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Wings Over Scotland

Highly Questionable Time

Posted on June 13, 2013 by

We were going to do something on the disgraceful line-up of tonight’s edition of Question Time, broadcasting from Edinburgh with an audience of 16/17-year-olds, but frankly we couldn’t put it any better than the Scottish Green Party’s official complaint to the Corporation has. You can read it in full here.

UKIP have no Westminster MPs, no Holyrood MSPs and no Welsh AMs, and attract a microscopic proportion of the vote in Scottish elections, yet their leader Nigel Farage has made more appearances on Question Time (14) than any other politician since 2009. The Greens have representation in both Westminster and Holyrood, but the Scottish party has been invited onto QT just once in the same period.

The show’s guest list tonight will uphold the BBC’s standard debate policy of four anti-independence politicians (Farage plus George Galloway, Anas Sarwar and Ruth Davidson) against a single pro-independence one (the SNP’s Angus Robertson) with a token neutral (Scotsman journalist Lesley Riddoch). Enjoy. We’ll be playing poker.

74 to “Highly Questionable Time”

  1. Mister Worf says:

    Farage, Galloway, Sarwar, Davidson.
    I think I saw that line up on a film poster once. What was it? Ah, yes – The Contemptibles.

  2. It is clearly nothing more than a ratings-chasing decision by the Beeb, with no concern being paid to balance at all.
    And I do have to say that it actually makes a refreshing change to have someone other than the SNP challenging the BBC over this, even though there is little chance of it having any noticable effect.

  3. jake says:

    How did Ms Riddoch get this gig…..was Kaye too busy?

  4. pa_broon74 says:

    I’ll give it a miss I think, Angus Robertson is normally an adept debater, i imagine though he’ll be lost in the general hubbub.
    Ruth will no doubt put more people off the tories and Sarwar droning on… Well that speaks for itself. Really don’t know how the BBC can justify the choice of panel though, it defies reason. but then I suppose they don’t have to do they?
    Between Davidson & Farage; I’m not overly worried. Galloway on the other hand is a sneak, he sounds good but its all show; his shtick is only microns deep, under it there is nothing at all.

  5. JPJ2 says:

    An utter disgrace, and I very much suspect that Dimbleby will have been heavily involved in this.
    He has made it abundantly clear that he regards every Question Time as requiring a British focus with Scottish issues regarded as out of bounds, while issues affecting London are always regarded as of interest to the whole country.
    His response will no doubt be that Farage is clearly of interest to a British (read English) audience, and, my goodness, why are we complaining given that they are deigning to discuss Scottish independence.
    Given the total bias in the MSM, it would probably be counterproductive for Angus Robertson or the SNP to voice their objection by withdrawa.
    However, Angus Robertson should certainly seek to point out the dearth of support for UKIP & Galloway in Scotland. Dimbleby can be expected to speak over him-this is just a further demonstration of the perversion of democracy in the UK generally.
    I assume the absence of a LibDem on the panel will be a figleaf for the BBC regarding representation tonight.

  6. ianbrotherhood says:

    Lesley Riddoch has been highly critical of the BBC in the recent past – if she’s half as disgusted as many of us are with this blatant unfairness then she may well decide to tag-team with Robertson and gie it laldy.
    Riddoch versus Galloway? Could be very interesting.

  7. muttley79 says:

    Question Time’s love in with Farage is laughable.  Is David Dimbelby not the owner of the company that produces QT, as well as being its presenter?

  8. Sapheneia says:

    You would think they could cobble together a reasonable politics panel show with their £3.6 billion guaranteed BBC license fee income.  The guests are clearly a sick joke, but I hope Nigel Farage gets the chance to do his pro-Better Together bit and how Scotland is better ruled from London.  This is why BT really don’t like him – he effectively says what they wish they could say.

  9. HandandShrimp says:

    I would have thought this will be Galloway vs Farage over immigration, racism and right wing politics. Highly entertaining no doubt but would have been more relevant in a London QT rather than a rare Scottish one. I might join the Greens in poker (is that the game with two cards or five cards?)
    I hope the youngsters give Farage pelters and he walks out 🙂

  10. Arbroath1320 says:

    Nice to see the BBC are being as unbiased and neutral as they always are in all things Scottish………NOT!
    Why show a fair and balanced programme when you can over ride that with a totally BIASED ANTI Independence approach?
    Doesn’t it make you feel so proud of the BBC to see that they are doing EVERYTHING in their power to drive the message home that the union is BROKEN and they are so DESPERATE to retain this broken union?

