pitch. Logic dictates that out of say 37 papers, all the BBC, STV, ITV, C4 etc, a new newspaper might be a full indy backer, but what can you do.
If UKOKhackdom’s lips are moving, they’re lying.
Also, what’s with the weird National front page, or why are they using Scottish democracy as a kind of all new and exciting news testing thing? We all know its getting enough proud Scot but conservative minds to change to YES and/but they’re clearly not going to go for the National new and exciting comedy front page. But then that’s not the market Herald dudes are going after is it.
@ Smallaxe – newsagents only seem to order a few copies which quickly run out – possibly because the covers are eyecatching. This week’s has two covers, winners of the Indyref anniversary competition.
Public finance in an Independent Scotland is an interesting issue, to me. This week, Graeme McCormick has an article on Annual Ground Rent. He has written letters about it and now the National has published an article:
“McCormick gives the example of someone on average earnings of £26,500, who currently pays income tax and national insurance of £4,400; council tax on an average-priced property at £1,169; water rates of £417; road tax £200; and £4,943 in VAT, making a total of £11,129.
By comparison, someone living in an average urban house would pay £1,120 – a saving of £10,009.
McCormick says income tax could cease to exist, along with inheritance, business and council taxes and VAT.”
link to archive.is
I regard that as an interesting contribution to the debate. WoS can’t do EVERYTHING on its own!
If the National wants to prove it’s worth it would invite WoS to do a weekly column.
Some of it is so mundane it feels like reading a Sunday supplement half the time.
No grit, no teeth
Simple at that.
I orgionally posted this in the article “Dissatisfaction Guaranteed”, but as it is still an alive and kicking topic I have reposted here. Hope you don’t mind.
McBoxheid says:
17 September, 2016 at 11:14 am
yesindyref2 says:
16 September, 2016 at 8:21 pm
@Rock, @Effijy, @McDuff
Cobblers. Do any of you ever actually read The National or visit its website? Today’s website front page puts the lie to your “conerns”.
I couldn’t agree more!
What the National is, is an Independence supporting paper who gives everyone that supports independence a platform to inform, put forward their point of view whether the majority agree or not.
What the National is not, is a platform for the SNP.
They approach Independence from all sides, including column inches from Lesley Riddock, Vonny Moyes (spelling?) Cat Boyd, Paul Kavanaugh (WGD) right across the spectrum to Micheal Fry. The have a good coverage of international news, reflecting the fact that a modren Scotland is outlooking. The having columns by current SNP MPs Mhairi Black and Tasmina Ahmen Sheikh and of course Greg Moodies catoon strip.
The Letters page allows everyone to reply, including rampant Unionists. No one is discriminated against. I, a bog standard ex squaddie have even had over a dozen letters published.
They are not perfect and tend to include source stories without commentry which can sometimes be frustrating.
As Yesindyref2 says, they are on occasion very vociferous in their support for indy, todays issue being a good example.
They support Gaelic and Scots with columns in each language.
They appeal to a broad spectrum of support and offer column inches to everyone involved in seeking independence.
Do try to dis them just ‘cos your particular view point does always agree with everything they print.
BTW, I have no connection or financial interests in either the National or it’s publishers.
What a very impressive National this morning. And two different front covers (to make us all buy two copies?) I’m buying several extra copies anyway to send to relatives everywhere.
Alex Salmond, Elaine C Smith, Sheena Wellington, Hugh MacDonald, Henry McLeish, Mhairi Black, Pat Kane, Wee Ginger Dug, Tommy Sheppard.
Of course, it’s all a unionist trick?
Actually the contribution to it that rang the most bells for me was Sheena Wellington’s
Excellent ‘toon, Chris. ‘Scottish Six – it’s just not cricket’.
And on the subject of the BBC…
I’d like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped Peep the Beeb campaign reach 103% of its target. Take a bow, folks.
The stickies have been ordered and should be with me by middle of next week and then with the various distribution teams around the country towards the end of next week (or thereabouts).
As you know, the idea of this campaign is to distribute small stickies in the major towns and cities right across Scotland, bearing the simple message:
And with that simple message, for every unaware voter who sees it, the seed of doubt about the BBC is planted in their head. Over a prolonged campaign, come IndyRef#2, the effectiveness of the BBC’s propaganda will, hopefully, be much diminished, reduced to a small peep.
And for the screaming Yoons – this campaign is not about attempting to silence the BBC (as if that were even possible) – we believe in free speech on this side of the debate. It is simply about getting out a legitimate counter-message, alerting people to be wary of the BBC’s ‘message’. The BBC may well control the scairwaves but THE PEOPLE control the streets and it is in the streets that we will beat the Beeb and win for Scotland.
Thanks again everyone for your support. The battle with the Beeb begins…
Said it before and I’ll say it again… What is the point of a pro-Indy newspaper which soft unionists and undecideds just dismiss as a propaganda sheet and never bother picking it up to read? “McPravda” as Foulkes dubbed the National at its launch.
We NEED constructive engagement with people who voted No two years ago, to make them think, and encourage them to vote YES next time. A narrow pro Indy fanzine simply wouldn’t do that.
Never mind worrying if the National is pro or anti, focus on whether it is good and stimulating progressive debate, or piss poor like all the unionist rag sheets which I wouldn’t use to line a budgie’s cage.
It’s a bit like espionage. I once read Peter Wright’s Spycatcher, about the exposure of Kim Philby, and while it was mostly very dull, the one thing I recall is intelligence being a horse trading exercise. Forget the James Bond type spying. Catching a spy with his hand in a safe full compromising material by itself meant nothing, because spies had to trade away confidential data to gain trust in order to secure confidential data in return. In order to expose someone as a spy for the enemy meant an extensive audit of the secrets sold for the secrets learned. Crudely put, it was a profit and loss account. A good spy would reveal a healthy credit balance, whereas a suspect spy would be overwhelmingly in the red. No single transaction meant anything without understanding it’s context. That’s how I see pro and anti Indy articles in the National. There has to be some give and take or it doesn’t work.
I would agree that we need much more positive Indy representation in the media, but not shitty propaganda cut from the same cloth as the narrow minded Unionist garbage which nobody except a scatterbrained unionist can take seriously.
Eyes on the prize people. We need fewer unionists and more Independentists, and that means a conversion process rather than an all out battle where everybody is driven into their trenches.
Am I telling folks to hold their tongue? Not a bit. Grumble away, just don’t go daft. I think there’s a fair to middling chance a National which incurs the wrath of the occasional cybernat is that bit more likely to be read by a curious unionist, who might then perhaps read the column or article penned by Alex Salmond, Angus McIvor, or WGD etc, and stumble upon somebody making sense.
Shortly after it’s launch, the National said it would critical where appropriate and complimentary where merited. Frankly, yeah. I can live with that.
Sat-dish required and any old Skybox WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTION OR CARD.
Well since it was not the indy movement that wanted the hour long Scottish yoon fest does that mean Scottish yoons just got told they are not worthy by their English yoon masters jeez that is got to hurt proud Scot buttheads.
Nice one Chris lol
Hope over fear
link to livestream.com
Ach, who wants an hour of BBC propaganda instead of 30 minutes every night anyway? A Scottish Six certainly had symbolic value, but does anyone expect it would have been better quality or less “British”? Nah, the Establishment have done us a favour. They haven’t been very smart about it though. If they had granted a Scottish Six, they could still control it covertly and it would stall any shouts for more broadcasting control in Scotland. But no, such is their fear, they do not even want to allow this. All they have done is raise the hackles yet further.
The Scottish people have swallowed a lot, but one day they are going to tell WM where to go. We are not quite there yet IMO – still at least half the population are not with us, but there is only one direction this is travelling. IMO when we reach the tipping point and more than half of the population want independence “today”, then the gloves will well and truly be off and you will see just what the Scottish government can do. Until then we have to bide our time. We need the majority of people on our side, but when this happens, nothing can stop us. What are they going to do then? Send in the tanks? Aye, that would end well, eh.
Be patient, don’t shout, but do continue talking. Talk as much as you can to soft NOs. Don’t try to convert them on the spot, but work on them, Plant those Indy seeds in their minds. Some of them are already listening 🙂
Terrific cartoon Chris. Not interested in a Scottish six, would just be the same old spin.
For anyone in or around Inverness
link to yeshighland.net
@Proud Cybernat
Well done with the fundraiser and I hope to see lots of these wee stickers all over the place. I hope in fact it’s not too long before another fundraiser so as we can get more and more.
These things work, just think “Red Tories Out!” or “Aye Right”.
Breeks at 11.32
So your problem with the National is that it supports independence?
Dear God!
Your weekend reading:
For yesterday: link to wp.me
For tomorrow: link to wp.me
The National has given more than ample exposure to Rise, seemed fair bur Rise didn’t receive support from the electorate.
I find the National excellent.
@ Breeks
What is the point of a pro-Indy website which soft unionists and undecideds just dismiss as a propaganda blog and never bother clicking in to read?
BBC NEWS – Juncker says Brexit negotiations to begin Jan/Feb 2017. Article 50 to be triggered early 2017.
Breeks says:
17 September, 2016 at 11:32 am
Said it before and I’ll say it again… What is the point of a pro-Indy newspaper which soft unionists and undecideds just dismiss as a propaganda sheet and never bother picking it up to read?
