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Wings Over Scotland

Gutter press aspired to

Posted on October 18, 2013 by

We forget who, but someone we read this week – in the Herald, we think – referenced a line spoken by Jennifer Aniston’s character in an old episode of Friends (which we’ve managed to identify as S02E01, “The One With Ross’s New Girlfriend”):

“When I saw him get off that plane with her, I really thought I just hit rock bottom. But today, it’s like there’s rock bottom, then 50 feet of crap, then me.”

We were put in mind of it by something in this afternoon’s Guardian.


It’s a piece by Severin Carrell, who probably dreamed dreams as a cub reporter of becoming his generation’s Woodward and Bernstein, getting the stories other hacks couldn’t and changing the world for the better with the searing power of investigative journalism. Maybe he’d win a Pulitzer Prize, or at least the Paul Foot Award.

This is what Severin wrote for money today.

“Alex Salmond derided for stay in luxury Gleneagles suite for SNP conference

While Scottish National party ministers rail against the ‘despicable’ bedroom tax and ‘shameful’ cuts in public services at their conference in Perth, rumours circulate that Alex Salmond has been staying at Scotland’s most luxurious hotel, Gleneagles, for the weekend.”

So let’s be clear from the off: this entire article is based on rumours.

“The opulent Royal Lochnagar suites at Gleneagles, described as a “magnificent French chateau” 20 miles from Perth, cost £1,770 a night this weekend. A basic Classic room for a Sunday night in mid-November would cost £295.”

Note: there’s no suggestion of even a rumour that the First Minister stayed in the Royal Lochnagar suites, if he stayed in the hotel at all. (We’re also not sure what the relevance of mid-November prices is, as it’s mid-October. Was Salmond meant to stay there a month after the conference to save money?)

“The hotel, set in 350 hectares of grounds, boasts some of the world’s most famous golf courses. So the first minister may be there for in-depth research into next year’s Ryder Cup golf tournament, which is being hosted at Gleneagles after next September’s independence referendum.

If all goes to plan, and the yes campaign triumphs, Salmond will be booking its presidential suite.”

Will he? Are we reading an Alan Cochrane column or something? We’ve gone from rumour to irrelevant speculation to straight-out made-up assertions about the future. Oh, and “First Minister” is a proper noun, you useless clowns.

“There were no denials from the SNP about the first minister’s accommodation choices”

So no confirmations either, then?

“and Labour activists took to Twitter with gleeful digs once his rumoured stay surfaced. One, Mike Ewart, tweeted: “@AlexSalmond how is your staying at £1770 per night Gleneagles Hotel addressing #childpoverty exactly?””

Are we really reading this? Is this really happening? The Guardian – a respectable newspaper, in so far as any can lay claim to such a character in this country – is reporting as news that fact that Labour activists are having a pop at Alex Salmond?

(And let’s just recap – we don’t know if he stayed there at all, we don’t know what sort of a room he stayed in if he did, and we don’t know who paid for it. For several reasons, it’s highly unlikely to have been the taxpayer.)

“Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Tory leader, disclosed that she stayed at the far more budget-minded Travelodge for her party’s annual conference in Manchester.”

Of course she did. Hardly anyone in Scotland knows or cares who she is, let alone Manchester. She’s a local branch manager of a political party that struggles to attract 200 people to its Scottish conference. Alex Salmond is the First Minister of a country.

“And in a reference to comments by Ed Davey, the UK energy secretary, who advised poor consumers to wear a jumper to keep out the cold, Labour activist Duncan Hothersall tweeted: “#Salmondheatingtips Stay at Gleneagles. (Probably works for #Cameronheatingtips too.)””

Not one but two Labour activists in “attacking Salmond” shock! Hold the front page!

And that’s it. That’s the whole thing. We’ve quoted you every last word.

What can we expect in the Guardian tomorrow? Severin Carrell telling us how pissed he got in the hotel bar and how one of his mates made a totally hilarious joke about Jimmy Savile and a 10-year-old Down’s Syndrome girl but you had to be there?

Britain’s press has never been at a lower ebb than it is now – under assault by Lord Leveson, losing tens of millions of pounds a year, haemorrhaging jobs and enjoying a general reputation somewhere below Nazi rapists who dodge their income tax.

Tonight, though, at least the Star’s showbiz columnist and whoever compiles the “sidebar of shame” for the Mail have someone to look down through 50 feet of crap on.