  11. Dal Riata says:

    This. By Martha Wardrop and Patrick Harvie:
    “This failure even to attempt balance in party political terms, or in terms of the referendum debate is surely a breach of the BBC’s duty to impartiality. Patrick Harvie discussed these various points with Nicolai Gentchev this morning, and our head of media Jason Rose raised them with Phil Abrams of the BBC policy unit. Mr Gentchev defended the decision to include Mr Farage on the programme citing his recent encounter with protesters in Edinburgh; we are deeply disturbed if the BBC’s flagship political debate programme gives greater attention to political stunts than to fair balance.”

  12. beachthistle says:

    Not that surprised – it should never be forgotten that since 2011 Question Time has been ‘produced’ by BBC in Pacific Quay – so the line-up probably influenced by the usual BBC Scotchland suspects, Boothman memo, etc.

  13. Doug Daniel says:

    I reckon Angus should withdraw from the programme in protest and solidarity with the Greens, although doing it nice and late so they don’t have time to get a replacement. And as Lesley was voicing her bemusement at Farage’s decision this morning, I think she should do the same. If they don’t, then I agree with Ian Brotherhood that Lesley may very well shoot a fair few well-aimed barbs, like she did on one of the indy debates she was on last year, where she was lambasting everyone. And perhaps Angus could just sit back and say “I want to hear Nigel’s take on this, since he’s so well-versed in Scottish issues.”
    I won’t know though, because I’m boycotting it. They want to put Farage on just to get viewing figures? Fine – I’ll retract myself from that number.
    That press release from the SGP is excellent, incidentally.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I reckon Angus should withdraw from the programme in protest and solidarity with the Greens”

      Aye. I don’t think there’s any way to win in a four-on-one, and much more to be gained from a principled withdrawal.

  14. panda paws says:

    I think the Rev has underplayed it when he wrote UKIP have no MSPs.  They have no representation in Scotland at all – no councillors, no MSPs, no MPs, nadda! Won’t be watching it but good luck Angus, you’re going to need it. Though I hope Lesley’s sense of fair play will kick in and she’ll not let the antis get their own way the whole time.

  15. Doug Daniel says:

    Incidentally, if Farage takes the chance to voice his desire to abolish Holyrood, then this could backfire on the BBC and the rest of the No campaign quite spectacularly.

  16. Training Day says:

    This is nothing more than an exercise in attempted brainwashing.  Dimbleby – despite previous objections that ‘we’re not here to talk about Scottish independence’ – will be quite happy to talk about Scottish independence with such a loaded panel and no adults in the audience to pick up on the lies of the BT serfs.
    As has been mentioned before, you wouldn’t know that Holyrood has a majority of independence-supporting MSPs if your only point of reference was the BBC.
    The only positive to come out of this is that more and more people are realising what a corrupt and propagandist organisation the BBC is.
    I’ll be watching the US Open rather than dignify this transparent PPB for Better Together.

  17. Craig P says:

    I am deeply disappointed in their attempt at providing a freakshow, where are  Kelvin Mackenzie and David Starkey, it is like they are not even trying.

    On a serious point, they normally only have one comedy turn per show, I guess they’ve doubled up on George Galloway and Nigel Farage because it is a Scottish show, and therefore they need to do something to stimulate the interest of the vast majority of their viewers. And if that is the case, it is an indicator of the political disconnect between reality and our media, who for some reason think Nigel Farage and George Galloway are relevant to this debate.

  18. naebd says:

    I’d like to see Farage dragged from the studio and egged-and-floured by a mob of angry teenagers.
    But you just can’t rely on young people these days. No backbone.

  19. muttley79 says:

    Why would the SNP even think about sending a representative (in this case Angus Robertson) on to QT?  What is the point?  There is not even a hint of attempting to get a balance between the Yes and No campaigns.