And what is the point of you carping on about the National for months on end? Seriously, what is your motivation for this gigantic effort? Would a boycott help the Indy cause or harm the yoons in any way? Nope, so what is your point exactly?
If you had spent a fraction of the effort against the National in actually speaking to soft NOs, instead of annoying fellow YES voters, jeeez you could have added at least 100 YES votes.
Just sayin. 🙂
Here’s the Glasgow webcam link too in case you want to put bets on how long it can last over the weekend.
link to glasgow.gov.uk
I see the Tories petition is a thing. Our local Tories are out with one too. No queues though. While I was doing my shopping I saw about 4 people sign…their combined ages could take us back to the Act of Union 🙂
I have no doubt that Tories will sign their own petition but what will it tell us? That a fair number don’t want a referendum and a fair number do? I think we know that. If they had won the election then it would have been their call. They didn’t so it isn’t.
And so the hordes gather to … erm … sign on line ONE! 😀
link to twitter.com
@Capella I saw on twitter the webcam went down 40mins ago
Looks like its mostly activists and employees.
link to twitter.com
link to twitter.com
link to twitter.com
One of my indy pals just called me saying he went into a shop and bought a tube of toothpaste and a bottle of mouthwash then went up to the Tory petition and left them on the table saying it will help clear the bad taste of licking English ass 🙂
Another slice of rancid The Graun trolling, and royals groveling too. Even the word “Scotland” mustn’t be mentioned by Graun liggers.
link to archive.is
The castle has a homely rather than grand feel.
However, Cameron would not have enjoyed the strained Balmoral breakfast 11 days before the Scottish independence referendum, with all the papers laid out reporting a YouGov poll giving the yes vote the lead.
Very appropriate given that Westminster is stumped on BREXIT. The Rev and the Wingers are the fielders.We pick up the lies and catch them out. The scoreboard shows just about even with several overs to play. We ain’t done yet.
Our best players have still to take the field. Come on Scotland, run them out.
Hamm…just heard a UKIP MEP at their conference saying this..
‘Treaties are merely agreements between governments. They have no force in English Law until they are enacted as Acts of Parliament. And those Acts of Parliament can be repealed by Parliament. Now those that feel squeamish about walking away from a Treaty should remember that history is littered with abandoned Treaties that have outlived there usefulness. A people that chooses to be free cannot be bound by a Treaty dishonestly entered into 44 years previously, and which has robbed them of their freedom.’
Who knew?
Cricket, bell-ringing & Morris dancing – Franz Ferdinand Sparks acronymously.
This is a weekend for celebration. We lost the referendum narrowly, but it has made us stronger. We haven’t gone away, we haven’t given up, indeed we are more resolute than ever.
With every passing day of London colonial mis-rule of Scotland, the demand for the restoration of Scottish independence grows.
So, tomorrow, when I go to the YES event on Glasgow green at 2pm, I’ll go with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. Make no mistake we are on the way, and the case just keeps on getting better, as to why we need rid of these clowns in Westminster. They do our work for us. Every insult, every sneer, every denial of power, helps our case.
If you are going to Freedom Square in Glasgow today, or Glasgow green tomorrow afternoon, take yer granny, take yer dug, take everybody you know, and let’s get the numbers up (nae excuses!) and just remember in the words of the bard; ‘it’s coming yet for a’ that’. 🙂 (probably sooner than we all expect).
Been trying to find the print national, and can’t seem to get one. This is a historic moment, so I want to get both and keep them.
Freedom square today. Glasgow green tomorrow from 2pm.
Meindevon at 1244pm,
Interesting comments by UKIP. Given there were two acts for the union treaty of 1707 (one in the English parliament and one in the Scots parliament), let’s get down to repealing it up here immediately. `If ever a treaty had outlived its usefulness, it is the disgraceful, unwanted, unfair and undemocratic treaty between Scotland and England in 1707.
Thanks, UKIP.
Very good but if they go for a six will it get there? or will Hamish catch it?
Is anybody going to be selling those nice shiny new saltires with the EU stars at Glasgow green tomorrow?
If you are gathering tomorrow: link to wp.me
@Robert Louis
Lyndsay of Ayemail will be selling Wings flags at the Wings stall, he also had the ones with the EU stars made, as well as the traditional Yes flags so guessing he will have some of those too.
On FREESAT there’s a dozen news channels.
The National IS, merely an average of the collective subjectivity of it’s writers.
Judge it thus. On the character of it’s journalists. Not it’s business plan or whatever.
@Heed 11.21
Do you hear yourself? What’s with the weird front cover of the National? Could you sound anymore curmudgeonly?
There are two front covers on The National today. They are the art works of two winners of a national competition open to anyone, to celebrate the anniversary of the Indyref.
I follow the young woman who won. She has health issues, and housing issues atm. She is generous in sharing uniquely created avatars for anyone to use. In short, a struggling artist, who is over the moon, and getting paid and recognition.
There’s your ‘weird’ cover, Heedtracker.
Now THIS I like GB.
Nor does the Act contain caveats that one nation shall control all power over taxes, money distribution, trade agreements, and foreign affairs. It makes clear the two sovereign nations shall remain so and separate in all but trade and banking.
I wonder … perhaps someone should have a wee word in Nicola’s ear about this part of the Act and maybe suggest she tells Maggie Mk II to hand over ALL powers not covered by trade and banking. At least hat would do as a sort of stand – in until indy ref 2 itself comes along when we can tell Maggie Mk II to just bugger off completely! 😀
If memory serves me right Valerie she will be at the Wings stall tomorrow on Glasgow Green. 😉
Still convincing ‘don’t know’ people even misguided one’s. Bring them over. For final push.The Tories illegal corruption isn’t doing them any good.
Best wishes for the Rallies. Thanks a million. Thanks for the millions who can’t be there.
Demographics. Thanks Glasgow and Edinburgh. Might see it on RT.
Robert Louis @ 12:58pm.
What about a new Act of the Scottish Parliament which recognises the EU Referendum result in Scotland of 62% for remain as being binding and as a result Scotland will not exit the EU when rUK does.
Not 100% on the Legality but my thoughts are:
1. Scottish People are Sovereign
2. EU Referendum was not advisory
2. Westminster cannot overrule any Act passed by the Scottish Parliament
4. Pretty much all Parties of all colours at Holyrood would have to support such a Bill through Scottish Parliament (BLis, Fib Dem have publicly stated they want to stay in both Unions, Green and SNP are both for EU Membership)
Surely if this was raised and passed by SG then UK Gov could not forcibly remove Scotland from EU without UN etc getting involved?
It would also be interesting to see which way the “Ruth Davidson, No Surrender to IndyRef2” Party would vote.
Robert Peffers, do you think this plausible?
I can’t see the caption?
Great toon Chris. 🙂
Just thinkin’ like, but we post archived and non archived links to almost every title and news source you can think of on indy sites. A means of taking apart the yoon press and promoting positive stories about independence from other countries media perspectives, independent writers, blogs etc.
I’m not seeing why the National should be viewed any differently by anyone? Its a source of information and opinion. If, like myself you actually quite like the general calibre of commentator/contributor, Alex Salmond, Mr Kemp, Paul Kavanagh, George Kerevan etc, then cool. If you don’t, for whatever reason, then pick what you want to promote, archive it and spread the word as usual. View the National as a resource, just like any other. Use the good and leave whatever you consider to be objectionable.
Or folk could just ignore it altogether I suppose, but it seems like a waste of another source of positive and/or informative links to me.(shrugs)
The media is what it is, but it can be used against itself.
NO to a second referendum = NO to democracy. Those yoon zoomers don’t even have the presence of mind to realise they are basically saying to Ruth nae Truth, “Here, take my democratic will. I don’t want it.”
Effing eejits.
Cracking Chris!
Every time I see Jockanese Wind talker…
“I think I’m turning Jockanese, I think I’m turning Jockanese I really think so” goes through ma heid! 😉
Just for you K1. 😉
link to youtube.com
Mon doon to yer city square Glasgow.. there be a party a goin’ on.
Someone’s selling The Scotsman and Scottish goodies again for £1 on Buchanan Street pedestrian precinct – Hawd me back.
Lookin’ good @Thistle.
I Love Glasgow X
Agreed Macart. The fact remains we ‘do’ have positive articles reflecting our position, which we did not have pre indyref1. There’s a point where getting bent out of shape on this is counter productive…we just end up arguing amongst ourselves. All opinions are valid, but they are just opinions.
Ye never know if just one soft No sees a National lying about and becomes engaged through that and shifts position then the National has had ‘that’ useful effect.
Is it just me, or is web cam unavailable ‘again’?
Seems only sensible to me. 😉
Sorry I can’t be there today or tomorrow. Next time though! Enjoy.
It seems to be working at the moment Macart. 😉
It was unavailable when it first came up but it turned to live pictures within a couple of seconds. I guess it must be the high volume of traffic. 😀
link to glasgow.gov.uk
Robert Louis 7.55am great post
Just getting ‘image unavailable’ when I link Arb. Ach weel, hoping its a good turnout and a grand day for everyone. 🙂
Aye aye folks.