The Guardian.

This was in The Guardian.

Tick tock, mainstream media. Tick tock.

87 to “Gutter press aspired to”

  1. Linda's back says:

    A very petty and vindictive article.
    If it was at his own expense, So what?  Most MPs can afford to do so.
    I once stayed at Gleneagles for two nights for husband’s special birthday and eat at Andrew Fairlie’s excellent restaurant.  And I believe he is a keen YES supporter.
    Couldn’t afford to do do it every year but neither of us smoke and don’t have two holidays a year etc.

  2. patronsaintofcats says:

    Carrell is famous for his “Wolf!” articles, but this is truly a new low. Luckily, hardly anyone in Scotland reads the Guardian.  If Salmond is staying there, might it not be because there are more than 50 foreign dignitaries at conference and he needs an appropriate place to take meetings?  That was my first thought.

  3. Juteman says:

    Trash journalism.

  4. kininvie says:

    I do love that Ruth Davidson ‘disclosed’ her stay at the Travelodge. That single word shows up the story as piss-poor journalism. It carries the suggestion that this was a precious fact, told in confidence to a trustworthy and charismatic journalist over a cup of coffee, with maybe a creme de menthe on the side…..
    It’s a word which contributes nothing to the story. All it does is suggest the journalist has some kind of wonderful special access, not available to ordinary mortals.
    It’s a poor substitute for a Pulitzer prize.

  5. muttley79 says:

    This is the comment I left on their page (can’t be bothered typing it out again, so cut and paste it is):
    The Guardian is descending into Daily Mail land with this kind of a nonsense. Sadly this is typical of the Guardian’s coverage of Scottish politics. Not even a hint of the appearance of balanced journalism. This is shameful stuff from both Severin and the Guardian. Iain McWhirter has said as much in his book. Absolutely disgraceful, quoting a leading SLAB activist in a story that has nothing to do with that party. Wisen up Guardian. You have lost the plot in your coverage of the referendum here. This is Pravada style reporting for the British state.

  6. Holebender says:

    As Alex is on party business his hotel will be at his own expense. There will be no charge to the taxpayer, so what’s the problem?

  7. Doug says:

    Not to defend Ed Davey, but even THAT was nonsense, out of context. There was a long R4 piece on Miliband’s making hay out of a half quote, reversing the meaning/context to score a cheap point.

  8. Disco Dave says:

    Not that we should get into tit for tat but out of curiosity, where did Miliband, Clegg and Cameron stay during their parties conferences? That would be interesting cause as you rightly say Rev, the Davidson mention is absolutely meaningless.

  9. Murray McCallum says:

    Are Scottish people not allowed to stay in nice hotels? Is there some kind of unwritten rule I am unaware of – wouldn’t want to get above my place and all that.

  10. msean says:

    As the top ELECTED official in Scotland,i expect that within reason,and with estimated 50 foreign dignitaries attending,someone is working for us,the people of Scotland.You have to show these guys what Scotland has to offer.Hosting them in a travelodge just won’t cut it or bring in jobs.Can anyone imagine the response if he met them, on our behalf, in a travelodge?

  11. gillie says:

    Journalists are scum. You don’t need to Google that to know that this is a truism.

  12. David says:

    Alex is almost in his 60s and his wife is in her 70s. They have worked all thier life and have no children. I’d be asking questions if Alex couldn’t easily afford to stay in good hotels when on personal business.

  13. handclapping says:

    Its no wonder that the Gruniad is losing money; as an example its rumoured that Severin might have been given £1770 for this piece today when they could have had it for £295 in mid-November. Profligacy!
    See I can do it just like a real journalist wot writes in the papers that really tell us what’s going on. Can I have that staff job now Rev?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “See I can do it just like a real journalist wot writes in the papers that really tell us what’s going on. Can I have that staff job now Rev?”

      No. But I’m going to steal it anyway, not pay you, and tweet it as if I thought of it myself. Now THAT’S journalism 2013-style!