  20. SCED300 says:

    Maybe some of the 16/17 yo will point out the unbalance.
    Listening to Galloway might be instructive for them. He was on RT ranting against Independence, saying that Scotland has 70 Labour MPs in Westminster and these would be lost, and England would have a Tory Government forever. So not strong on arithmetic or on the realities of the effect of the Scottish Labour vote on the colour of Government in Westminster.
    Of course there is his other big argument that he was very badly treated as a Catholic in Scotland, so Scotland should not be Independent and stay in the Union to protect Catholics. Presumably, though, it was the Unionist types who treated him badly in the first place.

  21. Craig P says:

    naebd: I’d like to see Farage dragged from the studio and egged-and-floured by a mob of angry teenagers.

    I’d like to see Farage buy me a pint of real ale in a pub then suffer my opinions of the benefits of the EU 😉

  22. scottish_skier says:

    Incidentally, if Farage takes the chance to voice his desire to abolish Holyrood, then this could backfire on the BBC and the rest of the No campaign quite spectacularly.

    I think he only has to smile and the effect would be the same.

  23. Sapheneia says:

    I don’t get the principled withdrawal tactic.  Who cares if Angus Robertson is totally outnumbered – it’s what he says and stands for that counts.  Watching someone fight their corner against the odds and a bunch of egomaniacs could be a great boost.  Angus just needs to keep it rational and not get involved in a slagging match.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Who cares if Angus Robertson is totally outnumbered – it’s what he says and stands for that counts.”

      That’s a mindbogglingly naive view of how politics actually works.

  24. SaltireRadge says:

    An even more disgraceful lack of balance than usual in the BBC’s Scottish QT panel selection.
    Apart from the freak show of Farage and Galloway and the babbling incoherence of Ruth Davidson – I presume she was wearing her flip flops when she drew her line in the sand – I’m not sure I can stand the prospect of watching the dead-eyed droning of Anas ‘That’s just not credible’ Sarwar and his broken record approach to political debate.
    For what they are about to endure my sympathy goes out to Riddoch, Robertson and the viewing public.

  25. Training Day says:

    “Why would the SNP even think about sending a representative (in this case Angus Robertson) on to QT? What is the point?”
    Muttley, they’ll be feart that the BBC and the MSM will portray non-participation as ‘Salmond running scared’, ‘Authoritarian SNP avoid democratic debate’ etc. etc.  It is a lose-lose situation to some extent whether they participate or not, but by God, some of their supporters would like to see some backbone from the party in the shape of a principled withdrawal rather than meek involvement in this charade.

  26. Keith Brodie says:

    Just came across this in the Guardian. It is an interactive guide to Europe’s arms trade which, if you select the UK as the destination, shows the value of licensed goods sold to the UK. For the period 2001 to 2011 this amounts to Euro 16,127,377,401 of which warships accounted for Euro 451,710,994.

    Is this another scare story up in smoke?

  27. Baheid says:

    @mutley 79
    Last l heard murdochs daughter was buying the company that produces qt 

  28. Luigi says:

    Angus Robertson just has to stand firm, keep his head high and watch the dark forces of unionism tear themselves apart. I don’t envy Davidson and Sarwar tonight though – they will be well out of their depth, and no prisoners will be taken. It could get interesting.

  29. Max says:

    On a more serious note. What if there are more demonstrations? Someone could get hurt. 

  30. Luigi says:

    The BBC will attempt to demonstrate that most young people are very much against independence. The composition/views of the “selected” audience tonight will be interesting.

  31. Sapheneia says:

    @ Rev Stuart:
    You appear to base your core belief that people always follow what the majority says. I don’t.  Things we take for granted today were started by a minority who were shouted down by a far more powerful majority.
    I guess the journos of the time saw Galileo as having a “mindbogglingly naive view” of how the universe works?
    Scottish independence is (like it or not) a minority view at the moment.  We just have to get on with it and get the message across at every opportunity.  Let’s also not insult the audience (studio, TV and radio).

  32. Desimond says:

    Mentorn produces Question Time. Theyve included farage for pure razzmatazz. Its an attempt at a showing up yet again. “Scotland, you dont even have decent panellists, we’re bringing our own in!”.
    Theres no way Robertson will be able to get Farage, Davidson and Sarwar arguing against each other, they 3 and Sideshow Bob Galloway will simply gang up against the SNP in a “BOOHHHHH, show us the money!” shouting match.
    Question Time has really lost the plot over the last year or so, a bit like British Politics i suppose.