Looks like we could have a ral fight on our hands here.
Methinks the fight for a second independence referendum will not be won so easy after all, not if the masses in this picture are anything to go by. 😉
link to twitter.com
By my guess that is a grand total of THREE Tories talking amongst themselves and two women having a blether on a street bench. 😀
Valerie says:
17 September, 2016 at 1:17 pm
@Heed 11.21
Do you hear yourself? What’s with the weird front cover of the National? Could you sound anymore curmudgeonly?
We’ll have to agree to disagree. They chose a front page unlike any other to stand out from the crowd presumably. And that appeals to some YES votes. There a lot of YES votes out there and that’s a media market to be tapped.
Is it making any difference, preaching to the choir?
At the last Scottish GE, SNP lost its majority. Virtually all the UKOK media, from the National, to the torygraph, C4 news etc, all gave far left radical’s like RISE massive coverage.
Why would hard core tories give a tiny fringe left group like RISE so much positive and high quality coverage in any election, let alone Scotland’s?
If say the torygraph and The National did not boost RISE for niceness, presumably their cunning plan was to freak out middle and upper class Scotland, pulling them away from any change, like our democracy and independence.
We know that RISE especially were given a vast UKOK media forum to monster everything SNP. Across the UK media and The National in particular stressed at a very high level, how contemporary Scottish democracy and independence was a serious and viable opportunity for far left groups like RISE, who ofcourse eventually won very few votes as we know.
We rarely if ever hear from RISE now, they’ve ofcourse never been seen or heard from again in the Torygraph and C4 news for example. That’s probably not a coincidence.
Ian Macwhirter in particular explained to us that SNP losing majority government was actually a good thing for us, but is it?
And its probably not a coincidence that that Loki dude has recently trousered quite a lot of money from likes of extremely unionist tory Kevin Hague or billionaire JK Rowling.
Why hard core yoon tories like the above and especially Rowling give a lot of money to the fringe left in Scotland?
Buy any paper you want. Its important, really important. My old left o centre progressive and liberal the Guardian’s got great stuff in it today. Nothing about Scotland as per but there’s a great review on latest Audi RS6, only one hundred grand a shot. I’ll take two.
Cheers Alex, we’ll be there.
If you’re watching the webcam, I’ll do some star jumps below Walter Scott in the centre in about 30mins..
I’m the dude with the hat (allow for 20 second delay)
Nice one Chris Cairns.
It must be all that heavy traffic that is causing you the problems then Macart. 😉 In the meantime here is some light music as an interval to your viewing “pleasure” of George Square. 😀
link to youtube.com
louis.b.argyll says:
17 September, 2016 at 10:18 am
If, as a retired general has suggested, Russia, or some other ‘mighty military’ nation should invade the UK..
..would they have to take a share of the national debt?
Maybe that’s WM biggest defence strategy, we’re too broke to be invaded! Only useful places get invaded and taken over.
Scottish six, the marionette being pulled by Westminster.shove it where the sun don’t shine.
K1 says @ 1:49pm
Thanks K1, I sometimes think folk will think “Pish Talker” when I post but so far only positives from all.
BBC Scotland – Designed with English Propaganda in mind.
Newly Branded Shows to match their new Bias is OK Charter-
Strictly England Dancing.Morris Dancing, Maypole,& HornPipe
Coast- England’s and Maritime Waters Stolen form Scotland.
Home & Away becomes Home & Counties North
Neighbours becomes Our Colonies on the same Island.
Highlander becomes People from North of Northern England.
The Alistair Darling Buddies of Teresa May.
TO All: The pro’s and con’s of the “National” ,everyone myself included,are only proving true that old adage(changed slightly): You can please ALL the people some of the time,and
SOME of the people all of time,but you cannot Please ALL the
people all the time. Abraham Lincoln and me. 🙂
This cartoon is brilliant on many levels.
1. Little Britnatters agin the Windies, India, Pakistan, all great furrin cricketing nations, but it goes further it’s Britnattery agin a’body.
2. The idea that Britnats don’t want ither members of their proud empire to broadcast stuff that equates to a National Identity is nothing new.
3 A driving 6 down the middle to divide and rule.
4. A propaganda drive that even the fittest team couldnae continue to propagate
5. Adolf Hitler respected England to such a degree that they wanted them as allies, or at worst neutral. It nearly worked. They saw behind the Rule Brittania flag waving Britnattery at the height of the empire and wanted to emulate it for a good reason. They have a lot in common.
6. If my history is wrong, it’s because I refused to take part in quoting English king and queens historical down the ages. A part from that, if I’m telling porkies, then as someone to poor to wee and to stupid to have an opinion that counts, I’m only copying the precendent set by the Concervative and Unionist Party in Scotland, eh Ruth
heedtracker at 2.19
The Guardian? Really? Piss off.
@Rock, @Effijy, @McDuff
Cobblers. Do any of you ever actually read The National or visit its website? Today’s website front page puts the lie to your “concerns”.
BTW, I have no connection or financial interests in either the National or it’s publishers.
Signed Editor McBoxheid.
Hi McBoxheid, I subscribed to the National, but off loaded it when it didn’t report on major stories that showed the deceit and contempt of our Unionist Masters.
I appreciate that a newspaper should allow discussions from both sides of our referendum, but not when the Unionist side have every other newspaper in the UK and all TV and Radio Station spouting distorted propaganda.
There is enough in the paper to encourage sales to independence supporters, but when push comes to shove, their Unionist owners demand they throw some spanners in the works.
Hope it does turn, and breaks away from the toxic Herald, but I’d seen enough when I cancelled it.
Dave McEwan Hill says:
17 September, 2016 at 2:59 pm
heedtracker at 2.19
The Guardian? Really? Piss off.
OK but its interesting how you are not even trying to explain why RISE was given such a wide and high profile soap box and that it really began in The National, reaching total saturation by polling day.
A party of maybe a dozen members, treated like a mainstream party, suddenly disappears again the day after the last election?
I appreciate your passion for the National but keep in mind that’s it not exactly shared.
We won’t get control over broadcasting until we get our Independence in 2018 for the reasons laid out by Robert Louis (at 7:55am). And then can you imagine the reaction from Scots when we start beaming, exactly what’s been going on here for over 300 years, right into their living room? When many realise how they have been well and truly duped.
Meanwhile we’re being informed that the totally BANKRUPT UK isn’t in a position to prevent anyone invading (Hamish100 at 8:45am), as they propose forking out over 200 billion (minimum) on renewing Trident. Trident that can’t detect / eliminate terrorists or blast at oncoming invaders. Three wee patrol boats to cover 7000 miles of UK coastline, including oil fields and nuclear missiles, whilst France has 30 to cover 3000 miles: Norway has dozens; no doubt built in one of their MANY shipyards.
link to msn.com
Then as we’re reading that a 78 year old man (plus 21 year old) brought a whole fleet of military trucks carrying nuclear warheads to a standstill in Stirling. Dealt with by a HANDFUL of Police.
link to pressandjournal.co.uk
We find that the Royal parasites have been grouse shooting in the Cairngorms NATIONAL Park (Nana 8:30am – last article). And wait for it ……. using DOZENS of soldiers to beat the grouse in their direction.
The steam is coming out of my ears as I type this. By God I can’t wait to get our Independence, get rid of Trident and throw the leeches out: That includes Cameron if he’s thinking of relocating here.
link to raptorpersecutionscotland.wordpress.com
I see that Smallaxe has been promoting Amnesty International; one of the few International agencies that’s trying to combat human right abuses Worldwide (in the UK too). If you want to know more about what they do join them. It costs as little as £3 a month or £7.50 a year if you are over 60. You receive a very informative quarterly magazine that outlines what’s going on Worldwide and the stories of individuals who have been wrongly imprisoned, tortured and abused. You can then write or email Heads of States pleading for the release of such poor people … and it works believe me. It only takes seconds to email, as an ‘sample’ letter is provided with email address of course. Seconds to save a life. Seconds to put a stop to the horrendous torture.
If you don’t want to join, but want to help, go to http://www.amnesty.org.uk. As an example you’ll find petitions that you can sign such as ….’Save the Human Rights Act’ …. ‘Stop the ritual murders of people (example 2 year old) with albinism’ …. ‘UK Gov must hold Brit companies to account’.
The latter highlights that Vodaphone has been accused of giving GCHQ access to their network for mass surveillance and that BT may be facilitating drone strikes in the Yemen. So as you can see Amnesty is keeping a beady eye on the UK Government.
I see that the buy / don’t buy The National goes on. I find it pretty scary that many of the ‘don’t buyers’ don’t spend the same amount of time and energy outing the truly biased newspapers in this country. Post some of their lying data on a daily basis. I understand that they have a gripe with the (daily) Herald but lets focus on the real propagadists, as Stu seems to do. As they shut down one by one others may clean up their act.
As I see it this site is visited by many people (thousands) looking for information that they can then use to convince No voters to change their tune. Help change their tune by posting relevant data, found on here – some of which comes from The National and Sunday Herald – all over the Internet or speak to people face to face. Isn’t that what this is all about? Pushing the Yes polling figures up? Getting our Independence? Or NOT?