  14. Doug Daniel says:

    Even if he IS staying there, who cares, other than petty-minded No supporters? Journalists like Severin and Paul Hutcheon – who seemingly broke the “story” – reveal a bit too much about their way of thinking with stuff like this.
    Anyway, if I was the manager of the Gleneagles hotel, and I knew the First Minister of Scotland was going to be in Perth that weekend, I’d be going “First Minister! Please come and stay at our hotel free of charge!” So for all we know, it might not have been paid by ANYONE!
    But quite simply, I expect he’ll be meeting some of those foreign diplomats who are in Perth for the conference. I don’t want them meeting the First Minister of our country in a fucking Travelodge. What sort of message does that send out?
    As you say, gutter press.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Anyway, if I was the manager of the Gleneagles hotel, and I knew the First Minister of Scotland was going to be in Perth that weekend, I’d be going “First Minister! Please come and stay at our hotel free of charge!” So for all we know, it might not have been paid by ANYONE!”


  15. CameronB says:

    I stopped reading that particular rag when they started censoring perfectly reasonable comments I and others had posted. Re-writing history in real-time, right in front of all onlookers. Something definitely Orwellian about that, and shameless as they were obviously prepared to disregard the forum’s very public nature. They didn’t mind that we could see what they were doing.
    Is Severin Carrell a committed unionist, a ‘presstitute’, a useful idiot or an ‘agent of influence’? You decide.

  16. JLT says:

    Alex Salmond derided for stay in luxury Gleneagles suite for SNP conference’
    Aye …and if he stayed at a 3* Travelodge, he would have been told that he was tight Nationalist skinflint, and what a terrible leader he must be, by presenting such an image to the rest of the world.
    The man just can’t win.
    And yet …the media in their stupidity, just like the Labour Party (well …they are one and the same!), don’t seem to realise that folk aren’t buying into this continual attack on the First Minister. Blind in their utter hatred of the SNP, they have failed to realise that Alex Salmond is doing what he intentionally set out to do; deflect all that vitriol hatred onto him, and away from the ‘Yes’ camp.
    I still believe the White Paper when it comes out, will leave the ‘No’ camp reeling.
    Confirmation after confirmation after confirmation …on everything. Things such as remaining in the EU, being in NATO, using Sterling, Oil Fund, Defence …everything! 
    It will leave the ‘No’ camp in complete disarray, and in utter panic. What can they do, when the EU and NATO have given Scotland their blessing, and Cameron finally confirms that a Sterling Currency will happen if Scotland votes ‘Yes’.
    Once the people realise that Scotland…

     – WILL be in the EU
     – WILL be in NATO
     – WILL have a defence force
     – WILL have an Oil Fund
     – WILL protect the Scottish NHS
     – WILL keep Student Tuitions free
     – WILL protect pensioners
    Then people will realise that the No Camp have been talking a load of garbage for three years. I believe there will be anger towards them, and I think Darling and Co will be given some serious questions by the people. Questions such as …What powers will be on the table? …and naw …we’re no waiting to find out until after a ‘No’ vote. What guarantee’s will there be in place? When will we get these powers?
    I think at that point, the ‘Yes’ vote will be won, since Darling can’t answer any of those questions, and Cameron can’t step into save him, as Cameron has already said, that it has nothing to do with Westminster; ‘it is a matter for the Scots alone…’
    Yes, I think Alex will have his day …and maybe in more ways than one…

  17. He, being the canny Scot, would of got it for £1707 includings tips.

  18. JLT says:

    Totally agree, Rev.
    That is why, I don’t bother with these headlines …and neither do the vast majority of the Scottish people. Just Trolls on a larger scale …that is all they are!

  19. JLT says:

    Seriously …all this ‘tweeting’ shite! Does anybody actually read these things? Do you believe that all the 16 to 30 year olds …this very evening, around the pubs and clubs of Scotland, are discussing what suite within Gleneagles that Alex Salmond is in?
    Do you think anyone is reading this Labour guff? Seriously …anyone?
    No one cares. It is as simple as that, because at the end of the day, everyone expects Alex Salmond to be in a hotel such as Gleneagles. As the Rev says, he is the First Minister of a Country.
    There would be a far bigger outcry, if he was found to be staying in ‘Tam and Elsie’s Perthshire Guesthoose’.

  20. muttley79 says:

    Just thinking about what JLT was saying.  When the White Paper comes out I think SS said that the UK government would be making, or issuing a statement.  Does anyone know what that is likely to say?  Also, is the Electoral Commission not supposed to issue a statement about what a No vote means (as well as what a Yes vote means) before the referendum?  Could these things be important? 

