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Wings Over Scotland

Four years on

Posted on April 19, 2011 by

Many, many caveats, of course. And a long spoon is clearly required.

But it's hard to class this as anything other than a significant victory. The Sun is the biggest-selling newspaper in Scotland, and while it's unlikely to have much direct influence on how people vote, it changes the atmosphere of the election considerably. Game on.

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Wasn't there a period in the mid or late '90s when the Sun suddenly decided it was in favour of Scottish independence (but only the edition north of the border) and had "Fighting for Independence" on every front page before quietly dropping it? I've never quite understood what all that was about.

Tom Camfield

Hey Stu, can we have a "What I would happen after Independence" article? It's possible you've answered it elsewhere, but would you move back to Scotland, or would you stay in England with an even bluer nation around you? What would you gain from Scottish independence?
Also, what would happen to Wales and N.Ireland?
I'm from the South, so I grew up with the idea that we were subsidising these other regions (not Scotland, obv), do you think the union will fall apart? I'm not sure England needs Wales and N.Ireland, but they sure seem to care a lot about the Falklands and the oil fields nearby…
Also, do you think Scotland would manage itself effectively? I don't mean this in a patronising way, since it can't be much worse than the UK, but the most powerful men up there would be Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling, or Charles Kennedy and Menzies Campbell; would they work together? What would stop them making the same mistakes they made south of the border? Would they be able to wrestle the oil fields from England? Would they set up a sovereign wealth fund, or spend the money on free prescriptions? High tax or low? Would there be a flight of business and businessmen to England, or from England?
Just your opinion. Thanks!

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