People like Nana continue to work their butts off to get such data on here (links) and others of course are posting historical information and on the current situation in an attempt to educate people. Trying to shut down one of the few newspapers that’s acting as an educational tool and affording people like Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond a say in what’s going on is absolutely crazy.
Alex has been afforded the opportunity to put his views across again today. Not just a ‘snippet’; and not twisted or distorted in any way at all as per other newspapers. I agree that The National isn’t perfect and could be improved: Improved if more people would buy it and contribute suggestions for improvements / enlightening comments to it. As it stands, however, I’ve come across some really interesting facts that have never been mentioned on here.
And finally I’d like to say that The National is the only online daily newspaper that’s getting the truth about Scotland OUT there: WORLDWIDE. May be read by EU leaders in fact, as I don’t reckon many of them will be visiting Wings. So please start supporting it instead of castigating a newspaper that you probably haven’t even read at all.
Alex: ”We started with 28% support in 2014 and now ….”
link to thenational.scot
And one of his favourite songs:
link to youtube.com
K1 says @ 1:49pm.
Arbroath1320 says @ 1:52pm.
When I hear the line in that song which goes “everyone avoids me like a Psycho Ranger” an image o’ Murdo Fraser goes through my heid ?
? in my post at 3:19 pm should be a smiley face!!
? in my post at 3:19pm should be a smiley face!!
Watching the Hope Over Fear rally from time to time, there’s not a big crowd. That might explain why the webcam is still working!
Only speakers I’ve heard was a pair from the Scottish Resistance. Painful to listen to. They want to repatriate the body of Mary Queen of Scots and all the state papers purloined by Edward 1st.
There was also a woman speaking against fracking.
The main programme seems to be a succession of musicians, including a sort of karaoke. Not sure this kind of event will recruit a lot of NO voters although I suppose it is harmles enough on a sunny day in Glasgow to hear some music.
@ Luigi at 12:05
Maybe want to read what I actually said Luigi.
I am actually defending the National, and commending the fact it ISN’T an SNP glory sheet.
“The stickies have been ordered and should be with me by middle of next week and then with the various distribution teams around the country towards the end of next week (or thereabouts).”
I signed up for stickers when you asked for names and details of individuals willing to go out and place as many stickers as possible here and there. However just to be clear this is something I’m happy and willing to do over a period of time but I’m not a “distributor” as such.
Hope I haven’t misunderstood something about this. But hey whatever if I get x number of stickers to stick then stick them I will, and stick it to the bbc while I’m at it. Hoping to be the first to get the area around PQ covered first.
Photo taken yesterday at Loch Ness…
link to imgur.com
Hi Robert Louis. Yes my friend I regularly see these programmes in the South West of Ireland and I’m happy to say that almost always when , “The Great British Shite” comes on they change channels!!!
Auld Rock
@Robert Louis, 7.55am
Spot on, really.
It’s the continuation of the non-violent ethnic cleansing started with the clearances.
Reading comments further back, I despair, I really do.
Go ahead then, don’t listen to reason, go ahead and bully the National Editorial into manic support for Independence then sit back and see how many Unionists is converts into YES voters.
And while you’re about it, show me the months of endless carping criticism which I have laid at the door of the National. Show me the feckin words or shut your whiny gob.
@ Cappella
I switched off when the resistance came on, they give me the Scots cringe.
Does anyone know if the Squinty Bridge backdrop screen on BBC (mis)Reporting Scotland (behind Union Jackie Bird) is a live feed or if it is just video footage? If it’s live then I have an idea for another wee project.
@ Fran – I’m just dipping in and out. There’s been another couple of speakers. A Highland Socialist and now a Scottish Unemployed Network speaker. All good rabble rousing stuff – this latest speaker anyway – but addressing a very small audience.
Heedtracker’s point about RISE is valid. The MSM play games to manipulate the vote. But we know this. Our strength is social media and people turning up to events. Unfortunately, I don’t think this event will advance the movement very far.
Looking at the guest list for this week’s “Would I lie to you?” on BBC television, one name in particular caught my eye. It seems the BBC does have a sense of humour after all.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/…/would-i-lie-to-you-series-10-episode-…Joining the teams are Sara Cox, Jason Manford, Nick Robinson and Harry Shearer
Apparently the first indyref was a “virulent eruption of Jockery.” – Alex Massie
@ Alex Massie
Remembering that nations are both imagined and inherantly limited, it is difficult to describe the degree to which your mind has been colonised by English nationalism. Infinity plus one is a nonsense, so would appear appropriate when describing your outlook. Why not cheer on your homeland instead of trolling it in defense of metropolitan elitism?
link to en.wikipedia.org
In other words, Mr. Massie, you are not best placed to pontificate on matters that you are clearly ignorant of. How very imperious of you not to recognise this fact.
Proud Cybernat says:
Not sure, they’d probably just fake a video loop, like in ‘speed’.
Ok here’s my 2 cents of the national – granted I am far too imbedded in my views on independence for the national to tell me something I don’t already believe but it is great for some soft no’ers to view something that might be a turning point.
I do 110% agree it would be good to see a wings article once a week in there. Maybe a round up of what’s happened this week on wings.
HoF – Tommy Sheridan has just appeared on stage. Do they expect him to conjure crowds out of the late afternoon shoppers?
Effijy says:
17 September, 2016 at 3:16 pm
Signed Editor McBoxheid.
Hi McBoxheid, I subscribed to the National, but off loaded it when it didn’t report on major stories that showed the deceit and contempt of our Unionist Masters.
Your prerogative
I appreciate that a newspaper should allow discussions from both sides of our referendum, but not when the Unionist side have every other newspaper in the UK and all TV and Radio Station spouting distorted propaganda.
So you think they should fill it’s pages with biased pish and not report factual events?
There is enough in the paper to encourage sales to independence supporters, but when push comes to shove, their Unionist owners demand they throw some spanners in the works.
Again pish. The ain’t unionists, they are American business people who have seen an oppurtunity to provide coveridge for both sides of the divide. The yes side is a lot better balanced.
Hope it does turn, and breaks away from the toxic Herald, but I’d seen enough when I cancelled it.
Again, it has nothing to do with the Herald. They are rivals. But I won’t ague with you about it any further. I’ve seen they way you harp on with the 38° thing.
You do put an awfie lot of effort to support the wrong side of the Yes campaign. If you are a Yesser, then you have been led up the garden path by some not particularly bright nawbag, because everybody else saw through that shite a max of 1 week efter Gordon Brown hijacked it.
You have the right to do as you will, I don’t intend to arge the pish efter this.
Meanwhile, the Westminster Tory Government turns its back on Scottish renewables and instead offers very lucrative deals to the Chinese and the French for Hinckley Point nuclear power station – with another in the pipeline.
So, in say, 20 years time, the Chinese government is going to have a major say in N Sea oil and gas supplies to GB, as well as effective control of 2 mainland UK nuclear power stations.
Keep in mind that the Chinese consider the sites of Chinese owned projects abroad as Chinese territory.
The Tories are like the crew of the Titanic – a series of bad mistakes and now it’s too late to save the ship.
The only question remaining is, will enough Scots come to their senses in time. Or will Scotland’s grave lie next to England’s in the Atlantic Ocean.
UKIP party conference on telly the noo.
UKIP CHOIR came on…….I kid you not.
First song the national anthem ….then a song to the tune of Dad’s Army adapted words were ‘who do you think you are kidding Mr Cameron’ followed by Jerusalem then …my second favourite rendition that they did , as they bobbed up and down before and during singing….sorry meant before screeching/shouting/howling , was Land of Hope & Glory. Such an unpredictable unique choice of songs for them…………did not expect.
And as the camera panned down the choir I started to play the ‘identify the wank game’ as each face came into shot…..so it was… ‘wank…wank…wank…mega wank…deluded wank…..wank wank…gullible wank…..what are you doing there ‘old sweet looking lady’ but still a wank…born a wank….eternal wank…….wank….wank….triple wank ….wank….wank…etc etc.
Never actually listened to the speeches…sorry meant the lies and shit stirring….. but enjoyed choir and thought as a comedy short it fulfilled it’s role. Laughed at them not with them.
I then had a KIP after watching UKIP choir….may have been exhausted or suffering from post trauma wank spotting syndrome.
UKIP conference was a wank fest for sure…..hey SNP what about a choir at our conference….can we not adapt a song LIKE WHAT THEY DID…..choir has to be wank free of course.
I myself have a few questions I’d like answered by The National. But I can say the same for the Scottish Government – in fact even more so. But since I’m far from perfect and regularly make mistakes myself, I tend to cut both some slack, then concentrate on what they do well.
Independence – Unity in diversity.
Did Ruth Davidson ever apologise for the (on the named person list)lie she told about that terrible abuse/murder story from a few months ago
Has anything transpired about the “seen the ballots” statement that was to be looked into ?
and don’t forget the Dodgy people tweet on referendum
I see no redeeming characteristics in this individual
Yes, the indyref was divisive as it offered the first opportunity for Scots to debate the status quo of English/British nationalism. Is this not to be welcomed as a vital ingredient of a healthy democracy, all be it one operating within a framework of internal colonisation defined through the Acts of Union?
Your side won, for the time being. Get over it.