  21. JLT says:

    I agree! I think the White Paper could be the game changer. Once people see that the EU is ENDORSING Scotland, then I think folk will realise that the rest of it must be true, and therefore, the No camp have been talking shite for the last couple of years.
    I think Darling will get crucified by the public if he has no answers after the issuing of the White Paper, and for just knowing that simple reason, I believe that is why Cameron is staying right out of it. Darling has placed his neck on the block of the guillotine. He will be asked some serious, serious questions, which I doubt he will be able to answer, if the White Paper confirms everything. I believe even his pals at the BBC may run a mile at that point!

  22. Juteman says:

    Maybe if he had shared his room with his ‘researcher’, that would be a story.
    Forget that, Hague got there first.

  23. msean says:

    I just wonder why  the guys that write for these papers actually get  all the attention that their circulation doesn’t deserve?

  24. Tearlach says:

    Err – Its pretty common knowledge out there in the real world of Scottish politics that the FM is staying at Gleneagles, cos – 1) its between Perth and Grangemouth and he is working 24/7 to try and sort out the problems there, and 2) the fair city has no decent hotel for discussing affairs of state with foreign dignitaries. (anyone stated at the Salutation recently? It was OK in 1745, but three stars in 2013 does not make for an Scottish Camp David)
    The key issue here is the dissing the very concept of the FM as a key political player, dealing with real issues of national and international importance. Jeez – I travel a lot, and have run into Labour, Lib Dem and Tory politicians(including three ex Scottish Secs in BA Lounges in Heathrow, Gatwick, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Inverness). I’ve had ackward moments in the lift of the Glasgow Hilton (5 stars BTW) with both Labour and Tory senior ministers, up to tell the proles what they should be thinking, but never have I heard anyone say that they should be flying Rynair and staying in the local B&B.
    The FM is staying in the Gleneagles cos he is an important guy, doing the an important job, and that the best place for him to be to do his job tonight(is anyone seriously suggesting that he should move out of Bute House – tired and cramped as it is – into a nice refurbished three bedroom place in Pilton, as that’s “more appropriate”).
    These types of comments tell a lot more about the commentator, and their sublimal view of the “real ” place of the Scottish First Minister – ie a minor politician in a minor legislator.
    So lets stop bending to their agenda, and welcome the fact the the most senior Politician in Scotland, our First Minister, dealing with key issues of state – when away from his personal home [Strichen], and official home [Bute house] is staying in a location that reflects his – and Scotland’s – importance.

  25. Jen says:

    I don’t care where he stays or how much it costs,  Alex Salmond can stay where he likes to suit his diary requirements and of course the people he is meeting. 
    This is trash journalism. 

  26. JLT says:

    Today, at work, I had to explain the Barnett Formula to two of my colleagues. they had heard of it, but never understood what it was. Once explained, you could see the penny drop.
    Both of them are Unionist, but by explaining Nicola Sturgeon’s warning that the Barnett Formula will be tanked in the event of a ‘No’ vote, I could see the realisation ignite in their eyes. Doubt! …and even a sense of Fear.
    Now I bet they have their own questions. Exactly what is in it for them, in the event of a No vote.

  27. joe kane says:

    As long as he doesn’t set fire to the hotel curtains and then claim Westminster expenses when he’s out on parole.

    Reference –
    Labour supporting peer Lord Watson claimed expenses while on early release from prison
    The Telegraph
    03 Feb 2009
    link to

  28. Holebender says:

    Cameron has rather neatly stymied any Whitehall rebuttal of the White Paper by announcing it’s a matter for Scots alone. He can’t butt in and not appear spineless for refusing to debate.

  29. Linda's back says:

    muttley79 says: 9.09
    A friend has sent several letters to the Hootsman pointing out Darling’s track record over (a) failing to regulate the banks and keeping Goodwin as an advisor after RBS collapse
    (b) failing to take decisive action when Northern Rock collapsed (as said by Sir Merywn King cost one million UK jobs) and would have at least mitigated the HBOS and RBS problems a year later.
    and (c)  his department sanctioned the disastrous RBS / ABN AMRO takeover despite knowing no proper due diligence had been done on the world’s largest bank takeover.
    Like the BBC the unionist press will not allow any criticism of the Tories’ Darling.