  33. Dal Riata says:

    Emphasising this again:
    “Mr Gentchev defended the decision to include Mr Farage on the programme citing his recent encounter with protesters in Edinburgh…”
    Aye, right ye are! Nah, this is BBC Vote No Scotland trying to turn, what should be a chance for fair and equal representation from both sides of the independence debate to offer their views, thereby helping those who are as yet undecided in which way they will vote, into some kind of jokey bear-baiting circus maximus is what it is.
    The 2014 referendum’s importance cannot be understated – it is a massive decision to be taken by the people of Scotland. We’re not talking about an election here – we’re talking about the independence of a country. The MSM know that, and are shitting themselves. So, what better than to turn it into something that will equate those who wish for independence as being the trouble-makers to those who are undecided, while at the same time being fed lies about all being fine-and-dandy in the warm arms of Westminster and the status quo.
    An audience of 16- and 17-year-olds…I just hope that enough of them are aware that they are facing a panel set up by BBC Vote No Scotland to favour the pro-independence-ists and their dishonest agenda by 4 to 1. One has to have hope if nothing else.

  34. Max says:

    Demonstrations are being planned for QT tonight. It could get ugly inside and outside . 

  35. Doonfooter says:

    I agree with Luigi. Angus and Lesley Riddoch are more than a match for Farage and Galloway and Davidson and Sarwar may well be exposed as way out of their depth. If played right the Unionist quartet could be their own un-doing.

  36. Desimond says:

    Question Time Drinking Game:

    1 drink every time a child says “I dont mind paying for…”
    1 drink every time Dimbleby says “in a minute” when Angus asks to counterpoint
    1 drink every time Donald Trump gets mentioned
    2 drink every time Sean Connery gets sneered at
    3 drinks every time “Thatcher did some good things” gets mantioned

  37. Juteman says:

    Shocking statement by E Bradford just now on Radio Scotland news. Telling listeners to check their home  insurance to see if they have legal services included. If they do, then they can take the Scottish Government to court. Discussing nursing home care.
    Surely this is not in the remit of a state journalist to suggest such a thing?

  38. Macart says:

    Possible stitch up. Farage in Edinburgh with 16-17yrs olds? Could be they’re hoping for some reaction from the audience. Y’know, more vile nationalist headlines prime time tv shocker.

  39. Doug Daniel says:

    Juteman – particularly when Alex Neil specifically stated today on GMS that people should contact their local health board chief executive as a first port of call instead of shelling out for lawyers.
    I can’t stand that Bradford woman.

  40. Rod Mac says:

    The general public do not like bullying ,and this will come over as  just that.
    We should also realise QT is for the committed political anoraks.
    I doubt very much ,many of the people we have to persuade will even watch this programme any week.
    It is appalling ,it is unfair ,and undemocratic and we can write on these threads till we are blue in the face , it wont change till a majority put the X in the YES box.
    Then we can sit back and wait for a lot of P45s

  41. Red Squirrel says:

    Farage, Galloway, Sarwar AND Davidson – wow the unionist dream team.  Keep telling us we’re better together folks, that will really change those teenage hearts and minds, eh?  Once again, BBC playing to the home counties audience, albeit tartanised.
    Robertson is stuck – if he withdraws they’ll just portray him as a yellow-bellied spineless separatist feartie.  Better to just get on with it – he’s pretty good but in any case he won’t have to say much – they’re’ll be too much competition between Farage and Galloway.   Best bet is to make sure thon panel of numpties have plenty air-time.
    Teenagers aren’t stupid and they really don’t take too well to being told what to do or think.  I’d say good luck to the union, they’re going to need it with that lot supporting the flag.

  42. Dal Riata says:

    Correction of post at 4.16 pm
    From second last line in final paragraph: “pro-independent-ists” should, of course be “anti-independent-ists”!!
    What a FU that is! Should’ve proofread it first. Sometimes you get so pissed-off with the Union and their propagandists your wires can get crossed when putting down in words your pissed-off-ness!
    Did try to change, but wouldn’t let me as another post had been sent. Them’s the breaks.