I’m what youse ca’ a lurker. Oan here every day but only occasionally postin’ wi this wee tablet thingmy.
A great pal deleevers the National tae ma wark every mornin’. Ah’m wi youse wha think it’s a great notion tae hae at least yin paper that covers oor side. Nae mater wha publishes the thing. Tell ye whit tho’. It’s fair gettin’ oan ma tits the usual suspects bangin oan aboot the National. Threed efter threed has been broken b’ this pish. The National’s there, some of us read it. Whey dae yez no tak yer havers ower tae O/T or somewhaur else?
We won’t get control over broadcasting until we get our Independence in 2018 for the reasons laid out by Robert Louis (at 7:55am). And then can you imagine the reaction from Scots when we start beaming, exactly what’s been going on here for over 300 years, right into their living room? When many realise how they have been well and truly duped.
Meanwhile we’re being informed that the totally BANKRUPT UK isn’t in a position to prevent anyone invading (Hamish100 at 8:45am), as they propose forking out over 200 billion (minimum) on renewing Trident. Trident that can’t detect / eliminate terrorists or blast at oncoming invaders. Three wee patrol boats to cover 7000 miles of UK coastline, including oil fields and nuclear missiles, whilst France has 30 to cover 3000 miles: Norway has dozens; no doubt built in one of their MANY shipyards.
link to msn.com
Then as we’re reading that a 78 year old man (plus 21 year old) brought a whole fleet of military trucks carrying nuclear warheads to a standstill in Stirling. Dealt with by a HANDFUL of Police.
link to pressandjournal.co.uk
We find that the Royal parasites have been grouse shooting in the Cairngorms NATIONAL Park (Nana 8:30am – last article). And wait for it ……. using DOZENS of soldiers to beat the grouse in their direction.
The steam is coming out of my ears as I type this. By God I can’t wait to get our Independence, get rid of Trident and throw the leeches out: That includes Cameron if he’s thinking of relocating here.
link to raptorpersecutionscotland.wordpress.com
I see that Smallaxe has been promoting Amnesty International; one of the few International agencies that’s trying to combat human right abuses Worldwide (in the UK too). If you want to know more about what they do join them. It costs as little as £3 a month or £7.50 a year if you are over 60. You receive a very informative quarterly magazine that outlines what’s going on Worldwide and the stories of individuals who have been wrongly imprisoned, tortured and abused. You can then write or email Heads of States pleading for the release of such poor people … and it works believe me. It only takes seconds to email, as an ‘sample’ letter is provided with email address of course. Seconds to save a life. Seconds to put a stop to the horrendous torture.
If you don’t want to join, but want to help, go to http://www.amnesty.org.uk. As an example you’ll find petitions that you can sign such as ….’Save the Human Rights Act’ …. ‘Stop the ritual murders of people (example 2 year old) with albinism’ …. ‘UK Gov must hold Brit companies to account’.
The latter highlights that Vodaphone has been accused of giving GCHQ access to their network for mass surveillance and that BT may be facilitating drone strikes in the Yemen. So as you can see Amnesty is keeping a beady eye on the UK Government.
I see that the buy / don’t buy The National goes on. I find it pretty scary that many of the ‘don’t buyers’ don’t spend the same amount of time and energy outing the truly biased newspapers in this country. Post some of their lying data on a daily basis. I understand that they have a gripe with the (daily) Herald but lets focus on the real propagadists, as Stu seems to do. As they shut down one by one others may clean up their act.
As I see it this site is visited by many people (thousands) looking for information that they can then use to convince No voters to change their tune. Help change their tune by posting relevant data, found on here – some of which comes from The National and Sunday Herald – all over the Internet or speak to people face to face. Isn’t that what this is all about? Pushing the Yes polling figures up? Getting our Independence? Or NOT?
People like Nana continue to work their butts off to get such data on here (links) and others of course are posting historical information and on the current situation in an attempt to educate people. Trying to shut down one of the few newspapers that’s acting as an educational tool and affording people like Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond a say in what’s going on is absolutely crazy.
Alex has been afforded the opportunity to put his views across again today. Not just a ‘snippet’; and not twisted or distorted in any way at all as per other newspapers. I agree that The National isn’t perfect and could be improved: Improved if more people would buy it and contribute suggestions for improvements / enlightening comments to it. As it stands, however, I’ve come across some really interesting facts that have never been mentioned on here.
And finally I’d like to say that The National is the only online daily newspaper that’s getting the truth about Scotland OUT there: WORLDWIDE. May be read by EU leaders in fact, as I don’t reckon many of them will be visiting Wings. So please start supporting it instead of castigating a newspaper that you probably haven’t even read at all.
Alex: ”We started with 28% support in 2014 and now ….”
link to thenational.scot
And one of his favourite songs:
link to youtube.com
McBoxheid says:
17 September, 2016 at 4:35 pm
Effijy says:
17 September, 2016 at 3:16 pm
Signed Editor McBoxheid.
McBoxheid, we are both obviously Pro-Independence.
We have some technical differences, which is fine.
What I would ask is for discussions between Wossers to start or end with “That is pish”?
I tried to enjoy a joke with you, the Editor, but I know perfectly well that you are only Sub Editor. lol
You got to put your point across on the National, and so did I. From there it is up to each individual to reach their own conclusions, which no doubt will be mixed.
Hope to see you at Glasgow Green tomorrow!
Ah, the slap of leather on willow!
MPs and Lords pay good money for that sort of thing, don’t they? dying minutes, Tavernier squares up to take a free kick, and Peter L’s colloquial English deserts him in the excitement.
‘Tavernier needs to throw one of his balls into the area.’
On the ball, as usual, Cairns.
Second belly laugh of the day. Peter Lovenkrands (spelling?)commenting on the RFC Ross County game. In theNow I’m sure that the RFC management team expect Rangers players to give their all until the final whistle, but this did seem a tad above and beyond. 0-0 at the wind up.
Ireland has tons of their own telly
They’re Independent right enough !!
I’ve tried to post something on here three times. Anyone else having trouble with posting?
@ Proud Cybernat
I recall two years ago ( to the day nearly 🙂 ), being told how some local loons here had done some “stunt work” on yon bridge. I believe it was live then.
I suggest you test it by some means, then do what you will.
I, alas , will not know what you do, cos I refuse to pay the propaganda tax. And my life is so much better for not knowing who t f Mary Berry is.
@ Petra – not so far but I dip in and out. Thought everyone was watching tennis/football/HoF or out sunbathing.
I admit to being sceptical about th National but I still buy it and read it when I can get a copy. Sometimes I have to resort to the local library for a read.
The local newsagent only ever seems to get about six copies but the bugger is knee deep in Daily Heils, Daily Execrable and the Daily Reprobate.
I wullnae get oanae mair he tells me unless ye order it.
I cant order it because I can’t afford to buy it daily.
@Naina Tal
Hahaha I like your style Naina, neh mer lurkin noo 🙂
PC I believe the backdrop to the (mis)Reporting Scotland shenanigans is live. I actually saw a picture someone had taken during indy ref 1 that showed the male news presenter (wee Jackie Bird must have been having a wee lie don that night 😉 ) with a lovely YES in the background. 😀
In fact come to think about it this may have been the night that they changed the camera angle. I’m sure there was one (mis)Reporting Scotland where a “mysterious” YES appeared behind the news “presenter” but they then altered everything for the rest of the show so as not to show the YES. 😛
Scotland’s cultural commodification to an appropriate English/British standard of ‘civilisation’, is a vital component of internal colonisation.
The BBC is the ‘illuminated shop window display’ of British nationalism, which is built on the foundation of symbolic violence against a Scottish identity. You could say it all started with Daniel Defoe (born Daniel Foe).
@ Sevrin Carol
One might say semiotics is a medium for both cultural suppression and emancipation? Should only use the force, those who chose correctly between good and evil, no?
O/T but….
Interesting piece from The Irish Times re Brexit impasse.
link to archive.is
Kezia Dugdale wants all Brexit options explored- apart from independence vote
link to archive.is
Warning: Mug shots included
@ Capella says at 5:48 pm …. ”Petra – not so far but I dip in and out. Thought everyone was watching tennis/football/HoF or out sunbathing.”
Thanks for responding to my post Capella. Seems it’s on now!
Another from WGD: ‘Ruthie skewers herself’
……”Sadly for Ruth, she did exceptionally poorly in her job this week. That’s the part of her job that involves Furst Meenister’s Questions, not the bit that entails posing on the backs of ungulates or shooting off witty 140 character ripostes. That NHS is pure rubbish, so it is, Ruth said accusingly at Nicola. Here’s this report that says that parts of the service are facing meltdown, said Ruth with an expression that would fry a pound of mince at sixty paces. Then she sat down all smug in the expectation of the SNPbad headlines that would most assuredly follow.
Unfortunately, the report that Ruth was relying on wasn’t about the NHS in Scotland. It was about the NHS in England. Those areas of meltdown that she is so concerned about, the service that’s teetering on the verge of collapse, that’s all entirely down to the mismanagement of the health service in England by her own party. Oops. Vlad the Impaler is much better at skewering.