  30. JLT says:

    Exactly Holebender!
    Cameron can’t say a damn word against the White Paper when it comes out. To denounce it, would invite Cameron into the debate, and once more, back into the First Minister’s gun sights.
    Why would he want to do that, when Darling has already offered up his head on the old chopping block. Cameron’s no’ that daft!

  31. call me dave says:

    Hear! Hear! 

  32. big_al says:

    Carell is a cunt.
    End of.

  33. pa_broon74 says:

    This is actually good news.
    It means I can honestly say my blog is better researched and sourced than the Guardian is – and my blog is shit.
    How much does Carrell get paid?

  34. Ken500 says:

    Blair/Brown and hs Darling only caused a £1trn crash, while poncing round the world staying in ALL the best hotels. How much did the reason jolly to China by fat face Boris and sleek Osbourne cost the taxpayers?

    If FM and Mrs Salmond decide to stay in any Hotel, that is up to them.

    If a jealous scum journalist and his scum mates object, tough.

    Green cheese, filth.

  35. If the Guardian wasn’t supposed to be a quality news paper, I’d say just ignore them and all the rest who spit out their prejudice and ignorance.  However, expose’s seem still to be necessary.  sadly. but hey ho.. it’ll all come out in the wash.

  36. Ken500 says:

    * How much did the recent jolly by fat face Boris and sleekit Osbourne cost the taxpayers.

  37. proudscot says:

    Don’t mock poor wee Severin, with incisive rumour-mongering like this in his latest Salmond-hating crap article, he’ll qualify for a job in the Hootsmon any time. I bet oor Cochy of the Torygraph is beelin’ he never thought of this choice dump of journalistic excrement. As for Hothersall, he looks as though he resides permanently at a Greasy Spoon.

  38. Juteman says:

    Surely a top journalist could find out how much Baron McConnell spent on his hotels as First Minister? Google has a few stories of booze ups in New York.

  39. Ken500 says:

    Never mind the £Milions the scum in Westminster will have made out of the Royal Mail sell off. Leeches.

  40. Robert Louis says:

    Honestly, this nonsense in the Guardian regarding where the First Minister sleeps is truly childish.  I fully expect our First Minister of Scotland to get the very best, because let’s face it he towers head and shulders above any other UK politician.
    The other point here, is that there are 50 foreign diplomats attending the SNP conference – I can only guess that possibly, it is one hell of an opportunity (in advance of the Ryder cup) to showcase the very finest that Scotland can offer, whilst they are here.  They will be paid for by their respective nations.
    So, in reality, as usual, OUR democratically twice elected First Minister of Scotland is doing what is right to strengthen Scottish jobs and investment to a global audience, and all that the Guardian illiterati such as Carrell, who claims to be a serious journalist can do is greet about it.  Grow up Carrell, FFS!
    As for Ruth Davidson, I reckon staying in a Travelodge is quite appropriate for her, given she is NOT first Minister, and nor will she ever be.

  41. Thepnr says:

    Severin Carrell purports to be a journalist. I believe he must have been drunk when writing this, how else could someone supposedly experienced in his “profession” make such a balls up.
    Every article that guy writes sees the Yes vote increase, the comments section is always far better than the story and he is shown up for the tube that he is.
    Mr Carrell, it’s probably too late for you now but it might be a good idea to start learning a new skill, your P45 will be in the post soon.

  42. Robert Louis says:

    Oh, and let’s not forget the king of the Labour hypocrites, Tony Blair, with his private jet ‘Blair force one’;
    link to
    link to
    Oh yes indeed, today’s Labour party, gives champagne socialism a whole new meaning.

  43. Adrian B says:

    Envy from Journalists is bad enough, but what we are seeing from the No Scotland side is pathetic.
    Keep it clean folks. We have a Referendum to win.

  44. Alex Wright says:

    Stu, I can understand your anger at Carrols Guardian articles, but it’s important for the readership of Wings that you take deep breaths, think about the 19th, and laugh your socks off. Severin and his ilk in the rest of the fourth estate who treat Scotland with vitriolic hatred will be consigned to ridicule. You, and the journalists who have paved the way for people who, like myself, required a conduit to to express our thoughts, ideas, hope and love of our country are deeply indebted to you.

    The  information that Wings, Business For Scotland, Bella, Munguin’s,Greenwell etc provide have opened a window that can never be closed  and the Carrols, Neils , Marrs etc are running scared. The genie is definitely out off the bottle.