  43. scottish_skier says:

    link to
    Sturgeon: we’re working with Westminster on indyref aftermath
    The Scottish and UK governments are working to produce a statement on what will happen in the event of either a yes or no vote in the independence referendum, the Deputy First Minister has said.

  44. HandandShrimp says:

    I am not sure how this will play out as Galloway and Farage could easily spiral off into a dog fight on immigration vs little England.
    This might not be 4 vs 1 as Lesley and Angus may well pitch in against Ruth and Anas while Galloway and Farage fight to see who can do the most outraged face. I think this will be less an independence bash and more a complete rammie. I seriously question the wisdom of a Galloway Farage show but the beeb obviously want the ratings. If someone ask a question about the NSA leaks or Syria God knows if Galloway will stop talking even if Dimbleby comes armed with a stun gun.

  45. DMyers says:

    There are some pretty switched-on 16 and 17-year olds out there, so I’m sure that the imbalance and bias will be pointed out by at least one of them.  Keep the faith.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “There are some pretty switched-on 16 and 17-year olds out there, so I’m sure that the imbalance and bias will be pointed out by at least one of them.”

      So what? It’ll be glossed over and dismissed in seconds and the show will carry on.

  46. Sapheneia says:

    The consensus seem to be that the Scottish public will be totally swayed and brainwashed by George Galloway, Nigel Farage, Ruth Davidson and Anas Sarwar?  The minority view of Angus – however well he puts forward his argument – is pointless.
    Winning independence is a huge uphill task.  No one is going to give us any favours whatsoever. Why is anyone expecting fairness?  Angus has the chance to articulate that, despite being part of a minority at the moment, his views are actually in the best interests of the average Scot.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “The consensus seem to be that the Scottish public will be totally swayed and brainwashed by George Galloway, Nigel Farage, Ruth Davidson and Anas Sarwar?”

      No. Simply that you can’t win a TV debate on your own against four people. You get constantly shouted down and interrupted, until your message is either hopelessly disrupted or you lose your temper and look bad, and you only have a quarter as much time as your opponents to try to counter their arguments. It is, as we’ve analogised before, like trying to shoot down a swarm of wasps with a bow and arrow.

  47. A principled withdrawal by Angus Robertson is an idea, but probably worthless in an unprincipled world. After having a go at the SNP over their principled abstention in the Wasteminster England & Wales only gay marriage vote, Labour are now to abstain from the EU Referendum vote on the principled basis that they’re agin it, thet think it’s wrong but their too feart to upset the swiveleyed loons they’re now courting.
    Dimbleby will be the new Jeremy Kyle after this and we may well have cause to be thankful as an English ratings-chasing bunfight between 2 irrelevant narcissistic nut-jobs pushes middle of the road undecided Scots towards indy.
    We can at least be thankful Calman wasn’t wheeled out.

  48. HandandShrimp says:

    SLab had a go at the SNP over their policy of not voting in affairs that affect only England? A quarter of their MPS voted against. The two faced ratbags!

    I may be wrong but tonight is likely to be more like Jerry Springer than Robin Day’s QT of old.

  49. Desimond says:

    Suggest a venue for Question time…
    link to

    i can think of a few places they could stick it!

  50. Dcanmore says:

    With this line-up we can expect rants on anti-Englishness, racism, anti-catholicism, too wee too poor and too stupid, and no real democracy in Holyrood … all for our impressionable young folks and Daily Mail readers. At least everyone can see what chumps are Bitter Together!

  51. Adrian B says:

    Four Unionists against one SNP MP – sounds to me like the SNP have an unfair advantage 😉
    Anyway it all depends on the topics discussed. Angus Robertson is well capable of being calm and thoughtful while putting a strong point across.

    The debate isn’t likely to touch on Independence for very long. I feel a bit sorry for Anus Sarwar – he has to walk a fine line between Westminster policy, not agreeing with the Tories, hating the SNP and distancing himself from UKIP – should be great to watch him attempt that one. 

    Ruthie will just attack everyone. She is representing the Tories in power in Westminster, so will try to explain what is so good about those policies.

    Farage will have an easy time of it in all likelihood – he can afford to hate the SNP just as much as the rest of them.