As the realisation dawned, Ruth still had a face that could fry a pound of mince at sixty paces, on this time her ire was directed at whatever hapless aide had fed her the information in the first place. If you could hear the sound of distant screams in Edinburgh yesterday, that’s probably what it was. You’d think that if Ruth really was doing such a great job, she’d have checked before making a very public fool of herself.
Still, now we know that the NHS is in crisis and near meltdown under Tory management, because the leader of the Scottish Tories has told us so. During a session of Parliament, no less.
She really should stick to the buffalos, or at least the impaling of eejit aides.” …….
link to weegingerdug.wordpress.com
This week’s BBC MISREPORTING SCOTLAND news highlights.
link to youtube.com
Proud Cybernat
I definitely want your kids as well. Gonnane no dae that? 🙂
Okay. So I never ask anything from my fellow Wingers- I am asking you now:
Please give a fiver or a tenner or whatever you can to Sarah Johnstone, a lovely girl and a hero of the revolution. She has hiked all the way from the death star to raise money for food banks in Scotland. A true Scottish hero. Please give what you can afford.
Thanks xxx
link to gofundme.com
P.S. 😉
link to e-ir.info
@ call me dave says at 6:55 pm …. ”Kezia Dugdale wants all Brexit options explored- apart from independence vote. Warning: Mug shots included.”
link to archive.is
Maybe she (and her party) should get off her erse and do a bit of ‘exploring’ herself. So-called politicians like Dugdale just make me sick. Sick and tired in fact of them (Scottish Tory, Lib-dem and Labour) sitting back whilst Nicola Sturgeon works her butt off doing her day job plus having to deal with a Unionist created fiasco, that is Brexit. Then they sit and carp from the side-lines …. SNPBaad …. and offer absolutely NOTHING constructive to make this country of ours, Scotland, better; never mind Better Together.
Another great from WGD: ‘The hourglass turns again.’
….” So here we are. An independence movement that’s refreshed and tempered in the heat of campaigning, hardened in its resolve and stiffened in its determination. We go into a new campaign with the support of half the population and the experience and skills to organise ourselves in the biggest grassroots movement that Scotland has ever seen. We have a digital media that’s active and vital, a thousand voices and a thousand songs. And we face a Unionist establishment that’s broken and discredited, tied by their lies and compromised by unkept promises.
Tomorrow on Glasgow Green, people from all over Scotland will come together in a peaceful and joyful gathering to show our support for a new Scotland, a better Scotland, a Scotland where the voices of Scotland are heard and the opinions of its people matter. We want a country where our political masters can be kept to their word because they will be accountable to the people of Scotland and no one else. We want a country where more than lip service is paid to social justice and equality. We want a country whose resources and skills are used to work in the interests of Scotland. And we’re going to build that country for ourselves.
The hourglass has turned again. The sands are running out on the Union.”
link to weegingerdug.wordpress.com
Another day of BBC Scotland yoon attack propaganda. England’s ripped up our European citizenship for the most hideous, xenophobic and empty shite but its all an opportunity, explain the reprobates.
link to bbc.co.uk
Ah. I’ve got the idea. We moan about all the Scottish press attacking the SNP and independence. So when one comes along supporting independence we attack it because it takes away our complaint a bit.
Or is so clever that clever clever people have worked out that the way to beat independence is to support it.
No. Me neither.
“Gary & the Deputy dug”
The ‘Harpies of Proudscotbutism’
I went to HoF last year but not this year. It was good, and a lot of people there, just to show support for Indy. The speakers, some were OK, but it was a lot of far left stuff. One part was a speaker wanting all Tories out of Scotland, well personally I don’t, we need them and their point of view as well to help build Indy Scotland. The HoF lot themselves support Indy but are a tad extreme in their views. Well, it takes all sorts.
20th/21st Feb Jackson Carlaw for instance on Brian Taylor’s Big Debate: ““If we vote for independence in September, I’ll be manning the barricades with Bill Kidd [SNP], because I will be a Scot in a country that has decided to vote for independence, and I will be arguing for us to keep the pound. I will be arguing for us to be automatically in the European Union.“. That’s the spirit, he clearly didn’t support Indy but would pull together for the sake of Scotland.
Apparently there’s some disagreements which is why HoF probably wasn’t as well attended. But we’re all in it for Indy. If I’d had time I’d have gone there today anyway. As it is though I’m hoping to make time to treat myself to a wee drive in my cleaned out van to Glasgow Green tomorrow, for a time anyway – after all, there’s the YES bikers, can’t miss them.
Watch out watch out, there’s a Yes Indy Ref 2 about!
Won’t be there tomorrow for once. If I don’t get the patio finished it endangers other work scheduled to be done by hired help later on.
It maybe the case that the £200M+ from Scottish Licence payers, is the reason for the Scottish 6
OT, but still on a decolonisation of the mind theme, this article on Brexit is for Mr. H @ the BBC. I wonder whether he has managed to get his head around the semiotics of space and place yet? Might not be such a good idea to introduce him to concepts such as “space of flows”. Tough, time waits for nowt.
link to e-ir.info
I see a couple of comments about the Guardian, where I used to post btl and probably will again during IR2.
Well, at times because of the agenda of the Guardian, it’s almost forced to produce articles which show Scotland and Indy in a good light, and it was Severin Carrell of all people who put the lie to the Scotland Office and ultimately Carmichael over the French Ambassador. I well remember the storm that caused, total negation of the Unionist lie about Sturgeon wanting the Tories in power. Severin Carrell broke the news!
But apart from that, it gave us Kevin McKenna. A fair few don’t trust him. Well, he is his own person, that’s for sure, but it’s clear he decided that YES was the only way his vision might happen, and that hasn’t changed. At times he hopes his Labour party will come back again, but seems to realise that there’s still no chance of that.
And he gave a great article today in the Herald, one which because of his open discussions around Indy, may well convince a few undecided and soft NOes to vote YES next time. But at least it can open their minds.
link to archive.is
Severin Carrell, undercover culture-jacker? 🙂
Tam Jardine @ 7:44
Good prompt fo a very worthwhile cause…chucked in 50quid
Give what you can we are all in different places financially!
That’s great my friend. A wee bit starstruck in the yes bar (and not the only winger!)
Black day.
Two years tomorrow.
Oh what might have been, ….and what yet will be.
@CameronB Brodie
He’s a strange one. I did have hopes of subverting him to the cause using facts ‘n that, but gave up in the end.
For about 24 hours, yes, but it made Indy mainstream in Scottish Politics and everyday life, and made everyone actually think about it. From 25% YES (down to 21% once), with hindsight that really was the best we could expect – and it happended, and still is, still will, always will, until we get there. It’s no longer “IF”, it’s “WHEN”.
Greendyke Street – by Glasgow Green.
Mundell twatting around – link to archive.is
every single senior Tory has told us here in NI that there will be no boarder checks with the Republic – so how will they be able to implement them against Scotland?
Just when you thought you had seen enough to know that the Better Together crowd were full of fraudsters along come the Lib Dems. 😀
The Sunday Herald are trailing an article they have about an, as yet unnamed, Lib Dem M.S.P. being investigated over election expenses. 😉
Not knowing Glasgow Green, can I ask where the Wings stall will be?
I’ve looked in off topic but can’t find a mention of it. Sorry if it’s been commented on already.
Arbroath1320 @ 12:26am
Seriously hope it’s that smug f**k Rumbles.
British Superiority and Arrogance still intact.
Sir Michael Fallon, UK Defence Secretary, said today that as long as the UK is still an EU member, it will veto the EU plan to create its own military force.
A lesson in how not to prepare for a satisfactory exit from the EU. You’ve got to hand it to the Brits. Well, no actually, those days are over. It’s time to stop handing anything to the Brits.
Flower of Scotland says:
18 September, 2016 at 12:27 am
Not knowing Glasgow Green, can I ask where the Wings stall will be?
I’ve looked in off topic but can’t find a mention of it. Sorry if it’s been commented on already.
I’ve got the same problem FoS so think we will end up parking in Greendyke Street. It sort of looks central(ish) then it’s just a *ahem* simple question of wandering about the green looking for THAT flag! 😀
Sorry I can’t help you out there Jockanese I guess we’ll all just have to buy the Sunday Herald to find out. 😛
Oh jeez!
I think we can safely say we are closing in on a Full House with this story in the Sunday Herald folks. 😛
link to twitter.com
Tories eh? 😉
Where would we be without them? 😉
link to twitter.com
Darlings we are bringing our biggest poles and rods to the Green – you will be able to spot us.
Jockanese Wind Talker says:
18 September, 2016 at 12:36 am
Arbroath1320 @ 12:26am
Seriously hope it’s that smug f**k Rumbles.
Sorry to disappoint you Jockanese it isn’t Rumbles it is Alex Cole_Hamilton … apparently.
link to archive.is
Paula Rose says:
18 September, 2016 at 1:28 am
Darlings we are bringing our biggest poles and rods to the Green – you will be able to spot us.
Sounds painful Paula. 😀
@ manandboy at 12:43am ….. ‘Michael Fallon – EU Miltary Force.’
Westminster still sticking its beak into everyone else’s business! I thought they didn’t want to remain in the EU? So what’s it got to do with them? Frightened that if Scotland remains in the EU we can call on loads of ‘hauners’ from our 500,000 pals across the water to sort them out? Worried that the Scots, the backbone of the UK Miltary, will be leaving the UK Forces altogether? That’ll be a real bummer for them right enough.