    My routine, like a lot of us in the building game, is to have a few pints on the Friday afternoon, and blether  about jobs coming up, wages, football etc. The referendum was mentioned a few times a couple of months back and having to listen to the usual MSM piss that the guys have been reading I’ve asked them to look at Wings, Newsnet etc.

    Without any coercion, one of the main topics now is how much we are being lied to, and the anger from some of the guys towards the BBC is a joy to behold.

     Stu, we will win this, and on the 19th SEP 2014, the name Rev Stu will be synonymous with Scottish democracy and the name – what was it again?

  45. Stevie...Edinburgh says:

    This had me in stitches imagining the FM meeting the posh foreign dignitaries in a travelodge inviting them to take a seat on the end of the bed – “Sorry but the Finnish ambasador had the biscuit, oh don’t mind the wife, she’s just watching Corrie on the wee tele”.
    This madness goes into the newspaper archives for future generations to see, I just wish I could be around in 100 years time to see folks faces when they look up the articles in the run up to Scotland’s independence.

  46. Dcanmore says:

    I weep when I see ‘journalism’ like this, from a newspaper that should know better. As someone who was nourished by the industry for 20 years I just sit back in disbelief nowadays. It’s like watching the newspaper industry collectively putting a gun to it’s head and ‘click’, nope didn’t go off, spin then try again. One day, boom, no more newspapers. There is death in the air and these clueless fuckwits are laughing all the way into the darkness.
    You just need to look at who is actually left in employment in Scottish journalism to see the state it’s in. Look up and see the vultures circling, ready to pick the bones of crow dead of Scottish newspaper titles. Around one million daily sales of newspapers in Scotland at the moment, with an average annual circulation drop of 9% how long is that sustainable? 

  47. Andy-B says:

    Ive said before and I’ll say it again I loathe the MSM, especially the Scottish MSM

  48. Paul says:

    Re: your opening line, it was from this article in the Independent:
    link to

  49. Susan says:

    “What can we expect in the Guardian tomorrow? Severin Carrell telling us how pissed he got in the hotel bar and how one of his mates made a totally hilarious joke about Jimmy Savile and a 10-year-old Down’s Syndrome girl but you had to be there?”
    The best paragraph! Love it!

  50. Kev says:

    On the subject of the White paper, I am quite worried. While I am sure (and hope) it will contain clear answers on a lot of the main issues eg. EU membership and a blueprint of how Scotland can become a fairer, more prosperous country, are the MSM actually going to give it much coverage? If its lacking in detail and shoddily put together im sure they would, but if there is the slightest risk that Scots can be given an alternative, positive vision under Independence with policies most agree with, together with legal rebuttal of most of the scare stories they’ve been fed thus far, the BBC are likely do to what they’ve done with the SNP conference this week and almost completely ignore it.

    The paper will likely encompass a good few hundred pages, and so it should, but most folk aint likely to read it, so its up to the BBC/STV to condense it down to a dozen main points….will they do this?….or will they not instead bring on 2-3 unionists at a time to dismiss it entirely and fail to challenge them on it? If I were the SNP id be sending a 2-3 page summary to every household in the country and completely bypass the MSM. It is, afterall,  far too important an issue to allow it to be utterly mismanaged or ignored by a pro union cabal..

  51. JasonF says:

    This is best email address to use to tell the Guardian that the article should have been beneath their standards for publication:

  52. JasonF says:

    Given that it’s mostly the same people who comment on the Guardian’s Scotland articles (many of whom also comment here), a boycott might be a good idea. A sudden drop in the number of comments on the Scotland articles will be noticeable.

  53. Thepnr says:

    Cheers JasonF
    Complaint sent with a demand for an apology to the First Minister and the readership.

  54. velofello says:

    Our job, the grass roots movement, is to get the message out, as you say we cannot expect the BBC and MSM to be evenhanded.We already have much information to discuss with the public however it requires that we get out and about amongst the  public.
    Example, domestic energy costs – Scotland, a net exporter of power and gas will face higher costs per unit of energy in the north of Scotland than our furthest market, the South of England.
    Basic economics, attend to your needs then sell the surplus. The sale price needs to include your transport costs to protect your profit margin.Scotland isn’t allowed to sell her surplus, even more farcical our farthest market will enjoy lower unit costs than we, the supplier! is the public aware of such basic economics? 
    When i mention the Crossrail project in London, people ask, “What’s that?”. The London sewerage upgrade – “What’s that?”.
    It will be tragic if people vote No because they hadn’t been fully informed.