    Leslie will be fair, raise a number of good points, bash the SNP on a couple of points, but bash the rest harder. Ruthie might be a kick boxer but I wouldn’t get in Leslies way tonight.

  52. ianbrotherhood says:

    Here’s Galloway’s recent walk-out:
    link to
    Not sure if he did it for effect or was genuinely duped into appearing.
    If Robertson turns up, takes his place, then allows the blatant bias to become obvious before doing a ‘GG’, would that be more effective than trying to take them all on? He could make a powerful point without having to say a word….perhaps Riddoch would join him on principle?
    Hmmmm…tricky one. Nasty vibe developing.

  53. Desimond says:

    For safety of the Unions sake, ASLEF have confirmed they will deliver Nigel Farage to Edinburgh by train!

  54. Adrian B says:

    I forgot George, well we know he doesn’t like the SNP, The Tories and New for old Labour but where does he stand on UKIP. He can come out with a load of real tosh, although sometimes he can really make valid points – could go either way.

  55. Dal Riata says:

    I’m sure he won’t do it, but a late (very late) call-off by Robertson would be the dogs bollocks. Principles ma arse. If he were to do it, that would cause more of a stir than anything the farcical QT programme will produce. Yes, the usual suspects would sqweam and sqweam, but then the issue would be raised of WHY he called-off and would give more exposure of the BBC’s outright bias and non-balance in the Scottish independence debate.
    If Lesley Riddoch were also to do a late call-off, now that would make things really interesting!
    Non-appearances most likely not going to happen though – more’s the pity.
    Oh aye, and expect the audience to be overwhelmingly anti-independence. It’s the BBC Vote No Scotland after all, so I wouldn’t expect anything else.

  56. Sapheneia says:

    @Rev. Stuart
    “Simply that you can’t win a TV debate on your own against four people. You get constantly shouted down and interrupted, until your message is either hopelessly disrupted or you lose your temper and look bad.”
    If your argument is correct then you would see Nelson Mandela losing a TV debate on equality against Nick Griffin, the Grand Wizard, Marine Le Pen, and Tommy Robinson?
    I agree there is a risk of what you say happening.  But maybe let’s give Angus some credit and back him 100% – that’s what minorities do.  That’s what wins respect.  We have to take risks to get the message across publicly in the face of opponents.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “If your argument is correct then you would see Nelson Mandela losing a TV debate on equality against Nick Griffin, the Grand Wizard, Marine Le Pen, and Tommy Robinson?”

      Yes. Especially if they held it tonight.

  57. Sapheneia says:

    @Rev Stuart
    “Yes. Especially if they held it tonight.”
    You had me checking the web there for news!  What I am saying is that it is a belief in national sovereignty that will ultimately count.  Currently only a minority of Scottish people believe in this.  There are not going to be perfect TV moments – you have to fight for every opportunity.
    Maybe I am wrong on this and you can have a good laugh tomorrow.  I’m still backing Angus Robertson 100% whatever happens (I have never voted SNP in my life).

  58. Seanair says:

    “..very badly treated as a Catholic in Scotland ”
    Since GG is a persistent litigant I  wil say that when standing for a Council seat in Dundee early in his career he was ALLEGEDLY denounced from the pulpit of the local Catholic church. Can’t remember the reason.
     He also attended a non -denominational school although there were CAtholic schools nearby.

  59. Desimond says:

    As soon as Angus Robertson says “Independence isnt about a Policy, its about a Principle” just watch the floodgates open. Galloway and Farage could well be be high fiving each other by the end of this, all differences of opinion will be sidelined for 1 evening of lambasting the YES campaign.
    Another drinking game idea

    1 drink for every time you hear the words “Nationalism” and “I deplore” in same sentence. Guarantee you will be pished by the end of the show.

  60. Geoff Huijer says:

    The line up is an absolute disgrace but not unexpected
    given the BBC’s behaviour over the Independence ‘debate’ so far.
    Farage should never be on the panel especially as pointed out
    already the insignificance of his Party in Scotland.
    I agree with those who say Angus Robertson should refuse to
    appear given the lack of balance.
    This has not been designed with ‘debate’ in mind –
    it is designed to be a ‘turkey shoot’.