It would suit Fallon better to concentrate on the bankrupt UK’s non-existent Miltary Force, inability to patrol UK waters, protect Scottish oil fields / the nuclear weapons they’ve dumped at Faslane and safeguard the nuclear missiles being shunted from England into Scotland. EU leaders must have been having a right laugh at a 78 year old Scot blocking the nuclear convoy. The US on hearing the news must have been having a severe case of apoplexy.
With around 24 months to go Fallon should also be working on figuring out where he’s going to locate their nuclear subs when we get our Independence. There is no suitable location in England and Wales, as per CND, and Gibraltor/ Spain has told them to get lost. That leaves returning them to the US and being the laughingstock of NATO or taking on board Northern Ireland’s offer to take them (God help us) and being the laughingstock of the World.
Sir Michael Fallon another totally deluded Unionist who’s suffering from a severe sense of British Empire entitlement. In another words so far up his own backside that he can’t see the light.
ha ha Petra now what are you doing up this time of night or morning now
Fallon the one who hand on heart said he saw no problem with the royal mail flotation and thought it was ok for the government advisers Lizars who were paid 1,5 million for their work and promptly made something like six million when they immediately sold the shares they undervalued how do we know they were undervalued because the sale was oversubscribed 23 times , this lying smug b/trd who looks like he has never missed a dinner in his life needs investigating by the fraud squad along with that idiot Cable who backed him up ,
@ Petra 2-26am Talking about Sir Michael Fallons Backside. I would like to get a burning hot poker and place the cold bit in his backside. it would be fun watching him trying to get it out again.
Cameron .b. Brodie 9.23 Nice one but get a life .
so says Tory low lifes
Connor McEwen
Cheers. Not so easy if you’re living with PTSD, though I like to think I do my best. 😉
Looking back on the last few days & receiving unwanted e-mails from “interested” parties, I’ve come to a couple of conclusions. Fluffy to win the obedience award at Crufts & Ruthie to get a nose reduction job from NHS Scotland. Doubt if Angerland Trusts would entertain her.
Tam Jardine says:
17 September, 2016 at 7:44 pm
Okay. So I never ask anything from my fellow Wingers- I am asking you now:
Gave what little I could Tam wish I could do more.Great Cause.
Peace Always
link to youtube.com
Thanks man -a great cause and Sarah is a credit to the Yes movement and her generation.
The birds are singing and the air is still- looks like a lovely day for another wee trip to Glasgow…
For those who missed it:
Tam Jardine says:Okay,so I never ask anything from my fellow
Wingers – I am asking you now:
Link:link to gofundme.com.
See Tam Jardine at 7:44pm for Cause and working link!
Peace Always
Tam Jardine:
No problem Tam,did’nt realise you were still on,hence my second post@7:34.
We all have to do our bit man,it won’t happen by magic,at least not the smoke and mirrors”magic” of W/Minster magicians.
Peace, and Love to You and to those You Love
Thanks Arbroath 1320 and Paula. See you there!
link to indyref2.scot
link to indyref2.scot
link to thirdforcenews.org.uk
Liam Fox incompetent
link to facebook.com
Nana, Nana,
Give me your links so True
I’m half crazy,waiting on links from you
I’m going to have my coffee
And it will taste so awfy
Without your links my coffee stinks
So I’ll wait on the links from you xx
Peace,Love and Links: I’m no a bad singer,eh,Nana 🙂
link to politicshome.com
link to blogs.lse.ac.uk
link to sott.net
link to theintercept.com
Right on time,your a Star
Peace Always
link to ukileft.wordpress.com
link to sputniknews.com
link to undercoverinfo.wordpress.com
link to crowdfunder.co.uk
Round of applause for Smallaxe. Love the poem, still chuckling and singing along xx
Takes a bow and throws bouquet
to Nana,in audience:-)
Peace Always ALLWAYS
I see the BBC Scotland web page has an article about today’s rally in Glasgow Green. Notably, there are 4 photos on the article. The first is mixed Yes/No. The 2nd is Yes; and the 3rd and 4th are both No, thereby the BBC providing their mandatory preference to the No side. Just like unionists out numbering pro Yes on all panels.
Some may argue that this is a pedantic observation, but it isn’t a small observation, when it is the predictable subtle bias that the BBC ensures with continuous consistancy.
Saw this on WoS Twitter …
Scotland Indy in EU 33%
Scotland Indy outside EU 11%
Scotland in UK & EU 28%
Scotland in UK outside EU 22%
… fascinating. Two of these groups will definitely not get their preferred outcome. The first and last are the only possibilities.
So which way will the 11% Indy but not EU vote? I would hope Indy is more important to most!
Then the 28% who wish it had never all happened and want both Unions. How many of those would put the EU before the UK union?
There is no doubt about it, an aspect of Project Fear 2 is now up and running by the British State.
This time however, rather than warn us of dire threats of what will come should we gain independence, this time, it’s Britain re-branded. Everything has a Union Flag stamped on it. If it’s not the Olympics, then it’s commodities in the shops. I don’t think I’ve seen so many Union Jacks in such a short period of time.
And the BBC are doing their bit also. BBC Six kicked into the long grass for the time being. Yep, the British State is making sure that there will be no news stories about Scotland …unless it highlights financial failings, controversial political decisions …and of course …the daily dose of ‘SNP Baaaad’.
We might still be in the phoney war period over Brexit, but in some aspects, the battle for hearts and minds is well under way.
But on another note …hope to meet a few of you guys again at Glasgow Green today. Catch you there! Cheers
Wonderful nana and brilliant smallaxe expressing all our sentiments. Thank you both – hope we can meet sometime, maybe today.
Cole-Hamilton is it ?
What happened in West Edinburgh is a disgrace.
MT was hounded with the lib dumbs doing the whipping
Some mornings I hate the UK.
The Britnat Brexit headlines are awash with gleeful claims the EU is on the point of collapse and divided by immigration. Wishful thinking, but with a cold shiver of truth.
The EU does face problems, but when you think about it, problems either caused in the first instance by the UK’s bloodthirsty illegal war mongering which has swelled the refugee crisis in the first place (which has since now surrupticiously blurred the distinction between a refugee into an immigrant), and further far right problems now agitated and oxygenated by the xenophobic precedent which Brexit has set and seeks to inflame.
Proud to be British? Never mind exiting Europe by voluntary negotiation, the Europeans should really kick the UK out on its arse for its dangerous sedition and lighting the fires of blood and soil nationalism; the very blood and soil Nationalism which tore Europe apart through two grievous world wars, and which the European Union was orchestrated to prevent from ever happening again. What dangerous arrogant tossers we have in these “brave” Brexiteers. May they all choke on their hubris for what they have done.
You know what? I have been narrow and selfish in my perspective, wanting only what was best for Scotland, but things, bad things are changing. That reasoning is no longer enough. It is more important now than it ever has been, for this “United Kingdom” to be fractured by dissent from within. It is something that now has to happen. Britain is marching down a very dangerous path driven by divisive xenophobic prejudices and heartless greed. For as long as I can remember, my desire for independence was rooted in wanting no part in the UK’s dubious activities, but Brexit is much worse. British Nationalism is changing from something I want no part in, into something nasty which needs to be stopped.
The U.K. thinks it is heading for a renaissance of British Imperial grace and commercial success, where me, as a rational moderate person see something altogether different. I see a racist, supremacist, and culturally poisonous isolationism on the horizon, which the rest of the world, I pray, rejects wholesale as it once rejected South African apartheid.
It isn’t merely about trade, it isn’t merely about unity, but it is standing shoulder to shoulder with the peacemakers in Europe who quite rightly have a fear of right wing extremism more visceral than anything Britain has ever suffered. Brexitism is the smouldering ember which must be deprived of oxygen before it burns everything else to the ground.
This is a whole new imperative. We Scots must make a decisive commitment to stand with Europe and stand against Brexit, not just for Scotland’s benefit, but because we are uniquely placed to disrupt and derail the contagious spread of British blood and soil Nationalism. This isn’t nationalism like our nationalism, this is hate speak Nationalsm.
If the UK stays on its current heading, I have a sense of dark foreboding that Brexit will evolve into something even darker which the rest of the world, starting with Europe, cannot allow to be a success. Scottish nationalism is suddenly no longer just about us.
Morning all – hope you have a great day and a great ,impossible to ignore turnout today, sorry I can’t be there.
I have just followed a link on the Herald website about an interview with Nick Liar Robinson and Tommy Shepherd , curious to read the comments I continued BTL – I will now go and shampoo and reset my brain.
Jeezo! Who are these people? A Proud Scot ,happy to display his idiocy ,declaring , “We hate the SNP”
Never in my long life have I declared I hate a political party , a nation , a race or religion.
I am however happy to declare my hatred for a disingenuous mainstream media which is delighted to encourage violence , racism and ignorance while bleating on about the suppression of the press and any criticism it receives.
@winifred McCartney
I won’t be there today sadly but hubby has just left. No doubt he will head straight for the wings stall. Watch your step Paula rose!
If you spot a para handy cap with badges approach with caution hahaha
Hope all who are going have a great day.