  55. Baheid says:

    Cochrane on NS’s speech today
    link to

  56. Ken500 says:

    It’s about time the Press were regulated. They are out of control.

  57. Training Day says:

    Carrell has recently had his profile significantly enhanced by the BBC and STV’s Unionist news outlets, Newsnight Scotland and Scotland Tonight.

    That is no coincidence.

  58. fairliered says:

    JLT 09.09pm
    We were delighted when Alex Salmond booked into oor Perthshire Guesthoose tonight.
    Apparently he was staying in the Gleneagles Hotel, but had to move out because he could no longer thole the stink from Severin Carroll’s room.
    Tam and Elsie

  59. Ken500 says:

    Excellent, qualified folk, are working on the White Paper, according to reports.

    The revenues are being held up to be released for the last push nearer to the Referendum. There is a Cap on spending for the Referendum. The planning strategy is brilliant. No wonder the SNP + Yes campaigns are so successful.

  60. Ken500 says:

    Thousands of YES Newspapers are already being delivered.

    Anyone delivering YES newspaper, write on the top.

  61. Alex Wright says:

    Jason f.
    Is this what you had in mind.
    This has to be one of the most enlightened scoops in journalistic history.
    Who would have believed that a head of state could stoop to such a dastardly despotic act.
    Imagine betraying your country in such a way. The blatant act of staying in a five star hotel, beggars belief, I mean, who does he bloody well think he is, David Cameron.
    However, your Mr Carrel has exposed this extraordinary situation for the good of the nation, probably at great personal risk, and for that, I have no hesitation in proposing that this brave investigative journalist should be nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.  yours sincerely, Nigel.

  62. john king says:

     Is Severin aware that Alex could have slept in a flophouse hanging over a rope (hence the phrase hangover) for two pennies?

    ahll get ma coat 🙁

  63. john king says:

    jlt says
    “deflect all that vitriol hatred onto him, and away from the ‘Yes’ camp.”
    I’ve thought that as well,
     he deserves to be deified when we get independence  

  64. john king says:

    jlt says
    “There would be a far bigger outcry, if he was found to be staying in ‘Tam and Elsie’s Perthshire Guesthoose’.”
    Noo ye cannie say that jlt The Broons hiv hid a wee but an ben fur years,
    then ken the value of a wee baw bee

  65. john king says:

    juteman says
    “Maybe if he had shared his room with his ‘researcher’, that would be a story.

    Forget that, Hague got there first.”
    I wonder what they did aw nicht?
     I’m betting they played battleships 😉


  66. gerry parker says:

    I wonder where Cameron and the cabinet will stay when they come to sort out the arrangements for the games.
    The Great Eastern perhaps?

  67. Seasick Dave says:

    Agent Carrell is playing a blinder and, come the Yes vote, he should be hoisted high and feted for his sterling efforts!
    Agent Hothersall deserves praise for his backup efforts too.

  68. Seanair says:

    When I was growing up in Scotland I’d never heard of the Guardian. As I got older it started to appear on my radar as (correct me if I’m wrong) a supporter of all the small countries of the  Empire which wanted to break away from London rule.
    Has the editorial board considered seriously why it wants to block Scotland or has it just left SC to fiil a spot inthe paper with his bile? Have a look at your circulation figures guys and think about the morality of your present stance.

  69. Ken500 says:

    Third rate, ill researched journalists want the right say what they like, while censoring everyone else.

    Any spend at the Gleneagles Hotel is more than recovered, with profits, by economic gains made in the area and positively promoting of Scotland through the attendance of 52 foreign delegates. Cheap at the price.

  70. CameronB says:

    Have a read through the Guardian’s reports of the Syrian crises and you won’t find much morality there. Instead, you may be as disgusted as I am by the similar cheer-leading tone that was on display before the Iraq invasion. I’d be very surprised if their editorial team does not have a direct line to the Foreign Office. Much like the one-man show based in Coventry, that has the gall to call itself the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, and which appeared to be the BBC’s main source if information, the last time I checked.