  61. David McCann says:

    I have sent in my complaint to the BBC using much of the text from above. I will post the reply, when I get it, but I know before hand that it will be the standard reply.

  62. velofello says:

    If I was a Unionist I’d be appalled that Farage, Sarwar, Galloway and Davidson had been selected to forward my Unionist views. I’m not going to indulge in an assessment of their abilities and characters other than to say that given an independent chairman Leslie Riddoch and Angus Robertson will wipe the floor with them.
    But we won’t have an independent chairman.
    I truly hope that the young audience do what the young should do, and challenge their elders.

  63. john king says:

    pa broon says
    “Between Davidson & Farage; I’m not overly worried. Galloway on the other hand is a sneak, he sounds good but its all show; his shtick is only microns deep, under it there is nothing at all.”
    The only part of that I disagree with is
    “he sounds good”
    he sounds like an arse 
    otherwise spot on 

  64. john king says:

    “Incidentally, if Farage takes the chance to voice his desire to abolish Holyrood, then this could backfire on the BBC and the rest of the No campaign quite spectacularly.”
    I dont think we should wait (in vain) for him to say it,
    Angus Roberson should force it out of him

  65. john king says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    13 June, 2013 at 4:01 pm

    “Who cares if Angus Robertson is totally outnumbered – it’s what he says and stands for that counts.”
    That’s a mindbogglingly naive view of how politics actually works.

    Im obviously not quite as cynical as you,
     I agree, if Angus stands his ground and Dimbelby allows the baying mob (the rest of the panel) to have their way , the general public will see it as a linch mob 
    which will backfire on them.

  66. john king says:

    “I can’t stand that Bradford woman.”
    Now theres a sentiment I can get behind, 
    everytime she appears on the screen my wife mutes the telly because she cant here it for the the string of expletives from me,
    the vein has spoken,
    and you don’t want to ignore the vein

  67. john king says:

    I sometimes wonder if Elanor Bradford has considered a separate Scottish government having its own security service, 
    shew may wish to recall the untimely deaths of David Kelly, and Willie McRea

  68. scottish_skier says:

    I agree, if Angus stands his ground and Dimbelby allows the baying mob (the rest of the panel) to have their way , the general public will see it as a linch mob.


    0.35% voted for Galloway/Respect
    0.91% voted for Farage/UKIP.
    ~13% voted for Ruth/Tory
    ~28% voted for Anas/Blue Labour

    So lets see. ~9/10 Scots think Ruth et al. are not worth voting for and ~7/10 think that of Anas et al.

    Why even bother with the first two? A member of the Scottish Senior Citizens Unity Party would have been more appropriate.

  69. Taranaich says:

    Robertson’s only chance is to recognize that he is most certainly not going to “win” the debate (you can’t truly win debates anyway: you can only set forth the strongest argument, but let’s not get into semantics), but to use this as a perfect example of the bullying and suppression against the independence debate that everyone’s wringing their hands over now.
    He must keep himself as concise as possible, so that if he does get interrupted or shouted down, the brunt of the point is made. Probably very difficult given how political spin and discourse is at this point in the country, but if possible, he should narrow it down to a sentence or two. The opposition isn’t going to give him a chance for a detailed answer, so don’t go for one.  Say more in a quarter of the time.
    What Robertson must not do is lose his temper: he has to take the Dick Gregory approach. That way, the others will be made to look like the utter bullies they are (audience included), and the viewing audience will see that despite the BBC’s best attempts.  Remember that appalling display of parochialism in Lanarkshire?  This could be a WHOLE SHOW like that – and nothing could prove a better boon for independence than doing nothing but allowing the MSM and pro-Union crowd to show the world what they are.


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    • sarah on Signal and noise: “The problem is that most people haven’t heard about Salvo and the Liberation Movement. Even an ex-MSP of the Highlands…Mar 12, 22:03
    • lindsay on Signal and noise: “By extension this has to be the best discription ever of what today passes as Scottish “parliament”Mar 12, 21:55
    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Of course there’s only ONE side cloaking the debate. The ones wearing cloaks, real and figurative.Mar 12, 21:40
    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Couldn’t agree more, Lorn.Mar 12, 21:35
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