Wishing everyone a great day out in Glasgow. 🙂
Going through the Sunday Herald today and it’s a good one. Then I come to Tom Gordon (Political Editor?) or *ASSS as he is sometimes otherwise known.
Article on the police probe into the Election Expenses of Lib Dem MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton,reporting also on Tory MSP Alexander Burnett on similar grounds.
The right at the end.The Final paragraph which identifies exactly what Gordon is – a unionist troll and a pretty poor journalist.
“Meanwhile the former SNP MP for Edinburgh West, Michelle Thomson is being investigated in connection with mortgage fraud….” which not only has nothing whatever to do with the issue but is in fact untrue.
Wonder who’s paying him.
* ASSS – the ubiquitous “a senior SNP source” that Gordon regularly parades but never identifies.
I’m no expert on human behaviour or psychology, but I opened the curtains this morning to revel a depressing looking day, and then realise you’re never going to win a referendum in September.
It needs to be a May or a June for IndyRef2 to stand any hope of a chance.
Very good article from Iain McWhirter in todays Herald.
“It was an asymmetrical battle of ideas, with the Yes activists on the ground challenging the relentlessly negative messages coming down from the established political parties, press and media.“
link to archive.is
Breeks says:
The Britnat Brexit headlines are awash with gleeful claims the EU is on the point of collapse and divided by immigration.
Breeks, you need to remember that this is the State media speaking. They are praying like crazy for the EU to implode so it can get Theresa out of the hole she and the UK are in.
But, the EU is 60 years old. I don’t believe for a second that it will collapse because of the UK leaving, nor will it collapse at any point in the near or distant future. All organisations suffer a moment of crisis and faith; they will get over it. We are not about to return to the 1890’s as imagined by UKIPpers, Tories and Little Englanders
Brussels will work out a strategy where it will deal with the effects of immigration (they may just introduce quotas for work permits thus calming fears, while at the same time, begin processing many immigrants back to the Middle East and other parts of the world. They may also postpone any further integration of Eastern European nations until the current lot are brought more in line with EU thinking).
As to the UK …they will most definitely be punished for not only causing this, but also to be held up as a deterrent to all other EU nations. But the EU itself …it’s going nowhere. That we can be assured of.
I would go for the middle of July. Time for a couple of months of good weather before, to allow for marches and other outdoor ‘stuff’.
The Record view on 2nd Indy ref ‘ oh give it a rest ‘ What a f/n cheek from the ones who promoted the VOW now we know the VOW was shit we have to shut up! The lying feckers think we don’t remember the part they played, and like the BBC comments closed down so no right of reply.
This closing down completely any counter argument is like North Korea on stilts for a News outlet to engage in this Orwellian practice in a democracy should alert every one , even NO voters, this practice if allowed to continue can and will be turned on them and who will come to their aid ? .
Another Macwhirter quote from the article.
“The only really significant disturbance of the peace occurred the day after the referendum vote when loyalists waving Union flags descended on Glasgow’s George Square and forcefully broke up the vigil held there by Yes campaigners.”
I’m guessing he follows WoS twitter 🙂
I know we discussed Davidson’s performance at FMQ’s but did anyone notice how Dugdale held up a copy of the daily record and used it to make a point.
Is this not a conflict of interest as she writes for the rag so I assume she gets paid.
That’s not cricket!
Leading academic and keen observer Prof Iain Docherty and journalist Maurice Smith joined podcast host Derek Bateman to discuss all this and more, pondering the economics of Brexit, and of Scotland regardless of the constitutional outcome.
link to newsnet.scot
The EU as a confederation is more stable, democratic, in less debt and cares about it’s members and it’s people than the crooked, criminal, unfair, illegal parasitical Westminster/Unionists.
A pack of greedy ‘psycho bastards’ and their hypocritical Press liars. Filthy disgusting parasites.
In two years time when the Yoons wheel out Weekend at Bernie’s Gorgon Brown and Flipping Lord Daring, I’m not sure there will be many people left that will be taken in with their Lies, Vows and Jam Tomorrow.
Here is some interesting info regarding educational achievement, as found in the independent today (archive link below). Just take a look at the educational achievement maps for Scotland compared to Europe AND England.
Full maps (scroll down page)
link to jakubmarian.com
And the archive link for the independent
link to archive.is
Some might also find it interesting to note just how the independent story leads the article, using a zoomed in shot of the map, cutting out Scotland.
Aye, poor wee Scotland, could never make it without Englandshire running our country.
For those like me that can’t make it along to the Green for todays festivities you can watch here from 12:00. For the first time Wings Over Scotland flags are available.
I hope to see a fair few flying.
link to livestream.com
One for Roothie. Hope she likes it…
link to imgur.com
11am on LBC news. A Sunday Times poll says that a majority of people in Scotland do not want another independence referendum. They’re building up ammunition with their rigged polls for Theresa May to refuse us another chance. Not that I think that will stop us, but some people still believe polls.
Happy Glasgow green day everybody 🙂
link to facebook.com
(ugh, a ‘facebook’ link – I feel dirty).
Andrew marr this morning Scots actor Ken Stott of Rebus fame and YES supporter in 30 seconds made the best case for the need for a second referendum I have heard for some time, short clear easily understood by everyone who watched and on this day very welcome.
All the best to all who are making the effort in Glasgow today I guess if you can’t make it the only coverage will be indilive if they are doing it they had a few problems yesterday in George square but they do their best, and appreciation to all of the folks there all unpaid purely voluntary.
Unionists chant incessantly … “We had a vote two years ago” … And it has been Unionists who completed disrespected the outcome!
The result was to stay in the Union with maximum devolution and guaranteed EU membership.
Unionists can’t cherry pick the ‘stay in the Union’ bit and ignore all that came conditionally and consequentially with that. They tore up the ‘deal’.
The UK has been trying to destroy the EU for decades its behavior has been despicable at no point have they even tried to be a good member and have tried to block any kind of democratic progress in the EU parliament.
Of course this has to do with those world terrorists the USA the last thing they want is a collective of countries telling them to stick their GMO`s up their crack,not content with poisoning their own people now they want to poison Europe and westminster was the tool they hoped to use to do that.
There will be no reprieve for the UK from the EU the second maggie may tory scum invokes article 50 the EU will smash the UK economy and sterling the only thing that is stopping that just now is Scotland.
Nana @ 10:42am.
If I remember correctly WoS twitter had a comment from the recently appointed New BLiS Comms dude (ex Daily Mail) that he and Records Murray Foote would be working closely together in the future.
Seems the Red Coat will be printing BLiS press releases etc.
Robert Graham says:
“Andrew marr this morning Scots actor Ken Stott of Rebus fame and YES supporter in 30 seconds made the best case for the need for a second referendum….
@42:50 on iplayer
Yes. Very good.
Some fantastic articles in The National yesterday, from Alex etc, etc, etc. What do you all think of this one? Viable? If so it would be absolutely brilliant for us.
”Lawyer presses case for annual ground rent system to reduce taxes and answer the economic questions surrounding independence.”
link to thenational.scot
Thanks for the posts Nana. It’s clear that the Tories are in complete disarray (helpful for us) and God knows what kind of Brexit deal they’ll get if any! It’s becoming even clearer, all over the UK – not just in Scotland, that the biased BBC is in cahoots with certain Unionist politicians. Hope they keep up the ‘good work’, as that’ll be advantageous for us too. Your ‘drone papers’ link looks really interesting. Lots to get through so will read it later.
link to theintercept.com
@ Robert Graham says …. ”ha ha Petra now what are you doing up this time of night or morning now.”….
Robert I’m never in bed before 2 / 3 in the morning (only need 4 hours sleep) and because of a committment sometimes up all night. Great time to catch up on paperwork, reading and visiting Wings. Down side is it’s kind of lonely on here at that time in the morning.
@ Breeks says at 9:52 am ….
Well said Breeks. Great post. Time for us to make our escape.
Some videos to get you all going. If you need it!
link to youtube.com
‘SCOTLAND: Enough is Enough.’
link to youtube.com
‘Scottish Independence is inevitable.’
link to youtube.com
“Maurice Smith”
Good for Derek Bateman, Maurice’s articles are thinking articles.
In the Herald that is.
I think scots servicemen and women should seriously think about joining a eu defence force. Benefits would be, a better pension,not getting involved in illegal wars,and not being discarded and made homeless at the end of their service.
Belgium Flanders (Dutch/Flemish speaking) and Walloon (French) areas both have independent set of TV channels – oh, as well as ITV and BBC !!
Proud Cybernat @ 15:54 17.Sept,
I’m just catching up (again), so not sure if you will even see this reply now, but I believe that it’s a live feed. The reason I say that is because I had actually rather lazily assumed that the backdrop was a genuine “windae” overlooking the river until one day when the wind was really whanging away around (or at!) the hoose, and the “backdrop” was similarly shaking! (So it’s not a loop, though it could be on a delay.)
I like your thinking on this. (I may have had thoughts along similar lines myself. =grin=)
Good luck with your stickers, BTW. A great initiative. Gets to people who otherwise don’t get exposed to the cracks. A technique definitely worth repeating with other indy issues, I reckon. Insidious. Lovely!