  71. CameronB says:

    Further to the Syrian Observatory for Human Righrs;
    “The New York Times also for the first time reveals that Abdul Rahman’s operation is indeed funded by the European Union and a “European country” he refuses to identify:”
    link to

  72. Seanair says:

    Thanks CameronB.
    I was talking about their policy some time ago and haven’t read it for years, so didn’t know about Iraq and Syria. Definitely not on my reading list!

  73. November13 says:

    Let’s put this in perspective.Are they expecting the First Minister to stay in a Travel Lodge to prove he is helping child poverty?It’s just utter crapp.Do they want him to drive around in a Smart car to prove he cares about the environment?Or live in a semi in Craigmiller to prove he is a man of the people.These personal attacks are just childish and desperate

  74. Dramfineday says:

    “Anyone delivering YES newspaper, write on the top.”
    Nice sentiment Ken, but will the writer’s cramp balance out my folder’s fingers and postie’s shoulder?
    Argh, more pain for the cause!

  75. Morag says:

    It’s up to you what you do, but my feeling is that if the publishers of the paper had wanted to send people to particular web sites they’d have printed them in the paper.  I’d be quite uncomfortable about “personalising” the papers like that.  We’re meant to be delivering them, not embellishing them.

  76. HandandShrimp says:

    Being honest here, I rarely read Severin’s pieces any more. They are Cochrane lite (TM) Bitter Together fluff. I just go straight to the comments, roll my sleeves up and get stuck in.
    As I am sure Severin very well knows,  book in advance and get a good deal. Even if Salmond is in Gleneagles and it isn’t clear if he is but whatever, I doubt he paid 1700 quid. If he is entertaining 50 foreign dignitaries is a Travel Lodge the right place to do so? Is his job not to sell Scotland? In fact it must really bust the coupons of Severin and Cochrane that so many foreign observers have attended. “How dare these foreigners dignify the evil Salmond’s Nuremberg Rally with their attendance. It just goes to show how untrustworthy the EU is” might very well be the headline they wanted to write…..I can do malign speculation too 🙂

  77. gordoz says:

    Severins a particularly smarmy, pathetic, specimen of the worst kind of ‘hack’ currently employed by the foreign media to comment on the ‘Scottish Thingy’.
    “If there’s nothing to report for our side suggest something underhand / invent an issue, just print any piss that idiots might swallow on Salmond”
    You know how it works.
    He’s no journalist – that might require somekind of integrity or impartial approach.

    Does not even acknowledge that this is the key politician for Scotland voted for by the majority of the people who live here and we dont want our ‘Heid’ man staying in a B&B !!
    Severin – what a scumbag

  78. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Severin, Severin, speak so slightly 
    Severin, down on your bended knee 
    Taste the whip, in love not given lightly 
    Taste the whip, now plead for me …

  79. Holebender says:

    Ooh… Venus in Furs! Like it.

  80. HandandShrimp says:

    That’s a blast from the past. 🙂

  81. Dramfineday says:

    That’s the last batch of news papers delivered for around here – sans newsnet (which is a task to far for me).  Yours, ever so slightly drookit,  Dram

  82. Frazer Allan Whyte says:

    I’ve been reading the Guardian online for years and I am shocked by your (admittedly conditional) assertion that it could ever pass for a respectable newspaper. Aside from mangling the English language, it shows ignorance of history, geography, and much much else. Occasionally the articles are so inane that they become memorable (Kangaroo crossing signs in Vermont – Turkish cities linked by h?gh-speed trains where there are currently very few trains of any kind and none of them high speed) – but respectable? Given your righteous concern for good English usage you are being either unwontedly generous or guilty of shameless relativity. It even presents Ed Milliband as a serious candidate for future Westminster PM!

  83. annie says:

    What can you say, our so called political journalists are nothing more than gossip columnists, pygmies of the MSM, I look down on them from all of my 5ft height.  Instead of being pleased we have a First Minister of Alex Salmond’s calibre they have town council mentalities.

  84. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Speaking of staying in hotels Severin Carrell stayed in mine some years ago when he was doing a cover for the Scotsman on the clean up of the Holy Loch.He did B&B for £15. His cheque bounced. I sent it to the Scotsman but they sent it back to me. I still have it somewhere.

  85. Jamie Arriere says:

    Well if that’s how Labour really see things, if they ever have a conference in Perth, I’ll look forward to bumping into their front bench in the Holdgates cafe (up the narrow stairs – some might struggle) and spending the night in the Skinnergate hostel.


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